AWS AppSync
AWS AppSync Developer Guide
AWS AppSync: AWS AppSync Developer Guide
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AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
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AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Table of Contents
Welcome ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Quickstart ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Launch a Sample Schema .......................................................................................................... 2
Launch Sample Schema ...................................................................................................... 2
Taking a Tour of the Console ............................................................................................... 3
Schema Designer ............................................................................................................... 3
Resolver Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3
Settings ............................................................................................................................ 3
Queries ............................................................................................................................. 3
Run Queries and Mutations ........................................................................................................ 3
Add Data with a GraphQL Mutation ..................................................................................... 4
Retrieve Data with a GraphQL Query .................................................................................... 4
Running an Application ....................................................................................................... 5
Next Steps ........................................................................................................................ 5
System Overview and Architecture ...................................................................................................... 6
Architecture ............................................................................................................................... 6
Concepts ................................................................................................................................... 6
GraphQL Proxy .................................................................................................................. 6
Operation .......................................................................................................................... 6
Action ............................................................................................................................... 6
Data Source ....................................................................................................................... 6
Resolver ............................................................................................................................ 7
Identity ............................................................................................................................. 7
AWS AppSync Client ........................................................................................................... 7
GraphQL Overview ............................................................................................................................ 8
Designing a GraphQL API ................................................................................................................. 10
Designing Your Schema ........................................................................................................... 10
Creating an Empty Schema ............................................................................................... 11
Adding a Root Query Type ................................................................................................ 11
Defining a Todo Type ........................................................................................................ 11
Adding a Mutation Type .................................................................................................... 12
Modifying the Todo with a Status ...................................................................................... 12
Subscriptions ................................................................................................................... 13
Further Reading ............................................................................................................... 13
Advanced - Relations and Pagination .................................................................................. 13
Attaching a Data Source .......................................................................................................... 14
(Optional) Automatic Provision .......................................................................................... 14
Adding a Data Source ....................................................................................................... 15
Configuring Resolvers .............................................................................................................. 15
Create Your First Resolver ................................................................................................. 15
Adding a Resolver for Mutations ........................................................................................ 16
Advanced Resolvers .......................................................................................................... 16
Using Your API ........................................................................................................................ 17
(Optional) Provision from Schema ............................................................................................. 18
Schema ........................................................................................................................... 18
Provision from Schema ..................................................................................................... 18
Building a Client App ....................................................................................................................... 20
Building a ReactJS Client App ................................................................................................... 20
Before You Begin ............................................................................................................. 20
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint .......................................................................................... 21
Create a Client Application ................................................................................................ 21
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App ....................................................................... 25
Test Your Application ........................................................................................................ 30
Offline Settings ................................................................................................................ 30
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Make your application realtime .......................................................................................... 31
Complex Objects .............................................................................................................. 32
Conflict Resolution ........................................................................................................... 35
Building a React Native Client App ............................................................................................ 36
Before You Begin ............................................................................................................. 20
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint .......................................................................................... 21
Create a React Native Application ....................................................................................... 37
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App ....................................................................... 25
Test Your Application ........................................................................................................ 30
Offline Settings ................................................................................................................ 30
Make your application realtime .......................................................................................... 31
Conflict Resolution ........................................................................................................... 35
Building a JavaScript Client App ................................................................................................ 50
Before You Begin ............................................................................................................. 20
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint .......................................................................................... 21
Create a Client Application ................................................................................................ 21
Building an iOS Client App ....................................................................................................... 54
Create an API ................................................................................................................... 54
Download a Client Application ........................................................................................... 55
Set up the code generation for GraphQLOperations .............................................................. 55
Setup dependency on AWS AppSync SDK ............................................................................ 57
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend ............................................................... 58
Make your app Real Time .................................................................................................. 62
Integrating into the build process ....................................................................................... 63
Complex Objects .............................................................................................................. 32
Conflict Resolution ........................................................................................................... 35
Integrating with CloudWatch ............................................................................................................ 67
Getting CloudWatch Metrics (CLI) ............................................................................................... 67
AWS AppSync Metrics ............................................................................................................... 67
AWS AppSync Dimensions ......................................................................................................... 68
Data Sources and Resolvers .............................................................................................................. 69
Tutorial: DynamoDB Resolvers .................................................................................................. 69
Setting up your DynamoDB tables ...................................................................................... 69
Creating Your GraphQL API ............................................................................................... 70
Defining a Basic "Post" API ................................................................................................ 70
Configuring the Datasource for the DynamoDB Tables .......................................................... 71
Setting up the "addPost" resolver (DynamoDB PutItem) ........................................................ 71
Setting up the "getPost" resolver (DynamoDB GetItem) ......................................................... 74
Create an updatePost mutation (DynamoDB UpdateItem) ...................................................... 76
Modifying the "updatePost" resolver (DynamoDB UpdateItem) ............................................... 78
Create upvotePost and downvotePost mutations (DynamoDB UpdateItem) .............................. 82
Setting up the "deletePost" resolver (DynamoDB DeletePost) ................................................. 85
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan) ............................................................... 89
Setting up the "allPostsByAuthor" resolver (DynamoDB Query) ............................................... 93
Using Sets ....................................................................................................................... 96
Using Lists and Maps ...................................................................................................... 102
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 104
Tutorial: Lambda resolvers ...................................................................................................... 104
Create a Lambda function ............................................................................................... 104
Configure data source for AWS Lambda ............................................................................ 106
Creating a GraphQL Schema ............................................................................................ 106
Configuring resolvers ........................................................................................................ 15
Testing your GraphQL API ............................................................................................... 108
Returning Errors ............................................................................................................. 109
Advanced Use Case: Batching ........................................................................................... 111
Tutorial: Amazon Elasticsearch Service Resolvers ....................................................................... 116
Create a New Amazon ES Domain .................................................................................... 116
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Configure Data Source for Amazon ES .............................................................................. 117
Connecting a Resolver ..................................................................................................... 117
Modifying Your Searches ................................................................................................. 119
Adding Data to Amazon ES .............................................................................................. 119
Retrieving a Single Document .......................................................................................... 120
Perform Queries and Mutations ........................................................................................ 120
Best Practices ................................................................................................................. 121
Tutorial: Combining GraphQL resolvers .................................................................................... 121
Example Schema ............................................................................................................ 121
Alter data through resolvers ............................................................................................ 122
DynamoDB and Amazon ES ............................................................................................. 123
Real-Time Data ............................................................................................................................. 125
GraphQL Schema Subscription Directives ................................................................................... 125
Troubleshooting and Common Mistakes ........................................................................................... 127
Incorrect DynamoDB key mapping ............................................................................................ 127
Missing Resolver ..................................................................................................................... 127
Mapping Template Errors ........................................................................................................ 127
Incorrect return types ............................................................................................................. 128
Security ........................................................................................................................................ 129
API_KEY Authorization ............................................................................................................ 129
AWS_IAM Authorization ........................................................................................................... 129
AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS Authorization ........................................................................ 131
Fine-Grained Access Control ..................................................................................................... 132
Filtering Information ............................................................................................................... 134
Resolver Mapping Template Reference ............................................................................................. 135
Resolver Mapping Template Overview ...................................................................................... 135
Example Template .......................................................................................................... 136
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB ................................................................ 137
GetItem ......................................................................................................................... 138
PutItem ......................................................................................................................... 139
UpdateItem .................................................................................................................... 141
DeleteItem ..................................................................................................................... 144
Query ............................................................................................................................ 146
Scan .............................................................................................................................. 149
Type System (request mapping) ....................................................................................... 151
Type System (response mapping) ..................................................................................... 155
Filters ............................................................................................................................ 158
Condition Expressions ..................................................................................................... 158
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Amazon Elasticsearch Service ....................................... 167
Request Mapping Template .............................................................................................. 167
Response Mapping Template ............................................................................................ 167
operation field ........................................................................................................... 168
path field .................................................................................................................... 168
params field ................................................................................................................. 168
Passing Variables ............................................................................................................ 169
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Lambda .................................................................... 170
Request Mapping Template .............................................................................................. 167
version .......................................................................................................................... 171
operation .......................................................................................................................... 6
payload ......................................................................................................................... 172
Response Mapping Template ............................................................................................ 167
Resolver Mapping Template Context Reference ......................................................................... 174
Accessing the $context Variable ..................................................................................... 174
Accessing the $util Variable ............................................................................................. 176
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
Are you a first-time AWS AppSync user? (p. 2)
Are you developing a mobile application? (p. 10)
Are you adding a GraphQL API to existing AWS resources? (p. 69)
This is the AWS AppSync Developer Guide.
AWS AppSync is an enterprise-level, fully managed GraphQL service with real-time data synchronization
and offline programming features.
This guide focuses on using AWS AppSync to create and interact with data sources by using GraphQL
from your application. Developers who want to build applications using GraphQL with robust database,
search, and compute capabilities, will find the information they need to build an application or integrate
existing data sources with AWS AppSync.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Launch a Sample Schema
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
This section describes how to use the AWS AppSync console to launch a sample schema, create and
configure a GraphQL API with queries and mutations, and use the API in a sample app.
Alternatively, you can get started with AWS AppSync by writing a GraphQL schema from scratch. For
more information, see Designing Your Schema (p. 10).
AWS AppSync also provides a sample application that automatically deploys an API with a GraphQL
schema, connects resolvers, and provisions an Amazon DynamoDB data source for you with a single
button click. For more information, see Data Sources and Resolvers (p. 69) and Building a Client
App (p. 20).
Launch a Sample Schema (p. 2)
Run Queries and Mutations (p. 3)
Launch a Sample Schema
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
This section describes how to use the AWS AppSync console to launch a sample schema and create and
configure a GraphQL API.
Launch Sample Schema
The sample schema allows users to create an application where events ("Going to the movies" or "Dinner
at Mom & Dad's") can be entered. Users of the application can also comment on the events ("See you at
7!"). This app demonstrates using GraphQL operations where state is persisted in Amazon DynamoDB.
To start, you'll create a sample schema and provision it.
To create the API
1. Open the AWS AppSync console at
Choose Create API from the Dashboard.
2. Type a friendly application name.
At the bottom of the console window, select the Sample schema.
3. Choose Create and wait for the provisioning process to complete.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Taking a Tour of the Console
Taking a Tour of the Console
After your schema is deployed and your resources are provisioned, you can use the GraphQL API in the
AWS AppSync console. The first page you see is Getting Started, which has information such as your
endpoint URL and authorization mode.
Note: The default authorization mode, API_KEY, uses an API key to test the application. However,
for production GraphQL APIs, you should use one of the stronger authorization modes, such as AWS
Identity and Access Management with Amazon Cognito Identity or User Pools. For more information, see
Security (p. 129).
This page has a listing of sample client applications (JavaScript, iOS, etc.) for testing an end-to-end
experience. You can clone and download these, as well as the configuration file that has the necessary
information (such as your endpoint URL) to get started. Then, follow the instructions on the page to run
your app.
Schema Designer
On the left side of the console, click Schema to view the designer. The designer has your sample Events
schema loaded. Take a look at the schema more closely, and note that the code editor has linting and
error checking capabilities that you can use when you write your own apps.
On the right side of the console are the GraphQL types that have been created, as well as resolvers on
different top-level types such as queries. When adding new types to a schema (for example, type TODO
{...}), you can have AWS AppSync provision DynamoDB resources for you, including the proper primary
key, sort key, and index design to best match your GraphQL data access pattern. If you click the Create
Resources button at the top and select one of these user-defined types from the drop-down menu, you
can see how selecting different field options populates a schema design. Don't select anything now, but
try this in the future when you design a schema (p. 10).
Resolver Configuration
From the schema designer, click one of the resolvers on the right, next to a field. A new page opens. This
page shows the configured data source (with a full listing on the Data Sources tab of the console) for a
resolver, as well as the associated Request and Response Mapping Template designers. Sample mapping
templates are provided for common use cases. This is also where you can configure custom logic for
things such as parsing arguments from a GraphQL request, pagination token responses to clients, and
custom query messages to Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
The Settings tab is where you configure things like the Authorization method for your API. For more
information on these options, see the security overview (p. 129).
A built-in designer for writing and running GraphQL queries and mutations, including introspection and
documentation, is included in the console. We'll cover that next.
Run Queries and Mutations
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AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Add Data with a GraphQL Mutation
In the AWS AppSync console, choose the Queries tab on the left to open the GraphQL operations
interface. First, note the pane on the right side that allows you to click through the operations, including
queries, mutations, and subscriptions that your schema has exposed. Choose the Mutation node, and you
see a mutation and can add a new event to it: createEvent(....):Event. Use this to add something
to your database with GraphQL.
Add Data with a GraphQL Mutation
Since there isn't any data yet, the first step is to add some with a GraphQL mutation. This is done with
the mutation keyword, passing in the appropriate arguments. This works similarly to a function. You
can also select which data you want to be returned in the response by putting the fields inside curly
braces. Paste the following into the query editor and choose Run:
mutation {
name:"My first GraphQL event"
where:"Day 1"
when:"Friday night"
description:"Catching up with friends"
The record is parsed by the GraphQL engine and inserted into your DynamoDB table by a resolver that is
connected to a data source. (You can check this in the DynamoDB console.) Notice that you didn't need
to pass in an id; however, one was generated and returned in the results specified between the curly
braces. This is because the sample demonstrates an autoId() function in a GraphQL resolver as a best
practice for the partition key set on your Amazon DynamoDB resources. For now, just note the returned
id value for use in the next section.
Retrieve Data with a GraphQL Query
Now that there is a record in your database, running a query returns some results. One of the main
advantages of GraphQL is the ability to specify the exact data requirements that your application
has in a query. This time, only add a few of the fields inside the curly braces, pass the id argument to
getEvent(), and press the Run button at the top:
query {
This time, only the fields you specified were returned. You can also try listing all events:
query getAllEvents {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Running an Application
This time the query shows nested types as well as giving the query a friendly name (getAllEvents),
which is optional. Experiment by adding or removing and then rerunning the query. When you're done,
it's time to connect a client application.
Running an Application
Now that your API is working, you can use a client application to interact with it. AWS AppSync provides
samples in several programming languages to get you started. In the AWS AppSync console, at the root
of the navigation, select the name of your API, and you will see a list of platforms. Clone the appropriate
sample to your local workstation and download the configuration file and, if necessary, the GraphQL
schema (used on some platforms for code generation). The configuration file contains details, such
as the endpoint URL of your GraphQL API and the API key, to include when getting started. You can
change this information later when leveraging IAM or Amazon Cognito User Pools in production. See
Security (p. 129) for more information.
Next Steps
Now that you've run through the preconfigured schema, you may choose to build an API from scratch,
incorporate an existing data source, or build a client application. For more information, see the following
Designing a GraphQL API (p. 10)
Connecting Data Sources and Resolvers (p. 69)
Building Client Applications (p. 20)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
System Overview and Architecture
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync allows developers to interact with their data via a managed GraphQL service. GraphQL
offers many benefits over traditional gateways, encourages declarative coding style, and works
seamlessly with modern tools and frameworks, including React, React Native, iOS, and Android.
GraphQL Proxy
A component that runs the GraphQL engine for processing requests and mapping them to logical
functions for data operations or triggers. The data resolution process performs a batching process (called
the Data Loader) to your data sources. This component also manages conflict detection and resolution
AWS AppSync supports the three GraphQL operations: query (read-only fetch), mutation (write followed
by a fetch), and subscription (long-lived requests that receive data in response to events).
There is one action that AWS AppSync defines. This action is a notification to connected subscribers,
which is the result of a mutation. Clients become subscribers through a handshake process following a
GraphQL subscription.
Data Source
A persistent storage system or a trigger, along with credentials for accessing that system or trigger. Your
application state is managed by the system or trigger defined in a data source.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
A function that converts the GraphQL payload to the underlying storage system protocol and executes if
the caller is authorized to invoke it. Resolvers are comprised of request and response mapping templates,
which contain transformation and execution logic.
A representation of the caller based on a set of credentials, which must be sent along with every request
to the GraphQL proxy. It includes permissions to invoke resolvers. Identity information is also passed as
context to a resolver and the conflict handler to perform additional checks.
AWS AppSync Client
The location where GraphQL operations are defined. The client performs appropriate authorization
wrapping of request statements before submitting to the GraphQL proxy. Responses are persisted in an
offline store and mutations are made in a write-through pattern.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
GraphQL Overview
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
GraphQL is a data language that was developed to enable apps to fetch data from servers. It has a
declarative, self-documenting style. In a GraphQL operation, the client specifies how the data is to be
structured when it is returned by the server. This makes it possible for the client to query only for the
data it needs, in the format that it needs it in.
GraphQL has 3 top-level operations:
Query: read-only fetch
Mutation: write, followed by a fetch
Subscription: long-lived connection for receiving data
GraphQL exposes these operations via a schema that defines the capabilities of an API. A schema is
comprised of types, which can be root types (query, mutation, or subscription) or user-defined types.
Developers start with a schema to define the capabilities of their GraphQL API, which a client application
will communicate with. Learn more about this process here (p. 10).
After a schema is defined, the fields on a type need to return some data. The way this happens in a
GraphQL API is through a concept known as a GraphQL resolver. This is a function that either calls out to
a data source or invokes a trigger to return some value (such as an individual record or a list of records).
Resolvers can have many types of data sources, such as NoSQL databases, relational databases, or search
engines. You can aggregate data from multiple data sources and return identical types, mixing and
matching to meet your needs.
After a schema is connected to a resolver function, a client app can issue a GraphQL query or, optionally,
a mutation or subscription. A query will have the query keyword followed by curly braces, and then the
field name, such as allPosts. After the field name is a second set of curly braces with the data that you
want to be returned. For example:
query {
allPosts {
This query invokes a resolver function against the allPosts field and returns just the id, author,
title, and content values. If there were many posts in the system (assuming that allPosts return
blog posts, for example), then this would happen in a single network call. Though designs can vary, in
traditional systems, this is usually modeled in separate network calls for each post. This reduction in
network calls reduces bandwidth requirements and therefore saves battery life and CPU cycles consumed
by client applications.
These capabilities make prototyping new applications, and modifying existing applications, very fast.
A benefit of this is that the application's data requirements are "co-located" in the application with
the UI code for your programming language of choice. This enables client and backend teams to work
independently, rather than data modeling being encoded on backend implementations.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Finally, the type system provides powerful mechanisms for pagination, relations, inheritance, and
interfaces. You can relate different types between separate NoSQL tables when using the GraphQL type
For further reading, see the following resources:
Designing a GraphQL API (p. 10)
Data Sources and Resolvers Tutorial (p. 69)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Designing Your Schema
Designing a GraphQL API
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
If you are building a GraphQL API, there are some concepts you need to know, such as schema design
and connecting to data sources.
In this section, we describe building a schema from scratch, provisioning resources automatically,
manually defining a data source, and connecting to it with a GraphQL resolver.
GraphQL Schema
Each GraphQL API is defined by a single GraphQL schema. The GraphQL Type system describes the
capabilities of a GraphQL server and is used to determine if a query is valid. A server's type system
is referred to as that server's schema. It is a made up of a set of object types, scalars, input types,
interfaces, enums, and unions. It defines the shape of the data that flows through your API and also
the operations that can be performed. GraphQL is a strongly typed protocol and all data operations are
validated against this schema.
Data Source
Data sources are resources in your AWS account that GraphQL APIs can interact with. AWS AppSync
supports AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service as data sources.
An AWS AppSync API can be configured to interact with multiple data sources, allowing you to aggregate
data in a single location.
GraphQL resolvers connect the fields in a type's schema to a data source. Resolvers and mapping
templates are the mechanism by which requests are fulfilled.
