withanFTEof.5orgreaterorina"Temporary”po sitionformorethansixmonthswithanFTEof.5orgreater.
Childforwhomtheemployeehaslegalguardianshipandwhohasnot reachedthelimitingageof26
intendstoremainso indefinitely;
26thbirthdayandthedependentmustmeetallothergroupcovera geeligibilityrequirements.
Coverageforemployeeshiredonthefirstworkingday ofthemonth
CoveragechangesduetoaPermittedElectionChangeEvent aregenerallyeffectiveonthefirstdayofthe
relatedincreaseinpremiumswillbeeffectivethefirst ofthemonthfollowingthedependent’sdateofbirth.If
theemployeedoesnotcompleteanddelivertheproperlycompletedDependentInformation RequestForm
thenewbaby’sSocialSecurityNumberispend ing.
Theemployeemustprovideappropriatedocumentation toverifythePermittedElection ChangeEvent.
years.TheemployeeshouldcontacttheCampusBenefitsOfficetoestablishthedirectbillpremiumpaym ent
coveragewithoutproofofinsurability.Theemployeemust provideappropriatedocumentationtosupport
(1) Yourhoursofemploymentarereduced;or
(2) Youremploymentendsforanyreasonotherthangrossmisconduct.
(1) Your
(2) Yourspouse'shoursofemploymentarereduced;
(3) Yourspouse'semploymentendsforanyreasonotherthangrossmisconduct;or
(4) Youbecomedivorced[orlegallyseparated]fromyourspouse.Ifanemployeecancelscoverageforhisor
Yourdependentchildrenwillbecomequalifiedbeneficiariesiftheylosecover ageunderthePlansbecauseof
(1) Theparentemployeedies;
(2) Theparentemployee'shoursofemploy mentarereduced;
(3) Theparentemployee'semploymentendsforanyreasonotherthangrossmisconduct;
(4) Theparentsbecomedivorced[orlegallyseparated] ;or
(5) Thechildstopsbeingeligibleforcoverageundertheplanas
SurvivorBenefitsupontheDeathofan Employee
A Guide to Your
University of Nebraska
(Effective Date: 01/01/2024)
98-749 1/2024
Member Services
Omaha and Toll-free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-866-926-1498
Coordination of Bene ts
Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-390-1840
Toll-free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-462-2924
Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-390-1847
Toll-free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-662-3554
Workers’ Compensation
Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-398-3615
Toll-free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-821-4786
98-749 1/2024
How To Use This Document 1
About Your I.D. Card 1
Schedule Of Benefits 1
About The Plan 2
How the Network Works 2
Categories Of Dental Coverage 2
How The Plan Components Work 2
Whos Eligible 9
Initial Enrollment 9
Special Enrollment 9
Dental Late Enrollment 9
Adding A Dependent 9
Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSO) 10
Active Employees Age 65 And Over 10
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 10
If You Receive Covered Services From An In-network Provider 11
Filing A Claim 11
Payment Of Benefits For Non-Contracting Provider Claims 11
Right to Amend Provider Agreements Or Benefit Payment Procedures 11
Claim Determinations 11
Explanation Of Benefits 12
Appeal Procedure Definitions 13
How To Appeal An Adverse Benefit Determination 13
Internal Appeal 13
Rights To Documentation 14
When You Have Coverage Under More Than One Plan 15
Definitions 15
Order Of Benefit Determination Rules 16
Administration Of Coordination Of Benefits 17
Miscellaneous Provisions 17
98-749 1/2024
Continuation Of Coverage Under The Federal Continuation Law 18
What Is The Federal Continuation Law? 18
Electing COBRA Coverage 19
Termination Of COBRA Coverage 19
Uniformed Service Employment And Reemployment Rights (Military Leave) 19
Continuation Of Coverage For Children To Age 30 20
Benefit Plan Document 21
Fraud Or Misrepresentation 21
Contracting Providers 21
Subrogation 21
Contractual Right To Reimbursement 21
Workers’ Compensation 22
Legal Actions 22
98-749 1/2024
Section xWelcome
This document is your Summary Plan Description (SPD). It
describes the bene ts, exclusions and limitations of your Plan
in a general way, and is not, and should not be considered a
Your Group Dental Plan is administered in accordance with
the Administrative Services Agreement between the Group
and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE), an
independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Association. The Administrative Services Agreement and
o cial Plan documents control the coverage for your Group.
NOTE: BCBSNE provides administrative claims payment services
only and does not assume any  nancial risk or obligation with
respect to claims. BCBSNE liability may occur only under a
stop loss provision, as set forth in the Administrative Services
How To Use This Document
For your convenience, de ned terms are capitalized throughout
this document. For an explanation of a de ned term, refer to
the Section titled “De nitions.
Please take some time to read this document and become
familiar with it. As you read this document you will  nd that
many sections are related to other sections of the document.
You may not have all the information you need by reading
just one section. We encourage you to review the bene ts and
limitations by reading the Schedule of Bene ts Summary and
the section titled “Exclusions.
If you have questions about your coverage or a claim, please
contact BCBSNE Member Services Department at the number
shown on your identi cation card.
About Your I.D. Card
BCBSNE will issue you an identi cation card (I.D. card). Your I.D.
number is a unique alpha numeric combination.
Present your I.D. Card to your dental provider when you
receive Services. With your BCBSNE I.D. card, most dentists and
physicians can identify your coverage and will usually submit
their claims for you.
If you want extra cards for covered family members or need
to replace a lost card, please contact BCBSNE Member
Services Department, or you may access through the website,
Schedule Of Bene ts
Your Schedule of Bene ts is a personalized document sent
by BCBSNE that provides you with a basic description of your
coverage. It also shows the membership option that applies to
The Schedule of Bene ts Summary is included in this SPD. It
includes information concerning Deductible and Coinsurance
amounts, bene t limits, and coverage details. For information
which may be unique to your coverage, please refer to the
Schedule of Bene ts Summary.
How to Use This Document
98-749 1/2024
Section 1
About The Plan
This Group Dental Plan is a Preferred Provider Organization
(PPO) dental bene t plan. Claims administration is provided by
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE).
BCBSNE has contracted with a panel of Dentists and Physicians
to establish a network of Providers who have agreed to furnish
services to you and your family in a manner that will help
manage costs. These providers are referred to as “In-network
Use of the network is voluntary, but you should be aware that
when you choose to use providers who do not participate in
the network, you can expect to pay more than your applicable
Deductible and/or Coinsurance. After this dental plan pays
its required portion of the bill, Out-of-network Providers may
bill you for any amount not paid. This balance billing does
not happen when you use In-network Providers because
these providers have agreed to accept a discounted payment
for services with no additional billing to you other than
your applicable Deductible and/or Coinsurance. In-network
Providers will also  le claims for you.
If the Out-of-network Dentist is participating with us under
another BCBSNE program, payment will be made pursuant
to that particular program. The Dentist will be reimbursed
based on the lower of the Out-of-network Allowance or
billed charges. After this plan pays its liability, you can expect
to pay your applicable Out-of-network Deductible and/or
Coinsurance. You will also be responsible for payment of any
Noncovered Services.
How the Network Works
Using Network Providers:
Receive highest level of bene ts
• Provider les claims for you
Provider accepts insurance payment as payment in full
(except Deductible and /or Coinsurance amounts)
No balance billing
Using Out-of-network Providers:
You may be required to pay full cost at time of service
You may be reimbursed at a lower bene t level
You may have to  le claims
Youre responsible for amounts that exceed the
Allowable Charge
Categories Of Dental Coverage
There are  ve major categories of dental coverage. Your dental
coverage is dependent upon which types of coverage your
employer has chosen for your group dental plan. The types of
dental coverage that you are enrolled under are indicated on
your Schedule of Bene ts Summary.
The  ve categories of dental coverage are:
Coverage A (Preventive and Diagnostic Dentistry)
Coverage B (Maintenance and Simple Restorative
Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Periodontic and Endodontic
Coverage C (Complex Restorative Dentistry)
Coverage D (Orthodontic Dentistry)
Coverage E (Temporomandibular [Jaw] Joint
Diagnosis and Treatment)
These categories are described in more detail on your Schedule
of Bene ts Summary.
The dental bene ts available to you work together to provide
your dental care program. How bene ts are provided depends
on whether the dental service or treatment falls under Type A,
B, C, D or E coverage.
How The Plan Components Work
Your Deductible and Coinsurance are shown on your Schedule
of Bene ts Summary. The following includes an explanation of
each of those components.
Allowable Charge – An amount BCBSNE uses to calculate the
payment of Covered Services. This amount will be based on
either the Contracted Amount for In-network Providers or the
Out-of-network Allowance for Out-of-network Providers.
Coinsurance – This is the percentage you must pay for
Covered Services, after any applicable Deductible.
Be Informed
Out-of-network Providers charges may be higher than the
bene t amount allowed by this dental plan. You may contact
BCBSNE Member Services Department concerning allowable
bene t amounts in Nebraska for speci c dental procedures.
98-749 1/2024
Section 1
Deductible – You are responsible for certain expenses until
you reach the Plans Deductible, as shown on your Schedule
of Bene ts Summary. After the Deductible is met, bene ts for
Covered Services will not be subject to any further Deductible
for the rest of that Bene t Year.
Maximum Bene ts Your Schedule of Bene ts Summary will
tell you if you have a bene t maximum for one or more types of
dental coverage and/or an overall dollar maximum bene t for
one or more types of dental coverage.
Not Medically Necessary Services – Bene ts are available
under this dental plan for Medically Necessary Services.
Services provided by all providers are subject to review
by BCBSNE. Services will not automatically be considered
Medically Necessary because they have been ordered or
provided by a Dentist or Physician. BCBSNE will determine
whether Services provided are Medically Necessary under
the terms of the Group Dental Plan, and whether bene ts
are available. When an In-network Provider is used, you are
not responsible for Services determined to be not Medically
Necessary. When Out-of-network Providers are used, you will
be responsible for Services determined to be not Medically
Preauthorization – Procedures intended to determine if
Services or supplies are appropriate according to the terms
of the Group Dental Plan. If Preauthorization is required for
certain Services, it will be shown on your Schedule of Bene ts
or stated in this SPD. A Dentist or Physician may also submit a
Preauthorization request to obtain a pre-treatment estimate of
bene ts.
