Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
March 2020
This updated guidance was developed by a workgroup of Ohio Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) staff.
Workgroup members included:
Michael Allen
Gavin Armstrong
Sarah Beal
Chris Bulinski
Dawn Busalacchi
Corin Fogle
Erik Hagen
Melissa Langton
Chuck Mellon
Chris Osborne
Carrie Rasik
Lisa Shook
Vanessa Steigerwald-Dick
Brian Tucker
Katie Weyrauch
The following guidance document represents an update to the May 2010 Ohio EPA
document of the same title and supersedes any and all previous vapor intrusion guidance
documents presented by the agency. This update reflects the Ohio EPA Division of
Environmental Response and Revitalization’s (DERR) latest understanding of
appropriate policies regarding vapor intrusion. The document was developed using
established guidance from the United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), the Interstate Technology Resource Council (ITRC), American Society of Testing
and Materials (ASTM), and other states, modified for the purposes of complying with
remedial response, resource conservation and recovery act and voluntary actions in Ohio.
Special thanks to the California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic
Substances Control, for permission to use the Interim Final Guidance for the Evaluation
and Mitigation of Subsurface Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air, December 2004, as a
template. In some instances, exact phrasing from California’s guidance was used.
This guidance was developed solely for sites under the oversight of Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act program (RCRA), and the Voluntary Action
Program (VAP), carried out under the supervision of Ohio EPA DERR. In this document
sites managed under CERCLA and RCRA will be characterized as remedial programs
(RP). Use of this guidance for other Ohio EPA programs or other state agency programs
may not be appropriate.
The guidance serves as an instructional tool for the investigation and evaluation of vapor
intrusion at sites in Ohio. It is not meant to be a regulatory document and any statements
provided herein are not legally binding.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. x
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
2.0 SCOPE .................................................................................................................. 1
3.0 VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION ...................................................................... 2
3.1 Initial Vapor Intrusion Assessment ...................................................................... 2
3.2 Conceptual Site Model ........................................................................................ 4
3.3 Data Quality Objective Process and Developing a Sample Plan ........................ 6
4.1 Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Collection and Analysis .......................... 9
4.2 Analytical Detection Limits ................................................................................ 11
4.3 Soil Gas Sampling ............................................................................................ 11
4.4 Soil Gas Probes ................................................................................................ 13
4.5 Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling and Data ................................................................. 15
4.6 Sampling Basements with Dirt Floors and Crawl Spaces ................................. 17
4.7 Leak Testing ..................................................................................................... 18
4.8 Passive Soil Gas (Exterior or Sub-Slab) Sampling ........................................... 21
5.0 INDOOR AIR SAMPLING .................................................................................... 22
5.1 Site Inspection, Product Inventory and Field Screening ................................... 23
5.2 Indoor Air Sample Collection and Analysis ....................................................... 23
6.0 GROUND WATER MONITORING AND EVALUATION ....................................... 26
6.1 Well Placement ................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Screen Placement ............................................................................................ 27
6.3 Screen Lengths ................................................................................................. 27
6.4 Ground Water Sampling ................................................................................... 27
6.5 Soil Gas Confirmation of Ground Water Concentration .................................... 28
6.6 Other Factors .................................................................................................... 28
7.0 BULK SOIL .......................................................................................................... 28
8.0 DATA EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS ................................................................. 29
8.1 Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels ..................................................................... 29
8.2 Bulk Soil Data ................................................................................................... 30
8.3 Ground Water Data Screening .......................................................................... 31
8.4 Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Data Screening ................................................. 31
8.5 Indoor Air Data Evaluation ................................................................................ 32
8.6 Background Source Evaluation ......................................................................... 32
8.7 Occupational Exposure Limits .......................................................................... 32
9.0 VAPOR INTRUSION FROM PETROLEUM RELEASES ..................................... 33
9.1 Petroleum Release Characterization and Phase Partitioning ........................... 34
9.2 Lateral Inclusion Zone ...................................................................................... 35
9.3 Vertical Separation Distance............................................................................. 35
9.4 Ground Water Flow and Dissolved Plumes ...................................................... 36
9.5 Compliance with BUSTR .................................................................................. 36
10.0 MODELING THE VAPOR INTRUSION PATHWAY ........................................... 36
10.1 U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level Calculator .................................... 37
10.2 Overview of the Use of Fate and Transport Models in Ohio EPA ................... 38
10.3 Overview of U.S. EPA’s Johnson and Ettinger Model ..................................... 38
10.4 BioVapor ......................................................................................................... 39
11.1 Potential Imminent Hazard Conditions ............................................................ 40
11.2 Explosive Hazard ............................................................................................ 40
12.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION ............................................................................. 41
12.1 Determining Applicable Risk Goals and the Need for Further Evaluation ....... 41
12.2 Use of Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) ................................................ 42
12.3 Use of BUSTR Petroleum Standards .............................................................. 42
13.0 REMEDY ............................................................................................................ 43
13.1 Remedy Selection and Implementation Considerations ................................. 43
13.2 Remediation of Environmental Media ............................................................. 46
13.3 Institutional Controls ....................................................................................... 46
13.4 Engineering Controls ...................................................................................... 46
13.5 Active Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems .................................................... 47
13.6 Heating, Ventilation, Filtration Units and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Measures . 49
13.7 Passive Engineering Controls ......................................................................... 50
13.8 Monitoring Requirements for Engineering Controls ........................................ 51
13.9 Post-Mitigation and Seasonal Monitoring ....................................................... 51
13.10 Termination of Engineering Controls ............................................................ 52
13.11 Owner Documentation/Notification of Engineering Controls ......................... 52
SITES ........................................................................................................................ 53
14.1 Long-Term Management ................................................................................ 53
14.2 Ground Water, Soil Gas, Sub-Slab Vapor and Differential Pressure
Monitoring/Sampling ............................................................................................... 54
14.3 Passive Mitigation System Efficacy Verification .............................................. 54
14.4 Environmental Covenants and Deed Restrictions ........................................... 55
14.5 Exit Strategy ................................................................................................... 55
15.0 CITATIONS AND REFERENCES ...................................................................... 57
Figure 1. Stepwise Approach for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway ......................xi
Figure 2. Examples of Soil Gas Sampling Probes ........................................................ 13
Figure 3. Permanent Soil Gas Probe Schematic .......................................................... 15
Figure 4. Example of a Sub-Slab Vapor Probe ............................................................ 17
Figure 5. Schematic of a Summa Canister ................................................................... 25
Figure 6. Petroleum Distillation .................................................................................... 34
Figure 7. Schematic of PVI Scenario with LNAPL ........................................................ 36
Table 1. Common Tracers Advantages and Disadvantages ......................................... 20
Table 2. Comparison of Indoor Air and Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Conditions to Bias
Sampling to the Highest Potential Concentrations* ....................................................... 24
Table 3. Comparison of Mitigation Technologies .......................................................... 45
APPENDIX A. Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Site Model Checklist .................................. 61
APPENDIX B. Special Considerations for Evaluating Residential Properties ............... 63
APPENDIX C. FSOPs ................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX D. Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report Form .............................................. 106
APPENDIX E. Indoor Air/Sub-Slab Sampling Form .................................................... 107
APPENDIX F. Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Analytical Methods and Reporting Limit
Ranges ........................................................................................................................ 113
APPENDIX G. Comparison of Tubing Type to Vapor Absorption ................................ 116
AC Alternating Current
ADS Active Depressurization System
AF Attenuation Factor
APU Air Purifying Unit
AST Aboveground Storage Tank
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
BGS Below Ground Surface
BTEX Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene
BUSTR Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
COCs Chemicals of Concern
CP Certified Professional
CPRG Closure Plan Review Guidance
CSM Conceptual Site Model
CVAFS Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
CV/AA Cold Vapor/Atomic Absorption
DERR Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
DNAPL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
DQOs Data Quality Objectives
EC Environmental Covenant
ECD Electron Capture Detector
ELCR Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FFS Federal Facilities Section
FID Flame Ionization Detector
FSOP Field Standard Operating Procedure
GC/MS Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
HASP Health and Safety Plan
HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air
HQ Hazard Quotient
HRV Heat Recovery Ventilation
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
ITRC Interstate Technology Resource Council
J&E Model Johnson and Ettinger Vapor Intrusion Model
LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LNAPL Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
LPM Liters Per Minute
MIP Male Iron Pipe
NAPL Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
NCP National Contingency Plan
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OAC Ohio Administrative Code
OD Outer Diameter
ODH Ohio Department of Health
Ohio EPA Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
ORC Ohio Revised Code
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSI Office of Special Investigation
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (U.S. EPA)
PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PCE Tetrachloroethylene
PDS Passive Depressurization System
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PHC Petroleum Hydrocarbons
PID Photoionization Detector
PPB Parts per Billion
PPBV Parts per Billion Volume
PPM Parts per Million
PPMV Parts per Million Volume
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
PVI Petroleum Vapor Intrusion
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RAGS Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RI/FS Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
RP DERR Remedial Programs (CERCLA and RCRA)
RSL Regional Screening Level
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SCIA Source Control Interim Action
SIFU Site Investigation Field Unit (Ohio EPA)
SIM Selected Ion Monitoring
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SSWP Site-Specific Work Plan
STEL Short-Term Exposure Limits
SVE Soil Vapor Extraction
TCD Thermal Conductivity Detector
TCE Trichloroethylene
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
UPUS Unrestricted Potable Use Standards
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UST Underground Storage Tank
VAP Voluntary Action Program
VI Vapor Intrusion
VISL Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (U.S. EPA)
VOA Volatile Organic Analysis
VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds
The intrusion of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into buildings is one of many
exposure pathways that must be considered when assessing risk to human health from
contamination. The Ohio EPA Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
(DERR) recommends a stepwise approach and sampling methodologies for evaluating
vapor intrusion, as described in this document.
Ohio EPA DERR currently administers four environmental media clean-up programs: the
Voluntary Action Program (VAP), the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) program, the Federal Facilities
Section (FFS) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program. In
this document sites managed under CERCLA, FFS and RCRA will be characterized as
Remedial Programs (RP).
The VAP is semi-privatized and operates under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 3746 and
Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745. Site assessments and clean-ups in the VAP are
conducted by Certified Professionals certified by the program. Site clean-ups under the
RP are directed by Ohio EPA staff, and follow the requirements of CERCLA as modified
by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, and the National Contingency
Plan. Corrective Actions and Unit Closures are directed by Ohio EPA staff and follow the
requirements of RCRA and subsequent amendments. There are differences between the
programs and their methods of assessment, decision points and remedy selection.
However, this guidance applies to all Ohio EPA DERR clean-up programs unless
explicitly noted.
Stepwise Approach
If volatile chemicals are present in the subsurface at a site, then the vapor intrusion
pathway should be evaluated along with other complete or anticipated exposure
pathways identified through the site assessment. Due to the complexity of vapor intrusion,
many professional disciplines may be needed to evaluate and mitigate the exposure.
Ohio EPA recommends evaluating multiple lines of evidence in a systematic, stepwise
approach depicted in Figure 1 (the flowchart) for the evaluation of the vapor intrusion
pathway. It is not necessary to investigate a site for potential vapor intrusion risk in the
order presented in this guidance. For sites where the environmental release history is
unknown, the stepwise approach should be most useful and effective. However, many
sites in Ohio EPA DERR programs have been assessed in some manner prior to
investigating potential vapor intrusion issues. Therefore, entering the flowchart (Figure 1)
at various steps may be appropriate.
Figure 1. Stepwise Approach for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway
Step 1 Conduct the site assessment.
The site assessment is paramount to determining whether the potential for the vapor
intrusion pathway exists at a site. A site assessment involves examining current and
former activities such as, the types of chemicals used, stored and managed at the site,
as well as the administrative history to determine whether releases occurred or if there
was potential for releases of hazardous substances or petroleum to environmental media
(i.e., soil, ground water, soil gas, sub-slab vapor or indoor air). A site walkover/inspection
is also necessary.
Step 2 Determine if there is the potential for any volatile and toxic chemicals in soil
or ground water.
Chemicals in the subsurface must be both sufficiently volatile and toxic to present a vapor
intrusion risk. If there is no reason to believe that a release of a volatile chemical may
have affected the site, then the information supporting this decision should be
documented and the vapor intrusion pathway does not need further evaluation.
Step 3 Determine if there is a potentially complete vapor intrusion pathway.
If there was a release, or a release of any sufficiently volatile and toxic chemicals was
possible, then develop an investigative workplan that includes a Conceptual Site Model
(CSM) for evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway. The potential for a complete vapor
intrusion pathway depends on factors such as current or future land use, distance
between contamination and existing or proposed buildings, preferential pathways, and
whether contaminant plumes are at steady state. The CSM is not static, but continually
refined and revised based on data and other information collected at the site.
Step 4 Sample environmental media.
After the vapor intrusion pathway is determined to be potentially complete, sample
environmental media (i.e., soil, ground water, soil gas, sub-slab vapor or indoor air) and
determine if concentrations indicate a vapor source is present and/or if vapors have
infiltrated a building. Data from only one environmental medium is generally not sufficient
to fully assess the vapor intrusion exposure pathway. A multiple lines of evidence
approach is preferred to evaluate pathway completeness from all environmental media,
to assess the complete and potentially complete vapor intrusion exposure pathway to
human receptors, and to reduce uncertainties.
Step 5 Evaluate data and determine if data evaluation indicates the possibility of
an imminent hazard.
A number of tools can be used at this stage to determine if the vapor intrusion pathway
poses a potential unacceptable risk for building occupants. Compare ground water, soil
gas, and/or sub-slab vapor concentrations to vapor intrusion screening levels (VISLs) that
correspond to a non-cancer hazard of 1 and an excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) of 1E-
5. Update the CSM depending on the outcome of data evaluation. If data indicate the
possibility of an imminent hazard, which is any condition which poses an immediate risk
of harm to public health, safety, or the environment, Ohio EPA should be contacted as
soon as possible and the volunteer should be prepared to move to Steps 7 and/or 8, as
appropriate, in a timely manner.
Step 6 Evaluate the potential risk and hazard from the vapor intrusion pathway.
For RP sites, if data evaluation indicates that concentrations are below screening values,
those chemicals of concern (COCs) are eliminated from further vapor intrusion
assessment. For VAP properties, if the concentrations are below screening values the
vapor intrusion pathway may not be complete for that COC, however the data and
screening values must be used to calculate incremental site-wide risk.
Step 7 If data evaluation indicates risk or hazard goals are or may be exceeded,
then additional data may be collected, or a remedy may be implemented (see Step
If data evaluation indicates a potential for unacceptable human health risk, then additional
data collection may be necessary to conduct a risk assessment, evaluate lines of
evidence, and/or determine what, if any, remedy is needed. Further investigation may
include the following:
Collecting data to define physical and chemical parameters for site-specific soil
using recommended test methods.
Collecting soil gas samples to define the vapor plume at sites where buildings do
not exist.
Collecting sub-slab vapor samples or crawl space samples at an existing building.
Collecting indoor air samples in conjunction with sub-slab vapor or soil gas
Additional evaluation of the environmental data may be needed to derive an
exposure point concentration for use in a property-specific risk assessment.
Step 8 Remediation, Mitigating Indoor Air Exposure and/or Conducting Long-Term
If data evaluation indicates the potential for unacceptable human health risk, there are
several remedies that may be considered to mitigate vapor intrusion to indoor air. For
VAP sites, the volunteer selects the remedy. For RP sites, the remedy is selected
following procedures outlined in CERCLA as amended by SARA and the NCP and may
be defined by site-specific orders.
Potential remedies may include:
Removing vapor-forming chemical contamination through site remediation.
Installing passive or active vent systems (existing buildings).
Installing passive and/or active vent systems/membrane systems (future
Designing ventilation systems to mitigate indoor air concentrations (HVAC).
Using institutional controls to restrict structures or land use on contaminated
Implementing and monitoring of appropriate engineered remedies to prevent or
mitigate exposure through vapor intrusion. Monitoring of engineered controls must
continue until risk-based clean-up levels as measured in environmental media
have been met.
For any remedy chosen for a site, long-term monitoring of soil gas and/or indoor air may
be necessary under an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) plan. The frequency of the
monitoring will depend upon site-specific conditions and the degree of vapor-forming
chemical contamination.
Volatile chemicals in soil or ground water can migrate through the subsurface, enter
buildings, and potentially cause an unacceptable chemical exposure for building
occupants. If volatile chemicals are present at a site, Ohio EPA DERR requires that
potential risk from vapor intrusion be included in the CSM and the potentially complete
pathway investigated. This guidance provides a framework for site characterization and
investigation of the vapor intrusion pathway.
Evaluation of the vapor intrusion to indoor air pathway may involve sampling
environmental media to evaluate and characterize subsurface chemical releases, using
screening models to predict indoor air concentrations, and usually includes conducting
indoor air sampling. This guidance outlines the technical aspects of evaluating the vapor
intrusion pathway and provides recommendations for elements that should be included
in a site investigation. This guidance is not intended to provide detailed information on
conducting a baseline or property specific risk assessment.
Due to the complexity of vapor intrusion, many professionals of varying disciplines may
be needed to evaluate and mitigate exposure, such as geologists, risk assessors,
engineers, HVAC specialists, Certified Industrial Hygienists, and risk communication
specialists. Accordingly, an appropriate project team should be gathered when evaluating
vapor intrusion issues. Ohio EPA DERR anticipates that this guidance will be used by
regulators, responsible parties, environmental consultants, community groups, and
property developers.
Vapor intrusion is a developing field and it is anticipated that some of the procedures and
practices within this guidance will change as understanding of vapor intrusion progresses.
Ohio EPA DERR will update this document as needed to accommodate refinements and
advances in the field of vapor intrusion.
This guidance provides options of technically defensible and consistent approaches for
evaluating the vapor intrusion to indoor air pathway, but it is not comprehensive, nor does
it impose any requirements or obligations on the regulated community. Other technically
equivalent sampling and engineering procedures exist and those investigating vapor
intrusion may use other technically sound approaches. Furthermore, this guidance does
not alleviate a volunteer or potentially responsible party from any obligations that U.S.
EPA may require.
This guidance document provides procedures to evaluate the vapor intrusion to indoor air
pathway only. All other media characterization and evaluation of complete exposure
pathways at a site must be done in accordance with the rules or procedures of the
appropriate Ohio EPA DERR programs. This guidance is meant to provide information to
fully characterize the potential risk from vapor intrusion at DERR sites.
This guidance assists in addressing, but is not limited to, the following questions:
What sites are candidates for potential risk from vapor intrusion to indoor air?
What site-specific data are needed to conduct a vapor intrusion evaluation?
What methods are recommended for sampling subsurface media and indoor air?
Should indoor air sampling be conducted?
What are the data requirements for an evaluation of the vapor intrusion pathway?
What measures are available to mitigate indoor air exposures?
The following text describes the stepwise approach for evaluating vapor intrusion found
in Figure 1 (the flowchart). The stepwise approach in this guidance document is meant to
be flexible and may be tailored to site-specific circumstances. Pathway evaluation may
begin at any step in the flowchart provided that the data collection and the CSM clearly
justify entry into that step. However, most vapor intrusion pathway evaluation decisions
and determinations regarding the need for remedial activities and long-term mitigation are
not made using indoor air sampling results alone because a vapor intrusion exposure
pathway is assumed to be complete unless demonstrated otherwise. For this reason, it is
preferred to also have data collected from soil, ground water, soil gas, and/or sub-slab
vapor when making decisions and drawing conclusions about a potential vapor intrusion
pathway from indoor air sampling results.
3.1 Initial Vapor Intrusion Assessment
The steps outlined in the flowchart apply at sites whether or not buildings are currently
present and/or occupied. Current buildings and future building scenarios, as appropriate,
will determine sampling strategy and data evaluation. While the assessment process is
presented in a stepwise fashion, the vapor intrusion pathway is generally evaluated in an
iterative manner and steps may be repeated.
Flowchart Step 1 and Step 2: Conduct the site assessment and determine if there is a
potentially complete vapor intrusion pathway
A comprehensive evaluation of the current and historical operations at a site should be
conducted to identify potential or known releases of volatile chemicals to subsurface
environmental media. A complete compilation of site information is essential for
identifying all potential vapor intrusion exposure pathways. For VAP properties, a
complete Phase I property assessment must be conducted in accordance with the Ohio
Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-300-06. RP sites may use ASTM E1527-13 (or most
recent version) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Site assessment
Environmental Site Assessment Process (ASTM, 2013), DERR’s Closure Plan Review
Guidance (CPRG) (Ohio EPA, 2017) or other relevant CERCLA and RCRA guidance.
For simplicity, this guidance will not repeat the requirements necessary to conduct a site
assessment. However, using the site assessment information when developing a CSM is
a necessary component of this guidance. See the discussion in Step 4 for more details
on CSM components for evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway.
U.S. EPA’s June 2015 OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor
Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (VI Guidance) (U.S. EPA,
2015b) states that the chemicals in the subsurface must be both sufficiently volatile and
toxic to present a vapor intrusion risk. A chemical is considered “volatile” if its:
Vapor pressure is greater than 1 millimeter of mercury (mmHg); or
Henry’s law constant is greater than 10
atmosphere-meter cubed per mole
(atm m
In addition to being sufficiently volatile, a chemical must be potentially toxic to present a
vapor intrusion risk. A volatile chemical may be considered toxic in regard to vapor
intrusion if:
The vapor concentration of the pure component exceeds the target indoor
air concentration, when the subsurface vapor source is in soil; or
The saturated vapor concentration exceeds the target indoor air risk level,
when the subsurface vapor source is in ground water.
In addition to researching a chemical’s physical-chemical properties, the most recent
version of the U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) calculator can be used
as a tool to help determine if a chemical meets the criteria of sufficiently volatile and toxic
and should be included in a vapor intrusion investigation. Chemicals that are sufficiently
volatile and toxic in regard to vapor intrusion are referred to in this guidance document as
vapor-forming chemicals. For additional information on identifying vapor-forming
chemicals, please refer to Chapter 3 of U.S. EPA’s June 2015 OSWER Technical Guide
for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor
Sources to Indoor Air (U.S. EPA, 2015b).
If any chemicals that meet these criteria were potentially released, then the site should
be evaluated for vapor intrusion. This includes evaluating the history of adjacent
properties for potential releases of vapor-forming chemicals that may have affected the
subject site. If there is no reason to believe that a release of a vapor-forming chemical
may have affected the site, then the information supporting this decision should be
documented and the vapor intrusion pathway does not need further evaluation.
Please note, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and PCB mixtures (i.e., Aroclors) are
considered sufficiently volatile and toxic in the U.S. EPA VISL calculator. However, only
lighter PCB mixtures and degradants would be expected to volatilize at a site. In most
cases, PCBs do not need to be evaluated in a vapor intrusion (VI) assessment; please
contact Ohio EPA if the site assessment identifies PCBs for vapor intrusion on a site.
Based on the site assessment decide if further investigation and understanding of the
vapor intrusion pathway is warranted. The potential for a complete vapor intrusion
pathway depends on factors such as current or future land use, distance between
contamination and existing or proposed buildings, preferential pathways, and whether
contaminant plumes are at steady state. A potentially complete or complete vapor
intrusion pathway exists if there is: 1) a potential or confirmed source of a sufficiently
volatile and toxic chemical or chemicals; 2) a current or future mechanism to transport the
chemical; and, 3) a current or future human receptor. Please note, future buildings are to
be reasonably anticipated. If a determination is made that there is no complete or
potentially complete vapor intrusion pathway, this determination must be documented. If
the three factors listed above are present at a site, an investigative workplan that includes
a CSM for evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway should be developed. The CSM is not
static, but continually refined and revised based on data collected at the site.
Flowchart Step 3: Develop a conceptual site model and data quality objectives
3.2 Conceptual Site Model
Site investigations should include the development and refinement of a CSM. The
purpose of a CSM is to provide a conceptual understanding of the potential for exposure
to hazardous contaminants based on knowledge of the sources of contamination present,
release mechanisms to the environment, transport mechanisms, exposure pathways, and
potential receptors. The CSM should include a diagrammatic or schematic representation
that relates the source of contamination to human and ecological receptors and identifies
all potential sources of contamination, the potentially contaminated media, and exposure
pathways. The CSM should evolve as site-specific conditions are better understood and
additional data becomes available, thus the CSM should not be static. The CSM
organizes and communicates information about the site characteristics and is not only a
necessary component of any vapor intrusion site investigation, but an essential decision-
making and communication tool for all interested parties.
For vapor intrusion sites the CSM is integral to the development of a sampling plan. The
CSM will focus on the potential receptors and pathways and is updated as additional data
and information is obtained. Ohio EPA recommends that the following items be included
in a CSM for the vapor intrusion pathway. However, in the early stages of investigation,
not all components listed may be available.
Primary Sources of Contamination. Provide a list of all volatile chemicals for each
potential source. For each potential contaminant source, describe the release and
provide a list of volatile chemicals released into the environment.
Secondary Sources of Contamination. Include all the environmental media
potentially contaminated by the primary sources, such as surface soil, subsurface
soil, and ground water. Contaminated building materials, such as concrete
foundations, can be a source area for a potential release to an environmental
medium and should be considered.
Contaminant Transport Mechanisms. For each potentially contaminated
environmental medium, describe the transport mechanism to indoor air, (usually
advection and diffusion through the vadose zone), and describe the characteristics
of the subsurface.
Exposure Routes. Describe current buildings, potential future building scenarios,
as appropriate, and areas where vapors may accumulate, including smaller
enclosed areas in larger buildings. Discuss any preferential contaminant migration
pathways associated with the buildings, such as foundation cracks, voids, utility
ports, pipes, elevator shafts, sumps, and drain holes.
Potential Receptors. List all the current and potential future receptors, as
appropriate, that could potentially be exposed to contaminated indoor air from the
vapor intrusion pathway.