Resolvers in AWS AppSync use mapping templates written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL)
to convert a GraphQL expression into a format the data source can use.
AWS Resources
AWS AppSync can use AWS resources from your account that already exist or can provision DynamoDB
tables on your behalf from a schema definition.
Designing Your Schema (p. 10)
Attaching a Data Source (p. 14)
Configuring Resolvers (p. 15)
Using Your API (p. 17)
(Optional) Provision from Schema (p. 18)
Designing Your Schema
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Creating an Empty Schema
Creating an Empty Schema
Schema files are text files, usually called "schema.graphql". You can create this file and submit it to AWS
AppSync by using the CLI or navigating to the console and adding the following under the Schema page:
schema {
Every schema has this root for processing. This fails to process until you add a root query type.
Adding a Root Query Type
For this example, we create a Todo application. A GraphQL schema must have a root query type, so we
add a root type named Query with a single getTodos field that returns a list containing Todo objects.
Add the following to your schema.graphql file:
schema {
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]
Note that we haven't yet defined the Todo object type. Let's do that now.
Defining a Todo Type
Now, create a type that contains the data for a Todo object:
schema {
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
Note that the Todo object type has fields that are scalar types, such as strings and integers. Any field
that ends in an exclamation point is a required field. The ID scalar type is a unique identifier that can be
either String or Int. Note that you can control these in your resolver mapping templates for automatic
assignment. You'll see this later.
There are similarities between the Query and Todo types. In GraphQL, the root types (Query,
Mutation, and Subscription) are just types like the ones you define. They're special, though, in that
you expose them from your schema as the entry point for your API. For more information, see The Query
and Mutation types.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Adding a Mutation Type
Adding a Mutation Type
Now that you have an object type and can query the data, if you would like data to be added, updated,
or deleted via the API, then you need to add a mutation type to your schema. For the Todo example, add
this as a field called "addTodo" on a mutation type:
schema {
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]
type Mutation {
addTodo(id: ID!, name: String, description: String, priority: Int): Todo
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
Note that mutation is also added to this schema type because it is a root type.
Modifying the Todo with a Status
At this point, your GraphQL API is structurally functioning for reading and writing Todo objects (it just
doesn't have a data source, which is described in the next section). You can modify this API with more
advanced functionality, such as adding a status to your Todo, which comes from a set of values defined
as an ENUM:
schema {
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]
type Mutation {
addTodo(id: ID!, name: String, description: String, priority: Int, status: TodoStatus):
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: TodoStatus
enum TodoStatus {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
An ENUM is like a string but can take one of a set of values. In the previous example, you added this type,
modified the Todo type, and added the Todo field to contain this functionality.
Real-Time Data (p. 125)
Further Reading
For more information, see the GraphQL type system.
Advanced - Relations and Pagination
Suppose you had a million todos. You wouldn't want to fetch all of these every time. Make the following
changes to your schema:
Add a new TodoConnection type, which has todos and nextToken fields.
Add two input arguments, first and after, to the getTodos field.
Change getTodos so that it returns TodoConnection.
schema {
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getTodos(first: Int = 20, after: String): TodoConnection
type Mutation {
addTodo(id: ID!, name: String, description: String, priority: Int, status: TodoStatus):
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: TodoStatus
type TodoConnection {
todos: [Todo]
nextToken: String
enum TodoStatus {
The TodoConnection type allows you to return a list of todos and a nextToken for getting the next
batch of todos. In AWS AppSync this is connected to Amazon DynamoDB with a mapping template. This
converts the value of the first argument to the maxResults parameter and the after argument to the
exclusiveStartKey parameter. See Resolver Mapping Template Reference (p. 135) for examples.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Attaching a Data Source
Next, suppose your todos have comments, and you want to run a query that returns all the comments for
a todo. Modify your schema to have a Comment type, add a comments field to the todo type, and add
an addComment field on the Mutation type as follows:
schema {
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getTodos(first: Int = 20, after: String): TodoConnection
type Mutation {
addTodo(id: ID!, name: String, description: String, priority: Int, status: TodoStatus):
addComment(todoid: ID!, content: String): Comment
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: TodoStatus
comments: [Comment]
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String
type TodoConnection {
todos: [Todo]
nextToken: String
enum TodoStatus {
The application graph on top of your existing data sources in AWS AppSync allows you to return
data from two separate data sources in a single GraphQL query. In the example, the assumption is
that there is both a Todos table and a Comments table. We'll show how this is done in Configuring
Resolvers (p. 15).
Attaching a Data Source
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
(Optional) Automatic Provision
Continuing on from Designing Your Schema (p. 10), you can have AWS AppSync automatically
create tables based on your schema definition. You can see that process in (Optional) Provision from
Schema (p. 18). You can skip this and continue on to build from scratch.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Adding a Data Source
Adding a Data Source
Now that you created a schema in the AWS AppSync console and saved it, you can add a data source.
The schema in the previous section assumes that you have a Amazon DynamoDB table called "Todos"
with a hash key called "id" (and if you're doing the advanced section with Relations, you also need a table
named "Comments" with a hash key of "todoid" and a sort key of "content").
To add your data source
1. Choose the Data Sources tab in the console, and choose New.
Give your data source a friendly name, such as "Todos table".
2. Choose Amazon DynamoDB Table as the type.
Choose the appropriate region.
3. Choose your Todos table. Then either choose an existing role that has IAM permissions for PutItem
and scan for your table, or create a new role.
If you're doing the advanced section, repeat the process. Note that you need IAM permissions of PutItem
and Query on the "Comments" table.
Now that you've connected a data source to an AWS service, you can connect it to your schema with a
resolver. See Configuring Resolvers (p. 15).
Configuring Resolvers
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
Create Your First Resolver
Navigate back to the Schema page in the AWS AppSync console and find the query type on the right
side. Click the Attach resolver button next to the getTodos field, which opens the Add Resolver page.
Select the data source you just created and either use a default template or paste in your own. For
common use cases, the AWS AppSync console has built-in templates that you can use for getting items
from data sources (all item queries, individual lookups, etc.). For example, on the simple version of the
schema from Designing Your Schema (p. 10) where getTodos didn't have pagination the mapping
template is as follows:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan"
A response mapping template is always needed. The console provides a default with the following
passthrough value:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Adding a Resolver for Mutations
Adding a Resolver for Mutations
Repeat the preceding process, starting at the Schema page and clicking Attach resolver for the addTodo
mutation. Since this is a mutation where you're adding a new item to DynamoDB, use the following
request mapping template:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"name" : { "S" : "${}" },
"description" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.description}" },
"priority" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.priority} },
"status" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.status}" }
Note how the arguments defined in the addTodo field from your GraphQL schema are converted into
DynamoDB operations.
Use the same passthrough template from earlier.
Advanced Resolvers
If you are following the Advanced section of building a sample schema in Designing Your
Schema (p. 10), to do a paginated scan, you should use the following template:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"nextToken" : "${context.arguments.after}",
"limit" : ${context.arguments.first}
For this pagination use case, the response mapping is more than just a passthrough because it must
contain both the "cursor" (so that the client knows what page to start at next) and the result set. The
mapping template would be:
"nextToken" : "${context.nextToken}",
"todos": $utils.toJson($context.result)
The fields in the preceding response mapping template should match the fields defined in your
TodoConnection type.
For the case of Relations where you have a Comments table and you're resolving the comments field on
the Todo type (which returns a type of [Comment]), you can use a mapping template that runs a query
against the second table.
Note - The fact that this uses a query operation against a second table is only for illustrative purposes. It
could also be another operation against DynamoDB. Further, the data could be pulled from another data
source, such as AWS Lambda or Amazon Elasticsearch Service because the relation is controlled by your
GraphQL schema.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Your API
From the Schema page in the console, click the comments field on the Todo type and click Attach
resolver. Use the following request mapping template:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"key": {
"todoid" : { "S" : "${}" }
Pay attention to "context.source". This references the parent object of the current field being resolved. In
this example, "source" is referring to the Todo object, which contains the comments you are fetching.
You can use the passthrough response mapping template.
Finally, create an addComment resolver from the schema page in the console, just like you did for the
preceding fields. The request mapping template in this case is a simple PutItem:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"todoid" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.todoit}" },
"content" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.content}" }
In the preceding example, the key corresponds to the arguments from the addComment mutation. Use a
passthrough response.
Using Your API
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
Now that you have a GraphQL API with a schema uploaded, data sources configured, and resolvers
connected to your types, you can test your API. Navigate to the Queries tab in the console and enter the
following text in the editor:
mutation add {
addTodo(id:"123" name:"My TODO" description:"Testing AWS AppSync" priority:2){
Press the button at the top to run your mutation. After it completes, the result from your selection set
(id, name, description, and priority) are displayed on the right. The data is also in the Amazon
DynamoDB table for your data source, which you can verify using the console.
Now run a query :
query {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
(Optional) Provision from Schema
allTodo {
This should return your data, but just the two fields (id and name) from your selection set.
(Optional) Provision from Schema
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync can automatically provision Amazon DynamoDB tables from a schema definition, create
data sources, and connect the resolvers on your behalf. This can be useful if you want to let AWS
AppSync define the appropriate table layout and indexing strategy based on your schema definition and
data access patterns.
These instructions start with the schema outlined in Designing Your Schema (p. 10), as shown next:
schema {
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
allTodo: [Todo]
type Mutation {
addTodo(id: ID!, name: String, description: String, priority: Int, status: TodoStatus):
type Todo {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: TodoStatus
enum TodoStatus {
From the AWS AppSync console, navigate to the Schema page, enter the preceding schema into the
editor, and choose Save.
Provision from Schema
After you save a schema, a Create resources button appears in the upper right of the page. Click this to
go to the Create resources page. You can select any user-defined GraphQL types from the screen, and
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Provision from Schema
your Todo type should be available. Select this type and notice that the fields can now be selected. You
can change your DynamoDB primary or sort keys here. At the bottom of the page is a corresponding
section for the GraphQL queries and mutations that are then available to you, based on different key
selections. AWS AppSync will provision DynamoDB tables that best match your data access pattern for
efficient use of your database throughput. An index selection is also available. You can use it for different
query options, which set up a DynamoDB Local Secondary Index upon provisioning.
For the preceding example schema, you can simply have id selected as the primary key and press the
Create button. After a moment, your DynamoDB tables are created, data sources are created, and
resolvers are connected. You can run mutations and queries as described in the Using Your API (p. 17)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Building a ReactJS Client App
Building a Client App
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
The following sections are tutorials for building a client application with GraphQL on different platforms.
Each tutorial starts with an application running with local data, and then adds in the AWS AppSync SDK
to communicate with your GraphQL API. The tutorials assume you have a basic schema created using
the schema from the DynamoDB resolvers tutorial (p. 69) as a reference starting point, which you can
optionally complete first.
Building a ReactJS Client App (p. 20)
Building a React Native Client App (p. 36)
Building a JavaScript Client App (p. 50)
Building an iOS Client App (p. 54)
Building a ReactJS Client App
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync integrates with the Apollo GraphQL client for building client applications. AWS provides
Apollo plugins for offline support, authorization, and subscription handshaking. You can use the Apollo
client directly, or you can use it with some of the client helpers provided in the AWS AppSync SDK. This
tutorial shows you how to use AWS AppSync with React Apollo, which uses ReactJS constructs and
patterns with GraphQL.
Before You Begin
This tutorial is set up for a sample API using the schema from the DynamoDB resolvers tutorial (p. 69).
To follow along with the complete flow, you can optionally walk through that tutorial first. The starting
schema the application will use is:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
This schema defines a Post type and operations to add, get, update, and delete Post objects.
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
After you create your GraphQL API, you'll need to get the API endpoint (URL) so you can use it in your
client application.
There are two ways to get the API endpoint:
In the AWS AppSync console, choose Home and then choose GraphQL URL to see the API endpoint.
Alternatively, you can get it by running the following CLI command:
aws appsync get-graphql-api --api-id $GRAPHQL_API_ID
Finally, the instructions below show how you can use AWS_IAM for client authorization. In the AWS
AppSync console, choose Settings on the left, then choose AWS_IAM. For more information about
authorization modes, see Security (p. 129).
Create a Client Application
In this section, you'll create an application with just a local array of data, and then you'll add AWS
AppSync capabilities to it.
First, use the create-react-app utility to make a new application:
create-react-app blogpost
cd ./blogpost
npm start #ensure app works
Add in the following components:
mkdir ./src/Components
touch ./src/Components/AllPosts.jsx
touch ./src/Components/AddPost.jsx
Edit your ./src/App.js file as follows:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Client Application
import AllPosts from "./Components/AllPosts";
import AddPost from "./Components/AddPost";
const posts = [{ "id": "1", "title": "My first post", "author": "Someone" }, { "id": "2",
"title": "Another post", "author": "Someone else" }, { "id": "3", "title": "A better one",
"author": "Stranger" }];
class App extends Component {
state = { posts };
handleOnAdd = (post) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [...posts, post]
handleOnDelete = ({id}) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [...posts.filter(post => !== id)]
handleOnEdit = (editedPost) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [ => === ? editedPost : post)]
render() {
const { posts } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<h1 className="App-title">Welcome to React</h1>
<p className="App-intro">
To get started, edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
<AddPost onAdd={this.handleOnAdd} />
<AllPosts posts={posts} onDelete={this.handleOnDelete}
onEdit={this.handleOnEdit} />
export default App;
Edit your ./src/Components/AllPosts.jsx file as follows:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class AllPosts extends Component {
constructor(props) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Client Application
this.state = {
editing: {}
static defaultProps = {
posts: [],
onDelete: () => null,
onEdit: () => null,
handleDelete = (post) => {
if (window.confirm('Are you sure')) {
handleEdit = (post) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
this.setState({ editing: { ...editing, []: { } } });
handleEditCancel = (id) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const { [id]: curr, ...others } = editing;
this.setState({ editing: { ...others } });
handleFieldEdit = (id, field, event) => {
const { target: { value } } = event;
const { editing } = this.state;
const editData = { ...editing[id] };
editData[field] = value;
editing: { ...editing, ...{ [id]: editData } }
handleEditSave = (id) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const { [id]: editedPost, ...others } = editing;
this.props.onEdit({ ...editedPost });
editing: { ...others }
renderOrEditPost = (post) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const editData = editing[];
const isEditing = !!editData;
return (
!isEditing ?
<tr key={}>
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Client Application
<button onClick={this.handleEdit.bind(this, post)}>Edit</
<button onClick={this.handleDelete.bind(this, post)}>Delete</
) : (
<tr key={}>
<input type="text" value={editData.title}
onChange={this.handleFieldEdit.bind(this,, 'title')} />
<input type="text" value={}
onChange={this.handleFieldEdit.bind(this,, 'author')} />
<button onClick={this.handleEditSave.bind(this,}>Save</button>
<button onClick={this.handleEditCancel.bind(this,}>Cancel</button>
render() {
const { posts } = this.props;
return (<table width="100%">
{[].concat(posts).sort((a, b) => -}
Edit your ./src/Components/AddPost.jsx file as follows:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class AddPost extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getInitialState();
static defaultProps = {
onAdd: () => null
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
getInitialState = () => ({
id: '',
title: '',
author: '',
handleChange = (field, event) => {
const { target: { value } } = event;
[field]: value
handleAdd = () => {
const { id, title, author } = this.state;
this.setState(this.getInitialState(), () => {
this.props.onAdd({ id, title, author });
handleCancel = () => {
render() {
return (
<fieldset >
<legend>Add new Post</legend>
<label>ID<input type="text" placeholder="ID" value={}
onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'id')} /></label>
<label>Title<input type="text" placeholder="Title"
value={this.state.title} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'title')} /></label>
<label>Author<input type="text" placeholder="Author"
value={} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'author')} /></label>
<button onClick={this.handleAdd}>Add new post</button>
<button onClick={this.handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
Run your app as follows, and test it to make sure it works:
yarn start
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
In this section, you'll add AWS AppSync to your existing app.
Add the following dependencies to your application:
cd ../blogpost
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
yarn add react-apollo graphql-tag aws-sdk
Next, add in the AppSync SDK, including the React extensions:
cd ../blogpost
yarn add aws-appsync
yarn add aws-appsync-react
Add the following configuration file for your settings:
touch ./src/aws-exports.js
Edit the configuration file as follows, using the AWS AppSync endpoint that you got from the service
setup earlier. You can always find this in the AppSync console again by clicking on your GraphQL API
name in the left hand navigation.
const config = {
HOST: '', // Your hostname
REGION: 'us-west-2', //Your region
PATH: '/graphql',
config.ENDPOINT = `https://${config.HOST}${config.PATH}`;
export default config;
To interact with AWS AppSync, your client needs to define GraphQL queries and mutations. This is
commonly done in separate files as follows:
mkdir ./src/Queries
touch ./src/Queries/AllPostsQuery.js
touch ./src/Queries/DeletePostMutation.js
touch ./src/Queries/NewPostMutation.js
touch ./src/Queries/UpdatePostMutation.js
Edit and save AllPostsQuery.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
query AllPosts {
allPost {
Edit and save DeletePostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation DeletePostMutation($id: ID!) {
deletePost(id: $id) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
Edit and save NewPostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation AddPostMutation($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String) {
id: $id
author: $author
title: $title
) {
Edit and save UpdatePostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation UpdatePostMutation($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String, $expectedVersion:
Int!) {
id: $id
author: $author
title: $title
content: "hardcoded"
ups: 0
downs: 0
expectedVersion: $expectedVersion
) {
Edit your App.js file as follows:
import AWSAppSyncClient from "aws-appsync";
import { Rehydrated } from 'aws-appsync-react';
import { AUTH_TYPE } from "aws-appsync/lib/link/auth-link";
import { graphql, ApolloProvider, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import AllPostsQuery from './Queries/AllPostsQuery';
import NewPostMutation from './Queries/NewPostMutation';
import DeletePostMutation from './Queries/DeletePostMutation';
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
import UpdatePostMutation from './Queries/UpdatePostMutation';
After each of the import statements, add the following code:
region: awsconfig.REGION,
credentials: new AWS.Credentials({
accessKeyId: awsconfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: awsconfig.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT,
region: AWS.config.region,
auth: {type: AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM, credentials: AWS.config.credentials}
Note the AUTH_TYPE value can be switched to use API keys, IAM (including short-term credentials from
Amazon Cognito Federated Identities), or Amazon Cognito User Pools. It is recommended to use either
IAM or Amazon Cognito User Pools after onboarding with an API key. You can use the AWS Amplify
library ( to quickly add these capabilities to your application.
Replace the App component entirely, so it looks like this:
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<h1 className="App-title">Welcome to React</h1>
<p className="App-intro">
To get started, edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
<NewPostWithData />
<AllPostsWithData />
You can also delete the posts variable in your code, because the app state will be coming from AWS
At the bottom of your App.js file, define the following higher-order component (HOC):
const AllPostsWithData = compose(
graphql(AllPostsQuery, {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
props: (props) => ({
graphql(DeletePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onDelete: (post) => props.mutate({
variables: { id: },
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
optimisticResponse: () => ({ deletePost: {, __typename:
'Post' } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (proxy, { data: { deletePost: { id } } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = proxy.readQuery({ query });
data.posts = data.posts.filter(post => !== id);
proxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
graphql(UpdatePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onEdit: (post) => {
variables: {, expectedVersion: post.version },
optimisticResponse: () => ({ updatePost: {, __typename: 'Post',
version: post.version + 1 } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (dataProxy, { data: { updatePost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
data.posts = => !== ? post :
{ ...updatePost });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
const NewPostWithData = graphql(NewPostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onAdd: post => props.mutate({
variables: post,
optimisticResponse: () => ({ addPost: {, __typename: 'Post', version:
1 } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (dataProxy, { data: { addPost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
Finally, replace export default App with the ApolloProvider:
const WithProvider = () => (
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Test Your Application
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />
export default WithProvider;
Test Your Application
yarn start
Open a web page and add, remove, edit, and delete data. If you're using Chrome developer tools, you can
use the network conditioning tool for offline testing.
