I. Welcome
II. Schedule of Events
III. Course Maps
IV. Omaha Kids Triathlon
V. Open Water/Practice Swim Saturday, July 15,
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Information and Registration.
VI. Course Descriptions
VII. Packet Pick-up and Bike Drop-off Options
VIII. Wave Colors
IX. Venue Map (transition area, finish line, and post-race recovery/food)
X. Race Day Schedule
a. Wetsuits
b. Transition Area - Pre-Race
c. Parking
d. Chip Timing
e. Wave Start Times
f. Finish Area
g. Award Ceremony
h. Transition Area
i. Bike Support
j. Post-Race
XI. A Message from the Head Official to all age-group competitors.
Thank you for participating in the 14
Annual Omaha Triathlon and Omaha Kids Triathlon! We're thrilled to have you
join us on this exciting journey. Our mission at Race Omaha is to ensure your experience is safe, enjoyable, and an
exhilarating challenge that leaves you hungry for more. We believe in growing and improving, and your feedback is our
compass. Whether you're a participant, a cheering spectator, or a dedicated volunteer, we welcome your thoughts on
making this event even more spectacular.
IMPORTANT: We've made updates to ensure a seamless experience. Even if you've participated in past years, we highly
Schedule of Events:
Omaha Kids Triathlon
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Location: Glenn Cunningham Lake, Omaha, Nebraska:
Entrance #1 located on Lake Cunningham Road/State Street
7:30 a.m. Transition Area opens for Kids Triathlon Only
8:40 a.m. Kids Triathlon Mandatory Race Briefing for kids and parents
8:45 a.m. Transition Area Closes for Kids Triathlon Only
9:00 a.m. Omaha Kids Triathlon Swim Start
10:30 a.m. Awards Ceremony Omaha Kids Triathlon
11:30 a.m. Transition Area closes for Omaha Kids Triathlon (All bikes and equipment must be removed from
the transition area.)
Parking: Parking is allowed inside the park near the transition area and expo in marked grassy areas.
Kids Triathlon Park entrance will be closed from 8:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. during the triathlon.
Course Maps Omaha Kids Triathlon:
6 to 8 years 50 m swim | 3 miles bike | 1/2 Mile run
9 to 10 years 100 m swim | 3 miles bike | 1 mile run
11 to 12 years 200 m swim | 4 miles bike | 1.5 miles run
13 to 14 years 300 m swim | 5 miles bike | 2.0 Miles run
Course Notes: The Swim will have buoys at 25m, 50m, 100m, & 150m for distances above. For the bike course, each
loop of the course is 1 mile. For the Run course, the run turnaround will be marked based on the age groups currently
doing the course. The Run course goes across the marina bridge and on the southeast part of the lake and back to the
finish line. Please help your triathlete do the appropriate distance and number of loops. We have a lap counter mat, but
during the race it is difficult to monitor all the participants.
Saturday Open Water Swim/ Practice Swim
On Saturday July 15th from 1pm to 3pm we are offering a practice swim. Please register in advance at
There is a small fee to cover the cost of water support and lifeguards. You may also register in person. If you DO NOT
have an annual membership and purchased a single day fee of $15 for the Omaha Triathlon, we recommend registering
in person to avoid paying the USA Triathlon fee again. Annual memberships can register online with no USA Triathlon
Course Maps Omaha Triathlon:
Bike Course Sprint and Olympic: The bike course starts outside transition for both Olympic and Sprint distance. The first
½ mile continues to the park exit with a left onto Lake Cunningham Rd/State Street. Continue to ride up the hill to 72
Street and make another left heading north on 72
Street. Bikers stay to the right on the West side of 72
heading north to Bennington Road/Highway 36. At Bennington Road/Highway 36 all bikers take another left heading
west until the turnaround before reaching Highway 133. The turnaround is clearly marked. All bikers return the same
way entering Lake Cunningham at Entrance #1 on Lake Cunningham Road/State Street by turning right and follow the
road up the hill. Sprint distance participants enter at Bike In on the south side of transition after completing 1 lap of the
course (the same side of transition as Bike Out) and rack their bikes in their numbered location. Olympic distance
participants use the turnaround loop before the transition area. Olympic distance participants must complete 2(two)
laps of the bike course before entering the transition area.
