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Assessor Task Guide
Digital Product Definition/Model Based Definition Checklist
D6-51991 Revision J
REVISED October 12, 2010
This Assessor Task Guide for the Digital Product Definition/Model Based Definition Checklist is intended to provide guidance
and understanding of the questions of the check list to the Supplier that is undergoing a DPD assessment. It is also intended
to provide the auditor with information for use during the execution of the assessment.
The task guide is split into 4 sections.
¾ Section A of the checklist is used to perform a basic Digital Product Definition (DPD) capability verification.
¾ Section B is used to perform Model Based Definition (MBD) capability verification.
¾ Section C is used for Coordinate Measurement System (CMS) capability verification.
¾ Section D is used to perform Plotter capability verification.
The checklists for Sections B, C & D are designed to build upon the basic DPD capability assessment from Section A,
therefore, Section A must be performed prior to performing assessment for CMS or MBD. The MBD, CMS and Plotting
sections may not be applicable if the supplier does not require these capabilities for tooling or production use.
The person performing the DPD assessment should review contract language for DPD, Tooling and Design requirements prior
to performing assessment (some questions may not be applicable based on contract review). The review should be performed
for all sites sending datasets to the supplier to ensure that all site requirements are identified.
Rapid change of equipment capabilities requires changing quality control practices. Guide questions/examples are not
necessarily applicable to each supplier’s manufacturing process.
Authority Dataset
This is the engineering definition provided in a 3D representation of the product, viewable on a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system. In
addition to the Authority dataset (aka CAD model), the entire product definition may typically include additional media such as parts lists, part
coordination documents, material specifications, etc.
The Engineering definition may include:
1) The CAD model and fully dimensioned 2D drawing sheets.
2) The CAD model and simplified or reduced content 2D drawing sheets.
3) The 3D model and the engineering requirements displayed as text within the 3D viewing area of the model, as well as the remaining
engineering requirements (in 2D form - notes list, part lists, etc.).
All three formats are considered Digital Product Definition (DPD). The second case is a reduced content format, and is sometimes labeled as
Reduced Dimension Drawing (RDD) or Simplified Drawing (SD). The third is termed Model Based Definition (MBD).
The purpose of the DPD/MBD checklist is to verify that the supplier has processes to use any of these formats received from any Boeing site,
to manufacture and inspect the product.
This is software used during Product Realization that potentially affects product conformity where there is no further, downstream verification
of the product. (E.g., CAD, LEV, CMS, data handling/analysis, and in some cases, NC)
CMS devices check the 3D Features of products. Typical examples are the fixed Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM), and several
portable devices, Theodolite, Laser Tracker, Photogrammetry (includes Videogrammetry), and Portable CMM.
The media created any time data is extracted from an Authority dataset for machine programming, visual aids, inspection aides, FAIs, tool
fabrication/measurement, plotting mylars, or what have you. Derivative is data taken from its native environment and used in another CAD
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CAM or CAI software system. The geometry is translated from one system to another using a neutral format translator or manual into some 2
D systems.
This is a documented permanent or temporary reference system used usually for large assembly tools, with a large number of digitally-
defined, fixed target locations readable by coordinate measurement systems. It provides better repeatability than conventional tooling datum
Standardized formats for CAD data that are readable by multiple systems.
An entry level, visualization CAD system used to view, analyze, extract, and print dimensional and other required data from the DPD dataset.
Currently, the only Boeing approved LEV’s used with our Boeing’s MBD datasets are Enovia DMU and VisView. These systems usually do not
support neutral format output.
Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
1. Are there DPD documented processes or
procedures that address all sections of
D6-51991, Sec 1.1
Documented processes that control Boeing release authority dataset and other
DPD/MBD derivates (i.e. NC programs, Inspection plans, Tooling, etc.) from the point
when the Boeing authority dataset is received, through derivate creation, performed
programming, manufacturing planning (visual aids, in-process inspection, final
inspection), first article inspection and any other process that is applicable.
There must be a process to ensure the original authority datasets are secure, backed up
and can not be altered, and only the appropriate people have write access to part
programs and inspection datasets.
Must have trained system administrator(s) with sole access to retrieve and store
incoming customer datasets.
A process for the supplier to check dataset integrity upon receipt.
Segregation of datasets by status — (e.g., release, in-work and obsolete are minimum
Security – (Password and access protection, regular back up for disaster recovery and
archive storage).
Documented processes that address all sections of the D6-51991.
