Cigna Close Care
application form
Hello! Were glad you would like to join us
If Yes, how many per day? Less than 20 per day 20 or more per day
Have you smoked, or used tobacco or nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months? Yes No
Feet Inches Centimetres Weight: Stones Pounds Kilogrammes
Email address
Daytime telephone number
(Country code – Number)
Mobile telephone number
(Country code – Number)
Fax (Country
code – Number)
Zip/Postal Code
Correspondence address (If applicant is a US National, address must be outside the United States)
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Zip/Postal Code
Address in location country (if known)
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Location (The country in which you live/will live for the majority of your time for the period of cover)
Nationality (What is the nationality on your passport that you will use to register this policy?)
City State Zip/Postal Code
Please provide your US address below if you are currently located in one of the following states: AZ, CA, CT, DC, FL, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, NH, OH, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA.
If not located in one of the above states, please proceed to Nationality question
If yes, please identify state: If no, please proceed to Nationality question
Are you currently in the US? Yes No
Are you a Politically Exposed Person?
(see explanatory notes above)
Yes No Occupation
Please complete this section for all persons to be covered under the policy, including the main policyholder and any
You must notify us of any change of contact details so we can ensure that correspondence reaches you.
Title First Name Other Initials Surname
Gender (please tick) Male Female Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Please complete this application form and return it to us. See our contact information at the end of this form.
To satisfy certain regulatory requirements, you must state in Section A below whether you or any other person
receiving cover under the policy is a Politically Exposed Person. For clarity, you may be dened as a Politically Exposed
Person if you, your family member, or a close associate holds a prominent public function including but not limited to a
politician, senior government employee, judicial or military ocial, ambassador or senior executive of a state owned or
international corporation.This requirement is only applicable if your policy is arranged through our Dubai International
Finance Centre oce.
Title First Name Other Initials Surname
Relationship to policyholder Gender (please tick) Male Female
Are you a Politically Exposed Person?
(see explanatory notes above) Yes No
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Occupation
(What is the nationality on your passport that you will use to register this policy?)
Location (The country in which you live/will live for the majority of your time for the period of cover)
Email Address
If Yes, how many per day? Less than 20 per day 20 or more per day
Have you smoked, or used tobacco or nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months? Yes No
Feet Inches Centimetres Weight: Stones Pounds Kilogrammes
Title First Name Other Initials Surname
Relationship to policyholder Gender (please tick) Male Female
Are you a Politically Exposed Person?
(see explanatory notes above) Yes No
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Occupation
(What is the nationality on your passport that you will use to register this policy?)
Location (The country in which you live/will live for the majority of your time for the period of cover)
Email Address
If Yes, how many per day? Less than 20 per day 20 or more per day
Have you smoked, or used tobacco or nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months? Yes No
Feet Inches Centimetres Weight: Stones Pounds Kilogrammes
Title First Name Other Initials Surname
Relationship to policyholder Gender (please tick) Male Female
Are you a Politically Exposed Person?
(see explanatory notes above) Yes No
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Occupation
(What is the nationality on your passport that you will use to register this policy?)
Location (The country in which you live/will live for the majority of your time for the period of cover)
Email Address
If Yes, how many per day? Less than 20 per day 20 or more per day
Have you smoked, or used tobacco or nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months? Yes No
Feet Inches Centimetres Weight: Stones Pounds Kilogrammes
Title First Name Other Initials Surname
Relationship to policyholder Gender (please tick) Male Female
Are you a Politically Exposed Person?
(see explanatory notes above) Yes No
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Occupation
(What is the nationality on your passport that you will use to register this policy?)
Location (The country in which you live/will live for the majority of your time for the period of cover)
Email Address
If Yes, how many per day? Less than 20 per day 20 or more per day
Have you smoked, or used tobacco or nicotine replacement products in the last 12 months? Yes No
Feet Inches Centimetres Weight: Stones Pounds Kilogrammes
When do you want your cover to begin? (DD/MM/YYYY)
Choose your deductible
$0 $375 $750 $1,500 $3,000 $7,500 $10,000
€0 €275 €550 €1,100 €2,200 €5,500 €7,400
£0 £250 £500 £1,000 £2,000 £5,000 £6,650
Then, select your cost share percentage
No cost share 10% 20% 30%
Choose your out of pocket maximum
(This is the maximum amount of cost share under the Core Cover you must pay in the event of a claim or claims per period of cover).
$2,000 $5,000
€1,480 €3,700
£1,330 £3,325
Do you wish to upgrade your plan with any of the following options
Outpatient and Wellness Care Deductible
Yes No $0 $150 $500 $1,000 $1,500
€0 €110 370 €700 €1,100
£0 £100 £335 £600 £1,000
Cost share after deductible (a $3,000 / €2,200 / £2,000 out of pocket maximum is
applied to cost shares on the Outpatient and Wellness Care option)
No cost share 10% 20% 30%
Dental Care and Treatment
Yes No
USA coverage
(applicable to US nationals only)
Yes No
If you are a US national and do not select to purchase USA coverage, you will not be covered for temporary trips home.
