Escambia County School District
Standard Operating Procedures
30 East Texar Drive
Pensacola, Florida 32503
Chris McFarland, Coordinator
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 2
Table of Contents
School Choice Contacts……..…………………………..….…………………………..4
Student Assignment.……………………………………..…..…………………………5
Student Transfer Procedures…………………………………………………….6
Transfer Limitations……………………………………………………………..7
Duration of Transfer Approval…………………………..…………………….12
Rescinding Permission……………………………………..…………………..13
Magnet Programs………………………………………….…………………………...13
Lottery Process………………………………………………………………..………..15
Alabama Students………………………………………………………………………16
Foreign Exchange Students…………………………………………………………….17
Home School……………………………………………………………………………20
Escambia Virtual Academy…………………………………………………………….31
Career Academy Guidelines……………………………………………………………33
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 3
An Office of School Choice is hereby established in the division of Curriculum and Instruction.
The Office of School Choice shall be responsible for the oversight of all functions related to
student assignment to any district school or magnet school. Related functions shall include the
A. Insuring compliance with relevant federal, state or district statutes, orders, rules or
guidelines related to student assignment.
B. Coordinating the development of agreements with adjoining districts pertaining to school
assignment or transfers.
C. Developing modifications in the school attendance zones in consultation with the Student
Attendance Zone Advisory Committee (SAZAC) and Transportation for recommendation
to the Board.
D. Processing requests for student transfers and forwarding the recommendations of the
Student Transfer Committee to the Superintendent and the Board.
E. Coordinating student selection and enrollment in district magnet schools and
F. Coordinating activities pertaining to the placement of foreign students including those
students participating in exchange programs as identified by the advisory list from the
International Educational Travel and Exchange Program.
G. Facilitating school assignment and transportation for families with school-age children
identified as homeless.
H. Coordinating transition of military students, when necessary, per the standards of the
Military Child Education Coalition of which the School Choice Coordinator will be a
I. Coordinating the assignments of students who transfer under No Child Left Behind Act of
J. Coordinating and providing oversight for the Escambia Virtual Academy.
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Malcolm Thomas Superintendent 850-469-6130
Chris McFarland School Choice Coordinator 850-469-5448
Nancy Walters School Choice Secretary 850-469-5582
Sandra Edwards Director, Comprehensive Planning 850-469-5327
Linda Maletsidis Director, Elementary Education 850-469-5494
Steve Marcanio Director, Middle School Education 850-469-5495
Carolyn Spooner Director, High School Education 850-469-5495
Lesa Morgan Director, Career/Technical Education 850-469-5357
School Choice Website:
Escambia Virtual Academy Information:
Student Information:
Parent Information:
Florida Virtual Home School Information:
K12 Virtual Programs
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School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 6
Student Assignment
Parents/Guardians may establish residence for purposes of student assignment by the following:
a) Provide documentation of homestead exemption which identifies the head of household
and the address of the dwelling used as the homestead; or
b) Provide copy of lease agreement which indicates the location of the residence, parties to
the agreement and the effective date; or
c) Provide current rent receipt indicating location of property, landlord, tenants and date
issued; or
d) Provide copy of power, water or gas bill documenting the customer's name and address
where the service is provided.
e) A statement from owner/lessee of the home where they are living, stating the names of all
people residing at the address. In addition, enrolling parent/guardian must bring a current
utility bill (power or water) with the owner/lessee’s name and address. For grades 9-12,
this statement must be notarized and approved by the School Choice Office before
enrolling in the requested school.
f) Families living in a residence other than their own must complete a Student in Transition
Survey to be forwarded to the Homeless Advocate in the Title I Office.
No student who is not a bona-fide full-time resident of Escambia County, Florida, shall be
allowed to enroll or remain enrolled in an education program designated by resolution of the
Board as a magnet program, a magnet school or an academy/program unless:
1. The student is a child of a full-time permanent employee of the District. Students of
employees do not need to meet the requirement of living in Escambia County to make
application into a magnet/academy/program. Employees who are part time, non-
permanent, or not directly employed by the District cannot make application if they live
outside of Escambia County. Employment must be verified through the Human
Resources Department; and
2. The Superintendent of Schools shall certify that there is a vacancy in the magnet
program, magnet school, or academy/program, and that no eligible student who is a bona-
fide full-time resident of Escambia County, Florida, is seeking admission into the magnet
program, magnet `school or academy/program; and
3. The Board shall approve a request for transfer.
ESE/Alternative Education Student assignment of eligible students participating in Exceptional
Student Education Programs or Alternative Programs, requiring placement in a school or center
other than the district assigned school shall be coordinated by the respective department.
Student Transfer Procedure
The parent(s)/guardian(s) shall submit to the Office of School Choice a student transfer request
form with appropriate documentation for their student(s) to be transferred to a school out of their
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respective school attendance zone. The form is available in the Office of School Choice and on
the District's website. The parent/guardian shall be responsible for submitting any additional
information that may be needed by the committee.
The Superintendent shall present to the Board his/her recommended action pertaining to the
student transfer request. The Superintendent may refer a request back to the School Choice office
for further consideration. The Superintendent has the authority to involuntarily transfer or assign
a student to another zoned school of attendance when such placement is determined to further the
interest of the Board in maintaining a safe and orderly school environment. A student who is
repeatedly disruptive or who poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of others may be
assigned involuntarily to an alternative school.
The Board
Final action on a student transfer request shall be made by the Board. The Board may approve,
modify or reject any request for transfer recommended by the Superintendent. No principal shall
enroll a student in a school to which the student is not properly assigned.
Transfer Limitations
Approved out-of-zone transfer requests must be received during the first 10 days of the
semester to go into effect that semester. After the first ten days, transfers are effective for
the next semester or following school year. Exceptions would be for families that move
after the enrollment period and students new to the district.
Sibling Support- Students who have siblings enrolled at a school other than their home zone
school may apply for reassignment to that same school based on sibling support. The student
must be attending the school the same year as the requested reassignment. Students assigned for
sibling support may remain at the assigned school until they change levels. If the student in the
school is there on grandfathering reassignment or an expired choice program then a sibling may
not request sibling support reassignment.
Over to Under Capacity- Any student assigned to a school at or over capacity may request to
attend any school under capacity.
Employee Choice (Kindergarten to Eighth grade only)- Parents/guardians who reside in
Escambia County and are employed full time by the school district may request that their
child/children attend another school. Parents/guardians residing outside of Escambia County
must also be employed full-time by the district in order to request that their child/children attend
an Escambia County School. Schools which are designated as overcapacity by the school district
may not accept employee choice students unless the parent is employed at the school or at a
neighboring school of a different level. Upon separation of the employee from employment, the
student's school assignment will continue through the remainder of the school year only.
