Updated: August 2024
What Information Should be on your Invoice?
Accurate invoice information provides significant benefits to your company including fast delivery of payment, early invoice
data validation and better visibility on payment status. In order to avoid delays in payment, it is critical that your invoice
includes ALL required information and matches the details provided in Dow’s Purchase Order (“Purchase Order” or “PO”).
Please follow all Purchase Order instructions from Dow for invoice submissions.
Buyer will only pay accurate invoices submitted in accordance with the Purchase Order requirements. If an invoice does
not meet the requirements in the Purchase Order or is otherwise incomplete or incorrect (such as an incorrect amount or
an item for which Buyer is not responsible for payment), the invoice where legally allowed, will be returned to you, and you
must issue a new, correct invoice and submit it to Buyer. Where not legally allowed, the invoice will be referred back to
you to provide additional details to Buyer. Invoices shall be accompanied by reasonable documentation if requested by
Buyer to support the billing.
How should you submit your invoice?
Specific invoice submission methods may be required depending on regional/country requirements. For more information
regarding regional invoice submission methods, refer to the regional links above for specific instruction.
Invoice submission methods may include one or more of the following:
Digital Invoice Submission
Email Invoice Submission
Paper Invoice Submission
Submitting International Trade Orders
International Trade Orders follow a special submission process. If you have an International Trade Order and Invoice,
please make sure to contact Dow’s Freight Forwarder to align with the appropriate process to be followed.
Payment Inquiries: Dow Procure to Pay (PtP) Service Desk
Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at www.dow.com/supplierportal.
Specific Dow requirements for invoice information by different regions must be checked via the below links.
Dow Invoicing Requirements
Invoicing Quality Standards and Submission Methods
Updated: August 2024
Invoice requirements
Invoice must fully match the Purchase Order or Bill of Lading
o Item number (if applicable) and a detailed description of the Services and/or Products
o Unit price, quantity, unit of measurement, and currency must match the Purchase Order
o Do NOT combine different transaction types (debit and credit) in one invoice
Purchase Order (PO) Number or Shipment Number (for outbound freight invoices) is required
o SES – Service Entry Sheet number (when required/available)
o One shipment number per outbound freight invoice
Invoice must be legible
Supplier’s complete name, tax identification number (or similar identification in non-U.S. jurisdictions) and remit to
address including banking information.
o Canada suppliers must include Tax Registration Number if charging Tax
“Bill To” Entity Name exactly as noted on Purchase Order or Bill of Lading
o Legal name and address (Bill to) may be different than Invoice submission name and address
Supplier’s invoice number
Invoice date
Freight INCOTERM® (if applicable)
Tax amount/rate information (if applicable)
o Canadian tax needs to be labeled on the invoice
Any final balance due invoices should always indicate already-made payments and include the words “balance due”
Additional Outbound and Inbound Freight Invoice requirements:
o Origin City and State
o Destination City and State
o Ship Date
o Bill of Lading number, railcar number, packing list number
o Separately billed accessorials are to be billed via paper/EDI with explanation of service/rate/etc. – with the
verbiage “Separately Billed Accessorial” conspicuously printed on the invoice
o For Outbound Freight line haul charges must be submitted prior to submitting additional accessorial charges
to avoid rejections at CASS
Credit memos need to be sent as a PDF document to FUSCHEQ@dow.com
Submission Methods
Digital Invoice Submission (Preferred Method)
Over the past several years, Dow has invested in the implementation of digital networks to support its Source to Pay work
process. Suppliers utilizing these digital networks see a significant improvement in their paid on time and accuracy
performance. Dow strongly encourages all Suppliers to submit invoices using one of Dow’s digital invoice submission
methods. Dow is currently working with Elemica® and ARIBA®.
NAA Outbound Freight, EDI to CASS is preferred method for invoice submission. For set up contact
Dowsupport@cassinfo.com. If you want to know more, we encourage you to contact your Dow Purchasing representative
to discuss.
Email Invoice Submission or CASS upload (Acceptable)
While the use of digital networks should be your first choice, Dow understands that not all companies are ready to
Dow North America (NAA) Invoicing Requirements
Invoicing Quality Standards and Submission Methods
Updated: August 2024
implement a network solution. Dow does allow Suppliers to submit invoices via email.
