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Atty. Maria Clara B. Tankeh-Asuncion, Esq.
I. Legal Background
Under Philippine law, marriage is an inviolable social institution whose nature,
consequences and incidents are governed by law in the Family Code of the Philippines,
otherwise known as Executive Order No. 209. This took effect on 3 August1988 and
repealed the pertinent provisions of the Civil Code on Marriage (Republic Act 386) which
became effective on 30 August 1950.
As a rule, marriage is governed by rules established by law and cannot be made inoperative
by stipulation of the parties. Divorce itself is not recognized in the Philippines (although
Nullity proceedings are common) but there are provisions for the division of matrimonial
property. The parties may enter into a pre-nuptial agreement to fix their property relations
during the marriage within the limits provided by the Family Code (Article 1, Family Code).
Pre-nuptial agreements are otherwise known as “marriage settlements” under the Family
Code. They are also known as “ante-nuptial contracts”.
When the parties, as future spouses, enter into a pre-nuptial agreement, it is the binding law
between them and the Family Code is supplementary. In the absence of a pre-nuptial
agreement, it is only then that the provisions of the law and local custom apply. In short,
the pre-nuptial agreement takes precedence in the determination of the property relations
between the husband and the wife. Therefore, the regime of absolute community of property
provided by law in the Family Code is subsidiary to the will of the future spouses as
embodied in their pre-nuptial agreement.
A pre-nuptial agreement is conditional upon the marriage of the parties and becomes
effective from the moment of celebration of the marriage. Therefore, it is an accessory to the
marriage and governed by the same principle of invariability once entered into by the
parties. In the Philippines, it is still uncommon amongst the general population to enter into
a pre-nuptial agreement prior to marriage and it is more usual be governed by the regime of
absolute community of property as provided by law.
Pre-nuptial agreements are generally entered into where there is a significant age disparity
between the parties,, when there is a wide difference between the wealth or indebtedness
between the parties, and where one party has been married before and there is a desire to
protect the children of the former marriage.
Like any ordinary contract, the pre-nuptial agreement must be entered into voluntarily
between the future spouses. It becomes binding between the husband and wife and cannot
be changed while the marriage is existing unless there is an application to the Court to set
aside the agreement on grounds similar to that of a petition for separation of property such
as in case of abandonment of the spouse without just cause or failure to comply with his or
her obligations to the family. The contract can be set aside on the grounds of lack of consent,
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fraud, coercion, mistake, undue influence or bad faith. Thus, the law provides the grounds
for a judicial separation of property. A pre-nuptial agreement may only be altered after the
dissolution of marriage provided it will not prejudice creditors of either spouse whose share
would be reduced as a consequence of the change of property regime.
II. Formalities
In order to be valid between the parties, a pre-nuptial agreement should be in writing, but in
order to be effective against third persons, it must be in a public instrument, that is, notarized
by a duly appointed notary public, and recorded in the Registry of Property for the
Protection of Creditors and in the local civil registry. Any modification to the pre-nuptial
agreement must follow the same formality and since it is an accessory to the marriage, it
must be executed before the celebration of marriage.
To avoid any type of fraud, mistake, coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation or
concealment of assets which can be a ground to nullify the pre-nuptial agreement, a full
disclosure statement of all assets and monies is advisable.
III. Contents of the Agreement
In a pre-nuptial agreement, all assets and properties along with the value of each asset
should be included. It may also include a provision that deals with the apportionment of
wages, commissions, inherited property, life insurance benefits, pension plans, medical or
health insurance benefits, educational plans, administration of property, and
payment of taxes. Likewise, it is desirable to include a mediation or arbitration clause to
provide alternative ways of resolving disputes without going to court. Further, in the event
of litigation, a provision on venue in case an annulment action is commenced should be
IV. Void Agreements
If one stipulation in the pre-nuptial agreement is void, it does not nullify the entire
agreement which may contain several stipulations. As a general rule, the future spouses are
free to stipulate anything subject to the limitations of freedom to contract, i.e., the
stipulations of contracts should not be contrary to “law, morals, good customs, public order
or public policy.” In general stipulations in a pre-nuptial agreement which would be void
include, those contrary to the nature and purpose of marriage, to the liberty and rights of
individuals, or in general, to morals and good customs;, those which violate legal provisions
of a prohibitory or mandatory character, those which are derogatory to the authority of the
spouses in the family, or in general and those contrary to the public order or public policy.
In the case of a void pre-nuptial agreement, the law provides that the parties be governed by
the regime of absolute community of property.
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VI. Who can contract?
A minor, under 21 years of age but at least 18 years of age, who may contract marriage may
also execute a pre-nuptial agreement provided the persons authorized to give parental
consent to the marriage are made a party to the agreement by giving their authority. In the
event of a party being disabled, there are provisions which allow for the appointment of a
guardian to protect a party’s interests.
VII. Governing Law
Where the spouses are both Filipino citizens or when only one is a Filipino citizen and the
other is a foreigner, their property relations shall be governed, firstly, by their pre-nuptial
agreement where they may stipulate what laws shall govern their property relations. If there
is no such stipulation, the laws of the Philippines shall apply regardless of where they live
and where the marriage is celebrated. The laws of the Philippines, however, will not apply
with respect to property located outside the Philippines, whether the pre-nuptial agreement
is entered into in the Philippines or in the country where the property is located. Article 16
of the Civil Code provides: “Real property as well as personal property is subject to the law
of the country where it is situated.” In short, the location of the property determines the
jurisdiction to be applied as to the extrinsic and intrinsic validity of the contract.
The law on pre-nuptial agreements in the Philippines places a premium on the liberty of the
future spouses’ ability to agree on their property relations within the limits allowed by law.
The philosophy would seem to be that, since marriage is a special contract of permanent
union, it is the parties who are in the best position to agree on how to make their union last.
Prenuptial agreements are seen, contrary to the UK and many other jurisdictions, as a means
to keep the parties together, not a convenient mechanism for division of property once the
parties are apart.