Adapted from Anita Archer
Example Routines & Procedures
Movement into the Classroom
1. Before the bell rings, the teacher opens the door and stands in
2. Teacher greets students as they arrive.
3. When the bell rings, the teacher closes the door.
4. Students begin warm-up activity when bell rings, or
5. The teacher immediately begins a new lesson.
Movement out of the Classroom
1. Students DO NOT pack up materials until teacher indicates end of
class. The teacher NOT the bell dismisses students.
2. Teacher moves to door and dismisses students.
3. Teacher may require an exit task.
Show me tomorrow’s assignment on your calendar.
Write a 10 word summary of today’s lesson.
Show me as you exit:
Your notes from today’s lesson.
The rough draft of your paper.
Use of Bathroom
1. Students should use the bathroom before school, before class, during
recess, during passing period.
2. If there is an emergency, students should go to the bathroom during
independent work time.
3. Students must sign out, turn over sign, or take a pass.
4. If the privilege is abused, the teacher will meet with the student.
Adapted from Anita Archer
Use of Pencil Sharpener
1. Sharpen your pencil BEFORE class.
2. Have more than one pencil in your pencil/pen pouch.
3. If your pencil lead breaks,
Use your extra pencil,
Use a pen, or
Borrow a writing tool from your partner.
4. NEVER interrupt a lesson to sharpen your pencil.
Correcting Work in Class
1. Students take out correcting pen (pen, red pen, crayon).
2. Teacher shows or tells each answer.
3. Students indicate if answer is correct or incorrect on their paper.
4. Teacher reteaches difficult items.
5. Students use remaining time to correct any items.
Tardy to Class
1. Student arrives late.
2. Teacher continues teaching.
3. Student signs in Tardy Notebook. Checks “excused” or “unexcused.”
4. Partner assists late-arriving student.
5. When free, the teacher talks to tardy student.
6. When appropriate, uses “payback” time as consequence.
Adapted from Anita Archer
1. Partner picks up folder and writes name of absent student on it.
2. Partner collects assignments, homework, and notices and places in
3. Partner may also fill out form with class information including:
reading assignments, test dates, homework assignments, long term
4. At end of period, the folder is placed in box labeled “Work for
students who are absent.
5. Student returns and examines work in folder.
6. Student checks class calendar, noting work to be completed.
7. Student has same number of days to make up work as he/she missed.
8. Completed work is placed in Make-up Work box.
No Materials in Class
1. Teacher sets clear expectations concerning materials.
2. Extra materials are available.
3. Student gets materials and fills out an IOU form.
4. If student has forgotten book, looks on with partner, or
5. Uses loaner book with VERY bright book cover.
Adapted from Anita Archer
Turning in or Collecting Work
1. Students write number on assignment.
2. Students pass work forward.
3. Student Monitor collects all papers from front row seats.
4. Monitor puts in numerical order
5. Monitor places papers in box labeled by subject or period.
If more accountability is required:
1. Students place homework on corner of desk.
2. Teacher circulates and collects homework.
Gaining Assistance During Independent/Cooperative Tasks
Red and Green Card
1. Student attempts task, consulting with worked examples in the text
or from lesson.
2. When student has a question, the RED side of the card is placed up.
(Other signals can be used such as a “Help Wanted” sign or a book on
the corner of desk.)
3. Student must continue working.
4. Teacher moves around room monitoring (Walk around. Look
around. Talk around.)
5. When teacher sees a RED card, assistance is provided.
Adapted from Anita Archer
Gaining Assistance During Independent/Cooperative Tasks
Only When Near
1. When the student has a question and the teacher is NOT near, the
student may consult with his/her partner or uses the rule “Three
Before Me.”
2. If assistance is not adequate, student circles the item and continues
3. The teacher moves around the room monitoring (Walk around. Look
around. Talk around.)
4. When the teacher is NEAR, the student may raise his/her hand and
request assistance.