Communication between the cytoskeleton
and the nuclear envelope to position the
Daniel A. Starr
DOI: 10.1039/b703878j
In most eukaryotic cells, the nucleus is localized to a specific location. This
highlight article focuses on recent advances describing the mechanisms of
nuclear migration and anchorage. Central to nuclear positioning mechanisms is
the communication between the nuclear envelope and the cytoskeleton. All three
components of the cytoskeleton—microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate
filaments—are involved in nuclear positioning to varying degrees in different cell
types. KASH proteins on the outer nuclear membrane connect to SUN proteins on
the inner nuclear membrane. Together they transfer forces between the
cytoskeleton and the nuclear lamina. Once at the outer nuclear membrane, KASH
proteins can interact with the cytoskeleton. Nuclear migrations are a component
of many cellular migration events and defects in nuclear positioning lead to
human diseases, most notably lissencephaly.
The human body contains a wide variety
of amazingly specialized cells. One
striking example is a skeletal muscle cell,
a myotube, which extends along the
entire length of a muscle (up to tens of
centimeters) and contains hundreds to
thousands of nuclei. The nuclei are
evenly spaced along the entire myotube
and are apposed to the plasma
Exceptions include the neu-
romuscular junction where a cluster of
myonuclei form immediately below the
synapse, the myotendinous junction, and
in developing, injured, or pathological
myotubes where nuclei are mispositioned
to the interior of the myotube. A nuclear
positioning phenotype in a myotube,
from certain mutants described below,
where large aggregates of nuclei form, is
striking (see Fig. 1). The challenges of
positioning nuclei in most eukaryotic
cells are not as severe as those for a
skeletal muscle cell. Nonetheless, the
textbook model where the nucleus ran-
domly floats around in the middle of the
cytoplasm is overly simplistic. Many, if
not most, cell and developmental pro-
cesses, including fertilization, cell divi-
sion, cell migration, and establishment of
polarity, depend on positioning the
nucleus to a specific location within the
cell. In this review, while discussing some
of the better-understood mechanisms of
nuclear positioning, I will touch on
selected examples spread across all
Two related processes are required to
control the specific positioning of nuclei.
First, nuclei migrate through the cyto-
plasm to the appropriate location within
a cell, and then they are anchored at that
position to prevent drift. Different
mechanisms exist for nuclear migration
and anchorage and different mechanisms
function in different cell types and
organisms. In addition, the switch
between migration and anchorage is
predicted to be a carefully coordinated
event, for which no molecular mechan-
isms have been identified. Nonetheless,
common to all nuclear positioning
events, the nucleus must communicate
with the cytoskeleton. This is accom-
plished by two general mechanisms;
either the nuclear envelope actively
engages and manipulates the cytoskele-
ton or an active cytoskeletal network
passively positions the nucleus. All three
Section of Molecular and Cellular Biology,
University of California-Davis, Davis, CA,
95616. E-mail: [email protected];
Fax: (530)754-6083
Daniel Starr grew up in Minneapolis, MN and earned
a BA in Biology in 1992 from Colby College in
Waterville, ME. He earned a PhD in Genetics from
Cornell University in 1998. His thesis, under the
guidance of Michael Goldberg, focused on the role of
the kinetochore protein ZW10 and the recruitment of
dynein in Drosophila and human tissue culture. Dr
Starr completed a postdoctoral fellowship with Min
Han at the University of Colorado-Boulder from
1998–2003 where he focused on the molecular
characterization of unc-83 and anc-1 and their roles
in nuclear positioning in Caenorhabditis elegans. Dr
Starr joined the Section of Molecular and Cellular
Biology and the Center for Genetics and Development
at the University of California, Davis in 2003 as an
assistant professor where he runs a laboratory focusing on the role of KASH and SUN
proteins in nuclear positioning in C. elegans.
HIGHLIGHT | Molecular BioSystems
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components of the cytoskeleton, micro-
tubules, actin filaments, and intermediate
filaments, function together to position
nuclei, although the role of each type of
filament varies in different cell types.
