Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
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Review article
Society of Family Planning Clinical Recommendation: Emergency
, ✩✩
Jennifer Salcedo
a ,
, Kelly Cleland
, Deborah Bartz
, Ivana Thompson
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, United States
American Society for Emergency Contraception, Lawrenceville, NJ, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 19 October 2022
Received in revised form 30 December 2022
Accepted 10 January 2023
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraceptive pills
Intrauterine device
Postcoital contraception
Ulipristal acetate
a b s t r a c t
Emergency contraception (EC) refers to several contraceptive options that can be used within a few days
after unprotected or under protected intercourse or sexual assault to reduce the risk of pregnancy. Cur-
rent EC options available in the United States include the copper intrauterine device (IUD), levonorgestrel
(LNG) 52 mg IUD, oral LNG (such as Plan B One-Step, My Way, Take Action), and oral ulipristal acetate
(UPA) (ella). These clinical recommendations review the indications, effectiveness, safety, and side effects
of emergency contraceptive methods; considerations for the use of EC by specific patient populations and
in specific clinical circumstances and current barriers to emergency contraceptive access. Further research
is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of LNG IUDs for emergency contraceptive use; address the effects
of repeated use of UPA at different times in the same menstrual cycle; assess the impact on ovulation
of initiating or reinitiating different regimens of regular hormonal contraception following UPA use; and
elucidate effective emergency contraceptive pill options by body mass indices or weight.
©2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Background
Emergency contraception (EC) refers to contraceptive options
that can be used within a few days after an episode of unpro-
tected or under protected intercourse or sexual assault to reduce
the risk of pregnancy. Current EC options available in the United
States include the copper intrauterine device (IUD), levonorgestrel
(LNG) 52 mg IUD, oral LNG (such as Plan B One-Step, My Way,
Take Action), and oral ulipristal acetate (UPA) (ella). All EC options
are effective, safe, and generally well tolerated. Oral methods are
accessible without a clinic visit [1–4] . EC differs from medication
abortion which is used to end an established pregnancy.
Unprotected or under protected intercourse and sexual assault
are common. Of patients who specifically seek out EC, approxi-
mately 40% report multiple episodes of unprotected intercourse in
the cycle prior to presentation, and 14% report at least one episode
Conflicts of interest : The authors have no conflicts of interest to report. The So-
ciety of Family Planning receives no direct support from pharmaceutical companies
or other industries for the production of clinical recommendations.
Funding : This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies
in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Salcedo) .
of unprotected intercourse six or more days prior to seeking EC
[ 5 , 6 ]. Additionally, approximately 19% of women in the United
States report a history of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime,
with ethnic minority women, individuals with a history of military
service, and sexual minority and transgender individuals reporting
higher rates [7–9] .
Patients present to various settings to inquire about or access
EC, including emergency departments, clinics, urgent care centers,
and pharmacies. Health care providers working in such settings
should be knowledgeable about EC options and facilitate the pro-
vision of these methods in a time-sensitive manner. Many patients
face geographic, logistical, financial, and sociocultural barriers to
safe abortion care, making EC a critical resource to help patients
avoid unintended pregnancies.
2. Clinical questions
2.1. What options are available for EC?
2.1.1. Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)
Dedicated oral ECPs containing UPA 30 mg or LNG 1.5 mg, both
as a single dose, are available in the United States and Europe.
UPA can be effectively used up to 120 hours after unprotected in-
tercourse while oral LNG can be effectively used up to 96 hours
0010-7824/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
(and possibly up to 120 hours) after unprotected intercourse [10] .
In a few countries, oral mifepristone in doses of 10 to 25 mg is
available commercially as EC [11] . The Yuzpe method is a form of
EC that comprises two doses of combined oral contraceptive pills
containing 10 0 to 120 mcg ethinyl estradiol (EE) and 0.5 to 0.6 mg
LNG per dose [12] . Given the resulting nausea from this high dose
of EE, as well as the availability of other more convenient prod-
ucts marketed specifically for EC, the Yuzpe method is likely used
infrequently in current clinical practice. Mechanism. ECPs work by preventing or delaying ovula-
tion and are ineffective after ovulation has occurred. Two stud-
ies demonstrated that when LNG ECPs are taken on or before the
day of ovulation, no pregnancies occurred. However, when taken
after the day of ovulation, the number of pregnancies expected
without EC occurred (based on the cycle timing of the individu-
als in the study) [ 13 , 14 ]. In a crossover pharmacodynamic study,
34 women were treated with UPA ECPs or placebo when the lead-
ing follicle was at least 18 mm. Follicular rupture failed to occur
among all women treated with UPA ECPs before the luteinizing
hormone surge began, in 79% after the surge began but before the
peak, and in 8% of women treated after the luteinizing hormone
peak [15] . In another study, researchers measured pregnancy rates
among women who took UPA ECPs within 120 hours of unpro-
tected intercourse and were classified as preovulatory or postovu-
latory. The observed pregnancy rate in the preovulatory group was
significantly lower than expected with 77.6% of expected pregnan-
cies prevented ( p < 0.0 0 01), while the rate in the postovulatory
group was as expected with 36.4% of expected pregnancies pre-
vented ( p = 0.281) [16] . Although the United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) recently addressed the labeling of LNG ECPs,
approved labeling for UPA ECPs states that these products can in-
terfere with implantation [ 17 , 18 ]. Two newer systematic reviews
do not support this assertion [19–21] . Efficacy. In clinical trials, pregnancy rates following UPA
ECP use within 120 hours of intercourse range from 0.9% to
1.8% [22–26] . Similar effectiveness is seen when LNG ECPs are
taken up to 96 hours following unprotected intercourse. It is un-
clear whether protection against unintended pregnancy is provided
when LNG ECPs are taken 96 to 120 hours after unprotected inter-
course [10] . In comparative trials, UPA is more effective than LNG.
In a combined analysis of two randomized trials comparing the ef-
fectiveness of UPA to LNG ECPs, the odds of pregnancy following
UPA were 65% lower when taken in the first 24 hours following
unprotected intercourse, and 42% lower up to 72 hours after un-
protected intercourse, compared to LNG [ 2 , 16 , 22 , 24 , 26 ]. This differ-
ence in efficacy is best explained by UPA’s ability to delay ovula-
tion after the luteinizing hormone surge has begun (at which point
LNG ECPs are no longer effective) before the luteinizing hormone
peak [27] .