Olympic Run Course: The Run Course is 1 clockwise lap around the lake. Make sure to cross the finish line next to the
transition area.
Sprint Run Course: The Sprint Run Course is an out-and-back course going the opposite direction of the Olympic run
course around the lake crossing the Marina Bridge and continuing around the East side of the lake.
Duathlon Run and Bike Courses: The first run for the Duathlon is 5k in distance starting counterclockwise around the
lake (Out and Back Course). Please turnaround at the Turnaround sign on the trail at 2.5k. The Mass start occurs
approximately 1 minute after the first swim wave. Once everyone is lined up a horn will sound for the Duathlon
participants. The start location occurs at the running trail prior to the race finish line. The second run is the same as the
Olympic Distance Run Course and is clockwise completely around the lake and ends when crossing the finish line. The
Bike course is 40k and two loops of the bike course.
Aqua-bike Swim and Bike Courses: The Aqua-bike consists of the Swim and Bike portion only. This is appealing for
participants that may not like to run or have incurred an injury but still want to compete in triathlon. The Swim course is
the Olympic 1500m course followed immediately by the 40k Bike course. Aqua-bike participants must rack their bikes
after finishing the bike portion and must exit the transition at Run Out at the lake side of the transition and head toward
the finish line (short distance run) to finish their race. If you do not cross the finish line, you will not have a finish time.
Swim Course: The Swim course for both Olympic and Sprint is counter-clockwise around the buoys. All swim buoys are
on the left shoulder until the last buoy to the finish at the boat ramp. The Swim start is an in water start in front the
dock on the east side of the boat ramp. All participants in the wave enter the water prior to the horn sounding for that
wave. The Olympic Course will have the large triangle orange buoys at the corners. Two yellow buoys will mark the
Sprint turn. The Sprint swimmers need to go around the next yellow buoy (still on your left shoulder) and continue to
the last Orange Triangle buoy which must be on the right side to head to the finish of the swim. All other yellow round
buoys are sighting buoys along the Olympic or Sprint courses. We plan to put an inflatable arch at the swim finish to help
with sighting to the finish of the swim.
Competitive Open Water Swim Course: New in 2023! We are offering a competitive swim only for those that want to
test their swim skills, but not participate in the whole triathlon. The swim course is the Olympic 1500m course.
Participants need to cross the finish line upon completing the swim only portion to have their time. The Finish line is
about 150m after the swim exit.
Pre-race Day Packet Pickup Options: (RECOMMENDED)
Recommend picking up your race packet which includes your bib number and sticker number, swim cap, timing chip,
and shirt). All participants must show a proper ID to receive their race packets. We cannot give another participant a
race packet without prior approval in writing.
Continental Pool and Spa
Located at 2527 S 120th St, Omaha, NE 68144 (just north of 120
and West Center Road on the east side of 120
Street). See
Map Image below. Red arrow shows the front of Continental Pool and Spa.
As a special offer Continental Pool and Spa is providing $1,000 off a purchase of a swim spa, and $500 off a purchase of a
hot tub for all race participants and their friends and families, just mention the Omaha Triathlon.
July 12 - Wednesday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
July 13 - Thursday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Race Venue Packet Pickup and Optional Bike Drop-off:
Saturday, July 15, 1 to 5 p.m. at Lake Cunningham Entrance #1 (race venue)
Packet pickup will be located just outside the transition area near the finish line. Bikes may be placed in transition on the
assigned race number bike location (race number). All bikes are secured the remainder of the day and overnight by
professional security at the park and Race Omaha Staff.
We recommend dropping off you bike (not your gear) on Saturday to avoid dealing with your bike in the morning.
Also, you may take advantage of the practice swim and pre-viewing the setup visually for race day!
Race Day Packet Pickup:
Participants may pick up their race packet race morning by 6:15 a.m.
