Kofax Communications Manager
Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Version: 5.4.0
Date: 2020-08-26
2016–2020 Kofax. All rights reserved.
Kofax is a trademark of Kofax, Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.
Table of Contents
Related documentation.......................................................................................................................9
Getting help with Kofax products..................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 1: Basic structure of the Template scripting language.......................................................... 12
Integrate text and data..................................................................................................................... 13
Data Backbone................................................................................................................................. 13
Data retrieval..........................................................................................................................13
Variables and control structures.......................................................................................................14
Built-in functions............................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 2: Includes...................................................................................................................................16
Use Includes in KCM....................................................................................................................... 16
Define Includes................................................................................................................................. 16
Pre-includes........................................................................................................................... 16
Manage styles in Includes................................................................................................................16
Errors in Includes............................................................................................................................. 16
Pre-includes........................................................................................................................... 17
Restrictions on ASCII documents.................................................................................................... 17
ASCII documents and styles............................................................................................................17
Chapter 3: Keywords................................................................................................................................ 18
General............................................................................................................................................. 18
Keywords to start and end a Template script....................................................................... 18
Blocks of code....................................................................................................................... 18
Entries............................................................................................................................................... 19
FORALL................................................................................................................................. 19
WITH...................................................................................................................................... 20
PATH...................................................................................................................................... 21
Functions and procedures................................................................................................................22
PROC..................................................................................................................................... 23
FUNC..................................................................................................................................... 24
BOOL..................................................................................................................................... 26
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TEXT...................................................................................................................................... 26
ARRAY................................................................................................................................... 26
FIELDSET.............................................................................................................................. 29
DATASTRUCTURE................................................................................................................ 34
PARAMETER......................................................................................................................... 39
I/O operations................................................................................................................................... 42
EXTRA................................................................................................................................... 54
INTERACT............................................................................................................................. 56
WIZARD................................................................................................................................. 56
ERROR.................................................................................................................................. 60
WARNING.............................................................................................................................. 60
Control Structures.............................................................................................................................60
IF............................................................................................................................................ 60
WHILE.................................................................................................................................... 67
REPEAT................................................................................................................................. 68
Dynamic building blocks...................................................................................................................68
Dynamic FORM statement.................................................................................................... 68
TEXTBLOCK statement.........................................................................................................70
Master Template Defined VIEWs.......................................................................................... 76
Functions and procedures in Libraries..................................................................................78
Variables........................................................................................................................................... 84
Declare variables................................................................................................................... 84
Assign variables.....................................................................................................................85
Assign word processor instructions.......................................................................................86
Operators............................................................................................................................... 86
Automatic conversions...........................................................................................................88
Chapter 4: Formulas and operators........................................................................................................90
The @ statement..............................................................................................................................90
Monadic operators............................................................................................................................ 91
Dyadic operators...............................................................................................................................91
Chapter 5: Functions................................................................................................................................ 93
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Text functions....................................................................................................................................93
fragment_of_characters......................................................................................................... 93
number_of_characters........................................................................................................... 94
lowercase_of_characters....................................................................................................... 95
trim......................................................................................................................................... 96
rtrim........................................................................................................................................ 97
search_last............................................................................................................................. 99
lowercase............................................................................................................................. 100
text_to_number.................................................................................................................... 101
text_fragment....................................................................................................................... 102
lowercase2........................................................................................................................... 103
Date and time functions................................................................................................................. 105
date...................................................................................................................................... 105
date_in_words...................................................................................................................... 106
number_to_date................................................................................................................... 107
format_date.......................................................................................................................... 108
Number function............................................................................................................................. 109
number................................................................................................................................. 110
format................................................................................................................................... 111
round.................................................................................................................................... 117
truncate................................................................................................................................ 117
uppercase_roman_number.................................................................................................. 118
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
amount................................................................................................................................. 119
area...................................................................................................................................... 121
Mathematical functions................................................................................................................... 122
square.................................................................................................................................. 122
square_root.......................................................................................................................... 123
cosine................................................................................................................................... 124
arctan................................................................................................................................... 125
Control functions.............................................................................................................................125
euro...................................................................................................................................... 125
status_message................................................................................................................... 126
put_in_text_file..................................................................................................................... 129
put_in_text_file2................................................................................................................... 130
add_to_output...................................................................................................................... 131
open_buffer.......................................................................................................................... 132
pragma................................................................................................................................. 134
pragma_struct...................................................................................................................... 140
system.................................................................................................................................. 141
itp_setting............................................................................................................................. 142
document_property.............................................................................................................. 142
itpserver_parameter............................................................................................................. 144
itpserver_setting................................................................................................................... 145
create_csv............................................................................................................................ 147
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
stylesheet............................................................................................................................. 148
pagestyle.............................................................................................................................. 148
headers................................................................................................................................ 151
footers.................................................................................................................................. 152
Arrays functions.............................................................................................................................. 160
length_number_array........................................................................................................... 161
sort_text_array..................................................................................................................... 162
sort_number_array_index.................................................................................................... 168
Maps functions................................................................................................................................169
length_number_map............................................................................................................ 170
get_keys_text_map.............................................................................................................. 171
get_keys_bool_map............................................................................................................. 172
key_used_in_text_map........................................................................................................ 173
key_used_in_bool_map....................................................................................................... 174
Text Blocks functions......................................................................................................................174
insert_text_block.................................................................................................................. 174
insert_text_block_extended................................................................................................. 175
text_block_exists.................................................................................................................. 176
import_text_block................................................................................................................. 177
get_text_blocks_in_view...................................................................................................... 177
read_text_block_from_file.................................................................................................... 178
import_text_block_base64................................................................................................... 178
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Field Sets functions........................................................................................................................ 178
clear_fieldset........................................................................................................................ 178
Data Structures functions............................................................................................................... 179
Arrays functions................................................................................................................... 179
Maps functions.....................................................................................................................191
Data structures functions.....................................................................................................195
Dynamic building blocks.................................................................................................................196
Chapter 6: Functions and keywords translations............................................................................... 198
Translation of the functions............................................................................................................ 198
Translation of the keywords........................................................................................................... 202
Chapter 7: Enhanced Unicode Support................................................................................................207
The EnhancedUnicodeMaps setting.............................................................................................. 208
This guide provides a detailed information on the Template scripting language structure, its keywords,
formulas, operators, and functions.
Related documentation
The documentation set for Kofax Communications Manager is available here:
In addition to this guide, the documentation set includes the following items:
Kofax Communications Manager Release Notes
Contains late-breaking details and other information that is not available in your other Kofax
Communications Manager documentation.
Kofax Communications Manager Technical Specifications
Provides information on supported operating system and other system requirement for Kofax
Communications Manager.
Kofax Communications Manager Installation Guide
Contains instructions on installing and configuring Kofax Communications Manager and its components.
Kofax Communications Manager Getting Started Guide
Describes how to use Contract Manager to manage instances of Kofax Communications Manager.
Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Getting Started Guide
Describes how to start working with Batch & Output Management.
Kofax Communications Manager Repository Administrator's Guide
Describes administrative and management tasks in Kofax Communications Manager Repository and
Kofax Communications Manager Designer for Windows.
Kofax Communications Manager Repository User's Guide
Includes user instructions for Kofax Communications Manager Repository and Kofax Communications
Manager Designer for Windows.
You must be connected to the Internet to access the full documentation set online. For access without an
Internet connection, see "Offline documentation" in the Installation Guide.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Help for Kofax Communications Manager Designer
Contains general information and instructions on using Kofax Communications Manager Designer, which
is an authoring tool and content management system for Kofax Communications Manager.
Kofax Communications Manager Core Developer's Guide
Provides a general overview and integration information for Kofax Communications Manager Core.
Kofax Communications Manager Core Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Describes the KCM Core Script.
Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Developer's Guide
Describes the Batch & Output Management scripting language used in KCM Studio related scripts.
Kofax Communications Manager Repository Developer's Guide
Describes various features and APIs to integrate with Kofax Communications Manager Repository and
Kofax Communications Manager Designer for Windows.
Kofax Communications Manager ComposerUI for ASP.NET Developer's Guide
Describes the structure and configuration of KCM ComposerUI for ASP.NET.
Kofax Communications Manager ComposerUI for J2EE Developer's Guide
Describes JSP pages and lists custom tugs defined by KCM ComposerUI for J2EE.
Kofax Communications Manager ComposerUI for ASP.NET and J2EE Customization Guide
Describes the customization options for KCM ComposerUI for ASP.NET and J2EE.
Kofax Communications Manager DID Developer's Guide
Provides information on the Database Interface Definitions (referred to as DIDs), which is a deprecated
method to retrieve data from a database and send it to Kofax Communications Manager.
Kofax Communications Manager API Guide
Describes Contract Manager, which is the main entry point to Kofax Communications Manager.
Getting help with Kofax products
The Kofax Knowledge Base repository contains articles that are updated on a regular basis to keep you
informed about Kofax products. We encourage you to use the Knowledge Base to obtain answers to your
product questions.
To access the Kofax Knowledge Base, go to the Kofax website and select Support on the home page.
Note The Kofax Knowledge Base is optimized for use with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The Kofax Knowledge Base provides:
Powerful search capabilities to help you quickly locate the information you need.
Type your search terms or phrase into the Search box, and then click the search icon.
Product information, configuration details and documentation, including release news.
Scroll through the Kofax Knowledge Base home page to locate a product family. Then click a product
family name to view a list of related articles. Please note that some product families require a valid
Kofax Portal login to view related articles.
Access to the Kofax Customer Portal (for eligible customers).
Click the Customer Support link at the top of the page, and then click Log in to the Customer Portal.
Access to the Kofax Partner Portal (for eligible partners).
Click the Partner Support link at the top of the page, and then click Log in to the Partner Portal.
Access to Kofax support commitments, lifecycle policies, electronic fulfillment details, and self-service
Scroll to the General Support section, click Support Details, and then select the appropriate tab.
Chapter 1
Basic structure of the Template scripting
Template scripting language is divided into the following parts:
1. Instructions to create text
2. Instructions to retrieve data
3. Instructions to manipulate data
To distinguish between text that has to appear in the result document and Template scripts, the hash
symbol is used. Each time the hash symbol is encountered, KCM switches from instruction mode to text
mode, or vice versa. A Master Template is started in the text mode, and you should place the hash symbol
before the first Template script.
The following is an example of a simple Master Template.
This is a very simple Master Template document.
BEGIN and END indicate the beginning and the end of the Template script sequence.
Note When switching from instruction mode to text mode, any whitespaces after the hash sign till and
including the first paragraph sign are ignored.
Here is an example of the output with no spaces.
# #
Here is an example of the output with spaces.
To clarify coding in a Master Template, you can add comments. Comments begin with (* and end with *).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Integrate text and data
If data has to be merged into the text, use the @ construct:
Dear Ms. or Mr. @(Cust.Surname),
In reference to you writing...
In the example, KCM merges the Field Surname from the record Cust into the document.
Data Backbone
The Data Backbone describes the structure of the data and the data fields that can be used in template
scripts. Each KCM project has a single data backbone definition that is available to all templates in that
project. For more information on defining a Data Backbone, see "Work with Data" in the Repository User's
In the template scripting language the Data Backbone is represented by the _data variable. This variable
shows a regular Data Structure and can be read and manipulated as any regular Data.
ASSIGN item := _data.Invoices[4].Line[5].Item
Most KCM contract manager interfaces supply a Data Backbone XML when composing a template.
Data retrieval
Alternatively, to offer compatibility with older KCM releases, it is possible to define data retrieval in the
Data Backbone or templates to provide data to the templates. This is an older method that uses DID
definitions to specify a data/database abstraction. Templates that use data retrieval retrieve the data
directly from a data source: a database or an XML file. For more information on defining data retrieval and
DIDs, see "Work with Data" in the KCM Repository User's Guide and KCM DID Developer's Guide.
In the following example, the entry Customer retrieves data from the database. KCM groups the retrieved
fields in a record that can be referred to as Cust. This record is available between the Template scripts
DO and OD. The fields that the record contains have been defined in the entry definition in the DID. As the
method to retrieve the data is also defined in the DID, no more specifications are needed in a template
WITH Cust IN EXP.Customer DO
# Dear Ms. or Mr. @(Cust.Surname),
In reference to your writing...
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The construct WITH retrieves one record from the database. If KCM should retrieve multiple records,
use the construct FORALL. The part DO ... OD of the FORALL construct is executed for each retrieved
WITH Cust IN EXP.Customer DO
Dear Ms. or Mr. @(Cust.Surname),
In reference to your writing....
A list of the ordered articles follows:
FORALL Art IN Cust.Ordered_articles DO
@(Art.Number_of_articles) @(Art.Article_description)
OD (* FORALL Art IN Cust.Ordered_articles *)
OD (* WITH Cust IN EXP.Customer *)
The relation between Customer and Ordered_articles is defined in the DID.
Be aware of some limitations that Data Retrieval has:
In the document pack templates data retrieval can only be applied to the Data preparation template.
All other templates must use a Data Backbone XML. The Data preparation template results in a Data
Backbone XML that operates as input for all other templates in the document pack template.
Data retrieval may require KEY parameters. These KEY parameters can only be passed with specific
interfaces to the composition run. For this purpose, the contract manager offers the CCMCompatibility
contract type, which is not added to any of the standard contracts by default.
Next to the CCMCompatibility contract type the ITPRun core scripting command allows passing keys
and executes data retrieval. The data retrieval will be executed only if no DBB_XMLInput parameter is
Note Keys should be supplied in the same order in which the Data Retrieval statements are entered into
the template.
Variables and control structures
The contents of a document may differ, based on parameters such as gender.
Dear #
IF Cust.Sex = "M" THEN # Mr. #
ELIF Cust.Sex = "F" THEN # Ms. #
ELSE # Ms. or Mr. #
# @(Cust.Surname),
In reference to your writing...
Use of variables facilitates the process of composing the document.
TEXT ms_mr
IF Cust.Sex = "M" THEN
ASSIGN ms_mr := "Mr."
ELIF Cust.Sex = "F" THEN
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN ms_mr := "Ms."
ASSIGN ms_mr := "Ms. or Mr."
Dear @(ms_mr) @(Cust.Surname),
In reference to your writing...
In the second example, a variable of type TEXT is declared. KCM assigns a value to the variable based on
the contents of the field. The contents of the variable is merged into the text using the @ construct.
Built-in functions
A number of built-in functions are available to format and convert numerical and text values.
@(Cust.Street) @(Cust.Housenumber)
Nijmegen, @(date(today))
This example produces the following results.
Aia Software b.v.
Kerkenbos 10 -129
Nijmegen, 12 April 2016
In this example, the following built-in functions are used: uppercases, date, and today.
uppercases converts text to all uppercase.
today results in a numerical representation of the current date.
date prints a date with the name of the month. The result depends on the language used.
Chapter 2
This chapter contains information on how to use, define, and manage Includes.
Use Includes in KCM
KCM is able to integrate Includes in a Template script and a result document.
Define Includes
KCM recognizes the text __INC(filename) in a Template script and replaces it with the contents of the
Include file. The Include files are stored in the Includes folder in a KCM Designer project.
You can use the @(inc(...)) function to include documents into a result document. These documents
are included from the file system by the KCM Server during document composition.
Specify the directories for KCM to search for Includes in the KCM Core environment.
Manage styles in Includes
Style documents are used to manage styles in documents.
If styles used in Includes are not defined in the style documents, the following applies:
All styles used in Template scripts and Includes are replaced by the style as defined in the Master
Template. Styles defined in more than one Include are replaced by the style defined in the first Include
that contained this style. All styles defined in a single Include are left as defined.
ASCII documents do not contain styles.
Errors in Includes
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
An error document is generated if Includes could not be found during the include phase. The error
document contains all successfully included Includes and error messages for the Includes that could not
be found.
Pre-includes are processed before the script translation, which means that __INC statements are still
processed. To disable an __INC statement, break the __INC text with spaces or other characters.
The inc standard function can be used to generate __INC statements in the result document.
In result documents, __INC statements can be also resolved by the put_in_document,
put_in_text_document, and add_to_output functions with their fifth parameter set to Y.
The post-include phase takes place during Master Template execution after Template script execution.
If KCM cannot find Includes, the user is presented with a PST0005 error message and no output is
produced. To generate an error document, you should do the following:
Add the setting ITPALLOWMISSINGPOSTINC=Y to the configuration file.
KCM removes the __INC statement and continues Master Template execution without throwing an error
message if the subdocument cannot be included.
Restrictions on ASCII documents
ASCII documents must conform to the following restrictions:
The documents must be made in codepage 1252 (Microsoft Windows ANSI).
The documents can only contain the following control codes: Tab (ASCII 9, Hex: 0x09); Line Feed ( =
Paragraph break) (ASCII 11, Hex: 0x0a); Carriage Return (ASCII 10, Hex 0x0d); Form Feed ( = Page
break) (ASCII 12, 0x0c). Conventional ASCII editors can only produce these four control codes.
KCM matches these tabs, line feeds, and Form feeds to their appropriate equivalent within Microsoft
Word. Carriage returns are ignored.
ASCII documents and styles
ASCII documents cannot contain styles or Microsoft Word instructions. KCM assigns included documents
the same style as the paragraph that contains the Include statement in a Microsoft Word document.
Chapter 3
To compile documents, you need to use different keywords. This chapter contains descriptions of the
keywords and usage instructions.
The basic keywords of the Template Scripting language allow you to open and close a Master Template or
a section of it.
The Template Scripting language can be used to build an entire document or sections of a document. In
either case, the keywords BEGIN and END define where the Template Scripting language begins and ends
and where the document is connected to the database.
Keywords to start and end a Template script
Each Template script must start with #BEGIN and end with END#.
Any content before the #BEGIN or after END# is copied into the result document.
Note Do not put #BEGIN in the header or footer.
Blocks of code
Variables are restricted to blocks of code in a Template script. These blocks are denoted by the DO...OD,
REPEAT … UNTIL, and IF … FI keywords.
Variables are not recognized unless they are placed within a code block.
You can declare variables, arrays and procedures within any of the blocks. The scope for these variables,
arrays or procedures is the block they are declared in. The names of variables, arrays and procedures
must be unique in one block (on one level).
Nested blocks
DO...OD, REPEAT … UNTIL and IF … FI blocks can be nested. In a nested block you can declare
variables, arrays and procedures with the same names as those on a higher level.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
NUMBER i := 3
TEXT i := "xxx"
first: @( i )
second: @( i )
first: xxx
second: 3.00
The first and second i are not the same because they are at the different levels of the instruction.
Naming conventions for variables
Use descriptive variable names that are unique for the Master Template. When variable names are
unique, scope issues are detected during the creation of the Master Template and error documents are
NUMBER my_number := 3
The value of my_number is @(my_number).
Result: None. User does not get an error document.
The variable my_number is unknown after the FI as it is defined in the IF and closed with FI. The
Master Template cannot be created.
The following section contains a description of the entry keywords and usage instructions.
The data retrieval statement FORALL is used to retrieve the fields or subentries of a plural entry to the
database. When you browse a DID in the list of entries, you find which entries can be used and are plural.
The following is the definition statement FORALL.
FORALL <Entry_reference_name> IN <Database_entry_reference> (* See below *)
ITP-model part with declarations
In case there is a main entry, the database subentry reference has the following structure.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
If there are subentries, the database subentry has the following structure.
Entry_reference_name is the name a script developer assigns to the entry. It has to begin with an
uppercase character followed by uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and/or underscores.
Entry_reference_name can be used in the DO...OD part of the Template script to approach fields or
sub-entries from the entry.
Note The DO ... OD part is executed once for each record found in the database. If no data is found,
the DO ... OD part is skipped.
The following is an example of a main entry field value retrieval that results in a list of customers.
FORALL Cust IN EXP.Customer
Customer: @(Cust.Surname)
The following is an example of nesting a singular entry access in a plural entry access.
FORALL Cust IN EXP.Customer
Customer: @(Cust.Initials) @(Cust.Surname)
WITH Part IN Cust.Partner
Partner: @(Part.Initials) @(Part.Surname)
The data retrieval statement WITH is used to retrieve fields or subentry values of a singular entry to the
The following is a definition of the statement WITH.
WITH <Entry_reference_name> IN <Database entry reference> (* see below *)
<ITP-model part with declarations>
The database entry reference has either of the following structures.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
In case of a main entry:
In case of a subentry:
Entry_reference_name is the name for the entry. It must start with an uppercase character followed by
uppercase or lowercase characters, numbers, and/or underscores.
This name can be used to approach fields or subentries from the entry.
Note The DO ... OD part is executed once for each record found in the database. If no data is found,
the DO ... OD part is skipped.
The following is an example of the main entry field value retrieval.
WITH Cust IN EXP.Customer
Dear Mr. @(Cust.Surname)
The following is an example of an access to a subentry and field value retrieval.
WITH Cust IN EXP.Customer
WITH Part IN Cust.Partner
The PATH keyword modifies a FORALL or WITH statement to retrieve records directly from the database.
The Template must explicitly provide all keys for the record using the PAR keyword.
FORALL <Entry_reference_name> PATH <Xxx>.<Entry_sequence> WHERE
PAR ( 1 ) = <expr>
PAR ( 2 ) = <expr>
Xxx is the three letter code of the DID.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Entry_sequence identifies a path of entries through the DID, separated by dots. The first entry must be
a main entry, the last entry specifies the entry retrieved. Each pair of entries must be defined in the DID as
an entry-subentry relation.
PAR ( i ) = <expr> defines the expression that provides the value for the i
parameter of the entry.
All formal parameters of the entry must be defined using PAR keywords. The type of each expression
(TEXT or NUMBER) must match the type of the formal parameter.
An example is provided here.
FORALL Child PATH XXX.Customers.Children WHERE
PAR ( 1 ) = 34162548 (* Customer number *)
PAR ( 2 ) = “Child” (* Type of relationship *)
This example retrieves all records for customer 34162548 with the Child attribute. The intermediary
.Customers. part in the path only serves to identify the Children entry. No data is retrieved from the
Customers entry.
The WHERE-PAR keyword modifies a FORALL or WITH statement to override one or more parameters
when retrieving records using an entry-subentry relationship. All parameters that are not explicitly
overridden by PAR keywords are filled as defined in the DID.
FORALL <Entry_reference_name> IN <Entry_reference_name>.<DID-defined_sub_entry> WHERE
PAR ( <i> ) = <expr>
An example is provided here.
FORALL Customer IN XXX.Customers
FORALL Partner IN Customer.Children WHERE
PAR ( 2 ) = “Partner” (* Type of relationship *)
This example loops over all Customers, retrieving Children records for each Customer.
The first parameter for the Children entry is derived from the Customer record as defined in the DID.
The second parameter is overridden by the Template, modifying the request to retrieve records with the
Partner attribute instead.
Functions and procedures
The following section contains a description of some of the function and procedure keywords and usage
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
A procedure is a script fragment that can be called throughout the Master Template. Create a procedure
when you need to use the same piece of code in more than one place.
The following is an example of the procedure declaration.
PROC proc_name ( parameter_1; parameter_2; ..., optional parameter list )
ITP model part with declarations
The requirements for declaring a procedure are as follows:
Procedures must be declared before they are used.
The name of the PROC must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase characters,
digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The parameter list is optional.
The requirements for the parameter list are the following:
Parameters must be separated with a semicolon.
A parameter can be one of four types: CONST TYPE name (a parameter cannot be changed in the
PROC); TYPE name (a variable as parameter); ARRAY TYPE name (an array as parameter); MAP TYPE
name (a map as parameter).
The parameter name (parameter_1) must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase
characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
TYPE must be used to indicate the type pf parameter. The following types can be used: TEXT, NUMBER,
BOOL, and FIELDSET. TYPE can also be a previously defined DATASTRUCTURE. For more information
on the types of parameters, see Types.
Examples are provided here.
PROC myproc1(TEXT par; CONST TEXT cpar; ARRAY TEXT apar; MAP TEXT mpar)
PROC myproc2(BOOL par; CONST BOOL cpar; ARRAY BOOL apar; MAP BOOL mpar)
PROC myproc4(FIELDSET FPar; MyStruct spar)
CONST parameters values cannot be changed in the procedure. The values of variable and ARRAY
parameters can be changed in the procedure.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note ARRAY and MAP cannot be passed as CONST parameters.
FIELDSET and Data Structures cannot be used as an ARRAY or MAP parameter or passed as a CONST
You cannot use recursive procedures.
The following is an example of a procedure call.
APROC proc_name ( parameter_1; parameter_2; ..., the actual parameter list)
The number of parameters and their types in the actual parameter list must be the same as the parameter
list in the declaration of the procedure.
The following is an example of the definition.
PROC amount2 ( CONST NUMBER money ; TEXT result)
NUMBER positive := money
IF money < 0
ASSIGN positive := - money
ASSIGN result := number( positive ; 2)
IF money = 0
ASSIGN result := "-.-"
ELIF money < 0
ASSIGN result := result + " negative"
Use the procedure as follows.
TEXT amount_text
APROC amount2 ( 23.14 ; amount_text)
€ @( amount_text)
APROC amount2 ( 0.0 ; amount_text)
€ @( amount_text)
In this example, 23.14 is assigned to money and the value of amount_text is assigned to result.
Functions are code fragments that can perform a parameterized calculation and return a single value.
You can use functions anywhere where a value is expected, increasing the maintainability of Master
The following is an example of the function declaration.
FUNC TYPE function_name ( parameter_1;parameter_2;..., optional parameter
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ITP part of a model with declarations
ASSIGN function_name := result_of_function
The requirements for creating a function are as follows:
The function_name must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase characters,
digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The TYPE the result of the function; NUMBER, TEXT of BOOL.
The result of a function is returned by assigning it to function_name.
The parameter list is optional.
The requirements for the parameter list are the following:
Parameters must be separated with a semicolon.
A parameter can be one of four types: CONST TYPE name (a parameter cannot be changed in the
PROC); TYPE name (a variable as parameter); ARRAY TYPE name (an array as parameter); MAP TYPE
name (a map as parameter).
The parameter name (parameter_1) must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase
characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
TYPE, the following types are possible: TEXT, NUMBER, BOOL, and FIELDSET. TYPE can also be a
previously defined DATASTRUCTURE. For more information on the types of parameters, see Types.
Constant parameters values cannot be changed in the function. The values of variable and ARRAY
parameters can be changed in the function. Functions are always used in the context of a formula.
Note ARRAY and MAP cannot be passed as CONST parameters.
FIELDSET and Data Structures cannot be used as an ARRAY or MAP parameter or passed as a CONST
You cannot use recursive procedures.
The following is an example of a function call.
function_name ( parameter_1; parameter_2; ... )
The number of parameters and their types in the actual parameter list must be the same as the parameter
list in the declaration of the function. Parameters can only be passed to a function when a parameter list is
declared in the function declaration.
The following sections contains a description of the rest of the function and procedure keywords and
usage instructions.
KCM distinguishes three basic variable types:
BOOL contains TRUE or FALSE.
NUMBER contains a number or a date with or without decimals.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TEXT contains a string of characters and word processor instructions.
A variable can be declared as BOOL variable and contain either the value TRUE or FALSE. BOOL variables
are typically used in control statements like IF, WHILE, and REPEAT. The default value of BOOL is FALSE.
A variable can be declared as NUMBER and contain numbers with or without decimals. The default value of
NUMBER is 0. NUMBER is implemented as a floating point number with a precision of 15 digits.
In the result document, NUMBER is by shown with two decimal positions and a thousand separator by
default. This can be changed with the format function (see FORMAT functions).
Note You cannot assign a number to a TEXT or BOOL variable directly. Use the numerals and
number_in_words functions to convert a number to a text value (see numerals and number_in_words,
A variable can be declared as TEXT. Text variables can contain a mix of text and word processor
instructions. The default value of TEXT is an empty text. A TEXT value should be placed between double
quotes as shown in the following example.
TEXT mytext
ASSIGN mytext := "This is my text"
Special characters in a TEXT value
There is a number of characters that you need to escape using a slash. The following is an example of
using a slash to escape double quotes.
TEXT example := "This is /"only/" an example"
If a literal slash is required, you need to escape it with a second slash, as shown in the following example.
TEXT example := "mr//mrs"
ARRAY defines an array list of variables. Elements of an ARRAY are accessed by their index number.
The first element of the ARRAY has index 1.
The following restrictions apply to ARRAY:
The maximum index allowed is 2^30.
The total size of all ARRAYs in a Template script grows as required and is limited by the amount of
memory available.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following is an example of the ARRAY declarations.
ARRAY TYPE array_name
ARRAY TYPE array_name [ formula ]
The restrictions list is as follows:
TYPE can be BOOL, NUMBER, TEXT, FIELDSET, or any data structure TYPE.
The ARRAY name is limited to lowercase characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The name must be unique in the scope it is declared in.
The formula must be of TYPE NUMBER. This determines the initial number of elements in the ARRAY. If
the size is omitted, ARRAY is initialized with 0 elements.
ARRAY variables must be declared before they are used.
ARRAY variables can be used wherever regular variables of the same TYPE can be used.
ARRAY BOOL valid_numbers [ 1000 ]
ARRAY NUMBER hour_rates [ 5 ]
ARRAY TEXT customer_names
ASSIGN values to elements in ARRAY
ARRAY elements get a value by assignment.
In the declaration of ARRAY, the number between the brackets represents the initial amount of the
elements in the ARRAY. If elements are accessed in the ARRAY above the initial amount, it is extended
automatically. The number between the brackets and the brackets themselves are optional. The declared
size of ARRAY is used to reserve the initial memory for the ARRAY.
Also, there can be a formula between the brackets that can be calculated when a Master Template is
ASSIGN valid_numbers [ 1 ] := FALSE
ASSIGN hour_rates [ 5 ] := 234,30
ASSIGN customer_names [ 5 + 9 ] := P.Initials + " " + P.Name
In the preceding example, KCM data retrieval is used to retrieve the customer's initials and name from the
database to fill this ARRAY.
You can place ARRAY elements in the result document by using the @ construct, as shown in the following
@( valid_numbers [ 1 ] )
@( hour_rates [ 5 ] )
@( customer_names [ 5 + 9 ] )
This example may results in the following.
A Johnson (possible answer)
Another example is provided here.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN list[5] := “My value”
This assigns the value "My value" to the fifth element in the array.
MAP is an array that uses a TEXT value as an index.
MAPs are an extension to regular ARRAYs as they allow any text to be used as an index. This gives you
the ability to use complex information (such as social security numbers, policy numbers, car license
numbers, and so on) as index entries.
MAPs need to be declared before they are used.
The following requirements apply to MAP:
TYPE can be BOOL, NUMBER, TEXT, FIELDSET, or any data structure TYPE.
The MAP name must start with a lowercase character and is limited to lowercase characters, digits, and
underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The name must be unique in the scope where it is declared.
MAP variables can be used wherever regular variables of the same TYPE can be used.
The number of elements in MAP in a Template script grows as required and is limited by the amount of
memory available.
ASSIGN values to elements in MAP
When assigning values to elements in MAP, consider the following:
The default value of an element in the MAP is an empty text (TEXT), 0 (NUMBER), or FALSE (BOOL).
If a Template script tries to use an element that is not present in the MAP, the element is added to the
MAP with the default value. This new element is then operated on.
The ASSIGN statement must be used to add an element to MAP or to assign a value to an element.
Indices are case-sensitive and word processor instructions are ignored. If the setting
EnhancedUnicodeMaps is disabled in the KCM Core Administrator, indices are also limited to the
Latin-1 character set and all characters not in this set are ignored as well.
To test the presence of an element without creating it, use the functions as shown here.
To access an element with a known key or index value, use the functions as shown here.
ASSIGN variable_name := map_name[ "key" ]
An example of how to add an element and assign a value to that element in MAP is provided here. The
MAP element with the text_expression index now contains the value value_expression.
ASSIGN map_name [ "text_expression" ] := value_expression
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
An example of how to declare MAP as parameter of a Procedure or a Function is provided here.
FUNC TEXT example_func ( MAP TEXT map_name )
An example of how to pass MAP to a procedure or a function is provided here.
APROC example_proc ( map_name )
An example of how to use MAP as a VALUES list in INTERACT is provided here.
QUESTION "Question"
VALUES ( map_name )
ANSWER variable
You can assign values of TEXT MAP and FIELDSET to each other, or merge them.
FIELDSETs are variables that contain a number of named fields. Script developers can work with a
FIELDSET as a whole or manipulate fields in FIELDSET as separate TEXT variables.
FIELDSET and KCM Designer
KCM Designer contains Field Sets that can be used in Text Blocks and Forms. To use these Field Sets
in dynamic content, they must be exposed in the Data Backbone. Field Sets that are not added to the
Data Backbone cannot be selected in the Text Block or Form Editor. When a Template script uses a Text
Block or Form that refers to a Field Set that is not in the Data Backbone, it must declare a FIELDSET
variable with the same name. The preferred method is to use Field Sets in Text Blocks and Forms that are
in the Data Backbone. For more information on using Text Blocks in the Template scripting language, see
You can declare FIELDSET variables that do not have a corresponding Field Set in KCM Designer. Also,
you can manipulate fields to FIELDSETs that are not defined in the corresponding Field Set.
FIELDSET variables can be declared anywhere in a Template script. FIELDSET names are case-sensitive
and must match the same naming conventions as entry names. The names of fields in FIELDSET must
match the same conventions as entry field names.
The following declares FIELDSET FieldSet_x.
When working with Text Blocks, the contents of the _data variable is used to locate the Field Sets when
the Text Block refers to a Field Set. Wherever a Field of a Field Set is used in the Text Block, KCM
substitutes the value of the Field of that Field Set in the Data Backbone instead in the result document.
For dynamic Forms, the Template must explicitly indicate which part of the Data Backbone to use, using
the DATA keyword. By default, a dynamic Form looks for Field Sets in the Template itself and ignores the
Data Backbone.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Initialize FIELDSET
You can initialize FIELDSET during declaration. The possible assignments are described here.
FIELDSET NewFieldSet := ExistingFieldSet (* Another FIELDSET *)
FIELDSET NewFieldSet := text_map (* MAP TEXT *)
FIELDSET NewFieldSet := X0 (* An entry (within a
FORALL/WITH loop) *)
FIELDSET NewFieldSet := EXP.Customer (* A specific record *)
WHERE PAR(1) = "1002"
Assigning FIELDSET to another FIELDSET clears the content of the destination FIELDSET before
copying all fields from the source FIELDSET.
ASSIGN DestinationFieldSet := SourceFieldSet
Merge FIELDSET into another FIELDSET
Use the +:= operator to merge the contents of FIELDSET into another FIELDSET.
ASSIGN DestinationFieldSet +:= SourceFieldSet
If a Field exists in both the source and destination FIELDSETs, it is overwritten with the value from the
source FIELDSET.