2. Is there a flow diagram of the complete
documented DPD processes?
D6-51991, Sec 1.2
There must be a flow diagram that documents the complete DPD processes and
identifies the applicable procedure references.
Flow chart should include reference to affected organizations such as (engineering,
manufacturing planning, tooling, inspection and procurement).
3. Is there a requirement in the suppliers
documented processes to notify
customer within 30 days of any
changes or at a minimum annually if no
changes occur.
D6-51991, Sec 1.3
The supplier must have a process that notifies the customer when changes are
incorporated into their DPD process and impacts the customer (simple typographic
errors need not apply)
The process should include notification within 30 days of any change along with an
annual notification regardless of changes.
The future process will require suppliers to update their profile online. This will be
known as the Integrated Supplier Information System (ISIS).
4. Are documented DPD processes
implemented with defined authority for
change control & maintenance?
D6-51991, Sec 1.3
Look for approval or signature page and a document control procedure
Notification to affected personnel and sub-tier suppliers when changes occur.
Processes should be under document control
Definition in the procedure as to who is responsible for this document. (Maintenance
along with ownership
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Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
5. Is there a process to ensure integrity and
security of datasets from receipt
throughout the manufacturing and
acceptance processes?
D6-51991, Sec 2.1
Storage of Boeing provided DPD and supplier created derivatives
Archiving old revisions
Encryption during send/receive
Backup system with including remote storage and disaster recovery
Access control with permission and/or password protection (read/write) to ensure
Boeing provided datasets will not be inadvertently modified.
6. Does the supplier have a process to
control configuration of dataset derivative
D6-51991, Sec 2.2
The derivatives/media must have a revision level process to keep the derivatives/media
current with authority dataset revisions that affects its configuration. As an example look
for these indicators:
Sketch Revision Level
Authority Dataset(s) Name, Location, Revision Level
Other Derivative Dataset(s) Name, Location, Revision Level
Feature Requirement(s) Identifier (e.g., GDT frame ID)
Product identification
Note: Derivatives are modified copies or extracted data from the original authority dataset.
NC/CNC type programs and the geometry used to create them, visual aides, Mylars,
digital tool designs and tools, inspection datasets, FAI datasets, etc.
7. Are dataset derivatives traceable back to
the current authority dataset?
D6-51991, Sec 2.2.1
Traceability is looking at whether or not the derivative can be clearly identified and tied
back to its Authority dataset, such as when visual aides or screen-prints are being used,
they need to be traceable back to the current Authority dataset.
Make sure you can trace all derivative back to the authority data. This may be by
revision letter, number or even date and time stamps for N/C processed data.
All must include reference to the Digital data nomenclature. Look for some sort of history
of change.
Make sure that this traceability covers SCDs when suppliers create designs.
8. Does the planning package identify
traceability to the current authority
D6-51991, Sec 2.2.2
The supplier needs to have a documented process to ensure the planning is traceable
to the correct authority dataset.
Planning used for route sheets, travelers, work instructions, NC programs, inspection,
etc. will be traceable to the authority dataset that controls the configuration being built.
Any items used in FAI, Tool buyoff or conformity shall be traceable.
9. Does the supplier have a change control
process for dataset derivative media?
D6-51991, Sec 2.2.3
Verify there is a change control process that updates all derivative dataset elements
when the authority dataset is revised.
Change control process includes review for:
NC and CMM program
Sketches, inspection plans, or 2-D drawings
FAI documentation / Delta FAI or Tool inspection
Sub-tier supplier notification
10. Does the supplier have a process that
includes control of non current
(obsolete) authority datasets and
dataset derivatives?
D6-51991, Sec 2.2.4
Segregation and clear identification of current and past revision level datasets in
supplier’s directories.
Ensure compliance to contract data retention requirements
Look for separate files that are accessible to production
Archive process
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Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
11. If providing Type Design or Tool
Design to Boeing, does the supplier
have a documented process for design
and development?
D6-51991, Sec 2.3
The supplier shall describe a documented process for design and development to
ensure compliance to customer requirements. Compliance to Boeing Drafting Standards
and Tool Design standards.
Designs will have traceability to engineering definition
Supplier’s released design shall be reviewed for program requirements, the design will
provide the data required to allow the product to be:
All designs will include the part lists and specifications necessary to define the product
or tool (e.g. material, process, features, annotation, specification, notes, and
manufacturing and assembly data needed to ensure conformity of the product or tool).