*Please make sure that your race packet indicates the proper race/contest such as Sprint or Olympic etc. If you have any
changes the day of, please notify the timer of any changes prior to the race starting. Also, make sure you have a swim
cap unless you are participating in the Duathlon. Make sure your timing chip number matches the number on your bib
and stickers too.
Annual USAT members must show a current USA Triathlon Membership Card and a Photo ID to the Registration Staff. If
either the participant fails to bring a current card or does not have a current USA Triathlon Member Card, a $15 USA
Triathlon Fee is required to participate in the triathlon. If you purchased a $15 USA Triathlon single day membership, we
should have that information at registration. Only annual memberships receive a member number from USA Triathlon.
Waves/Swim Cap Colors:
Wave 1 Red Swim Caps Male Olympic
Wave 2 - Pink Swim Caps Female Olympic
Wave 3 Blue Swim Caps Aqua-bike, Open Water Swim
Wave 4 Purple Swim Caps High School Male and Female
Wave 5 Green Swim Caps Sprint Male
Wave 6 Yellow Swim Caps Sprint Female
Duathlon participants will start between Wave 1 and Wave 2 for the first run segment.
Approximately three minutes between swim waves.
Please make sure you have the correct swim cap color for your wave and that you start with the correct wave. If you
cannot locate your swim cap, please advise Race Omaha and request a replacement. No one may race without a colored
swim cap from Race Omaha.
Transition Area/Bike Check-in:
Once you have secured your race packet, you are empowered to place your bike in the transition area. Your race packet
has a sticker for your bike, bike helmet sticker, race bib, disposable timing chip (not relay teams), and some additional
stickers with your race number.
Do not leave any shoes or equipment overnight in the transition area. On race morning, the transition re-opens and all
transition equipment such as sunglasses, running shoes, bike helmets, water bottles, biking shoes, towels, etc. may be
organized in your rack area. Bike mechanics are on hand just outside the transition area to address most minor bike
maintenance issues and questions. Event staff will be on hand to control entry and exit to the transition area to
participants/athletes only. Each participant/athlete must have their race number attached to the bike to gain entry to
the transition area. No other individuals are allowed entry into the transition area for any reason.
Venue Map:
USA Triathlon Race Official Notice:
As a sanctioned USA Triathlon State Championship, USA Triathlon is officiating the Omaha Triathlon. The Official will be
checking the transition prior to the race for any rule violations so please make sure to rack your bike correctly and setup
gear next to wheel side down. Do not mark you bike location with a balloon etc. During the race, the official will be on
course. During the bike portion, the race official will be a passenger on a motorcycle. If notified of a rule violation, you
are required to serve a short penalty in the penalty area inside the transition area for the duration of the penalty time.
Race Staff monitoring the penalty area are keeping track of participant numbers that the race official has communicated
to serve a penalty. Failing to serve the penalty will result in a disqualification.
Removing Equipment from Transition Area: An official announcement is made when Sprint and Olympic Distance may
re-enter the transition after completion of the race. This will occur shortly after all cyclists have completed the bike
portion of that race distance and out of the run course. Any athletes caught entering the transition prior to this official
announcement will be disqualified by USA Triathlon and the Race Director. This is for the safety of all participants. The
transition is an active race zone until all participants have racked their bike and entered the running portion of the race.
Relay Teams: The timing chip is passed from one relay member to the next and must always be worn on the left ankle.
All relay team members must stay near their bike position until their turn. Do not congregate in the isle or impede any
other participants.
Bike Support: Bike support is provided courtesy of Green Street Cycles. Mechanics will be on hand to doing basic
maintenance on race day only.
Equipment and Important Notes: Please make sure that your bike handle bars have bar end plugs. We cannot
guarantee the bike support will have enough for everyone. Also, please make sure to rack your bike properly in the
transition area at your bike numbered position. Please do not lay your bike against the fence. Do not leave any gear in
the transition area overnight. Security is on-site all night to make sure you bike is safe and secure.
