The Logic of Backward Design
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The Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook is designed primarily as
a resource for participants in Understanding by Design (UbD) workshops and under-
graduate and graduate-level courses. It is also intended to support educators develop-
ing curricula and assessments with a focus on developing and deepening students’
understanding of important ideas. The workbook builds on the ideas presented in its
companion publication, Understanding by Design, with an emphasis on the practical
issues of curriculum design.
To support learning and applying the ideas of Understanding by Design, the work-
book contains the following six categories of materials:
1. Design Templates—practical organizers based on the three stages of backward
design for use in developing a unit or course. One-, two-, and six-page versions
of the UbD Template are provided.
2. Design Standards—criteria for reviewing curricular designs as a means of con-
tinuous improvement. The UbD Standards guide self-assessment and peer
reviews, whereby colleagues provide feedback and guidance on each other’s
3. Exercises and Process Tools—thought-provoking workshop activities for
developing and deepening participants’ understanding of the key ideas of UbD.
A set of review and reflection tools is included.
4. Design Tools—a variety of practical worksheets and graphic organizers are
available to assist designers in each stage of backward design.
5. Examples—multiple examples from diverse subject areas and levels illustrate
the various elements of understanding-based designs.
6. Glossary—definitions of key terms.
We recommend that readers also access the Understanding by Design Exchange
Web site ( The site features electronic design templates based
on backward design, a searchable database of curriculum units and assessment tasks
created in the UbD format, and an online review process based on the Design Standards.
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Additional resources, such as hot links to other supportive Web sites, answers to
Frequently Asked Questions, and expert reviews are offered to members.
Product Versus Process
It is important for users of this workbook to distinguish between the goal of their design
work—producing a coherent design with clear alignment among the three stages—and
the process of achieving it. To use an analogy, think of curriculum design in terms of two
bookends. The first, a completed design in the UbD Template form; the second, a set of
design standards for reviewing (and improving) the design. Everything in between—
including the tools used, design sequence, and examples studied—is process. You’ll
notice that the design tools contain letter codes linked to the corresponding field on the
Design Template to help users see the process–product connection.
We were inclusive in selecting examples, exercises, and design tools for the UbD
Workbook because one size does not fit all. After all, curriculum design work is idiosyn-
cratic: the preferred starting points, the sequences, and the tools used will be as varied
as there are individual users in unique settings.
We have found that different people resonate with various approaches and tools,
depending on the content and their own preferred style. For example, in Stage 1 there
are six different design tools for prioritizing the curriculum and identifying the “big
ideas” worth understanding. Although each tool has proven useful to some people some
of the time, rarely would a single designer use them all.
Thus, users are encouraged to be selective and choose only those approaches and
tools that work for them. Resist the urge to work on every page or to fill in all of the
blanks on a design sheet. In other words, always keep the end result in mind, and don’t
get lost in the details!
Curriculum design is not only idiosyncratic, but iterative. Although there is a clear logic
embodied in the three stages of backward design, the process is not rigidly linear or
step-by-step. Therefore, users of the UbD Workbook should not feel compelled to work
through the materials in a rigid sequence. Indeed, successful designers find themselves
constantly circling back to aspects of the design that need to be revised or rethought
entirely in light of reflection, feedback from others, and experience with learners.
Building a unit or course design is thus more like painting from a blank canvas than
painting by numbers, more like cooking from available ingredients than following
cookbook recipes. As educational designers, we are like architects developing a blue-
print. The architect cannot (in one fell swoop) listen to the client, review the building
codes, research materials and labor costs, and develop a blueprint by following a step-
by-step recipe. The blueprint emerges through a process of trying out ideas, getting
feedback, matching the proposed ideas to the reality of the available space and client
wishes. Each design idea affects other design ideas—and leads to a new, perhaps unex-
pected reaction by the client, who requires more changes.
On the other hand, there are some crucial givens in architecture: building codes,
budget, and the number of rooms. The challenge in design is to keep playing with the
Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
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imaginative possibilities while ensuring that all the givens are honored. So, too, in cur-
ricular design. The designer can imagine all sorts of wonderful possibilities, but a new
idea about learning activities may require a rethinking of the proposed assessment plan.
Givens exist here, as well, including state content standards, realistic time and resource
constraints, student achievement levels, and interest—all of which must be balanced
with our imagination.