Must include a reference for customer approval when required
12. Does internal quality audits procedure
include auditing or reviewing all internal
and sub-tier operations for DPD data
and related documentation?
D6-51991, Sec 4.0
Internal audit procedures identify DPD processes for review.
Review audit checklist for compliance. Supplier checklist should address and be
applicable to their processes.
Review internal audit records for evidence of having a completed internal audit for DPD
Internal audit plan shall include provisions for audit of sub-tier supplier oversight
Review procurement process for flow down and an established ASL for sub tiers
approved to D6-51991 or its equivalent.
13. Does the supplier’s documented
procedure for corrective action include
reporting, tracking and resolving
hardware, software and dataset integrity
(Including Boeing provided datasets)?
D6-51991, Sec 5.0
Processes to report, track, and resolve dataset or software discrepancies to customer,
OEM and all affected personnel.
Process to prevent use of discrepant datasets or software (remove from system)
The supplier must have a documented process to disclose products inspected with
discrepant media, equipment, and/or tooling on items shipped to Boeing and their
customers. This would include an internal CA and resolution.
Existing QMS non-conformance system process.
14. Does the supplier have a process to
assess, monitor and control sub-tier
compliance with DPD requirements?
D6-51991 6.1
Flow down of D6-51991 (or comparable) requirements to sub tiers (PO Note)
Look for a process for control of the suppliers i.e. what does it take to approve and dis-
approve them?
Supplier has performed assessment for sub-tiers and ensures the proper capabilities to
manage and use the Boeing DPD/MBD datasets being provided.
Supplier maintains records of sub-tier DPD capabilities (equipment and process)
Supplier has documented process to ensure sub-tier supplier’s inspection planning is
compliant when used to accept Boeing product.
Supplier documented processes ensure sub-tier datasets are verified when translations
Supplier performs periodic review on their DPD/MBD sub-tier supplier to ensure they are
in compliance to DPD requirements, Boeing ITAR, EAR and contract requirements.
Supplier encryption protection for sending/receiving of electronically transmitted data.
Example of supplier purchase order clause. Use Boeing PO clause as example, (includes
Note; encryption required for electronically transmitted data.
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Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
15. Does supplier QA organization have
responsibility for approval of all
inspection media?
D6-51991, Sec 8.1
Inspection media (paper inspection plans, inspection datasets, CMM programs, Mylars,
media of inspection (MOI) tools, etc…) needs to be traceable to the authority dataset.
If the inspection media is created by an organization other then supplier Quality
Assurance, there needs to be a documented and audited process approved by QA.
Describe Inspection Media and method that will ensure that all product features are
planned for inspection
16. Does the supplier have a documented
process to create inspection media from
a 3D model in addition to the 2D
D6-51991, Sec 8.2, 8.3
A process to assure accuracy of derivative media (e.g. Mylars, tools, CMS programs,
NC programs) from authority datasets.
Plotted Mylar media should be validated at each point of use. Ref applicable document
for plotted media (Ref D1-8110-9)
Inspection media is independently derived from and traceable to the authority dataset.
Media must be under configuration control.
Media contains graphics and text sufficient to illustrate inspection operations ,
traceability and QA verification
Review process (checker, checklist, or peer/team review)
Media is created by qualified personnel.
Digital inspection operations are performed by qualified personnel.
Documentation of the coordinate system, datum targets, and datum features.
17. Is there a process in place to document
FAI’s for product produced from authority
D6-51991, Sec 8.5
This question applies to 2D drawings that are not fully dimensioned or partially
dimensioned and requires a dataset for manufacturing and inspection. Customer
provided drawings which have contoured surfaces shall be specifically called out on the
drawings, flag notes or notes list.
Process for reduced dimension drawings (RDD), minimal dimensioned drawings (MDD),
simplified drawings (SD) etc.) requires supplier to ensure all dimensioned, un-
dimensioned features and general flag note requirements are planned for verification.
Unique identification of each feature is required. Various acceptable methods are
available to manage this data (e.g. screen prints, supplier drawings & sketches etc.)
Digital measurement must have guidelines to ensure the appropriate quantity of
individual measurements are taken on the feature being measured (i.e., quantity of
surface points for measurement, CMM hits).
Supplier responsible to verify 100% of all the feature when using customer drawing and
or datasets
18. Does the supplier document the current
level of hardware configuration, software,
software revisions and other digital
system information (e.g. PTF(s), project
files) required to maintain compatibility
with Boeing supplied datasets and/or data
exchange formats per applicable Boeing
system(s) requirement documents?