Please note that the Outpatient and Wellness Care, Dental Care and Treatment and USA coverage options can only be purchased with your Core cover.
Please note that each plan chosen will apply to all dependents.
Your plan selection can only be amended at policy renewal. Should you wish to increase your level of cover at renewal, full medical underwriting and waiting periods may apply and
an additional premium amount will be payable.
Please tell us about past and present medical history for yourself and each person named in Section A. If you tick Yes to a question, please provide
full details in Section D.
Once your application has been submitted we may need to contact you for further information before we can nalise your cover.
Careless or deliberate misrepresentation could result in Cigna rejecting claims, and/or cancelling cover. If you need help completing your application,
please contact us.
If you are unsure about the answer to any question you should make the enquiries necessary to allow you to provide an accurate answer.
Please note, if you have disclosed any medical information on a previous call or correspondence, you will be required to disclose this information again
when answering the following medical questionnaire.
Has any applicant received treatment, tests or investigations
for, or been diagnosed with, or had any symptoms of:
Diabetes and other endocrine (glandular) disorders e.g.
any thyroid disorder, weight problems, gout, pituitary or
adrenal gland conditions.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Heart or circulatory disorders e.g. chest pain, heart attack,
high blood pressure, vascular disease, coronary artery
disease, angina, irregular heartbeat, aneurysm or heart
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Cancer, tumours or growths including polyps, cysts or
breast lumps.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Muscle or skeletal problems e.g. back pain, whiplash,
arthritis, joint pain or problems, gout, fractures, cartilage,
tendon or ligament problems.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Asthma, allergies, breathing or respiratory disorders e.g.
chest infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, shortness of breath,
rhinitis, TB, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Gall bladder, stomach, intestinal, gastric or liver problems
e.g. irritable bowel disease, colitis, Crohns disease, gastric
or peptic ulcers, reux, indigestion, heartburn, gall stones,
hernia, haemorrhoids or hepatitis.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Brain or neurological disorders e.g. multiple sclerosis,
epilepsy or seizures, stroke, migraines, recurring or severe
headaches, meningitis, shingles or nerve pain.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Skin problems e.g. eczema, acne, moles, rashes, allergic
reactions, cysts, dermatitis or psoriasis.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Blood, infective or immune disorders e.g. high cholesterol,
anaemia, malaria, HIV or systemic lupus erythematosus.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Urinary or reproductive disorders e.g. urinary tract
infections, kidney problems, broids, painful, irregular
or heavy periods, fertility problems, polycystic ovarian
syndrome, endometriosis, testicular or prostate problems.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Anxiety, depression, psychiatric or mental health issues
including eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder,
alcohol or drug issues.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Ear, nose, throat, eye or dental problems e.g. ear
infections, sinus problems, tonsils and adenoids, cataracts,
glaucoma, wisdom teeth problems.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Please also answer the following questions:
Does anyone have any illness, condition or symptom not
already mentioned?
Please include details of any known or suspected issues
whether or not medical advice has been sought or a
diagnosis reached.
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Does anyone take any medication, receive any treatment
of any kind or expect to have a review or follow up for any
current or past medical problem not already mentioned?
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Please tell us more if you have answered ‘Yes’ to any questions in Section C. If you are unsure if any details are relevant, please include them anyway. If
you run out of space, please use a separate sheet.
Section C
The name of the illness or
medical problem. Where
applicable state the area of
the body aected
(e.g. left arm, right foot).
When did the symptoms
occur and when did you last
have symptoms?
What treatment was
(Include details of medication
and dates of when treatment
started and ended.)
What is the current status
of the illness or medical
(E.g. ongoing, complete,
recovery, recurrent or likely to
I hereby declare that I have taken reasonable care to answer all questions accurately, honestly and completely. I acknowledge that if I do not answer
all questions accurately and completely as a result of my carelessness or as a result of deliberate or reckless misrepresentation, Cigna may
reject claims, and/or cancel cover as per the terms and conditions of this policy.
The duty to answer our questions accurately, honestly and completely applies in respect of each person who is covered by this policy. Although failure
to full this duty by one covered person may aect coverage or payment of their claims, it will not aect coverage or payment of claims in relation to
any other covered person, unless that person has also made careless, deliberate or reckless misrepresentations in relation to our questions. I warrant
and represent that I have each covered persons consent to disclose the personal information, including the sensitive personal information (e.g. medical
information) contained in this form to you. I conrm that each covered person is aware of their duty to take reasonable care to answer your questions
accurately, honestly, completely and to the best of their knowledge.
