A publication providing technical
assistance to school boards and administrators
Published by the
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 3
Vermont Department of Education
James Douglas
Vermont State Board of Education
Tom James, Chair
Ruth Stokes, Vice Chair
Jessica Bullock
William Corrow
Kathy Larsen
Fayneese Miller
Chris Robbins
Tess Savage
Susan Schill
Brian Vachon
Acting Commissioner of Education
Bill Talbott
The Department of Education expresses its appreciation to the school officials, architects, the legislative and
interagency task force on school facility standards, and all other individuals who have contributed to the
contents of this document.
The Vermont Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
creed, marital status, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation in its programs or activities.
This is a joint publication of the agencies of state government with
responsibilities relating to school buildings and sites. Its purpose is to
provide information to those involved in a school construction project. The
contents are relevant to the construction of a new school, school addition, or
alterations to an existing school that increase its program or enrollment
capacity, or ensures that it remains a safe and healthy place for students,
faculty and community members. The contents may only be partially applicable
for school construction related to other purposes. Use the Department of
Education as a resource throughout the construction process.
The Department acknowledges and appreciates the contributions to this
publication by the different agencies with rules that affect school construction.
Our intent is to provide general guidance as to how to plan for school
construction projects and secure necessary state approvals, but this is not
a step-by-step manual.
Vermont Department of Education
120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
Fax: 828-1631
School Construction Team
Cathy M. Hilgendorf, Program Consultant 828-5402 [email protected]
Cassandra Ryan, Administrative Assistant 828-3144 [email protected]
Updated June 2008
Table of Contents
What This Guide Is - and Is Not .............................. ...7
Getting Started ............................................................ 7
Legal Assistance ......................................................... 9
School Construction Aid ............................................ 9
The Process
Preliminary Application .......................................... 11
Facility Analysis ....................................................... 12
Educational Specifications ....................................... 12
Space Utilization Schedule ....................................... 14
Enrollment Projections ............................................. 14
Site Considerations ................................................... 15
Anticipating the Next School Development ............. 17
Consolidation ............................................................ 18
Re-locatable Units .................................................... 18
Committees ............................................................... 19
Preliminary Plan Review ......................................... 19
Capital Outlay Formula ............................................ 20
Professional Assistance,
Construction Methods and
The Bidding Process
Consultants ............................................................... 21
Selection of an Architect .......................................... 21
Clerk-of-the-Works .................................................. 23
Methods of Construction ......................................... 23
Public Bidding Requirements ................................... 24
Construction Management ........................................ 25
Guaranteed Maximum Cost ...................................... 26
Performance Bonds .................................................. 27
Communications ....................................................... 27
Suggested Procedures for School Boards
The Chronology of a Project......................................29
6 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Roles of the Different State Agencies
Department of Public Safety .......................................... 37
Department of Education ............................................... 38
Department of Environmental Conservation ................. 38
Act 250 Review .............................................................. 39
Department of Health ..................................................... 40
Division for Historic Preservation ................................. 41
Agency of Transportation .............................................. 42
Department of Agriculture ............................................. 42
Vermont Municipal Bond Bank ..................................... 43
Department of Public Service ........................................ 43
Department o Public Safety Regional Map ................... 44
Agency of Natural Resources Regional Map ................. 45
Agency of Natural Resources Review Sheet Sample .... 47
State Board Policy on Historic Preservation .................. 49
Agency of Transportation Regional Map ...................... 51
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act .................. 53
Other Construction Issues
Emergencies ................................................................... 55
Reapplying for Construction Aid ................................... 55
Appealing the Rating ..................................................... 56
Technology .................................................................... 56
Playgrounds .................................................................... 56
Purchase of a Building ................................................... 57
Indoor Air Quality .......................................................... 57
School Safety Guideline ................................................ 58
Capital Outlay Formula ................................... 59
Applications ................................................................ 71
Appendices ................................................................... 81
A. Developing a Facility Analysis
B. Space Needs Survey
C. System for Rating Proposed Capital Construction Projects
D. Developing Educational Specifications
E. Preliminary Review
F. Developing Enrollment Projections
G. Site Inspections
H. Clerk-of-the-Works
I. Audit Information
State Board of Education Rules
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 7
Vermont Department of Education
What This Guide Is - and Is Not
This School Construction Planning Guide is to be used in conjunction
with State Board of Education Rules for Capital Construction and is not
intended to be used in isolation or to supersede any other agency rules
for school construction. The specific rules of the several agencies of
the state that apply to school construction are beyond the scope of this
document. This document is not a comprehensive summary of such
rules here; rather, its intent is to identify key state agencies, and the
stage or stages in the development of a school project at which each
agency should be consulted.
Described here are the procedures which school officials should follow
in the development of a project. If these procedures are adhered to, the
Department of Education will coordinate the preliminary review
functions of all the relevant state agencies so that a project receives the
necessary permits and approvals as expeditiously as possible.
In short, the task of planning and carrying out a major school
construction project is complex. A school board and its superintendent
must expect to rely heavily on professional services - particularly
architectural and engineering - and close communications with state
agencies. Knowing what should happen and when will not make the
task simple, but will help ensure that the workload on school officials
for a project does not become more of a burden than necessary.
Getting Started
You are running out of space, the learning environment is inadequate or
unhealthy and the time has come to do something. What should it be?
An addition? A new school? You don't know yet? How do you
Begin with a complete facility analysis to determine the needs of your
school. The Department of Education can provide guidance and
materials to help with this task. (See Appendix A) Evaluate every
here are the
which school
should follow
in the
of a project.
what should
happen and
when will not
make the
task simple,
but will help
ensure that
the workload
on school
officials for a
project does
not become
more of a
burden than
8 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
aspect of the school, not just the space needs. For example: How well
equipped is the school to handle new technologies? Look at the most
recent state inspection report you have. If the building has not been
recently inspected by the state fire marshal, you may need to request
the Department of Labor and Industry to arrange another inspection.
There may be some health and safety issues that need to be addressed.
Is the school in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities
Act? Has the fire alarm system been upgraded to meet current codes?
If the school has an Action Plan for improvement, look at the data and
all available learning opportunities information. Is there a need for
space to provide new or different programs and services? Are existing
science and technology labs adequate to provide a quality education?
Speak with students and every staff member to find out what
improvements would help them do their jobs more effectively. Only by
clearly defining the problems can you meaningfully articulate solutions.
Ask the Department of Education for help with identifying learning
opportunity needs of the school.
Look at your school population projections and any community needs
for space for non-school functions (more about these later).
Consider professional assistance. A private consultant or architect
might be useful to help identify the long-term needs and alternatives for
the district. An architect or engineer can help you analyze any
suspected structural problems with your building. If the school uses an
on-site or private sewage disposal or water supply system, you must
contact the Agency of Natural Resources or have a professional
engineer advise you of its future capabilities.
Meet with your local select board and planning officials. Gather
information on the non-school use of the buildings. Familiarize
yourself with the town plan. Is the school located in a designated
growth center? Are there locations in the town where local planners
encourage educational land uses and new growth? What are the present
traffic conditions at the school site and in the community?
From these sources you should be able to prepare a statement of the
current conditions of your building and site. With this information and
your sense of the direction in which your programs are moving, you
should be ready to describe your future school space and location needs
for the 21st century. This facility analysis and needs assessment should
ultimately be developed into educational specifications the board and
administrators can use to evaluate the options available to the
community as to the type of project that it should undertake.
Only by
defining the
can you
result in
Speak with
students and
every staff
member to
find out what
s would help
them do
their jobs
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 9
Vermont Department of Education
Legal Assistance
You will need legal assistance at several points including the purchase of
any new site, preparation of the warning for a bond vote by the district,
preparation of an actual bond issue, and review of contracts for the
design and construction.
School Construction Aid
Each year the General Assembly appropriates funding to the State Board
of Education to help school districts with the costs of school
construction projects. There are a number of steps that a school board
generally must follow to receive all possible state financial assistance for
a project. These are described in the section on “Procedures for School
Boards.” All projects must meet eligibility requirements and are subject
to design standards established by various state agencies.
For most types of construction projects, the state's share of the project
costs can amount to thirty percent. Site acquisition costs and most
movable furnishings are not eligible for construction aid. However, site
development is an eligible expense for reimbursement. Maintenance or
replacement work is not eligible nor is work attributed to deferred
V.S.A., T.16, §3448, the statute for construction aid, requires that
school districts wanting to receive state construction aid complete and
submit two applications. The first is a preliminary application to the
Commissioner for a determination of need. The second application is
submitted if the proposed project has voter approval, has been deemed
eligible and assigned funding priority.
Construction may not begin before a completed application is submitted
to and approved by the State Board of Education. Except for emergency
projects under $100,000, beginning construction prior to receiving
State Board approval will jeopardize state aid. A school district
may submit a written final application to the state board at any time
following approval of a preliminary application.
Each year
the General
funding to
the State
Board of
Education to
help school
districts with
the costs of
Title 16 VSA
§3448, the
statute for
aid, requires
that school
wanting to
receive state
aid complete
and submit
two applica-
10 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 11
Vermont Department of Education
The Planning
Preliminary Application
The Commissioner may approve the preliminary application if he/she finds
that a need exists that cannot be reasonably met by another means and meets
the criteria established by V.S.A., T.16, §3448:
1. facilities that are inadequate to provide programs required by state or
federal rule or regulation;
2. deterioration of existing buildings;
3. conditions that are unsafe or threaten the health of students or
employees; or
4. excessive energy use resulting from the design characteristics of the
The preliminary application needs to include a facilities analysis of the
existing school building(s) describing any deficiencies in the facilities of the
school ( See Application section, page 71). Once the preliminary application
is approved, the Department will schedule a pre-construction evaluation to
assess the needs of the existing facility in accordance with the criteria
established in the State Board Rules.
All voter approved major renovation and new construction projects will be
placed on a list of priority by the State Board of Education along with a cost
estimate for each project. The Board will present these projects in order of
priority to the legislature at the start of the session each year.
The legislature will use these figures to determine an appropriation for
school construction in the next fiscal year.
Before the State Board can approve the final application for construction
aid, except for certain types of emergency work, it must also find that the
school district has available sufficient funding specifically authorized by the
electorate for the estimated cost of the project. Funding may come from a
bond issue, short term borrowing of no more than one year, federal grants in
Once a
application is
approved, the
will schedule
a pre-
evaluation to
assess the
needs of the
facility in
with the
established in
the State
Board Rules.
All schools
ratings, and
will be sent to
legislature at
the beginning
of each year.
12 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
certain cases or other sources. School boards may sell bonds on the
open market or through the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank.
School districts will not receive reimbursements on their annual
principal and interest cost . The cost for borrowing money and the
annual principal and interest payment are eligible education expenses
that are to be reported each year on the annual budget submission to the
Department of Education. For more information on how this may
impact a district’s state aid, contact the Financial Management Team at
the Department of Education at 828-3151.
Facility Analysis
As part of the preliminary application for new construction or additions
to schools, the school district must submit an analysis of it present
facilities. The analysis shall identify the areas of deficiency consistent
with the criteria listed in V.S.A., T.16, §3448. The analysis entails an
evaluation of the infrastructure of the existing building(s), including the
health and safety conditions and a history of maintenance on the school
(s). The analysis must include demographic data, enrollment
projections, and a space utilization schedule. Schools identified as
eligible for technical assistance under Act 60 should identify any links
between the facility and student performance. The State Board rules on
school construction also require that school districts review any
alternative educational and physical solutions available to them as part
of the facility analysis.
The results of the facility analysis are to be included in the educational
specifications. (See Appendix A).
Educational Specifications
Educational specifications are a set of performance requirements for a
school construction or renovation project. They describe in outline
form the indoor and outdoor facilities the school needs for every area of
its curriculum and services provided, as well as the anticipated
community uses of its building and grounds. The specifications should
incorporate an up-to-date enrollment projection by grade for the next
five to ten years. The projections should be based on a ten-year history
of enrollments by grade level and live births for districts sending
students to the school. (See page 14).
Each district
must submit
an analysis of
its present
facilities. The
analysis shall
an valuation
of the
of the
are a set of
statements of
for a school
or renovation
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 13
Vermont Department of Education
If the school needs new or renovated facilities to provide appropriate
space for existing programs or to accommodate new instructional
techniques, the educational specifications should articulate the physical
space necessary for students to have the appropriate learning
The architect will design the facility based on the approved educational
specifications. The school board and the Department of Education will
evaluate design proposals for the project based on these educational
Preparing educational specifications should be a collaborative effort of
the faculty, school housekeeping and support staff, administration and
school board. Students, parents and other community members can and
should be asked to help. The end product will be a document which
talks about the school's future, and all elements of the community
which have interests in the future of the school should be considered in
its preparation.
Educational specifications should begin with an opening statement that
clearly describes the vision the school board has for the school. In the
years ahead, how will instruction be organized? How will students
work with each other and their teachers? What new programs will be
introduced? Then, based on the enrollment projections, each indoor
and outdoor area needed should be described in non-architectural terms:
Who will use it (age or grade level of students for instructional
spaces) and what will they be doing there?
What will be the maximum number of users at any one time?
How much space will be needed for the teaching strategies
What furnishings and equipment are necessary?
What is the frequency of the room’s use during the school
Who will be in charge?
Are there special requirements as to...
a. heating, lighting, or ventilation?
b. acoustics?
c. relative location within the building or the site?
d. other environmental or aesthetics considerations?
What storage provisions are necessary?
How many such spaces or areas are needed for the current
school population?
should be a
effort of the
faculty, school
and support
and school
parents and
members can
and should be
asked to help.
The end
product will be
a document
which talks
about the
future, and all
elements of
which have
interests in
the future of
the school
should be
considered in
14 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
How many may be needed five to ten years from now?
How many does the school have now and how well do these
spaces work?
What parts of the school are to be used by the community, and
what are the desirable design provisions in anticipation of such
Space Utilization Schedule
The facility analysis and the educational specification should include a
room utilization chart or schedule showing that the existing facilities
are inadequate to provide quality programs and services required by
state or federal rule. The educational specifications should be able to
demonstrate how the current configuration of classrooms and other
instructional areas cannot support the curriculum changes the school is
required to offer now and in the future.
Enrollment Projections
When a construction aid project is primarily intended to accommodate
enrollment growth, it must be shown that the existing facilities are
overcrowded or are otherwise inadequate to support programs required
by state or federal rules. It must also be shown that these conditions are
not likely to be relieved by a decline in enrollment for the foreseeable
future. The educational specifications must be based on reasonable
projections of enrollments for the school over the next five to ten years
so that the design of the facility can accommodate such projections.
Generally speaking, projections for enrollment for construction aid
purposes must follow the so-called persistence of experience method.
