Australian Journal of Adult Learning
Volume 47, Number 2, July 2007
Creating older adults technology training policies:
lessons from community practices
Michael Nycyk
Postgraduate, School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
University of Queensland
Margaret Redsell
Skylarkers Healthy Ageing Program
Inala, Queensland
Inuencing government policy in adult learning areas requires
consistent efforts in having ndings noticed by educational policy-
makers. Submissions by Adult Learning Australia and researchers
have called for unied educational policies and practices across
Australia. This paper argues that, whilst it is important to address
macro issues of policy formation, research into micro issues can
also be valuable in assisting policy formation. Using information
technology and communication teaching in a community centre,
it considers analysis of informal daily policies and practices
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 309
and what is working at the everyday level is important. Student
experience examples at one centre teaching these skills to older
adult are reported to show the types of policies and practices which
maximised the long-term running of the centre and long periods of
student retention. Like researchers addressing macro adult learning
issues, it requires consistent reporting of results to educational
policy-makers to remind them of what practices and policies do
work for older adults.
Lifelong learning for adults over 55 years of age is increasingly
continuing beyond ceasing paid work. Yet it is argued that, overall,
government educational policy-makers are not keeping pace in
forming supportive training polices to manage the growing demands
for older adult learning (McIntyre 2005, Anderson 2004). Much
attention is being focused on the need to form national educational
policies to guide how older adults are taught and how community
learning programs are administered. Creating lifelong learning
policies for retraining and skilling older adults has individual and
individual isolation from the community, access to social networks
and the ability to use complex new technologies. Community and
Governments attempt to create uniform national training policies
that advise community training centres on effective ways of teaching
adults. Yet it is believed that this process of forming uniform polices
is inconsistent (Bardon 2007). Kearns (2005:373) has commented
that, in Australia, community learning is little acknowledged as a key
contributor to rapid and consistent social change. The assumption
310 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
from these comments is that adult training is not a priority for
government in policy formation.
Increasing attention is being paid to information and communication
technology (ICT) training for older adults. Despite growing
demand from retired and working older adults to learn such skills,
governments take little interest in forming policies in this area. There
have been attempts from government departments to advise on adult
learning policy and desirable teaching of older adults. The federal
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the
Arts (2005), for example, has published case studies on the policy
A common theme in these studies has been how community
organisations form and administer their own ICT training and skills
policies and teaching practices to meet learner needs. Creating
effective policies and practices to administer and teach ICT skills
for a growing older population, without government policy guiding
frameworks, becomes the function of community organisations.
Older adult ICT training policies have been successfully created,
particularly in disadvantaged communities, through locally formed
rural or urban areas with ageing populations and low income levels.
Often the policies have been successful in attracting learners despite
considerable obstacles such as lack of government funding. Though
these obstacles have impacted on organisations’ abilities to teach
older adults ICT skills, longevity of programs and increased student
retention rates have been achieved. Two questions for examination
arise. First, if the demand for ICT training is increasing, why do
some community organisations’ training policies and practices
encourage community interest and grow their student base without
government policy support to guide their programs? Second, what
are organisations doing daily that may provide insights into how they
are successful in teaching older adults when faced with labour and
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 311
To examine these questions, an illustrative, longitudinal example in
one community centre will be discussed. The aim of this paper is to
contribute to an understanding of how locally formed policies and
rate. Such knowledge and research can be provided to educational
policy-makers as evidence of the types of policies and practices
that are viewed as successful in ICT training. This paper suggests
that examining student experiences gives educational policy-
makers knowledge of what factors can be incorporated into policies
organisations that provide such training.
Research on policies and practices in Australian ICT training
A policy may be regarded as a general course of action in written
form that suggests desirable practices that maximise successful
outcomes. Creating local informal ICT training policies has personal
adults in undertaking ICT training include a sense of belonging to a
and maintaining social and family connections lost after ceasing work
(Townsend 2006). Research on effective older adult training needs
suggests that ICT training practices and policies should primarily be
of skills (Poynton 2005, Farrow, Hayward & Huta 2005). Having
an absence of such guiding policies and effective teaching practices
affects the outcome and uptake of ICT training. For example, a barrier
to longevity of ICT training programs has been the management of
working relationships of people involved in ICT training projects. The
failure of ICT training in some organisations can occur from the lack
of policies in managing available voluntary workforces.
Case study research of inadequate workforce management policies,
and their negative effects on ICT training programs, was illustrated
312 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
in studies by Coco and Jolly (2003) and Coco and Short (2004).
A problem they observed was the volunteers’ desire to keep the
centre inward focused and not publicise its training programs to
geographic areas beyond their local surrounds (Coco & Jolly 2003).
