Climate-related Disclosures
June 2023
Sustainability Disclosure Standard
International Sustainability Standards Board
Climate-related Disclosures
IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures together with its accompanying documents is issued by
the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).
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© IFRS Foundation 2023
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from paragraph
Governance 5
Strategy 8
Risk management 24
Metrics and targets 27
A Dened terms
B Application guidance
C Effective date and transition
© IFRS Foundation 3
IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures is set out in paragraphs 137 and Appendices AC.
All paragraphs have equal authority. Paragraphs in bold type state the main principles.
Terms dened in Appendix A are in italics the rst time they appear in the Standard.
Denitions of other terms are given in other IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The
Standard should be read in the context of its objective, the Basis for Conclusions and
IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial
4 © IFRS Foundation
IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
The objective of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures is to require an entity to
disclose information about its climate-related risks and opportunities that is
useful to primary users of general purpose financial reports in making
decisions relating to providing resources to the entity.
This Standard requires an entity to disclose information about climate-related
risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the entitys
cash flows, its access to finance or cost of capital over the short, medium or
long term. For the purposes of this Standard, these risks and opportunities are
collectively referred to as climate-related risks and opportunities that could
reasonably be expected to affect the entitys prospects.
This Standard applies to:
climate-related risks to which the entity is exposed, which are:
climate-related physical risks; and
(ii) climate-related transition risks; and
(b) climate-related opportunities available to the entity.
Climate-related risks and opportunities that could not reasonably be
expected to affect an entitys prospects are outside the scope of this
Core content
The objective of climate-related financial disclosures on governance is to
enable users of general purpose financial reports to understand the
governance processes, controls and procedures an entity uses to monitor,
manage and oversee climate-related risks and opportunities.
To achieve this objective, an entity shall disclose information about:
(a) the governance body(s) (which can include a board, committee or
equivalent body charged with governance) or individual(s) responsible
for oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities. Specifically,
the entity shall identify that body(s) or individual(s) and disclose
information about:
1 Throughout this Standard, the terms primary users and users are used interchangeably, with
the same meaning.
© IFRS Foundation 5
(i) how responsibilities for climate-related risks and opportunities
are reflected in the terms of reference, mandates, role
descriptions and other related policies applicable to that body(s)
or individual(s);
(ii) how the body(s) or individual(s) determines whether
appropriate skills and competencies are available or will be
developed to oversee strategies designed to respond to climate-
related risks and opportunities;
(iii) how and how often the body(s) or individual(s) is informed
about climate-related risks and opportunities;
how the body(s) or individual(s) takes into account climate-
related risks and opportunities when overseeing the entitys
strategy, its decisions on major transactions and its risk
management processes and related policies, including whether
the body(s) or individual(s) has considered trade-offs associated
with those risks and opportunities; and
how the body(s) or individual(s) oversees the setting of targets
related to climate-related risks and opportunities, and monitors
progress towards those targets (see paragraphs 3336),
including whether and how related performance metrics are
included in remuneration policies (see paragraph 29(g)).
(b) managements role in the governance processes, controls and
procedures used to monitor, manage and oversee climate-related risks
and opportunities, including information about:
(i) whether the role is delegated to a specific management-level
position or management-level committee and how oversight is
exercised over that position or committee; and
(ii) whether management uses controls and procedures to support
the oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities and, if
so, how these controls and procedures are integrated with
other internal functions.
In preparing disclosures to fulfil the requirements in paragraph 6, an entity
shall avoid unnecessary duplication in accordance with IFRS S1 General
Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information (IFRS S1)
(see paragraph B42(b) of IFRS S1). For example, although an entity shall
provide the information required by paragraph 6, if oversight of sustainability-
related risks and opportunities is managed on an integrated basis, the entity
would avoid duplication by providing integrated governance disclosures
instead of separate disclosures for each sustainability-related risk and
6 © IFRS Foundation
The objective of climate-related financial disclosures on strategy is to
enable users of general purpose financial reports to understand an entitys
strategy for managing climate-related risks and opportunities.
Specifically, an entity shall disclose information to enable users of general
purpose financial reports to understand:
(a) the climate-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be
expected to affect the entitys prospects (see paragraphs 1012);
(b) the current and anticipated effects of those climate-related risks and
opportunities on the entitys business model and value chain (see
paragraph 13);
the effects of those climate-related risks and opportunities on the
entitys strategy and decision-making, including information about its
climate-related transition plan (see paragraph 14);
the effects of those climate-related risks and opportunities on the
entitys financial position, financial performance and cash flows for
the reporting period, and their anticipated effects on the entitys
financial position, financial performance and cash flows over the
short, medium and long term, taking into consideration how those
climate-related risks and opportunities have been factored into the
entitys financial planning (see paragraphs 1521); and
(e) the climate resilience of the entitys strategy and its business model to
climate-related changes, developments and uncertainties, taking into
consideration the entitys identified climate-related risks and
opportunities (see paragraph 22).
Climate-related risks and opportunities
An entity shall disclose information that enables users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the climate-related risks and opportunities
that could reasonably be expected to affect the entitys prospects. Specifically,
the entity shall:
(a) describe climate-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably
be expected to affect the entitys prospects;
(b) explain, for each climate-related risk the entity has identified, whether
the entity considers the risk to be a climate-related physical risk or
climate-related transition risk;
(c) specify, for each climate-related risk and opportunity the entity has
identified, over which time horizonsshort, medium or long term
the effects of each climate-related risk and opportunity could
reasonably be expected to occur; and
(d) explain how the entity defines short term, medium term and long
term and how these definitions are linked to the planning horizons
used by the entity for strategic decision-making.
© IFRS Foundation 7
In identifying the climate-related risks and opportunities that could
reasonably be expected to affect an entitys prospects, the entity shall use all
reasonable and supportable information that is available to the entity at the
reporting date without undue cost or effort, including information about past
events, current conditions and forecasts of future conditions.
In identifying the climate-related risks and opportunities that could
reasonably be expected to affect an entitys prospects, the entity shall refer to
and consider the applicability of the industry-based disclosure topics defined in
the Industry-based Guidance on Implementing IFRS S2.
Business model and value chain
An entity shall disclose information that enables users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the current and anticipated effects of climate-
related risks and opportunities on the entitys business model and value chain.
Specifically, the entity shall disclose:
a description of the current and anticipated effects of climate-related
risks and opportunities on the entitys business model and value chain;
(b) a description of where in the entitys business model and value chain
climate-related risks and opportunities are concentrated (for example,
geographical areas, facilities and types of assets).
Strategy and decision-making
An entity shall disclose information that enables users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the effects of climate-related risks and
opportunities on its strategy and decision-making. Specifically, the entity shall
(a) information about how the entity has responded to, and plans to
respond to, climate-related risks and opportunities in its strategy and
decision-making, including how the entity plans to achieve any
climate-related targets it has set and any targets it is required to meet
by law or regulation. Specifically, the entity shall disclose information
(i) current and anticipated changes to the entitys business model,
including its resource allocation, to address climate-related
risks and opportunities (for example, these changes could
include plans to manage or decommission carbon-, energy- or
water-intensive operations; resource allocations resulting from
demand or supply-chain changes; resource allocations arising
from business development through capital expenditure or
additional expenditure on research and development; and
acquisitions or divestments);
8 © IFRS Foundation
(ii) current and anticipated direct mitigation and adaptation efforts
(for example, through changes in production processes or
equipment, relocation of facilities, workforce adjustments, and
changes in product specifications);
(iii) current and anticipated indirect mitigation and adaptation
efforts (for example, through working with customers and
supply chains);
(iv) any climate-related transition plan the entity has, including
information about key assumptions used in developing its
transition plan, and dependencies on which the entitys
transition plan relies; and
how the entity plans to achieve any climate-related targets,
including any greenhouse gas emissions targets, described in
accordance with paragraphs 3336.
information about how the entity is resourcing, and plans to resource,
the activities disclosed in accordance with paragraph 14(a).
quantitative and qualitative information about the progress of plans
disclosed in previous reporting periods in accordance with
paragraph 14(a).
Financial position, nancial performance and cash ows
An entity shall disclose information that enables users of general purpose
financial reports to understand:
(a) the effects of climate-related risks and opportunities on the entitys
financial position, financial performance and cash flows for the
reporting period (current financial effects); and
(b) the anticipated effects of climate-related risks and opportunities on the
entitys financial position, financial performance and cash flows over
the short, medium and long term, taking into consideration how
climate-related risks and opportunities are included in the entitys
financial planning (anticipated financial effects).