Add values to FIELDSET
Before using Fields from a Field Set in a Text Block, you should assign them values. Use <name of the
FIELDSET>.<name of the field> to refer to a field and to assign a value to a field. For example,
FieldSet_x.Field1 refers to Field1 in FIELDSET FieldSet_x. Assigning a value to a field in a
FIELDSET is done in the same way as assigning a value to a variable.
The values assigned to a field in a FIELDSET must be of the type TEXT. Field Sets that are part of the
Data Backbone can be accessed using through the _data variable. You can assign values directly to the
Fields in a Field Set, but you can also use Input XMLs or Data Retrieval to assign values to Fields of the
Field Set in the Data Backbone
ASSIGN FieldSet_x.Field1 := “This is the value of Field1”
In this example, the new value is assigned to the Field1 in the FIELDSET FieldSet_x. Every instance
of the FieldSet_x.Field1 in a Text Block is replaced by "This is the value of Field1" when that Text
Block is inserted in the result document.
ASSIGN values from an entry to FIELDSET
You can fill FIELDSET with all database fields from an entry in a single statement by assigning this entry
to the FIELDSET. This clears the FIELDSET and then creates a field in the FIELDSET for each database
field in the entry. Numerical database fields are converted to text using the function number with two
decimal positions (see number).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
There are two ways to assign an entry to FIELDSET:
Use the identification in a FORALL/WITH loop.
FIELDSET Customer := X0
In this example, the program loops through the records in the EXP.Customers entry and assigns
the fields from each EXP.Customer record to the FIELDSET Customer during the loop. This
construction can be used with both singular and plural entries.
Assign a specific record directly to the FIELDSET using a WHERE clause.
ASSIGN FieldSet_x := EXP.Customer WHERE PAR(1) = 1002
In this example, the command retrieves the entry Customer for the customer 1002. If a record
is retrieved successfully, it creates a Field for each database Field in this entry in the FIELDSET
FieldSet_x and fills it with the value from the record. Only singular entries can be assigned to a
FIELDSET using the WHERE clause.
FIELDSET assignments are generated during the compilation of the Master Template. If the entry
changes in the DID, the Master Template has to be recompiled to reflect these changes.
You can assign a TEXT MAP directly to a FIELDSET. First, this clears the FIELDSET and then creates a
field in the FIELDSET for each key in the TEXT MAP.
In the following example, the command clears the FIELDSET FieldSet and then creates the field
FieldSet.A with the value B.
MAP TEXT text_map
ASSIGN text_map [ "A" ] := "B"
ASSIGN FieldSet := text_map
Note Copying a MAP TEXT into a FIELDSET can introduce elements that have an index that does not
meet the naming conventions for FIELDSET fields. Even though these elements cannot be accessed
through the Template scripting language or used in dynamic content, these elements remain part of the
FIELDSET and are included if the FIELDSET is saved or copied back into a MAP TEXT variable.
You can assign FIELDSET directly to TEXT MAP. First, this clears the TEXT MAP and then creates an
entry in the TEXT MAP for each field in the FIELDSET. The field name in the FIELDSET is used as the
key for this entry.
In the following example, the command clears the TEXT MAP text_map and then creates the value
text_map ["A"] with the value "B".
ASSIGN FieldSet.A := "B"
ASSIGN text_map := FieldSet
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Use FIELDSET contents
A Field from FIELDSET can be used anywhere in a Template script where KCM expects a value with type
ASSIGN FieldSet.Field := "42"
ASSIGN address_line[3] := FieldSet.ZIPCode + " " + FieldSet.City
ASSIGN variable := lookup_map [ FieldSet.Key ]
If a Field that is not in the FIELDSET is used, it is treated as if the Field was assigned an empty TEXT
Remove all assigned Fields from FIELDSET
The function clear_fieldset can be used to clear all Fields from FIELDSET. The result of this function
is of type BOOL. If FIELDSET is cleared successfully or unsuccessfully, the function returns TRUE or
FALSE accordingly.
BOOL success := clear_fieldset(FieldSet)
Forms and QForms
KCM Designer features Form Editor for Forms. These Forms are not included into a Master Template
during compilation but retrieved by KCM Core from the KCM Designer database once a Master Template
is run.
FIELDSET variables are used to dynamically change the content of the Forms and to receive the answers
provided by the user. For more information on dynamic Forms, see FORM. References to Fields in the
Forms are inserted from the FIELDSETs.
The following table shows the format used to pass defaults and answers between a Template script and
the dynamic Forms. As FIELDSET values always have type TEXT, some values must be encoded.
Content Example of content
Text Question Any text The Quick Brown Fox Jumps
Date Question A date in the YYYYMMDD format 20080229
Choice Question One or more values in comma-
separated format. For more details,
see create_csv and split_csv
first value, second value, third value
Checkbox Question Y for checked, N for cleared Y
Number Question A number formatted in the active
output language
Special Field Sets
The following section describes reserved Field Sets of the Template scripting language.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The _Template Field Set is automatically created in any Master Template. This Field Set contains fields
representing the Document Template properties defined for the current Master Template.
A metadata XML file can only be generated for Document Template runs that do not have OutputMode
set to "pack".
The following command retrieves the Category property from the Master Template.
TEXT category := _Template.Category
The _Template Field Set is read only. If the property does not exist, the value of the Field is an empty
The contents of the _Template Field Set are written in the <Template> section in the metadata XML
file. A typical section is shown here.
<ccm:label name="Wizard">A Content Wizard</ccm:label>
<ccm:label name="Category">Letter</ccm:label>
KCM Core scripts can access the contents through the template_property() function.
Note _Template is a reserved name. You cannot declare any object with this name.
The _Document Field Set is automatically created in any Master Template. This Field Set can be used
by the Master Template to define additional properties based on retrieved or derived data. The contents
of the _Document Field Set are written in the metadata XML file and exposed to the calling KCM Core
A metadata XML file can only be generated for Document Template runs that do not have OutputMode
set to "pack".
The following command defines the properties CustomerID and OutputFormat.
ASSIGN _Document.CustomerID := _data.Customer.SSN
ASSIGN _Document.OutputFormat := "PDF//A"
The contents of the _Document Field Set are written in the <Document> section in the metadata XML
file. A typical section is shown here.
<ccm:label name="CustomerId">000-00-0000</ccm:label>
<ccm:label name="OutputFormat">PDF/A</ccm:label>
KCM Core scripts can access the contents through the document_metadata() function.
Note _Document is a reserved name. You cannot declare any object with this name.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Data Structures are an extension to the Template scripting language with types that define a collection
of member variables. Each member of such a collection is treated as a variable with its own type. Script
developers can work with the Data Structure as a whole or manage members as variables of the specified
In contrast to the other types, Data Structure variables are treated as references. If a Data Structure
variable is assigned to another variable, both variables share the same content. Changes made to either
variable apply to the other variable as well. If contents should not be shared, script developers must use
the statement NEW when assigning Data Structure variables. The statement NEW copies all contents to the
new variable.
Define a Data Structure
Data Structures types must be defined before they are used. Each Data Structure has a name and a list of
members with their types. The name of the Data Structure and its members are case-sensitive and must
match the same naming conventions as entry names.
You can declare Data Structure types using the keyword DATASTRUCTURE.
The following requirements apply to Data Structures:
The name of a Data Structure must begin with an uppercase character and is limited to uppercase
characters, lower-case characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The name must be unique in the scope where it is declared.
The name cannot be a keyword in the Template scripting language. To avoid conflicts, including with
future extensions to the language, do not use all capitals for the name.
Members are a list of zero or more member declarations.
The DATASTRUCTURE statement defines a Data Structure and assigns it a name.
Define members of the Data Structure
Every member of the Data Structure type has a type and a name. The type can be either another KCM
type (including other Data Structure types) or an ARRAY or a MAP of variables of a KCM type.
type Name
MAP type Name
ARRAY type Name
ARRAY type Name [number] (* Optional number of elements -- is ignored *)
You can define FIELDSET members using the DEFINED_AS keyword. This keyword indicates that the
member should be treated as a Field Set with the alternative name when constructing Content Wizards or
inserting Text Blocks.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following requirements apply to the members:
The name of the members must begin with an uppercase character and is limited to uppercase
characters, lower-case characters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
The name must be unique in the Data Structure.
The name cannot be a keyword in the Template scripting language. To avoid conflicts, including with
future extensions to the language, do not use all capitals for the name.
TYPE can be any accepted KCM type including previously declared Data Structure types.
The size of the ARRAY members is optional. Any value specified here is ignored when a Data Structure
variable is declared and the initial size is always 0.
You can define Data Structure members inline in the definition. For more information, see Inline
DATASTRUCTURE definitions.
The following example defines the Data Structure type Relation with five members.
NUMBER CustomerNumber
ARRAY FIELDSET Children DEFINED_AS Person (* Array of 'Person' Field Sets
The Partner member and each element in the Children ARRAY is treated as if it is a Person Field Set.
The following command defines the Data Structure type Policy.
TEXT PolicyNumber
NUMBER InsuredAmount
Relation Insured (* Data Structure *)
ARRAY Relation Benificiaries (* Array of Data Structures *)
The Insured and Benificiaries members have the previously declared Relation Data Structure
Define a Data Structure variable
Data Structure variables can be declared anywhere in a Master Template document after a Data Set has
been defined using the DATASTRUCTURE statement. The name of the variable must match the same
naming conventions as other variables.
Variables are declared using the DECLARE keyword.
DECLARE variable
DECLARE variable DEFINED_AS type
KCM automatically determine the type of the variable the first time a value is assigned to this variable. All
other assignments to that variable must have the same type. The DEFINED_AS keyword can be used to
explicitly assign a type. Use of the DEFINED_AS keyword is necessary when an empty variable is created.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
A Data Set variable cannot be initialized during declaration. All members are automatically assigned their
default empty value.
An example is provided here.
DECLARE life_insurance
DECLARE intermediary
DECLARE customer DEFINED_AS Relation
Access members
Members of a Data Set variable can be used where a variable of the corresponding type is allowed.
Use <Data Set variable>.<name of the member> to refer to a member.
If the member is MAP, ARRAY, FIELDSET, or another Data Structure variable, you can also directly refer to
an element in the member.
ASSIGN life_insurance.PolicyNumber := "652365X4564" (*
Assigning a member *)
ASSIGN policy := text_fragment (life_insurance.PolicyNumber; 1; 5) (* Using
a member *)
Field Set members can be accessed either directly as a Field Set or on a Field-by-Field basis by
referencing specific Fields.
ASSIGN customer.Person := Customer (* Copy the content of Customer to
the Person member *)
ASSIGN customer.Person.Name := "Bundy" (* Only change the Name field *)
ASSIGN fullname := customer.Person.Name + "-" + customer.Partner.Name
MAP and ARRAY members can be accessed as normal MAPs and ARRAYs.
ASSIGN customer.Children[1] := Child (* Copies
ASSIGN intermediary.Partner.Name := customer.Children[2].Name (* Copies one
field *)
If the members are Data Set types, the expressions can be combined into longer expressions.
ASSIGN customer.Children[1].Name := "Bundy"
ASSIGN name := life_insurance.Benificiaries[4].Children[1].Name
In the preceding example, the program accesses the fourth element from the Benificiaries member,
which is defined as a Relation Data Set. In the Relation Data Set, the first element of the Children
member is accessed, which is itself a Field Set. In this Field Set, the Name field is retrieved and assigned
to the name variable.
ASSIGN a Data Structure variable to another Data Set variable
You can assign Data Structure variables using the SET statement.
SET destination -> source (* Creates a reference *)
SET destination -> NEW source (* Creates a copy *)
Assignment of a Data Structure variable to another Data Set variable creates a reference to the source
Data Structure. No data is copied. All instances of a reference access the same set of content members,
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
and changes affect both variables. Both the source variable Data Structure and destination variable Data
Structure must have the same type.
The optional keyword NEW forces KCM to copy all content from the source Data Structure instead of
creating a reference. Any subsequent change to the source Data Structure variable or the destination
Data Structure variable affects that variable only.
DECLARE customer DEFINED_AS Relation
DECLARE someone_else DEFINED_AS Relation
ASSIGN customer.CustomerNumber := 42
ASSIGN someone_else.CustomerNumber := 1
SET pol.Insured -> customer
The preceding example creates a reference between the customer variable and the insured member of
the pol variable. Both customer.CustomerNumber and pol.Insured.CustomerNumber share the
same content and have the value 42.
ASSIGN pol.Insured.CustomerNumber := 100
Because of the reference both customer.CustomerNumber and pol.Insured.CustomerNumber
now have the value 100.
SET pol.Insured -> NEW someone_else
Copy the content of the variable someone_else to pol.Insured. The existing reference is overwritten
by this copy and does not affect the variable customer.
ASSIGN pol.Insured.CustomerNumber := 123456
Since there is no reference anymore the assignment to pol.Insured only affects its own content.
CustomerNumber still has the value 100. Because of the copy someone_else.CustomerNumber is
also unaffected and retains the value 1.
You can use the statement SET to create references to Data Structure members within a larger variable
Data Structure and access these structures directly.
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length_struct_array (life_insurance.Beneficiaries) DO
SET ben -> life_insurance.Beneficiaries[i]
ASSIGN ... := ... ben.CustomerNumber ...
ASSIGN ben.Person := ...
The following code loops through all elements of the member ARRAY Beneficiaries and assigns them
to the variable ben. Since ben is assigned as a reference, it functions as an alias to the current element in
the Benificiaries member. Any change to ben also affects the current element.
The declaration of the variable ben does not need an explicit type because this can be derived from the
subsequent statement SET.
DECLARE senior
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length_struct_array (life_insurance.Benificiaries) DO
IF life_insurance.Beneficiaries[i].Age > senior.Age THEN
SET senior -> life_insurance.Beneficiaries[i]
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The preceding loop selects the most senior element from the Benificiaries ARRAY for further
Inline DATASTRUCTURE definitions
Nested Data Structure members can also be defined inline in a Data Structure. These inline definitions
define a member but cannot be used to define Data Structure variables. To declare an inline Data
Structure, the definition can be placed in the statement DATASTRUCTURE.
Inline Data Structure member definitions can also be nested in another inline definition. The following
example defines a Data Structure type Array2d that functions as a 2-dimensional array.
The dimensions are implemented using the D-member arrays, the content is accessed in the T-member.
DECLARE my_grid DEFINED_AS Array2d
ASSIGN my_grid.D[4].D[8].T := "This is element[4][8]"
The inline Data Structure members function as Data Structure variables do but they can only be copied
between variables of their parent Data Structure type.
SET my_grid.D[1] -> NEW my_grid.D[18] (* OK - copy *)
SET my_grid.D[2] -> reference_grid.D[1024] (* OK - reference *)
SET my_grid.D[3] -> my_grid.D[11].D[4] (* Different definitions: not
allowed *)
You can use Inline DATASTRUCTURE definitions as types by specifying the path to the definition.
In the following example, the member AnotherOne has the same structure as the member One that
includes the member Two. The member AnotherTwo is a copy of the member's structure Two.
Example.One AnotherOne
Example.One.Two AnotherTwo
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
DECLARE full_struct DEFINED_AS Example
DECLARE two_sub_struct DEFINED_AS Example.One.Two
SET full_struct.One.Two -> two_sub_struct
Parameters specify relevant information required to produce a document based on a Master Template
using a Document Template. Parameters are available starting from KCM version 4.4 and requires KCM
Core and KCM Designer (for Web) 4.4.
The PARAMETER keywords allows a Master Template to be parameterized with fixed values and dynamic
objects. Whenever a Document Template is defined in KCM Designer the designer provides fixed choices
for all parameters. Parameters allow the use of single generic Master Templates to create a range of
Document Templates.
The values of the parameters can be accessed in the Master Template through the _Template Field Set.
The following code defines PARAMETER.
PARAMETER TYPE Name_of_the_parameter
The restrictions are as follows:
TYPE specifies the type of data passed through the parameter. The following types are available: TEXT
NUMBER (an unformatted integral number), BOOL (A boolean value, either Y for true or N for false),
DATE (a date in YYYYMMDD format), WIZARD (a reference to a Content Wizard in the project), FORM (a
reference to a Form in the project), TEXTBLOCK (a reference to a Text Block in the project).
Parameter names are case-sensitive and must start with an uppercase character. Parameter names
follow the same conventions as entry names.
You must define parameters after the #BEGIN instruction.
The following is a list of limitations:
A maximum of ten parameters can be defined in a Master Template.
Parameter definitions are not supported in combination with auto-includes in KCM Designer for
When parameters are added to a Master Template that is already used by one or more Document
Templates, the parameters should be added as optional.
Description for parameters
You can give a description to parameters. The description should be put between quotes.
PARAMETER TEXT Name_of_parameter
DESCRIPTION "description_of_parameter"
DESCRIPTION "The name of the sender of this document"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
DESCRIPTION "Select a document type to produce. For instance Invoice."
Default values for parameters
You can add default values to the parameters in a Document Template with the DEFAULT keyword. The
system uses the default value when the Document Template does not provide a value for the parameter.
This happens if the list of parameters is extended after the Document Template was created or when the
Document Template developer does not provide values for optional parameters.
Default values are only allowed for parameters of the types TEXT, NUMBER, BOOL, and DATE.
PARAMETER TYPE Name_of_parameter DEFAULT "default_value"
An example is provided here.
DESCRIPTION "The name of the sender of this document"
DEFAULT "Director "J. Doe"
DEFAULT "123456789"
Note Invalid DEFAULT values are not verified and appear in the result document as they are.
Optional parameters
You can define parameters as optional with the OPTIONAL keyword. When the keyword is used, the
Document Template developer can omit providing values for these parameters when defining a Document
Template. If an optional parameter is not explicitly assigned a value, the default value is used. If no default
value is specified or if the parameter is of a type that does not allow default values, the value is set to an
empty string during composition.
Examples are provided here.
DESCRIPTION “Additional questions to provide data for this document.”
IF _Template.Questions <> “” THEN
FORM VAR _Template.Questions
DATA _data
New parameters
For all mandatory parameters defined in a Master Template, a value must be provided in each Document
Template that is based on the Master Template. If the list of parameters must be extended, this also
requires an update on all existing Document Templates.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The EXTENSION keyword allows the Master Template to add new parameters without updating existing
Document Templates. If a Document Template does not define the parameter, it uses the default value
provided by the Master Template.
If no default value is provided, the value will be empty. For the TEXTBLOCK, FORM, and WIZARD
parameters that allow no default to be provided, you can use this to check whether a value was provided
by the Document Template.
The EXTENSION keyword implies that the question also has the OPTIONAL keyword.
Examples are provided here.
DESCRIPTION “The name of sender of this document”
DESCRIPTION “Some extra questions to retrieve data for this document”
IF _Template.Questions <> "" THEN
FORM VAR _Template.Questions
DATA _data
Initial values for parameters
You can use the PREPOPULATE keyword to allow the Master Template developer to provide initial values
for parameters in a Document Template. These values are used by the Document Template Editor when
a new Document Template is created based on this Master Template. When the Document Template
developer is creating the Document Template, these values are filled in.
This value has no effect during composition.
You cannot use PREPOPULATE with the parameters TEXTBLOCK, FORM, and WIZARD.
PARAMETER TYPE Name_of_parameter PREPOPULATE "value"
An example is provided here.
DESCRIPTION "The name of sender of this document"
Note Invalid PREPOPULATE values are silently ignored and do not appear in the Document Template
Use parameters
The values entered for parameters defined in the Master Template are available in the Master Template
through the _Template Field Set (for more information, see _Template).
Examples are provided here.
Using a parameter of the type WIZARD.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
WIZARD "WizardId"
NAME _Template.Document
Using a parameter of the type TEXT.
I/O operations
With the statement FORM, the script developer can create QUESTION and ANSWER Forms that are shown
when the Master Template is run with KCM ComposerUI for HTML5. The answers provided by the user
can be used in a Template script.
The statement FORM is similar to the statement INTERACT (see INTERACT). FORM is used with KCM
ComposerUI for HTML5.
KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 application determines how the Form questions and constructs such as
BEGINGROUP…ENDGROUP are shown to the user.
Add a FORM
1. To start a Form, add the following instruction to the Master Template.
FORM "Form title"
The title of the Form is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM
ComposerUI for HTML5. This allows parts of the title text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. A slash
is the KCM escape character. Therefore, an HTML closing tag may look as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect
HTML tags may result in damaged layout.
A FORM may contain the following objects:
one or more QUESTIONs
optional TEXTBLOCKs
optional GROUPs
optional TABLEs (deprecated functionality)
optional BUTTONs
For information on how to add them to FORM, see the next sections.
You can use the keyword GROUP_STATE to suppress validation and assignment of questions in groups
that are not shown due to the conditions SHOW/SHOWNOT for that group. If this keyword is not present, the
setting IgnoreUnseenGroups in the KCM Core Environment determines whether or not these questions
are validated.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Add identification to a FORM
A Form can have an optional identification. The keyword ID allows for assigning identification to a Form
and must appear after the keyword FORM. The use of the Form IDs also makes the use of the Question
IDs mandatory.
FORM "Form title"
ID ("string that determines the ID of the Form")
You can add QUESTIONs within the FORM statement. A combination of up to 65,000 questions and Text
Blocks are allowed in each FORM.
QUESTION "Question text"
ANSWER variable
The QUESTION text is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM
ComposerUI Server. This allows parts of the question text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. A slash
is the escape character. Therefore, an HTML closing tag may look as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML
tags may result in damaged layout.
The answer filled out by the user can be stored in a variable, an ARRAY, or an element of an ARRAY
depending on the type of question. This variable or an ARRAY has to be declared in the Master Template
before it is used in a FORM.
Create a FORM with a file question
While composing a document, the user can upload a file using a file question. The ANSWER to the question
refers to the uploaded file on the server. For example, the answer can be used to include the file in the
File questions are not supported in the dynamic Forms that can be maintained as part of the content in
KCM Designer. They have to be part of a static Form in a Master Template instead. The following is an
example of a simple static Form that contains a single file question.
FORM "File upload"
QUESTION "Select a file"
MESSAGE "Please provide a file"
Note KCM ComposerUI does not enforce any restrictions on file type. The maximum file size is currently
20 MB.
The script developer can use a number of optional elements between the keywords QUESTION and
QUESTION "Question text"
ID ("string that determines the ID of the question")
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
LEN (maximum length of answer)
DFT default answer
VIEW name of view
FILTER name of filter
VALUES (list with possible answers)
HELPTEXT text shown by ITP/OnLine as help
FILTER "filter"
ANSWER variable, ARRAY or ARRAY element
Keywords that can be used between QUESTION...ANSWER
You can use the following keywords between QUESTION…ANSWER.
ID keyword
ID ("string, determining the ID")
The keyword ID gives you the possibility to assign identification to a question. The identification is used by
the keywords SHOW and SHOWNOT to determine the question that shows or hides the group and to identify
individual questions. The use of the keyword ID is mandatory when the ID keyword is used on the FORM
LEN keyword
LEN (maximum length of answer)
The keyword LEN gives you the possibility to set a maximum length for an answer. If the answer that the
user has to provide is of type TEXT, the argument to LEN is a number between 1 and 65535. The value
determines the total amount of positions for the answer. If the answer is of type NUMBER, the argument
to LEN consists of two numbers where the first is the maximum number of digits and the second is the
number of decimals. These two numbers are separated by a space. For example, LEN (7 3) indicates a
number with three decimal places and four integral digits.
Note If the user does not enter decimal digits, they are still considered to be present. For example, when
LEN (7 3) is specified, such answer as "1234" is interpreted as "1234.000," consisting of seven digits
with three decimal positions. The total number of digits should be between 1 and 15.
For answers of type TEXT, the default length is LEN (125). For answers of type NUMBER, the default
length is LEN (15 3).
LEN is ignored if either of the keywords DATE or TIME is used.
DFT keyword
DFT default answer
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The keyword DFT allows to provide a default answer to a question. This default answer needs to be of the
same TYPE as the variable, ARRAY, or an ARRAY element. The default answer is displayed when the Form
is loaded. The default answer must be a valid answer to the question and must therefore appear in the list
with possible answers when the keyword VALUES is used.
DFT should be an ARRAY if the keyword VALUES or VIEW has been used to provide possible answers (or
Text Blocks) and the keyword MULTISELECT has been used to indicate that the user can select more
than one answer (or Text Block) from the list. For an EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK question, DFT should be
either a reference to a KCM Designer Text Block or a Text Block reference that was returned by an earlier
EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK question or by a call to the function.
Note If DFT is used in combination with FILE in a static Form, it is ignored.
DATE keyword
When the keyword DATE is specified, the user is asked to select a date. The values that are passed to
DFT, VALUES and ANSWER are treated as NUMBER variables and are interpreted as YYYYMMDD. The
keyword DATE also changes the way the question is displayed. In the KCM ComposerUI for HTML5
example implementation, the user can select a date from a calendar.
TIME keyword
When the keyword TIME is specified, the user is asked to select time. The values that are passed to
DFT, VALUES and ANSWER are treated as NUMBER variables and are interpreted as HHMM in the 24-hour
notation. In KCM ComposerUI for HTML the user can select a time from a (localized) time control.
VIEW keyword
VIEW name of view
Use the keyword VIEW to indicate that the user should select a Text Block from a Text Block List in KCM
Designer. The name of the List is indicated by a TEXT value. The answer to the question is a TEXT value
containing a reference to the Text Block that the user selected. Combining the VIEW keyword with the
MULTISELECT keyword gives the user the possibility to select more than one Text Block.
FILTER keyword
FILTER name of filter
Use the keyword FILTER to apply the Filter function to the Text Block List. The Filter function is used to
select matching Text Blocks from the list before the selection is presented to the user.
This keyword is deprecated, and you should not use it. It was used in combination with the VIEW keyword
to automatically insert Text Blocks to be selected by the user in the result document.
To add the selected Text Blocks, use the TEXTBLOCK statement instead, as shown in the following
(* Declare the answers that will contain the selected Text Blocks *)
TEXT selected_tb
ARRAY TEXT selected_tbs
(* Form to select Text Blocks *)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
FORM "Example"
QUESTION "Make a selection, select one"
ANSWER selected_tb
QUESTION "Make a selection, more than one is possible"
ANSWER selected_tbs
(* Add the selected Text Blocks to the result document. *)
TEXTBLOCK VAR selected_tb
TEXTBLOCK VAR selected_tbs
If the user selects multiple Text Blocks, they are separated by paragraph breaks. This behavior can be
influenced by the AutoInsertSeparator and AutoInsertTerminator pragma functions.
Use the keyword EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK to indicate that the user is asked to edit text content with some
layout. The user may be asked to edit existing Text Blocks or to enter new text content with some layout.
TEXT newtext_reference
FORM "Enter text"
QUESTION "Enter new text content"
ANSWER newtext_reference
(* You can use an EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK to insert the edited text into the result document
VAR newtext_reference
When the keyword EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK is specified, the value passed to DFT should be a reference
to a Text Block in KCM Designer. Also, you can specify the answer to an earlier EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK
question in the same Master Template.
TEXT edited_textblock1
TEXT edited_textblock2
FORM "Change text"
(* On this Form the question: "Edit the text content", allows you to edit the
content of textblock1. The edited textblock is accessible through the variable
editted_textblock1. The content of textblock1 stored in the CCM Repository is not
changed. *)
QUESTION "Edit the text content"
DFT "textblock1"
ANSWER edited_textblock1
FORM "Check earlier entered text"
(* A edited Text Block can be used as a default for another TEXTBLOCK question *)
QUESTION "Check the text"
DFT edited_textblock1
ANSWER edited_textblock2
(* You can used an EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK to insert the edited text into the result
document. *)
VAR edited_textblock1
VAR edited_textblock2
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The answer to an Editable_TEXTBLOCK question is a value of type TEXT. This value contains a
reference to the Text Block content entered by the user. To insert the content provided by the user into the
document, use the reference with the statement TEXTBLOCK (see TEXTBLOCK statement). You can also
use it as the DFT value of a subsequent EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK Form question. The reference cannot be
VALUES keyword
VALUES (list with possible answers)
Use the keyword VALUES to create a list with possible answers. The user can select one of these values
from a list to answer the question. The combination of the keywords VALUES and MULTISELECT gives the
user the possibility to select more than one answer from the list.
A semicolon is used to separate items in the list. The items can be of type TEXT or type NUMBER,
depending on the variable the answer is stored in.
TEXT answer_day
FORM "Select the answer"
QUESTION "Select a day"
VALUES ("Monday"; "Tuesday"; "Wednesday"; "Thursday"; "Friday"; "Saturday"; "Sunday")
ANSWER answer_day
Also, you can pass an ARRAY with possible answers.
The MULTISELECT keyword is only used in combination with the keyword VALUES or VIEW. The keyword
gives the user the possibility to select more than one answer or Text Block from the VALUES list or more
than one Text Block from a VIEW. To store multiple answers, declare an ARRAY to save the answer to.
MULTISELECT cannot be used in combination with RADIOBUTTONS.
ORDER keyword
The keyword ORDER can only be used in combination with MULTISELECT.
When the keyword ORDER is defined, the user can select more than one answer or Text Block from the
VALUES list or the VIEW and put this selection in the desired order.
This keyword is only used in combination with the keyword VALUES. It shows the possible answers in a
radio button list.
HELPTEXT keyword
Use HELPTEXT to provide additional information for a question by means of a TEXT value. The help text
may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI for HTML5. For example, this allows
part of the help text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. The slash is used as the escape character in
quoted text. Therefore HTML closing tags must be written as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags
may result in incorrect layout.
KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 shows a question mark when HELPTEXT is defined. When the mouse
moves over this question mark, the help text shows up.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ERRORCONDITION gives the script developer the ability to check the answer that the user provides and to
show a message. ERRORCONDITION is followed by a value type BOOL. This value is calculated when the
user ends the form clicking OK or ENTER. If the value is TRUE, the message specified using the keyword
MESSAGE is shown, and the user has to change the answer to the question before proceeding with the
MESSAGE keyword
When ERRORCONDITION is TRUE, the MESSAGE text is shown to the user. This text may contain HTML
instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI for HTML5. This allows parts of the message text to
appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. The slash is used as the escape character in quoted text. Therefore
HTML closing tags must be written as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in damaged
HIDECONDITION is followed by a value type BOOL. This value determines if a question is visible or not.
The value of the BOOL is calculated when the form is loaded. If the value yields TRUE, the question is not
shown. In this case, the DFT value is stored in a variable or an ARRAY element. If no DFT answer has
been provided, the variable or the ARRAY element is assigned an empty value (in case of a TEXT), zero (in
case of a NUMBER), or FALSE (in case of a BOOL).
By default, a question is shown.
READONLY keyword
READONLY is followed by a value type BOOL. This value determines if a question is read only or not. The
value of the BOOL is calculated when the form is loaded.
By default, a question is editable.
FILE keyword
This keyword gives the user the ability to select a file with a file selection window. A variable or an ARRAY
element where the answer to the question is stored must be of type TEXT.
Group the FORM content
QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs that belong together can be grouped in groups.
BEGINGROUP "Group title"
The group title is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM
ComposerUI for HTML5. This allows parts of the text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. The slash is
used as the escape character in quoted text. Therefore HTML closing tags must be written as follows: <//
b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in a damaged layout.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The content of the group is defined by QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs that are between the BEGINGROUP
and ENDGROUP instruction. In addition to QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs, groups can contain other groups
and tables (see Group the FORM content in TABLE).
TEXT answer1
TEXT answer2
TEXT answer3
FORM "This is an example"
TEXTBLOCK "Answer the following questions"
QUESTION "This is the first question"
ANSWER answer1
QUESTION "This is the second question"
ANSWER answer2
QUESTION "This is the third question"
ANSWER answer3
In the example, a form contains a group titled Group 1 that contains two questions. In addition, the form
contains a TEXTBLOCK and a third question that are not in the group.
Group the FORM content in TABLE
Use the BEGINTABLE…ENDTABLE instruction to show QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs next to each other in
a table.
BEGINTABLE "Table title"
The keyword BEGINTABLE is followed by the title of a table. The table title is of type TEXT. This text may
contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI Server. This allows parts of the table title
text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. A slash is the KCM escape character. Therefore, an HTML
closing tag may look as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in damaged layout.
You can specify the table content using one or more BEGINROW…ENDROW instructions between the
Each BEGINROW…ENDROW instruction defines a single row in a table. You can specify the row contents
using QUESTIONs, TEXTBLOCKs, and groups between the keywords BEGINROW and ENDROW. The title
text of QUESTIONs is ignored by the table construct. As an alternative, TEXTBLOCKs can be used to define
headers for the table columns or rows.
Including the same number of elements (QUESTIONs, TEXTBLOCKs, and groups) within each BEGINROW…
ENDROW instruction.
TEXT answer1
TEXT answer2
TEXT answer3
TEXT answer4
FORM "This is an example of a form"
BEGINTABLE "An example of a table"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TEXTBLOCK "Question 1"
TEXTBLOCK "Question 2"
ANSWER answer1
ANSWER answer2
ANSWER answer3
ANSWER answer4
In the example, the instructions result in a table with three rows and two columns. The first row only
contains text and provides the table header.
Keywords that can be used between BEGINGROUP…ENDGROUP
There is a number of optional elements that can be included between the keywords BEGINGROUP and
You can use the following keywords after the keyword BEGINGROUP.
Use EXPANDABLE to show or hide a group. EXPANDABLE cannot be used in combination with SHOW or
SHOWNOT in a single group.
EXPANDED keyword
The keyword EXPANDED is followed by a value type BOOL. This value decides whether a group is
expanded or collapsed. The value is calculated once KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 questions screen is
loaded. By default, a group is expanded.
The keyword HIDECONDITION is followed by a value type BOOL. This value decides whether a group
is visible or invisible for the user. The value is calculated once KCM ComposerUI for HTML5 questions
screen is loaded. If the value yields TRUE, the group is not shown and all questions are assigned the DFT
value. If no DFT answer has been provided, a variable or an ARRAY element is assigned an empty value
(in case of a TEXT), zero (in case of a NUMBER), or FALSE (in case of a BOOL). By default, a group is
SHOW keyword
You can use the keyword SHOW to show a group dynamically, depending on the answer given to a
question that precedes the group. The keyword SHOWNOT is used to hide a group dynamically. The
question needs to have an ID that the keywords SHOW or SHOWNOT can refer to. When using the keyword
SHOW, the group is shown when the value of the question that has an ID satisfies the condition.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
When the group is currently visible and the user changes the answer to something that does not satisfy
the condition, the group turns hidden. When using the keyword SHOWNOT, the behavior is reversed.
SHOW ID("id of the question")
SHOW ID("id of the question") = value
SHOW ID("id of the question") </<=/>=/> value
SHOW ID("id of the question") CONTAINS value
SHOW ID("id of the question") IN value
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question")
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question") = value
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question") </<=/>=/> value
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question") CONTAINS value
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question") IN value
SHOW and SHOWNOT cannot be used together in the same group.
