PharmaSUG 2023 - Paper AP-259
No More Manual PDF Bookmarks! An Automated Approach to Converting
RTF files to a Consolidated PDF with Bookmarks
Tyler Plevney, Emanate Biostats, Inc.
Preparing output documents for data review meetings and presentations can be a tedious process. What
if I told you, it does not have to be? Instead of opening and closing multiple rich text format (RTF) file or
Excel files with various sorts and filters to review, sometimes hundreds of outputs, why not consolidate
them in an easy-to-review PDF document with all outputs easily separated with linked bookmarks? Doing
this manually by converting RTF output files to PDF can take a long time. Add on the time to type out the
bookmarks for each individual output and it does not seem worth it. In this paper I will present an
automated way to convert an entire folder of RTF outputs to PDF while simultaneously changing the
filenames to the bookmark text once consolidated into a combined PDF file. This is all done via a SAS
program containing some VBScript code for file moving and converting in conjunction with an Excel
spreadsheet containing the RTF output filenames and the title of the outputs.
If you have attended a data monitoring committee (DMC) presentation or similar data review meeting, you
probably notice a lot of wasted time swapping between different RTF files of table, figure, and listing
outputs trying to make sense of the data. As the number of open Word documents increases, so can the
level of confusion and disorganization; especially if those RTF files are not named with reviewer-friendly
file names. If separate RTF files are being used for the review process and the files have not been named
in a convention that allows the reviewer to understand the content of the output (many times these are
just labelled as the output number, and not a meaningful title), reviewers will be spending minutes, if not
hours, clicking open each RTF file trying to search for the output they want to review. Excel versions of
the data output files are a good alternative to review the data due to their ability to sort and filter, but even
that option has its limits in the reviewing process. Viewing figures, for example, is a much better
experience through other means, and summary table reviews in Excel can become problematic due to
the difficulties in perceiving subsections of summaries in a grided, cellular format. Arguably the best way
to view the entirety of a study’s outputs is through a single PDF document. This allows the ability to
navigate through the bookmarks from output to output. It makes the viewing of specific data outputs much
more elegant in a formal meeting than pulling up several individual Word or Excel documents with various
sorts and filters. In this paper, you will learn the process of converting an entire folder of RTF outputs into
a single PDF file with each output having its own linked bookmark.
There are a few requirements for this process. The first requirement includes an Excel spreadsheet
containing the following information in separate columns: the numbering of the output (often controlled by
clinical study report (CSR) standards, but not limited in any way), the titles of the outputs (often available
via a table of contents for outputs produced alongside the statistical analysis plan [SAP]), and the
filenames of the RTF output files. The second requirement is a VBScript program developed and
executed within the final SAS
program and is only viable on Windows. The third requirement is a PDF
editing software which allows for consolidation of multiple PDF files while retaining file names as
bookmarks. Adobe Acrobat Pro is used for the purposes of this paper.
The first step is preparing the file structure which will include a parent folder with two child folders.
For this paper, the parent folder will be named ConvertRTFtoPDF and will be represented
by the macro variable xPath in subsequent SAS
A child folder for your RTF files (referred to as RTF for the purposes of this paper).
Place the RTF files you wish to convert to PDF inside this folder.
Create a folder for your PDF files (referred to as PDF for the purposes of this paper)
Create an Excel (.xlsx) document containing the filenames of the RTF outputs, the output
numbers according to CSR standards, and the name of the bookmark you wish to apply
to the output in the consolidated PDF.
