Everyday Compound or Poison?
Everyday Compound or Poison?
by ReadWorks
periodic table
All elements found on the periodic table have certain distinct properties. Elements are single types of
atoms, while atoms are the fundamental building blocks of all matter. Gold, for instance, is a soft,
naturally occurring metal known for being beautiful and desired. Gold is malleable, and while it is found
naturally in the environment, it is often reworked and incorporated into fine jewelry. Oxygen is a
necessary and naturally occurring element. It's an invisible, odorless gas that's a crucial part of the air we
breathe and necessary for our bodies to function properly. Often, elements like those noted are
combined in varying ways to create new chemical substances.
Chemical substances react in certain ways and also have certain discernible properties. For instance,
when an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms come together they form water, which is essential to life.
When the atoms of a specific substance are regrouped, a new substance is formed with often vastly
different properties from the original substance. Occasionally something completely harmless, or even
necessary, can become dangerous or lethal when its molecules (a grouping of two or more atoms) are
The components of table salt are a good example of how different substances can look when their atoms
are rearranged. Common table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is an interesting chemical compound
because, while it is commonly consumed by humans, when you separate its elements-sodium and
chlorine-you are left with something quite different from the edible seasoning known as salt.
The components of salt are sodium and chlorine, both of which are harmful for human consumption and
even contact. Sodium requires great care when being handled. If it comes into contact with water, the
reaction can be flammable, while powdered sodium has the potential to be combustible (explosive) in
oxygen or air.
Chlorine, meanwhile, is an extremely caustic and dangerous substance. Chlorine is used primarily as a
cleaning agent; it is commonly used in swimming pools to render them sanitary, but is mixed with other
chemicals and diluted for these purposes. This is what makes it safe for people to swim in swimming
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Everyday Compound or Poison?
Chlorine has also had other, more dangerous uses in the past. Chlorine is a toxic gas that is extremely
harmful to the respiratory system and may also react with certain flammable materials. When chlorine
reacts with the mucous of the lungs, it can create a potentially lethal compound known as hydrochloric
acid. During World War I, chlorine gas was used by Germany as a chemical weapon. It only takes a few
deep breaths of the gas, at a certain potency, to cause death.
Hydrochloric acid, a clear solution of hydrogen and chlorine in water, has other uses, however, including
household cleaning and food processing. It's also found naturally in the body's gastric acid. Hydrochloric
acid is found in food-grade purification levels in products such as aspartame, fructose and citric acid, as
well as in gelatin production.
Another, perhaps more familiar, example of atoms being regrouped to form a different compound is
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. These gases are mentioned often and frequently mistaken for one
another, but each serves very different purposes. The scientific difference between the two compounds
is the number of oxygen atoms bonded with the carbon atom. But the general difference-the one we
notice as humans-is quite significant.
Both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are colorless, odorless gases. Carbon monoxide occurs
naturally in animal metabolism, plant photosynthesis, volcano eruption, forest fires and other combustion.
It also comes from manmade processes like operating a stove. When carbon monoxide accumulates in a
contained area, it can become lethal to humans. People who directly inhale enough carbon monoxide will
lose consciousness and eventually die.
Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, occurs naturally in the atmosphere. One way carbon dioxide is
produced is through the breathing processes of humans and animals. Carbon dioxide is also emitted in
the burning of fossil fuels. Additionally, carbon dioxide can be found in lakes and at the bottom of the
While carbon dioxide occurs naturally and is not known to be as harmful as carbon monoxide, it can still
be dangerous to humans when inhaled in certain quantities.
Slight chemical changes can radically modify the characteristics of a compound, and we don't have to
look to radically different elements to find enormous differences. Sometimes only a small difference in
chemical composition results in a very important alteration.
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ReadWorks Vocabulary - component
component  com · po · nent
Advanced Definition
1. a part or element of a whole; constituent.
One of the engine's components is damaged.
Vegetables are an important component of a healthy diet.
1. acting as a component; belonging to; composing.
the component parts of an airplane engine.
Spanish cognate
componente: The Spanish word componente means component.
These are some examples of how the word or forms of the word are used:
1. We all know that technological progress is not an actual magic show. Still, it almost seems like
magic the way the transistor, the main component in all modern electronics, has diminished in size
since being invented in 1947.
2. Atoms are made up of even smaller component structures. Again, there's no way for us to
observe these structures physically. That's what sets them apart from the physical properties of
matter, which, as we know, are discernible to our five senses.