Written requests for Preauthorization should be submitted to
the address on the back of your I.D. card. Preauthorization does
not guarantee payment, all other Plan provisions apply, for
example cost-sharing, eligibility and exclusions.
If Services are not properly Preauthorized by BCBSNE,
when required, bene ts may be reduced and/or you may
be responsible for unanticipated costs associated with the
incurred expenses.
98-749 1/2024
Section 2
98-749 1/2024
Dental Benefit Solutions
Schedule of Benefits Summary
Group Name: University of Nebraska
Effective Date: January 01, 2024
Payment for Services
Covered Services are reimbursed based on the Allowable Charge. BlueCross and BlueShield of Nebraska In-Network
Providers have agreed to accept the benefit payment as payment in full, not including deductible, coinsurance and/or
copay amounts and any charges for non-covered services, which are the Covered Person’s responsibility. That means that
In-Network providers, under the terms of their contract with BlueCross and BlueShield, can’t bill for amounts over the
Contracted Amount. Out-of-Network Providers can bill for amounts over the Out-of-Network Allowance.
(the amount each Covered Person pays each Calendar
Year for combined Covered Services before the
Coinsurance is payable)
B, C Services
D Services $40 $50
Calendar Year Maximum Benefit
$1,500 $1,500
(the calendar year amount payable for combined
Covered Services for each Covered Person while
covered under this plan)
Calendar Year Maximum Benefit applies to the
following Coverage benefits:
A, B, C Services A, B, C Services
Total Maximum Benefit
$2,000 $2,000
(the total amount payable for Covered Services for each
Covered Person while covered under this plan)
Total Maximum Benefit applies to the following
Coverage benefits:
D Services D Services
Coverage A 15% 20%
Coverage B 15% 20%
Coverage C 50% 50%
Coverage D 50% 50%
Coverage E Not Covered Not Covered
Please note: This Schedule of Benefits Summary is intended to provide you with a brief overview
of your benefits. It is not a contract and should not be regarded as one. For more complete information about your
plan, including benefits, exclusions and contract limitations, please refer to the master group contract. In the event
there are discrepancies between this document and the contract, the terms and conditions of the contract will govern.
98-749 1/2024
Section 2
98-749 1/2024
This Schedule of Benefits Summary is intended to provide you with a brief overview of your benefits. Your Dental benefits
may include but are not limited the following benefits.
Coverage For Dental Services
Coverage A Preventive and Diagnostic
Comprehensive and/or periodic oral exams
two every calendar year
Prophylaxis (cleaning, scaling and polishing)
two every calendar year
Topical fluoride
two every calendar year for Covered Persons up to age
Sealants (permanent first and second molar teeth)
once every four calendar years for Covered Persons up
to age 16
Pulp vitality test
X-rays (intraoral, bitewing, occlusal, periapical,
Full mouth or panorex series
one every three consecutive calendar years
Supplemental bitewing
one set of four every calendar year
Vertical bitewing
once every 3 years
Space maintainers
for Covered Persons up to age 16
Fluoride varnishes
two every calendar year
Coverage B Maintenance, Simple Restorative, Oral Surgery, Periodontic, Endodontics
Oral surgery
Simple and impacted extractions
Removal of dental cysts and tumors
Surgical incision and drainage of dental abscess
Tooth replantation
Excision of hyperplastic tissue
General anesthesia
Restorations, except gold restorations
Palliative treatment
Dry socket treatment
Repair of dentures, bridges, crowns and cast
Emergency oral examinations
Pre-formed stainless steel or acrylic crowns
Recement inlays and crowns
Occlusal guard limited to 1 every 3 years
Endodontic services (treatment of diseases or injuries
of pulp chambers, root canals and periapical tissue)
Pulp cap
Vital pulpotomy
Root canal therapy (includes treatment plan, x-rays,
clinical procedures and follow up care)
Apical curettage
Root resection and hemisection
Periodontic services (treatment of diseases of gums
and supporting tooth structure)
Periodontic cleanings
four every calendar year
Gingivectomy and gingival curettage limited to 1
every 3 years
Osseous surgery and graft limited to 1 every 3 years
Scaling and root planning Limited to 1 every 2 years
Periodontal splinting
Mucogingivoplastic surgery
Treatment of acute infection and oral lesions
Full mouth debridement limited to 1 every 5 years
Coverage C Complex Restorative Dentistry
Temporary crown (within 72 hours of accident)
Inlays when used as abutments for fixed bridgework
Installation of permanent bridges
Core buildup
Cast post and core in addition to crown
Dentures full and partial
Denture adjustments
after six months from date of installation
Denture relining
after six months from date of installation
Coverage D Orthodontic Dentistry
Cephalometric x-rays
Casts and models
Orthodontic appliances (initial and subsequent
Surgical exposure to aid eruption
98-749 1/2024
Section 3
The Services and supplies listed in this Section are not covered,
except where speci cally provided for on the Schedule of
Bene ts Summary or an Amendment to this SPD. Please refer
to your Schedule of Bene ts Summary, and any Amendment
to this document, for speci c information regarding your
dental Covered Services and limits.
Bene ts are not available for services that are not Covered
Services by the Plan, or services to the extent that they exceed
the Plan limitations.
Noncovered Dental Services
Noncovered Services include, but are not limited to, any
Services, procedures or supplies for, or related to:
dental services received from a dental or medical
department maintained by or on behalf of an
employer, a mutual bene t association, labor union,
trustee or similar person or group.
dental services with respect to congenital
malformations (including, but not limited to
missing teeth) or primarily for Cosmetic or aesthetic
purposes (except as speci cally identi ed as
Covered.) Gnathologic tests, Orthognathic Surgery,
osteoplasties, Osteotomies, LeFort procedures,
vestibuloplasties and stomatoplasties are not
Covered Services under this plan.
appliances, devices, procedures, dentures or
restorations necessary to modify vertical dimensions
of, or restore, the Occlusion, or to replace tooth
structure lost through attrition, erosion, abrasion or
any expense for Occlusal adjustment or equilibration
(except as speci cally identi ed as covered.)
gold restorations (except as speci cally identi ed
as covered.)
full or partial replacement for:
- a denture replacement made necessary by reason
of the loss or theft of a denture.
- a dental appliance or prosthesis that is replaced by
reason of a loss or theft.
- crown, bridge, inlay and denture replacement
made outside the plan limits.
caries susceptibility tests, bacteriologic studies and
histopathologic exams.
magnetic resonance imaging and computed
tomography (CT) scans.
replacement of third molars with prostheses.
services for orthodontic dentistry (except as
speci cally identi ed as covered.)
education or training in, and supplies used for dietary
or nutrition counseling, person oral hygiene or dental
plaque control.
implants or any procedure associated with the
preparation for, maintenance of or placement or
removal of implants, except as otherwise indicated in
this plan. (Implants are de ned as arti cial material
grafted or implanted into or onto bone.)
for any procedure begun after coverage under
this plan terminates or for any prosthetic dental
appliance installed or delivered more than 30 days
after coverage terminates.
retreatment or adjustment, recementation, reline,
rebase, replacement or repair of cast restorations,
crowns and prostheses when made by the same
Dentist or dental o ce which provided the initial
Service, either within six months of the completion
of the Service or within any time frame, if the initial
Service is determined by us not to be adequate to
meet nationally accepted dental standards.
duplication of x-rays.
injectable drugs or drugs dispensed in a
provider’s o ce.
Other Plan Exclusions
Bene ts are not available for the Services, treatments or
supplies described below, even if it is recommended or
prescribed by a Physician and it is the only treatment available
for the Covered Person’s condition.
Services determined by BCBSNE to be not payable
after a request for Preauthorization is considered.
Services, procedures and supplies which are
determined by BCBSNE to be not Medically
Services, procedures and supplies which are
considered by BCBSNE to be Investigative. In
addition, bene ts are not available for any related
services or complications.
Services, procedures or supplies, including any
related services, which are considered to be for
Cosmetic purposes.
Services, procedures or supplies, including any
related services, which are considered by BCBSNE to
be obsolete.
Charges which are normally considered to be within
the charge for a service such as:
- ling claim forms,
- furnishing any other records or information,
- special charges (i.e. dispensing fees; administrative
fees; technical support utilization review charges).
98-749 1/2024
Section 3
Charges made separately for services, supplies or
materials when such services, supplies and materials
are considered by BCBSNE to be included within the
charge for a total service payable under the Plan, or a
charge that is payable to another provider.
Charges made pursuant to an intentionally in icted
Injury, engaging in an illegal occupation or resulting
from commission of or attempt to commit a felony.
Services for dental treatment whether compensated
or not, which are directly related to, or resulting from
the covered Persons participation in a voluntary,
Investigative test or research program or study.
Charges for services provided by a Hospital,
ambulatory surgical facility or any other facility
Any expense for a procedure provided by a person
who is not a Dentist or dental hygienist or who is not
under the direct supervision of a Dentist.
The following limitations are applicable except when otherwise
indicated on your Schedule of Bene ts Summary or by
amendment to this document:
Personalized restoration or special techniques. Bene ts
provided in the construction of a denture or  xed
bridgework to replace missing teeth shall be limited
to the standard procedures for prosthetic services as
determined by BCBSNE.
Transfer of care. When a Covered Person transfers
care during the course of treatment, or if more than
one Dentist provides services, this plan will provide
bene ts as if only one dentist has provided the
Optional techniques of treatment. When optional
techniques of treatment are used which result in a
higher charge, the plans liability will not exceed the
lower charge.
• Exam limit. When an initial or periodic oral exam is
performed during the same visit, bene ts for exams
shall be limited to one exam per day.
Missed appointment charges.
Services provided to:
- a dependent of a Covered Person who has a single
- any person who does not qualify as an Eligible
- any Covered Person before his or her e ective
date of coverage, or after the e ective date of
cancellation or termination of this coverage.
Interest, sales or other taxes or surcharges.
(This includes taxes or surcharges levied by the
governmental bodies or subdivisions who do not
have jurisdiction over the Plan.)
Services for Illness or Injury caused directly or
indirectly by war or any act of war, declared or
undeclared, or sustained while performing military
Services provided in or by:
- a Veterans Administration Hospital where the care
is for a condition related to military service; or
- any Out-of network Hospital or other institution
or facility which is owned, operated or controlled
by any government agency, except where care is
provided to nonactive duty Covered Persons in
medical facilities.
Services available at governmental expense (except
Medicaid) whether or not the person has enrolled in
the program.
