Residence Hall/Apartment Housing Contract for Summer 2024
This contract is for the Summer 2024 term.
Summer I Check-In/Out
Thursday, May 30, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-in for Summer I residents
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-out for Summer I residents
Residents that will be taking classes for all the summer sessions should not check-out on this check out date.
Summer II Check-In/Out
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-in for Summer II residents
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-out for Summer II residents
Summer III Check-In/Out
Thursday, May 30, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-in for Summer III residents
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm Check-out for Summer III residents
This OLLU Housing Contract (“Contract”) is a license to use a furnished room in a university residential facility on
campus (“University Housing”) at Our Lady of the Lake University (“University”) on the terms and conditions
stated herein.
For purposes of this Contract, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:
“Student” - A person admitted to Our Lady of the Lake University
The words “you” and “your” refer to Student.
The phrase “unused days” refers to any days remaining in the Contract Period after a student has cancelled
the Contract and vacated University Housing.
“Contract Period” - The period identified as either ACADEMIC TERM or SUMMER TERM.
“Contract Rate” – The Contract Rate is the amount Student will pay University for a license to use a
furnished room for the duration of the Contract Period. Depending on which University facility and which
room accommodation Student ultimately receives, the Contract Rate (does not include fees for the meal
plan which is mandatory for residents) is as follows:
Contract Period:
SUMMER TERM The period beginning May 30, 2024 and ending August 9, 2024, but dependent on whether
you are eligible for Summer I, Summer II, and/or Summer III sessions.
Type of Room
Contract Rate for Full
Summer Term
Summer I or II Only
Residence Hall*
Slater Apartments (2BR/1BA)
Lake View Apartments (4BR/2BA)
*Residence Halls will only serve as overflow housing.
I. Eligibility and Conditions of Contract
A. Any person who is seeking a degree has been admitted, and will be enrolled at OLLU for summer
classes, academic internship in town, or other academic commitments pertaining to the degree program
of study is eligible for summer housing.
B. Students working for an OLLU office or participating in an OLLU sponsored program are also eligible
for summer housing. Summer student employees or participants that aren’t taking summer classes must
be registered for fall classes and set up on a payment plan with the Student Business Office (SBO).
C. OLLU student employees that work at least 10 hours per week in the summer are eligible for
discounted summer housing. These student employees will pay the hall rate but get to live in Slater
4BR/2BA apartments for the summer. Residence Life will verify student employee’s employment with
their supervisor monthly. If the student becomes no longer employed during the summer or is no
longer participating in an OLLU sponsored program, they will have a prorated Slater summer rate for
the remainder of the summer or be asked to leave the residence halls/apartment.
D. If the student employee/participant is only here for Summer I or II, they would only pay the hall rate
for that session. If the student wants a room upgrade, that may be granted based on availability and if
the student has paid the difference based on the summer rates for that area.
E. If a student is enrolled in June Summer I classes, they can stay for Summer II, if they are registered
and set up for an SBO payment plan for Fall, and they paid for the full summer housing rate.
F. If a student is enrolled in July Summer II classes, they can stay for Summer I, if they are registered and
set up for an SBO payment plan for Summer II and they paid for the full summer housing rate.
G. Students may also petition for summer housing if they do not meet the requirements above and
decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and approved by the Director of Residence Life. These
students must be registered for the upcoming fall classes and be set up for an SBO payment plan at
H. This Contract is offered on the condition you are admitted to the University. This Contract does
not guarantee you have been admitted to the University. Only the Office of Admissions can grant
admission to the University.
I. If a student fails to enroll or pay fees and loses status as an enrolled student, the housing contract will
be terminated, and the student must vacate the premises within 24 hours.
J. A student may not sublet or rent a room assignment or permit another person to share a private room
assignment. (i.e. Airbnb, HomeAway, Craigslist, private rental, etc.)