A preferential contaminant migration pathway is a pathway of less resistance than typical
pathways available for transport through environmental media, taken by chemicals of
concern (COC) while undergoing diffusion or advection. These pathways, which can be
natural or anthropogenic, are a result of disturbance in natural soil layers, (such as
installation of underground utilities or fractures in bedrock), are more porous and
transmissive, and enable more rapid COC transport. Early in the development of a CSM
and sampling plan, preferential pathways need to be considered, located and potentially
sampled for. For example, it has been observed that utility lines are able to influence the
flow of shallow ground water contaminated with vapor-forming chemicals, and either block
the flow of such ground water, or conversely, facilitate flow of soil gas and contaminated
ground water through the porous bedding material or the pipes themselves. Sewer lines
in particular, due to their construction, have been known to convey vapor-forming
chemicals for long distances from a source. Older sewer lines may be composed of clay,
cast iron or Orangeburg pipe, which may have cracks and voids at joints depending upon
their age. Infrastructure present in older cities and towns may be cracked or detached at
joints due to settling. Utility lines are surrounded by bedding material which is typically
more porous than the surrounding native soils. The presence of any preferential pathway
necessitates an examination of whether vapor-forming chemicals can be transmitted
beyond the assumed 100-foot buffer zone. A study by McHugh, et. al. (2017) showed that
concentrations of vapor-forming chemicals were higher in the basement than the sub-
slab vapor concentrations. Therefore, if a sewer line is within the zone of influence (less
than 100 feet) from a source of vapor-forming chemicals, or there is reason to suspect
that a ground water plume contaminated with vapor-forming chemicals above U.S. EPA
VISLs is interacting with the sewer line, then sampling the line and bedding material
should be planned and included in the sub-surface investigation and field sampling plan.
To document current site conditions, the CSM should be supported with maps,
subsurface cross-sections, site diagrams, and any other site-specific details which may
be pertinent, such as building characteristics. The narrative should clearly describe known
site conditions and state what assumptions were made to generate the CSM. The
narrative should include a description of ambient sources and the presence of nearby
potential sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other volatile chemicals,
such as neighboring dry-cleaning operations. Additional information on the development
of a CSM can be found in guidance published by various entities, including the U.S. EPA
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (U.S. EPA, 1989), Standard Guide for
Developing Conceptual Site Models for Contaminated Sites ASTM E1689 95 (ASTM,
2014), Ohio EPA DERR Conceptual Site Models Guidance Document (Ohio EPA, 2015),
and U.S. EPA Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives
Process (U.S. EPA, 2006).
The site evaluation may lead to the conclusion that the vapor intrusion pathway is
incomplete. The following are examples of instances where the vapor intrusion pathway
may be considered incomplete:
No buildings are present at the site and there is a prohibition on building structures
at the site in the future;
Absence of sufficiently volatile and toxic chemicals;
The distance between contamination and existing or proposed buildings is greater
than 100 feet leading to low probability of vapor intrusion, as confirmed with soil
gas data;
Lack of preferential pathways; or
Contamination plumes (e.g., ground water, soil gas or sub-slab vapors) are
confirmed to be at steady-state and contaminant concentrations are and will
remain below screening levels.
A checklist of information to assist in the development of a CSM for vapor intrusion and
for planning a soil gas sampling strategy for a site can be found in Appendix A.
3.3 Data Quality Objective Process and Developing a Sample Plan
The scope and objectives of environmental media sampling should be established before
the vapor intrusion investigation is conducted by working through the Data Quality
Objective (DQO) process. For voluntary actions, the DQO process is part of the Phase II
Property Assessment (see OAC 3745-300-07(C)). For RP sites, the CERCLA RI/FS
guidance, RCRA Corrective Action Guidance, Closure Plan Review Guidance and
general U.S. EPA Quality Management documents should be followed when designing a
sampling plan and developing DQOs. The DQOs are qualitative and quantitative
statements that:
Clarify the study objective.
Identify the chemicals of concern (COCs).
Define if the sample will provide qualitative or quantitative information.
Define the type, quantity, and quality of each piece of data collected in the study.
Determine required analytical detection limits.
Define how each sample will be used to assess whether vapors are intruding into
Determine the most appropriate locations, sampling method, and sampling
duration for data collection.
Specify the amount of acceptable uncertainty in the sampling results.
Specify how the data will be used to test the exposure hypothesis.
Additional information on the DQO process can be found in U.S. EPA. Guidance on
Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process (February 2006) at and Ohio EPA, Data Quality Objectives Process Summary,
DERR-00-DI-32, Internal Guidance Document, January 2002 at
The type of environmental media sampled and sampling strategy for the evaluation of the
vapor intrusion pathway is dependent on release history, prior site investigations, the
CSM, and whether the site is being evaluated under the VAP or RP programs.
For RP sites, the sampling strategy is directed by the RI/FS, RFI/CMS or unit closure site
characterization process. For VAP sites, the Phase I will direct the sampling with the
results presented in the Phase II. For RP sites, the sampling strategy should be sufficient
to characterize the complete nature and extent of contamination. For VAP sites the
sampling strategy may be tailored to the remedy selection. During site characterization,
the sampling and analysis plan that was developed during the project planning is
implemented and field data are collected and analyzed to determine if a complete vapor
intrusion pathway exists and to what extent the site poses a threat to human health and
the environment. This is an iterative process and the resulting data and information will
be used for selecting a remedy for the site.
The U.S. EPA OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion
Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (June 2015) recommends
collecting multiple rounds of sampling at multiple locations to evaluate spatial and
temporal variations of the concentrations of COCs in environmental media. Spatial and
temporal variability factors to consider include depth to ground water, heterogeneity in
subsurface materials, weather conditions, building operations, building construction and
age, interior compartmentalization, preferential contaminant migration pathways (such as
foundation cracks, sumps and utilities), and whether the site is developed or
In most cases, soil gas data is part of the multiple lines of evidence approach to determine
whether the vapor intrusion pathway is potentially complete from contaminated soil or
ground water. For existing buildings, sub-slab vapor concentrations best reveal the
potential for vapor intrusion directly into the building. The flow chart in Figure 1 does not
require that environmental media be sampled in a linear fashion (i.e., soil and ground
water, then soil gas, then sub-slab vapor, and finally indoor air). However, where
receptors are potentially being exposed, the preference is to determine impacts from soil
gas, soil, and ground water first to determine if a potential for vapor intrusion exists. A
more detailed discussion of the relative importance and iterative sampling of different
media is provided in Sections 4.3, 4.5, and 6.4. If soil gas, soil and/or ground water data
indicate a potential risk to building occupants, then sub-slab vapor and indoor air data
should be collected and used in the risk evaluations. Special considerations are advisable
when evaluating residential properties and/or imminent hazard situations and are
discussed in Appendix B and Section 11.0, respectively.
Ambient air and sub-slab vapor should be collected when sampling indoor air to aid in
data interpretation and determining if vapor intrusion is occurring. Although measuring
indoor air concentration is a direct measurement at the exposure point, many factors can
influence indoor air results, including materials used or stored indoors, disturbance of
sampling equipment during testing, and the possibility of ventilating the building during
the sample event (i.e., opening doors/windows). Additionally, indoor air values can be
influenced by concentrations of volatile chemicals in ambient outdoor air that are
unrelated to releases in soil or ground water.
For all vapor-forming chemical releases, if the data collected during the site investigation
indicates existing or future buildings at a site or near the site are greater than 100 feet
laterally from the known extent of subsurface contamination above screening levels and
there are no preferential pathways (e.g., sewer lines) that can be a direct conduit from a
vapor source to a building, then vapor intrusion is not likely under the current site
conditions, and no further consideration of the exposure pathway should be needed until
such time site conditions change in a way that warrant a vapor intrusion investigation
(e.g., a building is built directly above the source area). For relatively small releases
compromised of only petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC), such as underground storage tank
(UST) sites, a lateral separation distance of 30 feet and a vertical separation distance of
15 feet (above LNAPL) or 6 feet (above dissolved sources) can be applied instead of the
default 100 feet. Sites with a potential for larger petroleum releases, such as bulk plants,
refineries, petrochemical plants, or pipelines, or sites where lead scavengers were used
or stored should use the 100 feet lateral separation distance recommended for non-PHC
VOCs. See Sections 9.2 and 9.3 for additional information regarding PHC lateral and
vertical separation distances.
Evaluations of building distance from contamination should only be conducted if the
movement of subsurface contamination has reached steady-state conditions (i.e., when
the maximum migration potential of the subsurface plumes has been reached). For
ground water, the migration potential can be evaluated with data from routine sampling
of ground water monitoring wells. If COCs in ground water indicate stable or decreasing
contaminant trends, the maximum contaminant migration for ground water has probably
occurred. For soil gas, a similar evaluation can be conducted if routine sampling data is
available from permanent or temporary sampling points. If sufficient time has passed
since the chemical release to allow for diffusional movement to the building in question,
then steady-state conditions have probably occurred. If soil gas or ground water
contaminant plumes are increasing, 100 feet is not an appropriate distance for potential
pathway elimination.
When evaluating the distances between subsurface contaminant plumes and buildings,
it is important to consider whether preferential pathways exist which could allow vapors
to migrate beyond the lateral separation distance. These preferential pathways could be
either natural or anthropogenic. Examples of preferential pathways include fractures,
macropores, gravel base for utility conduits, and subsurface drains, etc.
Flowchart Step 4: Sample environmental media
The following section provides basic guidelines for conducting soil gas and sub-slab vapor
sampling for assessing the vapor intrusion pathway. Soil gas sampling refers to samples
collected outside of a building footprint and sub-slab vapor sampling refers to samples
collected from directly underneath an existing building. Appendix C contains Ohio EPA
DERR’s standard operating procedures for installing soil gas probes, sub-slab vapor
probes and direct push techniques for collection of soil gas.
Soil gas and sub-slab vapor sampling can be used for a number of purposes including
initial site characterization, delineation of impacts from ground water plumes, identification
of source areas and potential receptors, remediation and post-remediation monitoring,
and for developing and refining a CSM.
4.1 Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Collection and Analysis
Depending on the scope of the study and the DQOs, samples may be collected using
devices such as gas-tight syringes, Tedlar
bags, passive sorbent samplers or Summa
canisters. Gas tight syringes are appropriate only when an on-site field laboratory is used,
and samples are analyzed immediately following sample collection. Field screening and
use of a mobile lab are acceptable in order to refine DQOs by conducting on-site, real
time field analysis. Alternative soil gas and sub-slab vapor sampling options can be
proposed to Ohio EPA for considerations.
Prior to collecting the sample for analysis, Ohio EPA DERR recommends purging three
tubing volumes or conducting a purge test until parameters (e.g., oxygen, carbon
monoxide, or VOCs) stabilize in order to determine the optimal purge volume for the
location. The purge volume should be consistent for all samples collected from the study
area. An approximate 10-minute delay should occur between purging and sampling.
When purging or collecting samples using a vacuum pump or an evacuated canister, the
vacuum applied to the probe should not exceed ten inches of mercury or 100 inches water
and the flow rate generally should not exceed 200 milliliters per minute. This should limit
the potential for ambient air being drawn into the sample from the ground surface and it
should limit desorbing of vapors from contaminated soils.
To maintain sample integrity:
The recommended maximum holding times for samples should not be exceeded.
The laboratory should be contacted for holding times and to ensure the sampler
uses the best collection method.
If stored samples are to be subjected to changes in ambient pressure (such as
shipping by air), canisters are recommended (ITRC, 2007).
Samples should not be chilled during storage unless specified by the method.
bag samples should be kept out of direct sunlight.
All sampling records should be completed and maintained (e.g., chain of custody,
sample data forms).
The appropriate sample method is dependent on the DQOs developed for the project.
The contract laboratory can provide information on appropriate sample volume for
analysis. Samples should be analyzed for the appropriate COCs, including breakdown
products. Syringe samples and Tedlar® bags generally are only acceptable for qualitative
and possibly semi-quantitative analyses. Quantitative analysis by TO-15/8260 or TO-17
should be used for human health risk assessments. The analytical method used should
be able to identify and quantify the target analytes and be capable of meeting program
specific requirements. Sample results submitted to Ohio EPA DERR should be reported
in units of ppbv and/or µg/m
. Lower explosive limit (LEL) percentages should be used
for explosive gas determinations. Soil gas and sub-slab vapor sampling field data should
be recorded on either the Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report Form (Appendix D) or the
Indoor Air/Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Form (Appendix E) or equivalent forms, as
applicable, and submitted with the results.
Utility and sewer lines should be located prior to conducting sampling for safety and to
aid in locating samples. Contact a local municipal utility authority to obtain accurate layout
of utilities and sewer lines in immediate vicinity of the site before a subsurface
investigation. In Ohio, it is 8-1-1, the Ohio Utilities Protection Service, which coordinates
with local utility contacts. The utilities and sewer lines should be depicted on the cross
section of the CSM, and a determination should be made if there is a potential for utility
or sewer lines to interact with shallow ground water. Utility lines within 100-feet of a known
vapor-forming chemical release should be screened via a Photoionization detector (PID)
or equivalent field screening instrument.
A utility line preferential pathway investigation should take into consideration the type,
depth, diameter and construction specifications of all lines and bedding material, utilizing
historical resources. Screen sewer gas and determine depth of lines through manhole
apertures if possible, using a PID. Sampling in sewer lines and the bedding around utilities
requires caution and expertise given the risks involved if utilities are pierced or damaged.
The following resources discuss techniques which can be utilized to sample for soil gas
in and around utilities:
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM): Investigation of
Manmade of Preferential Pathways, Office of Land Quality, August 2015:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Vapor
Intrusion Guidance, Site Investigation, Mitigation and Closure, October 2016:
4.2 Analytical Detection Limits
Analytical detection or reporting limits for soil gas samples should be sufficiently low to
adequately evaluate the vapor intrusion pathway per the project’s DQOs. For VAP sites,
an estimate of the applicable standard, adjusted for the presence of multiple chemicals,
provides the basis for the minimum detection limits. For screening at Ohio EPA DERR
RP sites, the minimum detection limit is determined by the appropriate screening value.
More information on the analytical methods and reporting limits can be found in Appendix
4.3 Soil Gas Sampling
In many cases, soil gas sampling is essential in evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway.
There are a variety of techniques for obtaining these samples, from placing probes using
boring devices to measuring soil gas using passive-type samplers. Whatever technique
is chosen, the soil lithography and stratigraphy should be determined using on-site data
from previous investigations, data from nearby sites, or based on information from county
soil surveys to aid in characterizing the source and transport mechanisms. Other pertinent
information that should be considered when planning a soil gas investigation include
depth to ground water and the presence of perched impermeable zones. This information
should be used to determine appropriate sampling depths. Ohio EPA generally expects
that initial soil gas samples should be taken above the capillary fringe to determine if a
contamination source is of sufficient concentration to warrant additional soil gas sampling
or to conduct sub-slab vapor sampling. It may be necessary to install probes at multiple
depths to evaluate the vertical distribution of contaminants in soil gas. For vertical
delineation, soil gas samples could be collected at various depths (e.g., 5 feet, 10 feet,
and 20 feet below ground surface (bgs)) to demonstrate attenuation and the likelihood
that the vapor intrusion pathway is complete. Ohio EPA DERR recommends that vadose
zone monitoring points for sample collection be installed to evaluate the temporal
variations in soil gas concentrations. Soil gas sampling should be postponed at least 24-
hours after a major rain event (one-half inch or more) and the sampling area must be free
of ponded water.
Soil gas sample locations should be biased toward the source, if known, or toward highest
expected concentrations. If a property is developed, sub-slab vapor sampling rather than
soil gas sampling is preferred to evaluate the potential vapor intrusion pathway to the
building. If sub-slab vapor sampling is not practical, then soil gas samples should be
collected as close to the building as possible. However, keep in mind that soil gas samples
may exhibit a high degree of spatial and temporal variability (U.S. EPA, 2015b). According
to U.S. EPA (2015b), “…soil gas concentrations measured exterior to a building may not
be representative of sub-slab concentrations measured directly beneath the building
foundation sub-slab. The bias introduced by these factors may be high or low depending
on climatic and building conditions and the extent to which the samples accurately
represent the spatial and temporal variability of concentrations under the building.” If soil
gas samples are being collected in lieu of sub-slab samples, then bias should be given to
preferential pathways, such as utilities and fill materials located at the site to account for
this potential variability. It is important to note that situations may exist where vertical
fractures may provide preferential pathways, in such instances sub-slab vapor sampling
may be necessary to adequately evaluate the indoor air pathway.
Ohio EPA DERR recommends that a minimum of two rounds of soil gas data be collected
to evaluate the vapor intrusion pathway. However, early or interim response actions may
be required following one round of sampling. The two rounds will begin to estimate
temporal and seasonal variations at the site and other site-specific factors which may
influence vapor migration. Since two rounds constitute a limited database, the maximum
concentration detected should be used to evaluate potential risk. Based on these results,
additional samples may be required depending on the source strength, plume movement
and how soil gas concentrations compare to screening levels. If soil gas samples exceed
screening values and buildings are within 100 feet of the sample location for non-
petroleum vapor-forming chemicals and within 30 feet of PHC vapor-forming chemicals,
then sub-slab vapor samples and/or indoor air samples should be collected to further
evaluate the vapor intrusion risk pathway. For further information on evaluating petroleum
releases and their inclusion zones see Section 9.0.
For undeveloped sites with vapor-forming chemical contamination, soil gas samples
should be collected to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion should the property be
developed in the future. The number and depth of soil gas samples should be sufficient
to evaluate concentrations in soil gas and attenuation of soil gas as it migrates to the
surface. Reassessment of the vapor intrusion pathway may be warranted once structures
are built on the site to evaluate the site-specific situation.
Generally, soil gas samples should not be collected at depths shallower than five feet bgs
due to the potential for atmospheric interference. Ambient air may infiltrate the soil column
and could result in dilution of the soil gas sample near the surface. For sites where the
depth to ground water or the soil source is less than five feet, but sub-slab sampling
beneath an enclosed structure is not an option, an attempt should be made to collect soil
gas samples from beneath existing impermeable surfaces such as outdoor patios, parking
lots, or roads. When shallow (< 5 feet bgs) soil gas sampling is performed, leak testing is
a critical element of the sampling to verify the integrity of the vapor probe seal and the
quality of the data (Section 4.7). If an impermeable surface is not present beneath a
structure or in outdoor areas, then it may be more appropriate to rely on other lines of
evidence such as passive soil gas sampling, ground water sampling, crawl space or
indoor air sampling to evaluate the vapor intrusion pathway.
4.4 Soil Gas Probes
Soil gas sampling probes are either temporary or permanent. Temporary soil gas probes
are only sampled once, and all equipment is removed upon sample completion.
Permanent soil gas probes are sampled over time to evaluate seasonal, temporal or other
variations in concentrations. When possible, permanent soil gas probes should be
installed when collecting soil gas samples for risk assessments. Figure 2 shows several
types of soil gas probes (NJDEP, 2005). Whether installing a temporary or permanent
soil gas probe, it is necessary to prevent ambient air from diluting the soil gas sample. A
leak test should be performed to verify the integrity of the vapor probe seal. For further
information on leak testing refer to Section 4.7.
Figure 2. Examples of Soil Gas Sampling Probes (NJDEP, 2005)
Temporary vapor probes can be installed by a variety of methods. The most common
methods are direct push and manual slide hammer. These methods allow sample tubing
to be placed at the desired depth for sampling then removed once a sample is collected.
Temporary vapor probes use a retractable or removable drive tip. Typically, ¼” nylon,
Teflon or polyethylene tubing is used to collect subsurface vapors for sampling in
temporary applications.
Figure 3 is a schematic of a permanent soil gas probe. Samples from permanent soil gas
probes should be collected over an appropriate seasonal or temporal time frame in order
to adequately evaluate the risk from the contaminants detected. Permanent soil gas
probes typically consist of a screen or sample port installed at the tip or near the bottom
of the tubing. Stainless steel, Teflon or nylon tubing are preferred in permanent
applications. Tubing selections should be based upon duration of sampling, type of
COCs, and how long the sampling point needs to remain in place (see Appendix G for
comparison of sample tubing type to vapor absorption). Common installation methods
include direct push equipment (e.g., Geoprobe®), hollow stem auger and manual slide
hammer (see Appendix C for the standard operating procedure for advancing soil gas
probes). The soil gas probe is installed to a specific depth in a bore hole created with a
slide hammer, direct-push system or a hollow stem auger. Sand is placed in the annulus
around the sampling port screen and the remainder of the bore hole is sealed with
hydrated bentonite. The tubing is usually labeled and capped at the surface. The bore
hole is completed with a protective cover at the surface.
Figure 3. Permanent Soil Gas Probe Schematic
4.5 Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling and Data
Sub-slab vapor data, which is collected from under the foundation floor and is within the
advective envelope of building-driven depressurization, indicate whether contaminants
have accumulated directly under the building. Analytical detection limits should be low
enough to effectively evaluate the indoor air risk posed by the vapor intrusion pathway.
See Section 12.0 for more information on evaluating the indoor air risk from vapor
intrusion by calculating risk levels.
When there is an indication of a potentially complete exposure pathway, proceeding
directly to sub-slab vapor sampling may shorten the investigation. However, if the purpose
of an investigation is to directly link a known or suspected source to vapor intrusion, then
sub-slab vapor sampling is only one step in the process. In this situation, it is important
to also consider collecting soil, ground water, soil gas, sub-slab vapor, utility or sewer
line, and indoor air samples, as applicable, in order to link the source to the exposure
point (i.e., the indoor air). When collecting sub-slab vapor samples, Ohio EPA DERR
recommends the event be paired with indoor air samples and an ambient air sample in
order to compare the chemicals detected in these samples to aid in vapor intrusion
assessment data interpretation and conclusions.
If COCs are detected in sub-slab vapor samples above screening levels, then installation
of permanent sampling ports may be necessary to determine the temporal variability of
the data. However, the collection of sub-slab vapor samples can be inconvenient to
building occupants since it requires the removal of floor coverings and drilling through the
foundation slab, thus clear communication with inhabitants and property owners about
the sampling process is needed.
When sub-slab vapor sampling is conducted, an appropriate number of samples should
be taken to characterize the sub-slab area. The number, type (time-integrated or grab
samples), and locations of the sub-slab samples should be determined based on
information collected during the building survey, an understanding of the building
foundation(s), the COCs (e.g., PHC versus chlorinated), the results from nearby soil gas,
ground water, and/or soil sampling, and the site-specific DQOs. At residential properties,
at least two sub-slab vapor samples should be taken with one sample taken in the center
of the building’s foundation. For foundations greater than 5,000 square feet, at a minimum
sub-slab vapor samples should be collected approximately every 2,000 to 5,000 square
feet from biased locations, such as locations directly over source areas, maximum ground
water concentration areas or near preferential pathways, and one of the sample locations
should be located near the center of the building foundation. If indoor air sampling is not
performed concurrently, but is subsequently needed, the indoor air samples should be
analyzed only for the chemicals detected in the sub-slab vapor (see Section 5.0). By
selecting for the chemicals detected in the sub-slab samples, the chance of inadvertent
inclusion of indoor sources of chemicals can be decreased or eliminated. However,
analyzing indoor air samples for the method’s full analyte list can be necessary when the
full nature and extent of contamination has not yet been determined.
During sub-slab sampling care should be taken to not damage the integrity of the slab or
underground utilities. Sub-slab utilities or tension cables need to be located prior to
selecting sampling locations. Blueprints can assist in locating these features. A private
utility locating service should be contracted to determine the presence of sub-slab utilities
or tension cables if there is no information available from other sources. Since penetrating
the slab creates a preferential pathway, proper sealing of the sampling port is essential
to avoid leaks. Sub-slab sampling should be avoided in areas where ground water might
intersect the slab. Figure 4 is a schematic of a sub-slab vapor probe made with Swagelok
parts. Another alternative is the Cox-Colvin vapor pin
Figure 4. Example of a Sub-Slab Vapor Probe
Multiple sampling rounds may be needed to adequately account for temporal variability
due to the “substantial spatial variability in sub-slab vapor concentrations” (U.S. EPA,
2015b). Generally, if both indoor air and sub-slab vapor samples are collected during the
most desirable sampling conditions to evaluate reasonable maximum exposure and both
are non-detect or below screening values, then one round of sampling may be sufficient.
If, however, COCs are detected in both sub-slab vapor and indoor air, or if indoor air is
non-detect, but COCs are elevated in sub-slab vapor, soil gas or other media, then
multiple rounds of sampling (or preemptive mitigation) are typically required. The number
of additional rounds depends on the chemical concentrations and other site-specific
circumstances. For example, long-term quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sampling may
be necessary in situations where vapor concentrations are variable, or to verify remedy
4.6 Sampling Basements with Dirt Floors and Crawl Spaces
If a basement or crawl space has a dirt floor, any sampling conducted should be with an
evacuated air canister in the same manner as for sampling indoor air.
4.7 Leak Testing
Atmospheric air drawn into a soil gas or sub-slab vapor sample can result in dilution of
the sample. Negatively biased samples, resulting from the inclusion of atmospheric air
during soil gas or sub-slab vapor sampling, will be unusable to demonstrate that a vapor
intrusion pathway is incomplete. To ensure that valid soil gas and sub-slab vapor samples
are collected, leak tests on the probes should be conducted to demonstrate that dilution
is not a concern. It is often desirable to conduct leak testing with utilization of tracer gases
or a water dam. The water dam can consist of a secondary, larger hole surrounding the
smaller hole that the vapor sampling point is installed through (such as the hole used for
flush mount Vapor Pin® installation) or can be a ring temporarily sealed to the floor with
VOC-free putty. The water dam is filled with water after connecting the tubing to the
Summa canister. Changes in water level or appearance of bubbles during sampling are
indicative of possible leaks.
Soil gas probes should be installed greater than five feet bgs and should be tested for
integrity with a particular emphasis on the sampling train (i.e., the tubing or the
connectors). This testing is usually performed with compounds not found at the site that
enshroud the sampling train. Atmospheric oxygen and CO
may also be considered for
leak tests. As a general rule, shallow soil gas samples (i.e., less than 5 feet bgs), are
discouraged. However, if shallow soil gas sampling is the only option at a site, then leak
testing should be utilized, and sampling must be discussed with Ohio EPA DERR
personnel prior to collection of these samples. Temporary soil gas probes should be
abandoned immediately after the investigation is concluded. Sub-slab vapor sample
collection can also be affected by leaks from surface air and a sub-set of these samples
should also have leak tests performed. In addition to tracer gas leak tests, a mechanical
leakage test of the sampling train should be considered, such as Shut-in Test as proposed
by McAlary et. al. (2009). This test involves pulling a vacuum on the tubing and valves
used to construct the sampling train. Typically, a vacuum of 100 inches of water is applied
to the “closed-off” sampling train and potential leaks are verified with an in-line vacuum
Depending on the contaminants of concern a number of different compounds can be used
as a tracer, as shown in Table 1. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF
), perfluorhydrocarbons and
helium are commonly used as tracers because they are readily available, have low
toxicity, and can be monitored with portable measurement devices. Isopropanol can also
be used as a tracer but requires laboratory analysis for the tracer. In all cases the same
tracer should be used for all sampling probes at any given site. The leak test should be
conducted using a tracer that is not expected to be present in the soil gas or sub-slab
vapor being tested. When choosing a liquid tracer, check with the laboratory to determine
the reporting limit for the proposed tracer. Ideally, the reporting limit for the tracer should
be similar to the constituents present in the soil gas or sub-slab vapor.
Infiltration of atmospheric air during sampling may also be indirectly evaluated through
the measurement of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration differences due to the
presence or absence of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation. For example, if oxygen
concentrations at a probe installed within a petroleum hydrocarbon source area are at
atmospheric levels, the soil gas data should not be considered reliable and the probe seal
should be modified and the probe re-sampled, because oxygen levels would be expected
to have been depleted in the biological degradation process. Care should be exercised
using this logic when investigating sub-slab vapor as the absence or presence of a robust
microbial community may be questionable. The Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report Form
in Appendix D is useful for recording data when conducting soil gas evaluations. Table 1
lists advantages and disadvantages of common tracer compounds.
Table 1. Common Tracers Advantages and Disadvantages
Can check for leaks on site
with handheld detector.
Can quantify amount of
leakage accurately.
Does not interfere in TO-15
Party-grade helium may have low VOC
contamination. If used, send a QC sample
to lab for analysis.
Process is more cumbersome than some
Cannot be analyzed by TO-15
Can be difficult to apply to sampling train
Liquid Tracers
Easy to use in identifying
Can be detected by VOC
analytical methods.
Easier to apply to sampling
train connections.
Concentration introduced to assess leak is
Large leak may lead to VOC analysis
No simple field screening method.
May leave residual contamination on
sampling train.
Can check for leaks with
on-site instrument with very
low detection limits.
Very expensive.
Field instrument subject to interference with
chlorinated solvents.
Cannot be analyzed by TO-15.
A greenhouse gas.
Ambient Air
Cost effective, easy.
Check for leaks with on-site
multi-gas meter.
Cannot be used in an environment where
oxygen is expected to be present at
ambient levels.
If elevated levels of the tracer (greater than 10% in the shroud) are observed in a sample,
the soil gas data should be evaluated for the significance of bias on the results. If the
evaluation provides evidence that the results cannot be considered reliable, then re-
testing should be attempted after determining the cause for the atmospheric or tracer
break through. Portable, tracer gas-specific field monitoring devices with detection limits
in the low part per million (ppm) range are available to screen samples for tracer leak
4.8 Passive Soil Gas (Exterior or Sub-Slab) Sampling
Most methods for soil gas sampling involve the measurement of volatile constituents in
soil gas after drawing soil gas into evacuated canisters, such as Summa canisters, with
analysis by U.S. EPA method TO-15. Summa canister use is limited by flow regulators
with sampling durations ranging from immediate grab up to 72-hour samples. Scientists
and engineers concerned about impact of temporal variability on the representativeness
of soil gas concentrations may consider longer sampling durations using passive soil gas
sampling techniques. Passive sampling uses adsorbent materials which are placed in the
subsurface and left for a period of time (up to weeks). The sampling devices are then
retrieved and analyzed. Passive soil gas samples therefore may provide longer-term time-
weighted average concentrations.
Passive samplers generally consist of a container with an opening to allow gas to
permeate and be sorbed onto a sorbent. The opening is configured to allow vapors into
the device with a steady uptake rate. The sorbent is selected for the chemicals of concern.
The average concentration over the sampling period can be determined using the
following equation.
C = M/(UR x t)
Where: C = Concentration
M = Mass of sorbed chemical (µg)
UR = Uptake Rate (mL/min)
t = time (min)
Conversion of these parameters into familiar units of µg/m
is usually performed by the
laboratory. The analysis of the sorbent material can determine the mass (M) of the
chemical adsorbed with high accuracy. The duration of sample acquisition (t) is also
known, but the uptake rate (UR) can depend on a variety of factors. These factors include
the geometry of the sampling device, the physical-chemical characteristics of the
chemicals of concern (diffusion coefficient); the humidity of the soil atmosphere and the
permittivity of the chemical through the soil.
Many of these factors for the uptake rate are not known without study, therefore Ohio
EPA DERR considers passive soil sampling to be qualitative. Studies (McAlary et al.,
2014a) suggest that quantitative passive soil gas sampling analysis is possible, but
consultants should consult with Ohio EPA before site work begins to demonstrate the
acceptability of passive soil gas sampling for quantitative purposes.
Passive soil gas sampling methods can be a useful tool for:
Collecting soil gas from low-permeability and high moisture settings where
conventional active soil gas sampling may be problematic;
Detecting compounds present at very low concentrations;
Assessing preferential vapor migration pathways such as utility corridors and
foundation cracks to determine if these pathways are acting as significant VOC
migration pathways into a structure; and
Providing chemical vapor concentrations if the sampling method meets the project
For additional information on passive sampling techniques, see:
ITRC guidance, Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline. January 2007,
Appendix D, page D-16.
NAVFAC Memorandum (July 2015), Navy Facilities Engineering Command:
Passive Sampling for Vapor Intrusion Assessment. TM-NAVFAC EXWC-EV-1503.
14 pages.
McAlary, T.A., H. Groenevelt, S. Seethapathy, P. Sacco, D. Crump, M. Tuday, B.
Schumacher, H. Hayes, P. Johnson, and T. Górecki. 2014b. Quantitative passive
soil vapor sampling for VOCsPart 2: laboratory experiments. Environ. Sci.:
Processes Impacts 16(3): 491500.
Indoor air sampling should be conducted when soil, ground water, soil gas, or sub-slab
vapor data indicate the potential for unacceptable risk due to vapor intrusion, or an
imminent hazard is suspected. Indoor air sampling in lieu of other media sampling may
be necessary under circumstances where soil gas or sub-slab vapor sampling is not
viable, such as: contaminated soil or ground water in close proximity to the foundation,
during or after mitigation, or where preferential pathways may exist that would limit the
usefulness of data from other environmental media. As previously noted, indoor air
sampling in conjunction with sampling other media is recommended to prevent the
potential for concentrations of chemicals from indoor sources (not related to vapor
intrusion) inadvertently being included in the vapor intrusion risk evaluation.
Several steps should be considered when conducting indoor air sampling as part of a
vapor intrusion assessment:
Define the study goals and DQOs;
Identify the vapor-forming chemicals, including parent and breakdown products;
Inspect building interiors and product inventory;
Select the number and location of indoor sample locations;
Select the number and location of ambient air sample locations;
Select the duration of samples based on DQOs and risk assessment or risk
management needs;
Select appropriate sampling methods with acceptable detection limit(s); and,
Establish QA/QC requirements.
When assessing large plumes that have the potential to affect a significant number of
structures, Ohio EPA DERR recommends a tiered approach to indoor air sampling.
Highest priority for sampling should be given to structures at the greatest risk for indoor
air contamination through an evaluation of nearby ground water concentrations, soil gas
concentrations, sub-slab vapor concentrations, structural characteristics and sensitivity
of receptors. Conduct sampling at the primary structures, i.e., at the greatest risk of indoor
air contamination, first. Conduct sampling at secondary structures if COC concentrations
in or below primary structures are at unacceptable levels. This systematic “step-out
process” should be implemented sequentially until a perimeter of structures with
concentrations at acceptable levels is defined.
5.1 Site Inspection, Product Inventory and Field Screening
Prior to indoor air sampling, a site inspection and inventory of products containing volatile
chemicals should be conducted in the building (see Appendix E). Activities that could
influence indoor air concentration levels should be suspended a minimum of 24-48 hours
prior to and during sampling. Activities that should be suspended include, but are not
limited to, smoking, use of sprays and/or solvents, mowing, painting, and asphalting.
Containers containing products that could confound indoor air vapor intrusion assessment
results should be removed from the building if possible.
Field screening instruments used to assist with identifying indoor air sample locations
should be capable of detecting vapors in the µg/m
range. However, field screening
results are considered qualitative and often are not capable of measuring levels over time
or at low enough concentrations to inform risk management decisions. Therefore,
quantitatively collected indoor air samples are still needed to evaluate receptor exposure
and quantify potential human health risks.
5.2 Indoor Air Sample Collection and Analysis
Ohio EPA DERR recommends that indoor air samples be paired with sub-slab vapor
samples and an ambient air sample in order to compare the chemicals detected in these
three distinct zones when interpreting data and making conclusions about the vapor
intrusion pathway. When conducting paired indoor air and sub-slab vapor sampling, it is
recommended that the samples be collected a minimum of 2 hours after the installation
of sub-slab vapor ports to allow for equilibration of both the indoor air and sub-slab vapor
sampling spaces (U.S. EPA, 2015b).
When collecting indoor air samples, it is preferable to collect samples under conditions
that will result in the highest potential concentrations (see Table 2). Indoor air samples
should not be collected when doors and windows are open frequently or for long periods
of time. Special consideration should be given to areas where sewer lines may provide a
preferential pathway, and it is often beneficial to sample in bathrooms, laundries, and mud
rooms where dry traps or leaking plumbing are present and may be acting as a
preferential pathway. Sampling in the lowest level of a residence or commercial/industrial
building is often needed to evaluate the most likely highest concentrations in indoor air. If
vapor-forming chemicals are detected in the lowest levels above applicable standards,
then additional sampling may be needed from the next higher level of the building to
further assess vapor intrusion exposures.
While sampling under the more conservative conditions specified in Table 2 is
recommended, Ohio EPA DERR acknowledges that it may be difficult to time sampling
to when these conditions are present. The sampling team must decide when to sample
based on site-specific circumstances and each individual project’s DQOs.
Table 2. Comparison of Indoor Air and Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Conditions to
Bias Sampling to the Highest Potential Concentrations*
*Modified from Mass DEP Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document (2016)
Sampling duration should represent the exposure scenario(s) under consideration.
Typical exposure scenarios include residential and commercial categories. A twenty-four
(24) hour sampling duration is used to represent exposure for a residential setting and an
eight (8) hour sample duration for a commercial or industrial setting. A 24-hour sample in
a commercial or industrial setting is also acceptable.
The number and location of indoor air samples is site-specific and dependent upon the
site conceptual model. Indoor air samples should, at a minimum, be collected from the
lowest level of the structure where vapors are expected to enter such as basements or
crawl spaces, and in areas where preferential pathways, including foundation
penetrations and cracks, have been identified. In some circumstances, it may be
beneficial to collect samples in first or second floor spaces, or necessary when a building
is built slab on grade. However, subsequent risk management decisions based on these
samples are site-specific and should be made in consultation with Ohio EPA DERR.
Multiple indoor air sample locations are typically necessary in the following instances:
when there is significant or unknown spatial variability in subsurface contamination, large
buildings (>1,500 square feet), small rooms such as offices and break rooms present
within larger buildings, buildings with additions, and areas subject to different HVAC
More Conservative
Less Conservative
Indoors 10°F greater
than outdoors
Indoor temperature less than
Steady greater than 5
Saturated with rain (1/2” of rain or
more within 24 hours)
Mechanical Heating
systems. In larger buildings, samples should both be biased toward known or suspected
subsurface contamination as well as collected from occupied areas of the building.
Multiple rounds of sampling may need to be collected to adequately account for temporal
and seasonal variability. Generally, if both indoor air and sub-slab vapor samples are
collected during more conservative sampling conditions (see Table 2) and both are non-
detect or below screening values, one round of sampling may be sufficient. If, however,
COCs are detected in both sub-slab vapor and indoor air, or if indoor air is non-detect but
COCs are elevated in sub-slab vapor or subsurface media, then multiple rounds of
sampling, or preemptive mitigation, are typically required. The number of additional
rounds of sampling depends on the chemical concentrations and other site-specific
circumstances. For example, long-term quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sampling may
be necessary in situations where vapor concentrations are variable, or to verify remedy
For details on collecting indoor air, see Figure 5 and the appendices.
Figure 5. Schematic of a Summa Canister (Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories
Environmental, LLC 109)
Indoor air samples are typically collected in Summa canisters. When requesting Summa
canisters from a lab, it is recommended that you request canisters that are dedicated to
indoor air sampling and are certified clean to appropriate levels for indoor air screening.
The canisters from a lab can either be certified clean by "batch" certification or "individual"
certification. Project DQOs as well as a discussion with the lab should help identify the
need for "batch" or "individual" certification of the sample canisters. The analytical method
chosen for the indoor air sample analysis must be able to identify and quantify the target
volatile chemicals and be capable of detection below acceptable indoor air risk evaluation
levels. Ohio EPA DERR recommends that laboratory analysis for VOCs be done using
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and where appropriate, using the high-
resolution selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode for low level detection.
Analyzing indoor air samples for the method’s full analyte list is often necessary when the
full nature and extent of contamination has not yet been determined, such as when indoor
air samples are collected prior to or in lieu of sampling other media. However, if
contaminant concentrations in ground water, soil, sub-slab vapor and/or soil gas have
been sufficiently characterized, the analyte list may be limited to only those COCs known
or suspected to be present and the degradation products of the primary VOC
contaminants. By selecting for the chemicals detected in the release, the chance of
inadvertent inclusion of indoor sources of chemicals can be decreased or eliminated.
Vapor-forming chemical contamination in ground water can be a source of vapors that
may impact an overlying structure. Ideally, soil gas or sub-slab vapor sampling should be
conducted in addition to ground water sampling when a source of vapor-forming
chemicals is present in or on the ground water. However, ground water data alone can
sometimes be used to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion from ground water
contamination. Proper ground water monitoring well placement and construction,
including screen placement, screen lengths, and sampling protocols, are important for
gathering appropriate ground water data to evaluate the presence and concentrations of
vapor-forming chemicals to assess vapor intrusion potential and the need for additional
media samples. For technical guidance on installing and sampling ground water
monitoring wells, please see the Ohio EPA Division of Drinking and Ground Waters
Technical Guidance Manual in addition to the modifications for the VI assessment
discussed below.
6.1 Well Placement
Sufficient sampling is needed to determine ground water contamination levels,
contamination location, plume movement, and to assess and evaluate the potential vapor
intrusion from ground water contamination. For the purposes of investigating vapor
intrusion, wells should be placed in each area of anticipated maximum concentrations, or
the core of the plume(s). Monitoring wells must also be properly located proximal to areas
of known indoor air receptors to assess the potential impacts to those receptors. A
conceptual site model and DQOs can help evaluate spatial and temporal variability in
ground water concentrations and identify potential well locations.
6.2 Screen Placement
Ground water samples obtained from the uppermost portion of the aquifer
recommended to characterize representative vapor source concentrations for vapor
intrusion assessments. Ground water samples from wells screened across the water
table interface are preferred. Ohio EPA recommends that samples representing a flow-
weighted average be collected as close as possible to the top of the water table using
sampling methods designed to minimize loss of volatiles because VOCs volatilize from
the top of the water table. Thus, monitoring wells used to make vapor intrusion evaluations
should not have screens submerged below the top of the water table.
6.3 Screen Lengths
Monitoring wells with long well screens, regardless of screen placement, should not be
used for VI evaluations. When sampling long well screens, clean water entering the well
screen at depth may dilute the contaminated ground water near the top of the screen,
biasing the sampling results and the associated risk determination. Therefore, short
screen lengths are preferred for monitoring wells that will be used to make vapor intrusion
evaluations. Ideally, the saturated thickness at a well screen should always be less than
10 feet.
A flow-weighted averaging of ground water concentrations happens when mixing of water
from different stratigraphic units occurs while purging a well using low-flow methods, such
as low-flow purge and sample. Areas of higher conductivity provide a proportionally higher
volume of water than lower conductivity regions across the screened interval.
6.4 Ground Water Sampling
Ohio EPA recommends low-flow ground water sampling with bladder pumps or
submersible pumps. These pumps minimize the loss of VOCs during sample collection
and handling. Some submersible pumps can cause cavitation of the ground water and
release of volatiles, so care should be taken in selection and operation of the pumps. For
well-characterized sites where the contaminants are known, the appropriate diffusion
bags may be used to sample ground water following the procedures in Interstate
Technology and Regulatory Council (2004) guidance document Technical and
Regulatory Guidance for Using Polyethylene Diffusion Bag Samplers to Monitor Volatile
Organic Compounds in Groundwater. However, if levels of VOCs in ground water
collected using diffusion bags are found to be near screening levels, samples may need
to be verified using bladder or submersible pump sampling techniques.
This may require multiple sampling events conducted quarterly over several years to
represent seasonal variations. The stability of the VOC plume must be demonstrated so
that the risk to receptors would not be expected to increase due to contaminant migration
or degradation to more toxic constituents, such as the degradation of tetrachloroethylene
(PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) to vinyl chloride. Plume stability and migration may be
affected by factors as simple as a change in the surface drainage and recharge patterns.
Understanding these changes is important when characterizing the vapor intrusion
potential of a ground water source.
6.5 Soil Gas Confirmation of Ground Water Concentration
Ground water chemical concentrations can be compared to VISLs to evaluate the
potential of VI and the need for further sampling (see Section 8.3). Ohio EPA recommends
applying the appropriate VISLs for any building with receptors within 100 feet of the plume
boundary for non-PHC vapor-forming chemicals and 30 feet for PHC vapor-forming
If ground water concentrations are less than VISL and a determination is made that
additional sources in soil or preferential pathways are not present the investigation may
be discontinued. If there is uncertainty as to whether a complete vapor intrusion pathway
exists, soil gas, sub-slab vapor and/or indoor air data may be needed in addition to ground
water data to determine vapor concentrations in vadose zone soils. Indoor air samples
may be needed to establish whether the vapor intrusion exposure pathway from
environmental media to indoor receptors is complete.
When collecting soil gas samples to measure concentrations of vapor-forming chemicals
emanating from ground water, Ohio EPA recommends that seasonal ground water table
elevation fluctuations be considered. Ground water elevation fluctuation can impact
measured vapor concentrations in the vadose zone. Multiple sampling events may be
needed to adequately address seasonal variations in concentrations from sources in
ground water.
6.6 Other Factors
If the vapor-forming chemicals are present as Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL),
then ground water sampling may underestimate soil gas concentrations in the vadose
zone and a soil gas survey should be conducted. For further information on evaluating
petroleum releases see Section 9.0.
Soil data are used to define the type, location and extent of soil contamination when
investigating the potential for vapor intrusion. If a release of a vapor-forming chemical has
been confirmed, a lack of detections in soil should not be interpreted to indicate the
absence of a subsurface vapor source and soil data alone is not recommended to
evaluate vapor intrusion risk or pathway completeness. Rather, a well-developed
conceptual site model along with multiple lines of evidence should be used when
evaluating the potential for vapor intrusion at a site. The uncertainty associated with soil
partitioning equations and the potential for VOC contaminant loss during sample
collection and analysis (Hewitt, 1994; Hewitt, 1999; Liikala et al., 1996; Vitale et al., 1999)
makes using soil data alone unreliable for drawing risk assessment conclusions about a
suspected or confirmed release at a site. Therefore, Ohio EPA DERR recommends soil
vapor sampling when a suspected or known soil source of vapor-forming chemicals has
a potential for vapor intrusion. VOC loss during sampling can be minimized using SW-
846 Method 5035A (U.S. EPA, 2002). U.S. EPA SW-846 Method 5035A (2002) provides
the minimum requirements and standards to prevent loss of VOCs during sample
collection and handling. Specific soil collection requirements for SW-846 Method 5035A
include chemical preservation in the field, using multi-functional sampling devices, or
using empty, tared and labeled Volatile Organic Analysis (VOA) vials with
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-lined septum caps. Refer to the method for specific
Flowchart Step 5: Evaluate data and determine if data evaluation indicates the possibility
of an imminent hazard
For each site, multiple lines of evidence are used to assess the vapor intrusion pathway.
Most of the lines of evidence will be based on empirical data from environmental media
including soil, ground water, soil gas, sub-slab vapor and/or indoor air. Evaluating data
from several environmental media, averaging among different collection times, and
differing environmental conditions, poses a unique set of considerations when evaluating
data for vapor intrusion. Generally, the multiple lines of evidence approach starts with
evaluating soil and/or ground water data from the environmental release for the presence
of volatile chemicals to assess the vapor intrusion pathway. If sufficiently volatile and toxic
chemicals are detected in soil and/or ground water, additional sampling is usually
warranted to further assess the vapor intrusion pathway.
Analytical methods, quantitation limits, qualified and coded data, and blanks should all be
evaluated prior to relying on the data for decision making. Data are evaluated for several
reasons which should be described in DQOs for the site. Generally, data are evaluated
to determine the most logical and efficient next step in the investigation or remedial
process. Initial comparisons to the appropriate risk-based screening levels or applicable
standards may be appropriate and provide evidence for reacting to an imminent hazard
or implementing early or interim response measures. For more information on
comparisons to risk-based screening levels and appropriate responses to imminent
hazards see Section 11.0 and flowchart Step 5.
8.1 Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels
visls) are media-specific, risk-based screening level concentrations for ground water, sub-
slab vapor and soil gas, and indoor air. VISLs are applied to identify site areas, building
locations, exposure points, and/or concentrations of COCs that are either unlikely to
present a human health concern and can be eliminated from further assessment or where
further evaluation of the VI pathway is needed. Established DQOs should be met, and
exposure assumptions should be consistent with the appropriate exposure scenario (i.e.,
residential or commercial/industrial land use).
For Ohio EPA DERR RP sites, when considering concentrations measured in sub-slab
vapor, soil gas, or ground water, the VISLs should be applied corresponding to an excess
lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) of 1E-5 (i.e., one increased cancer risk in 100,000 people)
and a noncancer hazard quotient (HQ) of 1. Ohio EPA considers the generic application
of the attenuation factor (AF) within the VISL calculation as an appropriate extension of
safety to provide for applying these ELCR and HQ values. If the measured concentrations
in the sampled media are less than the appropriate exposure scenario VISLs set at an
ELCR of 1E-5 and a HQ of 1, Ohio EPA DERR considers the pathway to be ‘incomplete’
and additional investigation or risk estimation of this pathway is not warranted.
For Ohio EPA DERR VAP sites the VISLs should be applied corresponding to an ELCR
of 1E-5 and a HQ of 1. If the measured concentrations in the sampled media are less
than the appropriate VISLs set at an ELCR of 1E-5 and a HQ of 1 for the appropriate
exposure scenario then additional investigation of this pathway is not warranted.
However, the estimation of risk generated from the analysis of the media or indoor air
must be included within the sitewide risk characterization in accordance with VAP rules
OAC 3745-300-08 and OAC 3745-300-09. A sitewide risk characterization must meet the
Ohio EPA cumulative risk goals of an ELCR of 1E-5 and a HQ of 1. In summary, the
removal of detected COCs from the risk assessment using a risk-based approach is not
permitted in the VAP, and the detected COCs must be multiple chemically adjusted and
included in the summation of risk and hazards across the complete exposure pathways.
Ohio EPA considers concentrations in indoor air to be the exposure point concentration
from which risk and hazard levels can be estimated and applicable standards can be
demonstrated. When VISLs or U.S. EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) are being
used for risk and hazard assessment, care should be taken to use the appropriate land
use scenario and an ECLR of 1E-5 and a HQ equal to 1. In some cases, it may be
appropriate to evaluate multiple chemicals within indoor air to ensure Ohio statewide
cumulative risk and hazard goals are met.
8.2 Bulk Soil Data
Soil data are less than ideal for evaluating vapor intrusion risk and the need for early or
interim measures because of the uncertainty associated with using partitioning equations
and the potential loss of VOCs during sample collection (see Section 7.0). In general,
identification of elevated levels of VOCs in soil indicate the need for sub-slab vapor and
indoor air sampling when buildings are present, or soil gas data in areas where buildings
do not exist. Bulk soil detections of VOCs may be used to define the location of a VOC
source and extent of soil contamination, to assess the risk from direct contact with soils,
and to evaluate leaching to ground water.
8.3 Ground Water Data Screening
Ohio EPA recommends comparing ground water concentrations to U.S. EPA screening
values calculated through the U.S. EPA VISL calculator (Section 8.1). Ground water
sample data should be compared to screening values developed for the appropriate
exposure scenario (i.e., residential or commercial/industrial exposures), utilizing a default
or site-specific attenuation factor (AF), and a default or site-specific ground water
The U.S. EPA VISL calculator uses AFs to calculate target ground water vapor intrusion
screening levels from toxicity-based target indoor air concentrations. Ground water data
should be compared with the appropriate VISL calculated with the recommended default
ground water AF appropriate to the CSM for the site. A generic ground water AF of 0.001
can be applied for most site scenarios with the exception of shallow water tables less than
five feet below the foundation of a building or when preferential vapor migration routes
are present in vadose zone soils (U.S. EPA, June 2015b). A default ground water AF of
0.0005 can be applied at sites with fine-grained (low permeability) vadose zone soils
when laterally extensive layers are present (U.S. EPA, June 2015b). Site-specific soil and
geologic information are needed to support the use of non-default AFs.
In addition to adjusting the default AF, the ground water temperature in U.S. EPA’s VISL
calculator can be adjusted to Ohio EPA DERR’s default ground water temperature of 11
degrees Celsius, or a verified property-specific value, to generate Ohio or site-specific
target ground water vapor intrusion screening levels.
