Coal Gasication
Cleanly converting coal,
petroleum coke and biomass into
high-value products and power
Air Products Syngas Solutions™ formerly:
Shell Coal Gasication Process (SCGP)
GE Energy's gasication technology
What dierentiates us?
Air Products Syngas Solutions oers
a Technology license, equipment and
engineering, and engineering service
as well as a “Sale of Gas” model
where Air Products builds, owns
and operates the syngas production
Our coal gasication experience
dates back to the early 1970s; more
than 200 Air Products gasication
reactors have been developed or are
in the planning stage for both the
dry-feed and slurry-feed designs.
We continuously improve our
technologies through research and
development and by incorporating
lessons learned into our master
Air Products gasication units
successfully process a wide range of
solid fuels including various types
of coal (from lignite to anthracite),
petroleum coke (petcoke) and
biomass blends.
Our designs oer performance
advantages by helping to minimize
oxygen and freshwater consumption
and enhance syngas yield.
Because Air Products is both a
gasication technology owner and
an operator, we have extensive
experience in gasier start-up,
operation and maintenance.
Air Products Gasication Process (GP) at a glance
Customer driver
Access to coal, petcoke or biomass; lack of access to oil and gas along
with high or volatile prices; sustainable operations (emissions)
The Air Products Gasification Process, which can convert a wide
range of coals, including petcoke and biomass, into syngas
Value delivered
High-value products or power with low emissions
Proof point
Dozens of gasifiers in operation and several more due to start up in
the near future
The world’s growing appetite for energy and chemicals is increasing the demand
for clean coal, particularly in countries with indigenous reserves or access to low
cost imports. However, depletion of the highest quality deposits and increasingly
restrictive emission regulations require operators to use lower quality coal in
environmentally acceptable ways.
We oer the Air Products Gasification
Process (GP) in four product
configurations (shown below) that
can convert a wide range of coal types
to synthesis gas (syngas) for:
• Integrated gasification combined
cycle (IGCC) power generation with
optional carbon dioxide capture
• High-value chemical production
• Synthetic hydrocarbon (fuels)
• Hydrogen production
The right process for
the right project
Dry-feed systems use an inert carrier
gas to transport dry, pulverized coal
into a multi-injector, water-walled
gasifier. Our slurry-feed systems
generate a high-pressure, coal-
Air Products GP
Syngas Cooled
Air Products GP
Bottom Quench
Air Products GP
Syngas Cooled
Air Products GP
Bottom Quench
This dry-feed gasifier has a
convective syngas cooler that
oers heat recovery through
steam generation.
This dry-feed gasifier
oers a robust quench
design and part of the
MP steam.
This slurry-feed gasifier
has a radiant syngas cooler
that oers heat recovery
through steam generation.
This slurry-feed gasifier
oers a robust quench
Quench Ring
Dip & Draft Tube
Air Products Syngas Solutions
provides operational support and
business and project-execution
services from design and engineering
to commissioning and start-up. We
can also help with master planning
and training.
water slurry to convey the coal to
a single injector, refractory lined
gasifier, where oxygen is injected
with the slurry stream to produce
raw syngas. The raw syngas can be
cooled using either a quench design,
which rapidly cools the syngas, or
a radiant syngas cooler design to
generate high-quality steam from
the high-temperature syngas. A
full assortment of gasification
technologies and knowledge of
downstream syngas processing is
our advantage. Let Air Products guide
you to choose what is right for your
Performance advantages
Our options oer:
Low coal and oxygen consumption, typically 510615 kg coal and
310350 Nm
oxygen per 1,000 Nm
of eective syngas respectively.
High throughput and availability, and low maintenance costs by using
proven features of technologies such as reactor membrane wall, burner
technology, refractory-lined gasifier with quench, and radiant syngas
cooler design configuration.
The Air Products Gasication Process syngas cooler line-up:
Has a higher thermal eciency; produces less wastewater; and generates
high- and medium-pressure steam, which can help to reduce operating
Air Products gasification with heat recovery through syngas cooler design
oers higher thermal eciency and generates high- to medium-pressure
steam. Plants with higher operating costs can bank on these design
configurations for optimum plant economics.
