IT Program Management
Career Path Guide
a New Day for the Federal Service
November 2011
The Director
Washington. DC 20415
NOV l 8 
Memorandum for Chief Human Capital Officers
John Berry
IT Program Management Career Path Guide
In continued support of the White House's
25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal
Information Technology Management,
the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has
developed the IT Program Management Career Path Guide and recommended training
curriculum for the newly-established Information Technology (IT) Program Management job
title. OPM worked closely with the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council and the U.S.
Office of Management and Budget on this project, initiated in May 2011, and included subject
matter expert participation in various focus group meetings to develop the content for this
product. The resulting resource builds upon tbe IT Program Management Competency Model
released by OPM in July 2011, and provides guidance to Federal agencies on the creation and
improvement of the IT Program Management career path at each agency.
The information presented in this Guide captures critical activities for agencies to achieve
success in Federal IT Program Management through recruitment. development. and retention of
talent. This Guide serves as a roadmap for individuals interested in pursuing or advancing in
IT Program Management career. The Guide also constitutes a single-source reference for
both employees and supervisors to support training and development initiatives within the IT
Program Management career field.
Thank you for your continued support of this important initiative. If you have any questions
regarding the IT Program Manager Career Path Guide, please contact Julie Brill. Manager of
Training and Executive Development, by telephone at (202) 606-5067 or by e-mail at
cc: Human Resources Directors
Recruit, Retain and Honor a World-Clas
Workforce to Serve the American People
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in collaboration with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) and in support of the White House’s 25 Point Implementation
Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management, has gathered data from IT
Program Manager subject matter experts to create a career path and suggested training
curriculum for the newly established Federal Information Technology Program Management
job title. This Career Path Guide was developed to provide guidance to Federal agencies
interested in creating or enhancing their own IT Program Management career path. The
information presented in this Guide captures critical activities for agencies to achieve success in
Federal IT Program Management through recruitment, development, and retention of top
Purpose and Objectives
This Career Path Guide was based on the IT Program Management Competency Model
established by OPM in July 2011, and focuses on general and technical competencies pertinent
to the IT Program Management career field. The competency model can be viewed at This Guide
serves as a roadmap for individuals interested in pursuing a career in IT Program Management,
and provides employees and their supervisors with a single-source reference to determine
appropriate training opportunities for career advancement. This Guide will also help
employees plan and sequence appropriate career training and development by providing
valuable information in the following areas:
Identifying the typical and non-typical career paths into GS-13, GS-14, and
GS-15 level IT Program Management positions, as well as the success factors
that contribute to career development and successful performance. The
Guide provides a career progression outline of avenues for employees to move
among and across jobs in Federal IT Program Management. Please note,
however, the career paths identified in this Guide by subject matter experts do
not constitute an exclusive list, and employees may identify alternative ways to
successfully progress into the field of IT Program Management. The Guide also
presents a number of success factors enabling individuals to maximize Federal
IT Program Management performance and career advancement.
Identifying key work behaviors, training options, and developmental
opportunities associated with each competency. The Guide helps employees
and supervisors make effective use of training resources by determining
appropriate coursework and developmental experiences for each competency.
Listing common degrees and certifications completed by IT Program
Managers in the Federal Sector. While a degree or certificate is not required to
advance in the Federal IT Program Management field, many individuals in this
occupation possess
some type of certification or credentialing. Industry job experts commonly
emphasize the importance of both experience and coursework for successful
performance as an IT Program Manager.
Differentiating Job Titles within the GS-2210 Series
According to the Job Family Standard for the Information Technology Management Series
GS-2210, found at
TransmittalID=3961, this series is defined as covering “two-grade interval administrative positions
that manage, supervise, lead, administer, develop, deliver, and support information technology
(IT) systems and services. This series covers only those positions for which the paramount
requirement is knowledge of IT principles, concepts, and methods; e.g., data storage, software
applications, networking.
Three basic titles fall under the GS-2210 Job Series, including IT Specialist, IT Project Manager,
and IT Program Manager. This Guide focuses on the career progression for the IT Program
Manager job title; however, users of the Guide should understand the differences among the
three titles for this occupation.
IT Specialist: Work that involves developing, delivering, and supporting IT systems and services.
Parenthetical specialty titles (listed below) can be applied to the basic title to further identify the
duties performed and special knowledge and skills required.
IT Project Manager: Work that involves directly managing information technology projects to
provide a unique service or product. Please note that a project has been defined in the Project
Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®, an American
National Standard ANSI/PMI 99-001-2000) as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product, service, or result.” The essential distinction between IT projects and other
projects is that an IT project involves the delivery of an information technology product, service,
or system.