The following expressions are currently supported:
ID ("id") requires that the question with ID ("id") is a BOOL question. The group is shown if the
answer to the question is TRUE.
ID ("id") = value requires that the question with ID ("id") is either a TEXT or NUMBER
question. The group is shown if the answer to the question is equal to the value.
ID ("id") </<=/>=/> value requires that the question with ID ("id") is a NUMBER question.
The group is shown if the answer to the question is respectively smaller (<), smaller or equal (<=),
greater or equal (>=), or greater (>) than the specified value.
ID ("id") CONTAINS value requires that the question with ID ("id") is a MULTISELECT TEXT
question. The group is shown if the answer to the question contains the value of one of the selected
ID ("id") IN value requires that the question with ID ("id") is a TEXT question and the value
must be an ARRAY TEXT variable. The group is shown if the answer to the question is present in the
The same expressions are supported for the keyword SHOWNOT, but the groups are hidden when the
condition is met.
The keywords DATE and TIME are supported for NUMBER answers when performing a test.
The result of an expression can be negated using the NOT operator.
SHOWNOT keyword
SHOWNOT ID("id of the question") = "test"
Multiple expressions can be combined using the logical operators AND and OR. The result of an
expression can be negated using the NOT operators. Enclose expressions in brackets to disambiguate the
use of AND and OR.
SHOW ( (ID("id question 1") = 4) AND NOT (ID("id question 2") = "test") ) OR (ID("id
question 1") = 42)
Note the following limitations when using the keywords listed in this section:
The ID keyword cannot reference questions that specify the keywords EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK or
The SHOW and SHOWNOT keywords cannot be used in a group marked EXPANDABLE.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The CONTAINS keyword cannot be used on an ordered MULTISELECT question, such as a question
that has both the keywords MULTISELECT and ORDER.
The FILE question cannot be used on SHOW and SHOWNOT conditions.
Add a static text to a FORM
A FORM can also contain one or more sections of static text that can be used for messages or additional
help text.
TEXTBLOCK "Static text content"
The type of the text content is TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM
ComposerUI for HTML5 This allows parts of the static text content to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed.
The slash is used as the escape character in quoted text. Therefore HTML closing tags must be written as
follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags can result in damaged layout.
TEXT answer1
FORM "Example form"
TEXTBLOCK "Please fill out the following question"
QUESTION "This is the question"
ANSWER answer1
You can specify static text using the keyword TEXTBLOCK.
Available Field Sets
When a default Text Block is set, the user can enter Fields from the list of available Field Sets. They are
the same Field Sets that are available when the Text Block is edited in KCM Designer. When no default
Text Block is set, no Field Sets are available. To have Field Sets available for an empty Text Block, create
an empty Text Block in KCM Designer and use it as a default.
Add a BUTTON to a FORM
You can add a self-defined button to a FORM using the BUTTON ID statement. To determine the behavior
of the button, use the ON BUTTON ID statement.
To close a FORM, use the ON ENTER or ON EXIT statements (see Close a FORM ). Once all ON BUTTON
ID, ON ENTER, and ON EXIT statements are processed, the Form is closed.
BUTTON "Name of the button" ID ("id of the button")
ON BUTTON ID("id of the button")
ASSIGN _Document.ButtonClicked := "id of the button"
The part of the script between ON BUTTON ID ("id of the button") DO and OD is executed when
the user clicks the button. In the preceding example, a value is passed to the KCM Core script.
You should consider the following:
Buttons are declared at the FORM level. You cannot use BUTTON within nested FORM statements, such
as in questions, groups, or tables.
Button IDs are case-sensitive.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Close a FORM
You can close a FORM using the buttons NEXT and CANCEL. Also, you can specify actions that should
be taken when the FORM is closed using the NEXT button or when the FORM is closed using the CANCEL
When the user has completed the Form and presses Enter, Next, or a self-defined button, the answers are
stored in corresponding ANSWER variables or ARRAY elements.
If ON ENTER is specified, the actions between DO and OD are executed after the user clicks the NEXT
If ON EXIT is specified, the actions between DO and OD are executed after the user clicks the CANCEL
Also, KCM continues executing the script code that follows the FORM statement.
Part of the Master Template that will be executed when the FORM is closed using the OK
Default answers and validation
All Forms created in a Master Template or as a QFORM in the KCM/Model Development Kit are subject to
validity checks. Value lists and lengths are enforced whenever possible.
The validation uses the following principles:
default values that violate constraints are presented to the user who has to provide a valid answer.
any question that presents a list of choices to the user must have valid defaults from that list. KCM Core
automatically updates the defaults as described in this section.
any question that is hidden or read only cannot be changed by the user.
Length attributes are only enforced on the user entered content. Answers from a choice list are excluded
from validation.
Dates and times are only validated on the user entered content. Invalid answers selected from a choice
list, such as selecting February, 29 in a non leap-year, are still accepted.
Questions that are unconditionally hidden or are in a group that is unconditionally hidden are not
validated. Questions in a group that are conditionally hidden based on other questions are validated. If the
answer is invalid, the question is shown to the user for correction. You can disable this validation with the
keyword GROUP_STATE on the statement FORM or through the global setting IgnoreUnseenGroups in
the KCM Core Environment.
All choice lists must have a valid default even if the questions are read-only or hidden. If the default in a
single select list is invalid, KCM Core selects the first entry from the list. If the default in a multi-select list is
invalid, KCM Core strips all invalid items from the list. This change provides consistent behavior for read-
only questions which are visible to the user but cannot be changed.
Note You can configure KCM Core at the level Environments to disable answer validation.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
You can use EXTRA variables to pass information from an application to KCM Templates. A list of values
for EXTRA variables is passed to KCM Core at runtime. If no values are provided, the user is prompted
interactively to provide the information.
Note Interaction requires that the Template is used from KCM ComposerUI for HTML5.
There are three types of EXTRA variables: TEXT, NUMBER, and BOOL.
EXTRA TEXT name_variable
LEN ( length )
DFT ( "standard value" )
PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" )
VALUES ( "value list" )
CHOICE ( "choice parameter" )
EXTRA NUMBER name_variable
LEN ( length )
DFT ( "standard value" )
PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" )
VALUES ( "value list" )
CHOICE ( "choice parameter" )
EXTRA BOOL name_variable
PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" )
DFT ( "standard value" )
The variable declared with the EXTRA keyword is treated as a regular variable after declaration. It must
match the naming restraints that apply for these variables.
The EXTRA declaration can have several parameters. The LEN parameter is required, the other
parameters only have an effect when the user is interactively queried to provide a value. The parameters
are used to provide an interactive query to the user. They are not used to validate input provided by an
Note For Document Pack Templates the Extras variables are only supported in the Data preparation
template. The Data preparation template results in a Data Backbone XML that is used as input for other
templates in the document pack template.
LEN is always required for EXTRAs of type TEXT or NUMBER.
When EXTRA is of type TEXT, LEN expresses the maximum number of characters the user is allowed to
enter interactively. If an application provides a value for the EXTRA variable, the LEN property is ignored.
When EXTRA is of type NUMBER, LEN expresses the number of digits (between 1 and 15) and decimal
positions in the value. These values must be separated by a space.
The behaviour depends on how the value for the EXTRA NUMBER is provided:
When the application provides the value, the number of digits is ignored and the number is interpreted
as an integral number, and the last digits are interpreted as decimal positions.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
When the user is interactively queried for a value the LEN keyword restricts the range of input values.
Example is provided here.
EXTRA NUMBER number_variable
LEN (5 3)
This example specifies a variable with 5 digits and 3 decimals.
If an application provides the value 12345678, this is interpreted as 12345.678.
If the user provides a value interactively, the form restricts the answer to a value between -99.999 and
DFT is the default value of EXTRAas presented to the user. This keyword is ignored when the application
provides the answer to this EXTRA question. The default value is determined by the type of EXTRA and by
the LEN setting.
TEXT EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT. The default value has to comply with the LEN setting.
NUMBER EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT that represents a number. The default value must
comply with the LEN setting.
BOOL EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT and must be "Y" or "N".
EXTRA TEXT name_variable_text
LEN ( 10 )
DFT ( "Johnson Al" )
EXTRA NUMBER name_variable_number
LEN ( 5 3 )
DFT ( "12.345" )
EXTRA BOOL name_variable_bool
DFT ("N")
The PROMPT parameter is of type TEXT. Enclose its value in double quotes.
PROMPT is the question presented to the end-user if no value is assigned to the variable before the
execution of the Master Template. If the parameter is not set, the name of the EXTRA is used as the
EXTRA TEXT name_variable
LEN ( 10 )
DFT ( "Johnson Al" )
PROMPT ("Select a customer:")
The VALUES parameter is of type TEXT. Enclose its value in double quotes.
When the parameter is set, the end-user is presented with a list of possible values to choose from.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
VALUES must be set in different ways for the different types of EXTRAs:
TEXT EXTRA. Values set must be enclosed in single quotes and separated by spaces. The complete
list must be enclosed in double quotes.
NUMBER EXTRA. Values must be separated by spaces. The complete list must be enclosed in double
EXTRA TEXT name_variable
LEN ( 10 )
DFT ( "Johnson Al" )
PROMPT ("Select a customer:")
VALUES ("'Johnson Al' 'Franklin A' 'Parker C' 'Biafra J'")
Note The value set at DFT must be part of the list of values set with VALUES.
CHOICE is a parameter of type TEXT.
The CHOICE parameter presents the user with a descriptive list of choices. In KCM ComposerUI for
HTML5 this option sets the help text for the question.
In a KCM Core environment, you can use an EXTRA variable to pass run-time information to a Master
You also use an EXTRA variable during Master Template development to pass dummy data to parts of a
Master Template. This gives you the ability to debug parts of the Master Template.
INTERACT is a legacy alias for the FORM keyword.
The INTERACT keyword does not support dynamic Forms.
You can use the statement WIZARD to present the end-user with the Content Wizard where Text Blocks
can be selected.
Note To run a Master Template containing this feature, use KCM ComposerUI for HTML5.
The following is the definition.
NAME path
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The label id identifies the Content Wizard for later use with the statement FOREACH WIZARD (see
FOREACH WIZARD/NODE). If multiple Content Wizards use the same label id, the statement FOREACH
WIZARD used the data from the last occurrence.
Note If the following descriptions do not state that a keyword is optional, it is mandatory.
NAME specifies the Content Wizard path presented to the end user.
FOLDER specifies that the user can choose a Content Wizard from the Content Wizard path or its
subfolders. If there is only a single choice possible, the selection screen is suppressed and the choice
is made automatically. If a Title property is configured in KCM Designer for the Content Wizard path, it is
shown as the title of the selection screen.
NAME and FOLDER are mutually exclusive. One of the keywords must be specified.
The path parameters are paths to the appropriate objects in KCM Designer. This path must include all
containing folders separated by backslashes.
SELECTION_INPUT specifies a map that contains a set of overrides that are applied to the Content
Wizard before it is presented to the user. This keyword is optional. If no map is specified, the defaults as
specified by the editor of the Content Wizard are used.
SELECTION_OUTPUT specifies a map that receives a list of the state of each item that was presented in
the Content Wizard. This keyword is optional.
SUPPRESS_EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCKS prevents the Content Wizard from showing any Editable Text
Blocks that are otherwise presented to the user based on the selected Text Blocks. This keyword is
SUPPRESS_QFORMS prevents the Content Wizard from showing any QForms that are otherwise presented
to the user based on the selected Text Blocks. This keyword is optional.
SHOW_ALL specifies that all mandatory items in the Content Wizard should be presented to the end-user.
This keyword is optional and can be ignored depending on the definition of the Content Wizard in KCM
Note The keywords SUPPRESS_QFORMS and SHOW_ALL only work for legacy ComposerUI for ASP.NET
and ComposerUI for J2EE and have no effect in ComposerUI for HTML5.
NON_INTERACTIVE specifies that the Content Wizard should be run in a non-interactive modus. This
keyword allows Content Wizards to be used in batch environments. The Content Wizard selects all default
values for the Content Wizard, suppresses the editing of Editable Text Blocks, and selects all default
values in the associated QForms. If the defaults do not satisfy constraints on the QForm or on the Content
Wizard, such as the number of selected Text Blocks, an error is reported, and the Master Template stops.
DATA_DEFINITION specifies a variable that can be used as Data Definition when representing repeating
structures in the Content Wizard. Currently, only the value NONE is allowed.
VIEWS_USE_ORDERING indicates that Text Block multi-selects that are based on a Text Block List should
be presented as an ordered list. This feature gives the user the ability to reorder the Text Blocks. This
keyword is optional.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Mandatory items in the Content Wizard
By default, all mandatory items in the Content Wizard are hidden from the end user. You can configure
this in the Content Wizard Editor in KCM Designer. If the Content Wizard developer selects the option "a
Master Template decides" in the Content Wizard Editor, the keyword SHOW_ALL can be used in a Master
Template to change the behavior.
The Content Wizard can define one or more QForms. The Sections and Text Blocks that the user selects
can be accessed with the statement FOREACH WIZARD (see FOREACH WIZARD/NODE).
Data Backbone context
The Data Backbone is implicitly used to control the Content Wizard, and QForms, and Text Blocks it
contains. You can disable this implicit use by specifying DATA_DEFINITION NONE on the WIZARD
statement. If the Data Backbone is disabled, all Field Sets used in the Content Wizard, QForm, and Text
Blocks must be declared and in scope before the WIZARD statement is executed. If a Field Set cannot be
resolved, a runtime error is reported.
You can use the keyword SELECTION_OUTPUT as input to the keyword SELECTION_INPUT in another
WIZARD to reproduce a default state for the Content Wizard (for more information, see MAP).
The map contains keys that consist of a sequence of Section titles separated by backslashes. The
sequence can optionally be followed by a Text Block title. For a Content Wizard containing Section "a" and
Subsection "b" with Text Block "tb1," Subsection "b" may be presented by "a\b" and Text Block "tb1" may
be presented by "a\b\tb1." Each key has a value indicating the selection state. These values are:
MS indicates Mandatory Selected.
OS indicates Optional Selected.
OD indicates Optional Deselected.
Input that may alter Mandatory Sections or Text Blocks as defined in the Content Wizard Editor is ignored.
Input that sets Optional Sections or Text Blocks to MS is handled as if they are set to OS.
If no input is provided for a Section or Text Block, the definition as entered in the Content Wizard Editor is
Incorrect input is ignored:
Sections or Text Blocks that do not exist in the Content Wizard Editor;
Sections or Text Blocks that may result in multiple selections in a single select situation.
The SELECTION_INPUT and SELECTION_OUTPUT maps cannot differentiate between multiple identical
items in the same section. A Content Wizard always writes the MS value into the SELECTION_OUTPUT
map if one of the objects was MS. Otherwise, if at least one of the objects was selected, it writes the OS
value. If none of the objects is selected, the OD value is used.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
NAME "my wizard"
IF Element.Type = "section" THEN
Wizard @(Element.Wizard) [@(Element.WizardQForm)]
Section @(Element.Name) [@(Element.QForm)]
ELIF Element.Type = "textblock" THEN
TEXTBLOCK VAR Element.TextBlock
FOREACH WIZARD SubElement IN Element
IF SubElement.Type = "section" THEN
SubSection @(SubElement.Name) [@(SubElement.QForm)]
ELIF SubElement.Type = "textblock" THEN
TEXTBLOCK VAR SubElement.TextBlock
The VIEWS_USE_ORDERING keyword is introduced in KCM version 4.4 and requires KCM Core and KCM
ComposerUI Server 4.4 or later with a KCM ComposerUI Server application that supports ordered Text
The STOP statement is deprecated. Use ERROR instead (see ERROR).
When the statement STOP is encountered, Master Template execution stops and all text that has been
produced so far is placed in the result document.
The following is the definition of the STOP statement.
STOP (return code) (* TEXT, optional, up to 7 characters *)
You can place a return code of type TEXT in the STOP statement. The first seven characters of the return
code are available in a calling KCM Core Script in the _itpstop variable.
STOP ( "code 1")
You can use the statement WRITE to save the contents of the DATABACKBONE into an XML file on the
KCM Core server.
The following is a definition of the WRITE statement.
WRITE datastructure
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TO file
The datastructure is a Data Structure variable that is written to the XML file.
In the following example, the program writes the Data Backbone to the file named saved_data.xml. The
keyword TO specifies the file in which the data is written.
WRITE _data TO session_path + "\saved_data.xml"
When the ERROR statement is encountered, Master Template execution stops with an specified error
message. No result document is produced.
Definition of the statement is as follows.
ERROR message
The text of the message is logged with an error code USR1000. This can be read from the _itplog KCM
Core variable.
ERROR "Inconsistent data found. Unable to produce correspondence."
Use of the ERROR statement causes the KCM Core command ITPRun to fail as if a run-time error occurs.
Scripts can detect this condition by testing for a _returncode value of 23.
The WARNING statement reports a custom warning message from a Master Template and has no effect on
the execution.
Definition of the statement WARNING is as follows.
WARNING message
The text of the message is logged with a message code USR1001. This can be read from the _itplog KCM
Core variable.
WARNING "Processing customer " + _data.Customer.CustomerNr
The WARNING statement can be combined with the ERROR statement (see ERROR) to provide additional
Control Structures
The IF statement conditionally execute parts of the Template. The test, a formula of type BOOL, is
evaluated. If it is TRUE, the THEN part is executed. If it is FALSE, the next part of the statement is
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following is a definition of the statement.
IF The Test (* formula of type BOOL *)
ITP-model part with declarations
ELIF The Test2 (* formula of type BOOL *)
ITP-model part with declarations
ITP-model part with declarations
If a condition is false, you can use ELSE or ELIF to specify the actions to perform. Use ELSE to indicate
a single set of actions. Use ELIF when an alternate set of conditions is to be considered. Within the
ELIF, there can be ELSE and ELIF statements if the condition is false. For more information on these
statements, see
The FOR statement repeats a block of instructions a fixed number of times. The number of times that the
script part is executed depends on the FROM and UPTO formulas. When reaching the FOR FROM UPTO
statement, KCM calculates arguments and truncates the values to an integer value. KCM executes the
script part and with every pass 1 is added to the FROM value until the UPTO value is reached.
The following is a definition of the statement.
FOR loop_counter
FROM formula
UPTO formula
ITP-model part with declarations
The loop counter is a NUMBER variable that must be declared before the FOR statement. The loop counter
can be used in the DO...OD statement. Any changes to this variable are discarded at the end of the
DO...OD part and do not affect the number of loops.
Note If the formula UPTO produces a smaller number then the formula FOR, the DO - OD is not
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
The counter is @(number(counter; 0)).
The counter is 2.
The counter is 3.
The counter is 4.
The counter is 5.
The counter is 6.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The statement FOREACH enumerates a set of objects and runs a block of instructions once for each
object. The enumerated object is available in a variable for use in the script part.
You can use specific FOREACH statements for each type of enumeration. All FOREACH statements use the
following format.
FOREACH <kind> <variable> IN <object>
ITP-model part
The statement FOREACH KEY enumerates all keys in a MAP variable and runs the script part for each key.
The following is a definition of the statement.
ITP-model part
ITP-model part
The enumeration variable (key) of type TEXT must be declared before the FOREACH loop. The map can be
any type of MAP. You can use the keyword SORTED to enumerate the keys in a alphabetically sorted order.
If this keyword is omitted, the ordering of the enumeration is undefined. Changes to the map in the DO …
OD section do not affect the enumeration.
The following is an example of the statement.
MAP NUMBER example
ASSIGN example["one"] := 1
ASSIGN example["two"] := 2
ASSIGN example["three"] := 3
ASSIGN example["four"] := 4
TEXT key
@(key) @(number(example[key];0))
ASSIGN example["magic"] := 42
Show changes: Element 'magic' = @(number(example["magic"];0))
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
four 4
one 1
three 3
two 2
Show changes: Element 'magic' = 42
The 'magic' element is not part of the enumeration because it is introduced in the DO...OD part.
The statements FOREACH WIZARD and FOREACH NODE enumerate selected Sections and Text Blocks in
a Content Wizard.
The following is a definition of the statement.
ITP-model part
The statement FOREACH WIZARD Element IN WIZARD id enumerates the top level Sections and
Text Blocks the end-user selected in the last presented Content Wizard window with the label id. If no
such Content Wizard was presented to the end user, a fatal error is reported.
FOREACH WIZARD SubElement IN Element
ITP-model part
The statement FOREACH WIZARD SubElement IN Element enumerates all Subsections and Text
Blocks the end-user selected in the Element. You can use this statement only in the part DO … OD of
another FOREACH WIZARD statement, and the Element must be the loop variable of such a statement.
ITP-model part
The statement FOREACH NODE resources through the Content Wizard and performs the same
functionality as a nested set of FOREACH WIZARD loops.
FOREACH NODE and FOREACH WIZARD loops can be nested but such nesting starts a new enumeration
from the start of the Content Wizard.
The loop variables Element and SubElement are automatically declared and available in the loop DO
… OD. You can choose the names but they must match the rules for valid FIELDSET names. These loop
variables behave for all intents and purposes as read-only FIELDSET variables. You can copy Element
and SubElement to regular FIELDSET variables.
The following fields are defined.
Type. The Type field indicates the object type of the current element. This field can have the following
"section". The object is a Section.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
"textblock". The object is a Text Block or a Text Blocks List.
"group". The object is a Group.
"list". The objects is a Data Definition group representing a DATASTRUCTURE, an ARRAY of
"item". The object is an iteration in the Data Definition group. These objects only occur in "list"
elements. Elements hidden by conditions in the Content Wizard are represented by an empty "item"
Name. If the current element is a Text Block, the Name field contains the name and the path to the Text
Block as specified in the Content Wizard. If the element allows multiple selections, this field contains a
comma-separated list (CSV format) of Text Blocks. For other elements this field contains the name of the
element as shown in the Content Wizard.
TextBlock. The TextBlock field contains the name and the path to the Text Block containing the
effective content of the element. If the element allows multiple selections, this field contains a comma-
separated list (CSV) of Text Blocks. If the element is editable, this field contains a reference to the edited
Text Blocks. The content of this field can be passed directly to the statement TEXTBLOCK to produce the
content of the Text Blocks. This field is empty if the current element is not a Text Block.
MinElements and MaxElements. These fields contain respectively minimum and maximum elements
that can be chosen in the group. If MaxElements contains 0, the maximum number of elements is
unlimited. These fields are empty if the current element is not a group.
Wizard. This field contains the name of the Content Wizard.
QForm. This field contains the name of the QForm that was defined in the Section or subsection. This field
is empty if the current element is not a Section.
WizardQForm. This field contains the name of the QForm that was defined at the top level of the Content
Wizard. This field is empty except for top-level Sections and groups.
Editable. This field contains Y if the Text Block could be edited during a Content Wizard run. It contains
N if the Editable option was not selected for the Text Block in the Content Wizard Editor.
Count.This field contains the total number of elements in a Data Definition group. This field is present in
both "list" and "item" elements.
Current. This field contains the sequence number of the current iteration in a Data Definition group. This
field is present in "item" elements.
Member. This field contains the DATASTRUCTURE member over which the Data Definition group is
enumerating. This field is present in "list" elements.
Path. Internal path in the Data Definition that indicates which FIELDSETs in the Data Definition are
currently visible. This value can be passed to the TEXTBLOCK statement to apply the correct data to the
Fields in the Text Blocks and associated QForm.
Note The content of the Path field is intended for internal use only and remains valid only until the next
time a Content Wizard with the same ID is presented or the Master Template ends. Its value can be
copied to variables but cannot be stored externally. Any changes or manipulations are rejected.
Level. This field contains the nesting level of the element in the Content Wizard.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note The content of this field is of type TEXT. Relative comparisons should use text_to_number()
to convert the value to a NUMBER first. For more information on the text_to_number() function, see
NAME "my wizard"
IF Element.Type = "section" THEN
Wizard @(Element.Wizard) [@(Element.WizardQForm)]
Section @(Element.Name) [@(Element.QForm)] at level: @(Element.Level)
ELIF Element.Type = "textblock" THEN
TEXTBLOCK VAR Element.TextBlock
FOREACH WIZARD SubElement IN Element
IF SubElement.Type = "section" THEN
SubSection @(SubElement.Name) [@(SubElement.QForm)] at level: @(SubElement.Level)
ELIF SubElement.Type = "textblock" THEN
TEXTBLOCK VAR SubElement.TextBlock
Result (for a sample Content Wizard):
Wizard my wizard []
Section one [] at level: 1
--text block 1.1--
SubSection one.two [qform 1] at level: 2
--text block 1.2.1--
--text block 1.2.2--
--text block 1.2.3--
SubSection one.three [] at level: 2
Wizard my wizard []
Section two [qform 2] at level: 1
--text block 2.1--
The following is the same loop written using FOREACH NODE.
NAME "my wizard"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
IF Element.Type = "section" THEN
IF Element.Level = "1" THEN
Wizard @(Element.Wizard) [@(Element.WizardQForm)]
Section @(Element.Name) [@(Element.QForm)] at level: @(Element.Level)
SubSection @(SubElement.Name) [@(SubElement.QForm)] at level: @(Element.Level)
ELIF Element.Type = "textblock" THEN
TEXTBLOCK VAR Element.TextBlock
The FOREACH WIZARD example only processes two levels of elements in the Content Wizard. The
FOREACH NODE example processes all elements in the Content Wizard.
Data Definition groups and Text Blocks. Any use of the statement TEXTBLOCK to insert a Text Block in
a FOREACH WIZARD/NODE loop will by default apply the context of the FOREACH loop to the Text Blocks
and associated QForm. Any Field Sets used in the Text Block and QForm are resolved in the context
of the Data Definition first. If no Data Definition is defined, Field Sets are searched outside the Data
Text Blocks in a Data Definition group always refers to the Field Sets in the current iteration of the Data
Definition group. This handles repeating elements automatically.
You can use the keywords DATA_DEFINITION and PATH on the statement TEXTBLOCK to either disable
the context handing in a FOREACH WIZARD/NODE loop, or to simulate this behavior outside the loop
FOREACH WIZARD/NODE by keeping track of the Path field associated with the Text Block.
The statement FOREACH SLOT enumerates all documents that are produced when running a Document
Pack Template.
The following is a definition of the statement.
ITP-model part
The loop variable Document is automatically declared and available in the DO ... OD loop. The name
of the variable can be chosen but must match the rules for valid FIELDSET names. This loop variable
behaves for all intents and purposes as a read-only FIELDSET variable. The contents can be copied to a
regular FIELDSET variable.
If the FOREACH SLOT statement is used in a Template run as the Data Preparation Template or run
outside the context of a Document Pack, the DO ... OD part is not executed. As an Data Preparation
Template cannot produce a document, this Template is excluded from the enumeration.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following fields are defined.
Type. The Type field indicates the type of the current slot. This field can have the following values:
1. "Template". This slot contains a Document Template.
2. "Import". This slot contains an Import Document.
Slot. This field contains the name of the slot as entered in the Document Pack Template Editor. If the
slot is not assigned a name, this field remains empty.
Name. This field contains the slot identifier of the slot as entered in the Document Pack Template Editor.
Template. This field contains the full path of the Document Pack Template.
Description. This field contains the description of the slot in the Document Pack Template. If the slot
is empty, the field contains the name of the Document Template.
Optional. This field indicates whether or not the slot is defined as optional in the Document Pack
Template. If the slot is defined as optional, this field contains the value Y, otherwise N.
Note Optional slots must be selected by the user or application to appear in the FOREACH SLOT
GUID. This field contains the GUID that identifies the slot.
The following is an example of the statement.
Please find the following documents attached:
IF Doc.Slot <> "Coverletter" THEN
- @(Doc.Description)
The result for this example Document Pack is as follows.
Please find the following documents attached:
- Policy
- Disclaimer
- Invoice
The WHILE statement repeats a block of instructions while the test condition evaluates to TRUE.
The following is a definition of the statement.
WHILE the test condition
ITP-model part with declarations
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
NUMBER counter := 3
WHILE counter > 0
The counter is @(number(counter;0))
ASSIGN counter := counter – 1
The counter is 3
The counter is 2
The counter is 1
The REPEAT statement executes a block of instructions and then checks the UNTIL condition. While the
UNTIL condition evaluates to FALSE the block of instructions is repeated once more.
The following is a definition of the statement.
ITP-model part with declarations
UNTIL stop_test (* formula of the type BOOL *)
The code between REPEAT and UNTIL always runs once. If you want to optionally not run it, use the
statement WHILE (see WHILE).
NUMBER counter := 3
The counter is @(number(counter;0))
ASSIGN counter := counter – 1
UNTIL counter = 0
The counter is 3
The counter is 2
The counter is 1
Dynamic building blocks
Dynamic FORM statement
KCM Designer provides a Form Editor that can design Dynamic Forms interactively.
To use a Dynamic Form in a Template, a special form of the FORM statement is used.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note Dynamic Forms are not inserted, as they do not generate any text themselves.
Insert a dynamic FORM
To insert a dynamic Form, add the following lines to the Template script.
To use a Dynamic Form, add the following statement to the Template.
NAME "<folder>\<form>"
The NAME keyword specifies the name of the Form as it is defined in KCM Designer. KCM Designer can
recognize this statement and include the relation in its dependency analysis.
The FORM statement also accepts an expression with the VAR keyword.
VAR reference
This variant should be used if the name of the Form is passed as a PARAMETER to the Master Template.
VAR _Template.DynamicForm
Dynamic Forms and the Data Backbone
The Dynamic Forms refer to Fields within Field Sets to present questions and store answers.
The DATA keyword indicates the Data Structure variable that should be used scope in the Data Backbone
where Field Sets are located.
NAME "<name>"
DATA <data structure>
If the <data structure> is a path into a subnode, the Template searches for Field Sets in reverse
order through this path. The path can refer to elements within arrays to indicate specific nodes in the Data
NAME "Invoices\CustomerData"
DATA _data
The preceding example uses the top-level Field Sets in the Data Backbone.
NAME "Invoices\CustomerData"
DATA _data.Company.Relations[4]
The receding example searches through the Data Backbone in the following order:
1. Field Sets in the 4th Data Structure in the _data.Company.Relations array.
2. Field Sets in the _data.Company Data Structure.
3. Top-level Field Sets of the Data Backbone.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
If a Field Set could not be located a run-time error is reported.
If the DATA keyword is omitted Field Sets will be located in the scope of the FORM statement and the
scopes of callers.
NAME "Invoices\CustomerData"
This statement looks for the Field Set Customer in the scope of the FORM statement and does not refer to
data from the Data Backbone.
TEXTBLOCK statement
Use the statement TEXTBLOCK to insert regular or Rich Text Blocks in the result document.
The following is a definition of the statement.
NAME "name"
VAR expression
STYLE_PREFIX expression
ASSIGN_TO variable
QFORM expression
PATH expression
Description of the keywords.
NAME "name"
Use NAME to specify a fixed Text Block name or list of Text Blocks.
TEXTBLOCK NAME "\Customers\Correspondence\Clause14"
TEXTBLOCK NAME "Salutation, Invoice, Signature"
The Text Blocks specified with the NAME keyword are used by KCM Designer in its dependency
VAR expression
Use VAR to specify an expression that evaluates to the name of a Text Block or list of Text Blocks.
The expression can either evaluate to a TEXT value, for a single Text Block, or an ARRAY TEXT value
for a list of Text Blocks.
You can use the VAR keyword in combination with the PARAMETER keyword to parameterize Master
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TEXTBLOCK VAR _Template.Clause
The NAME and VAR keywords are mutually exclusive.
This optional keyword specifies a paragraph break that defines the base layout for paragraphs in the
Text Block. The expression must evaluate to a string that contains a single paragraph break.
Because of limitations in the Microsoft Word DOC file format, paragraphs can only be inserted into a
table if each paragraph break is also derived from a table. To enforce this, use PARAGRAPH_SYMBOL to
pass a paragraph break from within a table.
Description of the TEXTBLOCK options
The TEXTBLOCK keyword indicates that a Text Block is inserted. It requires at least NAME or VAR.
NAME "folder\name of the (rich) text block"
NAME "\folder\name of the (rich) text block"
NAME "MyProject.name of the (rich) text block"
NAME "Myproject.\folder\name of the (rich) text block"
If a Text Block specification does not start with a backslash, KCM Repository searches for the object in
a number of folders that were specified during project configuration. Text Blocks have their own search
paths that can be configured on the Runtime tab of the project configuration window.
You can specify an absolute location when inserting an object. A backslash in front of the name or path of
the object signifies an absolute location. The Text Blocks specified are searched for in that exact location.
A backslash comes after a possible project specification.
If the Master Template refers to the Text Block with a name that includes the project, it searches for the
object in that project. You can include the project to the reference by adding the project name and a dot in
front of the actual name.
VAR variable
Use VAR if the name or folder and name of the Text Block is stored in a variable or a Field from a
Field Set. If the variable or the Field contains more than one Text Block selected with a Text Block
MULTISELECT question, the statement TEXTBLOCK handles all Text Blocks in the Field Set. As the Text
Blocks are saved to the Field or variable as a CSV, you can also split the different Text Blocks in separate
values using the split_csv function (for more information, see split_csv).
PARAGRAPH_SYMBOL "paragraph symbol"
This optional keyword is mainly used when a Text Block needs to be inserted in a table cell.
PARAGRAPH_SYMBOL contains the paragraph symbol that holds the style applied to the Text Block. To
insert this Text Block in a paragraph cell, declare the paragraph symbol in a table cell as well. A corrupted
result document could be produced if an incorrect paragraph symbol is used.
STYLE_PREFIX "name of the prefix"
This optional keyword contains the prefix of the set Text Block styles that needs to be applied to this
particular Text Block.
If this parameter is left empty, KCM searches for the Text Block styles with the ITP prefix.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX "name of the prefix"
This keyword is optional. It contains the prefix of the Text Block table styles to apply to this particular Text
Block. This keyword has no effect on tables in a Rich Text Block.
If this parameter is left empty, KCM searches for the Text Block table styles with the prefix set by the
STYLE_PREFIX parameter. If the STYLE_PREFIX parameter is also left empty, KCM searches for the
Text Block table styles with the ITP prefix.
ASSIGN_TO variable
This keyword is optional. You can use it if the Text Block should be stored in a variable and not printed at
the location where the statement TEXTBLOCK is called.
QFORM qform
This keyword is optional. You can use a QForm to ask the end-user questions to provide answer for Fields
that do not have values yet. The end-user is only asked questions for the Fields that are also used in
inserted Text Blocks. You can only use a QForm when you insert a Text Block.
This keyword is optional. If this keyword is used, the paragraph marker at the end of the final paragraph of
the Text Block is omitted. This can be used to treat Text Blocks as text fragments.
