Ke Kani O Ke Kai
Page 5
Aquarium Enrichment
Page 6
2 MAY-JUN 2015
Issue Number 192
201 5 MAY
Dr. Andrew Rossiter
Laura Whitelock
Kilo i‘a is published quarterly by the University
of Hawai‘i and the Friends of Waikīkī Aquarium
and is dedicated
to increasing the community’s
knowledge of the Waikīkī Aquarium and
Hawai‘i’s marine life.
Waikīkī Aquarium
2777 Kalākaua Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96815-4027
PHONE (808)923-9741
FAX (808)923-1771
WRITE TO US AT kiloia@waquarium.org
© 2015 Waikīkī Aquarium
Dr. Andrew Rossiter
Director, Waikīkī Aquarium
ith spring already upon
us, the Aquarium is
looking forward to the
exciting array of enter-
tainers in this year's Ke
Kani O Ke Kai summer
concert series. A list of
the truly outstanding lineup of local entertain-
ers, the dates of their performances and details
about how to purchase tickets for these special
events can be found on Page 5. Beyond being
a wonderful community-oriented event, these
concerts have an equally signicant purpose
in that all proceeds go towards education,
research and conservation projects here at the
Aquarium, and provide an important source of
revenue for our many activities in these three
Traditionally, the kilo i‘a was an expert of sh
and marine life. He studied the behaviors and
movements of i‘a. The kilo stood at a high
point of land overlooking the ocean to watch
for an expected school of sh and steered the
shermen in the school’s direction. The success
of surrounding the school was entirely up to
the kilo.
Since being reintroduced 11 years ago, the sum-
mer concerts have expanded and improved to
where they are today, and have become one of
the signature events on the summer social cal-
endar. Often in excess of 600 guests are hosted
in the ambience of the natural amphitheatre
of the Aquarium lawn, complete with food and
drink services, and as everyone reading this will
already know, the best deal in town is the FOWA
members' discount for tickets!
Elsewhere in the Aquarium, several projects
are nearing completion, and several others just
beginning. Ever a work in progress, the renova-
tion and improvements to various facets of the
building's physical structure, the care and well
being of our live animals, and the oerings to
visitors, proceeds apace. Just beyond the gal-
lery exit next to the oceanside walkway, a new
animal holding area is almost complete. Neatly
shaded with a custom built canopy, several local
residents and passersby have been kind enough
to compliment us on this structure and the new,
clean looking fencing that has been erected.
In the immediate future, this fencing will be
extended along the gallery exit doors and across
the sta entryway to the monk seal area, provid-
ing a uniform appearance, greater
privacy for the monk seals, and more working
space for sta. It is planned that the animal
holding area will be accessible to visitors as part
of behind the scenes tours.
Another project that should meet with unani-
mous approval: the public bathrooms are
scheduled for a complete renovation, to be
ready before the start of the concert series! We
apologize in advance for the inconvenience
caused while this work is ongoing, but are sure
you will feel the wait was worth it. A legacy of
decades of patchwork repairs, the existing dated
and tired-looking bathrooms will be completely
gutted as part of a repair project. The new, ener-
gy ecient bathrooms should provide a modern,
well appointed and pristine visitor experience.
These, and so many other improvements that
have taken place around the Aquarium over the
past few years, have only been possible through
the kind support of the FOWA board, and ulti-
mately, to your memberships and other contri-
butions. We thank you for your support towards
our eorts to make the Waikiki Aquarium an
educational and enjoyable visit for all.
Cheryl Williams, Royal Hawaiian Hotel General Manager and Mike Swerdlo,
Azure Restaurant presented Dr. Rossiter with a check for $2,456.78 from their
"You Dine, We Donate" Table 53 program.
Aquarium Activities & Classes
Ke Kani O Ke Kai
Aquarium Activities & Classes
Hawaiian Monk Seal Enrichment
Training & "Enshment"
An Ocean Full Of Microbes
Happy Healthy Animals
Aquaculture as a Conservation Tool
Our Supporters
Wall of Fame
Grants & Gratitude
New & Renewing FOWA Members
4 MAY-JUN 2015
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 5:30-6:45 PM
TUESDAY, ULY 28, 5:30-6:45 PM
Peek behind the scenes and then head into the Aquarium for a private,
peaceful, after-hours tour. Meet both our youngest residents in the
seahorse nursery and old friends like our 38-year-old giant clam. Learn
to appreciate the importance of sea cucumbers, the intelligence of an
octopus and the beauty and diversity of a coral reef. Get a look at the pep-
permint angelsh and other unique species that can be seen only at Waikīkī
Aquarium. $25/person, $15/member ages 8 and up.
TUESDAY, JULY 7, 7:00-9:PM
Discover if sh sleep on an after-dark ashlight tour of the Aquarium. Find
the sleeping spot for the red-toothed triggersh or the rock-mover wrasse.
