Fax Server Release Notes Ver. 2.6 .226
Release Notes
AudioCodes One Voice for Microsoft® Skype for Business
Fax Server
Version 2.6.x
- ii -
Table of Contents
Notice ................................................................................................................................. v
Security Vulnerabilities ................................................................................................................... v
Customer Support .......................................................................................................................... v
Stay in the Loop with AudioCodes .................................................................................................. v
Abbreviations and Terminology ...................................................................................................... v
Related Documentation .................................................................................................................. v
Document Revision Record ............................................................................................................ vi
Documentation Feedback .............................................................................................................. vi
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................1
2 New Features ...............................................................................................................2
2.1 Software Update 2.6.226 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Software Update 2.6.218 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 PHP Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Apache Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Software Update 2.6.207 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Software Update 2.6.133 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.4.1 Apache Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 2
2.5 Software Update 2.6.131 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.6 Software Update 2.6.128 ...................................................................................................... 2
2.6.1 Allowed Number of Max Fax Recipients ............................................................................. 2
2.6.2 License ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.6.3 CDRs Filter .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.6.4 OVOC Integration ............................................................................................................... 3
2.6.5 Fax Engine .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.7 Software Update 2.6.112 ...................................................................................................... 3
2.7.1 Apache Upgrade ................................................................................................................. 3
2.8 Software Update 2.6.111 ...................................................................................................... 3
2.8.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade ...................................................................................................... 3
2.9 Software Update 2.6.106 ...................................................................................................... 3
2.9.1 PHP Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.10 Software Update 2.6.105 ...................................................................................................... 3
2.10.1 PHP Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.11 Software Update 2.6.104 ...................................................................................................... 4
2.11.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade ...................................................................................................... 4
2.11.2 Neevia Update ................................................................................................................... 4
2.12 Software Update 2.6.103 ...................................................................................................... 4
2.12.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade ...................................................................................................... 4
2.13 Software Update 2.6.100 ...................................................................................................... 4
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2.14 Software Update 2.6.020 ...................................................................................................... 4
2.14.1 PHP Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.15 Software Update 2.6.004 ...................................................................................................... 4
2.15.1 PHP Update ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.16 Software Update 2.6.003 ...................................................................................................... 4
2.16.1 Apache Update................................................................................................................... 4
2.17 Software Update 2.6.002 ...................................................................................................... 5
2.17.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 5
2.17.2 Support Windows 2019 ...................................................................................................... 5
2.18 Software Update 2.5.103 ...................................................................................................... 5
2.18.1 Cover Page Split Place Holders (Jira APPFAX-20) ................................................................. 5
2.19 Software Update 2.5.102 ...................................................................................................... 5
2.19.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 5
2.19.2 Apache Server Update ........................................................................................................ 5
2.20 Software Update 2.5.101 ...................................................................................................... 5
2.20.1 Sentinel LDK Upgrade ......................................................................................................... 5
2.21 Software Update 2.5.100 ...................................................................................................... 6
2.21.1 Support Windows 2016 ...................................................................................................... 6
2.21.2 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 6
2.22 Software Update 2.5.13 ........................................................................................................ 6
2.22.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 6
2.23 Software Update 2.5.11 ........................................................................................................ 6
2.23.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 6
2.23.2 Apache Server Update ........................................................................................................ 6
2.23.3 REST listeningUrl Changed .................................................................................................. 6
2.24 Software Update 2.5.9 .......................................................................................................... 6
2.24.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 6
2.24.2 Apache Server Update ........................................................................................................ 7
2.24.3 Neevia Update ................................................................................................................... 7
2.25 Software Update 2.5.7 .......................................................................................................... 7
2.25.1 PHP Script Update .............................................................................................................. 7
2.25.2 Upgraded Apache Server .................................................................................................... 7
2.26 Software Update 2.5.6 .......................................................................................................... 7
2.26.1 Hide LDAP Passwords ......................................................................................................... 7
2.27 Software Update 2.5.0 .......................................................................................................... 7
2.27.1 Support for Multiple Administrators................................................................................... 7
2.27.2 Administrator Password Enforcement ................................................................................ 8
2.27.3 Support LDAPS ................................................................................................................... 8
3 Known and Resolved Constraints ..................................................................................9
3.1 List of Valid Time Zones ...................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Sending Attached Microsoft Office Files in Email as Fax Fix ............................................... 14
- iv -
3.2.1 Troubleshooting for Attached Microsoft Word Files in Email as Fax ................................. 14
3.2.2 Troubleshooting for Attached Excel and .PPT Files in Email as Fax .................................... 15
4 Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server ............................................................................ 17
Fax Server Release Notes
- v -
Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of
printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot
guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for
errors or omissions. Updates to this document can be downloaded from
This document is subject to change without notice.