Disagreements occurred on what topics to teach and how to teach
not to come to the centre because the offered ICT topics did not suit
their needs (Coco & Short 2004). Some workers also did not see any
use for ICT training in their own lives despite being shown evidence
of its usefulness in the lives of older adults. This negative view was
observed by students at the centre resulting in the program’s failure
to attract and retrain learners (Coco & Short 2004).
Community ICT policies and practices are successful when the
policy takes a learner-centred approach and concentrates on solving
learners’ technology training needs. When they are not at the centre
from The Smith Family (2005) report on community education
illustrates the focus behind the policy of the learner being at the
centre of a learning program:
That lifelong learning initiatives adopt a learner-centred
approach to facilitate self-paced, personalised learning
trajectories within a ‘whole-of-community’ perspective that
makes this learning attractive and applicable to people of all
ages, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds.
In the context of teaching older adults ICT skills, making learning
applicable to people of all ages means knowing older adults have
different learning needs and motivations for learning. Making
learning desirable to this group means structuring ICT training
policies in ways that identify what is important and relevant to the
older adult.
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 313
Studies in older adult ICT training practices can be useful to alert
educational policy-makers to what might constitute success in
retention rates of ICT training. This includes knowledge on the
workforces who teach and administer ICT programs. Coco and
Jolly (2003) and Coco and Short (2004) suggested that labour
of ICT training programs. Some programs have managed labour
issues through much the same way commercial enterprises manage
workforce work and relationship issues. The daily level cooperation
and working together of volunteers and administrators of ICT
programs might be strong enough to overcome the barriers faced
by the centre. The ways in which community organisations manage
ICT teaching teams, resources and learner relationships can give
governments information on informal practices that support older
adults in ICT skill acquisition. Therefore, these practices, when
communicated to government bodies, can be incorporated into
the formation of policy by showing how good labour management
impacts on positive outcomes of older adults training.
The centre and the study
The research site and research methodology is presented here as an
example of ICT training taking place in a local community. What
has been observed is that this centre’s ICT training program has
continued through the forming of its own training and workforce
management policies. The centre in this study has been offering ICT
training since 1996. Similar to Coco’s and Jolly’s (2003) research site,
the centre is in a perceived economically disadvantaged community
with an ageing population and a lack of employment opportunities.
The centre designs its activities based on the World Health
physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease.
Although many physical, social and intellectual activities are offered,
314 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
it has been the computer program that has achieved the longevity that
other disadvantaged communities have been unable to sustain.
The centre’s voluntary tutors range in age and are retired or sourced
from Federal Government employment mutual obligation programs.
Some tutors have extensive backgrounds in information technology
disciplines. Three computers, two with broadband internet access
donated by a local council, have a variety of software programs
available to be taught. While some formal computer awareness classes
are held, the tutors have adapted their lessons to the needs of the
Knowles (1990:229), are adopted as policy in the centre’s program:
learners want to learn ICT topics according to their past experiences
and they want a tutor interested in their skill and personal
development. The ages of the learners range from 55 to 80. Some
are from ethnic backgrounds and are catered for when tutors have
second language skills. The tutors also update the centre’s website
hardware issues.
This paper’s discussion and insights were formed from data collected
since 2002. Interviews with older adults and observations of lessons
were the data collection methods. Analysis of the data was informed
by grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin 1998). Explanations accounting
for the observed phenomena that learners kept returning to lessons
emerged from constant data analysis and comparison, with a set of
categories being formed which explained the perceived view of centre
success in consistently high student retention rates. Grounded theory
was useful in being able to provide a framework for discovering
reasons for older adults’ decisions to undertake and regularly attend
training, rather than to prove or disprove theoretical explanations.
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 315
Experiences of one community centre’s ICT policies and practices
primarily attributed to the tutors, centre management and student
working relationships. A problem-solving approach to ICT training
practices was an effective teaching strategy in attracting and retaining
older adult learners. Although set ICT topics were taught, the tutors
problems. The teaching policy that centre management formed as
the basis of its ICT training was identifying the type of technology
issues older adults struggled with in everyday life. In doing this, they
were able to problem-solve computer issues by showing the exact
procedure to perform the action correctly. However, this was done
without assuming the learner knew what other users might take for
granted. This example of teaching website navigation, a requested
skill in older adult ICT training, is an illustrative comment of this
practice from the learner’s view:
… because he always asks me what I’m interested in. And I’ve
already a couple of things on the website so we did that today.
I sent one, got one thing up on the website, it obviously worked
because I asked for a catalogue and I received that yesterday.
obtaining the internet information. When shown sequentially how
This practice became adopted common policy amongst the tutors,
despite it not being incorporated into any written requirement of
tutors’ duties.
