Web Service Composition Languages: Old Wine in New Bottles?
Wil M.P. van der Aalst
Department of Technology Management
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O.Box 513, NL-5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Marlon Dumas Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede
Centre for Information Technology Innovation
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia
{m.dumas, a.terhofstede}@qut.edu.au
Recently, several languages for web service composition
have emerged (e.g., BPEL4WS and WSCI). The goal of
these languages is to glue web services together in a
process-oriented way. For this purpose, these languages
typically borrow concepts from workflow management sys-
tems and embed these concepts in the so-called “web ser-
vices stack”. Up to now, little or no effort has been dedi-
cated to systematically evaluate the capabilities and limita-
tions of these languages. BPEL4WS for example is said to
combine the best of other standards for web service compo-
sition such as WSFL (IBM) and XLANG (Microsoft), and al-
lows for a mixture of block structured and graph structured
process models. However, aspects such as the expressive-
ness, adequacy, orthogonality, and formal characterization
of BPEL4WS (e.g. reachability) have not yet been system-
atically investigated. Although BPEL4WS is not a bad pro-
posal, it is remarkable how much attention it receives while
more fundamental issues such as semantics, expressiveness,
and adequacy do not get the attention they deserve. There-
fore, we advocate the use of more rigorous approaches to
critically evaluate the so-called standards for web services
composition, and to learn from 25 years of experiences in
the workflow/office automation domain.
1. Introduction
Web Services is an emerging paradigm for architecting
and implementing business collaborations within and across
Also affiliated with the Queensland University of Technology.
organizational boundaries. In this paradigm, the functional-
ity provided by business applications is encapsulated within
web services: software components described at a semanti-
cal level, which can be invoked by application programs or
by other services through a stack of Internet standards in-
cluding HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI [8]. Once
deployed, web services provided by various organizations
can be inter-connected in order to implement business col-
laborations, leading to composite web services.
Business collaborations require long-running interac-
tions driven by an explicit process model [1]. Accord-
ingly, a current trend is to express the logic of a compos-
ite web service using a business process modeling language
tailored for web services. Recently, many languages have
emerged, including WSCI [5], BPML [6], BPEL4WS [9],
XLANG [21], WSFL [16], and BPSS [17], with little effort
spent on their evaluation with respect to a common bench-
mark. Such a comparative evaluation will contribute to es-
tablishing their overlap and complementarities, to delimit
their capabilities and limitations, and to detect inconsisten-
cies and ambiguities.
As a step in this direction, we have conducted an analysis
of some of these languages [1, 2, 23], namely BPML (Busi-
ness Process Modeling Language) and its “sibling” lan-
guage WSCI (Web Services Choreography Interface) [2],
and BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for
Web Services) and its parent languages XLANG and WSFL
(Web Services Flow Language) [23]. The analysis is based
on a framework composed of a set of patterns: abstracted
forms of recurring situations found at various stages of soft-
ware development. Specifically, the framework brings to-
gether a set of workflow patterns documented in [4, 3], and
a set of communication patterns documented in [19].
Office Automation Prototypes Scientific Workflow Systems
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Panta Rhei
Poise Polymer D-Polymer Polyflow
Figure 1. Historic overview of early systems and research prototypes (Taken from [18]).
There have been other comparisons of some of the lan-
guages mentioned in this paper. These comparisons typi-
cally do not use a framework and provide an opinion rather
than a structured analysis. An example is [20] where XPDL,
BPML and BPEL4WS are compared by relating the con-
cepts used in the three languages. Unfortunately, [20] leaves
open many important questions.
In the remainder of the paper, we rst review the history
of workow management and introduce the set of workow
patterns. Then, we discuss the topic of web service com-
position and compare BPEL4WS, BPML, XLANG, WSFL,
and WSCI using the workow patterns and some basic com-
munication patterns.
2. Workflow management: A historical per-
An interesting starting point from a scientic perspec-
tive is the early work on ofce information systems. In the
seventies, Skip Ellis [10], Anatol Holt [13], and Michael
Zisman [24] already worked on so-called ofce information
systems, which were driven by explicit process models. It is
interesting to see that the three pioneers in this area indepen-
dently used Petri-net variants to model ofce procedures.