Specifically, an entity shall disclose quantitative and qualitative information
(a) how climate-related risks and opportunities have affected its financial
position, financial performance and cash flows for the reporting
(b) the climate-related risks and opportunities identified in
paragraph 16(a) for which there is a significant risk of a material
adjustment within the next annual reporting period to the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities reported in the related financial
© IFRS Foundation 9
(c) how the entity expects its financial position to change over the short,
medium and long term, given its strategy to manage climate-related
risks and opportunities, taking into consideration:
(i) its investment and disposal plans (for example, plans for capital
expenditure, major acquisitions and divestments, joint
ventures, business transformation, innovation, new business
areas, and asset retirements), including plans the entity is not
contractually committed to; and
(ii) its planned sources of funding to implement its strategy; and
(d) how the entity expects its financial performance and cash flows to
change over the short, medium and long term, given its strategy to
manage climate-related risks and opportunities (for example, increased
revenue from products and services aligned with a lower-carbon
economy; costs arising from physical damage to assets from climate
events; and expenses associated with climate adaptation or mitigation).
In providing quantitative information, an entity may disclose a single amount
or a range.
In preparing disclosures about the anticipated financial effects of a climate-
related risk or opportunity, an entity shall:
(a) use all reasonable and supportable information that is available to the
entity at the reporting date without undue cost or effort; and
(b) use an approach that is commensurate with the skills, capabilities and
resources that are available to the entity for preparing those
An entity need not provide quantitative information about the current or
anticipated financial effects of a climate-related risk or opportunity if the
entity determines that:
(a) those effects are not separately identifiable; or
(b) the level of measurement uncertainty involved in estimating those
effects is so high that the resulting quantitative information would not
be useful.
In addition, an entity need not provide quantitative information about the
anticipated financial effects of a climate-related risk or opportunity if the
entity does not have the skills, capabilities or resources to provide that
quantitative information.
If an entity determines that it need not provide quantitative information
about the current or anticipated financial effects of a climate-related risk or
opportunity applying the criteria set out in paragraphs 1920, the entity shall:
explain why it has not provided quantitative information;
10 © IFRS Foundation
(b) provide qualitative information about those financial effects, including
identifying line items, totals and subtotals within the related financial
statements that are likely to be affected, or have been affected, by that
climate-related risk or opportunity; and
(c) provide quantitative information about the combined financial effects
of that climate-related risk or opportunity with other climate-related
risks or opportunities and other factors unless the entity determines
that quantitative information about the combined financial effects
would not be useful.
Climate resilience
An entity shall disclose information that enables users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the resilience of the entitys strategy and
business model to climate-related changes, developments and uncertainties,
taking into consideration the entitys identified climate-related risks and
opportunities. The entity shall use climate-related scenario analysis to assess
its climate resilience using an approach that is commensurate with the
entitys circumstances (see paragraphs B1B18). In providing quantitative
information, the entity may disclose a single amount or a range. Specifically,
the entity shall disclose:
(a) the entitys assessment of its climate resilience as at the reporting date,
which shall enable users of general purpose financial reports to
(i) the implications, if any, of the entitys assessment for its
strategy and business model, including how the entity would
need to respond to the effects identified in the climate-related
scenario analysis;
(ii) the significant areas of uncertainty considered in the entitys
assessment of its climate resilience;
(iii) the entitys capacity to adjust or adapt its strategy and business
model to climate change over the short, medium and long
term, including;
(1) the availability of, and flexibility in, the entitys existing
financial resources to respond to the effects identified in
the climate-related scenario analysis, including to
address climate-related risks and to take advantage of
climate-related opportunities;
(2) the entitys ability to redeploy, repurpose, upgrade or
decommission existing assets; and
(3) the effect of the entitys current and planned
investments in climate-related mitigation, adaptation
and opportunities for climate resilience; and
how and when the climate-related scenario analysis was carried out,
© IFRS Foundation 11
(i) information about the inputs the entity used, including:
(1) which climate-related scenarios the entity used for the
analysis and the sources of those scenarios;
(2) whether the analysis included a diverse range of
climate-related scenarios;
(3) whether the climate-related scenarios used for the
analysis are associated with climate-related transition
risks or climate-related physical risks;
(4) whether the entity used, among its scenarios, a climate-
related scenario aligned with the latest international
agreement on climate change;
why the entity decided that its chosen climate-related
scenarios are relevant to assessing its resilience to
climate-related changes, developments or uncertainties;
the time horizons the entity used in the analysis; and
what scope of operations the entity used in the analysis
(for example, the operating locations and business units
used in the analysis);
(ii) the key assumptions the entity made in the analysis, including
assumptions about:
(1) climate-related policies in the jurisdictions in which the
entity operates;
(2) macroeconomic trends;
(3) national- or regional-level variables (for example, local
weather patterns, demographics, land use,
infrastructure and availability of natural resources);
(4) energy usage and mix; and
(5) developments in technology; and
(iii) the reporting period in which the climate-related scenario
analysis was carried out (see paragraph B18).
In preparing disclosures to meet the requirements in paragraphs 1322, an
entity shall refer to and consider the applicability of cross-industry metric
categories, as described in paragraph 29, and industry-based metrics
associated with disclosure topics defined in the Industry-based Guidance on
Implementing IFRS S2 as described in paragraph 32.
12 © IFRS Foundation
Risk management
The objective of climate-related financial disclosures on risk management
is to enable users of general purpose financial reports to understand an
entitys processes to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor climate-related
risks and opportunities, including whether and how those processes are
integrated into and inform the entitys overall risk management process.
To achieve this objective, an entity shall disclose information about:
(a) the processes and related policies the entity uses to identify, assess,
prioritise and monitor climate-related risks, including information
the inputs and parameters the entity uses (for example,
information about data sources and the scope of operations
covered in the processes);
whether and how the entity uses climate-related scenario
analysis to inform its identification of climate-related risks;
how the entity assesses the nature, likelihood and magnitude of
the effects of those risks (for example, whether the entity
considers qualitative factors, quantitative thresholds or other
(iv) whether and how the entity prioritises climate-related risks
relative to other types of risk;
(v) how the entity monitors climate-related risks; and
(vi) whether and how the entity has changed the processes it uses
compared with the previous reporting period;
(b) the processes the entity uses to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor
climate-related opportunities, including information about whether
and how the entity uses climate-related scenario analysis to inform its
identification of climate-related opportunities; and
(c) the extent to which, and how, the processes for identifying, assessing,
prioritising and monitoring climate-related risks and opportunities are
integrated into and inform the entitys overall risk management
In preparing disclosures to fulfil the requirements in paragraph 25, an entity
shall avoid unnecessary duplication in accordance with IFRS S1 (see
paragraph B42(b) of IFRS S1). For example, although an entity shall provide
the information required by paragraph 25, if oversight of sustainability-
related risks and opportunities is managed on an integrated basis, the entity
would avoid duplication by providing integrated risk management disclosures
instead of separate disclosures for each sustainability-related risk and
© IFRS Foundation 13
Metrics and targets
The objective of climate-related financial disclosures on metrics and targets
is to enable users of general purpose financial reports to understand an
entitys performance in relation to its climate-related risks and
opportunities, including progress towards any climate-related targets it has
set, and any targets it is required to meet by law or regulation.
To achieve this objective, an entity shall disclose:
(a) information relevant to the cross-industry metric categories (see
paragraphs 2931);
industry-based metrics that are associated with particular business
models, activities or other common features that characterise
participation in an industry (see paragraph 32); and
targets set by the entity, and any targets it is required to meet by law
or regulation, to mitigate or adapt to climate-related risks or take
advantage of climate-related opportunities, including metrics used by
the governance body or management to measure progress towards
these targets (see paragraphs 3337).