Thus, this workbook cannot and does not provide a step-by-step procedure for
constructing a unit or course, any more than there is a foolproof procedure for devel-
oping architectural blueprints. What we have done is to organize the book according to
the three stages of backward design, while allowing designers to begin in different places
and follow varied pathways to achieve the same end—a complete design that meets
We do not intend for participants in professional development workshops and univer-
sity courses to march through the workbook page by page. Instead, think of this publi-
cation as a toolbox, and choose the tools for the job in a sequence that works for you.
We hope and trust that the Exercises, Examples, Templates, Design Tools, and Stan-
dards will lead to improved curriculum designs—units and courses focused explicitly
on important questions and big ideas worthy of understanding, more convincing evi-
dence of understanding by students, and more engaging instruction and learning for
students and teachers alike. Ultimately, observable and measurable improvements in
learning and performance will result.
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
A Social Studies Unit
Topic: Westward Movement and Pioneer Life
Social Studies—3rd Grade
1. Read textbook section—“Life on the Prairie.” Answer the end-of-chapter questions.
2. Read and discuss Sarah Plain and Tall. Complete a word-search puzzle of pioneer vocabulary
terms from the story.
3. Create a pioneer-life memory box with artifacts that reflect what life might be like for a child
traveling west or living on the prairie.
4. Pioneer Day activities: Dress in pioneer clothes and complete the learning stations.
a. Churn butter
b. Play 19th-century game
c. Send letter home with sealing wax
d. Play “dress the pioneer” computer game
e. Make a corn husk doll
f. Quilting
g. Tin punching
1. Quiz on pioneer vocabulary terms from Sarah Plain and Tall
2. Answers to end-of-chapter questions on pioneer life
3. Show and tell for memory-box contents
4. Completion of seven learning stations during Pioneer Day
5. Student reflections on the unit
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Students will understand that . . .
a. Read textbook section “Life on the Prairie.
Answer the end-of-chapter questions.
b. Read Sarah Plain and Tall. Complete word
search on pioneer vocabulary.
c. Create a pioneer life trunk with artifacts you
might take on a journey to a new life.
d. Prairie Day activities:
1. Churn butter
2. Play a 19th-century game
3. Seal a letter with sealing wax
4. Play “dress the pioneer” computer game
5. Make a corn husk doll
6. Quilting
7. Tin punching
Factual information about prairie life
Pioneer vocabulary terms
The story, Sarah Plain and Tall
a. Show and tell for the memory box and its
contents: What would you put in it? Why?
b. Quiz on pioneer vocabulary from Sarah Plain
and Tall
c. Answers to factual questions on Sarah Plain
and Tall and from the textbook chapter
d. Written unit reflection
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Activity-Oriented Design
(Before Backward Design)
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
Students will be able to. . .Students will know. . .
Essential Questions:
Topic: Westward Movement and Pioneer Life
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Students will understand that . . .
Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
After Backward Design
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
Why do people move? Why did the pioneers leave
their homes to head west?
How do geography and topography affect travel and
Why did some pioneers survive and prosper while others
did not?
What is a pioneer? What is “pioneer spirit”?
Many pioneers had naive ideas about the opportunities
and difficulties of moving West.
People move for a variety of reasons—for new economic
opportunities, greater freedoms, or to flee something.
Successful pioneers rely on courage, ingenuity, and
collaboration to overcome hardships and challenges.
Oral or written response to one of the Essential
Drawings showing hardships of pioneer life
Test on facts about westward expansion, life on the
prairie, and basic geography
Using pioneer vocabulary in context
Explanation of the memory box contents
Use K-W-L to assess students’ prior knowledge and identify learning goals for the unit.
Revise Prairie Day activities (e.g., substitute Oregon Trail 2 computer simulation for “dress the pioneer” and ask for
journal entries while the simulation is played).
Include other fictional readings linked to the identified content standards or understandings (e.g., Little House on the
Prairie, Butter in the Well).
Create a timeline map of a pioneer family’s journey west.
Add nonfiction sources to accommodate various reading levels, such as Life on the Oregon Trail, Diaries of Pioneer
Women and Dakota Dugout. Guide students in using a variety of resources to research the period.
Review the scoring rubrics for memory box, museum display, letters, and journals before students begin the
performance tasks. Include opportunities for students to study examples of these products.
2D—Explain the lure of the West while comparing the illusions of migrants with the reality of the frontier.
5A—Demonstrate understanding of the movements of large groups of people in the United States now and long ago.