Are yellow tang always yellow? Join us for a class followed by a tour of the
exhibits. Minimum age 5 years; youngsters must be accompanied by an
adult. $10/$7 for members, $15/adult, $10/child for non-members.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 - Monk Seal Puppet Show
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 - Octopus Puppet Show
THURSDAY, JULY 16 - Sea Turtle Puppet Show
Join Marianne Ambrose for educational puppet shows and learn about
Hawaiian marine life. Free with admission to the Aquarium.
Learn what makes the Aquarium run, from sh food to quarantine, and
many stops in between. Climb-up and peer into the backs of the tanks and
see how exhibits are created. Visit the coral farm and the Jelly Hale, where
sea jellies are raised. Minimum age 8 years; youngsters must be accompa-
nied by an adult. Accessibility is limited. $10/$8 for members, $16/adult $12/
child for non-members.
Look for class updates on:
To Register: Call 808-440-9011 or
e-mail: reservations@waquarium.org
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 6:00 PM
Get down to the Waikīkī Aquarium on Friday, May 2 as we say a hui hou
to the wet season, ho‘oilo, and welcome the dry season, kau. Hawaiians
marked this time by observing the sun setting into the crown of Pu‘u o
Kapolei at the foot of the Waianae mountain range. Join us in the park
‘ewa of the Aquarium to observe this occurrence while enjoying traditional
chanting and hula.
SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 9:00 to 10: 00 PM
Celebrate the ocean by participating in a wide variety of marine related
activities. Learn about ocean creatures like sea snails and sea horses. Free
with admission to the Aquarium.
Spend a week of summer learning about some of the animals that live in
Hawaiian waters. What’s the best way to learn? By doing! Snorkel, swim
and explore the coast from Waikīkī to Diamond Head. After a morning of
outside adventures, the Aquarium turns into a classroom. Learn about the
animals in our exhibits and watch them being fed on special behind-the-
scenes tours. For marine biologists 8-12 years of age. All students should
be condent swimmers and enjoy snorkeling. $275/child member ($325 for
JUNE 11, 25, JULY 9, 23, AUGUST 6
Hawaiian music at its nest in the perfect setting will once again return to
the Aquarium lawn as we kick-o our ever popular summer concert series
Ke Kani O Ke Kai on June 11. Join us on Thursday evenings through August
6 for some of Hawai‘i’s top headlining entertainers accompanied by “Ono
Kine Grinds” by popular Honolulu restaurants and caterers. See page 5 for
the concert line-up. Check your mailboxes or our website for more concert
info! Series tickets will be available for purchase from May 18.
TUESDAYS, JUNE 9-AUGUST 25, 11:00-1:00 PM
Learn about marine life, sh identication, snorkeling, and dive gear. Kids
ages 3-13 can try on ns and weight belts in partnership with a partnership
initiative with Oceanic Aeris and Waikiki Dive Shop. Free with admission to
the Aquarium.
Every Wednesday, the Aquarium hosts an interactive learning activity near
the Monk Seal Deck. Join us for a critter encounter, a game or a marine
science craft designed for families. Examples include: Oragami Fish, Honu
Petroglyph Printing, and Special Guest, Dr. Rachel Sprague, Monk Seal
Recovery Coordinator on May 6. Free with admission to the Aquarium.
The Waikiki Aquarium’s popular annual summer concert series oers visitors
and residents an evening of live entertainment and food under the stars.
The ve-concert series is held on alternating Thursday evenings from mid-
June through early August. Featuring some of Hawaii’s top entertainers,
doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the concerts begin at 7 p.m. Guests are
encouraged to explore the Aquarium galleries that remain open throughout
the evening and bring blankets/chairs to sit on the Aquarium’s lawn. Some
of Hawaiis nest entertainers make this major fundraiser one of the best
and most unique ways to experience the Aquarium.
Entertainment line-up:
Tickets will go on sale on May 1 to FOWA members only and then to the
general public on May 18th and then single concert tickets will go on sale
on June 2nd.
For more info visit:
Concert Date Performers
June 11 Kailholu & Makana
June 25 Sean Naauao & Ben and Maila
July 9 Kawika Kahiapo & Raiatea Helm
July 23 Cyril Pahinui & Jerry Santos
August 6 Jake Shimabukuro
Did you know...
Seahorses can grow eshy appendages
called cirri on their bodies. This gives
them a weed like appearance and helps
with camouage.
6 MAY-JUN 2015
he importance of enrichment in captive care of marine
mammals is paramount. These intelligent animals
require both mental and physical stimulation to
enhance their lives. In addition to providing stimulation,
enrichment can help these animals adapt to changes in
their environment and can also be used to encourage
natural behaviors. The slightest change or addition to a habitat can
be considered enrichment’, as it is something new and dierent. If
you’ve ever seen Ho’ailona playing with a fender, or Makaonauna
dunking his head in a bin full of running water and sh, you’ve seen
examples of monk seal enrichment.