K. Students who will not be 17 years of age by check-in day are ineligible to live on campus.
L. A student whose housing contract is terminated by the university due to disciplinary reasons may have
their semesters housing fees adjusted based upon the university calculation schedule as outlined in this
M. In accordance with Texas State Law SB 62, all entering or returning students under the age of 22
as of the university’s first day of class for a particular semester must be immunized against
bacterial meningitis. The immunization or a booster must have been received less than five years
ago and at least 10 days prior to the first day of class.
II. Obligations and Agreements of Student
A. You agree to pay all charges as due, and to comply with and abide by the following terms and
conditions: the OLLU Student Code of Conduct located in the OLLU Student Handbook; the OLLU
Handbook of Operating Procedures; the Residence Life Handbook: A Guide to Campus Living; the
Rules and Regulations of the Board of Trustees of Our Lady of the Lake University; and all other
University rules, regulations and policies, which may now or in the future come into effect
(individually and collectively, the “University Regulations”).
B. You acknowledge and agree that rates or fees are subject to change, as are University Regulations
affecting this Contract. Changes and additions are officially announced and/or posted, and the
announcement or posting constitutes actual notice. Changes and additions to University Regulations
affecting this Contract become effective and binding on the first date of posting or official
C. Any attempted assignment or subletting of this Contract by you is null and void.
D. You agree that if you violate any of the terms or conditions of this Contract, have a poor payment
history, or if the University determines you have violated the University Regulations and/or the terms
and conditions of roommate contracts agreed upon by you and your roommate(s), or if you are
disruptive to the use and enjoyment of University Housing by other students, the University may refuse
to offer you a University Housing Contract in the future.
E. You agree that if the University finds you to be in violation of this Contract or of any of the University
Regulations, or if you are disruptive to the use and enjoyment of University Housing by other students:
(1) you may be subject to disciplinary action (including but not limited to dismissal from the
University); (2) you may be required to change University Housing residence halls; and/or (3) your
eligibility to use University Housing may be revoked, this Contract canceled, and you may be required
to vacate from University Housing. If the University requires you to vacate from University Housing,
this Contract will be automatically canceled, and you will pay all charges accrued under this Contract
until you check out pursuant to information provided in the section titled “Cancellation of the
Contract,” and may have their semesters housing fees pro-rated based upon the university calculation
schedule as outlined in this contract.
F. You agree to keep your contact and student information updated by use of official University websites.
III. Payments, Application Fees, and Charges
A. University Housing charges will be included on your University fee statement. You will be assessed for
the entire semester charge prior to the start of the semester, but you may request to make installment
payments with the OLLU Student Business Office. Your first payment, whether it is the full amount or
the first installment, is due prior to check-in. Subsequent installment payments, if approved, are due in
accordance with arrangements made with the OLLU Student Business Office.
B. If you fail to pay on a timely basis, or fail to finalize your payment arrangements, you may have your
contract to use University Housing revoked, and you may be denied a future University Housing
C. If you withdraw from or are dismissed from the University or University Housing for any reason,
including enforced scholastic withdrawal, you will pay all charges accrued under this Contract until
you check out. The student’s remaining charges will be adjusted in accordance to the university
calculation schedule as outlined in this contract.
D. For new and first-time residents, as of February 1, 2020, the $200 non-refundable housing application
fee which accompanied your University Housing application serves as a commitment to housing.
Students who enrolled in housing prior to February 1, 2020 are eligible to have the application fee
(deposit) refunded to you upon written request after all monies owed by you to the University under
this Contract, or otherwise, have been paid and all other obligations under this Contract, including,
without limitation, proper check-out procedures, have been fulfilled.