Note If the Text Block ends with a list element, the final paragraph marker cannot be omitted.
This keyword is optional. The TEXTBLOCK statement uses the Data Backbone to replace any fields in the
Text Block with the corresponding values from the Field Sets. If the keyword DATA_DEFINITION NONE
is specified the Field Sets are located in the scope of the TEXTBLOCK statement instead of in the Data
PATH variable
This keyword is optional. If this keyword is omitted, the TEXTBLOCK statement determines the location of
the fields based on the context within the current nested FOREACH WIZARD / FOREACH NODE statements.
The PATH keyword overrides this specifies an explicit context. The value for the PATH keyword must be a
value retrieved from the .Path field in a FOREACH WIZARD / FOREACH NODE variable.
The special value PATH NONE disables the automatic derivation without providing an explicit context.
Manage Text Blocks styles
The style of Text Blocks is translated into styles in the Microsoft Word style sheet. The style names are
generated on the basis of the attributes defined for the paragraphs, lists, and tables.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Available ITP_ styles
The following built-in ITP_ styles are used to lay out a Text Block:
ITP_normal. Basic style. This style is used when no layout has been applied to the Text Block.
ITP_normal_x. Basic style for indentation. This style is used for Text Blocks that use indentation.
Replace x with the level of indentation.
ITP_header. Basis style for the header.
ITP_header_x. Additional style for the header. Replace x with the level of indentation.
ITP_numbered_list. Basic style for a numbered list.
ITP_numbered_list_x. Additional style for a numbered list. Replace x with the level of nesting.
ITP_bullet_list. Basic style for a bulleted list.
ITP_bullet_list_x. Additional style for a bulleted list. Replace x with the level of nesting.
ITP_table. Basic style for a table.
ITP_customclass1, ITP_customclass2, and ITP_customclass3. Custom styles. See Define
ITP_customclass styles.
You can find the sample Text Block Style document that contains these ITP_ styles in the Style
Documents folder of a new KCM Repository DOC or DOCX project. By default, this document is
configured as the Style Document (Style Sheet) on the project. You can use the styles on your Text Blocks
in KCM Repository or copy them to a Style Sheet in KCM Designer.
Note Whenever you manually add these ITP_ styles to a Style Sheet, verify that the names correspond
exactly to those on the list.
Styles structure and elements
All styles in a set are grouped under a common prefix. Once you insert a Text Block, all appropriate styles
are looked up in a set that begins with a specified prefix. The default prefix is ITP (see the previous
You can override the default prefix with the TEXTBLOCK command using the STYLE_PREFIX keyword for
regular text and the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword for tables in a Text Block and their contents. The
TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword has not effect on tables in a Rich Text Block.
You can use different prefixes to define different layout for the body of a Text Block and the content of
tables within this Text Block (see Define an alternate set of styles). When the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX is
not set but the STYLE_PREFIX is set, the STYLE_PREFIX prefix is also used for and within tables.
Paragraph styles
prefix is the style prefix.
style is the style attribute of the <par> element.
level is the indentation level of the text, prefixed with an underscore. Level 0 is not included in the
These names are mapped to paragraph styles in Microsoft Word.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The exact definition of these styles depends on the style sheets defined in KCM Repository and the run-
time configuration of the template.
ITP_normal is used for normal text with no indentation.
ITP_header_2 is used for a header indented twice.
OUR_header is used for highlighted text with no indentation in a Text Block for which STYLE_PREFIX is
set to OUR.
List styles
prefix is the style prefix.
style is the type of list. Numbered lists use the style numbered; bulleted lists use the style bulleted.
level is the nesting level of the list prefixed with an underscore. Nesting level 0 is not included in the
These names are mapped to list styles in Microsoft Word.
The exact definition of these styles depends on the style sheets defined in KCM Repository and the run-
time configuration of the template.
ITP_bulleted_list is used for a bulleted list not enclosed within another list.
ITP_numbered_list_3 is used for a numbered list enclosed within three other lists, regardless of the
type of list.
Table styles
prefix is a prefix differentiating style sets.
These table style names are mapped to table styles in Microsoft Word.
Best practice is to define a table style for every style set in use.
The content of table cells is mapped according to the rules, matching their context. When you only use
the ITP_ style set, all content is formatted according to the definition of the ITP_ style set. If you need to
format the content of the table differently from text outside the table, you should define a second style set
to apply to tables (see Define an alternate set of styles).
Use the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword on the TEXTBLOCK statement to use an alternate style for the
tables in your Text Block (for more information on this keyword, see TEXTBLOCK statement).
ITP_table is the typically used table style.
OUR_TABLE_normal is used for normal text with no indentation for contents within a table in a Text Block
for which the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX is set to OUR_TABLE.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Define an alternate set of styles
You can define an alternate set of styles. This may be useful in the following cases:
To lay out Text Blocks in several different styles with one document
To lay out the content of table cells differently from the text style used in the Text Block
To do so, you may create an alternate style set with a new prefix, define each style in this set, and apply
them to your Text Blocks.
XXX_normal. Alternate style for a regular text
XXX_header. Alternate style for the header
XXX_table. Alternate style for a regular table
Use the STYLE_PREFIX keyword on the statement TEXTBLOCK to insert the Text Block with an alternate
style in the result document (for more information on this keyword, see TEXTBLOCK statement).
Define ITP_customclass styles
There are three built-in custom styles that you can apply to a regular Text Block in the Text Block Editor:
ITP_customclass1 (Custom 1)
ITP_customclass2 (Custom 2)
ITP_customclass3 (Custom 3)
You can customize these styles if you need a special formatting for the regular Text Blocks. To do so, add
these styles to the appropriate Style Sheet, define them, and then apply them to the Text Blocks in the
Text Block Editor.
Note When adding the styles to a Style Sheet, verify that the names correspond exactly to those on the
Insert Text Blocks in a table
Use the option STYLE_PREFIX prior to inserting a Text Block in a table cell. This option allows you
to pass the paragraph sign required while inserting the Text Block. When a paragraph sign created
within a table cell is passed, you can insert the Text Block in the table cell (for more information on
Insert multiple Text Blocks
Use the TEXTBLOCK statement to insert multiple Text Blocks at once. To do so, use either the VAR
keyword with an ARRAY TEXT argument, or the NAME/VAR keyword with a TEXT argument that contains a
comma-separated list of Text Blocks.
NAME "First,Folder\Second,Third,Other Folder\Last"
ARRAY TEXT clauses
VAR clauses
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
When multiple Text Blocks are inserted, the SUPPRESS_FINAL_PARAGRAPH keyword is only applied to
the final Text Block. The individual Text Blocks are always separated by at least one paragraph break.
You can use the AutoInsertSeparator and AutoInsertTerminator pragmas to add additional text between
the Text Blocks. For more information, see pragma.
Text Blocks and Data Definitions
If the statement TEXTBLOCK is used in FOREACH WIZARD and FOREACH NODE loops, the context of the
FOREACH WIZARD and FOREACH NODE statements is used to automatically determine the location of the
Text Block in the Content Wizard. If the Content Wizard uses Data Backbone to support repeating groups
and the FOREACH WIZARD loop is in a Data Definition Group, the current iteration of the Data Definition
Group elements is determined to pick Field Sets in that loop. This ensures that Text Blocks in a repeating
group refer to the correct iteration.
If the statement TEXTBLOCK is used outside any FOREACH WIZARD loops, or Field Sets cannot be
located in the Data Backbone, the Field Sets are additionally searched for in the current scope in the
Master Template.
You can use the keywords DATA_DEFINITION and PATH to change the default behavior. You can use
the keyword DATA_DEFINITION to disable the use of the _data variable and limit the use of Field Sets to
local variables.
The keyword PATH indicates a location in the Data Backbone where the Text Block tries to locate Field
Sets. Only values copied from the Field Path in the statement FOREACH WIZARD can be used with the
keyword PATH. Use PATH NONE to ignore any repeating or nested structures in the Data Backbone.
In the following example, the Text Block using the currently active FOREACH WIZARD context is inserted.
NAME "..."
The following example demonstrates that any applicable FOREACH WIZARD context is ignored and Field
Sets that are currently in scope are used.
NAME "..."
The following example shows that the variable my_path is used to determine the active Data Definition
context. This can be used outside FOREACH WIZARD loops to control the context in which the Text Block
is produced. The variable _data is used to retrieve the content.
NAME text_block
PATH my_path
Master Template Defined VIEWs
With Master Template Defined Views you can combine and filter Text Blocks Lists from KCM Designer to
use them with the FORM statement.
Master Template Defined Views are introduced in KCM version 4.4 and require KCM Core version 4.4
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following is a definition of the statement.
FILTER "filter"
VIEW "view1"
VIEW "view_n"
You cannot use variables in the definition of the Master Template Defined View.
The following statement defines a Master Template Defined View and specifies its name. You cannot
define Master Template Defined Views.
DEFINE VIEW Name AS ... VIEW "..."
The FILTER keyword is optional and specifies a Filter function that should be used to filter Text Blocks in
the Master Template Defined View.
FILTER "filter"
The following statement is required and specifies a View included in the Master Template Defined View.
You can repeat this option to create a Model Defined View composed of multiple Views. It is allowed to
use previously defined Master Template Defined Views in a Master Template Defined View. The VIEW
keyword terminates the definition of the Master Template Defined View.
The FILTER keyword specifies a Filter function used to select Text Blocks from the parent Views. The
Filter function is applied whenever the Master Template Defined View is used in a FORM statement, using
the actual state of the Data Backbone. If a Master Template Defined View includes one or more other
Master Template Defined Views, Text Blocks in these Views are filtered before the filter on the resulting
Text Blocks is applied.
The following example command creates a View filtered based on the state Filter function.
FILTER "state"
VIEW "Clauses"
The following example command combines Views ClauseSet1, Folder\ClauseSet2 and
ClauseSet3 into one View. Duplicate Text Blocks are not removed from the resulting Master Template
Defined View.
VIEW "ClauseSet1"
VIEW "Folder\ClauseSet2"
VIEW "ClauseSet3"
The following example command creates a View that is filtered on the texas Filter function using the
StateClauses Master Template Defined View in the preceding example. The resulting Master Template
Defined View will contain all Text Blocks from the Clauses View that pass both the state and texas
Filter functions.
DEFINE VIEW TexasStateClauses AS
FILTER "texas"
VIEW "StateClauses"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Functions and procedures in Libraries
Libraries are a means to create reusable instructions when Master Templates are executed. While
Includes are compiled in Master Templates, Libraries are self-contained, dynamic components.
Libraries can contain different kinds of functions and procedures:
Formatting functions used to format Fields in Text Blocks.
You can extend the list of available functions by defining your own format functions in a Library.
Filter functions used to filter Text Blocks in Text Block Lists.
Export functions and procedures can be used in Master Templates.
These functions and procedures cannot produce word processor instructions.
Procedures that will be used as dynamic exit points.
Note The following restrictions apply when removing or renaming Libraries:
Library functions cannot be renamed or removed after the Code Library has been unlocked.
A Library cannot be renamed or removed if an object refers to one of the functions it contains.
For more information on how to create and edit a Library, see the section "Create and edit a Library" in the
KCM Designer online Help.
FORMAT functions
With format functions, you can expand the Field formatting functionality in Text Blocks and Quick
Documents in KCM Designer. Format functions are introduced in KCM version 4.4.
Note Currently, custom format functions cannot be applied to Editable Text Blocks in KCM ComposerUI,
except for KCM ComposerUI if it is integrated using the tbeformatfunctions parameter.
Format functions are specified using the FORMAT keyword prefix. Format functions can only be defined in
Code Libraries, and they cannot be defined in conditional statements or other nested constructs.
FORMAT FUNC TEXT function (CONST TEXT input; CONST TEXT par1; ...)
A format function must have at least one CONST TEXT parameter that receives the data to be formatted.
The function must return the formatted data as TEXT.
Format functions can have additional CONST TEXT parameters that can be used to pass additional
information. These parameters are optional. If a Text Block or a Quick Document omits parameters, they
are passed as empty texts. Excess parameters in a call are ignored.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Format functions have access to the Data Backbone through the _data variable and can use any
Template scripting language functionality.
To use Microsoft Word instructions in Code Libraries, you must assign content containing Microsoft Word
instructions to Data Backbone Fields in a Master Template. Use these Fields in Code Libraries when
manipulating layout. Microsoft Word instructions typed directly in Code Libraries are stripped.
FUNC TEXT dotteddate (CONST TEXT date)
ASSIGN dotteddate := fragment_of_characters (date; 7; 2) + "."
+ fragment_of_characters (date; 5; 2) + "."
+ fragment_of_characters (date; 1; 4)
Here is an example of the Function used in a Text Block or a Quick Template to print a date in
DD.MM.YYYY format.
... «[Policy.Date:dotteddate]» ...
ASSIGN logo := insert_image ("Corporate Logo"; x:="15cm"; y:="1.25cm"; width:="4cm";
height:="2cm"; base64data:=blob)
Here is an example of the Function used in a Text Block to insert a base64 encoded image from a Field in
the Data Backbone in the upper right corner of the page.
... «[Corporate.Logo:logo]» ...
IF gender = "M" THEN ASSIGN verb := male
ELIF gender = "F" THEN ASSIGN verb := female
ELSE ASSIGN verb := other
The Function used in a Text Block or a Quick Template implements conditional text in a Text Block.
... If the «[Customer.Gender:verb|customer|customer|customers]»
«[Customer.Gender:verb|he|she|they]» can pay in ...
Note You cannot use word processing layout and instructions in Quick Templates. Word processor
instructions produced with the FORMAT functions, including the use of insert_image and
insert_signature, are removed from the result document.
FILTER functions
Filter functions are used to implement custom filters. These filters can be used to select Text Blocks in a
Text Block List.
Filter functions are introduced in KCM version 4.4.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Filter functions are specified using the FILTER keyword. Filter functions can only be defined in Code
Libraries, and they cannot be defined in conditional statements or other nested constructs.
A filter function must return TRUE if the Text Block should be included in the View, or FALSE if it should
be excluded. The filter function can use the function metadata_contains to test for metadata attributes
that are set on the Text Block.
Filter functions have access to the Data Backbone through the _data variable and can use any KCM
language functionality. Attributes of the specific Text Block can be accessed through the FIELDSET
Text Block properties
The Properties Field Set contains some properties of the Text Block that is being filtered:
Properties._Name is a name of the Text Block.
Properties._Rich contains "Y" if the Text Block is a Rich Text Block, "N" otherwise.
The following command excludes all Rich Text Blocks from a Text Block List.
ASSIGN text := (Set._Rich <> "Y")
The following command includes all Text Blocks where the "State" metadata attribute contains the value
from the Customer.State Field in the Data Backbone.
FUNC BOOL state (FIELDSET Ignored)
ASSIGN state := metadata_contains ("State"; _data.Customer.State)
EXPORT functions and procedures
With export functions you can write functions and procedures in Code Libraries available to all Master
Templates in the project you are working on.
Export functions are introduced in KCM version 4.4.
Export functions are specified using the EXPORT keyword prefix. Export functions can only be defined
in Code Libraries, and they cannot be defined in conditional statements or other nested constructs. An
exported function can be used in Master Templates and in higher-numbered Code Libraries.
To use Microsoft Word instructions in Code Libraries, you must assign content containing Microsoft Word
instructions to Data Backbone Fields in a Master Template. Use these fields in Code Libraries when
manipulating layout. Microsoft Word instructions typed directly in Code Libraries are stripped.
EXPORT FUNC returntype function (parameters)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
EXPORT PROC procedure (parameters)
Any function or procedure can be exported.
ASSIGN is_div := ((a/b) = truncate (a/b; 0))
FUNC BOOL is_leap_year (CONST NUMBER year)
ASSIGN is_leap_year := (is_div (year; 4) AND NOT is_div (year; 100)) OR is_div (year;
The preceding code tests if a year is a leap years. The main function is_leap_year is available in other
Code Libraries and Master Templates. The helper function is_div is not exported and can only be used
in the Code Library it is defined in.
Exit point procedures
The following sections describe dynamic exit point procedures that can be implemented in Code Libraries.
Once such a procedure is defined, it is automatically called during a Master Template run.
Note We recommend that you do not define a single exit point procedure more than once in your Code
Libraries. For example, if you define DBB_PRE_LOAD twice in one Code Library, it is unknown which
one will be used when this exit point is reached.
You can execute the DBB_PRE_LOAD exit point to provide a custom routine that loads XML data passed
with the DBB_XMLInput(...) parameter on the ITPRun command.
In the following example, XML is a DATASTRUCTURE that describes the XML data structure.
DBB_PRE_LOAD PROC load_gax (XML xml)
If the DBB_PRE_LOAD exit point is not present, the DBB_XMLInput(...) parameter is used to fill
TEXT PolicyNumber
NUMBER ExpirationDate
PROC load_gax (GAX gax)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN _data.PolicyData.Policy := gax.PolicyNumber
IF gax.ExpirationDate <> "" THEN
ASSIGN _data.PolicyData.Expires := gax.ExpirationDate
The preceding example reads an XML file formatted as shown in the following example and uses its
contents to fill _data.
The DBB_PRE_LOAD exit point is introduced in KCM version 4.4.
You can execute the DBB_POST_LOAD exit point to provide a custom routine that performs calculations
and transformations on the Data Backbone before a Master Template or Quick Template is produced.
Note When producing a Document Pack, you can only execute this exit point on the Data Preparation
DBB_POST_LOAD PROC transform_data
The DBB_POST_LOAD exit point has no parameter and can manipulate the Data Backbone through the
_data global variable.
If the DBB_POST_LOAD exit point is not present, a Master Template or a Quick Template is started with the
Data Backbone as initialized.
The following example performs a custom transformation. The format_policy_number function must
be defined in the Code Library.
PROC transform
(* Format policy number from 1234567890 to 123.456.7890 *)
ASSIGN _data.PolicyData.PolicyNumber := format_policy_number
When the Master Template or the Quick Template is started, the following actions are performed:
In case the DBB_XMLInput(...) parameter is used, if the DBB_PRE_LOAD exit point is present, this is
executed with the XML data as parameter. Otherwise, _data is filled with the XML data.
Otherwise, the Data Retrieval part of the Data Backbone is executed.
If the DBB_POST_LOAD exit point is present, it is executed.
The Master Template or the Quick Document is executed.
The DBB_POST_LOAD exit point is introduced in KCM version 4.4.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
You can execute the DBB_POST_EDIT exit point to provide a custom routine that performs calculations
and transformations on the Data Backbone content after the Data Backbone content is edited interactively
as part of the handling of a Content Wizard.
DBB_POST_EDIT PROC transform_data (CONST TEXT wizard)
The wizard parameter of the DBB_POST_EDIT exit point contains the name of the Content Wizard that
has been processed.
The DBB_POST_EDIT exit point can use the _data variable to manipulate the Data Backbone content.
The following example command performs a custom transformation. The format_policy_number
function must be defined in a Code Library.
PROC transform (CONST TEXT wizard)
(* Format policy number from 1,234,567,890 to 123.456.7890 *)
ASSIGN _data.PolicyData.PolicyNumber := format_policy_number
The DBB_POST_EDIT exit point is introduced in KCM version 4.4.
You can execute the DBB_PRE_PACK exit point to provide a custom routine that performs calculations and
transformations on the Data Backbone content before each document in a Document Pack Template is
The DBB_PRE_PACK exit point is introduced in KCM version 5.0.
DBB_PRE_PACK PROC transform_data ()
The DBB_PRE_PACK exit point can use the _data variable to manipulate the Data Backbone content.
The following example command fills a Field with the current date next year.
PROC transform ()
(* Valid for one year -- do not use on the 29th of february! *)
ASSIGN _data.Notice.ExpirationDate := date (today + 10000)
The DBB_PRE_PACK exit point is introduced in KCM version 5.0.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Variables are named references to a value or set of values. The content of a variable can be manipulated
and used in expressions.
Declare variables
Variables must be declared before they can be used. The declaration defines the type of the variable,
which restricts the kind of content that can be assigned and an initial value.
A variable declaration has the following form.
<type> <name>
<type> <name> := <initial value>
The <type> specifies the type of values that can be assigned to the variable. For a description of
available data types, see Types.
The <name> must meet the following rules for all variable types except FIELDSET and DATASTRUCTURE:
The first character must be a lowercase letter.
The following characters must be lowercase letters, digits, or underscores.
Only letters from the Latin-1 character set are allowed.
For FIELDSET and DATASTRUCTURE variables, the <name> must meet the following rules:
The first character must be an uppercase letter.
The following characters must be letters, digits, or underscores. Both uppercase and lowercase letters
are allowed.
Only letters from the Latin-1 character set are allowed.
An example is provided here.
TEXT saluation
NUMBER next_year
BOOL single_customer
FIELDSET PartnerData
MAP NUMBER stock_portfolio
The variable can be initialized with a value as part of the declaration. This initial value must have the
appropriate type for the variable. If the initial value is omitted, a default value is assigned:
TEXT variables are initialized with an empty value.
NUMBER variables are initialized with the value 0.0.
BOOL variables are initialized with the value FALSE.
MAP and FIELDSET variables are initialized without any values.
DATASTRUCTURE variables use the default values for their members as described earlier in this section.
Members that are a DATASTRUCTURE themselves are undefined.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
An example is provided here.
TEXT saluation := "Dear"
NUMBER next_year := today + 10000
BOOL preferred_customer := (_data.NumberOfOrders >= 10)
FIELDSET Partner := _data.Partner
MAP NUMBER stock_portfolio := customer_previous_portfolio
Variables have a scope that is limited to the code block in which they are declared. When this block ends
the variable is not accessible anymore. Variable names must be unique within the block in which they are
defined. It is allowed to define variables with the same name in different blocks; when blocks are nested a
variable in the inner block hide the variable in the outer block.
The following keyword pairs define blocks in the Template scripting language:
DO until OD
IF until the next ELIF, ELSE, or FI
ELIF until the next ELIF, ELSE, or FI
ELSE until FI
An example is provided here.
IF var > 0 THEN
First Inner scope: @(var)
ASSIGN var := 42 (* Declared outside the IF..FI *)
TEXT var := “Hello World” (* Hides the NUMBER var from here. *)
Second Inner scope: @(var)
FI (* End of scope *)
Outer scope: @(var)
This example will produce the following result.
First Inner scope: 0.00
Second Inner scope: Hello World
Outer scope: 42.00
Assign variables
The ASSIGN statement assigns a new value to a variable. The new value must have the appropriate type
for the type of the variable.
ASSIGN variable := expression
An example is provided here.
ASSIGN saluation := "Dear"
ASSIGN next_year := today + 10000
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN preferred_customer := (_data.NumberOfOrders >= 10)
ASSIGN Partner := _data.Partner
Assign word processor instructions
Variables and members with the TEXT type can also contain Microsoft Word instructions in their content.
In a Master Template, the fixed string notation "…" includes all layout and word processor instructions
(tables, paragraph breaks, tabs) with their properties in the value. These properties include positioning
and styling information.
Note During the Document Pack composition, any word processor instructions assigned to the Data
Backbone of a Data Preparation Template are removed once the Data Preparation Template is
An example is provided here.
TEXT break := "¶"
First line@(break)Next line
This example produces the following result.
First line¶
Next line
The First line¶ paragraph will be produced in the paragraph style and layout from the TEXT
break := "¶ paragraph in the Master Template.
It is not possible to assign word processor instructions to variables using the fixed string notation "…" in
Code Libraries. Code Libraries ignore all word processor instructions in their content.
Statements within Code Libraries can manipulate variables containing word processor instructions.
You can use operators to manipulate values in an expression. The following operators are available in the
Template scripting language.
Operator Operand Result Operation Example
(...) (...) ... Grouping ((i + 1) * 3)
+ +NUMBER NUMBER Positive (monadic) +4
- -NUMBER NUMBER Negative (monadic) -4
NUMBER Addition i + 1
TEXT+TEXT TEXT Concatenation line + "."
- NUMBER - NUMBER NUMBER Subtraction amount - fee
* NUMBER * NUMBER NUMBER Multiplication years * 365
/ NUMBER / NUMBER NUMBER Division bottles / 12
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Operator Operand Result Operation Example
NUMBER Percentage price % 21
BOOL Less than age < 21
TEXT < TEXT BOOL Sorts before class < "D"
BOOL Less than or equal age <= 21
TEXT <= TEXT BOOL Equal or sorts before class <= "D"
BOOL Greater than age > 21
TEXT > TEXT BOOL Sorts after class > "D"
BOOL Greater than or equal age >= 21
TEXT >= TEXT BOOL Equal or sorts after class >= "D"
BOOL Equals age = 21
BOOL = BOOL BOOL Equals paid = FALSE
TEXT = TEXT BOOL Equals class = "D"
BOOL Not equal age <> 18
BOOL <> BOOL BOOL Not equal paid <> shipped
TEXT <> TEXT BOOL Not equal class <> "D"
NOT NOT BOOL BOOL Logical negation NOT paid
AND BOOL AND BOOL BOOL Logical AND trained AND licensed
BOOL OR BOOL BOOL Logical OR shipped OR
Operators in an expression are evaluated based on their priority from top to bottom:
1. ( )
2. Monadic +, monadic -, NOT
3. *, /, %
4. +, -
5. <=, <, >, >=
6. =, <>
7. AND
8. OR
Examples are provided here.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
1 + 2 * -3 equals to -5
(1 + 2) * -3 equals to - 9
The operators +, -, *, /, and % can be combined with the ASSIGN statement to modify a variable:
ASSIGN <variable> <op>:= <expression>
This example is a shorthand for:
ASSIGN <variable> := <variable> <op> <expression>
Examples are provided here.
ASSIGN counter +:= 1
ASSIGN line +:= “, “ + item
Note The AND operator always calculates both operands. The operator evaluates to TRUE if both
operands are TRUE, and FALSE if either operand is FALSE.
The OR operator always calculates both operands. The operator evaluates to TRUE if either operand is
TRUE, and FALSE if both operands are FALSE.
The EnhancedUnicodeSupport setting in KCM Core Administrator affects TEXT comparisons.
Comparisons are based on the compare_characters function, which is Unicode aware and
handles word processor layout intelligently. If this setting is disabled, a literal comparison is used that
might give unexpected results. For more information on the function compare_characters, see
Automatic conversions
The assignment statement offers several implicit conversions.
Converting FIELDSETs to MAPs
FIELDSET variables and MAP TEXT variables can be assigned to each other. All keys in the MAP TEXT
that match the rules for Field Set Field names are accessible in the FIELDSET variable. Keys that are not
valid names are included into the FIELDSET, but cannot be accessed directly in expressions.
An example is provided here.
ASSIGN map["ValidField"] := "Data"
ASSIGN map["Invalid Field"] := "Cannot access"
ASSIGN Set := map
Set: @(Set.ValidField)
MAP TEXT other_map
ASSIGN other_map := Set
Map: @(other_map["ValidField"])
Map: @(other_map["Invalid Field"])
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This example produces the following result.
Set: Data
Map: Data
Map: Cannot access
The +:= assignment can be used with FIELDSET variables to merge fields from a FIELDSET into another
ASSIGN Dest +:= Override
This example adds all Fields from the Override Field Set into the Dest Field Set, leaving the fields in
Dest that do not overlap with the Override Field Set intact.
Chapter 4
Formulas and operators
The @ statement
The statement @(formula or variable) places the value stored in the variable or the result of the
formula in the result document. It can only be used within a text part of a Master Template.
Template scripts consist of KCM code and text. The switch between these modes is made with the hash
sign. To put the value of variables or retrieved data in the text, use @(formula or variable).
Note When switching from code mode to text mode, any whitespace characters after the hash sign till
the first non-whitespace character, or till and including the first paragraph sign, whichever comes first,
are ignored.
Results in
The statement @(expression) outputs the result of the expression into the result document. It can only
be used within the text parts of a Master Template.
The output depends on the type of the expression:
A TEXT value is produced word for word.
A NUMBER value is formatted as a number with thousand-separators and 2 decimal positions.
A BOOL value produces the text TRUE or FALSE, localized to the active output language.
Other types of expressions cannot be used directly with the @(...) statement and causes an error during
Template compilation.
An example is provided here.
TEXT text := "The Quick Brown Fox..."
NUMBER number := 1234567
BOOL bool := (0 = 1)
Text value: @(text).
Number value: @(number) or @(numerals(number)).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Boolean value: @(bool).
This example produces:
Text value: The Quick Brown Fox....
Number value: 1,234,567.00 or 1234567.
Boolean value: FALSE.
Monadic operators
The following monadic operators are permitted.
Operator Description
+ The formula behind the + operator has to be of type
NUMBER; the result obtained is of type NUMBER.
- The formula behind the - operator has to be of type
NUMBER; the result obtained is of type NUMBER.
NOT The formula behind the NOT operator has to be of type
BOOL; the result obtained is of type BOOL.
The monadic operators have the following priorities, where 1 is the highest priority and 6 the lowest:
1. %, *, and /
2. + and -
3. <=, <, >=, and >
4. = and <>
5. AND
6. OR
Monadic operators have a higher priority than dyadic operators.
Dyadic operators
Formulas in the Template scripting language are calculated from left to right in case of operators with
equal priority.
The Template scripting language knows the following dyadic operators.
OperatorAssociativity Operand Types Result Type Operation Performed
+ Left NUMBER NUMBER Addition
+ Left TEXT TEXT Concatenation of operand texts
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
OperatorAssociativity Operand Types Result Type Operation Performed
- Left NUMBER NUMBER Subtraction
* Left NUMBER NUMBER Multiplication
/ Left NUMBER NUMBER Division
% Left NUMBER NUMBER Percentage
< Left NUMBER; TEXT NUMBER Less than
> Left NUMBER; TEXT (*) BOOL Greater than
<= Left NUMBER; TEXT (*) BOOL Less than or equal
>= Left NUMBER; TEXT (*) BOOL Greater than or equal
= Left Left and right the same
type; NUMBER or BOOL
BOOL Equal to
<> Left Left and right the same
type; NUMBER or BOOL
BOOL Not equal to
AND Left BOOL BOOL Left AND right operand must be
TRUE for the result to be TRUE.
OR Left BOOL BOOL Left OR right or both operands
must be TRUE for the result to be
Comparing two text values with dyadic operators could fail if you try to compare two text values that use a
different encoding system. You should use the function compare_characters to avoid errors (for more
information, see compare_characters).
Chapter 5
This chapter describes the built-in functions that are available in the Template scripting language.
All examples in this chapter use the ENG (English) statements and function names. Output is based on
the ENG (UK English) output language settings, unless indicated otherwise.
Text functions
Use the fragment_of_characters function to extract a fragment from a larger text.
The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.
fragment_of_characters ( input; offset; length )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text from which the fragment is taken.
2. offset, type NUMBER. The position of the first character of the fragment.
3. length, type NUMBER. The number of characters in the fragment.
offset starts at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the beginning of
the value.
A negative or 0 value for length results in an empty result. If the requested fragment exceeds the
number of available characters in input, the result only contains the available characters from input.
The input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). This can cause merge or
reordering of characters in the text.
Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such
as layout switches and graphical object, is stripped. The stripped content is not counted when calculating
the offset and length and not included in the resulting fragment.
The resulting output is also in Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC).
fragment_of_characters (“abcdefgh”; 2; 4) results in “bcde”
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
fragment_of_characters (“abcdefgh”; 20; 4) results in “”
fragment_of_characters (“abcdefgh”; -2; 4) results in “abcd”
fragment_of_characters (“abcdefgh”; 2; -4) results in “”
fragment_of_characters (“abcdefgh”; 2; 20) results in “bcdefgh”
The fragment_of_characters function supercedes the text_fragment function.
Use the number_of_characters function to determine the number of characters in a text.
The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.
number_of_characters ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
input, type TEXT. The text with length to be determined.
The input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is not counted when calculating the length.
number_of_characters (“abcdefgh”)
Results in 8
number_of_characters (“”)
Results in 0
The number_of_characters function supercedes the length function.
Use the compare_characters function to compare two texts.
The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.
compare_characters ( first; second )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has two parameters:
1. first, type TEXT. The first text to compare.
2. second, type TEXT. The second text to compare.
All input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is ignored in the comparison.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The comparison is case-sensitive. Characters are compared based on their Unicode character codes,
which is for most locales not a correct lexicographical sort.
Paragraph breaks and line breaks are considered equal for comparison purposes.
The return value indicates how the parameters compare:
0 both first and second are identical
< 0 first compares textually before second
> 0 first compares textually after second
compare_characters ("abc" ; "abc")
Results in 0
compare_characters ("abc" ; "abcd")
Results in a value > 0
compare_characters ("Abc" ; "abc")
Results in a value < 0 ("A" < "a")
compare_characters ("10"; "9")
Results in a value > 0 ("1" < "9")
The compare_characters function is used to implement the text comparison operators (<, <=, =, <>,
>=, >) when Enhanced Unicode Support is enabled.
Use the lowercase_of_characters function to convert a fragment from a larger text to lower case.
The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.
lowercase_of_characters ( input; offset; length )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text from which the fragment is taken.
2. offset, type NUMBER. The position of the first character to be converted.
3. length, type NUMBER. The number of characters to be converted.
offset starts at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the beginning of
the value.
A negative or 0 value for length has no effect.
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, are stripped. Stripped content is not counted when calculating the offset and length and not
included in the resulting text.
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lowercase_of_characters ("THIS IS AN example";
6; 2)
Results in "THIS is AN example"
The lowercase_of_characters function supercedes the lowercase2 function.
Use the uppercase_of_characters function to convert a fragment from a larger text to uppercase.
The function is capable of handling Unicode characters and word processor instructions.
uppercase_of_characters ( input; offset; length )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text from which the fragment is taken.
2. offset, type NUMBER. The position of the first character to be converted.
3. length, type NUMBER. The number of characters to be converted.
offset starts at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the beginning of
the value.
A negative or 0 value for length has no effect.
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped. Stripped content is not counted when calculating the offset and length and not
included in the resulting text.
uppercase_of_characters ("This is an EXAMPLE"; 6; 2)
Results in "This IS an EXAMPLE"
The uppercase_of_characters function supercedes the uppercase2 function.
Use the trim function to remove leading and trailing whitespace.
trim ( text )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
text, type TEXT. The text that is to be trimmed.
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Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped and not included in the result.
All tabs, spaces, paragraph breaks, and line breaks are removed from the beginning and end of text.
trim (" example ")
Results in "example"
Use the ltrim function to remove leading whitespace.
ltrim ( text )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
text, type TEXT. The text that is to be trimmed.
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped and not included in the result.
All tabs, spaces, paragraph breaks, and line breaks are removed from the beginning of text.
ltrim (" example ")
Results in "example "
Use the rtrim ( text ) function to remove trailing whitespace.
rtrim ( text )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
text, type TEXT. The text that is to be trimmed.
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped and not included in the result.