This review will first summarize mechan-
isms that bridge the nuclear envelope and
target proteins to the outer nuclear mem-
brane, and then focus on the role of the
three types of cytoskeletal filaments that
function during nuclear positioning.
Finally, I will discuss how defects in
nuclear positioning could block neuronal
migration events, leading to disease.
KASH and SUN proteins
bridge the nuclear envelope
Central to any nuclear positioning
mechanism, is communication between
the nuclear envelope and the cytoskele-
ton. The nuclear envelope is a specialized
extension of the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) with two membranes and a peri-
nuclear space that together separate the
nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm (Fig. 2;
for review see ref. 2). The outer nuclear
membrane (ONM) is contiguous with the
ER. The ONM is also contiguous with
the inner nuclear membrane (INM) at
nuclear pores. Finally, a nuclear lamina,
which provides support to the nuclear
membrane in higher eukaryotes, lies
immediately below the INM. INM pro-
teins are targeted to the nucleoplasmic
face of the nuclear envelope by karyo-
pherins and retained in the INM by
interactions with the lamina.
structure of the nuclear envelope presents
two problems for nuclear positioning.
First, a mechanism must exist to transfer
forces across both membranes and the
intermembrane space to physically link
the cytoskeleton to the nuclear matrix.
Second, the cell needs to target proteins
specifically to the ONM to distinguish it
from the ER.
A genetic approach in C. elegans
identified three genes required for
nuclear positioning (for review see
ref. 5,6). Mutations in unc-83 or unc-84
disrupt nuclear migration events in at
least three tissues
while mutations in
anc-1 or unc-84 disrupt nuclear ancho-
rage in a wide variety of cells.
UNC-83, UNC-84, and ANC-1 proteins
were all shown to localize to the nuclear
envelope; localization of either UNC-83
or ANC-1 requires UNC-84 at the
nuclear envelope.
UNC-84 con-
tains a conserved SUN domain (for
S_ad1, U_N_C-84 homology; see below).
UNC-83 and ANC-1 both have KASH
domains at their C-termini (for
K_larsicht, A_NC-1, S_yne h_omology; see
Genetic and cell biological
studies on UNC-83, UNC-84, and
ANC-1 implicate for the first time
an essential role for integral nuclear
envelope proteins in the mechanisms of
nuclear positioning.
KASH and SUN proteins have since
been identified across eukaryotes (Fig. 2;
for review see
). In general, SUN
proteins contain a conserved SUN
domain at their C-termini and at least
one transmembrane domain. The rest of
the protein is not obviously conserved at
the sequence level, although it is likely
conserved at a functional level.
KASH proteins play multiple functions.
All KASH proteins contain a C-terminal
KASH domain consisting of a predicted
trans-membrane domain followed by
10–30 conserved residues before the stop
Fig. 1 Nuclear anchorage is aberrant in desmin knockout mouse myotubes. A skeletal muscle
fiber from a desmin knockout mouse is stained with Hoechst to detect nuclei. Arrows indicate
areas lacking nuclei and arrowheads mark large nuclear aggregates. One cluster is magnified
in the inset. A portion of a wildtype myotube is shown on the left.
Copyright E 2006,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with premission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a subsidiary of John
Wiley & Sons, inc
Fig. 2 KASH and SUN proteins bridge the nuclear envelope and connect the cytoskeleton to
the nucleus. Proteins with SUN domains (red) localize to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) and
proteins with KASH domains (purple) localize to the outer nuclear membrane (ONM). Various
KASH/SUN interactions from different organisms are depicted here. From left to right: the
ANC-1/MSP-300/Syne family connects actin to the ONM, C. elegans UNC-83 and UNC-84
function during nuclear migration by unknown mechanisms, Drosophila Klar mediates dynein
and is necessary to link the centrosome to the ONM, unrelated C. elegans ZYG-12 dimerizes to
connect the centrosome to the ONM, S. pombe Sad1p and Kms1p transfer the forces from
cytoplasmic dynein to move telomeres at the INM, and human Nesprin-3 connects intermediate
filaments to the ONM. For more details, see text.