This means that you must use the enrollment history of the school
together with the live birth history for the district or districts from
which the school receives tuition pupils to predict the enrollments that
will occur in the years to come. This approach must be used in any
school system with yearly live births and grade-by-grade enrollments of
twenty or more with a record of growth or stability in it enrollments. If
you have a different situation, confer with the Department of Education
to determine a more appropriate basis for predicting future enrollments.
The persistence of experience enrollment projections should be based
on a ten-year history and limited to ten years ahead. Directions for
preparing projections are found in Appendix F.
should be
able to
how the
and other
areas cannot
support the
changes the
school is
required to
offer now
and in the
aid purposes
must follow
the so-called
of experience
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 15
Vermont Department of Education
Attempting to anticipate the number of classrooms a school will need
beyond ten years from now becomes too speculative a base for a school
construction aid project. If you plan your project for ten years growth
and the school reaches capacity enrollment at the end of that time
period you will have done your job very well. If you plan for ten years
growth and reach capacity in five years you still will have done well.
On the other hand, a project which cannot be expected to reach capacity
enrollment for more than ten years must be considered to be over-built.
Construction aid must be limited to projects that address only the
foreseeable space needs of a district.
Site Considerations
What makes a good site for a school? There are many different issues
to consider when identifying a site for a school, but one issue is clear:
the location of a school facility affects many aspects of a community.
A school’s location affects transportation needs within the community,
as well as school transportation costs. Sites that are accessible to modes
of transportation other than the automobile, that students can safely
walk and ride their bicycles to and from and that are near municipal bus
services may reduce transportation costs.
The location and design of schools and other public buildings often
contribute to a community’s identity. Throughout Vermont’s history,
these structures have been symbols of civic pride and important
meeting places and cultural environments in the lives of community
members. Many are located in the historical center of the community.
Their presence defines the image of many Vermont cities, towns, and
villages. The historic character of existing buildings should be
respected in rehabilitation projects. Attention to the visual character of
new construction will contribute greatly to the community’s pride and
sense of accomplishment with the final product.
Recreation and non-school activities occur during the evening and on
the weekends. Sites should be conveniently located for these activities.
Recreational facilities on school grounds should also be considered
within the context of the town’s existing recreational facilities.
Coordination is needed so that facilities are not redundant and meet the
future recreational needs of the community.
The location
and design
of schools
and other
contribute to
have been
symbols of
civic pride
places and
s in the lives
16 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Many towns in Vermont have town plans that identify important
natural, cultural and other resources, and set out visions and goals for
how a community would like to grow. The location of existing schools
and proposed facilities should fit within that plan. In addition, many
towns have identified places where they would like certain land uses to
be focused, thus allowing other areas with important natural resource
value to be left open. Schools should be located within these growth
It is important to identify what natural and cultural resources may be
located at the site of an existing school or at a proposed site.
Identification of resources is the first step in planning a construction
project that will be environmentally sound and protect or even enhance
the surrounding natural environment. Identification of resources is also
the first step in avoiding permitting problems related to those resources.
Many local and regional planning commissions have computerized
resource inventories or “constraints” to help in your site planning
process. Some of these resources include: wetlands; rivers, streams,
lakes and ponds and the buffer areas surrounding them; ground water
recharge and wellhead protection areas; critical wildlife habitats; rare
and endangered species; prime agricultural soils; contaminated sites
(from previous use) and archeological resources. The presence of these
resources does not automatically preclude development of the site.
Steps may be needed to avoid the resources or mitigate certain impacts.
If a choice has to be made between an existing school site and a new
one, cost of land is an obvious factor, and must be weighed against the
possible proceeds from the sale of the old site. In addition, the site
“constraints” noted above will affect both the short-term uses of a site
and its potential for expansion. These conditions, combined with the
project design, determine whether or not environmental permits issued
by the Agency of Natural Resources and Act 250 commissions, can be
issued. When reviewing potential sites contact the Department of
Environmental Conservation Permit Specialist in your area for
guidance. In the end, it is the responsibility of the elected school board
to sort out the issues concerning the site and provide the community
with its best recommendations. In any case there are constant factors
which should enter into the decision making on a school site in any
district. These are outlined below.
Many towns in
Vermont have
town plans
that identify
cultural and
and set out
visions and
goals for how
a community
would like to
grow. The
location of
schools and
should fit
within that
Many local
and regional
inventories or
to help in your
site planning
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 17
Vermont Department of Education
Site considerations include:
Convenient location for school activities and non school
functions the school facility may serve;
Safe highway access; and safe traffic pattern around the school;
Aesthetic appeal;
Access to municipal services for water supply and sewage
disposal or suitable conditions for developing on-site services;
Sufficient usable land for all the programs the school would
Conditions for economical construction and site development;
Enough space for the necessary service delivery areas for the
Noise levels in the surrounding areas; and
Space to accommodate the growth potential of the district.
The site should also be safe from traffic, and well away from rivers and
streams that might flood or threaten student safety, areas that are likely
to contain archeological sites, and industrial or agricultural operations
that might present environmental hazards.
Land owned by another legal entity may be counted if the school has
permanent unrestricted use of it, a community recreation field adjacent
to the school property for example. However, state school construction
aid can only apply to construction or site development costs on land
owned outright by the district or land for which the district has a clear
title in fee simple or a permanent deeded easement or right-of-way.
Anticipating the Next
School Development
While no one can know the future, we can plan intelligently for the
choices it might offer us. This is an obligation all elected school
officials have to the communities they represent.
A major consideration in planning a school expansion project must be
the options that will be available when the school district again needs
more space. Several factors beyond the utility issues discussed
elsewhere in this document will bear on the choice the district will then
have. These include the size of the project site now, and the
possibilities for adding more useable land to it at a later date. The
Sites should
be safe from
traffic, and
well away
from rivers
and streams
that might
flood or
safety, areas
that are likely
to contain
sites, and
industrial or
that might
l hazards.
While no one
can know the
future, we
can plan
for the
choices it
might offer
18 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
desirability and practicality of constructing a future addition to the
building, and the similar needs of other schools and districts in the region
could eventually lead to joint school operations.
The desirability of a future addition will be an outgrowth of the size and
design of the building when the current project is completed. It will also
be related to the prospects for consolidation of this school with other
schools of the district or of this district with another district in the years
ahead. Community concerns about a school becoming too big can
sometimes become a real issue in trying to win approval for funding an
addition. On the other hand, site limitations may rule out a future
addition. If neither of these circumstances exist or even if they might,
you should be looking for a design for your project that will keep as
many options as possible open to the district in the years to come.
Look for a layout that would allow for the easy addition of more
classrooms and ready enlargement of core and support facilities. The
design also should allow for low cost reallocation of space if the need
arises. In other words, the shape of some rooms should permit them to
be subdivided. Others should be easy to combine if larger spaces may
someday be needed. This all calls for careful planning of mechanical
systems so that adding or removing partitions can be done without major
alterations to these systems. You should discuss with your architect how
best to plan your project so that it will be adaptable to future uses of the
building including possible non-educational uses.
School consolidation and school district consolidation may be part of the
thinking going into school building plans. This is especially true where a
school board is planning a project that will represent the maximum
development appropriate for an existing school site. If this is your
situation, look for your next school site now, or talk with other school
boards about an eventual merger, or both.
Re-locatable Units
A re-locatable unit is a supplementary educational facility, generally
manufactured or fabricated off-site, moved to and erected at the desired
location. All prefabricated structures are subject to the same
requirements of the Department of Labor and Industry and the
Department of Education as are other construction projects.
Look for a
layout that
would allow
for the easy
addition of
and ready
of core and
Discuss with
how best to
plan your
project so
that it will be
adaptable to
future uses
of the
possible non
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 19
Vermont Department of Education
Before purchasing a re-locatable unit, a school board must see that all
state agency requirements are met. As with other construction projects,
an inspection by the required state agencies will be arranged to ensure
that all building codes are being met.
School boards often find it useful to ask community representatives to
help examine school needs, evaluate various alternatives for meeting
those needs, and assist with the planning and completion of a
construction project. A building committee, for instance, can be a good
sounding board to use in selecting an architect and choosing the final
design for a project. Such committees may be comprised of people who
have special expertise to offer and people who represent various interests
within the community. The broader the participation in the development
of a school construction proposal, the better will be the school board's
presentation of the project to the voters for funding. The board,
however, needs to be explicit in its charge to any such committee so that
its tasks are clearly defined. The final decision-making responsibility
rests with the school board as the elected representatives of the
Preliminary Plan Review
State Board of Education Rules require a meeting of school district and
state agency representatives to review preliminary architectural plans for
school additions, renovations and new buildings. This review should
occur before the warning for a public vote on a project is published in
order to inform the voters of how much of the project is eligible for
construction aid and how much will be fully funded by the district. (See
V.S.A., T. 24 , §1758(b)) Preliminary reviews may also be needed for
other kinds of projects. Contact the Department of Education for a
determination for other types of projects.
The purpose of the meeting is to expedite the final state review of the
completed working drawings for the project. At a preliminary review
meeting the state agencies will advise school officials of any problems
they see with the plans with respect to their agency rules and regulations,
and the approved educational specifications. Based on the Capital
Outlay Financing Formula the Department of Education will usually be
A building
can be a
board to
use in
selecting an
the final
design for a
broader the
in the
nt of a
the better
will be the
n of the
project to
the voters
for funding.
20 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
able to advise at this meeting the estimated level of state financial
assistance the project may receive.
Preliminary plans submitted for review must contain the details listed in
Appendix E.
Capital Outlay Formula
Construction aid for a new school or an addition to an existing school is
subject to limits established by rule of the State Board of Education.
This rule is known as the Capital Outlay Financing Formula. (Details
of the formula are included in section starting on page 59). The Capital
Outlay establishes the minimum and maximum square footage
allowances for programs and services by grade range and class size and
the maximum cost for the total construction beyond which the state
cannot participate.
Although this step is a requirement of the school capital construction
program , it does not limit what a district may choose to build. If a
project exceeds the allowances established by the Capital Outlay, the
local district must assume the additional costs.
The Capital
services by
grade range
and class
size. The
includes a
footage by
grade range
and school
size beyond
which the
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 21
Vermont Department of Education
Professional Assistance &
Methods of Construction
Identifying the best long-term construction project course to recommend demands a great deal
of time. Employing a private consultant can be a valuable investment. There are a number of
professionals available.
When considering a consultant, look for a person or firm with strong experience with the
issues you may be studying and first-rate communication skills. You will want someone who
is practical and comfortable to work with and familiar with Vermont’s various permitting
requirements. Finding a suitable consultant can entail a process similar to hiring an architect.
Employment of any consultant should be based on a contract that spells out what services the
consultant is to provide and when. It should specify how much these services will cost and
the manner in which you will pay for them. It should also specify how any extra services you
might want the consultant to give you beyond those described are to be billed. Again, the
board attorney should review any contract.
Selection of an Architect
Vermont State Board of Education Manual of Rules and Practices (Rule) requires that the
plans and specifications for school construction aid projects involving alterations of existing
spaces and construction of new instructional space be prepared by an architect licensed to
practice in Vermont. For other types of construction, unless the Commissioner of Education
permits otherwise, plans and specifications must be prepared by a registered architect or a
registered professional engineer. The architect is responsible for designing the project to meet
the approved educational specifications and all pertinent state codes and requirements.
Recruiting an architect may begin with letting the design community know that you have a
project in mind. A small newspaper advertisement is likely to draw a number of responses
from interested firms. The school board is likely to want to interview a smaller number of
firms. Choosing which firms to interview takes a bit of work. Start by looking at the
information each firm sends you, this will usually include descriptions of recent commissions.
Talk to the owners of those projects, and the general contractors. If possible, go visit some of
22 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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the buildings. If the project is renovation or an addition to a historic school, look for
inclusion of a historic preservation professional on the architectural team. Look for a history
of good communication, imaginative design, good choices of materials in the design, and
good cost estimating. Do not be deterred by lack of school experience. Be concerned more
about the scale of previous projects the firm has handled compared to your own.
The school board will also be looking to the architect to provide the district with a design
that can be expected to be economical throughout the useful life of the project. Is the firm
being considered capable of developing data on life cycle costs for the choices of mechanical
and structural systems and the materials with which the project will be built? Upfront costs
must be balanced against the long term costs of upkeep in any construction project. The
architect should have a good record of providing prior clients with reliable long-term
Look for experience with projects where public bidding was required. Look at the bid
histories. Did the projects attract a good number of qualified bidders? Were the bids
received relatively close from lowest to highest?
If a firm has previously done school work, the Department of Education and school officials
in other districts may be able to share some history with you.
If all of the inquiries lead to positive answers, you have a good prospect to interview.
The interview itself is an opportunity for the board to try to assess what kind of chemistry
will exist between you and the architectural firm. Discuss with each interviewee your time
frame for the completion of your project to see whether it actually fits the anticipated
workload of the firm. You should also ask about the engineering services the firm uses.
Does the firm work with the same engineering consultants from one project to another? If
not, why?
What about fees? Fees vary between architectural firms and should be discussed/negotiated
prior to contracting for services.
Prior to a successful bond vote, what financial arrangement is the firm willing to make to do
the necessary preliminary work to get you to the bond vote? There are no standards on this,
but a common approach is for a firm to agree to do preliminary design work and cost
estimating for you on an hourly rate, up to a maximum figure, to prepare the project for
presentation to the voters. The firm should be clear as to exactly what fees and expenses it
will bill to the board. The firm you select will be committing real time and professional
effort to your project prior to the bond vote. The board should be prepared to pay the
reasonable cost of such services. In any event, cost is only one of the factors to be
considered in selection of the architect.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 23
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After the voters have approved a proposed project, the school board should negotiate a
contract with the architect for the final design work and project supervision. The contract
should specify precisely what services the firm will furnish to the board and the manner of
board payments to the firm. The board should have an attorney review any proposed
contracts with the architect before signing. Do not complete such a contract prior to voter
16 V.S.A. § 3448(a)(5)(B)(iii) requires that the local board hire someone competent in the
building trades to supervise the construction project. The clerk-of-the-works is the person
responsible for overseeing the completion of the project in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications and to notify the relevant state agencies of any changes during the
construction project. This is an important position. This person is the board's representative
on the project. He or she must be knowledgeable in construction methods and materials and
have very good communication skills.
The clerk-of-the-works is the liaison with the contractor and all subcontractors through the
contractor’s superintendent. He or she needs to attend and report to the board on all
conferences held at the project site. A good clerk will maintain orderly files at the site for
correspondence, shop drawings and reproductions of all original contract documents. The
duties also include keeping a daily log book recording the hours on site, weather conditions,
lists of visiting officials and jurisdiction, daily activities, decisions, general observations and
specific observations in the case of observing test procedures. The board should take the
time to interview a number of applicants and seek the advice of the architect who may have
had a previous working relationship with the applicant. Most important, the clerk should
have a good record of providing prior clients with reliable service.