PDF File Submission
When emailing invoices, file submission must be in PDF format
Compressed or zipped files are not accepted
No more than 20 PDF’s in an email with a combined file size of less than 30MB
No password protection or encryption on the PDF file(s)
Each PDF file can only contain one invoice
Invoices with more than one page should not be split into separate PDF documents
Please send PDF invoices to the email addresses listed below:
The email addresses below are intended only to receive invoices. Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at
Invoice Type
United States & Canada
Indirect: Labor, Services,
Warehouse, Other Invoices
Raw Materials [email protected]
Hydrocarbons [email protected]
Inbound Freight
Loaded Inbound Rail Freight: [email protected]
Misc. Rail: [email protected]
Ocean & Dray: [email protected]
Scripts/Uploads: [email protected]
Veraction https://traxtech.com
Outbound Freight
Deep Sea Vessel: Dow Marine Logistics
All other transportation modes: Upload to CASS portal
Scripted Invoices
Suppliers on scripted invoice must be approved by their Dow
Purchasing contact and will receive invoice submission
instructions separately
Paper Invoice Submission (by exception only)
Paper invoice submission is discouraged by Dow. Please use digital invoice submission wherever possible. Paper
invoices must be scanned before being entered into Dow’s system and hence lead to longer processing times.
Please send paper invoices to the mailing addresses listed below considering the country where your products
or services are supplied to:
Invoice Type
United States
Indirect: Labor, Services, Warehouse,
Other Invoices
PO Box 210279
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 211129
Dallas TX 75211
Raw Materials
PO Box 210429
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 210429
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 210279
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 211129
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 210009
Dallas TX 75211
PO Box 210009
Dallas TX 75211
Inbound Freight
PO Box 210099
Dallas, TX 75211
PO Box 210099
Dallas, TX 75211
Updated: August 2024
DHL, FedEx, UPS:
PO Box 2559
Midland MI 48641
Miscellaneous Rail Charges:
Rail Miscellaneous Invoices
PO Box 2879
Midland MI 48641-2879
DHL, FedEx, UPS:
PO Box 2559
Midland MI 48641
Miscellaneous Rail Charges:
Rail Miscellaneous Invoices
PO Box 2879
Midland MI 48641-2879
Outbound Freight
Send directly to CASS:
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
C/O CASS Information Systems
PO Box 17611
St Louis MO 63178-7611
Send directly to CASS:
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
C/O CASS Information Systems
PO Box 17611
St Louis MO 63178-7611
Outbound Freight Truck Detention
Submitting Outbound Shipment related charges with Bill of Lading number to CASS:
Detention Charges – Carriers are going to bill CASS for detention on carrier invoice per the following rules:
o Carrier will submit detention loading charges to CASS on original invoice.
o Carrier will submit detention unloading charges for Dow to Dow move only to CASS on original invoice.
Detention Unloading at Customer
o Carrier will submit detention unloading to the Customer.
o If submitted to CASS on original invoice, unloading detention will be short paid.
o If Carrier has tried to collect unloading detention from Customer and is unsuccessful after 90 days, or
Customer has provided written refusal, the carrier can submit an additional accessorial invoice with all
supporting documentation of attempts to collect from Customer to the following address:
Invoice Type
United States
Detention Unloading at Customer
Only after attempt to collect from
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
C/O CASS Information Systems
PO Box 17611
St Louis MO 63178-7611
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
C/O CASS Information Systems
PO Box 17611
St Louis MO 63178-7611
Freight Refund Submission
Freight refund check should include the following:
Invoice Number
One of the following
o Shipment Number
o Purchase Order
If multiple shipments and/or invoices on a given refund check, a spreadsheet can be submitted with check
referencing the above information needed to process your refund.
This includes all payments made on behalf of CASS.
Please send refund checks to the mailing addresses listed below considering the country where your products or services
are supplied to:
United States
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
P.O. Box 1286
Midland MI 48641-1286
Dow (or Dow subsidiary)
P.O. Box 1286
Midland, MI 48641-1286
If you have questions pertaining to the Freight refund process or need additional information to submit your refund, please
send correspondence to functional mailbox FUS[email protected].