During the seventies and eighties there was great optimism
about the applicability of ofce information systems. Un-
fortunately, few applications succeeded. As a result of these
experiences, both the application of this technology and re-
lated research almost stopped for a decade. Hardly any ad-
vances were made in the eighties. In the nineties, there was
a renewed interest in these systems. The number of work-
ow management systems developed in the past decade and
the many papers on workow technology illustrate the re-
vival of process-aware ofce information systems. Today
workow management systems are readily available. How-
ever, their application is still limited to specic industries
such as banking and insurance. As indicated by Skip Ellis
in [11] it is important to learn from these ups and downs.
The failures in the eighties can be explained by both techni-
cal and conceptual problems. In the eighties, networks were
slow or not present at all, there were no suitable graphical
interfaces, and proper development software was missing.
However, there were also more conceptual problems: there
wasnounied way of modeling processes and the systems
were too rigid to be used by people in the workplace. Most
of the technical problems have been resolved by now. How-
ever, the more conceptual problems remain. Good standards
for business process modeling are still missing and even to-
days workow management systems enforce unnecessary
constraints on the process logic (e.g., processes are made
more sequential that they need to be).
Figure 1 gives a historic overview of ofce automation
and workow prototypes [18]. Figure 2 provides a his-
toric overview of commercial workow management sys-
tems. These two gures show that: (i) workow manage-
ment is not something that started in the nineties but already
Commercial Workflow Systems
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Exotica I - III
FlowMark MQSeries Workflow
Onestone Domino Workflow
Digital Proc.Flo. AltaVista Proc.Flow
SNI WorkParty
AdminFlow ChangengineWorkManager
OpenPM FlowJet
Verve Versata
Action Coordinator
ActionWorks MetroDaVinci
FileNet WorkFlo Visual WorkFlo
FileNet Ensemble
Panagon WorkFlo
Xerox InConcert TIB/InConcert
Plexus FloWare BancTec FloWare
NCR ProcessIT
Netscape PM
MS2 Accelerate
Teamware Flow
Fujitsu iFlow
Beyond BeyondMail
DEC LinkWorks
Fujitsu Regatta
Banyan BeyondMail
Olivetti X_Workflow
Oracle Workflow
Digital Objectflow
ImagePlus FMS/FAF
Recognition Int.
WANG Workflow
Lucent Mosaix
Figure 2. Historic overview of commercial
workflow management systems (Taken from
in the seventies with the work of Ellis (OfceTalk) and Zis-
man (Scoop); and (ii) the number of commercial systems
has considerably grown in recent years. When considering
web service composition languages it is important to take
this into account and use experience and knowledge from
the workow domain, i.e., do not re-invent the wheel.
3. Workow patterns
For a critical evaluation of web service composition lan-
guages, we use the set of workow patterns described in
[4, 3]. We have used these patterns to compare the function-
ality of 15 workow management systems (COSA, Visual
Workow, Fort
e Conductor, Lotus Domino Workow, Me-
teor, Mobile, MQSeries/Workow, Staffware, Verve Work-
ow, I-Flow, InConcert, Changengine, SAP R/3 Workow,
Eastman, and FLOWer). The result of this evaluation re-
veals that (1) the expressive power of contemporary sys-
tems leaves much to be desired and (2) the systems sup-
port different patterns. Note that we do not use the term
expressiveness in the traditional or formal sense. If one
abstracts from capacity constraints, any workow language
is Turing complete. Therefore, it makes no sense to com-
pare these languages using formal notions of expressive-
ness. Instead we use a more intuitive notion of expres-
siveness which takes the modeling effort into account. This
more intuitive notion is often referred to as suitability. See
[15] for a discussion on the distinction between formal ex-
pressiveness and suitability.
For a detailed description and discussion of the patterns
we refer to [4, 3]. Just as illustration we describe Workow
Pattern # 16 (WP16: Deferred Choice).
WP16 Deferred Choice A point in a process where one
among several alternative branches is chosen based on in-
formation which is not necessarily available when this point
is reached. This differs from the normal exclusive choice,
in that the choice is not made immediately when the point
is reached, but instead several alternatives are offered, and
the choice between them is delayed until the occurrence of
some event. Example: When a contract is nalized, it has
to be reviewed and signed either by the director or by the
operations manager, whoever is available rst. Both the di-
rector and the operations manager would be notied that the
contract is to be reviewed: the rst one who is available will
proceed with the review.