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The KASH domain is necessary
and sufficient for nuclear envelope loca-
The large N-terminal domains
of KASH proteins play multiple roles,
suggesting that the KASH domain func-
tions as a targeting module for different
Adding more complexity to
the role of KASH proteins is that in
examined cases, multiple transcripts
exist, some without KASH domains.
A model has emerged where KASH
and SUN proteins function together to
bridge the nuclear envelope, effectively
connecting the nuclear lamina to the
cytoskeleton (see Fig. 2; for review see
ref. 6,13–15). The nuclear envelope brid-
ging model has been refined by four
groups who have each concluded that
SUN proteins reside in the INM where
they function to target and retain KASH
proteins to the ONM through a direct
The nuclear envelope
bridging model predicts that the
N-termini of SUN proteins face the
nucleoplasm. Consistent with the model,
SUN proteins have been shown to
interact with lamins and to serve as
linkers to telomeres during meio-
The large N-terminal domains
of KASH proteins are predicted to
extend into the cytoplasm. In support,
KASH proteins have been shown to
interact with actin filaments, inter-
mediate filaments and centrosomes (see
below for examples). Finally, the nuclear
envelope bridging model addresses two
major cell biological problems. First,
KASH and SUN proteins likely transfer
forces from the cytoskeleton to the
nucleoskeleton through a direct inter-
action in the perinuclear space. Second,
SUN proteins recruit KASH proteins
specifically to the ONM, marking this
unique membrane domain apart from
the contiguous rough endoplasmic
The role of microtubules,
centrosomes and dynein in
nuclear migration
The role of microtubules in nuclear
positioning is relatively well understood
and thoroughly reviewed.
Most of
the data implicating microtubules and
the dynein motor in nuclear positioning
come from genetic studies in fungi. The
growing hyphae of filamentous fungi
undergo multiple divisions of the nucleus
without cytokinesis (for review see
ref. 26,29,30). The nuclei migrate
throughout hyphal growth by a micro-
tubule dependent mechanism, which
allows them to remain evenly spaced.
Molecular characterization of a series of
nud mutations in Aspergillus (for nuclear
distribution) have demonstrated a role
for dynein and associated proteins in
nuclear migration and distribution (for
review see ref. 30). Microtubules and
dynein are also essential for nuclear
migration events in budding and fission
yeast. During mitosis, the nucleus must
migrate to the proper position to ensure
accurate chromosomal segregation to
daughter cells of appropriate size. Micro-
tubules and dynein function to position
fission yeast nuclei to the middle of the
cells and to control migration of budding
yeast nuclei to the bud neck prior to
During meiosis in S.
pombe the nucleus rapidly migrates back
and forth along the long axis of the cell in
a motion termed the horsetail movement,
which is thought to induce recombina-
tion between homologous chromosomes.
Horsetail movement is led by the spindle
pole body (the yeast version of a centro-
some) and requires microtubules and
Many advances in understanding the
contributions of microtubules in nuclear
positioning in animal cells come from
studies in C. elegans and Drosophila.
Dynein and microtubules play essential
roles in pronuclear migration, nuclear
rotation, and asymmetric spindle posi-
tioning in the early C. elegans
In addition, dynein and
microtubules clearly function during
nuclear migration in the developing
Drosophila eye and nuclear positioning
in the syncytial embryo.
How does the microtubule network
interact with the nucleus? KASH and
SUN proteins function at the nuclear
envelope to communicate with microtu-
bules and centrosomes. A striking exam-
ple is in the C. elegans zygote. ZYG-12
(a KASH protein) and SUN-1 (a SUN
protein also known as MTF-1) were
identified through genetic screens for
mutants defective in centrosome attach-
ment to the nuclear envelope (Fig. 2).
ZYG-12 exists as both a KASH-less
isoform that binds to the centrosome
and a full-length KASH isoform that
localizes to the outer nuclear membrane.