E. If the Student owes the University money, the student account will be charged in the following order:
(1) to any property and other damages associated with this Contract; (2) to any fees including, without
limitation, an Improper Check-Out Charge (defined below) owed under this Contract; (3) to any
outstanding charges owed under this Contract; and (4) to any other outstanding debt owed to the
IV. Cancellation of the Contract
You are responsible for paying the full Contract Rate for the entire Contract Period, unless the Contract is
canceled in accordance with one of the provisions below. Depending on when and how the Contract is
canceled, you may owe the University a Cancellation Fee. The “Cancellation Fee” charged by the
University constitutes an amount that will compensate the University for the costs it will incur and/or losses
it will suffer as a result of your cancellation, which costs and losses are difficult to quantify. You may
cancel this Contract by providing the Office of Residence Life written notice via e-mail to
A. Cancellation Before the Start of the Contract Period
Summer Term Contract
a. A non-refundable $200 housing application fee is due at the time of application for first time
residents. Exceptions to this are for students who are required to live on campus for a
sponsored summer program.
b. There is a Penalty Free Cancellation period through May 17, 2024, in which no cancellation
fees will be assessed.
c. Cancellation of the housing contract after May 17, 2024 will result in a $75 Cancellation Fee
i. The non-refundable $200 housing application fee cannot be applied to the $75
cancellation fee.
ii. Only the following scenarios qualify for exemption from the cancellation fee:
1. Voluntary or involuntary cancellation of enrollment, graduation, or withdrawal
from Our Lady of the Lake University
2. Marriage as evidenced by a valid marriage license
3. Participation in an OLLU Study Aboard program, National Student Exchange
Program or an OLLU internship abroad, for a semester or longer.
4. Significant and proven change in financial support (i.e. loss of job, scholarship,
etc.) and verification by Financial Aid.
iii. Students who apply for housing and choose to commute after the Penalty Free
Cancellation period has ended, and do not meet the criteria above, are subject to the
cancellation fee.
iv. Once a student checks in to housing, they are subject to the terms of the
Housing Contract.
v. A students personal decision to transition to online courses does not guarantee
a penalty-free cancellation and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
B. Cancellation During the Contract Period
a. For Summer I and III sessions, the Contract Period begins on May 30, 2024, or upon check in,
whichever is first. For Summer II residents only, the Contract Period begins on July 3, 2024, or
upon check in, whichever is first. Once the Contract Period begins, or the student checks-in, the
cancellation fee no longer applies, and the student is responsible for their housing costs.
b. If you cancel the housing contract after the start of the Contract Period, you will be assessed all
charges accrued under the contract and will be adjusted in accordance with the provided
calculation schedule.
c. As of May 30, 2024 (or July 3, 2024 for Summer II residents only), or after check-in, any student
who cancels, withdraws or is removed from their housing assignment will be adjusted in
accordance to the following university calculation schedule for any unused days remaining in the
housing contract:
i.Summer 2024
1. 1-4 days after start of session 100% charges adjusted
2. 5-6 days after start of session 50% charges adjusted
3. 7+ days after start of session No charges adjusted
ii.Weekends may or may not be included in calculation, depending on program, refer
to posted calendars on the Registrar's website\registrar. Holidays
are not included in the calculation.
d. A students personal decision to transition to online courses does not guarantee a penalty-
free cancellation and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
e. Students with approved housing cancellations are still responsible for paying any cleaning costs or
V. Housing Assignments
A. Rooms will be assigned based on availability, disability accommodation needs, and then on a first-
come, first-served basis.
B. The university cannot guarantee a student a specific room. Assignment to rooms in the residence halls
and apartments will be made in accordance with housing priorities and available housing space.
C. The student agrees to provide the information and preferences required on the housing application for
hall, room, and roommate assignments.
D. Requests for assignment with a specific roommate will be honored whenever possible but are not
E. The Office of Residence Life attempts to match first-time freshmen with other first-time freshmen as
roommates using the housing application. Occasionally, a first-time freshman may be matched with a
transfer or returning student.
F. Summer residents will be placed in Slater Apartments and if there is any overflow, the remaining
residents will be placed in one of the residence halls.