Offline Settings
There are important considerations that you'll need to account for if you want an optimistic UI for an
application where data can be manipulated when the device is in an offline state. Many of these settings
are documented in the official Apollo documentation, however, we call out several of them here that you
should set:
fetchPolicy: This option allows you to specify how a query interacts with the network vs. local in-
memory caching. AWS AppSync persists this cache to a platform specific storage medium. Therefore,
you should configure the option to use cache-and-network:
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
optimisticResponse: This allows you to pass a function or an object to a mutation for updating your UI
before the server responds with the result. This is needed in offline scenarios (and for slower networks)
to ensure that the UI is updated when the device has no connectivity. For example, if you were adding
a new object to a list you might use the following:
onAdd: post => props.mutate({
variables: post,
optimisticResponse: () => ({ addPost: { __typename: 'Post', ups: 1, downs: 1, content:
'', url: '', version: 1, } }),
Normally, you use optimisticResponse in conjunction with the update option for React Apollo's
component, which can trigger during an offline mutation. If you want the UI to update offline for a
specific query, you need to specify that query as part of the readQuery and writeQuery options on
the cache as seen below:
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (dataProxy, { data: { addPost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Make your application realtime
When this happens, the AWS AppSync persistent store will automatically be updated in response to the
Apollo cache update. Upon network reconnection, it will synchronize with your GraphQL endpoint. You
could also modify more than one query when offline, in which case you could run the above process
multiple times in the same update block.
Make your application realtime
Edit your schema as follows with the subscription type:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
Note the @aws_subscribe specifies which mutations trigger a subscription. You can add more
mutations in this array to meet your application needs.
The subscription type newPost needs to be passed into an option (called updateQuery) of the React
Apollo client in order to update your UI dynamically when a subcription is received. Ensure that this field
name matches the subscription type in the example code below.
In your App.js file, edit the AllPostsWithData HOC to include subscribeToNewPost in the props
field as follows:
const AllPostsWithData = compose(
graphql(AllPostsQuery, {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Complex Objects
props: (props) => ({
subscribeToNewPosts: params => {{
document: NewPostsSubscription,
updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData: { data : { newPost } } }) => ({
allPosts: [newPost, ...prev.allPosts.filter(post => !==]
...//more code
touch src/Queries/NewPostsSubscription.js
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
subscription NewPostSub {
newPost {
Add the following import statement at the top of your App.js file:
import NewPostsSubscription from './Queries/NewPostsSubscription';
Add the following lifecycle method to your AllPosts component in AllPosts.jsx:
Now try running your app again by typing yarn start. Add a new post via the console, with a mutation
on addPost. You should see real-time data appear in your client application.
Complex Objects
Many times you may wish to create logical objects which have more complex data, such as images or
videos, as part of their structure. For instance you might create a "Person" type with a profile picture or a
"Post" type that has an associated image. With AWS AppSync you can model these as GraphQL types. If
any of your mutations have a variable with bucket, key, region, mimeType and localUri fields, the
SDK will upload the file to Amazon S3 for you.
Edit your schema as follows to add the S3Object and S3ObjectInput types:
schema {
query: Query
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Complex Objects
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String file:
S3ObjectInput): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
file: S3Object
version: Int!
type S3Object {
bucket: String!
key: String!
region: String!
input S3ObjectInput {
bucket: String!
key: String!
region: String!
localUri: String
mimeType: String
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
Edit your ./src/Components/AddPost.jsx file as follows:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
export default class AddPost extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getInitialState();
static defaultProps = {
onAdd: () => null
getInitialState = () => ({
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Complex Objects
id: '',
title: '',
author: '',
file: null,
handleChange = (field, event) => {
const { target: { value } } = event;
[field]: value
handleAdd = () => {
const { title, author, file: selectedFile } = this.state;
let file;
if (selectedFile) {
const { name, type: mimeType } = selectedFile;
const [, , , extension] = /([^.]+)(\.(\w+))?$/.exec(name);
const bucket = '[YOUR BUCKET]';
const key = [uuid(), extension].filter(x => !!x).join('.');
const region = '[YOUR REGION]';
file = {
localUri: selectedFile,
this.setState(this.getInitialState(), () => {
this.props.onAdd({ title, author, content: 'hardcoded', file });
handleCancel = () => {
render() {
return (
<fieldset >
<legend>Add new Post</legend>
<label>ID<input type="text" placeholder="ID" value={}
onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'id')} /></label>
<label>Title<input type="text" placeholder="Title"
value={this.state.title} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'title')} /></label>
<label>Author<input type="text" placeholder="Author"
value={} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'author')} /></label>
<label>File<input type="file" onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this,
'file')} /></label>
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Conflict Resolution
<button onClick={this.handleAdd}>Add new post</button>
<button onClick={this.handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
Now try running your app again by typing yarn start. Add a new post via the console, with a mutation
on addPost. Your file should be uploaded to Amazon S3 before doing your mutation.
Conflict Resolution
When clients make a mutation, either online or offline, they can send a version number along with
the payload (called expectedVersion) for AWS AppSync to check before writing to DynamoDB. A
DynamoDB resolver mapping template can be configured to perform conflict resolution in the cloud,
which you can read about in Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB (p. 137). If the
service determines it needs to reject the mutation, data is sent to the client and you can optionally run
an additional callback to perform client-side conflict resolution.
For example, suppose you had a mutation with DynamoDB set for checking the version, and the client
sent expectedVersion:0, as in this example:
graphql(UpdatePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onEdit: (post) => {
variables: {, expectedVersion: 0 },
optimisticResponse: () => ({ updatePost: {, __typename: 'Post',
version: post.version + 1 } }),
}),...more code
This would fail the version check as 0 would be lower than any of the current values. You can then define
a custom callback conflict resolver. A custom conflict resolver will receive the following variables:
mutation: GraphQL statement of a mutation
mutationName: Optional if a name of a mutation is set on a GraphQL statement
variables: Input parameters of the mutation
data: Response from AWS AppSync of actual data in DynamoDB
retries: Number of times a mutation has been retried
For example, you could have the following custom callback conflict resolver:
const conflictResolver = ({ mutation, mutationName, variables, data, retries }) => {
switch (mutationName) {
case 'UpdatePostMutation':
return {
expectedVersion: data.version,
return false;
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Building a React Native Client App
In the example above, you can do a logical check on the mutationName and then re-run the mutation
again with the correct version that AWS AppSync returned.
Note: We recommend only doing this in rare cases. Usually, you should let the AWS AppSync service
define conflict resolution, or race conditions can occur. If you don't want to retry, simply return DISCARD.
Now, to use this callback, pass it into the AWS AppSync client instantiation:
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT,
region: awsconfig.REGION,
auth: authInfo,
Building a React Native Client App
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync integrates with the Apollo GraphQL client for building client applications. AWS provides
Apollo plugins for offline support, authorization, and subscription handshaking. You can use the Apollo
client directly, or you can use it with some of the client helpers provided in the AWS AppSync SDK. This
tutorial shows you how to use AWS AppSync with React Apollo, which uses ReactJS constructs and
patterns with GraphQL.
Before You Begin
This tutorial is set up for a sample API using the schema from the DynamoDB resolvers tutorial (p. 69).
To follow along with the complete flow, you can optionally walk through that tutorial first. The starting
schema the application will use is:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
This schema defines a Post type and operations to add, get, update, and delete Post objects.
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
After you create your GraphQL API, you'll need to get the API endpoint (URL) so you can use it in your
client application.
There are two ways to get the API endpoint:
In the AWS AppSync console, choose Home and then choose GraphQL URL to see the API endpoint.
Alternatively, you can get it by running the following CLI command:
aws appsync get-graphql-api --api-id $GRAPHQL_API_ID
Create a React Native Application
In this section, you'll create an application with just a local array of data, and then you'll add AWS
AppSync capabilities to it.
First, use the create-react-native-app utility to make a new application:
create-react-native-app blogpost
cd ./blogpost
npm start #ensure app works
Add in the following components:
mkdir ./blogpost/Components
touch ./blogpost/Components/AllPosts.js
touch ./blogpost/Components/AddPost.js
Edit your ./blogpost/App.js file as follows:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import AllPosts from "./Components/AllPosts";
import AddPost from "./Components/AddPost";
const posts = [{ "id": "1", "title": "My first post", "author": "Someone" }, { "id": "2",
"title": "Another post", "author": "Someone else" }, { "id": "3", "title": "A better one",
"author": "Stranger" }];
class App extends Component {
state = { posts };
handleOnAdd = (post) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [...posts, post]
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a React Native Application
handleOnDelete = ({id}) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [...posts.filter(post => !== id)]
handleOnEdit = (editedPost) => {
const { posts } = this.state;
posts: [ => === ? editedPost : post)]
render() {
const { posts } = this.state;
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<AddPost onAdd={this.handleOnAdd} />
<AllPosts posts={posts} onDelete={this.handleOnDelete} onEdit={this.handleOnEdit} /
export default App;
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
alignItems: 'stretch',
justifyContent: 'center',
Edit your ./blogpost/Components/AllPosts.js file as follows:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { ScrollView, View, Button, Text, TextInput, Alert, StyleSheet } from 'react-
export default class AllPosts extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
editing: {}
static defaultProps = {
posts: [],
onDelete: () => null,
onEdit: () => null,
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a React Native Application
handleDelete = async (post) => {
const confirm = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Alert.alert('Confirm delete', 'Are you sure?', [
{ text: 'OK', onPress: () => resolve(true) },
{ text: 'Cancel', onPress: () => resolve(false) },
], { cancelable: false });
if (confirm) {
handleEdit = (post) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
this.setState({ editing: { ...editing, []: { } } });
handleEditCancel = (id) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const { [id]: curr, ...others } = editing;
this.setState({ editing: { ...others } });
handleFieldEdit = (id, field, value) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const editData = { ...editing[id] };
editData[field] = value;
editing: { ...editing, ...{ [id]: editData } }
handleEditSave = (id) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const { [id]: editedPost, ...others } = editing;
this.props.onEdit({ ...editedPost });
editing: { ...others }
renderOrEditPost = (post) => {
const { editing } = this.state;
const editData = editing[];
const isEditing = !!editData;
return (
!isEditing ?
<View key={} style={styles.item}>
<View style={styles.itemColumn}>
<View style={styles.itemColumn}>
<Button title="Edit" onPress={this.handleEdit.bind(this, post)} />
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a React Native Application
<Button title="Delete" onPress={this.handleDelete.bind(this,
post)} />
) : (
<View key={} style={styles.item}>
<View style={styles.itemColumn}>
<TextInput style={{ borderWidth: 1 }} value={editData.title}
onChangeText={this.handleFieldEdit.bind(this,, 'title')} />
<TextInput style={{ borderWidth: 1 }} value={}
onChangeText={this.handleFieldEdit.bind(this,, 'author')} />
<View style={styles.itemColumn}>
<Button title="Save" onPress={this.handleEditSave.bind(this,} />
<Button title="Cancel" onPress={this.handleEditCancel.bind(this,} />
render() {
const { posts, error } = this.props;
if (error) {
console.log(error.networkError.response &&
return <Text>{error.message}</Text>
return (
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.scroller}>
<View style={styles.container}>
{[].concat(posts).sort((a, b) => -}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'space-around',
alignItems: 'stretch',
padding: 30,
margin: 2,
item: {
flexDirection: 'row',
borderWidth: 1,
paddingTop: 10
itemColumn: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'stretch',
justifyContent: 'center',
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a React Native Application
scroller: {
padding: 10
Edit your ./blogpost/Components/AddPost.js file as follows:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { ScrollView, View, Button, Text, TextInput, Alert, StyleSheet } from 'react-
export default class AddPost extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getInitialState();
static defaultProps = {
onAdd: () => null
getInitialState = () => ({
id: '',
title: '',
author: '',
handleChange = (field, value) => {
[field]: value
handleAdd = () => {
const { id, title, author } = this.state;
this.setState(this.getInitialState(), () => {
this.props.onAdd({ id, title, author });
handleCancel = () => {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text>Add new Post</Text>
<TextInput style={{ borderWidth:1 }} value={}
onChangeText={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'id')} placeholder="id"/>
<TextInput style={{ borderWidth:1 }} value={this.state.title}
onChangeText={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'title')} placeholder="title"/>
<TextInput style={{ borderWidth:1 }} value={}
onChangeText={this.handleChange.bind(this, 'author')} placeholder="author"/>
<Button title="Add" onPress={this.handleAdd}/>
<Button title="Cancel" onPress={this.handleCancel}/>
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
marginTop: 40,
marginBottom: 20,
borderWidth: 1,
padding: 10
Run your app as follows, and test it to make sure it works:
yarn start
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
In this section, you'll add AWS AppSync to your existing React Native app.
Note: For Android, you will need to eject and add a permission to access network state. First, run the
yarn eject
After ejecting, edit android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml with the following:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Add the following dependencies to your application:
cd ../blogpost
yarn add react-apollo graphql-tag aws-sdk
Next, add in the AWS AppSync SDK, including the React extensions:
cd ../blogpost
yarn add aws-appsync
yarn add aws-appsync-react
Add the following configuration file for your settings:
touch ./aws-exports.js
Edit the configuration file as follows, using the AWS AppSync endpoint that you got from the service
setup earlier. You can always find this in the AppSync console again by clicking on your GraphQL API
name in the left hand navigation.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
const config = {
HOST: '', // Your hostname
REGION: 'us-west-2', //Your region
PATH: '/graphql',
config.ENDPOINT = `https://${config.HOST}${config.PATH}`;
export default config;
To interact with AWS AppSync, your client needs to define GraphQL queries and mutations. This is
commonly done in separate files as follows:
mkdir ./Queries
touch ./Queries/AllPostsQuery.js
touch ./Queries/DeletePostMutation.js
touch ./Queries/NewPostMutation.js
touch ./Queries/UpdatePostMutation.js
Edit and save AllPostsQuery.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
query AllPosts {
posts {
Edit and save DeletePostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation DeletePostMutation($id: ID!) {
deletePost(id: $id) {
Edit and save NewPostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation AddPostMutation($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String) {
id: $id
author: $author
title: $title
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
) {
Edit and save UpdatePostMutation.js:
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
mutation UpdatePostMutation($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String, $expectedVersion:
Int!) {
id: $id
author: $author
title: $title
content: "hardcoded"
ups: 0
downs: 0
expectedVersion: $expectedVersion
) {
Edit your App.js file as follows:
import AWSAppSyncClient from "aws-appsync";
import { Rehydrated } from 'aws-appsync-react';
import { AUTH_TYPE } from "aws-appsync/lib/link/auth-link";
import { graphql, ApolloProvider, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import AllPostsQuery from './Queries/AllPostsQuery';
import NewPostMutation from './Queries/NewPostMutation';
import DeletePostMutation from './Queries/DeletePostMutation';
import UpdatePostMutation from './Queries/UpdatePostMutation';
After each of the import statements, add the following code:
region: awsconfig.REGION,
credentials: new AWS.Credentials({
accessKeyId: awsconfig.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: awsconfig.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT,
region: AWS.config.region,
auth: {type: AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM, credentials: AWS.config.credentials}
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Import the AWS AppSync SDK Into Your App
Note the AUTH_TYPE value can be switched to use API keys, IAM (including short-term credentials from
Amazon Cognito Federated Identities) or Amazon Cognito User Pools. It is recommended to use either
IAM or Amazon Cognito User Pools after onboarding with an API key. You can use the AWS Amplify
library ( to quickly add these capabilities to your application.
Replace the App component entirely, so it looks like this:
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<AddPostWithData />
<AllPostsWithData />
Delete the posts variable in your code, because the app state will be coming from AWS AppSync.
At the bottom of your App.js file, define the following higher-order component (HOC):
const AllPostsWithData = compose(
graphql(AllPostsQuery, {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
props: (props) => ({
graphql(DeletePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onDelete: (post) => props.mutate({
variables: { id: },
optimisticResponse: () => ({ deletePost: {, __typename: 'Post' } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (proxy, { data: { deletePost: { id } } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = proxy.readQuery({ query });
data.posts = data.posts.filter(post => !== id);
proxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
graphql(UpdatePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onEdit: (post) => {
variables: {, expectedVersion: post.version },
optimisticResponse: () => ({ updatePost: {, __typename: 'Post',
version: post.version + 1 } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Test Your Application
update: (dataProxy, { data: { updatePost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
data.posts = => !== ? post :
{ ...updatePost });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
const AddPostWithData = graphql(NewPostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onAdd: post => props.mutate({
variables: post,
optimisticResponse: () => ({ addPost: {, __typename: 'Post', version:
1 } }),
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (dataProxy, { data: { addPost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
Finally, replace export default App with the ApolloProvider:
const WithProvider = () => (
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />
export default WithProvider;
Test Your Application
yarn start
Offline Settings
There are important considerations that you'll need to account for if you want an optimistic UI for an
application where data can be manipulated when the device is in an offline state. Many of these settings
are documented in the official Apollo documentation, however, we call out several of them here that you
should set:
fetchPolicy: This option allows you to specify how a query interacts with the network vs. local in-
memory caching. AWS AppSync persists this cache to a platform specific storage medium. Therefore,
you should configure the option to use cache-and-network:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Make your application realtime
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
optimisticResponse: This allows you to pass a function or an object to a mutation for updating your UI
before the server responds with the result. This is needed in offline scenarios (and for slower networks)
to ensure that the UI is updated when the device has no connectivity. For example, if you were adding
a new object to a list, you might use the following:
onAdd: post => props.mutate({
variables: post,
optimisticResponse: () => ({ addPost: { __typename: 'Post', ups: 1, downs: 1, content:
'', url: '', version: 1, } }),
Normally, you use optimisticResponse in conjunction with the update option for React Apollo's
component, which can trigger during an offline mutation. If you want the UI to update offline for a
specific query, you will need to specify that query as part of the readQuery and writeQuery options
on the cache, as seen below:
options: {
refetchQueries: [{ query: AllPostsQuery }],
update: (dataProxy, { data: { addPost } }) => {
const query = AllPostsQuery;
const data = dataProxy.readQuery({ query });
dataProxy.writeQuery({ query, data });
When this happens, the AWS AppSync persistent store will automatically be updated in response to the
Apollo cache update. Upon network reconnection, it will synchronize with your GraphQL endpoint. You
could also modify more than one query when offline, in which case you could run the above process
multiple times in the same update block.
Make your application realtime
Edit your schema as follows with the subscription type:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Make your application realtime
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
Note the @aws_subscribe specifies which mutations trigger a subscription. You can add more
mutations in this array to meet your application needs.
The subscription type newPost needs to be passed into an option called updateQuery of the React
Apollo client in order to update your UI dynamically when a subcription is recieved. Ensure that this field
name matches the subscription type in the example code below.
In your App.js file, edit the AllPostsWithData HOC to include subscribeToNewPost in the props
field as follows:
const AllPostsWithData = compose(
graphql(AllPostsQuery, {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network'
props: (props) => ({
subscribeToNewPosts: params => {{
document: NewPostsSubscription,
updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData: { data : { newPost } } }) => ({
posts: [newPost, ...prev.posts.filter(post => !==]
...//more code
touch ./Queries/NewPostsSubscription.js
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export default gql`
subscription NewPostSub {
newPost {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Conflict Resolution
Add the following import statement at the top of your App.js file:
import NewPostsSubscription from './Queries/NewPostsSubscription';
Add the following lifecycle method to your AllPosts component in AllPosts.jsx:
Now try running your app again by typing yarn start. Add a new post via the console, with a mutation
on addPost. You should see real-time data appear in your client application.