Figure 1: Recommended prerequisite folder structure
Via a SAS
program, a VBScript will be created to allow for swift file conversion of the RTF files housed in
the RTFs folder to PDF files in the PDFs folder. We will need to start by initializing our parent folder path
(C:\ConvertRTFtoPDF in this case, but is represented as a macro variable in the final code set) and the
VBScript program location:
%let xpath = C:\ConvertRTFtoPDF;
%let vbscript=&xpath.\rtftopdf.vbs;
The dlcreatedir option can be utilized to create the PDF child folder if it does not already exist. For the
purposes of this paper example, we have already created a PDF child folder to reference. This folder
should be empty before running the full script code. We will also need to create a libname for easy file
referencing for the PDF folder within the VBScript program code and create a filename reference for the
VBScript itself:
options dlcreatedir;
libname pdf "&xpath.\PDF";
filename vbscript "&vbscript";
Now we can begin creating the VBScript program through a SAS
put statement:
data _null_;
file vbscript;
/ "bRecursive = False"
/ "' Determine script location for VBScript"
/ "Dim oFSO : Set oFSO = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
/ "Dim sScriptDir : sScriptDir =
/ "sFolder = sScriptDir & ""\RTF\"""
/ "Set oRTF = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
/ "Set oWord = CreateObject(""Word.Application"")"
/ "oWord.Visible = False"
/ "bRecursive = False"
/ "Set oFolder = oRTF.GetFolder(sFolder)"
/ "ConvertFolder(oFolder)"
/ "oWord.Quit"
/ "Sub ConvertFolder(oFldr)"
/ " For Each oFile In oFldr.Files"
/ " If LCase(oRTF.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) = ""rtf"" Then"
/ " Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(oFile.path)"
/ " Str = replace(left(oFile,len(oFile)-4),""\RTF\"",""\PDF\"")"
/ " oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Str & "".pdf"", 17"
/ " oDoc.Close"
/ " End If"
/ "Next"
/ "Wscript.Echo ""RTFs have been converted to PDFs!"""
/ "If bRecursive Then"
/ " For Each oSubfolder In oFldr.Subfolders"
/ " ConvertFolder oSubfolder"
/ " Next"
/ "End If"
/ "End Sub"
filename vbscript;
Our VBScript program called rtftopdf.vbs should now be present in our parent folder location and
executable. Our next step is to execute our script to convert the RTF files in the RTF child folder to PDF
files in the PDF child folder. We can do this via the %sysexec SAS
macro function on our newly created
%sysexec "&path.\rtftopdf.vbs";
Our PDF child folder should now contain PDF versions of all the RTF outputs in the RTF child folder.
Figure 2: Our original RTF files we wish to convert to PDF.
Figure 3: Our newly created PDF files with a popup window notifying us the VBScript has completed its
The most complicated section of SAS
code will be utilized during the latter of this section. We will use
to import our spreadsheet and our list of PDF files in our PDF child folder. Once these two are
represented within SAS
datasets, we can use basic manipulation techniques to achieve a merge such
that our final dataset has the PDF file names and the new bookmark labels we want to use to rename the
PDFs. Renaming the PDFs will involve some nested code and a combination of the %sasexec function,
call execute, and return codes. Once that is complete, we can utilize software to combine the renamed
PDFs into a consolidated file with the bookmarks retaining the information from the names of the
individual PDF files.
This step of the process requires use of the spreadsheet mentioned in the list of prerequisites, and SAS
code for importing, data manipulation, return commands, a data merge, and a slick combination of return
commands in a macro to iteratively run a call execute function across all PDF outputs.
Import the Excel Document
You may use any spreadsheet type to house your output numbers, output titles, and bookmark labels.
The example in this paper utilizes Excel with the file named conversionchart.xlsx that is housed in our
specified parent folder, xpath. You can import the file into SAS
with the following code:
proc import datafile = "&xpath.\conversionchart.xlsx"
out = outputs
dbms =xlsx replace;
getnames = yes;
sheet = "outputs";
Figure 4: Contents of conversionchart.xlsx for purposes of this paper
A merge will need to be made between the names of your PDF files and your conversionchart.xlsx
document later. How you achieve the merge is up to you, but a 1:1 merge is required for the example
used in this paper. The expanded use of this tool is not limited to a 1:1 merge. You can manipulate the
variable you would like to merge by as needed. The way the files are set up in this example require the
following manipulation to achieve a proper merge with the titles of the PDF files:
data outputs2 (drop=title num source rename=(title2=title num2=num));
set outputs;
length num2 title2 $200;
num2 = cats(source,num);
title2 = catx(' ',num,title);
proc sort;
by num;
Num represents the output number often, but not limited to, the CSR-regulated number for the output.
Title represents the label you wish to apply to the PDF bookmark for each particular output. It can
include the output number, but for this example, I use the CATX function to concatenate the output
number and the bookmark label to get the final bookmark labels I will be using in the consolidated PDF.
Source represents the type of output in this case and has the following values: “t” for tables, “l” for
listings, “f” for figures, “ahl” for ad-hoc listings, etc. This variable will be used as the merge variable with
out list of PDF outputs.