The centre’s tutors and management were also aware of the demand
to learn skills to communicate electronically with family, friends
and others. An effective teaching practice was to teach older adults
electronic communication skills, such as email and chat room use. A
316 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
technical explanations was important, the learners were encouraged
to use this medium to communicate with distant family and friends.
email to overcome the lessening written contact she had with family
and friends:
I’m really interested in using the Internet and sending e-mails,
mostly sending e-mails (pause) which my family, I’m not very
with my daughter in the UK and I used to live in Kenya and
keep in touch with friends there. So it’s very, very good.
As this example suggests, the tutors encouraged such attitudes by
to gain control over the medium. This was based on tutors informally
assessing that the learner was absorbed in the experience and was
gaining control over a challenging experience, as Cody
et al. (1999)
suggest as optimal teaching practice.
The centre conducted most lessons between a tutor and one learner
rather than group training. A strong argument for this policy was
that many older adults attending the centre’s lessons preferred
greater control over the pace of learning material. That did not mean
every learner was physically or emotionally challenged in some way.
Rather, it was that more formal training environments, such as at
TAFE and with online learning, did not offer an important skill that
seeking out ICT training: the feeling of inadequacy in not keeping
pace with others, particularly younger people, in classroom situations.
The practice of repetition and individual attention is illustrated in
these two quotes:
Because of the one-on-one. And as I mentioned, anything I
don’t understand or, you know, he will show me again and I
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 317
Probably the fact that it was a one-on-one basis rather than
choose what I want to learn here, where I can quote if I go to a
group, you have to follow what they want to tell you and I not
interested in that …
Tutors followed the policy, suggested in studies such as the internet
adoption study by Mellor, Firth and Moore (2004), that there should
be willingness by tutors to conduct lessons at a slow pace, repeat
material and reassure the older adult that failing procedures were a
learning experience, not a fault of the learner.
Another policy that centre management created was to encourage
cooperative working relationships between tutors and administrative
staff. Whilst Coco and Jolly (2003) and Coco and Short (2004)
consistently found team members were uncooperative toward each
other on training issues, the centre tried to avoid this situation.
Regular meetings addressing worker issues and relationships were
held. Although set policies existed on how tutors should behave
toward older adult learners, the informal understandings of conduct
were learnt and passed on to new tutors by the more experienced
tutors. This behaviour was, in turn, observed by the learners, who
repeatedly reported that a new tutor was not a reason to cease having
lessons, as this example suggests:
No, a combination of whoever is available, there is no
has nothing to do with it. Some I have been sorry to see go for
better things, but for their own sake, I am happy for them.
This view was encouraged by the policy that tutors were to be aware
of the study needs of their colleagues’ learners in case any of those
colleagues should leave. The tutors also sought information from the
internet, each other and their informal professional networks to solve
problems when they encountered material they could not teach. One
tutor had a greater knowledge of Microsoft Excel procedures, while
318 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
with, and learnt skills from, each other while solving the learners’
areas of concern. The centre ensured, as a policy, that the tutors could
interact with and teach the learners the same material if any learner’s
main tutor was not available.
Getting older adults interested in ICT training involves persuading
as a major barrier for older adult participation in ICT training
(DCITA 2005), was not a critical issue at this centre. Lessons were
kept at a minimum price with only one increase since this study was
undertaken. There were two main policy issues that tended to hinder
the program’s progress in terms of attracting more students. The
in the community. While the centre had some advantage in being
able to tailor the training, there was reluctance to compete actively
for student attendance. Word of mouth advertising was preferred
over large-scale media and poster campaigns. The second issue was
opposition from other groups using the centre that ran craft and game
activities in the same open room as the computer lessons. Whilst
some learners from these groups became curious about the computers
and attended lessons, some centre participants were hostile in their
comments of the invasion of their space. This did not stop the lessons
from proceeding. Rather, it meant centre management and tutors
needed constantly to convince the groups that the computer lessons
would not interfere with other established activities.
Having the computers in the same room as other activities affected
participant relationships between the computer tutors, learners and
other group members. For example, one leader of another group
made persistent negative comments directly to the tutors and some
other students. As Coco and Short (2004) found in their study,
perceived credibility the other activities’ leaders have in negative
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 319
and positive views of the computer lessons. To address this, the
centre’s management adopted a continuous but subtle strategy of
compromise, where lessons could be postponed if the other group
were already engaged in an activity. This suggested the need to be
aware of undertaking ICT training in mixed use community centres.
Although there was still hostility from members of other groups, the
computer lessons continued. However, this situation suggests a policy
that space devoted to ICT training should be separate from other
Can community ICT research experiences influence adult learning
This study demonstrated that the centre’s ICT policies and teaching
practices contributed to its longevity and retention. It did so by
concentrating on the ICT needs of individual learners. But it did so
with, initially, no guiding frameworks from government on what
policies and practices could be successfully used to teach older adults.
It was the willingness of the centre’s management to experiment
continually with teaching styles and ways of administering the
program which saw it continue. Those daily activities were observed
over time and by describing them in the study, a conclusion can be
reached that certain practices of teaching and administering ICT
programs do tend to be successful in retaining adult learners.