Conflict Resolution
When clients make a mutation, either online or offline, they can send a version number along with
the payload (called expectedVersion) for AWS AppSync to check before writing to DynamoDB. A
DynamoDB resolver mapping template can be configured to perform conflict resolution in the cloud,
which you can read about in Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB (p. 137). If the
service determines it needs to reject the mutation, data is sent to the client and you can optionally run
an additional callback to perform client-side conflict resolution.
For example, suppose you had a mutation with DynamoDB set for checking the version, and the client
sent expectedVersion:0, as in this example:
graphql(UpdatePostMutation, {
props: (props) => ({
onEdit: (post) => {
variables: {, expectedVersion: 0 },
optimisticResponse: () => ({ updatePost: {, __typename: 'Post',
version: post.version + 1 } }),
}),...more code
This would fail the version check as 0 would be lower than any of the current values. You can then define
a custom callback conflict resolver. A custom conflict resolver will receive the following variables:
mutation: GraphQL statement of a mutation
mutationName: Optional if a name of a mutation is set on a GraphQL statement
variables: Input parameters of the mutation
data: Response from AWS AppSync of actual data in DynamoDB
retries: Number of times a mutation has been retried
For example, you could have the following custom callback conflict resolver:
const conflictResolver = ({ mutation, mutationName, variables, data, retries }) => {
switch (mutationName) {
case 'UpdatePostMutation':
return {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Building a JavaScript Client App
expectedVersion: data.version,
return false;
In the example above, you can do a logical check on the mutationName and then re-run the mutation
again with the correct version that AWS AppSync returned.
Note: We recommend only doing this in rare cases. Usually, you should let the AppSync service define
conflict resolution, or race conditions can occur. If you don't want to retry, simply return DISCARD.
Now, to use this callback, pass it into the AWS AppSync client instantiation:
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT,
region: awsconfig.REGION,
auth: authInfo,
Building a JavaScript Client App
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync integrates with the Apollo GraphQL client for building client applications. AWS provides
Apollo plugins for offline support, authorization, and subscription handshaking. This tutorial shows you
how you can use the AWS AppSync SDK with the Apollo client directly in a Node.JS application. A similar
process can be followed with popular JavaScript frameworks.
Before You Begin
This tutorial expects a GraphQL schema with the following structure:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
The schema above is from the DynamoDB resolvers tutorial (p. 69) with a Subscription added. To
follow along with the complete flow, you can optionally walk through that tutorial first.
Get the GraphQL API Endpoint
After you create your GraphQL API, you'll need to get the API endpoint (URL) so you can use it in your
client application.
There are two ways to get the API endpoint:
In the AWS AppSync console, choose Home and then choose GraphQL URL to see the API endpoint.
Alternatively, you can get it by running the following CLI command:
aws appsync get-graphql-api --api-id $GRAPHQL_API_ID
Finally, the instructions below show how you can use AWS_IAM for client authorization. In the console,
select Settings on the left, and then click AWS_IAM.
Create a Client Application
Create a new project and initialize it with NPM, accepting the defaults:
mkdir appsync && cd appsync
touch index.js aws-exports.js
npm init
AWS AppSync supports several authorization types, which you can learn more about in
Security (p. 129). We recommend using short-term credentials from Amazon Cognito Federated
Identities or Amazon Cognito User Pools. For example purposes below, we show how you can use IAM
keys. Your aws-exports file should look like the following:
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var config = {
HOST: '',
PATH: '/graphql',
config.ENDPOINT = "https://" + config.HOST + config.PATH;
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Client Application
exports.default = config;
Edit your package.json dependencies file and make sure it includes the following:
"dependencies": {
"apollo-cache-inmemory": "^1.1.0",
"apollo-client": "^2.0.3",
"apollo-link": "^1.0.3",
"apollo-link-http": "^1.2.0",
"aws-sdk": "^2.141.0",
"aws-appsync": "^1.0.0",
"es6-promise": "^4.1.1",
"graphql": "^0.11.7",
"graphql-tag": "^2.5.0",
"isomorphic-fetch": "^2.2.1",
"ws": "^3.3.1"
From a command line, run the following:
npm install
Now add the following to your index.js file:
"use strict";
* This shows how to use standard Apollo client on Node.js
global.WebSocket = require('ws');
global.window = global.window || {
setTimeout: setTimeout,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
WebSocket: global.WebSocket,
ArrayBuffer: global.ArrayBuffer,
addEventListener: function () { },
navigator: { onLine: true }
global.localStorage = {
store: {},
getItem: function (key) {
setItem: function (key, value) {[key] = value
removeItem: function (key) {
// Require exports file with endpoint and auth info
const aws_exports = require('./aws-exports').default;
// Require AppSync module
const AUTH_TYPE = require('aws-appsync/lib/link/auth-link').AUTH_TYPE;
const AWSAppSyncClient = require('aws-appsync').default;
const url = aws_exports.ENDPOINT;
const region = aws_exports.REGION;
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Client Application
const type = AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM;
//If you wanted to use api key based auth
const apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxx';
//If you wanted to use a jwtToken from cognito identity:
const jwtToken = 'xxxxxxxx';
//If you want to use AWS...
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
region: aws_exports.REGION,
credentials: new AWS.Credentials({
accessKeyId: aws_exports.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: aws_exports.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
const credentials = AWS.config.credentials;
//Import gql helper and craft a GraphQL query
const gql = require('graphql-tag');
const query = gql(`
query AllPosts {
allPost {
//Setup a subscription query
const subquery = gql(`
subscription NewPostSub {
newPost {
//Setup Apollo Client
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: url,
region: region,
auth: {
type: type,
credentials: credentials,
client.hydrated().then(function (client) {
//Now run a query
client.query({ query: query })
.then(function logData(data) {
console.log('results of query: ', data);
//Now subscribe to results
const observable = client.subscribe({ query: subquery });
const realtimeResults = function realtimeResults(data) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Building an iOS Client App
console.log('realtime data: ', data);
next: realtimeResults,
complete: console.log,
error: console.log,
Note that in the above example, if you wanted to use an API key or Amazon Cognito User Pools, you
could update the AUTH_TYPE:
const type = AUTH_TYPE.API_KEY
You would need to provide the key or JWT token as appropriate.
Building an iOS Client App
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync integrates with the Apollo GraphQL client when building client applications. AWS provides
plugins for offline support, authorization, and subscription handshaking to make this process easier. You
can choose to use the Apollo client directly or with some client helpers provided in the AWS AppSync
SDK when getting started.
Create an API
Before getting started you will need an API. See Designing a GraphQL API (p. 10) for details and use the
following schema to follow the examples below:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Download a Client Application
type Query {
posts: [Post]
post(id: ID!): Post
searchPosts: [Post]
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
You will need the endpoint for your client, which you can get from the AWS AppSync console under
Home and then look for GraphQL URL. Or you can run the following CLI command:
aws appsync get-graphql-api --api-id $GRAPHQL_API_ID
Download a Client Application
To show usage of AWS AppSync, we first review an iOS application with just a local array of data, and
then we add AWS AppSync capabilities to it. Go to the following URL to download a sample application
where we can add, update, and delete posts.
Understanding the iOS Sample App
The iOS sample app has 3 major files:
1. PostListViewController The PostListViewController is responsible for showing the list of posts
available in the app. It uses a simple TableView to list all the posts. You can either Add, Update, or
Delete posts from this ViewController.
2. AddPostViewController The AddPostViewController is responsible for adding a new post into
the list of existing posts. It gives a call to the delegate in PostListViewController to update the list of
3. UpdatePostViewController The UpdatePostViewController is responsible for updating an existing
post from the list of posts. It gives a call to the delegate in PostListViewController to update the
values of existing posts.
Running the iOS Sample App
1. Open the PostsApp.xcodeproj from the download bundle, which you downloaded in the previous step.
2. Build the project (COMMAND+B) and ensure that it completes without error.
3. Run the project (COMMAND+R) and try the Add, Update, and Delete (swipe left) operations on the post
Set up the code generation for GraphQLOperations
To interact with AWS AppSync, your client needs to define GraphQL queries and mutations. This is
commonly done in separate files as follows:
mkdir ./GraphQLOperations
touch ./GraphQLOperations/queries.graphql
touch ./GraphQLOperations/mutations.graphql
touch ./GraphQLOperations/subscriptions.graphql
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Set up the code generation for GraphQLOperations
Edit and save queries.graphql:
query post($id:ID!) {
getPost(id:$id) {
query AllPosts {
allPosts {
Edit and save mutations.graphql:
mutation AddPost($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String, $url: String,
$content: String){
addPost(id:$id, title:$title, author:$author, url:$url, content:$content){
mutation UpdatePost($id: ID!, $author: String!, $title: String, $content: String, $url:
String, $expectedVersion: Int!) {
updatePost(id: $id, author: $author, title: $title, content: $content, url: $url,
expectedVersion: $expectedVersion) {
mutation DeletePost($id: ID!) {
Edit and save subscriptions.graphql:
subscription newPost($author: String) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setup dependency on AWS AppSync SDK
newPost(author: $author) {
subscription updatePost {
updatePost {
subscription deletedPost {
deletePost {
Run the following commands to install aws-appsync-codegen and use the code generator to generate
an API for accessing the AWS AppSync backend:
npm install -g aws-appsync-codegen
aws-appsync-codegen generate GraphQLOperations/*.graphql --schema GraphQLOperations/
schema.json --output API.swift
Add the generated API.swift file into your XCode project. Note: You can make this part of your XCode
build process (p. 63).
Setup dependency on AWS AppSync SDK
1. Open a terminal and navigate to the location of the project that you downloaded, and then run: the
pod init
This should create a Podfile in the root directory of project. We will use this Podfile to declare
dependency on the AWS AppSync SDK and other required components.
Open the Podfile and add the following lines in the application target
target 'PostsApp' do
pod 'AWSAppSync' ~> '2.6.7'
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend
From the terminal run the following command:
pod install --repo-update
This should create a file called PostsApp.xcworkspace. DO NOT open the *.xcodeproj going
forward. You can close the PostsApp.xcodeproj if it is open.
Open the PostsApp.xcworkspace with XCode. Build the project (COMMAND+B) and ensure that it
completes without error.
In the app, edit the Constants.swift file, and update the GraphQL Endpoint and your authentication
let CognitoIdentityPoolId = "COGNITO_POOL_ID"
let CognitoIdentityRegion: AWSRegionType = .REGION
let AppSyncRegion: AWSRegionType = .REGION
let AppSyncEndpointURL: URL = URL(string: "https://APPSYNCURL/graphql")!
let database_name = "appsync-local-db"
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend
Add the AppSyncClient as a instance member of the AppDelegate class so that we can access the
same client easily across the app and update the didFinishLaunching method in AppDelegate.swift
with following code:
import AWSAppSync
class AppDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
var appSyncClient: AWSAppSyncClient?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// setup Cognito credentials
let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType:
// You can choose your database location accessible by SDK
let databaseURL =
do {
// initialize the appsync configuration
let appSyncConfig = try AWSAppSyncClientConfiguration(url: AppSyncEndpointURL,
// initialize AppSync client
appSyncClient = try AWSAppSyncClient(appSyncConfig: appSyncConfig)
// set id as the cache key for objects
appSyncClient?.apolloClient?.cacheKeyForObject = { $0["id"] }
} catch {
print("Error initializing appsync client. \(error)")
return true
// ... other intercept methods
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend
Update the AddPostViewController.swift file with the following code:
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AWSAppSync
class AddPostViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var authorInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var titleInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var contentInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var urlInput: UITextField!
var appSyncClient: AWSAppSyncClient?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appSyncClient = appDelegate.appSyncClient!
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func addNewPost(_ sender: Any) {
// Create a GraphQL mutation
let uniqueId = UUID().uuidString
let mutation = AddPostMutation(id: uniqueId,
author: authorInput.text!,
title: titleInput.text,
url: urlInput.text,
content: contentInput.text)
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: mutation, optimisticUpdate: { (transaction) in
do {
// Update our normalized local store immediately for a responsive UI.
try transaction?.update(query: PostsQuery()) { (data: inout
PostsQuery.Data) in
data.allPosts?.append(PostsQuery.Data.AllPost.init(id: uniqueId, title:
mutation.title, author:, content: mutation.content, version: 0))
} catch {
print("Error updating the cache with optimistic response.")
}) { (result, error) in
if let error = error as? AWSAppSyncClientError {
print("Error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription )")
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
@IBAction func onCancel(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Update the UpdatePostViewController.swift file with the following code:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AWSAppSync
class UpdatePostViewController: UIViewController {
var updatePostMutation: UpdatePostMutation?
@IBOutlet weak var authorInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var titleInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var contentInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var urlInput: UITextField!
var appSyncClient: AWSAppSyncClient?
override func viewDidLoad() {
authorInput.text = updatePostMutation?.author
titleInput.text = updatePostMutation?.title
contentInput.text = updatePostMutation?.content
urlInput.text = updatePostMutation?.url
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appSyncClient = appDelegate.appSyncClient!
@IBAction func updatePost(_ sender: Any) {
updatePostMutation?.author = authorInput.text!
updatePostMutation?.title = titleInput.text
updatePostMutation?.content = contentInput.text
updatePostMutation?.url = urlInput.text
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: updatePostMutation!) { (result, error) in
if let error = error as? AWSAppSyncClientError {
print("Error occurred while making request:
\(error.localizedDescription )")
if let resultError = result?.errors {
print("Error saving the item on server: \(resultError)")
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
@IBAction func onCancel(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Update the PostListViewController.swift file with the following code:
import UIKit
import AWSAppSync
class PostCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet weak var authorLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var contentLabel: UILabel!
func updateValues(author: String, title:String?, content: String?) {
authorLabel.text = author
titleLabel.text = title
contentLabel.text = content
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Convert the app to use AWS AppSync for Backend
class PostListViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource
var appSyncClient: AWSAppSyncClient?
@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
var postList: [PostsQuery.Data.AllPost?]? = [] {
didSet {
func loadAllPosts() {
appSyncClient?.fetch(query: PostsQuery(), cachePolicy: .returnCacheDataAndFetch)
{ (result, error) in
if error != nil {
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
self.postList = result?.data?.allPosts
func loadAllPostsFromCache() {
appSyncClient?.fetch(query: PostsQuery(), cachePolicy: .returnCacheDataDontFetch)
{ (result, error) in
if error != nil {
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
self.postList = result?.data?.allPosts
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appSyncClient = appDelegate.appSyncClient
self.tableView.dataSource = self
self.tableView.delegate = self
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Add", style: .plain,
target: self, action: #selector(addTapped))
@objc func addTapped() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let controller = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:
"NewPostViewController") as! AddPostViewController
self.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Make your app Real Time
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return postList?.count ?? 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) ->
UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "PostCell", for:
indexPath) as! PostCell
let post = postList![indexPath.row]!
cell.updateValues(author:, title: post.title, content: post.content)
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canEditRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
return true
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle:
UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyle.delete) {
let id = postList![indexPath.row]?.id
let deletePostMutation = DeletePostMutation(id: id!)
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: deletePostMutation) { result, err in
self.postList?.remove(at: indexPath.row)
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let post = postList![indexPath.row]!
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let controller = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:
"UpdatePostViewController") as! UpdatePostViewController
controller.updatePostMutation = UpdatePostMutation(id:, author:, title: post.title, content: post.content, url: post.url, expectedVersion:
self.present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
Make your app Real Time
AWS AppSync and GraphQL use the concept of subscriptions to deliver real-time updates of data to the
application. We have defined subscriptions on the events of NewPost, UpdatePost and DeletePost
which means we would get a real time notification if app data is changed from another device and we
can update our application UI based on the updates.
Add a real time subscription to receive events on a new post which is added by anyone. In the
PostListViewController.swift file, add the following function:
func startNewPostSubscription() {
let subscription = NewPostsSubscription()
do {
_ = try appSyncClient?.subscribe(subscription: subscription, resultHandler: { (result,
transaction, error) in
if let result = result {
// store a reference to the new object
let newPost =!.newPost!
// Create a new object for the desired query where the new object content should
let postToAdd = PostsQuery.Data.Post(id:,
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Integrating into the build process
title: newPost.title,
content: newPost.content,
version: newPost.version)
do {
// update the local store with the newly received data
try transaction?.update(query: PostsQuery()) { (data: inout PostsQuery.Data)
} catch {
print("Error updating store")
} else if let error = error {
} catch {
print("Error starting subscription.")
Next, call the method which we created from the viewDidLoad method of
PostListViewController. This should update the list of posts every time a new post is added from
any client.
Integrating into the build process
Copy the schema.json from the download bundle into the application root folder.
The .graphql files we created above will be used by the AWS AppSync Codegen to generate a
strongly typed API code to perform Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions. To set up the code generation,
we need to add a build step in our XCode project.
In order to invoke AWS AppSync Codegen as part of the Xcode build process, create a build step that
runs before “Compile Sources”.
On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script
Phase”. Create a Run Script, change its name to “Generate AWS Apollo GraphQL API” and drag it just
above “Compile Sources”.
Then add the following contents to the script area below the shell:
AWS_APOLLO_FRAMEWORK_PATH="$(eval find $FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS -name "Apollo.framework" -
maxdepth 1)"
if [ -z "$AWS_APOLLO_FRAMEWORK_PATH" ]; then
echo "error: Couldn't find AWSApollo.framework in FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS; make sure to
add the framework to your project."
exit 1
$AWS_APOLLO_FRAMEWORK_PATH/ generate $(find . -name
'*.graphql') --schema schema.json --output API.swift
The script above will invoke aws-appsync-codegen through the
wrapper script, which is actually contained in the AWSApollo.framework bundle. The main reason for this
is to check whether the version of aws-appsync-codegen installed on your system is compatible with the
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Complex Objects
framework version installed in your project, and to warn you if it isn't. Without this check, you could end
up generating code that is incompatible with the runtime code contained in the framework.
Now build the project using COMMAND+B and make sure the API.swift file in project contains generated
API code. We will be using API code to make GraphQL requests to AWS AppSync.
Complex Objects
Many times you may wish to create logical objects which have more complex data, such as images or
videos, as part of their structure. For instance you might create a "Person" type with a profile picture or a
"Post" type that has an associated image. With AWS AppSync you can model these as GraphQL types. If
any of your mutations have a variable with bucket, key, region, mimeType and localUri fields, the
SDK will upload the file to S3 for you.
Edit your schema as follows to add the S3Object and S3ObjectInput types:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String file:
S3ObjectInput): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
file: S3Object
version: Int!
type S3Object {
bucket: String!
key: String!
region: String!
input S3ObjectInput {
bucket: String!
key: String!
region: String!
localUri: String
mimeType: String
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
type Subscription {
newPost: Post
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Conflict Resolution
The AppSync SDK does not take a direct dependency to AWS iOS SDK for S3, but takes
in AWSS3TransferUtility and AWSS3PresignedURLClient clients as part of
AWSAppSyncClientConfiguration. The code generator used above for generating API will generate
the S3 wrappers required to use the above clients in the client code. To generate the wrappers pass
the —-add-s3-wrapper flag while running the code generator tool. You will also need to take a
dependency on AWSS3 SDK. You can do that by updating your Podfile to:
target 'PostsApp' do
pod 'AWSAppSync' ~> '2.6.7'
pod 'AWSS3' ~> '2.6.7'
Then run pod install to fetch the new dependency.
