v.2 July 14, 2020 1
Program/Course Health & Safety Form
Date: 8/17/2020
Campus: Richmond
Faculty: Wilson School of Design
Program: Technical Apparel Design
Date of first group of students on
campus: 1/29/2021
Date of first group of students to leave
Date of second group of students on campus
(if needed):
Click or tap to enter.
Date of second group of students to leave
campus (if needed):
Click or tap to enter.
Number of students anticipated on campus
and on which days:
7 students
Class times: Friday (1-4:20pm)
lab times (in Rooms 0961 and 3980 as
needed for prototyping and with prior
signup to inform instructors/staff)
Number of employees on campus to support
this program and on which days:
1 faculty on Fridays
1 technician
Instructor Name: Jessica Bayntun
Rationale for why students need to be on campus:
A significant aspect of DETA 5230, is the opportunity for the students to build iterative
proof-of-concept prototypes. This course will allow the students to prepare for their
Capstone project, by giving them the necessary experience in making as research. This
requires the use of both general sewing labs and specialty sewing labs to access sewing
machines, specialty sewing machines, sew-free machines, laser cutter, textiles, dress forms,
etc. Some students may have
sewing machines at home (not all do) but none have access to
the specialty machines outside
of the KPU labs. An important part of the iterative prototyping is feedback and assistance from
the instructor on textile selection and construction methods. This is best provided in person
and in the presence of the machines used to make iterative changes as the prototype is
Have you informed the Registrar of the scheduling requirements for this course? Yes/no and
when informed?
Yes, August 21, 2020
v.2 July 14, 2020 2
PPE requirements for students, faculty, and staff (quantity needed).
Anticipated PPE to include: masks for up to 4 students plus 1 faculty and 2 staff members
(students/faculty to supply own masks, back-up masks on hand); hand washing stations;
disinfecting cleaner for sewing machines, tables and chairs (and any other
equipment that
may be used). Gloves are not anticipated as necessary in the general sewing lab area if hand
washing stations are provided; however, gloves will be needed for shared equipment
(specialty sewing machines and irons). The specialty machines have small parts and touch
points that may be difficult to disinfect. The irons will be shared frequently.
Has there been consultation with the Faculty OH&S Committee or the instructor? (provide
Yes, with the instructor and program coordinator in August 2020, waiting for final
approval from OH&S.
v.2 July 14, 2020 3
Students must conduct Covid-19 self-assessment prior to arriving on campus and
attending class.
Safety Plan for Employees and students:
All students and employees will follow the latest COVID precautions, guidance,
expectations, and restrictions as set out by KPU, WorkSafeBC, and BCs Chief Public
Health Officer. Students and employees must wear a cloth medical or cloth non-medical
mask in indoor common spaces on all KPU campuses. This includes but not limited to:
classrooms, hallways, corridors, washrooms, lounges, elevators, atria and study areas,
the Libraries, and the Bookstore. When you are outdoors on campus, please wear a mask
unless you can guarantee that you can stay at least 2m/6ft away from others at all times.
The safety plan will comply with the BC Government, Provincial Health Officer, and
WorkSafeBC guidance and directives regarding COVID-19 safe work practices. This is
anticipated to include:
1. Educating students on the safety plan and required protocols.
a. Covid-19 early symptoms and the need to stay home if symptoms are present
or if they
have had contact with individuals known to have contracted Covid-
b. Handwashing.
c. Use of PPE.
d. Disinfecting.
e. Distancing.
f. Own sewing kit.
g. Reporting concerns.
2. Handwashing:
a. Upon entering the building, prior to entering the labs.
b. Within the labs prior to and after using machines; prior to and after handling
of textile
c. Prior to and after consuming food or drink outside the labs during breaks.
d. Upon completing work within the labs before leaving the building.
3. Use of PPE:
a. Masks must be worn at ALL times.
b. Gloves to be worn when using the shared irons or specialty machines.
4. Disinfecting:
a. Upon entering the lab and prior to leaving the lab, all tables, chairs, work
surfaces and equipment that were used.
b. While working within the lab, prior to and after using any machine, cutting
table or
equipment that is shared.
v.2 July 14, 2020 4
5. Distancing:
a. Maintaining a minimum of 2m distance between students and between
students and faculty during movement in/out of the space, within the space
and during breaks. Masks will be worn at all times.
b. Entry to the building will be via the main campus entrance. Movement
through the
causeway to WSD will be marked with each side of the corridor
having unidirectional traffic flow. Transition to the 3
floor will be marked
as up via the south stairwell nearest the Dean’s Office and down via the
north stairwell. Elevators will be single
occupancy for those who require or
choose use of an elevator.