G. Single-suite rooms, unless otherwise specified, are to be occupied by one person with an adjoining
suitemate. Single-private rooms, unless otherwise specified, are to be occupied by one person with a
private restroom. Double suites, unless otherwise specified, are to be occupied by two people with an
adjoining room that is also occupied by two suitemates. Double-private rooms, unless otherwise
specified, are to be occupied by two people with a private restroom. If a vacancy occurs in the assigned
room, the remaining student agrees to:
a. Accept another roommate as assigned, or
b. Move to another room if requested, or
c. Elect to pay additional charges and convert the room to single occupancy (when offered).
H. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to consolidate available spaces or to assign a double
room as a single room at a private room rate.
I. The student understands that the university makes all assignments without regard to race, color,
religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.
J. The university reserves the right to modify residence hall, apartment, and room assignments pre/post
move in.
a. If you fail to move to a new location within University Housing within 24 hours after the
University has issued you authorization or direction to move, you will be assessed three (3)
times the Daily Room Rate for each day you remain in the room you have been instructed to
K. The university reserves the right to cancel or terminate contracts for disciplinary reasons and/or
dangerous or disruptive behavior, health, safety, catastrophe, closing of the facility, or irresolvable
incompatibility of roommates.
L. The university reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reassign a student for violation(s) of
the university code of conduct or university policies.
M. On occasion, a student may be placed in temporary housing at the beginning of the semester due to
space availability. This is a temporary status and student will be moved into permanent rooms as space
becomes available.
N. Room occupancy may be modified at the university’s discretion to meet housing needs.
O. The University will occasionally host special guest students affiliated with the university through
foreign exchange programs or other similar programs. The university reserves the right to house these
students in open bed spaces within the residence halls. If a student desires to participate in such
programs, they are encouraged to contact the Office of Residence Life at (210) 431-3941.
VI. Assignment for Students with Accommodations
A. OLLU provides rooming options for students with disabilities or accommodations needs, based on
availability; please see the Residence Life Handbook for more details. Students requiring housing
accommodations based on a disabling condition must contact the Accessibility Services Office at
[email protected]du and should also indicate the need for such accommodation on their housing
B. Such accommodation requests include, but are not limited to, ADA accessible room/apartment,
Emotional Support Animal, Service Animal, video or audio alerts for deaf/hard of hearing or blind/low
vision residents, and private/semi-private room or bathroom. Students should be aware that if they are
placed in these areas, they will be required to pay the housing rate that has been set for the
modified/new room types (please see the Residence Life Handbook for clarification).
VII. Assignment Changes
A. Rooms will be occupied only upon assignment by the Office of Residence Life.
B. Submission of a room change request does not guarantee approval. If the room change is approved and
housing rates vary between rooms, students will be responsible for paying the higher housing rate for
the remainder of the semester. If the rate is lower, the student will receive a reimbursement for the
C. Students who change rooms without Residence Life approval are subject to a $75.00 improper move
fee and will be required to return to the room that they have been assigned to.
D. The Office of Residence Life will not approve any room changes until after the 12th class day of the
semester. Room changes are not allowed at any time unless they are approved by the Office of
Residence Life.
a. Students will be given an opportunity to change rooms for two weeks after the 12
class day
without penalty. After the room swap period, there will be a $25 administrative fee assessed
each time a student swaps rooms at their request.
E. All students must receive authorization from the Office of Residence Life to cease to reside in their
assigned room or to move from the residence halls or apartments.
F. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to levy an administrative charge for unauthorized
moves and failure to follow proper check-in and check-out procedures.
G. Students must check in on the assigned date unless they have been granted permission to arrive on an
alternative check in date by the Office of Residence Life. All requests for early check-in are subject to
a daily early arrival fee.
H. Any exchanges, transfers, or cancellations of rooms must be approved by the Office of Residence
VIII. Check-In
A. All resident students are issued a check in date and time.
B. Failure to check in during the scheduled date and time may result in limited services being provided at
the time you check in. For instance, your ID might not be readily available or you might not have
immediate access to your meal plan.
C. Unless you notify the Office of Residence Life of a late arrival date, or if you fail to check in by 5:00
p.m. the day before classes begin, the University may terminate your Contract, and you may be
charged additional fees based on the cancellation policy and the particulars of your failed arrival.