Note that WP16 is different from the normal choice
(WP 4: Exclusive Choice): The choice is not based on a de-
cision or data but on a choice resolved by the environment.
Table 1 summarizes the results of the comparison of the
workow management systems in terms of the selected pat-
terns. For each product-pattern combination, we checked
whether it is possible to realize the workow pattern with
the tool. If a product directly supports the pattern through
one of its constructs, it is rated +. If the pattern is not di-
rectly supported, it is rated +/-. Any solution that results in
spaghetti diagrams or coding, is considered as giving no di-
rect support and is rated -. These rating should be applied
with care as indicated in [4].
Note that a pattern is only supported directly if there is
a feature provided by the (graphical) interface of the tool
(i.e., not in some scripting language) which supports the
construct without resorting to any of the solutions men-
tioned in the implementation part of the pattern. For ex-
ample, WP6 (Multi-choice) can be realized using a network
of AND/XOR-splits. However, this does not mean that any
workow system supporting WP2 (Parallel Split) and WP4
(Exclusive Choice) directly supports WP6.
From the comparison it appears that no tool supports all
the selected patterns. In fact, many of these tools only sup-
port a relatively small subset of the more advanced patterns
(i.e., patterns 6 to 20). Specically the limited support for
the discriminator, the state-based patterns (only COSA), the
synchronization of multiple instances (only FLOWer), and
the cancellation of activities, is worth noting.
pattern product
Vis. WF
1 (seq) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
2 (par-spl) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
3 (synch) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
4 (ex-ch) + + +/- + + + + + + + + + + + +
5 (simple-m) + + +/- + + + + + + + + + + + +
6 (m-choice) - + +/- +/- - + + + + + + + + + +
7 (sync-m) - +/- + + - + - - + - - - - - -
8 (multi-m) - - - + +/- +/- + - - + + - - - -
9 (disc) - - - + +/- - +/- + - + + - + - +
10 (arb-c) + + - + - + + - - + + +/- + + -
11 (impl-t) + - + + - + - - + - - - - - -
12 (mi-no-s) - +/- - + + +/- + - - + + + - + -
13 (mi-dt) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
14 (mi-rt) - - - - + - - - - - - - - - +/-
15 (mi-no) - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -
16 (def-c) - + - - +/- - - - - - - - - - -
17 (int-par) - + - - +/- - - + - - - - - - -
18 (milest) - + - - +/- - - - - - - - - - -
19 (can-a) + + - - +/- - - - - - - - - - +
20 (can-c) - - - - +/- + - - - + + - + - +
Table 1. Main results of evaluation of workflow products using the workflow patterns [4, 3].
4. Web service composition
After putting workow management into an historical
perspective and introducing workow patterns as a means to
evaluate languages/systems, we focus on web service com-
position and investigate how we can apply results from the
workow domain to the web services domain.
The goal of web services is to exploit XML technology
and the Internet to integrate applications than can be pub-
lished, located, and invoked over the Web. A typical ex-
ample of a web services application is the Galileo system
that connects more that 42,000 travel agency locations to
37 car rental companies, 47,000 hotels, and 350 tour op-
erators. To truly integrate business processes across enter-
prise boundaries it is not sufcient to merely support simple
interaction using standard messages and protocols. Busi-
ness interactions require long-running interactions that are
driven by an explicit process model. This raises the need
for web service composition languages such as BPEL4WS,
Before discussing
BPEL4WS and the likes, we focus on the typical technol-
ogy they build on, i.e., SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol for
exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed en-
vironment using typed message exchange and remote in-
These languages are also known as web service ow languages, web
service orchestration languages, and web-enabled workow languages.
vocation. WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
is an XML format for describing network services based
on a standard messaging layer like SOAP. A WSDL docu-
ment denes services as collections of network endpoints,
or ports. In WSDL, the abstract denition of endpoints and
messages is separated from their concrete network deploy-
ment or data format bindings. This allows for the reuse of
abstract denitions: messages, which are abstract descrip-
tions of the data being exchanged, and port types which are
abstract collections of operations. The concrete protocol
and data format specications for a particular port type con-
stitute a reusable binding. A port is dened by associating a
network address with a reusable binding, and a collection of
ports denes a service. UDDI (Universal Description Dis-
covery and Integration) is the denition of a set of services
supporting the description and discovery of: (1) businesses,
organizations, and other web services providers, (2) the web
services they make available, and (3) the technical inter-
faces which may be used to access those services. Simply
put: UDDI can be used to build yellow pages for web ser-
vices. At this point in time, there seems to be consensus on
the use of SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL. Therefore, we assume
these standards to be in place in the remainder.