The usual duties, responsibilities and expectations for a clerk-of-the-works are included in
Appendix H.
Methods of Construction
There are two basic contracting methods utilized in the school construction industry: the
general contractor or traditional approach, and the construction management approach.
Utilizing a single bid general contractor to handle the construction and deal with all
subcontractors has the advantage of simplicity for the school board. The board and its
attorney only have one construction contract to negotiate and sign, and the school board does
not need to manage subcontracts.
24 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
This section of the guide includes some general definitions of the construction management
(CM) approach for construction and explains the bidding requirements, including the pre-
qualification process for both the traditional approach and CM methods.
Public Bidding Requirements
When any school building improvement of any sort costs between $15,000 and $500,000,
the Public Bids statute (16 V.S.A. § 559) requires that a school board publicly advertises for
or invites three or more bids from persons deemed capable of providing the items or services
to be purchased. The department advises boards to both advertise for and invite bidders to
assure maximum response.
On construction contracts with a value of $500,000.00 or more, school boards are required
by statute to publicly advertise at least 60 days prior to the opening of bids for contractors
interested in bidding. Furthermore, school boards must pre-qualify bidders on construction
contracts by establishing eligibility criteria for bidders. The school board must notify all
applicants of their eligibility to bid on the contract at least 30 days prior to the bid opening.
The notice to those qualified to bid must contain information on the availability of the plans
and specifications and how bids are to be submitted. See Rule 6300.
Rules for Pre-qualification
of Bidders on Contracts Over $500,000
Rule 6450 requires a school board, when soliciting bids on a construction project, to publicly
advertise that it is seeking interested bidders to apply for pre-qualification. The
advertisement must include a description of the project, the anticipated bid opening, where
and when pre-qualification statements are to be received, and that the pre-qualification
statements are to be received on AIA-A305 forms as amended from time to time.
The board should work with its architect to create these criteria, but at a minimum the
criteria needs to include the interested bidder to provide evidence of the following:
a clear and stable organizational structure;
resumés of key personnel;
hold licenses or registrations appropriate to the work to be performed;
experience or expertise with related projects;
a current construction load that would not interfere with the company’s ability to
perform the work;
positive references from credible and knowledgeable sources; and
any other lawful criteria established by the school board specific to the
qualifications of the contractor to perform the work required in a timely manner.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 25
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Once a list of pre-qualified bidders is established, school boards must consider all bids
submitted by eligible bidders meeting the deadline and, for projects over $500,000,
must award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. If the two lowest bids ar e
within 1% of each other, the board may choose either bid {16 V.S.A. § 559(c)(2)}. The
department has interpreted this provision as follows: if the difference between the two
lowest bids is less than one percent of the lowest bid, either can be awarded the contract.
Construction Management
If a school board chooses to use the Construction Management process for a construction
project, the bid process is slightly different.
Construction Management is a service provided by a professional construction manager.
The construction manager need not be, and in some cases is not, a general contractor. The
construction manager may work solely as a professional advisor to the school district in
much the same way as the architect. In this case, the construction manager would not
perform any construction activities. Crafting a clear contract is crucial.
The construction manager typically handles project scheduling, cost estimating, construction
process consulting, project management and other pre-bid tasks necessary to fully develop
the design to the point where it is ready for bidding.
Selection of a Construction Manager
as the Constructor
More typically the construction manager has the capacity to serve as the general contractor.
In this form of contract, prior to the start of construction, the construction manager works as
advisor to the school district handling project management and other pre-bid tasks necessary
to fully develop the design to the point where it is ready for bidding. During the
construction period, the construction manager acts as the constructor, supplying the
materials, labor and supervision necessary to complete the project.
Bidding Requirements for Construction
When selecting the construction management approach for school construction, school
districts must still use the process outlined in 16 V.S.A. § 559 and Rules 6440 – 6490. The
construction manager/constructor cannot be engaged without competitively bidding against
other qualified construction managers/constructors.
In addition to the requirements detailed above, upon completion of the pre-qualification
process, the school board must request at a minimum the following information from those
construction management firms eligible to bid:
26 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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a list and description of services to be provided;
a fixed fee for construction management services with a list and detailed
breakdown of each item;
a fixed fee for construction services to cover overhead and profit; and,
a fixed fee for general conditions provided with a list and detailed description of
each item.
The school district’s bid specifications should clearly identify and list the criteria which
will be used to determine which bid is lowest. Otherwise, a dispute could arise,
delaying the construction project. Once bidders are pre-qualified, the district is obligated to
consider them equally, solely on the basis of costs as reflected in the bids as received.
Because the law requires the contract to be awarded to the lowest pre-qualified bidder (with
the 1% exception noted), any qualitative considerations are only appropriate in the pre-
qualification process.
16 V.S.A. § 559 (c)(2) provides that if the two lowest responsible bids are within one
percent of each other, the board may award the contract to either bidder as previously
described in the Public Bidding Requirements section.
If a school district has contracted with a general contractor, the GC’s subcontracts are not the
legal concern or obligation of the school district. However, the relationship is distinctly
different when the school district uses construction management.
Where a school board has contracted with a construction manager, the board remains
responsible for public bidding pursuant to 16 V.S.A. § 559 for all purchases or contracts
exceeding $15,000 for school building construction, improvements, materials, supplies, and
equipment. All bids must be opened and reviewed at a warned school board meeting. The
use of artificially small bid packages (less than $15,000) to avoid the need to competitively
bid components of the work is not allowable.
Because public school districts are subject to their own set of bid laws and requirements (16
V.S.A. § 559 and Vermont State Board of Education Manual of Rules and Practices),
architects and construction managers may not be familiar with them. Common practices in
the private sector may not be allowable for public school construction, and vice versa. The
school board is responsible for adhering to the public bid requirements. However, the
department will determine compliance relative to state aid eligibility. Bidding for a
general contractor is a more straightforward process than bidding for construction
management, and school boards may wish to consult an attorney when bidding and
contracting for CM services.
Guaranteed Maximum Price
With the construction management method of contracting, it is not unusual for the
construction manager/constructor to establish a "guaranteed maximum price" (GMP) during
the early stages of the project. This is often an attractive component of this method because
it allows the school district to have a higher degree of confidence in the project cost earlier in
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 27
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the process. This "guaranteed maximum price" is typically not based on final construction
documents but rather on whatever plans and specifications are available at the moment that
the "guarantee" is made and may contain some type of contingency amount to cover costs
for work not yet shown in the documents. When a school board is considering the
construction manager/constructor with the guaranteed maximum price approach, it is
still necessary to comply with the Public Bid statute 16 V.S.A., § 559.
Furthermore, Rule 6490.1 requires that whenever the cumulative result of the bidding
process for the total scope of the project plus general conditions and fixed fees is less than
guaranteed maximum price, 100% of the savings will be returned to the school district.
When bids are received and the project costs exceeds the GMP, the school board may reject
any and all bids and solicit new bids for any portion of the work to be done, renegotiate the
GMP, or require performance as per the GMP agreement.
Performance Bonds
Regardless of which form of construction contracting the school board chooses to use for the
project, Rule 6127 requires that contractors chosen for a construction aid project be covered
by a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to the awarded
contract. This is to ensure completion of the work should the contractor be unable to meet
the terms of the contract.
If the school board is using a construction management approach to construction, it should
know if the construction manager/constructor will carry the performance bond for all the sub
-contractors or if the construction manager is expecting all bidders awarded contracts to
carry a performance bond or letter of credit. Regardless of the method, it is important to
remember that the requirement for having a performance bond on the project still applies.
It is necessary to maintain communication throughout the project among the board, clerk-of-
the-works, architect, contractor and superintendent. To ensure the best possible
communication among all parties concerned, the board must designate one person, generally
the school superintendent, to speak for the board throughout the project to a building
committee, the project architect, engineer, state agencies and the general contractor. Failure
of a school board to designate such a spokesperson will lead to contradictory signals among
the parties, lost time and energy, as well as added costs.
28 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 29
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Procedures for
School Boards
The Chronology of a Project:
Some of the steps described may not apply to certain types of projects, or might occur
concurrently with others. As you confer with the Department of Education on your project,
you will be advised of those steps that can be omitted or occur simultaneously.
Complete a facility analysis to determine the school building’s deficiencies and
space needs (See Appendix A). This study needs to include input from the other
agencies with rules affecting school occupancy, such as the Department of Labor
and Industry and the Agency of Natural Resources. Schools should ask state agency
representatives to identify for the board any areas of the existing building requiring work to
meet current codes as well as any the site issues which will have to be addressed. The
analysis must demonstrate the need for the proposed project and include the supportive
documentation of that need. Code violations identified by any state agency will need to be
corrected within the time frame established by the agency regardless of whether or not
construction occurs. (See agency section beginning on page 37).
Prepare to submit to the Commissioner of Education for approval a preliminary
application. The preliminary application (or Letter of Intent) must include the
facility analysis and the alternative educational and physical solutions available.
The preliminary application should be submitted in the year prior to wanting construction
aid (See Application section beginning on page 71).
A Department representative will advise the board if the school district meets at
least one of the criteria for eligibility for construction aid as defined by T.16,
V.S.A. §3448, and discuss alternatives for meeting local needs.
30 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Alternatives may include:
a. renovation rather than an addition to meet all needs;
b. use of an existing municipal facility which might be adapted
for some school uses;
c. a neighboring district with similar needs might want to talk about consolidation or
district formation to make more efficient use of capital and the money going into
the operation of school programs;
d. other alternatives; or
e. a new school
The Department of Education will schedule a pre-construction evaluation. During
these inspections the Department will use the facility analysis to verify the
demonstrated need for the proposed project by using the State Board of Education’s
System for Rating Proposed School Construction Projects (See Appendix C).
The district may appeal the department’s findings to the State Board within thirty days of
receiving it.
In December of each year the State Board will use the rating system to place voter approved
proposed projects on a list in order of priority. The Board will submit the list to the
legislature the following January for a determination of funding for the following fiscal year.
With the help of an architect, use the facility analysis, the findings of the state
inspections and the results of the state rating of the existing need to determine the
feasibility of resolving the needs of the district. Assess whether an addition or
alterations at the existing site will meet the needs of the school; or, if a new school seems a
wiser choice, where it should go. Analyze the financial capacity of the district to support a
project with or without construction aid and decide whether planning for a construction
project should continue or if the board should pursue alternative means for meeting district
If construction planning is to continue, commission the architect to prepare
preliminary designs based on the approved educational specifications. An outline
to help with the development of educational specifications can be found in
Appendix D.
Begin a public information program. Throughout all of the steps in this chronology,
the board should ensure that the citizens are fully informed of the needs of the
school, school board recommendations for meeting those needs, and the progress
being made on the development and completion of the project.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 31
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Utilize the architect to assist the board through the further steps leading to a public
vote on the project. Provide the architect with the approved educational
specifications for the project and the reports on hazardous containing materials in
the school building prepared by the Department of Health or another professional evaluator.
Other types of construction projects may require you to engage in the services of a
professional engineer. (Refer to Selection of Architect. on page 21).
If land must be purchased or leased, care should be taken to see that necessary legal
procedures are followed. If state construction aid is desired, a school district must
have permanent unrestricted access to any leased land upon which a school is to be
erected. Review utility services including electricity, water and sewage disposal conditions
at the existing school site and costs for bringing such services to any new site the board may
be considering. For any site not served by municipal systems for both water and sewage the
board must employ professional engineering services for this review. Any project will
require consultation with the Agency of Natural Resources. The cost of engineering reviews
of sewage disposal conditions on an existing or proposed school site can be considerable.
Depending upon availability, a planning loan can be funded through a state
Department of Environmental Conservation planning advance or through
the Vermont/Federal EPA revolving fund (CWSRF). Loans that are funded
through a state planning advance are not due for repayment until the project proceeds to
construction. Loans funded through the CWRSF must be repaid commencing five years
following approval of the preliminary engineering report or issuance of a water and
wastewater permit, or five years after the last payment under the loan has been processed,
which ever occurs first. Planning loans through the CWRSF can be consolidated with
construction loans when such construction funding is provided by the Department of
Environmental Conservation for wastewater system improvements.
Construction activities, either at existing or new sites, may also trigger a
variety of other permitting requirements from the Agency of Natural
Resources, Act 250 or other local and state or federal agencies. Due to the
fact that some permitting processes can require several months to complete and that state
agency approvals are necessary for Department of Education approvals for funding, it is very
important to initiate these processes as early as possible. Therefore, it is strongly advised that
the Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Permitting Specialist be contacted
when assessing site considerations during the preliminary steps of the planning process. The
permit specialist will help identify all the necessary permits and provide regulatory staff
contacts for your project.
32 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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If the Commissioner has approved the pre-application, the school board,
once it is satisfied with a design, may submit six sets of preliminary
architectural plans to the Department of Education for approval. This
should be done before the architect develops the final cost estimates on the project or a vote
for funding is warned. Refer to Appendix E for more details.
The Department of Education will arrange a preliminary review where all relevant state
agencies can comment on the proposed plans and can provide information essential to the
successful completion of the project.
Review with the school board attorney the procedures for conducting a
vote of the electorate both on the project and the acquisition of any new
land necessary to carry it out.
At this point, the school board may warn for and conduct a vote on the
project in accordance with V.S.A., T.17, §2641 and V.S.A. , T.24 , §1758.
The district must warn for the entire estimated cost of the construction
Establish a checking account and a system of cost accounting for the project
separate from the accounting system for district operations when the project
has received voter approval. The requirement of separate accounting does
not apply to emergency projects for which a school board seeks construction aid under the
provisions of T.16, §3448(d).
Arrange financing for the design and construction work. In most cases
school construction projects are financed by the sale of bonds. The school
board will need legal assistance to prepare a bond issue. The board may
market the bonds of the district through the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank or through a
commercial bank. Short-term loans may be needed at the outset of a project to pay bills
incurred before the bonds are sold. Smaller projects are often funded entirely through short-
term loans of no more than one year.
Commission an architect to prepare final plans and bid documents.
Depending on the size of the project this work may take several weeks up to
several months.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 33
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At this point, the school board can start to submit a final application for
State Board of Education approval of the project. The form for applying for
a grant of construction aid is available through the Department of
Education. Consult with the Department as to what information must be included as exhibits
with the form to complete the application. (See Application section beginning on page 71).
Submit final plans and specifications to all applicable agencies:
a) Department of Education,
b) Department of Labor and Industry,
c) Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Resources,
d) Division for Historic Preservation (for alterations or additions to buildings more than
50 years old),
e) Department of Agriculture, and
f) Department of Transportation
The school must also submit the project plans to the Act 250 District Environmental Control
Commission to determine if the project is subject to review by the commission. If Act 250
review is necessary, the school board must complete that process before the State Board of
Education can approve the project for school construction aid.