Dow Procure to Pay (PtP) Service Desk
Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at www.dow.com/supplierportal.
CASS Information Systems Payment Services Team
Updated: August 2024
To obtain payment information on Outbound Freight invoices billed to CASS or to check the status of a freight bill that was
invoiced to CASS, go to www.Cassport.com. Before you are able to check the status, you will need to apply for a user
name and password. To do this, please contact the CASS Payment Services Team at 314-506-5959 or email them at
PaymentServicesSTL@Cassinfo.com. It is your responsibility to follow the process and status of invoice through the
CASS portal.
CASS Shipper Base Numbers
Please refer to Appendix for Shipper Base Numbers required for submitting CASS invoice submission.
Updated: August 2024
Invoice requirements
Invoice must fully match the Purchase Order
o If PO is split into separate line items, the invoice must also reflect separate line items
Purchase Order (PO) Number or Shipment Number (for outbound freight invoices) is required
o SES – Service Entry Sheet number (when required/available)
Invoice must be legible
Supplier’s remit to address
Freight INCOTERM® (if applicable)
Any final balance due invoices should always indicate already-paid down payments
“Bill To” Entity Name exactly as noted on Purchase Order
o Legal name and address (Bill to) may be different than Invoice submission name and address
The name and address of the Supplier and the Buyer
The VAT registration number of the supplier
The Buyer’s VAT registration number
must also be included on the invoice for products & services purchased from
other EU countries and when the Customer is liable for the payment of VAT.
Supplier invoice number
Trade Register number
of the Supplier
The invoice date
The date on which the products or services were supplied when different from the invoice date
The quantity and type of products or services supplied
Invoices must also include the following data for every VAT rate or exemption in VAT:
the price per piece or unit, excluding VAT
any reductions (e.g. discount) that are not included in the price
the VAT rate that has been applied
the total cost (the price excluding VAT)
in case of advance payment: the date of payment, if this is different from the invoice date
the amount of VAT
Invoice can be expressed in any currency, but the VAT amount should always be in local currency i.e. where the
transaction is deemed to take place
In cases where the person liable for payment of VAT is a tax representative, the VAT identification number of the tax
representative, together with full name and address
In the case of an exemption or where the Customer is liable for payment of VAT (reverse charge), reference to the EU
Directive, local legislation or any other reference should be mentioned on the invoice
Furthermore it must be apparent from the invoice whether a special VAT regulation applies
In Germany the general tax number should be specified when no VAT number has been granted.
In Kenya also the personal identification number (PIN) of the Supplier and Customer should be specified.
In Kenya the invoice should be generated through an Electronic Tax Register (ETR) containing details of the transaction. The logo and identification of the ETR
should be specified on the invoice. In Ghana invoices must be pre-printed as authorized by the Commissioner of VAT. Invoices which are not pre-printed must be
approved by the Commissioner of VAT before use. Furthermore, the Supplier’s signature should be specified on the invoice in Ghana.
Not mandatory in Norway, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK and Poland. In Germany the responsible registration court and the names of
the managing directors should typically be specified on the invoice.
Dow Europe, Middle East, Africa, & India (EMEAI)
Invoicing Requirements
Invoicing Quality Standards and Submission Methods
Updated: August 2024
Submission Methods
Digital Invoice Submission
E-Invoice: XML (Italy only)
Any invoice issued by an established company in Italy versus another established company in Italy and/or Italian
resident and/or an Italian government institution, needs to be in the form of an XML message.
This XML invoice has to be sent to the fiscal authorities in Italy (SDI) where an invoice check will be executed by the
SDI. Only approved XML invoices will be distributed by SDI to the Buyer.