3. Remember, in the 1960s, computers were the size of entire rooms, and extremely expensive to
use; not quite the same as the smart phone that fits in the palm of your hand. Back then,
$500,000 would buy you about four computer work stations and a mainframe that could design
you a few small components for a vehicle.
4. "Protein, [such as] lean meat and low-fat dairy, really helps with muscle building and recovery, so
for athletes looking to gain muscle mass, that's a big component," Langford says. "You really don't
get the full benefit of your training if you're not having that recovery nutrition." a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich or chicken breast with veggies are both great options after a workout.
5. NPC is a cancer that grows in the nasopharynx, the uppermost region of the throat, where the
nasal cavities open into it. In the United States, NPC is relatively rare, occurring in just seven of
every 1 million Americans. NPC has a strong genetic component, explains Costantino, which is
why the cancer is more common in Southeast Asia and among immigrant families from that
6. Also at the Johnson Space Center is an enormous building where astronauts train before heading
to the ISS. The building houses models of the various components that make up the huge space
station. There were two Russian cosmonauts walking around during the tour.
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Definitions and sample sentences within definitions are provided by Wordsmyth. © 2015 Wordsmyth. All rights reserved.
ReadWorks Vocabulary - regroup
regroup  re · group
Advanced Definition
transitive verb & intransitive verb
1. to form into a group or groups again.
2. to assemble again or reorganize, as military forces after a battle.
These are some examples of how the word or forms of the word are used:
1. When the atoms of a specific substance are regrouped, a new substance is formed with often
vastly different properties from the original substance. Occasionally something completely
harmless, or even necessary, can become dangerous or lethal when its molecules (a grouping of
two or more atoms) are regrouped.
2. They scattered in all directions when they saw the car approach, and they regrouped as soon as it
passed, talking excitedly, waving their arms. Men and women on bicycles waved as Xiufen and
her dad passed.
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Definitions and sample sentences within definitions are provided by Wordsmyth. © 2015 Wordsmyth. All rights reserved.
ReadWorks Vocabulary - substance
substance  sub · stance
1. a particular kind of matter or material.
She was covered with a sticky substance.
Advanced Definition
1. that of which something is made; matter.
2. a specific kind of matter.
a liquid substance
3. essence; meaning; gist.
4. density; body.
a sauce with no substance
5. that which is solid, actual, or real in character.
6. wealth.
a family of substance
Spanish cognate
sustancia: The Spanish word sustancia means substance.
These are some examples of how the word or forms of the word are used:
1. Do you know how to change the properties, structure and state of matter of a substance? If you have made ice before, the answer is yes.
2. When coal burns, it gives off a lot of darkcolored smoke. Soot is a black substance that is
collected on a surface that comes into contact with smoke.
3. Reducing global drug violence depends on reducing demand for illegal substances, Mineta says.
The United States is the world's biggest consumer of illegal drugs. And teens do their fair share of
drug use: According to Students Against Destructive Decisions, half of all American teens try an
illicit drug by the time they finish high school.
4. In humans, diet is strongly linked to heart disease. Eating foods high in saturated fat can cause
cholesterol to build to dangerous levels in the body. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance the
body needs in moderate amounts to build and repair cells. When cholesterol levels are too high,
blockages can form in the arteries, the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
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Definitions and sample sentences within definitions are provided by Wordsmyth. © 2015 Wordsmyth. All rights reserved.
ReadWorks Vocabulary - substance
5. The reef may look like a rock but it's actually alive. Coral reefs are underwater structures that are
made by corals-tiny animals that are related to jellyfish. The coral have tender bodies that are
vulnerable to attack, so they secrete a hard substance called calcium carbonate to protect their
exteriors. The calcium carbonate builds up until it makes formations that look like rocks to the
human eye.
6. At some point in the juice-making process, all the water has been removed from the fruit. What's
left behind is frozen. That new substance-the concentrate-takes up a lot less space and is easy
to move from one place to another. The concentrate still has all the vitamins and minerals from the
original fruit. So if you buy a carton of orange juice from concentrate, that means that water has
been added back to the concentrate to make your juice.
7. A sponge-like substance, coral can be a variety of different hues-sometimes they are green,
sometimes brown, sometimes even blue or pink.
8. The air was thick with smoke, dust, and dangerous toxins, or poisonous substances. Many human
rescue workers wore masks, but the dogs worked without protective gear. They needed their
noses free so they could sniff out victims.
9. In a person with diabetes, the body makes little or no insulin. That is a substance that the body
needs to help convert glucose, a sugar in food, into energy.
10. Artificial steroids are substances, including drugs, that can help an athlete become stronger.
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Definitions and sample sentences within definitions are provided by Wordsmyth. © 2015 Wordsmyth. All rights reserved.