Areas with ground water COC concentrations exceeding the ground water VISLs warrant
further evaluation of the VI pathway, including sampling of soil gas, sub-slab vapor and
indoor air, depending on the presence and location of buildings. If buildings are not
currently present at the site, it is recommended that a pre-emptive remedy requirement
or future evaluation of potential VI pathway be recorded in an Environmental Covenant to
avoid exposure to future receptors in the form of an institutional control (see Section 13.0,
8.4 Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Data Screening
Soil gas and sub-slab vapor data for each area of concern should be compared
individually to the VISLs. The recommended generic AF of 0.03 should be used to develop
sub-slab vapor and soil gas VISLs. However, soil gas VISL values should not be used for
VI source areas that are present less than five feet below the ground surface or if
preferential vapor migration routes are present in vadose zone soils (U.S. EPA, 2015b).
Soil gas and sub-slab vapor data that exceed VISLs warrant further VI assessment. If
buildings are not currently present in the area(s), additional assessment is warranted in
the future if buildings are constructed, and an Environmental Covenant with a building
occupancy limitation may be needed depending on the site conditions and reasonably
anticipated future use.
For evaluating the human health risk associated with crawl space air, an attenuation
factor of 1.0 should be used for crawl spaces, consistent with U.S. EPA guidance (2015b).
The use of an attenuation factor of 1.0 indicates the indoor air quality is assumed to be
equal to the crawl space air quality for evaluation purposes.
8.5 Indoor Air Data Evaluation
The indoor air data collected (Section 5.2) provides a time-weighted (e.g., 8 or 24 hours)
average concentration representing the reasonable maximum exposure to a receptor to
be evaluated in a human health risk assessment. The indoor air data is used to determine
whether there is a potential risk to human health posed from vapor intrusion.
Exceedances of indoor air applicable risk and hazard levels require implementation of
remedial activities, and a confirmation of the effectiveness of the remedial activities.
8.6 Background Source Evaluation
Many VOCs are also present in common household and industrial products and may
contribute to VOC detections in indoor air. Sources of background indoor air detections
need to be evaluated and documented to help interpret data when VOCs are detected in
indoor air (see Section 5.1). An inventory of potential background indoor air sources
should be conducted prior to or during indoor air sampling. If background vapor sources
are found to be primarily responsible for indoor air concentrations, then response actions
for vapor intrusion would generally not be warranted. Information on “background”
contributions of site-related VOCs in indoor air are part of the data evaluation because
vapor intrusion mitigation will not address VOCs generated within the building or that are
from natural or anthropogenic background levels. However, it is not appropriate to
subtract background or ambient air concentrations from the quantitative evaluation of
indoor air exposure determinations when it cannot be determined that the concentrations
are not also from a vapor intrusion pathway. Sub-slab volatile chemical levels should be
used to estimate the contribution of sub-slab VI sources to indoor air levels. Confirmation
sampling (i.e., an additional or additional rounds) may need to be conducted in order to
estimate the contribution from the environmental release.
8.7 Occupational Exposure Limits
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the primary regulatory
agency tasked with protecting workers while on the job. OSHA regulations and initiatives
encompass many aspects of worker safety, including, among others, fall risks, workplace
violence, heat illness, and chemical safety. Ohio EPA investigates and has jurisdiction
over releases of hazardous chemicals to environmental media, including releases
affecting receptors at OSHA-regulated sites.
When it has been demonstrated that OSHA has jurisdiction at a site or property, OSHA
will regulate using its own indoor air regulatory thresholds. However, changes in
processes or OSHA’s jurisdiction must be considered for future exposure scenarios.
OSHA’s indoor air regulatory thresholds for workers are called Permissible Exposure
Levels (PELs). OSHA also has indoor air regulatory standards called Short-Term
Exposure Limits (STELs) for 15-minute exposures, and ceiling limits above which no
worker should be exposed for any period of time.
Petroleum Vapor Intrusion (PVI) is the intrusion of vapors from subsurface petroleum
hydrocarbons (PHC) and non-PHC fuel additives into overlying or nearby buildings or
structures. PVI can occur from PHC-contaminated soil or ground water contaminant
plumes with high concentrations of dissolved PHC contaminants, or if the plume is in
contact with a building foundation, basement, or slab. In contrast to chlorinated solvents
that degrade slowly under anaerobic conditions, PHCs generally biodegrade rapidly
under aerobic conditions. The biodegradation intermediates from PHC are also less toxic
than chlorinated compounds. Some petroleum hydrocarbons may also degrade
anaerobically and may produce methane, particularly if the source is from an ethanol-
blended gasoline (U.S. EPA, 2015a).
Due to the effectiveness and speed of aerobic biodegradation in biologically active soils,
Ohio EPA DERR recommends different lateral and vertical separation distances PVI sites
with relatively small petroleum releases, such as underground storage tank (UST) sites,
than VOC release sites to streamline the VI evaluation. Petroleum contamination at sites
with a potential for larger petroleum releases, such as refineries, petrochemical plants,
terminals, aboveground storage tank farms, bulk plants, pipelines, and large scale fueling
and storage operations at federal facilities, sites where lead scavengers were used or
stored, or sites with releases of non-petroleum chemicals including comingled plumes of
petroleum and chlorinated solvents regardless of the source, should be addressed under
more general vapor intrusion guidance such as other chapters of this guidance or U.S.
EPA. (US EPA, 2015b) and should use the 100 feet lateral separation distance
recommended for non-PHC VOCs.
A variety of petroleum products may be present at a site, such as gasoline, diesel,
kerosene, jet fuels, and mineral oils, with varying potential for volatilization. Generally,
less dense petroleum fractions such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes
(also known as BTEX) will volatilize more easily than heavier fractions such as lubricating
oils, waxes, asphalts and pitch and thus have a higher potential for vapor intrusion. Figure
6 shows petroleum fractions from light to heavy. Generally, lighter fractions are more
volatile, and heavier fractions are less volatile. Sample analysis should correspond to the
chemicals expected from the release.
Petroleum products are potentially flammable, and investigators should identify if there is
a potential threat of explosion due to the presence of flammable PHCs, non-PHC fuel
additive vapors, or methane. Methane cannot be detected based on odor, taste, or visible
signs, so methane-detecting devices must be used if the presence of methane is
Figure 6. Petroleum Distillation (
9.1 Petroleum Release Characterization and Phase Partitioning
The PVI site characterization should consider the hydrologic and geologic characteristics
of the site, identify potential receptors, and assess the potential for biodegradation of the
PHCs and non-PHC fuel additives. A primary objective of site characterization is
delineation of the lateral and vertical extent of contamination in the subsurface so that
lateral and vertical separation distances can be accurately determined. It is also important
to determine whether preferential transport pathways are present and, if so, delineate
them to determine if they connect vapor sources directly to potential receptors. (U.S. EPA,
The site characterization should address the potential for biodegradation of PHCs in soil.
However, care should be taken if the vadose zone is not well-oxygenated as PHC
degradation may be incomplete, thus posing a greater potential for PVI. Additionally,
ethanol-blended gasoline (blends greater than E-20) may degrade anaerobically and may
produce methane, which may result in methane buildup inside buildings and a risk of
explosion (U.S. EPA, 2015a). See Section 11.2 if site conditions indicate the potential of
an imminent explosive threat.
When petroleum fuels are released to soils from a leaking UST, PHCs partition into
several phases: a light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), an accumulation of mobile
LNAPL on and in the capillary fringe, an immobile residual phase, a phase dissolved in
ground water, a phase dissolved in soil moisture, a phase adhered onto or absorbed into
soil solids, and a phase of vapors in soil gas. While it is important to keep in mind the
various PHC phases potentially present at the site, the vertical and lateral separation
distance described in this document apply to the LNAPL and dissolved phase of PHCs.
The LNAPL phase floats at the water table. However, if a sufficient amount of LNAPL
accumulates the LNAPL can become mobile and flow downgradient. Conversely, if it is a
small release of LNAPL it can become immobile in the capillary fringe or smear zone as
the elevation of the water table fluctuates due to seasonal changes. This is referred to as
residual LNAPL. Residual LNAPL is not free-flowing and can represent a significant
source of contaminants that may persist and generate PHC vapors, as well as a source
of dissolved-phase contaminants, and thus should not be overlooked in a CSM or when
developing DQOs.
Dissolved-phase sources in ground water consist primarily of BTEX, other aromatic
hydrocarbons, and relatively water-soluble PHCs. Vapors emanating from LNAPL
sources contain these petroleum fractions as well as aliphatic and relatively insoluble
hydrocarbons, such as naphthalene, especially if the source is large or unweathered.
(U.S. EPA, 2015a)
9.2 Lateral Inclusion Zone
The Lateral Inclusion Zone is the area surrounding a contaminant mass through which
petroleum vapors may travel, move into buildings, and potentially pose a threat to human
health and the environment. Buildings within 30 feet laterally of relatively small petroleum
contaminated sources, whether as mobile LNAPL, residual LNAPL, or PHCs dissolved in
ground water, are considered to be in the lateral inclusion zone. Buildings outside this
zone generally may be excluded from further assessment unless site conditions change,
preferential transport pathways are present connecting vapor sources to receptors,
impermeable surface cover is so extensive that there is a concern whether sufficient
oxygen is present to support biodegradation, or soil conditions are inhospitable to
microorganisms (i.e., dry soils with less than 2% soil moisture by dry weight).
9.3 Vertical Separation Distance
The vertical separation distance is the thickness of clean, biologically active soil between
the highest vertical extent of a contaminant source and the lowest point of an overlying
building (basement floor, foundation, or crawlspace surface). For a petroleum vapor
intrusion investigation, clean soil does not necessarily mean that it is contaminant-free,
but rather that the level of any contamination present is low enough that the biological
activity of the soil is not diminished, and the subsurface environment will support sufficient
populations of microorganisms to aerobically biodegrade PHC contamination. The
highest vertical extent of contamination for dissolved sources is the historical high-water
table elevation; for LNAPL sources this is the top of the smear zone or residual LNAPL in
the source area.
LNAPL sources are capable of producing higher vapor concentrations than dissolved
sources. Thus, the necessary vertical separation distance between PHC contamination
and an overlying building foundation, basement, or slab is 6 feet for dissolved vapor
sources and 15 feet for LNAPL sources beneath buildings that are less than 66 feet on
the shortest side. Additional investigation, including sampling, is recommended if the
vertical separation distance is less than this minimum. Where the vertical separation
distance between a dissolved contaminant plume and the lowest point of a building is met
or exceeded, no further investigation for PVI is necessary if there are no precluding factors
9.4 Ground Water Flow and Dissolved Plumes
Contaminants dissolved in ground water can migrate with flowing ground water and
create three-dimensional distributions of contaminants called plumes. In aquifers where
the direction and speed of ground water flow are stable, the plumes are usually long and
narrow. Other plumes appear to spread in both the transverse as well as the longitudinal
direction. This apparent transverse dispersion may be the result of changes in the
direction of ground water flow. What may appear to be transverse dispersion is
longitudinal dispersion occurring in different directions and the direction of flow changes.
Plume movement and dispersion must be considered when applying lateral and vertical
separation distances to a site. Figure 7 shows a typical PVI scenario with LNAPL,
dissolved phase petroleum contamination in ground water, LNAPL smear zone, and
vertical separation distances.
Figure 7. Schematic of PVI Scenario with LNAPL (ITRC-PVI, 2014)
9.5 Compliance with BUSTR
The State Fire Marshal, Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR)
program has regulatory primacy for UST petroleum cleanups. Entities undertaking PHC
cleanup must consult with BUSTR in addition to, or instead of, Ohio EPA.
Predictive modeling has historically been extensively utilized by Ohio EPA DERR
programs as a tool to predict contaminant concentrations and exposures at a site, often
used to estimate the changes in concentrations and future movement of contaminants in
ground water. Predictive models have also been developed to estimate the indoor air or
soil vapor concentration of a contaminant in soil or ground water by using default and
user-input chemical, soil, physical and building construction parameters, such as the U.S.
EPA’s Johnson and Ettinger Model (J&E). Recently, the U.S. EPA created and supports
the Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) calculator, which uses exposure estimates,
attenuation factors, volatility factors and inhalation toxicity in equations to develop
screening levels below which vapor intrusion is not expected at a site. Lastly, due to the
different nature of PHC vapor intrusion, the American Petroleum Institute created a model
called BioVapor that estimates the potential for vapor intrusion of petroleum constituents
in soil gas and ground water. While all three of these models are fundamentally different
in nature, each is a predictive tool that can be used as part of a vapor intrusion evaluation
and are discussed further in the subsections below.
Generally, Ohio EPA DERR requires that any use of modeling be confirmed with empirical
data. Ohio EPA DERR RP sites can use VISL to make determinations of incomplete
exposure pathways from subsurface contamination of volatile chemicals to indoor air, but
this is a limited application. Ohio EPA DERR considers the use of models as one line of
evidence when evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway, and generally requires that
empirical data be provided at the point of exposure in order to determine that risk and
hazard goals have been, and will continue to be met, and to eliminate the vapor intrusion
pathway as a potentially complete exposure pathway.
10.1 U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level Calculator
Ohio EPA DERR recommends the use of U.S. EPA’s VISL calculator to preliminarily
evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion at remedial sites. While the VISL calculator may
be used as a screening method to determine whether vapor intrusion is likely to occur at
sites, in most situations, Ohio EPA requires empirical data to be used to eliminate vapor
intrusion as a potentially complete exposure pathway. Please refer to Sections 3.0, 8.0
and 10.0 of this guidance for more information on data collection, data screening and
general modelling.
The VISL calculator applies attenuation factors (AF) to toxicity-based indoor air
concentrations to provide screening levels for soil gas and ground water. VISL can also
be utilized to calculate risk and hazard estimates to receptors from chemical
concentrations in ground water, soil vapor, and indoor air. These default attenuation
factors were developed from measured vapor intrusion data. The default ground water to
indoor air exposure pathway AF used by VISL calculator is 0.001, while the soil gas to
indoor air exposure pathway default AF is 0.03. When the AFs are applied with the
appropriate target risk and hazard levels and exposure scenarios, the resulting VISLs are
levels below which soil gas or ground water concentrations are unlikely to provide the
source strength to drive indoor air concentrations above health-based indoor air
standards. While VISL uses default AFs, site-specific AFs may be developed and used
to meet remediation goals at a site.
The VISL calculator allows the user to alter other select parameters in addition to the
attenuation factors, including the target risk or hazard, exposure scenario, and ground
water temperature. If any default VISL parameters are changed when determining site-
specific VISLs for Ohio EPA DERR sites, the changes must be disclosed to Ohio EPA.
Specific factors may result in unattenuated or enhanced transport of vapors towards
receptors and are likely to render the default assumptions of the VISL calculator, and thus
its effectiveness as a predictive modeling tool, inappropriate. These factors include: 1)
very shallow ground water sources, for example less than 5 feet below foundation level;
and 2) buildings with significant openings to the subsurface, for example, sumps, unlined
crawlspaces, earthen floors, or significant preferential pathways. In addition, certain vapor
sources invalidate the recommended attenuation factors and screening levels used in the
VISL: 1) sources originating in landfills where methane is generated in sufficient quantities
to induce advective transport in the vadose zone; 2) sources originating in commercial or
industrial settings where volatile chemicals can be released within an enclosed space and
the density of the chemical’s vapors may result in significant advective transport of the
vapors downward through cracks and openings in floors and into the vadose zone; and
3) leaking vapors from pressurized gas transmission lines. In all of these scenarios the
use of VISL calculator may not accurately predict movement of vapors from the
subsurface to indoor air and indoor air sampling is recommended.
10.2 Overview of the Use of Fate and Transport Models in Ohio EPA
Fate and transport models can assist in evaluating the intrusion of subsurface volatile
contaminants into enclosed spaces. However, models are not intended to serve as the
exclusive approach for evaluating human health risk from vapor intrusion. When used in
combination with site-specific empirical information, the results of modeling will add to the
multiple lines of evidence for the exposure pathway, and to develop risk management
decisions. As stated above, Ohio EPA DERR considers the use of models as one line of
evidence when evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway, and generally requires that
empirical data be provided at the point of exposure in order to determine that risk and
hazard goals have been, and will continue to be, met, and to eliminate the vapor intrusion
pathway as a potentially complete exposure pathway.
10.3 Overview of U.S. EPA’s Johnson and Ettinger Model
The U.S. EPA’s Johnson & Ettinger (J&E) model spreadsheets may be used as a
predictive tool for evaluating subsurface vapor intrusion into buildings. However, the J&E
model should not be used to estimate indoor air values for a demonstration that applicable
standards or that risk and hazard goals have been met. The most current version should
be used for predictive site-specific use only. As of the date of this guidance, the most
current is Version 6.03.1, dated February 2017, updated September 2017.
The current version of the J&E model does not allow for vapor intrusion estimates to be
made from bulk soil concentrations, which is a change from previous versions of the J&E
model. The current version of J&E may be used to predict vapor intrusion to indoor air
from soil gas and ground water concentrations.
This guidance does not provide recommended J&E model input values and uses. Ohio
EPA recommends appropriately applying the model recommendations provided in the
U.S. EPA Johnson and Ettinger Model support documents and user’s guide.
Again, given the uncertainty and variability in the VI pathway and the constraints to the
J&E model, the model has limited use in the characterization of risk and should only be
used as a tool to estimate or predict indoor air concentrations of hazardous constituents
at sites where empirical data has not yet been gathered. Modeling results must be verified
with empirical data.
10.4 BioVapor
The American Petroleum Institute’s model BioVapor estimates the potential for vapor
intrusion of petroleum constituents in soil gas and ground water. Petroleum constituents
differ from chlorinated VOCs in that they degrade relatively rapidly in soil with the
presence of oxygen. BioVapor is a steady-state 1-D analytical model designed to help the
user understand the potential effect of aerobic biodegradation in the vadose zone on the
vapor intrusion pathway. BioVapor does not directly account for spatial or temporal
variations in parameter values.
BioVapor is an algebraic model that incorporates a steady-state vapor source, diffusion-
dominated soil vapor transport in a homogeneous subsurface soil layer with vapor mixing
in a building. The soil is divided into a shallow aerobic layer including first-order
biodegradation and a deeper anaerobic layer where biodegradation does not occur. The
user has three options for specifying the oxygen supply below the building foundation: 1)
concentration below the building foundation; 2) constant oxygen concentration below the
building foundation; or 3) constant flow of atmospheric air below the building foundation.
In the absence of aerobic biodegradation, the BioVapor model is essentially equivalent to
the J&E Model. All model outputs should be verified with empirical data. BioVapor does
not evaluate other potential exposure routes, migration pathways, or risks from fire or
explosion. For more information on the BioVapor model, see the BioVapor User’s Manual
(GSI Environmental, 2012). For more information on other ways to address the potential
for petroleum vapor intrusion, see Section 9.0 of this guidance.
For the purposes of this guidance, imminent hazard is defined as any condition which
poses an immediate risk of harm to public health, safety, or the environment. Imminent
hazards require an expeditious response to mitigate or end the exposure. Typically, prior
to sampling, the potential threat level is unknown. There are situations where available
historical sampling data or current conditions indicate that immediate actions are
11.1 Potential Imminent Hazard Conditions
Possible imminent hazards due to vapor intrusion include direct exposure to
concentrations of vapors at risk of explosion or immediate danger to life and health, as
well as exposure to chemical concentrations that may cause deleterious effects from short
term exposures. If evaluation of data or current conditions indicate the possibility of an
imminent hazard from a known or suspected nearby source, prompt action is necessary
to verify or abate threats to human health.
The following conditions may indicate a potential imminent hazard and thus warrant
prompt actions and early or interim measures for occupied structures:
Known spill in a structure that may affect environmental media (e.g., a release from
a heating oil tank);
Odors, particularly if described as “chemical,” “solvent,” or “gasoline”;
Reports of physiological effects (e.g., dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion);
Wet basement or sump in areas with known contaminated ground water;
Free product at the water table under or immediately adjacent to a structure;
Exceedance of one-tenth (10%) of a lower explosive limit; or,
Vapor intrusion-caused indoor air concentrations of a chemical with an
unacceptable human health risk for an acute or short-term exposure scenario.
Professional judgment should be applied to these criteria and the timeframe appropriate
to evaluate whether an imminent hazard is present. Please note that spills not affecting
environmental media may pose an imminent hazard or unacceptable human health risk
and, as a result, may be under the jurisdiction of regulatory agencies other than Ohio EPA
(i.e., OSHA or ODH).
Where vapor intrusion is of concern and indoor sources of volatile chemicals are present
(for either occupational use or any other identifiable indoor source), sub-slab vapor or soil
gas data may be utilized to evaluate the relative contribution to the indoor concentrations
from environmental media. The presence of identifiable indoor air sources may alter the
need for or type of early or interim response action taken.
11.2 Explosive Hazard
Commonly encountered chemicals that can exhibit explosive hazard are generally
petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) and the landfill gas methane. Prompt action is required
when the concentration of a combustible chemical exceeds 10% of its lower explosive
limit (LEL). If data collected from inside buildings, below buildings, or utility conduits
indicate an exceedance of 10% of the LEL, immediate action may be needed whether the
building is inhabited or not. If concentrations in indoor air indicate the potential for
explosion or imminent danger to life or health, building occupants should be evacuated
and building owners and the fire department should be notified immediately. Also notify,
Ohio EPA DERR immediately via Ohio EPA’s Spill Hotline at 1-800-282-9378. For
BUSTR-regulated releases, notify BUSTR immediately via the BUSTR hotline at 1-800-
Flowchart Step 6: Evaluate the potential risk and hazard from the vapor intrusion pathway
Risk characterization for the vapor intrusion pathway compares measured indoor air
concentrations to chemical-specific target cancer and noncancer concentrations
considered protective for the anticipated land use exposure. The primary scenarios
evaluated are residential and worker/commercial exposures. Additionally, in the VAP, a
characterization of the vapor intrusion risk may be developed by a proportional estimation
of a VISL from media other than indoor air. For example, if carbon tetrachloride is the only
COC that has been measured in sub-slab vapor, and the concentration is half of the VISL
based on a hazard quotient of 1, the VAP volunteer can assume a HQ contribution to the
site-wide non-carcinogenic risk characterization of 0.5 from the vapor intrusion to indoor
air pathway. Please refer to Section 8.1 for further information on vapor intrusion
screening levels. Risk characterization serves to bridge risk assessment and risk
management and therefore assist in the decision-making process. The appropriate media
target concentrations and risk and hazard goals must be utilized. Please refer to Section
8.0 concerning data evaluation.
The investigator should be aware of imminent hazards involving explosive gasses,
unacceptable human health risk from an acute or short-term exposure scenario, and
gasses that may collect and create a deadly environment. Please refer to both Sections
11.0 and 13.0, for more information on evaluation of imminent hazards in an existing
building and remedies, respectively.
12.1 Determining Applicable Risk Goals and the Need for Further Evaluation
For Ohio EPA DERR sites, the excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) goal is 1E-5 and the
noncancer hazard quotient or index is 1, accounting for exposure to multiple
contaminants, as appropriate. For all Ohio EPA DERR sites, if the complete pathways,
including direct contact, ingestion and vapor intrusion, from soil and ground water
releases are well-characterized, and meet a cumulative ELCR of 1E-5 and a hazard index
of 1, then no further evaluation of the vapor intrusion pathway may be warranted. If media
other than indoor air are not well characterized or exceed an ELCR of 1E-5 or a hazard
index of 1 on a multiple chemical and multiple pathway (if applicable) basis, then further
sampling or preemptive remediation may be necessary.
In the VAP, all site-related COCs must undergo a multiple chemical adjustment and the
resulting ELCR and hazard values are carried through as a contribution to site-wide risk
and must meet Ohio EPA risk and hazard goals of an ELCR of 1E-5 and a Hazard Index
of 1. Thus, risk and hazard contributions from vapor-forming chemical detections in indoor
air due to vapor intrusion should be calculated in a multiple chemical adjustment and
pathway summation for a complete exposure pathway. If indoor air data was not
collected, the risk and hazard contributions from the vapor-forming chemicals detected in
an alternative media sampled to evaluate vapor intrusion (i.e., either soil gas, sub-slab
vapor or ground water) should be included in a multiple chemical adjustment and pathway
summation. This is because the VAP requires the incremental risk and hazard from all
COCs be aggregated within each complete exposure pathway and then summed across
all complete exposure pathways.
12.2 Use of Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
Screening and cleanup levels for other exposure pathways are not necessarily protective
of the vapor intrusion pathway. Since the MCLs and VAP risk-based unrestricted potable
use standards (UPUS) address the potable ground water pathway, additional sampling
may be necessary even if ground water concentrations meet MCLs or VAP risk-based
UPUS values.
12.3 Use of BUSTR Petroleum Standards
At VAP sites, a volunteer may use BUSTR action levels, including action levels for soil
and ground water to indoor air contained in look-up tables found in OAC 1301:7-9-
13(J)(3), as the generic numerical standards for petroleum at residential, commercial, and
industrial properties in the VAP. For more information on applying BUSTR action levels
as VAP applicable generic standards, please see VAP Technical Guidance Compendium
Applying Generic Petroleum Standards under the VAP.
At RP sites the potential for using BUSTR action levels for addressing the VI pathway for
petroleum and petroleum constituents is something the responsible party may
contemplate, however coordination with Ohio EPA is recommended.
Flowchart Step 7: If data evaluation indicates risk or hazard goals are or may be
exceeded, then additional data may be collected, or a remedy may be implemented
If data from environmental media other than indoor air exceed risk or hazard goals, then
additional data may need to be collected and/or a remedy may need to be implemented.
If indoor air exceeds risk or hazard goals, then mitigation must be implemented and
maintained to reduce the concentrations of COCs in indoor air to acceptable levels until
the final remedy has rendered the VI pathway incomplete. If indoor air concentrations
meet risk or hazard goals for commercial/industrial land use but not residential land use,
then a land use restriction may be necessary to ensure the site remains protective of
future receptors. Communication with Ohio EPA DERR is recommended when a site does
not contain buildings, but a potential future VI problem is identified, and for sites with
current vapor intrusion problems.
Flowchart Step 8: Remediation, mitigating indoor air exposure and/or conducting long-
term monitoring
This chapter provides an overview of considerations when selecting and implementing a
remedy to mitigate or eliminate risk from the VI pathway.
Remedies may be short-term interim actions meant to mitigate acute exposures to
receptors over the near term, and long-term actions meant to provide ongoing mitigation
by rendering the VI pathway incomplete until a remedy addressing the source of
contamination is completed. These remedies can be to prevent a potentially complete VI
pathway. A combination of the remedies discussed in the following sub-sections can be
implemented to mitigate or eliminate risks from VI. Please note, additional remedial
actions may be required on a site-specific basis. Confirmatory sampling is often required
to determine if further remedial actions are necessary to protect human health.
13.1 Remedy Selection and Implementation Considerations
Remedy selection should consider the type of risk present at the site, site-specific building
conditions, and the proximity and nature of current and future receptors. The following
site conditions should be considered:
Sensitivity of receptor;
Type of contaminant total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) vs. chlorinated
Type of exposure risk (acute vs. chronic);
Cumulative risk from multiple chemical exposures;
Time frame or length of exposure (current or future exposure);
Temporary, interim or permanent mitigation measures;
Source strength;
Media contaminated (soil vs. groundwater);
Foundation type;
Building age;
Preferential pathways;
Agency jurisdiction (U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, OSHA, health department); and,
Potential future receptors.
When implementing a remedy several items should be considered such as:
Immediate response requirements;
Interim response;
Short-term mitigation until a more permanent fix is completed;
Long-term response;
On-going sampling;
System installation;
System monitoring; and,
Confirmatory sampling after disturbance.
Some examples of available mitigation technologies are provided in Table 3, along with
typical applications and challenges of each (ITRC, 2007).
Table 3. Comparison of Mitigation Technologies
Typical Applications
Passive barrier
New construction.
Crawl spaces (existing homes).
Often combined with passive or active
venting, sealing openings in the slab, drains,
Preventing tears, holes.
May not suffice as a stand-alone technology.
Ensuring caulking seals cracks in floors and
preferential pathways.
On-going monitoring and maintenance.
Passive venting
New construction.
Low soil gas flux sites.
Should be convertible to active system if
Relies on advective flow of air due to wind and
heat stack effects.
Air flows and suctions typically far less than
achieved by fans (active venting).
Passive aerated
New construction or extensive remodeling.
May be useful for large commercial
Not yet widely used.
May not be suited for all soil types.
Active sub-slab
New and existing structures.
Sumps, drain tiles, and block wall foundations
may also be depressurized if present.
Low permeability and wet soils may limit
Incurs operating cost.
Requires monitoring and fan upkeep.
Passive sub-
Existing structures.
Crawl spaces.
Sealing to foundation wall, pipe penetrations.
Membranes may be damaged by occupants or
trades people accessing crawl space.
Active sub-slab
Same as ADS.
Most applicable to highly permeable soils.
Higher energy costs and less effective than ADS.
Potential for short-circuiting through cracks.
Active building
Large commercial structures, new or existing.
Specialized cases only.
Requires regular air balancing and maintenance.
May not maintain positive pressure when building
is unoccupied.
Incurs cost to operate.
Active indoor air
Indoor air spaces.
Special cases where other remedies cannot
be applied.
May generate waste disposal stream.
May not effectively capture all air contaminants.
May be subject to tampering.
Sealing the
Cracks and holes in existing building.
Access to perforations.
Lack of permanence.
Active heat
Useful in crawl spaces or basements that
cannot be sealed or depressurized.
Incurs higher energy loss.
Higher costs to operate.
13.2 Remediation of Environmental Media
An environmental media source of VI can be addressed through application of a soil or
ground water remedy. Remediation of soil and ground water contamination may include
source removal, technologies to reduce contaminant concentrations in soil and soil gas,
such as soil vapor extraction (SVE), or technologies to reduce concentrations in ground
water such as in-situ bioremediation (chemical oxidation or reductive de-chlorination),
thermal desorption, or air-sparging. In general, source removal and SVE remedies are
likely to be the most successful to reduce or eliminate soil gas migration and this may
prevent the need for institutional or engineering control remedies.
Environmental media should be monitored during the remedial process to assess
breakdown products that may form as a result of natural attenuation or chemical treatment
processes and may pose risks to receptors, and to determine when remediation efforts
can be terminated.
13.3 Institutional Controls
Institutional controls are activity and use limitations that are recorded in an environmental
covenant within the property deed that restricts how a site can be used or what activities
can occur at the site. Examples of institutional controls include:
Restriction of a property to commercial or industrial uses only;
Prohibition against constructing habitable structures in areas with VI risk;
Prohibition of building occupancy unless indoor air concentrations are below
screening levels; and,
Building-specific conditions, such as prohibitions of basements.
Generally, two rounds of indoor air sampling collected at least 30 days apart are needed
prior to occupancy of a building located within a vapor intrusion activity and use limitation
13.4 Engineering Controls
Engineering controls, also known as building controls for vapor intrusion, can be
considered interim remedial measures as they usually do not address the reduction of the
source contamination. They can be implemented in both new and existing buildings.
Engineering controls can be separated into two groups: active or passive. An active
engineering control usually involves a mechanical system, such as a sub-slab
depressurization system. Engineering controls that do not involve mechanical systems,
such as a floor slab, are known as passive controls. Future conditions must be considered
when choosing an appropriate engineering control. Maintenance, repair, failure
monitoring, and termination criteria should be considered when selecting an engineering
control. These considerations are contained within an operating and maintenance (O&M)
plan and an O&M agreement between Ohio EPA and the property owner. This agreement
identifies and ensures that the responsibility for the engineering control and liability for
the contamination is maintained while vapor intrusion remedial goals are exceeded in the
13.5 Active Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems
Active Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems (ADS) are defined as systems that rely on
motor-driven fans to maintain a negative pressure below the building floor, evacuating
contaminated vapors before they enter the building. ADS can have a variety of
configurations, both designed as standalone systems or as components in a mitigation
engineering system.
There are generally two types of active sub-slab depressurization systems, those for
newly constructed buildings and those installed in existing buildings. Systems for newly
constructed buildings usually consist of a sub-slab layer of granular fill coupled with a
network of slotted pipes that vent to the roof with the aid of a fan. The granular layer is
overlain by an impermeable barrier layer. The motorized fans are used to draw a vacuum
on the sub-slab granular layer, assuring the necessary vacuum differential. The number,
size and spacing of the slotted pipes are building-specific with the performance standard
being an adequate pressure differential generally across the floor of the entire building.
The exhaust points of the discharge pipes should be positioned to avoid ingress to the
surrounding buildings through windows, vents, or HVAC system intakes. Generally, the
granular bed and barrier layers should cover the entire footprint of the building unless the
owner can demonstrate that less coverage is needed.
For existing buildings, the sub-slab system generally consists of pits under the floor, filled
with granular material and connected to the extraction system. The major obstacle to
performance of these systems is low permeability soil, since installation of a granular layer
under the entirety of an existing building is usually impossible. Again, the number and
placement of the suction points is site-specific and performance driven. A lower
permeability soil may require more extraction points. Another concern with preexisting
buildings is the presence of subsurface barriers, such as building footers, that might
impede airflow. The placement of suction points must consider such barriers.
ADS are most effective if the building is isolated from the environmental media. This
condition increases the efficacy of the sub-slab depressurization and removal of vapors
beneath the slab. Therefore, Ohio EPA recommends that sealing of foundation crack and
other conduits into the building be included with the construction of an ADS. The building
floor should be examined for competency and building construction diagrams should be
evaluated for utility and plumbing penetration points. These seals should be identified and
maintained throughout the active life of the ADS. Seals that are a component of an ADS
should be labeled to identify that these seals should be maintained in any operation and
maintenance plan.
In regard to sealing, the following should be considered when reviewing work and design
plans for ADS systems:
Caulks and sealants should be reviewed thoroughly prior to use for volatile content.
Sealants that are selected should be durable and designed for minimal maintenance
over the expected lifespan of the ADS (ASTM C1193-16).
Sumps, other pit openings in the slab, and utility corridors that need to maintain their
accessibility should use sealants such as silicone caulks that may easily be re-applied.
Sump covers should remain accessible by utilizing gasket or non-permanent sealants.
Piping emanating from sumps should also be sealed to prevent vapor migration.
Cracks less than 1/16-inch in width may be sealed using selected sealants or caulks.
Cracks greater that 1/16-inch in width may require special backing material or
expandable foam sealants.
Expansion joints.
Wall/floor junctions.
Utility lines, drains, and other plumbing features that penetrate the building slab offer
a direct conduit to soil gas. To seal these penetrations, practitioners may have to wrap
these features with membrane material and seal these to competent flooring.
Specialty spray on products, such as Liquid Boot, may have to be applied if the
penetration points are too difficult to seal via normal means.
Drains may provide a vapor intrusion pathway that can be prevented using one-way
flow valves that retard or prevent vapor entering buildings. Drains used to draw water
from basement areas to sumps need to be covered, sealed and tied into the ADS to
draw vapors to the outside air.
In some cases, a competent floor is not present or may only cover a portion of the building
footprint. An example of this condition is a home that has an open crawl space. Conditions
such as these require special consideration as an ADS may not be capable of providing
adequate mitigation unless the building floor and walls are sufficiently sealed.
Dug basements with open areas or crawl spaces will require covering to prevent soil gas
migration and to provide a seal for the ADS to depressurize the lower area of the building.
A soil gas barrier can be installed over open soil in a crawl space or dug basement to
prevent vapor migration and provide a plenum that will be evacuated using the ASD. The
membrane should be sealed to competent walls. Seams between membrane sheets
should be overlapped at least 12 inches and sealed with sealant or caulk. Membrane
material should be designed to prevent vapor migration. Common moisture barriers used
in construction may not be adequate as a vapor intrusion membrane. This is especially
true if the space may be used to store heavy objects. Ohio EPA recommends that
membranes be at least 10-mil thick and may range up to 60-mil depending on the
occupancy requirements for the area being covered. Vapor barriers should have a
permeance of at least 0.1 perms as defined by ASTM E96/96M. Pipe penetrations or
drains penetrating the membrane should be sealed as described previously in this
If the floor is generally soil and without rubble, concrete can be poured to provide
adequate cover. This option may be desirable if the floor space is used to store heavy
materials or heavy use would puncture membrane materials.
Ohio EPA has encountered rubble-filled or dug basements that are inaccessible that
prevent the use of membrane or cementitious coverings. In these cases, the open space
itself may need to be ventilated and have fresh air brought in from the outside and stale
air vented (see Section 13.6 for more information).
Water tables that seasonally intersect the building slab, wet basements, or contaminated
pore water infiltrating directly into buildings requires an additional engineering control
before the installation of an ADS. These conditions can be mitigated by foundation
drainage systems and treating surfaces to prevent water infiltration. Consideration of
these conditions should be made before an ADS is installed.
Back drafting from indoor heating sources may be problematic in some basements where
furnaces or water heating equipment is used. The ADS should be checked by local HVAC
personnel and local fire marshals before the initial system demonstration. There may be
some situations where an ADS cannot be installed due to homeowner requirements. Any
site where back drafting could be a problem should have CO
monitors installed as part
of the ADS.
13.6 Heating, Ventilation, Filtration Units and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Measures
Ventilation system modifications can be made in a variety of ways, but the general
approach is to increase the intake of make-up (fresh ambient) air. In commercial
buildings, HVAC systems can be modified to increase the amount of make-up air. These
modifications should be made by experienced HVAC professionals. Systems in
residential properties may be limited in the degree of modification for make-up air. In
these cases, the addition of a Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) unit may be necessary to
increase the intake of fresh air. HRV systems can be installed independently of existing
HVAC systems and may be beneficial to residential properties that need to vent
crawlspaces or basements that can’t be incorporated into an ADS. HRVs are designed
with two fans. One fan brings in fresh air from outside the building, the second fan vents
stale air from inside the structure. A heat exchanger equalizes the temperature between
these two independent air streams which are not allowed to physically mix. The net result
in an increased air exchange rate that can significantly reduce concentrations of
contaminants. HRVs can be costly to install and must be powered which can increase the
average cost for heating a home or small business.
Filtering of air can be an option for vapor mitigation. These systems are designed to pass
contaminated air through filtering media, usually granular activated carbon, thereby
removing VOCs from the air. Industrial-sized units can be designed, but generally these
filters are used on a temporary basis before permanent systems can be installed. Filter
use requires regular monitoring to ensure breakthrough of contaminants from the filter
has not occurred. Costs for units vary by size, electrical costs, costs for the filter media
and monitoring.
HVAC systems can sometimes be modified to create a positive pressure within a building
or room to resist vapor ingress from the sub-slab, or to maintain sufficient air flow through
the building to dilute indoor air concentrations to acceptable levels.
The ultimate standard of performance must be the measured indoor air concentrations
rather than analyses based on flow calculations. Indoor air samples should be collected
several times during the year to assess the effects of heating and air conditioning on the
system’s performance. Caution should be exercised choosing these types of methods as
the high air flow rates needed to achieve remedial goals may greatly increase heating
and cooling costs and have the potential to decrease occupant comfort.
13.7 Passive Engineering Controls
Passive Depressurization Systems (PDS) are similar to active systems except the
extraction fans are not motorized. Rather, PDS use wind-driven turbines or venturi
systems to maintain a vacuum on the extraction pipes. The major issue for PDS is
maintenance of an adequate sub-slab vacuum. Passive systems are best used in new
construction with highly permeable granular layers. PDS are not as effective for existing
structures with low permeability soils. The performance standard for passive systems is
consistent maintenance of adequate pressure differentials under the building.
Barrier systems are typically installed during new building construction and consist of an
impermeable barrier between the granular collection bed and the floor of the building. The
barrier can either be laid out in overlapping sheets or sprayed in-place. Some sheet
systems consist of multiple layer laminates to achieve both strength and vapor resistance.
A critical requirement for any vapor barrier is resistance to the chemical contaminants in
the underlying soil. Installation should strictly follow the manufacturer’s directions with
particular attention to adequate joining and sealing of sheet materials and adequate
thickness of sprayed materials. Any penetrations through the barrier, such as plumbing
or utility conduits, must be properly sealed. Typically, the finished system is subject to
smoke testing to locate any breaches in the barrier. Long-term operation and
maintenance plans must require proper sealing of any future breaches through the barrier
Barrier systems can also include building slabs. Proper sealing of cracks in floors or
around the bases of walls to break ingress routes should be conducted as necessary for
preferential pathways to improve the effectiveness of the passive slab engineering
control. This approach is more applicable for older existing buildings. Such repairs will
require long-term monitoring and maintenance to assure their reliability (Section 14.3),
which may need to be recorded in an operation and maintenance plan. Low permeability
flooring materials have sometimes been installed in existing buildings to reduce vapor
ingress. Such coatings should be durable enough to withstand expected industrial
activities including chemical spills and would also require careful installation and sealing.
13.8 Monitoring Requirements for Engineering Controls
For ADS, Ohio EPA recommends that the depressurization field be mapped to
demonstrate that depressurization is occurring across the building footprint for residential
structures and commercial buildings or is of sufficient aerial extent under a large building
to effectively remove sub-slab vapors. Any sub-slab depressurization systems should be
equipped with sampling ports in the floor to allow measurement of the pressure differential
between the building and the sub-slab space. Differential pressure gauges should be
capable of reading to 1/1000-inch water column or 0.25 pascals with + 25% accuracy.
There should be adequate sample ports to cover the entire floor space of the building. If
it is proposed that only a small portion of the structure needs to be covered by the sub-
slab system, then the owner/operator will have the burden of proving that only limited
coverage is needed. Based on a review of the available guidance and state standards, a
presumptive minimum pressure differential across the slab should be 5 pascals or 0.02
inches of water. That standard should be applied if there is no granular backfill under the
slab or if the soil composition under the slab is unknown. If the slab has been underlain
with a permeable, granular backfill then a lower pressure differential could be considered
based on a demonstration that the flow through the backfill is sufficient to capture vapors
emanating from the underlying soil.
Depressurization field monitoring should be followed with indoor air measurements to
complete the demonstration that the remedy is effective. A sufficient number of indoor air
samples should be taken to demonstrate that indoor air quality meets the standards for a
residential or commercial/industrial setting. The number of indoor air samples will be
dependent on the building size or footprint, the presence of a basement or crawlspace or
occupancy conditions. The typical approach is to sample at the same locations as used
to determine that the vapor intrusion pathway was complete. Ohio EPA DERR
recommends that the number of samples and locations be reviewed and discussed with
agency personnel prior to implementation.
The collection lines for a sub-slab system should be equipped with sampling ports to
analyze the sub-slab vapors. The initial performance evaluation of a sub-slab system
should include indoor air sampling. If the performance evaluation is not being met,
sampling must be repeated until corrective actions have met remedial goals.
13.9 Post-Mitigation and Seasonal Monitoring
Once indoor air sampling shows acceptable COC concentrations and, if applicable,
vacuum ports show adequate depressurization, then the remedy monitoring program may
be reduced to periodic pressure differential measurements at the vacuum sampling ports
and/or indoor air samples to demonstrate system effectiveness through seasonal
variations in temperature, pressure, humidity and building occupancy conditions. Prior to
sampling frequency reduction, vacuum differentials should be measured several times a
year to account for variations caused by seasonal heating and air conditioning.
The effect of seasonal variations should be considered in both the heating and cooling
seasons. This evaluation is especially important if modifications to the HVAC system were
made as a mitigation measure. In addition, in cases where seasonal high-water tables
are present, sub-slab differential pressure measurement should be made to determine if
the sub-slab conditions are present to maintain the depressurization requirements.
The results of these seasonal post-mitigation tests should be carefully evaluated to
determine the degree of variability in results. If the system is functioning adequately to
mitigate vapor intrusion issues, it is possible that only periodic checks will be needed in
the future. If HVAC modifications are not protective in all seasons, additional engineering
measures will need to be installed. Ohio EPA should be consulted if results show break-
through of vapors into indoor air. In these cases, additional indoor air sampling on a
frequent basis may be needed in the post-mitigation period.
13.10 Termination of Engineering Controls
Termination of mitigation systems should only be considered if the contamination source
has been remediated to the point where vapor intrusion is not an on-going concern. Any
request to terminate monitoring should contain a demonstration that sub-slab vapor
concentrations are below VISLs during several sampling events.
Any site with methane should include combustible gas monitors. The combustible gas
monitors should have alarms if safe levels are exceeded.
The precise details of sampling and maintenance of the system should be specified in an
O&M plan whose requirements are included in an environmental covenant.
13.11 Owner Documentation/Notification of Engineering Controls
The building owner should be provided with information on the mitigation system, which
should be passed on to future owners during property transfers. This information should
include, at a minimum:
The pre-mitigation concentrations of constituents of concern;
The post-mitigation concentrations of constituent of concern; and,
The regulatory standards used for each constituent.
The mitigation system installation should be described. This should include:
System diagram showing the individual components of the system (e.g., slab,
SSDS, vapor barrier);
As built diagrams, if available; and,
The operational requirements, such as inches of water vacuum, slab competency,
fan or filter life.
The schedule for replacing system components, such as filters, should be described,
The schedule for monitoring the system, such as review of manometer readings;
Any warranty information should be included with the system documentation
The owner, either through O&M agreements or self-initiated investigation, should
describe and document any system disruption and subsequent corrective actions taken
and provide the documentation to Ohio EPA DERR, if required. Information on the
mitigation system (e.g., environmental covenants, remedial design/remedial action
judicial consent decrees, O&M plans and agreements) should be disclosed to future
property owners as required by the RP or VAP (see Section 14.4 for more information).
Remediation of a vapor intrusion source can take a long time, often months or years.
Therefore, when vapor intrusion has been determined to be a significant risk pathway at
sites, mitigation measures such as ADS systems or institutional controls are needed to
prevent exposure to current occupants and to make sure that future occupants are
protected. Many sites have the long-term goal or requirement to eliminate the source of
the vapor intrusion and termination of the mitigation systems. Therefore, the need to
address long-term management and pathway mitigation should be understood, discussed
with Ohio EPA, and plans formulated to make sure that occupants remain protected.
14.1 Long-Term Management
Long-term management at vapor intrusion sites may consist of the one or more of the
Ground water or soil gas monitoring;
Sub-slab vapor or indoor air monitoring;
Contingency plans if monitoring shows exceedance of indoor air standards;
Land use restrictions recorded in an environmental covenant;
Inspections or audits of environmental setting and slab competency if used as an
engineering control;
Periodic review of the protectiveness and/or efficiency of the remedy or mitigation
Inspection and corrective action of mitigation systems;
Notification plan to inform new occupants/potential purchasers of need to maintain
mitigation systems; or,
Development of an exit strategy for turning off active mitigation.
Ohio EPA DERR does not have a single approach for long-term management because
there are many site-specific variables and unique requirements for each administrative
program, Ohio EPA DERR will work with responsible parties through orders, permits and
the VAP to develop appropriate controls and monitoring strategies and to develop
administrative requirements. Several of the above referenced items will be discussed in
the following sections.
14.2 Ground Water, Soil Gas, Sub-Slab Vapor and Differential Pressure
Sites that are undergoing an environmental response for vapor intrusion may require
long-term ground water or soil gas monitoring to verify that new or un-mitigated buildings
within the area of influence of contamination are protected and that mitigation or remedial
systems are functioning properly. In these cases, the type of monitoring (e.g., soil gas or
ground water), frequency of monitoring, applicable screening levels and appropriate
secondary actions if data is above screening levels will need to be recorded in an O&M
Plan and O&M Agreement. Demonstrations of ongoing remediation may also include
statistical analysis for trend monitoring which can help in determining if the contaminated
area is increasing or decreasing.
Where appropriate, sub-slab monitoring ports may be installed and used for routine
monitoring of vapor concentrations and differential pressure. For example, where the slab
of the building has been designated as an engineering control, sub-slab samples can
establish the need for continued maintenance of the slab or indicate when indoor air
sampling should be conducted to determine if risk and hazard goals continue to be met.
Differential pressure monitoring may be considered when facilities have increased the
intake of air to create positive pressure conditions. The monitoring ports can also be used
to monitor differential pressure between the sub-slab and indoors with the use of a
manometer to help determine whether a differential pressure remedy is being maintained.
Once the efficacy of the engineering system is verified by a qualified professional, system
maintenance should be recorded in an O&M plan that details the system’s components,
operation and maintenance schedule and system performance standards. Sub-slab
vapor and/or periodic indoor air monitoring should be considered to demonstrate
continued system efficacy. The plan should also include the corrective measures to be
taken if the system unexpectedly fails and the interim measures to be used to protect
human health while the system is not functional.
14.3 Passive Mitigation System Efficacy Verification
If the mitigation system involves vapor barriers, seals or passive venting, the building
conditions must be carefully checked periodically to determine that these passive
components remain in place and are effective. Building operations change through time
and altering structural components can provide less of a barrier to vapor migration. In
addition, sealants also degrade through time. On-going review of these components must
be made, and it is highly recommended that periodic indoor air monitoring be considered
while volatile chemicals remain above screening levels in the sub-surface.
Data generated during the monitoring period may also provide evidence of favorable
conditions for termination of monitoring and any associated mitigation systems once
sources have been remediated or risk and hazard goals have been met.
14.4 Environmental Covenants and Deed Restrictions
Environmental covenants (EC) and deed restrictions compliment engineering and
institutional controls for addressing vapor intrusion exposure. Ohio’s Environmental
Covenant Law is found in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 5301.80 - 5301.92. The law states
that an owner of a real property may enter an EC with the State of Ohio if an environmental
response project has occurred on that property. In many cases, vapor intrusion
investigations can be considered an environmental response project. The EC may contain
restrictions for land use or occupancy status, such as restricting a property to
commercial/industrial land use or prohibiting building occupancy until certain conditions
are met. Environmental covenants require the property owner to report compliance with
the restrictions to Ohio EPA once a year. Ohio EPA also reviews sites with ECs at least
every three years to verify compliance. ECs provide information to future occupants that
vapor intrusion is a concern at the site. Deed restrictions are not reviewed or enforced by
Ohio EPA; therefore, even if a site has a deed restriction Ohio EPA requires an EC.
Ohio EPA legal and technical staff can provide more information on how ECs can be
utilized to address vapor intrusion exposure.
14.5 Exit Strategy
The time period for remedial efforts can vary and actions taken to mitigate exposure from
vapor intrusion may continue for some time. Nevertheless, an exit strategy to terminate
active mitigation should be contemplated by site managers. The Ohio EPA expects that
RP sites continue to work on decontamination until sources for vapor intrusion are abated.
RP sites can build exit strategies into orders, records of decision or permits so that
responsible parties can approach the agency to terminate vapor intrusion mitigation when
the source(s) has been reduced to appropriate levels. VAP sites need to plan for how to
determine when remedial activities can be terminated as well; however, the remedial
goals for VAP sites may not include source removal. In these cases, the on-going
mitigation of the vapor intrusion pathway is tied to an operation and maintenance plan.
Specific requirements for termination outlined in the O&M Plan are then followed and
Ohio EPA is notified and provided a demonstration when applicable standards are met
and will continue to be met at the time termination is requested.
The exit strategy should clearly identify what criteria will be used to determine that the
site no longer poses an unacceptable vapor intrusion risk. The exit strategy should be
developed early in a vapor intrusion project so as to provide defined criteria for when risks
at a site have been adequately mitigated or controlled. Factors such as mitigation or
remediation techniques, final cleanup goals, land use, and future building construction,
should be considered when developing the exit strategy. The exit strategy should be
recorded in a decision document with specific, reasonable and achievable outcomes
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APPENDIX A. Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Site Model Checklist
Utilities and Process Piping
Identify on a site plan all underground utilities near the soil or ground water
impacts; pay particular attention to utilities that connect impacted areas to occupied
Identify on a site plan all underground process piping near the soil or ground water
Identify on a site plan all existing and future buildings under investigation.