Our bottom water-quench line-up:
Requires up to 30-50% less capital expenditure and oers more stable
operation through its simplified configuration—and widens coal
Air Products Quench gasification design oers lowest capital cost up
to 30-50% while oering wide feed and capacity operating range. Its
potential local fabrication and simple design enable quicker plant
construction and start-up duration.
Case Studies
Converting coal to chemicals
Air Products GP syngas cooler technology
has successfully supplied syngas
and steam to a Baling fertilizer plant
since 2006. Feeding 2,000 tons of dry
pulverized coal per day produces syngas
for urea/fertilizer and caprolactam (nylon)
An Air Products high-pressure gasication
system has been in successful operation
since 2015, and the 2,000 ton (coal) slurry-
feed gasier pressure is 87 bar resulting
in signicant operating cost and energy
saving for downstream chemical process.
An Air Products slurry-feed gasication
system has been running on 100% petcoke
since 2000, producing ammonia-based
fertilizers with all syngas CO
and sent to a CO
pipeline for enhanced oil
recovery. Syngas availability in this plant
has been as high as 99.7% on an annual
basis and averages over 98 % for the life
of the plant
Since 2016, Air Products has operated
high-capacity methanol plants fueled by
15,000 tons of coal per day.
Generating IGCC power
The rst coal-based IGCC operated in
1980. Across multiple plants we have
demonstrated feedstock exibility,
processing more than 20 dierent coal
types and blends running successfully
with up to 30 wt% biomass for dry feed.
In slurry-feed systems, more than 40
coal and petcoke blends with up to 100%
petcoke have been run in commercial
operation. Both systems had emissions
less than 30 ppm NOx and 15 ppm SOx.
The United States’ largest coal-based IGCC
produces 600 MW (net) using a slurry-feed
syngas cooler technology and has been in
commercial operation since 2012 on high
chloride Indiana subbituminous coal.
South Korea’s rst IGCC plant is now in
operation. This facility uses a dry-feed
syngas cooler to produce 300 MW (net) of
electric power from 2,670 tons per day of
bituminous and sub-bituminous coal.
tell me more
© Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 2020 (42324) 347-18-001-GLB-Mar19
Have you
considered how
you can . . .
Produce chemicals and
hydrocarbon liquids with-
out relying on oil and gas
Generate power with lower
emission levels?
Adapt to lower-quality coal?
Reduce risk and save capital
by allowing Air Products to
nance/run the gasication
The information contained herein is based on data believed to be accurate as of the date compiled. No
representation, warranty, or other guarantee, express or implied, is made regarding the merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this information or the
products, materials, or processes described. Some services may not be available in certain countries, regions,
or provinces. The user is solely responsible for all determinations regarding any use of materials, products,
or processes in its territories of interest. Air Products expressly disclaims liability for any loss, damage, or
injury resulting from or related to the use of or reliance on any of the information contained herein.
For more information , please contact us at:
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Mario Moniz
Air Products Syngas Solutions™ is part of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Our coal gasification technology can be tailored to meet dierent needs,
Providing an alternative feedstock for chemical manufacture
Producing synthetic liquid fuels and lubricants
Generating power with lower emissions than from burning coal
or even natural gas, with the option of high-pressure carbon capture
and storage.
Both dry- and slurry-feed technologies compliment their various key features
in oering an optimum solution for a specific type of feed and downstream
applications while considering customer economical and operational
The multiple-burner designs can be easily scaled up, and high reliability
reduces or eliminates the need for a spare gasifier. This enables construction
of fewer, larger units, which helps reduce capital and operational costs
by requiring fewer operators, less maintenance, and a smaller spare parts
inventory. Units with a dry coal intake capacity of 3,200 tons per day have
already been put into operation.
More than 100 types of coal have been processed. Using a blend of coal and
petcoke greatly increases gasifier reliability and can significantly improve
operational stability, eciency and syngas output, particularly for operators
using high-ash coal.