2.1.2. IUDs Types. The copper IUD and the LNG 52 mg IUD can be ef-
fectively initiated up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse as
EC. Copper IUDs have been used for decades as EC, while the LNG
52 mg IUD has recently demonstrated effectiveness as EC [ 4 , 28 ]. Mechanism. The primary mechanism of the copper IUD is
interference with sperm maturation and motility [29] . However,
the nearly one hundred percent efficacy of the emergency copper
IUD indicates that if fertilization does occur, postfertilization ef-
fects (such as induction of a foreign-body reaction in the uterus
through alteration of cytokines in the endometrial lining which
can inhibit implantation) may also contribute to its mechanism
of action [27] . LNG IUDs may work as EC by similarly inducing a
foreign-body reaction or through known effects of LNG, such as
thickening of cervical mucus, interference with sperm maturation
and function, and alterations to oviduct transport [29–32] . Efficacy. The copper IUD used as EC is significantly more
effective than ECPs, with a pregnancy rate of 0.09% [ 33 , 34 ]. A ran-
domized, noninferiority trial of 638 patients investigated the effi-
cacy of the LNG 52 mg IUD for EC compared to the copper IUD
within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. The trial demonstrated
a 0.5% (95% CI 0.01% to 1.7%) failure rate for the LNG 52 mg IUD
as compared to a 0% (95% CI 0%–1.1%) failure rate for the copper
IUD. The LNG 52 mg IUD was found to be noninferior to the cop-
per IUD for EC [28] . The investigators did not estimate anticipated
pregnancy rates based on cycle timing of unprotected intercourse
in the study. Additional studies investigating the LNG IUD for EC
may further strengthen the external validity of these findings [35] .
We recommend that the LNG 52 mg IUD be offered as a first-line EC
option, along with other EC methods (GRADE 1B). IUD for EC patients
should be counseled regarding the risk of ectopic pregnancy should
an IUD fail, as well as the risks of pregnancy in the setting of an
IUD, such as miscarriage and intrauterine infection [36] .
We recommend that clinicians counsel individuals considering EC
on the following:
The copper IUD is more effective than ECPs (GRADE 1A).
UPA ECPs are more effective than LNG ECPs (GRADE 1A).
LNG and UPA ECPs prevent pregnancy through preovulatory effects
The LNG 52 mg IUD is noninferior to the copper IUD for EC within
5 days of unprotected intercourse (GRADE 1B).
2.2. What are the indications for EC?
Patients seek EC to reduce their risk of pregnancy after unpro-
tected or under protected intercourse and sexual assault. Such sit-
uations include, but are not limited to: intercourse during which
no contraception was used; intercourse surrounding contraception
failure (such as a broken condom) or incorrect use (such as re-
cently missed oral contraceptive pills); intercourse during which
the contraception used is viewed to have suboptimal effectiveness
(such as a barrier method); sexual assault; suspected contracep-
tive sabotage; and intercourse during fertile days in one’s cycle, as
tracked by calendars or period tracking applications.
The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies several specific
clinical situations for which EC can be recommended. These clin-
ical scenarios are listed in Table 1 [37] . As detailed in this docu-
ment, the risks of EC use are low. If a patient requests EC outside
of the listed criteria for use, we recommend engaging in a shared
decision-making process to assist the patient in choosing an option
that best meets their goals.
2.3. What clinical considerations may impact the use of EC?
2.3.1. Medical conditions
Given the potential for EC to decrease morbidities associated
with mistimed or unwanted pregnancy, the risk of all currently
available EC methods should be compared to the risks of preg-
nancy in the setting of medical conditions. For patients with hyper-
coagulable conditions or a history of VTE, the estrogen-containing
Yuzpe method has not been found to significantly change Factor
VII or antithrombin levels, unlike longitudinal combined oral con-
traceptive use. No cases of venous thromboembolism secondary to
estrogen-containing EC use have been reported [38] .
Acute or chronic illnesses associated with significant vomiting
or malabsorption may result in decreased effectiveness of ECPs.
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
Table 1
World Health Organization indications for emergency contraception use
Sexual intercourse when no contraceptive has been used
Sexual assault when the person was not protected by an effective contraceptive method
Sexual intercourse where there is concern for contraceptive failure or misuse, including:
Condoms Breakage, slippage, or incorrect use
Combined hormonal
contraceptive pills
Three or more consecutively missed pills or
Three days late during the first week of the cycle
contraceptive pills
Three or more hours late from usual pill use time or
more than 27 h after the previous pill
Desogestrel-only contraceptive
Twelve or more hours from usual pill use time or
more than 36 h after the previous pill
Norethisterone enanthate
Two or more weeks late for injection
acetate injection
Four or more weeks late for injection
Combined injectable
Seven or more days late for injection
Cervical cap or diaphragm Dislodgement, breakage, tearing, or early removal
Withdrawal Failed withdrawal
Spermicide Failure to melt prior to intercourse
Fertility awareness methods Miscalculation of abstinence period, or failure to abstain
or use a barrier on the fertile days
Intrauterine device or implant Device expulsion
Data from selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. 3rd ed. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2016.
The UPA prescribing information and the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention Selected Practice Recommendations for Con-
traceptive Use recommend repeat ECP dosing when vomiting oc-
curs within 3 hours of pill intake, the maximum amount of time
required to achieve peak plasma concentrations in the setting of
recent high-fat food intake [ 18 , 36 ].
Immunosuppressed patients should be considered appropriate
candidates for IUDs for EC, given the current understanding of IUD
mechanisms of action, absence of evidence for systemic inflamma-
tion following LNG IUD placement, and evidence for a sterile in-
trauterine inflammatory response after IUD insertion in solid organ
transplant and patients with other immunosuppressive conditions.
Additionally, while there are concerns for increased upper genital
tract infection risk with the IUD insertion process, such infections
are rare, and the risk of infection is not increased in immunosup-
pressed patients [39] . Although the CDC US Medical Eligibility for
Contraceptive Use (US MEC) states that IUD insertion is not rec-
ommended unless other methods are not available or acceptable
in patients with complicated solid organ transplant, such as graft
failure, rejection, or cardiac allograft vasculopathy, this recommen-
dation is based on theoretical concern with no published evidence
of increased infectious morbidity with IUD placement in such pa-
tients. Clinicians should pursue a shared decision-making approach
with patients in these circumstances [40–44] .