Source: National Standards for United States History
Key facts about the westward movement and pioneer
life on the prairie
Pioneer vocabulary terms
Basic geography (i.e., the travel routes of pioneers and
location of their settlements)
Recognize, define, and use pioneer vocabulary in context
Use research skills (with guidance) to find out about
life on the wagon train and prairie
Express their findings orally and in writing
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
After Backward Design
Stage 1—Desired Results
Established Goals:
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Essential Questions:
Create a museum display, including artifacts, pictures,
and diary entries, depicting a week in the life of a family
of settlers living on the prairie. (What common misunder-
standings do folks today have about prairie life and
westward settlement?)
Write one letter a day (each representing a month of
travel) to a friend “back east” describing your life on the
wagon train and the prairie. Tell about your hopes and
dreams, then explain what life on the frontier was really
like. (Students may also draw pictures and explain orally.)
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Students will understand that . . .
After Backward Design (continued)
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
The settlement of the West threatened the
lifestyle and culture of Native American tribes
living on the plains.
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Essential Questions:
Stage a simulated meeting of a council of elders of a Native American tribe living on the plains to have
students consider a different perspective.
Discuss: “What should we do when threatened with relocation—fight, flee, or agree to move (to a
reservation)? What effect would each course of action have on our lives?”
2D—Students analyze cultural interactions among diverse groups (consider multiple perspectives).
Source: National Standards for United States History, p. 108
Key factual information about Native American
tribes living on the plains and their interactions
with the settlers
Imagine that you are an elderly tribal member
who has witnessed the settlement of the plains
by the “pioneers.” Tell a story to your 8-year-old
granddaughter about the impact of the settlers
on your life. (This performance task may be done
orally or in writing.)
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Whose “story” is it?
Who were the winners and who were the losers in
the settlement of the West?
What happens when cultures collide?
Quiz on facts about Native American tribes
living on the plains
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
Textbook-Oriented Design
(Before Backward Design)
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Students will understand that . . .
Essential Questions:
a. Odd-numbered problems in full
Chapter Review, pp. 516–519
b. Progress on self-test, p. 515
c. Homework: each third question in subchapter
reviews and all explorations
Read Chapter 10 in UCSMP Geometry.
Exploration 22, p. 482: “Containers holding small amounts can be made to appear to hold more than
they do by making them long and thin. Give some examples.
Exploration 25, p. 509: “Unlike a cone or cylinder, it is impossible to make an accurate two-dimensional
net for a sphere. For this reason, maps of earth are distorted. The Mercator projection is one way to
show the earth. How is this projection made?”
Topic: Surface Area and Volume (geometry)
How to calculate surface area and volume for
various 3-dimensional figures
Cavalieri’s Principle
Other volume and surface-area formulas
Use Cavalieri’s Principle to compare volumes
Use other volume and surface-area formulas
to compare shapes
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Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Students will understand that . . .
After Backward Design
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
The adaptation of mathematical models and ideas
to human problems requires careful judgment and
sensitivity to impact.
Mapping three dimensions onto two (or two onto
three) may introduce distortions.
Sometimes the best mathematical answer is not the
best solution to real-world problems.
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Essential Questions:
a. Odd-numbered problems in full
Chapter Review, pp. 516–519
b. Progress on self-test, p. 515
c. Homework: each third question in subchapter
reviews and all explorations
Investigate the relationship of surface areas and vol-
ume of various containers (e.g., tuna fish cans, cereal
boxes, Pringles, candy packages).
Investigate different map projections to determine
their mathematical accuracy (i.e., degree of
a. Read Chapter 10 in UCSMP Geometry
b. Exploration 22, p. 504
c. Exploration 22, p. 482
d. Exploration 25, p. 509
IL MATH 7C3b, 4b: Use models and formulas to find surface areas and volumes.
IL MATH 9A: Construct models in 2D/3D; make perspective drawings.
Source: Illinois Mathematics Standards
Formulas for calculating surface area and volume
Cavalieri’s Principle
Calculate surface area and volume for various
3-dimensional figures
Use Cavalieri’s Principle to compare volumes
Packaging problem: What is the ideal container
for shipping bulk quantities of M&M’s packages
cost-effectively to stores? (Note: the “best”
mathematical answer—a sphere—is not the
best solution to this problem.)
As a consultant to the United Nations, propose the
least controversial 2-dimensional map of the world.
Explain your mathematical reasoning.