D6-51991, Sec 9.1
Determine which Boeing sites send or will send datasets to the supplier. Note: The site
specific data exchange requirements will determine the method of how you audit. (see
Supplier data exchange software compliant to Boeing site requirements (e.g. encryption,
file transfer protocol (FTP), web connection, etc…)
Ensure software levels and equipment matches DPD Capability questionnaire.
See matrix at end of this Guide for site-specific data exchange requirements.
If system is not compatible, there must be documented process to verify Boeing
received authority data is acceptable before release.
19. Does the supplier verify dataset
translations when a supplier translates
Boeing authority datasets from their as
received format into their manufacturing o
inspection software?
D6-51991. Sec 9.2
When translations of digital datasets occur between CAD systems or digital equipment,
a process must be in place to verify data. Examples of how this can be accomplished
are using IGES_CHK, point cloud method or other software validation processes.
See matrix at end of this Guide for site-specific data exchange requirements
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Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
20. Does the supplier ensure that when
Tool Design responsibility is flowed
down to sub tier suppliers that the sub-
tier supplier is approved by the
D6-51991, Sec 10.1.2
Locate several designed Special Tools. Assure that:
The tool identification bears a Supplier and/or Boeing Tooling Acceptance Stamp. (A
Boeing stamp may or may not be required depending upon ST Category)
Authority Design information is identified on the tool and is legible or is available in
Supplier records system.
Supplier has contractual notes that flow Boeing DPD/MBD requirements to all their
approved sub-tier suppliers.
Compare list of suppliers receiving datasets to list of suppliers approved to receive
When controlled datasets are provided to sub-tier suppliers, the supplier ensures sub-
tier supplier is in compliance to Boeing ITAR, EAR and contract requirements prior to
approval and release of DPD/MBD datasets.
Supplier has assessed sub-tiers and ensures the proper capabilities to manage and use
the Boeing DPD/MBD datasets being provided.
ASL that shows an approval for controlling Tool Design
Process for approval for Tool Design (Questionnaire with tool design questions)
Contract language or PO note that flows down requirements from customer
Supplier performance Metrics for the approved suppliers (What does it take to
disapprove the supplier?)
Is there a process for protecting Boeing data when it is transferred to sub-tier to
suppliers (secure transfer).
Where a Boeing provided dataset is provided to a sub-tier supplier, the dataset
transfer must be encrypted.
21. Does the supplier have a documented
process to ensure release, acceptance,
identification, security, access and change
control for:
Tool design datasets
Tool Inspection datasets
D6-51991, Sec 10.1
There must be a documented process to review, revise and control tooling when
authority dataset changes affect tooling configuration.
There must be a documented release process and secure storage of released tool
design datasets.
Digital definition of physical tooling (including templates, check fixtures) must conform to
digital engineering definition or approved tool design.
Tools and tool design/inspection datasets must be traceable to the authority dataset and
the affected revision.
22. Are digitally defined special tools and
physical inspection media (check
fixtures, templates, etc.) identified and
traceable to the authority tool design
D6-51991, Sec 10.2
Special Tooling must contain at a minimum, Tool Identification and the authority design
Non-Design Special Tooling - The revision level(s) of the Engineering
Drawing/Dataset(s) used to fabricate the tool.
Designed Special Tooling - The revision level(s) of the Tool Engineering
Drawing/Dataset(s) used to fabricate the tool.
Ideally, tools should be identified with Authority Design information somewhere on the
tool. Either stamped directly on the tool or on a tag. (Ref UT6907). However, Authority
Design information may also be contained within Supplier records. Locate several
designed Special Tools. Assure that:
Authority Design information is identified on the tool and is legible or is available in
Supplier records system.
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Checklist Question What to look for…
A. Digital Product Definition:
23. Are special tools and tooling media
accepted and periodically validated to
the authority design at a frequency
determined to ensure accuracy and
D6-51991, Sec 10.3
Special Tooling must periodically be revalidated to its Authority Design requirements.
This revalidation may be known as a PTI. It generally reviews several areas include but
are not limited to:
Comparison of As Designed configuration to As Built configuration.
Visual Inspection for wear/damage
Dimensional Validation
Randomly sample some Special Tooling that bears Indication of Inspection Status
(Sticker).Check to assure that the due date is somewhere after today.
Check due date back to Suppliers Inventory and Recall system for due date agreement.
Observe tool for obvious damage, nicks or de laminations, worn edges, etc.