Update the AWSAppSyncClientConfiguration object to provide the AWSS3TransferUtility client
for managing the uploads and downloads.
let appSyncConfig = try AWSAppSyncClientConfiguration(url: AppSyncEndpointURL,
serviceRegion: AppSyncRegion,
The mutation operation does not require any specific changes in method signature, but, only requires an
S3ObjectInput with bucket, key, region, localUri and mimeType. Now, when you do a mutation it
automatically uploads the specified file to S3 using the AWSS3TransferUtility client internally.
Conflict Resolution
When clients make a mutation, either online or offline, they can send a version number along with
the payload (called expectedVersion) for AWS AppSync to check before writing to DynamoDB. A
DynamoDB resolver mapping template can be configured to perform conflict resolution in the cloud
which you can read about in Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB (p. 137). If the
service determines it needs to reject the mutation, data is sent to the client and you can optionally run
an additional callback to perform client-side conflict resolution.
For example, suppose you had a mutation with DynamoDB set for checking the version and the client
sent expectedVersion:0, as in this example:
@IBAction func updatePost(_ sender: Any) {
let updatePostMutation = UpdatePostMutation(id: "1",
author: "Mr. Abc",
content: "UpdatedContent",
expectedVersion: 0)
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: updatePostMutation) { (result, error) in
if let error = error as? AWSAppSyncClientError {
print("Error occurred while making request: \(error.localizedDescription )")
if let resultError = result?.errors {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Conflict Resolution
print("Error saving the item on server: \(resultError)")
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
This would fail the version check as 0 would be lower than any of the current values. You can then define
a custom callback conflict resolver. A custom conflict resolver can be passed in-line to resolve conflicts:
appSyncClient?.perform(mutation: updatePostMutation, conflictResolutionBlock:
{ (serverState, taskCompletionSource, result) in
// conflict resolution block gets a callback here
let snapshot = UpdatePostMutation.Data.UpdatePost(snapshot: serverState!)
print("Server version is: \(snapshot.version)")
let updateMutation = UpdatePostMutation(id: "1", author: "Mr. Abc", content:
"UpdatedContent", expectedVersion: snapshot.version)
// this would retry the specified `updateMutation` before processing any other
queued mutations.
taskCompletionSource?.set(result: updateMutation)
}, resultHandler: { (result, error) in
if let error = error as? AWSAppSyncClientError {
print("Error occurred while making request: \(error.localizedDescription )")
if let resultError = result?.errors {
print("Error saving the item on server: \(resultError)")
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Getting CloudWatch Metrics (CLI)
Integrating with CloudWatch
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
When you interact with AWS AppSync, it sends the following metrics and dimensions to Amazon
CloudWatch every minute. You can use the following procedures to view the metrics for AWS AppSync.
You can monitor AWS AppSync using CloudWatch, which collects and processes raw data from AWS
AppSync into readable, near real-time metrics. These statistics are recorded for a period of two weeks,
so that you can access historical information and gain a better perspective on how your web application
or service is performing. By default, AWS AppSync metric data is sent to CloudWatch in one-minute
intervals. For more information, see What Is Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
You must have the appropriate CloudWatch permissions to monitor AWS AppSync with CloudWatch.
For more information, see Authentication and Access Control for Amazon CloudWatch in the Amazon
CloudWatch User Guide.
Getting CloudWatch Metrics (CLI)
The following code displays available metrics for AWS AppSync.
aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace "AWS/AppSync"
AWS AppSync Metrics
AWS AppSync produces the following metrics for each request. These metrics are aggregated and sent to
Metric Description
4xxError The number of requests that result in client-side
Unit: Count
Throttles The number of requests that are throttled.
Unit: Count
Count The number of calls to the API.
Unit: Count
Latency The time between when AWS AppSync receives
a request form a client and when it returns a
response to the client.
Unit: Millisecond
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
AWS AppSync Dimensions
AWS AppSync Dimensions
AWS AppSync produces the following dimensions for each request.
Dimension Description
GraphQLAPIId Filters AWS AppSync metrics for an API with the
specific ID.
Operation Filters AWS AppSync metrics for an API with
the specific operation. (Query, Mutation, or
GraphQLAPIId, Operation Filters AWS AppSync metrics for an API with the
specific Id and operation.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Tutorial: DynamoDB Resolvers
Data Sources and Resolvers
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync supports the automatic provisioning of DynamoDB tables from a GraphQL schema as
described in (Optional) Provision from Schema (p. 18) and aws-appsync-quickstart-launching-a-sample-
schema. You can use a GraphQL API with your existing AWS resources or build data sources and resolvers.
This section takes you through this process in a series of tutorials.
Tutorial: DynamoDB Resolvers (p. 69)
Tutorial: Lambda resolvers (p. 104)
Tutorial: Amazon Elasticsearch Service Resolvers (p. 116)
Tutorial: Combining GraphQL resolvers (p. 121)
Tutorial: DynamoDB Resolvers
This tutorial shows how you can bring your own Amazon DynamoDB tables to AWS AppSync and connect
them to a GraphQL API.
You can let AWS AppSync provision Amazon DynamoDB resources on your behalf. Or, if you prefer, you
can connect your existing tables to a GraphQL schema by creating a data source and a resolver. In either
case, you'll be able to read and write to your DynamoDB database through GraphQL statements
and subscribe to real-time data.
There are specific configuration steps that need to be completed in order for GraphQL statements to be
translated to DynamoDB operations, and for responses to be translated back into GraphQL. This tutorial
outlines the configuration process through several real-world scenarios and data access patterns.
Setting up your DynamoDB tables
To begin this tutorial, first provision AWS resources using the following AWS CloudFormation template:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name AWSAppSyncTutorialForAmazonDynamoDB \
AmazonDynamoDBCFTemplate.yaml \
You can launch this CloudFormation stack in the US West 2 (Oregon) region in your AWS account by
clicking this button:
This will create:
A DynamoDB table called AppSyncTutorial-Post that will hold Post data.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Creating Your GraphQL API
An IAM role and associated IAM managed policy to allow AWS AppSync to interact with the Post
To see more details about the stack and the created resources, run the following CLI command:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name AWSAppSyncTutorialForAmazonDynamoDB
To delete the resources later, you can run:
aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name AWSAppSyncTutorialForAmazonDynamoDB
Creating Your GraphQL API
To create the GraphQL API in AWS AppSync:
Open the AWS AppSync console and choose the Create API button.
Set the name of the API to AWSAppSyncTutorial.
Select Custom schema.
Choose Create.
The AWS AppSync console creates a new GraphQL API for you using the API key authentication mode.
You can use the console to set up the rest of the GraphQL API and run queries against it for the rest of
this tutorial.
Defining a Basic "Post" API
Now that you set up an AWS AppSync GraphQL API, you can set up a basic schema that allows the basic
creation, retrieval, and deletion of post data.
In the AWS AppSync console, choose the Schema tab, replace the contents of the Schema pane with the
following code, and then choose the Save.
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getPost(id: ID): Post
type Mutation {
author: String!
title: String!
content: String!
url: String!
): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String
title: String
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Configuring the Datasource for the DynamoDB Tables
content: String
url: String
ups: Int!
downs: Int!
version: Int!
This schema defines a Post type and operations to add, get, and delete Post objects.
Configuring the Datasource for the DynamoDB Tables
Next, link the queries and mutations defined in the schema to the AppSyncTutorial-Post DynamoDB
First, AWS AppSync needs to be aware of your tables. You do this by setting up a data source in AWS
Go to the Data source tab.
Choose New to create a new data source.
Enter PostDynamoDBTable as the name of the data source.
Choose Amazon DynamoDB table as the data source type.
Choose US-WEST-2 for the region.
Choose the AppSyncTutorial-Post DynamoDB table from the list of tables.
Choose Existing role in the Create or use an existing role section.
Select the arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AppSyncTutorialAmazonDynamoDBRole role
from the list of available roles.
Choose Create.
Setting up the "addPost" resolver (DynamoDB
After AWS AppSync is aware of the DynamoDB table, you can link it to individual queries and mutations
by defining Resolvers. The first resolver you create is the addPost resolver, which enables you to create
a post in the AppSyncTutorial-Post DynamoDB table.
A resolver has the following components:
The location in the GraphQL schema to attach the resolver. In this case, you are setting up a resolver
on the addPost field on the Mutation type. This resolver will be invoked when the caller calls
mutation { addPost(...){...} }.
The data source to use for this resolver. In this case, you want to use the PostDynamoDBTable data
source you defined earlier, so you can add entries into the AppSyncTutorial-Post DynamoDB table.
The request mapping template. The purpose of the request mapping template is to take the incoming
request from the customer and translate it into instructions for AWS AppSync to perform against
The response mapping template. The job of the response mapping template is to take the response
from DynamoDB and translate it back into something that GraphQL expects. This is useful if the shape
of the data in DynamoDB is different to the Post type in GraphQL, but in this case they have the same
shape, so you just pass the data through.
To set up the resolver:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "addPost" resolver (DynamoDB PutItem)
Go to the Schema tab.
Find the addPost field on the Mutation type in the Data types pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the Data source name drop-down menu.
Paste the following into the Configure the request mapping template section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "$utils.autoId()" }
"attributeValues" : {
"author": { "S" : "${}" },
"title": { "S" : "${context.arguments.title}" },
"content": { "S" : "${context.arguments.content}" },
"url": { "S" : "${context.arguments.url}" },
"ups" : { "N" : 1 },
"downs" : { "N" : 0 },
"version" : { "N" : 1 }
Note: A type is specified on all the keys and attribute values. For example, you set the author field
to { "S" : "${}" }. The S part indicates to AWS AppSync and
DynamoDB that the value will be a string value. The actual value gets populated from the author
argument. Similarly, the version field is a number field because it uses N for the type. Another thing
to note is the caller does not have to specify the id of the Post object because you are automatically
generating one with $utils.autoId(). Finally, you're also initializing the ups, downs and version
See the Resolver Mapping Template Overview (p. 135) reference documentation for more
information about mapping templates, see the GetItem (p. 138) reference documentation for more
information about GetItem request mapping, and see the Type System (request mapping) (p. 151)
reference documentation for more info about types.
Paste the following into the Configure the response mapping template section:
Note: Because the shape of the data in the AppSyncTutorial-Post table exactly matches the shape
of the Post type in GraphQL, the response mapping template just passes the results straight through.
Also note that all of the examples in this tutorial use the same response mapping template, so you
only create one file.
Choose Save.
Call the API to add a Post
Now that the resolver is set up, AWS AppSync can translate an incoming addPost mutation to a
DynamoDB PutItem operation. You can now run a mutation to put something in the table.
Go to the Queries tab
Paste the following mutation into the Queries pane
mutation addPost {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "addPost" resolver (DynamoDB PutItem)
author: "AUTHORNAME"
title: "Our first post!"
content: "This is our first post."
url: ""
) {
Then choose the Execute query button (the orange play button).
The results of the newly created post should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane.
It should look something like this:
"data": {
"addPost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our first post!",
"content": "This is our first post.",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 1
Note the value for the id field, because you need it later when testing the API.
Here's what happened:
AWS AppSync received an addPost mutation request.
AWS AppSync took the request, and the request mapping template, and generated a request mapping
document. This would have looked like:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b" }
"attributeValues" : {
"author": { "S" : "AUTHORNAME" },
"title": { "S" : "Our first post!" },
"content": { "S" : "This is our first post." },
"url": { "S" : "" },
"ups" : { "N" : 1 },
"downs" : { "N" : 0 },
"version" : { "N" : 1 }
AWS AppSync used the request mapping document to generate and execute a DynamoDB PutItem
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "getPost" resolver (DynamoDB GetItem)
AWS AppSync took the results of the PutItem request and converted them back to GraphQL types.
"id" : "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our first post!",
"content": "This is our first post.",
"url": "",
"ups" : 1,
"downs" : 0,
"version" : 1
Passed it through the response mapping document, which just passed it through unchanged.
Returned the newly created object in the GraphQL response.
Setting up the "getPost" resolver (DynamoDB
Now that we're able to add data to the AppSyncTutorial-Post DynamoDB table, we need to set up
the getPost query so it can retrieve that data from the AppSyncTutorial-Post table. To do this, we
set up another resolver.
Go to the "Schema" tab.
Find the getPost field on the Query type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Call the API to get a Post
Now the resolver has been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming getPost query to
a DynamoDB GetItem operation. We can now run a query to retrieve the post we created earlier.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down in the last section.
query getPost {
getPost(id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b") {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "getPost" resolver (DynamoDB GetItem)
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post retrieved from DynamoDB should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It
should look something like this:
"data": {
"getPost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our first post!",
"content": "This is our first post.",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 1
Here's what happened:
AWS AppSync received an getPost query request.
AWS AppSync took the request, and the request mapping template, and generated a request mapping
document. This would have looked like:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b" }
AWS AppSync used the request mapping document to generate and execute a DynamoDB GetItem
AWS AppSync took the results of the GetItem request and converted it back to GraphQL types.
"id" : "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our first post!",
"content": "This is our first post.",
"url": "",
"ups" : 1,
"downs" : 0,
"version" : 1
Passed it through the response mapping document, which just passed it through unchanged.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create an updatePost mutation (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
Returned the retrieved object in the response.
Create an updatePost mutation (DynamoDB
So far we can create and retrieve Post objects in DynamoDB. Next, we'll set up a new mutation to allow
us to update object. We'll do this using the UpdateItem DynamoDB operation.
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to add a new updatePost mutation:
type Mutation {
id: ID!,
author: String!,
title: String!,
content: String!,
url: String!
): Post
author: String!
title: String!
content: String!
url: String!
): Post!
Click the Save button
Find the newly created updatePost field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "SET author = :author, title = :title, content = :content, #url
= :url ADD version :one",
"expressionNames": {
"#url" : "url"
"expressionValues": {
":author" : { "S": "${}" },
":title" : { "S": "${context.arguments.title}" },
":content" : { "S": "${context.arguments.content}" },
":url" : { "S": "${context.arguments.url}" },
":one" : { "N": 1 }
Note: This resolver is using the DynamoDB UpdateItem, which is significantly different from the
PutItem operation. Instead of writing the entire item, we're just asking DynamoDB to update certain
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create an updatePost mutation (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
attributes. This is done using DynamoDB Update Expressions. The expression itself is specified in
the expression field in the update section. It says to set the author, title, content and url
attributes, and then increment the version field. The values to use do not appear in the expression
itself; the expression has placeholders that have names starting with a colon, which are then defined
in the expressionValues field. Finally, DynamoDB has reserved words that cannot appear in the
expression. For example, url is a reserved word, so to update the url field we can use name
placeholders and define them in the expressionNames field.
See the UpdateItem (p. 141) reference documentation for more info about UpdateItem request
mapping, and the DynamoDB UpdateExpressions documentation for more information on how to
write update expressions.
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Call the API to update a Post
Now the resolver has been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming update mutation
to a DynamoDB Update operation. We can now run a mutation to update the item we wrote earlier.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation updatePost {
author: "A new author"
title: "An updated author!"
content: "Now with updated content!"
url: ""
) {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The updated post in DynamoDB should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It
should look something like this:
"data": {
"updatePost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An updated author!",
"content": "Now with updated content!",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 2
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Modifying the "updatePost"
resolver (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
Note that the ups and downs fields were not modified. This is because our request mapping template
did not ask AWS AppSync and DynamoDB to do anything with those fields. Also note that the version
field was incremented by 1. This is because we asked AWS AppSync and DynamoDB to add 1 to the
version field.
Modifying the "updatePost" resolver (DynamoDB
This is a good start to our updatePost mutation, but it has two main problems:
If I want to update just a single field, then I have to update all the fields.
If two people are modifying the object, then we potentially lose information.
To address these issues, we're going to modify the updatePost mutation to only modify arguments that
were specified in the request, and then add a condition to the UpdateItem operation.
Go to the "Schema" tab.
Modify the updatePost field in the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to remove the exclamation
marks from the author, title, content, and url arguments, making sure to leave the id field as is.
This will make them optional argument. Also, add a new, required expectedVersion argument.
type Mutation {
id: ID!,
author: String,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
author: String!
title: String!
content: String!
url: String!
): Post!
Click the Save button
Find the updatePost field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on the PostDynamoDBTable link to open the existing resolver.
Modify the request mapping template in the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
## Set up some space to keep track of things we're updating **
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Modifying the "updatePost"
resolver (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
#set( $expNames = {} )
#set( $expValues = {} )
#set( $expSet = {} )
#set( $expAdd = {} )
#set( $expRemove = [] )
## Increment "version" by 1 **
$!{expAdd.put("version", ":one")}
$!{expValues.put(":one", { "N" : 1 })}
## Iterate through each argument, skipping "id" and "expectedVersion" **
#foreach( $entry in $context.arguments.entrySet() )
#if( $entry.key != "id" && $entry.key != "expectedVersion" )
#if( (!$entry.value) && ("$!{entry.value}" == "") )
## If the argument is set to "null", then remove that attribute from the
item in DynamoDB **
#set( $discard = ${expRemove.add("#${entry.key}")} )
$!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")}
## Otherwise set (or update) the attribute on the item in DynamoDB **
$!{expSet.put("#${entry.key}", ":${entry.key}")}
$!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")}
$!{expValues.put(":${entry.key}", { "S" : "${entry.value}" })}
## Start building the update expression, starting with attributes we're going to SET
#set( $expression = "" )
#if( !${expSet.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "SET" )
#foreach( $entry in $expSet.entrySet() )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} = ${entry.value}" )
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to ADD **
#if( !${expAdd.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ADD" )
#foreach( $entry in $expAdd.entrySet() )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} ${entry.value}" )
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to REMOVE
#if( !${expRemove.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "${expression} REMOVE" )
#foreach( $entry in $expRemove )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry}" )
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Modifying the "updatePost"
resolver (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
## Finally, write the update expression into the document, along with any
expressionNames and expressionValues **
"update" : {
"expression" : "${expression}"
#if( !${expNames.isEmpty()} )
,"expressionNames" : $utils.toJson($expNames)
#if( !${expValues.isEmpty()} )
,"expressionValues" : $utils.toJson($expValues)
"condition" : {
"expression" : "version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.expectedVersion} }
Click the Save button.
This template is one of the more complex examples, but demonstrates the power and flexibility of
mapping templates. What it is doing is looping through all the arguments, skipping over id and
code:expectedVersion. If the argument is set to something, then it will ask AWS AppSync and DynamoDB
to update that attribute on the object in DynamoDB. If the attribute is set to null, then it will ask AWS
AppSync and DynamoDB to remove that attribute from the post object. If an argument wasn't specified,
then it will leave it alone. It also increments the version field.
There is also a new condition section. A condition expression let you tell AWS AppSync and DynamoDB
whether the request should succeed or not based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB before
the operation is performed. In this case, we only want the UpdateItem request to succeed if the version
field of the item currently in DynamoDB exactly matches the expectedVersion argument.
See the Condition Expressions (p. 158) reference documentation for more information about condition
Call the API to update a Post
Lets try updating our Post object with the new resolver:
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation updatePost {
id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b"
title: "An empty story"
content: null
expectedVersion: 2
) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Modifying the "updatePost"
resolver (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The updated post in DynamoDB should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It
should look something like this:
"data": {
"updatePost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An empty story",
"content": null,
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 3
Note that in this request, we only asked AWS AppSync and DynamoDB to update the title and
content field. It left all the other fields alone (other than incrementing the version field). We set the
title attribute to a new value, and removed the content attribute from the post. The author, url,
ups, and downs fields were left untouched.