2.3.2. Weight and BMI
Multiple studies demonstrate no changes in the failure rate for
the copper IUD or the LNG 52 mg IUD for EC based on body weight
or BMI [ 28 , 35 , 45 , 46 ]. However, patient BMI and weight appear to
impact the effectiveness of ECPs, with LNG ECPs being negatively
affected to a greater extent than UPA ECPs. A meta-analysis of oral
EC studies demonstrated that the risk of pregnancy is one and
one-half times greater in users with an overweight BMI (25–29.9
) and more than three times greater in users with an obese
BMI ( > 30 kg/m
), compared to nonoverweight users [47] . A meta-
analysis by Festin et al. [48] pooled data from four oral EC studies
and examined data from 6873 EC users. When compared to partic-
ipants with BMI < 25 kg/m
, participants with BMI > 30 kg/m
were eight times more likely to experience pregnancy after EC use.
Despite the demonstrated increased risk of pregnancy, the overall
pregnancy rate in the obese group was low, at only 2.03% [48] . A
study of 1731 oral LNG EC users demonstrated pregnancy rates of
1.4% or less for participants weighing 75 kg or less compared to
pregnancy rates of 6.4% and 5.7% among users weighing 75 to 85
kg and > 85 kg, respectively [49] .
While doubling the dose of LNG ECPs increases the maximum
concentration of serum LNG in individuals with obesity to levels
seen in individuals with normal BMI, it was not shown to decrease
levels of follicular rupture within 5 days to levels seen in individ-
uals with BMI < 25 kg/m
[ 50 , 51 ]. Although the Edelman 2022
study was not designed to evaluate oral LNG EC efficacy, the failure
to decrease levels of follicular rupture in individuals with obesity
to levels seen in individuals with overweight or normal BMI sug-
gests lower efficacy of oral LNG EC in individuals with obesity, even
with a higher dose of 3 mg LNG [51] .
UPA ECPs are more effective than LNG ECPs in all users, includ-
ing those with overweight and obese BMIs [ 2 , 16 , 22 , 24 , 26 ]. Patients
with an overweight BMI have the same failure rate as patients with
a normal BMI with the correct use of UPA for EC [47] . However,
UPA ECP users with obesity are twice as likely to experience preg-
nancy compared to users with a normal BMI. It appears the upper
limit of efficacy for LNG ECPs occurs at a bodyweight of 70 kg and
the upper limit of efficacy for UPA ECPs occurs at a bodyweight of
85 kg, though it is unclear how the data from prior studies trans-
lates from patient weight to BMI [47] . Based on this data, we recom-
mend that clinicians counsel individuals that UPA ECPs, if available,
are more effective than LNG ECPs in overweight and obese persons
and those with bodyweight 70 kg or greater (GRADE 1C).
2.3.3. Medications
As LNG and UPA are substrates of cytochrome P450 3A4 (and
LNG also of P450 3A5), concurrent use with enzyme inducers, such
as efavirenz, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and phenytoin, is ex-
pected to lower the dose of the ECPs, which may decrease their
effectiveness [52] . In women taking the former EC regimen of oral
LNG 0.75 mg (two doses 12 hours apart) concurrent with efavirenz
(a reverse transcriptase inhibitor commonly used in the treatment
of HIV), the AUC12, Cmax, and Cmin of LNG were decreased by
56%, 41%, and 67%, respectively [53] . Similar reductions have been
noted with carbamazepine, phenytoin, oxcarbazepine, and eslicar-
bazepine [52] . While the clinical significance of these reductions
is unclear, in 2016 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) rec-
ommended to double the dose of LNG ECPs for patients taking
CYP3A4 inducers in the preceding 4 weeks [52] . However, the ef-
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
fectiveness of double dosing LNG ECPs in this setting has not been
evaluated, and it may be inadequate to address the effects of med-
ications that induce CYP3A4 more strongly than efavirenz, such as
rifampin and phenytoin [52] . Lamotrigine, a glucuronidation en-
zyme inducer, also reduces levels of LNG taken orally [ 52 , 53 ]. In
contrast, coadministration of oral LNG with vigabatrin, levetirac-
etam, ticagrelor, solifanacin, and vortioxetine does not decrease
LNG levels [52] .
Only three studies evaluating medication interactions with oral
UPA are available. While erythromycin and ketoconazole do not
lower levels of UPA taken orally, rifampicin, an enzyme inducer,
decreases mean UPA exposure more than 10-fold [ 54 , 55 ]. Simi-
lar but more modest interactions are predicted for carbamazepine,
rifabutin, dabrafenib, and phenobarbital, while stronger interac-
tions are predicted for phenytoin, enzalutamide, and mitotane
[ 52 , 54 , 55 ]. Using modeling, predicted required dose increases for
oral UPA when coadministered with a CYP3A enzyme inducer vary
from 1.3-fold for the weakest inducer to 14.3-fold for the most po-
tent inducers, rifampicin, and mitotane [52] . While current UPA
ECP labeling recommends avoiding use in patients who have taken
CYP3A4 inducers in the past 4 weeks, this interval may be insuf-
ficient for such medications with long half-lives, such as enzalu-
tamide, phenobarbital, and mitotane [ 18 , 52 ].
While neither UPA nor oral LNG inhibits CYP450 enzyme ac-
tivity, both may inhibit P-glycoprotein (P-gp) at emergency con-
traceptive doses, thereby elevating levels of P-gp substrates, such
as digoxin, colchicine, and fexofenadine, resulting in potential
morbidity related to supratherapeutic levels of such medications
[ 18 , 56 ]. A case report of a supratherapeutic international normal-
ized ratio not associated with hemorrhage, noted in a patient on
warfarin taking two doses of 0.75 mg LNG for EC, may be illustra-
tive of such interaction [57] .
We recommend advising patients currently or recently taking cy-
tochrome P450–3A4 and P450–3A5 inducers or glucuronidation en-
zyme inducers that ECPs may be less effective and that IUD placement
for EC should be considered (GRADE 1C).
2.4. What are counseling considerations regarding repeated use of
EC, use by an unknowingly pregnant individual, and use with other
hormonal contraceptives?