Authors such as Bardon (2007), Anderson (2004), The Smith Family
(2005) and the DCITA (2005) address macro community issues
affecting educational policy. They all argue for unity and national
standards of adult educational practice, whether for retraining adults
or training those no longer working. But the belief here is that,
without paying attention to what works in terms of micro-teaching
practices and policies developed, often without guidelines, policies
can be developed which can advise optimal and desirable ways of
320 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
managing ICT training. Though not every practice may work in
every centre, the study still showed those practices and policies that
maximised the longevity and retention rates of learners. They can
contribute to an understanding of what can work in older adult ICT
training and be reported to community training providers.
To illustrate these claims, the value of such evidence to policy-
makers is demonstrated in addressing this study’s research
student retention rates can be successful without guiding teaching
and policy frameworks from government is answered by the study’s
observations. The centre maintained interest in the ICT training
because the tutors practised solving individual learner’s information
technology problems. There are few if any government funds for
through trial and error, the centre’s management observed and
incorporated into policy those teaching practices to which learners
positively responded.
A key teaching practice example is reassuring the older adult when
an action on the computer does not seem to work. This suggests
a different framework of teaching from that used for adolescents
teaching programs for middle-age school students where teachers
are taught ideal techniques for teaching this age group. This gives
a framework for teachers to present material in a way that suggests
teaching this group will result in the retention of knowledge. The
same is not happening for older adults, though this centre has noted
adults to retain and apply ICT skills to daily life.
The second question related to what organisations are doing daily that
may give insights into how successful they are at teaching older adults
enterprises, teamwork, volunteer people management and resource
Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 321
management are crucial to program continuity. This centre managed
the tutor workforce by adopting important cooperative work policies.
First, a formal induction meeting was held where centre management
would explain the particular styles of teaching for older adults.
Second, provisions were made for other tutors to continue teaching
learners should any tutor leave. But, as in paid workforces, drawing
on the knowledge of tutors, however long they taught there, was
vital. With their vast knowledge of computer issues, they were able
to research and teach current and emerging information technology
providing examples of successful learning polices and practices.
The work of Coco and Jolly (2003) and Coco and Short (2004)
documented types of problems an ICT training centre can have with
constitutes good practice. In this sense, such cases of positive and
negative experiences alert policy-makers to what is happening in
the growing ICT training area. Bardon’s (2007) agreement with a
description of community centres as being learning providers can be
achieved but not without awareness of what these centres actually do,
and how they can manitain ICT training programs.
The problem in presenting such material to policy-makers lies in the
commitment persistently to provide research to government entities.
Our experience of contact with educational policy-makers and
government bodies is that educational departments are interested in
stay persistently in contact with them and consistently send reports
makers have other educational imperatives and centres often have to
wait for formal requests for material as the DCITA has sporadically
done. This may lie with the fact that older adult learning is not so
directly tied to economic outcomes as are primary, secondary and
most tertiary education and training.
322 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
Nevertheless, the argument here is that presenting research evidence
to policy-makers that will assist in supportive policies for older adult
ICT learning is a necessary imperative. Without more information
on how older adults are learning, and continuing with that learning,
educational policy-makers risk being isolated from forming policies
to serve this group. What was useful about the reviewed studies and
work for ICT training centres. This is valuable as it provides the types
of information and valuable lessons that can form the basis of policies
and practices for those venturing into the teaching of older adult
who can make this area an imperative and create policies to guide
good ICT teaching practice.
Anderson, R. (2004). ‘Removing barriers, not creating them’, submission
to the Senate Inquiry on the Progress and Future Direction of Lifelong
Learning, Canberra: Adult Learning Australia.
Bardon, B. (2007). ‘Community education and national reform’, response
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Creating older adults technology training policies: lessons from community practices 323
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
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McIntyre, J. (2005). ‘Adult learning and Australia’s ageing population: a
policybriengpaper,Canberra:AdultLearningAustralia,http://www. [accessed 2 February
Mellor, D., Firth, L. & Moore, K. (2004). ‘Can the internet improve the well-
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324 Michael Nycyk and Margaret Redsell
About the authors
Michael Nycyk is a postgraduate candidate in Social and
Behavioural Sciences at the University of Queensland. His research
interests are in teaching information technology to older adults and
developing effective policies and practices to address the growing
demand for ICT training in this group.
Margaret Redsell is the Centre Manager for the Skylarkers
Healthy Ageing Program in Brisbane. Research interests are in the
area health and welfare issues of older adults and technology use
and teaching by this group.
Contact details
Michael Nycyk, Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of
Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4
Margaret Redsell, Skylarkers Healthy Ageing Program, 20 Skylark
Street, Inala, Queensland 4