Docmosis Developer's Reference
Version 4.3
Create Documents and Reports Fast from Templates
Docmosis Developer's Reference
© 2017 Docmosis Pty Ltd
This document and all human-readable contents of the Docmosis distribution are the
copyright of Docmosis Pty Ltd. You may not reproduce or distribute any of this material
without the written permission of Docmosis.
The placeholder image provided in the Docmosis distribution is intended for use in
document templates and is not restricted by the terms above. You may use the image
for the development of document templates and distribute it as required.
Microsoft Word and MS Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft
PDF is a trademark of the Adobe Corporation.
OpenOffice is a trademark of
LibreOffice is a trademark of LibreOffice contributors and/or their affiliates
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1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................2
1.1 Functional Overview...............................................................................................................2
1.2 Key Terms.............................................................................................................................3
1.3 System Description................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Templates And The Template Store.............................................................................4
1.3.2 Data Providers............................................................................................................5
1.3.3 Converters.................................................................................................................5
1.3.4 Conversion Instructions..............................................................................................8
2 INSTALLING AND SETTING UP DOCMOSIS...............................................................9
2.1 Planning Your Environment....................................................................................................9
2.1.1 System Requirements.................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Tasks.......................................................................................................................10
2.2 Installing OpenOffice or LibreOffice.......................................................................................11
2.3 Installing Docmosis (Core Engine).........................................................................................12
2.3.1 Docmosis Configuration Properties.............................................................................12
2.3.2 Configuring The Converter Pool.................................................................................13
2.4 Installing Converters............................................................................................................14
2.4.1 Preparing Converters For Use....................................................................................14
2.5 Adding Support for Barcodes................................................................................................15
3 GENERATING DOCUMENTS......................................................................................16
3.1 Initialising Docmosis.............................................................................................................16
3.2 Registering Templates..........................................................................................................17
3.2.1 Help With Template Registration...............................................................................17
3.2.2 Convenience Methods...............................................................................................17
3.2.3 Auto Registration......................................................................................................18
3.2.4 Using The DropStoreHelper Class..............................................................................18
3.2.5 Using The StoreHelper Class......................................................................................19
3.3 Referencing Templates.........................................................................................................19
3.4 Defining The Conversion Instructions....................................................................................20
3.5 Defining The Output Destination...........................................................................................21
3.6 Preparing The Data..............................................................................................................21
3.6.1 Adding Simple Textual Data......................................................................................21
3.6.2 Adding Textual Data With HTML-Like Markup.............................................................22
3.6.3 Adding Structured Data Using Strings........................................................................22
3.6.4 Adding XML Data......................................................................................................23
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3.6.5 Adding JSON Data....................................................................................................23
3.6.6 Adding Image Data...................................................................................................24
3.6.7 Adding Java Objects.................................................................................................24
3.6.8 Adding Database Queries..........................................................................................25
3.7 Generating The Document....................................................................................................27
3.8 Closing Down Docmosis........................................................................................................27
3.9 Error Handling.....................................................................................................................27
3.9.1 Controlling Error Handling.........................................................................................28
3.9.2 Recommended Configurations...................................................................................28
3.10 Other Features...................................................................................................................29
3.10.1 Password Protect....................................................................................................29
3.10.2 Water Marking........................................................................................................29
3.10.3 PDF Title and Initial View Settings............................................................................29
3.10.4 PDF Archive Mode PDF/A-1a....................................................................................30
3.10.5 PDF Accessibility / Low-Vision Setting......................................................................30
4 MATCHING DATA TO TEMPLATES.............................................................................31
4.1 The Sources Of Data............................................................................................................31
4.1.1 String Data...............................................................................................................31
4.1.2 Java Objects as Data................................................................................................32
4.1.3 SQL Query Data........................................................................................................32
4.2 Data Population...................................................................................................................33
4.2.1 Simple Lookup Fields................................................................................................33
4.2.2 Nested Lookup Fields................................................................................................34
4.2.3 Indexed Lookup........................................................................................................35
4.2.4 Image Data..............................................................................................................35
4.2.5 Repeating Sections And Repeating Table Rows...........................................................36
4.2.6 Repeating in Steps....................................................................................................38
4.2.7 Fields Bullet or Numbered Lists..................................................................................39
4.2.8 Conditional Sections, Conditional Table Rows and Columns.........................................40
4.2.9 Expressions..............................................................................................................41
4.2.10 Built-in Variables.....................................................................................................42
4.2.11 Custom Variables....................................................................................................45
4.2.12 Java Lookup Examples............................................................................................47
4.2.13 Populating Headers and Footers..............................................................................47
4.2.14 Merging Templates.................................................................................................48
4.2.15 HTML Injection.......................................................................................................48
5 ADVANCED FEATURES..............................................................................................49
5.1 Using Field Renderers...........................................................................................................49
5.1.1 Built In Field Renderers.............................................................................................49
5.1.2 Building Your Own Field Renderers............................................................................51
5.2 Java Reflection....................................................................................................................53
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5.2.1 Parameterised Methods.............................................................................................53
5.2.2 Debugging...............................................................................................................54 Logging calls...................................................................................................54 Unforgiving Mode............................................................................................54
6 DOCMOSIS PROPERTIES..........................................................................................55
6.1 Property Locations and Overriding........................................................................................55
6.2 Key Properties.....................................................................................................................56
6.3 Interesting Properties...........................................................................................................58
6.4 Properties For Production.....................................................................................................59
7 TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................60
7.1 Getting Additional Support....................................................................................................60
7.2 Known Issues......................................................................................................................60
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Welcome to the
Docmosis Developer’s Reference
. This manual is intended for software
developers who wish to deliver high quality printable output as part of their own
applications. It provides information that will enable you to integrate Docmosis into
your own application.
Conventions used in this guide
This reference uses typographical conventions that highlight significant parts of the
text to distinguish it from normal text.
Text that looks like this… Means this…
A field code in the document template.
A code instruction: either an individual line, or part of a complete
A symbol to show that the line of code has wrapped due to the space
restrictions on the page. You should remove this symbol from your
code if you copy and paste code snippets from this document.
An indicator to show that the preceding sequence of code instructions
continue incrementally until there is no more data.
A file name, a file extension or a Web site address.
Table 1: Typographical conventions
Special paragraphs
In addition to the text conventions, certain information is presented in a specific way
to emphasise their information.
A note provides additional supporting information that will help you to understand a point that the
author is trying to make.
Executed code on a computer users rarely cause damage to hardware but may well corrupt data.
Information in this form is intended to alert you to the potential for data corruption.
A tip provides anecdotal information to support the technical information about using the system and
might be useful in helping you understand the information being presented.
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1 Introduction
Docmosis had been designed to greatly improve the production of high quality
printable output. Using Docmosis you can transform data generated by your
application into richly-formatted printable documents based on layout templates
created using mainstream word processors.
Docmosis provides numerous options for input and export formats and has a simple
interface for getting results. Most tasks require a surprisingly small amount of code and
a simple template to achieve impressive results.
Docmosis supports templates created with Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) or
OpenOffice or LibreOffice Writer (.odt) and can generate output documents in any or
all of the following formats:
Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx)
OpenOffice or LibreOffice Writer (.odt)
Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Enable your application to provide data to produce richly formatted documents in widely used formats.
1.1 Functional Overview
The main function of Docmosis is to merge data from applications with templates to
create documents. To produce a document, Docmosis requires a source of data, a
template and instructions on specific aspects of the task.
The general process for producing documents is:
1. Specify the template to use.
2. Specify the data.
3. Specify any special instructions.
4. Specify the destination stream for the output.
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5. Invoke the render method.
1.2 Key Terms
The key terms used in this manual are described in the following list:
Template. A normal document (OpenOffice or LibreOffice Writer or MS Word) that
contains static content, as well as fields and bookmarks that identify locations for
content insertion and removal.
Template store. The location where registered templates reside. Only templates
that have been registered can be rendered into documents.
Document rendering. The process of merging data with a template to generate
documents in the required formats.
Data provider. An object or set of objects supplied at the time of rendering a
document that contain the combined sources of information for populating into a
Conversion instruction. An ‘instruction’ about what to do when rendering a
document including information about desired formats, compression flags and
object naming.
Converter. A separable component of Docmosis that renders the document into
its final format. Converters may be distributed across multiple computers and may
be organised into groups. This component is processor intensive and is the
component that relies on OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
Converter pool. The pool of converters available to Docmosis. The pool is fault
tolerant and distributable and provides an arbitrary grouping mechanism so that
different groups of converters may be used for different tasks.
1.3 System Description
Docmosis-Java is a Java library that integrates with your own Java applications, Web
applications or J2EE applications. It comprises a core engine and one or more
converters depending on your system’s requirements.
The core is usually embedded into your application and is the only part of Docmosis
with which your application will interact directly. The converters can be installed on any
host machine on the network and are independent processes with which the Docmosis
core interacts. Docmosis offloads the bulk of the effort in the rendering process to the
Docmosis is generally used by a “server-side” system. It has been built with scalability
in mind to allow the servicing of many clients. Docmosis manages queuing requests
automatically so that under heavy concurrent loads, the documents requested will be
produced as soon as the required resources are available. The rate of document
production is determined by many factors, but in typical environments Docmosis can
be expected to produce hundreds of documents per minute if required.
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The major elements of Docmosis with which developers will interact are templates,
data providers and the document processor. The document processor brings together
all of the components to perform the document creation.
Docmosis uses the OpenOffice or LibreOffice Writer application during the conversion
process, specifically during the conversion stage. This means that converters must
have visibility to an OpenOffice or LibreOffice installation.
1.3.1 Templates And The Template Store
Templates define the presentational features of the final documents. In addition to the
layout and formatting characteristics, they also contain the coding elements (fields)
into which the Docmosis converters render the data generated by the data providers.
Docmosis coding elements in a document template.
Docmosis Templates may be developed using MS Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice
Writer. Templates are not templates in the usual sense for these applications since
Docmosis can use any document as a template. If the document contains fields, then
Docmosis works with those fields during document production. For detailed information
about developing templates, please refer to the
Docmosis Template Guide
To make document production as high performance as possible, Docmosis performs a
one-off analysis and optimisation of each of your original templates. This process is
known as
of the templates. The registration process places the optimised
templates into a location called the
Template Store
ready to be rendered into
documents. The location of the template store is defined in the configuration
properties (see Docmosis Configuration Properties on page 12).
The template store should be thought of as a cache of templates ready for use. If
your template is not in the store, then it can’t be rendered into a document. New
templates must be registered into the store before they can be rendered into a
document. Updated templates will not take effect until they are re-registered.
Docmosis provides several mechanisms to make template registration easy (see
Registering Templates on page 17).
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... and coded elements
for Docmosis data.
The template contains
formatting and layout
The core Docmosis engine is the only part of the document generation system that
interacts with the template store. As a result, the store needs to be accessible only by
the Docmosis core; converters running on remote servers do not need to have access
to the template store.
Docmosis provides an in-memory cache over a file-based template store. This provides a
performance-oriented source of templates.