Date Published: July-16-2024
Security Vulnerabilities
All security vulnerabilities should be reported to vulnerabilit[email protected].
Customer Support
Customer technical support and services are provided by AudioCodes or by an authorized
AudioCodes Service Partner. For more information on how to buy technical support for AudioCodes
products and for contact information, please visit our website at
Stay in the Loop with AudioCodes
Abbreviations and Terminology
Each abbreviation, unless widely used, is spelled out in full when first used.
Related Documentation
Document Name
Fax Server Installation Guide
Fax Server Release Notes
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Document Revision Record
Initial document release for Version 2.6.x.
Software Update 2.6.100: Support for Skype 2019. Software Update 2.6.021: Account Transfer;
agent can change number. Software Update 2.6.020: PHP upgraded to 7.3.12.
Software Update 2.6.103: PHP & Apache Upgrade; APPFAX-87 constraint was resolved.
Software Update 2.6.104: PHP & Apache Upgrade; Neevia update.
Neevia Version 7.1 update.
Software Update 2.6.105 for PHP version 7.3.25.
Software Update 2.6.106 for PHP version 7.3.26.
Focus Fax Server support.
Software Update for PHP Version 7.3.33 and Apache update Version 2.4.51.
Added 3.1 Sending Attached Microsoft Office Files in Email as Fax Fix.
Added Apache update Version 2.4.52.
Added software update Version 2.6.128.
Bug fixes.
Software update 2.6.133.
Software update 2.6.207.
Added software update Version 2.6.207 for PHP version 8.1.13 and LDAP Bug fix.
Added software update Version 2.6.218 for PHP version 8.1.22 and for Apache version 2.4.57.
Bug added (APPFAX-393); upgrade procedure updated (interface metric); fax for G.711 procedure
updated (verify IP)
Updated link for Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server.
Added software update Version 2.6.226 for PHP version 8.1.29 and for Apache version 2.4.61.
Documentation Feedback
AudioCodes continually strives to produce high quality documentation. If you have any comments
(suggestions or errors) regarding this document, please fill out the Documentation Feedback form
on our website at https://online.audiocodes.com/documentation-feedback.
1. Introduction
Fax Server Release Notes
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1 Introduction
The Fax Server Version 2.6 introduces new features and infrastructure changes as described in this
document. This version is a major release including the upgrade of the PHP/Apache components and
several fax-related bug fixes. The following components are included in this version:
Fax install Wizard
Web Admin
Fax Server
Commetrex Setup
Fax License Setup
Hmail Setup
Neevia Setup
Fax2Mail Service
Mail2Fax Service
Fax2Mail WD
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2 New Features
This section lists the new features added to the new version.
2.1 Software Update 2.6.226
PHP has been upgraded to Version 8.1.29.
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.61.
2.2 Software Update 2.6.218
2.2.1 PHP Upgrade
PHP has been upgraded to Version 8.1.22.
2.2.2 Apache Upgrade
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.57.
2.3 Software Update 2.6.207
PHP has been upgraded to Version 8.1.13.
Bug fix LDAP search and LDAP binding.
2.4 Software Update 2.6.133
2.4.1 Apache Upgrade
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.53.
Bug fix Fax Out Tab on LDAP settings was not accessible after upgrade.
2.5 Software Update 2.6.131
Bug fix
2.6 Software Update 2.6.128
This software update includes the following:
2.6.1 Allowed Number of Max Fax Recipients
The allowed number of Max Fax Recipients in Fax Out Settings has been increased from 20 to 100.
2.6.2 License
A new license mechanism, that prevents license lock, has been integrated with AudioCodes’ sales
system. There is no need for a license for the old system. When upgrading to the new version, the
fax server uses the old license until the new license has been uploaded.