IT Program Manager: Work that involves managing one or more major multi-year IT initiatives of
such magnitude they must be carried out through multiple related IT projects. The IT program
manager leads, coordinates, communicates, integrates and is accountable for the overall
of the program, ensuring alignment with critical agency priorities. They are responsible for
ensuring the work efforts achieve the outcome specified within the agency’s business strategy,
including appropriate strategic, life cycle management and capital IT investment plans. Work
includes project selection, prioritization, evaluation and monitoring, cost schedule management,
risk management, quality management and resource allocations.
Individuals interested in the IT program management field, should understand the key distinction
between projects and programs. Specifically, a project has a defined beginning and end while a
program constitutes an ongoing operation. A project serves to develop, modify, or enhance a
product, service, or system and is constrained by the relationships among scope, resources, and
time. In contrast, a program encompasses the missions, functions, operations, activities, laws,
rules, and regulations that an agency is authorized and funded by statute to administer and
enforce. Additionally, a program typically provides products and/or services to the public,
and agencies distribute available funding and provide ongoing staff support to carry out a
continuing program.
OPM has prescribed the following 11 parenthetical titles to provide further specificity to job
titles within the Information Technology Management series, GS-2210:
Policy and Planning
Enterprise Architecture
Systems Analysis
Applications Software
Operating Systems
Network Services
Data Management
Systems Administration
Customer Support
Understanding the Career Path
A career path is a progression of positions in one or more occupational series. As
illustrated on page 4, each level of the IT Program Manager career path is comprised of entry
and exit points; the solid lines represent typical career movement, while the dotted lines are
representative of non-typical career patterns. Double-sided arrows signify movement both in
and out of a certain level, while single-sided arrows indicate movement in only one direction.
At the GS-13 level, it is common for individuals to come into Federal IT Program Management
via the private sector, as well as from General Schedule occupations (GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-
801, GS-1550, GS-301, GS-340, GS-343, GS-346). Individuals also exit Federal IT Program
Management in pursuit of these opportunities. Individuals at all levels commonly transfer into
Federal IT Program Management from the Military; however, individuals in IT Program
Management positions rarely leave their positions to serve in the Military. IT Program
Management positions also rarely involve entry from, or exit to, non-profit organizations,
academia, and state and local government.
Typical Career Path for
IT Program Management GS-2210
SES Policy
This graphic shows a bird’s eye view of how individuals progress through career
stages in the IT Management Series (2210). Solid arrows represent the most
common career advancement; dotted arrows represent equally viable, but less
common advancement. See Appendix 1 for a full text description.
IT Specialist
Private Sector
GS-2210, GS-1101,
GS-301, GS-340,
(entry, not exit)
Private Sector
GS-1101, GS-801,
GS-1550, GS-301,
GS-340, GS-343,
(entry, not exit)
GS-2210 Program Manager
Private Sector Military
State/Local Govt.
Federal Series
GS-1101, GS-801, GS-1550,
GS-301, GS-340, GS-343, GS-346,
Federal Series:
GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-801, GS-1550,
GS-301, GS-340, GS-343, GS-346
GS-2210 Program Manager
State/Local Govt.
Private Sector
Federal Series:
GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-801,
GS-1550, GS-301, GS-340, GS-343,
GS-2210 Program Manager
State/Local Govt.
Military Private Sector
Solid arrows represent the most common career
advancement; dotted arrows represent equally
viable, but less common advancement. See
Appendix 1 for a full text description.
Federal Series:
GS-2210, GS-1101,
GS-301, GS-340,
Chief Information
Officer (CIO)
Federal Series:
GS-2210, GS-1101,
GS-301, GS-340,
IT Specialist
Private Sector
State/Local Govt.
SES Policy
GS-2210 Program Manager
Senior Executive Service (SES)
GS-2210 Program Manager
State/Local Govt.
Private Sector
Solid arrows represent the most common career advancement;
dotted arrows represent equally viable, but less common
advancement. See Appendix 1 for a full text description.
Success Factors
Success factors provide guidance on how individuals can maximize performance and career
success as they progress through career stages in IT Program Management. These success
factors represent "pieces of advice" from subject matter experts who have reflected on their
experience in the IT Program Management field and provided a roadmap to maximize
performance and career advancement. Note that many of the success factors indicated in this
Guide do not tie to any particular specialty area or grade level. Additionally, these statements
do not tie to any specific competency or developmental experience. After reading through the
success factors, individuals should seek clarification from their supervisor on how best to
implement some of the suggestions. The following constitute a list of success factors identified
by subject matter experts in developing this Guide:
Gain a broad experience in project management by managing multiple projects.