Localization of ZYG-12 to the nuclear
envelope requires SUN-1, which func-
tions analogously to UNC-84 to specify
the outer nuclear membrane. The centro-
some and nuclear envelope isoforms of
ZYG-12 bind to one another to physi-
cally connect the centrosome to the
nuclear envelope.
ZYG-12 also recruits
dynein to the nuclear envelope where it
likely plays multiple roles in nuclear
A second example of the
role of KASH proteins and microtubules
in nuclear positioning is in the Drosophila
eye disk. The KASH protein Klarsicht
functions to connect the centrosome to
the migrating nucleus (Fig. 2).
Klarsicht function requires lamin and
the SUN protein Klaroid; Klarsicht is
thought to coordinate opposing forces
from dynein and kinesins.
One final
example is the role of the SUN protein
Sad1p in S. pombe meiosis (Fig. 2).
Sad1p interacts with telomeres at the
nuclear envelope and transports them
to the spindle pole body.
localization requires dynein and micro-
tubules in the cytoplasm. The forces
of the microtubule motors are thought
to be transmitted into the nucleus
through Kms1p, a KASH protein at
the outer nuclear membrane and
Recently two Drosophila
nuclear envelope proteins have been
shown to play an important role in
nuclear positioning during blastoderm
cellularization. Mutations in charleston/
kugelkern or kurzkern disrupt nuclear
shape and nuclear anchoring to the
apical side of the cell. The Char/Kuk
and Kur proteins are thought to act
in the nuclear matrix.
also function in this process,
the mechanism and interactions with any
KASH or SUN proteins remain to be
Actin filaments and the Syne/
ANC-1/MSP-300 family in
nuclear positioning
A family of huge KASH proteins, Syne-1
and -2 in mammals (also known as
nesprin-1 and -2), MSP-300 in
Drosophila, and ANC-1 in C. elegans,
functions to anchor nuclei to the actin
network (Fig. 2). Dictyostelium inter-
aptin may also be a member of this
family, although it is significantly smaller
and its role in nuclear positioning has not
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been described.
Full-length isoforms
of ANC-1/MSP-300/Syne each contain
a conserved N-terminal actin-binding
domain of the calponin family and a
C-terminal KASH domain that targets
the protein to the outer nuclear mem-
brane. The KASH and calponin domains
are connected by a huge (over 8000
residues) spectrin-like domain. The
ANC-1/MSP-300/Syne proteins are
related to Dystrophin, which functions
to connect actin filaments to the plasma
membrane. The major difference is that
the C-terminus of Dystrophin does not
contain a KASH domain and instead
interacts with the plasma membrane.
The ANC-1/MSP-300/Syne proteins are
thought to act as a rope to connect actin
to the nuclear membrane (for review see
ref. 6,13).
Null mutations that affect the KASH
isoforms of Syne-1 in mice, MSP-300
in Drosophila or ANC-1 in C. elegans
disrupt nuclear anchorage. Mutations in
C. elegans anc-1 were originally isolated
in screens for nuclear positioning
mutants in the syncytial hypodermis.
Normally nuclei of the hypodermis are
evenly spaced apart, but in an anc-1
mutant animal, the nuclei are moved
back and forth by underlying muscles
and aggregate in large clusters
(Fig. 3A–
B). Mutations in Drosophila msp-300
lead to embryonic lethality because of
muscle morphology defects.
To inves-
tigate the role of msp-300 in nuclear
positioning, germ-line clones were exam-
ined. Developing oocyte cysts in female
germline clones of homozygous msp-300
null mutations have a strong dumping
phenotype caused by a lack of nurse cell
nuclear anchorage.
Normally the nuclei
of the 15 nurse cells remain anchored by
an actin-dependent process while they
contract and ‘‘dump’’ their cytoplasm
into the oocyte through narrow ring
canals; nurse cell nuclei must remain
anchored to prevent their movement into
ring canals.
msp-300 mutant nurse cells
have a dumping phenotype resulting in
small eggs. Nurse cell nuclei are mis-
placed in oocytes, and others block ring
canals. The oocyte nucleus is also unan-
chored and floats freely in the oocyte
cytoplasm (Fig. 3C–D).