Advertise for and pre-qualify all interested bidders on the project in
accordance with State Board Rule 6300 et al and T. 16, §559. The board
architect and attorney can advise on appropriate bidding procedures for
your project. A school board may request bids on a project any time after the final plans and
specifications have been completed.
Employ or otherwise retain the services of a clerk-of-the-works to ensure
the completion of the project in accordance with the approved plans and
specifications and to notify the relevant state agencies of any structural or
material changes during the construction of the project. Since this person is the board's
representative on the project, she/he should have extensive experience in construction and
should be able to perform the duties of the clerk on behalf of the school board as described in
Appendix H. (See section on clerk-of-the-works, page 23).
Select a general contractor in accordance with V.S.A., T.16, §559. If the
board awards a contract for the project prior to approval of final project
plans by the state agencies, the bid award should be made subject to such
Note: If your project includes additions and alterations to an existing building,
scheduling of the work of the general contractor will call for particularly careful planning.
34 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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The work schedule must be developed to minimize disruptions to school programs and to keep
students and staff away from the potential hazards of the work area. The Department of Labor
and Industry has specific requirements for protection of occupants during construction. You will
also need to budget and plan for relocations of some parts of the school operations to allow for
the construction work. This may necessitate renting temporary space for programs and storage,
hiring movers, and buying packing boxes and so forth.
The Department of Education will notify the superintendent of schools when
the application for construction aid is complete.
Construction may not begin before a completed application is submitted to and
approved by the State Board of Education Except for emergency projects, under $100,000
beginning construction prior to receiving State Board approval will jeopardize state aid.
Once the State Board of Education approves the final application, the
commissioner or his/her designee will notify the district that construction may
begin. Once the project has received State Board approval, any changes you
may wish to make that relate to state agency requirements or the approved educational
specifications must receive the appropriate state agency’s approval before they are incorporated
into the construction.
Note: The Department of Labor and Industr y will, and the Agency of Natural Resources
may conduct progress inspections during the construction phase of the project. Some of these
inspections must be made while electrical, plumbing and sewage systems are still visible.
Electrical and plumbing inspections must be requested by the licensed persons responsible for
the work directly to the appropriate inspector for the region in which the project is located.
The school district must notify the Department of Education by letter when
construction actually starts, and the school district has incurred expenses equal
to or greater than 15 percent of the approved project cost. The Department will
then ask the State Board of Education to approve a first award to the school district of half of the
estimated construction aid the project is to receive.
With the advice of the architect, the board will normally work out a schedule of
payments to the general contractor as the construction progresses, and an agreed
percentage of each request for payment to be held back until the project is
satisfactorily completed.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 35
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When the board is satisfied that the construction has been completed
according to the approved specifications, schedule an inspection of the
work by all concerned state agencies. The inspection will determine that
the work meets all state agency requirements necessary for occupancy of the building.
School administrators, the project architect, general contractor and the clerk of the works
should all participate in the final
state inspection. Any discrepancies found in the project during this inspections must be
corrected to the satisfaction of the school board and the appropriate state agencies before the
Department of Education can issue the school board the balance of the construction aid due
on the project. Notify the Department of Education in writing when deficiencies found have
been corrected.
Request a final inspection of the project from the Department of Education.
The district must have available or submitted to the Department a
commissioning report and an air balance report on the mechanical
ventilation systems that certifies compliance with the minimum requirements specified in
Rule 6143 and with all other provisions of the commissioning plan for the project. The
completed punch list and all applicable agency approvals must also be available at the time
of the Department of Education inspection.
Request a Department of Education audit (Appendix I) of the project when canceled checks
and invoices for all project costs are returned. When the audit is completed, and subject to
the availability of funds, a final award will be made to the school district based on
Department of Education determination of the total eligible cost of the project for
construction aid purposes. If the school board is financing the project by a bond issue and the
proceeds are insufficient to cover the final bills, the school board may need a short-term loan
to complete payment of those bills so that the project can be audited.
Upon completion of the project, arrangements need to be made to safely
and securely store the “as built” drawings, specifications book, operating
manuals, a list of all change orders, and the designs for the septic and water
systems. These documents will be necessary if and when an addition or modification is done
to the building.
36 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 37
Vermont Department of Education
Roles of
State Agencies
For construction projects to be eligible for state aid, they must meet any
standards of other agencies that apply to school construction.
By now it is obvious that a number of state agencies may become involved
to complete a school construction project. The following section describes
the jurisdiction of each agency and where more specific information can
be found. If the board follows the project development chronology as
described, the Department of Education will coordinate the initial
involvement of each agency with the school board to ensure that the school
board and its architect receive all the information they will need when they
need it. This will ease the time demands on the school board,
administration and architect, as well as state agency personnel.
Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is involved with every project that
involves modifications to a school building, even if the project will not
receive state financial support. This department also has standards for
existing school buildings not involved with renovation projects and may
make periodic safety inspections as the need may arise. The Division
of Fire Safety, Department of Public Safety, administers
the 2005 Vermont Fire & Building Safety Code, based on the 2003
edition of the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and the Uniform Fire Code
(NFPA 1), published by the National Fire Protection Association, and the
International Building Code published by the International Code Council
(ICC). The Division also enforces the ASME Standards for boilers and
pressure vessels, the 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code (NFPA
70), the 2003 edition of the International Plumbing Code (ICC), the 2004
edition of the Safety Code for Elevators (ASME 17.1 & 17.3), the 2003
edition of the Safety Standard for Platform Lifts (ASME 18.1) and the
Vermont Access Rules that incorporates ADA requirements.
Before construction can begin, the Department of Public Safety must
review the plans for compliance with the Vermont Fire & Building Safety
Code and the Vermont Access Rules and issue a construction permit. The
Department’s construction permit application requires the architect to
certify that the project complies with the “Vermont Guidelines for Energy
If the board
follows the
t chronology
the initial
of each
agency with
the school
board to
ensure that
the school
board and
its architect
receive all
they will
need when
they need it.
This will
ease the
demands on
the school
on and
architect, as
well as state
38 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Efficient Construction", as published by the Vermont Department of
Public Service. Review of projects for other codes enforced by the
division is completed primarily by field inspection. This agency does
charge a fee for its services. The fees are based on the valuation
of construction work to be performed. To avoid any delay with permit
approval, submit the application and fees with final drawings a minimum
of two weeks before the anticipated start of construction.
The Department of Public Safety’s main office is located in Barre and
has regional offices in Williston, Barre, Rutland and Springfield that are
responsible for review of plans and construction documents, and
scheduling of school inspections. Go to the Division's website for more
information: for regional maps, addresses, and phone
Department of Education
The Department of Education administers the State Board rules for
school construction and provides technical assistance to school officials
on the process of construction planning for projects receiving state
school construction aid. The School Construction Team of the
Department administers the School Construction Aid program
including standards for classroom lighting, heating and ventilation for
school buildings.
Dept. of Environmental
Agency of Natural Resources
The Department of Environmental Conservation, or DEC, along with the
Departments of Forest, Parks and Recreation and Fish and Wildlife
comprise the Agency of Natural Resources. DEC is responsible for the
overall goal of conserving and enhancing Vermont’s natural resources
and protecting human health. This is achieved through the administration
of more that 40 specific regulatory programs which include dealing with
wastewater disposal, water supply, waste management (hazardous waste
and solid waste management), contaminated sites, impacts on both
ground and surface water quality, erosion control, wetlands wildlife and
air quality.
Where municipal water mains and sewers exist, connecting to them is a
Department of
administers the
State board
rules for school
and provides
assistance to
school officials
on the process
of construction
planning for
receiving state
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 39
Vermont Department of Education
matter of design and installation of piping and capacity of those systems.
Much more detailed evaluations are necessary for schools that must
construct water supply and sewage disposal utilities on their own sites.
Not all sites can supply safe water in sufficient quantity or adequately
treat and safely dispose of sewage generated by the school. Department
of Environmental Conservation staff are available to assist schools in
understanding water and sewage needs and systems criteria and design.
They will make site visits with the sanitary engineering consultant for
school boards early in the school planning process. Also the Department
administers a no-interest loan program to assist school boards with the
cost of engineering studies to determine suitability of school sites for
subsurface sewage disposal.
Although school expansions at existing sites or a new school site will
probably require review and/or permits for water supply and wastewater,
many other permits or reviews may also be required, including Act 250.
In addition, there can be site development constraints created both by
previous use and current natural or cultural resources that impact both the
short-term uses of a site and potential for expansion. Early detection of
these factors can make a huge difference in the success of a project.
Therefore, it is strongly advised that the permit specialist is contacted
when looking at site considerations and doing the preliminary planning
steps of the process.
Permit specialists located in each regional office assist applicants in
identifying all potential state permits or approvals (including ACT 250)
for any given project as well as providing preliminary information on
DEC jurisdictions. Use the following address to locate a permit
specialist on the internet:
index.htm. This team of specialists is also the primary editors of the
DEC Permit Handbook, a complete compendium of information on all
Vermont regulatory program is available online at
Although DEC and Act 250 interface, they operate under separate
authority. However, most environmental permits are issued by DEC.
DEC staff are located at the main office in Waterbury and five regional
offices located in Essex, Barre, St. Johnsbury, Springfield, and Rutland
(See Regional Map page 45). DEC work activities range from technical
assistance and training to development and issuance of regulations and
Department of
staff are
available to
assist schools
in understand-
ing water and
needs and
criteria and
design. They
will make site
visits with the
consultant for
school boards
early in the
DEC work
range from
and training to
and issuance
of regulations
and permits.
40 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Act 250 Review
School officials involved with the design of a new school or an addition
or other improvements to an existing school need to obtain a
jurisdictional opinion from the District Environmental Coordinator for
their area regarding Act 250 jurisdiction over the project. Assuming
that there is jurisdiction, an early determination should help provide for
a smooth application process that could take anywhere from 30 to 90
days. The time spent in the process is largely dependent on how well
issues such as prime farmland, animal habitat, sewage disposal,
architectural compatibility and traffic circulation have been worked out
before hand.
A new school project involving more than 10 acres of land including
lawns, playing fields, parking areas, roadway, leaching fields and
accessory buildings will fall under the jurisdiction of Act 250.
Jurisdiction may also attach if you are proposing an addition or other
construction of improvements to an existing facility that does not have
an Act 250 permit (involving more than ten acres) and if the addition is
viewed as a substantial change (i.e. it may result in significant impact
with respect to any of the environmental criteria of Act 250). Any
construction of improvements involving a material change to an
existing facility with an Act 250 permit will require an amendment to
that permit.
It is best to ask the local District Environmental Coordinator for a
jurisdictional opinion early in the planning process. (See Page 45 for
addresses and phone numbers).
Department of Health
The Department of Health is responsible for assuring that schools abide
by the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).
Federal law requires that prior to a renovation the school check its
Asbestos Management Plan to determine if the area being disturbed
contains asbestos-containing materials. If so, then those asbestos
materials must be removed by certified abatement contractors prior to
the renovation. Federal law also requires that prior to occupancy of a
renovated or new school building, the Asbestos Management Plan be
updated or developed by an accredited Management Planner. The
Management Plan must include documents that include a signed
statement that asbestos-containing materials were not used in the
A new school
involving more
than 10 acres
of land
lawns, playing
fields, parking
leaching fields
and accessory
buildings will
fall under the
jurisdiction of
Act 250.
Federal law
requires that
prior to a reno-
vation the
school check
its Asbestos
Plan to deter-
mine if the area
being disturbed
contains as-
bestos materi-
als. If so, then
those asbestos
materials must
be removed by
certified abate-
ment contrac-
tors prior to the
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 41
Vermont Department of Education
renovation or new construction. The architect or project engineer can
sign this statement. Once that is obtained, a certified asbestos inspector
must then sign off on that statement. Both documents are added to the
Management Plan. The school may contact the Department of Health,
(asbestos and lead program) and request to have the staff asbestos
inspector sign off on the architect’s or engineer’s statement. There is
no charge for this service. (See pages 53 & 54).
The Department of Health is responsible for food service sanitation
standards (Chapter 5 subchapter 2 of the Vermont Health Regulations).
All food service and food preparation in schools must comply with
these standards. Copies of these regulations are available from the
Department of Health, or the Department of Health’s website.
This agency can provide information on radon and assist with the
collection of air samples to test for the presence of this naturally
occurring gas. The Department can also provide information regarding
testing for carbon dioxide levels in schools. This is often used as an
indicator of the quality of indoor air and may be useful when examining
a school’s ventilation system. The Department can provide information
and advice on how to check for adequate ventilation and contacts for
HVAC/IAQ companies.
Division for Historic Preservation
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
The Division is part of the Department of Housing and Community
Affairs, in the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and
is the state office concerned with preserving historic and archeological
resources, including individual structures, groups of historic buildings
like village centers, historic landscapes, and prehistoric and historic
archeological sites. The Council is a governor-appointed citizen board
that under state law (22 VSA 14) reviews state-funded projects that may
adversely affect historic and archeological resources.
If an existing school is over 50 years old, it is probably historic, and
work should be planned to preserve its significant historic features,
while making the changes necessary to satisfy building codes, access
requirements, and other programmatic requirements. Schools on the
State Register of Historic Buildings must adhere to the Secretary of the
Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The State Board of Education’s
Historic Preservation Policy promotes renovations to existing historic
school buildings in order to meet the educational needs of students.
The development team for a rehabilitation or addition project on a
of Health can
on radon and
assist with the
collection of
air samples to
test for the
presence of
this naturally
occurring gas.
If an existing
school is over
50 years old,
it is probably
historic, and
work should
be planned to
preserve its
while making
the changes
necessary to
and other
42 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
historic school should include a professional with expertise and experience in
historic preservation. New construction in historic areas or places likely to
contain archeological sites should be planned with the services of a historic
preservation and/or archeological professional. The Advisory Council will
review projects that may have an adverse effect on a historic school,
surrounding historic district, or potential archeological resources.
Contact the Division to obtain information on historic schools, designated
historic districts, the likelihood of archeological resources on a site,
rehabilitation guidelines, and information on qualified historic preservation
and archeological consultants. The Division staffs the Council, and will
schedule a project review upon request. (See Page 49 for State Board policy
on Historic Preservation).
Agency of Transportation
This agency reviews school sites selection when entrance to the site is made
from a state highway or state aided highway. It will assist the school board
in determining where the entrance to the site should be located to best ensure
the safest conditions for highway traffic flow.