Gain solid foundational knowledge in dealing with software, security networks, etc.
Possess the ability to effectively speak to technical and business audiences.
Develop a broad technical background.
Develop proficiency in contract/subcontracting management, particularly managing
different types of contracts, such as Cost, Firm Fixed Price, Time and Materials,
Research and Development, Hybrid, Interagency, Operations and Sustainment,
Software Development, Network Services, COTS Integration, Systems Acquisition, etc.
Develop outstanding oral and written communication skills.
Learn how to manage in multi-stakeholder environment.
Develop a strong understanding of the strategic roles of stakeholders.
Gain an understanding of the political environment.
Develop effective talent management skill be able to orchestrate a cross-functional
Gain as much real-world experience as possible working with multiple and different
types of projects and programs, as well working with a variety of stakeholders (e.g.,
by participating in rotational assignments inside or outside of the agency).
Develop the ability to build consensus.
Gather and manage the developing requirements of customers, setting expectations
as appropriate.
Gain knowledge of the legislative and regulatory requirements surrounding IT
Program Management.
IT Program Management GS-13, GS-14, GS-15
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Development Activities
Risk Management: Knowledge of methods
and tools used for risk assessment and
mitigation, including assessment of failures
and their consequences.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Proactively identifies IT program risks and threats;
accurately assesses, prioritizes, plans risk
responses, and tracks and controls risks.
2. Develops an effective risk management plan for a
3. Assesses and approves risk management plans for
4. Coordinates the interdependencies of risk
management across systems and
5. Identifies and recommends risk management
strategies relevant to policies and
6. Determines the relevancy of policies and
regulations and applies them to the risk
management plan.
7. Develops and shares best practices regarding risk
8. Effectively communicates change across the
Courses/Subject Areas:
Risk Analysis Techniques
IT Risk Management
Risk Estimation
Practice Standard for Risk Management
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate in a technical management
professional association that addresses risk
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate or lead an Integrated
Product/Process Team (IPT)
Change Management: Knowledge of change
management principles, strategies, and
techniques required for effectively planning,
implementing, and evaluating change in the
*Behaviors at different grade levels may
vary based upon unique program factors
such as risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Prioritizes and adjusts plans, schedules, and
resources in response to changing needs and
competing priorities.
2. Identifies the impacts of change on business
3. Designs and implements a change management
plan to manage changes to the program scope,
schedule, quality, and costs.
4. Updates relevant plans and communicates
approved changes.
5. Develops and approves program tolerance
plans within the program.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Change Management
Strategic Planning and Analysis
Program Change Requests
Project Management Body of Knowledge
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate in a Professional Association
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Participate or lead an Integrated
Product/Process Team (IPT)
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Development Activities
Project Management: Knowledge of the
principles, methods, or tools for developing,
scheduling, coordinating, and managing
projects and resources, including monitoring
and inspecting costs, work, and contractor
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Develops resource estimates related to cost,
schedule, and performance.
2. Oversees execution of the project and closely
monitors program progress; responds and
adapts plans to changes and manages risk.
3. Assesses the value and organizational impact of
the project, ensuring that the target benefits
are measurable and related to business goals.
4. Recognizes, understands, and interprets earned
value management (EVM) and other
performance evaluation policies,
methodologies, and applicable software tools.
5. Manages and understands the application of EVM,
the criticality of the Integrated Baseline Review
(IBR) process, and how to interpret the EVM
indicators and resulting analysis.
6. Develops and documents a work breakdown
structure (WBS) and resource loaded project
schedule using common project information
systems technology and software.
7. Monitors and reports progress and performance
of the program with regard to scope, schedule,
cost, resources, quality, and risk.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Project Management Applications
Project Management Body of Knowledge
Project Management for Information Systems
Managing the Execution and Control of IT
Software Development/Engineering
Enterprise Architecture
IT Risk Management
Contract Management
Requirements Management
Developmental Opportunities:
Serve as a COTR/COR for a project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Conduct post-implementation and baseline
Serve as a tester of an IT project Participate
in a Professional Association
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Development Activities
Requirements Analysis: Knowledge of the
principles and methods to identify, analyze,
specify, design, and manage functional and
infrastructure requirements; includes
translating functional requirements into
technical requirements used for logical design
or presenting alternative technologies or
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Identifies and uses appropriate techniques for
requirements elicitation, analysis, and
recording to accurately translate user needs
into specified and derived functional and
system performance requirements.