All tabs, spaces, paragraph breaks, and line breaks are removed from the end of text.
rtrim (" example ")
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Results in " example"
Use this function to search a text for the first occurrence of a fragment. The search can be performed
either case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
search ( haystack; needle; start; sensitive )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has four parameters:
1. haystack, type TEXT. The text that the search is performed on.
2. needle, type TEXT. The fragment that is searched for.
3. start, type NUMBER. The offset in the haystack text where the search should start. Use a value of
1 to start at the first character of haystack.
4. sensitive, type BOOL. When TRUE the search is case-sensitive, otherwise case-insensitive.
The result of the search function is the offset of the first occurrence of the needle text fragment in the
haystack text at or past the start offset. If the needle fragment could not be found, the function returns
If the sensitive parameter is FALSE, a case-insensitive is performed by converting both needle
and haystack to lowercase before searching. Applications should account for this conversion in case
characters do not have a stable conversion (for example, straße and STRASSE).
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped before the comparison. Paragraph breaks, and line breaks are considered equal for
comparison purposes.
TEXT haystack := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
TEXT needle := "o"
search (haystack; needle; 1; TRUE ) returns 13 (Brown)
search (haystack; needle; 20; TRUE ) returns 42 (Dog)
search (haystack; needle; 20; FALSE) returns 27 (Over)
search (needle; haystack; 1; TRUE ) returns 0
Use the search_first function to search a text for the first occurrence of a fragment. The search can
be performed either case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
search_first ( haystack; needle; casing )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
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The function has three parameters:
1. haystack, type TEXT. The text that the search is performed on.
2. needle, type TEXT. The fragment that is searched for.
3. casing, type BOOL. When TRUE the search is case-sensitive; otherwise, case-insensitive.
The result of the search function is the offset of the first occurrence of the needle text fragment in the
haystack text. If the needle fragment could not be found, the function returns 0.
If the casing parameter is FALSE, a case-insensitive is performed by converting both needle and
haystack to lowercase before searching. Applications should account for this conversion in case
characters do not have a stable conversion (for example, straße and STRASSE).
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped before the comparison. Paragraph breaks, and line breaks are considered equal for
comparison purposes.
TEXT haystack := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
TEXT needle := "o"
search_first (haystack; needle; TRUE ) returns 13 (Br'o'wn)
search_first (haystack; needle; FALSE) returns 27 ('O'ver)
search_first (needle; haystack; TRUE ) returns 0
Use the search_last function to search a text for the final occurrence of a fragment. The search can be
performed either case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
search_last ( haystack; needle; casing )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has three parameters:
1. haystack, type TEXT. The text that the search is performed on.
2. needle, type TEXT. The fragment that is searched for.
3. casing, type BOOL. When TRUE the search is case-sensitive; otherwise, case-insensitive.
The result of the search function is the offset of the final occurrence of the needle text fragment in the
haystack text. If the needle fragment could not be found, the function returns 0.
If the casing parameter is FALSE, both needle and haystack are converted to lowercase before
searching. Applications should account for this conversion in case characters do not have a stable
conversion (for example, straße and STRASSE).
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
objects, is stripped before the comparison. Paragraph breaks, and line breaks are considered equal for
comparison purposes.
TEXT haystack := "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
TEXT needle := "o"
search_last (haystack; needle; TRUE ) returns 42 (D'o'g)
search_last (haystack; needle; FALSE) returns 27 ('O'ver)
search_last (needle; haystack; TRUE ) returns 0
Use the replace function to replace all occurrences of a fragment in a text with alternative text. The
search is performed case-sensitive.
replace ( haystack; needle; replacement )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has three parameters:
1. haystack, type TEXT. The text that the search is performed on.
2. needle, type TEXT. The fragment that is searched for.
3. replacement, type TEXT. The alternative text that is used to replace the needle text.
The result of the search function is the input with all occurrences of needle replaced by replacement.
Overlapping results are not considered for replacement.
Input is always converted to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC). Tabs, paragraph breaks, and line
breaks are handled as characters. Other word processor content, such as layout switches and graphical
objects, is stripped before the comparison. Paragraph breaks, and line breaks are considered equal for
comparison purposes.
replace ("The Quick Brown Fox"; "o"; "O") returns "The Quick BrOwn FOx"
replace ("The Quick Brown Fox"; "O"; "o") returns "The Quick Brown Fox"
replace ("XXX"; "XX"; "aX") returns "aXX" (not "aaX" )
Use the lowercase function to convert a number into the corresponding lowercase character from the
lowercase ( index )
The result of this function is of type TEXT.
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This function has one parameter:
index, type NUMBER. The index of the character.
The lowercase function returns the indicated character from the alphabet, depending on the active
output language.
If a negative value is provided for index, the last character of the alphabet is returned. If index exceeds
the number of characters in the alphabet, the number is wrapped around.
lowercase (1) results in "a"
lowercase (4) results in "d"
lowercase (-1) results in "z"
lowercase (27) results in "a"
lowercase (27) results in "æ" (output language DAN)
Use the uppercase function to convert a number into the corresponding uppercase character from the
uppercase ( index )
The result of this function is of type TEXT.
This function has one parameter:
index, type NUMBER. The index of the character.
The uppercase function returns the indicated character from the alphabet, depending on the active output
If a negative value is provided for index, the last character of the alphabet is returned. If index exceeds
the number of characters in the alphabet, the number is wrapped around.
uppercase (1) results in "A"
uppercase (4) results in "D"
uppercase (-1) results in "Z"
uppercase (27) results in "A"
uppercase (27) results in "Æ" (output language DAN)
Use the text_to_number function to convert a text to a number.
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text_to_number ( text )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has one parameter:
text, type TEXT. The text to be converted to a number.
The interpretation of the number (decimal point, thousands separator) depends on the currently active
output language. Conversion stops are the first character that is not a digit or separator.
text_to_number ("123") results in 123
text_to_number ("123.000") results in 123
text_to_number ("123.000") results in 123000 (output language NLD)
text_to_number ("12a30") results in 12
The text_fragmentfunction has been superseded by the fragment_of_charactersfunction.
Unless Enhanced Unicode Support is disabled, all calls to text_fragment are automatically mapped to
the fragment_of_characters function.
Use the text_fragmentfunction function to extract a fragment from a larger text.
text_fragment ( input; offset; length )
The result of this function is of type TEXT.
This function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text from which the fragment is taken.
2. offset, type NUMBER. The position of the first character of the fragment.
3. length, type NUMBER. The number of characters in the fragment.
offset starts at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the beginning of
the value.
A negative or 0 value for length results in an empty result.
If the requested fragment exceeds the number of available characters in the input, the result only contains
the available characters from input.
text_fragment ("abcdefgh"; 2; 4) results in "bcde"
text_fragment ("abcdefgh"; 20; 4) results in ""
text_fragment ("abcdefgh"; -2; 4) results in "abcd"
text_fragment ("abcdefgh"; 2; -4) results in ""
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
text_fragment ("abcdefgh"; 2; 20) results in "bcdefgh"
Note The text_fragment function is limited to content that only consists of latin-1 text. This function
does not support word processor instructions or Unicode content. Use of this function with non latin-1
content can result in run-time errors or broken result documents.
The length function has been superseded by the number_of_characters function. Unless
Enhanced Unicode Support is disabled, all calls to length are automatically mapped to the
number_of_characters function.
Use the length function to determine the number of characters in a text.
length ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
input, type TEXT. The text with length to be determined.
length ("abcdefgh") results in 8
length ("") results in 0
Note The length function is limited to content that only consists of latin-1 text. This function does not
support word processor instructions or Unicode content. Use of this function with non latin-1 content can
result in run-time errors or broken result documents.
The lowercase2 function has been superseded by the lowercase_of_characters function. Unless
Enhanced Unicode Support is disabled, all calls to lowercase2 are automatically mapped to the
lowercase_of_characters function.
Use the lowercase2 function to convert a text fragment to lowercase.
lowercase2 ( input; start; end )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text which is converted.
2. start, type NUMBER. The position of the first character to be changed.
3. end, type NUMBER. The position of the last character to be changed.
start and end start at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the
beginning of the value. If end is smaller than start the value is returned unmodified.
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lowercase2 ("THIS IS AN example"; 6; 7) results in "THIS is AN example"
lowercase2 ("THIS IS AN example"; 7; 6) results in "THIS IS AN example"
Note The lowercase2 function is limited to content that only consists of latin-1 text. This function does
not support word processor instructions or Unicode content. Use of this function with non latin-1 content
can result in run-time errors or broken result documents.
The uppercase2 function has been superseded by the uppercase_of_characters function.
Unless Enhanced Unicode Support is disabled, all calls to uppercase2 are automatically mapped to
uppercase_of_characters function.
Use the uppercase2 function to convert a fragment of a text to uppercase.
uppercase_of_characters function.
uppercases2 ( input; start; end )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. input, type TEXT. The text which is converted.
2. start, type NUMBER. The position of the first character to be changed.
3. end, type NUMBER. The position of the last character to be changed.
start and end start at 1 for the first character in input. A negative or 0 value is interpreted as the
beginning of the value. If end is smaller than start, the value is returned unmodified.
uppercases2 ("This is an EXAMPLE"; 6; 7) results in "This IS an EXAMPLE"
uppercases2 ("This is an EXAMPLE"; 7; 6) results in "This is an EXAMPLE"
Note The uppercases2 function is limited to content that only consists of latin-1 text. This function
does not support word processor instructions or Unicode content. Use of this function with non latin-1
content can result in run-time errors or broken result documents.
Use this function to convert a text to uppercase.
Note The uppercases function has been superseded by the uppercase_of_characters function.
Unless Enhanced Unicode Support is disabled, all calls to uppercases are automatically mapped to
the uppercase_of_characters function.
uppercases ( input )
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This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type TEXT. The text which is converted.
uppercases ("This is an EXAMPLE") results in "THIS IS AN EXAMPLE"
Note The uppercases function is limited to content that only consists of latin-1 text. This function does
not support word processor instructions or Unicode content. Use of this function with non latin-1 content
can result in run-time errors or broken result documents.
Date and time functions
Use the date function to convert a number into its date notation.
The date produced by this function is localized based on the active output language.
date ( number )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
number, type NUMBER. The date to be converted. Fractions are ignored.
number is interpreted as a calendar date in ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD format.
For compatibility with legacy data sources, years between 0 and 99 are interpreted as years in the 1900s
(1900-1999). Years between 100 and 199 are interpreted as years in the 2000s (2000-2099). The text
"????" is returned for invalid dates.
date (20150302) results in "2 March 2015"
date (20150302) results in "March 2, 2015" (output language ENU)
date (20150302) results in "le 2 mars 2015" (output language FRA)
date (150302) results in "2 March 1915"
date (1150302) results in "2 March 2015"
date (0) results in "????"
date (20150229) results in "????"
The date is formatted in the default language if an output language is not specified.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Use the date_in_words function to convert a number into its date notation.
The date produced by this function is localized based on the active output language.
date_in_words ( number )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
number, type NUMBER. The date to be converted. Fractions are ignored.
number is interpreted as a calendar date in ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD format.
For compatibility with legacy data sources, years between 0 and 99 are interpreted as years in the 1900s
(1900-1999). Years between 100 and 199 are interpreted as years in the 2000s (2000-2099). The text
"????" is returned for invalid dates.
date_in_words (20150302) results in "the second of March two thousand fifteen"
date_in_words (20150302) results in "March second, two thousand fifteen" (output
language ENU)
date_in_words (20150302) results in "le deux mars deux mille quinze" (output language
date_in_words (150302) results in "the second of March nineteen hundred fifteen"
date_in_words (1150302) results in "the second of March two thousand fifteen"
date_in_words (0) results in "????"
date_in_words (20150229) results in "????"
The date is formatted in the default language if an output language is not specified.
Use the today function to retrieve the system date.
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has no parameters.
The value returned by the today function is the local date as set on the server. The result is in ISO 8601
YYYYMMDD format.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
today results in 20150302 (when called on March 2, 2015)
Use the function to retrieve the system time.
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has no parameters.
The value returned by the now function is the local time as set on the server. The result is in ISO 8601
HHMMSS format and uses the 24-hour clock system.
now results in 165213 (when called at 16:52:13 / 4:52:13pm)
Depending on configuration, the result of the now function could be cached, returning the same result for
every call. This function cannot be used for timing or benchmarking purposes.
Use the number_to_date function to convert a numerical date value into the ISO 8601 YYYYMMDD
format based on a custom template.
number_to_date ( date; template )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters:
1. date, type NUMBER. The date to be converted. Fractions are ignored.
2. template, type TEXT. A template describing how to interpret date.
template is a mask describing how the digits in date must be interpreted. It must contain the following
three components in the correct order:
1. DD for the day part
2. MM for the month part
3. YY, YYY, or YYYY for the year part
YY represents a year in the 2000s (2000-2099).
YYY represents a year in the 1900s (1900-1999) for values between 0 and 99, or a year in the 2000s
(2000-2099) for values between 100 and 199.
YYYY represents the year without further interpretation.
date is considered to be left-padded with 0's if the template requires more digits than the value of date
provides. If a component is omitted from the template, the corresponding part in the result is set to 0. The
result of the number_to_date function for invalid templates is undefined.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
number_to_date (20150203; "YYYYDDMM") results in 20150302
number_to_date (150302; "YYMMDD") results in 20150302
number_to_date (150302; "YYYMMDD") results in 19150302
number_to_date (201503; "YYYYMM") results in 20150300
number_to_date (2015; "DDMMYYYY") results in 20150000
Use the format_date function to format a date according to the specified mask and language code.
format_date ( date; template; language )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has three parameters:
1. date, type NUMBER. The date to be formatted.
2. template, type TEXT. The template specifying how the date should be formatted.
3. language, type TEXT. Optional. The language used to format textual components in the template.
The template must be composed of a sequence of format types. The format types are case-sensitive.
The following format types are supported:
Format Type Description Example
d Day of the month 2
dd Day of the month, padded to 2
ddd Abbreviated day of the week Mon
dddd Day of the week Monday
M Month 3
MM Month, padded to two positions 03
MMM Abbreviated month Mar
MMMM Month March
y Last two digits of the year, omitting a
leading 0
yy Last two digits of the year 15
yyyy The year 2015
g Period or era A.D.
gg Period or era A.D.
*SHORT Windows short date format 02/03/2015
*LONG Windows long date format 02 March 2015
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Examples are based on the date 20150302 and the ENG output language.
Spaces in the template appear in the same location in the output. A template can contain text that is not
matching any of the format types. This text is mostly passed unchanged. To ensure that text is passed
unchanged you should enclose it in single quotation marks. A single quotation mark as fixed text must be
written as a sequence of two single quotation marks in a row.
The format types *SHORT and *LONG cannot be combined with other format types or layout.
The language parameter is optional. If it is omitted or empty, the current output language is used. The
following values are support for this parameter:
Any of the output language supported by KCM Core (see language_code)
Any Language Culture Name installed on the Microsoft Windows Server hosting KCM Core
If the language is not supported or the date is invalid the function returns "????".
format_date (20150302; "MM'//'dd'//'yyyy") results in "03/02/2015"
format_date (20150302; "dd'-'MM'-'''yy") results in "02-03-'15"
format_date (20150302; "dddd") results in "Monday"
format_date (20150302; "*LONG"; language:="SVE") results in "den 3 februari 2015"
format_date (20150302; "*LONG"; "nl-NL") results in "dinsdag 3 februari 2015"
format_date (20150229; "yyyy") results in "????" (invalid date)
format_date (20150302; "yyyy"; "tlh") results in "????" (invalid language)
The earliest date supported by this function is Jan 1, 1601 (16010101).
The implementation of the format_date function depends on the Microsoft Windows NLS support.
The output can depend on the version of Microsoft Windows and installed components. For a detailed
description of the supported templates, see the Microsoft Windows documentation on Day, Month, Year,
and Era Format Pictures available on the Internet.
The format_date function was introduced in KCM Core 4.4.
Number function
Use the numerals function to convert a number into an unformatted textual representation. The resulting
value is rounded to the nearest integral value.
numerals ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number to convert.
numerals (1234567) results in "1234567"
numerals (1234567.8) results in "1234568"
numerals (100 / 3) results in "33"
Use the number function to convert a number into a formatted textual representation. The number is
formatted according to the current output language.
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has two parameters:
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to convert.
2. precision, type NUMBER. The number of decimal positions to display.
If input has a fractional part, it is rounded to the nearest value with the specified precision. The precision is
limited to 9 digits.
number (1234567; 0) results in "1,234,567"
number (1234567; 2) results in "1,234,567.00"
number (1234567; 2) results in "1.234.567,00" (output language "NLD")
number (123.435; 4) results in "123.4350"
number (123.435; 2) results in "123.44"
number (123.435; 0) results in "123"
Use the number_in_words function to convert a number into a notation representing an integral number,
written out fully in words. The output is localized based on the current output language.
number_in_words ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to be converted. This function supports numbers for all output
languages up to 1000 billion (exclusive). Results for values outside this range are undefined.
The input value is rounded to an integer number.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
number_in_words (12) results in "twelve"
number _in_words (-12) results in "minus twelve"
number _in_words (1234567.89) results in "one million two hundred and thirty-four
thousand five hundred and sixty-eight"
number_in_words (1234567.89) results in "een miljoen
tweehonderdvierendertigduizend vijfhonderdachtenzestig" (output language NLD)
number_in_words (12.4) results in "twelve"
number_in_words (12.5) results in "thirteen"
number_in_words (0) results in "zero"
This function is deprecated and only supported for legacy templates. Templates should use the format
function instead (see format).
The picture function converts a number into a formatted textual representation according to the
specified mask.
picture ( input; mask )
Use the format function to convert a number into a formatted textual representation according to the
specified mask.
format ( input; mask )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has two parameters:
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to convert.
2. mask, type TEXT. The formatting mask.
If the mask includes fractional digits, input is rounded to the nearest value with the specified precision.
The mask must be sized to hold all integral digits.
Examples are provided here.
The 'ø' character has been used in the example to represent space characters. This character is not
generated by the format function.
format (123.456; "Z,ZZZ.ZZ+") results in "øø123.46+"
format (-12345.67; "$B*,***,***.**BBDB") results in "£ø***12,345.67øøDB"
These symbols are explained in the next section.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The mask is language independent.
Output is formatted based on the current output language. The output has exactly the same number of
characters as the mask (exception: "U").
Symbols allowed in the mask
The following table lists and describes symbols that are allowed in mask.
Symbol Meaning
9 A numeric position
* A leading numeric position in which an asterisk is placed
if this position contains a 0.
Z A leading numeric position in which a space is placed if
this position contains a 0.
. The decimal point. Output is aligned on this position. This
symbol is replaced by the appropriate symbol for the
output language.
, A thousand-separator. This symbol is replaced by the
appropriate symbol for the output language.
$ A single-character currency symbol. This symbol is
replaced by the appropriate symbol for the output
U A multi-character currency symbol. This symbol is
replaced by the appropriate 3-character ISO 4217 code
for the output language.
+ Editing sign control
- Editing sign control
CR Editing sign control. The CR symbol is only permitted at
the end of the mask
DB Editing sign control. The DB symbol is only permitted at
the end of the mask.
B A space
/ A slash. Note that the / must be escaped when written in
a "…" expression.
All symbols are case-insensitive.
Repeating symbols can be abbreviated by specifying a repeat-count between parentheses.
The following two patterns are equivalent:
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Editing sign controls
The editing sign controls produce a result based on the sign of the number. The following table describes
the editing signs.
Value + - CR DB
Positive + space 2 spaces CR
0 + space 2 spaces CR
Negative - - CR DB
Currency symbols used by the format function
The currency symbols printed by the format function depend on the currently selected language or any
custom overrides made in the Master Template.
The following table lists and describes currency symbols used by the format function.
Run-time Language Single-character Currency Code
Multi-character Currency Code (U)
Any language with euro support
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note The information in the table is limited to those single-character currency codes that are supported
by the standard ANSI code page. For those currencies not in the ANSI code page, the IBM default
currencies are used. To learn how to override the currency code into a code appropriate to your
combination of fonts and Microsoft Word, see the following sections.
The euro symbol requires the use of a Microsoft Windows single-byte font containing the euro symbol at
position 128. When using non-Microsoft Windows fonts or Unicode fonts, the euro symbol may be printed
Note The U symbol in the mask expands to three positions. Unless the U symbol is used as a floating
insertion symbol with the appropriate amount of extra space provided in the mask, the format function
expands its result to create space for any extra overhead. This may cause misalignment in the result
Leading symbols
You can use the format function to insert a sign (+ or -) or currency symbol ($ or U) directly in front of the
first digit or decimal point in the result.
To specify a leading symbol, the mask must start with at least two instances of the symbol. The symbol is
inserted directly in front of the first digit or the decimal point and unused positions are padded with spaces.
If there is insufficient space in the mask to place the expansion of the U symbol, the returned string is
extended to fit the expansion.
If input is 0 and the mask contains the same symbol in all numerical positions, the result is a series of
spaces with the length of the mask.
format (0.123; "$$$$.99") results in "øøø£.12"
format (0.12; "$$$9.99") results in "øø£0.12"
format (-1234.56; "$,$$$,999.99") results in "øøø£1,234.56"
format (-1234.56; "U,UUU,UU9.99-") results in "øGBP1,234.56-"
format (1234.56; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øGBP1,234.56"
format (-123456.78; "+,+++,999.99") results in "ø-123,456.78"
format (-1234567; "$$,$$$,$$$.99CR") results in "£1,234,567.00CR"
format (20150302; "9999//99//99") results in "2015/03/02"
format (0; "++,+++,+++.++") results in "øøøøøøøøøøøøø"
Suppress leading zero
You can use the format function to blank (Z) or pad (*) leading zeros in the result.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
To suppress leading zeros, the mask must contain a padding symbol in the first numerical position and
any applicable subsequent positions. Any of these positions in the mask that would be filled with a leading
zero are filled with the padding symbol instead.
If input is 0 and the mask contains only blank (Z) symbols, the result is a series of spaces with the length
of the mask.
If input is 0 and the mask contains only asterisk (*) symbols, the result is a series of asterisks with the
length of the mask. If the mask contains a decimal point, the decimal point is included in the result.
format (123.456; "Z,ZZZ.ZZ+") results in "øø123.46+"
format (-123.45; "*,***.**+") results in "**123.45-"
format (12345678.9; "**,***,***.**") results in "12,345,678.90"
format (12345.67; "$Z,ZZZ,ZZZ.ZZCR") results in "£øøø12,345.67øø"
format (-12345.67; "$B*,***,***.**BBDB") results in "£ø***12,345.67øøDB"
format (0; "*,***.**") results in "*****.**"
format (0; "Z,ZZZ.ZZ") results in "øøøøøøøø"
format (0; "ZZZZ.99") results in "øøøø.00"
format (0; "*,***.99") results in "*****.00"
format (0; "ZZ99.99") results in "øø00.00"
Language customization
The output of the format function is determined by a language independent mask. Some of the symbols
expand, depending on the active output language, and can be changed by the Template.
The following symbols are based on the active output language.
Symbol Representation
$ Single-character currency symbol
U Multi-character currency symbol
. Decimal point
, Thousand separator
The template can change these expansions at any time:
Through the language_code function (see language_code). The default output language is set in
KCM Core Administrator. Changing the output language affects all four symbols.
Through the euro function (see euro). This function affects the currency symbols ($ and U).
Using the pragma function to override specific values (see pragma):
Pragma key Symbol Length Representation
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
LOCALE:LC_MONETARY:int_curr_symbol U 3 Multi-character currency
LOCALE:LC_MONETARY:currency_symbol $ 1 Single-character currency
LOCALE:LC_NUMERIC:decimal_point . 1 Decimal point
LOCALE:LC_NUMERIC:thousands_sep , 1 Thousand separator
The pragma function should be used to replace symbols with alternatives that have the appropriate length
for the symbol. Using alternatives with incorrect lengths is not supported and can result in values that are
not aligned correctly.
The built-in language support defines currency symbols for the supported languages. For legacy reasons,
Euro support is by default disabled.
Output language $ U
Euro support enabled EUR
format (0.12; "$$$9.99") results in "øø£0.12"
format (0.12; "$$$9.99") results in "øøF0,12" (output language DES / de-CH)
format (1234.56; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øGBP1,234.56"
format (1234.56; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øCHF1.234,56" (output language DES / de-CH)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
pragma ("LOCAL:LC_MONETARY:int_curr_symbol"; "CNY") changes the U symbol to CNY
format (1234.56; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øCNY1,234.56"
Use the round function to round a number to the nearest value with the indicated precision using the
commercial rounding rule.
round (input; precision)
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters:
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to round.
2. precision, type NUMBER. The number of significant decimals (up to 9 decimals is supported).
This function treats positive and negative values symmetrically.
round (12.324; 0) results in 12
round (12; 2) results in 12
round (12.324; 2) results in 12.32
round (12.325; 2) results in 12.33
round (-12.324; 2) results in -12.32
round (-12.325; 2) results in -12.33
Use the truncate function to adjust a number to the indicated precision by discarding any remaining
fractional part. This function always adjusts numbers toward zero.
truncate ( input; precision )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters:
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to round.
2. precision, type NUMBER. The number of significant decimals (up to 9 decimals is supported).
This function treats positive and negative values symmetrically.
truncate (12.324; 0) results in 12
truncate (12 ; 2) results in 12
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
truncate (12.324; 2) results in 12.32
truncate (12.325; 2) results in 12.32
truncate (-12.324; 2) results in -12.32
truncate (-12.325; 2) results in -12.32
Use the round_upwards function to adjust a number to the indicated precision. If a remaining fractional
part would be discarded, the number is adjusted to the next value. This function always adjusts numbers
away from zero.
round_upwards ( input; precision )
This function returns a value of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters
1. input, type NUMBER. The number to round.
2. precision, type NUMBER. The number of significant decimals (up to 9 decimals is supported).
This function treats positive and negative values symmetrically.
round_upwards (12.324; 0) results in 13
round_upwards (12 ; 2) results in 12
round_upwards (12.324; 2) results in 12.33
round_upwards (12.325; 2) results in 12.33
round_upwards (-12.324; 2) results in -12.33
round_upwards (-12.325; 2) results in -12.33
Use the uppercase_roman_number function to convert a number into a roman numeral. The output is in
uppercase characters.
uppercase_roman_number ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number to be converted.
This function only supports values between 1 and 3999, inclusive. Fractional parts are ignored.
The output for values outside the supported range is undefined.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
uppercase_roman_number (3) results in "III"
uppercase_roman_number (2016) results in "MMXVI"
Use the lowercase_roman_number function to convert a number into a roman numeral. The output is in
lowercase characters.
lowercase_roman_number ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number to be converted.
This function only supports values between 1 and 3999, inclusive. Fractional parts are ignored.
The output for values outside the supported range is undefined.
lowercase_roman_number (3) results in "iii"
lowercase_roman_number (2016) results in "mmxvi"
Use the ordinal function to convert a number into the corresponding ordinal. The output is localized
based on the current output language.
ordinal ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number to be converted.
This function only supports values between 0 and 100, inclusive. Fractional parts are ignored.
The output for values outside the supported range is undefined.
ordinal (1) results in "first"
ordinal (1) results in "eerste" (output language NLD)
Use the amount function to convert a number into a notation representing an amount of currency. The
output is localized based on the current output language.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
amount ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The amount to be converted.
The input value is rounded to cents.
amount (0.12) results in "0.12"
amount (-0.12) results in "-0.12"
amount (1234567.89) results in "1,234,567.89"
amount (1234567.89) results in "1.234.567,89" (output language NLD)
amount (12.344) results in "12.34"
amount (12.345) results in "12.35"
Use the amount_in_words function to convert a number into a notation representing an amount of
currency, written out fully in words. The output is localized based on the current output language.
amount_in_words ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The amount to be converted. This function supports amounts for all output
languages up to 1000 billion (exclusive). Results for values outside this range are undefined.
The input value is rounded to cents.
Currencies are represented by the pre-Euro currencies. Use the amount_in_words_euro function to
produce an amount in the Euro currency, or the euro function to switch the currency representation. See
amount_in_words_euro and euro, respectively.
amount_in_words (0.12) results in "zero pounds and twelve pence"
amount_in_words (-0.12) results in "zero pounds and twelve pence negative"
amount_in_words (1234567.89) results in "one million two hundred and thirty-four
thousand five hundred and sixty-seven pounds and eighty-nine pence"
amount_in_words (1234567.89) results in "een miljoen
tweehonderdvierendertigduizend vijfhonderdzevenenzestig gulden en
negenentachtig cent" (output language NLD)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
amount_in_words (12.344) results in "twelve pounds and thirty-four pence"
amount_in_words (12.345) results in "twelve pounds and thirty-five pence"
Use the amount_in_words_euro function to convert a number into a notation representing an amount
of currency, written out in words. The output is localized based on the current output language. The
currency used is always the Euro.
amount_in_words_euro ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number to be converted. This function supports amounts for all output
languages up to 1000 billion (exclusive). Results for values outside this range are undefined.
The currency used to produce the amount is always the Euro, regardless of the output language. The
input value is rounded to cents.
amount_in_words_euro (0.12) results in "zero euro and twelve cent"
amount_in_words_euro (-0.12) results in "zero euro and twelve cent negative"
amount_in_words_euro (1234567.89) results in "one million two hundred and thirty-
four thousand five hundred and sixty-seven euro and eighty-nine cent"
amount_in_words_euro (1234567.89) results in "een miljoen
tweehonderdvierendertigduizend vijfhonderdzevenenzestig euro en negenentachtig
cent" (output language NLD)
amount_in_words_euro (12.344) results in "twelve euro and thirty-four cent"
amount_in_words_euro (12.345) results in "twelve euro and thirty-five cent"
Use the area function to convert a number into a surface representation.
area ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The area to be converted, in square meters.
The output is always based on the metric system. Fractional parts are ignored.
area (42) results in "0,00,42"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
area (42) results in "0.00.42" (output language NLD)
area (123456) results in "12.34.56" (output language NLD)
Use the area_in_words function to convert a number into a surface representation.
area_in_words ( input )
This function returns a value of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The area to be converted, in square meters.
The output is always based on the metric system. Fractional parts are ignored.
area (42) results in "forty-two centiare"
area (42) results in "tweeënveertig centiare" (output language NLD)
area (123456) results in "twaalf hectare, vierendertig are en zesenvijftig
centiare" (output language NLD)
Mathematical functions
Use the square function to calculate the square of a number.
square ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
square (2) results in 4
square (4) results in 16
square (4.2) results in 17.64
square (-2) results in 4
square (square_root (10)) results in 10
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Use the square_root function to calculate the square root of a number.
square_root ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The number for the calculation.
The square_root function returns 0 for negative values.
square_root (2) results in 1.414213562
square_root (4.2) results in 2.0493
square_root (4) results in 2
square_root (-2) results in 0
square_root (square_root (10)) results in 10
Use the exponent function to calculate the base-e exponential of a number.
exponent ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The exponent for the calculation.
exponent (1) results in 2.718281828
exponent (2) results in 7.389056099
exponent (logarithm (10)) results in 10
Use the logarithm function to calculate the natural logarithm of a number.
logarithm ( input )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function has one parameter:
input, type NUMBER. The exponent for the calculation.
logarithm (2) results in 0.693147181
logarithm (10) results in 2.302585093
logarithm (exponent (10)) results in 10
Use the sine function to calculate the sine of an angle.
sine ( angle )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
angle, type NUMBER. The angle expressed in radians.
sine (0) results in 0
sine (90) results in 0.893996664
sine (3.141592654) results in 0
Use the cosine function to calculate the cosine of an angle.
cosine ( angle )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
angle, type NUMBER. The angle expressed in radians.
cosine (0) results in 0
cosine (90) results in -0.448073616
cosine (3.141592654) results in -1
Use the tangens function to calculate the tangent of an angle.
tangens ( angle )
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter
1. angle, type NUMBER. The angle expressed in radians.
tangens (0) results in 0
tangens (90) results in -1.99520041
tangens (3.141592654) results in 0
Use the arctan function to calculate the arc tangent of an angle.
arctan ( value )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has one parameter:
value, type NUMBER. The value with arc tangent to be calculated.
The result is in the range of -π/2 to π/2.
arctan (0) results in 0
arctan (90) results in 1.559685673
arctan (3.141592654) results in 1.262627256
Control functions
The following section contains information on the control functions that apply to all system-related data.
The euro function has been deprecated and is provided for compatibility purposes. Use the
amount_in_words_euro function and explicit currency overrides for the format function instead (see
The euro function switches the amount_in_words and format functions between a localized currency
and the Euro currency.
Note This function switches all currencies, including for countries that are not part of the eurozone.
euro ( flag )
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function returns a value of type BOOL.
The function has one parameter:
flag, type BOOL. Set to TRUE to enable the Euro representation, FALSE to disable.
This function returns the previous state of the Euro representation.
amount_in_words (0.12) results in "zero pounds and twelve pence"
amount_in_words (0.12) results in "nul gulden en twaalf cent" (output language NLD)
format (12; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øøøøGBP12.00"
euro (TRUE) enables the Euro representation
amount_in_words (0.12) results in "zero euro and twelve cent"
amount_in_words (0.12) results in "nul euro en twaalf cent" (output language NLD)
format (12; "U,UUU,UU9.99") results in "øøøøEUR12.00"
The euro function has been deprecated and is provided for compatibility purposes. Use the
amount_in_words_euro function and explicit currency overrides for the format function instead.
This function is deprecated.
The status_message function enables you to send status messages during a Master Template
execution. The message to send has to be entered in the parameter of the function. The maximum length
of the message is 250 characters.
Do not use this function if the Master Template is to be used in a KCM Core environment.
status_message ( the_message )
The result of this function is of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
the_message, type TEXT. This is the message that is sent to the user's screen when the Master
Template is executed.
An example is provided here.
@( status_message("Processing invoice records..."))
The @ ( ) construction means that the result of the function is displayed in the text. You must use this
construction in a text part of a Template script. The switch from the KCM mode to the text mode in a
Template script is made with the # characters. A Template script starts in the text mode, the #BEGIN
makes the switch to the KCM mode.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The inc function generates a Template script that post-includes a document in the result document. The
post-included text appears as is in the result document.
This function must be called in the text mode of a Template script and be used inside the @ ( )
@( inc (post_include_document; path_to_the_post_include_document))
The result of this function is of type TEXT: the post-include statement itself. The construction @( ) places
this text in the result document.
This function has two parameters.
post_include_document, type TEXT. This is the name of the document to be post-included. Add the
document extension. Also, you can set the document with its complete path in this parameter and leave
the second parameter empty.
path_to_the_post_include_document, type TEXT. This is the path to the document to be post-
included. This is either an UNC path or a path relative to the path set with KCM Core Administrator. The
path setting can be left empty if the path where the document can be found is exactly this configured
Include a document part
You can include a part of a document. To do so, the text that is to be included should be marked with a
bookmark. The name of this bookmark has to be added to the document name (first parameter) when
calling the function.