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Hardship Reassignment - Students may be allowed to attend a school other than their zoned
school based on a documented safety or medical hardship, or childcare related issues. A request
for student transfer form must be completed, signed by the parent or guardian and submitted to
the School Choice Office for review by the coordinator. A hardship is defined as a
documented safety, medical, or childcare issue that is beyond the student's and
parent’s/guardian's control which may have a negative impact on the student's educational
process, safety, mental health, or physical well being.
Guardianship Educational guardianship enables a person other than the parent to enroll and
make educational decisions for the student. The guidelines for granting educational guardianship
The parent does not live in Escambia County
The parent has been verified by a local agency as being unable to care for the child
(documentation must be presented to the school choice office before enrollment occurs)
Sequential Academic/Technical Programs:
a) Transfers may be granted for eligible students to participate in approved District
academic or technical courses. Students granted a transfer must have and maintain
passing grades, acceptable behavior, and attendance. Transfers for students who
withdraw from the course prior to completion should be recommended for rescission. The
Office of School Choice will monitor each transfer request for academic reasons and
notify the home school of numbers and academic reasons. Should the principal of the
home school decide to add the specific course(s), then all students who requested a
transfer shall be denied.
b) Requests for transfers to enroll in other schools or technical programs must be submitted
according to the School Choice calendar prior to the year the student wishes to enroll.
c) Requests for students of new residences may be considered at any time.
Completion of the Current School Year
Students moving out of the attendance zone during the school term as a result of the relocation of
the family residence may be granted a transfer to complete the school term in his/her current
school. Transfers to complete the school term shall be subject to the student having and
maintaining acceptable behavior, attendance and the amount of time remaining in the school
year. The recommendation of the principal shall be considered.
Exit Year
Upon relocation of the family residence during the summer prior to the beginning of the
terminating (exit year) grade, the following transfers may be granted:
a) Elementary or middle school students may be granted a transfer to complete the final year
if the student was enrolled in the requested school at the end of the school year;
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b) High school students who have completed their junior year in the requested school shall
be granted a transfer to complete the senior year.
Higher Performing Public Schools/No Child Left Behind/Adequate Yearly Progress
a) As provided in Section 1002.38, F.S., students enrolled during the previous year at a
school receiving a grade of "F" in two of any four (4) year period shall be eligible to
transfer to a higher performing public school with a grade of "C" or better.
b) District transportation by Center to Center Routing will be provided to those students that
elect to attend a higher performing public school in the identified transportation zone.
c) Any Title I school identified as not making adequate yearly progress (AYP) for two
consecutive years is required to provide supplemental education services. If the school
does not meet Adequate Yearly Progress for a third consecutive year, the next year
choice with transportation is required. Parents will be given the choice of two schools
with Center to Center Routing transportation to Non-Title I schools or Title I schools that
have made AYP.
d) Students who use the option to transfer shall be enrolled in classes and other activities in
the public school to which the students transfer in the same manner as all other children
at the public school. A student transferring for AYP reasons forfeits their eligibility for
Supplemental Education Services.
a) Illness or physical disability - Transfer requests based on an illness or physical disability
of a non ESE Student shall be supported by a written recommendation by the attending
physician and/or a 504 Plan.
b) Students not eligible to receive Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services but who
experience emotional, mental or other psychological disorders may be granted a transfer
to another school. Transfer requests shall be supported by a letter from a licensed mental
health professional recommending a transfer and/or a 504 Plan.
c) A documented hardship not listed above, which, after investigation cannot reasonably be
addressed at the assigned school, is grounds for transfer if the transfer to another district
school has a reasonable expectation of enhancing the students' academic achievement and
social development.
d) Homeless children who live within the county shall be admitted to school in the district
and shall have access to free public education.
i. A "homeless child" is defined as a child who meets any of the criteria as per the
National Center for Homeless Education:
ii. The district shall assist homeless children to provide documentation to meet state
and local requirements for entry into school.
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iii. A homeless child shall be given a thirty (30) day exemption to provide proof of
age, certification of a school-entry health examination and proof of immunization.
iv. Each homeless student shall be provided the services that are available for all
other students including transportation, school nutrition programs, and education
services for which the child meets the eligibility criteria such as Exceptional
Student Education, Title I, and Limited English Proficiency programs.
Child Care (Kindergarten to incoming Ninth Grade only)
The care provider shall be located in the school attendance zone in which the transfer is
requested. The care provider must certify that he/she will be caring for the child(ren) on a regular
basis and that he/she does not have available transportation to deliver or pick up the child(ren)
from the school in the attendance zone of the parent's residence. A School Board employee may
be granted a transfer of his/her child(ren) to the school at which he/she is assigned with the prior
approval from School Choice.
Standard Operating Procedure for Over-capacity Schools
Facility Capacity - Physical space must be available at the requested school prior to transfer.
Transfers shall not be granted into schools if the current enrollment equals 100% of the facility's
permanent capacity.
Program Capacity - Transfers shall not be granted into district approved programs beyond the
program's established capacity.
Some schools are significantly over the permanent capacity of the facility. While the district
cannot control the number of students who live in the district or how many students choose AYP
to the school, we can control the children who transfer in under the hardship policy. In 2005, a
procedure was instituted to deny students enrollment in schools determined to be over-capacity.
The result has been a more level distribution of students as well as more control of the numbers.
This has resulted in more accurate staffing levels at the beginning of the school year.
Transportation- Transportation to a school that is outside the student’s attendance area is the
responsibility of the parent/guardian. Parents may request bus transportation, on a space
availability basis, from a stop within the attendance boundaries of the approved school of choice.
The Transportation Department may revoke transportation services for students attending a
school of choice if enrollment on a bus increases and there is no longer space to accommodate
students who reside within the attendance boundaries of the school. For students with
disabilities who are approved to enroll at a school of choice, special transportation will not be
provided to or from the student’s home. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure
their child’s safety and welfare while traveling to and from an assigned bus stop. Students are not
to cross dangerous roads or intersections to get to a bus stop.
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) - Students at Title 1 schools identified for improvement may
have additional choice options. Parents or guardians at the designated schools will be sent a letter
describing the school choices and response deadlines. The federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Act of 2001 is designed to ensure that children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to
obtain a high-quality education. The legislation provides federal resources for students to reach
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proficiency levels on challenging state academic standards and assessment. Under NCLB, when
schools do not meet state targets for improving the achievement of all students, parents are
provided with other options for meeting their child's learning needs. Parents whose children are
enrolled in Title I schools that are identified in need of improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring have an opportunity to transfer their children to a higher performing public school.