2. Ensures the use of standards or requirements for
infrastructure, associated configuration and
change management.
3. Builds consensus to validate and finalize
4. Develops and implements a requirements
management process.
5. Provides for traceability of engineering and
specification requirements back to the
user/mission requirements.
6. Effectively manages stakeholders’ competing
7. Formulates and approves policies and
Courses/Subject Areas:
Requirements Management
Project Scope and Requirements Management
Systems Requirements Analysis
How to Gather and Document User
Translating Functional into Technical
Requirements Trade-off Analysis
Reviewing and Approving Requirements
Developmental Opportunities:
Shadow a requirements analysis expert
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate on an integrated project team
developing and assessing requirements
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Development Activities
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Knowledge of the
principles and methods of cost-benefit
analysis, including the time value of money,
present value concepts, and quantifying
tangible and intangible benefits.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Evaluates return on investment analyses of key
investments related to IT programs.
2. Evaluate return on investment of following
systems development life cycle or program life
cycle processes compared to skipping established
processes based on the complexity, scope, and risk
of work to be delivered.
3. Identifies the interdependencies of benefits being
delivered among various projects within the
4. Ensures target benefits are specific, measurable,
actual, realistic, and time-based.
5. Identifies, collects, verifies, and validates
individual project cost and schedule estimates
of aggregate costs to a program-level business
6. Develops business cases that effectively and
efficiently offer sound business solutions based on
quantitative and qualitative decision criteria.
Performs business case analysis to ensure the
optimal implementation of best value business
solutions that balance cost, schedule, and
performance risks of the project or program.
7. Applies and manages the appropriate forms of
cost and schedule estimating, cost analysis,
reconciliation of cost estimates, cost-benefit
analysis, and Net Present Value analysis.
8. Plans and conducts trade-off studies.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Benefits Measurement and Analysis Techniques
Benefit Optimization
Business Value Measurement
Decision Tree Analysis
Impact Assessment Techniques
Earned Value Management
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate or lead an Integrated
Product/Process Team (IPT)
Participate in a Professional Association
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Development Activities
Systems Life Cycle: Knowledge of systems life
cycle management concepts used to plan,
develop, implement, operate, and maintain
information systems.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Plans, approves, and implements disciplined life
cycle management processes and IT governance
frameworks for programs.
2. Ensures compliance with relevant public law,
policy, and regulation as it pertains to the life
cycle of a program.
3. Manages the IT systems life cycle to optimize
system availability, supportability, and
reliability/maintainability, while efficiently
using resources.
4. Provides technical and management
guidance to project managers on systems life
cycle concepts.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Information Systems Life Cycle Management
Systems Engineering Life Cycle
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate or lead an Integrated
Product/Process Team (IPT)
Technology Awareness: Knowledge of
developments and new applications of
information technology (hardware, software,
telecommunications), emerging technologies
and their applications to business processes,
and applications and implementation of
information systems to meet organizational
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Keeps abreast of latest technology, information,
research, etc., to maintain knowledge in relevant
and appropriate fields within Information
2. Communicates and translates the opportunities of
new technologies to the strategic objectives and
Courses/Subject Areas:
Technology Readiness Assessments
Technology Awareness
Information Management
Developmental Opportunities:
Read trade journals
Engage in frequent training, webinars, and
workshops to maintain a current knowledge of IT
IT Program Management GS-14, GS-15
While proficiency in these focus areas is important at the GS-13 level, this set of competencies is critical for successful performance at
the GS-14 and GS-15 levels.
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Information Technology Program
Management: Knowledge of the principles,
methods, and tools for the coordinated
management of an IT program to include
providing oversight of multiple IT projects,
integrating dependent schedules and
deliverables, and related activities (for example,
benefits management, life cycle management,
program governance).
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Manages the overall planning, execution, and
timely delivery of multiple projects.
2. Manages a portfolio to assess program health
and prioritize the various projects within the
3. Objectively advocates for program’s
organizational business value and funding
needs to senior management.
4. Oversees the implementation of plans,
procurements, risks and deliverables of program
elements; develops and tracks performance
metrics and provides regular program-level
status updates.
5. Manages and evaluates the requirements
development process to mitigate impact on
cost, schedule, and performance.
6. Interprets, evaluates, and/or implements IT
program management approaches.
7. Establishes a program charter (including budget,
resources, stakeholders, authorities, scope,
risks, constraints, dependencies).