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.6.3 CDRs Filter
Additional fields can now be filtered in the Send/Receive Fax reports (i.e., “To Email”).
2.6.4 OVOC Integration
This version now supports full integration between the fax server and the OVOC.
2.6.5 Fax Engine
This version uses the latest Fax Engine Ver. 2.4.24 that includes fixes and improvements for the
Better field diagnostics
Fixes an issue of a fatal exception when the OTF service starts, or when a client application is
Keep-alive re-INVITE rejected with a 406 error
Re-INVITEs that repeat an SDP that’s previously been negotiated are not handled correctly
A comma included in the dialed party (To:) URI causes an exit in the otfrsm SIP process space
2.7 Software Update 2.6.112
2.7.1 Apache Upgrade
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.52.
2.8 Software Update 2.6.111
2.8.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade
This software update includes the following:
PHP has been upgraded to Version 7.3.33.
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.51.
2.9 Software Update 2.6.106
2.9.1 PHP Upgrade
PHP has been upgraded to Version 7.3.26.
2.10 Software Update 2.6.105
2.10.1 PHP Upgrade
PHP has been upgraded to Version 7.3.25.
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.11 Software Update 2.6.104
2.11.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade
This software update includes the following:
PHP has been upgraded to Version 7.3.22.
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.46.
2.11.2 Neevia Update
Neevia Version 7.1 is for new installations only.
When upgrading, the fax server uses the installed version without upgrading to Version 7.1.
Neevia 7.1 uses Google Chrome to convert HTML pages to TIFF format. The cover page is an
HTML file.
From this version and later, you need to install Google Chrome before installing the Fax
2.12 Software Update 2.6.103
2.12.1 PHP & Apache Upgrade
This software update includes the following:
PHP has been upgraded to Version 7.3.18.
Apache has been upgraded to Version 2.4.43.
2.13 Software Update 2.6.100
2.14 Software Update 2.6.020
2.14.1 PHP Upgrade
PHP has been upgraded to version 7.3.12
2.15 Software Update 2.6.004
2.15.1 PHP Update
The PHP script has been updated from Version 7.3.2 to 7.3.7.
2.16 Software Update 2.6.003
2.16.1 Apache Update
The Apache server has been updated from Version 2.4.37 to 2.4.39.
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.17 Software Update 2.6.002
Software update Version 2.6.002 includes the following.
2.17.1 PHP Script Update
The PHP script has been updated from Version 5.6.39 to 7.3.2.
2.17.2 Support Windows 2019
This version supports Fax on Windows 2019 OS.
2.18 Software Update 2.5.103
Software update Version 2.5.103 includes the following.
2.18.1 Cover Page Split Place Holders (Jira APPFAX-20)
This version splits the %PH_from_fax% place holder into two:
%PH_from_fax% - User Fax ID
%PH_from_number% - User phone number
In previous versions, %PH_from_fax% was replaced with user_fax_ID user phone number”. Now
we have separate place holders for these data items.
The default cover page was not changed. Now, the cover page that is used prints only the user fax
ID. If you wish to add the user phone number, you need to edit the cover page template and add
%PH_from_number% to the correct place.
2.19 Software Update 2.5.102
Software update Version 2.5.102 includes the following.
2.19.1 PHP Script Update
The PHP script has been updated from Version 5.6.37 to 5.6.39.
2.19.2 Apache Server Update
The Apache server has been updated from Version 2.4.29 to 2.4.37.
2.20 Software Update 2.5.101
Software update Version 2.5.101 includes the following.
2.20.1 Sentinel LDK Upgrade
The Sentinel software was upgraded for fixing several vulnerability issues. The new version includes
the following:
Run-time Installer 7.81.80610.1
Sentinel License Manager
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.21 Software Update 2.5.100
Software update Version 2.5.100 includes the following.
2.21.1 Support Windows 2016
This version supports Fax on Windows 2016 OS.
2.21.2 PHP Script Update
PHP has been updated from Version 5.6.36 to 5.6.37.
2.22 Software Update 2.5.13
Software update Version 2.5.13 includes the following.
2.22.1 PHP Script Update
Updated PHP from Version 5.6.33 to 5.6.36.
2.23 Software Update 2.5.11
Software update Version 2.5.11 includes the following.