To determine if
the roles of ANC-1 and MSP-300 are
conserved in the human homologues
Syne-1 and Syne-2, Zhang et al.
mice with the KASH domains of Syne-1
and/or Syne-2 knocked out. Disruption
of both Syne-1 and Syne-2 was lethal
shortly after birth, as the pups never
Syne-1 KASH knockout
mice were viable, but had severe nuclear
positioning defects in the muscle
(Fig. 2E–F); the Syne-2 KASH knockout
mice had no obvious phenotype.
Syne-1 knockout was more severe than
the previously described dominant nega-
tive Syne mice where overexpression of
the KASH domain in skeletal muscles
displaced endogenous Syne proteins and
disrupted the positioning of nuclei at the
neuromuscular junction.
The Syne-1
KASH knockout mice had no nuclei
clustering under the neuromuscular
junction. The non-synaptic nuclei in the
myotube were also displaced, often
aggregating in large clusters.
tionally, non-synaptic nuclei were
occasionally observed in the center of a
cross-section of a myotube, a phenotype
associated with regeneration and disease
Together these genetic
experiments show that the ANC-1/
MSP-300/Syne family of proteins func-
tion to anchor nuclei and that the
mechanism is conserved from nematodes
to insects and mammals.
The importance of actin networks in
nuclear migration has recently been
described for an unexpected situation. It
had been known that NIH 3T3 fibro-
blasts in tissue culture polarize in re-
sponse to wounding, which results in the
centrosomes facing the wound.
It was
believed that this was due to an active
movement of the centrosome towards the
wound edge via microtubules. However,
Fig. 3 The ANC-1/MSP-300/Syne-1 family of proteins function to anchor nuclei. (A–B)
Normarski microscopy images of C. elegans syncytial hypodermal cells from wildtype (A) and
anc-1 mutant (B) adults. Normally, the nuclei (black arrowheads) are evenly spaced apart
whereas in the anc-1 mutant animals nuclei float freely through the syncytium. (Reproduced with
permission from ref.11.) (C–D) Fluorescent images showing GFP-histone marked nuclei in stage
10A developing Drosophila oocytes from wildtype (C) and msp-300 mutant (D) ovaries. In the
msp-300 mutant ovary, nurse cells are misplaced; one (arrow) is in the oocyte cytoplasm. The
oocyte nucleus (arrowhead) is also mispositioned. Reproduced with permission from ref. 48,
copyright Elsevier (2006). (E–F) Fluorescent images showing nuclei in a single mouse muscle
fiber from heterozygous control siblings (E) or homozygous Syne-1KASH knockout mice (F). In
control fibers the nuclei are evenly spaced apart while in the mutant fiber the nuclei cluster.
(Reproduced with permission of the Company of Biologists from ref. 50.)
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video microscopy has demonstrated that
the centrosomes remain anchored in the
middle of the cell while the nucleus
actively migrates behind the centro-
This rearward nuclear movement
requires actin, myosin, and the small
G-protein cdc42 and is coupled with
retrograde actin flow.
It is not known
how the nuclear envelope interacts with
the actin network during rearward
nuclear migration, but Syne-1 and
Syne-2 are prime candidates to anchor
the nucleus to the retrograde actin
There are also some less well under-
stood examples of roles for actin fila-
ments in nuclear positioning.
Drosophila early embryonic nuclear
migrations towards the periphery of the
syncytial blastoderm, the actin gel-like
network around migrating nuclei
depolymerizes, allowing the nucleus to
passively move forward along the depo-
lymerizing front.
Additionally, actin
depolymerizing drugs completely abol-
ished the rapid intracellular nuclear
migration events in Arabidopsis root
hairs through unknown mechanisms,
whereas drugs that disrupted microtu-
bules had no effect.