Try executing the mutation request again, leaving the request exactly as is. You will see a response
similar to the following:
"data": {
"updatePost": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"data": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An empty story",
"content": null,
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 3
"errorType": "DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"message": "The conditional request failed (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2;
Status Code: 400; Error Code: ConditionalCheckFailedException; Request ID:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create upvotePost and downvotePost
mutations (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
The request fails because the condition expression evaluates to false:
The first time we ran the request, the value of the version field of the post in DynamoDB was 2,
which matched the expectedVersion argument. The request succeeded, which meant the version
field was incremented in DynamoDB to 3.
The second time we ran the request, the value of the version field of the post in DynamoDB was 3,
which did not match the expectedVersion argument.
This pattern is typically called "Optimistic Locking".
A feature of AWS AppSync's DynamoDB resolver is that it returns the current value of the post object
in DynamoDB. You can find this in the data field in the errors section of the GraphQL response.
Your application can use this information to decide how it should proceed. In our case, we can see the
version field of the object in DynamoDB is set to 3, so we could just update the expectedVersion
argument to 3 and the request would succeed again.
See the Condition Expressions (p. 158) mapping template reference documentation for more
information about handling condition check failures.
Create upvotePost and downvotePost mutations
(DynamoDB UpdateItem)
Our Post type has ups and downs fields to let us record upvotes and downvotes, but so far our API
doesn't let us do anything with them. Lets add some mutations to let us upvote and downvote our posts.
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to add new upvotePost and downvotePost
type Mutation {
upvotePost(id: ID!): Post
downvotePost(id: ID!): Post
id: ID!,
author: String,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
author: String!,
title: String!,
content: String!,
url: String!
): Post!
Click the Save button
Find the newly created upvotePost field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create upvotePost and downvotePost
mutations (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "ADD ups :plusOne, version :plusOne",
"expressionValues" : {
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Find the newly created downvotePost field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "ADD downs :plusOne, version :plusOne",
"expressionValues" : {
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Call the API to upvote and downvote a Post
Now the new resolvers have been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming
upvotePost or downvote mutation to DynamoDB UpdateItem operation. We can now run mutations to
upvote or downvote the post we created earlier.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation votePost {
upvotePost(id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b") {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create upvotePost and downvotePost
mutations (DynamoDB UpdateItem)
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post is updated in DynamoDB and should appear in the results pane to the right of the query
pane. It should look something like this:
"data": {
"upvotePost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An empty story",
"content": null,
"url": "",
"ups": 6,
"downs": 0,
"version": 4
Click the "Execute query" button a few more times. You should see the ups and version field
incrementing by 1 each time you execute the query.
Change the query to call the downvotePost mutation:
mutation votePost {
downvotePost(id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b") {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button). This time, you should see the downs and
version field incrementing by 1 each time you execute the query.
"data": {
"downvotePost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An empty story",
"content": null,
"url": "",
"ups": 6,
"downs": 4,
"version": 12
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "deletePost"
resolver (DynamoDB DeletePost)
Setting up the "deletePost" resolver (DynamoDB
The next mutation we want to set up is to delete a post. We'll do this using the DeleteItem DynamoDB
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to add a new deletePost mutation:
type Mutation {
deletePost(id: ID!, expectedVersion: Int): Post
upvotePost(id: ID!): Post
downvotePost(id: ID!): Post
id: ID!,
author: String,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
author: String!,
title: String!,
content: String!,
url: String!
): Post!
Note that this time we made the expectedVersion field optional. The reason for this will be
explained when we add the request mapping template.
Click the Save button
Find the newly created delete field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "DeleteItem",
"key": {
"id": { "S" : "${}"}
#if( $context.arguments.containsKey("expectedVersion") )
,"condition" : {
"expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id) OR version
= :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.expectedVersion} }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "deletePost"
resolver (DynamoDB DeletePost)
Note: The expectedVersion argument is an optional argument. If the caller set an
expectedVersion argument in the request, then the template will add in a condition that will only
allow the DeleteItem request to succeed if the item is already deleted, or the version attribute of
the post in DynamoDB exactly matches the expectedVersion. If left out, no condition expression is
specified on the DeleteItem request, and it will succeed regardless of the value of version or if the
item exists in DynamoDB or not.
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Note: Even though we're deleting an item, we can return the item that was deleted, if it was not
already deleted.
Click the Save button.
See the DeleteItem (p. 144) reference documentation for more info about DeleteItem request mapping.
Call the API to delete a Post
Now the resolver has been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming delete mutation
to a DynamoDB DeleteItem operation. We can now run a mutation to delete something in the table.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation deletePost {
deletePost(id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b") {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post is deleted from DynamoDB. Note that AWS AppSync returns the value of the item that was
deleted from DynamoDB, which should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It
should look something like this:
"data": {
"deletePost": {
"id": "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b",
"author": "A new author",
"title": "An empty story",
"content": null,
"url": "",
"ups": 6,
"downs": 4,
"version": 12
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "deletePost"
resolver (DynamoDB DeletePost)
The value is only returned if this call to deletePost was the one that actually deleted it from
Try hitting the "Execute query" button again.
The call still succeeds, but no value is returned.
"data": {
"deletePost": null
Now lets try deleting a post, but this time specifying an expectedValue. First though, we'll need to
create a new post because we've just deleted the one we've been working with so far.
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane
mutation addPost {
author: "AUTHORNAME"
title: "Our second post!"
content: "A new post."
url: ""
) {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The results of the newly created post should appear in the results pane to the right of the query
pane. Note down the id of the newly created object, as we'll need it in just a moment. It should look
something like this:
"data": {
"addPost": {
"id": "92587681-c021-4e23-b521-36eb582860c4",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our second post!",
"content": "A new post.",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 1
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "deletePost"
resolver (DynamoDB DeletePost)
Now lets try and delete that post, but we'll put in the wrong value for expectedVersion
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation deletePost {
id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b"
expectedVersion: 9999
) {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
"data": {
"deletePost": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"data": {
"id": "92587681-c021-4e23-b521-36eb582860c4",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our second post!",
"content": "A new post.",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 1
"errorType": "DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"message": "The conditional request failed (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2;
Status Code: 400; Error Code: ConditionalCheckFailedException; Request ID:
The request failed because the condition expression evaluates to false: the value for version of the
post in DynamoDB does not match the expectedValue specified in the arguments. The current value
of the object is returned in the data field in the errors section of the GraphQL response.
Retry the request, but correct the expectedVersion:
mutation deletePost {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan)
id: "aa623bde-1ed0-4aec-9261-64253af0ce1b"
expectedVersion: 1
) {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
This time the request succeeds, and the value that was deleted from DynamoDB is returned:
"data": {
"deletePost": {
"id": "92587681-c021-4e23-b521-36eb582860c4",
"author": "AUTHORNAME",
"title": "Our second post!",
"content": "A new post.",
"url": "",
"ups": 1,
"downs": 0,
"version": 1
Try hitting the "Execute query" button again.
The call still succeeds, but this time no value is returned because the post was already deleted in
"data": {
"deletePost": null
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan)
So far our API is only useful if we know the id's of each post we want to look at. Lets add a new resolver
that will return all the posts in the table.
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Query type in the "Schema" pane to add a new allPost query:
type Query {
allPost(count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
getPost(id: ID): Post
Add a new PaginationPosts type in the "Schema pane:
type PaginatedPosts {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan)
posts: [Post!]!
nextToken: String
Click the Save button
Find the newly created allPost field on the Query type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan"
#if( ${context.arguments.count} )
,"limit": ${context.arguments.count}
#if( ${context.arguments.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.arguments.nextToken}"
Note that this resolver has two optional arguments: count, which specifies the maximum number of
items to return in a single call, and nextToken, which can be used to retrieve the next set of results
(we'll show where the value for nextToken comes from later).
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
"posts": $utils.toJson($context.result.items)
#if( ${context.result.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.result.nextToken}"
Note: This response mapping template is different from all the others so far. The result of the
allPost query is a PaginatedPosts, which contains a list of posts and a pagination token. The
shape of this object is different to what is returned from the AWS AppSync DynamoDB Resolver: the
list of posts is called items in the AWS AppSync DynamoDB Resolver results, but is called posts in
Click the Save button.
See the Scan (p. 149) reference documentation for more info about Scan request mapping.
Call the API to scan all Posts
Now the resolver has been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming allPost mutation
to a DynamoDB Scan operation. We can now scan the table to retrieve all the posts.
Before we can try it out though, we need to populate the table with some data, because we've deleted
everything we've worked with so far.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane
mutation addPost {
post1: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 1" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan)
post2: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 2" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post3: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 3" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post4: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 4" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post5: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 5" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post6: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 6" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post7: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 7" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post8: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 8" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
post9: addPost(author: "AUTHORNAME" title: "A series of posts, Volume 9" content: "Some
content" url: "" ) { title }
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
Now, lets scan the table, returning 5 results at a time.
Paste the following query in the "Queries" pane
query allPost {
allPost(count: 5) {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The first 5 posts should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It should look
something like this:
"data": {
"allPost": {
"posts": [
"id": "290219c2-a188-43cf-8167-11fba9c2e114",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 5"
"id": "fd2e44e0-646f-4fb7-8581-469c01736989",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 1"
"id": "cca56fef-96b2-4082-b74e-1f7f18af9f8f",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 6"
"id": "31484dcd-4804-4acc-8c55-476ac3433d80",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 9"
"id": "bb4e3611-cffc-45e2-b381-92c04863aeb8",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 7"
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPost" resolver (DynamoDB Scan)
We can see that we got 5 results and also a nextToken that we can use to get the next set of results.
Update the allPost query to include the nextToken from the previous set of results:
query allPost {
count: 5
) {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The remaining 4 posts should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. There is no
nextToken in this set of results as we have paged through all 9 posts, with none remaining. It should
look something like this:
"data": {
"allPost": {
"posts": [
"id": "0b60f947-c9bf-44b6-aab1-c5ebe2a28023",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 2"
"id": "17d809a8-4166-41d5-8b4e-1d9889f21bc5",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 3"
"id": "fe7225c3-23fc-4b5a-9f3c-f8f212473ba0",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 4"
"id": "723b59e5-b0ae-4dd1-8dff-ede3b678e752",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 8"
"nextToken": null
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPostsByAuthor"
resolver (DynamoDB Query)
Setting up the "allPostsByAuthor" resolver
(DynamoDB Query)
In addition to scanning DynamoDB for all posts, we can also query DynamoDB to retrieve posts created
by a specific author. The DynamoDB table we created earlier already has a GlobalSecondaryIndex called
author-index we can use with a DynamoDB Query operation to retrieve all posts created by a specific
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Query type in the "Schema" pane to add a new allPostsByAuthor query:
type Query {
allPostsByAuthor(author: String!, count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
allPost(count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
getPost(id: ID): Post
Note this uses the same PaginatedPosts type we used with the allPost query.
Click the Save button
Find the newly created allPostsByAuthor field on the Query type in the "Data types" pane on the
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"index" : "author-index",
"query" : {
"expression": "author = :author",
"expressionValues" : {
":author" : { "S" : "${}" }
#if( ${context.arguments.count} )
,"limit": ${context.arguments.count}
#if( ${context.arguments.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.arguments.nextToken}"
Note that like the allPost resolver, this resolver has two optional arguments: count, which specifies
the maximum number of items to return in a single call, and nextToken, which can be used to retrieve
the next set of results (the value for nextToken can be obtained from a previous call).
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
"posts": $utils.toJson($context.result.items)
#if( ${context.result.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.result.nextToken}"
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPostsByAuthor"
resolver (DynamoDB Query)
Note: This is the same response mapping template we used in the allPost resolver.
Click the Save button.
See the Query (p. 146) reference documentation for more info about Query request mapping.
Call the API to query all Posts by an author
Now the resolver has been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate an incoming
allPostsByAuthor mutation to a DynamoDB Query operation against the author-index index. We
can now query the table to retrieve all the posts by a specific author.
Before we do that, however, lets populate the table with some more posts, because every post so far has
the same author.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane
mutation addPost {
post1: addPost(author: "Nadia" title: "The cutest dog in the world" content: "So cute.
So very, very cute." url: "" ) { author, title }
post2: addPost(author: "Nadia" title: "Did you know...?" content: "AppSync works
offline?" url: "" ) { author, title }
post3: addPost(author: "Steve" title: "I like GraphQL" content: "It's great" url:
"" ) { author, title }
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
Now, lets query the table, returning all posts authored by Nadia.
Paste the following query in the "Queries" pane
query allPostsByAuthor {
allPostsByAuthor(author: "Nadia") {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
All the posts authored by Nadia should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It
should look something like this:
"data": {
"allPostsByAuthor": {
"posts": [
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world"
"id": "3219a043-fe95-4268-8af1-49533409ad2f",
"title": "Did you know...?"
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Setting up the "allPostsByAuthor"
resolver (DynamoDB Query)
"nextToken": null
Pagination works for Query just the same as it does for Scan. For example, lets look for all posts by
AUTHORNAME, getting 5 at a time.
Paste the following query in the "Queries" pane
query allPostsByAuthor {
author: "AUTHORNAME"
count: 5
) {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
All the posts authored by AUTHORNAME should appear in the results pane to the right of the query
pane. It should look something like this:
"data": {
"allPostsByAuthor": {
"posts": [
"id": "9edd88df-1e06-43c6-a436-a55af21fad47",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 6"
"id": "493f094a-95fa-4a6a-9dd4-ea07438dc684",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 4"
"id": "1384a881-09a7-410a-91ed-e946d2bd5e5e",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 2"
"id": "ca709655-e612-4ae7-9a29-9213ee47867f",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 7"
"id": "aff7ce8c-4947-4759-b604-0287af4756dc",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 1"
Update the nextToken argument with the value returned from the previous query:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
query allPostsByAuthor {
author: "AUTHORNAME"
count: 5
) {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The remaining posts authored by AUTHORNAME should appear in the results pane to the right of the
query pane. It should look something like this:
"data": {
"allPostsByAuthor": {
"posts": [
"id": "f9da0cd9-f10c-471c-96bc-de11bd115ce9",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 8"
"id": "5a698301-9cb8-4e99-84ec-8dacd809cd16",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 5"
"id": "e5b39cd7-4ee9-4f67-aaa6-9612a2237474",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 3"
"id": "583fb245-a01e-45c0-b03a-6bf15f1e66fa",
"title": "A series of posts, Volume 9"
"nextToken": null
Using Sets
So far our Post type has been a flat key/value object. It's also possible to model complex objects with
the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver, such as sets, lists, and maps.
Lets update our Post type to include tags. A post can have 0 or more tags, which are stored in
DynamoDB as a String Set. We'll also set up some mutations to add and remove tags, and a new query to
scan for posts with a specific tag.
Go to the "Schema" tab
Modify the Post type in the "Schema" pane to add a new tags field:
type Post {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
id: ID!
author: String
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int!
downs: Int!
version: Int!
tags: [String!]
Modify the Query type in the "Schema" pane to add a new allPostsByTag query:
type Query {
allPostsByTag(tag: String!, count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
allPostsByAuthor(author: String!, count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
allPost(count: Int, nextToken: String): PaginatedPosts!
getPost(id: ID): Post
Modify the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to add new addTag and removeTag mutations:
type Mutation {
addTag(id: ID!, tag: String!): Post
removeTag(id: ID!, tag: String!): Post
deletePost(id: ID!, expectedVersion: Int): Post
upvotePost(id: ID!): Post
downvotePost(id: ID!): Post
id: ID!,
author: String,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
author: String!,
title: String!,
content: String!,
url: String!
): Post!
Click the Save button
Find the newly created allPostsByTag field on the Query type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"filter": {
"expression": "contains (tags, :tag)",
"expressionValues": {
":tag": { "S": "${context.arguments.tag}" }
#if( ${context.arguments.count} )
,"limit": ${context.arguments.count}
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
#if( ${context.arguments.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.arguments.nextToken}"
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
"posts": $utils.toJson($context.result.items)
#if( ${context.result.nextToken} )
,"nextToken": "${context.result.nextToken}"
Click the Save button.
Find the newly created addTag field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "ADD tags :tags, version :plusOne",
"expressionValues" : {
":tags" : { "SS": [ "${context.arguments.tag}" ] },
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Find the newly created removeTag field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "DELETE tags :tags ADD version :plusOne",
"expressionValues" : {
":tags" : { "SS": [ "${context.arguments.tag}" ] },
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Call the API to work with tags
Now the resolvers have been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate incoming addTag,
removeTag, and allPostsByTag requests into DynamoDB UpdateItem and Scan operations.
To try it out, lets select one of the posts we created earlier. For example, lets use one of Nadia's posts.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following query into the "Queries" pane.
query allPostsByAuthor {
author: "Nadia"
) {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
All of Nadia's posts should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It should look
something like this:
"data": {
"allPostsByAuthor": {
"posts": [
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world"
"id": "3219a043-fe95-4268-8af1-49533409ad2f",
"title": "Did you known...?"
"nextToken": null
Lets use the one with the title "The cutest dog in the world". Note down its id because we'll use it
Now let's try adding a "dog" tag.
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
mutation addTag {
addTag(id: "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3" tag: "dog") {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post is updated with the new tag.
"data": {
"addTag": {
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world",
"tags": [
We can add more tags as well.
Update the mutation to change the tag argument to "puppy".
mutation addTag {
addTag(id: "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3" tag: "puppy") {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post is updated with the new tag.
"data": {
"addTag": {
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world",
"tags": [
We can also delete tags:
Paste the following mutation into the "Queries" pane. You'll also need to update the id argument to
have the value we noted down earlier.
mutation removeTag {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Sets
removeTag(id: "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3" tag: "puppy") {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
The post is updated and the "puppy" tag is deleted.
"data": {
"addTag": {
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world",
"tags": [
We can also search for all posts that have a tag:
Paste the following query into the "Queries" pane.
query allPostsByTag {
allPostsByTag(tag: "dog") {
posts {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
All posts that have the "dog" tag are returned:
"data": {
"allPostsByTag": {
"posts": [
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"title": "The cutest dog in the world",
"tags": [
"nextToken": null
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Lists and Maps
Using Lists and Maps
In addition to using DynamoDB Sets, we can also use DynamoDB Lists and Maps to model complex data
in a single object.
Lets add the ability to add comments to posts. This will be modeled as a List of Map objects on our Post
object in DynamoDB.
Note: in a real application, we would model comments in their own table, however for the purpose of
this tutorial we will just add them in the Post table.
Go to the "Schema" tab
Add a new Comment type in the "Schema" pane:
type Comment {
author: String!
comment: String!
Modify the Post type in the "Schema" pane to add a new comments field:
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String
title: String
content: String
url: String
ups: Int!
downs: Int!
version: Int!
tags: [String!]
comments: [Comment!]
Modify the Mutation type in the "Schema" pane to add a new addComment mutation:
type Mutation {
addComment(id: ID!, author: String!, comment: String!): Post
addTag(id: ID!, tag: String!): Post
removeTag(id: ID!, tag: String!): Post
deletePost(id: ID!, expectedVersion: Int): Post
upvotePost(id: ID!): Post
downvotePost(id: ID!): Post
id: ID!,
author: String,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
author: String!,
title: String!,
content: String!,
url: String!
): Post!
Click the Save button
Find the newly created addComment field on the Mutation type in the "Data types" pane on the right.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Using Lists and Maps
Click on its Attach button.
Select PostDynamoDBTable in the "Data source name" dropdown.