It is important to think of the template store as a cache. It can be deleted as required but until
templates are re-registered, they will not be able to be rendered. If your system is not performance
demanding then you generally won’t even need to concern yourself with the store, and simply use the
methods in the DocumentProcessor class that auto-register templates on your behalf.
Template Context
Templates are stored in the template cache using a
and a
. A template’s
name is any string you wish to use to label the template and is typically based on the
file name of your original template. The template context is simply a “path-type”
construct allowing templates to be organised into areas/directories/folders. Typically
the context will be based on the location of the original template in a file system.
When the template set is small or contexts are not required, templates may be
identified by the name only and they will be stored in the root of the template store.
1.3.2 Data Providers
During document generation the containing application passes a DataProvider to
Docmosis, which provides the data for the document. The captured data can include
any combination of strings, boolean values, images, lists, arrays of Java objects, Java
object hierarchies, database query results and name/value key pairs.
Typically developers will not need to concern themselves with the different
implementations of data provider that Docmosis uses. The DataProviderBuilder
class provides a simple way for collecting your data together.
During a document generation, many calls will be made to the DataProvider to
fetch data. As a result, the performance of a document generation is directly related to
the complexity and performance of the operations using the methods in this interface.
Should you wish to build your own custom implementations of the DataProvider
interface, you should keep this in mind.
1.3.3 Converters
A converter is the component of Docmosis that performs the rendering of the
documents into the desired formats according to the conversion instructions. In a
simple setup, the converters might be installed on the same machine as that with the
application using Docmosis.
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The software distribution includes an example that generates any number of documents using a
chosen degree of concurrency. This can be used to try out various configurations. For more
information see the readme.txt in the software distribution.
The following diagram illustrates a simple configuration that uses two converters on
the same machine as the application.
Sample configuration using only one server and two converters.
The number of Converters you can run is determined by the Edition of Docmosis you are running. The
first number in the Edition tells you the maximum number of converters you can run. A D-N00 can run
‘N’ converters. For example: a D-400 can run 4 converters.
Converters consume a large proportion of Docmosis’ processing requirements and to
help improve the performance of the conversion process, you can install converters on
distributed servers on a network. Converters can run on any computer to which the
main application has a network connection during the document generation process.
The following diagram shows a simple but distributed configuration where the
processing load has been moved away from the main server.
Sample configuration using distributed servers to run the converters.
Docmosis also supports sharing of converters. This enables you to run several
applications, each with their own Docmosis core and use the same converters. This
configuration is ideal for development and testing environments where a small number
of converters may be set up and used by many developers. The following diagram
illustrates this configuration.
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Sample configuration showing a shared converter.
For production or performance-oriented testing, sharing converters is discouraged as it
may result in inconsistent performance (two renders may queue up on a single
converter rather than auto-balancing). Docmosis typically assumes it has sole use of
the converters in its pool so will load balance optimally if this is correct.
In the Docmosis-Java Enterprise edition, converters can also be configured into groups
that have specific conversion tasks or performance requirements. If necessary, jobs
will wait until a converter from the designated group is available to complete the task.
This allows for example, batch systems to be configured separately from
online/transactional systems. When a document render is executed, the instruction
can specify which group to use and Docmosis will take care of locating a converter
from the specified group. The following diagram illustrates such a configuration.
Sample distributed configuration showing converter groups.
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1.3.4 Conversion Instructions
Conversion instructions provide specific information to a converter about the document
generation process. These instructions include such information as:
the desired output formats;
data compression;
the output file names (this is used to name the files within a zip archive);
the converter group to use (this is used for systems configured with multiple
groups of converters).
When Docmosis produces documents in several formats, the output files are stored in
a compressed package using the ‘zip’ format. The resulting zip file is streamed to the
specified output destination. You can also specify that Docmosis should store single
output files in a compressed package.
The DocumentProcessor class provides simplified methods that do not take
conversion instructions. These methods make rendering easier by making assumptions
about the output format etc. based on other given parameters.
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2 Installing And Setting Up Docmosis
As stated earlier, Docmosis is primarily intended for use in a server-side environment
but it is not limited to this. You can incorporate Docmosis into any system that you
choose to develop, including end-user or client-side applications. However, Docmosis is
best suited to a server-side environment, where you can take advantage of its
performance characteristics.
If you want to get started quickly, the Docmosis software distribution includes example scripts that you
can use to test Docmosis in your environment. For more information, read the readme.txt file in the
software distribution.
Before you incorporate Docmosis into your system, you should identify the type of
configuration your system will require. When you have completed your planning, you
can perform the tasks necessary to deploy and use Docmosis. There are several
activities necessary to prepare Docmosis for use:
installing and configuring the Docmosis library;
integrating Docmosis into your system;
preparing and registering the templates;
setting up the additional components.
2.1 Planning Your Environment
The first aspect to consider is the intended distribution of the Docmosis components:
all on one host machine or distributed among several machines. The Docmosis
converters can be deployed onto any number of hosts that satisfy the minimum
requirements discussed next. Distributing the installed components improves the
overall efficiency of the system by sharing the load among the host machines.
You can easily install and decommission converters as required and simply change the
configuration to match the changes, so starting simple is often the best option.
2.1.1 System Requirements
This section identifies the system requirements for any machine that runs an
application in which Docmosis is embedded and any machine that runs a Docmosis
converter. Make sure that the following items are installed before trying to use
Docmosis core
The minimum requirements for the Docmosis core are:
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version 1.4 or later of the Java 2 Platform, Runtime Edition (JRE);
the docmosis.jar library included in your application;
the file;
an appropriate license key for your particular environment;
a converterPoolConfig.xml file.
Docmosis converters
The minimum requirements for distributed converters are:
This configuration is required on every machine on which a converter is installed.
version 1.4 or later of the Java 2 Platform, Runtime Edition (JRE). Version 1.5 or
later if using OpenOffice 4 or LibreOffice 3 or later. If using Windows, the JRE
architecture must be 32-bit since (at the time of writing) LibreOffice and
OpenOffice are only available in 32-bit issues.
OpenOffice version 2.3 or LibreOffice 3 or later (see Installing OpenOffice on page
the docmosis.jar library;
the file. Note: as of version 3.3, use of the Docmosis
Configuration class can replace the need for;
an active network connection with the application using the Docmosis core.
Both OpenOffice and LibreOffice are supported for use with Docmosis.
2.1.2 Tasks
The following list shows those aspects that you should consider when planning your
Identify the computer where the main engine is required. This will often be where
an existing application is running that will make use of Docmosis.
If it’s appropriate, identify the computers that will be used to host the distributed
Confirm the network installation and connectivity of all machines that will be
involved in document production.
Confirm the installation and operation of the software identified in the preceding
system requirements section.
Configure the Java classpath of your application to include the path to the
docmosis.jar, and converterPoolConfig.xml
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Create boot-time scripts or start-up services to run your converters whenever the
host is restarted. This may be managed in alternate ways depending on your
system configuration.
2.2 Installing OpenOffice or LibreOffice
Writer is the word processing application in the OpenOffice and LibreOffice suites.
They can be freely downloaded from:
This information is included because the Writer forms an integral part of the document generation
process. This section does not include general information about installing and using Writer as a
desktop application.
To use Docmosis you must install OpenOffice or LibreOffice on those machines
nominated to host the Docmosis converters. Only one installation of OpenOffice /
LibreOffice is required for any number of converters on the same machine.
On some platforms OpenOffice includes the version number in the path to its installed location. As the
Docmosis configuration properties file contains a reference to this location, it might affect the
selections you make during installation if you intend to update OpenOffice in the future.
Docmosis requires no specific configuration settings for OpenOffice / LibreOffice and
you don’t need to register your installation. However you should note the following
points in this section to ensure that you get the best performance from Docmosis.
Make sure automatic updates are not enabled (on Linux systems, some packages
will auto-install updates and this is typically a risky business).
Install consistent software versions onto all the servers
XServer and Virtual Frame Buffer (Unix and Linux only) Not Required
When installing and running Docmosis and OpenOffice there is no requirement to run
either an XServer or a Virtual Frame Buffer (e.g. xvfb).
On Linux platforms, you must ensure that a number of X libraries are installed to
enable OpenOffice/LibreOffice to operate correctly.
1. If you have any trouble launching Docmosis converters on any platform, this is
typically an issue with the OpenOffice installation. Please refer to the FAQ
online for the latest issues and solutions when diagnosing issues.
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2.3 Installing Docmosis (Core Engine)
Installing Docmosis into an application is simply about adding Docmosis libraries and
configuration to your existing or new application. If you are using converters on the
same server, you will also set up the converters at the same time. If you are using
distributed converters, please also refer to Installing Converters on page 14.
Installing Docmosis itself is a matter of ensuring the docmosis.jar and required
configuration files are visible to the application in which you are using Docmosis.
Typically this means making sure that the following files are visible in your Java
This file contains the Docmosis libraries.
This file contains settings required by Docmosis in general. This file can be
removed if your code launches Docmosis with the Configuration class available
since version 3.3.
This file defines the locations of the converters that are available to the Docmosis
core engine.
2.3.1 Docmosis Configuration Properties
In Docmosis, there are several properties that you can configure to get the best out of
your system. The default file contains common properties
which can be configured. The one distributed file contains
settings relevant to both converters and the core. Each property is preceded with a
comment indicating the use of the property and which part of Docmosis the property
The Docmosis properties can also be provided via code instead using the Configuration
class (available since version 3.3). In this case, the file is not
necessary. This is an example of using the Configuration class:
Configuration dmConfig = Configuration.standard()
.setKeyAndSite("XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-","XXX XXX")
In general you can use the default properties provided with the Docmosis distribution
and will only need to set the value for the license and the location of the OpenOffice or
LibreOffice install.
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Docmosis properties can also be set via Java’s System properties, though this is not recommended for
application servers (since it makes the settings global to all applications in the application server). The
load order for Docmosis properties is:
1) Load from file
2) Load from System properties
3) Load from Configuration object
Properties are loaded (if available) at each stage overwriting any settings from a previous stage.
The file is searched for in the root of any entry of the Java Class Path. You
may need to add an entry to the Java Class path for the location of the file if
you are using one.
2.3.2 Configuring The Converter Pool
All the converters available to Docmosis belong to the converter pool and are identified
in the converterPoolConfig.xml file. The converter pool allows configuration of
standalone converters and groups of converters.
The default configuration defines a single group called “remoteConverters” which
contains one active entry for a converter listening on port 2100 on localhost. The
default configuration also has commented out examples of how to specify more
converters or even embedded converters (which run within the same Java VM as the
Core). Read the comments in the file to get an understanding of how to alter the
configuration to suit your own purposes.
The number of Converters you can run is determined by the Edition of Docmosis you are running. The
first number in the Edition tells you the maximum number of converters you can run. A D-N00 can run
‘N’ converters. For example: a D-400 can run 4 converters.
Embedded converters are convenient in that they do not need to be started separately – the Docmosis
core engine will start them and shut them down automatically. The disadvantages, however, include:
they must run in the same VM as the core engine
the load cannot be distributed to other hosts around the network
some web or application servers will not allow the required processes to be spawned
they cannot be taken offline or started up as required without restarting the core engine.