Climate-related metrics
An entity shall disclose information relevant to the cross-industry metric
categories of:
(a) greenhouse gasesthe entity shall:
(i) disclose its absolute gross greenhouse gas emissions generated
during the reporting period, expressed as metric tonnes of CO
equivalent (see paragraphs B19B22), classified as:
(1) Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions;
(2) Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions; and
(3) Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions;
(ii) measure its greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and
Reporting Standard (2004) unless required by a jurisdictional
authority or an exchange on which the entity is listed to use a
different method for measuring its greenhouse gas emissions
(see paragraphs B23B25);
(iii) disclose the approach it uses to measure its greenhouse gas
emissions (see paragraphs B26B29) including:
the measurement approach, inputs and assumptions the
entity uses to measure its greenhouse gas emissions;
the reason why the entity has chosen the measurement
approach, inputs and assumptions it uses to measure its
greenhouse gas emissions; and
14 © IFRS Foundation
(3) any changes the entity made to the measurement
approach, inputs and assumptions during the reporting
period and the reasons for those changes;
(iv) for Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions disclosed in
accordance with paragraph 29(a)(i)(1)(2), disaggregate
emissions between:
(1) the consolidated accounting group (for example, for an
entity applying IFRS Accounting Standards, this group
would comprise the parent and its consolidated
subsidiaries); and
other investees excluded from paragraph 29(a)(iv)(1) (for
example, for an entity applying IFRS Accounting
Standards, these investees would include associates,
joint ventures and unconsolidated subsidiaries);
for Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions disclosed in accordance
with paragraph 29(a)(i)(2), disclose its location-based Scope 2
greenhouse gas emissions, and provide information about any
contractual instruments that is necessary to inform users
understanding of the entitys Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions
(see paragraphs B30B31); and
(vi) for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions disclosed in accordance
with paragraph 29(a)(i)(3), and with reference to paragraphs
B32B57, disclose:
(1) the categories included within the entitys measure of
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with
the Scope 3 categories described in the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting
and Reporting Standard (2011); and
(2) additional information about the entitys Category 15
greenhouse gas emissions or those associated with its
investments (financed emissions), if the entitys activities
include asset management, commercial banking or
insurance (see paragraphs B58B63);
(b) climate-related transition risksthe amount and percentage of assets
or business activities vulnerable to climate-related transition risks;
(c) climate-related physical risksthe amount and percentage of assets or
business activities vulnerable to climate-related physical risks;
(d) climate-related opportunitiesthe amount and percentage of assets or
business activities aligned with climate-related opportunities;
(e) capital deploymentthe amount of capital expenditure, financing or
investment deployed towards climate-related risks and opportunities;
(f) internal carbon pricesthe entity shall disclose:
© IFRS Foundation 15
(i) an explanation of whether and how the entity is applying a
carbon price in decision-making (for example, investment
decisions, transfer pricing and scenario analysis); and
(ii) the price for each metric tonne of greenhouse gas emissions the
entity uses to assess the costs of its greenhouse gas emissions;
(g) remunerationthe entity shall disclose:
(i) a description of whether and how climate-related
considerations are factored into executive remuneration (see
also paragraph 6(a)(v)); and
the percentage of executive management remuneration
recognised in the current period that is linked to climate-
related considerations.
In preparing disclosures to meet the requirements in paragraph 29(b)(d), an
entity shall use all reasonable and supportable information that is available to
the entity at the reporting date without undue cost or effort.
In preparing disclosures to meet the requirements in paragraph 29(b)(g), an
entity shall refer to paragraphs B64B65.
An entity shall disclose industry-based metrics that are associated with one or
more particular business models, activities or other common features that
characterise participation in an industry. In determining the industry-based
metrics that the entity discloses, the entity shall refer to and consider the
applicability of the industry-based metrics associated with disclosure topics
described in the Industry-based Guidance on Implementing IFRS S2.
Climate-related targets
An entity shall disclose the quantitative and qualitative climate-related targets
it has set to monitor progress towards achieving its strategic goals, and any
targets it is required to meet by law or regulation, including any greenhouse
gas emissions targets. For each target, the entity shall disclose:
(a) the metric used to set the target (see paragraphs B66B67);
(b) the objective of the target (for example, mitigation, adaptation or
conformance with science-based initiatives);
(c) the part of the entity to which the target applies (for example, whether
the target applies to the entity in its entirety or only a part of the
entity, such as a specific business unit or specific geographical region);
(d) the period over which the target applies;
(e) the base period from which progress is measured;
any milestones and interim targets;
if the target is quantitative, whether it is an absolute target or an
intensity target; and
16 © IFRS Foundation
(h) how the latest international agreement on climate change, including
jurisdictional commitments that arise from that agreement, has
informed the target.
An entity shall disclose information about its approach to setting and
reviewing each target, and how it monitors progress against each target,
(a) whether the target and the methodology for setting the target has
been validated by a third party;
(b) the entitys processes for reviewing the target;
the metrics used to monitor progress towards reaching the target; and
any revisions to the target and an explanation for those revisions.
An entity shall disclose information about its performance against each
climate-related target and an analysis of trends or changes in the entitys
For each greenhouse gas emissions target disclosed in accordance with
paragraphs 3335, an entity shall disclose:
which greenhouse gases are covered by the target.
(b) whether Scope 1, Scope 2 or Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are
covered by the target.
(c) whether the target is a gross greenhouse gas emissions target or net
greenhouse gas emissions target. If the entity discloses a net
greenhouse gas emissions target, the entity is also required to
separately disclose its associated gross greenhouse gas emissions target
(see paragraphs B68B69).
(d) whether the target was derived using a sectoral decarbonisation
(e) the entitys planned use of carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas
emissions to achieve any net greenhouse gas emissions target. In
explaining its planned use of carbon credits the entity shall disclose
information including, and with reference to paragraphs B70B71:
(i) the extent to which, and how, achieving any net greenhouse
gas emissions target relies on the use of carbon credits;
(ii) which third-party scheme(s) will verify or certify the carbon
(iii) the type of carbon credit, including whether the underlying
offset will be nature-based or based on technological carbon
removals, and whether the underlying offset is achieved
through carbon reduction or removal; and
© IFRS Foundation 17
(iv) any other factors necessary for users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the credibility and integrity of
the carbon credits the entity plans to use (for example,
assumptions regarding the permanence of the carbon offset).
In identifying and disclosing the metrics used to set and monitor progress
towards reaching a target described in paragraphs 3334, an entity shall refer
to and consider the applicability of cross-industry metrics (see paragraph 29)
and industry-based metrics (see paragraph 32), including those described in an
applicable IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standard, or metrics that otherwise
satisfy the requirements in IFRS S1.
18 © IFRS Foundation
Appendix A
Dened terms
This appendix is an integral part of IFRS S2 and has the same authority as the other parts of the
carbon credit
An emissions unit that is issued by a carbon crediting
programme and represents an emission reduction or removal of
greenhouse gases. Carbon credits are uniquely serialised,
issued, tracked and cancelled by means of an electronic
climate resilience
The capacity of an entity to adjust to climate-related changes,
developments or uncertainties. Climate resilience involves the
capacity to manage climate-related risks and benefit from
climate-related opportunities, including the ability to respond
and adapt to climate-related transition risks and climate-
related physical risks. An entitys climate resilience includes
both its strategic resilience and its operational resilience to
climate-related changes, developments and uncertainties.
physical risks
Risks resulting from climate change that can be event-driven
(acute physical risk) or from longer-term shifts in climatic
patterns (chronic physical risk). Acute physical risks arise from
weather-related events such as storms, floods, drought or
heatwaves, which are increasing in severity and frequency.
Chronic physical risks arise from longer-term shifts in climatic
patterns including changes in precipitation and temperature
which could lead to sea level rise, reduced water availability,
biodiversity loss and changes in soil productivity.
These risks could carry financial implications for an entity,
such as costs resulting from direct damage to assets or indirect
effects of supply-chain disruption. The entity's financial
performance could also be affected by changes in water
availability, sourcing and quality; and extreme temperature
changes affecting the entity's premises, operations, supply
chains, transportation needs and employee health and safety.
climate-related risks
and opportunities
Climate-related risks refers to the potential negative effects of
climate change on an entity. These risks are categorised as
climate-related physical risks and climate-related transition
Climate-related opportunities refers to the potential positive
effects arising from climate change for an entity. Efforts to
mitigate and adapt to climate change can produce climate-
related opportunities for an entity.
transition plan
An aspect of an entitys overall strategy that lays out the
entitys targets, actions or resources for its transition towards a
lower-carbon economy, including actions such as reducing its
greenhouse gas emissions.
© IFRS Foundation 19
transition risks
Risks that arise from efforts to transition to a lower-carbon
economy. Transition risks include policy, legal, technological,
market and reputational risks. These risks could carry financial
implications for an entity, such as increased operating costs or
asset impairment due to new or amended climate-related
regulations. The entity's financial performance could also be
affected by shifting consumer demands and the development
and deployment of new technology.
