May 2019
Textbooks for P3 and P5
May-June 2019
P3 Core Courses
Ethics / Gianpiero Petriglieri
The age of heretics by Art Kleiner
HD6954 .K54 1996
Becoming human: a theory of ontogeny by Michael Tomasello
Business bullshit by André Spicer
HD6953.5 .S75 2018
Cosmopolitanism: ethics in a world of strangers by Appiah Kwame Anthony
BJ1063 .A77 2007
Crossing the unknown sea by David Whyte
ZA16 .W49 2002
The idea of justice by Amartya Sen
HB523 .S46 2009
Identity by Francis Fukuyama
JA66.1 .F85 2018
Justice: what's the right thing to do? By Michael J. Sandel
BJ45 .S36 2010
Leadership BS by Jeffrey Pfeffer
HD6951.2 .P44 2015
Leadership without easy answers by Ronald Abadian Heifetz
HD6951 .H45 1994
The lies that bind by Kwame A. Appiah
BJ1063 .A77 2018
Narrative and numbers by Aswath Damodaran
Political emotions by Martha Nussbaum
JA70 .P4 N87 2015 and ebook
Practical wisdom by B. Schwartz and K. Sharpe
BF637 .S8 S34 2011 and ebook
May 2019
Prosperity by Colin Mayer
HD6950.4 .M39 2018
The righteous mind by Jonathan Haidt
BJ45 .H35 2012
Sapiens: a brief history of humankind by Yuval N. Harari
J10.1 .H37 2014
Tribe: on homecoming and belonging by Sebastian Junger
HM132 .J86 2017
What money can't buy by Michael J. Sandel
BJ45 .S36 2012
Winners take all by Anand Giridharadas
HM131.33 .U7 G57 2018
P3 Elective Courses
Applied Corporate Finance / Massimo Massa
Analysis for financial management by Robert C. Higgins. 11
HG4026 .H496 2015
Applied mergers and acquisitions by Robert F. Bruner
HD2746.5 .B78 2004 and ebook
Corporate finance by Jonathan B. Berk and Peter DeMarzo, 4th ed.
HG4026 .B47 2017
Finance for executives 5
HG4011 .H39 2015
The New financial capitalists by G. P. Baker and G. D. Smith
HG4028 .M4 B335 1998 and ebook
Takeovers, restructuring, and corporate governance by J. Fred Weston, 4
Mark L. Mitchell and J. Harold Mulherin
HG4028 .M4 W478 2014
Valuation by Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart and David Wessels. 4
HG4028 .V3 C67 2005
May 2019
Customer Insight: Understand & Influence People / Ziv Carmon
Influence: science and practice by Robert B. Cialdini, 5
BF774 .C53 2009
Misbehaving by Richard H. Thaler
HB74 .P8 T43 2015
Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
BF441 .T43 2009
Predictably irrational by Dan Ariely
BF441 .A75 2010
Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman
BF441 .K34 2011
The undoing project by Michael Lewis
QP360 .L49 2017
Why smart people make big money Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich
HG179 .B45 2009 and ebook
Why we buy: the science of shopping by Paco Underhill
HF5415.2 .U53 2009
The wisest one in the room: by Thomas Gilovich and Lee Ross
BF441 .G55 2015 and ebook
Data Science for Business / Theodoros Evgeniou and Anton Ovchinnikov
Data science for business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett
QA76.9 .D3 P76 2013
Forecasting: principles and practice by Rob J. Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos
An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in R
by G. James, D. Witten, Daniela, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani
QA276 .J36 2013 and ebook
Financial Statement Analysis / Steven Monahan
Financial accounting for MBAs by Easton, Wild, Halsey and McAnally. 4
HG20 .E37 2010
Financial statement analysis and security valuation by Stephen Penman. 4
HG60 .P46 2010
Business analysis and valuation by Palepu, Healy and Bernard. 3
HG60 .P35 2004
Identifying New Business Models / Sezer Ulku
The visual display of quantitative information by Edward Tufte
QA276.3 .T83 2001
Investments and Asset Management / Frederico Belo
Active portfolio management by Richard C. Grinold and Ronald N. Kahn
HG4529.5 .G75 2000
May 2019
Asset management by Andrew Ang
HG1615.25 .A64 2014 and ebook
Expected returns by Antti Ilmanen
HG4521 .I56 2011 and ebook
Investments by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus.10
HG4521 .B63 2014
