Firearm and Ammunition Possession Guidelines
Dorm R
Dorm Airmen must register and store their firearms and ammunition with the SFS armory. The following
form are required for registration:
DD2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms and Ammunition
AF IMT 1314 Firearm Registration
Firearm Storage MFR sign by Commander or First Sergeant
Complete forms and take paperwork and firearms to SFS armory located in the basement of dorm 20221.
Provide the First Sergeant with a copy of the AF IMT 1314 and keep a copy for your records of both
forms. A copy of the DD 2760 and AF IMT 1314 should be kept with the firearms with checked out.
The armory will store a small amount (1 box) ammunition, but it must be in the original packaging. The
armory will require at least a 24 hours’ notice to perform a background check to get your firearm out of
the armory for any reason. The member will need the Firearm Release MFR signed by the Commander
or First Sergeant.
Base housing:
Base housing residents must register their firearms with the SFS armory. The following form are required
for registration:
DD2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms and Ammunition
AF IMT 1314 Firearm Registration
Pictures of Serial number
Complete forms and take paperwork to SFS armory located in the basement of dorm 20221. Provide the
First Sergeant with a copy of the AF IMT 1314 and a copy of the DD 2760 and AF IMT 1314 should be
kept with the firearms at your house.
Transporting Firearms and Ammunition on Base:
When transporting firearms and ammunition, the firearm must be cased and both must be separated
Concealed carry rules:
You not allowed to conceal carry a firearm on base. However, you are allowed to conceal carry through
the gate to your first stopping point on base with the following paperwork:
DD2760 Qualification to Possess Firearms and Ammunition
AF IMT 1314 Firearm Registration
A NM or reciprocating state concealed carry permit.
Weapons MFR signed by the member, security manager, and Commander
Once you have reached your initial stopping point, you must separate the ammo from the firearm and
store appropriately.
Forms must be carried with weapon while being transported.
At no time shall a firearm, conceal carry or not, be used on the installation.
3.1. Carrying/Transporting/Storing Dangerous Weapons: On KAFB a dangerous weapon is
defined as any firearm, other weapons that fire a projectile (including air rifles, BB guns,
paintball guns, etc.), martial arts weapons (nun chucks, stars, swords, etc.), bows and cross bows,
knives with fixed blades more than three inches, or any switchblade knife.
3.1.1. In accordance with the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C., Section 921(a)(3) a firearm is
any weapon (to include a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to
expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. With the exception of federal, state, or local law enforcement officers performing official
business, privately owned firearms (POFs) will not be routinely carried on a person or in a
vehicle on Kirtland AFB. State concealed firearm permits are not valid on Kirtland AFB; however, Active
Duty/Active Reserve military members and ANG/DOD civilians with a valid New Mexico
concealed carry license (or reciprocating state concealed carry license) and assigned to Kirtland
AFB, may temporarily transport and store their Personally Owned Firearms (POFs) in their
Personally Owned Vehicles (POV) IAW federal law, DoD regulations, and State of New Mexico
firearms laws. This policy allowing members to carry their POFs in their POVs is intended to
protect personnel as they transit on and off base, to and from their place of duty/on-base
residence. Temporary transportation of POFs must comply with the following conditions: Under no circumstances will a POF be carried on the person (other than the initial
transport to the first on-base destination and upon departing the installation) and under no
circumstances will the weapon enter any building/facility, with the exception of the person’s on-
base residence or 377 SFS armory. The member, upon arrival at their initial on-base destination, will secure the firearm in
the vehicle and not remove the weapon from its storage place until returning to the vehicle to
depart the installation. The vehicle must be locked at all times when unattended. If the member is
returning to their on-base residence, the firearm must be removed from the member’s POV and
secured in their on-base residence. POFs will be secured in an appropriate weapons case or vehicle compartment.
Members will secure and control the vehicle at all times. As used here, a "compartment" is a
closed compartment (i.e., glove box, center console, lock box, case, etc.) which hides the firearm
from view outside of the vehicle. Lockable/secured weapons boxes/safes/containers are
preferred/highly recommended, to limit exposure to children or risk of theft; however, these
items are not required, if the vehicle is properly locked/secured. Members may not store a POF in their POV longer than 24 hours. For storage greater
than 24 hours the POF must be registered and placed in the member’s on-base housing or the 377
SFS Armory. Fully automatic POFs will be stored in the SF Armory or stored off of the installation.
