MLA Style Guide
for Middle School
Guidelines for Making a Bibliography
By Kevin Costello
Middle School Librarian
The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with some guidance on how to
write your essays in MLA style. In the following pages you will find information
about the basics of the style and how to correctly cite your sources. It is
important to remember that in the space of this small handbook, only the most
important elements of the style are covered; therefore, your teacher may need to
share other material with you in order for you to complete your assignments in
MLA format.
Table of Contents
1. MLA Style Guide Basics
2. PlagiarismWhat is it? How can I avoid it?
3. Works Cited Page
4. Parenthetical Citation
5. Examples of Common Forms of Sources for Citation
6. On-line Tools and Resources for Writing Citations In MLA Format
7. Glossary
1. MLA Style Guide Basics
What is MLA Style?
The Modern Language Association (MLA) developed a style guide for academic
writing. Part of the style guide deals with standardized ways to document the
writers source materials.
MLA provides guidelines for the creation of a bibliography (called a “Works Cited
page) and the corresponding parenthetical (within the text) citation.
How do I use this MLA Style Guide?
Students and teachers in the middle schools are expected to use this MLA style
guide when writing pieces that require information to be cited from other sources.
Why is it Important that I Cite Sources?
As a writer, it is your responsibility to give proper credit to your sources. It is
also very important that you give this credit in accordance with MLA style. If you
fail to give proper credit to a source, you have committed plagiarism. (See
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2. PlagiarismWhat is it? How can I avoid it?
What is plagiarism?
If you have not given proper credit to your sources, you have committed
plagiarism. Essentially, it is like you are lying to your reader. You have used
someone else’s ideas without telling your reader where you took it from.
Whether you have intentionally tried to pass off someone else’s ideas as your own
or, through careless research, you unintentionally “forgotto cite a source, the
charge is plagiarism.
How can I avoid plagiarism?
Basically, any idea or fact that you received from a source needs to be cited. Any
idea or fact that is common knowledge does not need to be cited. For example,
facts like the earth rotates around the sun or Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
while in office are common knowledge and would not have to be cited.
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3. Works Cited Page
What is a “Works Cited” Page?
A “Works Citedpage is the name that MLA gives to a bibliography. It is a listing
of all of the sources you cited in the body of your paper.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about the “Works Citedpage:
1. The “Works Citedpage is always going to be the last page of your essay
or report. You should type the words Works Cited” and center it on the
2. Each entry must be complete and accurate. To see examples of common
sources in correct bibliographic format click here.
3. Each entry reads like one long sentence. What this means is that it does
not matter where the second line begins in an entry; it begins on the
second line only because you ran out of room on the first line.
4. The second and subsequent lines are always indented five spaces.
5. The sources are listed alphabetically by the first word or name of the
entry. This first word or name should be what you use in your
parenthetical citation.
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Example of a Works Citedpage:
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4. Parenthetical Citation
What is Parenthetical Citation?
Parenthetical citation is when a writer directly puts into the text a note from
where he or she got the information. Parenthetical or in-text” citation allows
your reader to know from what source each idea/fact came.
This is how it looks in the text of your paper:
“In 2007, 37 percent of American adults sought medical information from the
internet regarding a health problem they were experiencing before consulting a
doctor (Smith 38).
In the example above, notice that the authors name and the page number on
which this fact was found are set off from the text within parenthesis. Note also
that the punctuation of this parenthetical citation is also important. The reader
would understand from this citation that on page 38 of Smith’s book, this fact is
mentioned. Furthermore, since the words are contained within quotes, the above
example illustrates that this is a direct quote from that page.
Here is an example of the same idea presented as an indirect quote:
Instead of going to a doctor right away, a recent study found that 37 percent of
Americans are now turning to the internet for medical information (Smith 38).
See the difference between direct and indirect quotes in the glossary section.
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5. Examples of Common Forms of Sources for Citation
**NOTE** The details are important in these citations--the order of the information, punctuation, underlining
and quote marks all must be exact.
Book by One Author
Print Resources (Viewed in Print Form)
Last Name, First Name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Copyright Date.