The universal unit of measurement to indicate the global
warming potential of each greenhouse gas, expressed in terms
of the global warming potential of one unit of carbon dioxide.
This unit is used to evaluate releasing (or avoiding releasing)
different greenhouse gases against a common basis.
financed emissions
The portion of gross greenhouse gas emissions of an investee or
counterparty attributed to the loans and investments made by
an entity to the investee or counterparty. These emissions are
part of Scope 3 Category 15 (investments) as defined in the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3)
Accounting and Reporting Standard (2011).
global warming
A factor describing the radiative forcing impact (degree of harm
to the atmosphere) of one unit of a given greenhouse gas
relative to one unit of CO
greenhouse gases
The seven greenhouse gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol
carbon dioxide (CO
); methane (CH
); nitrous oxide (N
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); nitrogen trifluoride (NF
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF
indirect greenhouse
gas emissions
Emissions that are a consequence of the activities of an entity,
but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity.
internal carbon price
Price used by an entity to assess the financial implications of
changes to investment, production and consumption patterns,
and of potential technological progress and future emissions-
abatement costs. An entity can use internal carbon prices for a
range of business applications. Two types of internal carbon
prices that an entity commonly uses are:
(a) a shadow price, which is a theoretical cost or notional
amount that the entity does not charge but that can be
used to understand the economic implications or trade-
offs for such things as risk impacts, new investments,
the net present value of projects, and the cost and
benefit of various initiatives; and
20 © IFRS Foundation
(b) an internal tax or fee, which is a carbon price charged to
a business activity, product line, or other business unit
based on its greenhouse gas emissions (these internal
taxes or fees are similar to intracompany transfer
latest international
agreement on climate
An agreement by states, as members of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, to combat climate
change. The agreements set norms and targets for a reduction
in greenhouse gases.
Scope 1 greenhouse
gas emissions
Direct greenhouse gas emissions that occur from sources that
are owned or controlled by an entity.
Scope 2 greenhouse
gas emissions
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of
purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating or cooling
consumed by an entity.
Purchased and acquired electricity is electricity that is
purchased or otherwise brought into an entitys boundary.
Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions physically occur at the
facility where electricity is generated.
Scope 3 greenhouse
gas emissions
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (not included in Scope 2
greenhouse gas emissions) that occur in the value chain of an
entity, including both upstream and downstream emissions.
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions include the Scope 3
categories in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value
Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (2011).
Scope 3 categories
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into these
15 categoriesas described in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting
Standard (2011):
(1) purchased goods and services;
(2) capital goods;
(3) fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope
1 greenhouse gas emissions or Scope 2 greenhouse gas
upstream transportation and distribution;
waste generated in operations;
business travel;
employee commuting;
upstream leased assets;
downstream transportation and distribution;
processing of sold products;
© IFRS Foundation 21
(11) use of sold products;
(12) end-of-life treatment of sold products;
(13) downstream leased assets;
(14) franchises; and
(15) investments.
Terms dened in other Standards and used in this Standard with
the same meaning
business model
An entitys system of transforming inputs through its activities
into outputs and outcomes that aims to fulfil the entitys
strategic purposes and create value for the entity and hence
generate cash flows over the short, medium and long term.
disclosure topic
A specific sustainability-related risk or opportunity based on
the activities conducted by entities within a particular industry
as set out in an IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standard or a
SASB Standard.
general purpose
financial reports
Reports that provide financial information about a reporting
entity that is useful to primary users in making decisions
relating to providing resources to the entity. Those decisions
involve decisions about:
(a) buying, selling or holding equity and debt instruments;
(b) providing or selling loans and other forms of credit; or
(c) exercising rights to vote on, or otherwise influence, the
entitys managements actions that affect the use of the
entitys economic resources.
General purpose financial reports includebut are not
restricted toan entitys general purpose financial statements
and sustainability-related financial disclosures.
Applying a requirement is impracticable when an entity cannot
apply it after making every reasonable effort to do so.
primary users of
general purpose
financial reports
(primary users)
Existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors.
value chain
The full range of interactions, resources and relationships
related to a reporting entitys business model and the external
environment in which it operates.
A value chain encompasses the interactions, resources and
relationships an entity uses and depends on to create its
products or services from conception to delivery, consumption
and end-of-life, including interactions, resources and
22 © IFRS Foundation
relationships in the entitys operations, such as human
resources; those along its supply, marketing and distribution
channels, such as materials and service sourcing, and product
and service sale and delivery; and the financing, geographical,
geopolitical and regulatory environments in which the entity
© IFRS Foundation 23
Appendix B
Application guidance
This appendix is an integral part of IFRS S2 and has the same authority as the other parts of the
Climate resilience (paragraph 22)
Paragraph 22 requires an entity to use climate-related scenario analysis to
assess its climate resilience, using an approach that is commensurate with its
The entity is required to use an approach to climate-related
scenario analysis that enables it to consider all reasonable and supportable
information that is available to the entity at the reporting date without undue
cost or effort. Paragraphs B2B18 provide guidance on how an entity uses
scenario analysis to assess the entitys climate resilience. Specifically:
(a) paragraphs B2B7 set out the factors the entity shall consider when
assessing its circumstances;
(b) paragraphs B8B15 set out the factors the entity shall consider when
determining an appropriate approach to climate-related scenario
analysis; and
paragraphs B16B18 set out additional factors for the entity to
consider when determining its approach to climate-related scenario
analysis over time.
Assessing the circumstances
An entity shall use an approach to climate-related scenario analysis that is
commensurate with its circumstances as at the time the entity carries out its
climate-related scenario analysis (see paragraph B3). To assess its
circumstances the entity shall consider:
(a) the entitys exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities (see
paragraphs B4B5); and
(b) the skills, capabilities and resources available to the entity for the
climate-related scenario analysis (see paragraphs B6B7).
An entity shall assess its circumstances each time it carries out its climate-
related scenario analysis. For example, an entity that carries out its climate-
related scenario analysis every three years to align with its strategic planning
cycle (see paragraph B18) would be required to reconsider for this purpose its
exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities and the skills, capabilities
and resources available at that time.
2 This application guidance (paragraphs B1B18) draws on the range of practice outlined in
documents published by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),
including Technical Supplement: The Use of Scenario Analysis in Disclosure of Climate-related Risks and
Opportunities (2017) and Guidance on Scenario Analysis for Non-Financial Companies (2020).
24 © IFRS Foundation
Exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities
An entity shall consider its exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities
in its assessment of its circumstances and when determining the approach to
use for its climate-related scenario analysis. This consideration provides
essential context for understanding the potential benefits of using a particular
approach to climate-related scenario analysis. For example, if an entity has a
high degree of exposure to climate-related risk then a more quantitative or
technically sophisticated approach to climate-related scenario analysis would
be of greater benefit to the entity and users of general purpose financial
reports. Users of general purpose financial reports would be less likely to
benefit from quantitative or technically sophisticated climate-related scenario
analysis if the entity is exposed to few or relatively less severe climate-related
risks and opportunities. This means thatwith all else being equalthe
greater the entitys exposure to climate-related risks or opportunities, the
more likely it is the entity would determine that a more technically
sophisticated form of climate-related scenario analysis is required.
This Standard requires an entity to identify the climate-related risks and
opportunities to which it is exposed (see paragraph 10) and to disclose
information about the process the entity uses to identify, assess, prioritise and
monitor those risks and opportunities (see paragraph 25). The information the
entity discloses in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 25 can inform the
entitys consideration of its exposure to climate-related risks and
Skills, capabilities and resources available
An entity shall consider the available skills, capabilities and resources when
determining an appropriate approach to use for its climate-related scenario
analysis. These skills, capabilities and resources might include both internal
and external skills, capabilities and resources. The entitys available skills,
capabilities and resources provide context to inform its consideration of the
potential cost and level of effort required by a particular approach to climate-
related scenario analysis. For example, if an entity has only just begun to
explore the use of climate-related scenario analysis to assess its climate
resilience, it might be unable to use a quantitative or technically sophisticated
approach to climate-related scenario analysis without undue cost or effort. For
the avoidance of doubt, if resources are available to the entity then it will be
able to invest in obtaining or developing the necessary skills and capabilities.