When a driveway is to be developed or changed accessing the state highway,
a highway access permit is required. A permit is also required to work
within the highway rights-of-way. The Traffic Operations Section looks at
several other issues regarding traffic at a school site, including:
roadway alignment to ensure adequate sight distances;
traffic volumes that occur along that portion of the state highway and
the impact of the increased volumes;
highway signs required to be relocated or revised;
accident history along the stretch of highway involved; and,
school bus issues.
New school locations may require some additional studies to determine the
adequacy of school bus stops on state highways. This should be addressed as
part of the traffic study associated with the site selection process. Districts
may contact the Traffic Operations Section at
Department of Agriculture
This department works with school boards that are selecting new school sites
to ensure that site selection and design minimize potential adverse impacts
on agricultural soils, and agricultural operations on nearby lands. In
addition, the department monitors agricultural operations to ensure that they
are in compliance with Vermont’s Accepted Agricultural Practice
The Agency of
will assist the
school board in
where the
entrance to the
site should be
located to
best ensure
the safest
conditions for
highway traffic
New school
locations may
require some
studies to
determine the
adequacy of
school bus
routes and the
locations. This
should be
addressed as
part of the
traffic study
associated with
the site
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 43
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont Municipal Bond Bank
The Vermont Municipal Bond Bank is a quasi-state agency that was
established in 1970 with a mandate to provide municipalities with access to
the tax-exempt municipal bond market at the lowest cost. The Bank can
provide assistance from the planning stage to the issuance of bonds. For
more information or with questions call 223-2717 or toll free (in Vermont)
Department of Public Service
The Department of Public Service (DPS) and its Energy Efficiency Division
employ staff with expertise in the design, construction and operation of
energy efficient buildings. The Department has published a 38-page booklet,
Putting Energy into School Construction, a planning guide for anyone
involved with a school construction project. The guide explains how to
incorporate energy efficiency in a school project to gain the benefit of lower,
long-term operating costs. Copies are available by calling the Energy Action
line, 1-800-642-3281.
The Department also helps support the School Energy Management Program
at the Vermont Superintendents Association (VSA). This program has
access to a wide variety of resources, including the state-wide energy
efficiency utility, Efficiency Vermont. The goal of the program is to assist in
making new construction and retrofit projects in schools as energy-and-cost-
efficient as possible. Contact the VSA School Energy Management Program
at (802) 229-1017.
Information about how schools can take advantage of low-cost wood chip
heating systems is also available from the DPS. Contact the DPS biomass
staff at (802) 828-4056.
of Public
(DPS) has
published a
Energy into
, a planning
guide for
involved with
a school
project. The
explains how
efficiency in
a school
project to
gain the
benefit of
lower, long-
Copies are
available by
calling the
Action line, 1
44 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Department of Public Safety Regional Map
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 45
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46 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 47
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48 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 49
Vermont Department of Education
State Board Policy on Historic Preservation
Adopted August 19, 1997
Policy Statement
1. Whereas, schools traditionally have been located within the physical centers of Vermonts’s
communities and have been a major contributing factor to the sense of community in Vermont; and
2. Whereas, the State Board recognizes the contemporary and future benefits of maintaining that sense
of community in Vermont; and
3. Whereas, even in the event that a historic school is discontinued as an educational facility, it can
remain a valued landmark of the community’s heritage; and
4. Whereas, the costs and uses of rehabilitated buildings can be comparable to those of new
5. Whereas, continued use of historic schools is consistent with Vermont’s effort to focus public and
private investment in existing community centers and preserves the public infrastructure already embodied in
those centers;
It is therefore in the public interest to protect Vermont’s historic schools for future generations and it
shall be the policy of the Vermont State Board of Education that:
1. School districts be encouraged to use the existing infrastructure to meet the needs of Vermont’s
students and therefore funding for renovations, including major repairs, and additions to existing school
buildings shall be given preference over new school development taking into consideration the educational
needs of students and that the costs of rehabilitation do not unreasonably exceed the costs of such new
2. With specific respect to historic school buildings listed on or eligible for the state or national
register of historic places, school districts shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve and protect such
buildings and, wherever possible, rehabilitate or add to such buildings to permit continued use as a school
3. Where an historic school building has been determined to be unsuitable for continued use as a
school, the Sstate Board encourages school districts to develop an adaptive reuse plan that incorporates a
historic preservation easement or covenant on the property in conjunction with any plans for an new school
building in order to avoid the abandonment or demolition of the historic building.
4. In furtherance of the above, the Department of Education shall work closely with the Division for
Historic Preservation on general rules and policies as well as on individual school construction projects to
ensure the Department’s responsibilities pursuant to 22 V.S.A. §743 (4) (“assure that ...plans, programs, codes
and regulations contribute to the preservation and enhancement of sites, structures and objects of historical,
architectural, archeological or cultural significance”) are properly carried out.
50 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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52 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 53
Vermont Department of Education
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act
40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart E
Scope and Purpose
The Asbestos Hazar d Emergency Response Act (AHERA) r equires public and pr ivate non -profit
elementary and secondary schools to visually inspect school buildings for asbestos-containing materials
(ACM) and to have an asbestos management developed. Schools are required to use persons who have
been trained and accredited to conduct asbestos
inspections, reinspections, develop management plans, or perform response
The rule also includes recordkeeping requirements. Schools may contractually delegate their duties under
this rule, but they remain responsible for the proper performance of those duties.
Schools, prior to opening a new building must have a completed asbestos management plan. Under
emergency situations where a school moves into an inspected building, such buildings shall be inspected
within 30 days after commencement of such use.
New additions to a school building also require the asbestos management plan to be updated.
No school is excluded from having an asbestos management plan and complying with recordkeeping
requirements. School built after October 12, 1988 may be excluded from the inspection requirement
only if an architect or project engineer responsible for the construction or an asbestos inspector signs
a statement that no asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) was specified as a building
material in any construction document for the building or, to the best of his or her knowledge, no
ACBM was used as a building material in the building.
For additional information regarding certified and accredited persons to perform these activities,
contact the Vermont Department of Health, Asbestos & Lead Program at 1-800-439-8550.
The program can assist you by providing information regarding the federal rule and may be
able to assist you in complying with the federal requirements.
You may also contact the Region I Abatement Coordinator at the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region I, Boston MA., 617-918-1524 for information.
54 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Annual In-House Inspection
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires public and private, non-
profit elementary and secondary schools to visually inspect school buildings for asbestos-
containing building materials (ACBM) and to have an asbestos management plan developed.
Schools are required to use persons who have been trained and accredited to conduct
inspections, reinspections, develop management plans, or perform response actions.
Does the school have their asbestos management plan
in the Administration office and on-site at the school
building? Yes No N/A
Have custodial and maintenance employees been
properly trained? Yes No N/A
Are workers and building occupants informed at
least once each school year about inspections, response
action activities, including periodic reinspection and
surveillance activities that are planned or in progress? Yes No N/A
Are short term workers (e.g. telephone repair, utilities,
or exterminators) who may come into contact with asbestos
in a school provided information regarding the locations
of asbestos containing materials. Yes No N/A
Any warning labels posted immediately adjacent to
any friable and nonfriable ACBM and suspected ACBM
assumed to be ACBM located in routine maintenance areas
at each school building? Yes No N/A
Is the asbestos management plan available for inspection and
has the yearly notification of such availability been provided
to parents and employees? Yes No N/A
Had the school designated a person to carry out the
implementation of the asbestos management plan? Yes No N/A
References: 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos-Containing Materials in School; Final Rule and Notice
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 55
Vermont Department of Education
Other School
V.S.A., T.16, §3448 addresses the method for responding to emergency
construction in two ways. First, if the cost of any emergency work
necessary to address health and safety threats to students and employees
created by unanticipated circumstances or events is less than $100,000,
the Commissioner may grant 30% construction aid. Schools need to
request the emergency construction aid funds on a form prescribed by
the Commissioner. The information districts are required to provide
when applying for emergency aid is listed in State Board Rule 6129.
Secondly, if the cost exceeds $100,000, the district should apply for
construction aid through the regular application process in accordance
with the State Board Rules. The State Board will assign projects
deemed an emergency by the Commissioner first priority for funding.
Remember, that by statute the State Board is not permitted to provide
any construction aid for projects that have arisen in whole or in part
from significant deferred maintenance. See Rule 6136.
Re-Applying for Construction Aid
Under the new priority process, not all school projects that are
presented to the legislature are guaranteed funding for the next fiscal
Those that do not receive funding will be included in the following
year’s request.
By statute
the State
Board is not
permitted to
provide any
aid for
projects that
have arisen
in whole or
in part from
Not all
projects that
presented to
will receive
funding for
the next
fiscal year.
56 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Appealing the Rating
Rule 6119 includes a process for school districts to appeal their rating
by the Commissioner of Education within thirty days of receiving it.
The district must submit the appeal in writing to the State Board and
indicate what aspect of the rating the district is appealing. The letter
must provide the State Board with a basis upon which to reconsider the
rating given to the district and should include all data necessary to
support the appeal.
Increasingly schools are incorporating and relying on computer
technologies to help students achieve academic standards. Students
are accessing more software and Internet connections to assist with
their studies than ever before. With the help of professionals, schools
need to plan for their entire technology infrastructure. Decisions need
to be made around the electronic, telecommunication and cable
infrastructure necessary to support the school’s operations. These will
include the installation of public address, security, and telephone
systems as well as computer hardware and software.
Vermont has established standards for all schools to meet when it
comes to technology in their curriculums. Many schools have already
developed technology plans to align with these standards. Of course,
this plan should be used in planning any school construction project to
ensure the objectives of the plan will be achieved with the
State Board Rules do not specifically address playground requirements
or equipment. The Department recommends school personnel contact
the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation or the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission and request a copy of the Handbook for
Public Playground Safety. The guidelines are not standards and are
not mandatory. However, if the recommendations are followed, they
will minimize injuries associated with playground equipment and
contribute to greater safety awareness when purchasing, installing and
maintaining public playground equipment.
Rule 6119
includes a process
for school districts
to appeal their
rating by the
Commissioner of
Education within
fifteen days of
receiving it.
The Department
school personnel
contact the
Department of
Forests, Parks
and Recreation or
the U.S.
Product Safety
Commission and
request a copy of
the Handbook for
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 57
Vermont Department of Education
Purchase of a Building
Sometimes a district may want to purchase a building to meet its
facility needs. The Commissioner has developed a different application
form to use when purchasing a building. In addition to the some of
exhibits required when constructing a new facility, this application
requires an appraisal of the property by two or more independent
appraisers, the cost of the building exclusive of site costs, type of
construction, and year of construction (See Application section
beginning on page 71).
Indoor Air Quality
The 1995-1996 session of the general assembly established a committee
on Vermont Indoor Air Quality in response to concerns raised by many
Vermont residents who either work in state buildings or attend schools
with inadequate ventilation. The legislature asked this committee to
examine the quality of indoor air in state buildings and schools and to
draft proposed rules to assure acceptable indoor air quality in these
The statewide committee was divided into a state buildings and school
buildings subcommittee. The subcommittee on schools met over the
course of a year with the goal of issuing a report on indoor air quality
standards for schools. The committee examined standards for
designing and maintaining buildings so as to avoid or mitigate indoor
air quality problems and explored protocols for dealing with indoor air
quality complaints as they arose at the building level.
A copy of the July 1999 report of the subcommittee on indoor air
quality in school buildings is available from the Department of
The 2000 session of the general assembly enacted Act 125 relating to
Indoor Air Quality in Vermont public schools. Act 125 directed that a
model school environmental health policy and management plan be
Decisions need
to be made
around the
electronic, tele-
and cable
necessary to
support the
These will
include the
installation of
public address,
security, and
systems as well
as computer
hardware and
58 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Model Safety and Health
Protocol for Schools
The 1997 General Assembly charged the State Board of Education with
developing a model safety and health protocol for schools. The
protocol requires each school board to ensure that all schools under its
jurisdiction are well maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. It
assigns to the administration of the school the responsibility for
maintaining a safe and healthy school and for periodically inspecting
the buildings and grounds. The protocol includes an annual in-house
inspection to ensure that every student is provided a physical learning
environment that is safe, secure and well maintained. To assist schools
with conducting an annual in-house inspection, the Department of
Education has produced a draft model guideline based on school safety
standards and guidelines. These two draft documents are available
upon request.
The protocol
each school
board to
ensure that
all schools
under its
are well
in a safe and
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 59
Vermont Department of Education
Capital Outlay Financing Formula
State of Vermont
Department of Education
Montpelier, Vermont
Adopted by:
The State Board of Education
on September 19, 2006
60 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
The State Board of Education voted to establish the effective date for implementation
of the current Capital Outlay Financing Formula as of September 19, 2006.
On August 18, 1998 the State Board of Education voted to approve that the
maximum eligible cost for construction aid shall be determined by applying
the capital outlay financing formulas to the approved educational specifica-
tions for a proposed project. The maximum cost for state participation shall
in no way limit the amount of construction cost that a local district may au-
thorize or expend on a project. The capital outlay financing formulas shall
be subject to review by the State Board of Education every year.
State Board Rule: Series 6000
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 61
Vermont Department of Education
Maximum Eligible Building Costs For State Participation Purposes:
The formulas and procedures that follow are intended to determine the maximum eligible
cost for state participation purposes on any school construction project eligible for state
construction aid under Vermont statutes and State Board of Education policy. The
maximum eligible cost shall be determined by the Commissioner applying the formulas to
the approved educational specifications for the proposed project, but shall in no way limit
the amount of construction cost that a local district may authorize or expend on a project.
If the local district wishes to authorize construction costs in excess of this figure, it may,
but the state construction aid will be calculated on the basis of the maximum eligible cost.
Any costs in excess of this will be borne by the local district. The space allocation
formulas and allowable cost per square foot of construction shall be subject to review by
the State Board of Education every year.
Definitions: For purposes of determining eligibility, the following definitions
shall apply:
Costs Eligible for Construction Aid
1. Emergency project costs required to address imminent threats to safety and health
of students or employees for which construction is necessary.
2. Fees for permits, clerk of the works, and legal, architectural and engineering
3. Razing existing on-site structures.
4. Installation of utilities and associated costs either on-site or where legal right-of-way
is obtained by the school district, including grading, drainage facilities, power
plants, sewer, water, wells and pumps, waste treatment, electricity, roads, walks,
parking areas and lighting.
5. Athletic fields and other site development projects necessary to provide
exterior facilities to carry out an approved educational program.
6. Landscaping incidental to the construction.
7. Construction to meet state agency regulations, including but not limited to fire and
safety, environmental, and VOSHA.
8. Roof replacement if:
(a) it is a structural improvement which will extend the life of the building, or
(b) the roof has exceeded its life expectancy and will be completely replaced and
9. School building construction or purchase, and extensive additions, alterations and
renovations to existing schools consistent with 16 VSA §3448(a)(2)(A).
