COOP 101- Career Management/Professional Development
Fall term 201715: September 25 – December 8, 2017
Office: 3201 Arch Street, Suite 250
COOP 101 is a 10 week, zero-credit, pass/fail course. A passing grade of CR (Credit Received) is required for
participation in the co-op program. It is designed to provide Drexel University students with the skills necessary for career
planning, the co-op job search and a successful workplace experience.
There are two main requirements to pass COOP 101:
1) Attendance Policy: Attending eight (8) of the nine (9) classes is required to pass COOP 101.
Attendance at all classes will be recorded but you will be responsible for keeping track of your attendance status.
Only one (1) absence will be allowed. If more than one class is missed, you will need to attend a make-up class
to meet the requirement of attending eight (8) classes. You can attend a maximum of two make-up classes.
There are limited opportunities to attend make-up classes for any given session. See the Drexel Learn home page
for available make-up class times and locations. Because each COOP 101 class covers a set of important topics,
attendance at ALL sessions is strongly recommended. If at any point you do not meet the attendance criteria,
you will fail COOP 101.
To receive credit for a class, you must sign-in yourself and attend class for the entire class period to be
counted as Present.
2) Resume Assignment: An acceptable, online resume using the SCDConline template is required to pass COOP 101.
All students are expected to create their resumes using Drexel’s SCDConline internal resume template. Resume
grades will be posted on Drexel Learn. Uploaded resumes will not be accepted for COOP 101.
Resumes will be assessed based on content, structure, syntax, and presentation. Required content areas include but
are not limited to: contact information, education, relevant coursework, skills, experience and activities.
Additionally, factors such as format, style, spelling, and grammar are also important for a quality resume. A letter
grade of C or better is considered acceptable and the instructor will address unacceptable resumes on an
individual basis. You are encouraged to make all revisions your instructor indicates for your resume to be as
strong as possible for your job search.
Certificate of Merit (Optional)
The Certificate of Merit recognizes those students who exhibit commendable effort in COOP 101 class. Criteria are
available on Drexel Learn.
Assignments Due for Class
COOP 101
Week One
Co-op Expectations
Review course requirements. Establish goals of the class,
the job search and the co-op experience.
Complete COOP 101
survey in Drexel Learn
Week Two
Market Your Skills I
Create most portions of a resume using
appropriate sections to organize information.
View “Resume Tutorial”
Part I
(Video in Drexel Learn)
Complete resume contact
information and set resume
style. Complete Education,
Honors and Awards and
Skills sections.
Week Three
Planning and Goal Setting for Co-op and Career
Assess skills, interests and values to prepare for the
job search and beyond. Begin planning items for
a resume.
Do an ES&P search (by
major) and find a job
description. Bring to class a
copy of one job description
that interests you.
Week Four
Market Your Skills II
Write strong experience descriptions to highlight
your skills and strengths.
View “Resume Tutorial”
Part II
(Video in Drexel Learn)
Complete Experience
1st Certificate of
Merit assignment
Week Five
Job Searching I
Explore practical approaches and resources offered
to Drexel students.
Completed resume due
Week Six
Individual Resume Consultations
Optional Class. Work individually with your instructor
on your resume.
Week Seven
Job Searching II
Match your resume to a desired job. Write cover letters
that effectively highlight this match.
Resume revisions
Resubmit resume
(if necessary)
Week Eight
Preparation and Presentation
Practice for interviews.
Resume revisions
Resubmit resume
(if necessary)
No Class Thanksgiving Week
Week Nine
Interview Practice
Practice answering interview questions in a small group
Resume revisions
Resubmit resume
(if necessary)
Week Ten
Professional Communication and Networking
Review ways to network for job information and
opportunities. Learn importance of written and verbal
communication in the workplace.
Resume revisions
Resubmit resume
(if necessary)
Certificate of
Merit assignment
In support of the Drexel Student Learning Priorities (DSLP), the goals of COOP 101 are to:
Prepare for a successful cooperative education experience
Demonstrate knowledge of the SCDConline system
Produce a relevant and targeted co-op resume that effectively demonstrates skills and strengths
Understand and demonstrate appropriate modes of professional communication
Drexel Learn
Attendance will be tracked in Drexel Learn. In addition, assignments and supporting materials (make-up class schedules,
resume tutorials, suggested readings, and Certificate of Merit requirements) are located there.
Dishonesty/Falsification of Information
If you record attendance for another student, both of you will be subject to investigation of Academic Dishonesty:
Page 52, Section 9: Dishonesty/Falsification of Information
If you have in your possession an unauthorized student ID or one of another student and use it to appear at a class or
make-up class, that will be considered as cheating:
Page 58, Section 28: Unauthorized Use of University Property or Documents
Failure of COOP 101
Receiving a NCR (No Credit Received) or NGR (No Grade Recorded) or withdrawing from COOP 101 will result in the
You will be automatically registered for and must pass COOP 101 during the next term in which the course is
offered prior to participating in your first co-op
A Career Block Hold will be placed on your Drexel SCDC account, and as a result you will not have access to
SCDConline for your job search until you receive a passing grade AND you will not be able to register a co-op
job found through a self-directed job search
If you have previously failed COOP 101 your eligibility to participate in co-op may be affected (co-op cycle may be
removed), significant financial aid and billing issues may occur, and/or graduation may be delayed or prevented.
Dropping or Withdrawing from COOP 101
You have been registered for this course, when possible, at least three terms before your assigned co-op cycle. This
timing is deliberately designed to support your co-op job search. Thus, dropping or withdrawing from this course in
the term you are assigned is not advised without compelling circumstances. Please contact your instructor
immediately if you have concerns about your registration. Refer to the official academic calendar for drop and withdrawal
deadlines. .
Accommodation of Disabilities
Any student with a documented disability and needing accommodations is encouraged to contact the instructor as soon as
possible (preferably within the first week of class). All discussions will remain confidential.
For additional information, refer to: