Terms of Reference for the
Nomination Committee of
Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited
(A company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)
Last updated 3 March 2023
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1. For the purposes of these terms of reference:
means the board of directors of the Company;
means the chief executive officer of the Company as appointed by the Board
from time to time;
means Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited;
means the members of the Board;
means the CEO, the chief financial officer and the general counsel of the
means the Company and its subsidiaries;
Listing Rules
mean the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (as amended from time to time);
Nomination Committee
means the nomination committee established by resolution
of the Board in accordance with these terms of reference;
Senior Management
means the senior management of the Company; Shareholders
means the shareholders of the Company from time to time; and
Stock Exchange
means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Constitution and mission
2. The Nomination Committee was established by resolution of the Board on 2 July
2019, effective upon the listing of the Company’s shares on the Stock Exchange on
30 September 2019.
3. The Nomination Committee’s principle role is to guide the Board composition and
succession process and assist the Board in safeguarding the enduring greatness of
the Company. It ensures that the Board is comprised of Directors that are able
and determined to (i) pick the best possible leaders for the Company and (ii) put
the right people in the appropriate managerial positions, taking into consideration,
among others, the Company’s diversity policy.
4. The Nomination Committee identifies persons qualified to become independent
Directors, consistent with the succession criteria below, and recommends any
Director candidates for (i) appointment by the Board or (ii) nomination by the
Board and appointment by the Shareholders’ Meeting.
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5. The Nomination Committee will also guide the Board with respect to all its decisions
relating to the appointment and retention of key talent within the Company,
ensuring that:
(a) the Company has exceptional people who occupy appropriate positions and
who are incentivised to achieve exceptional performance;
(b) the Company develops successors for all key positions;
(c) the Company nurtures a culture of ownership, simplicity, efficiency, high ethical
standards and the permanent quest to improve results; and
(d) individual targets are established to align the interests of all employees with
the Company’s goals and objectives set by the Board.
6. The Nomination Committee will also guide the Board with respect to its role
and responsibility in connection with the formulation, review, assessment and
implementation of the Company’s diversity policy.
Nomination criteria for Board members
7. As the gatekeeper to the Board, the Nomination Committee will ensure that
Directors joining the Board share the Company’s dream not only in its current
(Bring People Together for a Better World)
, but also in its underlying
vision of enduring greatness and of building the preeminent consumer goods
Company of the 21st century.
8. All active and prospective Directors must live by the following five Board principles:
(a) ensuring the Company’s enduring greatness is the Board’s overarching purpose;
(b) the Board is the guardian of the Company’s culture that manifests itself in the
Company’s 10 principles. The Board itself adheres to the 10 principles;
(c) the Company’s executives are partners of the Shareholders and the Board. They
are not merely employees;
(d) the Company has a culture of mutual respect and trust. Directors speak up,
listen and come back constructively. They are transparent, honest and candid.
They hold no grudges. There is no room for politics or hidden agendas around
the Board table; and
(e) the Board nominates successors that are as good as or better than the outgoing
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9. The Board should have a balance of skills, experience and diversity of perspectives
appropriate to the requirements of the Company’s business, and should ensure
that the Directors devote sufficient time and make contributions to the issuer that
are commensurate with their role and board responsibilities. More conventional
recruitment criteria for Directors such as experience, executive position, functional
expertise, reputation and public visibility are also relevant.
Composition and functioning
10. The Nomination Committee shall consist of not less than three members appointed
by the Board from among the Directors, a majority of whom shall be independent
non-executive Directors. A quorum shall be two members of whom at least one
shall be an independent non-executive Director.
11. The chair of the Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall
be an independent non-executive Director or the Chair.
12. The Nomination Committee decides by a simple majority.
13. The CEO, the VP People and the general counsel shall be invited ex officio to the
Nomination Committee meetings unless explicitly decided otherwise.
Frequency and conduct of meetings
14. The Nomination Committee shall meet at least once per year and more if required
and as convened by its chair or at the request of at least two of its members.
15. An agenda and other relevant documents should be sent to all members of the
Nomination Committee in a timely manner before the intended date of a meeting
of the Nomination Committee.
16. Meetings of the Nomination Committee shall follow the same procedures as
those for meetings of the Board under the relevant provisions in the Articles of
Association, as amended from time to time.
Reporting procedure
17. The duly appointed secretary (who should normally be the VP People or a duly
appointed representative) to the Nomination Committee shall draft and keep
full minutes of each meeting reflecting in sufficient detail the issues which were
discussed, the matters which were considered, the decisions which were taken and,
if any, the reservations and concerns which were voiced by dissenting members
of the Nomination Committee. The minutes will be approved by the chair of the
Nomination Committee and subsequently by the Nomination Committee during its
next regularly scheduled meeting. The minutes shall be made available for inspection
on reasonable notice by any Director. Draft and final versions of minutes of such
meetings should be sent to all members of the Nomination Committee for their
comment and records within a reasonable time after such meetings.
CP B.1
MB Rule 3.27A
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18. Without prejudice to the generality of the duties of the Nomination Committee set
out in these terms of reference, the Nomination Committee shall:
(a) report back to the Board following each meeting of the Nomination Committee
on the principal matters reviewed or approved by the Nomination Committee
and its recommendations regarding actions to be taken by or decisions to be
approved by the Board; and
(b) keep the Board fully informed of its decisions and recommendations, unless
there are legal or regulatory restrictions on its ability to do so.
19. Where all the independent non-executive Directors of the Company have served
more than nine years on the Board, the Company should:
(a) disclose the length of tenure of each existing independent non-executive director
on a named basis in the circular to shareholders and/or explanatory statement
accompanying the notice of the annual general meeting; and
(b) appoint new independent non-executive directors on the board at the forthcoming
annual general meeting.
Annual general meetings
20. The chair of the Nomination Committee (or in his/her absence, his/her duly
appointed delegate) shall attend the Company’s annual general meeting and be
prepared to respond to any Shareholders’ questions on the Nomination Committee’s
21. The Nomination Committee is authorised by the Board to perform any activity
within these terms of reference. It is authorised to seek any information it requires
from any employee and all employees are directed to co-operate with the Nomination
22. The Nomination Committee has the authority to retain and terminate any search
firm to be used in assisting with the identification of Director candidates or
executives, including authority to approve the search firm’s fees and other retention
terms. It is also authorised to obtain independent advice, including legal advice, from
internal or external professional advisers at the Company’s expense and to secure
the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this
necessary. The Nomination Committee shall be provided with sufficient resources to
perform its duties. The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for establishing
the selection criteria, selecting, appointing and setting the terms of reference for
any external party who advises the Nomination Committee.
CP C.4.2
CP F.2.2
CP B.3.3
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Powers and responsibilities
With respect to the composition and functioning of the Board and its committees
23. In addition to guiding the Board succession process, the responsibilities of the
Nomination Committee include the following:
(a) to review and make recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board
regarding the overall size, composition (including the skills, knowledge, and
experience), organisation, structure and operations required of the Board and
its committees at least annually, in line with the articles of association of the
Company to complement the Company’s corporate strategy;
(b) to formulate and review the policy for the nomination of Directors and policy
of diversity of Board members as appropriate and preparing the appropriate
disclosure on the nomination policy and diversity policy in the corporate
governance report;
(c) to give full consideration to succession planning for Directors and other Senior
Management in the course of its work, taking into account the challenges and
opportunities facing the Company and what skills and expertise are therefore
needed on the Board in the future;
(d) to identify individuals suitably qualified to become Directors (including
independent non-executive Directors) and to select or make recommendations
to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorship;
(e) to assess the independence of independent non-executive Directors;
(f) to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment, re-appointment
or re-election of Directors and succession planning for Directors, in particular
the chair and the CEO;
(g) before appointments are made by the Board, to evaluate the balance of skills,
knowledge and experience on the Board, and, in the light of this evaluation,
prepare a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular
appointment. In identifying suitable candidates, the Nomination Committee
shall (where applicable and appropriate) consider candidates from a wide
range of backgrounds, on merit and against objective criteria, taking care that
appointees have enough time available to devote to the position;
CP B.3.1
CP B.3.1 (b)
CP B.3.1 (c)
CP B.3.1 (d)
CP B.3.4
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(h) to ensure that on appointment to the Board, Directors receive a formal letter
of appointment setting out clearly what is expected of them in terms of time
commitment, committee service, involvement outside board meetings and other
key terms and conditions of their appointment;
(i) to recommend to the Board from time to time updated criteria for the selection
of new Directors;
(j) to recommend on-going qualification standards for Directors, including
standards for determining Director independence and criteria for the evaluation
of Director performance;
(k) to develop, recommend and implement the processes for the annual evaluation
of the performance and effectiveness of the Board, its committees and each
individual Director;
(l) to annually review and assess the contribution and performance of all Directors.
Performance evaluations should be used to assess whether the Directors are
spending enough time in fulfilling their duties;
(m) to recommend the functions and monitor the operations of the Board
(n) to recommend criteria for committee membership and the appointment and
removal of committee members and chairs;
(o) to recommend candidates for the position of chair of the Board, and investigate,
review and evaluate the qualifications of candidates for chair;
(p) to recommend any matters relating to the continuation in office of any Director
at any time including the suspension or termination of service of an executive
Director as an employee of the Company subject to the provisions of the law
and their service contract; and
(q) to oversee and make recommendations regarding matters of corporate
governance, including induction of new Directors and continuing education of
CP B.3.4
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With respect to diversity
24. The Nomination Committee’s responsibility with regards to the Company’s diversity
policy include the following:
(a) to formulate and review the Company’s diversity policy to progress towards a
balanced representation of gender diversity on the Board, Senior Management
and across the whole Company, as appropriate;
(b) with respect to Board diversity, to prepare the appropriate disclosure and
explanations on the diversity policy in the corporate governance report
regarding, among others:
(i) how and when gender diversity will be achieved in respect of the Board;
(ii) the numerical targets and timelines set for achieving gender diversity on
the Board; and
(iii) what measures the Company has adopted to develop a pipeline of potential
successors to the Board to achieve gender diversity;
(c) to prepare the appropriate disclosure and explanation on the gender ratio in the
workforce (including Senior Management), any plans or measurable objective
the Company has set for achieving gender diversity and any mitigating factors
or circumstances which make achieving gender diversity across the workforce
(including Senior Management) more challenging or less relevant;
(d) to annually review the implementation and effectiveness of the Company’s
diversity policy; and
(e) to annually report to the Board the relative proportion of women and men
who are employed by the Group as a whole and in senior executive positions,
and who are on the Board and recommend any changes to the measurable
objectives, strategies or the way in which they are implemented.
With respect to appointment and retention of key talent within the Company
25. The responsibilities of the Nomination Committee include the following:
(a) to submit for approval to the Board the appointment of the CEO and of the
members of the ExCom and the Senior Management (upon the recommendation
of the CEO);
(b) to monitor the careers and succession planning of the members of the ExCom
and the Senior Management and of high-potential executives;
Para J, Part 1 of
Appendix 14
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(c) to monitor the trainee program results in terms of recruitment during the year,
career progress of trainees recruited in previous years and overall assessment
of the program results vs. stated objectives;
(d) to discuss culture, quality of the employees, and training needs;
(e) to review the annual performance of the top executives of the Company and
their successors;
(f) to review the Company’s needs for employees and guarantee the existence of
management depth for expansion and succession; and
(g) to approve all external hiring of key executives.
Annual evaluation
26. The Nomination Committee should evaluate its own performance, these terms
of reference, and its membership annually to ensure it is performing its duties
effectively, and recommend to the Board any changes it considers necessary.
Terms available
27. The Nomination Committee shall make available these terms of reference by
inclusion on the websites of the Company and the Stock Exchange in order to
explain its role and the authority delegated to it by the Board.
CP B.3.2