Members will not store automatic firearms in their POVs. In order for a POF to be transported or stored in a vehicle, the member must: Maintain a current/valid New Mexico Concealed Handgun license issued by the State
of New Mexico (or reciprocating jurisdiction); If the member does not satisfy the provisions of para., they may transport a
POF in their POV, but the ammunition must be separated from the POF and the POF must be
securely stored in a secured weapons case or vehicle compartment in accordance with para. Provide a memorandum to their commander which indicates the member has read and
understands the rules and regulations regarding the transportation and storage of a POF in a
POV. In this memorandum, the member will also acknowledge their ability to transport and store
their weapon can be revoked at any time and for any cause by their commander. Members may
not transport and store their POFs until their commander has endorsed the memorandum and
they have completed the additional steps outlined below. 377 ABW/JA can provide a template of
the memorandum for commander endorsement; Register the POF via AF FM 1314, complete DD Form 2760, and follow the
procedures as directed in this instruction; Maintain the AF FM 1314, signed by the member’s commander in the member’s POV.
The AF FM 1314 will serve as the document authorizing transport/storage of the weapon in the
member’s POV on Kirtland AFB. The member will also notify LE personnel during any traffic
stops or other official interactions that they are carrying a POF and will provide their concealed
carry license and AF FM 1314 to the LE Officer upon request; In the event this privilege is revoked (due to Article 15, domestic violence,
Commander’s direction, etc.), a letter will be placed into the member’s PIF and on file in the
VCC. Members are to immediately cease transporting/storing their POF in their POV upon this
revocation; Airmen residing in Kirtland AFB dormitories WILL NOT store firearms in their rooms
or their POVs. Firearms must be stored in the 377 SFS Armory. Members TDY to Kirtland AFB, individuals residing in lodging or Temporary Living
Facilities (TLFs), private contractors, and visitors are prohibited from storing weapons in their
vehicles, TLF or any other lodging facilities. 377 SFS Armory is the mandated storage repository
for these firearms. Individuals WILL NOT remove their weapon from storage in their vehicle for any
purpose while on the installation and ARE NOT in any way to use their weapon in an attempt to
augment or intervene in any security or law enforcement situation.
3.1.3. Concealed Carry on the installation under the provisions of H.R. 218: The Law
Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA) is permissible IAW AFI 31-101. The permit holders
outlined in para. 3.1.4. are authorized to carry in all open areas, vehicles and facilities with the
exception of dormitories, the MDG/VA Complex, and restricted/controlled areas. Personnel with
state issued concealed carry permits, regardless of state, are not authorized to carry concealed at
any time on Kirtland AFB. 377 ABW/CC or DFC may suspend concealed carry for an individual or for all
individuals installation-wide based upon increased FPCONs, local threat, lack of adherence to
standards or discretion. All personnel who fall under AUoF status who are DNA will surrender
their LEOSA to the AUoF office along with their RAB. Contact with Law Enforcement or Command Officials. LEOSA credentialed individuals
stopped for RIEVC/RVIs, traffic violations, or for any other reason by law enforcement or
command official (Commanders, First Sergeants, Security Forces, or AFOSI) must immediately
inform the official that there is a firearm in their vehicle or on their person. The LEOSA certified
member must have the credential on their person.
3.1.4. Acceptable LEOSA Credentials. Individuals must have their valid LEOSA credentials
immediately available at all times when they have a firearm in their POV or on their person
while on KAFB. Acceptable LEOSA forms: AF Form 688D, USAF LEOSA 926B. AF Form 688E, USAF LEOSA 926C. AFOSI Form 59A. AFOSI LEOSA Identification Card. Other Federal/State/Local Law Enforcement Officer Credentials.
3.1.5. Air rifles (BB guns) are authorized on KAFB, but can only be fired at an approved range.
Family members under 18 years of age must be supervised at all times while on the range by
either a parent or an adult 18 years or older. Shooters must fire their weapons from the firing line
to a target placed down range and must observe all safety rules. Paintball guns are not authorized
for use on KAFB unless specifically approved by the 377 ABW/CC. Airsoft weapons are not
authorized for use in any populated area (housing, dormitory etc.).
3.2. IAW AFI 31-117, Arming and Use Of Force by Air Force Personnel, all commanders must
continually monitor personnel for suitability of to bear firearms, and evaluate available
information and if necessary, take immediate action to temporarily withdraw the affected
person's authority to bear a firearm. If warranted, commanders must also deny the person access
to any government-owned or privately owned firearm and associated ammunition stored in a
government firearm storage facility.