The key to marine mammal enrichment at the Aquarium is choice
and variability. Animals always have the choice of whether to
interact with the chosen enrichment item. We try to vary the time of
day they receive enrichment, as well as the type of enrichment, so
that the animals remain stimulated.
Maka’onauna and Ho’ailona primarily receive tactile enrichment.
This means that they are often oered objects that they are able to
interact with; this could be anything from a mimicked ‘waterfall to a
body board. While both animals denitely appear to have enrichment
items that they prefer, they also interact with certain items dierently
on occasion. For example, sometimes they swim under the ‘waterfall’
as if they were getting a massage, and on other occasions completely
ignore it. Even if the latter does happen, the item is still enriching as it
has added something dierent to the animal’s natural environment.
Ho’ailona is particularly interested in objects he can wrap his ippers
around, and is often seen sleeping at night with his ippers around a
particular enrichment item. Often when animals lack in one sense’, the
other senses become heightened. Ho’ailonas eye sight has steadily
decreased over the years, and it appears that his hearing has improved
to compensate. Trainers can often be found serenading Ho’ailona with a
harmonica before the Aquarium opens. He responds by swimming over
6 MAY - JUN 2015
12 MAY - JUN 2015
Hard Rock Cafe located
on Beachwalk Avenue
o of Kalakaua
A fundraiser to benet
the Waikiki Aquarium!
Thursday, May 14
5:30-7:30 PM
$15 pre-sale / $25 at the door
Includes pupus, beer, & wine
from Happy Hour menu
- Space is limited -
To purchase tickets visit our website
or call 440-9027
6 MAY - JUN 2015
From L to R: FOWA Board Members Faye Kurren and Marcus Boland;
Waikiki Aquarium Director Dr. Andrew Rossiter; Rogue Beer Ambassador
Byron Apo; and Paradise Beverages President Paul Ah Cook, a Rogue Beer
In celebration of the Waikiki Aquariums 110th
anniversary last year, Oregon-based Rogue Ales
launched a Monk Seal Ale, and recently presented
$7500 of the proceeds to the Waikiki Aquarium to
benet its Hawaiian Monk Seal Program.
to the source of the music and placing his face against the window. If he was not
stimulated positively by the sound, he would veer away from the source rather than
gravitate towards it.
Maka’onauna seems to particularly enjoy the ‘tide pool’ enrichment oered to him.
This enrichment is a shallow bin of water with a handful of sh in it. The bin has a
continuous ow of water which creates an environment similar to that of a shallow
tide pool. In the wild, monk seals are often seen foraging in tide pools. This type of
enrichment simulates the natural foraging behaviors of monk seals as he dips his
head in the water and forages through the “waves in search of sh.
The Monk Seal Team are constantly trying to nd dierent ways of stimulating
Maka’onauna and Ho’ailona. Next time you come to the Aquarium, take a look
around the monk seal exhibit and see what enrichment items you might nd. Maybe
you’ll be lucky enough to get serenaded too!
Interested in being inspired
on a daily basis?
Follow us on
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
8 MAY-JUN 2015
hile terrestrial enrichment is well
documented, relatively little attention
has been paid to the marine
environment. At the Waikiki Aquarium,
training and enrichment were once
considered supplementary activities only, but are now
increasingly and are considered an integral part of basic
husbandry. While once considered supplementary,
enrichment is now considered an integral part of basic
husbandry. This trend can be seen throughout the
Aquarium as enrichment and training techniques are
used in dietary management, behavior modication
and management of medical procedures. In addition,
enrichment can be used to enhance visitor experience
and change misconceptions regarding the cognitive
ability of certain animals. Training and enrichment are
currently being used with the aquariums Hawaiian monk
seals, the octopus, sh and turtles.
The Spotted Knifejaw (Oplegnathus punctatus) is one of
the shes currently being trained at the Aquarium. This
relatively uncommon reef sh has an incredible cognitive
ability, and get their common name from their beak-like
jaw, which they use to consume hard items, such as sea
urchins. While growing out’ in Quarantine, the inquisitive
young sh would regularly scratch the acrylic with its
beak and would react aggressively to any stimulus.
Biologists at the Aquarium decided that this intelligent
animal needed more stimulation as this would decrease
The Knifejaw, named ‘Zulu’, was trained to station on a
specic part of the Hawaiian state ag. A few days later,
a second ag was added. The sh had a little diculty
distinguishing between the two ags initially, but after
two days, was able to dierentiate between the Hawaiian
state ag and the American ag with a100 % accuracy.
Biologists added a new ag each day, eventually reaching
a total of twelve dierent ags. The orientation and
position of the ags where changed for variation and
the Knifejaw was able to target with a 100% accuracy
on each occasion.
