Dissertation Research Fellowship, Grant, & Intern Opportunities
The University of California, Irvine Graduate Division and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
provide prospective and current graduate students with information about fellowship opportunities and
other available funding.
UC Irvine Graduate Division: Funding Your Education
Fellowships and Awards
Extramural Fellowship Databases
Grant Forward: http://www.grantforward.com/static/info
SciVal Funding: http://www.funding.scival.com/home
Graduate Support, Dissertation Research Fellowships, & Intern Opportunities
Most external fellowships require SPA (Sponsored Projects) review. Please check with Kristy
Hanselman, Pre-Award Analyst, to find out which ones, and she will assist in coordinating
submission to SPA. Also, please be sure to discuss your intent to apply with your faculty advisor
before submitting any applications.
Agency for Health Care Research & Quality, Grants for Health Services Dissertation
Grants support dissertations in life sciences, social sciences, education, information, public affairs, and
nursing on issues related to health care services.
ACT Summer Internship Programs
ACT sponsors a Summer Internship Program, offered annually to outstanding doctoral students
interested in careers related to assessment and educational studies. The eight-week program provides
interns with practical experience through completion of a project, seminars, and direct interaction with
professional staff responsible for research and development of testing programs and other educational
services. Open to International Students.
AERA Dissertation and Research Grants Programs
The goals of the AERA Grants Program are (a) to stimulate research on U.S. education issues using data
from the large-scale, national and international data sets supported by the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES) and other federal agencies and (b) to increase the number of education
researchers using these data sets. Opportunities include the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship
Program in Education Research, the AERA-AR Fellows Program, and the AERA ETS Fellowship Program in
Measurement and Education Research. Open to International Students.
AERA Funding Opportunities:
AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program in Education Research:
AERA Grants Program Seeks Proposals for Research Grants:
American Association of University Women: American Scholarships
American Fellowships support women doctoral candidates completing dissertations or scholars seeking
funds for postdoctoral research leave from accredited institutions. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or
permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence, teaching
experience, and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities,
professions, or fields of research.
American Association of University Women: International Scholarships
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women
who are not United States citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at
accredited institutions are supported. Several fellowships are available for study outside of the U.S.
American Psychological Association (APA) Dissertation Research Awards
APA and its affiliate organizations provide a wide range of grants, scholarships, awards with the aim of
advancing the science and practice of psychology as a means of understanding behavior and promoting
health, education, and human welfare.
Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Grants Program
AIR, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Postsecondary
Education Cooperative (NPEC), sponsors a grant program that provides professional-development
opportunities to doctoral students, institutional researchers, educators, and administrators.
Brython Davis Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to provide support to students who demonstrate outstanding past academic
achievement as well as future promise. To be eligible, one of the nominee's parents must currently be,
or have been, a regular member of either the United States Navy or Marine Corps.
ETS Fellowship and Internships
ETS offers several programs for scholars who either hold a doctoral degree or who are enrolled in a
doctoral program in the field of educational research, measurement and related fields and who are
interested in research opportunities. Areas of emphasis include the following: educational measurement
and psychometrics, validity, natural language processing and speech technologies, cognitive psychology,
learning theory, linguistics and computational linguistics, teaching and classroom research, statistics,
international large scale assessments, and assessment design and development.
Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation Doctoral Dissertation Grant Program
Grants of up to $5000 are available to help support dissertation expenses of doctoral students in the
United States and Canada whose studies have the potential for adding significantly to knowledge about
problems in the functioning or well being of children, adults, couples, families, or communities, or about
interventions designed to prevent or alleviate such problems.
Fletcher Jones Fellowship
The Fletcher Jones Foundation was incorporated 1969 in California. In 1997, the foundation made a
generous gift to the University of California to support students pursuing graduate academic degrees. At
UC Irvine, one graduate fellow is selected annually based on his or her past accomplishments,
enthusiasm for excellence, vitality, ingenuity, and leadership potential consistent with that exhibited in
life by Fletcher Jones.