8. Researches and analyzes data from a variety of
sources to build a business case for approval of IT
projects and programs.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Project Management Applications
Project Management for Information Systems
Managing the Execution and Control of IT
Software Development/ Engineering
The Standard for Program Management
Developmental Opportunities:
Work in a Project Management Office
Serve as a COTR/COR for a project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Conduct post-implementation and baseline
Conduct operational analysis on steady state
Serve as a tester of an IT project
Detail or work in a CIO office
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Stakeholder Management: Knowledge of the
concepts, practices, and techniques used to
identify, engage, influence, and monitor
relationships with individuals and groups
connected to a work effort; including those
actively involved, those who exert influence
over the process and its results, and those who
have a vested interest in the outcome (positive
or negative).
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
**GS-15 (stakeholders change and include
organizations such as GAO, CIO, OMB,
1. Identifies all stakeholders, internal and external,
formal and informal; reports to stakeholders
formally and informally.
2. Sets clear expectations for stakeholders and
establishes a mechanism for stakeholder input
and feedback throughout the program life cycle.
3. Identifies an escalation procedure for stakeholder
issue management.
4. Proposes solutions for stakeholder issues;
resolves identified issues.
5. Prepares and implements a program level
stakeholder management plan that aligns with
organizational objectives and considers the
various levels of stakeholders.
6. Develops a communication strategy to engage
stakeholders, manage their expectations, and
improve their acceptance of the objectives of
the program.
7. Accurately capture stakeholder needs and
expectations, and maintain stakeholder
support through effective consensus
8. Engages and facilitates affected stakeholders,
manages their expectations to improve their
acceptance of the program objectives, schedule,
and metrics.
9. Generates buy-in to the business goals and
technical approach of the program.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Forging Stakeholder Relationships
Conflict Resolution
Consensus Building
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate in a Professional Association and
volunteer to work on a sub-committee
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Participate or lead an Integrated
Product/Process Team (IPT)
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Acquisition Strategy: Knowledge of the
principles and methods for developing an
integrated acquisition management plan that
describes the business, technical, and support
strategies, including the relationship between
the acquisition phases, work efforts, and key
program events (for example, decision points,
contract awards, test activities).
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Formally initiates an acquisition project; develops
acquisition schedule, expectations and
requirements plan.
2. Formulates an acquisition strategy that
incorporates risk mitigation strategies
and opportunity costs.
3. Interprets and applies policies for emerging IT
acquisition strategies; manages the application
of government and agency acquisition policies to
meet user and mission requirements.
4. Identifies and develops selection criteria and
required pre- and post-award actions to
meet acquisition project goals.
5. Utilizes Earned Value Management (EVM) and
other performance evaluation systems to
control and evaluate acquisition investments.
6. Manages the leadership and management
processes associated with acquisition and
acquisition planning.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Systems Acquisition Management
IT Systems Engineering
Cost Analysis
Earned Value Management
Acquisition Law
Intermediate Acquisition Logistics
Boot Camp: COR Training
GSA Schedule
Government Contract Vehicles
Performance-Based Contracts
Social Impact & Consequences to Technical
Technology Security Acquisition Planning
Technology Security Acquisition Efficiency
Developmental Opportunities:
Participate in a Professional Association and
volunteer to work on a sub-committee
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Test physical, logical, operational processes and
Serve on proposal review and technical
evaluation teams
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Financial Management: Prepares, justifies,
and/or administers the budget for program
areas; plans, administers, and monitors
expenditures to ensure cost-effective support
of programs and policies
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as risk,
complexity, cost, location, and stakeholders.
1. Develops short- or long-term financing plans, or
identifies funding sources.
2. Prepares budget requests or justifications for
3. Reviews and recommends the approval or
disapproval of funding requests.
4. Manages budget (for example, monitors
expenditures or income).
5. Monitors and controls burn rates against the
spending plan.
6. Applies Earned Value Management (EVM) and
other performance evaluation methods,
processes, and tools.
7. Provides guidance and approves/recommends the
program budget.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Budget Processes and Procedures
Economic Forecasting/Analysis
Cost Management
Financial Closure Processes
Developmental Opportunities:
Detail to an IT program management office or
Participate on an interagency or intra-agency
task force, working group, or project
Serve as a project manager for a smaller project
Participate or lead an Integrated Product/Process
Team (IPT)
IT Program Management GS-15
While proficiency in these focus areas is important at the GS-13 and GS-14 levels, this set of competencies is critical for successful
performance at the GS-15 level.
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Capital Planning and Investment Assessment:
Knowledge of the principles and methods of
capital investment analysis or business case
analysis, including return on investment analysis.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Formulates comprehensive business cases
for IT capital expenditures.
