Disputing errors on your
credit reports .
If you nd mistakes on your
credit reports, you should
dispute them. Heres how you
can dispute errors you nd.
Errors can appear on one or more of your
credit reports due to an error in the information
provided about you or as the result of fraud or
identity theft.
If you nd errors on your credit reports, you
should dispute them with the credit reporting
company (most often Equifax, Experian, or
TransUnion) and the furnisher of the information.
Review the mistakes you identied in the
“Reviewing your credit reports” tool. Then
gather any documents you have that support
your dispute.
This can include things like:
Your credit report with the mistake
circled or highlighted
Copies of anything that proves there
is an error—for example, if your report
incorrectly shows that you’re late paying
a credit card, make copies of bills or
cleared checks (or money order stubs)
that show you’ve paid on time
Copies of your Social Security card,
birth certicate, or other personal
identity information, if you’re disputing a
mistake related to that information
If you suspect that the error on your report is
a result of identity theft, visit identitytheft.gov.
See Module 9: Protecting your Money for more
information about identity theft and steps to
take if you are a victim, including ling a fraud
alert or security freeze.
You can submit a dispute to the credit reporting
company by phone, by mail, or online. Explain
the error and what you want changed. Clearly
identify each mistake separately, state the facts,
explain why you are disputing the information,
and request that it be removed or corrected.
Some of the credit reporting companies
provide a dispute form you can use. You’ll also
want to send a letter explaining the mistake(s)
there’s a letter template you can use on the
next page.
Make sure you also include copies of all of your
supporting documentation. Keep your originals.
You can also choose to send a copy of the
dispute to the business or individual that
provided the incorrect information (furnisher).
You can usually nd that address on your
credit report.
If you’re mailing the dispute information, its a
good idea to use certied mail with a return
receipt requested, if that’s available to you. That
way, the post ofce will send a postcard telling
you when your dispute letter was delivered.
The credit reporting company generally has
30 calendar days (45 days in some cases) to
investigate your dispute. They have ve
business days to notify you of the results
once the investigation is complete.
If the error is xed, you’ll receive a copy of your
updated credit report, which doesn’t count as
your free annual report.
If, as a result of your dispute, a furnisher
determines they sent the wrong information
to a credit reporting company, they must send
the correction to various credit reporting
companies to which they had provided the
incorrect information.
You can send the credit reporting company a
letter stating you don’t agree with the outcome.
The credit reporting company has to clearly
note that the information has been disputed and
provide your explanation on any future reports.
You can also submit a complaint with the Bureau
at consumernance.gov/complaint. We'll
forward it to the company and work to get you
a response. See Module 9: Protecting your
Money for more information on how to submit a
You may also want to seek assistance from a
lawyer. Learn more at consumernance.gov/
Ways to contact the credit reporting companies
Online equifax.com/personal/
experian.com/disputes transunion.com/credit-
free ze
Mail Mail letter explaining
mistakes and
dispute form
Mail letter explaining
Mail letter explaining
mistakes and
completed dispute
Dispute form:
Dispute form:
None needed
Dispute form:
Mail to:
Equifax Information
Services LLC
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30348
Mail to:
P.O. Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013
Mail to:
TransUnion Consumer
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Phone (800) 864-2978 (888) 397-3742 (800) 916-8800
I am writing to dispute information that appears on my
consumer report.
I am disputing the items on the following page. Please investigate the items I have
described below, make necessary corrections and notify me when complete.
Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely,
My information
Name and return address
Phone number
- -
Date of birth (any format)
Today's date
Credit reporting company name and address
Report conrmation number, if available
I am disputing the following:
My report includes accounts with a reported name that is different
than mine.
I don’t recognize the accounts in question.
The report shows I owed money to the company that I have already repaid.
The current status of my account is not correct. The report shows that I am
delinquent but I have made all of my payments on time.
I’m the victim of identity theft and I don’t recognize one or more of the
accounts on my report.
Other, see additional information.
Additional information about the disputed item
Description including account numbers, dates, source of disputed information (like a company or bank), previous
addresses related to the dispute
I have attached a copy of my report with the issues in question circled.
This tool is included in the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s Your Money, Your Goals: A
nancial empowerment toolkit. The Bureau has prepared this material as a resource for the public.
This material is provided for educational and information purposes only. It is not a replacement
for the guidance or advice of an accountant, certied nancial advisor, or otherwise qualied
professional. The Bureau is not responsible for the advice or actions of the individuals or entities
from which you received the Bureau educational materials. The Bureau’s educational efforts are
limited to the materials that the Bureau has prepared.
This tool may ask you to provide sensitive information. The Bureau does not collect this information
and is not responsible for how your information may be used if you provide it to others. The Bureau
recommends that you do not include names, account numbers, or other sensitive information and
that users follow their organization’s policies regarding personal information.
This tool includes links or references to third-party resources or content that consumers may
nd helpful. The Bureau does not control or guarantee the accuracy of this outside information.
The inclusion of links or references to third-party sites does not necessarily reect the Bureau’s
endorsement of the third-party, the views expressed on the outside site, or products or services
offered on the outside site. The Bureau has not vetted these third-parties, their content, or any
products or services they may offer. There may be other possible entities or resources that are not
listed that may also serve your needs.