Codice Destinario Dow: CS8NOAM
Codice Destinario Dow in cases submitted via ARIBA® network: IRKA1JB
XML Mapping should be set up as indicated below, following the closing </DatiGeneraliDocumento> tag
XML Mapping
Purchase Order references
<RiferimentoNumeroLinea>Invoice Line Item Number</RiferimentoNumeroLinea>
<IdDocumento>Purchase Order Number</IdDocumento>
<NumItem>PO Item Number</NumItem>
Service Entry Sheet references
<RiferimentoNumeroLinea>Invoice Line Item Number</RiferimentoNumeroLinea>
<IdDocumento>SES Number</IdDocumento>
<NumItem>SES Item Number</NumItem>
Shipment Number references
<NumeroDDT>Shipment Number</NumeroDDT>
<RiferimentoNumeroLinea>Shipment Line Item Number</RiferimentoNumeroLinea>
Dow contact name/e-mail address
If you do not have one of the other references, you are asked to communicate our internal Dow contact name in the follow tag:
<Causale>Dow contact and email address</Causale>
Example of Purchase Order XML Mapping
Updated: August 2024
EDI Connection
Dow is currently working with Elemica® and ARIBA® on EDI (electronic data interchange). If you want to know more,
please contact your Dow Sourcing representative to discuss.
For freight export related invoices, Dow is currently working with Cass on electronic invoice formats. For the carriers on-
boarded to Cass, and for the specific scope, this is the preferred method of invoice submission. If you want to know more,
please contact your Dow Sourcing representative to discuss.
Email Invoice Submission
PDF file submission
When emailing invoices, file submission must be in PDF format
Compressed or zipped files are not accepted
No more than 20 PDF’s in an email with a combined file size of less than 30MB
No password protection or encryption on the PDF file(s)
Each PDF file can only contain one invoice
Invoices with more than one page should not be split into separate PDF documents
Please send PDF invoices to the email addresses listed below:
The email addresses below are intended only to receive invoices. Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at
Bill to Dow Entity
Email Address Additional Comments
Austria & Germany [email protected]om
Denmark FTNAPDK@dow.com
[email protected]om Refer to the two attached documents to enable PDF
Dow France Billing Certificate Form:
English Version
French Version
Dow France SAS - PDF Invoicing Instructions:
English Version
French Version
Italy [email protected]om Non-Domestic Invoices Only
Utilize included forms to enable PDF submission for France. It is a regulatory requirement to have a signed contract in place between both parties to continue
submission and accepting invoices in PDF format. The invoices must be originally generated through the Supplier’s ERP (no manual scan of the paper copy).
Valid Functional Mailboxes to submit your PDF and/or XML Files
Updated: August 2024
India [email protected]om Digitally Signed in compliance with Indian Legislation
Netherlands [email protected]
Saudi Arabia [email protected]om
Switzerland [email protected]om
United Arab Emirates [email protected]om
United Kingdom FTNAPUK@dow.com
All others [email protected]om
Paper Invoice Submission (not recommended)
Paper invoices submission is discouraged by Dow. Please use digital invoice submission wherever possible. Paper
invoices are scanned before being entered into Dow’s system. Therefore, it is very important that the invoice has a high
Follow Dow’s Purchase Order for the correct mail to address. If the mail to address is not mentioned on the Purchase
Order, send paper invoices to the addresses listed below
considering the country where your products or services are
Bill To Dow Entity Country Mail to address:
Algeria DOW CHEMICAL IMEA GMBH - Liaison Office Algeria
12, allée des Palmiers (Ex- lot Djenane El Malik)
Hydra, Algiers
All Other African Countries Dow Southern Africa (PTY) LTD
Ground floor Magma Building
Maxwell Office Park
Magwa Cresent
Waterfall City
Austria & Germany DOW
PO Box 95
820 15 Bratislava
Belgium DOW
PO Box 105
820 15 Bratislava
Denmark DOW
PO Box 114
820 15 Bratislava
Finland DOW
PO Box 115
820 15 Bratislava
France DOW
PO Box 98
If the correct country is not listed, contact your Dow commercial manager or other Dow contact for the correct mail to address.