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A brief description of the converter pool configuration file is given below.
The converter-pool element can contain one or more group elements. It also has
two attributes:
officeConverterClass specifies the Java class used for a converter.
defaultGroup identifies which of the groups defined in the pool configuration is
the default group. If no group is specified in the ConversionInstruction when
rendering a document, Docmosis invokes a converter from the default group.
The group element contains one or more instance elements. It also has two
name is the name of the group. It must be unique in any one configuration file.
description is a plain language phrase that describes the group, its purpose and
the nature of the support that it provides for conversion.
The instance element is an empty element with two attributes:
hostname identifies the name of the computer on which the converter is installed.
An IP Address may be specified instead of a host name.
port identifies the particular port on which an instance is listening. Your choice of
ports is arbitrary and should be selected to be compliant with your existing
environment. The ports chosen will need to match the ports used when launching
the remote converters from a start-up script.
2.4 Installing Converters
This section provides details of the installation for converters. If you intend to run
converters on the same machine as the Docmosis core engine, you can ignore this
section. See the note above for disadvantages of using embedded converters.
To install a converter make sure that the host you are working with satisfies the
minimum requirements (see Planning Your Environment on page 9).
You can install additional converters at any time by changing the converter pool configuration and
starting additional converters. This facility is controlled by your existing Docmosis license.
2.4.1 Preparing Converters For Use
Distributed converters are designed to run continuously and listen on specific ports for
a connection from the Docmosis core requesting a conversion. To launch a converter
manually, you can run a script as required or you can launch the converters during
host computer’s start-up sequence.
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Developing and initiating system-level features will require the appropriate system access privileges
and the detail of implementing them is beyond the scope of this document.
2.5 Adding Support for Barcodes
When the Barcode4J ( library is present
Docmosis can generate the following barcode formats:
Code39 (“code39”)
Code128 (“code128”)
ITF14 (“itf14”)
Docmosis requires only barcode4j.jar to be added to the class path.
For more information about creating barcodes, please the
Docmosis Template Guide.
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3 Generating Documents
The main function of Docmosis is to process data provided by an application and
merge it with a template to produce richly formatted documents (also known as “the
fun part”). The DocumentProcessor class drives document production. It contains
the render methods that pull the templates and data together to produce the
In general, the steps for the production of the documents are:
1. Initialise Docmosis (this is a one-off action).
2. Register any new or updated templates (this is one-off or as required)
6. Identify a template in the template store.
7. Define the conversion instructions.
8. Define the output destination.
9. Prepare the data.
10. Call the document processor’s render method.
11. Close down Docmosis (this is a one-off action).
These steps are described in more detail throughout this section.
3.1 Initialising Docmosis
When your application starts (or is ready to begin using Docmosis) it will need to use
the following code to enable Docmosis to start its own processes for document
Initialising performs many tasks, and one key task is to establish connections to the
various converters that have been configured. Almost all tasks Docmosis performs are
dependent on at least one converter being online.
Once Docmosis is initialised, the typical next step would be to register a set of
templates (or update the current set of registered templates). Refer to Registering
Templates on page 17 for the various ways in which templates can be registered.
With a set of pre-optimised templates ready for use, Docmosis can be tasked with
getting down to the serious business of generating documents.
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3.2 Registering Templates
In Docmosis all templates are registered into a facility called the template store.
Templates must be registered in the store before they can be used for a document
generation. The location of the template store is typically specified in
The template store is a cache of templates that have been pre-analysed and optimised
to make the rendering of each document as fast as possible.
3.2.1 Help With Template Registration
Docmosis has several features to help with template registration:
1. Convenience methods
2. Auto Registration Monitor
3. The DropStoreHelper class
4. The StoreHelper class
These provide a very flexible set of tools allowing the developer to work anywhere
between managing the template store directly to setting some properties and allowing
Docmosis to take care of the rest. The following sections detail each of these options.
See also the online API documentation at
Template Registration is not currently thread safe when updating a template. Two processes should
not attempt to register the same template at the same time. If a template is being used (for rendering
documents) when an update to that template is attempted, the update will be failed and will need to
try again.
3.2.2 Convenience Methods
Convenience methods in the DocumentProcessor class will automatically register a
template as required (i.e. if it is new or modified). There is a small cost in examining
the template to see if it is new or modified, however unless your system must be
geared for optimal performance this overhead is small.
The following methods will automatically register the given template as required,
before rendering the document:
public static void renderDoc(File template, File outputFile, DataProvider dp)
public static void renderDoc(File template, OutputStream outputStream,
ConversionFormat format, DataProvider dp)
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3.2.3 Auto Registration
There are two properties that may be configured to have Docmosis automatically
monitor a set of directories or JAR archives for templates. This means that templates
can be registered and updated without having to write any code. The properties are:
The sourcepath property is a semi-colon (;) delimited list of directories or Jar
archives to watch for changes. This property should be used to point to directories
and archives containing only templates since all files are scanned and evaluated for
suitability as templates. This will waste resources if other files are present.
The period property is used to control the frequency of checking for template
changes. The following settings apply:
Value Result
> 0 Check every <value> seconds all templates in areas
specified by the path and load in any new or changed
0 Load all templates from the path once when
SystemManager.initialise() is called.
-1 Disable automatic loading
3.2.4 Using The DropStoreHelper Class
The DropStoreHelper class provides methods to register whole directories or Jar
archives of templates recursively.
When registering templates the DropStoreHelper infers:
the context from the directory names in the file-system path of the source
the template name from the filename.
The DropStoreHelper processing of directories and archives works as follows:
traverses the directory structure below the specified location;
recognises all documents that are potential Docmosis templates;
creates contexts in the template store that reflect the directory structure of the
source templates;
registers new templates;
re-registers updated templates.
The following code shows how simple the DropStoreHelper class is to use:
DropStoreHelper helper = new DropStoreHelper(TemplateStoreFactory.getStore());
File dir = new File("/dm-templates/deploy");
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3.2.5 Using The StoreHelper Class
The StoreHelper class is the "lowest level" class for registering templates into the
store. It provides specific methods to load a template into the store and name the
template within the store as desired.
The following example uses the StoreHelper class to perform the registration of a
template (Referral.odt) into the template store under a context called medical
and with the name Referral.
TemplateStore store = TemplateStoreFactory.getStore();
TemplateContext context = new TemplateContext("medical");
TemplateIdentifier templateId = new TemplateIdentifier("Referral", context);
StoreHelper.storeTemplate(templateId, new File("Referral.odt"), true, store);
You may construct TemplateIdentifiers without a context. This simply means the template is
registered with the given name at the root of the template store.
In general, the template name will be the same as the filename of the template being registered
although it does not need to be.
The example above has registered our template under the name “Referral” in the
context “medical”. To identify it later for rendering into a document, we would use
code as follows:
TemplateStore store = TemplateStoreFactory.getStore();
TemplateContext context = new TemplateContext("medical");
TemplateIdentifier templateId = new TemplateIdentifier("Referral", context);
DocumentProcessor.renderDoc(templateId, …);
3.3 Referencing Templates
When rendering a document, Docmosis needs to reference the appropriate template
for the process. To refer to a registered template you specify it by using a
TemplateIdentifier instance. The following snippet shows how you might
reference a template called “Referral”:
TemplateIdentifier templateId = new TemplateIdentifier("Referral");
If you have a large number of templates, or you simply have them organised into
hierarchies, then you will need to specify the context of the template. The following
example references the “Referral” template in the “medical/client” context:
TemplateIdentifier templateId = new TemplateIdentifier("Referral",
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If you use the DropStoreHelper class or the Auto Registration process to load
directories of templates into the template store, then it is likely you already have
templates in various contexts matching the directory structure of the original
To find out what templates are registered in the store, the following code can be used:
TemplateContext rootContext = new TemplateContext(“.”);
TemplateDetails[] templates = TemplateStoreFactory.getStore().findByContext(
rootContext, true);
for(int i=0; i<templates.length;i++) {
System.out.println(i + "context=" + templates[i].getContext().getPath()
+ " name=" + templates[i].getName());
It will produce a list of the registered templates including the context and the name.
This shows precisely how any of the templates in the template store can be
referenced; by creating a TemplateIdentifier with the given name and context.
The TemplateDetails class is a subclass of TemplateIdentifier and simply
provides more information about the template (such as size, modification date etc)
than the pure location.
Another way to find the context of your templates, look into the configured template store (by default
a directory called “templatestore” in the location your application runs) to see what the structure is.
3.4 Defining The Conversion Instructions
Conversion instructions provide specific directions for the document generation
process. In the following example, the conversion instructions set the document to be
output in three formats. Note that multiple formats imply the output file will be a
compressed ‘zip’ package.
SimpleConversionInstruction instruction = new SimpleConversionInstruction();
instruction.setConversionFormats(new ConversionFormat[] {
ConversionFormat.FORMAT_PDF, });
The created instruction also specifies the converter group to use (as opposed to simply
using the default group). This group name correlates to a group configured in the
converterPoolConfig.xml file (batch1 in this case).
Conversion Instructions can also specify field renderers to make final adjustments to
the display of fields. Please refer to 5.1.2 Building Your Own Field Renderers for a
description of renderers and ways of applying them.
The ConversionInstruction class has many other methods for controlling
attributes of the document generation. These include password protecting documents
and PDF specific controls such as initial view and archive mode.
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3.5 Defining The Output Destination
Docmosis allows documents to be rendered to any destination. The
DocumentProcessor class renders documents to OutputStreams or to Files.
You can send a document to anywhere you like as long as you can create an
OutputStream to reach it. This includes anything from local and remote files to
Databases to Web Based document repositories or email sub-systems.
3.6 Preparing The Data
All data is provided to the render process via the DataProvider interface. The data
is rendered into the desired format by merging the data in the data provider with the
elements in the template. Docmosis provides several DataProvider
implementations covering different sources of data. There is only one class which the
developer will typically need to use to collect the data together for a document: the
DataProviderBuilder class.
The DataProviderBuilder class provides many methods for collecting data from Strings,
Files, Databases and Java Objects. Data can be comprised of any combination of
sources required. The following example collects some data together from a few
difference sources including a database query and a Java object:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add("documentSource", "Repository Alpha");
dpb.add(imageFile, "diagnosticChart");
dpb.addSQL(resultSet, "results");
dpb.addJavaObject(new MedicalRecordData(123244L), "medicalData");
With this data collected, you can then use it in a call to a render method. For
DocumentProcessor.renderDoc("medicalTemplate.doc", "medicalDoc.pdf",
3.6.1 Adding Simple Textual Data
To add simple textual data, use the DataProviderBuilder.add() methods. There
are several methods to add key-value pairs that can be used by templates. The
following examples show some of these methods in use.
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
// add the name of the project
dpb.add("projectName", "Deisel Institute");
// add some contact information
dpb.addAll(new String[][]{
{"contact1", "Jerry Squire"},
{"contact2", "Amy Dice"}});
// add profile data
dpb.addFile(new File("companyProfile.txt"), '|');
See the Docmosis API for more methods of the DataProviderBuilder class.
