Public Health
Major Planning Guide:
What can I do with a degree in public health?
Students who are interested in promong health through educaon,
research, and outreach by working with people in their communies
will nd many rewarding careers with a major in public health. Public
health professionals do a variety of jobs from tracking outbreak of
disease, vaccinang children and adults, or educang people on the
risk of drugs and alcohol. Some may work in government to help pass
laws and policies to improve the overall health of communies.
Where can I earn a bachelor’s degree in public health in Washington?
Here are a few steps that we recommend you take to make sure that public health is the right choice for you. There
are many dierent types of careers in public health, and it is important to do some research ahead of me to nd the
one that best ts your goals. An advisor can help you choose the transfer degree, and what courses you should take
while you are here at Seale Central.
Related Majors/Programs
Community Health &
Healthcare Services
Polical Science
Step One: Research
Those who are undecided about a major/career can make an appointment with our Career Exploraon Center in
BE 1102E to take a career assessment test. This assessment can reveal your interests, values, and skills which then
match you up with potenal careers and programs that prepare you for specic career paths.
Public health is not commonly oered as an undergraduate major. If you are interested in aending a university
that does not oer public health as an undergraduate major, consider choosing a dierent major for your
bachelor’s degree and earning a graduate degree in public health later on. While no specic undergraduate major
is required, majors such as biology, chemistry, environmental health, environmental science, medical
anthropology, or stascs could provide helpful preparaon for a public health graduate program.
Our Transfer Center in BE 1102F can help nd universies you are interested in aending and guide you through
the applicaon process.
Certain universies oer public health as an undergraduate major. You can use the College Navigator search engine
found at hp:// to nd public health programs in Washington state or around the
How do I prepare to major in public health?
Social Work
Health Studies
Updated 10-2018
Students planning to major in public health at a university usually take courses in social sciences (such as
anthropology, psychology, sociology, geography, polical science, or economics) and the natural sciences (such as
biology), as well as general educaon requirements, to prepare to transfer.
Please note: this is not a complete list of prerequisites. You should consult with an advisor at Seale Central to
make sure you take the appropriate courses to be prepared to enter the major.
*Check prerequisites, admission requirements, and GPA requirements at your intended transfer university early so
you can be well-prepared to transfer.
Consider an emphasis to your associate degree before you transfer, such as Global Health, or Equity and Social Jusce.
This can enhance your resume, personal experience and be something you put into your personal statement.
English Natural Science Social Science Other Courses
ENGL& 101
ENGL& 102
Anatomy & Physiology
Polical Science
HEA 225
NUTR& 101
ANTH 275
MATH& 146
Students planning to major in public health oen earn the Associates of Art (AA-DTA) degree. Advisors can help
students understand what public health requirements are necessary for transfer. You may pick up a degree planning
worksheet for the AA-DTA (purple sheet) in BE 1102 lobby.
Once you have had the chance to explore the career opportunies in public health you might want to schedule an
appointment to meet with an advisor to plan out your course of study. You can make an appointment by stopping
by the Advising oce in BE 1102D or calling us at 206-934-4068. (If you are an internaonal student, please stop
by Internaonal Educaon Programs in BE 1113).
Aend Transfer Fairs and Career & Networking Fairs hosted by our oce throughout the year.
Explore the professional organizaons in your area of interest for more informaon about educaon and career
Seale Central College is an Equal Opportunity Instuon
Seale Central College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, naonal origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientaon, gender
identy or expression, veteran status, or age in its programs and acvies.
Reasonable Accommodaons for Students with Disabilies
Seale Central College is commied to providing qualied students with a disability an equal opportunity to access the benets, rights, and privileges of services,
programs and acvies in an accessible seng appropriate to the student's needs. No student shall, on the basis of her or her disability, be excluded from
parcipaon, be denied the benets of, or otherwise be subject to discriminaon under any Seale Central College program or acvity.
Step Two: Pick a Degree
What are my next steps?
Step Three: Make a Long Range Academic Plan