What are your Choice options?
You may choose to have your child remain at his/her current school.
You may choose to transfer your child to a select school, with transportation provided
by the Escambia County Schools bus system. For a list of Schools in Need of
Improvement and your transfer options, see the School Choice office.
Parents of students who receive free or reduced price lunch may choose for their child
to remain at the current school as they may be eligible to receive free tutoring, called
“Supplemental Educational Services” (SES).
If a transfer is approved, the student is required to remain at the requested school for a
minimum of one school year and may remain there until completion of the school’s
highest grade.
Re-application is not required each school year.
If you move, you are required to notify the School Choice Office and apply for a
completion of School Year.
Transportation will be provided to students living more than two miles from the
requested school. The length of travel time varies based on distance to your school
choice. School Districts are no longer required to provide transportation after the end
of the year in which your child’s school of origin is no longer identified for school
Your zoned or current school offers additional programs and resources provided by
Title I federal funds. Your child may no longer have access to these services at the
transfer school.
Athletics- The district’s middle and high school interscholastic athletic program adheres to the
rules and policies of the Florida High School Athletic Association. School Choice approval must
be determined prior to the start of tryouts for a sport in order for the student to participate in the
interscholastic athletic program for that sport. School Choice approval will not be granted if the
reason for the request is to participate in the interscholastic athletic program at the requested
For Escambia County residents for whom a school choice is denied for a reason other than
overcapacity, the parent, guardian, or student of legal age shall have the right of appeal to an
Appeals Board.
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The Appeals Board may be composed of three voting members from the following:
Deputy Superintendent
Director, Comprehensive Planning
Director, Elementary, Middle, and High School
Specialist, Curriculum and Instruction
The Appeals Board shall be chaired by the Coordinator of School Choice.
A challenge of a student assignment may be made on the grounds that the School
Choice process was not followed, the extenuating circumstances of the criteria or to appeal the
denial of a reassignment.
The following procedure shall be followed:
Each request for appeal must be in writing. Appeals based on denial of assignment under
the Choice Plan may be accepted at any time; appeals based on denial of a reassignment
request must be received by the School Choice Coordinator within three working days
after notification of denial.
Appeals will be heard only at scheduled times.
Additional information presented at an appeal hearing by the Coordinator of School
Choice may necessitate the hearing being temporarily recessed for referral back to the
principal(s) involved for reconsideration, pending completion of the hearing process.
Three members shall be present for recommendations on all appeals. An affirmative
decision to recommend the appeal (reverse the denial) of any transfer or reassignment
shall require a simple majority of those voting. If a member determines that he or she
cannot cast an objective vote for any reason, that member must abstain from voting. If the
abstention causes the council to fall below a quorum, the appeal shall be rescheduled to
the next appeals meeting.
Any recommendation of the Appeals Board which is adverse to the student may be
appealed to the Superintendent. However, no appeal will be heard or considered by the
Superintendent until the final recommendation of the Appeals Board is rendered.
The Coordinator of School Choice will notify the parent/guardian or student of the
recommendation of the Appeals Board. When the recommendation is a denial of the
request for reassignment, the parent/guardian or student shall be notified of their right to
appeal to the Superintendent. Each request for appeal to the Superintendent must be in
writing and must be received within three working days after notification of the denial.
Duration of Transfer Approval - Applicable to ALL transfers, including Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP)
Once granted a transfer under this policy, a student may continue enrollment in the receiving
school through the exit year provided the circumstances upon which the transfer was granted
remain unchanged. Failure to report to the Office of School Choice within thirty (30) days any
change of circumstances in which the transfer was granted may result in revocation of the
transfer and the student's return to the original designated school. Students granted a transfer
must maintain passing grades, acceptable behavior, and attendance. If the student fails to
maintain passing grades, demonstrates unacceptable behavior, incurs excessive tardies or
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 13
unexcused absences, the principal can request through the Office of School Choice for the
student to be returned to their home school. No request for return transfer may be considered by
the Office of School Choice until the principal demonstrates that a good faith effort has been
made to employ parental assistance to rectify the student's deficiencies. Parents will be notified
in writing and given 10 days to withdraw the child (ren).
Penalty for Misrepresentation
Attempts to circumvent the assignment/transfer procedure shall be grounds for denying a request
or revocation of the transfer. Additionally, individuals that provide false statements on the
transfer or assignment request with the intent to mislead may be subject to related penalties as
provided in Sections 775.082, 837.06 or 775.083, Florida Statutes.
Rescinding permission for out-of-district students
1. The principal will have at least one face to face conference with the parent to explain
the problem and to work with the parent to resolve it. If the parent does not come for
conference, use Visiting Teacher to relay need for conference.
2. The principal must look at the problem area. If improvement is seen, the rescinding
process will end.
3. If the problem is behavior, make sure the process for a behavioral referral is begun.
That will be transferred with the student.
4. When you are ready to request rescinding permission, send the documentation of the
conference and the reasons, along with the request to rescind permission for out-of-
district attendance. Please include the most current parent address. (Consider the
severity of rescinding permission and look for really chronic problems 10 unexcused
days for attendance, 10 days tardy, 5 or more serious referrals, for example.)
5. Timeline for rescinding permission:
The Monday before the week of Thanksgiving
The End of the school year
6. Factors in decision:
How returning the student will affect the receiving school for class-size
If AYP, parent must be given another choice.
7. Probation: Can be used to stay at the school, but must be monitored.
8. School Choice will mail a letter to the parent giving the parent 10 days to withdraw the
student from your school and enroll in the zoned school. (You will receive an email, as
will the home school principal and data clerks, that the letter has been sent. You should
withdraw the student at the end of the 10 days.)
9. Parents can appeal the decision, and another meeting will be held to discuss the
Magnet Programs or Schools
No student who is not a bona-fide full-time resident of Escambia County, Florida, shall be
allowed to enroll or remain enrolled in an education program designated by Resolution of the
School Board as a magnet program, a magnet school or a school of choice.
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The voluntary transfer of a student from one school to another may be revoked if attendance,
tardiness, or behavior problems develop at the receiving school and the student shall be
reassigned to the attendance- zoned school.
Voluntary School Choice Selection Policy
Purpose of Magnet Schools and Academies/Programs: The purpose of magnet schools, charter
schools, and academies/programs is to prepare students for a diverse society and offer unique
educational opportunities.
Office of School Choice: The Office of School Choice is the central information site for parents
to receive information regarding schools in the district and choices available. The Office of
School Choice is responsible for maintaining information on schools and choices available to
parents, selection of students through a lottery process, notification of parents as to the status of
their child's application, and assisting schools with public relations information regarding the
district. Complete information is maintained on the district's website, including the Choice
Choice Academy/Program: An academy includes both academic and technical curricula within
the context of an industry or career area. A program has a specific theme with required courses.