Climate-related scenario analysis can be resource intensive and might
through an iterative learning processbe developed and refined over multiple
planning cycles. As an entity repeats the climate-related scenario analysis, it is
likely to develop skills and capabilities that will enable the entity to
strengthen its approach to climate-related scenario analysis over time. For
example, if an entity has not yet used climate-related scenario analysis or
participates in an industry where climate-related scenario analysis is not
commonly used, the entity might need more time to develop its skills and
capabilities. In contrast, an entity in an industry where climate-related
scenario analysis is established practicesuch as extractives and mineral
© IFRS Foundation 25
processingwould be expected to have strengthened its skills and capabilities
through its experience.
Determining the appropriate approach
An entity shall determine an approach to climate-related scenario analysis
that enables it to consider all reasonable and supportable information that is
available to the entity at the reporting date without undue cost or effort. The
determination of the approach shall be informed by the assessments of the
entitys exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities (see paragraphs
B4B5) and its available skills, capabilities and resources (see paragraphs
B6B7). Making such a determination involves:
selecting inputs to the climate-related scenario analysis (see
paragraphs B11B13); and
making analytical choices about how to carry out the climate-related
scenario analysis (see paragraphs B14B15).
Reasonable and supportable information includes information about past
events, current conditions and forecasts of future conditions. It also includes
quantitative or qualitative information, and information that is obtained from
an external source or owned or developed internally.
An entity will need to use judgement to determine the mix of inputs and
analytical choices that will enable the entity to consider all reasonable and
supportable information that is available to the entity at the reporting date
without undue cost or effort. The degree of judgement that is required
depends on the availability of detailed information. As the time horizon
increases and the availability of detailed information decreases, the degree of
judgement required increases.
Selecting inputs
When an entity selects the inputs to use in its climate-related scenario
analysis, the entity shall consider all reasonable and supportable information
including scenarios, variables and other inputsavailable to the entity at
the reporting date without undue cost or effort. The inputs used in scenario
analysis might include information that is qualitative or quantitative, and is
obtained from an external source or developed internally. For example,
publicly available climate-related scenariosfrom authoritative sourcesthat
describe future trends and a range of pathways to plausible outcomes are
considered to be available to the entity without undue cost or effort.
When selecting scenarios, variables and other inputs to use in climate-related
scenario analysis, an entity might, for example, use one or more climate-
related scenariosincluding international and regional scenariosthat are
publicly and freely available from authoritative sources. The entity shall have
a reasonable and supportable basis for using a particular scenario or set of
scenarios. For example, an entity with operations concentrated in a
jurisdiction where emissions are regulatedor are likely to be regulated in
the futuremight determine that it is appropriate to carry out its analysis
using a scenario consistent with an orderly transition to a lower-carbon
26 © IFRS Foundation
economy or consistent with relevant jurisdictional commitments to the latest
international agreement on climate change. Elsewhere, for example, an entity
with heightened exposure to physical climate-related risks might determine
that it is appropriate to carry out its analysis using a localised climate-related
scenario that takes into account current policies.
In considering whether the selected inputs are reasonable and supportable, an
entity shall consider the objective of paragraph 22, which requires the entity
to disclose information that enables users of general purpose financial reports
to understand the resilience of the entitys strategy and business model to
climate-related changes, developments and uncertainties, taking into
consideration the entitys identified climate-related risks and opportunities.
This means that the inputs to the entitys climate-related scenario analysis
shall be relevant to the entitys circumstances, for example, to the particular
activities the entity undertakes and the geographical location of those
Making analytical choices
An entitys resilience assessment will be informed not only by the individual
inputs to its climate-related scenario analysis, but also by the information it
develops in combining those inputs to carry out the analysis. The entity shall
prioritise the analytical choices (for example, whether to use qualitative
analysis or quantitative modelling) that will enable it to consider all
reasonable and supportable information that is available to the entity at the
reporting date without undue cost or effort. For example, if an entity is able
without undue cost or effortto incorporate multiple carbon price pathways
associated with a given outcome (for example, a 1.5 degree Celsius outcome),
this analysis is likely to strengthen the entitys resilience assessment,
assuming such an approach is warranted by the entitys risk exposure.
Quantitative information will often enable an entity to carry out a more
robust assessment of its climate resilience. However, qualitative information
(including scenario narratives), either alone or combined with quantitative
data, can also provide a reasonable and supportable basis for the entitys
resilience assessment.
Additional considerations
Climate-related scenario analysis is an evolving practice and, therefore, the
approach that an entity uses is likely to change over time. As described in
paragraphs B2B7, the entity shall determine its approach to climate-related
scenario analysis based on its particular circumstances, including the entitys
exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities and the skills, capabilities
and resources available for the scenario analysis. Those circumstances are also
likely to change over time. Therefore, the entitys approach to climate-related
scenario analysis need not be the same from one reporting period or strategic
planning cycle to the next (see paragraph B18).
© IFRS Foundation 27
An entity might use a simpler approach to climate-related scenario analysis,
such as qualitative scenario narratives, if such an approach is appropriate to
the entitys circumstances. For example, if an entity does not currently have
the skills, capabilities or resources to carry out quantitative climate-related
scenario analysis but has a high degree of exposure to climate-related risk, the
entity might initially use a simpler approach to climate-related scenario
analysis, but would build its capabilities through experience and, therefore,
would apply a more advanced quantitative approach to climate-related
scenario analysis over time. An entity with a high degree of exposure to
climate-related risks and opportunities, and with access to the necessary skills,
capabilities or resources, is required to apply a more advanced quantitative
approach to climate-related scenario analysis.
Although paragraph 22 requires an entity to disclose information about its
climate resilience at each reporting date, the entity might carry out its
climate-related scenario analysis in line with its strategic planning cycle,
including a multi-year strategic planning cycle (for example, every three to
five years). Therefore, in some reporting periods the entitys disclosures in
accordance with paragraph 22(b) could remain unchanged from the previous
reporting period if the entity does not conduct a scenario analysis annually.
The entity shallat a minimumupdate its climate-related scenario analysis
in line with its strategic planning cycle. However, an assessment of the entitys
resilience is required to be carried out annually to reflect updated insight into
the implications of climate uncertainty for the entitys business model and
strategy. As such, an entitys disclosure in accordance with paragraph 22(a)
that is, the results of the entitys resilience assessmentshall be updated at
each reporting period.
28 © IFRS Foundation
Greenhouse gases (paragraph 29(a))
Greenhouse gas emissions
Permission to use information from a reporting period that is
different from the entitys reporting period, in specic
An entity might have a different reporting period from some or all of the
entities in its value chain. Such a difference would mean that greenhouse gas
emissions information from these entities in its value chain for the entitys
reporting period might not be readily available for the entity to use for its own
disclosure. In such circumstances, the entity is permitted to measure its
greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with paragraph 29(a)(i) using
information for reporting periods that are different from its own reporting
period if that information is obtained from entities in its value chain with
reporting periods that are different from the entitys reporting period, on the
condition that:
the entity uses the most recent data available from those entities in its
value chain without undue cost or effort to measure and disclose its
greenhouse gas emissions;
the length of the reporting periods is the same; and
(c) the entity discloses the effects of significant events and changes in
circumstances (relevant to its greenhouse gas emissions) that occur
between the reporting dates of the entities in its value chain and the
date of the entitys general purpose financial reports.
Aggregation of greenhouse gases into CO
equivalent using global
warming potential values
Paragraph 29(a) requires an entity to disclose its absolute gross greenhouse gas
emissions generated during the reporting period, expressed as metric tonnes
of CO
equivalent. To meet this requirement, the entity shall aggregate the
seven constituent greenhouse gases into CO
equivalent values.
If an entity uses direct measurement to measure its greenhouse gas emissions,
the entity is required to convert the seven constituent greenhouse gases into a
equivalent value using global warming potential values based on a 100-
year time horizon, from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change assessment available at the reporting date.
If an entity uses emission factors to estimate its greenhouse gas emissions, the
entity shall useas its basis for measuring its greenhouse gas emissionsthe
emission factors that best represent the entitys activity (see paragraph B29). If
these emission factors have already converted the constituent gases into CO
equivalent values, the entity is not required to recalculate the emission factors
using global warming potential values based on a 100-year time horizon from
the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment available at
the reporting date. However, if an entity uses emission factors that are not
© IFRS Foundation 29
converted into CO
equivalent values, then the entity shall use the global
warming potential values based on a 100-year time horizon from the latest
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment available at the
reporting date.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Paragraph 29(a)(ii) requires an entity to disclose its greenhouse gas emissions
measured in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004). For the avoidance of doubt, an
entity shall apply the requirements in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A
Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004) only to the extent that
they do not conflict with the requirements in this Standard. For example, the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
(2004) does not require an entity to disclose its Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions, however, the entity is required to disclose Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions in accordance with paragraph 29(a).