2. Formulates cost-estimating processes,
methods, techniques, analytical principles,
data, confidence bands, specialized costing,
application of OMB A-94, and management
3. Reviews and assesses business cases to
ensure compliance with relevant
4. Develops and implements strategies for
assessing the value that IT projects create
within the agency.
5. Recognizes, understands, and interprets
earned value management (EVM) and other
performance evaluation policies,
methodologies, and applicable software
6. Manages and understands the application of
EVM, the criticality of the Integrated
Baseline Review (IBR) process, and how to
interpret the EVM indicators and resulting
7. Effectively integrates return on investment
analysis, outcome-based performance
metrics, and performance assessment
8. Conducts regular evaluations to ensure
continued investment performance and
project goal completion.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Information Resources Strategy and Planning
IT Performance Assessment: Models and Methods
Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)
Weighing Benefits of Alternative IT Investments
Capital Investment Analysis- Models and Methods
Business Case Analysis
Government Budget Process
Exhibit 300
Technical Consequence Management and Strategy
Contingency Cost to Performance Analysis
Performance Assessment
Investment Review Process
Scheduling and Cost Control
Applied Earned Value Management (EVM)
Developmental Opportunities:
Participate in cross-organizational detail assignments
Project/Program Human Capital Assessment
Financial Planning
Organizational Performance Baseline to Technical
Review OMB Exhibit 300 materials
Cost Estimation
Building an IT Business Case
Integrating Performance with Mission and Budget
Integrating Risk Assessment Programs
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Information Resources Strategy & Planning:
Knowledge of the principles, methods, and
techniques of information technology (IT)
assessment, planning, management,
monitoring, and evaluation, such as IT baseline
assessment, interagency functional analysis,
contingency planning, and disaster recovery.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Conducts an initial program assessment by
defining the program objectives,
requirements, and risks in order to ensure
program alignment with agency goals.
2. Effectively applies management processes,
including requirements development
processes and performance-based
acquisition principles, to support the
agency’s mission to develop an acquisition
program baseline from schedule
3. Establishes and maintains an effective IT
contingency plan; selects an appropriate
disaster recovery strategy.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Systems Test and Evaluation (Integrated)
Disaster Recovery Strategy
Fit-Gap Analysis
Technology Modeling
Technology Architecture Analysis
IT Baseline Assessment Analysis
Concepts of Rapid Prototyping
Technical Management Communication Strategy
Interdepartmental, Interagency IT Functional
IT Planning Methodologies
Contingency Planning
Monitoring and Evaluation Methods and
Developmental Opportunities:
Participation in professional/technical societies
Participation in a mentoring/coaching program
Establish an interagency IT body/forum
Participation/Contribution from contractors
Plan for detailing to other agencies/cross-
Integration of risk assessment projects
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Data Management: Knowledge of the
principles, procedures, and tools of data
management, such as modeling techniques,
data backup, data recovery, data dictionaries,
data warehousing, data mining, data disposal,
and data standardization processes.
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as risk,
complexity, cost, location, and stakeholders.
1. Engages in strategic intermediate and long-
term planning, coordinating and
implementation of data management
2. Ensures quality and consistency of data
management policy by establishing and
endorsing appropriate policies and
3. Engages in corrective action.
4. Coordinates data management strategies
across projects and programs.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Data Management Strategies
Data Warehousing
Data Recovery
Data Backup
Data Modeling
Ethics/Legal Issues
Data Security/Privacy
Informatics/Org. Communication
Information Technology Architecture
Developmental Opportunities:
Manage projects that involve resolving data
management issues
Participation in professional organizations
related to data management
Participation in a mentoring program
IT Program Management GS-13, GS-14, GS-15
General competencies are grouped by likeness into three distinct categories. The various work behaviors are relevant to all
competencies comprising each category.
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Problem Solving, Decision Making,
Accountability, Planning, and
Problem Solving: Identifies problems;
determines accuracy and relevance of
information; uses sound judgment to
generate and evaluate alternatives, and to
make recommendations.
Decision Making- Makes sound, well-
informed, and objective decisions;
perceives the impact and implications of
decisions; commits to action, even in
uncertain situations, to accomplish
organizational goals; causes change.
Accountability- Holds self and others
accountable for measurable high-
quality, timely, and cost-effective
results. Determines objectives, sets
priorities, and delegates work.
Accepts responsibility for mistakes.
Complies with established control
systems and rules.
1. Makes sound and timely tactical decisions for
projects, team, or work unit based on data;
decisions are made using sound tool set.