Applications must be made in order to be accepted into the academy/program.
Magnet School: A magnet school is a school with a particular academic focus such as science,
technology or the arts. A magnet school with an attendance zone is a school that has a zone from
which students are assigned to the school and do not need to make application. A magnet school
without an attendance zone is a school that does not have any assigned zone from which students
are assigned and the entire population must make application.
School within a School: A school within a school is a magnet school housed within another
school. The school within a school is considered a separate school for graduation rankings only.
Charter School: A charter school is a non-regulated public school administered by an
independent agency that operates under the auspices of the Board. Charter schools have great
latitude in the development of educational programs and may offer specialized programs
designed to serve a specific population of students. Charter programs may serve students in
grades PreK-12.
Each student applying to a magnet school or academy/program must meet and maintain the
criteria as set by the principal of the school and approved by the Curriculum Council. The
criteria shall be on file in the Office of School Choice. Each charter school may have specific
requirements based on the program design and qualifications be available in the Alternative
Education Office.
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Application Process
The Office of School Choice will be responsible for all district recommended activities.
Individual programs may include activities they deem necessary as agreed upon by both the
program and the schools involved.
Applications must be submitted yearly. If a student is not selected for the current school year, the
parent must resubmit an application for consideration into the lottery for the next school year.
The Office of School Choice will support marketing activities for all district recommended
All applications shall be processed through the Office of School Choice.
Applications for early admissions to the International Baccalaureate Program must be turned in
according to the School Choice Calendar. Other applications will be received until the first day
of the next school year or capacity is reached. All out-of-county students that apply for IB
program will be notified of acceptance or denial after high school registration is complete.
Each magnet/academy program has a deadline posted on the School Choice Calendar located on
the district's website. Once this deadline has passed, the lottery process will be run as soon as
possible from thereafter. Students will be notified and must commit to the school of choice by
the deadline according to the School Choice Calendar. Registration cards will serve as a
commitment from the student for attendance in the program.
Students will be notified and must accept. If a parent does not complete the registration process,
the student will not be considered. Those students will be placed outside the pool and will not be
considered until all pools have been exhausted.
Students will only be allowed to enter academies/programs, magnet programs and magnet
schools at the beginning of the school year.
Students from out-of-county or out-of-state will be accepted into magnet programs, magnet
schools or academies/programs if the student was in a similar academy/program prior to coming
to Escambia County and there is available space.
Transportation is not offered for magnet programs or academies/programs for students attending
out of their assigned zone. The three magnet schools, West Florida Technical High School,
Brown-Barge Middle, and N. B. Cook Elementary, and the School-Within-A-School,
International Baccalaureate at Pensacola High School, are provided express routing
transportation. Selected bus stops are arranged, and parents are responsible for student
supervision in the morning and afternoons.
Lottery Process
A lottery process will be utilized to select students whenever the number of eligible applications
exceeds the program/schools capacity. Applications may be randomly audited by a team
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consisting of the Office of School Choice, designated directors and the Assistant Superintendent
for Curriculum and Instruction.
The information sheets/electronic database will be processed through Evaluation Services to
generate a selection list. Student selection will be based on the following criteria:
a) Siblings, provided they meet the eligibility criteria, will be automatically accepted if two
or more siblings of the same family are enrolled at that school during the same school
b) Children of employees at that school, who meet the eligibility criteria, will automatically
be accepted into the school/program.
c) The formula to determine how many students are selected from each school is as follows:
i. Capacity of the school/program/grade level and/or facility will have numbers that
ensure that normal attrition will not affect the ability to offer academic programs
during the course of the year or maintain class size reduction requirements.
ii. Number of incoming students assigned to each school, including home school and
private school students, at the desired grade level.
iii. Percentage of students selected from each school to reach capacity.
d) Private school students and home school students will not be given priority.
e) All magnet/choice schools will follow district calendar for lottery dates and application
deadlines. This calendar will be developed by the Office of School Choice in conjunction
with magnet/choice schools.
f) Eligibility for entry into the lottery system for individuals seeking admission to magnet
schools, and/or academies/programs must meet individual school criteria before being
permitted to participate in the lottery system for the district. Each student applying to a
magnet school or choice academy/ program must meet and maintain the criteria as set by
the principal of the school and approved by the Curriculum Council. The criteria shall be
on file at the school and in the Office of School Choice.
Return of Expelled Students to Magnet or Career/Academy Programs
The following procedures should be followed in requesting a return placement:
1. Student is expelled from a magnet school, career academy or program outside their home
zoned school district.
2. Student requests to return to same school. Principal agrees to allow student to return.
3. Appeal form is completed.
4. Committee would be formed to include: Level director, principal of school, one person
from School Choice, and one other professional.
5. Committee would consider:
a. How did the incident impact the school?
b. Was returning to same school discussed as an option at the hearing? Conditions
should have been prescribed at that time.
c. Were the conditions to return met?
d. Can the student be a program completer with the missed time?
6. Committee would decide and inform Superintendent and parent.
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Requests from Alabama student to attend Escambia County Schools
1. Parent comes to our office to request attendance in our district from Alabama.
2. Refer parent to Superintendent of School for their district in Alabama.
3. Parent conferences with Superintendent. Exceptions may include: addresses on state
line, lack of bus service from Alabama district, sibling already enrolled in the same
school in our district.
4. If agreed upon to allow student to come to us, the superintendent will send us a letter of
5. Student would then be allowed to enter Florida as a student. Student would have to meet
the requirements of attendance, behavior and grades in our school. School may not be an
overcapacity school.
6. If one of our students requests enrollment in Alabama, our Superintendent would
consider the request and make a determination.
Foreign Exchange Student Guidelines
1. Organizations desiring to place foreign exchange students in Escambia County Schools
shall be included on the Advisory List of the International Educational Travel and
Exchange Programs as published by the Council on Standards for International
Educational Travel and subject to regulations governing Secondary School Visitor
Program as prescribed by the United States Information Agency (USIA).
2. Persons representing approved organizations and seeking placement of an exchange
student in Escambia County District Schools must be a resident of Escambia County
and registered with the Office of School Choice at 30 E. Texar Drive, Pensacola, Fl.,
3. Foreign exchange students shall be enrolled in the appropriate school, based on the host
family attendance zone, within 15 days of the semester. School assignments and
placements must be approved by the School Choice Office prior to registration.
4. Foreign exchange students must be between the ages of 15 and 18 and eligible for
enrollment in their home country. Foreign exchange students should have no more than
11 years of primary and secondary study excluding kindergarten. Foreign exchange
students that have graduated or otherwise completed the last year of attendance in high
school or their countries equivalent to high school will not be placed in the Escambia
County School District.