Pioneering portfolio management by David F. Swensen
HG4529.5 .S94 2000
Making Authentic Decisions / Ioana Popescu
Descartes' error by Antonio R. Damasio
QP401 .D37 1994
Intelligence in the flesh by Guy Claxton
BF576 .C53 2015 and ebook
Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliances, and Corporate Strategy / Phebo Wibbens
Corporate strategy by Phanish Puranam and Bart S. Vanneste
HD30.28 .P87 2016
Negotiations Dynamics / Natalia Karelaia
Getting to yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury. 3
BF637 .N4 F57 2011
Value negotiation by Horacio Falcão
HD6952 .F35 2010
New Business Ventures / Rupert Merson
Angels, dragons and vultures by Simon Acland
HG4751 .A35 2011 and ebook
Disciplined entrepreneurship by Bill Aulet
HD62.5 .A85 2013 and ebook
Entrepreneurial finance by Luisa Alemany
HG4027.6 .E68 2018
The Monk and the riddle by Randy Komisar and Kent Lineback
HC100 .K66 K66 2000
The origin and evolution of new businesses by Amar V. Bhidé
HD62.5 .B45 2000 and ebook
May 2019
Startup Booster for Entrepreneurs / Raomal Perera
The art of the start by Guy Kawasaki
HD62.5 .K39 2004
Business model generation by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
HD30.28 .O78 2010 and ebook
The four steps to the epiphany by Steven G. Blank, 5th ed.
HD62.5 .B536 2013
The lean startup by Eric Ries
HD62.5 .R54 2011 and eBook
Value proposition design by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur; Greg Bernarda,
Alan Smith and Trish Papadakos
HD30.28 .O78 2014 and ebook
Venture deals by B. Feld and J. Mendelson. 3
Strategy Structure and Incentives / Maria Guadalupe
The modern firm by John Roberts
HD6950.5 .R63 2004 and ebook
Personnel economics in practice by Edward P. Lazear and Michael Gibbs. 3
HD6957 .L39 2015
Reinventing organizations by Frédéric Laloux
HD6954.5 .L35 2014
Strategic human resources by James N. Baron and David M. Kreps
HD6957 .B37 1999
Work rules! Laszlo Bock
HC100 .G66 B63 2015
Technology and Innovation Strategy / Mikaël Bikard
Design rules by Carliss Y. Baldwin and Kim B. Clark
TK7885 .A5 B35 2000 and ebook
Diffusion of innovations by Everett M. Rogers
HM101 .R57 2003 and ebook
Innovation: the attacker's advantage by Richard N. Foster. 5
HD45 .F67 1986
The wide lens: a new strategy for innovation by Ron Adner
HD45 .A36 2012
Understanding and managing Risk / Enrico Diecidue and Claudia Zeisberger
Value and capital management by Thomas Wilson
Panic: the story of modern financial insanity by Michael Lewis
HB3722 .P36 2009
May 2019
P3/P5 Elective Courses
Agile Bootcamp / Maria Guadalupe
The age of agile by Stephen Denning
HD6954 .D466 2018
Scrum: the art of doing twice the work in half the time by Jeff Sutherland
HD6954.5 .S884 2014
Business sustainability / Andre Calmon
A good disruption by Martin R. Stuchtey, Per-Anders Enkvist and Klaus Zumwinkel
Five easy theses by Jim Stone
HC500.33 .U7 S86 2016
The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid by C. K. Prahalad. 5
HC300 .P73 2009
Family and Privately Owned Businesses / R. Carlock and M. Bennedsen
When family businesses are best by Randel S. Carlock and John L. Ward
HD62.25 .C37 2010 and ebook
Family business on the couch by Manfred Kets de Vries, Randel S. Carlock
and Elizabeth Florent-Treacy
HD62.25 .K48 2007 and ebook
Financial Crisis and Crisis Management / Beatrice Weder Di Mauro
International macroeconomics by Feenstra, Robert C. and Alan Taylor. 4
HB172.5 .F44 2017
Management of Services / Guillaume Roels
Service is front stage by James Teboul
HC2000 .S4 T43 2006 and ebook
Service management by J.A. and M. J. Fitzsimmons and S.K. Bordoloi. 8
HC2000 .S4 F58 2013
Essentials of service design and innovation by S. Sampson. 2
TS155 .S36 2015
Understanding Real Estate Risk-Return / Lahlou Khelifi
Real estate development by Miles, Berens, Eppli and Weiss
HD1375 .M873 2007 and ebook
Real estate finance and investments by Peter Linneman. 3rd ed.