Jameson, George P. Ellis Island. New York: Icon Press, 2006.
Book by Two Authors
Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name. Title. Place of
publication: Publisher, Copyright Date.
Smith, Henry G. and Betty Harmon. Freedom Rides. Chicago: Broad
Shoulder Press, 2006.
Encyclopedia (NOTE: The author is usually listed at the end of the article. If an author is not listed, begin the entry with the
title of the article.)
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article. Name of Encyclopedia. Edition Year.
Franz, Charlene. Goat.World Book. 2006 ed.
A Work within an Anthology
Last Name, First Name. “Title of work. Title of Anthology. Editor’s First Name
Last Name. Place of Publication: Publisher, Copyright Date. Page numbers.
Stevens, Wallace. Sunday Morning. Modern American Poetry. Ed. Thomas J.
Hines. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 20-22.
Newspaper Article
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article. Newspaper Name Date: page(s).
Blake, Terry. “Attack in Bagdad: Two Marines Dead. The Plain Dealer 20 July
2006: A1.
Magazine Article
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article. Title of Magazine Date: page numbers.
Thomasson, Ronald. Salt Mines of Lake Erie. Cleveland Magazine 15 May 2004:
Non-Print Resources (Viewed Electronically)
Online DatabaseEncyclopedia
“Title of Article. Name of Encyclopedia. Year. Name of online source. Date
<URL (Persistent link)>.
Whale Oil.Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 23
August 2006 <>.
Online DatabaseArticles provided through Databases
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article. Original Print Source Title. Date. Online
source name. Date accessed <URL link>.
Freeman, Gregory A. Code Alpha: The President is Coming!” American History.
October 2006. Academic Search Premier. 6 October 2006
Internet Website
Last Name, First Name. Title of Website. Date last updated. Author (if given). Name
of organization that sponsors the site. Date accessed <URL link>.
Flannery O’Connor Collect ion . 7 July 2006. Georgia College and State University.
31 August 2006. <>.
Walker, Gary. “The Effects of Radiation. Hiroshima Atom Bomb. 15 Mar. 2000. Los
Alamos Research Facility. 14 Oct. 2008. <>
TV / Radio Transcript
“Title of TV / Radio episode or segment.Title of Program. Broadcast date.
Transcript. Name of Database Used. Date accessed <URL link>.
“Special Edition: The War in Iraq Part II. CNN Special Report. 5 April 2003.
Transcript. eLibrary. 27 March 2006. <>.
Video Documentary
Title of Film. Director’s First Name Last Name. Copyright Year. Medium.
Production Company Name. Edition Date.
Finding Harmony. Kent Williams. 2003. DVD. Zen Buddhist Lecture Series Video.
6. On-line Tools and Resources for Writing Citations
MLA Format
EasyBib.Com is an automated bibliography creator. The user fills in the required
information in the separate fields and, with the press of a button, EasyBib creates
the citation! Easybib will export the list into Microsoft Word in correct MLA format
as a “Works Cited page. The user must create a free account to login.
Middle School MLA Citation Handout
This PDF file is a printable version of two pages earlier in this handbook called
“Examples of Common Forms of Sources for Citation.”
Essential Information Needed for Creating Bibliographic Citations
This handout (PDF Format) is a tool that will help you collect the necessary
information for citing each of the common sources.
MLA Citation Guide
This PDF file is a condensed overview of MLA style.
Citation Data Form
This is a single sheet for collecting citation data for each source. You may print it
and use it while doing research.
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7. Glossary
Bibliographya listing of sources that a student used to write his/her essay or
Citationis the identification of a specific idea or quote taken from a source.
Direct Quoteis a quote in which the author uses words from a source exactly
as they were written. The words are taken verbatim. A direct quote is indicated
by putting the words in quotation marks (“ ”). A direct quote must be cited.
Indirect Quoteis a quote in which an author paraphrases, or puts into his/her
own words, an idea from a source. An indirect quote must be cited.
Works Citedis the name that MLA gives to a bibliography. It is the last page of
an essay or report. It lists all of the sources the student has used in his/her
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