Training with this animal was initiated with the
intention of decreasing aggression and providing
stimulation. However, the Knifejaw learned so
quickly that Biologists strived to nd new ways to
challenge ‘Zulu. During the training, which took
three weeks and included twelve ags, the animal
only appeared confused with the introduction of the
second ag and when the color of the Hawaiian state
ag was altered. In both instances, ‘Zulu, learned
very quickly. As other stimuli were introduced, the
animal appeared to be ‘thinking’ before choosing the
appropriate target. The target has since been used to
coax the sh into a bucket for relocation and to swim
through a hoop. While sh that are able to target are
not uncommon, this animal is impressive in that it
takes an average of 30 seconds to learn each time a
new stimulus is introduced. Training and enrichment
with this animal are ongoing.
If you would like to see some of the
training and its remarkable cognitive
abilities, rst hand, visit:
http://youtu.be/XrnnPo4mfgw .
Did you know...
The next Waikiki Aquarium Algae Clean up
is on June 6th? Send your name and email
to volunteer@waikikiaquarium.org to be
added to the registration list and to recieve
invites to future clean-ups.
The Waikīkī Aquarium aims to “inspire and promote
understanding, appreciation and conservation of Pacic
marine life.” More than 300 wonderful volunteers help to
make this mission a reality. These special people, diverse in
age, background and experience, are eager to learn more
about Hawaii’s marine environment and how they can share
this knowledge with others. Whether you are a professional
or a homemaker, retired or work full-time, a teacher or a
student, the Aquarium needs your skills and talents.
Currently Seeking:
Aquarium Educators
Gift Shop Volunteers
Expert Gardeners
Starting registration for September
Docent training.
To Learn more about our programs and to apply online,
visit WaikikiAquarium.org/volunteer
10 MAY-JUN 2015
The Aquarium is home to a diverse collection of marine organisms. While most of these
animals are readily visible to the naked eye, there are a multitude of organisms that can’t
be seen without a microscope. Marine microbes refer to microscopic protists, (single-
celled animals and algae), bacteria, viruses and archaea, (organisms that look like bacteria
but have dierent cell walls and biochemistry and are fundamentally very dierent from
other life forms). It is estimated that these microbes account for more than 90 % of the
oceans biomass. Just one drop of seawater can hold up to ten million viruses, one million
bacteria and one thousand protists.
An Ocean Full of Microbes
Photos courtesy of NOAA
10 MAY - JUN 2015
ome marine microbes can
be thought of as single-
celled plants. These in-
clude cyanobacteria, and
single-celled algae such
as diatoms and dinoagel-
lates. These plant-like microorgan-
isms are collectively referred to as
phytoplankton and are responsible
for producing 50% of the Earth’s oxy-
gen. As primary producers that use
sunlight to convert carbon dioxide
into sugars, phytoplankton are the
base of the food chain for much of
the ocean. Phytoplankton are very
diverse and many have beautiful,
intricately patterned shells. Some
dinoagellates can even glow in
the dark! Have you ever waved your
hand through the ocean at night
and seen a blue glow? That glow was
caused by dinoagellates.
In addition to microbes that make
their own food using energy from
sunlight, there are microbes that
use energy from chemicals such as
hydrogen sulde, to make sugars.
These types of microbes are com-
mon in environments like deep sea
hydrothermal vents, and support
animal life in these remote ocean
Why Microbes Matter
Microbes that cannot make their own
food using sunlight or chemical energy,
feed upon existing organic matter. These
microbes serve as a food source for larger
organisms and recycle important nutri-
ents, making them indispensable to the
food chain and overall health of the ocean.
Next time you visit the Waikiki Aquarium
or venture out into the ocean, be sure to
think about the almost invisible microbes
that make it all possible.
12 MAY-JUN 2015
any visitors have commented upon the article in
the last issue describing the medical procedure on
the Spotted Knifejaw, (Oplegnathus punctatus), that
involved colleagues from the John Burns School of Medicine,
and have asked, “Is this level of care typical?” In short, yes. The
health and wellbeing of the animals housed at the Aquarium is of
paramount importance and a rigorous health regime is in place.
As of six years ago, the Aquarium has a dedicated Fish Disease
and Quarantine Specialist position on sta, whose primary duties
are to attend to newly received animals, and to identify and treat
any illnesses or injuries the animals housed here, might have.
The Disease Specialist also undertakes necropsies, identies
health issues when needed, and liaises with other animal health
professionals if further expertise is deemed necessary.
The Aquarium maintains close ties with the Universitys
veterinarians, especially with Dr Michael Wong. Dr. Wong is
the primary responder for any issues related to our Hawaiian
monk seals, sharks, and turtles and is also our primary contact
when assessing other animal health questions that require
the prociency of an experienced veterinarian. Doctor Wong
along with the current Quarantine & Disease Specialist and the
Curator, form the Aquariums Animal Health Team. The team
conducts weekly health checks on all animals at the Aquarium,
reviews husbandry protocols and attends to any other health related
concerns. The combined practical and theoretical knowledge of these
three individuals together with the expertise of the Aquariums Live
Exhibit’s biology sta ensure that the animals at the Aquarium receive
exceptional medical care.