c. Entry and exit to rooms 3920 and 3960 (sewing labs) will be through different doors
that are clearly marked. Entry and exit in room 3980 is through a single door. The
to 3980 will remain open when people are working within this area to ensure
clear view
of people approaching from either side of the door.
d. One student per table and spacing between machines (3920/3960) or work zones
(3980) will be established, assigned and marked. DETA 5300 will be the only class
these sewing labs for Fall 2020. Students will be assigned a table within room
3920 or
room 3960 and the class will be split between these two rooms for
prototyping work to enable adequate distancing between tables. Maximum
occupancy in 3920 and 3960
will be 9 per room: 6 students max and up to 3 KPU
employees (instructors/staff).
e. Students who require specialty machines in 3980 will sign up for use of specific
zones within that room and will wear a mask while working in 3980. There are 6
designated zones within the room. Maximum occupancy of 3980 will be 5 per
room: 4 students max and one KPU employee (instructor/staff), with one student
only per marked zone
within 3980.
6. Own sewing kit:
a. Each student must bring and use their own sewing kit. Scissors, needles, bobbins,
etc. are not to be shared.
7. Signage:
a. Posters supplied by KPU will be put up as reminders for distancing, hand washing,
and maximum room occupancy at entrance/exit to each room.
b. Posters will be put up as reminders for disinfecting and hand washing upon arrival
and prior to departure.
c. Directional arrows and signage will be put up to guide the intended directional traffic
flow, table
assignments, and work zones. Stairwells, elevators, doorways and
assigned tables/machines.
d. Signage will be put up at the entrance to 3980 to remind that masks are
required at all times.
8. Reporting:
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a. Students who have concerns regarding their safety or the safety of others, or concerns
regarding the safety protocols or the implementation will be encouraged to report this
first to faculty or lab staff, or if that is not felt to be safe, to the Office of the Dean.
Have you consulted with Dr. David Florkowski, AVPA before submitting this
request? Yes, initial walk-through/discussion in August.Click or tap here to enter
Submitted by: Andhra Goundrey, Dean, Wilson School of Design
Approved by Provost and VPA:
Dr. Sandy Vanderburgh
Digitally signed by Sandy
DN: cn=Sandy Vanderburgh, o, ou,
Date: 2021.01.28 21:47:29 -08'00'
v.2 July 14, 2020 6
Approved by the Office of Health & Safety
Name: Pablo Dobud
Insert sketch(es) of classroom arrangement and flow of students” here.
See floor layout for 0961 at end of document
Digitally signed by Pablo Dobud
DN: cn=Pablo Dobud, o=Kwantlen
Polytechnic University, ou=Human
Date: 2021.01.22 14:36:22 -08'00'
Sewing lab 3920 = Assigned tables for students = Preferred single needle machines
Sewing lab 3960 = Assigned tables for students = Preferred single needle machines
Specialty Sewing Lab (3980)
Zone A
Zone B
Zone C
Zone D
Zone E (Ultrasonic; heat press; sewfree)
Zone F Laser Cutter
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COVID 19-Classroom/Shop/Laboratory Safety Plan Checklist
Department: Campus:
Completed by: Date:
The following checklist must be completed for spaces being used for face to face
The intent is to ensure that minimum requirements are being considered to maintain safe
spaces for employees and students in our classrooms, shops and laboratories.
This checklist is by no means exhaustive and there may be other measures unique to your
spaces that may need to be considered in developing your classroom/shop/laboratory safety
The requirements identified are consistent with the current guidelines provided by the
Provincial Health Officer, BC Center for Disease Control and WorkSafe BC.
When completing this checklist describe the implementation details for each item indicated as “yes”.
1. Orientation, information and training on the Department’s Covid-19 Safety plan has been
provided to employees and students?
Yes Not Applicable
2. Handwashing posters posted in all washrooms?
Yes Not Applicable
Technical Apparel Design
Richmond-WSD 3920-3960-3980
Evelyn May/Stephanie Phillips
August 17, 2020
This will be provided online prior to first class and will be reviewed during first class.
KPU standard hand washing poster.
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3. Students/employees are reminded to practice good hygiene during class and to wash hands
immediately before and after class?
Yes Not Applicable
4. Nearest handwashing sink located, is stocked and has been identified to students?
Yes Not Applicable
5. Students have been advised that no eating/drinking is permitted during classes in
Yes Not Applicable
6. Physical distancing posters posted in classrooms/shops/labs and throughout the common
Yes Not Applicable
7. The maximum number of persons allowed in a space has been determined in order to maintain
2-meter physical distancing?