A verification plan should be created for each tool or Supplier should have
documentation that describes how verification is performed and what is validated.
24. Does the supplier define training
requirements that:
• Assure competence and maintain
employee training records, including
on-the-job-training, for all DPD system
• Respond to changes to the DPD
process, equipment, or software?
D6-51991, Sec 11.0
This can be a spreadsheet with a listing of personnel or job title that is cross referenced
with the defined training that is required for DPD See example;
The supplier must have a documented process that ensures the appropriate quality
assurance and other affected personnel responsible for product acceptance have proper
training to use DPD/MBD/Product Acceptance Software for inspection planning,
measuring and product/tool acceptance.
The supplier must have a documented process that ensures other affected personnel
responsible have proper training to use DPD/MBD when it directly affects their job
The training must be formally documented and kept on file. This includes OJT when
used as a training tool.
Look for changes to the training program in response to changes to the DPD process,
equipment, or software.
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Checklist Question What to look for…
B. Model Based Definition MBD
1. Does the supplier’s CAD system
have the ability to view annotation
based on Boeing site-specific
D6-51991, Sec 9.1
Determine which Boeing sites send or will send datasets to the supplier. Note: The site
specific data exchange requirements will determine the method of how you audit.
Supplier data exchange software compliant to Boeing site requirements (e.g. encryption,
file transfer protocol (FTP), web connection, etc…)
Ensure software levels and equipment matches DPD Capability questionnaire
Compatibility requirements may involve CAD systems or data exchange software.
Suppliers need the same Boeing CAD native software version or have the Boeing
approved LEV to view the annotation.
See matrix at end of this Guide for site specific data exchange requirements. If site is not
listed in matrix, contact Procurement Agent for specific requirements
This is CAD Code 6 where the model carries 100 percent authority.
2. Does the supplier have a
documented process to create
inspection media from a 3D MBD
D6-51991, Sec 8.2,
Process to determine when manufacturing and/or inspection views/sketches are
needed to supplement authority dataset.
Obtain measurement values of all product features from the Authority Model
Supplier should assure only qualified personnel perform digital inspection
Process to identify/segregate pre-release or reference datasets
Note: Is supplier utilizing equipment capability (CAD, LEV, and CMS) to
minimize/automate creation of inspection views? Preferred method is to utilize digital
methods vs. creation of 2D media.
3. Does the supplier have a process to
ensure verification of all design
requirements of the authority
dataset? (e.g., all defined by feature
control frames, annotation,
specifications, notes and other
specified requirements in the
authority DPD dataset and
associated parts list including
dimensional and other properties)
D6-51991, Sec 8.4
When planning measurements for product acceptance, the suppliers QA must verify
that all design requirements are identified and planned for inspection. Note:
Compliance for this process is best verified by reviewing FAI documentation for a
specific product.
Measurement process must have guidelines to ensure the appropriate quantity of
individual measurements are taken on the feature being measured (i.e., quantity of
surface points for measurement, CMM hits).
Process to ensure Key Characteristics identified on authority datasets are measured
and the results are recorded for every unit.
This should use AS9102 or equivalent as a guideline for product
Note: Is supplier utilizing equipment capability (CAD, LEV, and CMS) to
minimize/automate creation of inspection views? Preferred method is to utilize digital
methods vs. creation of 2D media.
4. Is there a process in place to
document FAI’s for product
produced from MBD datasets?
D6-51991, Sec 8.5
Process for reduced content datasets (MBD, RDD, SD, etc.) to ensure all
dimensioned, un-dimensioned features and general / flag note requirements are
planned for verification.
Unique identification of each feature is required. Various acceptable methods are
available to manage this data (e.g. 3D model, screen prints, sketches etc.)
Measurement planning must have guidelines to ensure the appropriate quantity of
individual measurements are taken on the feature being measured (i.e., quantity of
surface points for measurement, CMM hits).
Use 9102 as a guideline for product
Note: Compliance for this process is best verified by reviewing FAI documentation for a
specific product or concurrently validating process.
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Checklist Question What to look for…
B. Model Based Definition MBD
5. Does the supplier have a process to
assure sub-tier suppliers’ ability to
work with MBD information?
D6-51991, Sec 6.1
Supplier has assessed sub tiers onsite and ensures the proper capabilities to manage
and use the Boeing DPD/MBD datasets being provided.
Supplier maintains records of sub tier MBD capabilities (equipment and process)
Supplier has documented process to ensure sub tier suppliers inspection planning is
compliant when used to accept Boeing product.