5. Foreign exchange students must possess a level of English proficiency that will enable
the students to function effectively in the classroom environment. Standardized
Assessments may be submitted to the Office of School Choice to validate English
proficiency. Organizations that place an exchange student in Escambia County District
Schools are responsible for validating the English proficiency and the district will not
provided services to students that are deficient in English skills. The organization is
responsible for fees associated with all required tutoring services. The principal along
with appropriate district staff may also determine English proficiency and recommend
alternative placements for the student.
6. The number of foreign exchange students enrolled in any one school shall be limited to
10 with no more than 2 from the same country.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 18
7. Foreign exchange students may participate in graduation ceremonies and related activities
consistent with the individual school’s policies and the district’s policies including the
Pupil Progression Plan. Foreign exchange students seeking a diploma shall indicate at
the time of enrollment and satisfy all graduation requirements of the State of Florida and
the Escambia County School District. Expenses associated with evaluating a foreign
transcript, if required, will be the responsible of the placing organization.
8. Foreign exchange students are subject to the rules and policies of the assigned school, the
Escambia County School District, the sponsoring organization the student represents, the
Standards of Council on Standard for International Travel and the regulations governing
the Designated Exchange Visitor Program, administered by the United States Information
9. Organization Representatives:
a. May not act as both the host family and area supervisor for any student place in
the Escambia County School District;
b. Must secure host family placement prior to departure from the student’s home
c. Must secure prior written acceptance for the enrollment of any student through the
Office of School Choice, 30 E. Texar Drive, Pensacola, Fl. 32503; 850-469-5448;
d. Must maintain a monthly schedule of personal contact with the student, host
family, and school personnel;
e. Must increase the level of contact with the student, host family and school
personnel when problem dictate such action is warranted.
10. In the event circumstances necessitate a change in host family, the sponsoring
organization representative shall notify the Office of School Choice.
11. Application for foreign exchange students desiring acceptance to the fall semester will be
accepted at the same time the Office of School Choice is processing high school
academic transfers, January 1 through March 31. Applications may be returned once
high school registration is complete or the school reaches student capacity. If foreign
exchange applications have a deadline, it must be notated in a letter from the organization
placing the student.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 19
Home School
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 20
Home EducationPrograms
To establish a home education program and maintain compliance, as required by Section 1002,
Florida Statutes, the parent must:
1. Send notice of intent to the district’s School Choice office within 30 days of
beginning your home education program.
2. Maintain a portfolio of records.
3. Make the portfolio available for inspection by the superintendent upon a 15-day
written notice.
4. Submit an annual evaluation for each child to the superintendent within one year
of the letter of intent.
5. Preserve the child’s portfolio for two years.
6. Submit a notice of termination within 30 days upon completion of your home
education program when you stop home educating your child, or upon moving
from the county.
Five-year-old children who are home schooled for kindergarten, are not required to register for
the Home Education Program. However, if a letter of intent is filed for a five-year-old
kindergartner, then the parent must keep a portfolio and the child must be evaluated. The
Escambia County School Board’s Student Progression Plan states that students entering first
grade must be 6 years old on or before September 1 of the school year and have successfully
completed kindergarten.
School districts are not authorized to award a diploma to a home education student. School
districts, adult high schools, and community colleges are not authorized to provide regular high
school diplomas to home school students who complete a high school course of study. Escambia
Virtual Academy may issue a high school diploma upon successful completion of all graduation
requirements. Any Florida home schooled student who has earned nineteen (19) high school
credits and wants to graduate with an Escambia County High School Diploma, must be enrolled
in their respective zoned high school by the first day of school of their senior year. In addition to
meeting all graduation requirements, a passing score on all sections of the FCAT is required. A
home education student can take and pass the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) test at an
education center and be awarded a GED diploma by the state of Florida, or utilize a curriculum
provider (i.e., correspondence school) that offers a credential to the student. For information on
GED programs, call the Judy Andrews Center at (850) 453-7462.
Home education students must be given the same opportunity as public school students. The law
prohibits any requirement that would make participation less accessible for home education
students. Home education students are required to participate at the public school for which they
would be zoned based on home residence. Home education students must meet the same
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 21
entrance and immunization requirements as other students attending public school. In accordance
with Section 1006.15(4) (c), Florida Statutes, a home education student must enroll in class if
that is a requirement for an extracurricular activity. For example, the school must allow a home
education student to take a band class during the day if that class is required for participation in
the school’s marching band.
A student seeking to enter or re-enter an Escambia County public school from a home education
program must meet all state and district entrance requirements. The student shall be placed
academically as any other student who seeks to enter a public school. Grade level placement may
be adjusted, if warranted, following classroom observations and assessment.
A parent is not required to have a valid Florida teaching certificate to home educate his/her child.
There will be expenses associated with home education such as books, materials, testing, and any
other instructional materials you choose to utilize. All expenses for home education are paid by
the parent. The parent/guardian who assumes the responsibility of educating a student at home
also assumes the responsibility for providing curriculum, instruction, educational materials, and
evaluations necessary to determine student progress.
Home School Resources
School districts do not supply books, curricula or materials, for home education purposes. Some
home school parents utilize the following resources:
Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA)
P. O. Box 50685
Jacksonville, FL 32240-0685
Toll-free telephone: 1-877-275-3732
Florida Textbook Depository (Jacksonville)
P. O. Box 6578
Jacksonville, FL 32236
(904) 781-7191
Roland Home School Supplies
8443 Pensacola Blvd.
Pensacola, Fl. 32534
(850) 857-3768
Curriculum vendor information may be located on the Internet. Your public library can provide
Internet access and materials that can supplement home education programs. The key words
“Florida Home Education” and also “home education” will yield many results through an
internet browser.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 22
Section 1002.41(1)(b), Florida Statutes defines a portfolio as: “(1) A log of educational activities
which is made contemporaneously with the instruction and which designates by title any reading
materials used; (2) Samples of any writings, work sheets, workbooks, or creative materials used
or developed by the student”.
Included in the portfolio are:
1. Sequentially progressive lesson plans written during instruction;
2. A list of titles of reading materials, textbooks, and other materials used during
instruction; and
3. Samples of each child’s work.
The portfolio shall be preserved by the parent/guardian for two years and shall be made available
for inspection by the district school superintendent, or the district school superintendent’s agent,
upon 15 days’ written notice. Nothing in this section shall require the district school
superintendent to inspect the portfolio.