Compile a List of the PDF Outputs
Next on the list is gathering the names of the PDF outputs we generated with the VBScript program into a
data set so we can merge in the bookmark labels we wish to apply. We can achieve this with the
following SAS
filename mypdf "&xpath.\PDF";
data pdfs (keep=filename);
length filename $200;
do i=1 to filecount;
put filename=;
end ;
I will also need to manipulate the pdfs data set to achieve a proper merge with outputs2:
data pdfs2;
length num $200;
set pdfs;
num = scan(filename,1,'-');
proc sort;
by num;
Num is now in the same structure we achieved in the outputs2 data set, which means we have a SAS
data set with our PDF filenames and a SAS
data set with our filenames and desired bookmarks. We are
ready to merge these together.
Merging PDF Output Names and Bookmark Labels
We can merge the two SAS
data sets with the following SAS
data outputs3;
length num $200;
merge pdfs2 (in=a) outputs2 (in=b);
by num;
if a and b;
Reviewing or placing warnings in your code to check for improper merges is highly recommended in the
above code in the event you need to manipulate your merge variable and a clean merge is not achieved.
With this SAS
data set containing our bookmark labels for our PDF outputs, we can begin the process of
renaming the PDF outputs with the bookmark labels we want them to have in the consolidated PDF.
Execute Renaming Across All PDF Outputs
We can now make use of call execute and a macro to execute a rename return code for all values of
filenames to change their filenames to the bookmark labels via the following code:
options noxwait;
%macro file_rename(inname,outname);
data _null_;
rc= RENAME("&xpath.\PDF\&inname", "&xpath.\PDF\&outname", 'file');
%mend file_rename;
data _null_;
set outputs3;
call execute('%file_rename(inname='||strip(filename)||',
We can finish the process by removing the VBScript program by utilizing the %sysexec macro function:
%sysexec del "&xpath\rtftopdf.vbs";
What results should be completely renamed PDF outputs in your PDF child folder ready to be
consolidated into a single PDF.
Figure 5: Our newly labeled PDF with bookmark labels we want in the consolidated PDF.
Now it is time to open Adobe Acrobat Pro or any other PDF editing software which allows for combining
PDF files. For purposes of this paper, Adobe Acrobat Pro is used. We will now consolidate the newly
renamed PDF outputs in the PDF folder. Click File > Create > Combine Files into a Single PDF…” to
either drag and drop or make file references to all the PDF outputs you wish to consolidate into a single
PDF. Click “Combine” in the top-right corner. It may take a while depending on the size and number of
files you selected, but the end result should be a single combined PDF with bookmarks automatically
generated based on the names of the individual PDF files. Once combined, ensure all bookmarks are
populated correctly and edit any that may need special characters that are prohibited from Windows
filename references.
Figure 6: How to combine multiple PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Pro
Figure 7: Our final consolidated PDF document with automatically generated bookmarks
The goal of this paper is to provide a modifiable process for transforming a folder of RTF outputs into a
single consolidated PDF with bookmarks auto-generated from an external spreadsheet. The code
provided in this paper is simplified for demonstrative purposes and can be modified in a host of ways. The
VBScript code can be modified to perform different tasks across any folder of your choosing, the input
spreadsheet can be in any format you wish, the renaming execution code can be utilized in a multitude of
ways. Many custom warnings or reports can be created for checking validity of results, accuracy of file
names, or problematic bookmark labels.
There are a few things to keep in mind regarding this process:
Depending on the spreadsheet documents and naming conventions for RTF outputs you
use, the way to get titles and output numbers will vary. In that case, the manipulation
code in the appendix for the pdf2 and outputs2 data sets should be edited to achieve a
proper merge with a title variable matching what is needed for the PDF bookmarks.
Some symbols are not allowed in Windows file naming conventions. These symbols will
need to be manually added into the bookmarks in post. I recommend adding warnings for
any conflicting symbols that may appear in your bookmark labels such as “/”, “:”, “,”, “;”,
“%”, any special Unicode symbols, and “#”. To see a complete guide of symbols not
allowed in Windows file naming conventions, see the link to Microsoft’s documentation.
Windows also has a limit of 255 characters for an entire filename path. Please keep this
in mind as any truncation could result in incorrect application of bookmark labels or break
the renaming process. Use of warnings via SAS
put statements is highly recommended
to avoid file path length issues.