This functionality can only be used in Microsoft Word documents.
Set alternate documents or documents parts
You can set one or more alternate documents or documents parts that KCM will try to include if it fails
including a document or part of a document. To do so, the different documents/parts of documents have
to be divided with a vertical bar. KCM tries to include the first document or a document part. If it fails,
KCM tries to include the next document or a document part. This process stops once KCM succeeds
in including a document or a document part. The include process fails if none of the documents or
documents parts can be included.
This functionality can only be used in Microsoft Word documents.
An example is provided here.
@( inc("document"; "folder" ))
@( inc("document<bookmark>"; "folder" ))
@( inc("document1|document2"; "folder"))
The result of the preceding example is as follows.
__INC(folder\document) in the result document. This statement is processed if post-including is
enabled in the KCM configuration or when LAZYPOSTINC is set to Y.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
For WordPerfect this function usually generates native WordPerfect subdocument instructions. If the post-
include mechanism is enabled in the configuration file, the inc( ) function generates __INC statements
in the WordPerfect result documents.
Post-include statements in result documents are also resolved by the put_in_document( ),
put_in_text_file( ), and add_to_output( ) functions, when the fifth parameter of these
functions is set to Y, regardless of the post-include configuration setting of KCM.
The function put_in_document places produced text in a document. The text placed in a document in
this way does not appear in the result document. All result text produced up to the function call is placed in
the document specified in the function call. You can call the function several times in a Master Template.
Each time the text produced up to the call is placed in a new document.
put_in_document ("document_to_be_produced";
"overwrite Y/N"; "pagination (ignored)";
"process_includes Y/N")
The function returns a TEXT.
This function has five parameters:
document_to_be_produced, type TEXT. This is the name of the document.
path/folder_of_the_document, type TEXT. This is the path and name of the folder or a folder that
the document is written to.
overwrite, type TEXT, Y or N. When you set this parameter to Y, the existing document is
overwritten; when you set this parameter to N, the end user is prompted to specify an alternative file
name or folder. Interactivity is not possible in a KCM Core environment.
pagination, type TEXT, Y or N. The value of this parameter is ignored but must be present.
process_includes, type TEXT, Y or N. When set to Y, KCM resolves __INC post-includes in the
result document. In KCM Core, this setting is enabled by default.
The function put_in_document writes the KCM output to a document and does not create a copy. Once
written to a document, the output is no longer available for a Template script and does not appear in the
result document. The reason for this is that KCM stores produced text in an internal buffer. When you call
the put_in_document function, KCM writes the content of the buffer to the document, which clears the
internal buffer.
Tip To create multiple files from one output, you can use the open buffer mechanism (see
Documents that KCM produces through the put_in_document( ) function are directly available for
opening after the function has been successfully completed.
An example is provided here.
This line will be stored in the document 'document.doc' on c:\temp, and will not appear
in the result document.
TEXT doc := put_in_document("document.doc"; "c:\temp"; "Y"; "N"; "N")
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The document produced is @(doc).
These lines will appear in the result document because they are produced after the
put_in_document call above.
You could also write these lines to a second document by calling put_in_document again.
Note If you call the function put_in_document in a Microsoft Word DOC Master Template, you should
be aware that the text part you produce by calling the function must end with a paragraph ending.
You cannot place the text from repeated calls to put_in_document( ) in the same document. To
retrieve the text from several calls in one document, use the add_to_output function. To leave the
result document intact, you can use the open buffer mechanism (see open_buffer).
The function put_in_text_file writes produced text to a file. The text saved in this way does not
appear in the result document. You can call this function several times in a Template script so the text
produced up to the call is placed in the file. This function produces an ASCII document regardless of the
word processor a Master Template has been made with.
put_in_text_file ("textfile_to_be_produced";
"overwrite Y/N";
"pagination (ignored)";
"process_includes Y/N")
The function returns a TEXT: the name of the file produced.
The put_in_text_file requires five parameters:
textfile_to_be_produced, type TEXT. This is the name of the document.
path/folder_of_the_text_file, type TEXT. This is the path and name of the folder or a folder
that the text file is written to.
overwrite, type TEXT, Y or N. When you set this parameter to Y, the existing file is overwritten; when
you set this parameter to N, the end user is prompted to specify an alternative file name or folder.
Interactivity is not possible in a KCM Core environment.
pagination, type TEXT, Y or N. The value of this parameter is ignored.
process_includes, type TEXT, Y or N. When set to Y, KCM resolves __INC post-includes in the
result document. In KCM Core, this setting is enabled by default.
The put_in_text_file function writes the KCM output to a text file and does not create a copy. Once
written to a file, the output is no longer available for a Template script and it does not appear in the result
document. The reason for this is that KCM stores produced text in an internal buffer. When you call the
put_in_text_file function, KCM writes the content of the buffer to the file, which clears the internal
Tip To create multiple files from one output, you can use the open buffer mechanism (see
Documents that KCM produces through the put_in_text_file( ) function are directly available for
opening after KCM successfully executes the put_in_text_file( ) function.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note The ASCII result document also contains word processor instructions such as text boxes, fields,
and footnotes. This may cause unexpected results as no attempt is made to maintain the layout of the
output document. Therefore, you should avoid using word processor instructions that will appear in
result documents when the put_in_text_file function is used.
An example is provided here.
This line will be stored in the file 'file.txt' on c:\temp, and will not appear in the
result document.
TEXT doc := put_in_text_file("file.txt"; "c:\temp"; "Y"; "N"; "N")
The file produced is @(doc).
These lines will appear in the result document because they are produced after the
put_in_text_file call above.
The function put_in_text_file2 writes produced text to a file. Text saved in this way does not appear
in the result document. You can use this function several times in a Template script so the text produced
up to the call is placed in the file.
This function produces a plain text document regardless of the word processor the Master Template
has been made with. The plain text document is encoded using the character set encoding specified
in the encoding parameter encoding. If the document content cannot be represented using the
specified character set encoding, an error is generated. Unlike the put_in_text_file function, the
put_in_text_file2 function does not support processing of Includes.
put_in_text_file2 ("textfile_to_be_produced";
"overwrite Y/N";
The function put_in_text_file2 requires four parameters:
textfile_to_be_produced, type TEXT. This is the name of the document.
path/folder_of_the_text_file, type TEXT. The path and name of the folder or a folder that the
text file is written to.
overwrite, type TEXT, Y or N. When you set this parameter to Y, the existing file is overwritten; when
you set this parameter to N, the end user is prompted to specify an alternative file name and folder.
Interactivity is not possible in a KCM Core environment.
encoding, type TEXT. The value must be one of the following: UTF-8, UTF-8bom, UTF-16,
ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 and 1252. This parameter specifies the character set encoding of the plain
text document that is to be written.
The put_in_text_file2 function writes the KCM output to a text file and does not create a copy. Once
written to a file, the output is no longer available for a Template script and it does not appear in the result
document. The reason for this is that KCM stores produced text in an internal buffer. When you call the
put_in_text_file2 function, KCM writes the content of the buffer to the file, which clears the internal
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Tip To create multiple files from one output, you can use the open buffer mechanism (see
Documents that KCM produces through the put_in_text_file( ) function are directly available for
opening after KCM successfully executes the put_in_text_file2( ) function.
Note The plain text result document also contains word processor instructions such as text boxes, fields,
and footnotes. This may cause unexpected results as KCM makes no attempt to maintain the layout of
the output document. Therefore, you should avoid using word processor instructions that will appear in
result documents when the put_in_text_file2 function is used.
An example is provided here.
This line will be stored in the file 'file.txt' on c:\temp, and will not appear in the
result document.
TEXT doc := put_in_text_file2("file.txt"; "c:\temp"; "Y"; "ISO-8859-1")
The file produced is @(doc).
These lines will appear in the result document because they are produced after the
put_in_text_file2 call above.
The UTF-8bom (UTF-8 + byte-order marker) encoding is introduced in KCM Core version 4.2.3.
The add_to_output function puts output in a document. Multiple calls to add_to_output( ) are
concatenated into one output document.
add_to_output ( "outputdocument_to_be_produced";
"Overwrite Y/N"; "pagination (ignored)";
"process_includes Y/N" )
The result of this function is of type TEXT, it is the path and name of the document produced. A TXT
template produces a TXT file; a Microsoft Word template produces a Microsoft Word document.
This function has five input parameters of type TEXT:
outputdocument_to_be_produced, type TEXT. This is the name of the produced document.
path_folder_of_the_output_document, type TEXT. The path and name of the folder or a folder
that the output document is written to.
overwrite, Y or N, type TEXT. When you set this parameter to Y, the existing document is overridden;
when you set this parameter to N, the end user is prompted to specify an alternative file name or folder.
Interactivity is not possible in a KCM Core environment.
pagination, type TEXT. The value of this parameter is ignored.
process_includes, Y or N, type TEXT. Resolve __INC post-includes in the result document. When
you have enabled the check box Process includes on the Run tab of KCM Core Administrator, KCM
always resolves post-includes.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The add_to_output( ) function writes the KCM output to a text file and does not create a copy. Once
written to a file, the output is no longer available for a Template script and it does not appear in the result
document. The reason for this is that KCM stores produced text in an internal buffer. When you call the
put_in_text function, KCM writes the content of the buffer to the file, which clears the internal buffer.
Tip To create multiple files from one output, you can use the open_buffer mechanism (see
Documents that KCM produces through the add_to_output( ) function are directly available for
opening after KCM successfully executes the put_in_text_file2( ) function.
An example is provided here.
TEXT outputdocument_to_be_produced := "output.doc"
TEXT path_folder_of_the_output_document := "c:\temp\"
This is the first part of the result document that will be put in the output document.
TEXT doc := add_to_output(outputdocument_to_be_produced;
path_folder_of_the_output_document; "Y"; "N"; "N")
This is the text that is produced after the first function call. It will also be placed
in the output document by the next function call.
ASSIGN doc := add_to_output(outputdocument_to_be_produced;
path_folder_of_the_output_document; "Y"; "N"; "N")
The file produced is @(doc).
Note If you call the function add_to_output( ) in a Microsoft Word DOC model, you should be aware
that the final output document must end with a paragraph ending.
This function is always used in combination with the put_buffer_in_document function (see
put_buffer_in_document). These functions together save parts of a result document to a location
on the file system while the saved part is also written to the result document, as opposed to the
put_in_document function (for more information on the put_in_document function, see
put_in_document). This function can only be used in KCM Core.
The function open_buffer indicates the position in a Template script from where the result text is saved.
The marker is placed in the result document wherever this function is called.
open_buffer ( marker_name )
The function yields a result type BOOL: TRUE if the marker is successfully placed, FALSE if it failed to set
the marker or if the function is not supported.
The function open_buffer has one parameter:
marker_name, type TEXT. The function places a marker with this name at the position in a Template
script where it is called. The markers are case-sensitive.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Important If creation of the document is delayed, it may later cause a fatal error.
The function open_buffer fails if the name of the buffer is invalid (empty).
You can call this function repeatedly throughout a Template script and store several fragments of the result
text if you use a unique marker_name.
Note If the function open_buffer is called more than once with the same value for the parameter, only
the last position of the marker is saved.
An example is provided here.
BOOL ok := open_buffer( "example" )
The marker example is placed in the text where this line is in the Template script. The success of this
action is stored in ok.
The put_buffer_in_document function is always used in combination with the open_buffer function
(see open_buffer). This function can only be used in combination with KCM Core.
These functions together save parts of a result document to a location on the file system while the
saved part is also written to the result document, as opposed to the put_in_document function (see
The put_buffer_in_document function saves all text from the location where the marker tag was
registered up to the call to this function. Markers are registered using the function open_buffer.
put_buffer_in_document ( document_name;folder_name;overwrite_Y/N;
pagination_Y/N;process_includes_Y/N;marker_name )
The result of the function is of type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the result document could be written.
The function yields FALSE if the file could not be written or if the function is not supported.
The function put_buffer_in_document call has six parameters separated by semicolons:
document_name, type TEXT. This is the name of the document that will contain the text fragment.
folder_name, type TEXT. Path and name of the folder that the file is written to. This folder must exist.
overwrite, Y or N, type TEXT. When you set this parameter to Y, the existing document is
pagination, Y or N, type TEXT. The value of the option is ignored, but the parameter must be
provided. Enter N.
process_includes, type TEXT, with accepted values Y or N. If this parameter is set to Y, KCM
always includes post-includes. If this parameter is set to N, the global post-include configuration
determines whether or not post-includes are included. KCM Core enables the lazy post-include feature
by default. The Master Template should use the @(inc(...)) construction to ensure that documents
are included correctly. For more information, see inc.
marker_name, type TEXT. The name of the marker from where the result text has to be saved. This
marker must have been placed with the open_buffer function (see open_buffer).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function put_buffer_in_document fails if one of the following conditions is met:
The name of the buffer is invalid (empty).
The buffer has not been opened with the function open_buffer.
The document cannot be written.
The document already exists and the overwrite parameter is not set to Y.
Calling the function put_buffer_in_document removes the marker specified.
An example is provided here.
BOOL ok2 := put_buffer_in_document( "document";
"folder"; "Y"; "Y"; "N"; "example" )
Part of the result text starting with the marker example is written to the file document that resides in the
folder folder. If the file already exists, it is overwritten. pagination is not yet implemented and post-
includes set with __INC are not processed. After this, the marker example is removed from the result
The use of the pragma function allows the Master template to override selected features in the execution
process and the creation of result documents.
pragma ( feature_name;feature_value )
The result of this function is of type TEXT and contains the necessary word processor instructions. These
instructions should be put into the result document with the construction @(pragma (...)), unless
otherwise specified.
The pragma function requires two parameters of type TEXT:
feature_name, type TEXT. This is the type of feature to be modified.
feature_value, type TEXT. This is the new value of the feature.
The following table describes the currently supported features.
Note Incorrect use of this function can result in documents that cannot be opened by the word
processor. If a feature is not supported by the word processor support, it is silently ignored.
Feature Value Effect
Template path\template name Replaces the template of the result
document with the template given as
feature_value. In Microsoft Word
DOC Master Templates, the template
must be specified as a file system
path. In Microsoft Word DOCX
Master Templates, the template
must be specified as a valid URL.
For example, {path}:\templates
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
UnicodeEuro Y or N Activates (Y) or deactivates (N) within
the Template script the translation
of single-byte euro characters to
Unicode euro characters. This
functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word DOC Master
CurrencyEuro Y or N Activates (Y) or deactivates (N) within
the Template script the translation of
the International Currency Symbol
to Unicode euro characters. This
functionality is only supported for
Microsoft Word Master Templates
(both DOC and DOCX).
FormField: bookmark:Default Any text Sets the default content for a Form
Field. The formatting of the default
text should match the formatting
mask. This functionality is only
supported for Microsoft Word DOC
Master Templates.
FormField: bookmark:Format A formatting mask Sets the formatting mask for a
Form Field. This functionality is only
supported for Microsoft Word DOC
Master Templates.
FormField: bookmark:Help Any text Sets the text of a Form Field shown
if the end user presses F1. This
functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word DOC Master
FormField: bookmark:Status Any text Sets the text of a Form field shown
in the status bar. This functionality
is only supported for Microsoft Word
DOC Master Templates.
FormField: bookmark:Checked Y or N Y sets the check boxes of a Form
Field in the Checked state. N
removes the check boxes. This
functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word DOC Master
FormPassword 0 or "" (an empty value) 0 protects the result document
with Form Fields with an empty
password. An empty value protects
the result document with an unknown
password. This functionality is only
supported for Microsoft Word DOC
Master Templates.
RevisionMarking Y or N Enables or disables revision marking.
This functionality is only supported for
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
RevisionMarkingActive Y or N Enables or disables the tracking of
new changes in the document. This
functionality is only supported for
RevisionMarkingPassword password Changes the revision marking
password. If the password is enabled,
the end user cannot change the
revision marking options. An empty
password disables the password
protection. This functionality is only
supported for OpenOffice.org.
Password password Sets a password that write protects
the section in which the function
is called. This functionality is only
supported for OpenOffice.org.
Reset "textboxchains" or "lists" or
Resets aspects of an Microsoft Word
document (both DOC and DOCX).
Value textboxchains resets the chains
of the text boxes in the document.
Should be called in the body of the
document (not in the header, footer,
or text box itself). Value lists resets
all numbered lists so they restart
numbering the next time they are
produced as output. Value list resets
only the first numbered list produced
as output after the pragma function.
LOCALE:LC_MONETARY:int_curr_symbol int_curr_symbol The representation of the multi-
character currency code (U).
LOCALE:LC_MONETARY:currency_symbol currency_symbol The representation of the single-
character currency code ($).
LOCALE:LC_NUMERIC:decimal_point decimal_point The representation of the decimal
point (.).
LOCALE:LC_NUMERIC:thousands_sep thousands_sep The representation of the thousands
separator (,).
AutoInsertSeparator text Can be used with the keyword
statement) or with the AUTOINSERT
keyword in a FORM. It sets the text
generated after each Text Block.
AutoInsertTerminator text Can be used with the keyword
statement) or with the AUTOINSERT
keyword in a FORM. It sets the text
generated after the last Text Block.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
AutoInsertPrefix prefix Can be used with automatically
inserted Text Block questions in a
FORM or in a dynamic FORM (see
FORM). It contains the prefix of the
set of Text Block styles that needs
to be applied to the Text Blocks
inserted by the FORM. By default,
KCM searches for the Text Block
styles with an ITP prefix.
AutoInsertParagraph paragraph sign Can be used with automatically
inserted Text Block questions in a
FORM or in a dynamic FORM (see
FORM). It contains the paragraph
sign that holds the style applied to the
Text Block. It is mainly used when a
Text Block needs to be inserted into
a table cell. To insert this Text Block
into a table cell, the paragraph sign
needs to be declared within a table
cell itself as well. A corrupted result
document could be produced if an
incorrect paragraph sign is used.
ChangePassword 0 or "" (an empty value) 0 protects the result document with
an empty password. An empty value
protects the result document with an
unknown password. This function
activates the same password as the
function FormPassword but without
enabling the Form Field protection
This functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word DOC Master
EnhancedUnicodeSupport Y, N, or ? Overrides the setting
EnhancedUnicodeSupport in
the current environment for all
subsequent text-based comparisons
that are performed by the Master
Template. This pragma can be called
more than once to switch behavior
within the Master Template. A call to
this pragma sets a new value for the
setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport
and returns the previous value. The
output of the pragma function call
does not have to be put into the result
The value ? can be used to inquire
the current value of the setting
EnhancedUnicodeSupport without
changing it.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
EnhancedUnicodeMaps Y, N, or ? Overrides the setting
EnhancedUnicodeMaps in the
current environment. You can use
this pragma only before you make
the first MAP assignment. Any
attempt to change this setting after
the first assignment results in a
fatal error. A call to this pragma
sets a new value for the setting
EnhancedUnicodeMaps and returns
the previous value. The output of the
pragma function call does not have to
be put into the result document.
You can use the value ? to inquire
the current value of the setting
EnhancedUnicodeMaps without
changing it.
FacingPages Y, N, M, or P Determines how the "different odd
or even" setting for the headers and
footers is controlled. This option
affects the whole document, it cannot
be changed in different sections.
The following values are supported:
Y: Enables the setting;
N: Disables the setting;
M: Uses the setting from the Master
P: If the function pagestyle
(see pagestyle) is used, enables
the setting if any of the template
documents has the setting enabled;
otherwise, disables the setting. If the
function pagestyle is not used, use
the setting from the Master Template.
The option P is the default behavior.
This functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word Master Templates
(both DOC and DOCX).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
MergeIncludeStyles Y or N Determines how styles in documents
that are included through the inc
function are processed.
The following values are supported:
Y: Replaces styles in the Includes
with the styles from the parent
document. The layout of the Include
might change to match the parent
N: Renames styles and document
defaults in the Include. The original
layout of the include document is
maintained as best as possible.
The option Y is the default behavior.
This functionality is only supported
for Microsoft Word DOCX Master
OverrideSFP Y, N, or "" (an empty value) Overrides the
option for the current Text Block.
The following values are supported:
Y: Enables
N: Disables
"": Disables previous overrides and
uses the option as used with the
TEXTBLOCK statement.
This function should be called from
within a FORMAT function (see
FORMAT functions called from within
the Text Block. It returns Y if the
option was applied correctly; N if the
value is unsupported. Other values
indicate that the function was not
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
TextblockTableStyle A style name or "" (an empty
Overrides the table style used to
format the current table in a Text
Block. The following values are
table: Uses the default table style
(ITP_table). "": Uses the default table
style (ITP_table). xxx: Uses a specific
table style (ITP_xxx).
The style name is subject
to the STYLE_PREFIX and
This function should be called from
within a FORMAT function called
within the table. It returns Y if the
option was applied correctly. Any
other value indicates that the function
was not recognized. This function
has no effect in Rich Text Blocks. The
resulting table style must exist in the
style sheet of the result document.
LOCALE settings
The settings LOCALE set the outcome of the function Format. The symbols set with LOCALE override
the language specific settings when the function is used.
Examples are provided here.
@(pragma("Template"; "c:\Word97\Templates\custom.dot"))
@(pragma("UnicodeEuro"; "Y"))
@(pragma("UnicodeEuro"; "N"))
@(pragma("FormField:Amount:Default"; "12,00"))
TEXT old_state := pragma ("EnhancedUnicodeSupport"; "N")
ASSIGN first_10_bytes := text_fragment (something; 1; 10)
TEXT ignored := pragma ("EnhancedUnicodeSupport"; old_state)
Obtain the first ten bytes of something regardless of the setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport.
The pragma_struct function allows the Master Template to override selected features in the execution
process and the creation of result documents.
FUNC TEXT pragma_struct (CONST TEXT feature_name; CONST TEXT feature_value;
DATASTRUCTURE data_structure)
The result of this function is of TEXT.
The pragma function requires three parameters:
feature_name, type TEXT. The type of feature to be applied.
feature_value, type TEXT. Depends on the feature to be applied.
data_structure, any DATASTRUCTURE variable or _data.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following table lists currently supported features.
Feature Value Effect Result Required KCM Core
Output Header text Writes feature_value,
followed by the full content of
data_structure, formatted as
XML into the result document.
This function is intended for
testing purposes only. All
word processor content is
stripped. This function is ignored
when AIADOCXML output is
requested and returns N.
Y if the
output was
WriteDebugLog Header text Writes
by the full content of
data_structure, formatted as
XML into the debug log file.
Y if debug
enabled; N
Any unsupported feature values are silently ignored and return an empty TEXT.
The resulting value of the pragma_struct function may contain word processor instructions. You should
put these instructions in the result document using the @(...) construction. Manipulation of such a result
using text_fragment, fragment_of_characters, replace or similar functions is not supported and
can result in invalid result documents.
The system function starts a Microsoft Windows command line and passes a command to it. You can
also specify to wait for the result of the command line.
system ( command, wait Y/N )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER.
This function has two parameters:
1. command, type TEXT. This is the command line to be executed. This command line must be a valid
Microsoft Windows command line.
2. wait, type TEXT, Y or N. When you set this parameter to Y, KCM waits until the started command
terminates. When you set this parameter to N, KCM continues as soon as the command has been
Return codes
The result of the function is of type NUMBER and can be one of the values described in the following
<0: The command could not be started. The values is equal
to the negative error code. Waitparameter is N:
0: The command was started. Waitparameter is Y:
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
>= 0: The command was started. The value is equal to the
return code of the command.
An example is provided here.
NUMBER return_code
ASSIGN return_code := system("c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe" ; "N")
Note The function only works if notepad is located in c:\winnt\system32.
The itp_setting function allows the Master Template to retrieve settings from the current KCM
configuration file.
itp_setting (setting_to_be_retrieved)
The result of this function is of type TEXT. It contains the value of the setting from the KCM configuration
file or an empty string if the setting was not present.
This function requires one parameter:
setting_to_be_retrieved, type TEXT. This is the setting to be retrieved.
You can add private settings to the configuration file if they do not start with KCM.
An example is provided here.
TEXT temp_dir := itp_setting("ITPTMPDIR")
With the function document_property, you can set a predefined Microsoft Word document property.
The function result is a Microsoft Word instruction set with the specified document property. The Master
Template must produce this instruction in the result document to have effect.
document_property (property_name; set_to_text)
This function yields a value of type TEXT.
The function document_property has two parameters divided by semicolons:
1. property_name, type TEXT. This is the name of the property that should be set. See Microsoft
Word document property names.
2. set_to_text, type TEXT. This is the text the property must be set to.
The document_property function is only supported for Microsoft Word Master Templates.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Microsoft Word document property names
The document_property function recognizes the following predefined Microsoft Word document
properties. These properties are supported for both DOC and DOCX Master Templates.
Property Value
Title Any text
Category Any text
Subject Any text
Author Any text
Keywords Any text
Comments Any text
Manager Any text
Company Any text
Createtime Date
Printtime Date
Savetime Date
Status (DOCX only) Any text
The date for the CreateTime, PrintTme, and SaveTime properties must be specified as a text in either
YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. An optional DATE: prefix is allowed.
An example is provided here.
@(document_property("Title"; "This is the document title"))
@(document_property("Createtime"; "20041231124353"))
Custom properties
All properties that are not recognized as a predefined property are added to the custom property list of the
document. The type of the property can be set by adding a prefix to the value.
Type Prefix
Text property None
Date property DATE:
Number property NUMBER:
When dates must be added to the Custom property list, they must be specified in either
DATE:YYYYMMDD or DATE:YYYYMMDDhhmmss format. The prefix DATE: is required.
An example is provided here.
@(document_property("Archival ID"; "KR35A"))
@(document_property("Date Received"; "DATE:20010702"))
@(document_property("Document Number"; "NUMBER:53245"))
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function is deprecated. Use the Field Set _Document instead (see _Document).
With the itpserver_parameter function, you can pass information back to KCM Core or KCM
ComposerUI Server when the Master Template is run by KCM Core or KCM ComposerUI Server.
itpserver_parameter ( parameter_name;
return_value )
The function result is of type BOOL. The function always returns TRUE.
The itpserver_parameter function has two parameters divided by semicolons:
1. parameter_name, type TEXT. This is the name of the parameter as it is known or used in KCM
2. return_value, type TEXT. This is the value to be returned for the parameter.
This function is intended to be used with the itp_parameter function in KCM Core scripts. The data
marked and passed with itpserver_parameter function in the Master Template can be read in a KCM
Core script with the itp_parameter function. To retrieve the value, the itp_parameter function takes
the identifier parameter_name set in tpserver_parameter as parameter.
Note To run a Master Template containing this feature, you need KCM Core or KCM ComposerUI
An example is provided here.
In the Master Template.
BOOL dummy := itpserver_parameter ("print"; "yes, please")
The variable dummy is used to contain the return value of the function in the KCM Core script.
do_we_print_it = itp_parameter
The function itpserver_parameter supersedes the function itpds_parameter that is obsolete
The runmodel_setting function can be used to retrieve information on the KCM context in which the
Master Template is run. The function has one parameter of type TEXT that contains the setting that the
function retrieves.
The function result is of type TEXT and holds the retrieved value.
The supported settings are the following:
ResultDocument. Retrieves the path and name of the ResultDocument.
Environment. Retrieves the name of the KCM Core environment in which the Master Template is run.
Session. Retrieves the session folder of KCM ComposerUI Server.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Product. Retrieves the KCM product used to run Master Templates.
User. Retrieves the user account with which KCM Core is run.
Project. Returns the default KCM Repository project in which KCM Core locates Text Block Lists and
Text Blocks. The RepositoryProject configuration setting in the active KCM Core environment is used
as the default project. If this setting is not specified, the project from the Master Template is used as the
default project.
Model. Retrieves the path and name of the Master Template on the local filesystem.
ModelRepositoryName. Retrieves the name of the Master Template as it was known in the KCM
ModelRevision. Retrieves the revision of the Master Template. The retrieved revision includes the
KCM Repository identification.
RepositoryCreator. Retrieves the KCM Repository user who compiled the Master Template.
RepositoryCompileDate. Retrieves the date the Master Template was compiled.
RepositoryProjectType. Retrieves the type of project the Master Template was created in. Possible
return values are Fragment for Data Backbone Libraries, DataBackbone for Projects created with
KCM Repository version 4.1.3 or higher, or Classic for Projects created with KCM Repository before
version 4.1.3.
ITPVersion. The version of KCM Core in VRM format.
ITPFullVersion. The version of KCM Core in extended format.
OutputMode. The type of output currently being produced by the Master Template. The Output Mode
is specified when the Master Template is started but can be changed in KCM Enterprise for every
alternative. Possible return values are: native, utf8, utf16, xml.
An example is provided here.
TEXT result := runmodel_setting("ResultDocument")
TEXT user := runmodel_setting("User")
The settings ModelRepositoryName, ModelRevision, RepositoryCreator, and RepositoryCompileDate are
stored in the Master Template at the moment it is compiled in KCM Repository. If the Master Template is
renamed later, moved, imported, or exported, this information is kept unmodified. Master Templates must
be compiled with KCM Repository version 3.5.11 or higher to include this information.
The itpserver_setting function can be used to retrieve information on the KCM Core context in
which the Master Template is run.
The function has one parameter of type TEXT that contains the setting that the function retrieves. The
function result is of type TEXT and holds the retrieved value.
Supported settings are the following:
_JobID retrieves the KCM Core Job Identifier of the current request.
_User retrieves the user who submitted the request. For KCM Core requests, this returns the user
profile of the user who submitted the request; for KCM ComposerUIrequests, this returns the user
credentials used to authenticate with KCM ComposerUI.
_ApplicationID retrieves the application id of the KCM ComposerUI IIS application or the application
name of the KCM ComposerUI J2EE application.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
_Server retrieves the Microsoft Windows Service name of the KCM Document Processor running the
script that is accessing this constant.
_Service retrieves the text "Load Balancer Interface:" followed by the name of the KCM Core service
accessing this constant.
_ServerName retrieves the name of the KCM Core installation.
TempDir retrieves the temp location created of the KCM Document Processor.
ITPWorkDir retrieves the folder ITPWORK of a KCM Core setup.
KCM Core Constants can be used to retrieve the value of KCM Core constants. KCM Core
constants are defined on the Constants tab of the Services. Their value can be retrieved with the
itpserver_setting function passing the name of the constant as parameter.
An example is provided here.
TEXT server :=
TEXT temp :=
The environment_setting function can be used to retrieve information on the Microsoft Windows
context in which the Master Template is run.
The function has one parameter of type TEXT that contains the setting that the function retrieves. The
function result is of type TEXT and holds the retrieved value.
All Microsoft Windows environment settings can be retrieved by passing their name as parameter to the
environment_setting function.
An example is provided here.
TEXT domain :=
You can use the function session_parameter to retrieve session parameters from the current session
in which the Master Template is run.
The function has one parameter of type TEXT containing the name of the session parameter that the
function retrieves.
The function results in type TEXT and holds the retrieved value.
An example is provided here.
TEXT value1 :=
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The create_csv function is used to create a text string with comma separated values from an ARRAY
create_csv ( list; number of elements)
The function has two parameters:
1. list, type ARRAY TEXT; contains the elements that should be contained in the text string with
comma separated values.
2. number_of elements, type NUMBER; contains the number of elements from the list that should be
included in the result.
The result of the function is type TEXT.
Note Use straight quote (") for text strings.
Tip You can use the create_csv function to create a comma-separated list of Text Block names that
can be used with the statement TEXTBLOCK.
The split_csv function is used to split a text string containing comma-separated values into separate
values. You can use this function to split up lines taken from a CSV file.
split_csv ( csv; list )
The function has two parameters:
1. csv, type TEXT; contains the comma-separated values text string that needs to be split.
2. list, type ARRAY TEXT; contains the ARRAY where the separate values are stored.
The result of the function is of type NUMBER. This is the number of elements that were extracted from the
text string comma-separated values. If an empty text string is passed as the parameter csv, the result is1,
and the parameter list contains one element that is empty.
The add_user_xml function is deprecated. Use the Field Set instead (see _Document).
You can use this function for a Master Template to add user-defined data to the metadata XML file that
also contains Master Template run information.
A metadata XML file can only be generated for Document Template runs that do not have OutputMode
set to "pack".
TEXT ignore := add_user_xml ( k; v )
The preceding call adds the key k and the value v to the XML metadata file if that file is generated. It
inserts an element that looks in the following way.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The return value of the function should be ignored. The parameters are both of type CONST TEXT.
The stylesheet function specifies a Style Sheet applied to the result document once the function has
been called. This Style Sheet overrides the styles in the result document when the document is produced.
TEXT ignore := stylesheet ( brand; stylesheet)
The result of the function stylesheet is of type TEXT.
This function has two parameters:
1. brand, type TEXT; the brand the Style Sheet belongs to. You can use brands to group associated
styles to implement multi-labeling.
2. stylesheet, type TEXT; the name of the Style Sheet. If this parameter is empty, the previous
override is canceled.
The result of the function stylesheet is of type TEXT. It is currently undefined and should be ignored.
The function stylesheet has the following effect on result documents:
The result document uses the Style Sheet that was specified when the Master Template was finished.
Documents produced with the put_in_document function (see put_in_document) and
put_buffer_in_document function (see put_buffer_in_document) use the Style Sheet that was last
to be specified before the function was called.
Documents produced with the add_to_output function (see add_to_output) use the Style Sheet
that was last to be specified before the first add_to_output function was called to create the result
The functionality of the function stylesheet is only available for KCM Microsoft Word output (both DOC
and DOCX) and is ignored for other document formats.
An example is provided here.
TEXT ignore := stylesheet ("Insurance For Life"; "Invoice")
TEXT path := put_in_document ("invoice.doc"; path; "Y"; "N"; "N")
ASSIGN ignore := stylesheet ("Insurance For Life"; "Policy")
The pagestyle function inserts a section break and applies the page settings from the specified page
style document.
@(pagestyle (brand; template))
The result of the function pagestyle is of type TEXT.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function has two parameters:
1. brand, type TEXT; the brand that the template belongs to. You can use brands to group associated
styles to implement multi-labeling.
2. template, type TEXT; the name of the template document. The page settings of the first page of
this document are applied.
The result of the pagestyle function must be put into the result document to have an effect.
The first time the pagestyle function is applied to a result document, it does not insert a section
break. This gives the script developer the ability to use this function to set the page style for the initial
section of the document. Any subsequent applications automatically insert a new section break. If the
function pagestyle is applied for the first time after producing some initial pages, the script developer is
responsible for inserting a section break manually immediately followed by the function pagestyle.