Intermediate filaments and
nuclear anchorage
The role of intermediate filaments in
nuclear positioning is less well under-
stood. Since there are no motors that
move along intermediate filaments and
because they do not have the polar
dynamic growth properties of microtu-
bules or actin filaments, intermediate
filaments are relegated to a more static
scaffolding role to anchor nuclei in place
or to recruit components that can inter-
act with other members of the cytoske-
leton. Desmin is the major component of
intermediate filaments in mammalian
muscle fibers and the desmin knockout
mouse has a striking nuclear anchorage
(Fig. 1). Normally the hun-
dreds of nuclei in a mouse skeletal muscle
are evenly spaced apart and at the
periphery of the cell. In desmin knockout
muscles, nuclei cluster together in dense
aggregates reminiscent of the mouse
Syne-1 or C. elegans anc-1 mutant
phenotypes. Additionally, the oval nuclei
fail to align normally with the long axis
of the muscle fiber.
The mispositioned
nuclei in the desmin null muscles do,
however, retain their preferential associa-
tion with blood vessels, suggesting that
desmin and blood vessels play indepen-
dent roles in anchoring nuclei.
remains to be determined whether Syne-
1 functions in conjunction with either
desmin or blood vessels. In other cells,
intermediate filaments might function
in part to connect the plasma mem-
brane to the nucleus. For example,
vimentin is found closely associated
with the nucleus and mutant forms of
vimentin exhibit nuclear morphology
A newly identified KASH protein,
nesprin-3, likely functions to connect
the outer nuclear membrane to inter-
mediate filaments. Nesprin-3 localizes to
the nuclear envelope where it interacts
with plectin in a yeast two-hybrid assay
(Fig. 2).
Plectin, a plakin family mem-
ber, consists of an actin-binding domain,
an extended coiled-coil domain, and an
intermediate filament-binding domain
and can crosslink actin filaments to
intermediate filaments.
The actin-bind-
ing domain can alternatively interact
with other proteins including integrins.
Nesprin-3 was found to bind to the actin-
binding domain of plectin in a two-
hybrid screen.
It is hypothesized that
nesprin-3 and plectin together could
extend from the outer nuclear membrane
into the cytoplasm to interact with
intermediate filaments; this would be
analogous to how the ANC-1/MSP-300/
Syne proteins connect the outer nuclear
membrane with actin filaments.
Lamin, a type V intermediate filament,
is the major structural component of the
nuclear matrix immediately underlying
the inner nuclear membrane (Fig. 2). It
plays both structural and scaffolding
roles during nuclear positioning
(reviewed in ref. 2). Some, but not all,
SUN proteins require lamins to localize
to the inner nuclear membrane.
SUN proteins recruit KASH proteins to
the outer nuclear membrane, lamins
function in a variety of the mechanisms
for nuclear positioning discussed above.
The role of nuclear migration
in neuronal migration and
Nuclear migration and anchorage
events have been described for a wide
variety of cellular processes. Thus, it is
not surprising that defects in nuclear
positioning would lead to disease.
Characterization of migrating neurons
has implicated both microtubules and
actin–myosin contraction in nuclear
migration. The growth cone, the leading
edge of a migrating neuron, extends at
a constant rate while the nucleus
moves through the cytoplasm in jumps
and pauses. Each nuclear migration
translocation of about 10 microns is
preceded by a movement of the centro-
some away from the nucleus and into a
swelling of the cellular process at the site
the nucleus will jump to.
translocation requires myosin II con-
traction at the rearward side to propel
the nucleus forward.
Thus neuronal
migration is an example of how the
microtubule and actin networks can
function together to control nuclear
Lissencephaly (Greek for smooth
brain) is a neuro-developmental disease
where neurons fail to properly migrate
to the cortex. Mutations in any of
three proteins, LIS1, Doublecortin or
a-tubulin, have been linked to lissence-
LIS1 regulates dynein and is a
homologue of Aspergillus NudF, which is
required for nuclear positioning (for
review see ref. 68). Doublecortin is a
microtubule-associated protein
and the
mutation in a-tubulin blocks GTP bind-
ing, slowing microtubule dynamics.