D. If you are permitted by the University to check in early, accept a room access card, or place any
belongings in a room, you are fully bound by the Contract on the day you check in or begin using the
IX. Check-Out
A. You must check out on the check-out date and time that was provided above.
B. You must follow the University’s check-out procedures to receive clearance to check out. Failure
to follow these procedures will result in a $75.00 Improper Check-Out Charge. Students who do
not return their room key will be charged an additional $60.00 re-core fee.
C. If you fail to follow the University’s check-out procedures at the end of the Contract Period or within
24 hours after you withdraw from the University, prior to the end of the contract period, you will be
charged the Daily Room Rate plus assessed three (3) times the Daily Room Rate for each day until you
follow such check-out procedures or the University removes your property from the room. Further, you
shall indemnify the University and prospective residents for damages, costs and expenses arising out of
or related to your failure to complete a timely, proper check-out, including, without limitation, lost
revenues, lodging expenses, attorney fees and costs, and collection costs as specified above.
X. Isolation and Quarantine Procedures
A. All students living on campus are required to have an isolation and quarantine plan. For residents who
can travel in a private vehicle and are within driving distance of their primary place of residence, we
strongly recommend your plan include you conducting your period of isolation or quarantine in the
comfort of your home. For those residents who cannot travel home, the university has set aside
dedicated isolation and quarantine space. Students should follow the procedures stated in the
Residence Life Handbook.
B. Any resident who has tested positive for any viral or bacterial disease, such as but not limited to
COVID-19, the flu, or meningitis, or has been exposed to COVID-19 that would be detrimental to the
residential community, needs to follow the guidelines as stipulated in the Residence Life Handbook.
XI. Care of Facilities, Equipment, and Pets/Emotional Support Animals
A. You are responsible for keeping your room and housing unit in a neat and orderly fashion at all times.
You shall not cause or permit to be caused damage or alterations to your room, apartment unit,
furniture, or equipment. You shall pay all costs associated with the repairs including any testing arising
out of or related to your failure to comply with the foregoing requirements to the University promptly
on demand.
B. You specifically agree to be liable for damages or other losses you or your guest(s) cause to University
Housing, including your housing unit, your room or any furniture or equipment, except for ordinary
wear and tear. Title to the damaged property will remain with the University. You will be charged on a
prorated basis for public area damage where responsible parties cannot be identified and where
reasonable evidence exists that area students are responsible for the damage. You shall pay all such
amounts to the University promptly on demand.
C. A refrigerator and microwave are provided in each unit. Small appliances, except those with an open
flame or open heating element, are permitted. There is no cooking allowed in the individual bedrooms.
Each resident using the kitchen area in Slater is responsible for cleaning this area after use.
D. The possession or burning of candles, incense, charcoal, lighting fluids, kerosene, oil lamps, or other
flame- emitting substances and articles are prohibited in University Housing.
E. Pet fishes are allowed in any residence hall and are limited to a 5-gallon or smaller volume aquarium.
You are responsible for the care of your fish. Cats and dogs with certain breed and weight restrictions
that were approved and allowed in Ayres Hall through the Office of Residence Life approval process
and will be allowed to live in Slater Apartment for the Summer semester ONLY. There will be NO
approval of any new pets for the summer semester. Residents will be required to pay a $75 non-
refundable pet fee to the Office of Residence Life. Any damage caused by the pets will be the financial
responsibility of the resident owner. Residence Life will take a photo of the furniture in Slater
Apartments prior to the resident moving in with the animal. You can request a pet application by emailing
F. If the student would like to request an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), the Office of Residence Life
will make every effort to accommodate students with approved ESAs based on a disabling condition.
The student is required to follow the guidelines provided by the Accessibility Services Office (ASO).