This paper relies on Adobe Acrobat Pro for PDF consolidation. There are other options
for consolidating PDFs, but it is not clear to me if other methods will function the same in
bookmark retention when combining individual PDF outputs.
Reports can be generated to show which titles contain symbols that cannot be
represented in a Windows filename to expedite the manual bookmark-editing process.
One example of this is presented in the appendix code to check for symbols not allowed
in a Windows file name that needs to be manually updated in the final combined PDF
Many warnings and force breaks should be placed throughout the code, however, the
original RTF output files are never directly manipulated, so there is no danger of
corrupting or modifying the original outputs.
The VBScript does require the saving of the RTF outputs as PDF outputs which updates
the “date modified” property of the files. It is recommended to use copies of your RTF
outputs for this process rather than the original outputs.
Website Microsoft, 2023. Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces.” Accessed March 23, 2023.
Website Microsoft, 2023. “Maximum Path Length Limitation.” Accessed March 23, 2023.
Website Microsoft, 2023. “Visual Basic documentation.” Accessed March 23, 2023.
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Tyler Plevney
Emanate Biostats, Inc.
(949) 878-6354
and all other SAS
Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks
of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.
indicates USA registration. Other brand and
product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
This macro creates a folder with PDF versions of a folder of RTF outputs and renames them according to
an Excel spreadsheet stored in the specified filepath:
%macro rtftopdf(path);
%let xpath = %str(&path);
%let vbscript=&xpath.\rtftopdf.vbs;
options dlcreatedir;
libname pdf "&xpath.\PDF";
filename vbscript "&vbscript";
data _null_;
file vbscript;
/ "bRecursive = False"
/ "' Determine script location for VBScript"
/ "Dim oFSO : Set oFSO = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
/ "Dim sScriptDir : sScriptDir =
/ "sFolder = sScriptDir & ""\RTF\"""
/ "Set oRTF = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
/ "Set oWord = CreateObject(""Word.Application"")"
/ "oWord.Visible = False"
/ "bRecursive = False"
/ "Set oFolder = oRTF.GetFolder(sFolder)"
/ "ConvertFolder(oFolder)"
/ "oWord.Quit"
/ "Sub ConvertFolder(oFldr)"
/ " For Each oFile In oFldr.Files"
/ " If LCase(oRTF.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) = ""rtf"" Then"
/ " Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(oFile.path)"
/ " Str = replace(left(oFile,len(oFile)-4),""\RTF\"",""\PDF\"")"
/ " oWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Str & "".pdf"", 17"
/ " oDoc.Close"
/ " End If"
/ "Next"
/ "Wscript.Echo ""RTFs have been converted to PDFs!"""
/ "If bRecursive Then"
/ " For Each oSubfolder In oFldr.Subfolders"
/ " ConvertFolder oSubfolder"
/ " Next"
/ "End If"
/ "End Sub"
filename vbscript;
options nosymbolgen nodlcreatedir;
%sysexec "&path.\rtftopdf.vbs";
proc import datafile = "&xpath.\conversionchart.xlsx"
out = outputs
dbms = XLSX replace;
getnames = yes;
sheet = "Outputs";
data outputs (keep=num title source);
set outputs;
where ~missing(num);
source = strip(scan(program,1,'-'));
data outputs2 (drop=title num source rename=(title2=title num2=num));
set outputs;
length num2 title2 $200;
num2 = cats(source,num);
title2 = catx(' ',num,title);
proc sort;
by num;
filename mypdf "&xpath.\PDF";
data pdfs (keep=filename);
length filename $200;
do i=1 to filecount;
put filename=;
data pdfs2;
length num $200;
set pdfs;
num = scan(filename,1,'-');
proc sort;
by num;
data outputs3;
length num $200;
merge pdfs2 (in=a) outputs2 (in=b);
by num;
if a and b;
options noxwait;
%macro file_rename(inname,outname);
data _null_;
rc= RENAME("&xpath.\PDF\&inname", "&xpath.\PDF\&outname", 'file');
%mend file_rename;
data _null_;
set outputs3;
call execute('%file_rename(inname='||strip(filename)||',
%sysexec del "&xpath\rtftopdf.vbs";
%mend rtftopdf;