Transition Area Closes at 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 15
Once the transition area closes, all bikes are secured and monitored on a continuous basis by Race Omaha and park
Omaha Triathlon Race Day Schedule Sunday, July 16, 2023
5:30 a.m. Transition area Opens
6:45 a.m. Transition area Closes
6:58 a.m. National Anthem
(Swim Cap Colors indicate your “wave” – you must start on the correct wave)
7:00 a.m. First Swim Wave Start Olympic Male (RED)
7:03 a.m. Second Swim Wave Start Olympic Female (PINK)
7:06 a.m. Third Swim Wave Start Aqua-bike and Open Water Competitive Swim (BLUE)
7:09 a.m. Fourth Swim Wave Start High School Male and Female (PURPLE)
7:12 a.m. Fifth Swim Wave Start Male Sprint (GREEN)
7:15 a.m. Sixth Swim Wave Start Female Sprint (YELLOW)
7:20 a.m. First athlete on the Bike Course
7:30 a.m. First athlete on the Run Course
8:15 a.m. First Finisher estimated Sprint
10:30 a.m. Sprint and High School Division Award Presentations
11:00 a.m. Final Finisher estimated
11:00 a.m. Overall and Age Group Award Presentations
11:00 a.m. Transition Area Opens for Removal of bikes and equipment
12:30 p.m. Transition Area Closes.
*All waves must be ready to go by 7 a.m. Only relay team members may remain in the transition area at their bike
position at the start and during the swim portion.
The race venue is a busy place prior to the race. We encourage participants/athletes to come early so they have plenty
of time to get organized with their equipment, get some nutrition, fluids and get ready before the race starts. Part of the
fun of triathlons is the excitement building in and around the transition area prior to the race. Please don’t miss out on
this experience!
Wetsuit: Also, we anticipate the water temperature will be above 78F on race day, but will make an official
announcement during the race briefings on Saturday. It is wetsuit legal up to 78F. If you wear a wetsuit between 78F and
84F, you are not eligible for awards. Above 84F, no wetsuits can be worn.
Parking: Parking is available in the park near the transition area until 6:45 a.m. on race day. Please arrive early to avoid
any parking issues. Parking attendants will be stationed along the road leading the race venue and transition area.
Please follow their parking instructions on race day. Access to the race venue entrance will cease at 6:45 a.m.
The transition area opens at 5:30 a.m. to place your equipment and race day needs near your bike. Bike maintenance
staff will be on hand in the transition area to assist with tire inflation and any last second bike maintenance needs. Only
athletes are allowed In and out of the transition area.
Bathrooms: Portable bathrooms are available in and around the transition area and race venue.
Race Number Information: Please fill out the back side of your race number with emergency contact information,
primary physician information, medical conditions, etc.
Timing Chips: The timing chip is placed on the left ankle. Please make sure the timing chip is secure to your ankle. The
Timing Chips that are provided in the participant packets are disposable. Please remove them after the race as soon as
possible away from the finish line. If a timing chip gets lost at any point during the race, please notify staff and a
replacement chip can be provided.
Relay teams must get a re-usable chip with a Velcro strap race morning and return them immediately after the race to
avoid being charged $35 for a lost chip.
Results: Results are posted real-time throughout the race. Please avoid asking the timer for results during the race.
There is also a TV monitor located outside the white trailer with scrolling results, too.
Omaha Triathlon Results Link:
Omaha Kids Triathlon Results Link:
BIB Number: The number must be worn on the run facing forward.
Stickers: Use the sticker sheet with your race number to place a sticker on your bike (usually on the seat post and must
be visible from both sides) and helmet. The sticker sheet indicates where each sticker is placed. Make sure to put the
race number sticker on the swim cap too!
Wave Start Times: Wave start times occur every three minutes with the first wave going off at 7 a.m. sharp. Each wave
with have a designated swim cap color. Please make sure you start in your designated wave/cap color.
Finish Area: The finish area is located beyond the finish line. Once you cross the finish, please make sure to remove your
timing chip and discard in the trash bins away from the finish line and transition area. If you are relay team, you must
make sure to return your reusable timing chip to race staff.