2. Prioritizes project steps and tasks.
3. Creates and executes quality assurance plans for
expected program results.
4. Assesses, analyzes information and issues and
provides alternatives analysis for managing
5. Makes sound and timely decisions for multiple
projects, teams, or work units assessing
interaction across interrelated projects in a
program; decisions are made using sound tool
6. Identifies potential and actual conflicts or issues
which may arise among multiple projects or
programs; formulates an action for resolution.
7. Prioritizes program issues and deliverables for
8. Makes sound and timely decisions for an
organization or across organizations, assessing
interaction across projects, programs and
portfolios, sometimes with limited information;
decisions are made using sound tool set.
9. Ensures program decisions align with agency
strategic goals.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Decision-Making Techniques
Go/No-Go Decision Criteria
Decision-Making Tools
Scheduler and Coordinator
Cost Control
Risk Management
Quality Management
Project Management Body of Knowledge
AGILE Development Course
Federal budget, contracting and acquisition,
MOU development, Clinger-Cohen, HR
processes (“Government 101”)
508 Compliance
Measuring Organizational Result
Personnel Management
Leadership Skills
Developmental Opportunities:
Establish an understanding on how your
contractors do business
Participate in an IT Exchange Program
Gain exposure to innovative IT practices
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
(Problem Solving, Decision Making,
Accountability, Planning, and Evaluating:
Planning and Evaluating- Organizes
work, sets priorities, and determines
resource requirements; determines
short- or long- term goals and
strategies to achieve them;
coordinates with other organizations
or parts of the organization to
accomplish goals; monitors progress
and evaluates outcomes
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
10. Identifies 2nd level and 3rd level consequences of
decisions, intended and unintended
11. Assesses, analyzes information and
issues and makes decisions managing
enterprise risk.
12. Develops scorecards, metrics, and/or
performance standards to accomplish
desired program results.
13. Identifies trade-offs and scenarios; provides and
evaluates options; formulates
recommendations for the best program
14. Disseminates decisions clearly to key
stakeholders ensuring terms and
intent are understood.
15. Evaluates network architecture, infrastructure, or
resource requirements (for example, bandwidth,
capacity, telecommunications).
16. Evaluates the applicability of off-the-shelf
(commercial or government) products or
17. Investigates and evaluates “state of the art”
technology of the industry.
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Leadership, Strategic Thinking,
Organizational Awareness, Political Savvy,
Influencing, and Negotiating:
Leadership- Influences, motivates, and
challenges others; adapts leadership styles to a
variety of situations.
Strategic Thinking- Formulates effective
strategies consistent with the business and
competitive strategy of the organization in a
global economy. Examines policy issues and
strategic planning with a long-term
perspective. Determines objectives and sets
priorities; anticipates potential threats or
Political Savvy- Identifies the internal and
external politics that impact the work of
the organization. Perceives organizational
and political reality and acts accordingly.
Organizational Awareness- Knows the
organization’s mission and functions, and how
its social, political, and technological systems
work and operates effectively within them; this
includes the programs, policies, procedures,
rules, and regulations of the organization.
Influencing/Negotiating- Persuades others to
accept recommendations, cooperate, or
change their behavior; works with others
towards an agreement; negotiates to find
mutually acceptable solutions
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as
risk, complexity, cost, location, and
1. Establishes and maintains a baseline
understanding of current organizational
2. Creates alternatives to mitigate organizational
risk and capitalizes on new and changing
3. Scans the environment for external trends
(i.e., technologies, policies, etc.), assesses
impact for possible adoption, and adapts
value-added innovations to transform service
4. Questions status quo and explores new ways
of meeting organizational needs.
5. Manages organizational expectations for
realistic program deliverables.
6. Creates and communicates a program vision.
7. Demonstrates ethics, integrity, and
professional conduct.
8. Provides a bridge between strategy and culture
to meet agency goals.
9. Serves as a bridge between CIO, legal,
acquisition, budget and IT communities to meet
customer needs.
10. Creates consensus (shows the win-win for all
stakeholders) and gets to an interest-based
outcome (versus a position-based outcome).
11. Ensures program decisions align with
agency strategic goals.
12. Establishes professional standards for
carrying out the program (i.e., establishing
customer service standards, collaborative
13. Understands stakeholder motivations and
utilizes them effectively to meet program goals.