How well can pure mathematics model messy, real-
world situations?
When is the best mathematical answer not the best
solution to a problem?
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UbD: Stages of Backward Design
The backward design approach consists of three general stages:
Stage 1. Identify Desired Results. In Stage 1 we consider the goals. What
should students know, understand, and be able to do? What big ideas are worthy of
understanding and implied in the established goals (e.g., content standards, curriculum
objectives)? What “enduring” understandings are desired? What provocative questions
are worth pursuing to guide student inquiry into these big ideas? What specific knowl-
edge and skills are targeted in the goals and needed for effective performance?
Stage 2. Determine Acceptable Evidence. In the second stage we consider evi-
dence of learning. How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and
met the content standards? How will we know that students really understand the iden-
tified big ideas? What will we accept as evidence of proficiency? The backward design
orientation suggests that we think about our design in terms of the collected assessment
evidence needed to document and validate that the desired results of Stage 1 have been
Stage 3. Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction. With identified results
and appropriate evidence of understanding in mind, it is now time to finalize a plan
for the learning activities. What will need to be taught and coached, and how should it
best be taught, in light of the performance goals? What sequence of activity best suits
the desired results? In planning the learning activities, we consider the WHERETO ele-
ments (described later) as guidelines. Those guidelines can be summed up in a ques-
tion: How will we make learning both engaging and effective, given the goals and
needed evidence?
Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
1. Identify
2. Determine
3. Plan learning
and instruction.
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Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Students will understand that . . .
1-Page Template
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Essential Questions:
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
1-Page Template with Design Questions
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Established Goals:
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
What are the big ideas?
What specific understandings about them are
What misunderstandings are predictable?
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Students will understand that . . .
Essential Questions:
Through what other evidence (e.g., quizzes,
tests, academic prompts, observations,
homework, journals) will students demon-
strate achievement of the desired results?
How will students reflect upon and self-
assess their learning?
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired results? How will
the design
W = Help the students know Where the unit is going and What is expected? Help the teacher know Where
the students are coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
H=Hook all students and Hold their interest?
E=Equip students, help them Experience the key ideas and Explore the issues?
R = Provide opportunities to Rethink and Revise their understandings and work?
E = Allow students to Evaluate their work and its implications?
T = Be Tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests and abilities of learners?
O = Be Organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning?
What relevant goals (e.g., content standards, course or program objectives, learning outcomes) will this
design address?
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill?
Through what authentic performance tasks
will students demonstrate the desired
By what criteria will performances of
understanding be judged?
What provocative questions will foster inquiry,
understanding, and transfer of learning?
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Alignment: The Logic of Backward Design
Westward Expansion and Pioneer Life
(What Do the Desired Results Imply?)
Stage 3Stage 2Stage 1
If the desired result is for
learners to . . .
Then, you need evidence of
the students’ ability to . . .
Then, the learning activities
need to . . .
Understand that . . .
Many lives were sacrificed and
hardships endured to settle the
Many pioneers had naive ideas
about the opportunities and
difficulties of moving west.
All pioneers display great
ingenuity, courage, and
collaboration in overcoming
And thoughtfully
consider the questions . . .
Why do people move? Why did
pioneers leave their homes to
head west?
What is a pioneer?
Why did some pioneers survive
and prosper while others did
Infer from examining primary
and secondary accounts why the
migrants left home to travel
west and what pioneers’ lives
were really like.
Find and select appropriate
information sources about
westward movement and pioneer
life (e.g., in the library and on the
Use pioneer terms and historical
facts accurately in various
Then, the tasks to be
assessed need to include
some things like . . .
Create a museum display, includ-
ing artifacts, pictures, and diary
entries, depicting a week in the
life of a family of settlers living
on the prairie. (What common
misunderstandings do folks
today have about prairie life?)
Write one letter a day (each
representing a month of travel)
to a friend “back east” describ-
ing life on the wagon train and
the prairie.
Pass a test on basic facts
about westward expansion
and prairie life.
Respond orally or in writing to
one of the Essential Questions.
Create drawings showing
hardships of pioneer life.
Help students
1. Learn about westward movement
and prairie life,
2. Empathize with the pioneers and
their challenges and
3. Show what they have learned by:
Reading, viewing, and discus-
sing primary and secondary
information sources.
Reading and discussing rele-
vant literature, such as Little
House on the Prairie.
Using computer simulations,
such as Oregon Trail 2.