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3.6.2 Adding Textual Data With HTML-Like Markup
Docmosis can optionally interpret textual data, looking for bold, italic or underline
indicators within the text itself. Text is added same way as above, using the
DataProviderBuilder.add() methods. For example:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add("myMarkup", "This will be <b>bold</b> and this will be <u>underlined</u>");
The text:
"This will be <b>bold</b> and this will be <u>underlined</u>"
will be displayed in the document as:
"This will be bold and this will be underlined"
The following table lists the supported mark-up.
Value Result
<b> and </b> Bold the text between the two tags
<i> and </i> Italicise the text between the two tags
<u> and </u> Underline the text between the two tags
<bgcolor="#rrggbb"/> Change the background colour of the table-cell containing
this text (which means it only applies to content within
tables). This tag must be at the very beginning of your
data item to take effect. #rrggbb is a typical red,green
and blue html colour specification (eg "#ff0000" is red).
By default the html processing feature is disabled to allow text with any content to be
written into the document verbatim. It can be turned on by changing the default
setting to:
in your file. It can also be changed on a per-document basis
by using the DocumentProcessor.render(RenderRequest) method, since the
RenderRequest allows the setting to be overridden:
RenderRequest rr = new RenderRequest();
See the Docmosis API for more methods of the RenderRequest class.
3.6.3 Adding Structured Data Using Strings
The DataProviderBuilder class allows data to be added using simple strings and
an indexing notation that can build hierarchies of data.
The following example code uses the DataProviderBuilder to create a set of
members. Each member has a name, addr, and DOB value. Such structures can be
used to populate repeating sections of templates. The dot notation and indexing
should be fairly intuitive given this example.
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private static DataProvider buildDataProvider()
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.addAll(new String[][] {
{"projectName", "Project X"},
{"", " Freddy James"},
{"member.0.addr", "10 Laburnum Crescent, Loganville, NT 6743"},
{"member.0.DOB", " 10 July 1980"},
{"", " Paul Stuo"},
{"member.1.addr", " 3 The Lane, Shayle, NSW 2334"},
{"member.1.DOB", " 10 Jan 1956"},
{"", " Sam Wells"},
{"member.2.addr", ""},
{"member.2.DOB", " 1 Apr 2000"},
{"", " Andrew Stevens"},
{"member.3.addr", " 6/12, Mewson Towers, Murray Street, Perth, WA
return dpb.getDataProvider();
There is no limitation to the depth of structures you can create using this form of data.
3.6.4 Adding XML Data
Data that is in XML format provides a hierarchical structure that makes it highly
suitable for matching to Docmosis templates. There are several methods in the
DataProviderBuilder class to utilise XML data whether it is in a file, a Document
or an input stream.
The XML root node forms the root of the data structure being added by default though
this may be overridden, and the XML attributes are included in the data.
Several DataProviderBuilder methods also allow you to pass an XMLNodeFilter
instance. The filter will be used to allow you application to dynamically filter out parts
of the XML that are not intended for the document being rendered. For example, the
following code snippet only includes nodes from the XML document with the name
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.addXMLFile(xmlFile ,new XMLNodeFilter() {
public boolean accept(Node node)
boolean accept = false;
if ("person".equals(node.getNodeName())) {
accept = true;
return accept;
3.6.5 Adding JSON Data
JSON format provides a ordered hierarchical structure much like XML but with lower
overhead. Docmosis supports direct use of JSON format data, allowing JSON data to
be aggregated with any other data in the DataProviderBuilder.
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A simple example adding some person details in JSON format might look like this:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
String data="{\"name\":\"Damien\", \"address\":\"1 Test Street\"}";
See the javadoc for the addJSON* methods of the DataProviderBuilder in the
Docmosis API for more details.
3.6.6 Adding Image Data
Images can be added to the data using the one of several DataProviderBuilder
Firstly, a stream of image data can be added directly as shown in the following snippet
which retrieves an image using a (fictitious) getChartImage() method and adds it
with the name chart1:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
InputStream chartStream = getChartImage();
dpb.addImage("chart1", chartStream);
If images are contained in files the simplest method to reference them is:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.addImage("chart1", new File("chart.png"));
The DataProviderBuilder class also allows image files to referenced using
add(String, String). This provides another convenience method, for example:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add("chart1", "[image:chart1.jpg]");
will add the file chart1.jpg to the data under the name chart1. This same
mechanism works for all key-value methods in Docmosis, including adding from files of
key-value pairs. The special prefix for the value “[image:” is deemed to mean an
image in a file.
If your image data is contained inside Databases or Java objects, then read on to the
following sections to see how to add these types of data sources. Also see section
4.2.4 which discusses how image data is retrieved for population.
See the Docmosis API for more methods of the DataProviderBuilder class.
3.6.7 Adding Java Objects
When you add Java objects to a DataProviderBuilder, Docmosis will extract data
from the Java object by calling public methods on the objects during population. The
fields in the template itself will drive Docmosis to extract the required information.
The following example code adds a Java object called personDetailsObject to the
data available for the template (using the term "personDetails"):
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DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.addJavaObject(personDetailsObject, "personDetails");
In the case above, the template will use the name "personDetails" to access data
contained in the personDetailsObject Java Object.
Docmosis can work with Collections, arrays and custom Java objects in any
combinations. When rendering a document, Docmosis will step into Java objects as
directed by the template fields, so long as the step can be achieved via a public
Docmosis does its best to be flexible when retrieving data from Java objects, making
the necessary conversions as appropriate. For example if a field (<<real>>) is to
display the value from the getReal() method, and that method returns a Boolean,
Docmosis will display the String value of the Boolean value. When Docmosis
retrieves image data from Java objects it only looks for methods returning an
InputStream, since it is not logical to attempt any conversions in this case.
During population, the names of template fields will automatically be transcribed into
calls into the Java objects. For example, if the template contained a field:
then Docmosis will attempt to find a method to provide the first name in the given
personDetailsObject by calling getFirstname(). More information about how the
template extracts data from the various data sources is described in 4 Matching Data
To Templates.
3.6.8 Adding Database Queries
The DataProviderBuilder class also allows database result sets to be added to the
data to be merged into a template. Docmosis will load all data from a given
ResultSet into memory, making it available to the document rendering process.
There are two methods for adding ResultSets to the DataProviderBuilder.
The first takes a ResultSet and a String name. All data in the ResultSet will be
made available using the column names from the result set under the context of the
given name. For example
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select name,address from people");
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.addSQL(rs, "records");
Will create a repeating set of “records” entries, each containing a name and address
from the query results. This is equivalent to:
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If the template has a repeating section (etc list, table rows) using “records” as the
identifier, then each repetition will have access to a name and address accordingly.
The second method for adding ResultSets to DataProviderBuilders is
significantly more sophisticated. It provides the means to transform the given
ResultSet, which is a two-dimensional grid of data, into a hierarchy of information.
For example:
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(
"select as hotelid, hotel, floorid, floor, " +
"f.capacity, f.roomcount " +
"from hotel h, floor f " +
"where f.hotelid =");
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
Discriminator hotelDiscriminator = new Discriminator("hotelid");
DataProviderSQLGrouping hotelGroups = new DataProviderSQLGrouping("hotels",
hotelDiscriminator, new String[]{"hotel"});
Discriminator floorDiscriminator = new Discriminator("floorid");
DataProviderSQLGrouping floorGroups = new DataProviderSQLGrouping("floors",
floorDiscriminator, new String[]{"floor, roomcount"});
dpb.addSQL(rs, new DataProviderGrouping[]{hotelGroups, floorGroups});
The code above uses Discriminators and DataProviderSQLGroupings to
group the data returned by the query into hotels, and within each hotel data is
grouped into floors. The data resulting data is equivalent to:
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The discriminators are used to determine the difference between data elements. In
the case of the hotels the hotel id is used to separate hotels. The hotel name would
often be applicable also, but the use of an id would allow two hotels that have the
same name to be grouped and thus reported separately.
The groupings combine a discriminator and an array of columns to construct the
group. For each discriminator value, a separate copy of the group will be created, and
the group will also contain values for the other mentioned columns.
These transformations are reasonably complex and it may take a bit of practice to get
into the swing of it.
3.7 Generating The Document
Generating the document means merging the data in the DataProvider with the
template elements to produce the output documents. The document is rendered
according to the instructions in the conversion instructions.
When you have prepared all of the objects for the document generation, the document
production is invoked by calling one of the render methods of the
DocumentProcessor class. One example is:
DocumentProcessor.renderDoc(templateId, dp, instruction, streamTo);
There are a few variations of the render method. For more information, refer to the
online API documentation at
3.8 Closing Down Docmosis
When an application is shutting down or no longer needs Docmosis, it should close
down Docmosis with the following call:
Of course documents cannot be rendered after this call has been made, but Docmosis
will always be ready to start again.
3.9 Error Handling
Docmosis offers two ways to deal with errors encountered during processing:
1. "development mode" - acknowledge errors but complete the operation if possible
2. "production mode" - treat errors as fatal and throw an exception
These two "modes" of operation apply separately at the template analysis/registration
stage and the document production/render stage.
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3.9.1 Controlling Error Handling
Default behaviour for error handling can be specified using the values below:
Property Values Affects
true or false
true = production mode
false = development mode
defaults to false
true or false
true = production mode
false = development mode
defaults to false
Error handling can also be overridden in a per-operation fashion. To control the
setting for the template registration process, you need to use a TemplateStore that
considers errors fatal. For example when using the DropStoreHelper to register
TemplateStore store = TemplateStoreFactory.getStore(true); // set errors fatal
DropStoreHelper dsh = new DropStoreHelper(store);
... //process templates using this helper
To override the error handling behaviour of document rendering, use a
RenderRequest instance with the DocumentProcessor:
RenderRequest rr = new RenderRequest();
rr.setPopulationErrorsFatal(true); // override rendering to treat errors as fatal
...// set other request properties
3.9.2 Recommended Configurations
The following table describes the
configurations for each type of
execution environment:
Environment Template
Net Effect
development development
As far as possible, a document will always be
produced. The document will highlight the location of
the problem using red text. Details about the error
and possible remedies are placed in the footer of the
affected pages. This makes diagnosing template
issues simpler.
development production
A document with errors will never be delivered. The
process will fail with an error instead.
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Docmosis is configured to be in "development" mode by default for all operations to
make it easy to get started. See section 6.4 Properties For Production for more
3.10 Other Features
Docmosis supports various other features for document production. These can be
controlled by settings on the ConversionInstruction and the RenderRequest
instances passed to the DocumentProcessor.render() methods.
The Docmosis Java API is a good source of detail for each of these classes.