2.4.1. Repeated use of EC in the same cycle
There are no specific safety concerns regarding the repeated or
frequent use of LNG ECPs [12] . Additionally, there is no evidence
for the increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy (relative to in-
trauterine pregnancy) with repeated LNG ECP use [58] . Further,
weekly dosing of UPA has not been associated with serious side ef-
fects, although headache and nausea were reported in almost 70%
of participants in one study [59] . While no reports of serious ad-
verse events have been noted with the use of UPA ECPs, recent re-
ports of rare but serious liver injury in women using lower daily
dosing for the treatment of uterine fibroids calls for additional
study of the safety of frequent UPA dosing [60] . In September 2020,
the EMA concluded that UPA use for the treatment of uterine fi-
broids should no longer be marketed in the European Union due to
eight case reports of serious liver injuries (four requiring transplan-
tation) out of more than 765,0 0 0 patients included in postmarket-
ing surveillance [61] . In such cases, the hepatotoxicity is thought to
be an idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) potentially also
impacted by UPA’s high lipophilicity and long half-life, inhibition of
breast cancer resistance protein in liver cells, and bile salt export
pump inhibition [62] . Such reactions are related more to host fac-
tors than to toxic properties of the medication itself, and are thus
less dose-dependent and more varied in latency, presentation, and
course than intrinsic DILI (such as acetaminophen-associated DILI)
[63] . In contrast, Yoon et al. [64] compared more than 20,0 0 0 pa-
tients taking UPA for fibroids to those taking gonadotropin releas-
ing hormone agonists and did not find a difference in the incidence
of severe or toxic liver disease between the groups. In that study
the rate of severe liver disease and hepatic failure in patients using
UPA was 0.04% and no liver transplantations were performed.
The daily dosing of 5 to 10 mg UPA is associated with com-
plete ovulation inhibition in approximately 80% of individuals, as
observed with the use of a contraceptive vaginal ring releasing 1.5
to 2.5 mg of UPA daily (unavailable in the United States) [59] . How-
ever, in a contraceptive study of women administered UPA 30 mg
orally every five to seven days, ovulation was observed in more
than 70% of cycles, likely explained by the half-life of UPA being
only 32 hours [59] . Repeat dosing of UPA ECPs in the same cycle
is not recommended by the manufacturer [18] . Given the poten-
tial morbidity of mistimed or unwanted pregnancy, and the fact
that individuals may take ECPs at times in the cycle when they are
not at significant risk of pregnancy, repeated dosing should not be
withheld. Patients should be counseled that repeat dosing of UPA
appears safe but the contraceptive effectiveness of multiple UPA
doses within the same cycle remains unclear.
2.4.2. EC use by an unknowingly pregnant patient
For patients who take LNG ECPs while unknowingly pregnant,
or who conceive as a result of LNG ECP failure, there is no
concern for associated pregnancy-related morbidity. Meta-analyses
have not demonstrated an association between embryonic expo-
sure to contraceptive hormones and fetal malformations generally,
or genital malformations specifically [ 65 , 66 ]. More limited but sim-
ilarly reassuring data are available regarding inadvertent exposure
to UPA in pregnancy. One case of optic nerve atrophy has been
documented in a pregnancy with UPA exposure, a condition which
was determined by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Board
not to be attributable to UPA in utero exposure [67] . No other
pregnancy or delivery complications have been reported in associ-
ation with UPA ECP use. The miscarriage rate associated with UPA-
exposed pregnancies (13.8%) is not higher than the 20% reported
in the general population [ 67 , 68 ] . Similarly, the incidence of ec-
topic pregnancy (1.1%) is similar to that in the general population
of pregnant individuals of 0.8% to 2% [ 67 , 69 , 70 ]. More pregnancies
following ECP exposure end in abortion than in the general popu-
lation, consistent with differences in pregnancy intention between
the 2 populations [67] . Given such findings, pregnancy testing is
unnecessary prior to ECP use, unless a patient is concerned about
their pregnancy status for other reasons.
For patients seeking copper or LNG IUDs for EC who also re-
port episodes of unprotected intercourse in the current cycle more
than five days before planned IUD insertion, the potential presence
of a preimplantation fertilized ovum should be considered. Several
studies demonstrate that pregnancy is uncommon in such situa-
tions following IUD placement. In a study of same-day LNG IUD
placement for routine contraception, 0.4% of patients who did not
meet checklist criteria supported by the CDC for reasonable cer-
tainty of not being pregnant received a diagnosis of pregnancy in
the weeks following IUD insertion [71] . In another study, one out
of 40 patients (2.5%) who presented for EC and reported additional
unprotected intercourse 6 to 14 days prior to IUD insertion had a
positive pregnancy test within the subsequent 2 weeks [6] . A study
of 134 patients who had a copper IUD placed 6 to 14 days after un-
protected demonstrated 0 pregnancies two to four weeks after IUD
placement [46] .
Although uncommon, pregnancies in patients with an IUD have
elevated risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes compared to pa-
tients who conceive without an IUD. Such elevated risks include
miscarriage, preterm delivery, and septic abortion. These risks are
decreased in patients who undergo IUD removal during the preg-
nancy but remain elevated relative to baseline risks without an IUD
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
[72] . There is currently insufficient data to reach conclusions about
any specific risks of an LNG IUD on a developing fetus [72] . Similar
considerations pertain to patients who receive an IUD for EC with
unprotected intercourse limited to the previous five days in whom
the IUD fails, resulting in pregnancy. Given the risks of pregnancy
in the setting of an IUD, pregnancy testing should be performed
prior to IUD insertion for EC and patients counseled regarding the
risks of pregnancy in the case a preimplantation fertilized ovum is
present at the time of IUD placement for EC or in the case of IUD
EC failure.
2.4.3. Use with other hormonal contraceptives
Initiating regular contraceptive use immediately following ECPs
increases uptake and continuation of the regular contraceptive
method [ 73 , 74 ]. There is no mechanism by which LNG, a progestin,
would decrease the effectiveness of subsequently initiated hor-
monal contraception. Similarly, initiation of regular hormonal con-
traception immediately following LNG ECP use will not decrease
the effectiveness of LNG as an ECP. We recommend routine hor-
monal contraception be initiated as soon as desired following LNG ECP
use, with abstinence or a nonhormonal contraceptive method used
as back-up for 7 days or until the next menstrual period/withdrawal
bleed, whichever occurs first (GRADE 1A).
UPA does not appear to decrease subsequent oral contraceptive
pill efficacy. UPA had no significant effect on the contraceptive on-
set of a 75 mg desogestrel progestin-only pill, with regard to des-
ogestrel’s impact on cervical mucus or ovulation inhibition [75] .