Web service composition languages build directly on top
of WSDL. A process in BPEL4WS both provides and/or
uses services described in WSDL. Note that a WSDL ser-
vice is composed of ports that provide operations. Each
operation either sends a message (one-way), receives and
sends a message (request-response), sends and receives a
message (solicit-response), or receives a message (notica-
tion). WSDL services and the corresponding operations are
glued together to provide composed services. To glue such
services together a process model is needed to specify the
order in which the operations are executed. A web service
composition language provides the means to specify such
a process model. An important difference between WSDL
and a language like BPEL4WS has to do with state man-
agement. WSDL is in essence stateless because the lan-
guage is not aware of states in-between operations. The
only state notion supported is the state in-between sending
and receiving a message in a request-response or solicit-
response operation. Any technology supporting a web ser-
vice composition language will have to record states for
processes that are more complex than a simple request-
response. Only by recording the state it is possible to de-
termine what should/can be done, thus enabling long-lived
business transactions.
The BPEL4WS specication builds on IBMs WSFL
(Web Services Flow Language) and Microsofts XLANG
(Web Services for Business Process Design). XLANG is a
block-structured language with basic control ow structures
such as sequence, switch (for conditional routing), while
(for looping), all (for parallel routing), and pick (for race
conditions based on timing or external triggers). In contrast,
WSFL is graph-oriented, and relies mainly on the concept
of control links. Graphs dened using control-links can be
nested but need to be acyclic. Iteration is only supported
through exit conditions, i.e., an activity/subprocess is iter-
ated until its exit condition is met. The control ow part of
WSFL is almost identical to the workow language used by
IBMs MQSeries Workow. This may be surprising given
the fact that this workow language is very different from
most others. For example, the semantics of control links
in MQSeries Workow is dened in terms of the so-called
dead-path elimination principle. The idea of dead-path
elimination is that both positive and negative values can be
propagated through control links, determining whether the
activities in a path should be executed or not. Using this
idea, it is possible to capture not only the basic merging
patterns, namely Synchronization (WP3) and Simple Merge
(WP5), but also the more advanced Synchronizing Merge
(WP7), which is not supported by many mainstream work-
ow products. Although dead-path elimination is a nice fea-
ture, it is quite exotic and not supported by most systems.
The correspondence between WSFL and MQSeries
Workow can easily be explained by the fact that both lan-
guages are dened by the same people. Similar comments
can be made for XLANG and Microsofts BizTalk Orches-
trator. XLANG is based on the current middleware solution
of Microsoft and therefore hardly qualies as a standard.
Moreover, the merger of these two languages (WSFL and
XLANG) which are based on different paradigms, leads to
a language (BPEL4WS) with clearly overlapping constructs
(i.e. lacking orthogonality). For example, the simple pat-
terns (WP1WP5) can be specied using either structured
activities (switch, sequence, etc.), or control links, or even
combinations of both as discussed in [23]. Hence, pro-
cess designers using BPEL4WS require guidance regarding
when to use which style (XLANG-style or WSFL-style).
BPEL4WS is not the only standard in the area of web
service composition that has been proposed in recent years.
Sun, BEA, SAP, and Intalio have introduced another can-
didate for web services composition: WSCI (Web Ser-
vice Choreography Interface), which has been taken as one
of its inputs by the recently created W3C Web Services
Choreography Group (www.w3.org/2002/ws/chor). Intalio
has also initiated the Business Process Management Ini-
tiative (BPMI.org) which developed the BPML (Business
Process Markup Language). OASIS and UN/CEFACT sup-
port ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup
Language). Part of ebXML is BPSS (Business Process
Schema Specication), yet another standard having a sim-
ilar scope as BPEL4WS, WSFL XLANG, WSCI, and
BPML, but with subtle differences that deserve further in-
vestigation. The abundance of overlapping standards for
web services composition is overwhelming. In fact, the col-
lection of competing web services standards without clear
added value has been termed the Web Services Acronym
Hell (WSAH) [1].