Services for which there is no legal obligation to
pay, or for which no charge would be made if this
coverage did not exist including any service which is
normally furnished without charge.
Services arising out of or in the course of
employment, whether or not the Covered Person
asserts his or her rights to workers’ compensation
or employers liability law. (This includes services
determined to be work-related but which are not
payable because of noncompliance with workers’
compensation laws or a workers’ compensation
managed care plan.)
Charges for services provided by a person who is a
member of the Covered Persons immediate family by
blood, marriage or adoption.
Charges for services by a health care provider which
are not within his or her scope of practice or charges
by a person who is not an Approved Provider.
98-749 1/2024
Section 3
Limited Extension of Dental Bene ts
(Applicable to Dental Coverage Types B, C and D)
A Covered Person may be entitled to extended bene ts for
Covered Services up to 30 days after termination of coverage
under this Group Dental Plan for:
root canal therapy, but only if the pulp chamber was
opened and the pulp canal explored to the apex
while the person was covered under this plan;
crowns, bridges, inlays or onlay restorations, but only
if the tooth or teeth were fully prepared while the
person was covered under this plan;
full or partial denture, but only if the master
impression was made while the person was covered
under this plan; and
orthodontia, but only if the appliance or bands were
rst set while the person was covered under this
plan. The amount payable will be the part of the
quarterly payment that would have been payable
had coverage remained in force during this period.
Limited Extension Ends - This extended coverage ceases on the
earlier of:
the end of the 30-day extension period; or
the date the person becomes eligible for such
services under another Group Dental Plan.
Please check with your employer regarding whether this
limited extension of bene ts is available to you.
98-749 1/2024
Section 4
Your employer determines eligibility requirements and
validates eligibility for enrollment and coverage under the
dental Plan. For additional information not found in this
Summary Plan Description, please contact your employer.
Whos Eligible
To be eligible for coverage, you must apply within 31 days of
the date of hire. Coverage will be e ective on the  rst day of
the month following your date or hire or eligibility. Coverage for
Employees hired on the  rst day of the month will be e ective
on the  rst day of the month. Coverage for Employees hired on
the  rst working day of the month will be e ective on the actual
date of hire.
Retiree Eligibility
An eligible Employee who is covered under this Plan and who
retires under the employer’s formal retirement criteria will be
eligible to continue participating in the Plan upon retirement,
provided the individual continues to make the required
contribution. See the Coordination of Bene ts section for
more information on how this Plan coordinates with Medicare
coverage. Retirees may continue coverage under this Plan until
death or the last day of the month in which the Retiree ceases to
make the required premium contribution when due.
Initial Enrollment
Subscribers and dependents must enroll within 31 days of their
initial eligibility or late enrollment provisions may apply.
NOTE: If two eligible persons in the same employer group
are married to each other, each person and/or their Eligible
Dependents may not enroll under more than one membership unit.
Also, if two eligible persons have a parent/child relationship and
both are employed by the same employer Group, the parent and
child may elect to enroll either as two employees, or the parent
may enroll as an employee with dependent coverage.
Special Enrollment
A special enrollment period of 60 days is allowed for newborns
and a special enrollment period of 31 days is allowed for:
enrollment of eligible persons due to marriage, adoption
or placement for adoption;
enrollment of eligible persons not previously covered
under this plan due to having had other coverage at the
time it was previously o ered, and who have lost that
other coverage due to:
- exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage; or
- a loss of eligibility, including loss due to death, divorce,
legal separation, termination of employment or
reduction in hours, or due to the plan no longer o ering
bene ts to the class of individuals that includes the
person (when the other coverage was not COBRA); or
- moving out of the service area of an HMO or other
arrangement that only provides bene ts to individuals
who reside, live or work in the service area; or
- the lifetime limit on all bene ts is exhausted; or
- the employer ceasing to make contribution for the other
coverage (when the other coverage was not COBRA).
A special enrollment period of 60 days is allowed for:
Enrollment of eligible persons who were covered under
Medicaid or State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP),
which has been terminated due to loss of eligibility.
Enrollment of eligible persons who have become eligible
for premium assistance for this group health plan coverage
under Medicaid or SCHIP.
The Subscriber must enroll (or already be enrolled ) in order
to enroll his or her dependents in this plan. In the case of a
marriage, birth or adoption, a Subscriber who is eligible, but
who has not previously enrolled, may enroll at this time with or
without the newly Eligible Dependent. Likewise an otherwise
Eligible Dependent who has not previously enrolled, may
enroll as a Special Enrollee with or without a new dependent
child. Please contact your Human Resource Department for
additional information.
Dental Late Enrollment
Employees and dependents whose dental enrollment forms are
not received within 31 days of their eligibility, are considered
“late enrollees. A late enrollee is not eligible to apply for
dental coverage until the next Annual Enrollment Month which
follows the employees eligibility date, unless BCBSNE approves
a special enrollment period. A person who enrolls for coverage
during a “special enrollment period” is not considered a “late
Adding A Dependent
Dependents cannot enroll unless you, the eligible employee,
are covered under the Plan. In order to add a dependent, he or
she must meet the de nition of an Eligible Dependent. Please
contact your Human Resources Department for enrollment
information and instructions.
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Section 4
E ective Date of Coverage
Provided that an appropriate membership option is in place
and, if applicable, any additional premium is paid, the e ective
date of coverage will be as follows:
Marriage: The e ective date of coverage will be the  rst of
the month following the marriage, provided the request for
enrollment is made within 31 days of the marriage.
Newborn Children: Coverage will begin at birth for your
newborn child for a period of 31 days. To continue coverage,
you must enroll the child within 60 days. If your spouse was
not enrolled at the time of the child’s birth, he or she may also
enroll within 31-days , and the e ective date will be the date of
the child’s birth.
For additional information on adding newborn children, please
contact your Human Resource Department.
Adopted Children: Coverage for an adopted child will be
e ective on the earlier of the date the child is placed with you
for adoption, or the date a court order grants custody to you.
You must enroll the child within 31 days of the placement or
custody order. If your spouse was not enrolled at the time of
the adoption, he or she may also enroll within this 31-day
period, and the e ective date of coverage will be the date of
the placement/adoption.
Loss of Other Coverage: The e ective date of coverage for
persons enrolling as a special enrollee following a loss of
other coverage will be no later than the  rst day of the month
following the loss of other coverage.
Quali ed Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSO)
A QMCSO is a court order that requires an employee to provide
medical coverage for his or her children (called alternate
recipients) in situations involving divorce, legal separation or
paternity disputes. The order may direct the Group Dental Plan
to enroll the child(ren), and also creates a right for the alternate
recipient to receive plan information, submit claims and receive
bene ts for services.
QMCSOs are speci cally de ned under the law, and are
required to include certain information in order to be
considered “quali ed. A National Medical Support Notice
received by the employer or Group Dental Plan from a state
agency, regarding coverage for a child, will also be treated as
a QMCSO. The Plan Administrator or its designee, will review
the Order or Notice to determine whether it is quali ed, and
make a coverage determination. The Plan Administrator or
its designee will notify a ected employees and the alternate
recipient(s) if a QMCSO is received.
You have the right to request a copy of the Group Dental Plans
procedures governing QMCSO determinations from the Plan
Administrator, at no charge.
Active Employees Age 65 And Over
Federal law a ects the way employers provide coverage to
eligible active employees and their spouses who are 65 and
over. These active employees and their spouses ages 65 and
over may elect to continue full bene ts under the employer
group bene t plan or choose Medicare as their primary
coverage. If the group plan is elected as the primary carrier
(the plan which pays  rst), Medicare becomes the secondary
coverage. If Medicare is elected as the primary carrier, coverage
under the group plan, including dental coverage, will be
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, requires
that subject to certain limitations, most employers of 50
or more persons must o er continued coverage to eligible
employees and their covered dependents, while the employee
is on an approved FMLA leave of absence. In addition, an
employee who has terminated his/her group dental coverage
while on an approved FMLA leave is entitled to reenroll for
group dental coverage upon return to work. Please check with
your employer for details regarding your eligibility under FMLA.
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Section 9
Section 5
If You Receive Covered Services From An In-network
Contracting Providers and many other Dentists and Physicians
will  le the Claim to BCBSNE on your behalf. When BCBSNE
receives a Claim from a Contracting Provider, payment will
be made directly to that Provider, unless otherwise provided
by state of federal law. You are responsible for meeting any
applicable Deductible and Coinsurance amounts. You may
be asked to pay amounts that are your liability at the time of
service, or the provider may bill you for those amounts.
Filing A Claim
You must  le your own claim if your dental care provider is
not a Contracting Provider and does not  le for you. You can
obtain a claim form by contacting BCBSNE’s Member Services
Department, or you can  nd a form on the website:
All submitted claims must include:
correct I.D. number, including the alpha pre x;
name of patient;
the exact date and time of an accident (if applicable)
and whether or not it occurred at work.;
the original, itemized dental bill, including the date
of service, description and charge for the service;
complete name, address and credentials (DDS, MD)
of the provider;
the name and identi cation number of other
insurance; and
the primary plans explanation of bene ts (EOB), if
Claims cannot be processed if they are incomplete, and may
be denied for “lack of information if required information is
not received.
Claims should be  led as soon as possible after services are
provided. If a claim is not  led within the claim  ling limit
(normally within 15 months of the date of service), bene ts will
not be allowed. Claims, including revisions, that are not  led by
a BCBSNE In-network Provider prior to the claim  ling limit, will
become the provider’s liability.
Claim forms should be sent to:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska
P.O. Box 3248
Omaha, Nebraska 68180-0001
If you need assistance with  ling your claim, please contact
BCBSNE’s Member Services Department.
Payment Of Bene ts For Non-Contracting Provider
Payment will be made, at BCBSNE’s option, to the Covered
Person, to his or her estate, to the provider or as required by
state or federal law. Bene ts may also be paid to an alternate
recipient or custodial parent, if pursuant to a QMCSO.
No assignment, whether made before or after Services are
provided, of any amount payable according to this group
bene t plan shall be recognized or accepted as binding upon
BCBSNE, unless otherwise provided by state or federal law.
Right to Amend Provider Agreements Or Bene t
Payment Procedures
Agreements with health or dental care providers may be
changed or terminated, and bene t payments to In-network
Providers may be altered. Bene t payments may be calculated
on a charge basis, a Contracted Amount or similar charge,
global fee basis, through a Preferred Provider Organization, or
in any other manner agreed upon by BCBSNE or the On-site
Plan and the provider. However, any payment method agreed
upon will not a ect the method of calculating the Deductible
and Coinsurance.
