Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
Danish Radio Concert Hall, Copenhagen, Denmark
General Information
The new concert hall in Copenhagen as a replace of Copenhagen Concert Hall is Danish
Radio Concert Hall. Located in the center of Copenhagen Denmark, this new building first
opened in January 2009. What is unique about this building is the facade, it is looks like a big
blue box from the outside. The facade is made from translucent blue textile that allows us to
see the inside of the building during the day, and at night we can see changing color lighting
and also some visual effects on the screen.
The architect of this building is Jean Nouvel with the acoustic consultant from Nagata
Acoustic, Yasuhisa Toyota and Motoo Komoda. Together, they have made the building as
the city landmark both architecturally and also acoustically. This building also has been
receive many prizes includes one from the Association for the Beautification of Copenhagen
and also Mies van der Rohe Awards.
The building has 4 studio each with its own acoustic characteristic. The different acoustic in
every studio will facilitate any kind of performances from chamber music up to symphony
orchestra, from classical music to pop rock. The main studio is also known as the concert
hall. This hall is 28.000 m
with 1.800 seat capacity. This hall is now the home for Danish
National Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Concert Hall
Unlike the usual shoebox shaped concert hall, this hall was built in vineyard arrangement.
Audiences are clustered into different seat arrangement with different level and angles. This
building also has an irregular and asymmetrical shape. Other uniqueness of this concert hall
is its stage. The stage is located at the center of the room not in one end like we usually see
in performance hall. This stage position makes possible for the audience choose to see and
watch the performance from 360 degrees point of view towards the stage.
Finished material used in this concert hall is describes as bellow :
Ceiling dan canopy : microshaped veneer + multiple layered gypsum boards
Balcony and stage walls : microshaped multiplex board + Multiple layered gypsum boards
Wave wall : multiple layered gypsum boards
Rear wall : Perforated gypsum board + mineral wool 50 mm + air space
Audience floor : wooden parquet + multiple layered gypsum boards
Stage floor : Oregon pine 50 mm supported with wooden joist and sleepers
Seat : upholstered
Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
This concert hall have reverberation time of 2,1 seconds (unoccupied) and 1,9 seconds
(occupied). If in case the performance will require lower reverberation, then the hall will
have the curtains down in the back and rear side wall. This will reduce the reverberation
time to 1,6 seconds (unoccupied) and 1,5 seconds (occupied).
Based on acoustic theory there are several parameters that will make a good acoustic
condition in a room, there are listening level (loudness), reverberation times, intimacy, and
IACC. The high volume of the hall will contribute to high reverberation time, which in this
case is preferable. Symphony orchestra music need a long reverberation time about 1,8 up
to 2,2 seconds, this concert hall is in that range of suitable reverberation time for symphony
orchestra music.
With the stage being located in the center of the hall, make possible to reduce the distance
between audience and the performance. The listening level at the audience area will be
loud enough to hear even up to the back of the audience seat. The clustered seat of
audience with different level and direction is built by mini side walls in the hall. This mini
side walls divided the audience area into several area and at the same time will help provide
side reflection for the audience in that area. Small area of audience space will results in
early reflection from the side of the walls, this will affect the intimacy of the sound in the
Irregularities and asymmetrical shape in the building will contribute to different sound path
travelled to the left and right ears of the audience and therefore will give low value of IACC.
These low values of IACC is preferred. Material used in the hall mostly reflective material,
the absorption comes only from the audience (when occupied). The reverberation time at
he unoccupied room is not much different with occupied room because the use of
upholstered seat in the hall. Absorption material is the curtains which is roll down when it
comes the need for lower reverberation time. The curtains will reduce reverberation time
mostly at middle-high frequency (500 Hz 2 KHz). The sounds of the hall is reviewed to be
clear and intimate with a sense of warmth.
Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
Figure 1. Facade of the Danish Radio Concert Hall, left : during the day, and right : changing
lighting and visual effects shows on the screen.
Figure 2. A) Plan view B) Section view of the Danish Radio Concert Hall
Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
Figure 3. A) stage is located in the middle of the hall B) audience is clustered into different
section with different level and view angle towards the stage C) audiences sit on the back of
the stage
Figure 4. A) curtains down if lower reverberation time needed B) Suspended ensemble
reflector with adjustable height C) audience upholstered seat
Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
Figure 5. A) wave wall, provide difraction, and absorption in the hall B) side mini walls from
different section of audience seating area provide good side reflection C) stage risers
Figure 6. Wave wall details, made from multiple layered gypsum board, some are
Ni Putu Amanda Nitidara 23312301
Tugas 1 3 Februari 2014
1. Komoda, Motoo et al, Acoustical Design of New Danish Radio Concert Hall,
Proceedings of ISRA 2010. August,2010. Australia
2. Danish Radio Concert Hall Fact Sheet. Nagata Acoustic. January 2009.
3. accessed at 31
January 2014
4. accessed
at 31
January 2014
5. Pictures taken from various source from website