3.2.1. A commander may determine it necessary to withdraw a member’s authority to bear
firearms (both government and courtesy storage of POWs in the Security Forces Armory) for the
following reasons: Personnel found to have a qualifying conviction under the Gun Control Act/Lautenberg
Amendment. Identified substance abusers. Emotionally unstable or behavior suggests they are incapable of using firearms with
care. Determined by medical authority to be suffering from alcohol abuse or dependence. Taking prescription medication that impairs their ability to use firearms. Use of
prescription medication does not always disqualify individuals from bearing firearms. However,
commanders must consult with the responsible physician when medication that impairs the
ability to handle firearms is prescribed. Relieved of duty for disciplinary reasons. Relieved of duty pending a UoF Review Board, following a member’s UoF shooting.
3.2.2. Commanders that have determined the need to temporarily withdraw authority to bear
firearms (both government and courtesy storage of POWs/ammunition in the Security Forces
Armory) are required immediately to notify the servicing armory(s). The verbal notification can
be made by the Commander, First Sergeant, or duty roster authentication official to the servicing
armory(s) and the affected person. If applicable, notice to the affected individual will also
include their inability to carry a concealed firearm under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety
Act. Servicing armories will take appropriate action to ensure any government-owned or
privately owned firearm and associated ammunition is not issued to a person whose authority has
been withdrawn. Within 72 hours, commanders will submit, to the servicing armory(s), a written
memorandum containing the individual’s name, rank, squadron, SSN, weapons serial number,
general reason for the temporary withdrawal (i.e. medical, disciplinary, investigation, etc.) and
commanders intention to deny weapon/ammunition access. This memorandum must also be
signed by the affected individual notifying him of the withdrawal action.
3.2.3. Commanders are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Gun Control Act of 1968,
Public Law 104-208, and (18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(9) and (g)(9) (Lautenberg Amendment). The Gun
Control Act prohibits military personnel, civilians, and contractors with a qualifying conviction
of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence from shipping or transporting in interstate or
foreign commerce, or possessing in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or
receiving any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or
foreign commerce. Furthermore, it is a felony for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of
firearms or ammunition to any person whom he or she knows or has reasonable cause to believe
has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
3.2.4. Commanders that are required, by Gun Control Act/Lautenberg Amendment, to withdraw
authority to bear firearms (both government and courtesy storage of POWs/ammunition in the
Security Forces Armory) are required immediately to notify the servicing armory(s). If
applicable, notice to the affected individual will also include their inability to carry a concealed
firearm under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act. Servicing armories will take appropriate action to ensure any government-owned or
privately owned firearm and associated ammunition is not issued to a person whose authority has
been withdrawn. Final disposition of the affected member’s property: The property owner will be required
to appoint an individual, via power of attorney, not affected by the Gun Control Act/Lautenberg
Amendment before the weapon/ammunition can be released from the servicing armory.
Servicing armories will maintain a copy of the power of attorney with other required paperwork
associated with the transfer from the armory. The commander must brief the affected member
that the weapon must be disposed of IAW the Gun Control Act/Lautenberg Amendment via
memorandum. Purchases of firearms at AAFES facilities. Firearms purchased at the Main Exchange
will be secured and transported IAW paragraph 3.1.2. In addition AAFES will be required to
place a trigger lock or similar device on all firearms before they are released to the customer and
provide them information on the transportation requirements.
3.3. Registration and Storage of Dangerous Weapons.
3.3.1. Personnel residing in Base housing, including the Maxwell housing area, are required to
register their privately owned firearms with the 377 SFS Armory. In addition, weapons must be
stored in such a manner as to deter theft and preclude improper usage, especially by children.
3.3.2. Personally owned firearm registration and storage at the 377 SFS Armory is required for
all personnel residing in temporary government quarters, i.e., Fam-Camp, Temporary Lodging
Facility (TLF), Visiting Officer Quarters (VOQ), and Visiting Airman Quarters (VAQ), for the
duration of their stay at KAFB.
3.3.3. Personnel residing in the dormitories are prohibited from storing firearms or any other
dangerous weapons in the dormitory. Dormitory residents will register and store their dangerous
weapons with the 377 SFS Armory or secure them at an off base location.
3.3.4. When registering a weapon, the on-duty armorer will ask the individual for their ID card.
The individual will be given an AF IMT 1314 and a DD Form 2760 to complete for registration
and/or storage of the firearms(s). Military personnel are required to have their unit commander or
designee sign the AF IMT 1314. All DoD civilians and contractors are required to have their
supervisors sign the AF IMT 1314. All other civilians and retirees are not required to have a
commander or designee sign their AF IMT 1314.
3.3.5. These forms must be completed and returned to the Armory within three duty days. The
individual will be contacted if they fail to return the AF IMT 1314 and DD Form 2760 within the
prescribed time. A copy of the AF IMT 1314, signed by the on-duty armorer, will be given to the
individual as a receipt.