Mail to address
to submit your
paper invoice:
Updated: August 2024
820 15 Bratislava
India DOW
48/2 Kudlu Gate off Hosur Road
Bangalore 560 068
(Non-Domestic Invoices
PO Box 102
820 15 Bratislava
Netherlands DOW
PO Box 96
820 15 Bratislava
Norway DOW
PO Box 123
820 15 Bratislava
Poland & Romania DOW
PO Box 113
820 15 Bratislava
Portugal & Saudi Arabia DOW
PO Box 110
820 15 Bratislava
Spain DOW
PO Box 101
820 15 Bratislava
Sweden DOW
PO Box 107
820 15 Bratislava
Switzerland DOW
PO Box 94
820 15 Bratislava
Dilovası organize san.Böl.2.Kısım D:2001 Sok No:1
United Arab Emirates Dow Chemical IMEA GmbH
Al Wahda City Tower
Hazaa Bin Zayed the First Street
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom DOW
PO Box 103
820 15 Bratislava
Dow Procure to Pay (PtP) Service Desk
Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at www.dow.com/supplierportal.
CASS Information Systems Payment Services Team
Updated: August 2024
To obtain payment information on Outbound Freight invoices billed to CASS or to check the status of a freight bill that was
invoiced to CASS, go to www.Cassport.com. India related invoices must still refer to the Dow Supplier Portal for payment
details information. Before you are able to check the status, you will need to apply for a username and password. To
obtain credentials through Cass, go to www.Cassport.com and apply for a username and password by clicking the “sign-
up” button. It is your responsibility to follow the process and status of invoice through the CASS portal.
Updated: August 2024
Invoice requirements
Non-Freight Invoice
Invoice must fully match the Purchase Order
o If PO is split into separate line items, the invoice must also reflect separate line items with amount for each
PO line
o Unit price, quantity, unit of measurement and currency must match the Purchase Order
o If down payment/prepayment is made, please mark “down payment/prepayment” on invoice
Purchase Order (PO) Number or Shipment Number (for outbound freight invoices) is required
o SES – Service Entry Sheet number (when required/available)
Invoice must be legible
Supplier’s complete name, tax identification number (or similar identification in non-U.S. jurisdictions) and remit to
“Bill To” Entity Name exactly as noted on Purchase Order
o Legal name and address (Bill to) may be different than Invoice submission name and address
Supplier’s invoice number
Invoice date
Tax amount/rate information (if applicable)
Logistics Invoice
Invoice must fully match the Purchase Order
o If PO is split into separate line items, the invoice must also reflect separate line items with amount for each
PO line
Please make sure to contact Dow logistic focal to align with the appropriate process to be followed
E-file (Uploading file) is required
Name the E-file by “Cocd_Vendor Code_inv number”
Send the E-file to scanning functional email box but differentiate the email subject line to state if the email contains E-
file only or Invoice + E-file
Supporting document (3rd party re-claim invoices, if any)
Do NOT combine different transaction types (e.g. Inbound freight, Outbound freight, Freight forwarder service fee, etc)
in one invoice.
Submission Methods
Digital Invoice Submission
PDF File Submission
When emailing invoices, file submission must be in PDF format
Compressed or zipped files are not accepted
No more than 20 PDF’s in an email with a combined file size of less than 30MB
No password protection or encryption on the PDF file(s)
Each PDF file can only contain one invoice
Invoices with more than one page should not be split into separate PDF documents
Soft copy invoice and supporting document should be combined in one PDF file
Elemica Digital Submission - 1 PDF, 1 Dow template, and all mandatory fields must be filled in
Dow APAC Invoicing Requirements
Invoicing Quality Standards and Submission Methods
Updated: August 2024
Please send PDF invoices to the email addresses listed below:
The email addresses below are intended only to receive invoices. Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at
Country Comment PDF invoice receiving mailbox
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Original e-Invoice accepted. Do not send printed E-
invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Hong Kong
Original e
accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
e-Invoice NOT accepted for domestic transactions,
the mailbox provided on the right is only to receive
PDF e-Invoice from overseas Suppliers.
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
e-Invoice NOT accepted for domestic transactions,
the mailbox provided on the right is only to receive
PDF e-Invoice from overseas Suppliers.