Identify the occupancy and use of each building (e.g., residential, commercial)
Describe building construction materials (e.g., wood frame, block,), openings (e.g.,
windows, doors), and height (e.g., one-story, two-story, multiple-story); identify if there is
an elevator shaft in the building.
Describe building foundation construction including:
Type (e.g., basement, crawl space, slab on grade)
Floor construction (e.g., concrete, dirt)
Depth below grade.
Describe the building HVAC system including:
Furnace/air conditioning type (e.g., forced air, radiant)
Furnace/air conditioning location (e.g., basement, crawl space, utility closet, attic, roof)
Source of return air (e.g., inside air, outside air, combination)
System design considerations relating to indoor air pressure (e.g., positive pressure is
often the case for commercial buildings).
Identify sub-slab ventilation systems or moisture barriers present on existing
Source Area
Identify the COC’s related to the vapor intrusion pathway.
Describe the distribution and composition of any NAPL at the site.
Identify on a site plan all source areas for the COC’s related to the vapor intrusion
Identify on a site plan soil and ground water results for the COC’s, between the
source area and the buildings under investigation.
Identify on a geologic cross section soil and ground water results including depth.
Describe the potential migration characteristics (e.g., stable, increasing,
decreasing) for the distribution of COC’s.
Review all boring logs and soil sampling data to understand the locations of:
Sources: NAPL, soil, ground water, suspected vapor leaks.
Soil types:
Finer-grained soil layers
Higher-permeability layers that may facilitate vapor migration.
Identify on a geologic cross section distinct strata (soil type and moisture content,
e.g., “moist,” “wet,” “dry”) and the depth intervals between the vapor source and ground
surface, and include the depth to ground water.
Describe ground water characteristics (e.g., seasonal fluctuation, hydraulic
Site Characteristics
Estimate the distance from the ground water concentration contour interval for
each COC to buildings under investigation.
Estimate the distance from vadose zone source area to buildings under
Describe the surface cover between the vapor source and buildings under
APPENDIX B. Special Considerations for Evaluating Residential Properties
Ohio EPA generally recommends evaluating the vapor intrusion pathway using the
prescribed stepwise approach listed in Figure 1. Sub-slab vapor and indoor air samples
should be collected to assess the vapor intrusion pathway if site ground water or soil gas
data indicates hazard and risk goals may be exceeded. If available data indicates there
may currently be unacceptable risk to residential receptors, Ohio EPA should be
contacted promptly and potential exposures to residential receptors evaluated in an
expedited manner. If it is determined that no current unacceptable risk exists to residential
receptors, the stepwise approach shown in Figure 1 may resume.
Prior to conducting residential sampling, the person undertaking the vapor intrusion
investigation should consider how the potentially impacted community and local
government should be notified. Proper community involvement efforts are critical to the
effective implementation of sample collection, evaluation, and risk communication. Ohio
EPA should be involved early in the risk communication planning process to ensure
proper interagency notification and coordination with the U.S. EPA, Ohio Department of
Health, and local health departments, as appropriate.
Public meetings may be necessary, including a pre-sampling meeting to explain results
from previous sampling and the vapor intrusion sampling workplan, and a post-sampling
meeting to explain any findings. Meetings may also be necessary to discuss additional
and/or follow-up air sampling or the determined remedy. Please contact Ohio EPA DERR
for assistance or additional guidance on informing property owners and/or tenants about
sampling results and possible next steps.
The quality of outdoor air is important to consider in the CSM and remedy selection. Thus,
collecting outdoor ambient vapor samples concurrently with indoor air sampling is
required. Additionally, the indoor air/sub-slab sampling form found in Appendix E should
be completed prior to indoor air or sub-slab vapor sampling at residential properties. Ohio
EPA DERR’s FSOP for indoor air sampling also includes instructions for building
occupants prior to indoor air sampling.
For further guidance on community outreach, please see Appendix A (Community
Stakeholder Concerns) of ITRC’s Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guide 2007, and
Chapter 9 (Planning for Community Involvement) in U.S. EPA’s June 2015 VI Guidance.
Procedure for Active Soil Gas Sampling Using Direct Push Systems
FSOP 2.4.1 (March 9, 2017)
Ohio EPA Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
1.0 Scope and Applicability
1.1 Vapor intrusion (VI) is defined as vapor phase migration of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) into occupied buildings from underlying contaminated
ground water and/or soil. Soil gas surveys provide information on the soil
atmosphere in the vadose zone that can aid in assessing the presence,
composition, source, and distribution of contaminants. The purpose of this
document is to provide guidance for conducting soil gas sampling, and shall
pertain to active soil gas surveys, whereby a volume of soil gas is pumped
out of the vadose zone into a sample collection device for analysis.
1.2 U.S. EPA’s OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the
Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (U.S.
EPA June 2015) states that the chemicals in the subsurface must be both
sufficiently volatile and toxic to present a vapor intrusion risk. A chemical is
considered volatile if its vapor pressure is greater than 1 millimeter of
mercury (mmHg) or if its Henry’s Law constant is greater than 10
atmosphere-meter cubed per mole (atm M
). Please refer to the Vapor
Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) calculator to determine whether to include
a chemical in a vapor intrusion investigation. For additional information refer
to Chapter 3 of U.S. EPA June 2015. A volatile organic chemical may
present a vapor intrusion risk if:
The vapor concentration of the pure compound exceeds the target
indoor air concentration when the subsurface vapor is in soil, or
The maximum ground water vapor concentration (i.e., the vapor
concentration above the ground water from the Henry’s Law constant
and water solubility) exceeds the target indoor air concentration for a
ground water vapor source.
1.3 Results from soil gas surveys are used in both qualitative and quantitative
evaluations. The quality and application of the data is dependent upon many
factors, including but not limited to: the DQO’s used to develop the sampling
plan, the number of sample locations and data points, the selection of the
sample locations, the soil characteristics of the site, the distribution of the
contaminants in both the vadose and saturated zones, the equipment and
personnel used to gather the data, etc. The work plan should be finalized
before any sampling is conducted. The work plan will provide specific
information on the type and quality of data gathered during the soil gas
sampling event. Any questions regarding data needs and usage should be
resolved prior to sampling.
1.4 The evaluation of the indoor inhalation pathway at contaminated sites is a
significant concern at sites/properties where contamination is known or
expected to exist. As a result, procedures and technology related to
evaluating the pathway continue to evolve. This procedure pertains to the
active collection of soil gas using direct-push techniques (i.e., driven probe
rods/tooling). With respect to the use of other appropriate methods,
procedures, and equipment for measuring concentrations of chemicals of
concern in soil gas, please refer to Appendix D, Section 4 of the Vapor
Intrusion Guidance: A Practical Guide (ITRC, January 2007).
2.0 Definitions
Terms specific to soil gas sampling using direct-push systems are defined
throughout this FSOP.
3.0 Health and Safety Considerations
3.1 Follow the site-specific health and safety plan (HASP). If a site-specific
HASP is not available, follow the health and safety procedures in FSOP 1.1,
Initial Site Entry.
3.2 The use of direct push systems on a site within the vicinity of electrical
power lines and other utilities requires that special precautions be taken by
the operators. Underground electrical utilities are as dangerous as
overhead electricity. Be aware and always suspect the existence of
underground utilities (water, natural gas, cable and phone lines, fiber optic
cables, storm water and sewer lines, etc.).
REMEMBER....Call B-4-U Dig:
Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS): 800-362-2764
Oil & Gas Producers Underground Protection Service (OGPUPS):
4.0 Procedure Cautions
A soil gas survey is only applicable to volatile contaminants. Geological barriers
may exist that interfere with vapor migration such as perched water, clay or man-
made structures. Interference from these geological barriers can lead to non-
representative sampling with low or false negative readings or may produce
localized areas of high concentrations. In addition, heavy precipitation, 24 to 48
hours prior to sampling can result in a significant reduction in volatile
5.0 Personnel Qualifications
Ohio EPA personnel working at sites that fall under the scope of OSHA’s
hazardous waste operations and emergency response standard (29 CFR
1910.120) must meet the training requirements described in that standard.
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
6.1 Hearing protection
6.2 Safety glasses
6.3 Nitrile (or similar) disposable gloves
6.4 Steel-toed boots
Equipment/Tooling/Supplies for Probe Installation:
6.5 Direct push rig
6.6 4-foot probe rods
6.7 2-foot probe rods
6.8 Inner Extension Rods (48")
6.8 Rod Grip Pull System
6.10 Drive Cap
6.11 Miscellaneous tools
6.12 Log book/Data sheets
6.13 Bentonite granules
Soil Gas Sampling:
6.14 Expendable Point Holder
6.15 Implant Expendable Point Holder
6.16 Expendable Drive Points (w/ O-ring)
6.17 6.25 Expendable Point Popper
6.18 PRT Adapter for ¼“ tubing w/ O-ring
6.19 ¼“ OD x 3/16” ID tubing (Teflon
or Nylon)
6.20 20/40 grade sand (#5 quartz silica sand, or equivalent)
6.21 1L Evacuated canisters (i.e., Summa canisters), with grab flow-choke
6.22 Implants (stainless steel, aluminum, ceramic, or plastic)
6.23 Funnel
6.24 Tubing cutter
6.25 Polycarbonate 2- & 3-way valves
6.26 Disposable 60cc Syringe
6.27 Photoionization detector (FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector), ppb
6.28 Multi-gas meter (FSOP 3.1.2, Multiple Gas Detection Meters)
6.29 Field documentation equipment and supplies, including pens, markers, field
logbook and data sheets, chain-of-custody forms, camera, etc.
7.0 Procedures: Summary of Probe Installation Methods
7.1 Using the Post-Run Tubing System for Grab Sample Collection
This is a temporary, single use application for collecting a soil gas grab
sample. Using the post-run tubing system (PRT), probe rods are driven to
the desired depth, and then internal tubing, with PRT fitting attached, is
inserted and seated for soil gas sampling. Using the inner tubing for soil gas
collection has many advantages - potential for leakage is reduced, dead air
volume that must be purged is reduced, and decontamination problems are
reduced as the sample does not contact the rod bore.
7.1.1 Clean all parts prior to use. Inspect all probe rods and clear them
of obstructions. Install O-ring on the PRT expendable point holder
and the PRT adapter.
7.1.2 Test fit the adapter with the PRT fitting on the expendable point
holder to assure that the threads are compatible and fit together
smoothly. Ensure the threads are clean of debris.
NOTE: PRT fittings are left-hand threaded and must be rotated
counter-clockwise to engage the point holder threads.
7.1.3 Push the PRT adapter into the end of the selected tubing. Tape
may be used on the outside of the adapter and tubing to prevent
the tubing from spinning freely around the adapter during
connection - especially when using Teflon
NOTE: The sample will not come into contact with the outside of
the tubing or adapter.
7.1.4 Attach the PRT expendable point holder (with O-ring) to the female
end of the leading probe rod.
7.1.5 Attach an O-ring to an expendable soil vapor drive point and insert
into the expendable point holder. Attach the drive cap to the male
end of the drive rod and position rod under probe.
7.1.6 Drive the PRT rod configuration into the ground, connecting probe
rods as necessary to reach the desired depth.
7.1.7 After desired depth has been achieved, disengage the expendable
drive point. Using the inner extension rods, insert the expendable
point popper to the bottom of the rod string and then slowly pull up
on the probe rods using the rod grip pull system. Retract the rods
approximately 4"- 6" up to create a void from which to sample the
soil gas. Position the probe unit to allow room to work around the
sample location.
7.1.8 Insert the PRT adapter end of the tubing down the inside diameter
of the probe rods.
7.1.9 Feed the tubing down the rod bore until it hits bottom on the
expendable point holder. Allow approximately 4-6 ft. of tubing to
extend out of the hole before cutting it. Grasp the excess tubing
end and lightly apply downward pressure while turning it in a
counter-clockwise motion to engage the adapter threads with the
expendable point holder. Continue turning until the PRT adapter O-
ring bottoms out in the expendable point holder.
7.1.10 Pull up lightly on the tubing to test the engagement of the threads.
Failure of the PRT adapter to thread could mean that intrusion of
soil may have occurred during driving of the rods or disengagement
of the expendable drive point. Once tubing has been connected,
finish the surface end with a 2-way valve in the closed position.
7.1.11 Sampling at the location can commence following an equilibrium
period (minimum of 15 minutes). Connect the sampling tubing and
follow appropriate purging and sampling procedures. Refer to
“Procedures for Collection of Indoor Air, FSOP 2.4.3” for reference
for use of evacuated canisters for sample collection; and refer to
Section 7.3.1 below, for sampling procedures using the bag
sampler (e.g., Lung Box).
7.1.12 Prior to sample collection and screening, ensure that the implant is
in a porous soil zone that will freely give up soil gas. Connect a 60
cc syringe to the implant tubing, open the 2-way tubing valve, and
gently pull the plunger out to fill the syringe with gas. Let go of the
plunger and observe whether it holds position where released, or if
it can be observed moving back due to an induced vacuum. Should
a vacuum be present, the soil zone at the end of the probe rods
may be too tight to get a representative soil gas sample. Should
this occur, the probe rods can be pulled up 1 to 2 feet at a time,
retesting each interval until soil gas can be freely obtained. If not,
abandon the location, seal the borehole with bentonite, and
reposition the probe; or relocate to another position.
7.2 Installation of Soil Gas Implants
For long-term soil gas monitoring applications (multiple sampling events
from the same location), a stainless steel, aluminum, polycarbonate or
ceramic implant can be installed at any depth by direct push. Implants are
inserted down inside the probe rods when the appropriate sampling depth
has been achieved. When installing soil gas implants, knowledge of the
local geology and soil types is paramount to the success of any soil gas
survey. For sites where geology or soil characteristic information is not
available, the collection of soil borings to target depth may be helpful in
identifying zones or soil horizons in which to set soil gas implants.
7.2.1 Drive probe rods to the desired depth using the implant expendable
point holder and an expendable drive point. Disengage the drive
point using the point popper. Using the inner extension rods, insert
the expendable point popper to the bottom of the rod string and
then slowly pull up on the probe rods using the rod grip pull system.
Retract the rods approximately 1”- 2to push the expendable point
out with the point popper. Remove all extension rods and point
popper. Check end of last inner rod or point popper for evidence of
moisture. Implants should not be installed in moist zones as these
can inhibit vapor migration as well as, given enough time for water
to accumulate, may result in water being drawn up and into sample
containers (evacuated canister or Tedlar
7.2.2 Attach implant to one end of appropriate sample tubing (Teflon
or nylon). Depending on implant type and diameter of sample
tubing, a very short length of silicone tubing of appropriate size may
be used to securely connect the implant to the sample tubing.
7.2.3 Lower the implant and tubing down the inside of the probe rods
until the implant hits the top of the anchor/drive point. Note the
length of the tubing to assure that proper depth has been reached.
Cut the tubing flush with the top of the probe rod.
7.2.4 Using an inner extension rod, place one end of the rod on top of
the fresh cut tubing. While holding the rod in place, slowly retract
the rods, 4 feet at a time, and remove the drive rod. Continue this
action of using the extension rod to hold the tubing in place until all
the drive rods have been removed from the borehole.
7.2.5 Slowly pour sand (20/40 grade or #5) down the borehole around
the outside of the tubing so that the sand extends several inches
above the implant. Use the tubing to “stir” the sands into place
around the implant. Do not lift up on the tubing. It should take less
than 250 mL of sand to fill the space around the implant. The sand
therefore will act as a grout barrier, inhibiting the grout from
impacting the implant. Slowly pouring sand and bentonite will
lessen the chance for the materials to bridge in the borehole.
NOTE: Implants come in various sizes and the drive rods can vary
in diameter, so it is best to calculate the necessary volume of sand
for each implant installation. Placement of the grout barrier by
backfilling the borehole can only be performed in the vadose zone,
not below the water table.
7.2.6 Once the sand is in place, slowly add the bentonite granules on top
of the sand. After approximately 0.5 L of bentonite has been added,
hydrate the bentonite in the hole. Hydration can be accomplished
using a pump sprayer, or by using a section of tubing connected to
the 60 cc syringe filled with water. Depending on borehole depth,
the bentonite should be hydrated at a minimum of 3-5 intervals.
Allow bentonite to come to ground surface, saturate the bentonite
with water to create a bentonite “mud” and, using a finger, push this
mix around the tube and back down the hole to enhance the
closure. This results in a tight seal preventing gas migration down
the column.
NOTE: Use caution not to over hydrate, as the water may flow out
into the soil formation and travel down to the implant, causing it to
become wet and potentially loose diffusivity
7.2.7 After sealing the borehole, cut the tubing to a manageable length
(~12” - 18”), attach a 2-way valve connector (in the OFF position)
or air tight (e.g., Swagelok
) plug, and mark the location with a pin
flag or stake. Attach a label or tag to the tubing indicating the
sample location identifier and depth at which the implant was set
for future reference when sampling. Example: SG-3-18, meaning a
soil gas point at location #3 with an implant set at 18 feet bgs.
7.2.8 Check the viability of the sample point just installed following the
procedures outlined in Section 7.1.12 using a 60 cc syringe. A
multi-gas meter with a PID is also a very good way to purge and
check the sample point’s viability and usefulness. Stable field
screening measurements for VOC’s, oxygen, and hydrogen sulfide
can be good indicators on a well-sealed and sampling-ready
implant. Should the meter’s pump motor labor, or if the syringe
plunger recedes back into syringe after pulling, a vacuum has been
induced and the point is not viable for sample collection. The
induced vacuum would be too much to overcome to obtain a gas
sample using either an evacuated canister or a bag sampler.
7.2.9 A minimum equilibrium time should be established prior to
sampling the implant (preferably stated in the work plan). While a
24-hour equilibrium period will ensure adequate equilibration, four
to eight hours is generally sufficient. After equilibration, the implant
is ready for sampling. Refer to Section 7.3 for sampling procedures
using a vacuum canister (e.g., Summa or Silco).
7.2.10 To provide long term security to the sampling port, the installation
of a flush mount or above ground protective casing with a cap can
be installed and finished with a concrete pad. For temporary, short-
term finishing of a sampling port, 4-6” (ID) PVC pipe sections with
associated caps can be installed.
7.3 Sample Collection Methods
Two common methods of sample collection for vapor intrusion
contaminants of concern (COCs) are discussed in this FSOP. The lung box
sampler uses Tedlar
bags as sample containers. Collection of samples on
adsorbents is performed by using a small external pump to pull air through
adsorbent media cartridges and/or tubes. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs)
for the project will determine which sample collection method to use. Field
data should be recorded on the Soil Gas Sampling Data Sheet (attached)
or in a field notebook.
7.3.1 The Lung Box Sampler (Bag Samplers)
The Lung Box allows direct filling of a Tedlar
air sample bag using negative
pressure without passing gas through the pump. This eliminates the risk of
contaminating the pump or the sample. The Lung Box, pictured below,
includes an in-line pump. Other types of bag samplers may require the use
of a separate air pump or hand pump.
The recommended holding time for samples collected into Tedlar
bags is
24 to 48 hours. Therefore, soil gas samples collected in Tedlar
bags should
be analyzed as quickly as practical or samples can be transferred to another
container with longer holding times (i.e., Summa canister). If this method of
sampling is performed, ensure that the laboratory can accept Tedlar
and can meet the holding time requirements.
Semi-permanent soil gas probe location with multi-depth implants. The lung
box sampler is used to collect soil gas samples using 1-liter Tedlar bags.
Note that each tube is labeled with the sampling depth; the PVC pipe is
used to protect the soil gas tubing. Prior to sampling, and after an appropriate equilibrium
period (typically 8 24 hrs. depending on DQOs), ambient
air needs to be removed from the sample train by purging.
Purging of the filter pack is required if sampling occurs within
24 hours of installation. At least three volumes should be
removed. For example, the sample tubing can be purged
using a 60 cc syringe with an attached 3-way valve (~4 cc/ft
for ¼” ID tubing/volume). Other methods may be used as
long as a minimum of 3 volumes are purged from the tubing.
Once purging is complete, the sample may be collected.
Field screening may be performed using a direct reading
instrument after sample collection. Install new tubing in the bag sampler before collecting each
sample. Place a new Tedlar
sample bag (already labeled)
inside the bag sampler. Attach the inside portion of the
tubing to the inlet valve on the sample bag. Open the sample
valve on the sample bag following the manufacturer’s
instructions. Close sampler lid and secure. (DO NOT use
any type of permanent marker, i.e., “Sharpie” pens) Attach external part of the inlet tubing to the sample tubing.
Make sure that the purge valve on the side of the box is
closed (closed for fastest fill rate, open for slower fill rate). Turn on the sample pump or initiate hand pumping. While
filling, watch through the observation window of the Bag
sampler as the Tedlar
bag fills with gas. Avoid filling bag
more than 80% of its maximum volume. Turn the pump off
when the bag has filled to the desired volume. Do not over
fill sample bags. The vacuum pump may be strong enough
to break a sample bag.
NOTE: Be sure to watch the sample line for the first sign of
water coming up the line. Pulling water up the line is not
uncommon, especially in cases where the position of the
water table is unknown. This is a good reason why ample
lengths of tubing should be used for the sample line. If water
is drawn up the tubing, the tubing can be cut before the
water reaches the sampling equipment.
NOTE: Exercise extreme caution if filling sample bags with
explosive gases. Once filling of the sample bag is complete, turn off the pump,
open the purge valve to equalize the pressures, unlatch the
bag sampler lid and open. Close the sample bag inlet valve
by holding the side stem and turning the entire upper portion
of the fitting clockwise until snug. Remove the filled sample
bag from the internal inlet tubing.
NOTE: In an effort avoid any photochemical reactions, keep
filled Tedlar
bags out of sunlight. Store and ship bag
samples in a protective box at room temperature. Do not
chill to avoid condensation.
74 If measurements with a portable meter are to be made (e.g.,
oxygen), conduct measurements after collecting the soil gas
7.3.2 Collection of Samples on Adsorbents An alternative approach to collecting soil gas in a sample
container is to concentrate the soil gas on an adsorbent
media. This type of method is required for SVOCs and is
often used for mercury (generally compounds heavier than
naphthalene). Typically, a pump is used to draw soil gas
through the adsorbent matrix, and the adsorbent is then
analyzed by a laboratory. A variety of adsorbent cartridges and pumping systems are
available from commercial vendors. In addition, it is
essential that the soil gas be drawn through the adsorbent
by the pump, not pumped through the adsorbent to eliminate
the chance for cross-contamination by the pump. It is often
recommended that two tubes be used in series to avoid
breakthrough losses in areas of suspected higher
concentrations. The adsorbent, purge rate, and sample
volume must be determined by discussion with the analytical
7.4 Soil Gas Sample Field Screening
7.4.1 Following sample collection, field-screen the borehole or soil gas
probe atmosphere with a PID in accordance with FSOP 3.1.1,
Photoionization Detector, to estimate the bulk concentration of
VOCs present in the soil gas sample. The PID field screening data
should be recorded with the sample information on the chain-of-
custody form. The analytical laboratory needs to be aware of any
samples potentially containing high concentrations of VOCs that
may need to be diluted prior to analysis.
7.4.2 If desired, to perform the field-screening, attach an appropriate
length of tubing to the PID sampling tip with a small piece of silicon
tubing and extend it at least halfway into the boring or attach PID
directly to tubing on a soil gas probe to obtain readings.
7.4.3 The PID field screening data may also be collected for sampler
health and safety concerns or to use as real-time screening
information to help evaluate the need for additional sampling or
other site assessment activities while in the field.
7.4.4 In addition to a PID, a multi-gas meter (FSOP 3.1.2, Multiple Gas
Detection Meters) may be used to field screen the borehole or soil
gas probe atmosphere to collect gas concentration field screening
data. This information may be provided to the analytical laboratory,
used to monitor health and safety concerns, or used as real-time
screening information to help evaluate the need for additional
sampling or other site assessment activities while in the field.
Parameters often include VOCs (ppb), Oxygen (% O
), Lower
Explosive Level (% LEL), Carbon monoxide (ppm CO), and
Hydrogen sulfide (ppm H
8.0 Data and Records Management
Refer to FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation.
9.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Refer to the Site-Specific Work Plan
10.0 Attachments
Soil Gas Sampling Data Sheet
11.0 References
FSOP 1.1, Initial Site Entry
FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation
FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector
FSOP 3.1.2, Multiple Gas Detection Meters
Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Vapor Intrusion Team, January
2007, Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline
U.S. EPA, June 2015, OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the
Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air: OSWER
Publication 9200.2-154
Site Name:____________________________________
Site Address:_________________________________
Contact Name:_________________________________
Phone #:______________________________________
Sampling Address:_____________________________
(if other than site address)
Grab Sample:________ Canister Sample:_________
Sample ID #: __________________________________
If canister used, complete info below:
Canister ID #:_________________________________
Regulator ID #:________________________________
(mm/dd/yy) (military)
Soil Gas port installed: Date:_______Time:_______
Depth :_______
If canister used for sample collection, complete
following info:
Sample Collection Start: Date:_______Time:_______
Sample Collection End: Date:________ Time:_______
Regulator Calibrated for:
_____ 8-hr _____ 12-hr _____ 24-hr _____ grab (no
Laboratory & Analytical Method: _________________
Sample Delivered: Date_________ Time:__________
Method of Delivery: ____________________________
(ex. Lab courier, UPS, delivered by sampler, etc.)
Canister Info:
Initial canister vacuum:
_______ “Hg or mm Hg
Final canister vacuum:
________”Hg or mm Hg
Field Screening Info:
PID (ppm):__________
% O
List instrument (and ID#)
used to collect parameters:
NOTES: (include any information on the installation of the soil gas port, or problems with
sampling/canister etc.)