Ford Foundation Fellowship Program
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s
college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the
educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use
diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Haynes Lindley Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are awarded on an annual basis to graduate students enrolled at
institutions which grant the Ph.D. degree in the social sciences in the greater Los Angeles area (i.e., the
California Institute of Technology, the Claremont Graduate University, the University of California, Los
Angeles, the University of California, Irvine, the University of California, Riverside, and the University of
Southern California). The fellowships are competitive and are awarded to students whose dissertation
proposals have been approved and which address economic, social, policy or political problems of the
Los Angeles area.
Institute of Education Sciences Research Funding Opportunities
The Institute of Education Sciences has established 10 long-term programs of research under its
Education Research Grant Programs. Each of these research programs accepts applications twice a year.
Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowships
The IAF Grassroots Development Ph.D. Fellowship Program provides support for dissertation field
research in Latin America and the Caribbean undertaken by students who have advanced to candidacy
for a Ph.D. from a university in the United States. The competition is open to U.S. citizens and citizens of
independent Latin American and Caribbean countries (except Cuba).
International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships
The Social Science Research Council awards nine-to twelve months of support to graduate students in
the humanities and social sciences who are enrolled in doctoral programs in the United States and
conducting dissertation research outside of the United States. IDRF promotes research that is informed
by interdisciplinary and cross-regional perspectives.
International Reading Association (IRA) Grants
IRA honors educators, authors, and others involved in reading and literacy efforts through nearly 40
awards and grants, which include small dissertation grants.
Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Dissertation Fellowship
The Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship Award supports advanced doctoral students who are
completing dissertations that further the understanding of the educational pathways and experiences of
high-achieving, low-income students. Minimum eligibility includes demonstration of superior academic
ability and achievement, successful defense of the dissertation proposal, and unmet financial need.
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
This Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program provides fellowships to students of superior academic ability
selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promiseto
undertake study at the doctoral and Master of Fine Arts level in selected fields of arts, humanities, and
social sciences.
James J. Harvey Dissertation Quarter Fellowship
To be eligible for this fellowship the nominee must be studying male or female homosexuality, including,
but not limited to, the sociological, medical, political, historical, or legal ramifications thereof. Also
encouraged is the study of James J. Harvey's life, his work, or his expansion of research in
homosexuality, or research in or development of any of James J. Harvey's original manuscripts, whether
published or unpublished.
Josephine de Karman Fellowship
The Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust was established in 1954 by the late Dr. Theodore von
Karman, world-renowned aeronautics expert and teacher and first director of the Guggenheim
Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, in memory of his sister, Josephine,
who died in 1951. The purpose of this fellowship program is to recognize and assist students whose
scholastic achievements reflect professor von Karman’s high standards. Fellowships are open to
students in any discipline, including international students, who are currently enrolled in a university or
college located within the United States. Only candidates for the Ph.D. who will defend their dissertation
within the year and undergraduates entering their senior year are eligible for consideration.
La Verne Noyes Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to provide support to academically superior students in need of financial
assistance in funding their education. To be eligible the nominee must be a United States citizen who is a
blood descendant of a United States Army or Navy World War I veteran who served for at least four
months prior to November 11, 1918, and whose military service was terminated y death or an
honorable discharge.
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMF)
For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the
MMMF awards grants of approximately $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. To be eligible a woman
needs to be at least 25 years old, have a record of service to women and children, and intends to return
to her country (or other developing country) within two years of completing use of the MMMF grant
and perform at least two years of service to improve the lives of women and children.
Miguel Velez Fellowship
To be eligible the nominee must be a citizen and resident of a Latin American country. Preference will be
given to students from Colombia and other South American countries. Students must show proof of
National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship Program
The Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide
range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of
education. These $25,000 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for
bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, or practice of formal or informal
education anywhere in the world.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
NSF Graduate Funding Opportunities
Newkirk Center for Science and Society Fellowship
The UCI Newkirk Center for Science and Society promotes appropriate and effective use of research in
the natural and social sciences to enhance the quality of human life. The goal of the Newkirk Fellowship
is to encourage development and sharing of research knowledge with the public and with policy makers
so that they can make informed decisions on vital policy issues affecting not only education but also law,
health care, crime, and public infrastructure.
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans provides opportunities for continuing
generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The
Program is established in recognition of the contributions New Americans have made to American life
and in gratitude for the opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family.