3.10.1 Password Protect
Password protection for opening documents can be individually specified for Word and
PDF documents. The following example sets passwords for both formats:
ConversionInstruction ci = new ConversionInstruction();
Be careful, if the password is lost or forgotten you may not be able to read your
3.10.2 Water Marking
Water marking allows text to be placed broadly across the page, separately from the
document content. This is ideal for marking documents as draft for example. To
watermark in PDF documents, use the setPdfWatermark(String) method of
If you are producing non-PDF format documents and you want to produce a water
mark this needs to be controlled in your template. The best general approach is to
place an image in the template that is anchored (using the Word or OpenOffice image
anchor) to conditional text in the header or footer.
3.10.3 PDF Title and Initial View Settings
There are many other PDF controls that can be specified using the
ConversionInstruction class. The following example sets the title for the PDF
(displayed in the PDF window bar usually) and some initial view settings.
ConversionInstruction ci = new ConversionInstruction();
The actual title text comes from the document title property of your template.
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3.10.4 PDF Archive Mode PDF/A-1a
Archive Mode is intended for creating PDFs that are PDF/A-1a compliant for the
purposes of long term storage. The PDF is self-contained meaning fonts, images and
all other content must be standalone in the document. Note that this mode is (by
design) incompatible with some PDF features such as hyperlinks to external
Archive mode can be enabled by specifying setPdfArchiveMode(boolean)
method of ConversionInstruction.
3.10.5 PDF Accessibility / Low-Vision Setting
“Tagged” Mode is intended for creating PDFs with extra information embedded for
accessibility tools such as document-readers to be able to read the more from the
document. One particular example is reading the ALT-Text behind an image, allowing
the reader tool to describe the image to the user.
By default this setting is not enabled, but enabling it adds the extra information to the
This is enabled by specifying setPdfTagged(boolean) method of
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4 Matching Data To Templates
The provision of data into the template is the most interesting and challenging feature
of Docmosis. Data may come from a variety of sources and be combined to populate a
template. Both the template and the data can evolve to contain quite complex
structures. The key to success is in ensuring the structures match.
This chapter provides information about connecting the data from your application to
the templates using Docmosis. Section 4.1 discusses how data is structured and
section 4.2 discusses how elements of the templates relate to the data structures.
4.1 The Sources Of Data
The sources of data that Docmosis can use range from simple key-value pairs of
Strings through to complex data structures embodied in Java objects. Since templates
are often
(containing nested or repeating content), the data must have a
matching structure so that Docmosis can marry the two.
All sources of data can provide Docmosis with a
. The following sections
describe how the data can be (or is) structured.
4.1.1 String Data
Structure is indicated by using the period (.) character in the keys for String data. The
DataProviderBuilder class detects the period character in keys and automatically
structures the data.
For example this code:
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add("", "Frederick");
dpb.add("person.age", "20");
automatically creates a data structure of a person containing attributes name and
age. The DataProviderBuilder splits Strings around the period character creating
containers of sub-data as required.
Going a step further, this type of data can be indexed which gives
to containers
of data. This example code:
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DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
dpb.add("", "Julie");
dpb.add("person.0.age", "25”);
dpb.add("", "Frederick");
dpb.add("person.1.age", "20");
creates two person containers each containing a name and age and ordered according
to the indexes 0 and 1. The template may reference a specific person in this ordered
list or loop over each person.
This type of String information can be constructed to any depth and can be sourced
from Java code or delimited files.
4.1.2 Java Objects as Data
Java Objects are already hierarchically structured. A Person class may contain
information in an Address class, which may in turn contain different aspects of an
address as Strings or other classes. When a Java object is added using the
DataProviderBuilder, all publicly visible parts of that object are available to the
template. As you may have guessed, this is courtesy of Java’s excellent Reflection
Docmosis translates the names of fields into method calls on the Java objects and
makes some special allowances for arrays and Collections.
The DataProviderBuilder method addJavaObject(Object object, String
name) is the easiest way to add Java objects to work with. This will make the Java
object, and all the data contained (or referenced) by it available to the template, under
the given name.
Add Java Objects using the addJavaObject(Object, String) method rather than the
addJavaObject(Object) method. It is much safer to give the Java object a name via which it can
be referenced in the template, otherwise a Java object can mask (or hide) other data.
To help with debugging issues when looking up data in Java object hierarchies, turn the logging level
of your logging software (Log4J or Java logging) to DEBUG/FINEST. This will log out detailed
information about what methods Docmosis is attempting to call on what Java classes. This can make
it clear when the template and Java data don’t align.
4.1.3 SQL Query Data
The DataProviderBuilder class allows SQL Queries to be treated as simple 2-D
grids of data, or to be transformed into a data-hierarchy to match a template. Query
data has a structure already (a grid of rows and columns) but can be transformed into
a hierarchy to match the template precisely.
Docmosis uses the meta-data (such as column names) as keys into the data, whereas
String data has explicitly defined keys and Java Objects have method signatures.
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4.2 Data Population
Merging data into the document is driven entirely by the template. Docmosis works
through the template using the fields as guidance as to what data to fetch and use for
either inserting into the document or making decisions (such as exclusions or
repetition). If the data provider has data that is not required by the template, then it
is simply not used. For example, a fully populated Person object could be used in the
rendering of a document from a template that only requires the name of the person.
In this case, Docmosis would only fetch the data for the name of the person.
The following sections describe the fields in a template, and how Docmosis identifies
the data to retrieve from the data provider.
4.2.1 Simple Lookup Fields.
When Docmosis encounters a simple lookup field, it uses the name of the field and
makes a call to the data provider to provide a value. For example, the field:
will result in lookups for data in the following ways:
String Data Java Objects SQL Query
key "firstname" method getFirstname() column "firstname"
This is fairly intuitive behaviour, even for the Java method
invocation which simply prepends get and makes the first letter
There are some extended notation available only for fields that are to fetch data from
Java objects. Firstly, instead of using the field name to find a matching getName()
type of method, the field may contain brackets “()” characters at the end of the name
to indicate the name should be taken literally. Further the literal method can be
passed String parameters directly from the template. These behaviours are best
shown with a few examples:
Field Name Java Method Invocation Description
<<firstname>> getFirstname() Simple field name
transformed into a get
<<getFirstname()>> getFirstname() Field name with ()
characters indicating
method name
<<firstname()>> firstname() Field name with ()
characters indicating
method name
<<firstname('lower')>> firstname("lower") Literal method name call
with single string
parameter (value "lower")
<<firstname('lower','2')>> firstname(new String[]
Literal method name call
with single String[]
parameter (values "lower"
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and "2")
Docmosis maps the name of the field to a Java method or to an SQL column if that is the underlying
data. If the data retrieved from the method or column is not a String type, it is displayed as text on a
best effort basis by default. The use of Field Renderers allows the transformation of any data type
(Booleans, Dates Integers etc) into textual information to be controlled and Docmosis applies some
built-in renderers for Dates and Booleans. See section 5.1 Using Field Renderers for details.
SQL Query data is always given a container (or context) since it is expected to be repeating rows of
data. This means simply referencing a column name in a field will not work; your field will either need
to make a nested lookup (see below) or be inside a repeating section (which is described further
4.2.2 Nested Lookup Fields
Nested lookups are performed by fields with names containing a period (.) character.
The term “nested” refers to the way Docmosis will “delve” into data containers. For
example, the field:
will result in lookups for data in the following sequences:
String Data Java Objects SQL Query
1) get container
2) key "firstname"
1) Object o = getPerson()
2) o.getFirstname()
1) get container
2) column "firstname"
This means that the “person” container is obtained first, and
then from that the “firstname” is obtained.
The same extended notation as described in section 4.2.1 for Java data applies to
nested lookups as to simple lookups. The following are examples:
Field Name Java Method Invocation
<<person.firstname()>> 1) getPerson()
2) firstname()
<<person().firstname()>> 1) person()
2) firstname()
<<person('james').firstname()>> 1) person("james")
2) firstname()
As the examples show, literal, non-literal and parameterised
forms of fields can be mixed as desired within the field name.
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4.2.3 Indexed Lookup
Fields may make explicit
lookups on data. This means that from a collection
or list of items, a template can retrieve a particular item. In combination with nested
lookups this produces a fairly powerful direct-data-referencing mechanism.
Using square brackets, fields can reference particular containers of data. If our data
contained a collection of people, then the following field:
Would reference the firstname of the first person (at index zero). To get the fourth
person’s first name (index 3) the following field could be used:
Docmosis provides other ways to index data [F] for first, [L3] for last 3 etc. Please see the Template
Developer’s Guide for further details.
To loop over collections of data rather than reference explicit numbered items, a repeating section is
used. Please see section 4.2.4 below.
Docmosis allows you to reference items that are out of bounds. If you refer to an item that is out of
bounds, a blank is returned. If using Java objects as data, some control over this “forgiving”
behaviour can be configured; refer to section Unforgiving Mode.
4.2.4 Image Data
Image data is retrieved from the data sources using the same techniques as for textual
data. The difference is that when retrieving the data, Docmosis is looking for a binary
stream of data rather than text.
Image data can be added using the techniques describe in section 3.6.4 and is
referenced in the template by attributes of an image placeholder. This is discussed in
detail in the Docmosis Template Guide.
Once the name of the image is known, Docmosis uses the same techniques to look up
the name in the provided data. For Java Reflection, the underlying getter method
must return a type of InputStream, otherwise Docmosis will assume it’s not for
image data.
For example, if we had a placeholder image labelled bm_chart1 in the template, then
the Java object providing the image would need a method with the following signature
to populate the image:
public InputStream getChart1()
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Docmosis uses the prefix "bm_" to identify a book mark that is relevant to Docmosis.
If you bookmark an image but forget the prefix, Docmosis will ignore it.
4.2.5 Repeating Sections And Repeating Table Rows
Repeating sections of templates are identified by fields starting with the rs_ prefix (eg
rs_people). Repeating table rows are equivalent way but use the rr_ prefix (eg
rr_people) and work specifically with a specified set of table rows. The way these
fields link to the underlying data follows the same rules as have been discussed so far
(nesting and indexing), but what is different is they also expect some part of the name
to be a container of repeating data.
In the case of rs_people (and rr_people) the Docmosis will retrieve a container of
data from the data provider under the name “people” and attempt to repeat the
template content for each “person”. Importantly, everything in between the
rs_people and es_people tags is automatically referenced in the
of the
current “person”.
Consider the following template snippet:
The content between the tags rs_IDSets and es_IDSets will be repeated.
Docmosis will lookup IDSets from the data and repeat it as far as possible. If there is
no container of data then this section of the template will not appear in the final
document. Then, for each item in the retrieved container of data, each of the
following data lookups will occur: name, position, telephone, email, profileSummary.
The sequence of data lookups that would occur when populating this part of the
template would look as follows:
Step String Data Java Objects SQL Query
1 key "IDSets " as elements method getIDSets() as
container "IDSets"
or grouping
"IDSets" as
3 Key "" method getName() on
element 0
column "name" on
element 0
4 Key "element.0.position" method getPosition() on
element 0
column "position"
on element 0
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Repeating sections
have a pair of
containing elements.