By law, all parents who home educate their children must submit an annual evaluation within
one year of the date the Notice of Intent to Home Educate form was filed. An annual evaluation
must be submitted for each home education student. The annual evaluation requirement must be
met by submitting one of the following:
Portfolio evaluated by Florida certified teacher.
Results of nationally-normed achievement test taken by the student and
administered by certified teacher.
Results of a state student assessment test taken by the student.
Student evaluation by an individual holding a valid active license in psychology.
Superintendent/Parent Agreement for other valid measurements; e.g., PSAT, SAT, or ACT
scores, grades earned through dual enrollment at community college, classes taken at public
schools, accredited private or online schools.
Section 1002.41(2) requires the parent to provide an annual evaluation for each child. Failure to
do so places the home education program in noncompliance. The superintendent may, after
notice to the parent, terminate the home education program and require the child to enroll in
public school to meet the compulsory attendance law.
Home school students are not required to take any type of state assessment. An annual
evaluation is the only evaluation mandated by law. If you choose to have your child take the
Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), arrangements must be made with the student’s
home zoned school. If you are using Escambia Virtual Academy as your service model, please
contact the Coordinator of Virtual Instructional Programs.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 23
Items to be considered if you want your home education student to take the FCAT:
The deadline for writing, or reading, math and science is one week before the test
administration. The testing schedule can be found on the district website at Evaluation
Parents are responsible for calling the school site to sign up and get dates/times to report.
Students can ONLY be tested at their grade level with the same subject area tests offered
to public school students.
High school students who took the Grade 10 FCAT in reading or math and failed may
NOT take a retake version until the next test administration.
ESE students must follow these procedures:
1. The parent must take a copy of the most recent IEP to the school at least one week
prior to the test date.
2. If an IEP is not produced, the student can still test, but will not be eligible to
receive accommodations.
3. The parent is responsible for obtaining the IEP from a previous school.
Special education students participating in home education may enroll in Exceptional Student
Education related services. For additional information, contact the Office of Exceptional Student
Education, (850) 469-5518.
Students who are assigned to an alternative education program or another school for disciplinary
reasons must complete the program before returning to their school of assignment.
Parents wishing to terminate home school programs need to provide written notice of termination
of the home education program to the School Choice Office within 30 days of the termination.
After terminating your program, you must re-enroll your child or children in a public or private
school if they are of compulsory school attendance age (6-16).
Scholarship Information for Home Schooled Students
Information regarding all state of Florida administered awards can be found online at
Bright Futures eligibility may be determined at the end of the first term of the senior year. Home
Education Packets may be downloaded from the Bright Futures website at
All home-educated students must meet the general requirements for the Florida Bright Futures
Scholarship Program except the requirement to earn a standard Florida high school diploma. In
lieu of the diploma, all home-educated students must be registered with the district in which they
reside for grades 11 and 12. To receive documentation of registration with Escambia County
School District, please contact the School Choice office at (850) 469-5448.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 24
For the Florida Academic Scholars Award, a home-educated student must provide official
documentation of:
1. Registration with the district for grades 11 and 12
2. Either a 1270 SAT or a 28 ACT test score, and
3. 75 hours of community service
a) Community service must be served outside the home.
b) A student cannot receive monetary compensation for community service.
c) Documentation must be provided on letterhead of the business or
organization served.
For the Florida Medallion Scholars Award, a home-educated student must provide official
documentation of:
1. Registration with the district for grades 11 and 12
2. Either a 1070 SAT or a 23 ACT test score
Students must complete a Florida Financial Aid Application (apply online at or call toll free at 1-888-827-2004 for a hard copy). All
documentation must be sent to the attention of the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program,
1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 70, Tallahassee, FL 32303-4759. Additional information may
be obtained by calling 1-888-827-2004.
The purpose of this rule is to establish uniform procedures relating to the acceptance of transfer
work and credit for students entering Florida's public schools. The procedures shall be as
Credits and grades earned and offered for acceptance shall be based on official transcripts
and shall be accepted at face value subject to validation if required by the receiving
school's accreditation. If validation of the official transcript is deemed necessary, or if the
student does not possess an official transcript or is a home education student, credits shall
be validated through performance during the first grading period as outlined in subsection
(b) of this rule.
Validation of credits shall be based on performance in classes at the receiving school. A
student transferring into a school shall be placed at the appropriate sequential course level
and should have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 at the end of the first grading
period. Students who do not meet this requirement shall have credits validated using the
Alternative Validation Procedure, as outlined in subsection (c) of this rule.
Alternative Validation Procedure- If validation based on performance as described above is not
satisfactory, then any one of the following alternatives shall be used for validation purposes as
determined by the teacher, principal, and parent:
1. Portfolio evaluation by the superintendent or designee;
2. Written recommendation by a Florida certified teacher selected by the parent and
approved by the principal;
3. Demonstrated performance in courses taken through dual enrollment or at other
public or private accredited schools;
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 25
4. Demonstrated proficiencies on nationally-normed standardized subject area
5. Demonstrated proficiencies on the FCAT; or
6. Written review of the criteria utilized for a given subject provided by the former
Students must be provided at least ninety (90) days from date of transfer to prepare for
Dual Enrollment/ Early Admissions for Home School Students
1. Students who have earned a GPA at a regular high school must meet the district GPA
requirement of 3.0 for entry and must maintain a 2.0 to continue college work.
2. Students can enroll as an Early Admissions student in 10
grade if they are 16 years old
or at the beginning of the 11
grade. To continue in 12
grade, the student must maintain
full time status (12 hours a term). Students may not be retained in order to gain more
college credit.
3. Students in Early Admissions will be monitored for credits earned and must be enrolled
as a full time student, if no other work is being completed. A student who drops to part
time status will not be allowed to continue the next semester.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 26
The Florida Statute Relating to Home Education
Section 1003.01(13) Regular School Attendance
“Regular school attendance” means the actual attendance of a student during the school day as
defined by law and rules of the State Board of Education. Regular attendance within the intent of
Section 1003.21 may be achieved by attendance in:
a) A public school supported by public funds;
b) A parochial, religious, or denominational school;
c) A private school supported in whole or in part by tuition charges or by endowments or
d) A home education program that meets the requirements of Section 1002; or
e) A private tutoring program that meets the requirements of Section 1002.
Section 1002.01 Home Education Program
(1) A “home education program” means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student
directed by his or her parent to satisfy the attendance requirements of Sections 1002.41,
1003.01(13), and 1003.21(1).
Section 1002.41 Home Education Programs
(1) A “home education program” is defined in s. 1002.01. The parent is not required to hold a
valid regular Florida teaching certificate.
(a) The parent shall notify the district school superintendent of the county in which the
parent resides of her or his intent to establish and maintain a home education program.