In KCM Enterprise, the function pagestyle does not insert a section break the first time it is used for any
document or document alternative produced by the Master Template. Any subsequent applications within
each document or document alternative automatically insert a new section break.
The attributes of the section break are derived from the first section of the template document. Headers
and footers are not copied from the template document but inherited from the previous section (if any) of
the result document. The functions headers and footers can be used to make changes to the section.
The function pagestyle also sets the "different odd and even" setting in the result document. If any of
the template documents has this option enabled, it is also enabled in the result document. If none of the
template documents has this option enabled, it is disabled in the result document. This feature can be
disabled with the pragma function (see pragma).
The functionality of the function pagestyle is only available for the KCM Microsoft Word output (both
DOC and DOCX) and ignored for other document formats.
You cannot use the function pagestyle to introduce a section break within a table in the result
document. This results in a run-time error. If the new section must begin with a table, the function
pagestyle must be called before the table is created.
An example is provided here.
@(pagestyle ("Insurance For Life"; "Invoice"))
@(pagestyle ("Insurance For Life"; "Policy"))
The language_code function enables you to change the Template scripting output language. The
Template scripting output language is used to execute certain functions that convert values depending
on the language such as date (see date), date_in_words (see date_in_words), number (see
number), number_in_words (see number_in_words), amount_in_words (see amount_in_words), and
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
format_date (see format_date). The default output language can be set with KCM Core Administrator.
Whenever you start a Master Template, KCM sets the output language to the value of this setting.
language_code ( language )
The result of this function is of type TEXT. This is the Template scripting output language selected.
This function has one parameter:
language, required, type TEXT. One of the KCM or RFC 1766 language codes. For more information
on the codes, see Supported KCM output languages.
Supported KCM output languages
The language_code function accepts both the KCM and RFC 1766 language codes presented in the
following table. The language_code function always returns the KCM language code for the selected
The RFC 1766 language codes are case-insensitive.
ITP RFC 1766 Language Country
DAN da-DK Danish Denmark
DES de-CH German Switzerland
DEU de-DE German Germany
ENG en-GB English Great Britain
ENU en-US English United States
ESP es-ES Spanish Spain
FRA fr-FR French France
FRB fr-BE French Belgium
FRS fr-CH French Switzerland
HUN hu-HU Hungarian Hungary
ITS it-CH Italian Italy
NLB nl-BE Dutch Belgium
NLD nl-NL Dutch The Netherlands
POL pl-PL Polish Poland
PTG pt-PT Portuguese Portugal
SVE sv-SE Swedish Sweden
If support for the requested language could not be found, the current language is not changed, and the old
language setting is returned.
Examples are provided here.
ASSIGN language := language_code( "ENG" )
ASSIGN language := language_code( "en-GB" )
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Both calls to the language_code function select the English (Great Britain) language support. Both calls
return the Template scripting language code ENG.
ASSIGN language := language_code ( "X-Query")
The below call retrieves the currently active language code by attempting to switch to a non-existing
The Polish and Hungarian languages use characters that are not present in the latin-1 character
set. Therefore, the functions uppercases, uppercase2, and lowercase2 may not always
result in the desired output. If the language_code is set to HUN or POL, you should use the
function compare_characters (see compare_characters) to compare two TEXTs, the function
fragment_of_characters (see number_of_characters) to separate a fragment from a TEXT, and the
function number_of_characters (see number_of_characters) to calculate the length of a string.
The function date_in_words (see date_in_words) is not supported for the Polish language.
The function area_in_words (see area_in_words) is not supported for the Hungarian language.
Support for the RFC 1766 language codes is introduced in KCM Core 4.4
The headers function gives the script developer the ability to specify the headers for the current section
of the document.
@(headers (first; odd; even))
The result of the headers function is of type TEXT.
This function has three parameters:
1. first, type TEXT. This is the content for the header on the first page. The content depends on the
specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
2. odd, type TEXT. This is the content for the headers on odd numbered pages. The content depends
on the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
3. even, type TEXT. This is the content for the headers on even numbered pages. The content
depends on the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
The result of the function headers is of type TEXT. The output of this function has effect at the location
where it is put into the result document.
If the result of multiple calls to the headers function is put in the same section, only the last result has
impact on the section.
The functionality of the headers function is only available for KCM Microsoft Word output (both DOC and
DOCX) and ignored for other document formats.
An example is provided here.
@(headers ("First page header"; ""; "Even page header containing two lines of text.")
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The option "Different first page" in the Microsoft Word GUI controls whether the first page header is shown
on the first page. If this option is disabled in a section, the first page header is not shown, though it is
present in the result document.
The option "Different odd and even" in the Microsoft Word GUI applies to the complete document and is
controlled by the setting from the Template script. It can be changed with the pagestyle function (see
pagestyle) or the pragma function (see pagestyle).
All headers must end with a paragraph break. As Microsoft Word accept headers that do not end with a
paragraph break, the behavior is undefined.
Tip You can disable a header by specifying an empty string for that header. This takes up the white
space around the headers compared to a header that is empty. This feature is not available in the
Microsoft Word GUI.
The footers function gives the script developer the ability to specify the footers for the current section of
the document.
@(footers (first; odd; even))
The result of the function footers is of type TEXT. This function has three parameters:
1. first, type TEXT. This is the content for the footer on the first page. The content depends on the
specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
2. odd, type TEXT. This is the content for the footers on odd numbered pages. The content depends on
the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template
3. even, type TEXT. This is the content for the footers on even numbered pages. The content depends
on the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
The result of the function footers is of type TEXT. The output of this function has effect at the location
where it is put into the result document.
If the result of multiple calls to the function footers is put in the same section, only the last result has
impact on the section.
The functionality of the function footers is only available for KCM Microsoft Word output (both DOC and
DOCX) and ignored for other document formats.
An example is provided here.
@(footers ("First page footer"; ""; "Even page footer containing two lines of text.")
The option "Different first page" in the Microsoft Word GUI controls whether the first page footer is shown
on the first page. If this option is disabled in a section, the first page footer is not shown, even though it is
present in the result document.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The option "Different odd and even" in the Microsoft Word GUI applies to the complete document and is
controlled by the setting from the Template script. It can be changed with the pagestyle function (see
pagestyle) or the pragma function (see pragma).
All footers must end with a paragraph break. As Microsoft Word accepts footers that do not end with a
paragraph break, the behavior is undefined.
You can disable a footer by specifying an empty string for that footer. This takes up the white space
around the footers compared to a footer that is empty. This feature is not available in the Microsoft Word
The paper_types function gives the script developer the ability to specify paper settings for the current
section of the document.
@(paper_types (first; other))
The result of the function paper_types is of type TEXT.
This function has two parameters.
1. first, type TEXT. This is the paper type for the first page of the section. The content depends on
the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
2. other, type TEXT. This is the paper type for the subsequent pages of the section. The content
depends on the specific word processor you use to develop a Master Template.
The result of the function paper_types is of type TEXT. The output of this function takes effect at the
location where it is put into the result document.
If the result of multiple calls to the function paper_types is put in the same section, only the last result
has impact on the section.
The functionality of the function paper_types is only available for KCM Microsoft Word output (both
DOC and DOCX) and ignored for other document formats.
An example is provided here.
@(paper_types("2"; "3"))
The function paper_types sets the paper tray selections for the current section. Both the first and other
parameter must be decimal numbers. The exact values for these parameters depend on the target printer
driver used to print the result document.
The insert_image function inserts an image into the result document during Master Template
execution. The image is read from the file system or passed as base-64 encoded data. Sizing and
placement can be controlled through parameters.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
@(insert_image (filename; x; y; width; height; ...))
The result of the function insert_image is of type TEXT.
This function has a variable number of parameters:
1. filename, type TEXT. This is the name of the file containing the image.
2. x, type TEXT; optional. This is the X-coordinate where the image should be placed on the page.
3. y, type TEXT; optional. This is the Y-coordinate where the image should be placed on the page.
4. width, type TEXT; optional; width of the image.
5. height, type TEXT; optional; height of the image.
The result of the function insert_image must be inserted in the result document to take effect.
In addition to the preceding parameters, the function insert_image has a number of optional
parameters that can only be used if they are specified by name. The following is a list of the optional
1. base64data, type TEXT. It loads image data from a variable or Field.
2. resource, type TEXT. It loads image data from the Resources folder in KCM Designer.
3. keepaspect, type TEXT. It maintains aspect ratio when resizing the image. Allowed values are Y
(default) or N.
4. align, type TEXT. It aligns the image relatively to the x and y coordinates.
5. overtext, type TEXT. It controls placement of the image relatively to the text. Allowed values are Y
or N (default).
6. wrap, type TEXT. It determines if text should be wrapped around the image. Allowed values are
none (default), square, and topbottom.
7. dpi, type TEXT. It overrides the DPI ratio of the image when calculating its size.
8. resample, type TEXT. It resamples the image before storing it in the Microsoft Word document.
9. title, type TEXT. Specifies a title for the image.
10. description, type TEXT. Specifies a description for the image. If this parameter is omitted, the file
part of the filename parameter is used as the description.
For more information on the parameters, see Named parameters.
The functionality of the function insert_image is only available for Master Templates in the Microsoft
Word DOCX output. In Quick Templates and Master Templates in other document formats, the use of this
function is ignored.
The function insert_image is introduced in KCM version 4.4 and requires KCM Core 4.4 or later.
Named parameters
All parameters on the insert_image function can be specified by name using the notation
parameter_name:= value. Named parameters must follow all positional parameters.
Examples are provided here.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The following four expressions, mixing positional, and named parameters are equivalent:
@(insert_image (image; "1cm"; "2cm"; w; h))
@(insert_image (filename:=image; x:="1cm"; y:="2cm"; width:=w; height:=h))
@(insert_image (image; "1cm"; "2cm"; width:=w; height:=h))
@(insert_image (height:=h; width:=w; y:="2cm"; x:="1cm"; filename:=image))
The following expressions are incorrect and cause compilation errors:
@(insert_image (filename:=image; "1cm"; "2cm"; w; h))
@(insert_image (image; "1cm"; "2cm"; w; h; filename:=image))
Supported image formats
The following image formats are supported by the insert_image function:
Measurements and units
The function insert_image supports measurements in the following units:
centimeters (cm)
inches (in or '"')
points (pt)
English Metrical Unit (emu) -- base unit internally used by Microsoft Word
The unit must always be explicitly specified. No spaces are allowed between number and unit. Fractions
are always indicated with a decimal point. The following measurements are equivalent.
2.54cm = 1.0in = 1" = 72pt =
Note An empty string or a value of zero, such 0cm and 0in, is considered unspecified.
Image dimensions
KCM Core calculates the dimensions of an image automatically based on the properties of the image.
This calculation can be modified by providing the width and/or height parameters to override the
corresponding dimensions. The following requirements must be met:
No dimensions are specified: the size is calculated based on the number of pixels and the DPI property
of the image.
One dimension is specified: the other dimension is calculated relative to the original dimensions of the
Both dimensions are specified: the image is resized to fit within a box with the specified dimensions.
Both dimensions are resized by the same scale to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The parameter dpi can be used to override the DPI property of the image if neither width nor height is
The parameter keepaspect can be used to control the resizing of the image if both dimensions are
specified. If the parameter is set to N, the image is resized to fill the box and may cause the image to
stretch in one direction. If this parameter is set to Y or omitted, the aspect ratio of the image is maintained,
and the image is resized to fill the bounding box optimally.
Examples are provided here.
@(insert_image (logo))
This example uses the native dimensions of the image.
@(insert_image (logo; width:="4cm";
The preceding example resizes the image to fit within a 4cm x 2cm box. An image of 100x200 pixels
would be resized to 1cm x 2cm.
@(insert_image (logo; width:="4cm";
height:="2cm"; keepaspect:="N"))
The preceding example resizes and stretches the image to fill a 4cm x 2cm box. An image of 100x200
pixels would be stretched to 4cm x 2cm.
If the x and y parameters are omitted or have empty values, the image is positioned inline with the text. If
both x and y are specified, the image is positioned at the indicated position. If only x or y is specified, the
image cannot be placed, and an error is reported.
By default, positioning is relative to the upper left corner of the page. This can be controlled by adding the
following overrides to the parameter.
distance or distance;page to position relative to the left/top of the page.
distance;margin to position relative to the left/top margin of the text.
Examples are provided here.
[@(insert_image (image))]
The preceding example places the image inline in the paragraph between the brackets.
@(insert_image (logo; x:="4cm";
The preceding example places the image 4 cm from the left side of the page, 1 cm down from the top
Image alignment
If an image has to be scaled to fit the provided dimensions, and the aspect ratio of the image does not
match the dimensions, the image could end up being misaligned to the specified bounding box. The
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
align parameter can be used to dynamically calculate the placement of the image based on its effective
dimensions and the specified coordinates. The following alignment options are available:
NW (default) aligns the top-left corner of the image.
Center aligns the center of the image.
one of N, NE, W, E, SW, S or SE aligns to the corresponding cardinal corner of the image.
Examples are provided here.
@(insert_image (logo; x:="2cm";
This example places the image 2cm from the top and left edges of the paper.
@(insert_image (logo; x:="2cm"; y:="2cm";
The preceding example places the center of the image 2cm from the left and top margin of the paper.
@(insert_image (logo; x:="19cm"; y:="2cm";
The preceding example places the image 2cm from the top and right edges of the paper, such as 21 cm
wide, A4 sized.
Overlapping and text wrapping
Inline images are placed in line with the text and Microsoft Word resizes the line of text accordingly.
Images that are explicitly positioned can overlap with other content on the page.
Images placed with the insert_image function are positioned in the order in which they are inserted.
Every image potentially overlaps any image previously inserted through the insert_image function.
Ordering relatively to images inserted through other means, such as manually inserted through the
Microsoft Word GUI, fields, and so on, is undefined.
By default, images are placed below the text of the document. The overtext parameter can be set to Y
to put the images on top of the text.
An example is provided here.
@(insert_image (watermark;
width:="8.5in"; height:="11in";
x:="4.25in"; y:="5.5in"; align:="center"
The preceding example adds a centered image as a watermark overlay on top of a page, such as a US
Letter sized page.
By default, text runs through the images. The wrap parameter can be set to determine how text should
flow around the image.
none (default) no wrapping -- text runs through the image.
topbottom -- no text to the left and right of the image.
square -- text wraps around the image. Space to the left and right of the image is filled with text.
An example is provided here.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
@(insert_image (watermark;
width:="2in"; height:="2in";
x:="4.25in"; y:="5.5in"; align:="center"
The preceding example places a centered image on the page and wraps the text around it.
Images from the database or KCM Designer
The insert_image function can also be used to insert images from KCM Designer or base-64 encoded
image data from variables that are obtained from the Data Backbone XML.
To insert an image from the Resources folder in KCM Designer, use the resource parameter. To insert
base-64 encoded image data, use the base64data parameter. Using both parameters at the same time
is not supported and results in an error.
An empty value for either parameter is ignored. If either the resource or the base64data parameter is
used, and is not empty, the required filename parameter is ignored.
An example is provided here.
@(insert_image (filename:="signature";
This example inserts the Resource "CorporateLogo" from KCM Designer.
@(insert_image (filename:="signature";
The preceding example inserts a signature from image data in a Field in the Data Backbone.
Title and description
The title parameter sets the title of the image. The description parameter sets the alternative text
of the image. This text is used by assistive technologies, and it functions as a placeholder when the image
is not displayed. If the description parameter is omitted or empty, the part of the filename parameter
after the last slash or backslash is used.
An example is provided here.
@(insert_image (logo; title := "Logo";
description := "The Northwind Corporate Logo"))
This example sets the title "Logo" and the description "The Northwind Corporate Logo" for the
inserted image.
Image storage
KCM Core keeps track of repeatedly inserted images and stores each image only once in the result
document. This is done regardless of the dimensions and placement parameters of the image.
If images are obtained from external sources or stored with excessively high resolutions, you can store a
downsampled copy of the image with a resolution that better matches the purpose of the document. If the
document is processed further, such printed or converted to PDF, you should include the original image.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The resample parameter controls how the image is stored.
"" / omitted : the image is stored without modifications.
number or number,png : the image is downsampled to the indicated resolution and stored in the
PNG format.
number;jpeg : the image is downsampled to the indicated resolution and stored in the JPEG format.
The PNG image format uses lossless compression but is less efficient than the JPEG compression. You
should not recompress JPEG images as this can result in recompression artifacts and significant quality
Images are never upsampled. If the image is rendered at a resolution below the resample value, this
option is ignored and the original image is stored.
An example is provided here.
@(insert_image (watermark;
The preceding example includes the image and downsamples it to a 600 DPI JPEG file.
The function insert_signature inserts a signature line object in the result document during the Master
Template execution. The properties of this object, such as signer, title, and so on, can be set through
@(insert_signature ("John Doe"; title :=
"Director"; email := "[email protected]"; ...))
The result of the function insert_signature is of type TEXT. This function has a variable number of
1. signer, type TEXT. This is the name of the person who is expected to sign.
The result of the function insert_signature must be inserted in the result document to have effect.
In addition to the preceding parameter, the function insert_signature has a number of optional
parameters which can only be used if they are specified by name:
1. title, type TEXT. Sets the title of the signer.
2. email, type TEXT. Sets the email address of the signer.
3. instructions, type TEXT. Sets instructions for the signer.
4. allow_comments, type TEXT. Gives the signer the ability to add comments when signing.
5. show_date, type TEXT. Shows the sign date in the signature line.
6. width, type TEXT. Width of the signature line.
7. height, type TEXT. Height of the signature line.
Note The email parameter supports plain text values only. Hyperlinks are not supported.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The functionality of the function insert_signature is available only for Master Templates in the
Microsoft Word DOCX output. In Quick Templates and Master Templates in other document formats, the
use of this function is ignored.
The function insert_signature is introduced in KCM version 4.4 and requires KCM Core 4.4 or higher.
Measurements and units
The function insert_signature supports measurements in a number of units:
centimeters (cm)
inches (in or '"')
points (pt)
English Metrical Unit (emu) -- base unit internally used by Microsoft Word
The unit must always be explicitly specified. No spaces are allowed between number and unit. Fractions
are always indicated with a decimal point. The following measurements are equivalent.
2.54cm = 1.0in = 1" = 72pt =914400emu
Note An empty string or a value of zero, such as 0cm, 0in, is considered unspecified.
KCM Core adjusts the dimensions of the signature line automatically based on the following Microsoft
Word default properties:
No dimensions are specified: the size is set to 2.67in x 1.33in.
One dimension is specified: the other dimension is calculated relative to the default dimensions.
Both dimensions are specified: the image is resized to fit within a box with the specified dimensions.
Examples are provided here.
@(insert_signature (signer))
The preceding example uses the native dimensions of in the image.
@(insert_signature (signer; width:="4cm";
The preceding example resizes the signature line to fit within a 4cm x 2cm box.
@(insert_signature (signer;
The preceding example resizes the signature line to fit within a 2in x 1in box.
Arrays functions
The following section contains information on the arrays function that you can use to sort arrays and
calculate the number of elements in these arrays.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The length_text_array function calculates the length of an array of type TEXT. The length of an
array is either the array length in the initial declaration of the array or, if the array has more elements than
specified in the initial declaration, the length is the actual number of elements in the array.
length_text_array ( input_array )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER and is the number of elements in input_array.
The function has one parameter:
input_array, type TEXT. This is the array with length to be determined.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT test_array [1]
ASSIGN test_array [1] := "This is the first value"
ASSIGN test_array [2] := "This is the second value"
ASSIGN test_array [3] := "This is the third value"
ASSIGN test_array [4] := "This is the fourth value"
ASSIGN test_array [5] := "This is the fifth value"
NUMBER function_result
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_text_array (test_array)
If you refer to an array element of an array that is filled beyond its initial length, it results in the creation of
that element. The element is created with a default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL.
For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN FI will result in the creation of element 1 in array testing.
The length_number_array function calculates the length of an array of type NUMBER. The length of an
array is either the array length in the initial declaration of the array or, if the array has more elements than
specified in the initial declaration, the length is the actual number of elements in the array.
length_number_array ( input_array )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER and is the number of elements in input_array.
The function has one parameter:
input_array, type NUMBER. This is the array with length to be determined.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY NUMBER test_array [1]
ASSIGN test_array [1] := 12
ASSIGN test_array [2] := 38
ASSIGN test_array [3] := 60
ASSIGN test_array [4] := 77
ASSIGN test_array [5] := 91
NUMBER function_result
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN function_result := length_number_array (test_array)
If you refer to an array element of an array that is filled beyond its initial length, it results in the creation of
that element. The element is created with a default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL.
For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN FI will result in the creation of element 1 in array testing.
The length_bool_array function calculates the length of an array of type BOOL. The length of an
array is either the array length in the initial declaration of the array or, if the array has more elements than
specified in the initial declaration, the length is the actual number of elements in the array.
length_bool_array ( input_array )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER; the number of elements in input_array.
The function has one parameter:
input_array, type BOOL. This is the array with length to be determined.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY BOOL test_array [1]
ASSIGN test_array [1] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_array [2] := FALSE
ASSIGN test_array [3] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_array [4] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_array [5] := FALSE
NUMBER function_result
ASSIGN function_result := length_bool_array (test_array)
If you refer to an array element of an array that is filled beyond its initial length, it results in the creation of
that element. The element is created with a default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL.
For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN FI will result in the creation of element 1 in array testing.
The sort_text_array function sorts the elements of a text array and stores the sorted elements in a
second array.
sort_text_array ( input;output;number of
elements to sort )
The function sort_text_array is of type BOOL.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array receives the sorted elements.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_text_array returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and FALSE in one of
the following conditions:
If number of elements to be sorted is negative or 0.
If the function sort_text_array fails the output array is unmodified. The input array is not modified
by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If the output array is
larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left unmodified.
The function sort_text_array performs an alphabetical sort on the text elements using the ANSI
code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
unexplainable orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT input [4]
ARRAY TEXT output[4]
ASSIGN input[1] := "c"
ASSIGN input[2] := "d"
ASSIGN input[3] := "a"
ASSIGN input[4] := "b"
IF sort_text_array (input; output; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output[i])
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_text_array function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
Note The setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator can be used to map the
function sort_text_array automatically to the function sort_text_array_characters (see
sort_text_array_characters). For more information, see Enhanced Unicode Support.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function sort_text_array_characters sorts the elements of a text array and stores the sorted
elements in a second array.
sort_text_array_characters ( input;output;number
of elements to sort )
The function sort_text_array_characters is of type BOOL.
The function has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array receives the sorted elements.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_text_array_characters returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and
FALSE in one of the following cases:
If number of elements to sort is negative or 0.
If the function sort_text_array_characters fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array
is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array.
If the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted
range are left unmodified. The function sort_text_array_characters performs a culture-neutral
alphabetical sort on the text elements using Unicode codepoints.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and sort before regular
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT input [4]
ARRAY TEXT output[4]
ASSIGN input[1] := "c"
ASSIGN input[2] := "d"
ASSIGN input[3] := "a"
ASSIGN input[4] := "b"
IF sort_text_array_characters (input; output; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output[i])
Failed to sort the input.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The type BOOL of the sort_text_array_characters function is used to implement error handling.
If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the
THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The function sort_text_array_index sorts the indices of a text array based on the elements in the
sort_text_array_index ( input;output;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_text_array_index is of type BOOL.
It has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted index.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_text_array_index returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and FALSE if
number of elements to be sorted is negative or 0.
If the function sort_text_array_index fails, the output array is unmodified.
The input array is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted index from the input
If the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range
are left unmodified.
The function sort_text_array_index performs an alphabetical sort on the text elements using the
ANSI code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
unexplainable orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT input[4]
ASSIGN input[1] := "c"
ASSIGN input[2] := "d"
ASSIGN input[3] := "a"
ASSIGN input[4] := "b"
IF sort_text_array_index (input; index; 4) THEN
@(i) @(input [ index[i] ])
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Failed to sort the input.
This example produces the same result as the example included with the function sort_text_array
(see sort_text_array). A sorted list is produced by using the sorted index stored in the output array to read
the values from the input array.
The type BOOL of the sort_text_array_index function is used to implement error handling. If the
sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN
part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
Note The setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator can be used to map the function
sort_text_array automatically to the function sort_text_array__index_characters (see
sort_text_array_index_characters). For more information, see Enhanced Unicode Support.
The function sort_text_array_index_characters sorts the indices of a text array based on the
elements in the array.
sort_text_array_index_characters (input;output;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_text_array_index_characters is of type BOOL.
It has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type TEXT. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted index.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_text_array_index_characters returns TRUE if the array was sorted
successfully, and FALSE if number of elements to sort is negative or 0.
If the sort_text_array_index_characters function fails, the output array is unmodified.
The input array is not modified by the function.
The output array receives the sorted index from the input array.
If the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range
are left unmodified.
The sort_text_array_index_characters function performs a culture-neutral alphabetical sort on
the text elements using Unicode codepoints.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and sort before regular
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT input[4]
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN input[1] := "c"
ASSIGN input[2] := "d"
ASSIGN input[3] := "a"
ASSIGN input[4] := "b"
IF sort_text_array_index_characters (input; indices; 4) THEN
@(i) @(input [ index[i] ])
Failed to sort the input.
This example produces the same result as the example included with the function
sort_text_array_characters (see sort_text_array_index_characters). A sorted list is produced by
using the sorted index stored in the output array to read the values from the input array.
The type BOOL of the sort_text_array_index function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The function sort_number_array sorts a number array. The sorted elements are stored in a second
sort_number_array ( input;output;number of elements to be sorted )
The sort_number_array function is of type BOOL.
The function has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted elements.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_number_array returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and FALSE if
number of elements to be sorted is negative or zero.
If the sort_number_array function fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array is not modified
by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If the output array is
larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left unmodified.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY NUMBER input [4]
ARRAY NUMBER output[4]
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN input[1] := 4
ASSIGN input[2] := 2
ASSIGN input[3] := 1
ASSIGN input[4] := 3
IF sort_number_array (input; output; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output[i])
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_number_array function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The function sort_number_array_index sorts the index of a number array based on the elements in
the array.
sort_number_array_index ( input;output;number of elements to sort )
The sort_number_array_index function returns TRUE (success) or FALSE (failure). The function is of
type BOOL.
The function has three parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted index.
3. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_number_array_index returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and FALSE
if number of elements to be sorted is negative or zero.
If the function sort_number_array_index fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array is not
modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted index from the input array. If the output
array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left
An example is provided here.
ARRAY NUMBER indices[4]
ASSIGN input[1] := 4
ASSIGN input[2] := 2
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN input[3] := 1
ASSIGN input[4] := 3
IF sort_number_array_index (input; indices; 4) THEN
@(i) @(input [ indices[i] ])
Failed to sort the input.
This example produces the same result as the example included with the function sort_number_array
(see sort_number_array). A sorted list is produced by using the sorted index stored in the output array to
read the values from the input array.
The type BOOL of the sort_number_array function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
Maps functions
The following section contains information on the maps functions that you can use to get the length of a
map, to get the keys of a map, and to retrieve the keys used in a map.
The length_text_map function yields the number of elements contained in a TEXT MAP.
length_text_map ( MAP_to_be_counted )
This function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the map.
This function has one parameter:
MAP to be counted, MAP of type TEXT. A MAP of which the number of elements is counted.
An example is provided here.
MAP TEXT test_map
ASSIGN test_map ["first"] := "This is the first value"
ASSIGN test_map ["second"] := "This is the second value"
ASSIGN test_map ["third"] := "This is the third value"
ASSIGN test_map ["fourth"] := "This is the fourth value"
ASSIGN test_map ["fifth"] := "This is the fifth value"
NUMBER length_function_result
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_text_map (test_map)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
If you refer to a MAP element, it results in the creation of that element. The element is created with a
default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL. For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN
FI will result in the creation of element 1 in MAP testing.
The length_number_map function yields the number of elements contained in a NUMBER MAP.
length_number_map ( MAP_to_be_counted)
The function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the map.
This function has one parameter:
MAP_to_be_counted, MAP of type NUMBER. A MAP whose number of elements is to be counted.
An example is provided here.
MAP NUMBER test_map
ASSIGN test_map ["first"] := 12345
ASSIGN test_map ["second"] := 67890
ASSIGN test_map ["third"] := 9876
ASSIGN test_map ["fourth"] := 54321
ASSIGN test_map ["fifth"] := 65748
NUMBER length_function_result
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_number_map (test_map)
If you refer to an MAP element, it results in the creation of that element. The element is created with a
default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL. For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN
FI will result in the creation of element 1 in MAP testing.
The length_bool_map function yields the number of elements contained in a BOOL MAP.
length_bool_map ( MAP_to_be_counted )
The function returns NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the map.
This function has one parameter:
MAP_to_be_counted, MAP of type BOOL. A MAP of which the number of elements is counted.
An example is provided here.
MAP BOOL test_map
ASSIGN test_map ["first"] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_map ["second"] := FALSE
ASSIGN test_map ["third"] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_map ["fourth"] := TRUE
ASSIGN test_map ["fifth"] := FALSE
NUMBER length_function_result
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_bool_map (test_map)
If you refer to an MAP element, it results in the creation of that element. The element is created with a
default value: 0 for NUMBER, "" for TEXT, and FALSE for BOOL. For example, the test IF testing[1] THEN
FI will result in the creation of element 1 in MAP testing.
The get_keys_text_map function retrieves the index values of all elements in a MAP and stores them in
an array. The index values are stored in the array in random order.
get_keys_text_map ( input_map;result_array)
This function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the array.
This function has two parameters:
1. input_map is a MAP of type TEXT. The MAP whose index values you need.
2. result_array is an array of type TEXT. The array with index values to be stored.
An example is provided here.
MAP TEXT input_map
ASSIGN input_map ["first"] := "This is the first value"
ASSIGN input_map ["second"] := "This is the second value"
ASSIGN input_map ["third"] := "This is the third value"
ASSIGN input_map ["fourth"] := "This is the fourth value"
ASSIGN input_map ["fifth"] := "This is the fifth value"
ARRAY TEXT result_array[1]
NUMBER number_of_elements
ASSIGN number_of_elements := get_keys_text_map (input_map;result_array)
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
UPTO number_of_elements
The key @(result_array[counter]) contains @(input_map[result_array[counter]]) in the
The get_keys_number_map function retrieves the index values of all elements in a MAP and stores them
in an array. The index values are stored in the array in random order.
get_keys_number_map ( input_map;result_array)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the array.
This function has two parameters:
1. input_map is a MAP of type NUMBER. The MAP with the index values you need.
2. result_array is an array of type TEXT. The array with index values to be stored.
An example is provided here.
MAP NUMBER input_map
ASSIGN input_map ["first"] := 12345
ASSIGN input_map ["second"] := 67890
ASSIGN input_map ["third"] := 9876
ASSIGN input_map ["fourth"] := 54321
ASSIGN input_map ["fifth"] := 65748
ARRAY TEXT result_array[1]
NUMBER number_of_elements
ASSIGN number_of_elements := get_keys_number_map (input_map;result_array)
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
UPTO number_of_elements
The key @(result_array[counter]) contains @(input_map[result_array[counter]]) in the
The function get_keys_bool_map retrieves the index values of all elements in a MAP and stores them in
an array. The index values are stored in the array in random order.
get_keys_bool_map ( input_map;result_array)
This function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the array.
This function has two parameters:
1. input_map is a MAP of type BOOL. The MAP with the index values.
2. result_array is an array of type TEXT. The array with index values to be stored.
An example is provided here.
MAP BOOL input_map
ASSIGN input_map ["first"] := TRUE
ASSIGN input_map ["second"] := FALSE
ASSIGN input_map ["third"] := TRUE
ASSIGN input_map ["fourth"] := TRUE
ASSIGN input_map ["fifth"] := FALSE
ARRAY TEXT result_array[1]
NUMBER number_of_elements
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN number_of_elements := get_keys_bool_map (input_map;result_array)
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
UPTO number_of_elements
The key @(result_array[counter]) contains @(input_map[result_array[counter]]) in the
The function key_used_in_text_map tests if a certain key is present in a map of type TEXT, without
creating the corresponding element.
key_used_in_text_map ( key_to_find; map_name)
The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].
The function key_used_in_text_map has two parameters:
1. key_to_find is of type TEXT. The key to be detected in the map.
2. map_name is of type MAP TEXT. The map to be tested for the presence of the key_to_find.
An example is provided here.
BOOL key_found := key_used_in_text_map ( "a_key"; mymap )
The index of the map mymap will be searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable key_found
will be set to TRUE.
The key_ised_in_number_map function tests if a certain key is present in a map of type NUMBER,
without creating the corresponding element.
key_used_in_number_map ( key_to_find; map_name)
The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].
The function key_used_in_number_map has two parameters:
key_to_find is of type TEXT. The key to be detected in the map.
map_name is of type MAP NUMBER. The map to be tested for the presence of the key_to_find.
An example is provided here.
BOOL key_found := key_used_in_number_map ("a_key" ; mymap )
The index of the map mymap index will be searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable
key_found will be set to TRUE.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The key_used_in_bool_map function tests if a certain key is present in a map of type BOOL, without
creating the corresponding element.
key_used_in_bool_map ( key_to_find; map_name)
The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].
The function key_used_in_bool_map has two parameters:
1. key_to_find is of type TEXT. The key to be detected in the map.
2. map_name is of type MAP BOOL. The map to be tested for the presence of the key_to_find.
An example is provided here.
BOOL key_found := key_used_in_bool_map ( "a_key"; mymap )
The index of the map mymap will be searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable key_found
will be set to TRUE.
Text Blocks functions
The keyword insert_text_block is deprecated. Use the statement TEXTBLOCK instead (for more
information, see TEXTBLOCK statement).
Use this function to insert predefined Text Blocks into a result document. See the Kofax KCM Designer
online Help for more information on how to use Text Blocks.
The function insert_text_block has one parameter of type TEXT. This parameter contains the label
of the Text Block that needs to be inserted. The result of the function is of type TEXT and is the text of the
predefined Text Block.
If the Text Blocks set that the Text Block belongs to has an associated Field Set, you need to assign
values to all Fields from this Field Set using a variable of type FIELDSET. Also, do so if the Text Block
inserted into the result document does not use any of these Fields.
The layout of the Text Block is determined by Microsoft Word styles. You need to define the correct styles.
For more information on how to define Text Blocks styles, see TEXTBLOCK statement.
An example is provided here.
This example shows how the Text Block with label "Clauses" is inserted into the result document.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Note To run a Master Template containing this feature, you need KCM Core or KCM ComposerUI
The keyword insert_text_block is deprecated. Use the statement TEXTBLOCK instead (for more
information, see TEXTBLOCK statement).
The function insert_text_block_extended is an extension to the insert_text_block function
(see insert_text_block). The insert_text_block function is used if Text Blocks need to be inserted in
the same result document using different styles and if a Text Block needs to be inserted in a table cell.