Award Ceremony: The award ceremonies will occur when most competitors for each division have finished. The Sprint
and High School awards will be presented around 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The Olympic Distance including Aqua-bike and
Relay Teams will occur closer to 11 a.m. Age group awards are in 5-year increments: 19 and under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34,
etc. following the USA Triathlon rules. We have special awards for the USA Triathlon Nebraska State Championships as
well including High School and Triathlon Clubs.
Transition Area after the race: The transition area opens immediately after the last finisher exits the transition area. At
this time, the athlete/participant may remove their bike and equipment from the transition area. Event staff will be
checking that your race bracelet number matches the bike number. No other individuals other than the
participant/athlete will be allowed to remove a bike from the transition area. The transition area will close by 1 p.m.
Post-Race: The Pancake Man is providing breakfast to all registered participant’s post-race. The Pancake Man will be
located after the finish line. Registered participants need to show their race bib at the Pancake Man. Family and Friends
may purchase a breakfast if not registered through when registering. Tickets will be provided to
participants with their race packets to distribute to friends and family members. If you would like to pre-purchase any
additional tickets (if you did not purchase during registration or need additional tickets, please Venmo Alan Kohll at prior to race day or race morning with the appropriate amount of $7 per person (2
tickets at $7 equals $14). You may also use the QR image here.
Omaha Kids Triathlon and other Upcoming Events:
You may register youth for the Kids Triathlon until race morning. Please encourage our future triathletes by encouraging
them to participate in this great activity and sport! Register at
Black Squirrel Triathlon August 13
at Lake Manawa Register at
Boys Town Memorial Run September 9
at Boys Town Register at
A Message from the Head Official to all age-group competitors.
Welcome to this USA Triathlon sanctioned event and State Championship. You are racing under USAT Competitive Rules.
In order to minimize misunderstandings on race day, I hope you will take the time to read the following summary of the
Position Violations, which you may know as the drafting rules.
Ride on the RIGHT SIDE of the course
Keep FIVE bike lengths, or 10 meters, between yourself and the cyclist in front of you
Pass on the LEFT of the cyclist in front, never on the right
Complete your pass within 20 seconds
If passed, you must drop completely out of the zone, to the rear, before attempting to re-pass.
There are USAT-certified officials on course to ensure fairness in the competition. Triathlon is an individual sport, and
you must take personal responsibility to understand the rules and avoid penalties. In the case of position violations,
there are no protests or appeals.
Marshals may cite the following position violations:
Position: Riding on the left side without passing
Blocking: Riding on the left AND impeding the forward progress of another competitor
Illegal pass: Passing on the right
Overtaken: After being passed, failing to make rearward progress and dropping full out of the draft zone within
20 seconds of being passed.
Drafting: Following a leading cyclist closer than 5 bike lengths and failing to complete a pass within 20 seconds
Position violations carry a time penalty for the first offence. Two citations will result in additional penalty, and if you are
cited for three violations, you will be disqualified. Other penalties:
While in possession of your bike, always have your helmet on and fastened, before, during, and after the event.
An unfastened chin strap is grounds for possible disqualification.
NO HEADPHONES or PHONES are allowed on the course at any time, on any leg of the event.
Treat other athletes, volunteers, and staff with courtesy. Failure to do so is called Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and
you will be disqualified.
If you receive a penalty…
On the bike course, an official will show you a yellow or blue card, will state your athlete number, and will instruct you
to stop at the penalty area/tent, located in transition. IT IS THE ATHLETE’S RESPONSBILITY TO STOP AT THE PENALTY
TENT AT THE COMPLETION OF THE BIKE LEG. Failure to stop will result in disqualification.
Prior to your race, note the location of the penalty area. If you receive a penalty, you may serve the penalty either
before or after racking your bicycle. Inform the penalty-area volunteer that you received a penalty, the color of the card
(yellow or blue), and which event you are racing. The volunteer will inform you when you can resume your race.
Penalties received on the run course will be served on the spot (stop and go).
Have a fantastic race! I hope you have fun and achieve your goals!
See you on race day.