The ASO and the Office of Residence Life must approve a student to have an ESA within University
Housing before the student brings the animal to campus. Students are required to complete the ESA
registration process through ASO and Residence Life at the start of each new academic year; anytime a
new animal is brought to campus or at the request of ASO and Residence Life staff. Failure to get
approval through Residence Life prior to bringing the animal on campus will result in a $150 fine and
will be given 24 hours to remove the animal. Failure to comply will result in the following for the
student: an additional fine of $150 per day that the animal remains on campus, go through the student
conduct process, and be subjected to cleaning fees.
XII. Conduct
A. The student is expected to abide by the OLLU Residence Life Handbook: A Guide to Campus Living,
which can be found on the University website.
B. You are responsible for you and your guest’s or guests’ conduct and must adhere to the University
C. With the exception of firearms addressed in paragraph (d), use or possession of fireworks and lethal
weapons or facsimiles is prohibited in or around any University Housing facility and may subject you
to disciplinary action, including withdrawal from housing.
D. Use or possession of firearms is prohibited in or around University Housing facilities. You are
responsible for reviewing and complying with the applicable University Regulations regarding such
use and possession. Failure to comply may subject you to disciplinary action, including withdrawal
from University Housing.
E. Tobacco use*, gambling, narcotics, and controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia are prohibited
in or around any University Housing. *Note regarding use of Tobacco Products including but not
limited to cigarettes (of any kind including herbal/spice cigarettes), cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah),
electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco: Smoking and the use of Tobacco
Products is prohibited in University Housing facilities.
F. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in Centennial, Flores, and Pacelli Halls. Residents within Ayres
Hall and Slater Apartments who are 21 years of age or older may possess and/or consume alcoholic
beverages as allowed by Texas law and in accordance with the provisions of the OLLU Residence Life
Handbook: A Guide to Campus Living.
G. Solicitation, including door-to-door sales of goods and services, is not permitted in or around any
University Housing facility.
H. The possession, operation, charging or storage of Hoverboards is prohibited in or around any
University Housing facility and may subject you to disciplinary action, including withdrawal from
XIII. Furnishings, Utilities, and Sanitation
A. The university agrees to equip each student with a bed, chest of drawers, closet or wardrobe, desk, and
desk chair for each student at minimum. Slater Apartments also come with a fully furnished living
room and kitchen appliances such as refrigerator, stove, and microwave.
B. Students may not move or rearrange any stationary furniture or remove any university provided
furniture from their rooms. Additionally, students may not move any furniture belonging to the
university into their rooms that was not originally intended to be in that room (i.e. public space
C. The student agrees to be responsible for keeping the room/apartment and its furnishings clean and free
from damage, to cooperate with roommates in the common protection of property, and to advise the
residence hall staff of any deteriorated conditions of the room or its furnishings.
D. The university reserves the right to levy and collect charges and fees for damages to, unauthorized use
of or alterations to rooms, apartments, furnishing, appliances, locks, or buildings.
E. The university reserves the right to assess students of a hall, floor, or apartment community the
expenses of repair or replacement of any property damaged in common areas used by those students
and their guests, unless the individual or individuals responsible for the damage is identified. Students
will be notified if such charges are levied.
F. The student may not install equipment or make alterations or repairs to their room.
G. Waterbeds and modifications to the intended use of room furnishings are prohibited.
H. The construction of a loft for use in a student’s room will result in a fine and removal and disposal of
the loft by campus personnel.
I. The university agrees to provide reasonable amounts of heat, water, and electricity during the contract
period in the residence halls. Interruptions of one or all these services on a temporary basis for reasons
of maintenance, repair, or catastrophe will not be considered a breach of this contract and the
university assumes no responsibility for damages as a result of any interruptions, such as food
J. If an interruption occurs, the university agrees to restore the affected service within a reasonable time.
The temporary failure or interruption of water, heat, utilities (including ID Card Access), or noise due
to construction, shall give students no claim for damages or reduction of rent. The university will work
to resolve any of the above-mentioned issues as soon as possible. Students should report such concerns
to Residence Life staff immediately.