2.23.1 PHP Script Update
Updated PHP from Version 5.6.31 to 5.6.33.
2.23.2 Apache Server Update
Updated Apache from Version 2.4.27 to 2.4.29.
2.23.3 REST listeningUrl Changed
The REST listening URL was changed from "http://localhost:8888/" to http://localhost:8889/, if the
CCE is also installed. CCE uses Port 8888. To avoid conflict, and keep compatibility as much as
possible, the listening URL is now set according to the following logic:
1. If explicitly set in configuration file, use this value.
2. Otherwise, if the CCE is installed, use "http://localhost:8889/".
3. Otherwise, use the default value ""http://localhost:8888/" (this is the most common case).
2.24 Software Update 2.5.9
Software update Version 2.5.9 includes the following.
2.24.1 PHP Script Update
Updated PHP script from Version 5.6.30 to 5.6.31.
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.24.2 Apache Server Update
Updated Apache from Version 2.4.25 to 2.4.27.
2.24.3 Neevia Update
Neevia Version 6.9 is for new installations only.
When upgrading, the fax server uses the installed version without upgrading to Version 6.9.
2.25 Software Update 2.5.7
Software update Version 2.5.7 includes the following.
2.25.1 PHP Script Update
The PHP script has been updated from Version 5.6.19 to 5.6.30.
2.25.2 Upgraded Apache Server
The Apache server has been upgraded from Version 2.4.18 to 2.4.25.
2.26 Software Update 2.5.6
Software update Version 2.5.6 includes the following.
2.26.1 Hide LDAP Passwords
The LDAP password appeared in plain text in the Web via the tooltip. The password was printed by
the Activity log. This password is now hidden.
2.27 Software Update 2.5.0
Software update Version 2.5.0 includes the following.
2.27.1 Support for Multiple Administrators
The system supports multiple 'sub-admin' users, each with their own permissions. This way, the
super Administrator can assign administrative tasks to various people and limit their access to only
the tasks they need to perform.
The system supports the following permission rights options:
None Cannot access specific settings pages
View Only Can view page settings however cannot change them
View & Write Can view and change specific page settings
2. New Features
Fax Server Release Notes
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2.27.2 Administrator Password Enforcement
The new version requires that the administrator password be between 8-20 characters and should
contain at least one:
lower-case letter
upper-case letter
special character
2.27.3 Support LDAPS
LDAPS is now supported.
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
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3 Known and Resolved Constraints
The table below shows the known and resolved constraints.
Table 1: Known and Resolved Constraints
fax out user activity has NO record in ActiveLog
Test call destination IP address is changed after upgrade.
'Browse Ldap' option does not return results in new php version
Download button does not work in Call logs screen for TO that starts with +
LDAPS cannot search on phone attribute containing a + at the beginning
Takes too long to convert Certain PDF files while waiting to Magick.
Download PDF from GUI is not working.
Fax server freezes on high volume.
Fix includes new Fax2Mail watchdog service that recognizes the
phenomenon and restarts the service
Incoming Fax to Printer is not attached to Mail while printer is offline
Converter engine converts the MS Office attachment from email and sends
it as a fax issues (see Section 3.2 Sending Attached Microsoft Office Files in
Email as Fax Fix on page 14 for solution).
Unable to import fax numbers that begin with a '+'.
After the fix, you can import such numbers. You can do this using the Add
Manual Numbers menu.
Email address in the Fax-in list or Fax-out list was limited to 50 characters.
It has now been updated to 128 characters.
Import issues need to be fixed due to PHP 7.x.
Fax-in and fax-server services do not start automatically after restart.
Workaround: Define these services to start in “Delay-start” mode on the
Sometimes the date on the Fax call log is incorrect.
Workaround: Need to clear the Fax Web cookies on the browser.
LDAP for Fax Out is not working when LDAP is disabled for an incoming fax.
There is an issue with Sentinel LDK Vulnerability.
When using a gateway destination address as long as the FQDN (35 chars),
the fax server truncates the destination address after 32 characters. Now,
the FQDN length of the gateway destination has been increased to 64
Retrieval of the printer list failed with an error of an invalid class. As a
result, the Welcome page with the error dialog message is displayed as well
as the message “fax in numbers impossible to save installed printer”.