Administration of UPA mid-cycle, followed the next day by initi-
ation of a daily 30 mcg EE/150 mcg LNG-containing combined hor-
monal contraceptive pill was associated with ovarian quiescence in
most women by seven days, with a minority of women taking ad-
ditional days (up to 14) to reach quiescence [76] . All women who
ovulated did so after 11 days of combined oral contraceptive pill
use [76] . No studies to date have investigated the potential for de-
layed effectiveness of routine contraceptive effects when UPA is
closely followed by the use of nonoral hormonal contraceptives. Af-
ter resuming or initiating regular contraception following ECP use,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Selected Practice
Recommendations for Contraceptive use recommends abstinence
or barrier method use for seven days, or until the next menses,
whichever occurs first [36] .
In contrast, the effectiveness of UPA in delaying ovulation for EC
use is reduced by subsequent administration of hormonal contra-
ceptive pills. When a combined oral contraceptive pill containing
30 mcg of EE and 150 mcg of LNG was administered 2 days follow-
ing UPA, more subjects demonstrated evidence of ovulation (follic-
ular rupture) within 5 days (27% vs 3%) [77] . Similarly, administra-
tion of 75 mg desogestrel the day following UPA is associated with
evidence of ovulation within five days in 45% of subjects, compared
to 3% of subjects who took only UPA [75] . The mean time to ovu-
lation was 8 days in the UPA only group, compared to four days in
the group taking UPA followed by desogestrel [75] . Consequently,
extrapolation of decreased UPA effectiveness to coadministration
with other progestin-only pills and nonoral routes of progestin ad-
ministration should be done with caution [75] .
Whether the effectiveness of UPA is similarly decreased when
used following missed doses of routine short-term hormonal con-
traception followed by resumption of the routine contraception is
unclear. Additionally, individuals who delay reinitiating their rou-
tine hormonal contraception following UPA use may be at elevated
risk of ovulation and consequent pregnancy compared to those
who resume hormonal contraception immediately following UPA
use. In a study of women who missed combined oral contracep-
tive pill doses (as part of a 21/7 regimen of 30 mcg EE/150 mcg
LNG) on days five, six, and seven, and took UPA the morning of day
eight, those who resumed their combined oral contraceptive pill
the same evening demonstrated decreased evidence of subsequent
ovulation during that pill pack compared to those who waited five
days to restart contraceptive pills [78] . No women who completed
the study ovulated in the five days after taking UPA, regardless of
when the contraceptive pill was restarted [84] . Given that ovarian
activity is suppressed during combined oral contraceptive pill use
and that time is required after missed pills for recovery of ovarian
activity, restarting contraceptive pills soon after missing pills and
taking UPA would be unlikely to result in ovulation [ 78 , 79 ]. Some
may argue that individuals who miss only a few contraceptive pills
are not indicated to use EC at all. However, given that an individ-
ual may intermittently miss doses throughout a cycle, providing a
patient with a specific risk assessment for conception after missed
doses is challenging [78] .
Concerns that initiating routine hormonal contraception in the
days following UPA use may decrease UPA’s effectiveness must be
weighed against the risk of subsequent pregnancy if routine con-
traception is not established or reestablished. This risk-benefit ratio
is expected to vary by individual and situation based on the risk
of pregnancy from the index exposure, risk of subsequent preg-
nancy in the short-term, contraceptive access, and individual pref-
erences. Following UPA ECPs, we recommend generally delaying initi-
ation of routine hormonal contraception for five days and abstinence
or a nonhormonal contraceptive method used as back-up for an addi-
tional seven days or until the next menstrual period/withdrawal bleed.
However, the specific timing of routine hormonal contraceptive initia-
tion should be individualized through shared decision-making (GRADE
2.5. What follow-up and additional services should be offered to
individuals seeking EC?
2.5.1. Urine pregnancy testing (at time of provision and at follow-up)
EC reduces the risk of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse
but does not completely resolve this risk. EC is associated with
pregnancy rates ranging from 0.09% to 2.6% [ 24 , 28 , 33 ]. If an EC
user experiences menses within two weeks of EC use, they can
be reassured of their nonpregnant status. If this does not occur,
a pregnancy test is recommended three weeks after EC use. Addi-
tionally, pregnancy testing should be considered one month fol-
lowing LNG IUD placement for EC given the potential for men-
strual changes with this method [28] . If pregnancy is detected, the
patient should present for pregnancy localization and pregnancy
options discussion. While pregnancy testing should be performed
prior to IUD insertion for EC, ECPs should not be withheld or de-
layed for pregnancy testing. We recommend against withholding or
delaying ECPs for pregnancy testing (GRADE 1B). We recommend of-
fering urine pregnancy testing for post-EC pregnancy assessment as
needed (GRADE 1C).
2.5.2. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening and treatment
In 2018, one in five adults in the United States had a STI [80] .
Given the prevalence of STIs, people who report unprotected or un-
der protected intercourse should be offered screening for STIs [81] .
Active mucopurulent discharge and current chlamydia or gonor-
rhea infections are contraindications to IUD placement [36] . How-
ever, asymptomatic individuals with chlamydia or gonorrhea infec-
tion at the time of IUD placement may not be at elevated risk of
pelvic inflammatory disease when such infections are recognized
and appropriately treated compared to individuals undergoing IUD
insertion in the absence of such infections [82] . Patients with in-
cidentally positive tests noted following IUD insertion should be
treated according to current CDC guidelines and the IUD may re-
main in place if desired [36] . The placement of an IUD for EC
should not be withheld or delayed for STI screening in the absence
of active mucopurulent discharge, regardless of the patient’s STI
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
risk. Empiric treatment for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomo-
niasis should be given to persons reporting sexual assault. Such
individuals should be offered Hepatitis B and HPV vaccinations
based on their vaccination status [81] . HIV postexposure and pre-
exposure prophylaxis should be considered within a framework
of shared decision-making [81] . We recommend offering or refer-
ring persons requesting EC for sexually transmitted infection screening,
postexposure prophylaxis, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and treatment as
indicated (GRADE 1C).
2.5.3. Intimate partner violence and human trafficking screening
People who experience intimate partner violence or who are
being human trafficked are likely to experience unprotected or
under protected intercourse [ 83 , 84 ]. People who present for EC
should be screened for intimate partner violence and sex traffick-
ing and provided local resources and referrals as desired. We rec-
ommend screening persons who use EC for intimate partner violence
and human trafficking as indicated (GRADE 1C).