Supplier documented processes ensure sub tier CAD systems/format are verified
when dataset translation occurs.
Must control sub tier DPD/MBD suppliers to the same standard as prime supplier.
Utilize the same Boeing DPD/MBD Checklist requirements.
6. Has the supplier identified specific
training requirements for all functions
associated with use and control of
MBD datasets? (e.g. planning,
purchasing, contract review and Mfg
D6-51991, Sec 11.1
This can be a spreadsheet or training Matrix with a listing of personnel or job title that
is cross referenced with the defined training that is required for DPD
The supplier must have a documented process that ensures the appropriate quality
assurance and other affected personnel responsible for product acceptance have
proper training to use MBD for inspection planning, measuring and product/tool
The supplier must have a documented process that ensures other affected personnel
responsible have proper training to use MBD when it directly affects their job function.
The training must be formally documented and kept of file. This includes OJT when
used as a training tool. Their must be a formal quality system training process.
Look for changes to the training program in response to changes to the DPD/MBD
process, equipment, or software.
Process to ensure quality assurance or other persons responsible for product
acceptance been brought into the digital measurement and measurement planning
Process to train and document tasks when product acceptance or media generation is
performed by non QA personnel.
Process to encouraged and documented OJT.
Process to provide training for users of CAD, NC, CMS equipment.
Process to provide training when software changes are implemented
Checklist Question
What to look for…
C. Coordinate Measuring Systems
1. Does the supplier use CMS equipment
for Tooling and or Product
Check all that apply:
D6-51991, Sec 7.2
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19
Articulating Arm - Portable Coordinate Measuring Machine
Digital Theodolite
Fixed Coordinate Measurement Machine
Fixed Scanning Coordinate Measurement Machine
Indoor Global Positioning System
Laser Projectors - Optical Layout Template
Laser Radar
Laser Scanner
Laser Tracker
Numerical Control Machine Inspection using probes or scanners.
Photo or Video-grammetry
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Checklist Question
What to look for…
C. Coordinate Measuring Systems
2. Does the supplier have a process to
control critical functions of the CMS?
D6-51991, Sec 7.2.1
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19
D6-56202, Sec.11.1
a) Purpose / Scope – Overview or statement of specific equipment and its intended
b) Calibration – Supplier shall define calibration intervals and maintain a system for
periodic maintenance of measurement equipment. The supplier must document
inventory of all specific components used for CMS and OLT measurement that
could affect the integrity of data collection.. This inventory should include and not be
limited to target accessories (e.g. bushings, adapters, sphere mounts, bar/rod,
probing, drift nest, supports, etc.), all reflector types, and weather station
c) Product Acceptance Software – Supplier shall perform Product Acceptance
Software testing per section 3.0.
d) Field Checks / Set up – Establish criteria for field checks / set up to ensure data
and system accuracy prior to collecting measurement data.
e) Drift Points / Stability – When environmental conditions, vibration, or stability of the
product being measured could affect measurement data, drift point analysis is
required. A record of drift points measured and acceptance tolerance used, before
and after measurements is required as objective evidence.
f) Temperature Compensation / Scale Factors – When products are measured in an
uncontrolled environment a documented process to compensate for thermal effects
on the objects being measured is required. Verify compensation using a scale bar
of like (product) material before and after measurements. A record of scale bars
measured and acceptance tolerance used is required as objective evidence. The
product dimensional characteristics being verified must meet the engineering
definition requirements as defined in ANSI/ASME Y14.5, ANSI B89.6.2.1993.
g) Establish Coordinate System – Establish criteria for changing the coordinate
system from a local coordinate system to a part or tool coordinate system. (e.g.
tolerances, datum targets, datum features, tooling holes, tool enhanced reference
system or best fit). Establishment of coordinate systems shall be in accordance with
customer engineering definition and ANSI/ASME Y14.5 as applicable.
h) Multiple Station Set-up Criteria – When moving CMS equipment from one location
to another, or combining CMS equipment during a survey, supplier shall document
their process and acceptance tolerance. A minimum of seven adequately
distributed common points used as reference for repositioning/adding the CMS
equipment during a survey shall be verified and recorded as objective evidence.
i) Data Collection Parameters – Establish measurement guidelines and specific
collection parameters for the CMS equipment prior to collecting measurement data.