Claim Determinations
A “Claim may be classi ed as a “Preservice” or “Postservice.
Preservice Claims — In some cases, under the terms of
the Group Dental Plan, the Covered Person is required to
Preauthorize bene ts in advance of a Service being provided,
or bene ts for the Service may be reduced or denied. This
required request for a bene t is a “Preservice” Claim. Preservice
Claim determinations that are not Urgent Care Claims will be
made with 15 calendar days of receipt, unless an extension
is needed to obtain necessary information. If additional
information is requested, the Covered Person or his or her
provider may be given up to 45 calendar days from receipt
of notice to submit the speci ed information. A Claim
determination will be made within 15 days of receipt of the
information, or the end of the 45 day extension period.
Urgent Care — If your Preservice Claim is one for Urgent Care,
the determination will be made within 72 hours of receipt of
the claim, unless further information is needed. If additional
information is necessary, the Covered Person or his or her
provider will be given no less than 48 hours to provide the
speci ed information. Noti cation of the decision will be
provided not later than 48 hours after the earlier of: our receipt
of the information, or the end of the period allowed to submit
the information.
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Section 5
Postservice Claims — A Postservice Claim is any Claim that
is not a Preservice Claim. In most cases, a Postservice Claim
is a request for bene ts or reimbursement of expenses for
medical care that has been provided to a Covered Person.
The instructions for  ling a Postservice Claim are outlined
earlier in this section. Upon receipt of a completed claim form,
a Postservice Claim will be processed within 30 days, unless
additional information is needed. If additional information
is requested, the Covered Person may be given not less
than 45 days to submit the necessary information. A Claim
determination will be made within 15 days of receipt of the
information, or the expiration of the 45-day extension period.
You will receive an EOB when a Claim is processed which
explains the manner in which your claim was handled.
Concurrent Care — If you request to extend a course of
treatment beyond the care previously approved and it involves
urgent care, a decision will be made within 24 hours of the
request, if you submitted the request at least 24 hours before
the course of treatment expires. In all other cases, the request
for an extension will be decided as appropriate for a Preservice
and Postservice Claims.
Explanation Of Bene ts
Every time a claim is processed for you, an Explanation of
Bene ts (EOB) form will be sent. The front page of the EOB
provides you with a summary of the payment including:
the patient’s name and the claim number.
the name of the individual or institution that was
paid for the service.
the total charge associated with the claim.
the covered amount.
any amount previously processed by this plan,
or another insurance company.
the amount(s) that you are responsible to pay
the Provider.
the total Deductible, Coinsurance that you have
accumulated to date.
other general messages.
A more detailed breakdown of the charges including provider
discounts, amount paid and cost sharing amounts (e.g.
noncovered charges, Deductible, Coinsurance and Copays)
are shown on the back of your EOB.
Also included on your EOB is information regarding your
right to appeal a bene t determination, or request additional
Save your EOBs in the event that you need them for other
insurance or for tax purposes.
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Section 6
BCBSNE has the discretionary authority to determine eligibility
for bene ts under the dental Plan, and to construe and
interpret the terms of the Plan, consistent with the terms of
the Administrative Services Agreement and associated plan
You have the right to seek and obtain a review of adverse
bene t determinations” arising under the Plan.
Appeal Procedure De nitions
Adverse Bene t Determination: A determination by BCBSNE
or its Utilization Review designee, of the denial, reduction,
or termination of a bene t, or a failure to provide or make
payment (in whole or in part) of a bene t. This includes any
such determination that is based on:
the application of Utilization Review;
a determination that the Service is Investigative;
a determination that the Service is not Medically
Necessary or appropriate;
an individual’s eligibility for coverage or to
participate in a plan.
An Adverse Bene t Determination also includes any
rescission of coverage, which is de ned as a cancellation or
discontinuance of coverage that has a retroactive e ect, except
if for failure to timely pay required premiums or contribution
for coverage.
Final Internal Adverse Bene t Determination: An Adverse
Bene t Determination that has been upheld by BCBSNE, or its
Utilization Review designee, at the completion of the internal
appeal process as described in this document.
Preservice Claim(s): Any Claim for a bene t under the Plan
with respect to which the terms of the Contract require
approval of the bene t in advance of obtaining medical care,
and failure to do so will cause bene ts to be denied or reduced.
Postservice Claim(s): Any Claim that is not a Preservice Claim.
Urgent Care Claim: A Claim for medical care or treatment for
which the application of the time periods for making non-
urgent care determinations:
could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the
Covered Person or the ability of the Covered Person
to regain maximum function; or
would subject the Covered Person to severe pain that
cannot be adequately managed without the care or
treatment that is the subject of the Claim.
How To Appeal An Adverse Bene t Determination
A Covered Person or a person acting on his/her behalf (the
claimant”) is entitled to an opportunity to appeal initial or  nal
Adverse Bene t Determinations.
Internal Appeal
A request for an internal appeal must be submitted within
6 months of the date the Claim was processed, or Adverse
Bene t Determination was made. The written request should
state that it is a request for an appeal and, if possible, include a
copy of the Explanation of Bene ts (EOB). The appeal should
also include:
the name of the person submitting the appeal and
his/her relationship to the patient;
the reason for the appeal;
any information that might help resolve the issue; and
the date of service/Claim.
The written appeal should be sent to:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska
P.O. Box 3248
Omaha, Nebraska 68180-0001
BCBSNE will provide the claimant a notice of receipt of the
request within 3 days. The notice will include the name,
address and telephone number of a person to contact
regarding coordination of the review. The claimant does not
have the right to attend the appeal review, but may submit
additional information or comments for consideration.
Preservice or Postservice Claim Appeal: A written notice
of the appeal determination will be provided to the claimant
as follows:
for Preservice Claims (other than Urgent Care), within
15 calendar days after receipt.
for Postservice Claims involving an Adverse Bene t
Determination based on Medical Necessity,
Investigative determination or utilization review,
within 15 calendar days after receipt.
for all other Postservice Claims, within 15 calendar
days after receipt, unless additional time is needed
and written notice is provided on or before the 15th
day, in which case the decision will be provided
within 30 calendar days after receipt.
The decision made pursuant to this appeal will be considered a
Final Internal Adverse Bene t Determination.
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Section 6
Nebraska Department of Insurance Assistance
The Nebraska Department of Insurance may be contacted for
assistance with the formal appeal process at any time at:
Nebraska Department of Insurance
P.O. Box 82089
Lincoln, Nebraska 68501-2089
(877) 564-7323
If you have a general complaint or inquiry regarding your
coverage with BCBSNE, please contact the Member Services
Department at the number found on your ID card. If you feel
that your complaint is not resolved through BCBSNE’s inter-
nal complaint process, or if performance does not meet your
expectations, you may contact the Nebraska Department of
Insurance at the address and phone number above.
Expedited Appeal: When the appeal is related to an Urgent
Care Claim, an expedited appeal may be requested in writing or
orally. All information, including the decision, will be submitted
by the most expeditious method available. BCBSNE will make
an expedited review decision within 72 hours after the appeal
is received. Written noti cation of the decision will be sent
within the 72-hour period.
Concurrent Care denials must be appealed within 24 hours
of the denial. A Concurrent Care denial will be handled as an
expedited appeal. If the appeal is requested within the 24-
hour time period, coverage will continue for services pending
noti cation of the review decision.
NOTE: When an adverse appeal determination involves
medical judgment, upon receipt of a written request, the
identity of the professionals who reviewed the appeal will be
provided to the claimant.
Rights To Documentation
You have the right to have access to, and request copies of
the documentation relevant to the claim and Adverse Bene t
Determination(s), including any new evidence or rationale
considered or relied upon in connection with the claim
on review. In addition, supporting material or additional
comments may be submitted by the claimant for consideration
during the appeal process.
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Section 7
When You Have Coverage Under More Than One
This Plan includes a Coordination of Bene ts (COB) provision.
COB provisions apply when a Covered Person has coverage
under more than one health Plan. This provision establishes
a uniform order in which the Plans pay their Claims, limits the
duplication of bene ts, and provides for transfer of information
between the Plans.
The order of bene t determination rules described in this
section determine which Plan will pay as the primary Plan
without regard to any bene ts that might be payable by
another Plan.
De nitions
For the purpose of this section, the terms are de ned as:
Allowable Expense: A health care expense, including
deductibles, coinsurance and copayments, that is covered at
least in part by any Plan covering the person. When a Plan
provides bene ts in the form of services, the reasonable cash
value of each service will be considered an Allowable Expense
and a bene t paid. An expense that is not covered by any Plan
covering the person is not an Allowable Expense. In addition,
any expense that a provider by law or in accordance with a
contractual agreement is prohibited from charging a Covered
Person is not an Allowable Expense.
The amount of any bene t reduction by the Primary Plan
because a Covered Person has failed to comply with the Plan
provisions is not an Allowable Expense. Examples of these
types of Plan provisions include second surgical options,
pre authorization of admissions, and preferred provider
Closed Panel Plan: A Plan that provides health care bene ts
to covered persons primarily in the form of services through a
panel of providers that have contracted with or are employed
by the Plan, and that excludes coverage for services provided
by other providers, except in cases of emergency or referral by
a panel member.
Custodial Parent: The parent awarded custody by a court
decree or, in the absence of a court decree, the parent with
whom the child resides more than one half of the calendar year
excluding temporary visitation.
Plan: As used in this section, any of the following that
provides bene ts or services for medical or dental care
or treatment. If separate contracts are used to provide
coordinated coverage for members of a group, the separate
contracts are considered parts of the same Plan and there is no
COB among those separate contracts.
a. Plan includes: group and nongroup insurance
contracts and subscriber contracts, health maintenance
organization (HMO) contracts, Closed Panel Plans;
other forms of group or group-type coverage (whether
insured or uninsured); medical care components of
long-term care contracts, such as skilled nursing care;
medical bene ts coverage in automobile “no-fault and
traditional “fault type contracts; group and nongroup
insurance contracts and subscriber contracts that pay
or reimburse for the cost of dental care; and Medicare
or any other federal governmental Plan, as permitted by
b. Plan does not include: hospital indemnity coverage or
other  xed indemnity coverage; accident only coverage
other than the medical bene ts coverage in automobile
“no fault” and traditional “fault contracts; speci ed
disease or speci ed accident coverage; limited bene t
health coverage, as de ned in state law; school accident
coverage; bene ts for non-medical components of
long-term care policies; Medicare supplement policies;
Medicaid policies; and coverage under other federal
governmental Plans, unless permitted by law.