2.5.4. Ongoing contraception
Unprotected intercourse is common and EC users frequently
have more than one episode of unprotected intercourse prior to
presenting for EC [ 5 , 6 ]. Discussing or initiating ongoing contracep-
tion at the time of presentation for EC may help EC users meet
their fertility goals. It is important to recognize that people are
fluid in their reproductive intentions [85] . Acceptance of EC does
not commit a person to avoiding pregnancy for any duration out-
side of the initial EC use. At EC encounters, health care providers
should assess users for interest in ongoing contraception and pro-
vide contraception management or referrals as desired by the pa-
tient. We recommend offering or referring persons who use EC for on-
going contraception as desired (GRADE 1C).
2.6. How can clinicians support EC use in special populations?
2.6.1. Use by gender diverse individuals (particularly those taking
Clinicians should educate all patients at risk for pregnancy, in-
cluding gender diverse individuals, regarding EC and provide ad-
vance prescription of ECPs if desired. Although gender diverse
patients may experience amenorrhea secondary to gonadotropin
releasing hormone agonist or testosterone use, they remain at
risk for pregnancy if having receptive intercourse with a sperm-
producing partner. Such patients may be unaware of their preg-
nancy risk. In addition to the general risks of unintended preg-
nancy, in gender diverse individuals unintended pregnancy may
also be associated with gender dysphoria and with fetal risks as-
sociated with in utero testosterone exposure. While there are no
published studies regarding EC use in gender diverse populations,
expert consensus based on other hormonal contraceptives does not
prompt concern about the loss of efficacy of EC or testosterone
when used concurrently [86] . As with all patients, clinicians should
use a trauma-informed approach when counseling gender diverse
individuals interested in an IUD [87] .
2.6.2. Use while breastfeeding, lactating, or chest feeding
ECPs are an effective complement for individuals relying on the
lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) for contraception. In a study
of Egyptian women comparing standard LAM education to LAM
and EC education with advanced provision of one pack of LNG
ECPs, 44% of women in the EC group used the LNG ECPs, of which
88% did so correctly (when at least one requirement of LAM had
expired and intercourse occurred before initiating a regular contra-
ceptive method) [88] . Significantly more women in the EC group
initiated regular contraception within or shortly after the first 6
months postpartum (30% vs 7.3%) and fewer pregnancies occurred
in the EC group (0.8% vs 7.3%) [88] . There were no significant differ-
ences between groups in duration of lactation, pattern of breast-
feeding, or resumption of menstruation [88] . The most common
LNG side effect was nausea without vomiting, which occurred in
approximately 30% of women [88] . We recommend clinicians pro-
vide EC counseling and advanced prescription of ECPs to individuals
relying on the lactational amenorrhea method (GRADE 1B).
Similar to progestin-only regular contraceptives, LNG ECPs have
not been shown to objectively affect the health or development of
nursing infants or to subjectively impact the volume of breast milk
produced [ 88 , 89 ]. After a single 1.5 mg dose of LNG, levels peak
in breast milk after approximately four hours and reach a max-
imum concentration of approximately 4.1 to 10.7 ng/mL, with a
mean terminal half-life of 26 hours [90] . The amount of LNG ex-
creted in milk over the first 24 hours is 0.09% of the dose and de-
creases rapidly over time, with only 0.01% of the dose recovered
in breast milk over the 49 to 72 hours interval [90] . The estimated
mean amount of progestin absorbed by a nursing infant intaking
800 mL/day of breast milk is 1.6 mcg in the first 24 hours, 0.3 mcg
in the second 24 hours, and 0.2 mcg in the third 24-hour interval
[90] . We recommend that clinicians counsel individuals that breast-
feeding does not need to be disrupted because of LNG ECP use (GRADE
The copper IUD does not pose concerns for breastfed infants.
Insertion of a copper IUD does not impact lactation performance
and does not result in elevated levels of copper in breast milk
compared to individuals who did not receive a copper IUD [ 91 , 92 ].
Health care providers should be attentive to the overall small but
increased risk of uterine perforation associated with IUD insertion
in breastfeeding individuals compared to individuals who are not
breastfeeding [92] .
Little information is available on the use of UPA ECPs while
breastfeeding. Currently, package labeling recommends avoiding
use while breastfeeding, while the CDC Medical Eligibility Crite-
ria for Contraceptive Use recommends expressing and discarding
breast milk for 24 hours after dosing [ 18 , 36 ]. It is estimated that
following a 30 mg dose, a fully breastfed infant would receive ap-
proximately 4.1 mcg/kg of UPA and its active metabolite over the
first 24 hours and a total of 5.2 mcg/kg over five days. This ex-
posure would result in an approximate adjusted dosage of 0.8% of
the medication and active metabolite on the first day and a total
of 1% of the maternal dose over a five-day period [93] . No stud-
ies have addressed infant outcomes in the setting of UPA ECP use
and there are no published reports of associated harm. Given the
established benefits of breastfeeding, the low level of infant expo-
sure, and no evidence of harm, it is reasonable for individuals to
continue breastfeeding without interruption if desired in the set-
ting of shared decision-making.
2.7. What are the barriers to EC use?
2.7.1. IUDs
IUD insertions require an in-person visit with a trained
provider. While many clinicians in obstetrics and gynecology are
well-trained and comfortable with long-acting reversible contra-
ception (LARC) provision, many other health care professionals are
uncomfortable placing an IUD [94] . There is limited awareness of
the copper IUD as an EC option and very few obstetrics and gy-
necology and primary care clinics offer the copper IUD as EC [95] .
Additional effort s should be made to increase health care provider
and office staff knowledge and training in IUD provision for EC.
To effectively place IUDs upon patient request, a clinic or insti-
tution must stock devices for same-day placement. Unfortunately,
many clinics do not have a readily available stock of IUD de-
vices and instead employ a two-visit IUD insertion approach mod-
eled after outdated STI screening and pregnancy testing protocols
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
or based on difficulties with device reimbursement [96] . Approx-
imately half of the patients who must return for a subsequent
visit for IUD placement do not return [97] . Additionally, IUD de-
vices can cost upwards of $80 0-$90 0 for self-funded patients, with
additional charges associated with insertion and removal [ 98 , 99 ].
While the Affordable Care Act has resulted in many insurers cov-
ering the cost of IUD placement without co-pay for patients, the
cost may still be a barrier for uninsured and underinsured patients
[100] . Same-day copper and LNG 52 mg IUD insertions for pa-
tients with a negative urine pregnancy test are safe and associated
with low pregnancy rates [ 45 , 46 ]. Clinics should develop same-day
IUD insertion protocols that balance their ability to meet patient
needs and clinic financial responsibilities. Professional organiza-
tions should continue to advocate for private and public funding
of IUDs for EC and routine use.