(e.g. point density, time/distance separation parameters, apex angles, distance
j) Data Analysis – Establish guidelines for the evaluation of 3D point data to tool
engineering, engineering datasets, or drawings.
k) Reports – Establish standard process for CMS reports (e.g. job information,
coordinate system establishment, object temperature, scale bars, drift points, data
analysis and measured results). Reports shall be in English and in inches unless
directed otherwise by customer contract.
l) Record Retention – Establish standard process for all inspection and test records to
be archived and retained per customer contract requirements and provided to the
customer upon request.
m) Training – Suppliers shall define training requirements to assure competence and
maintain employee training records, including on-the-job-training, for all CMS users
per section 11.0.
Note: Is supplier utilizing equipment capability (CAD, LEV, and CMS) to
minimize/automate creation of inspection views? Preferred method is to utilize digital
methods vs. creation of 2D media.
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Checklist Question
What to look for…
C. Coordinate Measuring Systems
3. Does the supplier maintain
certification/calibration for equipment used
for inspection, including:
CMS equipment (Fixed and Portable):
NC equipment with inspection
probe capability used for product
Ply Cutters
Other equipment used to accept
part attributes (Scale bar, adaptive
tooling, ball bars, etc.)
D6-51991, Sec 7.1
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19.
D6-56202, Sec.6.1
Tractability to Calibration records must be maintained for all CMS equipment & special
target adapters
CMS equipment must be calibrated at periodic intervals
Calibration process must meet NIST or equivalent standards.
Measuring equipment will be physically identified in accordance with certification records
Process will provide records of date of acceptance/rejection and next maintenance due
There must be a process to validate probes for CMM prior to use at each probe angle. This
will be performed before each probe is used base on a certified monument(ball).
4. Is there a process in place to validate
Product Acceptance Software (PAS)
independent of the software
D6-51991, Sec 3.1
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19
D6-56202, Sec.6.1, 11.8
Suppliers procedures must include:
Supplier PAS must be verified prior to product acceptance use.
The supplier will establish and maintain a procedure independent of the software
Determine that the software, and subsequent revisions, accomplishes its intended
A means of identifying approved PAS software.
Software Security and Storage
5. Does the supplier develop software for
inspection and acceptance of product?
Is there a documented process to
require creation of plans and
instructions for the building,
configuration management, loading
and testing of “Supplier developed”
product acceptance software?
D6-51991, Sec 3.2, 3.3
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19
There must be a documented process for:
Control of the build/creation of the CMS software
Approval and certification testing to assure the software meets industry standards.
Configuration management
Problem and Trouble Shooting
Manuals and documentation for the Supplier Developed CMS Software
Page 12 of 15
Checklist Question
What to look for…
C. Coordinate Measuring Systems
6. Does the supplier define training
requirements that:
Assure competence and maintain
employee training records, including
on-the-job-training, for all CMS system
Respond to changes to the CMS
process, equipment, or software?
D6-51991, Sec 11.1
D950-1159-1, Sec. 8.2.B
D33200, Sec. 1.19
D6-56202, Sec.11.3
There must be specific training requirements that assure operators and inspectors have
been trained on all functions associated with use and control of the CMS
The training process must have instruction to assure training is provided when changes
to processes, equipment or software occur
Supplier shall demonstrate CMS capability and compliance to Boeing approved CMS
If supplier receives authority dataset to measure product and tooling they must be DPD
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Checklist Question
What to look for…
D. Plotter
1. Are there documented processes for the
control of Mylar plots used as a media
of inspection? Those procedures shall
include at a minimum the following:
Plotter Calibration
Verification of engineering definition
Verification of plot accuracy
Quality Acceptance Stamping
Verify accuracy prior to use
D6-51991, Sec 8.6.1
Plotter Calibration
Plotting equipment should be located in a temperature and humidity controlled
Typically plotters come with calibration software, this software should be run and
used to adjust the plotter.
A Circle, Diamond, Square pattern is preferred as a independent for validation of
proper calibration
After the plotter has been calibrated then it should be identified with a calibration
sticker and put a scheduled calibration cycle
Plotting environment should be 68 degrees +/- .002 degrees
Record of certification test and frequency any adjustments made and result after
adjustment. This is done daily
Verification of engineering definition
Plotted media should be under Configuration control and be traceable to authority
A process to verify flat patterns
Derivative media (Model) shall include gridlines or plot points used for verification.