Yes Not Applicable
8. Occupancy limit signage posted on door?
Yes Not Applicable
Signage will be posted at the entry and exit of rooms as reminders. Staff will remind
Sinks for hand washing are available in the washrooms and servery area on the
3rd floor. One student per sink during hand washing.
Food/drink breaks will abide by distancing guidelines. Recommended break areas
will be outside, main foyer, or 3rd floor foyer tables. Disinfecting and hand washing
will be required before and after breaks.
KPU standard posters will be posted.
9 per sewing lab-max 6 students, 3 KPU employees (instructor/staff) (3920; 3960).
5 per specialty lab-max 4 students, 1 KPU employee (instructor/staff) (3980).
Students will be assigned to either 3920 or 3960 as their main workspace. Sign up
will be required for use of 3980 to a maximum of 4 students (6 designated zones
with only 1 student per zone to a maximum of 4 students in 3980 at one time).
This will be done.
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9. Directional arrows to support flow of people throughout the teaching space are in place?
Provide a floor plan with your plan indicating direction of flow of people, location of
workstations, entry and exit points.
Yes Not Applicable
10. If applicable, has Facilities been notified of additional cleaning needs
for building/classrooms/shop/lab?
Yes Not Applicable
11. If applicable, Facilities has been notified of additional signage required for the
Yes Not Applicable
12. Students have been provided instruction on where to spend their break time? (No social
gatherings, leave the building, in their cars)
Yes Not Applicable
13. Classroom/shop/lab set up to allow for 2 meters physical distancing between all occupants?
Yes Not Applicable
14. Demonstration and work areas set-up to allow for 2 meters physical distancing?
Yes Not Applicable
To be installed as indicated.
Facilities will be notified of the specific rooms that will be used.
We will contact Facilities to request items such as directional arrows and
positioning labels.
Distancing guidance will be maintained and recommended break locations will be
As indicated on diagrams.
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15. If physical distancing or other measures are not practical installation of barriers or sneeze
guards has been considered?
Yes Not Applicable
16. Handouts, papers, pens, etc. are not physically provided to students? (Use e-versions, students
provide their own, etc.)
Yes Not Applicable
17. When possible, students should have their own dedicated tools/equipment? (Items are not
shared between students during class).
Yes Not Applicable
18. Common touch points and tools/equipment that must be shared are identified?
Yes Not Applicable
19. Cleaning and disinfecting program in place for cleaning/sanitizing shared tools/equipment and
touch points?
Yes Not Applicable
20. Students and employees are given instruction for the safe and correct use of any
cleaning/sanitizing materials?
Yes Not Applicable
When physical distancing is not possible during personal instruction or assistance
at machines, masks will be worn by both student and instructor.
Students will have own sewing kits, assigned work table, assigned single needle
sewing machine.
Shared specialty machines, cutting tables, irons have been identified and will be
disinfected before/after use.
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21. Safety Data Sheets available for cleaning/disinfecting supplies?
Yes Not Applicable
22. Students/employees are given instruction for the safe and correct use of any provided personal
protective equipment (PPE)? Instruct students/employees on how to safely use, remove, and
dispose/clean (as applicable) any required PPE for the class. Please note in regards to Covid-
19, PPE should only be considered when physical distancing and other measures are not
practical to implement.
Yes Not Applicable
23. First Aid protocol has been reviewed with students and employees? Students in need of first
aid to notify instructor and instructor to call First Aid Attendant. Follow directions of First Aid
Yes Not Applicable
24. A process has been developed to deal with employees not following the control measures?
Yes Not Applicable
25. A process has been developed to deal with students not following the established control
Yes Not Applicable
NOTE: Masks must be worn at all times.
Students not following established control measures will be reminded and warned.
Repeated failure to follow control measures will result in loss of access to lab space
for the student involved.
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26. A process is in place to advise employees to stay home if sick, and how to report COVID-19 like
symptoms? (Supporting measures should also be in place to accommodate absences and
provide coverage, if applicable)
Yes Not Applicable
27. A process is in place to advise students to stay home if sick and how to report COVID-19 like
symptoms? (Supporting measures should also be in place to accommodate absences?)
Yes Not Applicable
28. Students are advised to self-monitor and notify instructor if not feeling well?
Yes Not Applicable
29. Employees are encouraged to self-monitor and to notify supervisor if not feeling well?
Yes Not Applicable
Students will be advised that if they are experiencing any signs and symptoms that
are related to COVID-19, they need to remain home, then contact 811, then the
When students come onto campus, Employees (instructor/staff) will check in with the students using the following
script or similar. “How are you feeling today?” “If you are experiencing signs and symptoms related to COVID-19, then
we ask that you leave the facilities, go home, and contact 811. Then please connect with us to determine next steps.”