One such recent case involved the Blacktip Reef Shark, (Carcharhinus
melanopterus), removed from exhibit a few months ago. The animal
was swimming irregularly and struggling to maintain buoyancy. The
animal was removed from exhibit, steroids and vitamins administered
and fed via a tube as he had stopped feeding. Approximately two
weeks later, the animal had started feeding again. The combined
knowledge and skills of the team helped restore the above mentioned
animal to good health.
Our small yet very capable sta at the Waikiki Aquarium are,
biologists, life support system personnel, nutritionists, breeders,
and maintenance technicians all wrapped into one. Each of them
have their specialties but all of them are bound by the same
permits, protocols, and regulations that the larger, more well-staed
organizations are. The Waikiki Aquarium abides by city and county
regulations, state laws, animal welfare guidelines, federal mandates
and protocols and are subject to yearly and bi-yearly inspections by
several organizations such as IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee) and Aphis (The Animal and Plant Health Inspection
The excellent health care and general husbandry standards are a
reection of the overall expertise that the Aquarium sta has in
maintaining our exhibits in optimal condition and in promptly and
eectively addressing the occasional health issues that inevitably
arise in any living system. And the Knifejaw? Feeding ravenously, no
sign of recurrence of the buoyancy problems that plagued him, and
evidence of a remarkable intelligence!
health and wellbeing
of the animals housed
at the Aquarium is of paramount
Happy Healthy
12 MAY - JUN 2015
Aqua culture
As a Conservaon Tool
his current session, the legislature has been
presented with several bills whose aim is
to close down the commercial collection of
shes from Hawaii's coral reefs to provide
the hobbyist trade. The notion that
collection of juvenile shes by collectors is the reason for
the declines in coral reef shes is, intuitively, an appealing
one. However, things are not so clear cut. Science and data,
not sentimentality, is needed to assess such claims, and the
evidence is just not there. All available data indicates that the
numbers of shes removed are not ecologically signicant,
and are sustainable: indeed, the State Department of Aquatic
Resources cites the tropical sh industry as the best managed
shery in Hawaii. Other factors, such as habitat destruction,
gill netting, pollution, and selective removal of adult shes,
present far more serious impacts to Hawaii's reef sh
However, while the careful management of coral reef sheries
is a positive, the aquaculture of coral reef shes has immense
potential to serve as a supplement to this shery while reducing
the pressure on natural populations. Marine sh aquaculture
presents many biological challenges, notably in terms of
providing the appropriate size and quality of food to the minute
larval shes. Over the past decade, pioneering research at the
Oceanic Institute of Hawaii Pacic University has achieved
signicant breakthroughs, and we are now beginning to see
many species cultured for the rst time. Clownshes are one
group of coral reef shes that can be cultured commercially, and
most clownshes available in stores today are from aquaculture
facilities around the world. The aquaculture of clownshes
has signicantly reduced the need to collect them from reefs,
reducing the impact on wild populations. Check out the
clownsh on display in Gallery 1: all are aquacultured and were
kindly donated to us by the Oceanic Institute. Ongoing research
and advances in marine aquaculture throughout the world are
aimed at ensuring that many more sh species will share in this
success story.
new & renewing fowa members
Albie Miles & Christine Ahn
Kash & Mina Akamu
Shannon & Blaine Alexander
Jon & Janelle Allen
Kandee K. Almond
Shirley Alvaro
Shirley Alvaro
Anthony Amend & Nicole
Evan Anderson & Family
Dr. Carolyn Anneruo
Alvin & Avis Aono
Arai Family
Liane Arakawa
Jeremy & Mandi Armitage
Anne Au & Van Velasco
Mr. Gerald Ross D. Augustin
Paul & Aferdita Balasch
Georey Bannister & Jerri Ross
Frances & Ladd Baumann
Drs. Maenette & Robert Benham
Ann & Royce Benjamin
Je & Bonnie Bennett
Milton & Laurel Bloombaum
Jonas & Priscila Bluth
Marcus & Emma Boland
Darnel & Aprilyn Bongolan
Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Janice Boster
Simran Bott
Craig & Krista Bottoni
Greg Bowman
Donald C. Bozarth
Thomas & Christopher Brand
Mark & Haecha Brehm
Drs. Kim Bridges & Nancy L.