New Zealand
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
e-Invoice NOT accepted for domestic transactions,
the mailbox provided on the right is only to receive
PDF e-Invoice from overseas Suppliers or Suppliers
with CAS certificate
Original e
Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Original e-Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Original e-Invoice (PDF) accepted. Do not send
printed E-invoices to paper invoice scanning location.
Functional Mailboxes to submit your PDF Files
Updated: August 2024
Paper Invoice Submission
Invoice and related supporting document should be clipped together
Please separate invoices with different invoice numbers, do not clip together
Please send paper invoices to the mailing addresses listed below considering the country where your products or services
are supplied:
Country Mailing Address (EN) Mailing Address (Local language)
Australia Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
China Iron Mountain Shanghai
Mail Point DOW,
No.38 Liuming Road, Putuo District,
Shanghai 200333
Attn: Dow Program
Tel: 021-56055028-601
上海市普陀区柳明路 38 DOW,邮
收件人:Dow 项目组
Hong Kong Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
Indonesia PT Crown Worldwide Indonesia
Taman Tekno Blok D/20
Sector XI, Bumi Serpong Damai
Tangerang 15314
Attn: Citantri Ayu / Ade Sofyan
Subject: Dow Indonesia
Phone: +6221 7588 2338
Japan Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
South Korea Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
E-invoice receiving mailbox:
Updated: August 2024
Myanmar Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
Malaysia Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
New Zealand Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
Philippines Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
Singapore Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
E-invoice receiving mailbox:
Ref: Dow Taiwan
6F.-3, No189, Sec. 2, Keelung Rd
Xinyi District, Taipei City, 110
Phone: 88622732-8994 / 88622732-
备注:Dow Taiwan
110 台北市信義區基隆路二段 189 6
樓之 3
電話: 88622732-8994 / 88622732 -
Vietnam Iron Mountain HK Limited
Attn: DMS Department (Dow)
3 Kin Tai Street
Tuen Mun
Phone: +852 3421 1932
Dow Procure to Pay (PtP) Service Desk
Check invoice status and submit new inquiries at www.dow.com/supplierportal.
Updated: August 2024
Invoice requirements
Invoice must fully match the Purchase Order
o If PO is split into separate line items, the invoice must also reflect separate line items
Purchase Order (PO) Number or Shipment Number (for outbound freight invoices) is required
o SES – Service Entry Sheet number (when required/available)
Invoice must be legible and readable
Supplier’s complete name, tax identification number (or similar identification in non-U.S. jurisdictions) and remit to address
“Bill To” Entity Name exactly as noted on Purchase Order
Supplier’s invoice number and Invoice date
Freight INCOTERMS® (if applicable)
Tax amount/rate information (if applicable)
Unit price, unit of measurement and currency must match the Purchase Order
Any final balance due invoices should always indicate already-made payments
Submission Methods
Digital Invoice Submission (recommended)
e-Invoice: XML File Submission (only applicable to domestic Colombia, Mexico and Brazil)
Please check the critical XML requirements by country in the last page that must be implemented by your company. Address these
requirements internally and/or contact Dow for clarification on requirements.
Colombia: Domestic Large Players and early adopters must submit 1 PDF + 1 XML invoice per email
Mexico: Domestic Suppliers must submit 1 PDF + 1 XML invoice per email
Brazil: Domestic Suppliers must submit CT-e / NF-e XML invoices to SEFAZ. Paper copies of CT-e/NF-e invoices should not be submitted to Dow
Accounts Payable email addresses as these are taken directly from government website for payment purposes. The process for non-electronic
invoices, such as domestic Services or all foreign transactions remains unchanged.
Elemica Digital Submission - 1 PDF, 1 Dow template, and all mandatory fields must be filled in.
EDI Connection
Dow is currently working with Elemica® and ARIBA® on EDI (electronic data interchange). If you want to know more, please contact
your Dow Sourcing representative to discuss.
PDF file submission
When emailing invoices, file submission must be in PDF format
Only one invoice per PDF file
Email size should be less than 30MB
No password protection or encryption on the PDF file
Only one (1) invoice per PDF file.
Invoices with more than one page should not be split into separate PDF documents.
For Mexico and Colombia, you must only send 1 PDF + 1 XML per email. The subject line of the email must clearly identify its
purpose – for example "Invoice", “Credit Note”, “Debit Note”, etc.