Paste the following into the "Configure the request mapping template" section:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "SET comments =
list_append(if_not_exists(comments, :emptyList), :newComment) ADD version :plusOne",
"expressionValues" : {
":emptyList": { "L" : [] },
":newComment" : { "L" : [
{ "M": {
"author": { "S" : "${}" },
"comment": { "S" : "${context.arguments.comment}" }
] },
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
This update expression will append a list containing our new comment to the existing comments list. If
the list doesn't already exist, it will be created.
Paste the following into the "Configure the response mapping template" section:
Click the Save button.
Call the API to add a comment
Now the resolvers have been set up, AWS AppSync knows how to translate incoming addComment
requests into DynamoDB UpdateItem operations.
Lets try it out by adding a comment to the same post we added the tags to.
Go to the "Queries" tab
Paste the following query into the "Queries" pane.
mutation addComment {
id: "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3"
author: "Steve"
comment: "Such a cute dog."
) {
comments {
Then hit the "Execute query" button (the orange play button).
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
All of Nadia's posts should appear in the results pane to the right of the query pane. It should look
something like this:
"data": {
"addComment": {
"id": "8fe1cd78-554f-4a9b-b4e7-e8059ed942f3",
"comments": [
"author": "Steve",
"comment": "Such a cute dog."
If you execute the request multiple times, multiple comments will be appended to the list.
In this tutorial we've built an API that lets us manipualte Post objects in DynamoDB using AWS AppSync
and GraphQL. For further information check out the Resolver Mapping Template Reference (p. 135).
To clean up, you can delete the AppSync GraphQL API from the console.
To delete the DynamoDB table and IAM role we created, you can run the following to delete the
AWSAppSyncTutorialForAmazonDynamoDB stack, or visit the CloudFormation console and delete the
aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name AWSAppSyncTutorialForAmazonDynamoDB
Tutorial: Lambda resolvers
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync allows you to use AWS Lambda to resolve any GraphQL field. For example, a GraphQL
query might call out to an RDS instance, and a GraphQL mutation might write to a Kinesis stream.
This section outlines how you can write a Lambda function that performs business logic based on the
invocation of a GraphQL field operation.
Create a Lambda function
The following example shows an AWS Lambda function written in Node.js that performs different
operations on blog posts as part of a blog post application example.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("Received event {}", JSON.stringify(event, 3));
var posts = {
"1": {"id": "1", "title": "First book", "author": "Author1", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Create a Lambda function
"2": {"id": "2", "title": "Second book", "author": "Author2", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups":
"100", "downs": "10"},
"3": {"id": "3", "title": "Third book", "author": "Author3", "url": null,
"content": null, "ups": null, "downs": null },
"4": {"id": "4", "title": "Fourth book", "author": "Author4", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4", "ups": "1000", "downs": "0"},
"5": {"id": "5", "title": "Fifth book", "author": "Author5", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups": "50", "downs": "0"} };
var relatedPosts = {
"1": [posts['4']],
"2": [posts['3'], posts['5']],
"3": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"4": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"5": []
console.log("Got an Invoke Request.");
switch(event.field) {
case "getPost":
var id =;
callback(null, posts[id]);
case "allPosts":
var values = [];
for(var d in posts){
callback(null, values);
case "addPost":
// return the arguments back
callback(null, event.arguments);
case "addPostErrorWithData":
var id =;
var result = posts[id];
// attached additional error information to the post
result.errorMessage = 'Error with the mutation, data has changed';
result.errorType = 'MUTATION_ERROR';
callback(null, result);
case "relatedPosts":
var id =;
callback(null, relatedPosts[id]);
callback("Unknown field, unable to resolve" + event.field, null);
This Lambda function handles retrieving a post by ID, adding a post, retrieving a list of posts, and
fetching related posts for a given post.
Note: The switch statement on event.field allows the Lambda function to determine which field is
being currently resolved.
Now let's create this Lambda function using the AWS console or with CloudFormation by clicking here:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Configure data source for AWS Lambda
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name AppSyncLambdaExample \
LambdaCFTemplate.yaml \
You can launch this CloudFormation stack in the US West 2 (Oregon) region in your AWS account:
Configure data source for AWS Lambda
After the AWS Lambda function has been created, navigate to your AWS AppSync GraphQL API in the
console and choose the Data Sources tab.
Select New and enter a friendly name for the data source, such as "Lambda", and then select AWS
Lambda for Data source type. Then choose the appropriate region. You should see your Lambda
functions listed.
After selecting your Lambda function, you can either create a new role (for which AWS AppSync assigns
the appropriate permissions) or choose an existing role that has the following inline policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNTNUMBER:function/LAMBDA_FUNCTION"
Creating a GraphQL Schema
Now that the data source is connected to your AWS Lambda function, let's create a GraphQL schema.
From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, make sure you schema matches the schema below.
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getPost(id:ID!): Post
allPosts: [Post]
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content: String, url: String): Post!
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Configuring resolvers
content: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
relatedPosts: [Post]
Configuring resolvers
Now that we have registered a AWS Lambda data source and a valid GraphQL schema, we can connect
our GraphQL fields to our Lambda data source using resolvers.
To create a resolver, we'll need mapping templates. To learn more about mapping templates, read
AppSync mapping templates overview Resolver Mapping Template Overview (p. 135).
For more information about Lambda mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template Reference for
Lambda (p. 170).
We are going to attach a resolver to our Lambda function for the following fields, getPost(id:ID!):
Post, allPosts: [Post], addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content:
String, url: String): Post! and Post.relatedPosts: [Post].
From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, on the right-hand side for getPost(id:ID!):
Post click Attach Resolver.
Select your AWS Lambda data source and under the request mapping template section select the
dropdown menu for Invoke And Forward Arguments.
Modify the payload object to add the field name. Your template should look like the following:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "getPost",
"arguments": $utils.toJson($context.arguments)
Now under the response mapping template section, select the drop-down menu for Return Lambda
We will use the base template as-is. It should look like the following:
Click Save. You have now attached your first resolver! Repeat this operation for the remaining fields as
addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content: String, url: String):
Post! request mapping template
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "addPost",
"arguments": $utils.toJson($context.arguments)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Testing your GraphQL API
addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content: String, url: String):
Post! response mapping template
allPosts: [Post] request mapping template
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "allPosts"
allPosts: [Post] response mapping template
Post.relatedPosts: [Post] request mapping template
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "relatedPosts",
"source": $utils.toJson($context.source)
Post.relatedPosts: [Post] response mapping template
Testing your GraphQL API
Now that your Lambda function is connected to GraphQL resolvers, you can run some mutations and
queries using the console or a client application.
In the AppSync console, on the left-hand side, choose the Queries tab. Populate it with the following
addPost mutation
mutation addPost {
id: 6
author: "Author6"
title: "Sixth book"
url: ""
content: "This is the book is a tutorial for using GraphQL with AWS AppSync."
) {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Returning Errors
getPost query
query {
getPost(id: "2") {
allPosts query
query {
allPosts {
relatedPosts {
Returning Errors
Any given field resolution can result in an error. AppSync lets you raise errors:
From the request or response mapping template
From the Lambda function
From the mapping template
The $utils.error helper method can be used from the VTL template to raise intentional errors. It
takes as argument an errorMessage, an errorType, and an optional data value. The data comes
handy for returning extra data back to the client, when an error has been raised. The data object will be
added to the errors in the GraphQL final response.
For example using it in the Post.relatedPosts: [Post] response mapping template .. code-block::
$utils.error("Failed to fetch relatedPosts", "LambdaFailure", $context.result)
would yield a GraphQL response similar to the following:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Returning Errors
"data": {
"allPosts": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Second book",
"relatedPosts": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"errorType": "LambdaFailure",
"locations": [
"line": 5,
"column": 5
"message": "Failed to fetch relatedPosts",
"data": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Second book"
"id": "1",
"title": "First book"
where allPosts[0].relatedPosts is null because of the error and the errorMessage, errorType,
and data are present in the data.errors[0] object.
From the Lambda function
AppSync also understands errors thrown from the Lambda function. The Lambda programming model
lets you raise Handled errors. If an error is thrown from the Lambda function, AppSync will fail the
resolution of the current field. Only the error message returned from Lambda will be set in the response.
Also, it is currently impossible to pass any extraneous data back to the client by raising an error from the
Lambda function.
Note: If your Lambda function raises an UnHandled error, AppSync will use the error message set by AWS
The following Lambda function raises an error:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("Received event {}", JSON.stringify(event, 3));
callback("I fail. Always.");
Which would return a GraphQL response similar to below:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Advanced Use Case: Batching
"data": {
"allPosts": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Second book",
"relatedPosts": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"errorType": "Lambda:Handled",
"locations": [
"line": 5,
"column": 5
"message": "I fail. Always."
Advanced Use Case: Batching
You may have noticed that the Lambda function in our example had a relatedPosts field which
returned a list of related posts for a given post. In our example queries, the allPosts field invocation
from our Lambda function returns 5 posts. Because we have specified that we also want to resolve
relatedPosts for each returned post, the relatedPosts field operation will, in turn, be invoked 5
query {
allPosts { // 1 Lambda invocation - yields 5 Posts
relatedPosts { // 5 Lambda invocations - each yields 5 posts
While this doesn't sound substantial for this specific use case, our application can get quickly
undermined by this compounded over-fetching.
If, say, we were to fetch relatedPosts again on the returned related Posts in the same query, the
number of invocations would increase dramatically.
query {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Advanced Use Case: Batching
allPosts { // 1 Lambda invocation - yields 5 Posts
relatedPosts { // 5 Lambda invocations - each yield 5 posts = 5 x 5 Posts
relatedPosts { // 5 x 5 Lambda invocations - each yield 5 posts = 25 x 5 Posts
In this relatively simple query, AWS AppSync would invoke our Lambda function 1 + 5 + 25 = 31 times.
This is a fairly common challenge and is often called the N+1 problem, (in our case, N = 5) and it can
incur increased latency and cost to our application.
One approach to solving this issue is to batch similar field resolver requests together. So in our example,
instead of our Lambda function resolving a list of related posts for a single given post, it would instead
resolve a list of related posts for a given batch of posts.
To see it in action, let's switch our Post.relatedPosts: [Post] resolver to a batch-enabled resolver.
In the AWS AppSync console, on the right-hand side, choose the existing Post.relatedPosts:
[Post] resolver. Change the request mapping template to the following:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "BatchInvoke",
"payload": {
"field": "relatedPosts",
"source": $utils.toJson($context.source)
Note that only the operation field has changed from Invoke to BatchInvoke. The payload field
now becomes an array of whatever has been specified in the template, so in our example, our Lambda
function will receive as input:
"field": "relatedPosts",
"source": {
"id": 1
"field": "relatedPosts",
"source": {
"id": 2
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Advanced Use Case: Batching
When BatchInvoke is specified in the request mapping template, the Lambda function is now given a
list of requests and is also expected to return a list of results.
Specifically, the list of results must match in size and in order of the request payload entries, so AWS
AppSync can match the results accordingly.
So in our example, because of batching, our Lambda function needs to return a batch of results:
[{"id":"2","title":"Second book"}, {"id":"3","title":"Third book"}], // relatedPosts
for id=1
[{"id":"3","title":"Third book"}]
// relatedPosts for id=2
The following AWS Lambda function in Node.js demonstrates this batching functionality for the
Post.relatedPosts field:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("Received event {}", JSON.stringify(event, 3));
var posts = {
"1": {"id": "1", "title": "First book", "author": "Author1", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1
"2": {"id": "2", "title": "Second book", "author": "Author2", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups":
"100", "downs": "10"},
"3": {"id": "3", "title": "Third book", "author": "Author3", "url": null,
"content": null, "ups": null, "downs": null },
"4": {"id": "4", "title": "Fourth book", "author": "Author4", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4", "ups": "1000", "downs": "0"},
"5": {"id": "5", "title": "Fifth book", "author": "Author5", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups": "50", "downs": "0"} };
var relatedPosts = {
"1": [posts['4']],
"2": [posts['3'], posts['5']],
"3": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"4": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"5": []
console.log("Got a BatchInvoke Request. The payload has %d items to resolve.",
// event is now an array
var field = event[0].field;
switch(field) {
case "relatedPosts":
var results = [];
// the response MUST contain the same number
// of entries as the payload array
for (var i=0; i< event.length; i++) {
console.log("post {}", JSON.stringify(event[i].source));
console.log("results {}", JSON.stringify(results));
callback(null, results);
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Advanced Use Case: Batching
callback("Unknown field, unable to resolve" + field, null);
Returning Individual Errors
We saw previously that it is possible to return a single error from the Lambda function, or raise an error
from the mapping templates. For batched invocations, raising an error from the Lambda function will
flag an entire batch as failed. This might be fine for specific scenarios where an irrecoverable error
happened, such as, the connection to a data store going down. However, in cases where some items in
the batch succeed, and some others fail, let see how it is possible to return both errors and valid data.
AppSync only imposes the batch response to be a list of elements matching the original size of the
batch, it is up to you to define a data structure that can differentiate valid data from an error.
For instance, if our Lambda function is expected to return a batch of related posts, we could instead
return a list of Response object where each object has optional data, errorMessage and errorType fields.
If the errorMessage field is present, it means there was an error.
See below the updated Lambda function.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("Received event {}", JSON.stringify(event, 3));
var posts = {
"1": {"id": "1", "title": "First book", "author": "Author1", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1
"2": {"id": "2", "title": "Second book", "author": "Author2", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups":
"100", "downs": "10"},
"3": {"id": "3", "title": "Third book", "author": "Author3", "url": null,
"content": null, "ups": null, "downs": null },
"4": {"id": "4", "title": "Fourth book", "author": "Author4", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4", "ups": "1000", "downs": "0"},
"5": {"id": "5", "title": "Fifth book", "author": "Author5", "url": "https://", "content": "SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR
5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT", "ups": "50", "downs": "0"} };
var relatedPosts = {
"1": [posts['4']],
"2": [posts['3'], posts['5']],
"3": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"4": [posts['2'], posts['1']],
"5": []
console.log("Got a BatchInvoke Request. The payload has %d items to resolve.",
// event is now an array
var field = event[0].field;
switch(field) {
case "relatedPosts":
var results = [];
results.push({ 'data': relatedPosts['1'] });
results.push({ 'data': relatedPosts['2'] });
results.push({ 'data': null, 'errorMessage': 'Error Happened', 'errorType':
'ERROR' });
results.push({ 'data': relatedPosts['3'], 'errorMessage': 'Error Happened with
last result', 'errorType': 'ERROR' });
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Advanced Use Case: Batching
callback(null, results);
callback("Unknown field, unable to resolve" + field, null);
And we could write a response mapping template to parse each item of our Lambda function, and raise
an error if needed:
#if( $context.result && $context.result.errorMessage )
$utils.error($context.result.errorMessage, $context.result.errorType,
This example would return a GraphQL response similar to below:
"data": {
"allPosts": [
"id": "1",
"relatedPostsPartialErrors": [
"id": "4",
"title": "Fourth book"
"id": "2",
"relatedPostsPartialErrors": [
"id": "3",
"title": "Third book"
"id": "5",
"title": "Fifth book"
"id": "3",
"relatedPostsPartialErrors": null
"id": "4",
"relatedPostsPartialErrors": null
"id": "5",
"relatedPostsPartialErrors": null
"errors": [
"path": [
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Tutorial: Amazon Elasticsearch Service Resolvers
"errorType": "ERROR",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 9
"message": "Error Happened"
"path": [
"data": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Second book"
"id": "1",
"title": "First book"
"errorType": "ERROR",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 9
"message": "Error Happened with last result"
Tutorial: Amazon Elasticsearch Service Resolvers
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync supports using Amazon Elasticsearch Service from domains that you have provisioned
in your own AWS account. After your domains are provisioned, you can connect to them using a data
source, at which point you can configure a resolver in the schema to perform GraphQL operations such
as queries, mutations, and subscriptions. This tutorial will take you through some common examples.
For more information, see the Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Amazon Elasticsearch
Service (p. 167).
Create a New Amazon ES Domain
To get started with this tutorial, you need an existing Amazon ES domain. If you don't have one, you can
use the following sample. Note that it can take up to 15 minutes for an Amazon ES domain to be created
before you can move on to integrating it with an AWS AppSync data source.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Configure Data Source for Amazon ES
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DDElasticsearch \
ESResolverCFTemplate.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=ESDomainName,ParameterValue=ddtestdomain
ParameterKey=Tier,ParameterValue=development \
You can launch this CloudFormation stack in the US West 2 (Oregon) region in your AWS account:
Configure Data Source for Amazon ES
After the Amazon ES domain is created, navigate to your AWS AppSync GraphQL API and choose the
Data Sources tab. Choose New and enter a friendly name for the data source, such as "Elasticsearch".
Then choose Amazon Elasticsearch cluster for Data source type, choose the appropriate region, and
you should see your Amazon ES domain listed. After selecting it you can either create a new role and
AWS AppSync will assign the role-appropriate permissions, or you can choose an existing role, which has
the following inline policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1234234",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Connecting a Resolver
Now that the data source is connected to your Amazon ES domain, you can connect it to your GraphQL
schema with a resolver, as shown in the following example:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
getPost(id: ID!): Post
allPosts: [Post]
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID!, author: String, title: String, url: String, ups: Int, downs: Int,
content: String): Post
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Connecting a Resolver
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String
title: String
url: String
ups: Int
downs: Int
content: String
Note that there is a user-defined Post type with a field of id. In the following examples, we assume
there is a process (which can be automated) for putting this type into your Amazon ES domain, which
would map to a path root of /id/post, where id is the index and post is the type. From this root path,
you can perform individual document searches, wildcard searches with /id/post* or multi-document
searches with a path of /id/post/_search. If you have another type User, for example, one that
is indexed under the same index id, you can perform multi-document searches with a path of /id/
_search. This searches for fields on both Post and User.
From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, modify the preceding Posts schema to include a
searchPosts query:
type Query {
getPost(id: ID!): Post
allPosts: [Post]
searchPosts: [Post]
Save the schema. On the right side, for searchPosts, choose Attach resolver. Choose your Amazon ES
data source. Under the request mapping template section, select the drop-down for Query posts to get
a base template. Modify the path to be /id/post/_search. It should look like the following:
This assumes that the preceding schema has documents with an id field, and that the documents have
been indexed in Amazon ES by this field. If you structure your data differently, then you'll need to update
Under the response mapping template section, you need to specify the appropriate _source filter
if you want to get back the data results from an Amazon ES query and translate to GraphQL. Use the
following template:
#foreach($entry in $context.result.hits.hits)
#if( $velocityCount > 1 ) , #end
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Modifying Your Searches
Modifying Your Searches
The preceding request mapping template performs a simple query for all records. Suppose you want to
search by a specific author. Further, suppose you want that author to be an argument defined in your
GraphQL query. In the schema editor of the AWS AppSync console, add an allPostsByAuthor query:
type Query {
getPost(id: ID!): Post
allPosts: [Post]
allPostsByAuthor(author: String!): [Post]
searchPosts: [Post]
Now choose Attach resolver and select the Amazon ES data source, but use the following example in the
response mapping template:
"term" :{
Note that the body is populated with a term query for the author field, which is passed through from
the client as an argument. You could optionally have prepopulated information, such as standard text, or
even use other utilities.
If you're using this resolver, fill in the response mapping template with the same information as the
previous example.
Adding Data to Amazon ES
You may want to add data to your Amazon ES domain as the result of a GraphQL mutation. This is a
powerful mechanism for searching and other purposes. Because you can use GraphQL subscriptions
to make your data real-time, it serves as a mechanism for notifying clients of updates to data in your
Amazon ES domain.