Royce Cablayan
Kathy Callahan & Tino Aragon
Caroline & Bill Carl
Mrs. Marian W. Carson-Heydon
Ann B. Catts
Bruce & Jennifer Cebula
Amy E. Chagami
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Chan
Derrick & Annette Chang
Jennifer & Eric Chen
Atsushi Chida
Michelle & Jonathan Ching
Ms. Stefanie Ching
Rick & Nahyun Olivia Cho
Mary Anne & Richard Chow
Ayres Christ & Anna Karsin
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Chun
Melanie Chun
Mrs. Holly Church
Elizabeth Churchill
Erika and Brian Coday
Makena Coman & Brian
Garrett & Kelli Cole
Marc Contee & Patricia Rothrock
Mr. Joshua Copus
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Corpuz
Joshua & Sarah Cortez
Evelyn Cox & Frank Stanton
John Crocker & Gerdiene Baas
Renato Cruce
Jess & Jennifer Cruz
Pakalika Cunningham & Elke
Dr. Marysol A. Damo
Ashley & Guerric de Coligny
Gloria & Gwen De Francia
Michael De La Rosa & Cindy
Joseph Ken Doggett
Claire & Starr Domingo
Brian Doyle & Janie Lai
Mr. & Mrs. John Doyle
Mr. Dennis Drake
Barbara Dwyer & Bridget Dwyer-
Ryan & Jaimie Eck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ehrhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ellermann
Mr. Michael Erne
Martin & Angel Fajardo
Brent & Rochelle Fallon
Salvador & Yasmin Dar Fasi
Jess Ferguson
Ging Ging & William Fernandez
Ian & RG Fitz-Patrick
Valarie P. Fokumlah
Mina & Francis Foster
Dr. Jeanne Fox
Christen & Thelma Fragas
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Hu
Alexander Fudge & Tarah
Tamaki & Chris Fujiyama
Sidney & Manami Fukayama
Ryan & Jayme Fukunaga
Micah & Eri Furuyama
Mr. & Mrs. Gamarra
Jacquelyn Garcia & Adam Pelkey
Mrs. Jaime Garcia
Leon Geschwind & Kayee Kwock
Larry & Amy Godlewski
Mr. Grant Gonzalez
Deidre Greene
John & Christine Greer
Patricia Gregory
Noah & Krista Groothuis
Lori Haas & Cody Gravitt
Atiya Hakeem
Gil Hakimi & Nabile Patjane
Naomi Hamachi & Darline Dye
Teresa Serene Hamman
Mrs. & Mr. Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Harman
Daniel & Hali Hatting
Keith & Beryl Hayashi
Jeanne Herbert
Andrew Hieber and Leinani
Wendy Higashihara
James Hildenbrand & Joyce
Zonia Hill & Gabriel Hong
Toni Hinds & Chezlani Casar
David & Renee Hioki
Kris Hirata
Shyanne Hirata-Freitas
Charlotte Ho Tsie
Craig & Jessica Homann
Ko Moe Htun & Susan Malterre-
Desmond & Kira Hutchinson
Csaba & Mari Hutoczki
Preston Iha
Jean & Jay Ishida
Jennifer Isobe
Fred & Derek Iwasaki
Kent & Lisa Izuka
Eric & Kay James
Mr. Michael Jennings
Akemi Jensen
Yangseung Jeong & Jieun Lee
Ms. Andrea Lynne Johnson
Dora S. Johnson
Scott Jones & Vee Lee
Rae & Alton Kagawa
Mr. & Mrs. Jeery Kam
Lorne & Jan Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Rea Kang
Gary Kansky
Mindy and Steve Kao
Brittney Kapaona & Kapiolani
Benjamin & Lauren Kase
Curtis & Emily Kawamura
Jan Kealoha
Karen Keir
Keiko Kela
Noelle Sutherland
Cynthia J. Takahashi
Davin Takamine
Michael & Dawn Takamori
Dr. & Mrs. Elmer Takenishi
Mr. Je Tam
Kento & Hiromi Tamada
Victoria & Shoichi Tamura
Hidekazu & Yuka Tanaka
Alana Taniguchi
George & Katie Teller
Jennifer Tema
Dason M. Teruya
Brett & Dee Thomas
Brad & Angie Thompson
Mr. George Tinker
Ivan & Manee Toguchi
Walter Y. Tokushige & Janice Y.
K. Lum
Mr. Garet Tomita & Ms. Kimberlie
Gayle Tomokiyo & Lynette
Paul Tomonari & 'Dana Anne
Miyuki Senaha
Terry and Shauna Tonkin
Steven Tottori & Kimberly Tottori
Mr. & Mrs. Cory & Christina
Mr. Allen M. Tsukamoto
Mr. Maxwell Tobias Tupper
Milo Turek
Arianne & Rizalina Undan
Robin Van Niekerk & Tatyana
Mr. Van Voorhis
Mr. Christopher Veith
Burke Vinluan & Nemokan Smith
Gary & Karen Wakabayashi
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Walsh
Patricia Warner
Tim Waters & Anna Hawajska
David Weick & Bonnie Brayton
Mr. Anthony Westho
Kerry & Bill Wheeler
Mark & Kari-lyn Whitaker
Nathan Whitaker & Debbie
David & Brenda Williams
Marlon Williams
Mark Wilson
Merium Wisnosky & Mimi
Cindy Wong & Titus Tan
Shawn & April Woodworth
Ling Yu Wu & Ralf Kaiser
Reggie & Myra Yamada
Kathryn Yamaguchi & Jose Tome
Tracy Yamato & Carrie Wede-
Mr. Daryl & Mrs. Sandra Yasunari
Jon & Lydia Yee
Joy & Trevor Yee
Keith & Tammy Yoshimoto
Warren & Miki Yoshimoto
John & Shari Young
Stephen & Ann Young
Joe Zucchiatti & Mairi Macrae
Deborah Zysman & Daniel Gluck
If your name is not listed or is
listed incorrectly, please accept
our apologies for the error and
our most sincere thanks for
your support.
