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Patient Care Services / Nursing
Decreasing CLABSIs One Dressing at a Time Decreasing CLABSIs One Dressing at a Time
Damien D. Boham BSN, RN
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Elizabeth Ickes BSN, RN
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Claire M. LaTourette BSN, RN
Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Published In/Presented At Published In/Presented At
Boham, D., Ickes, E., & LaTourette, C. (2016, July 20).
Decreasing CLABSIs One Dressing at a Time.
presented at LVHN Vizient/AACN Nurse Residency Program Graduation, Lehigh Valley Health Network,
Allentown, PA.
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Decreasing CLABSIs One Dressing at a Time
Research suggests that CLABSIs can cost
hospitals $29,000- $50,000 per event. CLABSIs
care bundles have been well researched and are
proven to work.
PICO Question: Will Developing a post-insertion
Central Venous Catheter Bundle, implementing
education and a CVC Unit Champion increase
compliance with Central Venous Catheter Care
protocols, and decrease CLABSIs in the Critical
Care population?
Project Purpose:
To reduce the incidence of CLABSI by changing
how critical care nurses communicate and
document dressing changes.
Dressings have a huge impact on preventing
CLABSIs. Monitoring their integrity and timely
changing of the dressings are a crucial part of the
care bundle. Implementing visual cues and
encouraging nurse to include dressing changes into
their change of shift report made a impact in a
limited time frame. Additional research with a larger
sample size over a longer period could result in
more significant outcomes.
Discussing and visually checking dressings
Majority of change of shift of reports included
discussing and visually checking dressing pre
implementation and stayed the same throughout.
Discussion of dressing due date
Dressing changes were discussed more frequently during
change of shift report but still less than 50% of the time.
Documentation of dressing due date
Nurses had a significant improvement in
consistently documenting dressing changes due
Distribute a survey for CICU Registered Nurses to
complete to see how dressing changes are
documented, discussed and inspected during
change of shift report.
Heightened awareness to discuss dressing
changes during change of shift report
Visual cues as a reminder include status of
central line dressing changes during handoff
Audits performed to monitor discussion and
visualization of dressings, dressing change dates,
and documentation practices around central line
Damien Boham, BSN,RN
Elizabeth Ickes, BSN, RN
Claire Latourette BSN, RN
At the beginning of the implementation period,
CICU had a very low patient census, thus
decreasing the sample size for this study. Visual
cues and verbal reminders began to work later
on in implementation period. A longer time frame
for implementation could have improved
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