Making the big ideas real
through experiential activities
(e.g., Prairie Day) near the
outset of the unit and dis-
cussing and reflecting on the
meaning of the experiences.
Gathering additional informa-
tion through research.
Showing what an interesting
and effective museum display
is like.
Offering models and providing
guided practice in writing let-
ters and journals.
Providing feedback on the
performance and product work
under construction.
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
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Alignment: The Logic of Backward Design
(What Do the Desired Results Imply?)
Stage 3Stage 2Stage 1
If the desired result is for
learners to . . .
Then, you need evidence of
the students’ ability to . . .
Then, the learning activities
need to . . .
Understand that . . .
And thoughtfully consider
the questions . . .
Then, the tasks to be
assessed need to include
some things like . . .
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Effective curriculum design evolves backward from
clear goals and is aligned across all three stages.
UbD is a way of thinking more carefully about
curriculum design; it is not a prescriptive program.
Using design standards improves quality.
The UbD design process is nonlinear and iterative.
Teaching and assessing for understanding enhances
learning of content standards.
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Students will understand that . . .
Sample Design for a UbD Workshop
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Performance Tasks:
Learning Activities:
Other Evidence:
Students will be able to . . .Students will know . . .
Essential Questions:
Pre- and post-workshop surveys
Observations of participants’ understandings,
questions, misconceptions, frustrations
Quality of responses on exercises and
Participant self-assessments and reflections
on their understandings and design
Written and oral feedback to presenter
The three stages of backward design
Characteristics of big ideas and essential questions
The six facets of understanding and GRASPS
The WHERETO elements of instructional planning
Design standards for UbD
Develop understandings, essential questions,
and assessment evidence
Draft a unit in the template
Review designs against the design standards
Develop a draft design using the UbD template
and tools. (Design meets most of the UbD design
Participate in a peer review process using design
standards and provide feedback to designers.
Why are the best curriculum designs backward?
What is good design? How does UbD support
effective curriculum design?
How does continuous improvement apply to
curriculum design?
Why teach for understanding?
How will we know that students really understand?
What is the difference between understanding and
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Overview of session; performance goal; meet in role-alike groups
Exercise on good design
Study and discuss before and after design examples
Guided design work on each stage
Watch and discuss relevant video clips
Gallery walk to review participants’ designs
Lecture and discussion on key design elements and issues
Peer review against design standards
Action planning for UbD (classroom, school, or district level)
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
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Developing a UbD Action Plan
Using Backward Design
Stage 1—Desired Results
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Stage 3—Action Plan
Established Goals:
To achieve our goals, what understandings will
be needed (e.g., by teachers, administrators,
policymakers, parents, students)?
Essential Questions:
What actions will help us realize our goals efficiently?
What short- and long-term actions will we take?
Who should be involved? informed? responsible?
What predictable concerns will be raised? How will we address them?
What are our goals (e.g., what would be seen in classrooms, schools, and the district if designing,
teaching, and assessing for understanding were the norm)?
To achieve our goals, what knowledge and skills will be needed
(e.g., by teachers, administrators, policymakers, parents, students)?
What will count as evidence of our success?
What baseline data (e.g., student achievement gaps; staff understandings, attitudes,
and practices; organizational capacity) should be collected?
What are key indicators of our short-term and long-term progress?
What essential questions will focus our goals,
stimulate conversation, and guide
our actions?
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UbD Curriculum Framework: The Macro View
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District Goals
Content Standards
Understanding by Design offers a 3-stage backward design framework for developing units of study
(micro level). The same process guides larger-scale curriculum development for courses and programs
(macro level). The following visual represents a UbD curriculum structure for building a coherent
curriculum, spiraling around big ideas, essential questions, and core assessments.
Arts Science History
P.E. and
Unit 1
Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6
Core Assessments
Core Assessments
Essential Questions
Course 1 Course 4 Course 7 Course 10
Course 2 Course 5 Course 8 Course 11
Course 3 Course 6 Course 9 Course 12
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UbD Curriculum Map for Stage 1
U.S. History, Grade 7
Course SkillsCourse Essential QuestionsCourse Understanding
Students will
understand that…
The preambles to the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution
establish the ideal for why we need
government and principles that
should guide the government’s
decision-making—providing a
framework by which we can
evaluate our nation’s progress and
suggest means for improvement.
Progress often comes at a price—the
extent of which allows history to
judge its success.
Individuals, even outside of elected
leaders, can have a profound impact
on history.