An entity is required to use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004) unless the entity is required by a
jurisdictional authority or an exchange on which it is listed to use a different
method for measuring its greenhouse gas emissions. If the entity is required
by a jurisdictional authority or an exchange on which it is listed to use a
different method for measuring its greenhouse gas emissions, the entity is
permitted to use this method rather than using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol:
A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004) for as long as the
jurisdictional or exchange requirement applies to the entity.
In some circumstances, an entity might be subject to a requirement in the
jurisdiction in which it operates to disclose its greenhouse gas emissions for a
specific part of the entity or for some of its greenhouse gas emissions (for
example, only for Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions). In such
circumstances, the jurisdictional requirement does not exempt the entity
from applying the requirements in this Standard to disclose the entitys Scope
1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions for the entity as a whole.
Measurement approach, inputs and assumptions
Paragraph 29(a)(iii) requires an entity to disclose the measurement approach,
inputs and assumptions it uses to measure its greenhouse gas emissions. As
part of this requirement, the entity shall include information about:
(a) the measurement approach the entity uses in accordance with the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting
Standard (2004) (see paragraph B27);
the applicable method if the entity is not using the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004) and
the measurement approach the entity uses (see paragraph B28); and
the emission factors the entity uses (see paragraph B29).
30 © IFRS Foundation
The measurement approach set out in the Greenhouse Gas
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting
Standard (2004) includes different measurement approaches that an entity
might use when measuring its greenhouse gas emissions. In disclosing
information in accordance with paragraph 29(a)(iii), the entity is required to
disclose information about the measurement approach it uses. For example,
when the entity discloses its greenhouse gas emissions measured in
accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and
Reporting Standard (2004), the entity is required to use the equity share or
control approach. Specifically, the entity shall disclose:
the approach it uses to determine its greenhouse gas emissions (for
example, the equity share or control approach in the Greenhouse Gas
Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004)); and
(b) the reason, or reasons, for the entitys choice of measurement
approach and how that approach relates to the disclosure objective in
paragraph 27.
Other methods and measurement approaches
When an entity discloses its greenhouse gas emissions measured in
accordance with another method, applying paragraphs 29(a)(ii), B24B25 or
C4(a), the entity shall disclose:
(a) the applicable method and measurement approach the entity uses to
determine its greenhouse gas emissions; and
(b) the reason, or reasons, for the entitys choice of method and
measurement approach and how that approach relates to the
disclosure objective in paragraph 27.
Emission factors
As part of an entitys disclosure of the measurement approach, inputs and
assumptions, the entity shall disclose information to enable users of general
purpose financial reports to understand which emission factors the entity uses
in its measurement of its greenhouse gas emissions. This Standard does not
specify emission factors an entity is required to use in its measurement of its
greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, this Standard requires an entity to use
emission factors that best represent the entitys activity as its basis for
measuring its greenhouse gas emissions.
Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions
Paragraph 29(a)(v) requires an entity to disclose its location-based Scope 2
greenhouse gas emissions and provide information about any contractual
instruments the entity has entered into that could inform users
understanding of the entitys Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. For the
avoidance of doubt, an entity is required to disclose its Scope 2 greenhouse gas
emissions using a location-based approach and is required to provide
information about contractual instruments only if such instruments exist and
© IFRS Foundation 31
information about them informs users understanding of an entitys Scope 2
greenhouse gas emissions.
Contractual instruments are any type of contract between an entity and
another party for the sale and purchase of energy bundled with attributes
about the energy generation or for unbundled energy attribute claims
(unbundled energy attribute claims relate to the sale and purchase of energy
that is separate and distinct from the greenhouse gas attribute contractual
instruments). Various types of contractual instruments are available in
different markets and the entity might disclose information about its market-
based Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions as part of its disclosure.
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions
In accordance with paragraph 29(a)(vi), an entity shall disclose information
about its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions to enable users of general purpose
financial reports to understand the source of these emissions. The entity shall
consider its entire value chain (upstream and downstream) and shall consider
all 15 categories of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, as described in the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and
Reporting Standard (2011). In accordance with paragraph 29(a)(vi), the entity
shall disclose which of these categories are included in its Scope 3 greenhouse
gas emissions disclosures.
For the avoidance of doubt, regardless of the method an entity uses to
measure its greenhouse gas emissions, the entity is required to disclose the
categories included within its measure of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions as
described in paragraph 29(a)(vi)(1).
In accordance with paragraph B11 in IFRS S1, on the occurrence of a
significant event or a significant change in circumstances, an entity shall
reassess the scope of all affected climate-related risks and opportunities
throughout its value chain, including reassessing which Scope 3 categories
and entities throughout its value chain to include in the measurement of its
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions. A significant event or significant change in
circumstances can occur without the entity being involved in that event or
change in circumstances or as a result of a change in what the entity assesses
to be important to users of general purpose financial reports. For example,
such significant events or significant changes in circumstances might include:
(a) a significant change in the entity's value chain (for example, a supplier
in the entity's value chain makes a change that significantly alters the
suppliers greenhouse gas emissions);
(b) a significant change in the entitys business model, activities or
corporate structure (for example, a merger or acquisition that expands
the entity's value chain); and
(c) a significant change in the entitys exposure to climate-related risks
and opportunities (for example, a supplier in the entitys value chain is
affected by the introduction of an emissions regulation that the entity
had not anticipated).
32 © IFRS Foundation
An entity is permitted, but not required, to reassess the scope of any climate-
related risk or opportunity throughout its value chain more frequently than
required by paragraph B11 in IFRS S1.
In accordance with paragraph B6(b) in IFRS S1, to determine the scope of the
value chain, which includes its breadth and composition, an entity shall use
all reasonable and supportable information that is available to the entity at
the reporting date without undue cost or effort.
An entity that participates in one or more financial activities associated with
asset management, commercial banking and insurance shall disclose
additional information about the financed emissions associated with those
activities as part of the entitys disclosure of its Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions (see paragraphs B58B63).
Scope 3 measurement framework
An entitys measurement of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions is likely to
include the use of estimation rather than solely comprising direct
measurement. In measuring Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions an entity shall
use a measurement approach, inputs and assumptions that result in a faithful
representation of this measurement. The measurement framework described
in paragraphs B40B54 provides guidance for an entity to use in preparing its
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions disclosures.
An entity is required to use all reasonable and supportable information that is
available to the entity at the reporting date without undue cost or effort when
the entity selects the measurement approach, inputs and assumptions it uses
in measuring Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
An entitys measurement of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions relies upon a
range of inputs. This Standard does not specify the inputs the entity is
required to use to measure its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, but does
require the entity to prioritise inputs and assumptions using these identifying
characteristics (which are listed in no particular order):
(a) data based on direct measurement (paragraphs B43B45);
(b) data from specific activities within the entitys value chain (paragraphs
(c) timely data that faithfully represents the jurisdiction of, and the
technology used for, the value chain activity and its greenhouse gas
emissions (paragraphs B50B52); and
(d) data that has been verified (paragraphs B53B54).
An entity is required to apply the Scope 3 measurement framework to
prioritise inputs and assumptions even when the entity is required by a
jurisdictional authority or an exchange on which the entity is listed to use a
method other than the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and
Reporting Standard (2004) for measuring its greenhouse gas emissions (see
paragraphs B24B25), or whether the entity uses the transition relief described
in paragraph C4(a).
© IFRS Foundation 33
An entitys prioritisation of the measurement approach, inputs and
assumptions and the entitys considerations of associated trade-offsbased on
the characteristics in paragraph B40requires management to apply
judgement. For example, an entity might need to consider the trade-offs
between timely data and data that is more representative of the jurisdiction
and technology used for the value chain activity and its emissions. More
recent data might provide less detail about the specific activity, including the
technology that was used in the value chain and the location of that activity.
On the other hand, older data that is published infrequently might be
considered more representative of the specific activity and its greenhouse gas
Data based on direct measurement
Two methods are used to quantify Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions: direct
measurement and estimation. Of these two methodsand with all else being
equalan entity shall prioritise direct measurement.
Direct measurement refers to the direct monitoring of greenhouse gas
emissions and, in theory, provides the most accurate evidence. However, it is
expected that Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions data will include estimation
due to the challenges associated with direct measurement of Scope 3
greenhouse gas emissions.