Recently developed techniques to study
neuronal migration in siRNA-treated
living brain and mouse knockout systems
have implicated the lissencephaly muta-
tions in nuclear migration.
microtubule and dynein driven nuclear
migration play an essential role in human
brain development.
One KASH protein has been directly
implicated in a disease. Mutations in
Syne-1 lead to autosomal cerebellar
recessive ataxia type 1 (ARCA1), also
known as recessive ataxia of Beauce,
a late-onset ataxia with a slow progres-
Further studies are required to
understand if and how nuclear
positioning contributes to this neuro-
degenerative disease or if the ataxia
represents a defect independent of
KASH function. It also remains to be
seen if other human KASH or SUN
proteins are also involved in the patho-
logy of disease.
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Conclusions and directions for
the field
The position of the nucleus within the
cell is essential to a wide variety of
cellular and developmental events across
eukaryotes. In the past five years, great
progress has been made in understanding
some of the mechanisms of nuclear
positioning. The main focus of these
studies was on the role KASH and
SUN proteins play to position the
nucleus. KASH proteins specify the
outer nuclear membrane and together
with SUN proteins, transfer forces across
the nuclear envelope. KASH and SUN
proteins act as the central link to connect
all three components of the cytoskeleton
to the nuclear matrix. There are certainly
more players and mechanisms to be
identified in nuclear positioning. Proteins
remain to be identified to explain how
nuclear migration is controlled, and
many unanswered questions remain.
Microtubules, actin filaments, and
intermediate filaments all play important
roles in positioning nuclei. However,
little is known about how they function
together or why some components of the
cytoskeleton play more important roles
than others in different tissue types. For
example, in the early C. elegans embryo,
the microtubule system plays the major
role in positioning the nucleus through
the KASH protein ZYG-12.
other systems function to migrate nuclei
later in development through the KASH
protein UNC-83.
The identity of the
cytoskeleton components that UNC-83
interacts with is being actively pursued.
Most likely, multiple cytoskeletal com-
ponents function together to position
nuclei. This is best described in budding
yeast where the actin and microtubule
networks function together.
Some of the questions to be addressed
include: How are polar cues incorporated
to move the nucleus directionally? What
happens to the ER during migration, is it
dragged behind or does it actively
rearrange during nuclear migration?
And, how do nuclei switch from an
anchored position to a migrating one?
The switch must be carefully coordi-
nated; this could be accomplished by
controlling the specificity of KASH SUN
interactions. UNC-84 interacts with one
KASH protein, UNC-83, during migra-
tion and a different KASH protein,
ANC-1, during anchorage. Nothing is
known about how this switch is made.
Furthermore, a sub-molecular in vitro
characterization of the KASH/SUN
interaction should help determine how
these proteins transfer force across the
nuclear envelope. During the next few
years the field will likely identify addi-
tional nuclear envelope and cytoskeletal
interactions that function to position the
nucleus. Both genetic and biochemical
approaches are likely to clarify the
mechanisms of nuclear migration.
Finally, the link between nuclear posi-
tioning and disease needs further exam-
ination. There is an exciting possibility
that proteins involved in nuclear posi-
tioning are also involved in disease. The
list of top candidates today include
Syne-1, implicated in an ataxia,
one cause of lissencephaly,
and lamins,
which may act through SUN proteins
to cause a variety of diseases termed
laminopothies (reviewed in ref. 2).
Furthermore, since nuclear migration
is an important component of many
cellular migration events, it is exciting
to speculate that nuclear migration might
play a role in all cellular migration events
including metastasis. It is likely that
defects in KASH and SUN proteins lead
to disease, although further studies are
required to determine if they play causal
or correlative roles in cancer and other
diseases. Therefore, KASH and SUN
proteins may be good targets for chemi-
cal genetics to both better understand the
processes of nuclear and cellular migra-
tion and ultimately as potential medical
I am grateful to Lesilee Rose and the
members of my laboratory for comments
on this manuscript and thoughtful dis-
cussions. I apologize to those whose
work was not included because of space.
The studies in my lab are supported by a
grant from the NIH (GM073874) and a
March of Dimes Basil O’Conner award.
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