5 Key "element.0.telephone" method getTelephone()on
element 0
column "telephone"
on element 0
6 Key "" method getEmail()on
element 0
column "email" on
element 0
7 Key
getProfileSummary() on
element 0
"profileSummary" on
element 0
9 Key "" method getName() on
element 1
column "name" on
element 1
10 Key "element.1.position" method getPosition() on
element 1
column "position"
on element 1
11 Key "element.1.telephone" method getTelephone()
on element
column "telephone"
on element 1
12 Key "" method getEmail() on
element 1
column "email" on
element 1
13 Key
getProfileSummary() on
element 1
"profileSummary" on
element 1
15 Key "" method getName() on
element 2
column "name" on
element 2
Repeating sections may be nested to an arbitrary depth (that is,
one inside the other) and they may also be nested inside
conditional sections or table cells.
Repeating sections may be named using nested terms but will only repeat over one
term of a nested name. If a nested name is used and no ranges are specified, then
only the first item for each term is used and the last term is repeated over. For
Is taken to mean
which means “repeat for all friends of the first person”. Docmosis allows you to turn
this default behaviour around and using explicit ranges:
which means “repeat for all people and using the first friend”.
The important thing to remember about repeating sections is that all template fields within the
repeating section will be in the context of that section already. That is, as far as the data is
concerned, when you step into a repeating section you are stepping into a container of data.
As a convenience in the templates, repeating and conditional sections can use a short-hand notation
for the end section field. For example, the <<es_>> field can be used to the currently open repeating
or conditional section.
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The discussion above relates to repeating table rows in the same way; the content of
the rows that are being repeated is in the context of the data referenced by the rr_
4.2.6 Repeating in Steps
By default, repeating rows and repeating sections step through your data elements one
at a time. This can be changed by using a “step” or “step down” directive with your
repeating section or repeating rows.
The objective is to allow your list or array of data to be “projectected” into a grid
purely under control of the template. A visual example is shown in the Template
Guide, but this discussion will use the letters A,B,C,D,E... to represent your list of data.
Stepping “Across”
Consider a list of 7 elements in your data under the name “items”:
A template like this:
Would simply list the items:
Your template has the power (since Docmosis 3.2) however to display this in a “grid”
layout using the “step” directives. For example:
A template like this (notice the “:step3”):
<<$i1>> <<$i2>> <<$i3>>
Would re-arrange your data into 3 columns, assigning variables $i1, $i2, $i3 for each
item in each column.
And similarly, 4 columns could be presented like this:
<<$i1>> <<$i2>> <<$i3>> <<$i4>>
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resulting in output like this:
If your data were objects rather than simple strings, your template can simply look up
the data under the $iN variables:
<<$>> <<$>> <<$>> <<$>>
Stepping “Down”
Docmosis can also display your data grid moving “down” the columns rather than
across. This is done using the “stepNdown” directive, where N still indicates the
number of columns desired and hence the number of $i1, $i2... $iN variables that will
be created automatically for layout in the template.
Consider (noticing this time “step3down”)
<<$i1>> <<$i2>> <<$i3>>
The result would populate downwards:
Automatically creating the number of rows required to display the data in 3 columns.
4.2.7 Fields Bullet or Numbered Lists
If you place a field in a numbered or bullet list style, Docmosis will automatically try to
work out if you want this list to start repeating over data behind the field. This is
simply a nifty short-cut to populating lists in documents. The Docmosis Template
Guide shows a few examples of adding bullet and numbered lists that make use of this
There are no special concerns requiring lining this type of field up with the template.
It is enough to understand the concepts that have been discussed thus far for looking
up nested and repeating data.
As an example, consider the following template snippet:
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This is logically equivalent to a friends field inside a rs_friends[*] (or simply
rs_friends) repeating section. The following table describes the sequence of calls
that could be expected for different sources of data:
Step String Data Java Objects SQL Query
1 key "friends " as
method getFriends() as
container "friends"
or grouping "friends"
as elements
3 Key
method getFriend() on
element 0 of getFriends()
column "friend" in
element 0
3 Key
method getFriend() on
element 1
column "friend" in
element 1
3 Key
method getFriend() on
element 2
column "friend" in
element 2
3 Key
method getFriend() on
element 3
column "friend" in
element 3
4.2.8 Conditional Sections, Conditional Table Rows and Columns
Conditional sections, conditional table rows and conditional columns have a similar
notation and cover a “sub-set” of template content. The relevant condition is
evaluated and the template content is either processed or skipped.
Conditional type fields can use data lookup names directly which expect a true/false
type of answer, or they can specify and expression to evaluate. Expressions
themselves are made up of terms that may be literal values, data lookups or variable
lookups as appropriate.
Docmosis uses the name of associated with the cs_, cr_ and cc_ tags to lookup
and evaluate a true/false answer. In the following template snippet:
Docmosis will make the following calls for the <<cs_independent>> field:
String Data Java Objects SQL Query
Key "independent" isIndependent() if not
found, getIndependent()
column "independent"
and evaluate the result as a Boolean true/false answer. If the
answer is false, the section will not appear in the resulting
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Unlike repeating content, the step into a conditional field does NOT change the context
of the data lookup. For example, in the following template snippet above,
<<independentName>> field is considered to be at the same “level” in the data as the
<<cs_independent>> field. The sequence of calls would be (assuming a true result for
the condition):
Step String Data Java Objects SQL Query
1 key "independent" isIndependent() if not
found, getIndependent()
column "independent"
2 key "independentName" method
So a conditional field acts more like a simple lookup field in
terms of its effect on the current context of data lookup.
Conditional Sections (cs_) and Conditional Table Rows (cr_) use a matching end tag (es_) to define the
end of the conditional region. Conditional columns (cc_) do not specify an end tag and simply apply to
the entire column.
4.2.9 Expressions
Docmosis provides support for basic Boolean expressions. These expressions can be
used by conditional sections or columns and provide a significant improvement over
simply looking up a Boolean value (or calling a method which can do an arbitrary
Boolean evaluation).
The notation is to replace the name term of the field with an expression in braces. For
example, a field <<cs_{a<2}>> will use the typical lookup rules to obtain a value for “a”
and then test whether it is less than the value 2. Given that typical lookup rules apply
(as discussed in the sections above), the
of the expression can be:
Simple terms (eg person);
Nested terms (eg person.firstname);
Indexed terms (eg person[3].firstname);
Literals (eg 2 or 'Allen');
Variables (eg $myPerson);
Combinations (eg $top.person[3].firstname)
currently supported are <, >, <=, >=, =, != and !. The following
examples describe a few typical examples.
Element Description
Lookup data element “a” and see if it is less than 10 numerically. If “a” is
not numeric, a string comparison is performed automatically.
Lookup data element “a” and see if it is equal to the String literal “fred”.
Lookup the variable “a” and see if it is not equal to the numeric value 10.
If variable “a” does not resolve to a numeric value, a String comparison is
Lookup the data element “hasElements()” and boolean negate the result.
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Element Description
If hasElements() returns something other than a boolean, the result will be
evaluated using a best effort (eg a String value of “true” would resolve to
true). Note that the use of the brakets “( )” typically implies the data is to be
sourced by calling a Java function literally.
Other operators include
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
This shows that expressions can provide a significant amount of power when combined
with the Docmosis abilities for processing the operands of the expression.
Docmosis doesn’t currently support expressions for repeating sections (rr_ and rs_).
4.2.10 Built-in Variables
Docmosis has several built-in variables that can be very handy in templates. The
following sections describe these variables and their effect on data provision.
The $parent variable refers to the data at one level “up”. This is means that within a
repeating section (or repeating table rows), you can refer to elements of data that
would normally be invisible. In the following example, there is a field
<<$>> when in the context of an address. Since it is going up the container
of the addresses, the name will be that of the person who’s addresses on which we are
currently operating.
A field construct like <<$parent.$>> is perfectly valid and as you might
expect, moves up two levels from the current data context.
The template snippet above uses unlabelled <<es_>> end section names. This is perfectly valid and an
unlabelled end-section
$top or $root
These synonymous variables reference the top or outer most element of data. In this
way, they can reference data completely unrelated to the current data context.
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$this or $current
These synonymous variables reference the
data context. In most cases they
are completely redundant, but not in all cases. When dealing with Arrays or
Collections of Java primitives (such as an array of Strings), the $current variable gives
access to values that otherwise have no way to reference them. Consider the
following snippet:
String[] data = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"};
DataProviderBuilder dpb = new DataProviderBuilder();
The array of data has no associated name (though there is another addJavaObject
method that can label the array) and each element of the array has an index but no
name under which to retrieve it.
This is where $current comes into play. To retrieve each value and display it, the
following template snippet would apply:
Adding Java Objects using the addJavaObject(Object) method is not recommended where you have
more data to add than is contained only in the given Object. This simple add method allows the Java
object to mask other data inadvertently. It is much safer to use the "addJavaObject(Object, String)"
method instead to give the Java object a name via which it can be referenced in the template.
The $size variable denotes the size of the current container. It’s primary use would be
to limit or display the number of items. $size reflects the total size of the current data
The $idx variable denotes the index into the current data. The leading value is zero
and then it simply counts up. This can be used in lists, repeating sections or repeating
table rows to give a zero-based index of progress.
Note that if you are using “stepping” directives with a step size > 1 on your repeating
section or repeating row, $rowidx may be more applicable that $idx. This is because
$rowidx will correspond to an actual “step” or “row” of the data, whereas $idx
corresponds to the current item under consideration.
For example, given a template like this:
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7 items of data would result in the following output:
Notice that $idx is the same as $rowidx where the step size is 1 (implied on the
<<rs_items>> field). When the step size is different however (3 based on the
<<rs_items:step3>> field) the behaviour of these two variables is different, and $idx
is referring to the index of the last item in each step (going up in steps of 3).
The $itemnum variable denotes the position in the current loop starting at 1.
A common application of $itemnum is to be combined with $size into an
take a specific action at the end of a repeating section. For example the following
template snippet uses a conditional section to include a page break for each person
record except for the last:
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The above template example doesn’t look like this in practice since the page break will
force the end section fields onto the next page. The two pages have been joined
together to keep the example simple.
Note that if you are using “stepping” directives with a step size > 1 on your repeating
section or repeating row, $rownum may be more applicable that $itemnum. This is
because $rownum will correspond to an actual “step” or “row” of the data, whereas
$itemnum corresponds to the current item under consideration.
See the example above for $idx since the concept is consistent.
The $rowidx variable denotes the position in the current loop starting at 0 and allowing
for stepping. With a step size of 1, $idx and $ rowidx are equivalent. With larger step
sizes, $ idx will correspond to one of the items (the last one found by Docmosis),
whereas $ rowidx will be the current iteration through the repeating data.
The description of $idx above has an illustrative example.
The $rownum variable denotes the position in the current loop starting at 1 and
allowing for stepping. With a step size of 1, $itemnum and $rownum are equivalent.
With larger step sizes, $itemnum will correspond to one of the items (usually the last
one found by Docmosis, whereas $rownum will be the current iteration through the
repeating data. The $itemnum variable denotes the position in the current loop starting
at 1.
The description of $idx above has an illustrative example.