Estimation of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions involves approximate
calculations of data based on assumptions and appropriate inputs. An entity
that measures its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions using estimation is likely
to use two types of input:
(a) data that represents the entitys activity that results in greenhouse gas
emissions (activity data). For example, the entity might use distance
travelled as activity data to represent the transport of goods within its
value chain.
(b) emission factors that convert activity data into greenhouse gas
emissions. For example, the entity will convert the distance travelled
(activity data) into greenhouse gas emissions data using emission
Data from specic activities within the entity
s value chain
An entitys measurement of its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions will be based
on data obtained directly from specific activities within the entitys value
chain (primary data), data not obtained directly from activities within the
entitys value chain (secondary data), or a combination of both.
In measuring an entitys Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, primary data is
more likely to be representative of the entitys value chain activity and its
greenhouse gas emissions than secondary data. Therefore, the entity shall
prioritisewith all else being equalthe use of primary data.
34 © IFRS Foundation
Primary data for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions includes data provided by
suppliers or other entities in the value chain related to specific activities in an
entitys value chain. For example, primary data could be sourced from meter
readings, utility bills or other methods that represent specific activities in the
entitys value chain. Primary data could be collected internally (for example,
through the entitys own records), or externally from suppliers and other
value chain partners (for example, supplier-specific emission factors for
purchased goods or services). Data from specific activities within an entitys
value chain provides a more accurate representation of the entitys specific
value chain activities and, therefore, will provide a better basis for measuring
the entitys Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
Secondary data for Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions is data that is not
obtained directly from specific activities within an entitys value chain.
Secondary data is often supplied by third-party data providers and includes
industry-average data (for example, from published databases, government
statistics, literature studies and industry associations). Secondary data
includes data used to approximate the activity or emission factors.
Additionally, secondary data includes primary data from a specific activity
(proxy data) used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions for another activity. If
an entity uses secondary data to measure its Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions, it shall consider the extent to which the data faithfully represents
the entitys activities.
Timely data that faithfully represents the jurisdiction of, and the
technology used for, the value chain activity and its greenhouse gas
If an entity uses secondary data, it shall prioritise the use of activity or
emissions data that is based on, or represents, the technology used in the
value chain activity the data is intended to represent. For example, an entity
might obtain primary data from its activities (for example, the specific aircraft
model, distance travelled and travel-class used by employees when travelling)
and would then use secondary data that represents the greenhouse gas
emissions arising from those activities to convert the primary data into an
estimate of its greenhouse gas emissions from air travel.
If an entity uses secondary data, it shall prioritise activity or emissions data
that is based on, or represents, the jurisdiction in which the activity
happened. For example, an entity shall prioritise emission factors that relate
to the jurisdiction in which the entity operates or in which the activity has
taken place.
If an entity uses secondary data, it shall prioritise activity or emissions data
that is timely and representative of the entitys value chain activity during the
reporting period. In some jurisdictions, and for some technologies, secondary
data is collected annually and, therefore, the data is likely to be representative
of the entitys current practice. However, some secondary data sources rely on
information collected in a reporting period that is different from the entitys
own reporting period.
© IFRS Foundation 35
Veried data
An entity shall prioritise Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions data that is
verified. Verification can provide users of general purpose financial reports
with confidence that the information is complete, neutral and accurate.
Verified data might include data that has been internally or externally
verified. Verification can take place in several ways, including on-site
checking, reviewing calculations, or cross-checking of data against other
sources. However, in some cases an entity might be unable to verify its Scope 3
greenhouse gas emissions without undue cost or effort. For example, the
entity might be prevented from obtaining a complete set of verified data due
to the volume of data or because the data is obtained from entities in the
value chain that are separated by many tiers from the reporting entity, that is,
entities that the reporting entity does not interact with directly. In such cases,
an entity might need to use unverified data.
Disclosure of inputs to Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions
An entity shall disclose information about the measurement approach, inputs
and assumptions it uses to measure its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions in
accordance with paragraph 29(a)(iii). This disclosure shall include information
about the characteristics of the data inputs as described in paragraph B40. The
purpose of this disclosure is to provide users of general purpose financial
reports with information about how the entity has prioritised the highest
quality data available, which faithfully represents the value chain activity and
its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions. This disclosure also helps users of
general purpose financial reports to understand why the measurement
approach, inputs and assumptions the entity uses to estimate its Scope 3
greenhouse gas emissions are relevant.
As part of the requirement in paragraph 29(a)(iii), and to reflect how an entity
prioritises Scope 3 data in accordance with the measurement framework set
out in paragraphs B40B54, the entity shall disclose information that enables
users of general purpose financial reports to understand:
(a) the extent to which the entitys Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are
measured using inputs from specific activities within the entitys value
chain; and
(b) the extent to which the entitys Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions are
measured using inputs that are verified.
This Standard includes the presumption that Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions can be estimated reliably using secondary data and industry
averages. In those rare cases when an entity determines it is impracticable to
estimate its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, the entity shall disclose how it
is managing its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions. Applying a requirement is
impracticable when the entity cannot apply it after making every reasonable
effort to do so.
36 © IFRS Foundation
Financed emissions
Entities participating in financial activities face risks and opportunities related
to the greenhouse gas emissions associated with those activities.
Counterparties, borrowers or investees with higher greenhouse gas emissions
might be susceptible to risks associated with technological changes, shifts in
supply and demand and policy change, which in turn can affect the financial
institution that is providing financial services to these entities. These risks and
opportunities can arise in the form of credit risk, market risk, reputational
risk and other financial and operational risks. For example, credit risk might
arise in relation to financing clients affected by increasingly stringent carbon
taxes, fuel efficiency regulations or other policies; credit risk might also arise
through technological shifts. Reputational risk might arise from financing
fossil-fuel projects. Entities participating in financial activities, including
commercial and investment banks, asset managers and insurance entities, are
increasingly monitoring and managing such risks by measuring their financed
emissions. This measurement serves as an indicator of an entitys exposure to
climate-related risks and opportunities and how the entity might need to
adapt its financial activities over time.
Paragraph 29 (a)(i)(3) requires an entity to disclose its absolute gross Scope 3
greenhouse gas emissions generated during the reporting period, including
upstream and downstream emissions. An entity that participates in one or
more of the following financial activities is required to disclose additional and
specific information about its Category 15 emissions or those emissions
associated with its investments which is also known as financed emissions:
(a) asset management (see paragraph B61);
(b) commercial banking (see paragraph B62); and
(c) insurance (see paragraph B63).
An entity shall apply the requirements for disclosing greenhouse gas
emissions in accordance with paragraph 29(a) when disclosing information
about its financed emissions.
Asset management
An entity that participates in asset management activities shall disclose:
(a) its absolute gross financed emissions, disaggregated by Scope 1, Scope
2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
(b) for each of the disaggregated items in paragraph B61(a), the total
amount of assets under management (AUM) that is included in the
financed emissions disclosure, expressed in the presentation currency
of the entitys financial statements.
(c) the percentage of the entitys total AUM included in the financed
emissions calculation. If the percentage is less than 100%, the entity
shall disclose information that explains the exclusions, including types
of assets and associated amount of AUM.
© IFRS Foundation 37
(d) the methodology used to calculate the financed emissions, including
the method of allocation the entity used to attribute its share of
emissions in relation to the size of investments.
Commercial banking
An entity that participates in commercial banking activities shall disclose:
(a) its absolute gross financed emissions, disaggregated by Scope 1, Scope
2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions for each industry by asset
class. When disaggregating by:
industrythe entity shall use the Global Industry Classification
Standard (GICS) 6-digit industry-level code for classifying
counterparties, reflecting the latest version of the classification
system available at the reporting date.
(ii) asset classthe disclosure shall include loans, project finance,
bonds, equity investments and undrawn loan commitments. If
the entity calculates and discloses financed emissions for other
asset classes, it shall include an explanation of why the
inclusion of those additional asset classes provides relevant
information to users of general purpose financial reports.
(b) its gross exposure to each industry by asset class, expressed in the
presentation currency of the entitys financial statements. For:
(i) funded amountsgross exposure shall be calculated as the
funded carrying amounts (before subtracting the loss
allowance, when applicable), whether prepared in accordance
with IFRS Accounting Standards or other GAAP.