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
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Call Log Time is not according to the server time zone.
Open c:\php\php.ini.
In the 'date.timezone' field, enter the time zone from the list below.
Restart Apache 2.4
For more information, see Section 3.1, List of Valid Time Zones on page 11.
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
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3.1 List of Valid Time Zones
'Pacific/Midway' => "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island",
'US/Samoa' => "(GMT-11:00) Samoa",
'US/Hawaii' => "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii",
'US/Alaska' => "(GMT-09:00) Alaska",
'US/Pacific' => "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
'America/Tijuana' => "(GMT-08:00) Tijuana",
'US/Arizona' => "(GMT-07:00) Arizona",
'US/Mountain' => "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
'America/Chihuahua' => "(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua",
'America/Mazatlan' => "(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan",
'America/Mexico_City' => "(GMT-06:00) Mexico City",
'America/Monterrey' => "(GMT-06:00) Monterrey",
'Canada/Saskatchewan' => "(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan",
'US/Central' => "(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)",
'US/Eastern' => "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
'US/East-Indiana' => "(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)",
'America/Bogota' => "(GMT-05:00) Bogota",
'America/Lima' => "(GMT-05:00) Lima",
'America/Caracas' => "(GMT-04:30) Caracas",
'Canada/Atlantic' => "(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)",
'America/La_Paz' => "(GMT-04:00) La Paz",
'America/Santiago' => "(GMT-04:00) Santiago",
'Canada/Newfoundland' => "(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland",
'America/Buenos_Aires' => "(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires",
'Greenland' => "(GMT-03:00) Greenland",
'Atlantic/Stanley' => "(GMT-02:00) Stanley",
'Atlantic/Azores' => "(GMT-01:00) Azores",
'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' => "(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.",
'Africa/Casablanca' => "(GMT) Casablanca",
'Europe/Dublin' => "(GMT) Dublin",
'Europe/Lisbon' => "(GMT) Lisbon",
'Europe/London' => "(GMT) London",
'Africa/Monrovia' => "(GMT) Monrovia",
'Europe/Amsterdam' => "(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam",
'Europe/Belgrade' => "(GMT+01:00) Belgrade",
'Europe/Berlin' => "(GMT+01:00) Berlin",
'Europe/Bratislava' => "(GMT+01:00) Bratislava",
'Europe/Brussels' => "(GMT+01:00) Brussels",
'Europe/Budapest' => "(GMT+01:00) Budapest",
'Europe/Copenhagen' => "(GMT+01:00) Copenhagen",
'Europe/Ljubljana' => "(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana",
'Europe/Madrid' => "(GMT+01:00) Madrid",
'Europe/Paris' => "(GMT+01:00) Paris",
'Europe/Prague' => "(GMT+01:00) Prague",
'Europe/Rome' => "(GMT+01:00) Rome",
'Europe/Sarajevo' => "(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo",
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
- 12 -
'Europe/Skopje' => "(GMT+01:00) Skopje",
'Europe/Stockholm' => "(GMT+01:00) Stockholm",
'Europe/Vienna' => "(GMT+01:00) Vienna",
'Europe/Warsaw' => "(GMT+01:00) Warsaw",
'Europe/Zagreb' => "(GMT+01:00) Zagreb",
'Europe/Athens' => "(GMT+02:00) Athens",
'Europe/Bucharest' => "(GMT+02:00) Bucharest",
'Africa/Cairo' => "(GMT+02:00) Cairo",
'Africa/Harare' => "(GMT+02:00) Harare",
'Europe/Helsinki' => "(GMT+02:00) Helsinki",
'Europe/Istanbul' => "(GMT+02:00) Istanbul",
'Asia/Jerusalem' => "(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem",
'Europe/Kiev' => "(GMT+02:00) Kyiv",
'Europe/Minsk' => "(GMT+02:00) Minsk",