The notice shall be in writing, signed by the parent, and shall include the names,
addresses, and birthdates of all children who shall be enrolled as students in the home
education program. The notice shall be filed in the district school superintendent’s office
within 30 days of the establishment of the home education program. A written notice of
termination of the home education program shall be filed in the district school
superintendent’s office within 30 days after said termination.
(b) The parent shall maintain a portfolio of records and materials. The portfolio shall
consist of the following:
1. A log of educational activities that is made contemporaneously with the
instruction and that designates by title any reading materials used.
2. Samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or
developed by the student. The portfolio shall be preserved by the parent for two
years and shall be made available for inspection by the district school
superintendent, or the district school superintendent’s agent, upon 15 days’
written notice. Nothing in this section shall require the district school
superintendent to inspect the portfolio.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 27
(c) The parent shall provide for an annual educational evaluation in which is documented
the student’s demonstration of educational progress at a level commensurate with her or
his ability. The parent shall select the method of evaluation and shall file a copy of the
evaluation annually with the district school superintendent’s office in the county in which
the student resides. The annual educational evaluation shall consist of one of the
1. A teacher selected by the parent shall evaluate the student’s educational
progress upon review of the portfolio and discussion with the student. Such
teacher shall hold a valid regular Florida certificate to teach academic subjects at
the elementary or secondary level;
2. The student shall take any nationally normed student achievement test
administered by a certified teacher;
3. The student shall take a state student assessment test used by the school district
and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions
approved by the school district;
4. The student shall be evaluated by an individual holding a valid, active license
pursuant to the provisions of Section 490.003(7) or (8); or
5. The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as
mutually agreed upon by the district school superintendent of the district in which
the student resides and the student’s parent.
(2)The district school superintendent shall review and accept the results of the annual
educational evaluation of the student in a home education program. If the student does not
demonstrate educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability, the district
school superintendent shall notify the parent, in writing, that such progress has not been
achieved. The parent shall have one year from the date of receipt of the written notification to
provide remedial instruction to the student. At the end of the one-year probationary period, the
student shall be reevaluated as specified in paragraph (1)(c). Continuation in a home education
program shall be contingent upon the student demonstrating educational progress commensurate
with her or his ability at the end of the probationary period.
(3)A home education program shall be excluded from meeting the requirements of a school day.
Section 1003.21 School Attendance
(1)(a)1. All children who have attained the age of 6 years or who will have attained the age of 6
years by February 1 of any school year or who are older than 6 years of age but who have not
attained the age of 16 years…are required to attend school regularly during the entire school
Section 1003.26 Enforcement of School Attendance
1. If the parent of a child who has been identified as exhibiting a pattern of nonattendance
enrolls the child in a home education program pursuant to Section 1002, the district school
superintendent shall provide the parent a copy of Section 1002.41 and the accountability
requirements of this paragraph. The district school superintendent shall also refer the parent to a
home education review committee composed of the district contact for home education programs
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 28
and at least two home educators selected by the parent from a district list of all home educators
who have conducted a home education program for at least three years and who have indicated a
willingness to serve on the committee. The home education review committee shall review the
portfolio of the student as defined by Section 1002.41, every 30 days during the district’s regular
school terms until the committee is satisfied that the home education program is in compliance
with 1002.41(1) (b). The first portfolio review must occur within the first 30 calendar days of the
establishment of the program. The provisions of subparagraph 2 do not apply once the committee
determines the home education program is in compliance with Section 1002.41 (1) (b).
2. If the parent fails to provide a portfolio to the committee, the committee shall notify the
district school superintendent. The district school superintendent shall then terminate the home
education program and require the parent to enroll the child in an attendance option that meets
the definition of “regular school attendance” under Section 1003.01(13) (a), (b), (c), or (e),
within three days. Upon termination of a home education program pursuant to this subparagraph,
the parent shall not be eligible to reenroll the child in a home education program for 180 calendar
days. Failure of a parent to enroll the child in an attendance option as required by this
subparagraph after termination of the home education program pursuant to this subparagraph
shall constitute noncompliance with the compulsory attendance requirements of Section 1003.21
and may result in criminal prosecution under Section 1003.27(2). Nothing contained herein shall
restrict the ability of the district school superintendent, or the ability of his or her designee, to
review the portfolio pursuant to Section 1002.41(1) (b).
FCAT Procedures for Students Enrolled in:
Home Education, McKay Scholarship, Corporate Tax Credit (CTC),
Florida Virtual Academy, Connections Academy
• The Office of School Choice will field all calls and log the following information: Student’s
Name, Social Security Number, address, telephone number, and the name of the school site
where the student will test.
• Students will be referred to their zoned home school area to request testing.
• The parent of the student is responsible for contacting the school at least one week prior to the
administration or by the scheduled deadline.
• Testing school will prepare student’s To Be Scored answer documents separately for each
different site or entity to submit for return to the district warehouse.
• The Home Education Office will be notified that the student score reports are available for
pickup from Evaluation Services. Home Education is responsible for mailing the student score
reports to the parents.
• McKay Scholarship and CTC student reports will be given to the Exceptional Student
Education Department. They are responsible for mailing the student score reports to the parents.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 29
• Student score reports for Escambia Virtual Academy and K12 are returned directly to each
program. They are responsible for mailing the student score reports to the parents.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 30
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 31
Escambia Virtual Academy
Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA) is a full time virtual school for students in grades 6-12.
Students do not attend a brick and mortar school.
Students in EVA:
Can carry a full load of virtual courses or select single courses.
are educated at home with a parent or guardian as a learning coach.
are required to participate in state testing, such as FCAT.
are not permitted to blend this program with face-to-face school.
may participate in extracurricular activities at their zoned school.
K12 is a full time K-5 full time virtual school with eligibility requirements set by the state of
Florida. These requirements are set by Florida state law, not Escambia County Public Schools.
These requirements do not apply to Escambia Virtual Academy which is open to all Home
School and Private School students.
Enrollment in a school district virtual instruction program is open to any student residing within
the district’s attendance zone if the student meets one of the following conditions.
The student has spent the prior school year in attendance at a public school in the state of
Florida and was enrolled and reported for funding.
The student was enrolled during the prior school year in an existing virtual instruction
program in the state of Florida (for example, SVIP).
The student is a dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces who
was transferred within the last 12 months to Florida from another state or from a foreign
country pursuant to the parent’s permanent change of station orders.
The student has a sibling currently enrolled in the virtual program that was enrolled the
prior year.
Kindergarten Students - Currently, K students are ONLY eligible if they were enrolled in public
school the prior year (VPK does not count), for example a student retained or in an ESE
program, OR if they have a sibling that was enrolled in the previous school year and is
continuing enrollment.