K. All maintenance requests must be submitted in writing via e-mail to
L. During extreme weather conditions, students may be required to maintain certain minimum or
maximum temperatures in their space and take other actions as requested. Notifications will be made
via the student’s university e-mail account. Failure to follow the prescribed step(s) may result in
damages being charged to the student’s student account. The university will not reimburse students for
electricity usage in these instances.
M. If a pest infestation is reported or discovered in the residence halls/apartments (i.e. bed bugs,
cockroaches, ants), and it is determined by Facilities and Residence Life that a student, or their
guest(s), introduced the pests and failed to report it immediately upon discovery, the student may be
charged for the remediation of the infestation (i.e. pest control).
XIV. Board (Meal Plans)
A. There are no summer meal plans available. Students, who have remaining meal plan dollars from the
Spring semester, will roll remaining funds into the summer. These dollars will expire on July 30, 2024,
at 11:59pm and will not roll over into the Fall 2024 semester.
XV. Abandonment of Room, Abandonment of Personal Property, and University’s Disposal of Personal
A. Abandonment of your room/housing unit means: (1) in the University’s reasonable judgment you
appear to have moved out because of substantial removal of clothing, furniture, or personal belongings
from the University Housing room and housing unit; and (2) either the date by which the Contract
obligates you to leave such room has passed or no one has been in the room for five (5) consecutive
days while charges are due and unpaid.
B. If there has been abandonment of personal property in connection with the abandonment of your room,
the University may remove, store, and/or dispose of all property remaining in the room or housing unit.
You are responsible for costs associated with the removal and/or storage of abandoned property.
XVI. Rights and Obligations of the University
A. University personnel will enter your room at any time in the event of an emergency and at any time for
any reasonable purpose, including, without limitation: inspection, preventive maintenance, routine
maintenance requests, or investigation of violations of University Regulations. By signing the
Contract, you specifically agree to be bound by the University Regulations as they now exist or may
hereafter be amended and acknowledge the rights and obligations of the University.
B. Any duty of the University to remedy or repair conditions materially affecting the physical health or
safety is as established by applicable law. You will give written notice to the University specifying
such conditions upon your discovery of such conditions.
C. The University is not responsible for loss or damages to personal property by theft, fire or other
casualty, whether such losses occur in your room, public areas, or elsewhere. Items left in your room or
items temporarily stored by you in a University storage area when you check out will be disposed of by
the University in accordance with University policies then in effect. It is recommended that the student
should obtain renters insurance as the university will not reimburse or cover the loss of personal
D. In the event the University is prevented from completing the performance of any obligations under this
Contract by an act of God or other occurrence whatsoever, which is beyond the control of the
University, the University shall be excused from the performance of such obligations to the full extent
of the law.
XVII. Miscellaneous
A. This Contract may be amended or supplemented only by an instrument in writing executed by you and
the University. This Contract and all documents incorporated in it by reference contain the entire
agreement of the parties and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated into this Contract
shall be binding on either of the parties.
B. This Contract shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all
obligations of the parties created by this Contract shall be performed in Bexar County, Texas. If any
one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal or
unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other
provision thereof and this Contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable
provision had never been contained therein.
XVIII. Notices
A. The Office of Residence Life utilizes email to communicate information including, but not limited to,
assignments, billing issues, and waiting list status, so students are responsible for regularly checking
their University student email account.
B. Any notice, request, or other communication required, or information permitted to be delivered under
this Contract shall be delivered through your University assigned email account. The aforementioned
information will be deemed received when delivered electronically, without error, by the OLLU Office
of Residence Life email ( or designees of the Office of Residence Life.
By submitting this application, I agree to abide by the terms of the Our Lady of the Lake University Office of
Residence Life housing contract. If I am signing up for housing online, my completion of the application process
binds me to the terms and conditions of this contract.
I understand this contract is for the summer 2024 term. I further understand that by agreeing to this contract, a
non-refundable housing application fee of $200 is due upon completion of the housing application if I am a first-time