Phi Beta Kappa International Student Scholarship
Alpha Association of Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California funds and administers a scholarship
program for foreign students engaged in graduate study in Southern California in academic institutions
with Phi Beta Kappa Chapters. In granting scholarship awards, the academic committee considers both
need and merit.
Phi Delta Kappa International Awards and Scholarships
PDK supports students who are pursuing graduate degrees in education through several fellowships and
awards made available through the Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation and its endowed
scholarship program. Some of the fellowships and scholarships require that the applicant be a member
of Phi Delta Kappa International.
President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship
The President’s Dissertation Year (PDY) Fellowship is intended for students in their final year of graduate
school who are planning to pursue teaching and research appointments soon after the end of their
dissertation fellowship year. This award is intended to assist graduate students with the completion of
their dissertation and to enhance their qualifications as candidates for university faculty teaching and
research appointments.
Public Impact Fellowship
The Public Impact Fellowship highlights and supports doctoral students whose current research has the
potential for substantial impact in the public sphere. Ideal candidates will be involved in research
designed to significantly improve or enrich the lives of Californians and/or national and global
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
The program provides funding to institutions of higher education to provide scholarships, stipends, and
programmatic support to recruit and prepare STEM majors and professionals to become K-12 teachers.
Scholarship and stipend recipients are required to complete two years of teaching in a high-need school
district for each year of support. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers with strong
STEM content knowledge who teach in high-need school districts.
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NIH)
Administered by the National Institute of Health (NIH), this award provide a year of support and a
stipend for doctoral research that is health-related.
Society for Research in Child Development
Established in 2008 by the Student and Early Career Council, the SECC Dissertation Research Funding
Awardsup to five non-renewable awards in the amount of $2,000are given for dissertation research
proposals that merit special recognition and display the strong potential to contribute to the field of
child development. Submissions should be in the proposal stage (i.e., not completed), and money is to
be used for research costs or professional development related to the proposed dissertation project.
Applicants must be SRCD members at the time of application and membership must be maintained
throughout the award period. International members are strongly encouraged to apply.
UC Accord Dissertation Fellowships
UC Accord offers fellowships for research that will support dissertation completion and inform
Californians' about efforts to replace prevailing patterns of schooling inequality and disparities in access
to higher education with equitable conditions and outcomes for children from all sectors of the state.
Fellowship are open to UC graduate students in Humanities, Social Sciences, School of Education, and
Information Studies. Applicants must be advanced to candidacy by the time funding starts.
UC Irvine Faculty Mentor Program Fellowship
The Faculty Mentor Program (FMP) forms an important link in the continuum of support for
academically promising graduate students. This award assists recipients in acquiring and developing
advanced research skills under faculty mentorship. It is designed to improve mentoring for UCI doctoral
students who are not yet at the dissertation stage and have not yet advanced to candidacy and is
expected to increase the number of students who complete their Ph.D. degree and successfully acquire
a faculty appointment.
UCI Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship
The Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship aims to increase dissertation completion amongst doctoral
students. This award is intended for students in their final year of graduate education who have a
realistic expectation of degree completion during the 2012-2013 academic year. The award will allow
students to forgo their non-research related employment obligations to concentrate on completing their
Outstanding Dissertation Awards
Association for the Study of High Education (ASHE) Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year Award
Sponsored by Emerald Publishing and named in memory of Irvin Lee (Bobby) Wright, this award
recognizes one or more dissertations that serve as exemplary models of the methodology employed.
Criteria also include the significance of the dissertation topic.
Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) SIG Dissertation Award
The Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) Special Interest Group for the American Educational
Research Association (AERA) sponsors the ABER Outstanding Dissertation Award for the best Doctoral
Dissertation that explores, is an exemplar of, and pushes the boundaries of arts-based educational
research. The award is intended for students who have defended and/or graduated in the year
preceding the award.
American Psychological Association Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award
Division 15 (Educational Psychology) of the American Psychological Association offers the Paul R.
Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award to recognize excellence in doctoral dissertation. The doctoral
dissertation research must have been completed within the past two years. The dissertation must be in
the area of educational psychology, broadly defined, and the proposed recipient must be a member or
affiliate of the Division at the time of the award consideration. One award is given each year.