'Europe/Riga' => "(GMT+02:00) Riga",
'Europe/Sofia' => "(GMT+02:00) Sofia",
'Europe/Tallinn' => "(GMT+02:00) Tallinn",
'Europe/Vilnius' => "(GMT+02:00) Vilnius",
'Asia/Baghdad' => "(GMT+03:00) Baghdad",
'Asia/Kuwait' => "(GMT+03:00) Kuwait",
'Africa/Nairobi' => "(GMT+03:00) Nairobi",
'Asia/Riyadh' => "(GMT+03:00) Riyadh",
'Europe/Moscow' => "(GMT+03:00) Moscow",
'Asia/Tehran' => "(GMT+03:30) Tehran",
'Asia/Baku' => "(GMT+04:00) Baku",
'Europe/Volgograd' => "(GMT+04:00) Volgograd",
'Asia/Muscat' => "(GMT+04:00) Muscat",
'Asia/Tbilisi' => "(GMT+04:00) Tbilisi",
'Asia/Yerevan' => "(GMT+04:00) Yerevan",
'Asia/Kabul' => "(GMT+04:30) Kabul",
'Asia/Karachi' => "(GMT+05:00) Karachi",
'Asia/Tashkent' => "(GMT+05:00) Tashkent",
'Asia/Kolkata' => "(GMT+05:30) Kolkata",
'Asia/Kathmandu' => "(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu",
'Asia/Yekaterinburg' => "(GMT+06:00) Ekaterinburg",
'Asia/Almaty' => "(GMT+06:00) Almaty",
'Asia/Dhaka' => "(GMT+06:00) Dhaka",
'Asia/Novosibirsk' => "(GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk",
'Asia/Bangkok' => "(GMT+07:00) Bangkok",
'Asia/Jakarta' => "(GMT+07:00) Jakarta",
'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' => "(GMT+08:00) Krasnoyarsk",
'Asia/Chongqing' => "(GMT+08:00) Chongqing",
'Asia/Hong_Kong' => "(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong",
'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' => "(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur",
'Australia/Perth' => "(GMT+08:00) Perth",
'Asia/Singapore' => "(GMT+08:00) Singapore",
'Asia/Taipei' => "(GMT+08:00) Taipei",
'Asia/Ulaanbaatar' => "(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar",
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
- 13 -
'Asia/Urumqi' => "(GMT+08:00) Urumqi",
'Asia/Irkutsk' => "(GMT+09:00) Irkutsk",
'Asia/Seoul' => "(GMT+09:00) Seoul",
'Asia/Tokyo' => "(GMT+09:00) Tokyo",
'Australia/Adelaide' => "(GMT+09:30) Adelaide",
'Australia/Darwin' => "(GMT+09:30) Darwin",
'Asia/Yakutsk' => "(GMT+10:00) Yakutsk",
'Australia/Brisbane' => "(GMT+10:00) Brisbane",
'Australia/Canberra' => "(GMT+10:00) Canberra",
'Pacific/Guam' => "(GMT+10:00) Guam",
'Australia/Hobart' => "(GMT+10:00) Hobart",
'Australia/Melbourne' => "(GMT+10:00) Melbourne",
'Pacific/Port_Moresby' => "(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby",
'Australia/Sydney' => "(GMT+10:00) Sydney",
'Asia/Vladivostok' => "(GMT+11:00) Vladivostok",
'Asia/Magadan' => "(GMT+12:00) Magadan",
'Pacific/Auckland' => "(GMT+12:00) Auckland",
'Pacific/Fiji' => "(GMT+12:00) Fiji",
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
- 14 -
3.2 Sending Attached Microsoft Office Files in Email as Fax Fix
Customers may install an MS Office package on fax server so that the converter engine converts the
attachment from an email and sends it as a fax. The following error on dConvert indicates the MS
Office DCOM permissions are not properly configured.
Error converting: C:\Neevia\I\[FILENAME].docx | Error while trying
to print document
3.2.1 Troubleshooting for Attached Microsoft Word Files in Email as Fax
To properly configure MS Word DCOM permissions:
1. Login with the account dcStart runs under.
2. Make sure that the folders listed below exist and the account DC Pro/dcStart runs under has
full access to them.
If any of these folders do not exist, please create them manually and give the dcStart
account full access.
3. Reboot the server and convert a Word file.
4. In case it still fails, do the following:
a. Login with the account used by dcStart and manually open MS Word.
b. Provide the requested info to any popups, and then close MS Word.
c. Type dcomcnfg in the command prompt and press enter.
d. Expand the following groups:
Component Services group.
Computers group.
My Computer group.