2.7.2. ECPs
LNG ECPs have been approved for sale over-the-counter with-
out age or gender restrictions since 2013. However, individuals
trying to purchase the product in pharmacies can encounter a
lack of availability, additional security measures (locked cabinets,
locked exterior packaging), unnecessary requests for identifica-
tion to enforce outdated age restrictions, and unaffordable cost
($40–50 at most pharmacies) [ 101 , 102 ]. Individuals seeking UPA
ECPs encounter additional challenges due to the requirement for
a prescription. Clinicians and pharmacists are frequently unfamil-
iar with UPA [ 103 , 104 ]. Additionally, many pharmacies do not rou-
tinely stock UPA and may provide inaccurate information regarding
its mechanism of action or differences from LNG ECPs [ 105 , 106 ].
Further, the nuanced clinical guidance related to the initiation
of routine hormonal contraception following UPA use may deter
providers from offering it instead of LNG ECPs [36] . In addition to
these barriers, nine states have policies that restrict access to ECPs
by excluding ECPs from contraceptive coverage mandates or allow-
ing pharmacists to refuse to provide it [107] .
Pharmacists play a key role in timely EC access. Pharmacists are
positioned to advocate for stocking UPA ECPs, ensuring that LNG
ECPs are stocked and available over the counter without additional
security measures, and educating pharmacy staff members about
EC. An informational guide for pharmacy staff is available from
the American Society for Emergency Contraception [108] . Several
states currently allow pharmacists to dispense ECPs without a pre-
scription, either through a collaborative practice agreement with a
physician or through a state-approved protocol [109] . Telemedicine
visits for the provision of EC counseling, prescription of ECPs, and
facilitation of in-person visits for EC IUD placement may also de-
crease barriers to EC access for care in which clinician contact is
required or helpful [110] .
2.7.3. Populations most negatively impacted by barriers to EC access
Barriers to accessing EC may be amplified for individuals from
marginalized communities, those living in rural areas, and young
people. In parts of the country that are more geographically dis-
persed, individuals who need EC may be far from a pharmacy. Ad-
ditionally, individuals from rural or isolated areas may experience
confidentiality or privacy concerns related to familiarity with phar-
macy staff and lack of alternatives if ECPs are not in stock or diffi-
cult to obtain where initially sought. According to the National Sur-
vey of Family Growth, from 2006 to 2017, women of reproductive
age living in rural areas were significantly less likely to have used
EC than those living in urban areas, with reported ever use of ECPs
increased from six percent to 15% in rural areas compared with
11% to 27% in urban areas during this time-period [111] . While
EC should be routinely offered following sexual assault involving a
risk of pregnancy, this is often not the case in emergency depart-
ments, particularly for individuals seeking care within religiously
affiliated hospital systems [ 81 , 112 ].
Young people also face unique challenges in accessing EC. The
complicated regulatory history of LNG ECPs in the United States
involved several different age restrictions over the years. Although
these restrictions have not been in place since 2013 (2014 for
generics), pharmacy staff may still ask for identification [101] . Ad-
ditionally, young people may have confidentiality concerns when
accessing EC through parents’ health insurance and may lack trans-
portation to a health care provider or pharmacy. Young people
and others with limited financial resources may find EC cost pro-
hibitive, and only 11 states currently have laws that require in-
surance plans to cover over-the-counter EC without a prescription
[113] .
Gender diverse individuals face additional barriers when seek-
ing reproductive health care generally and EC specifically [114] .
Clinicians may not recognize that transgender and gender nonbi-
nary patients are at risk of pregnancy or may be reluctant to offer
EC to patients on testosterone due to concerns about interactions.
Additionally, clinicians may be uncomfortable offering IUD place-
ment. Gender diverse individuals may also anticipate and experi-
ence unwanted questions, judgment, and stigma when attempting
to purchase ECPs at a pharmacy [86] .
2.8. Is there a role for ECPs as a primary contraceptive method?
In one study , almost 70% of abortion clients and 50% of fam-
ily planning clients would definitely or probably be interested in a
postcoital contraceptive pill as routine contraception [115] . Patients
who reported recently engaging in unprotected intercourse, those
reporting that obtaining a prescription for contraception in the
past was “not very easy,” and African American women (compared
to non-Hispanic white women) expressing higher levels of interest
[115] . Top reasons for interest included not needing to remember
to take a daily pill, liking the idea of only taking hormones when
needed, and having infrequent intercourse. In contrast, top reasons
for lack of interest included desiring a more effective method, not
wanting to remember to use a method pericoitally, and dislike of
altered menstrual cycles [115] . Additional reasons for interest in a
routine postcoital contraceptive pill include the ability to conceal
use and lack of coital interruption (as compared to the use of a
coitally-dependent nonhormonal method) [116] .
The use of LNG ECPs as a solitary primary contraceptive method
is associated with effectiveness that compares reasonably with
coitally-dependent methods, such as barrier methods, withdrawal,
and periodic abstinence, that have typical use failure rates on
the order of 14% to 40% [117] . However, given that individuals in
studies of LNG ECPs as a primary contraceptive method are usu-
ally selected based on relatively low intercourse frequency, direct
comparison of method effectiveness is challenging [118] . Addition-
ally, the use of ECPs as a supplement to nonhormonal methods,
planned periodic abstinence, and withdrawal may increase overall
contraceptive effectiveness [119] . No studies have specifically eval-
uated routine postcoital use of UPA ECPs and concerns about de-
laying ovulation to later in the cycle may limit its effectiveness for
this purpose.
A 2014 Cochrane review calculated a pooled Pearl Index of 5.4
per 100 person-years (95% CI 4.1–7) for the postcoital use of 0.75
mg LNG [120] . A study that specifically included US individuals
taking 0.75 mg LNG within 24 hours of intercourse who expected
to have intercourse 1 to 4 days per month noted a higher Pearl
Index of 22.4 (95% CI 4.6–65.4) [121] . In a more recent study eval-
uating use of LNG 1.5 mg within 24 hours of intercourse, the Pearl
Index was noted to be 7.5 for solitary use in all users, and 11. 0
for solitary use in women under 35 years old [122] . Oral LNG use
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
pre-coitally may be more effective than postcoital use, as it may
concurrently affect both cervical mucus and ovulation [120] .