4.2.11 Custom Variables
Docmosis templates can define custom variables. This allows templates to be
simplified in various areas. When a variable is set, it is visible for the remainder of the
template. A variable can be set to a container of data or a single value and its data
context is that of the point where set. When the variable is later used, regardless of
where in the template it will provide visibility to the data that it referenced.
For example, the following template snippet:
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sets a variable named $firstOrg to the first organisation in the data. Then from
deep inside a nested structure the name of the first organisation is retrieved using the
$firstOrg variable.
An equivalent template could look like this:
which sets the $firstOrg variable to $[0] which references the first
organization from $top (which is the root of all data). In this case, the $firstOrg
variable could be set anywhere and it would have the same effect.
The next example, which is slightly different sets a variable $o to the current
organization. This is a handy way of getting access to outer objects without having to
use $parent to go up:
So, in the above template snippet, the current organization name will be printed via
the reference to $o.
Variables can also be referenced using var_ instead of $. This means <<$name>> is equivalent
to <<var_name>>. This is particularly useful for bookmarking images using variables in MS Word,
where you cannot use the $ symbol in the bookmark name.
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4.2.12 Java Lookup Examples
Since Java lookups can be reasonably complex the following table of examples can
serve as a useful reference. The table shows the template field on the left and the
resulting calls into the Java objects during document production.
Template Field Java Invocations
<<firstname>> getFirstname()
<<>> getPerson().getName()
<<person.address.line1>> getPerson().getAddress().getLine1()
<<people.size>> getPeople().getSize()
getPeople().length (if getPeople() returns an array)
<<firstname{renderer=x}>> getFirstname() and then apply renderer “x”
<<people[0].name>> getPeople().get(0).getName() (if getPeople() returns a Collection)
getPeople()[0].getName() (if getPeople() returns an array)
getPeople() (if Collection or array then loop over all items)
getPeople() (if other Java object, it becomes the “current” provider of data)
getResult() or isResult() and evaluate it as a boolean
<<cs_{a.b<c.d}>> getA().getB(), getC().getD() and evaluate expression
<<name()>> name() (the brackets indicate the method is explicitly named)
<<name(‘p1’)>> name(“p1”)
<<name(‘p1’,’p2’)>> name(new String[]{“p1”,”p2”})
<<name(‘a_and_b’)>> name(“a and b”)
<<name(‘a\_and\_b’)>> name(“a_and_b”)
4.2.13 Populating Headers and Footers
Headers and footers of templates are populated outside of the page-by-page flow of
the document. This means effectively that headers and footers are oblivious to the
data relating to the page being populated. Whilst you can use page-specific
information such as page numbers, you cannot use particular parts of your data in a
header and footer and expect it to change from page to page. For example, if you
were reporting a full page of information per student, you couldn't reference the
details about the particular student in the header and footer for the corresponding
To achieve this type of result, don't use real headers or footers in your template;
instead simply put content at the top or bottom of your page (moving the margins up
or down as required). If you place the whole "page" of information in a repeating
section, and have a page-break within the section it should look exactly as you would
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4.2.14 Merging Templates
Docmosis allows templates to be merged together using the "ref:" and "refLookup:"
fields (details are in the
Docmosis Template Guide
). As one might expect, templates
that are linked in or referenced by another template, act as if they were literally within
the referencing template. As far as data population goes, the included template has
access to all the variables and data of the calling template, and further it inherits the
context of data at the point of insertion. Whilst sounding a little complex, this simply
means that the included templates should act as you would expect.
Keep in mind that headers and footers are not populated on a page-by-page basis (see
section 4.2.13 Populating Headers and Footers), and so templates included into
headers and footers will also have a "global" view of the data.
4.2.15 HTML Injection
Docmosis allows HTML to be injected directly into the document "html:" fields (details
are in the
Docmosis Template Guide
HTML fields cause Docmosis to attempt to interpret the data as HTML and present it in
the document in a rendered-form rather than as text.
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5 Advanced Features
5.1 Using Field Renderers
Docmosis allows
Field Renderers
to be used by fields in a template. Renderers can
make variations to the final display of a field. A renderer can perform the following:
setting or changing the text to be displayed in the document;
setting font characteristics such as italics, bold and underlining;
setting the table cell background colour if the field is inside a table cell.
Field renderers are referenced by name. The way they are attached to fields (as
explained in the
Docmosis Template Guide
) is using the “renderer” qualifier. The
following example field:
associates a renderer called nameRenderer with the surname field. The Docmosis engine
will look for a render called nameRenderer and use it to perform the final adjustments to
the display of the surname field.
Docmosis can also apply renderers based on the type of data that’s about to be
displayed. For example, if Docmosis knows the data is of type Date, then it will apply
the renderer for Dates if one has been registered.
The renderers are implemented in Java and implement the FieldRenderer
interface. Docmosis provides some built-in renderers and developers are free to add
their own.
5.1.1 Built In Field Renderers
Docmosis has three built-in renderers.
Date Formatting and Number Formatting can also be achieved in the template by using the built-in
functions “dateFormat” and “numFormat”. (see the Docmosis Template Guide for more information.)
It is recommended to use the new functions where possible.
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Applied To
date java.util.Date,
Formats date information into desired formats. The default date
format is “dd MMM yyyy”. This renderer takes two optional
parameters which are java.util.SimpleDateFormat compliant
format specifications. Where space characters are required in the
format, underscore characters should be used which will be replaced by
spaces. Where underscores are required, the sequence “\_” will leave
the underscore in place.
As of version 3.2, the built in date render can also be applied to String
data. If a template field has a date renderer applied and the data
found by Docmosis is a String, it will attempt to parse the string into a
Date instance according to a default set of formats. If successful the
render will be applied to the date as normal (otherwise an error
The default input date formats recognised are:
EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy;yyyy-MM-
dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z';dd MMM yyyy;dd-MMM-
yyyy;dd/MMM/yyyy;dd MMM yy;dd-MMM-yy;dd/MMM/yy
The property:
can be set to provide additional date formats that Docmosis will use to
parse Strings into dates. Multiple formats can be specified by
delimiting with a ; character.
boolean java.lang.Boolean,
Formats Boolean information into desired formats. Instead of being
displayed as “true” and “false”, Boolean values can be displayed in a
number of ways. The values can even be rendered in special fonts.
Please see the Template User Guide for the detailed description of how
to use this renderer.
As of version 3.2, the built in boolean render can also be applied to
String data. If a template field has a boolean renderer applied and the
data found by Docmosis is a String, it will attempt to parse the string
into a Boolean instance according to a default set of formats. If
successful the render will be applied to the date as normal (otherwise
an error results).
The default values for True are:
The property:
can be set to provide additional values that equate to true. Multiple
formats can be specified by delimiting with a ; character.
Number <none> Formats field data into number formats recognised by Java’s
DecimalFormat class.
If the number renderer is attached to field data containing String data,
Docmosis will attempt to parse it as currency or other numeric data,
which the renderer can then specify a different way to present the
value. See the Template Guide for more information.
Docmosis knows the actual data types of data obtained from Java objects and from
SQL queries so can apply renderers based on type without having to name them in the
Examples of use of the built-in field renderers can be found in the Docmosis Template
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5.1.2 Building Your Own Field Renderers
Developers can build their own Field Renderer implementations. Template fields can
then explicitly (by name) or implicitly (by data type) use the renderers.
How To Write A Renderer
To write a renderer you create a Java class that implements the FieldRenderer
interface. This is a simple task since there is a single method to implement:
public RenderedField render(FieldDetails fieldDetails, RenderedField field)
throws FieldRendererException;
Your implementation of render() must return a RenderedField instance. The
implementation can examine the details of the field being rendered from the given
FieldDetails instance and make decisions about what to alter. Alterations can be
made to the given RenderedField which can then be returned at the end of the
method. There are two reasons that Docmosis passes a RenderedField instance to
this method:
1. Effects can be compounded. Docmosis may make settings to renderers based
on instructions from the template. For example if table row colours are being
alternated, then Docmosis will pass this information through the renderer and
the implementations can choose to leave or override it.
2. Object creation can be minimized (for system performance). Docmosis does
not create a RenderedField instance per call to a field renderer saving in
potentially very high number of object creations.
As far as errors go, your renderer can throw a RuntimeException, or preferably,
throw a FieldRendererException with a meaningful error.
The following example defines a field renderer that obscures firstname and surname
fields so they won’t be displayed in the final document:
public static class NameObscuringFieldRenderer implements FieldRenderer
public RenderedField render(FieldDetails fieldDetails, RenderedField field)
throws FieldRendererException
if (fieldDetails.getFieldName().equals("surname")) {
// obscure surname fields
} else if (fieldDetails.getFieldName().equals("firstname")) {
// obscure firstname fields
} else {
// leave the rendered field unchanged
return field;
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Any field in the document with the name firstname or surname and with this renderer
attached will be obscured. Also, if this renderer was registered against the appropriate
data type (eg String.class), then it would be applied to all fields where the data
fetched was typed String.
The FieldDetails object provides lots of information about a field so that the
renderer can decide what to do. The following table describes each piece of
Item Description
Field name The name of the template field
Row number Get the current row number (if inside a set of repeating rows in a table)
Value class The class of the data item retrieved to populate this field (null if the data found
is not from Java reflection or an SQL query)
Value object The actual value object of the data item retrieved (null if the data found is not
from Java objects or an SQL query)
Field value The String value of the data that has been retrieved
Container class The class of the Java object on which the call was made to get the value (null if
not applicable)
Container object The object on which the call was made to obtain the value
Renderer name The Name of the renderer from the template field (since the same renderer can
be used/registered under multiple names if desired).
Renderer parameters The array of parameters that the template field is passing to the renderer (null if
Id (Obsolete) This is the value of the id qualifier that may be attached to a field. This is
obsolete now that renderers can take parameters.
One final point to note is that FieldRenderers must be written to be used safely by
multiple threads concurrently. This typically means do not create instance or class
variables in your class – instead make sure all variables are within the method.
How To Register A Renderer
If you create your own renderer, you must register it with Docmosis otherwise it won’t
be available to the templates. Renderers can be registered for use across all
documents produced, or on a document by document basis.
To register a renderer for general use, use the setDefault* methods on the
RendererRegistry class:
Method Description
setDefaultRendererByName() Set the given Field Renderer instance to
be used by any field referencing it by
name in any template.
setDefaultRendererByClass() Set the given Field Renderer instance to
be used by any field where the data type
retrieved to populate the field is of the
given class type. This only applied to
data from Java objects and SQL queries
where strict typing information is
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setDefaultRendererByClassAndName() Short cut method for registering by name
and by class.
To use a renderer as a one-off for a given document, use one of the setRenderer*
methods on the ConversionInstruction class. These are equivalent to the ones
on the RendererRegistry class, but they will override any default settings and will
only apply to the one document production.