DCOM Config group.
e. Find and select the Microsoft Word entry.
It may contain Application or 2003 in its name. if you do not see the Office entries under
dcomcnfg, open a command prompt and run MMC comexp.msc /32.
f. Right-click the file and select Properties.
g. Select the Security tab, and under Launch and activation permissions, check Customize.
h. Press Edit, and add the account used by dcStart and give it Local Launch and Local
Activation (do not use the local system account for dcStart).
i. Under Access permissions, check Customize.
j. Press Edit, and add the account used by dcStart and then give it Local access.
k. Restart the dcStart service and convert a file.
5. Should you still have problems, make sure that MS Office parsers run in the same user
account as dcStart:
a. In the same dcomcnfg interface locate the MS Word entry.
b. Select the Identity tab.
c. Check the This user checkbox (you can also test with The interactive user).
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
- 15 -
d. Press Browse and specify the account used by dcStart, and then enter and re-enter the
e. Restart dcStart after you switch from the launching user to the next option.
6. Should you still have problems, do the following:
a. In the main DC Pro interface click Settings -> Advanced.
b. Uncheck Folder specific configuration.
c. Click on the MS Word parser icon located at the bottom of the main DC Pro interface.
d. Select Advanced, and make sure Use native PDF export engine is checked.
e. Restart the dcStart service and convert a file.
3.2.2 Troubleshooting for Attached Excel and .PPT Files in Email as Fax
To properly configure MS Excel and PowerPoint DCOM permissions:
1. Manually launch Excel.
2. Provide the requested info to any popups, and then close Excel.
3. Restart DC Pro and convert a file.
4. If it does not work:
a. Type dcomcnfg in the command prompt and press enter.
b. Expand the following groups:
Component Services group.
Computers group.
My Computer group.
DCOM Config group.
c. Find and select Microsoft Excel Document (it may also contain 2003, 2007 or Application
in its name).
d. Right-click the file and select Properties.
e. Select the Security tab, and under Launch and activation permissions, check Customize.
f. Press Edit, and add the account used by dcStart and give it Local Launch and Local
Activation (do not use the local system account for dcStart).
g. Under Access permissions, check Customize.
h. Press Edit, and add the account used by dcStart and then give it Local access.
i. Restart the dcStart service and convert a file.
5. Should you still have problems, make sure that MS Excel runs in the same user account as
a. In the same dcomcnfg interface locate the Excel entry.
b. Click the Identity tab.
c. Check the This user checkbox.
d. Press Browse and specify the account used by dcStart, and then enter and re-enter the
e. Restart dcStart after you switch from the launching user to the next option.
6. Should you still have problems, do the following:
a. Go back into the dcomcnfg interface and locate Excel.
b. Right-click the file and select Properties.
c. Select the Identity tab.
d. Switch to the launching user (you can also test with The interactive user).
e. Close dcomcnfg.
3. Known and Resolved Constraints
Fax Server Release Notes
- 16 -
f. Login with the account used by dcStart.
g. Open Printers.
h. Right-click on Neevia Converter and select Set as default.
i. Manually launch Excel.
j. Open a file that is not empty.
k. Click File -> Print -> select Neevia Converter -> OK.
l. When prompted, type in the path C:\Users\Public\test.ps.
m. Save the file and close Excel.
n. Restart dcStart and convert an xls file.
7. Should you still have problems, do the following:
a. In the main DC Pro interface, select Settings -> Advanced.
b. Uncheck Folder specific configuration.
c. Click on the Excel parser icon located at the bottom of the main DC Pro interface.
d. Select Advanced, and make sure Use native PDF export engine is checked.
e. Restart the dcStart service and convert a file.
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 17 -
4 Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
The following procedure describes how to upgrade your system with the new version.
The latest version can be downloaded from
Since the file is zipped, you need to unzip it to a temp directory.
To upgrade your system:
1. Create a snapshot of your virtual PC. This will help you restore the system if needed.
2. The upgrade does not remove the user's database settings, but you can save it as a backup
file at c:\F2MAdmin\db\sqlite\f2e.db3.