Outside the web services domain there have been other
initiatives to standardize the specication of executable
business processes. Most notable is the initiative of the
Workow Management Coalition (WfMC). Since 1993, the
WfMC has been active to standardize both a workow pro-
cess denition language and the interfaces between vari-
ous workow components. In August 2002 the WfMC re-
leased XPDL (XML Process Denition Language, Version
1.0 Beta) to support the exchange of workow specica-
tions between different workow products. According to
Jon Pyke, WfMC Chair and CTO Staffware, XPDL is con-
sistent with BPEL4WS, but goes far beyond the standards
for web service composition. Clearly, many people work-
ing on standards for web service composition have not ben-
et enough from the experiences in the workow domain.
However, it is also clear that the standards of the WfMC
have not been adopted by the workow vendors. Some of
the systems can export to XPDL, but none of them can im-
port XPDL from another system and still produce mean-
ingful results. One of the reasons is that after working on
workow standards for more than a decade, there is still no
consensus on the workow constructs that need to be sup-
ported and their semantics. It is remarkable how many dif-
ferent interpretations of a join construct exist in contempo-
rary workow languages: Wait for all (AND-join), Wait
for rst and reset (XOR-join), Wait for rst and ignore
remaining ones, Wait for all to come, etc.
5. Web service composition languages
A comparison of BPEL4WS, XLANG, WSFL, BPML
and WSCI is given in Table 5. The ratings for BPEL4WS,
XLANG, WSFL, BPML and WSCI in the table are taken
from [2, 23]. As indicated before, a + in a cell of the ta-
ble refers to direct support (i.e. there is a construct in the
language which directly supports the pattern). A - indicates
that there is no direct support. This does not mean though
that it is not possible to realize the pattern through some
work-around solution. In fact, any of the patterns can be
realized using a standard programming language but this is
Sometimes there is a feature that only par-
tially supports a pattern, e.g. a construct that directly sup-
ports the pattern but imposes some restrictions on the struc-
ture of the process.
In [2, 23] we show constructs for each of the patterns
mentioned. For example, BPML realizes the Deferred
Choice (WP16) through the choice construct. The seman-
tics of choice, i.e. awaiting for the arrival of an event and
depending on the event selecting a pre-specied route, cap-
tures the key idea of this pattern, namely a choice is not
made immediately when a certain point (i.e. the choice ac-
tivity) is reached, but delayed until receipt of some kind of
external trigger. BPEL4WS offers a construct similar to the
choice in BPML. In BPEL4WS this construct is named the
pick. In this paper, we do not show explicit solutions for the
patterns and focus on the big pictureshown in Table 5.
The following observations can be made from the table:
As the rst 5 patterns correspond to basic routing con-
structs, they are directly supported by all languages.
BPEL4WS as a language integrating the features of the
block structured language XLANG and the directed
graphs of WSFL, indeed supports the union of patterns
supported by XLANG and WSFL.
BPEL4WS, in contrast to BPML, does offer direct sup-
port for the Multi Choice and Synchronizing Merge.
This is a consequence of the dead-path elimination
principle inherited from WSFL.
BPEL4WS does not support the Multi-Merge pattern,
while BPML directly supports it with some restric-
Languages such as BPEL4WS, XLANG, WSFL, and BPML are Tur-
ing complete. They can be used to emulate a Turing machine, and thus can
theoretically do any calculation. However, this observation is not relevant
in the context at hand: Any programming language is Turing-complete,
but this does not imply suitability for web services composition. Hence,
we consider direct supportrather than Turing-completeness.
tions. This is due to the fact that BPML, unlike
BPEL4WS, supports invocation of sub-processes.
Unlike many mainstream workow languages, all the
compared languages support the Deferred Choice.
BPEL4WS, through the concept of serializable scopes,
is the only one of the above languages to support
the Interleaved Parallel Routing pattern, although with
some restrictions.
None of the compared languages supports arbitrary
When comparing BPEL4WS, XLANG, WSFL, BPML and
WSCI to contemporary workow systems [4] on the basis
of the patterns discussed in this paper, they are remarkably
strong. Note that only few workow management systems
support Cancel Activity, Cancel Case, Implicit Termination,
and Deferred Choice. In addition, workow management
systems typically do not directly support message sending.