5.2 Java Reflection
As we have discussed, data can be sourced from Java objects as well as a variety of
other sources of data. Occasionally it can be challenging working out how to reference
data in Java objects from Docmosis templates. When things are going wrong, what
can be done to figure out the solution. This section provides some hints and useful
5.2.1 Parameterised Methods
To help reduce the complexity and need for creating new methods to suit data lookup
driven by templates, Docmosis allows templates to explicitly name methods to call on
Java Objects. By default, Docmosis will prefix the field name with “get” and capitalise
the next letter to attempt to find the relevant method. For example a field <<name>>
would be transcribed into getName() when calling on a Java object. If the field name
is suffixed by brackets however, like <<name()>>, Docmosis will call a method name()
on the Java object.
Going one step further, a method can have one or more string parameters passed to it
from the template. To specify a parameter to a method in the template it is placed in
single-quotes inside the brackets as follows: <<name('initial')>>. This corresponds to a
method which takes a single String argument and would be called as follows:"initial");
If more than one parameter is specified, such as <<name('initial',’final’)>> then
Docmosis would call a method that takes a single String[] argument as follows: String[]{"initial","final"});
This allows a broad flexibility in terms of fetching template-controlled data from Java
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5.2.2 Debugging
Docmosis provides two mechanisms to assist with debugging data provision from Java
objects. Logging calls
If the logging level is set to debug or finer, then Docmosis will log a fair amount of
detail as to what it is doing. When reflecting, it will say what methods it is calling on
what Java objects. This set of logged calls can then be used to work out where
Docmosis is trying to get it’s data. Typically once that is known, the adjustment to the
template is a reasonably intuitive adjustment.
Java will log to Log4J if it can be found in the classpath, otherwise it will log using Java’s own logging
facility. Discussions about logging configuration for these tools is outside the scope of this manual. Unforgiving Mode
When adding Java objects to the data using DataProviderBuilder, it will check the
Docmosis property "" to see if
lookups on the added Java object should be treated as “forgiving” or not. Forgiving
means that if the template calls for a method to fetch some data, and the underlying
object does not provide the method then it will treat this as simply a no-data found
and return nothing. If the property is set to false, then lookups on Java objects for
methods the object doesn’t have will be treated as an error and highlighted.
Docmosis defaults this “forgiving” behaviour to true. You can set it to false by either
setting the property in the file or in the Java System
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6 Docmosis Properties
6.1 Property Locations and Overriding
Docmosis properties are typically defined in a file called
The example file (available in our Docmosis-Java code
samples area on the website
java/docmosis-java-code-samples.html) is set up to provide minimal configuration
effort. This file is located by Docmosis using the Java classpath mechanism.
Any Docmosis property may be pushed into Java’s System properties by your code
using System.setProperty(). Setting a property this way overrides any equivalent
setting in the properties file. Setting overriding Docmosis properties needs to be done
before the call to the Docmosis method SystemManager.initialise(). Many
Docmosis properties are statically loaded into the Docmosis classes, hence an
application restart is required for changes to properties to take effect.
Since System.setProperty() can have a scope broader than desired (for example
multiple applications in an application server, Docmosis also provides the
Configuration class (as of version 3.2). Configuration settings can be made and
then passed to SystemManager.initialise(Configuration config) to take
The order of loading properties is done in the following order:
1. load defaults first
2. (if available)
3. System properties (if set)
4. properties via a Configuration instance
and at each step, properties will override any settings in a previous step.
It is recommended that a Configuration instance be used, possibly in conjunction
with a file to provide general settings across all
The Docmosis Configuration class provides convenience methods for getting started
with nominal configuration. The simplest way to create a configuration to get started
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Configuration config = Configuration.standard()
.setKeyAndSite(key, site)
Note, the converterPoolConfig.xml file is optional (and if used is expected to be
found in the class path). The Configuration class allows the converter pool to be
configured programmatically via the setConverterPoolConfiguration()
method. See the Java API documentation for more information.
6.2 Key Properties
The properties you will have to deal with when getting started are:
since these are mandatory and have no default setting. See section 2 Installing And
Setting Up Docmosis for descriptions on setting these variables.
An example property file can be downloaded from the Docmosis-Java resources
( under the Code Samples
section. Below is an example of the properties with the two must-address properties
# Example property file for Docmosis.
# General Information #
# By default, docmosis will look for this file ( in the root of
class path entries.
# Properties can alternatively be specified in Java and any
properties put into
# will override values in this file.
# Some properties are relevant to the Docmosis CORE (that is the main engine) while
others are relevant
# to the Docmosis CONVERTERS. Each property below has comments indicating to which
part of Docmosis it applies.
# In the case where you have multiple converters distributed around different
computers, you will probably
# have multiple copies of this property file. You can choose to cut those property
files down to the bare
# minimum for the converters or core as required. For example, only the Docmosis
core cares about the license
# key, so only it's properties file needs to specify it.
# Must-set properties #
# Specify the license key
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
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# Specify where to find the open office install
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Converters)
# Windows examples
#docmosis.openoffice.location=C:/Program Files (x86)/LibreOffice 4.0
#docmosis.openoffice.location=C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenOffice 3
#docmosis.openoffice.location=C:/Program Files/OpenOffice 3
#docmosis.openoffice.location=C:/Program Files/OpenOffice 2.4
# Linux/Unix examples
# Optional common properties #
# The location where the template store is to reside. The template store should be
thought of
# as a cache. Templates that are placed into the store undergo validation and
# in preparation for fast document production. It can be rebuilt any time so long as
# have your original templates still so they can be registered again. See the
# for the StoreHelper and the DropStoreHelper. This may be blank and if so, a temp
# will be used.
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# A ; delimited list of source paths for templates. Set this to have Docmosis
# monitor these locations for new and updated templates. New and updated templates
will be
# loaded (registered) into the template store.
# Number of seconds between checking the various template sources for changes. The
default value
# is 5 seconds. -1 means no watching directories and 0 (zero) means just load once
on startup.
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# This is the name of the resource to locate in the classpath which defines the pool
# for the Docmosis converters. (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# Control how to process a template error during population
# If false, errors in the template processing will be rendered to the resulting
# document. If true, template errors will be fatal and document production will
# with an Exception being raised.
# true is recommended for production and late testing, false for development and
early testing
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# Control how to process a template error during analysis (when registering a
template into the store).
# If false, errors in the template processing will be rendered to the resulting
# document. If true, template errors will be fatal and analysis will fail with an
error (causing the
# registration with the template store to fail).
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# true is recommended for production and late testing, false for development and
early testing
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# If you would like to do markup in plain text in your templates (rather than using
# set these delimiters. Plain text markup and mergefield markup can be used
interchangeably, but
# for any template, stick to one format since the consistency will help you a lot.
# Make sure you choose delimiters that won't appear in your text. You will need to
clear your
# template store for changes to these settings to take effect.
# (relevant only to the Docmosis Core)
# Try these settings if you are having trouble using embedded converters with JBoss.
# useCustomLoader overrides loadIntoSystemCL so you must set useCustomLoader=false
(or comment it out)
# if you want to try loadIntoSystemCL
#(Relevant only to Docmosis Core)
# DOCX format is controlled by these properties.
# DOCX format is only supported by Libre Office at this time (Open Office 4 still
only supports
# MS 2003 xml format)
# If you are using LibreOffice, then you can enable DocX support by un-commenting the
following line
# (relevant to the Converters only)
# A good general DOCX option is to use the OpenSource odf-converter (also packaged
with odf-converter-integrator).
# This will work for Open Office and Libre Office and might produce better DOCX
results than either.
#(Relevant only to Docmosis Converters)
# locate external converter executable
#(Relevant only to Docmosis Converters)
#docmosis.converter.format.docx.external.path=c:/program files)/odf-converter-
#docmosis.converter.format.docx.external.path=c:/program files (x86)/odf-converter-
# Allow html-like markup in data to be interpreted. This defaults to false normally
# to ensure data can be treated as plain text.
# (relevant only to Docmosis core)
6.3 Interesting Properties
Several properties are listed below which may be of general interest. These properties
can be set in your file to take effect.
Property Description
If set to true, text data mark-up (such as <b> for
bold and <i> for italics) will take effect.
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If set to false, text is assumed to be plain.
Can be overridden using the
Location of the Docmosis template working area. If
not specified, a temporary location will be used.
A ; separated list of paths to monitor for templates.
Docmosis will periodically examine these locations
for template changes and load any new/changed
The period in seconds at which the monitored paths
should be examine. Default is 5 seconds.
The plain text markers used for identifying fields in
templates. They must be set for plain text field
mark up to be active.
Defaults to <<
Defaults to >>
Don't forget to look at properties with specific notes for production environments in
section 6.4.
6.4 Properties For Production
By default, Docmosis will attempt to render errors into the resulting document. This
makes development and testing easier, but it is not likely that you would ever want
such a document reaching the end user in a production environment. It is more likely
that if something goes wrong, you would want Docmosis to throw an exception
(ProcessingException) rather than produce a document that has at least one
error written into it. You can then handle the error and apologise to the user that the
document is not available.
There are two properties that control this behaviour, one for the analysis phase (when
templates are first registered) and one for the population phase (each time a template
is used to produce a document). It is suggested that the second property is set to true
for Production and late-testing environments:
Property Recommended for
Recommended for
Production and Late-Test
false (default) false (default)
false (default) True
See section 3.9 Error Handling for more detail.
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7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Getting Additional Support
The Docmosis website is your first point of call for help. There are forums, known
issues and other documentation online to help you solve problems.
If you are unable to resolve your problems or you have a request, you can contact the
support team at Docmosis.
7.2 Known Issues
Please check the website for the latest on known issues and
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conditional sections...........................................................................................................................40
configuration properties.....................................................................................................................12
conversion instructions........................................................................................................................8
database results............................................................................................................................25
html-like mark up...........................................................................................................................22
java objects...................................................................................................................................24
structured text...............................................................................................................................22
data providers......................................................................................................................................
supported data................................................................................................................................5
default context..............................................................................................................................5, 19
starting and stopping.....................................................................................................................16
document conventions........................................................................................................................1
special paragraphs...........................................................................................................................1
document processing............................................................................................................................
general steps.................................................................................................................................16
document processor............................................................................................................................4
error handling...................................................................................................................................27
built in variables............................................................................................................................42
bullet and numbered lists...............................................................................................................39
conditional sections........................................................................................................................40
headers and footers..........................................................................................................................47
improving performance.......................................................................................................................6
system requirements........................................................................................................................9
java method calling examples............................................................................................................47
main components.................................................................................................................................
conversion instructions.....................................................................................................................8
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template store.................................................................................................................................4
main features.....................................................................................................................................3
production settings............................................................................................................................59
registering templates.........................................................................................................................17
multiple templates.........................................................................................................................18
one template.................................................................................................................................19
built in..........................................................................................................................................49
conversion instructions...................................................................................................................20
repeating sections.............................................................................................................................36
special characters...............................................................................................................................1
special paragraphs..............................................................................................................................1
supported data types..........................................................................................................................5
system description..............................................................................................................................3
system performance............................................................................................................................6
system requirements...........................................................................................................................9
template store....................................................................................................................................4
auto registration............................................................................................................................18
default context...........................................................................................................................5, 19
html injection................................................................................................................................48
typographical conventions...................................................................................................................1
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