Each contract for coverage under a. or b. is a separate Plan. If a
Plan has two parts and COB rules apply only to one of the two,
each of the parts is treated as a separate Plan.
Primary Plan: The Plan that will determine payment for
its bene ts rst before those of any other Plan without
considering any other Plans bene ts.
Secondary Plan: The Plan that will determine its bene ts after
those of another Plan and may reduce the bene ts so that
all Plan bene ts do not exceed 100% of the total Allowable
This Plan: The part of the contract providing health care
bene ts to which the COB provision applies and which may
be reduced because of the bene ts of other Plans. A contract
may apply one COB provision to certain bene ts, such as dental
bene ts, coordinating only with similar bene ts, and may apply
another COB provision to coordinate other bene ts.
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Section 7
Order Of Bene t Determination Rules
1. The Primary Plan pays or provides its bene ts according
to its terms or coverage and without regard to the
bene ts under any other Plan.
2. A Plan that does not contain a coordination of bene ts
provision that is consistent with this Part is always
primary unless the provisions of both Plans stated that
the complying Plan is primary.
3. A Plan may consider the bene ts paid or provided by
another Plan in calculating payment of its bene ts only
when it is secondary to that other Plan.
4. Each Plan determines its order of bene ts using the  rst
of the following rules that apply:
Subscriber And Dependent: The Plan that covers the person
as other than a dependent, such as a subscriber/policyholder/
employee is the Primary Plan and the Plan that covers the
person as a dependent is the Secondary Plan. However, if the
person is a Medicare bene ciary and, as a result of federal law,
Medicare is secondary to the Plan covering the person as a
dependent and primary to the Plan covering the person as a
subscriber, then the order of bene ts between the two Plans is
reversed so that the Plan covering the person as a subscriber is
the Secondary Plan and the other Plan is the Primary Plan.
Dependent Child Covered Under More Than One Plan:
Unless there is a court decree stating otherwise, when a
dependent child is covered by more than one Plan the order of
bene ts is determined as follows:
For a dependent child whose parents are married or are living
together, whether or not they have ever been married, the Plan
of the parent whose birthday falls earlier in the calendar year is
the Primary Plan. If both parents have the same birthday, the
Plan that has covered the parents the longest is the Primary
Plan (birthday rule).
For a dependent child whose parents are divorced, separated
or not living together, whether or not they have ever been
married, if a court decree states that one of the parents is
responsible for the child’s health care expenses or health care
coverage and the Plan of that parent has actual knowledge
of those terms, that Plan is primary. If the parent with
responsibility has no health care coverage for the dependent
child’s health care expenses, but that parent’s spouse does,
the Plan of that parent’s spouse is primary. This rule applies to
Plan years beginning after the Plan is given notice of the court
If a court decree states that both parents are responsible for
the dependent child’s health care expenses or health care
coverage, the order of bene ts shall be determined by the
“birthday rule stated above.
If a court decree states that the parents have joint custody
without specifying that one parent has responsibility for the
health care expenses or health care coverage of the dependent
child, the order of bene ts shall be determined by the “birthday
rule” stated above.
If there is no court decree allocating responsibility for the
dependent child’s health care expenses or health care
coverage, the order of bene ts for the child are as follows:
the Plan covering the Custodial Parent;
the Plan covering the spouse of the Custodial Parent;
the Plan covering the non-custodial parent; and then
the Plan covering the spouse of the non-custodial parent.
For a dependent child covered under more than one Plan
of individuals who are not parents of the child, the above
provisions shall apply as if those individuals were the parents.
For an Eligible Dependent child covered under either or
both parents plans and also has his or her own coverage as a
dependent under a spouses plan, the rule below for “Longer or
Shorter Length of Coverage applies. In the event the Eligible
Dependent child’s coverage under the spouses plan began on
the same date as his or her coverage under the parents plan(s),
the order of bene ts shall be determined by applying the
“birthday rule above, to the child’s parent(s) and to his or her
Active Employee, Retired Or Laid-O Employee: The Plan that
covers a person as an active employee, that is, an employee
who is neither retired nor laid o , is the Primary Plan. The Plan
covering that same person as a retired or laid-o employee is
the Secondary Plan. The same would hold true if a person is a
dependent of an active employee and that same person is a de-
pendent of a retired or laid-o employee. If the other Plan does
not have this rule, and as a result, the Plans do not agree on the
order of bene ts, this rule is ignored. This rule does not apply
if the  rst rule (Subscriber and Dependent) can determine the
order of bene ts.
98-749 1/2024
paid or provided by all Plans for the Claim do not exceed
the total Allowable Expense for that Claim. In addition, the
Secondary Plan shall credit to its Plan Deductible any amounts
it would have credited to its Deductible in the absence of other
health coverage.
Miscellaneous Provisions
If these COB rules do not speci cally address a particular
situation, BCBSNE may, at its discretion, rely on the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners Coordination of
Bene ts Model Regulation as an interpretive guide.
To properly administer these COB rules, certain facts are
needed. This Plan may obtain or release information to any
insurance company, organization or person. Any person
who claims bene ts under This Plan agrees to furnish the
information that may be necessary to apply COB rules and
determine bene ts.
If another Plan pays bene ts that should have been paid under
This Plan, this Plan may reimburse the other Plan amounts
determined to be necessary. Amounts paid to other Plans in
this manner will be considered bene ts paid under This Plan
and This Plan is released from liability for any such amounts.
If the amount of the bene ts paid by This Plan exceeds the
amount it should have paid, This Plan has the right to recover
any excess from any other insurer, any other organization, or
any person to or for whom such amounts were paid, including
Covered Persons under This Plan.
COBRA Or State Continuation Coverage: If a person whose
coverage is provided pursuant to COBRA or under a right of
continuation provided by state or other federal law is covered
under another Plan, the Plan covering the person as a sub-
scriber/member/employee/retiree or covering the person as a
dependent of a subscriber/member/employee/retiree is the Pri-
mary Plan and the COBRA or state or other federal continuation
coverage is the Secondary Plan. If the other Plan does not have
this rule, and as a result, the Plans do not agree on the order of
bene ts, this rule is ignored. This rule does not apply if the  rst
rule (Subscriber and Dependent) can determine the order of
bene ts.
Longer Or Shorter Length Of Coverage: The Plan that has cov-
ered the person longer is the Primary Plan and the Plan that has
covered the person the shorter period of time is the Secondary
Plan. The start of a new Plan does not include a change in the
amount or scope of a Plans bene ts; a change in the entity that
pays, provides or administers the Plans bene ts; or a change
from one type of Plan to another, such as from a single employ-
er Plan to a multiple employer Plan.
If the above rules do not determine the order of bene ts, the
Allowable Expenses shall be shared equally between the Plans
meeting the de nition of Plan. In addition, This Plan will not
pay more than it would have paid had it been the Primary Plan.
Administration Of Coordination Of Bene ts
The order of bene t determination rules govern the order in
which each Plan will pay a Claim for bene ts. The Plan that
pays  rst is called the Primary Plan. The Plan that pays after the
Primary Plan is called the Secondary Plan.
If This Plan is the Primary Plan, there shall be no reduction of
bene ts. Bene ts will be paid without regard to the bene ts of
any other Plan.
If This Plan is the Secondary Plan, it may reduce its bene ts
so that the total bene ts paid or provided by all Plans for
any Claim are not more than the total Allowable Expenses.
In determining the amount to be paid for any Claim, the
Secondary Plan will calculate the bene ts it would have paid
in the absence of other health care coverage and apply that
calculated amount to any Allowable Expense under its Plan that
is unpaid by the Primary Plan. The Secondary Plan may then
reduce its payment by the amount so that, when combined
with the amount paid by the Primary Plan, the total bene ts
Section 7
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Section 8
Termination of Coverage
Coverage under your group plan will terminate for you and/or
your dependents on the earliest of the following dates:
the date the entire Contract is terminated;
the last day of the month in which your employment
the last day of the month in which you cease to be eli-
gible under the health plan; or a dependent ceases to be
an Eligible Dependent;
the last day of the month in which BCBSNE receives a re-
quest from you or the employer to terminate coverage for
you or a dependent, or the date requested in the notice,
if later;
the last date for which premium is paid;
another date as speci ed by your employer;
NOTE: If an employee voluntarily cancels his/her dental coverage,
the employee and his/her eligible dependents may not re-enroll for
two years from the  rst month following the date of cancelation.
You and/or your Eligible Dependents may be eligible to
continue coverage under the Group Dental Plan as detailed in
this section.
Leave of Absence
If You are temporarily absent from work due to an approved
leave of absence for medical or other reasons. Your coverage
under this Plan will continue during that leave for up to two
years, provided the applicable Employee contribution is paid
when due.
Continuation Of Coverage Under The Federal
Continuation Law
If you terminate your employment, or if a dependent loses
coverage due to certain “Qualifying Events, continued coverage
under the Group Dental Plan may be available. Payment for
continued coverage under the federal continuation law is at the
employees or dependents own expense. Please contact your
employer for details regarding eligibility.
What Is The Federal Continuation Law?
The Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), is
a federal law which provides that a Covered Person who
would lose coverage due to the occurrence of a “Qualifying
Event”, may elect to continue coverage under the Group
Dental Plan. A person who is eligible to continue coverage
is called a “Quali ed Bene ciary. A Quali ed Bene ciary
also includes a child born to, or placed for adoption with the
Covered Person during the period of COBRA coverage. Please
share the information found in this section with your Eligible
NOTE: To protect your rights under COBRA, please keep your
employer informed of your current address.
Termination Of Employment Or Reduction In Hours – COBRA
provides that if you should lose eligibility for coverage due to:
voluntary or involuntary termination of employment
(other than for gross misconduct) ;
• a lay-o for economic reasons; or
a reduction in work hours
you and your covered dependents may be able to continue the
group coverage at your own expense for up to 18 months. Your
employer is required to notify the Plan Administrator within 30
days of the loss of coverage. The Plan Administrator will send
the Quali ed Bene ciaries a COBRA noti cation within 14 days
after receiving notice from the employer. If the employer and
Plan Administrator are the same entity, the COBRA noti cation
will be sent within 44 days of the date of the loss of coverage.