3. Download the latest backup file from Configuration > Fax Backup.
4. Save the Neevia converter license number. If you don't have it, please ask your Support
5. If the server has more than one network interface, prioritize them using the 'Interface metric'
Verify that the IP address of the prioritized interface appears as an IP destination for the test
call setup, which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiocodes\Fax To Email
6. Log in with a username that has local Administrator credentials. During the
installation/upgrade procedure, you are requested to assign a username and password for
Fax system services. Please assign the current login username and password. Do not select
the option to create a new user.
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 18 -
Figure 1: Call Flow - Outgoing Mail2Fax
7. Open the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit).
8. Find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\
Fax_Receiver\Parameters' and take a screenshot of the existing fax codec settings (in case it is
needed, repeat those settings after the upgrade, as demonstrated on step 31.
9. Stop the following Windows/services:
Fax to Mail Watchdog (stop this first)
Fax to Mail (stop it before stopping hMailServer service)
Fax_Receiver (stop it before stopping Bladeware service)
Mail to Fax (stop it before stopping hMailServer service)
Apache 2.4
Figure 2: Services
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 19 -
10. Download the new version setup.
11. After you unzip the downloaded file, Run the VC_redist.x86.exe file as an administrator:
12. Restart the server.
13. Run the new version setup with Administrator credentials by right-clicking fax_att_setup.exe,
and then from the shortcut menu, choose Run as Administrator.
Figure 3: AudioCodes Fax Setup
14. In the Fax Setup screen, select the 'Fax Server' check box, and then click Run.
15. Approve all notification messages during the upgrade procedure. Run the Neevia Document
Converter by clicking the here link.
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 20 -
Figure 4: Open Neevia
16. In the Neevia Document Converter Pro Service Config screen, open the Input Folders page
(Settings > Folders…).
Figure 5: Neevia Document Converter Pro Service Config
17. If the Folder to scan window contains C:\Neevia\I\ and C:\Neevia\IT\ folders, skip to Step 29
on page 24.
Figure 6: Neevia Document Converter Pro Input Folders
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 21 -
18. If the folders do not exist, import them using the Configuration Import script.
Figure 7: Input Folders Do Not Exist
19. Open the Import window (Settings > Folders > Add folder > Import); the following screen
Figure 8: Import 1
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 22 -
20. Select the import_1.cfg file, and then click Open; the following screen appears:
Figure 9: Add Input Folder 1
21. Click Apply.
Figure 10: Import 2
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 23 -
22. Select the import_2.cfg file, and then click Open; the following screen appears:
Figure 11: Add Input Folder 2
23. Click Apply.
24. Assign the Neevia license that was saved in Step 4 by opening the About Document Converter
Pro screen (Neevia > Help > About > Register); the following screen appears:
Figure 12: Neevia Help About
25. In the 'User Name' field, enter "AudioCodes".
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 24 -
26. In the 'Company Name' field, enter "AudioCodes".
27. In the 'Serial Number' field, enter the Serial Number you previously received when you
purchased the product.
Figure 13: Neevia Help About - Register
28. Click Register.
29. Call Log Time is not according to the server Time Zone. Therefore, you need to configure the
time zone. Open the file c:\php\php.ini, and then edit line 927 with your time zone as listed in
Section 3 on page 9.
Figure 14: Time Zone Edit Example
30. This step configures Fax Server Support for G.711. The system supports either
T.38 (default) or G.711. The codecs cannot work together on the same system. Skip this step if
your system should work with the default T.38 configuration.
4. Upgrade Instructions for Fax Server
Fax Server Release Notes
- 25 -
To configure fax support for G.711:
1. Open the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit).
2. Find 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\
Figure 15: Registry Editor
3. Assign the following value: "Application= C:\Program Files
(x86)\Commetrex\otf\bin\faxserver -c 4 -p 9435 -f 5 -o mulaw -a mulaw".
To configure fax support for T.38:
1. Open the registry editor (Start > Run > regedit). Find
2. Assign the following value: "Application=C:\Program Files (x86)\Commetrex\otf\bin\faxserver
-c 4 -p 9435 -f 5".
3. Restart the server.
4. After restart, log on to the system with the same local username that performed the
installation. The fax system configuration script is automatically activated.
5. Wait until the configuration script has finished running.
6. Verify that the same IP address that you noted in Step 5 in the previous procedure appears
again, so that test calls will pass without any problems.
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Document #: LTRT-28986