The United States abandoned its
isolationist policy as economic and
geopolitical interests began to
change, becoming the dominant
world power with new challenges
and responsibilities.
To promote the general welfare, the
government has attempted to
balance the need to let the market
operate freely with the need to
regulate it in order to safeguard
public interests.
Geography continues to influence
the economic, political, and social
development of our nation.
Throughout U.S. history, war-time
fears and perceived threats to
security have led to the denial of
certain civil liberties.
U.S. culture reflects the events
of the day and shapes how we
perceive ourselves.
Ratification of the Constitution did
not end the debate on governmental
power; rather, economic, regional,
social, and ideological tensions that
emerged, and continue to emerge,
further debates over the meaning of
the Constitution and the proper
balance between federal and state
The government and public
commitment to civil and equal
rights has advanced.
Are we becoming the nation
we set out to be?
What price progress?
How do individuals make a
How did the United States become
the world power?
What issues determine our
involvement in foreign affairs?
Why did the United States abandon
its traditional isolationist foreign
Should commitment to the ideals in
the Constitution extend beyond our
What is the government’s
responsibility to promote the
general welfare?
Should the government be more
hands-on or hands-off with regard
to the economy?
How does geography influence
Why is there a struggle between
security and liberty?
How has the cultural identity of the
United States changed over time?
How has the struggle between
states’ rights and federal power
played out over time?
How has the government’s
commitment to establish justice
changed over time?
How has the definition of justice
changed to become more inclusive?
Students will develop
skills for historical and
geographical analysis,
including the ability to
Identify, examine, and interpret
primary and secondary source
documents to increase understand-
ing of events and life in U.S. history.
Make connections between the past
and the present.
Sequence significant events in U.S.
history from Constitutional times to
Interpret ideas and events from
different historical perspectives.
Evaluate and discuss issues orally
and in writing.
Create and explain maps, diagrams,
tables, charts, and graphs.
Analyze and interpret maps to
explain relationships among
landforms, water features, climatic
characteristics, and historical
Analyze political cartoons, political
advertisements, pictures, and other
graphic media.
Distinguish between relevant and
irrelevant information.
Review information for accuracy,
separating fact from opinion.
Identify a problem and recommend
Select and defend positions in
writing, discussion, and debate.
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Students will understand that . . .
1. The Declaration of Independence and
Constitution establish the ideal for why we
need government and principles that should
guide the government’s decision-making.
2. The Constitution was written in reaction
to the inadequacy of government (under the
Articles of Confederation) to provide for the
protection of natural rights and to promote
democratic ideals.
3. Geography influenced the economic,
political, and social concerns of the
founders, which was reflected in the
compromises made within the Constitution.
4. The U.S. Constitution is the most enduring
and successful blueprint for self-government
in human history because it established a
government that derives its power from the
people, shares power between national and
state governments, protects the rights of
individuals, and provides a system for
orderly change through amendments and
Individuals Who Made a Difference
John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat
Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Daniel
Shays, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
Ben Franklin, James Madison, Alexander
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Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
UbD Curriculum Map for Stage 1 (continued)
U.S. History, Grade 7
Unit Essential QuestionsUnit Understandings
1. Why do we need a constitution? Related Course EQs: How
do individuals make a difference? What is the government’s
responsibility to promote the general welfare?
2. Why is the constitution structured the way it is? Related
Course EQs: How do individuals make a difference? What
price progress? What is the government’s responsibility to
promote the general welfare? How does geography
influence history? How has the struggle between states’
rights and federal power played out over time?
3. Why is the U.S. Constitution called a living document?
Related Course EQs: What is the government’s
responsibility to promote the general welfare? How has the
government’s commitment to “establish justice” changed
over time? How has the cultural identity of America
changed over time?