Plots are not permitted to be used for engineering tolerances < .030 inches
Verification of plot accuracy
Process to validate plots at time of creation (Ref D1-8110-9 for example)
Grid lines or plot points should be +/- .010 across the length of the plot
Record temp and humidity at the time of plot
Quality Acceptance Stamp
Quality should verify the calibration, temp, humidity, and verification of plot accuracy
Quality should stamp and date and approve the plot for inspection use
Verify accuracy prior to use
Plots should be verified prior to each use Sec 8.6
Temperature compensation (Ref D1-8110-9)
2. Does the supplier define training
requirements that:
Assure competence and maintain
employee training records, including
on-the-job-training, for all system
Respond to changes to the Plotter
process, equipment, or software?
D6.51991, Sec 11.1
There must be specific training requirements that assure operators and inspectors have
been trained on all functions associated with use and control of the plotter
The training process must have instruction to assure training is provided when changes
to processes, equipment or software occur
Supplier shall demonstrate compliance to Boeing approved plotter procedures
If supplier receives authority dataset to create plotted media must be DPD approved
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Site specific data connection requirements
Site Specific Data Exchange Formats & Delivery Method
Digital Product Definition D6-51991
Site Delivery
CAD Formats
Verification method Viewing MBD
Specific Program Requirements
1 BCA Long Beach BPN/CITIS
NX (UG) Native
NX = Yes (Memo)
IGES = None
NX Native = None
2 BCA Puget Sound SNET
CATIA Native V4
CATIA Native V5
CATIA V4 = Yes (D6-56199)
CATIA V5 = Yes (D6-56199)
CATIA DMU = Yes (D6-
IGES = None
CATIA Native = None
STEP = Gage Model for
CATIA (annotation
a) Catia V4 2.4
R1 or DMU
(Project file) with
IGES 737-747-
757 767-777
b) Catia V5 or
DMU 787 &
Message Courier
PIMS web
CATIA Native V5
NONE As received CATIA Native V5
Acrobat Viewer
4 IDS El Segundo Message Courier Pro/Engineer Native
Product View
Yes - Quality clause Q029 Pro/Engineer Native = None
ProductView (LEV) = None
As received.
Pro/Engineer (Native
ProductView LEV
5 IDS Fort Walton
None As received N/A
6 IDS Huntington
DPD Requirements
CATIA V4 (a)
UG II all versions
None As received N/A a) 767 Tanker
Offload - Catia V4
2.4 R1 or DMU
with IGES
7 IDS Huntington
MBD requirements
CATIA Native V5 R12
NX Native NX2
Yes- Quality clause Q029H As received Native environment
Page 15 of 15
Site Delivery
CAD Formats
Verification method Viewing MBD
Specific Program Requirements
8 IDS Huntsville CD-ROM NX (UG) Native
NX (UG) = None
Catia = None
IGES = None
NX (UG) Native = None
Catia = None
NX (UG) Native
CATIA Native
9 IDS Long Beach
PSN NX (UG) Native
NX (UG) = Yes (PSN
IGES = None
STEP = None
NX (UG) Native = None
STEP = Gage Model for
NX (UG) File as
downloaded from
VisView LEV
NX (UG) Native
NX = None
IGES = None
NX (UG) Native = None
NX (UG) File as
VisView LEV
11 IDS Philadelphia BPN/CITIS/TEC
CATIA Native V4
CATIA Native V5
NX (UG) Native
CATIA Native V4 = none
CATIA Native V5 = none
NX (UG) Native = none
STEP = none
As received CATIA (annotation
NX (UG) File as
12 IDS Puget Sound BPN/CITIS
CATIA Native V4
CATIA Native V5
CATIA V4 = None
CATIA V5 = None
IGES = None
As received N/A
13 IDS Southern CA
Message Courier
NX (UG) Native
NX (UG)= Yes (PSN
IGES = None
STEP = None
NX (UG) Native = None
STEP = Gage Model for
NX (UG) File as
downloaded from
14 IDS St. Louis BPN/CITIS
Message Courier
NX (UG) Native
NX (UG)= None
IGES = None
Catia = Yes (TBD)
As received NX (UG)File as
Catia compatible LEV
a) 767 Tanker
Offload - Catia V4
2.4 R1 or DMU
with IGES
15 IDS Wichita SNET
3.5" Disk
4mm Cassette
8mm Cassette
1/4" Cassette
36 Track
CATIA Native V4
CATIA Native V5
CATIA V4 = Yes (D6-56199)
CATIA V5 = Yes (D6-56199)
CATIA DMU = Yes (D6-
IGES = None
STEP = None
CATIA Native = None
STEP = Gage Model for
CATIA (annotation