Long-term care needs can be funded
through a variety of sources. Medicaid
pays for long-term care when you meet
certain financial requirements. Some
consumers choose to borrow money on
their homes, either through using a home’s
equity or a reverse mortgage. Some are
financially able to fund care through
savings, pension or other accounts. Others
opt to purchase insurance to fund the cost
of a nursing home or other facility.
Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the long-term care partnership program?
The Kentucky Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program is an agreement between
state government and private insurance companies to assist consumers in planning for
their long-term care (LTC) needs. The program was designed to increase awareness of
issues related to long-term care, to create ways to reduce Medicaid costs for nursing
home care, and to provide an incentive to consumers to purchase certain insurance
policies in order to protect assets from Medicaid spend down requirements.
How does the program
The Department of Insurance,
working with the Kentucky
Department for Medicaid
Services, developed the
requirements for partnership
insurance policies. State
agencies also have been in
close contact with federal
officials in the development of
this initiative. The asset
protection (explained in more
detail below) aspect of these
policies is an important element as it relates to Medicaid eligibility and spend down
requirements. Partnership policies may be sold after July 1. However, companies will
need to finalize plans and get approval from the Department of Insurance prior to selling
so consumers should not expect policies to be available immediately. Information on the
availability of partnership policies will be included in future editions of the long-term
care consumer guide published by the Department of Insurance. Contact your insurer for
more detailed information on when the policies are available for purchase.
What are the requirements of a partnership policy?
The partnership policies must include inflation protection for certain age groups to assist
with the increasing costs of long-term care. The benefits of the policy will automatically
increase each year. Inflation protection is not required for individuals who are 76 years
old or older but the benefit is available at an additional cost.
All LTC partnership policies must be “federally tax qualified,” which means the benefits
you receive from the policy will not be considered taxable income. Contact your tax
advisor for information on deductions or tax incentives.
If I’ve already purchased a long-term care policy, will my policy switch to a
partnership policy?
Existing long-term care policies will not automatically qualify as a partnership policy.
Contact your insurance company or agent for information on exchanging an existing
If your policy qualifies, you will receive a notice from your insurer offering you the
opportunity to exchange your policy for a long-term care partnership policy. Please pay
close attention to the time period you are given to respond. You will have at least 90
Your current health status and age will not be considered for the new policy with the
same benefits. The company’s notice will include any premium change and a statement
that you will not lose any rights, benefits or value. In addition, you will receive credit for
satisfying pre-existing condition exclusion, elimination and incontestability periods.
Are partnership policies more expensive than non-partnership policies?
The premium for a partnership policy will be calculated the same way as any long-term
care policy so the cost should be comparable to a non-partnership policy with similar
benefits and inflation protection options.
Which insurers offer a partnership policy?
Every insurance company authorized to sell health insurance in Kentucky is authorized to
offer partnership policies but the insurer must receive permission from the Department of
Insurance prior to selling a policy.
Will insurance agents receive training on these new partnership policies?
Yes, companies are responsible for training agents before they will be allowed to sell
partnership policies. The special training will include details on how the policies work
with the Medicaid program.
Does having a partnership policy guarantee acceptance into Kentucky’s Medicaid
No. Eligibility for Medicaid can be very complicated and is reviewed on a case-by-case
basis. However, if you purchase a LTC partnership policy and later apply and are
declared eligible for Medicaid benefits, you can keep assets equal to the amount of
benefits you have received through the insurance coverage. In addition, these assets
would not be subject to estate recovery after your death, allowing you to leave a portion
of your assets to your heirs.
Generally, an unmarried person would not qualify for Medicaid until he/she has assets of
$2,000 or less. For example, if you have $100,000 in assets (stocks, bank accounts, etc.),
Medicaid would require you to spend down $98,000 in assets before you would be
eligible for benefits. However, if you have a long-term care partnership policy that has
paid out $50,000 in benefits, Medicaid would disregard $50,000 and you would be
required to spend down $48,000 in assets before you would be eligible.
Keep in mind that asset protection (also known as asset disregard) is based on the amount
the insurance company pays in benefits, not the value of the policy or the amount of
premiums you have paid.
What if I move?
Kentucky has entered into a reciprocal agreement with most states offering partnership
programs. If you buy a partnership policy in Kentucky and later move to a state with a
partnership program and an agreement with the commonwealth, you may receive the
same dollar-for-dollar asset protection benefit from that state’s Medicaid program.
However, not all states participate in a reciprocal agreement so it is important to check
before you move.
A guide to Long-term Care Insurance is available from the Kentucky Department of
Insurance. This consumer guide contains information about long-term care options, long-
term care insurance buying tips, worksheets, a glossary and sample rates.
For a copy, you can go online:
http://insurance.ky.gov/ under Publications or call 800-595-6053 (in Kentucky) or 502-
564-3630 (out of state).