(Please note that if you are declaring the above on another person’s behalf, it is your obligation to keep evidence of the consent you are
providing hereto of your covered family members’ actual declarations and consents.)
I hereby propose to Cigna Healthcare for cover to begin on the cover date or such other agreed date. In the event that it is found that I, or any
covered person, have deliberately or recklessly provided any information which is false or inaccurate, Cigna Healthcare may void the contract of
insurance as it relates to me or the covered person and refuse all claims and need not return any premiums paid in, except for where it would be unfair
for the premiums to be retained. I have carefully read, understood and agree to abide by the Policy Rules and Customer Guide as they form part of my
contract of insurance.
If you are signing for, or on behalf of, the main policyholder please sign below where you are warranting and representing to us that you have read the
above declaration and have the authority to enter into this application:
Select the relationship to main
Broker Agent
Other (please specify)
Any person who, dishonestly and with intent to make a gain for themselves or cause loss to another, or to expose another to a risk of loss: (1) makes
an application for insurance or makes a claim under a policy containing any information they know to be untrue or misleading; or who (2) in making
an application for insurance or a claim under a policy dishonestly and with intent to make a gain for themselves or cause loss to another, or to
expose another to a risk of loss fails to disclose information which has been asked for, commits fraud. We will investigate any claims or applications for
insurance which we have grounds to believe may be fraudulent. Committing fraud may result in your policy being terminated and any claims you make
under not being paid. We may, for the purposes of the detection and prevention of fraud, share information relating to suspected fraud with other
insurance companies and/or with law enforcement authorities.
We would like to keep in touch with you to keep you updated about our special oers, promotions, products and services which
we think will interest you. We may also contact you for the purposes of conducting research.
If you would like to receive this information, please tick here
If yes, how would you like us to contact you? Email Telephone
I consent to being contacted by Cigna Healthcare and/or by a third party
that has carefully been selected by Cigna Healthcare for the purposes of
conducting research.
Yes No
We will collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information, including sensitive information (in particular, information relating to your
medical history and any medical treatment you may have or have had), in accordance with relevant data protection legislation. We collect
and will use your personal information, including sensitive information, for the purpose of carrying out our obligations under this plan.
We may share your information, including sensitive information, with other Cigna Healthcare companies, carefully selected third parties including any
broker you appoint to act on your behalf, other providers of services under this plan and authorised healthcare providers, where
necessary to carry out our obligations under this plan. This statement also applies to personal information of any beneciaries detailed on
this application form.
You have the right to request a copy of your personal information held by us, and beneciaries under your policy have the right to
request a copy of personal information we hold about them. We may charge a fee to provide this information.
I acknowledge the collection, use and disclosure of my personal and special category data by Cigna Healthcare for the purposes
required by the contract of insurance I have entered into.
Is the billing address the residence address you have provided for your policy?
Yes No
If no, please provide the full billing address
Credit card authorisation: I authorise Cigna Healthcare to charge my credit/debit card account with my healthcare premium (of which I will be notied
upon acceptance of cover/renewal). This will continue until the instruction is cancelled, and I will provide written notice to Cigna Healthcare according
to my Policy Rules documentation.
Cardholder’s signature
Date of birth of cardholder (DD/MM/YYYY)
Nationality of cardholder
If the cardholder is not the policyholder, please
state the relationship to the policyholder
Company name
Spouse/partner Other
Family member
Please conrm that the payment card is that of the policyholder? Yes No
Payment currency US Dollar
Euro Sterling
Payment frequency Monthly Quarterly Annually
Payment method Credit/debit card
Bank wire transfer (Annual payment only)
(We will call you on receipt of your application to provide the relevant details)
Credit/debit card number
Type of card MasterCard Visa Visa Debit Visa Electron American Express
Name as it appears on the card
Start date of the card (MM/YY) Expiry date of the card (MM/YY)
Security code
(This is the 3 digit number on the reverse of most cards. For American Express cards, this is the 4 digit number found on the front of the card
on the right hand side)
Payment details
This page, including your card details, will be securely disposed of once your application has been
processed and the payment details have been securely stored.
Upon completion of the application, please contact our
Broker Sales Team for support.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1475 788 682
Toll free from US: 1-877-539-6296
For policies arranged through our Dubai International Finance Centre oce, under insurance license Cigna Global Insurance Company Limited, the underwriting agent is
Cigna Insurance Management Services (DIFC) Limited which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.
Cigna Healthcare name, logo and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by The Cigna Group and its operating subsidiaries. All
products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, and not by The Cigna Group. Such operating subsidiaries include Cigna Global Insurance
Company Limited, Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.–N.V., Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. and Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited. ©
2023 Cigna Healthcare. All rights reserved
Close Care
Application Form Broker 09/2023