The result of the function is of type TEXT ans is the text of the predefined Text Block.
The function has three parameters of type TEXT:
1. The first parameter contains the label of the Text Block that needs to be inserted.
2. The second parameter contains the prefix of the styles set that needs to be used to layout the Text
Block. If this parameter is left empty, KCM searches for a styles set with the KCM prefix. For more
information on the layout of Text Blocks, see TEXTBLOCK statement.
3. The third parameter contains the paragraph sign assigned to the Text Block. You need to pass a
paragraph sign declared within a table cell to insert a Text Block in a table cell. Using the wrong
paragraph sign to insert a Text Block in a table cell may result in a corrupted Microsoft Word
document. This paragraph can be left empty if the Text Block is not inserted in a table cell.
If the Text Blocks set the Text Block belongs to has an associated Field Set, you need to assign values to
all Fields from this Field Set using a variable of type FIELDSET (see FIELDSET). Also, do so if the Text
Block inserted into the result document does not use any of these Fields.
An example is provided here.
@(insert_text_block_extended("Clauses"; "TST";""))
This example shows how the Text Block with the label "Clauses" is inserted in the result document. The
styles setused has the prefix "TST".
Another example is provided here.
TEXT par := ""
@ (insert_text_block_extended("Clauses"; ""; par))
The above example shows how the Text Block with the label "Clauses" is inserted in the result
document. The function needs to be called within a table cell as the paragraph sign passed in the third
parameter is declared within a table cell.
Note To run a Master Template containing this feature, you need KCM Core or KCM Repository Server.
The function get_fields_from_text_block retrieves a list of Fields that are used in a Text Block.
get_fields_from_text_block (Text block;list)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function get_fields_from_text_block is of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters:
1. The parameter Text Block is of type TEXT. This is the name of the Text Block with Fields to be
2. The parameter list ARRAY of type TEXT. This array receives a list of Fields.
The function get_fields_from_text_block returns the number of unique Fields found in the Text
Block. This can be 0 if a Text Block does not Fields. The output array receives the names of the Fields in
the format FieldSet.Field. Each field is present only once. The order of these Fields is not specified. If the
output array is larger than the number of Fields, those elements outside the range are left unmodified.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT list[0]
NUMBER n := get_fields_from_text_block ("My Text Block"; list)
Found @(numerals(n)) fields:
@(i) @(list[i])
The function text_block_exists tests if a Text Block exists in the KCM Designer and has a revision
that can be used in a Master Template.
text_block_exists (text_block;reserved)
The function text_block_exists is of type BOOL.
The function has two parameters:
1. The parameter text_block is of type TEXT. This is the name of the Text Block which is searched
for in KCM Designer.
2. The parameter reserved is of type NUMBER. This parameter is reserved for future use and must
always be set to 0.
The function text_block_exists returns TRUE if the Text Block exists in KCM Designer and has a
suitable revision that can be used in a Master Template. The function returns FALSE if the Text Block does
not exist or if there is no such revision.
Note The function text_block_exists only checks if a Text Block can be found in KCM
Designer. It does not validate if Field Sets are available in the Master Template. The function
get_fileds_from_text_block (see get_fields_from_text_block) can be used to query the Fields
used in the Text Block to perform such validation in the Master Template.
An example is provided here.
TEXT block := "BuildingBlocks\" + Customer.Language + "\Salutation"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
IF text_block_exists (block; 0) THEN
NAME block
NAME "BuildingBlocks\ENG\Salutation"
The preceding example shows how a Text Block 'Salutation' based on the language contained in the
Customer.Language Field. If no Text Block is available for this language, it defaults to the language
The function import_text_block imports a stored XML Text Block structure so that it can be used in
the Master Template run.
import_text_block ( "<?xml ... >")
The result of this function is a value of type TEXT that contains a reference to a Text Block. This Text Block
reference can be used in the parameter VAR of the statement TEXTBLOCK or as the default value of an
EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK question in a FORM. The Text Block reference is in an unspecified format, and it is
valid only during the current Master Template run.
The parameter to the function import_text_block should be an XML representation of a Text
Block that was retrieved from a KCM Core XML metadata file. When KCM Core completes a Master
Template run, all answers to FORM questions are stored in an XML metadata file including the answers
to EDITABLE_TEXTBLOCK questions. For more information on KCM Core XML metadata, see the Kofax
Communications Manager Core Developer's Guide.
The function get_text_blocks_in_view retrieves a list of Text Blocks in a Text Block List.
get_text_blocks_in_view (view; list)
The function get_text_blocks_in_view is of type NUMBER.
The function has two parameters:
1. The parameter view is of type TEXT. This is the name of the Text Block List with Text Blocks to be
2. The parameter list: ARRAY is of type TEXT. This array receives the list of Text Blocks.
The function get_text_blocks_in_view returns the number of Text Blocks found in the Text Block
List. This can be 0 if the Text Block List is empty. The output array receives the names of the Text Blocks
in the format Project.TextBlock. The order of the names matches the order in the Text Block List. If the
output array is larger than the number of Text Blocks, the elements outside the range are left unmodified.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY TEXT list[0]
NUMBER n := get_text_blocks_in_view ("My View"; list)
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
Found @(numerals(n)) Text Blocks:
@(i) @(list[i])
The read_text_block_from_file function imports a Text Block from an XML file on the file system.
FUNC TEXT read_text_block_from_file (CONST TEXT file)
The function read_text_block_from_file is of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
The parameter file is of type TEXT. This is the name of the file that contains the XML.
The function read_text_block_from_file returns a Text Block name that can be used by the Master
Template to present it for editing and to produce the content in the output document. This name is only
valid for the current Master Template run and should not be stored anywhere.
The import_text_block_base64 imports a base64 encoded Text Block XML from a variable. This
function allows Text Blocks to be imported from external sources such as a database or XML resource.
FUNC TEXT import_text_block_base64 (CONST TEXT base64)
The function import_text_block_base64 is of type TEXT.
The function has one parameter:
The parameter file is of type TEXT. This is the base-64 encoded representation of a Text Block.
The function import_text_block_base64 returns a Text Block name that can be used by the Master
Template to present it for editing and to produce the content in the output document. This name is only
valid for the current Master Template run and should not be stored anywhere.
Field Sets functions
You can use the clear_fieldset function to remove all assigned fields from a FIELDSET.
clear_fieldset ( fieldset )
The function has one parameter:
field set, type FIELDSET. This is the Field Set to be cleared.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The result of the function is type BOOL. If the Field Set was cleared successfully, the function returns
TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Data Structures functions
The following topics provide a description of the functions that only work with data structures and their
Arrays functions
The following section describes the arrays functions used to sort arrays and calculate the number of
elements in these arrays.
The length_fieldset_array function calculates the length of an array of type FIELDSET. The length
of an array is the actual number of elements in the array.
length_fieldset_array ( input_array )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER and is the number of elements in the input_array.
The function has one parameter:
input_array, type FIELDSET. This is the array with length to be determined.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY FIELDSET Test_array [0]
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [1].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [2].Field := "FALSE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [3].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [4].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [5].Field := "FALSE"
NUMBER function_result
ASSIGN function_result := length_fieldset_array (struct.Test_array)
If you refer to an array element of an array that is beyond its initial length, it results in the creation of that
element. The created element is empty.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The length_struct_array function calculates the length of an array of type DATASTRUCTURE. The
length of an array is the actual number of elements in the array.
length_struct_array ( input_array )
The result of this function is of type NUMBER and is the number of elements in input_array.
The function has one parameter:
input_array, type DATASTRUCTURE. This is array with length to be determined.
TEXT Field
ARRAY EL Test_array [0]
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [1].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [2].Field := "FALSE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [3].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [4].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_array [5].Field := "FALSE"
NUMBER function_result
ASSIGN function_result := length_struct_array (struct.Test_array)
If you refer to an array element of an array that is beyond its initial length, it results in the creation of that
element. The created element is empty.
The function sort_fieldset_array sorts the elements of a FIELDSET array and stores the sorted
elements in a second array.
sort_fieldset_array ( input;output;field;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_fieldset_array is of type BOOL and has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array receives the sorted elements.
3. field; TEXT. This is the Field in the FIELDSET that is used as the key to sort the array. If this
Field is not present in the FIELDSET, it is considered empty.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_fieldset_array returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and FALSE in
one of the following conditions:
If the number of elements parameter to be sorted is negative or 0.
If the function sort_fieldset_array fails the output array is unmodified. The input array is not
modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If the output
array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left
The function sort_fieldset_array performs an alphabetical sort on the text elements using the
ANSI code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
illogical orderings.
An example is provided here.
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_fieldset_array (input.Array; output.Array; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[i].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_filedset_array function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
Note The setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in the KCM Core Administrator can be used to map the
function sort_fieldset_array automatically to the function sort_fieldset_array_characters
(see sort_fieldset_array_characters). For more information, see Enhanced Unicode Support.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function sort_fieldset_array_characters sorts the elements of a FIELDSET array and stores
the sorted elements in a second array.
sort_fieldset_array_characters (input;output;field;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_fieldset_array_characters is of type BOOL and has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array receives the sorted elements.
3. field; TEXT. This is the Field in the FIELDSET used as the key to sort the array. If this Field is
not present in the FIELDSET, it is considered empty.
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_fieldset_array_characters returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully,
and FALSE in one of the following conditions:
If the number of elements parameter to be sorted is negative or 0.
If the function sort_fieldset_array_characters fails, the output array is unmodified. The input
array is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If
the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range
are left unmodified.
Any word processor instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and sort before regular
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_fieldset_array_characters (input.Array; output.Array; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[i].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The type BOOL of the sort_filedset_array_characters function is used to implement error
handling. If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE,
and the THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The function sort_fieldset_array_index sorts the indices of a FIELDSET array based on the
elements in the array.
sort_fieldset_array_index (input;output;field;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_fieldset_array_index is of type BOOL and has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted indices.
3. field; TEXT. This is the Field in the FIELDSET that is used as the key to sort the array. If this
Field is not present in the FIELDSET, it is considered empty.
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_fieldset_array_index returns TRUE if the array was sorted successfully, and
FALSE in one of the following conditions:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
If the function sort_fieldset_array_index fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array
is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted indices from the input array. If the
output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are
left unmodified.
The function sort_fieldset_array_index performs an alphabetical sort on the text elements
using the ANSI code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
illogical orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY NUMBER output[0]
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_fieldset_array_index (input.Array; output; "Key"; 4) THEN
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
@(i) @(input.Array[ output[i] ].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_filedset_characters function is used to implement error handling.
If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the
THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
This example produces the same result as the example included with the function
sort_fieldset_array (see sort_fieldset_array).
Note The setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator can be used to map the function
sort_fieldset_array automatically to the function sort_fieldset_array_index_characters
(see sort_fieldset_array_index_characters) . For more information, see Enhanced Unicode Support.
The sort_fieldset_array_index_characters function sorts the indices of a FIELDSET array
based on the elements in the array.
sort_fieldset_array_index_characters (input;output;field;number of elements to sort)
The function sort_fieldset_array_index is of type BOOL and has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type FIELDSET. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type NUMBER. This array receives the sorted indices.
3. field; TEXT. This is the Field in the FIELDSET that is used as the key to sort the array. If this
Field is not present in the FIELDSET, it is considered empty.
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_fieldset_array_index_characters returns TRUE if the array was sorted
successfully, and FALSE in one of the following conditions:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
If the function sort_fieldset_array_index fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array
is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted indices from the input array. If the
output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are
left unmodified.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and sort before regular
An example is provided here.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ARRAY NUMBER output[0]
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_fieldset_array_index_characters (input.Array; output; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(input.Array[ output[i] ].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_filedset_array_index_characters function is used to implement
error handling. If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes
TRUE, and the THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is
This example produces the same result as the example included with the function
sort_fieldset_array_characters (see sort_fieldset_array_characters).
The function sort_struct_array sorts the elements of a DATASTRUCTURE array and stores the sorted
elements in a second array.
sort_struct_array ( input;output;member;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_struct_array is of type BOOL.
The function has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array receives the sorted elements. Both input and
output must be of the same DATASTRUCTURE type. If the types do not match, an error is reported
during the execution of the Master Template.
3. member; TEXT. This is the member in the DATASTRUCTURE that is used as the key to sort the array.
Both TEXT and NUMBER members can be used to sort. If a NUMBER member is used, the array is
sorted in numerical order. If a TEXT member is used, the array is sorted lexicographically. If the
member is not present in the DATASTRUCTURE or has a type other than TEXT or NUMBER, an error is
reported during the Master Template execution.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_struct_array returns TRUE if the array is sorted successfully, and FALSE if one of
the following conditions is met:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
If the function sort_struct_array fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array is not
modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If the output
array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left
The function sort_struct_array performs an alphabetical sort of the text members using the ANSI
code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
unexpected orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY EL Array[0]
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_struct_array (input.Array; output.Array; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[i].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_struct_array function is used to implement error handling. If the sort
succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN part is
executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator can be used
to map the function sort_struct_array_index automatically to the function
sort_struct_array_index_characters (see sort_struct_array_index_characters) . For more
information, see Enhanced Unicode Support.
The function sort_struct_array_characters sorts the elements of a DATASTRUCTURE array and
stores the sorted elements in a second array.
sort_struct_array_characters (input;output;member;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_struct_array is of type BOOL.
The function has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array receives the sorted elements. Both input and
output must be of the same DATASTRUCTURE type. If the types do not match, an error is reported
during execution of the Master Template.
3. member; TEXT. This is the member in the DATASTRUCTURE that is used as the key to sort the array.
Both TEXT and NUMBER members can be used to sort. If a NUMBER member is used, the array is
sorted in numerical order. If a TEXT member is used, the array is sorted lexicographically. If the
member is not present in the DATASTRUCTURE or has a type other than TEXT or NUMBER, an error is
reported during the Master Template execution.
4. number of elements to be sorted; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must
be sorted starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or
The function sort_struct_array_characters returns TRUE if the array is sorted successfully, and
FALSE if one of the following conditions is met:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
If the function sort_struct_array_characters fails, the output array is unmodified. The input
array is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If
the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range
are left unmodified.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in text members are included in the sort and sort before regular
An example is provided here.
ARRAY EL Array[0]
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_struct_array_characters (input.Array; output.Array; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[i].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_struct_array_characters function is used to implement error handling.
If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the
THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The function sort_struct_array_index sorts the indices of a DATASTRUCTURE array based on the
elements in the array.
sort_struct_array_index (input;output;member;number of elements to sort )
The function sort_struct_array_index is of type BOOL.
The function has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array receives the sorted elements. Both input and
output must be of the same DATASTRUCTURE type. If the types do not match, an error is reported
during execution of the Master Template.
3. member; TEXT. This is the member in the DATASTRUCTURE that is used as the key to sort the array.
Both TEXT and NUMBER members can be used to sort. If a NUMBER member is used, the array is
sorted in numerical order. If a TEXT member is used, the array is sorted lexicographically. If the
member is not present in the DATASTRUCTURE or has a type other than TEXT or NUMBER, an error is
reported during the Master Template execution.
4. number of elements to sort; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must be sorted
starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or expression.
The function sort_struct_array_index returns TRUE if the array is sorted successfully, and FALSE if
one of the following conditions is met:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
If the function sort_struct_array_index fails, the output array is unmodified. The input array is not
modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input array. If the output
array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the sorted range are left
The function sort_struct_array_index performs an alphabetical sort on the text members using
the ANSI code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
unexpected orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY EL Array[0]
ARRAY NUMBER output[4]
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_struct_array_index (input.Array; output; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[ output[i] ].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_struct_array_index function is used to implement error handling. If the
sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE, and the THEN
part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The below example produces the same result as the example included with the function
sort_struct_array (see sort_struct_array).
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function sort_struct_array_index_characters sorts the indices of a DATASTRUCTURE array
based on the elements in the array.
sort_struct_array_index_characters (input;output;member;number of elements to sort)
The function sort_struct_array_index_characters is of type BOOL.
The function has four parameters:
1. input; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array contains the elements that must be sorted.
2. output; ARRAY of type DATASTRUCTURE. This array receives the sorted elements. Both input and
output must be of the same DATASTRUCTURE type. If the types do not match, an error is reported
during execution of the Master Template.
3. member; TEXT. This is the member in the DATASTRUCTURE that is used as the key to sort the array.
Both TEXT and NUMBER members can be used to sort. If a NUMBER member is used, the array is
sorted in numerical order. If a TEXT member is used, the array is sorted lexicographically. If the
member is not present in the DATASTRUCTURE or has a type other than TEXT or NUMBER, an error is
reported during the Master Template execution.
4. number of elements to be sorted; NUMBER. This is the number of elements in the array that must
be sorted starting from the first element. This can either be a number or a NUMBER variable or
The function sort_struct_array_index_characters returns TRUE if the array is sorted
successfully, and FALSE if one of the following conditions is met:
If the number of elements to be sorted parameter is negative or 0.
If the function sort_struct_array_index_characters fails, the output array is unmodified. The
input array is not modified by the function. The output array receives the sorted values from the input
array. If the output array is larger than the number of sorted elements, those elements outside the
sorted range are left unmodified.
The function sort_struct_array_index performs an alphabetical sort on the text members using
the ANSI code page.
Note All Microsoft Word instructions in the text elements are included in the sort and might cause
unexpected orderings.
An example is provided here.
ARRAY EL Array[0]
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ARRAY NUMBER output[4]
ASSIGN input.Array[1].Key := "c"
ASSIGN input.Array[2].Key := "d"
ASSIGN input.Array[3].Key := "a"
ASSIGN input.Array[4].Key := "b"
IF sort_struct_array_index_characters (input.Array; output; "Key"; 4) THEN
@(i) @(output.Array[ output[i] ].Key)
Failed to sort the input.
The type BOOL of the sort_struct_array_index_characters function is used to implement error
handling. If the sort succeeds, the return value of the function is TRUE, the IF statement becomes TRUE,
and the THEN part is executed. If the return is FALSE, the ELSE part of the IF statement is executed.
The preceding example produces the same result as the example included with the function
sort_struct_array_characters (see sort_struct_array_characters).
Maps functions
The following section contains a description of the maps functions. These functions are used to get the
length of a map, to get the keys of a map, and to retrieve the keys used in a map.
The length_fieldset_map function yields the number of elements contained in FIELDSET MAP.
length_fieldset_map ( MAP_to_be_counted)
The function returns NUMBER that is the number of elements stored in the map.
This function has one parameter:
MAP_to_be_counted, MAP of type FIELDSET. A MAP with number of elements to be counted.
An example is provided here.
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["first"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["second"].Field := "FALSE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["third"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["fourth"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["fifth"].Field := "FALSE"
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
NUMBER length_function_result
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_fieldset_map (struct.Test_map)
When you refer to a MAP element, it results in the creation of that element. The element is created empty.
The length_struct_map function yields the number of elements contained in FIELDSET MAP.
length_struct_map (MAP_to_be_counted)
The function returns NUMBER that is the number of elements stored in the map.
This function has one parameter:
MAP_to_be_counted, MAP of type FIELDSET. A MAP with the number of elements to be counted.
An example is provided here.
TEXT Field
MAP EL Test_map
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["first"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["second"].Field := "FALSE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["third"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["fourth"].Field := "TRUE"
ASSIGN struct.Test_map ["fifth"].Field := "FALSE"
NUMBER length_function_result
ASSIGN length_function_result := length_struct_map (struct.Test_map)
When you refer to a MAP element, it results in the creation of that element. The element is created empty.
The function get_keys_fieldset_map retrieves the index values of all elements in MAP and stores
them in an array. The index values are stored in the array in random order.
get_keys_fieldset_map ( input_map;result_array)
This function returns a NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the array.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
This function has two parameters:
1. input_map is a MAP of type FIELDSET. The MAP whose index values you need.
2. result_array is an array of type TEXT. The array whose index values are stored.
An example is provided here.
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["first"].Field := "This is the first value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["second"].Field := "This is the second value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["third"].Field := "This is the third value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["fourth"].Field := "This is the fourth value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["fifth"].Field := "This is the fifth value"
ARRAY TEXT result_array[1]
NUMBER number_of_elements
ASSIGN number_of_elements := get_keys_fieldset_map (struct.Input_map;result_array)
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
UPTO number_of_elements
The key @(result_array[counter]) contains
@(struct.Input_map[result_array[counter]].Field) in the map.
The function get_keys_struct_map retrieves the index values of all elements in MAP and stores them
in an array. The index values are stored in the array in random order.
get_keys_struct_map ( input_map;result_array)
This function returns NUMBER, which is the number of elements stored in the array.
This function has two parameters:
1. input_map is MAP of type FIELDSET. The MAP with the index values.
2. result_array is an array of type TEXT. The array with index values to be stored.
An example is provided below.
TEXT Field
MAP EL Input_map
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["first"].Field := "This is the first value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["second"].Field := "This is the second value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["third"].Field := "This is the third value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["fourth"].Field := "This is the fourth value"
ASSIGN struct.Input_map ["fifth"].Field := "This is the fifth value"
ARRAY TEXT result_array[1]
NUMBER number_of_elements
ASSIGN number_of_elements := get_keys_struct_map (struct.Input_map;result_array)
NUMBER counter
FOR counter
UPTO number_of_elements
The key @(result_array[counter]) contains
@(struct.Input_map[result_array[counter]].Field) in the map.
The function key_used_in_fieldset_map tests if a certain key is present in a map of type FIELDSET,
without creating the corresponding element.
key_used_in_fieldset_map ( key_to_find; map_name)
The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].
The function key_used_in_fieldset_map has two parameters:
1. key_to_find is of type TEXT. The key to be detected in the map.
2. map_name is of type MAP FIELDSET. The map to be tested for the presence of the key_to_find.
An example is provided here.
BOOL key_found := key_used_in_fieldset_map ( "a_key" ; mymap )
The map index of the mymap is searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable key_found is set
to TRUE.
The function key_used_in_struct_map tests if a certain key is present in a map of type
DATASTRUCTURE, without creating the corresponding element.
key_used_in_struct_map ( key_to_find; map_name)
The result of the function is type BOOL. The function yields TRUE if the map contains an element map[key].
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The function key_used_in_text_map has two parameters:
1. The parameter key_to_find is of type TEXT. This is the key to be detected in the map.
2. The parameter map_name is of type MAP DATASTRUCTURE. The map to be tested for the presence
of key_to_find.
An example is provided here.
BOOL key_found := key_used_in_struct_map ("a_key" ; mymap )
The map index of the mymap is searched for the key a_key. If it is found, the variable key_found is set
to TRUE.
Data structures functions
The following sections contain information on all functions related to data structures.
The struct_has_content function is used to test whether or not a DATASTRUCTURE variable has ever
been used by either accessing or assigning content to one of its members.
struct_has_content ( datastructure )
The function has one parameter:
datastructure, type DATASTRUCTURE; the data structure to be tested.
The result of the function is of type BOOL. If the data structure has never been used, the function returns
TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
The fieldsets_in_scope function is used to retrieve the Field Sets that are available within a
FOREACH WIZARD loop (see FOREACH WIZARD/NODE) to be used in the Master Template. This
function uses the same logic to select Field Sets from a Data Definition as used by the TEXTBLOCK
statement (see TEXTBLOCK statement) with the DATA_DEFINITION and PATH keywords.
fieldsets_in_scope ( datainput; path; fieldsets)
The function has three parameters:
1. datainput, type DATASTRUCTURE. This is the Data Structure that is to be used as
DATA_DEFINITION parameter to the TEXTBLOCK statement.
2. path, type TEXT. This is the path used as PATH parameter to the TEXTBLOCK statement. The
content of the path parameter is subject to the same restrictions as documented for the PATH
parameter on the TEXTBLOCK statement.
3. fieldsets, type MAP FIELDSET. This MAP receives a copy of the Field Sets, using the name of
the Field Set as a key in the MAP.
The result of the function is type BOOL. If the function succeeds, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
BOOL res := fieldsets_in_scope (data_definition; path; sets.FieldSets)
TEXT customer := sets.FieldSets["Customer"].FirstName + " " +
The above example retrieves the active Field Sets, and then uses the Customer.FirstName and
Customer.LastName fields from this set.
Dynamic building blocks
The function metadata_contains tests if a metadata attribute is set on a dynamic object.
metadata_contains (attribute; value)
The result of the function metadata_contains is of type BOOL.
This function has two parameters:
1. attribute. This is the metadata attribute to be tested.
2. value. This is the value that is tested for.
The function metadata_contains returns TRUE if the attribute is set on the dynamic object; otherwise, it
returns FALSE. If value is not a valid attribute, the Master Template stops, and a run-time error is reported.
The metadata_contains function can only be used within the execution scope of a filter function. If
you call the metadata_contains function directly, the Master Template stops, and a run-time error is
Examples are provided here.
ASSIGN texas := metadata_contains ("State"; "TX")
The preceding example filters all objects where the metadata attribute "State" has the value "TX" set.
ASSIGN state := metadata_contains ("State"; _data.Customer.State)
The second example filters all objects where the metadata attribute "State" contains the value from the
Customer.State field in the Data Backbone.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The metadata_contains function is introduced in KCM version 4.4 and requires KCM Core version 4.4
or higher.
Chapter 6
Functions and keywords translations
The Template scripting language is available in three languages: Dutch, English, and German. The
translation tables contain the functions and keywords in English and their equivalents in Dutch and
As of KCM 4.4, you can mix functions and keywords from the three languages in the same project.
Translation of the functions
Consult the following table if you need to translate the functions.
English Dutch German
add_to_output voeg_toe_aan_uitvoer ausgabe_erweitern
add_user_xml add_user_xml add_user_xml
amount bedrag betrag
amount_in_words bedrag_voluit betrag_in_worten
amount_in_words_euro bedrag_voluit_euro betrag_in_worten_euro
arctan arctangens atan
area oppervlakte fläche
area_in_words oppervlakte_voluit fläche_in_worten
clear_fieldset maak_veldenset_leeg lösche_fieldset
compare_characters vergelijk_tekens vergleich_zeichen
cosine cosinus cos
create_csv maak_csv erstelle_csv
date datum datum
date_in_words datum_voluit datum_in_worten
document_property document_eigenschap dokument_eigenschaft
environment_setting environment_setting environment_setting
euro euro euro
exponent exponent exp
fieldsets_in_scope fieldsets_in_scope fieldsets_in_scope
footers voetteksten footers
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
format opmaak formatiert
format_date maak_datum_op format_date
fragment_of_characters deel_van_tekens teil_der_zeichen
get_fields_from_text_block haal_velden_uit_tekstblok hole_fields_aus_textbaustein
get_keys_bool_map haal_sleutels_bool_map hole_schlüssel_der_bool_maptabelle
get_keys_fieldset_map haal_sleutels_fieldset_map hole_schlüssel_der_fieldset_maptabelle
get_keys_number_map haal_sleutels_getal_map hole_schlüssel_der_zahlen_maptabelle
get_keys_struct_map haal_sleutels_struct_map hole_schlüssel_der_struct_maptabelle
get_keys_text_map haal_sleutels_tekst_map hole_schlüssel_der_text_maptabelle
get_text_blocks_in_view haal_tekstblokken_uit_view hole_textbausteine_aus_view
headers kopteksten headers
import_text_block importeer_tekstblok importier_textbaustein
import_text_block_base64 importeer_tekstblok_base64 importier_textbaustein_base64
inc inc füge_ein
insert_image insert_image insert_image
insert_text_block tekstblok_invoegen textbaustein_einfügen
insert_text_block_extended tekstblok_invoegen_uitgebreid textbaustein_einfügen_erweitert
insert_text_blocks insert_text_blocks insert_text_blocks
insert_text_blocks_extended insert_text_blocks_extended insert_text_blocks_extended
itp_setting itp_setting itp_einstellung
itpserver_parameter itpserver_parameter itpserver_parameter
itpserver_setting itpserver_setting itpserver_setting
key_used_in_bool_map sleutel_gebruikt_in_bool_map schlüssel_verwendet_in_bool_maptabelle
key_used_in_fieldset_map sleutel_gebruikt_in_fieldset_map schlüssel_verwended_in_fieldset_maptabelle
key_used_in_number_map sleutel_gebruikt_in_getal_map schlüssel_verwendet_in_zahlen_maptabelle
key_used_in_struct_map sleutel_gebruikt_in_struct_map schlüssel_verwended_in_struct_maptabelle
key_used_in_text_map sleutel_gebruikt_in_tekst_map schlüssel_verwendet_in_text_maptabelle
language_code taalcode sprache
length lengte länge_der_var
length_bool_array lengte_bool_rij länge_der_bool_tabelle
length_bool_map lengte_bool_map länge_der_bool_maptabelle
length_fieldset_array lengte_fieldset_rij länge_der_fieldset_tabelle
length_fieldset_map lengte_fieldset_map länge_der_fieldset_maptabelle
length_number_array lengte_getal_rij länge_der_zahlen_tabelle
length_number_map lengte_getal_map länge_der_zahlen_maptabelle
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
length_struct_array lengte_struct_rij länge_der_struct_tabelle
length_struct_map lengte_struct_map länge_der_struct_maptabelle
length_text_array lengte_tekst_rij länge_der_text_tabelle
length_text_map lengte_tekst_map länge_der_text_maptabelle
logarithm logarithme log
lowercase kleine_letter kleinbs_von
lowercase_of_characters kleineletters_van_tekens kleinbs_der_zeichen
lowercase_roman_number romeinse_cijfers_klein röm_ziffer_klein
lowercase2 kleineletters2 kleinbs_an_stelle
ltrim ltrim ltrim
now nu jetzt
number getal als_zahl
number_in_words getal_voluit zahl_in_worten
number_of_characters aantal_tekens zahl_der_zeichen
number_to_date getal_naar_datum in_datum_umgesetzt
numerals cijfers in_ziffern
open_buffer open_buffer öffne_puffer
ordinal rangtelwoord ordinalzahl
pagestyle paginastijl pagestyle
paper_types papier_soorten paper_types
picture picture nach_schablone
pragma pragma pragma
pragma_struct pragma_struct pragma_struct
put_buffer_in_document zet_buffer_in_dokument speichere_puffer_in_dokument
put_in_document zet_in_dokument speichere_in_dokument
put_in_text_file zet_in_tekst_bestand als_textdatei_ausgeben
put_in_text_file2 put_in_text_file2 als_textdatei_ausgeben2
read_text_block_from_file lees_tekstblok_uit_bestand read_text_block_from_file
replace vervang replace
round rond_af gerundet
round_upwards rond_af_naar_boven aufgerundet
rtrim rtrim rtrim
runmodel_setting runmodel_setting runmodel_setting
search zoek search
search_first zoek_eerste search_first
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
search_last zoek_laatste search_last
session_parameter sessie_parameter session_parameter
sine sinus sin
sort_fieldset_array sorteer_fieldset_rij sortier_fieldset_tabelle
sort_fieldset_array_index sorteer_fieldset_rij_index sortier_fieldset_tabelle_index
sort_fieldset_array_characters sorteer_fieldset_rij_tekens sortier_fieldset_tabelle_zeichen
sort_fieldset_array_index_characters sorteer_fieldset_rij_index_tekens sortier_fieldset_tabelle_zeichen_index
sort_number_array sorteer_getal_rij sortier_zahl_tabelle
sort_number_array_index sorteer_getal_rij_index sortier_zahl_tabelle_index
sort_struct_array sorteer_struct_rij sortier_struct_tabelle
sort_struct_array_index sorteer_struct_rij_index sortier_struct_tabelle_index
sort_struct_array_characters sorteer_struct_rij_tekens sortier_struct_tabelle_zeichen
sort_struct_array_cindex_characters sorteer_struct_rij_tekens_index sortier_struct_tabelle_zeichen_index
sort_text_array sorteer_tekst_rij sortier_text_tabelle
sort_text_array_characters sort_text_array_characters sort_text_array_characters
sort_text_array_index sorteer_tekst_rij_index sortier_text_tabelle_index
sort_text_array_index_characters sort_text_array_index_characters sort_text_array_index_characters
split_csv splits_csv teile_csv
square kwadraat quadrat
square_root wortel wurzel
status_message statusbericht status_meldung
struct_has_content struct_heeft_inhoud struct_hat_inhalt
stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet
system systeem system
tangens tangens tangens
text_block_exists tekstblok_bestaat textblock_exists
text_fragment deel_tekst teilstring
text_to_number tekst_naar_getal zahl_aus_text
today vandaag heute
trim trim trim
truncate kap_af abgeschnitten
uppercase hoofd_letter großbs_von
uppercase_of_characters hoofdletters_van_tekens großbs_der_zeichen
uppercase_roman_number romeinse_cijfers_groot röm_ziffer_groß
uppercase2 hoofdletters2 großbs_an_stelle
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uppercases hoofdletters alles_großbs
Translation of the keywords
Consult the following table if you need to translate the Template scripting language keywords.
English/German Dutch
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Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
As of KCM version 4.4, the Template scripting language setting is only used to parse numbers. English/
German and Dutch keywords can be mixed within the same document and/or Includes.
Chapter 7
Enhanced Unicode Support
Use the setting EnhancedUnicodeSupport in KCM Core Administrator to control how text comparisons
and other text related functions are handled. If this setting is enabled, all comparisons and functions
that perform a bytewise comparison are automatically mapped to their character based Unicode aware
equivalent when the Master Template is executed.
Note Enabling these options may cause Master Templates to behave differently if comparisons are
performed between C_CHAR (byte) and W_CHAR (Unicode) data, or if there are Microsoft Word
instructions mixed with text.
The following table contains description of the mapping applied.
Used in the Master Template When EnhancedUnicodeSupport is Enabled,
Comparisons and Functions Map to the Following
< compare_characters
<= compare_characters
= compare_characters
<> compare_characters
>= compare_characters
> compare_characters
text_fragment fragment_of_characters
length number_of_characters
uppercases uppercase_of_characters
uppercase2 uppercase_of_characters
lowercase2 lowercase_of_characters
sort_text_array sort_text_array_characters
sort_text_array_index sort_text_array_index_characters
You can use the pragma "EnhancedUnicodeSupport" to override the setting
EnhancedUnicodeSupport locally in the Master Template.
Kofax Communications Manager Template Scripting Language Developer's Guide
The EnhancedUnicodeMaps setting
Use the setting EnhancedUnicodeMaps in KCM Core Administrator to control how MAP indices are
handled. If this setting is enabled, all MAP indices are stored as Unicode and compared using the function
compare_characters (see compare_characters). Without this setting the characters used in MAP
indices are limited to the character set Latin-1.
You can use the pragma "EnhancedUnicodeMap" to override the setting EnhancedUnicodeMaps in the
Master Template.
Note The EnhancedUnicodeMaps setting can be changed only before the first MAP element has been
assigned. Any further changes result in a fatal error.