Disability – If a Quali ed Bene ciary is determined by the
Social Security Administration to have been disabled any
time during the  rst 60 days of COBRA continuation coverage,
the COBRA coverage period for the disabled individual
and his or her related bene ciaries may be extended to 29
months instead of 18 months when loss of coverage is due
to termination or reduction in hours of employment. You
must provide written notice of the disability determination to
the plan within 18 months of becoming eligible for COBRA
and no later than 60 days after the date of the Social Security
Administrations determination.
If the Social Security Administration determines that you or the
dependent are no longer disabled, the extended continuation
of coverage period (19th through 29th month) will be
terminated the month that begins more than 30 days after the
determination. You must notify the plan within 30 days of a
determination that an individual is no longer disabled.
Change In Dependent Status, Divorce/Separation Or
Medicare Entitlement – COBRA requires that continued
coverage under the Plan be o ered to your covered spouse
and eligible children if they would otherwise lose coverage as a
result of:
divorce or legal separation;
a child losing dependent status, or
the employee becoming entitled to Medicare.
When one of these circumstances occur, you or the dependent
are obligated to notify the employer or Plan Administrator
within 60 days. Failure to provide timely and proper notice may
result in the loss of the right to COBRA.
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Section 12Section 8
dependents of the monthly premium amount, and to whom
such premium should be paid.
Second Qualifying Event — In the event your family
experiences a second Qualifying Event while receiving an
18-month period of COBRA coverage (or the extended
29-month period), your covered spouse and dependents
are eligible to extend the original COBRA coverage period
to a maximum of 36 months if notice of the second event is
properly given to the Plan Administrator. This extension may
be available to the spouse and children receiving continuation
coverage if: a) you die, b) you become entitled to Medicare, c)
you get divorced or legally separated, or d) the dependent child
is no longer eligible as a dependent, but only if the second
event would have caused the spouse or child to lose coverage
under the plan had the  rst Qualifying Event not occurred.
In all of these cases, you or the dependent must notify the
Plan Administrator, in writing, within 60 days of the second
Qualifying Event. Failure to provide timely and proper notice
may result in the loss of the right to extend COBRA coverage.
Termination Of COBRA Coverage
A Quali ed Bene ciarys COBRA continuation coverage may be
terminated at midnight on the earliest of:
the day your employer ceases to provide any Group
Dental Plan to any employee;
the day the premium is due and unpaid;
the day the individual  rst becomes covered under any
other Group Dental Plan (after the COBRA election);
the day the individual again becomes covered as an
employee or dependent under the policy;
the day an insured person becomes entitled to bene ts
under Medicare (after COBRA election); or
the day dental insurance has been continued for the
maximum period of time allowed (18, 29 or 36 months).
NOTE: In the event more than one continuous provision applies,
the periods of continued coverage may run concurrently, but never
for more than 36 months.
Uniformed Service Employment And Reemployment
Rights (Military Leave)
The Uniformed Services employment and Reemployment
Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) requires that continued coverage
under an employer group plan be o ered to an employee and
covered dependents if coverage would otherwise be lost due
to military leave.
After receiving a timely notice of such an event, your employer
or the Plan Administrator will send the Quali ed Bene ciary
an election form and the information needed to apply for
coverage, if eligible, within 14 days of the date the notice
is received. Coverage may be continued at the individual’s
expense for up to 36 months.
Your Death – If you should die while you are covered under
this Group Dental Plan, continued coverage is available to your
spouse and Eligible Dependents.
COBRA provides that subject to certain limitations, your
surviving spouse and children may continue the group dental
coverage at their own expense for up to 36 months. Federal
law requires your Plan Administrator to send the surviving
family members instructions as to how to apply for continued
coverage if they are eligible.
Special Provisions — If an employer  les Chapter 11
bankruptcy, special provisions regarding COBRA continuation
coverage may apply for a retiree or deceased retirees surviving
spouse and dependent children. Please check with your
employer for details.
Electing COBRA Coverage
Quali ed Bene ciaries will be sent a written notice of the right
to continue health coverage and an election form(s).
Reminder: In the case of a divorce or legal separation, or if a child
loses dependent status, you must notify your employer or plan
administrator of this Qualifying Event within 60 days. Failure to
provide timely and proper notice may result in the loss of the right
to COBRA coverage.
Quali ed Bene ciaries must complete and return the COBRA
election form in order to continue coverage. The notice will
include instructions for completing and returning the form.
The election form must be received by the later of:
60 days after the day health coverage would
otherwise end, or
60 days after the notice is sent to you by the
employer or Plan Administrator.
COBRA continuation coverage may only begin on the day after
coverage under the group plan would otherwise end. The
required premium, including any retroactive premium, must
be paid from the day coverage would have otherwise ended.
The initial premium must be paid within 45 days after the day
continued coverage is elected. Succeeding premiums must
be paid monthly within 30 days of the premium due date.
The COBRA notice and election form will inform you or your
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Section 8
Continuation of Group Health Coverage
If coverage under your employer group plan ends because of
service in the uniformed services, you may elect to continue
coverage yourself and your covered dependents, until the
earlier of:
24 consecutive months from the date active duty began;
the day after the date on which you fail to apply for, or
return to employment, in accordance with USERRA.
You are responsible for payment of the required premium to
continue coverage. If the leave for military service is less than
31 days, your required premium is the standard employee
share of the applicable premium . For a leave in excess of 30
days the required premium shall be no more than 102% of the
total premium applicable for your membership option. Your
employer will inform you of the amount and procedure for
payment of premiums.
A Covered Persons continued coverage under these USERRA
provisions will end at midnight on the earliest of:
the day the employer ceases to provide any group plan
for its employee,
the day the premium is due and unpaid,
the day a Covered Person again becomes covered under
the plan,
the day coverage has been continued for the period of
time stated in the previous paragraph above.
Following service in the uniformed services, an employee may
be eligible to apply for reemployment with the employer in
accordance with USERRA. Such reemployment includes the
right to reenroll for group coverage provided by the employer
with no new waiting periods imposed.
Please contact your Human Resource Department for further
information with regard to your rights under USERRA.
Continuation Of Coverage For Children To Age 30
You may elect to continue coverage to age 30 for a dependent
who would otherwise lose coverage when he or she meets
the plans limiting age provided that the child was covered as
an Eligible Dependent at the time such coverage would have
In order to elect continuation coverage, you must request
an election form from BCBSNE. The completed form must be
returned no sooner than 31 days prior to or no later than 31
days after the date on which the child would otherwise lose
coverage. You should also notify your employer of your decision
to continue coverage for your child.
Payment For Continuation Coverage
The premium for continuation coverage will be equal to the
full, unsubsidized single adult premium. You are responsible for
paying the full premium each month. The  rst months premium
must be paid to the Group through which your coverage is
provided no later than 31 days after the date the child’s coverage
would have terminated.
Termination of Continuation Coverage
Continuation coverage will terminate if:
we do not receive the monthly payment on a timely basis;
you request coverage to be terminated;
your coverage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska
the covered child:
is no longer a resident of Nebraska;
receives coverage under another health bene t plan or
self-funded employee bene t plan; or
attains age 30.
Continuation coverage will terminate at the end of the month
in which any event listed above occurs. Coverage may not be
reinstated once it has been terminated.
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Section 13
Section 9
Bene t Plan Document
This document provides an overview of your bene ts. It is
not intended to be a complete description of every detail
of the Plan. All coverage and bene t determinations are
governed by the Bene t Plan Document, which consists of
the Administrative Services Agreement, this SPD, and other
documents entered into between the Group and BCBSNE.
Fraud Or Misrepresentation
A Covered Persons coverage may be canceled or rescinded for
fraud or intentional misrepresentation of a material fact about
a claim or eligibility for this coverage.
If coverage is rescinded, the amount of premium paid will be
reduced by any bene ts that were paid, and will be refunded.
If bene ts paid exceed premiums, received, BCBSNE may
recover the di erence.
Contracting Providers
BCBSNE does not engage in the practice of medicine and all
Contracting Providers provide Services under the terms of the
Plan as independent practitioners of the healing arts. Such
providers are not employees or agents of BCBSNE, or the On-
site Plan, and BCBSNE will not be liable for any act, error, or
neglect of any Hospital, Physician, Dentist or other provider or
their agent, employee, successor or assignee.
Subrogation is the right to recover bene ts paid for Covered
Services provided as the result of Injury or Illness which was
caused by another person or organization. When bene ts are
paid under the Group Plan, the Plan shall be subrogated to all
of the Covered Persons right of recovery against any person or
organization to the extent of the bene ts paid. The Subscriber,
the Covered Person or the person who has the right to recover
for a Covered Person (usually a parent or spouse), agrees
to make reimbursement to the Plan if payment is received
from the person who caused the Illness or Injury or from that
persons liability carrier.
This subrogation shall be a  rst priority lien on the full or partial
proceeds of any settlement, judgement or other payment
recovered by or on behalf of the Covered Person, whether or
not there has been full compensation for all his or her losses or
as provided by applicable state law. The Plans rights shall not
be defeated by allocating the proceeds in whole or in part to
nonmedical damages.
Contractual Right To Reimbursement
If a Covered Person receives full or partial proceeds from any
other source for Covered Services for an Illness or Injury, the
Group Plan has a contractual right of reimbursement to the
extent bene ts were paid under the Plan for the same Illness
or Injury. This contractual right to reimbursement shall be
a  rst priority lien against any proceeds recovered by the
Covered Person, whether or not the Covered Person has been
fully compensated for all his or her losses, or as provided by
applicable state law.
Such proceeds may include any settlement; judgment;
payments made under group auto insurance; individual or
group no fault auto insurance; another persons uninsured,
under insured or medical payment insurance; or proceeds
otherwise paid by a third party. This contractual right to
reimbursement is in addition to and separate from the
subrogation right. The Plan’s rights shall not be defeated by
allocating the proceeds in whole or in part, to nonmedical
When proceeds are recovered under this contractual right
to reimbursement for all or a part of the Claim, amounts
previously credited to a Covered Persons Deductible or
Coinsurance liability may be removed. Future Claims will be
subject to the reinstated Deductible or Coinsurance.