Everyday Compound or Poison? - Comprehension Questions
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
1. . What happens when the atoms of a substance are regrouped?
A. gold becomes malleable
B. the atoms break apart and disappear
C. a new substance is formed
D. the substance stays the same
2. The creation of carbon monoxide is an effect. What is one cause?
A. the regrouping of the atoms in table salt
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. cleaning swimming pools
D. operating a stove
3. Table salt can be separated into sodium and chlorine. Sodium is explosive. Chlorine is a
gas that can kill people.
What can be concluded from the statements above?
A. A harmful compound can become harmless when its elements are separated.
B. A harmless compound can become harmful when its elements are separated.
C. Breaking a compound into its separate elements has no noticeable effects.
D. Breaking a compound into its separate elements can create carbon dioxide.
4. Based on the information in the passage, what is true of gases?
A. Some, but not all, gases are harmful to humans.
B. Any gas with carbon in it is not harmful to humans.
C. All gases are harmful to humans.
D. No gases are harmful to humans.
5. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Germany's use of chlorine in World War I as a chemical weapon
B. hydrochloric acid, aspartame, fructose, citric acid, and gelatin production
C. the similarities and differences between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
D. changes in chemical compounds and the effects of those changes
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Everyday Compound or Poison? - Comprehension Questions
6. Read the following sentences: "When the atoms of a specific substance are regrouped,
a new substance is formed with often vastly different properties from the original
substance. Occasionally something completely harmless, or even necessary, can become
dangerous or lethal when its molecules (a grouping of two or more atoms) are regrouped."
What does the word properties mean above?
A. extremely large amounts
B. places where experiments are done
C. qualities or characteristics
D. elements or compounds
7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
Oxygen by itself is not harmful; _______, it can become harmful when combined with
A. however
B. for instance
C. in summary
D. namely
8. What is hydrochloric acid?
9. What is hydrochloric acid used for?
10. Should people make changes to chemical compounds? Support your answer with
evidence from the passage.
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Everyday Compound or Poison? - Comprehension Questions Answer Key
1. . What happens when the atoms of a substance are regrouped?
A. gold becomes malleable
B. the atoms break apart and disappear
C. a new substance is formed
D. the substance stays the same
2. The creation of carbon monoxide is an effect. What is one cause?
A. the regrouping of the atoms in table salt
B. the burning of fossil fuels
C. cleaning swimming pools
D. operating a stove
3. Table salt can be separated into sodium and chlorine. Sodium is explosive. Chlorine is a gas
that can kill people.
What can be concluded from the statements above?
A. A harmful compound can become harmless when its elements are separated.
B. A harmless compound can become harmful when its elements are separated.
C. Breaking a compound into its separate elements has no noticeable effects.
D. Breaking a compound into its separate elements can create carbon dioxide.
4. Based on the information in the passage, what is true of gases?
A. Some, but not all, gases are harmful to humans.
B. Any gas with carbon in it is not harmful to humans.
C. All gases are harmful to humans.
D. No gases are harmful to humans.
5. What is this passage mainly about?
A. Germany's use of chlorine in World War I as a chemical weapon
B. hydrochloric acid, aspartame, fructose, citric acid, and gelatin production
C. the similarities and differences between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
D. changes in chemical compounds and the effects of those changes
6. Read the following sentences: "When the atoms of a specific substance are regrouped, a
new substance is formed with often vastly different properties from the original substance.
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Everyday Compound or Poison? - Comprehension Questions Answer Key
Occasionally something completely harmless, or even necessary, can become dangerous or
lethal when its molecules (a grouping of two or more atoms) are regrouped."
What does the word properties mean above?
A. extremely large amounts
B. places where experiments are done
C. qualities or characteristics
D. elements or compounds
7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below.
Oxygen by itself is not harmful; _______, it can become harmful when combined with carbon.
A. however
B. for instance
C. in summary
D. namely
8. What is hydrochloric acid?
Hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen and chlorine in water.
9. What is hydrochloric acid used for?
Hydrochloric acid is used for household cleaning and food processing.
10. Should people make changes to chemical compounds? Support your answer with
evidence from the passage.
Answers may vary, as long as they are supported by the passage. Students
arguing that people should not make changes to chemical compounds may
point out the dangers of doing so. For example, breaking salt into its
component elements, sodium and chlorine, creates two harmful
substances. On the other hand, students may argue that combining
elements can be helpful. One example is hydrochloric acid, a combination
of hydrogen, chlorine, and water that is used for household cleaning and
food processing.
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