APRIL 16, 2019
The Colbert County Commission met today in its regular session at the Colbert County
Courthouse. Chairman Barnes called the public work session to order 5:00 P.M. and meeting to
order at 7:13 p.m. being the time and place previously set for such session. Chairman Barnes,
Commissioner Black, Commissioner Gardiner, Commissioner Bailey, Commissioner Bendall, and
Commissioner Hovater were all present at the meeting. Chairman Barnes declared a quorum
was present for the transaction of business. Commissioner Bendall offered the invocation and
led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Barnes brought before the Commission the approval of consent agenda.
Commissioner Bendall made the motion to approve a Consent Agenda and Bills adopted in the
work session. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion to accept. Chairman Barnes read the
items comprising the consent agenda, being:
1. Set up interviews for EMA/911 Director
2. Approved job descriptions and salaries for County Administrator and Chief Financial
Officer positions.
3. Approved Road Department’s request for monies to start paving in anticipation of
increased fuel tax revenues.
4. Approved payment travel and registration to County Administrator’s Conference May 8
and 9
5. Adopted a resolution concerning fees applicable to applications for licenses to sell
alcoholic beverages, as follows:
Whereas, the Colbert County Commission is empowered to set fees applicable to those persons
making application to the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (“ABC Board”) for a
license to engage in the alcoholic beverage, liquor, beer, or wine business within the
unincorporated portions of Colbert County, Alabama, and;
Whereas, the ABC Board has requested that the Colbert County Commission examine the
current county fees charged upon the application for such a license and to set forth the same.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that beginning October 1, 2019, each person licensed by
the ABC Board who shall engage in the alcoholic beverage, liquor, beer, or wine business within
the unincorporated portions of Colbert County, Alabama shall, prior to engaging in such
business, pay to the County, for the privilege of so engaging in business, an annual license fee
and further license fees as established below:
Lounge Retail Liquor-Class I
Lounge Retail Liquor Class II
Restaurant Retail Liquor
Club Liquor-Class I
Club Liquor-Class II
Retail Beer (On or Off Premises $75.00
Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) $75.00
Retail Table Wine (On or Off Premises) $75.00
Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) $75.00
Liquor Wholesale
Wholesale Beer Only $275.00
Wholesale Table Wine Only-16.5% or less $275.00
Wholesale Table and Wine & Beer Combined $375.00
Warehouse License
Additional Warehouse-Wine, Beer, Both $100.00
Special Events Retail
Special Retail License-30 Days or Less
Special Retail-More Than 30 Days
Retail Common Carrier
Importer $250.00
Brewpub $500.00
International Motor Speedway
Non Profit-Tax Exempt
6. Approved application for transfer of Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control License Number
010949617 from My Place Sports Bar & Grill, Inc., to My Place Bar and Grill, Inc. and requested the
County Administrator to provide notice of such approval to regional ABC office.
7. Approved payment of $449.10 to Lacey Ricks for unused annual leave at separation.
8. Approved Board Appointment application
9. Approved provision of county labor, by the Road Department, to help in resolving drainage
at Colbert County High School, while the Colbert County School Board pays for all materials.
10. Approved submission of grant application for SFR grant and adopted the following
resolution designating Chairman Barnes as the Commission’s Official Representative in
connection to such application:
Resolution Designating Official Representative
Whereas, Colbert County Commission herein called the “Applicant”, after thorough
consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data, has hereby
determined that the construction of certain works required for the treatment and distribution
of drinking water is desirable and in the public interest, and to that end it is necessary that
action necessary or the construction of water treatment and/or distribution facilities be taken
immediately; and
Whereas, under ADEM Administrative Code Chapter 335-11-2, the State Of Alabama, has
authorized the making of loans to aid in financing the cost of infrastructure needed to
achieve/maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and to protect/enhance public
health objectives of the Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Colbert County Commission, the governing
body of said applicant, as follows:
1. That Chairman Tommy Barnes is hereby authorized to file in behalf of the Applicant an
application for a loan to be made by the Alabama Drinking Water Finance Authority.
2. That Chairman Tommy Barnes is hereby designated as the Authorized
Representative of the Applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the Alabama
Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) such information, data and
documents pertaining to the application for a DWSRF loan from the Authority as may
be required; and otherwise to act as Authorized Representative of the Applicant in
connection with this application.
3. That certified copies of this resolution be included as a part of the application to be
submitted to the Department for a loan.
Adopted, this the 16
day of April, 2019.
BY: s/Tommy Barnes s/Mike Melton
Tommy Barnes, Chairman County Administrator
11. Approved for payment, as salary of an amount of equal to additional state
participation in salaries of County Engineer and Assistant Engineer to the persons
holding those positions.
Administrator/EMA Director: Stated Siemens would be here on May 2, 2019 to review County’s cost
and savings under the Performance Contract Agreement between the two entities. Damage to the
Office Complex, due to the storms where glass was shattered, cost to repair to be $280.00. The
tornado touchdown cleanup is getting assistance from the Road Department and Solid Waste.
Engineer: Mr. Bedford reported progress being made towards repair of flood damage to
Frankfort Road is moving forward subject to continued compliance with Federal requirements.
Attorney: Mr. Black made mention on Water Street property needing inspection done, with
discussion being made on would it be considered residential or commercial.
With no further business, Chairman Barnes asked for motion to adjourn. Commissioner
Gardiner made motion to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Bendall. A
vote was had and Chairman Barnes announced Meeting adjourned at 7:19.