10. Fixed equipment approved by the Commissioner.
62 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Partially Eligible Costs:
1. Swimming pools, skating rinks, theaters, and other structures with valid
education functions but primarily programmed for community use and/or revenue
production are to be counted into the total space allowances eligible for
construction aid at a percentage which is the ratio of educational use to total
use; such percentage to be determined in each case by the Commissioner.
Auxiliary spaces, such as locker rooms, changing rooms, spectator areas and
mechanical equipment areas may be included as partially eligible costs.
2. School Construction on land or buildings which are part of a permanent
deeded easement or right-of-way is eligible for state participation as a partially
eligible cost at a percentage to be determined by the Commissioner.
3. Office space for administration.
Non-eligible Costs
1. Structures or spaces designed exclusively for use of other agencies or services
such as community centers, town offices, or civil defense shelters.
2. Repair or maintenance projects that do not amount to extensive additions,
alterations or renovations.
3. Stadiums
4. School furniture, computers, computer hardware, cleaning equipment and
5. Interest on bonding or short term borrowing costs.
6. Time spent on the construction project by school board members or
employees of the district.
7. Deferred Maintenance. No state construction aid shall be available for
any proposed project or construction which has arisen in whole or in part
from significant deferred maintenance. For the purpose of this section,
“deferred maintenance” means costs for construction repairs or other
improvements necessitated by the lack of reasonable and timely
maintenance including periodic minor repairs of school buildings and
mechanical systems.
Questionable Costs of Spaces
1. Costs or spaces not falling clearly within the list of eligible or partially
eligible costs or spaces and not specifically excluded as non-eligible shall
be submitted to the Commissioner for status determination prior to project
commencement, or shall automatically be considered as not eligible for
construction aid.
2. Districts aggrieved by the decision of the Commissioner regarding eligible cost
may appeal to the State Board of Education. The State Board after opportunity
for hearing may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the Commissioner.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 63
Vermont Department of Education
If one or more of the following are included in the proposed construction aid project, the following
minimum requirements shall apply by grade range and school size for the program and service areas.
Program and Services Minimum Square Footage Required For Design
1. Kindergarten 50 square feet net per student use
2. General Instruction 30 square feet net per student use
3. Library <250 students: 750 sq. ft. net; >249 students: 3 sq. ft. per
3a. Library Storage 10% floor area
3b. Lirbrary Workroom/Conference 10% floor area
4. Art 50 square feet net per student use
4a. Art Storage 10% floor area
5. Music Classroom 30 square feet net per student use
5a Music Storage 10% floor area
6. Combined labs for 2 or More
Specific Programs, incl Science
50 square feet net per student use
6a. Combined Lab Storage Area 10% floor area
7. Computer Lab 30 square feet net per student use
7a. Computer Lab Service Area 50 square feet
8. Special Services 2 square feet x capacity
9. Multi-Purpose Room <60 students: 1,200 square feet; >59 students: 2,400 square feet net
9a. Multi-Purpose Storage <60 students: 10% floor area; >59 students: 15% floor area
10. Gymnasium 3,840 square feet Regulation Court
10a. Gymnasium Storage 10% floor area
11. Cafeteria/Dining Room 7 square feet net x planned seating capacity
11a. Cafeteria/Dining Room Storage 5% floor area
12. Kitchen: Onsite production and
includes required storage
<250 students: 500 square feet net: >249 students: 3 square feet x capacity;
>500 students: 2 square feet x capacity
13. Auditorium >499 students: 6 square feet x capacity
14. Theater >499 students: 2 square feet x capacity
15. Stage 5% floor area multi-purpose, gymnasium or dining rooms
16. Health <250 students: 150 square feet net plus toilet facilities:
>249 students: 1 square foot x capacity plus toilet facilities
17. Guidance 1 square foot x capacity
18. Conference 1 square foot x capacity
19. Administration 3 square feet x capacity
20. Project Rooms 3 square feet x capacity less kindergarten population
21. Teacher Planning Room 2 square feet x capacity
22. General Storage 2 square feet x capacity
23. Sub-Total
24. Supports (toilets, halls, etc...) No greater than 30% of sub-total
64 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
If one or more of the following are included in the proposed construction aid project, the followng
minimum requirements shall apply by grade range and school size for the program and service areas.
Minimum Square Footage Required For Design
1. Kindergarten
2. General Instruction
3. Library
3a. Library Storage
3b. Lirbrary Workroom/Conference
4. Art
4a. Art Storage
5. Music Classroom
5a Music Storage
6. Music/Instrumental
6a. Music/Insturmental Storage
7. Science Laboratory
7a. Science Preparation Storage
8. Foreign Language
9. Family Consumer Science
9a. Family Consumer Storage
10. Combined labs for 2 or More
Specific Programs, incl. Science
10a. Combined Lab Storage Area
11. Computer Lab
11a. Computer Lab Service Area
12. Special Services
13. Multi-Purpose Room
13a. Multi-Purpose Storage
14. Gymnasium
14a. Gymnasium Storage
14b. Locker Rooms
15. Cafeteria/Dining Room
15a. Cafeteria/Dining Room Storage
16. Kitchen: Onsite production and
includes required storage
17. Auditorium
18. Theater
19. Stage
20 Health
21. Guidance
22 Conference
23. Administration
24. Project Rooms
25. Teacher Planning Room
26. General Storage
27. Sub-Total
28. Supports (toilets, halls, etc...)
Program and Services
50 square feet net per student use
30 square feet net per student use
<250 students: 750 sq. ft. net; >249 students: 3 sq. ft. per student
10% floor area
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use >100 students; 2,000 square feet
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet
2 square feet x capacity
<60 students: 1,200 square feet; >59 students: 2,400 square feet net
<60 students: 10% floor area; >59 students: 15% floor area
3,840 square feet Regulation Court
10% floor area
10% floor area
7 square feet net x planned seating capacity
5% floor area
<250 students: 500 square feet net: >249 students: 3 square feet x capacity;
>500 students: 2 square feet x capacity
>499 students: 6 square feet x capacity
>499 students: 2 square feet x capacity
5% floor area multi-purpose, gymnasium or dining rooms
<250 students: 150 square feet net plus toilet facilities:
>249 students: 1 square foot x capacity plus toilet facilities
1 square foot x capacity
1 square foot x capacity
3 square feet x capacity
3 square feet x capacity less kindergarten population
2 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
No greater than 30% of sub-total
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 65
Vermont Department of Education
1. General Instruction
2. Library
2a. Library Storage
2b. Lirbrary Workroom/Conference
3. Art
3a. Art Storage
4. Music Classroom
4a. Music Storage
5. Music/Instrumental
5a. Music/Insturmental Storage
6. Science Laboratory
6a. Science Preparation Storage
7. Foreign Language
8. Tech Ed/Family Consumer Science
8a. Tech Ed/Family Consumer Storage
9. Combined labs for 2 or More
Specific Programs above
9a . Combined Lab Storage Area
10. Computer Lab
10a. Computer Lab Service Area
11. Special Services
12. Multi-Purpose Room
12a. Multi-Purpose Storage
13. Gymnasium
13a. Gymnasium Storage
13b. Locker Rooms
14. Cafeteria/Dining Room
14a. Cafeteria/Dining Room Storage
15. Kitchen: Onsite production and
includes required storage
16. Auditorium
17. Theater
18. Stage
19 Health
20. Guidance
21. Conference
22. Administration
23. Project Rooms
24. Teacher Planning Room
25. General Storage
26. Sub-Total
27. Supports (toliets, halls, etc...)
If one or more of the following are included in the proposed construction aid project, the followng
minimum requirements shall apply by grade range and school size for the program and service areas.
Program and Services Minimum Square Footage Required For Design
30 square feet net per student use
4 square feet x capacity; minimum 1000 square feet
10% floor area
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
10 % floor area
50 square feet net per student use >100 students 2, 000 square feet
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet net per student use
10 % floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet
2 square feet x capacity
<60 students: 1,200: >59 students: 2,400 square feet net
<60 students: 10% floor area; >59 students: 15% floor area
3,840 square feet Regulation Court
10% floor area
10% floor area of gym, per locker room
10 square feet net x planned seating capacity
5% floor area
<250 students: 500 sq. feet net: >249 students 3 sq. ft. x capacity
>500 students: 2 square feet x capacity
8 square feet x capacity
3 square feet x capacity
5% floor area multi-purpose, gymnasium, or dining room
<250 students: 150 square feet net plus toilet facilities;
>249 students: 1 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
1 square foot x capacity
3 square feet x capacity
4 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
No more than 30% of sub-total
66 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
If one or more of the following are included in the proposed construction aid project, the followng
minimum requirements shall apply by grade range and school size for the program and service areas.
Program and Services Minimum Square Footage Required For Design
1. General Instruction
2. Library
2a. Library Storage
2b. Library Workroom/Conference
3. Art
3a. Art Storage
4. Music Classroom
4a. Music Storage
5. Music/Instrumental
5a. Music/Instrumental Storage
6. Science Lab
6a. Science Preparation/Storage
7. Foreign Language
8. Tech Ed/ Family Consumer Science
8a. Tech Ed./Family Cons Sci Storage
9. Combined Lab of 2 or more Specific
Programs above
9a. Combined Lab Storage
10. Computer Lab
10a. Computer Lab Storage
11. Special Services
12. Multipurpose Room
12a. Multipurpose Room Storage
13. Gymnasium
13a. Gymnasium Storage
13b. Locker Rooms
14. Cafeteria/Dining Room
14a. Cafeteria/Dining Room Storage
15. Kitchen: Onsite production and all
required storage
16. Auditorium
17. Theater
18. Stage
19. Health
20. Guidance
21. Conference
22. Administration
23. Project Rooms/Student Centers
24. Teacher Planning Rooms
25. General Storage
26. Sub-Total
27. Supports (toilets, halls,etc....)
30 square feet x capacity @ 70%
4 square feet x capacity; minimum 1000 square feet
10% floor area
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use >100 students 2,500 sq. feet
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
50 square feet net per student use
10% floor area
30 square feet net per student use
50 square feet
2 square feet x capacity
<60 students: 1,200; >59 students: 2,400 square feet net
<60 students: 10% floor area; >59 students: 15% floor area
5,040 square feet Regulation Court
10% floor area
10% floor area of gym, per locker room
10 square feet net x planned seating capacity
5% floor area
<400 students: 3 square feet; >399 students: 2 square feet
8 square feet x capacity
3 square feet x capacity
5% floor area: multipurpose, gymnasium, or dining room
<500 students: 500 square feet;
>499 students: 2 sq. feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
4 square feet x capacity
3 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
2 square feet x capacity
No more than 30% of sub-total
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 67
Vermont Department of Education
The space parameters below shall determine the Maximum Gross Square
Footage Per Student Capacity for State Participation on portions of a project
eligible for construction aid.
Space Allowance Table
Grade Range Gross Square
Footage Per Student, for
K-6 140
K-8 160
Middle or Junior High 160
High School 180
A. The Commissioner will determine an average gross square footage per
student when a 7-12 or K-12 combination is proposed.
B. The Commissioner will determine an average gross square footage per
student and apply the necessary minimum and maximum square footages
to unique combinations of grades.
C. In cases of renovations and additions the Commissioner will determine the
gross square footage useable for educational purposes of an existing building
establishing the maximum square footage allowable for construction aid.
68 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
The Maximum Cost for State Participation shall be determined by multiplying the basic
unit cost by the total allowable square footage. The basic unit cost reflects all costs
associated with the construction.
PROJECT 10,000
Impacted site)
$175.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00
$185.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00
Middle Grades or
Junior High School
$185.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00
High School
$195.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00
Technical & Career
B. For remodeling existing educational spaces, the maximum eligible building cost is 70% of the
building cost figures above. For site work and waste treatment, when applicable, above
figures to apply.
C For conversion of existing non-educational spaces to educational use, maximum building
cost to be 70% of above figures. Above figures to apply on site work and waste treatment
where applicable.
D. Additional Increments for Special Circumstances:
In the event of unusually difficult and unavoidable site conditions engaging more than
normally expensive site work or waste treatment facilities, and renovations to existing
buildings to retain their historical features, the unit cost increments for these areas may be
increased by the Commissioner of Education.
E. Renewable energy: Additional costs associated with the installation of non-fossil fuel
heating/cooling systems will be added to the Maximum Cost for State Participa tion and
reimbursed as defined by statute. See 16 VSA §3448 (7) (B).
Districts applying for aid under this section may be asked to submit estimates prepared by qualified
professionals to quantify the specific component costs in excess of the cost for a traditional fossil
fuel system.
F. Cost Index Relationship: Unit costs will be subject to annual readjustment by the State Board
of Education. The readjustment will be based on the past year’s cost of school construction.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 69
Vermont Department of Education
For new school construction, determine the total space allowance for the project from the Space
Allowance Tables. Using the Space Allowance chart, multiply the approved gross square foot-
age by the maximum square footage cost.
To determine space allowance for an addition, deduct from the total space allowance the area of
the existing building adjusted for its current age status by multiplying the area by the applicable
use factors listed below. The applicability of Use Factors is at the discretion of the commis-
Use factors for existing structures:
Basement areas 25%
Above grade pre-1945 facilities 70%
Above grade facilities constructed since 1945 80%
To determine the maximum cost for state participation purposes, multiply the new space allow-
ance by the unit cost for new construction and multiply the area in the existing building that is
identified for remodeling by the unit cost identified in the Basic Unit Cost chart and the supple-
mental increment allowed for renovation.
The following example determines the Maximum Cost for State Participation (M.C.S.P.) for a new ele-
mentary school K-6 with an approved design capacity of 340 students. Includes an allowance for 12
acres site work, incl. parking and athletic fields, and on-site waste treatment.
New building allowance: 340 X 140 square feet = 47,600
47,600 square feet X ($175+5) = $8,568,000
Site work allowance: (43,560 sq ft X 12) X $3 = 1,568,160
Maximum Cost for State Participation: $10,136,160
The following example demonstrates the Maximum Cost for State Participation (M.C.S.P.) for a
proposed 25,000 square foot addition and renovation to a K-6 school with an approved de-
sign capacity of 340 students. The existing building is 30,000 square feet of 1960 vintage, of
which 22,000 square feet will be remodeled. The school is served by municipal waste treat-
ment and is adding a 27,800 sq ft parking and drop-off area.
Max space allowance: 340 X 140 square feet = 47,600
Minus adjusted existing building sq footage: 30,000 X 80% = 24,000
Building allowance for new addition: 23,600 sq ft
Building allowance for new addition: 23,600 X $175 = $4,130,000
Renovations: 22,000 X ($175 X 70%) = 2,695,000
Site work allowance: 27,800 sq ft X $3 = 83,400
Maximum Cost for State Participation: $6,908,400
Minimum Requirements:
Minimum requirements regarding facility planning and construction will be those included in State
Board of Education rules 6100.