The trade-off between block-structured languages and
graph-based languages is only partly reected by Ta-
ble 5. XLANG, BPML, and WSCI are block-structured
languages. WSFL is graph-based. BPEL4WS is a hybrid
language in the sense that it combines features from both
the block-structured language XLANG and the graph-based
language WSFL. Nearly all workow languages are graph-
based and emphasize the need of end-users to understand
and communicate process models. Therefore, it is remark-
able that of the ve languages evaluated in Table 5, only
WSFL is graph based. Moreover, in [16] no attention is paid
to the graphical representation of WSFL. All the ve lan-
guages are textual (XML-based) without any graphical rep-
resentation. This seems to indicate that communication of
the models is not considered as a requirement. In this con-
text, we refer to the BPMI initiative toward a Business Pro-
cess Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN is intended as a
graphical language that can be mapped onto languages such
as BPML and BPEL4WS [22]. Although not reected by
Table 5, the expressiveness of block-structured languages is
limited to well-structuredprocesses [15] where there is a
one-to-one correspondence between splits and joins. In the
case of BPML, this forces designers to rely on signals and
related constructs (namely raise and synch) which appear
to be workarounds to emulate a graph-based language.
6. Discussion
To conclude, we return to the title of the paper Web Ser-
vice Composition Languages: Old Wine in New Bottles?.
To answer this question we compared workow manage-
ment systems and web service composition languages us-
ing a set of patterns. The comparison reveals that web ser-
Sequence (WP1) + + + + +
Parallel Split (WP2) + + + + +
Synchronization (WP3) + + + + +
Exclusive Choice (WP4) + + + + +
Simple Merge (WP5) + + + + +
Multi Choice (WP6) + +
Synchronizing Merge (WP7) + +
Multi-Merge (WP8) +/ +/
Discriminator (WP9)
Arbitrary Cycles (WP10)
Implicit Termination (WP11) + + + +
MI without Synchronization (WP12) + + + + +
MI with a Priori Design Time Knowledge (WP13) + + + + +
MI with a Priori Runtime Knowledge (WP14)
MI without a Priori Runtime Knowledge (WP15)
Deferred Choice (WP16) + + + +
Interleaved Parallel Routing (WP17) +/
Milestone (WP18)
Cancel Activity (WP19) + + + + +
Cancel Case (WP20) + + + + +
Request/Reply + + +
One-Way + + +
Synchronous Polling + + +
Message Passing + + +
Table 2. Comparison of BPEL4WS, XLANG, WSFL, BPML and WSCI using both workflow and com-
munication patterns.
vice composition languages adopt most of the functional-
ity present in workow systems. Therefore, the statement
Old Wine in New Bottles is justied. At the same time,
it is remarkable that web service composition languages
are more expressive than the traditional workow products.
This indicates that people developing these languages may
have learned from experiences in the workow domain.
Moreover, web service composition languages also provide
more explicit support for the basic communication patterns.
In fact, these languages can be termed communication-
oriented process denition languages, since most of the
atomic activities that they support are for sending or re-
ceiving messages. The communication patterns used in our
analysis are directly borrowed from a previous proposal in
the area of Enterprise Application Integration [19]. An anal-
ysis based on a more rened set of communication patterns
which explicitly take into account aspects such as process
creation, process correlation, retries, etc. is a possible di-
rection for future work. The patterns documented in [12]
may provide a starting point.
We hope that this paper will encourage researchers and
developers to look into the history of workow management
and use frameworks such as the workow patterns to anal-
yse and compare competing languages. Also, as suggested
by [14], researchers should mobilize in order to provide for-
mal semantics and characterizations of emerging languages,
using well-established process modeling formalisms such
as communicating nite state automata, Petri nets, and pro-
cess algebras. For example, it would be interesting to have
formal proofs that languages such as BPEL4WS map to safe
and non-deadlocking Petri nets, to have decision procedures
for determining whether there are unreachable activities in a
BPEL4WS process denition, as well as completeness the-
orems regarding emerging languages or subsets thereof. An
early example of an effort aimed at providing a formal foun-
dation for Web service composition (in the broad sense)
is [7]. We believe that more work along this direction is
needed before the eld attains the level of maturity required
for moving into durable standardization efforts.
Acknowledgment. We would like to thank Petia Wohed for
contributing to the results referred to in this paper.
[1] W.M.P. van der Aalst. Dont go with the ow: Web services
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