14. Creates a collaborative environment.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Strategic Planning and Analysis
Problem Solving Tools and Techniques
Professional Ethics
Business Ethics
Negotiation and Mediation
Conflict Resolution
Managing Across Generations
Valuing Diversity
Change Management
Economics of Information Systems
Developmental Opportunities:
Participate in professional organizations
initiatives and conferences
Encourage development of others
Mentoring program
Stay current on certifications
Promote continuous learning
Core Technical Competencies Key Work Behaviors Training & Developmental Activities
Customer Service: Works with clients and
customers (that is, any individuals who use or
receive the services or products that your work
unit produces, including the general public,
individuals who work in the agency, other
agencies, or organizations outside the
Government) to assess their needs, provide
information or assistance, resolve their
problems, or satisfy their expectations; knows
about available products and services; is
committed to providing quality products and
*Behaviors at different grade levels may vary
based upon unique program factors such as risk,
complexity, cost, location, and stakeholders.
1. Establishes a customer service management
plan for triaging customer inquiries.
2. Analyzes trends of customer inquiries to
establish root causes for change
3. Establishes value-added metrics for measuring
customer service and continually refines to
identify key performance indicators.
4. Responds to requests and inquiries
from stakeholders.
5. Engages customers to identify requirements
and balance business goals.
6. Modifies products or services based
on suggestions or feedback from
7. Assists customers to develop plans to modify
existing business processes to capitalize on
new or changing technologies.
8. Guides and instructs others in providing the
highest level of technical or complex
information about benefits and services.
9. Anticipates and proactively addresses
business and customer IT program needs by
presenting options, taking action, and
following up as appropriate.
Courses/Subject Areas:
Customer Service
Customer Relationship Management
Expectation Management
Public Relations
Communication skills
Business process reengineering and
Customer relationship management
Capability Maturity Model
Active listening
Customer viewpoint
Developmental Opportunities:
Rotations to PMO, or other operational parts
of agency
Rotations or visits to customer sites
Degrees and Certifications
The following is a comprehensive list of Degrees and Certifications possessed or
recommended by IT Program Managers within the Federal Government. This list serves only
as a guide to help individuals identify developmental opportunities for continued success;
most IT Program Manager positions do not require a specific degree or certification for entry.
Nevertheless, subject matter experts have emphasized the importance of both experience
and coursework for successful performance as an IT Program Manager. Please note this list is
not exhaustive, and certifications may be subject to change over time.
Project Management Certification
Program Manager Certification
Information Technology
CIO Certification
A+ Certification
Agile Scrum Master Certification
Scrum Master Certification
Oracle Certification
Software Development Professional
Software Quality Engineer
ITIL V3 Foundation Certification
Contracting Officer Representative
Federal Acquisition Certification
Federal Acquisition Certification in
Program and Project Management
Systems Analyst Certification
Microsoft Certified Technology
Specialist Certification
Six Sigma Certification
Project Officer Certification
Certificate in Earned Value
Certificate in Scheduling
Master of Science in Information
Systems Technology
Master of Science in Information
Technology Program
Master of Business
Administration Degree in
Technology Management
Masters Certificate in Information
Technology Project Management
Masters Certificate in Program
Masters Certificate in
Government Contracting
Appendix 1: Typical Career Path for IT Program Management GS-2210
Most common career advancement to Chief Information Officer and SES Policy. Common to
come in at this career stage from private sector organizations and General Schedule
occupations GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-301, GS-340 and GS-343 and to exit to pursue
opportunities in private sector organizations and same General Schedule occupations.
Common to transfer from military to this career stage. Less common advancement is to and
from non-profit, academia and state and local governments.
Most common career advancement to GS-2210, Supervisory and GS-2210, IT Specialist.
Common to come in at this career stage from private sector organizations and General
Schedule occupations GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-301, GS-340 and GS-343 and to exit to pursue
opportunities in private sector organizations and same General Schedule occupations.
Common to transfer from military to this career stage. Less common advancement is to and
from non-profit, academia and state and local governments.
Most common to come in at this career stage from private sector organizations and General
Schedule occupations GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-801, GS-1550, GS-301, GS-340,GS-343 and
GS-346 and to exit to pursue opportunities in the private sector organizations and same
General Schedule occupations. Common to transfer from military to this career stage. Less
common advancement is to and from non-profit, academia and state and local governments.
Most common career advancement to GS-2210, Supervisory.
Most common to come in at this career stage from private sector organizations and General
Schedule occupations GS-2210, GS-1101, GS-801, GS-1550, GS-301, GS-340,GS-343 and
GS-346 and to exit to pursue opportunities in the private sector organizations and same
General Schedule occupations. Common to transfer from military to this career stage. Less
common advancement is to and from non-profit, academia and state and local governments.
United StateS
ffice Of PerSOnnel ManageMent
Chief Information Officer
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415