70 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 71
Vermont Department of Education
Required for all projects seeking state school construction aid
School Building: ________________________________________________________
School District: _________________________________________________________
The school directors of this district have determined that a need exists to undertake planning associated
with new school construction OR major addition or renovations to existing school buildings. The
anticipated construction project will serve pupils in grades _______ to _______.
Notice is hereby given of the intention of the school directors to make eventual application for all
state financial assistance available to a project of this type.
The directors hereby request a pre-construction evaluation with a representative of the
Department of Education to review requirements to be met in the planning of this project. The
necessary documents to complete this preliminary application, as listed on the reverse of this page, are
completed and enclosed and approved by the directors.
_________________________ __________________________ ________________
School Board Chair Superintendent of Schools Date Submitted
Contact for project details:
Name: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Summary description of project (nature of project, timetable for completion, status of voter approval):
*Continued on reverse. Preliminary application not complete without required exhibits as listed.
72 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
A. The following information must be enclosed for major projects, including new construction,
additions, and substantial renovations as covered under 16 VSA §3448 (a)(3)(C):
1. Facility Analysis
-1- Documentation of existing building deficiencies; analysis of existing building systems,
space, and infrastructure.
-2- History of maintenance efforts
-3- Existing floor plans with square footages and spaces identified by current use
2. Enrollment Projections. If available, include calculations of existing building capacity or
capacity as approved by the State Board of Education at time of last construction.
3. In the case of a project which will add space, include an analysis of available space in
neighboring schools (State Board of Education Rule 6116).
B. The following must be included for projects which extend the useful life of a building but do
not constitute extensive additions or alterations, as covered under 16 VSA §3448(a)(3)(B):
1. Detailed description of the nature and scope of the project and the need it fulfills.
2. Energy conservation or retrofit projects (State Board of Education Rule 6145) shall submit a
life cycle cost analysis.
NOTE: After the commissioner has approved a preliminary application, a Final Application
for state aid must be submitted and approved by the State Board of Education before construction
may begin. All application materials and exhibits are submitted through the School Construction
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 73
Vermont Department of Education
V.S.A., Title 16, §3448, as amended
This application and all applicable exhibits must be submitted to the Department and approved by the
State Board of Education before construction begins.
School District: ________________________________________
Application is hereby made for state assistance for the project described below:
Name and location of school building: _______________________________________
_____ New construction _____ Major addition
_____ Renovations or alterations _____ Site development
_____ Code Compliance _____ Relocatable Unit
_____ Other (explain)
Total estimated project cost: $__________________
Funds or bond issued and voted: $__________________ Vote Date:__________
Grades to be housed: ________ Student capacity of building after completion:________
Pre-Existing Sq. Footage of building: ________
Usable number of acres in site: ______ Square foot area of this project:______
Total Square Footage of Building Including New Addition: ______________
Architect/Engineer: _________________________________________________________
(continued on reverse)
Dept. use only:
Project: __________
Funding % __________
74 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
A. Approved Educational Specifications.
B. Certified copy of resolution of legislative branch of school district stating that the public interest or necessity
demands the school building improvements applied for as required by Title 24, V.S.A. § 1755.
C. Certified copy of warning voted upon by the school district and the recorded vote.
D. Summary of project budget.
E Agreement to provide high school instruction to students attending high school from such areas as may be
prescribed by board of education and list such areas.
F. Statement of qualifications for person who will supervise actual construction.
G. Evidence of bidding procedures followed, Title 16, V.S.A §559:
-1- documentation of pre-qualification, when required
-2- advertisement and/or list of invited bidders
-3- bid summary, indicating chosen bid(s).
H. Statement that a Commissioning Report will be provided.
I. Final blueprints of the proposed construction project.
J. Statement of approval of the plans from the Agency for Historic Preservation. (where applicable)
K. Statement of approval of the plans (evidence of all required permits) from the Agency of Natural Resources.
L. Act 250 Permit, where required.
M. Statement of approval of the plans by the Department of Public Safety; construction permit.
N. Evidence of a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit for general contractor or construction manager.
O. Proof of adequate builder’s risk insurance and professional liability insurance.
P. Copy of title in fee simple or a permanent deeded easement or right-of-way for land. (when applicable)
Q. Renewable Energy – Life cycle cost analysis as per State Board Rule 6145.
A signed application acknowledges:
1. The state is not obligated to pay its share of the approved costs of construction until state funds are available. State
funding may not be available at the time that the project would otherwise be eligible for payment. The applicant is solely
responsible for the costs associated with any borrowing done in anticipation of state aid.
2. Agreement by school district to refund to the State a percentage of the sale price equal to the percentage of construction
aid received, or actual grant, whichever is less upon sale of any item or building for which aid was awarded, Title 16,
V.S.A. §448 (b).
3. This project complies with the applicable provisions of State Board of Education Rules 6100 et seq.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chairperson Superintendent of Schools
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
School Board Members School Board Members
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 75
Vermont Department of Education
Type II projects are projects that extend the useful life of a building but do not increase the building’s size or
capacity. Examples of projects under this subdivision are replacement, addition or repair to utilities, projects
which address environmental quality issues, replacement of a roof, or replacement or upgrading of mechanical
This application and all applicable exhibits must be submitted to the Department and approved by the
State Board of Education before construction begins.
School District: ________________________________________
Application is hereby made for state assistance for the project described below:
Name and location of construction project: ________________________________________
Total estimated cost: $__________________
Funds or bond issued and voted: $__________________ Vote Date: _____________
Grades housed: _____________ Current enrollment: _____________
Square foot area of this project: _______________
Total square footage of building: ______________
Architect/Engineer: _________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
(continued on reverse)
Dept. use only:
Project: __________
Funding % __________
76 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
A. Certified copy of resolution of legislative branch of school district stating that the public interest or necessity
demands the school building improvements applied for as required by Title 24, V.S.A. §1755.
B. Certified copy of warning voted upon by the school district and the recorded vote.
C. Summary of project budget.
D. Statement of qualifications for person who will supervise actual construction.
E. Evidence of bidding procedures followed, Title 16, V.S.A §559:
-1- documentation of pre-qualification, when required
-2- advertisement and/or list of invited bidders
-3- bid summary, indicating chosen bid(s).
F. Statement that a Commissioning Report will be provided. (when necessary)
G. Blueprints or engineering specifications of the proposed construction project.
H. Statement of approval of access roads by the Department of Transportation. (where applicable)
I. Statement of approval of the plans from the Agency for Historic Preservation. (where applicable)
J. Statement of approval of the plans (evidence of all required permits) from the Agency of Natural Resources.
(where applicable)
K. Act 250 Permit (where applicable)
L. Statement of approval of the plans by the Department of Public Safety; construction permit.
M. Evidence of a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit for contractor or construction manager.
N. Proof of adequate builder’s risk insurance and professional liability insurance.
O. Renewable Energy – Life cycle cost analysis as per State Board rule 6145.
A signed application acknowledges:
1. The state is not obligated to pay its share of the approved costs of construction until state funds are available. State
funding may not be available at the time that the project would otherwise be eligible for payment. The applicant is sole-
ly responsible for the costs associated with any borrowing done in anticipation of state aid.
2. Agreement by school district to refund to the State a percentage of the sale price equal to the percentage of
construction aid received, or actual grant, whichever is less upon sale of any item or building for which aid was awarded,
Title 16, V.S.A. §448 (b).
3. This project complies with the applicable provisions of State Board of Education Rules 6100 et seq.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chairperson Superintendent of Schools
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
School Board Members School Board Members
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 77
Vermont Department of Education
For Construction Projects Under $100,000
that are necessary to address health and safety threats to students
and employees created by unanticipated circumstances or events.
Title 16, V.S.A. §3448 (d), as amended
State Board of Education Rule Series 6129
Date: _____________ School District: _________________________________________
Application is hereby made for state assistance for the emergency project described below:
Name and location of construction project: ______________________________________________
Total estimated project cost: $__________________
Source of Funds: $__________________
Architect/Engineer: _________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
A signed application acknowledges:
1. The state is not obligated to pay its share of the approved costs of construction until state funds are available. State funding
may not be available at the time that the project would otherwise be eligible for payment. The applicant is solely responsible
for the costs associated with any borrowing done in anticipation of state aid.
2. Agreement by school district to refund to the State a percentage of the sale price equal to the percentage of construction aid
received, or actual grant, whichever is less upon sale of any item or building for which aid was awarded,. Title 16, V.S.A. §
448 (b).
3. This project complies with the applicable provisions of State Board of Education Rules 6100 et seq.
__________________________________ ________________________________
Superintendent of Schools School Board Chair
□ Information on how the project will be funded.
□ Summary of Project Budget.
□ Detailed description of the nature and extent of health and safety hazards that exist and the extent they would be alleviated
by the project or certification by an independent and qualified authority that a health and safety hazard exists to occupants
unless the emergency work is completed.
□ The estimated cost of the emergency construction with documentation where feasible by two or more independent
qualified estimators.
□ Approval from all applicable state agencies.
78 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 79
Vermont Department of Education
Construction Aid Application V.S.A., Title 16, 3448, as amended.
School District: ____________________________________ Building Cost Exclusive of Site $____________
Building Dimensions: Number of Rooms:
Grades to be Housed: Building Constructed In: Year
Building to be purchased from (current owner):
Planned Use of this Building:
Exhibits Required:
A. Certified copy of resolution of legislative branch of school district stating that the public interest or necessity demands the
school building improvements applied for as required by V.S.A. Title 24, §1755.
B. Certified copy of warning voted upon by the school district and the recorded vote.
C. Statement of bidding procedures to be followed V.S.A. Title 16, §559 (where applicable).
D. Detailed description of building purchased or complete detailed plans and specifications for relocatable unit.
Statement of assessment of building to be acquired. (at least two). Statement of assessment of site, separate from building.
E. Statement of approval of access roads by the Department of Transportation. (where applicable)
F. Statement of approval of the plans from the Agency for Historic Preservation. (where applicable)
G. Statement of approval of the site from the Department of Agriculture. (where applicable)
H. Statement of approval of the plans from the Agency of Natural Resources. (where applicable)
I. Act 250 Permit (where applicable)
J. Statement of approval of the plans by the Department of Public Safety; construction permit.
K. Evidence of a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit for general contractor or construction manager.
A signed application acknowledges:
1. The state is not obligated to pay its share of the approved costs of construction until state funds are available. State fund-
ing may not be available at the time that the project would otherwise be eligible for payment. The applicant is solely respon-
sible for the costs associated with any borrowing done in anticipation of state aid.
2. Agreement by school district to refund to the State a percentage of the sale price equal to the percentage of construction
aid received, or actual grant, whichever is less upon sale of any item or building for which aid was awarded,. Title 16, V.S.A.
§448 (b).
3. This project complies with the applicable provisions of State Board of Education Rules 6100 et seq
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Chairperson Superintendent of Schools
80 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 81
Vermont Department of Education
Appendix A
The Department of Education recommends that the following procedures be followed when
developing the facilities analysis:
1. Collect and evaluate data on deficiencies in the existing building(s), including the
program and service areas, heating and ventilation systems, health and safety
conditions, technology capacity, etc.
2. Identify deficiencies in specific areas using the space/needs survey.
3. Incorporate inspection reports from Labor and Industry or other professionals.
4. If deficiencies are due to changes in curriculum, develop and analyze a room utilization
5. If deficiencies are partially or totally due to student growth, include enrollment
In elementary schools, determine the student capacity of the existing building by
using the combined square footage of all instructional areas and dividing by 30.
For middle or junior high schools, determine the capacity of instructional space as
outlined above and then divide by 80 percent.
For high schools, determine the capacity of instructional space as outlined above
and then divide by 70 percent.
Information about the capacity of the building as originally designed, or approved
by the Department of Education at the time of the original construction, should be
included if available.
6. Incorporate a maintenance history on the building.
7. Discuss the findings at a school board meeting.
8. Submit the accepted report to the Department of Education with the preliminary
82 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 83
Vermont Department of Education
Appendix B
Faculty and staff should use this form to identify their needs to create an effective working
environment. Information gathered here should then be transferred to the Educational
Under the following headings describe the facilities which would best suit your assignments
as a member of the school staff. Return your completed form to the building principal by
Program Area:_______________________________
(1) Space Type (e.g. 1
grade classroom, art storage room):
(2) Who works there (teacher and/or staff persons name):
(3) Description of activities that should go on here:
(4) List and give dimensions of furniture required:
(5) Storage needs associated with space (items to be stored within space and, separately,
items to be stored outside of space):
84 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
Vermont Department of Education
(6) Likely number of occupants of space at any one time:
(7) Physical and environmental requirements of the space (e.g., lighting, sound control,
floor surfaces, technology etc.):
(8) Likely frequency of use (includes time of day/night):
(9) Size and adequacy of currently available space (List good and bad features):
(10) Comments:
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 85
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Appendix C
Adopted By:
The State Board of
Education on
September 20, 2005
86 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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The System For Rating Proposed School Construction Projects
is used to establish funding priority for major projects such as new schools and
addition/renovation projects.
Department of Education staff will visit and score existing facilities following the submission
of a completed preliminary application form, including enrollment projections, existing floor
plans, and a facility analysis prepared by a qualified professional. Needs and deficiencies of
existing facilities are the bases for scoring .
The maximum available score is 140. A high score means a higher placement on the State
Board’s prioritized list for school construction aid. Using the facility analysis, points will be
assigned to rated criteria as follows:
Point System for Rating
The following points will be applied to components based on a current facility analysis and a site inspection.
-0- Excellent: Conditions ideal or comparable to new. A zero score may also indicate no information
was provided on which to score.
-1- Good: Adequate for programs, services, enrollment. Condition suggests reasonable useful life
-2- Fair: Demonstrating signs of need. Shows wear. Component may be
nearing the end of its useful life.
-3- Poor: Demonstrating problems. Needs repair. Has exceeded its expected
useful life. Non-compliant with current life safety codes.
-4- Unsatisfactory: Inadequate for programs, services, enrollment. Code violation. Lack of
action poses a threat to the health and safety of students.
The following points will be applied for overcrowded conditions based upon enrollment
projections, current enrollment, and building capacity.
-0- Enrollment is not projected to reach or exceed building capacity or available space.
-5- Enrollment is projected to reach or exceed capacity within ten years.
-10 to 20- Enrollment is at or above student capacity for facility and is not projected to decline
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 87
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Health and Safety:
The purpose of this section is to assess the degree to which students and staff are exposed to haz-
ards and potential threats to physical well-being.
Structure / Infrastructure:
The overall condition of the physical plant will be rated according to the needs and deficiencies
of building systems.