History Alive! The Constitution in a New NationThe
Roots of Government (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); The Creation of
the Constitution (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 1.4); The Creation of the
Bill of Rights (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 1.4); The Constitution in Action
1789–1820 (4.1, 4.2, 1.4); The Constitution in Action Today
(5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
Primary Source Documents
John Locke’s writings on natural rights
The Declaration of Independence
The U.S. Constitution
Federalist Papers 10 and 51
Courtesy of Mark Wise and the
Middle School Social Studies Team,
West Windsor-Plainsboro, NJ
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Creative and
Grade Expository Persuasive Literary Analysis Expressive
6 Research paper Position Literary essay on Original myth
paper setting or conflict
7 Autobiography Policy Literary essay on Literary persona
evaluation character
8 Research Problem/ Literary essay on Narrative fiction
report solution essay symbolism
9 Cause and effect Editorial Analysis of multiple Poetry
essay literary elements
10 Research paper Social issue Critical lens Historical persona
essay essay
11 Definition Argumentative Comparative genre Parody or satire
essay essay essay
12 Research paper Position paper Response to Irony
literary criticism
Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
Curriculum Alignment Through Assessment
Quarterly Assessments, Grades 6–12
Courtesy of Greece Central School District, New York
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The Six Facets of Understanding
Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
Sophisticated and apt explanations and theories that provide knowledgeable and justified accounts of events,
actions, and ideas. Why is that so? What explains such events? What accounts for such action? How can we
prove it? To what is the action connected? How does this work?
Narratives, translations, metaphors, images, and artistry that provide meaning. What does it mean? Why does
it matter? What of it? What does it illustrate or illuminate in human experience? How does it relate to me?
What makes sense?
Ability to use knowledge effectively in new situations and diverse contexts. How and where can we apply this
knowledge, skill, process? How should my thinking and action be modified to meet the demands of this
particular situation?
Critical and insightful points of view. From whose point of view? From which vantage point? What is
assumed or tacit that needs to be made explicit and considered? What is justified or warranted? Is there
adequate evidence? Is it reasonable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the idea? Is it plausible? What
are its limits? What is a novel way to look at this?
The ability to get inside another person’s feelings and worldview. How does it seem to you? What do
they see that I don’t? What do I need to experience if I am to understand? What was the author, artist or
performer feeling, seeing, and trying to make me feel and see?
The wisdom to know one’s ignorance and how one’s patterns of thought and action inform as well as
prejudice understanding. How does who I am shape my views? What are the limits of my understanding?
What are my blind spots? What am I prone to misunderstand because of prejudice, habit, and style? How do
I learn best? What strategies work for me?
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Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
Glossary Process sheets Exercises Peer review Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Introduction
UbD Design Standards
Stage 1—To what extent does the design focus on the big ideas of targeted content?
Consider: Are . . .
The targeted understandings enduring, based on transferable, big ideas at the heart of the discipline and
in need of uncoverage?
The targeted understandings framed by questions that spark meaningful connections, provoke genuine
inquiry and deep thought, and encourage transfer?
The essential questions provocative, arguable, and likely to generate inquiry around the central ideas
(rather than a “pat” answer)?
Appropriate goals (e.g., content standards, benchmarks, curriculum objectives) identified?
Valid and unit-relevant knowledge and skills identified?
Stage 2—To what extent do the assessments provide fair, valid, reliable and sufficient
measures of the desired results?
Consider: Are . . .
Students asked to exhibit their understanding through authentic performance tasks?
Appropriate criterion-based scoring tools used to evaluate student products and performances?
A variety of appropriate assessment formats used to provide additional evidence of learning?
The assessments used as feedback for students and teachers, as well as for evaluation?
Students encouraged to self-assess?
Stage 3—To what extent is the learning plan effective and engaging?
Consider: Will the students . . .
Know where they’re going (the learning goals), why the material is important (reason for learning the
content) and what is required of them (unit goal, performance requirements and evaluative criteria)?
Be hooked—engaged in digging into the big ideas (e.g., through inquiry, research, problem solving, and
Have adequate opportunities to explore and experience big ideas and receive instruction to equip them for
the required performances?
Have sufficient opportunities to rethink, rehearse, revise and refine their work based upon timely
Have an opportunity to evaluate their work, reflect on their learning, and set goals?
Consider: Is the learning plan . . .
Tailored and flexible to address the interests and learning styles of all students?
Organized and sequenced to maximize engagement and effectiveness?
Overall Design—To what extent is the entire unit coherent, with the elements of all three
stages aligned?
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Introduction Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Peer review Exercises Process sheets Glossary
This three-stage approach makes sense. So, why do you call it
“backward” design?
We use the term “backward” in two ways.
First, plan with the “end in mind” by first clarifying the learning you seek; that is,
the desired learning results (Stage 1). Then, think about the evidence needed to certify
that students have achieved those desired learnings (Stage 2). Finally, plan the means to
the end; that is, the teaching and learning activities and resources to help students
achieve the goals (Stage 3). We have found that backward design, whether applied by
individual teachers or district curriculum committees, helps to avoid the twin sins of
activity-oriented and coverage-oriented curriculum planning.