The main side effect reported in oral LNG EC studies is bleed-
ing abnormalities, which have been associated with high discon-
tinuation rates in some studies. Other common side effects include
nausea, breast tenderness, weakness, dizziness, headache, abdomi-
nal bloating or pain, pelvic pain, decreased libido, depression, and
vomiting [ 118 , 122 ]. There is no consistent evidence of a relation-
ship between bleeding abnormalities and the frequency of pill in-
take or total dose of LNG [120] . The side effect of irregular bleeding
may be problematic for individuals who wish to use ECPs in con-
junction with natural family planning methods that rely on cycle
regularity [123] . Despite high rates of reported bleeding abnormal-
ities and other side effects, a significant majority of study partici-
pants express favorable views of the method [ 118 , 122 ]. The current
cost, access, and packaging of LNG ECPs in the United States may
make routine ECP use challenging or prohibitive.
We recommend offering regular pericoital use of LNG ECPs for in-
dividuals who desire this method either alone or as a supplement to
nonhormonal coitus-dependent methods, such as periodic abstinence,
barrier methods, or withdrawal (GRADE 1B).
3. Clinical recommendations
Please see Appendix 1 for a key to interpreting GRADE.
We recommend that the LNG 52 mg IUD be offered as a first-
line EC option, along with other EC methods (GRADE 1B).
We recommend that clinicians counsel individuals considering
EC on the following:
The copper IUD is more effective than ECPs (GRADE 1A).
UPA ECPs are more effective than LNG ECPs (GRADE 1A).
LNG and UPA ECPs prevent pregnancy through pre-ovulatory
effects (GRADE 1A).
The LNG 52 mg IUD is noninferior to the copper IUD for EC
within five days of unprotected intercourse (GRADE 1B).
Based on this data, we recommend that clinicians counsel indi-
viduals that UPA ECPs, if available, are more effective than LNG
ECPs in overweight and obese persons and those with body-
weight 70 kg or greater (GRADE 1C).
We recommend advising patients currently or recently taking
cytochrome P450–3A4 and P450–3A5 inducers or glucuronida-
tion enzyme inducers that ECPs may be less effective and that
IUD placement for EC should be considered (GRADE 1C).
We recommend routine hormonal contraception be initiated as
soon as desired following LNG ECP use, with abstinence or a
nonhormonal contraceptive method used as back-up for seven
days or until the next menstrual period/withdrawal bleed,
whichever occurs first (GRADE 1A).
Following UPA ECPs, we recommend generally delaying initia-
tion of routine hormonal contraception for five days and absti-
nence or a nonhormonal contraceptive method used as back-
up for an additional seven days or until the next menstrual
period/withdrawal bleed. However, the specific timing of rou-
tine hormonal contraceptive initiation should be individualized
through shared decision-making (GRADE 1B).
We recommend against withholding or delaying ECPs for preg-
nancy testing (GRADE 1B).
We recommend offering urine pregnancy testing for post-EC
pregnancy assessment as needed (GRADE 1C).
We recommend offering or referring persons requesting EC
for sexually transmitted infection screening, postexposure pro-
phylaxis, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and treatment as indicated
We recommend screening persons who use EC for intimate
partner violence and human trafficking as indicated (GRADE
We recommend offering or referring persons who use EC for
ongoing contraception as desired (GRADE 1C).
We recommend clinicians provide EC counseling and advanced
prescription of ECPs to individuals relying on the lactational
amenorrhea method (GRADE 1B).
We recommend that clinicians counsel individuals that breast-
feeding does not need to be disrupted because of LNG ECP use
We recommend offering regular pericoital use of LNG ECPs for
individuals who desire this method either alone or as a supple-
ment to nonhormonal coitus-dependent methods, such as peri-
odic abstinence, barrier methods, or withdrawal (Grade 1B).
4. Recommendations for future research
Effectiveness of the copper IUD compared to the 52 mg LNG
IUS for EC.
Effective dosing of LNG and UPA ECPs for individuals with ele-
vated BMI or body weight.
Effective dosing of LNG ECPs for individuals concurrently or re-
cently using CYP3A4 inducers.
Clinically relevant medication interactions with UPA ECPs .
Effects of initiation or reinitiation of various methods of regular
hormonal contraception on the effectiveness of UPA ECPs.
Effects on ovulation of repeat dosing of UPA ECPs at different
times during the same menstrual cycle.
Effects of UPA on lactation and breastfeeding infants.
Acceptability of EC methods to gender diverse individuals.
A series of clinical questions was developed by the authors
and reviewed by the Society of Family Planning Clinical Affairs
Committee. A search of the medical literature was performed us-
ing the PubMed program of the National Library of Medicine and
the Cochrane Library of Clinical Trials from the beginning of the
databases through April 9, 2022. Search terms included but were
not limited to LNG, UPA, copper IUD, LNG IUD, sexually trans-
mitted infection, breastfeeding, mechanism of action, safety, ef-
fectiveness, transgender, and gender diverse, in combination with
EC, ECPs, postcoital contraception, and pericoital contraception. We
then hand-searched the references of these manuscripts for addi-
tional relevant publications. We reviewed relevant product labels
and statements from the American College of Obstetricians and Gy-
necologists and United States Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention. A comprehensive systematic review was not performed.
Intended audience
This Clinical Recommendation is intended for Society of Fam-
ily planning members, reproductive health service clinicians, repro-
ductive health researchers, and policy makers.
This publication is designed as a resource to assist clinicians in
providing family planning care. It should not be considered inclu-
sive of all proper treatments or serve as the standard of care. It is
not intended to substitute for the independent professional judg-
ment of the treating clinician. Variations, taking into account indi-
vidual circumstances, may be appropriate. This publication reflects
the best available evidence at the time of publication, recognizing
J. Salcedo et al. Contraception 121 (2023) 109958
that continued research or major changes in the practice environ-
ment may impact future recommendations and should be evalu-
ated for incorporation into care. Any updates to this document can
be found on . The So-
ciety and its contributors provide the information contained in this
publication "as is" and without any representations or warranties,
express or implied, of any kind, whether of accuracy, reliability, or
Author contributions
This Clinical Recommendation was prepared by Jennifer Sal-
cedo, MD, MPH, MPP; Kelly Cleland, MPA, MPH; Ivana Thompson,
MD, MSCI, and Deborah Bartz, MD, MPH and was reviewed and ap-
proved by the Clinical Affairs Committee on behalf of the Board of
Directors of the Society of Family Planning.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2023.
109958 .
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