Slava & Kim Kharchenko
Kay & Bill Kibby
Brett & Elizabeth Kiefer
Mark Kikuchi & Karen Ninomiya
Anthony & Jane Kim
David G. Kim & Deann J. Howa
Grace Kim & Young Ju Park
Anders Host-Madsen & Heeyeon
Hye Ri Kim
Richard & Hyun Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn & Karen Kinney
Mr. Ross Kinsler
Michael Kinzie
Kerry & Marlene Kiyabu
Caron Knell-Berg & Robert Berg
Jon & Gina Kobashigawa
Jerey & Sandy Koch
Kiliwehi Kono & Lawrence Miike
Sumiye Konoshima
Cheol Min Koo & Hyon Hwa Choi
Dr. & Mrs. Randall Kosaki
Christopher & Yoko Kossowski
Dmitry & Arkady Krupitsky
Andrea Kubo & Anthony Chung
Mr. Emery Kuo
David & Siuling Kwan
Hunter Kwiatkowski
Sumner La Croix
Louise S. Lacasse
Mr. Wilson Lam & Ms. Sharon
Noriza Lambert
Michael Lameier
Mr. & Mrs. John Langan
Sam le Riche & Peter Wootton
Sheila Leder
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lee
Vaden-Lee Villaver
Elsa C. Lee
Kanako Lee
Liang & Jennifer Lee
Lee Miki & Sharon Uyehara
Patricia A. Lee
Perkin Lee
Mrs. Emily Lee
Kwanglee Gress
Cathy & Garrett Leong
Phillip & Wen Wan Lieu
Edith Lindo & Nelbe Shea Fabro
Steven Lo
Caren Loebel-Fried
Dr. & Mrs. David G. Lord
William & Rachel Low
Jenny Lum
Mr. Wilfred Lum & Mr. Randy Lum
Bud & Laurie Lush
James & Aleui Lyman
Adam Lyon
Odeza Macaraeg & Richard
Cindy Mahoney & Tay Perry
Moses Marines, Jr.
Blake & Erynn Marlar
Nathalie Marmier
Miguel & Tonya Martinez
Dr. Traci Masaki Tesoro
Grant & Lisa Matsushita
Gordon J. Mau & Lydia Tsui
Alma B. McGoldrick
McGuckin & Zachary Hiett
Derek Medeiros
Sean Medeiros
Robert & Kim Mehaey
Ryan & Jennifer Mewett
Beau & Cinthia Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Kelly Mi-
Landon & Kelli Miyamura
Wendy Miyashiro-Wong & Laura
Cli & Tamara Montgomery
Laura & Burt Moritz
Christine Morrice
Chenoa Morris-Diehm
Jean Murakami
Mr. & Mrs. Sammie Myrick
Joy & Eric Nagata
Nora Nakahara & Iris Stremick
Denice Nakamura
Clayton Ng
Drew & Jessica Niles
Ryan & Donna Nishimura
Mark & Amanda Noguchi
Keoki Noji & Ashley Wilson
Shugo & Wakako Nomoto
Josiah Nordgren & Alexis
Monique Nordin
Kawika Noyes & Dori Jardine-
Ms. Jessica O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oshima
Kenneth & Amy Oshiro
Mr. Andrew Pang
Arnold & Sanghee Park
Han Park
Mr. Robert Pate
Roman & Brandi Perez
Sonny & Mahi Perreira
Ms. Diane Peterson
Noel & Anjanette Pfeier
Barbara & Robert Picayo
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Pimentel
James & Jane Pinkerton
Noomi Pollak & Gabriel Lipetz
Rachel & Talia Portner
Susan Powell
Kevin Prior
Ms. Margo Proctor
Brad & Kirstin Punu
Mr. Burgess JW Raby
Alex & Kimberly Ramos
Garrett & Janice Rawlins
Mr. William & Mrs. Deborah
Clare Connors & Alex Ress
Lawrence Reynolds
Sean & Amber Richardson
Steven & Sherri Rollison
Jaron & Crystal Rooks
Tyler & Emily Rubio
Grace Ryu & Mark Arimoto
Paia Saio & Jiniki Timoteo
Jordan & Dana Salazar
Antonija & Karl Sandbo
Yuko Sasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schatz
Douglas & Dorenda Schmidt
Chad & Kimberly Schneider
Cynthia & Paul Schuler
The Schumackers
Shingo Seki & Naoko Kitamura
Patrick & Patricia Sheehey
Jeremy & Morgan Shigemoto
Raymond Shimamoto
Dick & Sharon Shlegeris
Sara Shokri & Reza Ghorbam
Kiha Sholtz & Chantel Leong
Eric & Denby Siemer
Kelii & Uilani Silva
Tamatoa & Nicole Silva
Marshall Silverberg & Teri
Dr. Arleene D. K. Skillman
Erin Smith & Jenna Freidman
Jean Song & Grace Park
Yongchae & Krista Song
Jeannine & Jesse Souki
Dana Kapua Sproat & Kahikukala
artha Sta
Elizabeth Stanton & Juan Barrera
Ryan & Eileen Sugimoto
14 MAY - JUN 2015
The beautiful exhibits at the Waikīkī Aquarium and the valuable
research and conservation eorts that go on behind the scenes
are the result of the work of many. Mahalo to all those who
support us through their generous donations.