Our second use of the term refers to the fact that this approach is backward relative
to the way some educators plan. For years, we have observed that curriculum planning
often translates into listing activities (Stage 3), with only a general sense of intended
results and little, if any, attention to assessment evidence (Stage 2). Many teachers have
commented that the UbD planning template makes sense but feels awkward, given that
it requires a break from comfortable planning habits.
Backward design is not a new concept. In 1948 Ralph Tyler articulated a similar
approach to curriclum planning. In more recent times, outcome-based education advo-
cates, such as William Spady, recommended that curriculum be “designed down” from
desired outcomes. In the best-selling book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen
Covey conveys a similar finding: Effective people plan with the end in mind (Covey,
Do you have to follow the template order (top to bottom)
when you design?
No. Backward design does not demand a rigid sequence. The process is inherently non-
linear with various entry points that lead to an organized product. The final design is
presented in a logical format, via the UbD template. While the final product reflects the
Frequently Asked Questions
About Backward Design
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three-stage logic, the designing process typically unfolds in an iterative and unpredictable
way, with the end result in mind. Think of the difference between cooks experimenting
in the kitchen and their final product: a new recipe. They may be inspired to start in
various ways: with a fresh seasonal ingredient, a specific audience for whom to cook or
the desire to test out new preparations. Much trial and error is likely as various combi-
nations of ingredients, spices, temperatures, and timings are tried. But the final product
is presented to others in an efficient step-by-step form. Similarly, while the UbD tem-
plate provides a format for sharing the final design “recipe,” it does not specify the
sequence of the design process. (And, of course, designs as well as recipes will often be
revised following feedback from peer review and use with students.)
Fill the template with your ideas as they come to you. We have observed that cer-
tain variables, such as subject area, topic, and a teacher’s style, seem to influence the
design sequence. (See page 276 for specific entry points that may be helpful as you work
within the three stages.) Regardless of approach, designers should complete the tem-
plate and routinely check the emerging design against the UbD Design Standards to
ensure that the process yields the desired high-quality design.
Is Understanding by Design appropriate for all grades and subjects?
Yes—as long as the goals involve some big ideas worth understanding as opposed to those
requiring only drill and recall (e.g., touch typing).
Can you use the three stages of backward design (and the UbD template)
for lesson planning?
We have chosen the unit as a focus for design because the key elements of UbD—big
ideas, enduring understandings, essential questions, and performances of understand-
ing—are too complex and multifaceted to be satisfactorily addressed within a single les-
son. For instance, essential questions are meant to be revisited over time, not answered
by the end of a class period.
Nonetheless, we have found that the larger unit goals provide the context in which
individual lessons are planned. Teachers often report that careful attention to Stages 1
and 2 sharpens their lesson planning, resulting in more purposeful teaching and
improved learning.
How does a unit fit into an entire course or K–12 program?
While backward design certainly applies to the design of individual units, the process
is also an effective way of mapping a coherent curriculum. When applying backward
design to curriculum mapping, we consider our desired results—including content
standards and other exit outcomes—and then map backward (e.g., 12 to K) to ensure
that all the important results are explicitly addressed through the courses and units.
Backward mapping helps to identify any gaps and redundancies in the curriculum, and
to target needed curriculum revisions and additions.
Understanding by Design suggests a particular spin on the mapping process:
Instead of simply listing the topics taught, a UbD map specifies the big ideas and essen-
tial questions that are addressed at various points in the curriculum. This approach
Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook
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helps to identify the overarching ideas and essential questions that provide important
throughlines in the curriculum. Throughlines are big ideas, not necessarily interdisci-
plinary, that run vertically throughout the curriculum. For example, in social studies an
overarching EQ might be, Why do people move? This same question would then be exam-
ined in 3rd grade for the westward movement, 5th grade when we study the explorers,
and 10th grade with immigration.
Additionally, we propose that a UbD map should include core assessment tasks that
all students would perform to demonstrate their understanding of key ideas and
processes. (Of course, these tasks would be accompanied by agreed-upon scoring
rubrics.) We believe that such curriculum mapping brings conceptual clarity and coher-
ence to the curriculum.
The UbD Web site ( enables electronic curriculum mapping and
the linking of individual UbD units to the map. The maps can be generated online, eas-
ily amended, and printed on Excel spreadsheets.
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