HG4751 .L56 2011
May 2019
P5 Elective Courses
Advanced Applied Corporate Finance / Pierre Hillion
Corporate finance by Jonathan B. Berk and Peter DeMarzo, 4th ed.
HG4026 .B47 2017
Artificial Intelligence FinTech Business Models / Amy Shuen
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for business by Steven Finlay
Q335 .F36 2018
Blue Ocean Strategy Study Group / Renée Mauborgne
Blue ocean shift by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
HD30.28 .K566 2017
Business in the World 2050 / Douglas Webber
Abundance: the future is better than you think by Peter H.Diamandis
and Steven Kotler
T173.8 .D53 2012 and ebook
The collapse of Western civilization : a view from the future by Naomi Oreskes
and Erik M. Conway
J10.1 .XXI C O74 2014 and ebook
Do humankind's best days lie ahead? by Steven Pinker Matt Ridley, Alain De Botton
and Malcolm Gladwell
B105 .A35 P56 2016
Enlightenment now by Steven Pinker
HM101 .P56 2018
Global turning points by Mauro F. Guillén and Emilio Ontiveros
HB75 .G85 2012
The uninhabitable earth by David Wallace-Wells
GE105 .W35 2019
Decision Models / David Drake
Practical management science by Wayne L. Winston and S. Christian Albright. 5
QA76.9 .C65 W56 2016
Distribution Channels and Sales Force / Paddy Padmanabhan
Marketing channels by Anne T. Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern
and Adel I. El-Ansary. 7
HF5415.129 .S75 2006
Ethical Decision Making in Business / Theo Vermaelen
Ethics in finance by John Boatright. 3rd ed.
BJ54 .B638 2014 and ebook
May 2019
Europe and the European Union in Crisis / Douglas Webber
European disintegration? by Douglas Webber
JZ1570 .W43 2019
Leveraged Buy-Outs / Michael Prahl
Mastering private equity by Claudia Zeisberger, Michael Prahl and Bowen White
HG4751 .Z45 2017 and ebook
Managing Corporate Turnarounds / Joost de Haas
Leading corporate turnaround by Stuart Slatter
David Lovett and Laura Barlow
HD6954 .S53 2006 and eBook
Psychological Issues in Management / Derek Deasy
Daring greatly by C. Brené Brown
BF575 .A85 B76 2013
Immunity to change by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey
HD6954 .K4 2009 and eBook
People skills by Robert Bolton
BF637 .C45 B65 1986 and ebook
Sleeping with your smartphone by Leslie A. Perlow
HD69 .T5 P47 2012
Strategic Pricing / Klaus Wertenbroch
Power pricing by Robert Dolan and Hermann Simon
HF5416.5 .D65 1996
Smart pricing by Jagmohan S. Raju and Z. John Zhang
HF5416.5 .R35 2010
The strategy and tactics of pricing by Thomas Nagle, John Hogan and Joseph Zale
HF5416.5 .N34 2011
Value Creation in Luxury and Fashion / Clément Bellet
Deluxe: how luxury lost its luster by Dana Thomas
HB841 .T46 2007
Luxury brands in emerging markets edited by Glyn Atwal
and Douglas Bryson
HF5415.2 .L89 2014
Luxury fever by Robert H. Frank
HB841 .F73 2010
The sum of small things by Elizabeth Currid-Halkett
HT600.33 .U7 C87 2017
Unveiling fashion by Frédéric Godart
GT525 .G63 2012