Crazy Shirts
Hard Rock Café
Hawaiian Electric Co.
Naturally Hawaiian, LLC Patrick Ching
Prime Builders of Oahu
Rogue Ales
Royal Hawaiian Hotel-Azure Restaurant,
Table 53
Service Systems Associates
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
Jhmanadas Watumull Fund
Weissman Family Foundation
Guy Kort
Marcus & Emma Boland
Liana Benn
OctOber 2014 tO April 2015
Karen Kay Carolson
Peter Chiapperino
Shelly Ciano
Gay Conklin
Carol Coops
M. Eleanor & Sherry Fahrenwald
Mary Jo Freshly
Sally Glenn
Gail Grabowsky
Daniel Hartline
John Katahira
Gwynne & Carol Kaneko
Rodney & Myra Kawamura
Joyce Kawamura
Jennifer King
Dennis & Jane Kobayashi
Sumiye Konoshima
John Koster
Nellie Lam
Timothy Lee
Walter Loo
Roger Lucheta
Gilbert Matsumoto
Greg Miyashiro
ver the past several months the Aquarium has received
several grants and donations in recognition of its research,
education and conservation activities. Foremost among
these has been a $300,000 award from Matson, as part of
their restitution for the molasses spill in Honolulu Harbor. Matson
chose the Aquarium as a recipient based upon our long term and
ongoing commitment to marine conservation in Hawaii, notably
our coral propagation activities and alien algae cleanup, run in
collaboration with UH Department of Botany. Details of the next
clean up, to which all are invited to attend and which is the longest
running alien algae removal project in the entire state, are given
elsewhere in this issue.
The Aquarium was also awarded a $110,000 grant by NOAA for its
part of a collaborative project aimed at improving public education
and communication about ocean carbon networks and climate
change. Our collaborators in this project are the Exploratorium
in San Francisco and the Pacic Science Center in Seattle, and will
begin in earnest in early April. This type of project, which addresses
major ocean themes, in addition to education- and conservation-
related grants, will be increasingly sought as the Aquarium seeks
to redene its role into an educational institution about marine
issues and science, ongoing research, and conservation possibilities.
To this end, a ve-person Aquarium grant writing team has been
assembled, and the amount of grant applications submitted, and
hopefully, awarded, will increase greatly over the coming years.
Grants & Gratitude
Mark Mekaru
Betty Mukai
Francis Nakamoto
Susan O’Connor
John Overton
Catherine Payne
Charles & Diana Petranek
Scott Rolles
Harold & Joyce Schatz
Naomi & Raymond Shimamoto
Sean Slentz
Merry Sutton
Elizabeth Tam
Peter Thacker
Laurie Toyama
Robert Torrey
Carl & Leila Uyehara
Janine Wylie
Joseph Wagner
Tom Wessner
Albert & Yuriko Yoshiyama
Judith & Donald Young
Marilyn Katzman
Randal & Nancy Bruckner
Claire Durham
Charles Lyman Van Horn
Liana Benn
Beth & Russ Milham
Alexander & Baldwin, LLC
Aloha Petroleum
Ben Franklin Crafts
Diamond Bakery
Duke’s Waikiki
Jean Carr
Join us on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at the Waikiki Aquarium
8-8:45am Tour of Aquarium with Dr. Andrew Rossiter
9-10am. Continental Breakfast and presentation
by Lani Starkey, University of Hawaii Foundation
RSVP by Friday, May 15
to MaryLou Foley (808)440-9027 or mfoley6@hawaii.edu
Does your "I Love You" estate plan
have the Midas touch or Midas curse?
"Giving Strategies that Save Money, Taxes, and Relationships”
KILO I‘A Issue Number 192
201 5
To inspire and promote understanding, appreciation and
conservation of Pacic marine life.