Signature of Sampler: ___________________________________________ Date:________________
Note: If a diagram of the sample location(s) is sketched on the back of this data sheet, check here
Construction, Installation and Decommissioning of Sub-Slab Vapor Ports
FSOP 2.4.2 (May 2, 2018)
Ohio EPA Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
1.0 Scope and Applicability
Sub-slab vapor ports are used to sample the vapor contained in the interstitial spaces
beneath the floor slab of dwellings and other structures for volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) and other volatile chemicals. Sub-Slab vapor ports may be constructed using a
custom fit stainless steel implant with Swagelok
fittings or a custom pre-manufactured
Vapor Pin
2.0 Definitions
Summa Canister: Genericized trademark that refers to electro-polished, passivated
stainless steel vacuum sampling devices (i.e., evacuated canister). Sizes of canisters will
vary with the most commonly used sizes being 6L and 1L. Canister size will depend on
the pre-determined time-frame for sampling (e.g., 24-hour vs. “grab”). A “Silco” canister
is another name for a Summa canister.
Health and Safety Considerations
This activity involves accessing private residences and spaces in commercial
buildings. Follow Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure Number
SP11-19 (Working Alone) to determine if working alone is appropriate given the
site conditions and circumstances.
Never enter an OSHA-defined confined space for any reason. Only Ohio EPA
Office of Special Investigation (OSI) staff or other appropriately trained staff are
qualified to enter confined spaces for reconnaissance or sampling activities and
will perform such work as necessary in accordance with Ohio EPA Standard
Safety Operating Procedure Number SP14-4 (Confined Space Entry).
Follow the site-specific health and safety plan (HASP), which should identify the
potential presence of asbestos-containing materials and other building-specific
health and safety concerns. If a site-specific HASP is not available, follow the
health and safety procedures in FSOP 1.1, Initial Site Entry.
This activity may result in the creation of silica dust when drilling through
concrete. To prevent exposure to silica, a HEPA vacuum with an associated
dust containment system must be used when drilling through concrete. Staff
must be trained in the proper use of the silica dust collection equipment before
installing sub-slab vapor probes.
When using electricity, be cautious of wet areas or areas with standing water,
e.g., wet basement floors, sump pumps, etc.
Be aware of potential vermin (fleas, rats, etc.)
Hearing protection should be worn while using a hammer drill.
A dust mask may be worn during drilling if desired.
Use a photoionization detector (PID) to evaluate VOC concentrations during
vapor port installation in accordance with FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector.
Review available plans or documents before selecting sampling locations.
Ensure that all sub-slab utilities (public and private or building specific) have
been located and marked prior to installation.
Do not attempt to drill through steel-reinforcement (e.g., rebar) within a concrete
Procedure Cautions
Review the site-specific work plan (SSWP), which should include a description of
the building’s size and use. In certain emergency circumstances a SSWP may not
be available, and all necessary information for sub-slab vapor port installation and
sampling will need to be obtained during the pre-sampling visit as described below.
If a pre-sampling meeting cannot be held due to time constraints, please collect
as much of the information as possible as listed below. This information can be
obtained during a telephone call or in person.
A pre-sampling site visit should be conducted to meet with the building’s owner
and/or tenant and inspect the proposed vapor port sampling locations. During the
pre-sampling visit, discuss sample location access and associated logistical
concerns, including, but not limited to, lighting and electrical power, the need to
temporarily move furnishings, the need to remove floor coverings (e.g., carpet or
tile), the location of floor drains and/or other sub-slab utilities, and whether or not
the sampling areas are occupied or unoccupied spaces.
The thickness of concrete slabs varies from structure to structure. A single
structure may also have a slab with variable thickness. Drill bits of various sizes
and cutting ability may be required to penetrate slabs of variable thicknesses. If
a slab contains steel reinforcement (e.g., rebar), a sub-slab vapor port can only
be installed if SIFU can find a location where steel reinforcement is not present.
SIFU cannot drill through the steel reinforcement within a concrete slab.
There is a potential for high concentrations of VOC vapors to exist under the
slab. Perform work quickly to ensure minimal exposure to VOCs.
When installing sub-slab vapor ports in commercial or industrial buildings, there
is the potential to encounter sub-slab utility conduits (e.g., floor drains or electric,
gas or water lines). Follow the procedures provided in Section 7.1 for sub-slab
utility clearance before installing vapor ports.
Unless approved by Ohio EPA management and the building owner, sub-slab
vapor ports should never be installed in the floor of a building with an existing
sub-slab vapor barrier that is a component of a vapor mitigation system because
vapor port installation could penetrate the barrier. However, sub-slab vapor ports
may be installed through sub-slab moisture barriers that are typically not
components of vapor mitigation systems, providing that the vapor port is
decommissioned when it is no longer needed for sampling purposes.
When using the drill and HEPA vacuum, you will exceed 15 amps which is the
standard for most household outlets. Therefore, be prepared to connect the drill
and the HEPA vacuum to separate outlets.
5.0 Personnel Qualifications
Ohio EPA personnel working at sites that fall under the scope of OSHA’s hazardous
waste operations and emergency response standard (29 CFR 1910.120) must meet the
training requirements described in that standard. Prior knowledge, training and
experience with this sampling technique is strongly recommended before collecting
Equipment and Supplies
Hammer drill or rotary hammer drill
Alternating current (AC) extension cord
AC generator, if AC power is not available on site
Hammer or rotary hammer drill bit, ⅜” diameter
Hammer or rotary hammer drill bit, 1” diameter
1 ¾” open end wrench or 1 – medium adjustable wrench
” open end wrench or 2 – small adjustable wrenches
Disposable cups, 5 ounces (oz.)
Disposable mixing implement (i.e., popsicle stick, tongue depressor, etc.)
Vapor Sampling Data Sheet, Sub-Slab and Indoor Air (attached) or log book
Pens and markers
Flashlight or equivalent head lamp
Utility knife
Disposable syringe (60 cc)
Personal protective equipment appropriate for site-specific work activities\
Disposable mixing implement (i.e., popsicle stick, tongue depressor, etc.)
Tap water, for mixing anchoring cement/grout
Hand broom and dust pan
Small bottle brush to remove loose debris clean side walls of borehole
Portable HEPA vacuum
Dust collector
Equipment and Supplies
Hex head wrench, ¼”
Tubing cutter and pipe cutter
SS-400-7-4 female connector, ¼” national pipe thread (NPT) to ¼”
SS-400-1-4 male connector, ¼” NPT to ¼” Swagelok
Hose barb adapter, brass, 3/16” barb x ¼” male iron pipe (MIP)
¼” NPT flush mount hex socket plug
¼” outer diameter (OD) stainless steel tubing, pre-cleaned, instrument grade
¼” OD Teflon™ or nylon tubing
Teflon™ or nylon washer ID ¼”, OD ¾”
¼” OD stainless welded tubing, 12” to 24” length
tee, optional (SS-400-3-4TMT or SS-400-3-4TTM)
Appropriate size tubing
Vapor Pin
Equipment and Supplies
Cox-Colvin Vapor Pin
Dead blow hammer
Appropriate silicon tubing
Vapor Pin
protective cap to prevent vapor loss prior to sampling
Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Extraction of the Vapor Pin
Review the SSWP, which should include a description of the building’s size and
use. In certain emergency circumstances a SSWP may not be available, and all
necessary information for sub-slab vapor port installation and sampling will need
to be obtained during the pre-sampling visit as described below. If a pre- sampling
visit is not feasible, call the owner and/or tenant prior to sampling to obtain the
A pre-sampling site visit should be conducted to meet with the building’s owner
and/or tenant and inspect the proposed vapor port sampling locations. During the
pre-sampling visit, discuss sample location access and associated logistical
concerns, including but not limited to lighting and electrical power, the need to
temporarily move furnishings, the need to remove floor coverings (e.g., carpet or
tile), the location of floor drains and/or other sub-slab utilities and whether or not
the sampling areas are occupied or unoccupied spaces.
Before installing sub-slab vapor ports in a commercial or industrial building, use
the following procedures for sub-slab utility clearance:
7.3.1 Perform a visual inspection of the area(s) of the building where vapor
ports are to be located for potential sub-slab utility lines.
7.3.2 Discuss the presence and location(s) of sub-slab utility lines with the
building owner and/or operator and review any available building
construction plans that may show the location of sub-slab utility lines.
7.3.3 If the presence or location(s) of sub-slab utility lines cannot be verified
following the procedures in Sections 7. 1 and 7. 2, contract a private utility
locating company to locate potential sub-slab utility lines before installing
vapor ports.
Preparation and Drilling of the Vapor Port
7.4.1 Connect the dust collector to the HEPA vacuum. Ensure that all
connections are tight.
7.4.2 Plug the HEPA vacuum into the outlet and place the dust collector on the
floor. Turn on the HEPA vacuum and ensure that the dust collector has
created a tight seal with the floor. If a tight seal is not present, turn off the
vacuum and check to ensure that all of the connections between the
vacuum and the dust collector are tight. If the connections are tight, check
the filter. It may be full, and need replaced. Also make sure the rubber
gasket on the dust collector is in good condition. Finally, reposition the dust
collector to a smoother floor surface. Retest the seal between the dust
collector and the floor.
7.4.3 After ensuring that there is a good seal between the floor and the dust
collector, set-up the drill and make sure the dust collector is positioned
over the location selected for the vapor port. Turn on the vacuum and
then the drill.
Probe Assembly and Installation for Multiple Sampling Events
7.5.1 Drill a ⅜” diameter pilot hole to a depth of approximately 2” (Figure 1).
7.5.2 Using the ⅜” pilot hole as your center, drill a 1” diameter outer hole to a
depth of approximately 1 ⅜” (Figure 1). Vacuum cuttings out of the hole.
Figure 1: Assembled sub-slab port ready for installation
7.5.3 Continue drilling the ⅜” inner or pilot hole through the slab and a few
inches into the sub-slab material.
7.5.4 Determine the length of stainless steel tubing required to reach from the
bottom of the outer hole, through the slab and into the open cavity below
the slab. To avoid obstruction of the probe tube, ensure that it does not
contact the sub-slab material. Using a tube cutter, cut the tubing to the
desired length.
7.5.5 Attach a measured length (typically 3”-4”) of ¼” OD stainless tubing to the
female connector (SS-400-7-4) with the Swagelok
nut. Make sure that
the tubing rests firmly in the fitting body and that the nut is finger tight.
While holding the fitting body firmly, tighten the nut 1¼ turns.
7.5.6 Insert the ¼” hex socket plug into the female connector. If using a stainless
steel socket plug, wrap one layer of Teflon™ thread tape around the
threads to prevent binding. If using a brass socket plug, Teflon™ tape is
not needed. Tighten the plug slightly. Do not over tighten. If excessive force
is required to remove the plug during the sample set up phase, the probe
may break loose from the anchoring cement.
7.5.7 Place the completed probe into the outer hole to check fit and to ensure
that stainless steel tubing is not in contact with the sub-slab material.
Make necessary adjustments to the hole or probe assembly.
7.5.8 In a disposable cup or other container, mix a small amount of the
anchoring cement or grout. Add water sparingly to create a mixture that
is fairly stiff and moldable. Place a spoonful or two of the cement/grout
around the stainless steel tubing adjacent to the female connector nut.
Mold the cement/grout into a mass around the connector nut and up
around the main body of the probe assembly. Slide the Teflon™ washer
onto the stainless steel tube so that it rests next to the cement/grout
mixture. The washer will prevent any anchoring cement/grout from flowing
into the inner hole during the final step of probe installation.
7.5.9 Carefully place the probe assembly into the drilled hole, applying light
pressure to seat the assembly. While inserting the probe assembly, work
the concrete/grout mixture to fill voids. Clean up cement/grout that
discharged out of the hole during placement; avoid getting any of the
concrete/grout into fittings or on fitting threads. Allow the cement/grout to
cure according to manufacturer’s instructions before sampling (typically 24
hours). This elapsed time also allows for subsurface conditions to
equilibrate prior to sampling.
Sample Set-Up and Collection
7.6.1 Conduct a leak test prior to sampling. Follow project-specific DQO’s
and/or the SSWP to determine which of the following method(s) are
83 The water dam that is included in the Cox-Colvin Vapor Pin
is a simple means of determining if there are any leaks (see
Cox-Colvin instructions, Figure 6). To use the water dam, simply
attach the water dam to the floor using putty ensuring that there
are no holes between the putty and the floor. Then add water to
the dam and observe whether there are any air bubbles. If there
are no air bubbles, the seal is tight. If there are air bubbles, refer
to Section 7.7. Another option is to evaluate the oxygen concentration by
attaching an oxygen sensor (Multi-RAE Pro meter) to the vapor
. If the percent oxygen drops, it can be inferred that there is a
tight seal. However, since this method draws in sub-slab vapor, a
longer waiting period may be required before collecting the
sample to allow for the sub-slab air to re-equilibrate. A tracer gas can be used during sample collection to evaluate
whether the connections between the vapor pin
and the sample
container have any leaks. A tracer gas is very lightly sprayed on
a paper towel and the paper towel is briefly laid around the fittings.
As an alternative, the tracer gas can be lightly sprayed into the
atmosphere near the sample train. Do NOT spray directly on the
fittings. Note: you will not know if there were any leaks until after
the sample has been analyzed. The recommended tracer gas is
1,1-Difluoroethane, which is present in some brands of dust
cleaner for electronics.
7.6.2 Wrap one layer of Teflon™ thread tape onto the NPT end of the male
connector OR wrap one layer of Teflon™ tape onto the threaded end of
the hose barb adapter (3/16” barb x ¼” MIP).
7.6.3 Carefully remove the ¼” hex socket plug from the female connector.
Refer to Section 7.7 if the probe breaks loose from the anchoring
cement/grout during this step.
7.6.4 To ensure that the sub-slab port has not been blocked by the collapse of
the inner hole below the end of the stainless steel tubing, a stainless steel
rod, ⅛” diameter, may be passed through the female connector and the
stainless steel tubing. The rod should pass freely to a depth greater than
the length of the stainless steel tubing, indicating an open space or loosely
packed soil below the end of the stainless steel tubing. Either condition
should allow a soil gas sample to be collected. If the port appears blocked,
the stainless steel rod may be used as a ramrod to open the port. If the
port cannot be cleared, the probe should be reinstalled, or a new probe
installed in an alternate location.
7.6.5 Screw and tighten the Teflon™ taped male connector into the female
connector, or screw and tighten the hose barb adapter (3/16” barb x ¼”
MIP) into the female connector. Do not over tighten. This may cause the
probe assembly to break loose from the anchoring cement/grout during
this step or when the male connector/hose barb adapter is removed upon
completion of the sampling event. Refer to Section 7.7 if the probe breaks
loose from the anchoring compound during this step.
7.6.6 If a co-located sub-slab sample or split sample is desired, a stainless
steel Swagelok
T, may be used in place of the male connector.
7.6.7 Using a short piece of silicon tubing, attach a length of ¼” tubing (Teflon™
or nylon) to the sampling container (e.g., Summa
canister) or system
(e.g., lung box for Tedlar
bag) to be used for sample collection. Connect
the other end of the tubing to the male connector with a Swagelok
or connect directly to the barbed hose adapter.
7.6.8 Refer to site-specific work plan for canister size and type of sample
required (e.g., 6-liter canister with regulator for either 8-hour or 24-hour
sample collection or a 1-liter evacuated canister for a grab sample). After
sampling, use a PID to measure the VOC concentrations to provide the
laboratory with an indication of how concentrated the VOCs may be in the
sample. Provide this information to the laboratory. Note: PID readings are
not contaminant-specific quantifications. Do not assume that the PID
reading equates (or approximates) the concentration of the contaminant of
7.6.9 After sample collection, remove the male connector or barbed hose
adapter from the probe assembly and reinstall the ¼” hex socket plug.
Make sure the plug threads are wrapped with Teflon tape. Do not over
tighten the hex socket plug. If excessive force is required to remove the
plug during the next sampling event, the probe may break loose from the
anchoring compound. Refer to Section 7.7 if the probe breaks loose from
the anchoring compound during this step.
Repairing a Loose Swagelok
Probe Assembly
7.7.1 If the probe assembly breaks loose from the anchoring compound while
removing or installing the hex socket plug, the Swagelok
connector, or the barbed hose adapter, lift the probe assembly slightly
above the surface of the concrete slab.
7.7.2 Hold the female connector with the ¾“open-ended wrench.
7.7.3 Complete the step being taken during which the probe broke loose,
following the instructions contained in this SOP (i.e., do not over tighten
the hex socket plug, the male connector, or the barbed hose adapter).
7.7.4 Push the probe assembly back down into place and reapply the
anchoring cement/grout.
Figure 2: Swagelok
port connected to canister and ready for sampling
Vapor Pin
Probe Installation
7.8.1 Refer to attached Cox-Colvin Vapor Pin
Standard Operating Procedure
for proper vapor pin installation and removal.
7.8.2 After installing a Vapor Pin
place the small rubber cap over the barbed
inlet to prevent and gas from escaping.
7.8.3 Conduct a leak test. The project specific DQO’s or SSWP may dictate
which of the following method(s) may be followed. Note: There are other
techniques beyond those listed that may be used. The water dam that is included in the Cox-Colvin Vapor Pin
kit is
a simple means of determining if there are any leaks (see
Cox-Colvin instructions, Fig 6). To use the water dam, attach the
water dam to the floor using putty ensuring that there are no holes
between the putty and the floor. Then add water to the dam and
observe whether there are any air bubbles. If there are no bubbles,
the seal is tight. If there are air bubbles, remove the water and
reset the vapor point. Test with the water dam again to see if the
seal is now tight. Remove the water and dam once test is
complete. Another option is to attach an oxygen sensor (Multi-RAE Pro
meter) to the vapor pin
and evaluate the oxygen concentration.
If the percent oxygen drops, it can be inferred that there is a tight
seal. However, since this method draws in sub-slab vapor, a
longer waiting period may be required before collecting the
sample to allow for the sub-slab air to re-equilibrate. A tracer gas can be used during sample collection to evaluate
whether the connections between the vapor pin
and the sample
container have any leaks. A tracer gas is very lightly sprayed on a
paper towel and the paper towel is briefly laid around the fittings.
As an alternative, the tracer gas can be lightly sprayed into the
atmosphere near the sample train. Do NOT spray directly on the
fittings. Note: you will not know if there were any leaks until after
the sample has been analyzed. The recommended tracer gas is
1,1-Difluoroethane, which is present in some brands of dust
cleaner for electronics. Allow 2 hours for the sub-slab vapor conditions to re-
equilibrate prior to sample collection unless site-specific work
plan requires a different equilibration time.
Figure 3: Vapor Pin
installed and ready for sampling
Vapor Pin
Sample Collection
7.9.1 Remove the rubber cap and attach a piece of ¼” tubing (Teflon™ or
nylon) to the barbed hose adapter. The tubing must be long enough to
span from the sample port to the sample container (e.g., Summa
canister) or system (e.g., lung box for Tedlar
7.9.2 Refer to site-specific work plan for canister size and type of sample required
(e.g., 6-liter canister with regulator for either 8-hour or 24-hour sample
collection or a 1-liter evacuated canister for a grab sample). After sampling,
use a PID to measure the VOC concentrations to provide the laboratory with
an indication of how concentrated the VOCs may be in the sample. Provide
this information to the laboratory. Note: this number is not contaminant
specific. Do not assume that your contaminant of concern equates to the
reading from the PID.
Vapor Port Decommissioning
Remove the vapor pin
according to the attached Cox-Colvin Vapor Pin
Standard Operating Procedure for proper vapor pin
installation and removal.
7.10.1 Prior to filling the vapor port hole, measure the slab thickness. One method
is to use a “hole hook”, a section of rigid wire (such as a stiff-wire coat
hanger) with a small (0.25-inch) 90-degree crimp at one end. Insert the
hole hook inside the drilled hole and catch the hooked end on the underside
of the concrete slab. Mark the wire where it meets the top of the slab,
remove the hole hook, and measure the distance between the hooked end
and marked end of the wire to determine the slab thickness. Record the
measured slab thickness on the log sheet or in a field note book. This
information is necessary if a sub-slab treatment system is ever installed.
7.10.2 Gently pour dry granular bentonite into the hole to fill any void space in the
gravel or soil below the underside of the slab that may have been created
during the drilling of the slab or installation of the vapor port. Continue
adding bentonite until the level is approximately one inch below the top of
the slab.
7.10.3 Slowly add a small amount of water to hydrate the bentonite without
creating a column of standing water in the hole. Use of a flashlight when
adding water helps to visually determine when the bentonite stops
absorbing water. If too much water is added, use a syringe or absorbent
material (e.g., paper towels) to remove the standing water. While adding
water, try to wet the hole side walls to help create good contact with the
floor tile grout that will be used to fill and seal the hole as described below.
7.10.4 Mix approximately ¼ cup of floor tile grout with a small amount of water
using a disposable spoon. Add water until the consistency of the grout
mixture is a little stiffer than drywall or spackling compound.
7.10.5 Use a plastic knife, putty knife, tongue depressor or similar tool to add the
tile grout mixture to the hole until it is completely full. Use a concrete trowel
or similar tool to remove any excess grout and finish the top of the seal so
that it is smooth and even with the surrounding floor.
7.10.6 Clean up the area around the sealed hole and complete any needed field
documentation, including photographs if required.
8.0 Data and Records Management
Refer to FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Clean Vapor Pins
and sampling ports prior to installation by washing in warm
water with laboratory-grade detergent, followed by rinsing with hot water and then
rinsing with deionized water. Always inspect equipment before use.
Leak testing should be conducted to document the quality of the sample.
Photographs of the sampling location and equipment may be required for project
Refer to the data quality objectives (DQOs) provided in the work plan.
10.0 Attachments
Cox-Colvin Standard Operating Procedure, Installation and Extraction of the
Vapor Pin
Vapor Sampling Data Sheet, Sub-Slab and Indoor Air (revised May 2018)
11.0 References
FSOP 1.1, Initial Site Entry
FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation
FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector
Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure SP11-19 (Working Alone)
Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure SP14-4 (Confined Space Entry)
Standard Operating Procedure
Installation and Extraction
of the Vapor Pin™
Updated February 27, 2015
This standard operating procedure describes
the installation and extraction of the Vapor
Pin™ for use in sub
-slab soil-gas sampling.
The purpose of this procedure is to assure good
quality control in field operations and uniformity
between field personnel in the use
of the
Vapor Pin™ for the collecti
on of sub- slab
soil-gas samples or pressure readings.
Equipment Needed:
d Vapor Pin™ [Vapor Pin™ and
silicone sleeve(Figure 1)]; Because of sharp
edges, gloves are recommended for sleeve
Hammer drill;
5/8-inch (16mm) diameter hammer bit
(Hilti™ TE
-YX 5/8" x 22" (400 mm)
#00206514 or equivalent);
-inch (38mm) diameter hammer bit
(Hilti™ TE
-YX 1½" x 23" #00293032 or
equivalent) for flush mount applications;
¾-inch (19mm) diameter bottle brush;
Wet/Dry vacuum with
Vapor Pin™ installation/extraction tool;
Dead blow hammer;
Vapor Pin™ flu
sh mount cover, if desired;
Vapor Pin™ drilling guide, if desired;
Vapor Pin™ protective cap; and
VOC-free hole patching
(hydraulic cement) and putty knife or
trowel for repairing the hole following the
extraction of the Vapo
r Pin™.
Figure 1.
Assembled Vapor Pin
Installation Procedure:
Check for buried obstacles (pipes,
electrical lines, etc.) prior to proceeding.
Set up wet/dry vacuum to collect drill
If a flush mount installation is required, drill
a 1½-inch (38mm) diameter hole at least
-inches (45mm) into the slab.
Use of a
Vapor Pin™ drilling guide is
Drill a 5/8-inch (16mm) diameter hole
through the slab and approximately 1-
inch (25mm) into the underlying soil to
form a void.
Remove the drill bit, brush the hole with
the bottle brush, and remove the loose
cuttings with the vacuum.
Vapor Pin
protected under US Patent # 8,220,347 B2
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. • 7750 Corporate Blvd., Plain City, Ohio 43064 • (614) 526-2040 •
Standard Operating Procedure
Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin™
Updated February 27, 2015
ace the lower end of Vapor Pin™
assembly into the drilled hole. Place the
small hole located in the handle of the
installation/extraction tool over the Vapor
Pin™ to protect the barb fitting,
and tap
the Vapor Pin™ into place using a dead
blow hammer (Figure 2). Make sure the
installation/extraction tool is aligned
parallel to the Vapor Pin™ to avoid
damaging the barb fitting.
Figure 2.
Installing the Vapor Pin
During installation, the silicone sleeve will form
a slight bulge between the slab and the
Pin™ shoulder. Place the
protective cap on
Vapor Pin to prevent vapor
loss prior to
sampling (Figure 3).
Figure 3
. Installed Vapor Pin
For flush mount installations, cover the
r Pin™ with a flush mount cover,
using either the plastic cover or the optional
stainless-steel Secure Cover (Figure 4).
Figure 4
. Secure Cover Installed
Allow 20 minutes or more (consult
applicable guidance for your situation)
for the sub-slab soil-gas conditions to re-
equilibrate prior to sampling.
Remove protective cap and connect
sample tubing to the barb fitting of the
Vapor Pin™
. This connection can be made
using a short piece of Tygon
tubing to join
the Vapor Pin
with the Nylaflow tubing
(Figure 5). Put the Nylaflow tubing as
close to the Vapor Pin as possible to
minimize contact between soil gas and
Vapor Pin
protected under US Patent # 8,220,347 B2
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. • 7750 Corporate Blvd., Plain City, Ohio 43064 • (614) 526-2040 •
Standard Operating Procedure
Installation and Removal of the Vapor Pin™
Updated February 27, 2015
Figure 5.
Vapor Pin
sample connection.
Conduct leak tests in accordance with
applicable guidance. If the method of leak
testing is not specified, an alternative can
be the use of a water dam and vacuum
pump, as described in SOP Leak Testing
the Vapor Pin
via Mechanical Means
(Figure 6). For flush-mount installations,
distilled water can be poured directly into
the 1 1/2 inch (38mm) hole.
Figure 6.