Invoices must be sent by email to the correct Dow address listed in the section below:
The Dow email addresses below are for receiving invoices only and should not be replied to. If you need support or help, visit
Dow Latin America Invoicing Requirements
Invoicing Quality Standards and Submission Methods
Updated: August 2024
Where to send your invoice for Domestic Purchases
Bill to
Send P2X*
Invoice File Type Note Email
Argentina Yes PDF copy of invoice and
P2X file must be
submitted to Dow in a
single email
XML must be submitted to AFIP dow.prod.p2x@rica-inbound-
Argentina No PDF copy of invoice
must be submitted to
XML must be submitted to AFIP [email protected]m
Brazil Yes P2X template and PDF
invoice must be
submitted to Dow in a
single email
Do not send PDF of NF-e and CT-e
Do not send XML
Brazil No All types of services
invoices, Credit and
Debit notes
Do not send PDF of NF-e and CT-e
Do not send XML
Colombia Yes PDF copy of invoice and
P2X file must be
submitted to Dow in a
single email
An additional email is required for the XML file
and PDF
Colombia No Suppliers required by
DIAN: send XML and
PDF, within a single ZIP
file. Non-obligatory
suppliers at DIAN: send
For international purchases, the PDF must be
sent to facturaladow@dow.com
Mexico Yes
PDF copy of invoice and
P2X file must be
submitted to Dow in a
single email
An additional email is required for the XML file
and PDF
Mexico No XML & PDF
For international purchases, the PDF must be
sent to facturaladow@dow.com
All other LAA Yes PDF copy of invoice and
P2X file must be
submitted to Dow in a
single email
All other LAA No PDF [email protected]m
Contract negotiations may require a third party to pay on behalf of Dow, in which case the supplier is informed where to send the
invoice through the commercial contract.
For import material, a copy of the invoice must also be sent to the Broker due to customs clearance
Note: *P2X is a Dow template which is sent in via Elemica. This is only applicable if your company has been onboarded and is sending
the P2X file to Elemica.
Where to send your invoice for
International Purchases
Bill To Dow
Entity Country
Type of Purchase Dow Companies Email Address
Argentina Material All Companies in Argentina Send the invoice directly to your Freight Forwarder
Brazil Material All Dow companies in Brazil Send the invoice directly to your Freight Forwarder
Other LAA Countries Material All other Dow companies [email protected]m
Valid Functional Mailboxes to submit your PDF and/or XML Files:
Updated: August 2024
Brazilian Requirements for Paper Invoices (NF-e and CT-e)
NF-e (products) and CT-e (inbound freight): Hard Copy of the Invoice must accompany the products
CT-e outbound freight: Hard copy of invoice must be sent to Dow’s Requestor
Please do NOT send paper copies of NF-e or CT-e invoices directly to Dow Accounts Payable email addresses and / or Iron
Mountain® address as these are taken directly from the government website for payment purposes.
International Order Shipping
International purchase orders follow a special shipping process. If you have an international purchase order and an invoice, contact
your Dow Brokers to align on the appropriate process to follow.
Dow Procure to Pay (PtP) Service Desk
If you have questions related to invoice requirements or payment status, please contact the Dow Procure to Pay Service Desk at
Mandatory instructions for XML files
Make sure that critical fields are included as specified below (The instructions were revised in December 2019. Be aware of changes to
legislation. It is not Dow's responsibility to provide updated instructions on changes to legislation regarding XML):
All countries in LAA Service All Dow Companies Brazil: faturabrdow@dow.com
Other LAA Countries: fa[email protected]m
Updated: August 2024
Please ensure critical fields below are included accordingly:
Purchase Order Numbers must be included on field “xPed” (10-digit number)
Purchase Order Item must be included on the field “nItemPed”, (5-digit number read from left-to-right)
Shipment Number must be included on field “xObs” (exact 8-digit number or 10-digit with leading zeros)
File Naming – the XML and PDF files must have the same name (just differs in file extension)
XML Formatting: Dow needs Four critical items to successfully process your XML
The Purchase Order (PO), Service Entry Sheet (SES) and/or Shipment Number must be accurate.