Florida Virtual School is the first statewide online secondary school in the nation to provide
online courses to all students in affiliated school districts throughout Florida. Florida Virtual
School is a non-campus high school that offers interactive courses based on the approved state
curriculum of standards. Instruction is available at any time and any place. You may learn more
about Florida Virtual School by calling (407) 513-3326 or by visiting the website at
The Escambia Virtual Academy is a franchise of Florida Virtual School. Information may be
obtained by phoning the Coordinator of Escambia Virtual Academy at 850-469-5448 or by
visiting the website at:
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 32
Escambia Virtual Academy and Florida Virtual School provide courses for grades 6 through12.
K12 provides education for grades K-5. The website for the K12 program is
Virtual Courses Offered through Escambia Virtual Academy
Middle School Courses:
M/J Keyboarding
M/J Reading 1
M/J Language Arts 1, 2, 3
M/J Math 1, 2, 3
M/J Comp Science 1, 2, 3
M/J World Cultures
M/J World Geography
M/J US History
M/J Art
M/J Physical Education
M/J Critical Thinking
Career Education
High School Courses:
Computing for College and Careers
Web Design I, II
English I, II, III, IV
Spanish I, II
Liberal Arts Math
Algebra I, II
Personal Fitness
Lifestyle Fitness Design
HOPE (Physical Education)
Marine Science
Earth Science
Physical Science
Global Studies
World History
American History
American Government
Critical Thinking
Driver’s Education
* All Core Academic Courses have an optional Honors Curriculum
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 33
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 34
Career academies are small, personalized learning communities within a school in which select
students and teachers participate during a two-, three-, or four-year span. Students enter the
academy with parental knowledge and support. A career academy involves teachers from
different subjects working together as an interdisciplinary team. Staff teams work together to
implement the key features of the model and to provide students with exposure to the career
field. Students are grouped together for several periods every day with a core group of teachers.
This model promotes a family-like atmosphere and results in close student-teacher ties.
A career academy includes the following essential elements:
-prep curriculum with a career theme
By design, these three central elements of a career academy lead to a school that focuses on
rigor, relevance, and relationships.
The career academy has a written definition of its mission and goals. These documents are
available to the administrators, teachers, students, parents, advisory board, and others involved in
the academy.
A career academy needs to have a well-balanced structure within the secondary school, reflecting
its status as a small learning community. Structured elements include articulation, student
recruitment and selection process, cohort scheduling, physical space for the career academy, and
a career or industry theme. Career Academy students are “cohort scheduled” as follows:
academy students
and non-academy students are to be relocated.
Career academies exist in a variety of district and secondary school contexts which are important
determinants of an academy’s success. Important elements include support from the school board
and superintendent, support from the principal and secondary school administration, adequate
funding, facilities, equipment, and materials. Appropriate teacher selection, leadership,
credentialing, and cooperation are critical to an academy’s success. Faculty elements include a
leader (teacher leader, team leader, coordinator, director, etc., teachers credentialed in their
field), volunteers in the academy, counselors, and classified staff support. Since an academy
places teachers and other adults into roles not normally included in their previous training,
providing adequate professional time, leadership and support is important. Elements include
common planning time for academy staff, professional development for teachers, and an
orientation for parents and other district employees.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 35
Procedures and Guidelines for Development, Design, and Implementation of
ECSD Career Academies
The Escambia County School District is a leader in the quality and diversity of education. The
Blue Ribbon Program, the district’s plan for developing career academies throughout the district,
offers students the opportunity to pursue major areas of interest in high school that provide both
academic and career-related instruction. While similar courses may be offered in traditional
schools, Blue Ribbon academies attract students by offering unique opportunities for in-depth
experiences and studies in the students’ specific areas of interest. Each academy program
emphasizes a specific theme. Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in choosing
the program most appropriate for the interest, needs, and abilities of their child.
Through participation in one of the district’s academies, a student may take advantage of
additional resources and innovative teaching techniques that focus on the child’s individual
talents or interest. Each Blue Ribbon academy creates an educational environment which
responds to student interest, celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity, and fosters student
The Blue Ribbon Program and its related academies are designed to
expand educational choices for students;
-based and hands-on, minds-on learning experiences;
hip, paid and non paid work experiences opportunities; and
education institutions.
In the Escambia County School District, the Blue Ribbon Program has the following three goals:
global market. District academies must be uniform in their developmental process.
The Escambia County School District’s policy requires formal approval of all new and
innovative programs (academies). Schools considering the development of a career academy
shall complete a Career Academy Application and submit the application to the Office of
Workforce Education.
Career Academy Application Review Process
The Director of Workforce Education will duplicate the application and conduct a review
meeting with representatives from the following: secondary directors, Office of School Choice,
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 36
Office of Information Technology, Curriculum & Instruction, and the principal/designee
submitting the application.
If the review committee finds modifications to the application are required, the submitting
principal will be notified of the recommended changes.
Once the review committee approves the application, the Director of Workforce Education will
submit the application for school board approval. The principal shall attend the school board
meeting when the application is being considered for approval. Upon board approval, the
submitting school shall coordinate academy development with appropriate directors/subject area
Student Application Process for Career Academies
Students will adhere to the Office of School Choice policies and procedures as stated in the
“Voluntary School Choice Selection Policy” in Chapter 3, Section 3.02 of the Escambia County
School District rules. The Office of School Choice Calendar specifies the district career academy
application deadlines for out-of-school-attendance-zone students.
The following summarizes the process:
guidance department or from an academy contact.
department by the appropriate deadline.
se must have a career academy
application submitted to the School Choice Office.
Student Career Academy Enrollment Criteria* (other than West Florida High
School of Advanced Technology)
ng acceptance into an academy must have a minimum of a “C”
overall GPA and be seeking a standard high school diploma.
occurrences and an acceptable attendance history.
tance, students must maintain at least an annual 3.0 GPA in the Career and
Technical academy course requirements or achieve at least an overall 2.0 GPA and
maintain acceptable attendance and behavior. Failure to maintain the appropriate GPA
at the end of the school year will result in one of the following: the student being
withdrawn from the academy and returned to his/her residential school or the student
being withdrawn from the academy and re-scheduled into non-academy classes for the
following school year (for students whose residential school is the location of the
academy). The school must make a good-faith effort to employ parental assistance to
rectify the student’s deficiencies prior to withdrawal.
School Choice Standard Operating Procedures Page 37
Students who do not meet the enrollment criteria may request a waiver of the criteria. A
committee comprised of a school academy coordinator, a school administrator, a school choice
representative, ESE representative (as applicable) and a workforce education representative may
determine conditional acceptance and notify the student of the outcome.