Adequacy of Facilities:
The existence and condition of specific facilities and their ability to provide an appropriate
learning environment will be rated according to the impact of deficiencies on the educational
Individual Program Areas:
The evaluation under this component is based upon the availability of educational space to meet
the needs of the curriculum and of required programs and services. Core facilities include
library, cafeteria, gymnasium, storage areas, health services, art and music rooms, science labs,
and administration areas.
Enrollment Versus Capacity:
Points in this component are based upon evidence that current space available for general class-
room use is insufficient to accommodate enrollments. The department will compare current
enrollment, projected enrollment, and the capacity of the existing building.
If the student capacity of a building has been determined by the department within the previous
eight years, and no major construction has taken place in the interim, the capacity on record will
stand unless otherwise determined by the commissioner.
For purposes of determining the capacity of an existing building, the department will divide total
classroom space square footage by 30 square feet. Classrooms available for use by pre-K
through grade 6 will be taken at no more than thirty students per undivided room. Allowances
may be made for spaces not provided, such as library or arts, as determined by the commissioner.
88 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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Voter-approved school construction for school districts which do not currently operate a school but
who propose to build or purchase a building for the purposes of housing a public school will be ranked
by the State Board of Education based upon a determination of the immediacy of the district’s need.
Consideration will be given to such factors as the economic and geographic ramifications of tuition
options and the district’s long term plan for educating its students.
The school board is responsible for notifying the evaluator of any changes in local conditions not re-
flected in the facility analysis.
The following steps shall be used by the department to break ties that occur during the ranking process
for the purpose of placing the projects on the annual prioritized list.
A. The project with more points in section 1, Health and Safety, shall be placed first.
B. If a tie still exists, the project benefiting the larger number of students shall be placed first.
Appeal process:
If a school board wishes to appeal its rating score, a written request for administrative review shall be
made to the commissioner within 30 days of receipt of the rating. Specific evidence must be included
to justify the adjustment of a score for each component being appealed.
Performance contracting:
School construction projects being completed using an energy service company, known as a perfor-
mance contract, will be rated on facility deficiencies using the same criteria for rating as other projects.
In accordance with 16 VSA 3448f, such projects will be ranked in priority order on a separate list annu-
The prioritized list for aid for projects utilizing performance contracting shall be ranked below other
school construction projects ranked in the same year. State aid for performance contracting projects for
a given year will be funded after all other prioritized projects for that same given year are funded.
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Funding delays / Insufficient Appropriation:
In the event annual appropriations are insufficient to pay all state aid for eligible
prioritized projects in a given year, state aid obligations remaining for that year
will be paid in full before funds are distributed to prioritized projects for a
subsequent year.
Upon completion of construction and until state aid is paid, school districts, in-
cluding technical education centers, are eligible to deduct the interest expense at-
to borrowing in anticipation of state aid from education spending for
purposes of determining the homestead tax rate.
Technical Education Centers
Projects to improve facilities for technical education centers will be rated on
facility deficiencies using the same criteria as other projects.
A separate prioritized list for technical education center projects will be
established annually, incorporating all projects with unfunded state aid obliga-
Subject to funds availability, the State Board of Education urges the general
assembly to direct, each year, a minimum of ten percent of the total technical
education center state aid obligation, or $5 million, whichever is greater, toward
payment of the technical center construction obligation until it is fully paid.
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92 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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5. Consolidation or
District Formation
5.1 buildings & programs
district formation & cost
A single school district that proposes a consolidation
of one or more buildings, or like programs and services,
and demonstrates cost effectiveness will receive 10
6. Community Use
6.1 educational program
incorporates approved
community plan and use
of building(s).
Any approved educational specification that includes
implementation of a community use program that
supports the educational program will receive 2 points.
7. Years in Process
7.1 pre-approved projects
waiting in the priority
For each year a pre-approved project with an established
urgent need is unfunded, the Department of Education
will add five additional points to its rating.
8. Identified Schools
8.1 Identified by DOE
for technical assistance
Schools qualifying for technical assistance and demonsrat
ing a link between the facility and school performance will
receive 10 points.
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 93
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Appendix D
In developing the educational specifications, the Department of Education recommends that the
following procedures be followed:
1. The facility committee develops the first draft of the specifications using the outline
2. The draft should be presented to the following for review, critique and change:
A. Board of School Directors
B. Staff of School District
C Community
3. The draft of the specifications reworked based on input from the meetings.
4. The revised specifications presented to the Board for further review.
5. The revised draft copy of specifications submitted to Vermont Department of Education for
1. Introduction – (general overview of project/purpose)
A. The educational program to be housed
B. School philosophy/mission
C. Goals for the educational programs to be housed
D. Areas to be considered for new construction, addition or renovation
2. The community to be served – (background of the characteristics of the community)
3. The pupils to be served – (enrollment/classroom information)
4. Timetable for project – (outline of project with completion dates)
5. Instructional areas
A. General Classrooms F. Library/Media Rooms
B. Art Room G. Multi-purpose Room/Gymnasium
Music Room H. Project Rooms
D. Laboratories I. Other
A. Computer Room
6. Student Support Services
A. Guidance C. Compensatory Education
B. Special Education D. Health
94 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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7. Cafeteria/Food Preparation
8. Administrative Area
A. Principal Office D. Work Room
B. Secretary Office E. General Storage
C. Conference Room
9. Environmental considerations for the facility:
A. Lighting C. Acoustics
B. Heating D. Aesthetics
10. Site considerations for the facility:
A. Size C. Bus loading
B. Parking D. Water and sewer
11. Community programs to be housed, or accommodated by the facility
12. Maintenance
A. Custodial Room
B. Custodial Storage
13. Parking Area
14. Playground Area
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 95
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Appendix E
If you are involved in planning a school building aid project, you need to note the
State Board of Education rules require a meeting of school district and state agency
representatives to review preliminary architectural plans for school additions, renovations and
new buildings before application for school building aid is submitted. Preliminary reviews
may also be needed for other kinds of projects.
At a preliminary review meeting the state agencies will advise school officials of
any problems they see with the plans with respect to building codes and school quality
standards. At this meeting, the Department of Education will usually be able to advise school
officials of the level of state aid their project may receive based on the capital outlay funding
rules of the State Board of Education. The maximum project cost for state participation is
calculated from the approved educational specifications and the preliminary architectural
Preliminary plans consist of the following:
1. floor plans of the existing building where an addition and alterations are proposed;
2. floor plans and elevations for proposed construction – 1/8 inch scale unreduced
3. floor plans for proposed alterations and/or new construction;
4. a plan of the school site and location map; and
5. proposed locations for on-site sewage disposal and water supply and any wetlands,
streams or other significant natural features on the property.
All plans must include for each room:
1. the intended use of room (classroom, library, guidance office, etc.)
2. net usable square foot area and maximum anticipated occupancy for each classroom
Four steps are needed prior to a preliminary plans review:
1. The preliminary application has been submitted and approved.
2. A need has been demonstrated through a pre-construction evaluation, and a rating of
the need has been completed.
3. The educational specifications for the project have been submitted to the
Commissioner and approved.
4. The architect develops preliminary design and cost estimates for the project based on
the approved educational specifications and needs identified at the pre-construction
Preliminary reviews should be completed before projects are warned for voter
96 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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To request a preliminary review for a project, submit to the school construction office the
following information on the proposed construction project along with seven copies of the
preliminary drawings which clearly indicate the ar eas of r enovation and new
construction and two extra copies of reduced site plan and location map:
1. name, address and telephone number of school and superintendent
2. name, address and telephone number of project architect
3. construction type(s)
4. square footage for impacted site (excluding building footprint)
5. square footage for each existing story and basement
6. square footage for each story and basement, to be added
7. total square footage of area to be renovated
8. existing building footprint
9. extent of fire alarm system
10. extent of sprinkler protection
11. extent of handicapped accessibility
12. known use of asbestos containing building materials
13. fire rated walls
14. basic door schedule
15. heating system type and fuel(s) for both the space and domestic hot water
16. date(s) of existing construction
17. site size in acres
18. maximum planned occupant load
19. water supply and sewage disposal systems
Approval by Agency of Natural Resources for on-site sewage disposal and/ or
water supply
20. ventilation provisions, supply and exhaust, for all occupied rooms
21. estimated cost of project
22. starting and completion dates
23. date of bond vote
24. identify features with possible historic significance to the best of your knowledge.
The superintendent, architect and school board chair should attend the preliminary review
meeting. It is desirable to have the school principal and other school board members also.
Allow a minimum of three weeks after submissions for the scheduling of preliminary plan
For further information call the School Construction Program .
Vermont School Construction Planning Guide 97
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Appendix F
Ten-year projections are prepared as follows:
1. List live births by year for the past fifteen years.
2. List enrollments by grade levels for the past ten years.
3. Compare kindergarten enrollments for the past five years to the live births for five previous
years. For each year divide the kindergarten enrollment by the live births five years earlier.
Find the average of the results. This will be your survival ratio for kindergarten
4. Develop grade to grade survival ratios for each year. Divide grades one enrollment for each
year by the kindergarten enrollment for the previous year. The average of the
results will be your grade one survival ratio.
5. Repeat step four for each succeeding grade. (dividing grade two enrollments by grade one
enrollments for the previous year, etc.)
6. Find the average number of lives births for the past ten years. Calculate the anticipated
enrollment for each grade for each year ahead. Multiply the number of live births for
each of the past five years by the kindergarten survival ratio to get anticipated kindergarten
enrollments for the next five years. Multiply the average number of births by the kinder
garten survival ratio to get anticipated kindergarten enrollments for years six to ten ahead.
Multiply the kindergarten enrollment by the grade one survival ratio to get the anticipated
first grade enrollment for next year. Multiply the anticipated kindergarten enrollment for
next year by the grade one survival ratio to get the anticipated grade one enrollment for the
following year and so forth through ten years ahead. Repeat the process for succeeding
This method is familiar to most school administrators and has proved as reliable as any for
predicting school space needs if it can be reasonably assumed that 1) student in-migration
and out-migration will continue as in the past; 2) school board policies on promotion and
retention will remain unchanged; 3) the percentage of school dropouts will remain constant;
4) and the number of pupils entering your schools from non public schools and/or leaving
your school for non-public schools will remain constant.
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Appendix G
A. Size
B. Expendability
C. Site relative to surrounding terrain (flooding)?
D. Soil composition: loam____;sand____;shale____;gravel____;clay____;rock____
E. Clearance required (brush/trees)
F. Erosion____ Swamp____ Prime Agriculture_________
G. General shape:______________________________________________________
H. Development needed:_________________________________________________
I. Distance to school population center:____________________________________
J. Walking distance to ___% of pupils to be served.
K. Miles to most distant pupils:______
L. Access from improved highway:______
M. Safe ingress/egress:_________________
N. Distance from: railroad_______; airport______; heavy traffic________;
Hazardous chemical plant______; unsafe structures________; other_________
O. Distance from objectionable: noises_____; odors_____; nuisances_______
P. Access to: electricity_____; fire protection_____; water_____; telephone_____;
sewage system______
Q. General Observations:
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Appendix H
Assist the Contractor’s superintendent in understanding the intent of the Contract
Conduct on-site observations and spot checks of the work in progress as a basis for determining
conformance of work, materials and equipment with the contract documents, report and
defective work to the board.
Obtain from the board additional details or information if, and when, required at the site for
proper execution of the work. Become acquainted with standard or reference specifications
referred to in the specifications.
Consider and evaluate suggestions or recommendations which may be submitted by the
contractor to the architect and report them with recommendations to the board for final
Be alert to the construction schedule and to conditions, which may cause delay in completion,
and report it to board.
Maintain liaison with the Contractor and all subcontractors on the project only through t
the contractor’s superintendent.
Attend and report to the board on conferences held at the project site as directed by the
Advise the board in advance of the schedules of tests and observe that tests at the
project site which are required by the contract documents are actually conducted;
102 Vermont School Construction Planning Guide
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If inspectors, representing local, state or federal agencies having jurisdiction over the
project visit the site, accompany such inspectors during their trips through the project,
record and report to the board the results of these inspections.
10.1 Maintain orderly files at the site for (1) correspondence, (2) reports of site
conferences, (3) shop drawings and (4) reproductions of original contract documents
including all addenda, change orders supplementary drawings issued subsequent to the
award of the contract.
10.2 Keep a daily diary or log book, recording hours on the site, weather conditions, list
of visiting officials and jurisdiction, daily activities, decisions, observations in
general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test
10.3 Record names, addresses and telephone numbers for all contractors and
The contractor is not authorized to install any materials and equipment for which shop
drawing are required, unless such drawings have been approved in accordance with
the General Conditions by the Contractor and the Architect.
Receive samples which are required to be furnished at the site; record date received
and from whom, and notify the board of their readiness for examination; record
approval or rejection; and maintain custody of approved samples.
Review the applications for payment submitted by the contractor and forward them
with recommendations to the board for disposition.
After substantial completion check each item as it is corrected.
If the board occupies the project for any portion thereof prior to final completion of
the work by the contractor, be especially alert to possibilities of claims for damage to
work completed prior to occupancy.
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In the case of additions to or renovations of an existing facility, which must be
maintained in operation during construction is alert to conditions, which could have an
effect on the existing operating of the board.
If a situation arises during construction, which in your view requires that work be
rejected, report such situation immediately to the board.
Unless specific exceptions are established by written instructions issued by the board:
18.1 Do not authorize deviations from the contract documents.
18.2 Do not personally conduct any tests.
18.3 Do not enter into the area of responsibility of the contractor’s superintendent.
18.4 Do not expedite the work for the contractor.
18.5 Do not advise on, or issue directions relative to, any aspect of construction means,
methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs
in connection with the work.
18.6 Do not authorize or suggest that the board occupy the project, in whole or in part, prior
to substantial completion.
18.7 Do not issue a certificate for payment.
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Appendix I
Financial Documentation for Construction Aid Payment
It is a requirement to establish a separate checking account and cost accounting system for all school
construction projects. When a district is engaged in a small construction project it may seek approval
from the Department of Education to use existing checking account systems, but must maintain a
separate accounting system.
At the completion of the construction project and the final inspection and approval by all state
agencies and local authorities, the Department of Education will conduct an audit. For the final audit
of accounts the Department expects the following information for each payment to be documented in
a summary report.
Name of vendor
Brief description of work performed
Amount of payment
Check number
All transactions must be listed on the summary report and available for review. If you are mailing in
copies of the audit materials please include
Copies of all invoices
Proof of payment—either copies of cancelled checks or bank statements
Please include all checks and invoices in the same order as the summary report.
Toyland Playground Equipment 00111 2,000.00
Public Safety Building Permits 00112 4,500.00
Smith & Smith Legal Fees for Bonding 00113 400.00
DE Printing Printing of Ballots 00114 25.00