1. <cfdi:Addenda> tag.
2. <cfdi:Concepto> tag information, contained within Addenda.
3. ReferenceDoc Attribute: This will contain a Purchase Order (PO), Service Entry Sheet (SES) and/or Shipment Number.
a. ReferenceDoc = “#PO4XXXXXXX/XXXX”
b. ReferenceDoc = “#SHXXXXXXXXXX”
c. ReferenceDoc = “#SES10XXXXXXXX/0001”
4. ContactEmail Attribute: This will contain the Dow Requestors Email address.
a. Contact Email=”[email protected]
XML example of Addenda tag and the required attributes mentioned above:
Purchase Order/Shipment Number and/or Service Entry Sheet (SES) must be included on <fe:Invoice><cbc:note>:
o Purchase Orders Numbers must be prefixed by #PO, Shipment Numbers: prefixed by #SH and Service Entry Sheet
numbers, prefixed by #SES
o If an invoice has multiple PO references, each number should be separated by a ";"
o In case no Purchase Order # exists, the Dow Requester’s e-mail must be included on tag
<fe:AccountingCustomerParty> <cac:DeliveryContact><cbc:ElectronicMail/>
o In case invoices are paid by credit card, they should be sent to Dow’s Cardholder and add the reference
“PCARD” in the above XML field <fe:invoice><cbc:Note>
Updated: August 2024
Appendix I, Reference to Shipper Base Numbers for Billing CASS
Shipper Base
for Billing
Number CASS Shipper Name
Legal Entity Name for Company
CASS120400 US$ DOW US$ Dow 0001
CASS120401 CN$ DOW CN$ Dow 0001
CASS120400 US$ DOW CANADIAN US$" Dow Canada ULC 0002
CASS120401 CN$ DOW CANADIAN CN$" Dow Canada ULC 0002
CASS120400 US$ DOW/UCC US$" Union Carbide Corporation 2000
CASS120401 CN$ DOW/UCC CN$" Union Carbide Corporation 2000
CASS120400 US$ DOW EUROPE US$" Dow Europe GmbH 2120
CASS120401 CN$ DOW EUROPE CN$" Dow Europe GmbH 2120
CASS120400 US$ DOW POLY-CARB, INC US$ Poly-Carb, Inc 1410
CASS120401 CN$ DOW POLY-CARB, INC CN$ Poly-Carb, Inc 1410
CASS120404 US$ DOW ROOFING SYSTEMS LLC US$ Dow Roofing Systems LLC 1283
CASS120405 CN$ DOW ROOFING SYSTEMS LLC CN$ Dow Roofing Systems LLC 1283
CASS120400 US$ Dow Canada Material Sciences ULC US$ Dow Canada Material Sciences ULC 4004
CASS120401 CN$ Dow Canada Material Sciences ULC CN$ Dow Canada Material Sciences ULC 4004
CASS120400 US$ DOW SILICONES CORPORATION US$ Dow Silicones Corporation 4301
CASS120401 CN$ DOW SILICONES CORPORATION CN$ Dow Silicones Corporation 4301
CASS120400 US$ DCC LITIGATION FACILITY, INC US$ DCC Litigations Facility, INC. 4309
CASS120401 CN$ DCC LITIGATION FACILITY, INC CN$ DCC Litigations Facility, INC. 4309
CASS120400 US$ VALLEY ASSET LEASING LLC US$ Valley Asset Leasing LLC 4319
CASS120401 CN$ VALLEY ASSET LEASING LLC CN$ Valley Asset Leasing LLC 4319
CASS120400 US$ DEVONSHIRE UNDERWRITERS LTD US$ Devonshire Underwriters LTD. 4325
CASS120401 CN$ DEVONSHIRE UNDERWRITERS LTD CN$ Devonshire Underwriters LTD. 4325
CASS120400 US$ DC ALABAMA INC US$ DC Alabama INC 4357
CASS120401 CN$ DC ALABAMA INC CN$ DC Alabama INC 4357
Form No. 913-00009-01-0824 DOW