(ii) undrawn loan commitmentsthe entity shall disclose the full
amount of the commitment separately from the drawn portion
of loan commitments.
(c) the percentage of the entitys gross exposure included in the financed
emissions calculation. The entity shall:
(i) if the percentage of the entitys gross exposure included in the
financed emissions calculation is less than 100%, disclose
information that explains the exclusions, including the type of
assets excluded.
(ii) for funded amounts, exclude from gross exposure all impacts of
risk mitigants, if applicable.
(iii) disclose separately the percentage of its undrawn loan
commitments included in the financed emissions calculation.
the methodology the entity used to calculate its financed emissions,
including the method of allocation the entity used to attribute its
share of emissions in relation to the size of its gross exposure.
38 © IFRS Foundation
An entity that participates in financial activities associated with the insurance
industry shall disclose:
(a) its absolute gross financed emissions, disaggregated by Scope 1, Scope
2 and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions for each industry by asset
class. When disaggregating by:
(i) industrythe entity shall use the Global Industry Classification
Standard (GICS) 6-digit industry-level code for classifying
counterparties, reflecting the latest version of the classification
system available at the reporting date.
(ii) asset classthe disclosure shall include loans, bonds and equity
investments, as well as undrawn loan commitments. If the
entity calculates and discloses financed emissions for other
asset classes, it shall include an explanation of why the
inclusion of those additional asset classes provides relevant
information to users of general purpose financial reports.
the gross exposure for each industry by asset class, expressed in the
presentation currency of the entitys financial statements. For:
(i) funded amountsgross exposure shall be calculated as the
funded carrying amounts (before subtracting the loss
allowance, when applicable), whether prepared in accordance
with IFRS Accounting Standards or other GAAP.
(ii) undrawn loan commitmentsthe entity shall disclose the full
amount of the commitment separately from the drawn portion
of loan commitments.
(c) the percentage of the entitys gross exposure included in the financed
emissions calculation. The entity shall:
(i) if the percentage of the entitys gross exposure included in the
financed emissions calculation is less than 100%, disclose
information that explains the exclusions, including type of
assets excluded.
(ii) disclose separately the percentage of its undrawn loan
commitments included in the financed emissions calculation.
(d) the methodology the entity used to calculate its financed emissions,
including the method of allocation the entity used to attribute its
share of emissions in relation to the size of its gross exposure.
© IFRS Foundation 39
Cross-industry metric categories (paragraph 29(b)(g))
In addition to information about an entitys greenhouse gas emissions, the
entity is required to disclose information relevant to the cross-industry metric
categories set out in paragraph 29(b)(g).
In preparing disclosures to fulfil the requirements in paragraph 29(b)(g), an
entity shall:
(a) consider the time horizons over which the effects of climate-related
risks and opportunities could reasonably be expected to occur,
described in accordance with paragraph 10.
(b) consider where in the entitys business model and value chain climate-
related risks and opportunities are concentrated (for example,
geographical areas, facilities or types of assets) (see paragraph 13).
consider the information disclosed in accordance with
paragraph 16(a)(b) in relation to the effects of climate-related risks
and opportunities on the entitys financial position, financial
performance and cash flows for the reporting period.
consider whether industry-based metrics, as described in paragraph 32
including those defined in an applicable IFRS Sustainability
Disclosure Standard or those that otherwise satisfy the requirements
in IFRS S1could be used to satisfy the requirements in whole or in
(e) consider the connections between the information disclosed to fulfil
the requirements in paragraph 29(b)(g) with the information
disclosed in the related financial statements, in accordance with
paragraph 21(b)(ii) of IFRS S1. These connections include consistency in
the data and assumptions usedto the extent possibleand linkages
between the amounts disclosed in accordance with paragraph 29(b)(g)
and the amounts recognised and disclosed in the financial statements.
For example, an entity would consider whether the carrying amount of
assets used is consistent with amounts included in the financial
statements and would explain the connections between information in
these disclosures and amounts in the financial statements.
40 © IFRS Foundation
Climate-related targets (paragraphs 3337)
Characteristics of a climate-related target
Paragraph 33 requires an entity to disclose the quantitative or qualitative
climate-related targets it has set, and any it is required to meet by law or
regulation, including any greenhouse gas emissions targets. In disclosing these
climate-related targets, the entity is required to disclose information about the
characteristics of these targets as described in paragraph 33(a)(h). If the
climate-related target is quantitative, an entity is required to describe whether
the target is an absolute target or an intensity target. An absolute target is
defined as a total amount of a measure or a change in the total amount of a
measure, whereas an intensity target is defined as a ratio of a measure, or a
change in the ratio of a measure, to a business metric.
In identifying and disclosing the metric used to set a climate-related target
and measure progress, an entity shall consider the cross-industry metrics and
industry-based metrics. If the metric has been developed by the entity to
measure progress towards a target, the entity shall disclose information about
that metric in accordance with paragraph 50 of IFRS S1.
Greenhouse gas emissions targets
Gross and net greenhouse gas emissions targets
If an entity has a greenhouse gas emissions target, the entity is required to
specify whether the target is a gross greenhouse gas emissions target or a net
greenhouse gas emissions target. Gross greenhouse gas emissions targets
reflect the total changes in greenhouse gas emissions planned within the
entitys value chain. Net greenhouse gas emissions targets are the entitys
targeted gross greenhouse gas emissions minus any planned offsetting efforts
(for example, the entitys planned use of carbon credits to offset its
greenhouse gas emissions).
Paragraph 36(c) specifies that if an entity has a net greenhouse gas emissions
target it is required to also disclose a gross greenhouse gas emissions target.
For the avoidance of doubt, if the entity discloses a net greenhouse gas
emissions target, this target cannot obscure information about its gross
greenhouse gas emissions targets.
Carbon credits
Paragraph 36(e) requires an entity to describe its planned use of carbon credits
which are transferable or tradeable instrumentsto offset emissions to
achieve any net greenhouse gas emissions targets the entity has set, or any it
is required to meet by law or regulation. Any information about the planned
use of carbon credits shall clearly demonstrate the extent to which these
carbon credits are relied on to achieve the net greenhouse gas emissions
© IFRS Foundation 41
In accordance with paragraph 36(e), an entity is required to disclose only its
planned use of carbon credits. However, as part of this disclosure, the entity
might also include information about carbon credits it has already purchased
that the entity is planning to use to meet its net greenhouse gas emissions
target, if the information enables users of general purpose financial reports to
understand the entitys greenhouse gas emissions target.
42 © IFRS Foundation
Appendix C
Effective date and transition
This appendix is an integral part of IFRS S2 and has the same authority as the other parts of the
Effective date
An entity shall apply this Standard for annual reporting periods beginning on
or after 1 January 2024. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies
this Standard earlier, it shall disclose that fact and apply IFRS S1 General
Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information at the same
For the purposes of applying paragraphs C3C5, the date of initial application
is the beginning of the annual reporting period in which an entity first applies
this Standard.
An entity is not required to provide the disclosures specified in this Standard
for any period before the date of initial application. Accordingly, an entity is
not required to disclose comparative information in the first annual reporting
period in which it applies this Standard.
In the first annual reporting period in which an entity applies this Standard,
the entity is permitted to use one or both of these reliefs:
(a) if, in the annual reporting period immediately preceding the date of
initial application of this Standard, the entity used a method for
measuring its greenhouse gas emissions other than the Greenhouse
Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004),
the entity is permitted to continue using that other method; and
(b) an entity is not required to disclose its Scope 3 greenhouse gas
emissions (see paragraph 29(a)) which includes, if the entity
participates in asset management, commercial banking or insurance
activities, the additional information about its financed emissions (see
paragraph 29(a)(vi)(2) and paragraphs B58B63).
If an entity uses the relief in paragraph C4(a) or paragraph C4(b), the entity is
permitted to continue to use that relief for the purposes of presenting that
information as comparative information in subsequent reporting periods.
© IFRS Foundation 43
Approval by the ISSB of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures
issued in June 2023
IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures was approved for issue by all 14 members of the
International Sustainability Standards Board.
Emmanuel Faber Chair
Jingdong Hua Vice-Chair
Suzanne Lloyd Vice-Chair
Richard Barker
Jenny Bofinger-Schuster
Verity Chegar
Jeffrey Hales
Michael Jantzi
Hiroshi Komori
Bing Leng
Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien
Tae-Young Paik
Veronika Pountcheva
Elizabeth Seeger
44 © IFRS Foundation
© IFRS Foundation 45
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