No adult Subscriber may assign any rights to recover
medical expenses from any third party to any minor or other
dependent of the adult Subscriber or to any other person,
without the express written consent of the Plan. The right
to recover, whether by subrogation or reimbursement, shall
apply to settlements or recoveries of deceased persons,
minor dependents of a Subscriber, incompetent or disabled
Subscribers, or their incompetent or disabled Eligible
The Subscriber agrees to fully cooperate and assist in any way
necessary to recover such payments, including but not limited
to notifying BCBSNE of a claim or lawsuit  led on his or her
behalf or on behalf of any Eligible Dependent for an Injury or
Illness. The Subscriber, Eligible Dependent or an authorized
representative shall contact BCBSNE prior to settling any claim
or lawsuit to obtain an updated itemization of the subrogation
Claim or reimbursement amount due. Upon receiving any
proceeds, the Subscriber, Eligible Dependent or an authorized
representative must hold such proceeds in trust until such
time as the proceeds can be transferred to the Plan. The party
holding the funds that rightfully belong to the Plan shall not
interrupt or prejudice its recovery of such payments.
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Section 9
Costs incurred in enforcing these provisions shall also be
recovered, including, but not limited to, attorneys fees,
litigation and court costs and other expenses.
Workers’ Compensation
Bene ts are not available for Services provided for Injuries
or Illnesses arising out of and in the course of employment
whether or not the Covered Person fails to assert or waives his
or her right to Workers’ Compensation or Employer Liability
Law. The employer is required to furnish or pay for such
Services or a settlement can be made, pursuant to Workers
Compensation laws. (See also the section of this book titled
“Exclusions — Whats Not Covered”)
If a Covered Person enters into a lump-sum settlement which
include compensation for past or future dental expenses for
an Injury or Illness, payment will not be made under the Group
Dental Plan for Services related to that Injury or Illness.
Bene ts are not payable for services determined to be not
compensable due to noncompliance with terms, rules and
conditions under Workers’ Compensation laws, or in a Certi ed
or otherwise Licensed Workers’ Compensation Managed Care
Plan. In addition, bene ts are not payable for Services that
are related to the work Injury or Illness, but are determined to
be not necessary or reasonable by the employer or Workers
Compensation carrier.
In certain instances, bene ts for such Services are paid in error
under the group plan. If payment is received by the Covered
Person for such Services, reimbursement must be made. This
reimbursement may be refunded from any recovery made from
the employer, or the employer’s Workers’ Compensation carrier,
as permitted by law. Reimbursement must be made directly
by the Subscriber when bene ts are paid in error due to his or
her failure to comply with the terms, rules and conditions of
Workers’ Compensation laws or a Certi ed or Licensed Workers’
Compensation Managed Care Plan.
Legal Actions
The Subscriber cannot bring legal action to recover for at least
60 days after written proof of loss is given to BCBSNE. The
Subscriber cannot start a legal action after three years from the
date written proof of loss is required.
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Section 10
Accident: An unexpected occurrence that results in injury, loss
or damage such as a fall or auto accident. Fractures of teeth
due to eating, biting or chewing are not considered Accidents.
Administrative Services Agreement (ASA): The agreement
entered into between the Group and BCBSNE for
administration of the Groups self-insured, or partially self-
insured, health care programs for eligible employees.
Adult Designee: A person of the same or opposite gender
of the Subscriber, who meets the eligibility criteria below, as
determined by the University of Nebraska:
has resided in the same residence as the Subscriber for
at least the past 12 months and intends to remain so
inde nitely;
is at least 19 years old;
is directly dependent upon, or interdependent with, the
employee, sharing a common  nancial obligation that can
be documented in a manner prescribed by the University
of Nebraska;
is not currently married to or legally separated from
another individual either under statutory or common law;
is not related to the Subscriber as a parent, step-parent, a
collateral descendent of a parent or step-parent (i.e. sibling,
niece or nephew), a grandparent, step-grandparent, or a
grandparent’s or step-grandparent’s descendant (i.e. aunt,
uncle or cousin);
is not a renter, boarder, tenant or employee of the
has not been hired or is not directly supervised by the
Subscriber in an employment settling; or may not be
transferred, suspended, laid o , recalled, promoted,
discharged, assigned, rewarded or disciplined as an
employee by the Subscriber; or the Subscriber has no
responsibility to direct the Adult Designee or to adjust the
Adult Designees grievances or e ectively to recommend
such action, if the exercise of such authority is not merely
of a routine or clerical nature but requires the use of
independent judgment;
is not a child of the Subscriber or a descendent of a
Subscribers child.
In addition, the Subscriber and the Adult designee must possess
and provide the University of Nebraska either a copy of the
Internal Revenue Services (IRS) form listing the Adult Designee
as a dependent, or at least three of the following documents;
joint ownership of a residence or other signi cant property
(home, condo, mobile home, care) or joint tenancy on a
resident lease identifying both the Subscriber and the
Adult Designee as tenants;
life insurance policy or retirement bene t account of the
Subscriber or the Adult Designee naming the other as
primary bene ciary;
will of the Subscriber or Adult Designee designating
the other as primary bene ciary, executor or personal
durable power of attorney for purposes of health care or
nancial management providing that the Subscriber and
Adult Designee have granted powers to one another;
joint bank or credit account;
joint liability of debt (for example, credit cards or car loans);
other evidence of joint ownership of a major asset.
If there is any change in status regarding the Adult Designee
of the Adult Designees dependent children, the Subscriber
is responsible for notifying the University of Nebraska within
31 days of the change. Coverage will be terminated for the
Adult Designee and his/her dependent children when an
Adult Designee no longer meets the eligibility criteria listed
above. Unless otherwise stated, an Adult Designee and his/her
dependent children will not be o ered an independent right to
continuation of bene ts through COBRA if these individuals lose
coverage under this Plan for any reason; although the Subscriber
may elect to continue coverage through COBRA for the
Subscriber, the Adult Designee and his/her dependent children
if the Subscriber becomes eligible for COBRA continuation
Allowable Charge: An amount BCBSNE uses to calculate
payment of Covered Services. This amount will be based on
either the Contracted Amount for In-network Providers or the
Out-of-network Allowance for Out-of-network Providers.
Annual Enrollment Month: The month during which
membership additions and deletions are made. This month
usually corresponds to the rating anniversary and must be
mutually agreed upon by the Group Applicant and BCBSNE.
Approved Provider: A licensed practitioner of the healing
arts who provides Covered Services within the scope of his or
her license and who is payable according to the terms of the
Contract, Nebraska law and the direction of BCBSNE.
Bene t Plan Document: The agreement between BCBSNE
and the Group which includes the Administrative Services
Agreement and any attachments or addenda, this Summary
Plan Description, and the individual enrollment information of
Subscribers and their Eligible Dependents.
Certi cation (Certi ed): Successful voluntary compliance
with certain prerequisite quali cations speci ed by regulatory
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Section 10
Coinsurance: The percentage amount the Covered Person
must pay for Covered Services, based on the lesser of the
Allowable Charge or the billed charge.
Consultation: Dental services for a patient in need of
specialized care requested by the attending Dentist who does
not have that knowledge.
Contracted Amount: The payment agreed to by BCBSNE or
an On-site Plan and contracting Providers for Covered Services
received by a Covered Person.
Cosmetic: Any services provided to improve the patient’s
physical appearance, from which no signi cant improvement in
physiologic function can be expected, regardless of emotional
or psychological factors.
Covered Person: Any person entitled to bene ts for Covered
Services pursuant to the Bene t Plan Document administered
Covered Services: Dental procedures, supplies, drugs, or other
dental care services, for which bene ts are payable under the
Bene t Plan Document, while the ASA is in e ect.
Deductible: An amount of Allowable Charges which must be
met for the Covered Person each Calendar Year for Covered
Services before bene ts are payable by the Plan.
Dentist: Any person who is appropriately Licensed and
quali ed to practice dentistry under the law of the jurisdiction
in which the dental procedure is performed and is operating
within the scope of his/her license.
Eligible Dependent: An individual who quali es as a Dependent
of an Employee under Code Section 152 and who is the
Employees Adult Designee, the Employees Adult Designee
Dependent Child, or the Employees Dependent Child. However,
the de nition of Dependent is modi ed to conform with the
underlying Code section for the quali ed bene t. For example,
for purposes of a bene t under Code Section 105, except as
otherwise provided, a Dependent is a Dependent as de ned
under Code Section 152, without regard to Code Section 152(b)
(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B), and any Child (as de ned in Code Section
152(f)(1)) of the Employee who has not attained the limiting age
of 26.
The spouse and/or domestic partner of the Subscriber
unless the marriage or domestic partnership has been
ended by a legal, e ective decree of dissolution, divorce
or separation;
An Adult Designee, as de ned, and any Adult Designees
dependent children, as described below;
Children to age 26. “Children means:
natural-born and legally adopted children of the
Subscriber or Adult Designee;
stepchildren of the Subscriber;
grandchildren, due to court order that require
coverage, who live with and are chie y dependent
upon the Subscriber/Adult Designee for support and
maintenance and for whom the Subscriber/Adult
Designee has obtained legal guardianship;
a child for whom the Subscriber or Adult Designee has
legal guardianship.
Appropriate Documentation must be provided to verify
count appointed legal guardian status.
Reaching age 26 will not end the covered child’s coverage
under the plan as long as the child is, and remains both
incapable of self-sustaining employment, or of returning
to school as a full-time student, by reason of intellectual or
physical disability; and dependent upon the Subscriber for
the majority of his or her support and maintenance.
“Physical or intellectual disability means a severe disability
of a person which: a) is attributed to a physical or mental
impairment or combination of physical or mental impairments;
b) is manifested before the person attains age 26; c) is likely
to continue inde nitely; and d) results in incapability of
performing self-sustaining employment.
“Severe disability means substantial functional limitations in
three (3) or more of the following areas of major life activities:
receptive and expressive language;
self-direction; or
capacity for independent living; and re ects the persons
need for treatment or other services which are of an
inde nite duration and are individually planned and
A physicians statement may be required.
Proof of the requirements stated above must be received by the
group health plan or BCBSNE from the Subscriber within 31 days
of the child’s reaching age 26 and after that, as required (but
not more often than yearly after two years of such handicap).
Determination of eligibility under this provision will be made
by BCBSNE or the Group. Any extended coverage under this
paragraph will be subject to all other provisions of the Plan.
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Section 10
Medicaid: Grants to states for Medical Assistance Programs,
Title XVII of the Social Security Act, as amended.
Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity: Health care
services ordered by a treating Physician exercising prudent
clinical judgment, provided to a Covered Person for the
purposes of prevention, evaluation, diagnosis or treatment of
that Covered Persons Illness, Injury or pregnancy, that are:
1. consistent with the prevailing professionally
recognized standards of medical practice; and,
known to be e ective in improving health
care outcomes for the condition for which it is
recommended or prescribed. E ectiveness will
be determined by validation based upon scienti c
evidence, professional standards and consideration
of expert opinion, and
2. clinically appropriate in terms of type, frequency,
extent, site and duration for the prevention,
diagnosis or treatment of the Covered Persons
Illness, Injury or pregnancy. The most appropriate
setting and the most appropriate level of service is
that setting and that level of service, that is the most
cost e ective considering the potential bene ts
and harms to the patient. When this test is applied
to the care of an inpatient, the Covered Persons
medical symptoms and conditions must require
that treatment cannot be safely provided in a less
intensive medical setting; and
3. not more costly than alternative interventions,
including no intervention, and are at least as likely
to produce equivalent therapeutic or diagnostic
results as to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment
of the patient’s Illness, Injury or pregnancy, without
adversely a ecting the Covered Persons medical
condition; and
4. not provided primarily for the convenience of the
a. the Covered Person;
b. the Physician;
c. the Covered Persons family;
d. any other person or health care provider; and
5. not considered unnecessarily repetitive when
performed in combination with other prevention,
evaluation, diagnoses or treatment procedures.
BCBSNE will determine whether services are Medically
Necessary. Services will not automatically be considered
Medically Necessary because they have been ordered or
provided by a treating Physician.
General Anesthesia: A controlled state of unconsciousness,
accompanied by a partial or complete loss of protective
re exes, including loss of ability to independently maintain
airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation
or verbal command, produced by a pharmacologic or non
pharmacologic method or combination thereof.
Gingivectomy: The excision or removal of gingival tissue.
Group: The employer or entity making providing dental
coverage for its employees/participants pursuant to the
agreement with BCBSNE.
Hospital: An institution or facility duly Licensed by the State
of Nebraska or the state in which it is located, which provides
medical, surgical, diagnostic and treatment Services with
24-hour per day nursing Services, to two or more nonrelated
persons with an Illness, Injury or pregnancy, under the
supervision of a sta of Physicians Licensed to practice
medicine and surgery.
Illness: A condition which deviates from or disrupts normal
bodily functions or body tissues in an abnormal way, and is
manifested by a characteristic set of signs or symptoms.
Implant: An arti cial material grafted or implanted into or on
Injury: Physical harm or damage in icted to the body from an
external force.
In-network Provider: A health care provider (Physician,
Dentist, or other health care provider) who has contracted with
BCBSNE to provide services as a part of the Preferred Provider
network in Nebraska.
Investigative: A technology, a drug, biological product,
device, diagnostic, treatment or procedure that has not been
Scienti cally Validated. BCBSNE will determine whether a
technology is Investigative.
Late Enrollee: An individual who does not enroll for coverage
during the  rst period in which he or she is eligible, or during a
special enrollment period.
Licensure (Licensed): Permission to engage in a health
profession that would otherwise be unlawful in the state where
services are performed, and which is granted to individuals
who meet prerequisite quali cations. Licensure protects a
given scope of practice and the title.
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Section 10
Plan Administrator: The administrator of the Plan as de ned
Preauthorization/Preauthorized: A determination by Us or
Our designee, that an admission, extension of stay or other
health or dental care service has been reviewed and based of
the information provided, meets the clinical requirements for
Medical Necessity, appropriateness, level of care, or e ectiveness
under the auspices of the applicable health bene t plan.
Preferred Provider: A health care provider (Hospital, Dentist,
Physician or other health care provider) who has contracted
to provide Services as part of the network in Nebraska, or if in
another state, who is a Preferred Provider with the BlueCard
Program PPO network.
Preferred Provider Organization: Panel of Dentists, Physicians
and other health care providers who belong to a network of
Preferred Providers, which agrees to more e ectively manage
health care costs.
Pulpotomy: Surgical removal of a portion of the pulp with
the aim of maintaining the vitality of the remaining portion by
means of an adequate dressing; pulp amputation.
Quali ed Bene ciary: Under COBRA, an individual who
must in certain circumstances, be o ered the opportunity to
elect COBRA coverage under a group health plan. The term
generally includes a covered employees spouse or dependent
children who were covered under the group health plan on the
day before a Qualifying Event, as well as a covered employee
who was covered under the group health plan on the day
before a Qualifying Event that is a termination of employment
or a reduction in hours. The term also includes a child born
to or adopted by a covered employee during a period of
COBRA coverage.
Qualifying Event: The circumstances that entitle persons to
elect COBRA coverage.
Root Canal: The portion of the pulp cavity inside the root of
a tooth; the chamber within the root of the tooth that contains
the pulp.
Schedule of Bene ts: A summarized personal document
which provides information about Deductibles, Coinsurance,
special bene ts, maximums and limitations of coverage. It also
indicates the type of Membership Unit selected and whether
or not waiting periods are in e ect. This term also includes the
Schedule of Bene ts Summary.
Membership Unit: The category of persons to be provided
bene ts pursuant to the Subscribers enrollment.
Single Membership: This option provides bene ts for
Covered Services provided to the Subscriber only.
Subscriber-Spouse Membership: This option provides
bene ts for Covered Services provided to the Subscriber
and his or her spouse/domestic partner and Adult
Single Parent Membership: This option provides bene ts
for Covered Services provided to the Subscriber and his
or her Eligible Dependent children, but not to a spouse/
Domestic Partner or Adult Designee.
Family Membership: This option provides bene ts for
Covered Services provided to the Subscriber and his or her
Eligible Dependents.
Other Membership Units may be available as determined by
BCBSNE and the Group.
Noncovered Services: Services that are not payable under
the Plan.
Occlusion: Any contact between biting or chewing surfaces
of maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) teeth.
On-site Plan: A Blue Cross and/or a Blue Shield Plan in another
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Service Area, which
administers Claims through the BlueCard Program for Nebraska
Covered Persons residing or traveling in that Service Area.
Orthognathic Surgery: Surgery performed to correct facial
imbalances caused by abnormalities of the jaw bones.
Osteotomy: Surgical cutting of bone.
Out-of-network Allowance: An amount BCBSNE uses to
calculate payment for Covered Services to an Out-of-network
Provider. This amount will be based on the Contracted Amount
for Nebraska Providers or an amount determined by the On-site
Plan for out-of-area Providers.
Palliative: Action that relieves pain but is not curative.
Periodontal: Pertaining to the supporting and surrounding
tissues of the teeth.
Physician: Any person holding an unrestricted license who
is duly authorized to practice medicine and surgery, and to
prescribe drugs.
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Section 10
BCBSNE will determine whether a technology is Scienti cally
Space Maintainer: A passive appliance, usually cemented
in place, that holds teeth in position until the permanent
teeth erupt.
Subscriber: An individual who enrolls for dental coverage and
is named on an identi cation card, and who is:
1. an employee hired by an employer who makes
application for dental coverage for its employees;
2. a retiree quali ed to receive bene ts as de ned by
the Plan; or
3. a COBRA Quali ed Bene ciary.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ): The connecting joint
between the base of the skull (temporal bone) and the lower
jaw (mandible).
Schedule of Bene ts Summary: See de nition of Schedule
of Bene ts.
Scienti cally Validated: A technology, a drug, biological
product, device, diagnostic, treatment or procedure is
Scienti cally Validated if it meets all of the factors set
forth below:
1. Technologies, drugs, biological products, devices
and diagnostics must have  nal approval from
the appropriate government regulatory bodies. A
drug or biological product must have  nal approval
from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A
device must have  nal approval from FDA for those
speci c indications and methods of use that is being
evaluated. FDA or other governmental approval
is only one of the factors necessary to determine
Scienti c Validity.
2. The Scienti c Evidence must permit conclusions
concerning the e ect of the technology on health
outcomes. The evidence should consist of well-
designed and well-conducted investigations
published in peer-reviewed journals. The quality of
the body of studies and the consistency of the results
are considered in evaluating the evidence.
The evidence should demonstrate that the technology
can measure or alter the physiological changes related
to a disease, Injury, Illness or condition. In addition
there should be evidence based on established
medical facts that such measurement or alteration
a ects the health outcomes.
Opinions and evaluations by national medical
associations, consensus panels or other technology
evaluation bodies are evaluated according to the
scienti c quality of the supporting evidence and
rationale. Our evidence includes, but is not limited
to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Technology
Evaluation Center technology evaluations; Hayes
Directory of New Medical Technologies’ Status; Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Technology
Assessments and United States Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approvals.
3. The technology must improve the net health
4. The technology must improve the net health
outcome as much as or more than established
5. The improvement must be attainable outside the
investigational settings.
98-749 1/2024
Plan Name: University of Nebraska (Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska)
Group Health Benefi t Plan
Employer: University of Nebraska
217 Varner Hall 3835 Holdrege St
Lincoln, NE 68503-1435
(402) 472-2111
Employer Identifi cation Number: 47-0049123
Type of Plan: Dental
Funding: Self-Funded
Plan Year: January 1 to December 31
Plan Administrator: University of Nebraska
217 Varner Hall 3835 Holdrege St
Lincoln, NE 68503-1435
(402) 472-2111
Type of Administration: Insurer Contract Administration
(Administrative Services Agreement)
Participating Employers: University of Nebraska (Board of Regents of the The University of
Registered Agent for Service of Legal Process: University of Nebraska
217 Varner Hall 3835 Holdrege St
Lincoln, NE 68503-1435
(402) 472-2111
Service of legal process may also be made upon the Plan
Contributions: Employer and Employee
Contract Administration* of this Plan is with: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska
1919 Aksarben Drive • P.O. Box 3248
Omaha, Nebraska 68180-0001
(402) 390-1800
Amendment or Termination: University of Nebraska (Board of Regents of The University of Nebraska),
as Plan Sponsor, has the right to amend or terminate the plan at any time
* Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska provides administrative claims payment services only and does not assume any fi nancial risk or obligation
with respect to claims. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska liability may occur only under a stop loss provision set forth in a stop loss
agreement with the Group.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska is an independent licensee
of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 89-064-1 (03-15-21)
Claims administration by