Water dam used for leak detection
Collect sub-slab soil gas sample or
pressure reading. When finished, replace
the protective cap and flush mount cover
until the next event. If the sampling is
complete, extract the Vapor Pin™.
Extraction Procedure:
Remove the protective cap, and thread the
installation/extraction tool onto the barrel
the Vapor Pin™ (Figure 7
). Continue
turning the tool clockwise to pull the Vapo
Pin™ from the hole
into the
installation/extraction tool.
Fill the void with hydraulic cement and
smooth with a trowel or putty knife.
Figure 7.
Removing the Vapor Pin
Prior to reuse, remove the silicone sleeve
and protective cap and discard.
Decontaminate the Vapor Pin™ in a hot
water and Alconox® wash, then heat in an
oven to a temperature of 265
F (130
C) for 15 to 30 minutes.
The Vapor Pin™
to designed be used
repeatedly, however, replacement parts and
supplies will be required periodically. These
parts are available on-line at
Vapor Pin
protected under US Patent # 8,220,347 B2
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. • 7750 Corporate Blvd., Plain City, Ohio 43064 • (614) 526-2040 •
General Information
Site Name / Address:
Sampling Location / Address:
(if other than site address)
Contact Name: Phone:
Laboratory & Analytical Method: Method of Delivery: _
(Courier, UPS, delivered by sampler, etc.)
Sampling Team Members:
Met with resident/business on (date) to provide information on VOC inventory and sampling
cross-contamination concerns. If not, explain why:
Indoor Air Samples
Sample ID #: Canister ID #: Regulator ID #
Start: Date: Time: Initial canister vacuum: mm Hg
End: Date: Time: Final canister vacuum: mm Hg
Regulator Calibrated for: 8 hr 24 hr grab (no regulator)
Canister/ Regulator Leak Checked: Yes No
Sub-Slab Samples
Sample ID #: Canister ID #: Regulator ID # Size of
canister: Thickness of sub-slab (inches) Port install time:
Sampling Start: Date: Time: Initial canister vacuum: mm Hg
Sampling End: Date: Time: Final canister vacuum: mm Hg
Regulator Calibrated for: 8 hr 24 hr grab (no regulator)
Canister/ Regulator Leak Checked: Yes No Sub-Slab Port Leak Checked: Yes No
Type of sub-slab port: Swagelok Vapor Pin
Sub-Slab Port Installed by: _ Sub-Slab Port Sealed: Yes No
PID Reading: VOC ppb % 02 PID ID#:
NOTES: (sampler/canister problems, other significant sampling details, or FSOP deviations)
Note: If a diagram of the sample location(s) is sketched on the back of this data sheet, check here
Procedures for Collection of Indoor Air FSOP 2.4.3
(March 9, 2017)
Ohio EPA Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization
1.0 Scope and Applicability
Indoor air samples investigate air quality within buildings for possible vapor intrusion of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other volatile chemicals. Samples are collected
from locations within buildings and structures that are occupied on a regular and on- going
basis to evaluate potential exposure to VOCs. Analysis of the air samples are typically
performed using U.S. EPA Method TO-15.
2.0 Definitions
Canister”, a genericized trademark that refers to electropolished, passivated
stainless steel vacuum sampling devices (i.e., evacuated canister). Sizes of canisters will
vary with the most commonly used sizes being 6L and 1L. Canister size will depend on
the predetermined time-frame for sampling (e.g., 24-hour v. “grab” sampling). A “Silco”
canister is another name for a Summa canister.
Health and Safety Considerations
This activity involves accessing private residences and spaces in commercial
buildings. Follow Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure Number
SP11-19 (Working Alone) to determine if working alone is appropriate given the
site conditions and circumstances.
Never enter an OSHA-defined confined space for any reason. Only Ohio EPA
Office of Special Investigation (OSI) staff or other appropriately trained staff are
qualified to enter confined spaces for reconnaissance or sampling activities, and
will perform such work as necessary in accordance with Ohio EPA Standard
Safety Operating Procedure Number SP14-4 (Confined Space Entry).
Follow the site-specific health and safety plan (HASP), which should identify the
potential presence of asbestos-containing materials and other building-specific
health and safety concerns. If a site-specific HASP is not available, follow the
health and safety procedures in FSOP 1.1, Initial Site Entry.
Be aware of potential vermin (fleas, rats, etc.)
Review available plans or documents before selecting sampling locations.
Procedure Cautions
Review the site-specific work plan (SSWP), which should include a description of
the building’s size and use. In certain emergency circumstances a SSWP may
not be available, and all necessary information for indoor air sampling will need to
be obtained during the pre-sampling visit as described below.
A pre-sampling site visit should be conducted to meet with the building’s owner
and/or tenant and inspect the proposed indoor air sampling locations. During the
pre-sampling visit, address arrangements for sampling location access and
associated logistical concerns. Also, determine if the sampling areas are
occupied or unoccupied spaces. Obtain property access agreements prior to
Sampling personnel should not handle hazardous substances (such as gasoline),
permanent marking pens, wear/apply fragrances, or smoke before and/or during
the sampling event.
Care should be taken to ensure that the flow regulator is pre-calibrated to the
appropriate sample collection time (8 hours, 24 hours, etc.). Eight (8) hour
sample collection is utilized for commercial/industrial settings. Twenty-four (24)
hour sample collection is used for residential and/or sensitive receptor settings
(e.g., day care facilities).
The flow regulator must be correctly connected to the sample canister to
eliminate the potential for leaks.
The regulator should be closed shortly before the actual sampling time is
completed so that a small amount of vacuum remains. If it isn’t closed and no
vacuum remains in the canister, extracting a sample for analysis may be very
difficult. In addition, sample integrity may be compromised if the canister reaches
atmospheric pressure.
An interview of the building occupants should be conducted before sampling to
determine if there are any potential chemicals present that could cause false
positives during sample collection. For example, paints, woodworking products,
household solvents and various chemicals used in hobbies may all contain VOCs
that could be detected. If possible, the building occupants should remove such
products several days before sampling takes place. A copy of Instructions for
Building Occupants Prior to Indoor Air Sampling Form (attached) should be
provided to the resident during the interview.
If sub-slab samples are to be collected from the same building that indoor air
samples are being collected, it is preferable to complete the indoor air sampling
prior to installing a sub-slab vapor port (FSOP 2.4.2, Construction, Installation
and Decommissioning of Sub-Slab Vapor Ports). However, if site-specific
reasons (e.g., access or emergency conditions, etc.) dictate the need to collect
both samples at the same time, care needs to be taken to install the sub-slab
vapor port before beginning the indoor air sampling. In addition, the indoor air
sample should be taken as far as possible from the location where the sub-slab
vapor point is installed.
Indoor air samples should only be collected from the first floor/ground-level floor
of the structure.
5.0 Personnel Qualifications
Ohio EPA personnel working at sites that fall under the scope of OSHA’s hazardous waste
operations and emergency response standard (29 CFR 1910.120) must meet the
training requirements described in that standard. Prior knowledge, training and
experience with this sampling technique is strongly recommended before collecting
Equipment and Supplies
Stainless steel canister(s) (request at least one additional canister as a backup).
A 6L canister will be required for this sampling activity. A 1L “grab sample”
canister will not provide enough volume to sample for a timed (8 hr. or 24 hr.)
sample period, refer to Section 2.0 (Definitions).
Flow regulator(s) properly calibrated for the specific sample collection duration
8 hr. or 24 hr. (request at least one extra regulator as a back-up)
In-line filters, if needed (e.g., for SVOC volatile compounds)
Open-end wrenches, typically 9/16” (two wrenches are recommended to tighten
the fitting in two directions at the same time)
PID (refer to FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector)
Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form (attached)
Instructions for Building Occupants Prior to Indoor Air Sampling Form (attached)
Vapor Sampling Data Sheet (attached)
Field documentation supplies and equipment, including pens, markers, field log
book and additional data sheets, chain-of-custody forms, camera
Sample Location Determination
Conduct a building/structure survey using the Indoor Air Building Survey
and Sampling Form to determine potential target receptors and identify
potential interferences to sample collection. PID screening may also help
to identify VOC sampling interferences. In addition, provide the
Instructions for Building Occupants Prior to Indoor Air Sampling Form to
the building residents or worker for completion at this time. Potential
sampling interferences need to be recognized and eliminated before
sample collection begins. This should be completed at least 48 to 72 hours
prior to sample collection.
Select indoor air sampling locations that are in inhabited or frequently
Do not place sample canisters in locations near primary-use doors or
open windows.
Do not place sample canisters in the pathway of indoor fans.
If ceiling fans are in use, request that they be turned off for the duration of
the sample period.
Note any obvious odors from scented candles, mothballs, cleaning
products, gas or oils.
If the building has a dirt basement or crawl space, evaluate whether or not
an indoor air canister should be placed in this area.
Sample Set-up
Place the sampling canisters at breathing-zone height.
Remove the brass plug from the canister and connect the flow regulator
(with in-line particulate filter and vacuum gauge, if needed) to the canister.
Gently tighten the connection between the flow regulator and the canister
using the open-end 9/16wrenches. Do not over-tighten this connection.
Before continuing, record the canister number and the associated flow
regulator number on the “Vapor Sampling Data Sheet”. The canister
number can be used for sample identification on the COC form.
Open the canister/regulator valve. Record the sample start time and the
canister pressure.
Photograph the canister and the surrounding area.
Example of a canister with a regulator attached and placed in the breathing zone.
Termination of Sample Collection
Return to the sample collection site a minimum of 15 minutes before the
end of the sample collection interval. Examine the flow regulator to
ensure that some vacuum is left on the gauge (preferably 2” to 10” of
mercury on the regulator flow dial).
Record the vacuum pressure and stop sample collection by closing the
flow regulator.
Remove the flow regulator from the canister using the 9/16” open-end
wrenches. Re-install the brass plug on the canister fitting, and tighten it
with an open-ended wrench.
Package the canister and the flow regulator into the shipping container
provided by the lab. Note: the canister does not require preservation.
Complete the appropriate forms and sample labels as directed by the
laboratory. Use the sample start time when completing the laboratory
chain of custody and double check canister identification numbers for
Ship the canisters to the laboratory for analysis.
8.0 Data and Records Management
Refer to FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation.
9.0 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Usually, an ambient air sample is collected outside of the building where the indoor air is
being sampled. The ambient air sample is collected at the same time as the indoor air
sample and provides quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) to help evaluate outdoor
air quality. In addition, the work plan may specify co-located indoor air samples.
Typically, the co-located QA/QC samples are collected at a frequency of 10 percent of
the total samples collected.
10.0 Attachments
Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form
Instructions for Building Occupants Prior to Indoor Air Sampling Vapor
Sampling Data Sheet
11.0 References
FSOP 1.1, Initial Site Entry
FSOP 1.3, Field Documentation
FSOP 2.4.2, Construction, Installation and Decommissioning of Sub-Slab Vapor Ports
FSOP 3.1.1, Photoionization Detector
Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure SP11-19 (Working Alone)
Ohio EPA Standard Safety Operating Procedure SP14-4 (Confined Space Entry)
Preparer’s name:
Preparer’s affiliation:
Phone #:
Site Name:
Part I - Occupants
Case #:
Building Address:
Property Contact: Owner / Renter / other:
Contact’s Phone: home ( ) work ( ) cell ( )
# of Building occupants: Children under age 13
Part II Building Characteristics
Children age 13-18 Adults
Building type: residential / multi-family residential / office / strip mall / commercial / industrial
Describe building: Year constructed:
Sensitive population: day care / nursing home / hospital / school / other (specify):
Number of floors below grade: (full basement / crawl space / slab on grade)
Number of floors at or above grade:
Depth of basement below grade surface: ft. Basement size: ft
Basement floor construction: concrete / dirt / floating / stone / other (specify):
Foundation walls: poured concrete / cinder blocks / stone / other (specify)
Basement sump present? Yes / No Sump pump? Yes / No Water in sump? Yes / No
Type of heating system (circle all that apply):
hot air circulation hot air radiation wood steam radiation
heat pump hot water radiation kerosene heater electric baseboard
other (specify):
Type of ventilation system (circle all that apply):
central air conditioning mechanical fans bathroom ventilation fans individual air
conditioning units kitchen range hood fan outside air intake
other (specify):
Type of fuel utilized (circle all that apply):
Natural gas / electric / fuel oil / wood / coal / solar / kerosene
Are the basement walls or floor sealed with waterproof paint or epoxy coatings? Yes / No
Is there a whole house fan? Yes / No
Septic system? Yes / Yes (but not used) / No
Irrigation/private well? Yes / Yes (but not used) / No
Type of ground cover outside of building: grass / concrete / asphalt / other (specify)
Existing subsurface depressurization (radon) system in place? Yes / No active / passive
Sub-slab vapor/moisture barrier in place? Yes / No
Type of barrier:
Part III - Outside Contaminant Sources
Potential contaminated site (1000-ft. radius):
Other stationary sources nearby (gas stations, emission stacks, etc.):
Heavy vehicular traffic nearby (or other mobile sources):
Part IV Indoor Contaminant Sources
Identify all potential indoor sources found in the building (including attached garages), the location of the source (floor
and room), and whether the item was removed from the building 48 hours prior to indoor air sampling event. Any
ventilation implemented after removal of the items should be completed at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of
the indoor air sampling event.
Potential Sources
(Yes / No / NA)
Gasoline storage cans
Gas-powered equipment
Kerosene storage cans
Paints / thinners / strippers
Cleaning solvents
Oven cleaners
Carpet / upholstery cleaners
Other house cleaning products
Moth balls
Polishes / waxes
Furniture / floor polish
Nail polish / polish remover
Cologne / perfume
Air fresheners
Fuel tank (inside building)
Wood stove or fireplace
New furniture / upholstery
New carpeting / flooring
Hobbies - glues, paints, etc.
Part V Miscellaneous Items
Do any occupants of the building smoke? Yes / No How often?
Last time someone smoked in the building? hours / days ago
Does the building have an attached garage directly connected to living space? Yes / No
If so, is a car usually parked in the garage? Yes / No
Are gas-powered equipment or cans of gasoline/fuels stored in the garage? Yes / No
Do the occupants of the building have their clothes dry cleaned? Yes / No
If yes, how often? weekly / monthly / 3-4 times a year
Do any of the occupants use solvents in work? Yes / No
If yes, what types of solvents are used?
If yes, are their clothes washed at work? Yes / No
Have any pesticides/herbicides been applied around the building or in the yard? Yes / No
If so, when and which chemicals?
Has there ever been a fire in the building? Yes / No If yes, when?
Has painting or staining been done in the building in the last 6 months? Yes / No
If yes, when and where?
Has there been any remodeling done (flooring/carpeting) in the building in the last 6 months? Yes / No
If yes, when
Part VI Sampling Information
and where?
Sample Technician: Phone number: ( ) -
Sample Source: Indoor Air / Sub-Slab / Soil Gas
Sampler Type: Tedlar bag / Sorbent / Stainless Steel Canister / Other (specify):
Analytical Method: TO-15 / TO-17 / other: Cert. Laboratory:
Sample locations (floor, room):
Field ID # -
Field ID # -
Field ID # - Field ID # -
Were “Instructions for Occupants” followed? Yes / No
If not, describe modifications:
Additional Comments:
Provide Drawing of Sample Location(s) in Building
Part VII - Meteorological Conditions
Was there significant precipitation within 12 hours prior to (or during) the sampling event? Yes / No
Describe the general weather conditions:
Part VIII General Observations
Provide any information that may be pertinent to the sampling event and may assist in the data interpretation process.
(NJDEP 1997; NHDES 1998; VDOH 1993; MassDEP 2002; NYSDOH 2005; CalEPA 2005; Ohio EPA 2015)
Instructions for Building Occupants Prior to Indoor Air Sampling
Representatives from the Ohio EPA Division of Environmental Response and Revitalization (DERR) - will be
collecting one or more indoor air samples from your building on - beginning @ and ending
@ . Your assistance is requested during the sampling program in order to collect an indoor air sample
that is both representative of indoor conditions and avoids the common background indoor air sources
associated with occupant activities and consumer products.
Please follow the instructions below starting at least 48 hours (2 days) prior to and during the indoor air sampling
Do operate your furnace and whole house air Do not open windows or keep doors
conditioner as appropriate for the current open
weather conditions Do not smoke in the building
Do not use wood stoves, fireplaces or Do not apply pesticides
auxiliary heating equipment
Do not use window air conditioners, fans Do not use air fresheners or odor or
vents eliminators
Do not use paints or varnishes (up to a week Do not engage in indoor hobbies that in
advance, if possible) use solvents (e.g. gun cleaning)
Do not use cleaning products (e.g., bathroom Do not operate gasoline powered
cleaners, furniture polish, appliance cleaners, equipment within the building,
all-purpose cleaners, floor cleaners) attached garage or around the
Do not use hair spray, nail immediate perimeter of the building
polish remover, perfume, etc. Do not bring freshly dry cleaned
Do not store containers of gasoline, oil or solvents clothes into the building
within an attached garage.
Do not operate or store automobiles within an attached garage
You will be asked a series of questions about the structure, consumer products you store in your building, and occupant
activities typically occurring in the building. These questions are designed to identify “background” sources of indoor air
contamination. While this investigation is looking for a select number of chemicals related to the known or suspected
subsurface contamination, the laboratory will be analyzing the indoor air samples for a wide variety of chemicals. As a result,
chemicals such as tetrachloroethene that is commonly used in dry cleaning or acetone, which is found in nail polish remover
might be detected in your sample results.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about these instructions, please feel free to
contact at .
General Information
Site Name / Address:
Sampling Location / Address:
(if other than site address)
Contact Name: Phone:
Laboratory & Analytical Method: Method of Delivery:
(Courier, UPS, delivered by sampler, etc.)
Sampling Team Members:
Met with resident/business on (date) to provide information on VOC inventory and sampling
cross-contamination concerns. If not, explain why:
Indoor Air Samples
Sample ID #: Canister ID #: Regulator ID #
Start: Date: Time: Initial canister vacuum: mm Hg
End: Date: Time: Final canister vacuum: mm Hg
Regulator Calibrated for: 8 hr 24 hr grab (no regulator)
Canister/ Regulator Leak Checked: Yes No
Sub-Slab Samples
Sample ID #: Canister ID #: Regulator ID # Size of
canister: Thickness of sub-slab (inches) Port install time:
Sampling Start: Date: Time: Initial canister vacuum: mm Hg
Sampling End: Date: Time: Final canister vacuum: mm Hg
Regulator Calibrated for: 8 hr 24 hr grab (no regulator)
Canister/ Regulator Leak Checked: Yes No Sub-Slab Port Leak Checked: Yes No
Type of sub-slab port: Swagelok Vapor Pin
Sub-Slab Port Installed by: Sub-Slab Port Sealed: Yes No
PID Reading: VOC ppb % 02 PID ID#:
NOTES: (sampler/canister problems, other significant sampling details, or FSOP deviations)
Note: If a diagram of the sample location(s) is sketched on the back of this data sheet, check here
APPENDIX D. Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report Form
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Emergency and Remedial Response
Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report Form
Soil Gas Probe Field Data Report
Instrument(s) used:
Tracer used:
(ppmv or
NM=Not Measured
APPENDIX E. Indoor Air/Sub-Slab Sampling Form
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Emergency and Remedial Response
Indoor Air/Sub-slab Sampling Form
OHIO EPA DERR Site #______________________________________
Site Name_____________________________________________________________
Occupant Information
Telephone No:
(H) (____)_______________________________________________
(W) (____)_______________________________________________
Number and Age(s) of Occupant(s)
Does anyone smoke inside the building?
Building Characteristics
Type of building (circle):
Residential / Industrial / School / Commercial / Multi-use / Other?
If residential, what type (circle):
Single family / Condo / Multi-family / Other?
If commercial, what is the business?
How many floors does the building have?
Does the building have a (circle):
Basement / Crawl space / Slab-on-grade / Other?
Is the basement used as a living / workspace area?
What type of foundation does the building have (circle):
Field stone / Poured concrete / Concrete block / Other?_____________
Describe the heating system and type of fuel used.
Is there an attached garage?
Spill / Contaminant Source Information
Type of petroleum / VOC release?
When did the release occur?
What areas of the building have been impacted by the release?
Are there any odors? ___________ If so, describe the odors:
Where are the release odors found?
Sampling Information
Sampling Date
Sampler Type (circle):
Sorbent Canister Tedlar
Analysis Method ____________________
Consulting Firm _________________________________________________________
Contact Person Name___________________________________________________
Contact Person Telephone No (____)_______________________________________
Laboratory Name ______________________________________________________
Laboratory Telephone No (____)___________________________________________
Table 1: Sorbent Tube Sample Information
ID #
ID #
Table 2: Canister Sample Information
ID #
ID #
Initial On-
Pressure* On-
site Following
Received at
the Laboratory
* Indicate pressure in units of inches of mercury.
Please provide a sketch of area and location of sampler unit(s), include all pertinent
Pre-Sampling Inspection and Product Inventory
List products or items which may be considered potential sources of VOCs such as
paint cans, gasoline cans, gasoline powered equipment, cleaning solvents, furniture
polish, moth balls, fuel tank, woodstove, fireplace, etc.
Date and time of pre-sampling inspection
Table 3: Pre-sampling Inspection Product Inventory
Potential VOC
(Y / N)
Field screening
Results (ppm)
Paints or paint
Gas powered
Gasoline storage
Furniture polish
Moth balls
Fuel tank
Wood stove
Table 4: Potential vapor migration entry point information
Potential Vapor entry points
Field screening results
Foundation penetrations in
floor or walls
Cracks in foundation floor or
Floor drain
Was the building aired out prior to sample collection?
How long was the airing out process?
Were vapor control methods in effect while the samples were being collected?
Windows open? Yes / No Ventilation fans? Yes / No
Vapor barriers? Yes / No
Vapor phase carbon treatment system? Yes / No
Other site control measures_________________________________
Weather Conditions during Sampling
Outside temperature (
F) __________ Inside temperature (
Prevailing wind speed and direction
Describe the general weather conditions (e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy)
Significant precipitation (0.1 inches or more) within 12 hours of the sampling event?
General Comments
Is there any information you feel is important related to this site and the samples
collected which would facilitate an accurate interpretation of the indoor air quality?
APPENDIX F. Soil Gas and Sub-Slab Vapor Analytical Methods and Reporting Limit
A list of several analytical methods and reporting limit ranges for soil gas and
sub-slab vapor samples.
NOTE: The laboratory should be consulted prior to choosing the analytical
method. The laboratory can advise sampler on holding times and any method
specific requirements.
Examples of Collection
and Methodology
Type of
Reporting Limit
Tenax solid sorbent
0.02 200 µg/m
(0.01-100 ppbv)
Molecular sieve sorbent
0.2 400 µg/m
(0.1-200 ppbv)
bag or canister
1-3 µg/m
Filter media
Pesticides (0.5 - 1
PCBs (1 2
Filters designed for
PCB collection
High resolution GC/MS
Contact lab
Filter media
Pesticides (0.5 - 1
PCBs (1 2
Polyurethane foam
5-10 µg/ sample
PUF or XAD-2 resin
Low Level
0.5-1 µg/sample
Canister / Tedlar
1-3 µg/m
Silica lined
bag/sorbent media
Contact lab
A list of several analytical methods and reporting limit ranges for soil gas and
sub-slab vapor samples.
NOTE: The laboratory should be consulted prior to choosing the analytical
method. The laboratory can advise sampler on holding times and any method
specific requirements.
Examples of Collection
and Methodology
Type of
Reporting Limit
Canister / Tedlar® Bags
0.4 20 µg/m
2.5 ppbv)
Silica lined
bag/sorbent media
Contact lab
Canister / Tedlar
TPH Alkanes
0.1 ppmv
Canister / Tedlar
Low level
0.011-0.5 µg/m
Sorbent tube (chilled)
1-3 µg/m
Syringe / Tedlar
bag /
Canister/ glass vial
1 60 µg/m
Syringe / Tedlar
bag /
Canister / glass vial
50 100 µg/m
bag / Canister
1000 µg/m
ppbv to 100,000
Tedlar bag / canister
TPH alkanes
10 ppmv
Air Toxics
Gold trap
Dual amalgamation
cold vapor atomic
spectrometry (CVAFS)
Contact lab
cold vapor / Atomic
Absorption (CV/AA)
Contact lab
Silica lined canisters /
Tedlar® Bag / sorbent
Contact lab
A list of several analytical methods and reporting limit ranges for soil gas and
sub-slab vapor samples.
NOTE: The laboratory should be consulted prior to choosing the analytical
method. The laboratory can advise sampler on holding times and any method
specific requirements.
Examples of Collection
and Methodology
Type of
Reporting Limit
Filters designed for
PCB collection
High resolution GC/MS
Contact lab
bag / Canister
oxygen, carbon
dioxide, carbon
10 ppmv
0.1% (1,000 ppmv)
bag/ canister
oxygen carbon
dioxide, carbon
1000 2000 µg/m
bag / canister
Natural gases
1000-2000 µg/m
NOTE: the laboratory should be consulted prior to choosing the analytical method. The
laboratory can advise sampler on holding times and any method specific requirements.
* The indicated methods use a sorbent-based sampling technique. The detection limits
will depend on the amount of air passed through the media.
** Reporting limits are compound specific and can depend upon the sample collection
and the nature of the sample. Detection limits shown are for the range of compounds.
Consult laboratory for specific information.
ECD electron capture detector; FID flame ionization detector; GS gas
chromatography; MS mass spectrometry; PID Photoionization detector; TCD
thermal conductivity detector
High volume collection (may require large sample volume; e.g., 300 m
)/ chilled 4
APPENDIX G. Comparison of Tubing Type to Vapor Absorption
et. al.
Nicholson, et.
al. (2007)
Sorption of
hexane and
Sorption of
Sorption of
Sorption of
butane, and
Acceptable for
Sorption of
and 1,2,4-
Sorption of
Acceptable for
Acceptable for
Sorption of
hexane and
Acceptable for
Sorption of
*N/A not analyzed