Return to the Schema page in the AWS AppSync console and select Attach resolver for the addPost()
mutation. Select the Amazon ES data source again and use the following response mapping template
for the Posts schema:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Retrieving a Single Document
As before, this is an example of how your data might be structured. If you have different field names or
indexes, you need to update the path and body as appropriate. This example also shows how to use
$context.arguments to populate the template from your GraphQL mutation arguments.
Before moving on, use the following response mapping template, which will be explained more in the
next section:
Retrieving a Single Document
Finally, if you want to use the getPost(id:ID) query in your schema to return an individual document,
find this query in the schema editor of the AWS AppSync console and choose Attach resolver. Select the
Amazon ES data source again and use the following mapping template:
Because the path above uses the id argument with an empty body, this returns the single document.
However, you need to use the following response mapping template, because now you're returning a
single item and not a list:
Perform Queries and Mutations
You should now be able to perform GraphQL operations against your Amazon ES domain. Navigate to
the Queries tab of the AWS AppSync console and add a new record:
mutation {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Best Practices
author: "Fred"
title: "My first book"
content: "This will be fun to write!"
If the record is inserted successfully, you'll see the fields on the right. Similarly, you can now run a
searchPosts query against your Amazon ES domain:
query {
searchPosts {
Best Practices
Amazon ES should be for querying data, not as your primary database. You may want to use Amazon
ES in conjunction with Amazon DynamoDB as outlined in Combining GraphQL Resolvers.
Only give access to your domain by allowing the AWS AppSync service role to access the cluster.
You can start small in development, with the lowest-cost cluster, and then move to a larger cluster
with high availability (HA) as you move into production.
Tutorial: Combining GraphQL resolvers
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
Resolvers and fields in a GraphQL schema have 1:1 relationships with a large degree of flexibility.
Because a data source is configured on a resolver independently of a schema, you have the ability for
GraphQL types to be resolved or manipulated through different data sources, mixing and matching on a
schema to best meet your needs.
The following example scenarios show how you might mix and match data sources in your schema, but
before doing so you should have familiarity with setting up data sources and resolvers for AWS Lambda,
Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Elasticsearch Service as outlined in the previous sections.
Example Schema
The below schema has a type of Post with 3 Query operations and 3 Mutation operations defined:
type Post {
id: ID!
author: String!
title: String
content: String
url: String
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Alter data through resolvers
ups: Int
downs: Int
version: Int!
type Query {
allPost: [Post]
getPost(id: ID!): Post
searchPosts: [Post]
type Mutation {
id: ID!,
author: String!,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String
): Post
id: ID!,
author: String!,
title: String,
content: String,
url: String,
ups: Int!,
downs: Int!,
expectedVersion: Int!
): Post
deletePost(id: ID!): Post
In this example you would have a total of 6 resolvers to attach. One possible way would to have
all of these come from an Amazon DynamoDB table, called Posts, where AllPosts runs a
scan and searchPosts runs a query, as outlined in the DynamoDB Resolver Mapping Template
Reference (p. 137). However, there are alternatives to meet your business needs, such as having these
GraphQL queries resolve from AWS Lambda or Amazon ES.
Alter data through resolvers
You might have the need to return results from a database such as Amazon DynamoDB (or Amazon
Aurora) to clients with some of the attributes changed. This might be due to formatting of the data
types, such as timestamp differences on clients, or to handle backwards compatability issues. For
illustrative purposes in the below example, we show a AWS Lambda function that manipulates the
up-votes and down-votes for blog posts by assigning them random numbers each time the GraphQL
resolver is invoked:
'use strict';
const doc = require('dynamodb-doc');
const dynamo = new doc.DynamoDB();
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const payload = {
TableName: 'Posts',
Limit: 50,
dynamo.scan(payload, (err, data) => {
const result = { data: =>{ = parseInt(Math.random() * (50 - 10) + 10, 10);
item.downs = parseInt(Math.random() * (20 - 0) + 0, 10);
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
DynamoDB and Amazon ES
return item;
}) };
This is a perfectly valid Lambda function and could be attached to the AllPosts field in the GraphQL
schema so that any query returning all the results gets random numbers for the ups/downs.
DynamoDB and Amazon ES
For some applications, you might perform mutations or simple lookup queries against Amazon
DynamoDB, and have a background process transfer documents to Amazon ES. You can then simply
attach the searchPosts Resolver to the Amazon ES data source and return search results (from data
that originated in DynamoDB) using a GraphQL query. This can be extremely powerful when adding
advanced search operations to your applications such keyword, fuzzy word matches or even geospatial
lookups. Transfering data from DynamoDB could be done through an ETL process or alternatively you
can stream from DynamoDB using Lambda with the following example code:
Note: This code is for example only.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var path = require('path');
var stream = require('stream');
var esDomain = {
endpoint: '',
region: 'REGION',
index: 'id',
doctype: 'post'
var endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(esDomain.endpoint)
var creds = new AWS.EnvironmentCredentials('AWS');
function postDocumentToES(doc, context) {
var req = new AWS.HttpRequest(endpoint);
req.method = 'POST';
req.path = '/_bulk';
req.region = esDomain.region;
req.body = doc;
req.headers['presigned-expires'] = false;
req.headers['Host'] =;
// Sign the request (Sigv4)
var signer = new AWS.Signers.V4(req, 'es');
signer.addAuthorization(creds, new Date());
// Post document to ES
var send = new AWS.NodeHttpClient();
send.handleRequest(req, null, function (httpResp) {
var body = '';
httpResp.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
httpResp.on('end', function (chunk) {
console.log('Successful', body);
}, function (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
DynamoDB and Amazon ES;
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("event => " + JSON.stringify(event));
var posts = '';
for (var i = 0; i < event.Records.length; i++) {
var eventName = event.Records[i].eventName;
var actionType = '';
var image;
var noDoc = false;
switch (eventName) {
case 'INSERT':
actionType = 'create';
image = event.Records[i].dynamodb.NewImage;
case 'MODIFY':
actionType = 'update';
image = event.Records[i].dynamodb.NewImage;
case 'REMOVE':
actionType = 'delete';
image = event.Records[i].dynamodb.OldImage;
noDoc = true;
if (typeof image !== "undefined") {
var postData = {};
for (var key in image) {
if (image.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key === 'postId') {
postData['id'] = image[key].S;
} else {
var val = image[key];
if (val.hasOwnProperty('S')) {
postData[key] = val.S;
} else if (val.hasOwnProperty('N')) {
postData[key] = val.N;
var action = {};
action[actionType] = {};
action[actionType]._index = 'id';
action[actionType]._type = 'post';
action[actionType]._id = postData['id'];
posts += [
].concat(noDoc?[]:[JSON.stringify(postData)]).join('\n') + '\n';
postDocumentToES(posts, context);
You can then use Amazon DynamoDB streams to attach this to an Amazon DynamoDB table with a
primary key of id, and any changes to the source of DynamoDB would stream into your Amazon ES
domain. For more information on configuring this, see the DynamoDB Streams documentation.
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GraphQL Schema Subscription Directives
Real-Time Data
GraphQL Schema Subscription Directives
Subscriptions in AWS AppSync are invoked as a response to a mutation. This means that you can make
any data source in AWS AppSync real-time by specifying a GraphQL schema directive on a mutation.
Subscription connection management is handled automatically by the AWS AppSync client SDK using
MQTT over Websockets as the network protocol between the client and service.
Note: Adding resolvers to subscriptions is unsupported at this time.
Subscriptions are triggered from mutations and the mutation selection set is sent to subscribers.
The following example shows how to work with GraphQL subscriptions. Note that it doesn't specify a
data source, because the data source could be Lambda, DynamoDB or Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
To get started to with subscriptions, you must add a subscription entry point to your schema:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
Suppose you have a blog post site, and you want to subscribe to new blogs and changes to existing
blogs. You would add the following Subscription definition to your schema:
type Subscription {
addedPost: Post
updatedPost: Post
deletedPost: Post
Suppose further that you have the following mutations:
type Mutation {
addPost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String): Post!
updatePost(id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int!
downs: Int! expectedVersion: Int!): Post!
deletePost(id: ID!): Post!
You can make these fields real-time by adding an @aws_subscribe(mutations:
["mutation_field_1", "mutation_field_2"]) directive for each of the subscriptions you want to
receive notifications for as follows:
type Subscription {
addedPost: Post
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["addPost"])
updatedPost: Post
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updatePost"])
deletedPost: Post
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deletePost"])
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
GraphQL Schema Subscription Directives
Since the @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["",..,""]) takes an array of mutation inputs, you
can specify multiple mutations, which trigger a subscription. If you're subscribing from a client, your
GraphQL query might look like the following:
subscription NewPostSub {
addedPost {
While the subscription query above is needed for client connections and tooling, the selection set that
is received by subscribers is specified by the client triggering the mutation. To demonstrate this, if a
mutation was made from another mobile client or a server, for example, mutation addPost(...)
{id author title }), then content, version and url wouldn't be published to subscribers. Instead id,
author and title would be published.
In the example above, we showed subscriptions without arguments. If your schema looked like this:
type Subscription {
updatedPost(id:ID! author:String): Post
@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updatePost"])
Then your client would define a subscription:
subscription UpdatedPostSub {
updatedPost(id:"XYZ", author:"ABC") {
One final thing to note: The return type of a subscription field in your schema must match the return
type of the corresponding mutation field. In the above sample this was shown as both addPost and
addedPost returned the type, Post.
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Incorrect DynamoDB key mapping
Troubleshooting and Common
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
This section discusses some common errors and how to troubleshoot them.
Incorrect DynamoDB key mapping
If your GraphQL operation returns the following error message, it may be because your request mapping
template structure doesn't match the Amazon DynamoDB key structure:
The provided key element does not match the schema (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code:
400; Error Code
For example, if your DynamoDB table has a hash key called "id" and your template says "PostID", as
in the following example, this results in the preceding error, because "id" doesn't match "PostID".
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"PostID" : { "S" : "${}" }
Missing Resolver
If you execute a GraphQL operation, such as a query, and get a null response, this may be because you
don't have a resolver configured.
For example, if you import a schema that defines a getCustomer(userId: ID!): field,
and you haven't configured a resolver for this field, then when you execute a query such as
getCustomer(userId:"ID123"){...}, you'll get a response such as the following:
"data": {
"getCustomer": null
Mapping Template Errors
If your mapping template isn't properly configured, you'll receive a GraphQL response whose errorType
is MappingTemplate. The message field should indicate where the problem is in your mapping
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Incorrect return types
For example, if you don't have an operation field in your request mapping template, or if the
operation field name is incorrect, you'll get a response like the following:
"data": {
"searchPosts": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"errorType": "MappingTemplate",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"message": "Value for field '$[operation]' not found."
Incorrect return types
The return type from your data source must match the defined type of an object in your schema,
otherwise you may see a GraphQL error like:
"errors": [
"path": [
"locations": null,
"message": "Can't resolve value (/posts) : type mismatch error, expected type LIST, got
For example this could occur with the following query definition:
type Query {
posts: [Post]
Which expects a LIST of [Posts] objects. For example if you had a Lambda function in Node.JS with
something like the following:
const result = { data: => { return item ; }) };
callback(err, result);
This would throw an error as result is an object. You would need to either change the callback to or alter your schema to not return a LIST.
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API_KEY Authorization
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
This section describes options for configuring security and data protection for your applications.
There are three ways you can authorize applications to interact with your AWS AppSync GraphQL API.
You specify which authorization type you use by specifying one of the following authorization type
values in your AWS AppSync API or CLI call:
For using API keys.
For using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions.
For using an Amazon Cognito user pool.
API_KEY Authorization
Unauthenticated APIs require more strict throttling than authenticated APIs. One way to control
throttling for unauthenticated GraphQL endpoints is through the use of API keys. An API key is a hard-
coded value in your application that is generated by the AWS AppSync service when you create an
unauthenticated GraphQL endpoint. You can rotate API keys from the console, from the CLI, or from the
AWS AppSync API Reference.
API keys expire after 7 days and are strictly for development purposes.
On the client, the API key is specified by the header x-api-key.
For example, if your API_KEY is 'ABC123', you can send a GraphQL query via curl as follows:
$ curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type:application/graphql" -H "x-api-key:ABC123" -d '{ "query":
"query { movies { id } }" }' http://YOURAPPSYNCENDPOINT/graphql
AWS_IAM Authorization
This authorization type enforces the AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Process on the GraphQL API. You
can associate Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policies with this authorization type. Your
application can leverage this association by using an access key (which consists of an access key ID and
secret access key) or by using short-lived, temporary credentials provided by Amazon Cognito Federated
If you want a role that has access to perform all data operations:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
AWS_IAM Authorization
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If you want to restrict access to just certain GraphQL operations, you can do this for the root Query,
Mutation, and Subscription fields.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
For example, suppose you have the following schema and you want to restrict access to getting all posts:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
type Mutation {
addPost(id:ID!, title:String!):Post!
The corresponding IAM policy for a role (that you could attach to an Amazon Cognito identity pool, for
example) would look like the following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": [
This authorization type enforces OIDC tokens provided by Amazon Cognito User Pools. Your application
can leverage the users and groups in your user pools and associate these with GraphQL fields for
controlling access.
When using Amazon Cognito User Pools, you can create groups that users belong to. This information is
encoded in a JWT token that your application sends to AWS AppSync in an authorization header when
sending GraphQL operations. You can use GraphQL directives on the schema to control which groups can
invoke which resolvers on a field, thereby giving more controlled access to your customers.
For example, suppose you have the following GraphQL schema:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
type Mutation {
addPost(id:ID!, title:String!):Post!
If you have two groups in Amazon Cognito User Pools - bloggers and readers - and you want to restrict
the readers so that they cannot add new entries, then your schema should look like this:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
@aws_auth(cognito_groups: ["Bloggers", "Readers"])
type Mutation {
addPost(id:ID!, title:String!):Post!
@aws_auth(cognito_groups: ["Bloggers"])
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Fine-Grained Access Control
Note that you can omit the @aws_auth directive if you want to default to a specific grant-or-deny
strategy on access. You can specify the grant-or-deny strategy in the user pool configuration when you
create your GraphQL API via the console or via the following CLI command:
$ aws appsync --region us-west-2 create-graphql-api --authentication-type
AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS --name userpoolstest --user-pool-config '{ "userPoolId":"test",
"defaultEffect":"ALLOW", "awsRegion":"us-west-2"}'
Fine-Grained Access Control
The preceding information demonstrates how to restrict or grant access to certain GraphQL fields. If you
want to set access controls on the data itself based on certain conditions
such as who the user is that is making a call and whether they own the data
you can do use mapping templates in your resolvers. You can also perform more complex business logic,
which we describe in Filtering Information (p. 134).
This section shows how to set access controls on your data using a DynamoDB resolver mapping
Before proceeding any further, if you're not familiar with mapping templates in AWS AppSync, you may
want to review the Resolver Mapping Template Reference (p. 135) and the Resolver Mapping Template
Reference for DynamoDB (p. 137).
In the following example using DynamoDB, suppose you're using the preceding blog post schema, and
only users that created a post are allowed to edit it. The evaluation process would be for the user to
gain credentials in their application, using Amazon Cognito User Pools for example, and then pass these
credentials as part of a GraphQL operation. The mapping template will then substitute a value from the
credentials (like the username)in a conditional statement which will then be compared to a value in your
To add this functionality, add a GraphQL field of editPost as follows:
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Fine-Grained Access Control
type Mutation {
editPost(id:ID!, title:String, content:String):Post
addPost(id:ID!, title:String!):Post!
The resolver mapping template for editPost (shown in an example at the end of this section) needs to
perform a logical check against your data store to allow only the user that created a post to edit it. Since
this is an edit operation, it corresponds to an UpdateItem in DynamoDB. You can perform a conditional
check before performing this action, using context passed through for user identity validation. This is
stored in an Identity object that has the following values:
"accountId" : "12321434323",
"cognitoIdentityPoolId" : "",
"cognitoIdentityId" : "",
"sourceIP" : "",
"caller" : "ThisistheprincipalARN",
"user" : "username",
"userArn" : "Sameasabove"
To use this object in a DynamoDBUpdateItem call, you need to store the user identity information in the
table for comparison. First, your addPost mutation needs to store the creator. Second, your editPost
mutation needs to perform the conditional check before updating.
Here is an example of the request mapping template for addPost that stores the user identity as an
Author column:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"postId" : { "S" : "${}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"Author" : {"S" : "${context.identity.user}"}
#foreach( $entry in $context.arguments.entrySet() )
#if( $entry.key != "id" )
,"${entry.key}" : { "S" : "${entry.value}" }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "attribute_not_exists(postId)"
Note that the Author attribute is populated from the Identity object, which came from the
Finally, here is an example of the request mapping template for editPost, which only updates the
content of the blog post if the request comes from the user that created the post:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Filtering Information
"postId" : { "S" : "${}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"Author" : {"S" : "${context.identity.user}"}
#foreach( $entry in $context.arguments.entrySet() )
,"${entry.key}" : { "S" : "${entry.value}" }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "Author = :authorName",
"expressionValues" : {
":authorName" : { "S" : "${context.identity.user}" }
Filtering Information
There may be cases where you cannot control the response from your data source, but you don't want to
send unnecessary information to clients on a successful write or read to the data source. In these cases,
you can filter information by using a response mapping template.
For example, suppose you don't have an appropriate index on your blog post DynamoDB table (such as
an index on Author). You could run a GetItem query with the following mapping template:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"postId" : { "S" : "${}" }
This returns all the values responses, even if the caller isn't the author who created the post. To prevent
this from happening, you can perform the access check on the response mapping template in this case as
#if($context.result["Author"] == "$context.identity.user")
If the caller doesn't match this check, only a null response is returned.
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Resolver Mapping Template Overview
Resolver Mapping Template
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
Resolver Mapping Template Overview (p. 135)
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB (p. 137)
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Amazon Elasticsearch Service (p. 167)
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Lambda (p. 170)
Resolver Mapping Template Context Reference (p. 174)
Resolver Mapping Template Overview
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
AWS AppSync lets you respond to GraphQL operations by allowing you to perform operations on your
AWS resources. For each data source, a GraphQL resolver must run and must be able to communicate
with that data source appropriately.
Usually, the communication is through parameters or operations that are unique to the data source.
For an AWS Lambda resolver, you need to specify the payload. For an Amazon DynamoDB resolver, you
need to specify a key. For an Amazon Elasticsearch Service resolver, you need to specify an index and the
query operation.
Mapping templates are a way of indicating to AWS AppSync how to translate an incoming GraphQL
request into instructions for your backend data source, and how to translate the response from that data
source back into a GraphQL response. They are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL),
which takes your request as input and outputs a JSON document containing the instructions for the
resolver. You can use mapping templates for simple instructions, such as passing in arguments from
GraphQL fields, or for more complex instructions, such as looping through arguments to build an item
before inserting the item into DynamoDB.
There are two main types of mapping templates:
Request templates: Take the incoming request after a GraphQL operation is parsed and convert it into
instructions for the resolver so that the resolver can call your data source.
Response templates: Interpret responses from your data source and translate into a GraphQL response,
optionally performing some logic or formatting first.
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Example Template
Example Template
For example, suppose you have a DynamoDB data source and a resolver on a field called
getPost(id:ID!) that returns a Post type with the following GraphQL query:
Your resolver template might look like the following:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
This would substitute the id input parameter value of 1 for ${} and generate
the following JSON:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "1" }
AWS AppSync uses this template to generate instructions for communicating with DynamoDB and
getting data (or performing other operations as appropriate). After the data returns, AWS AppSync runs
it through an optional response mapping template, which you can use to perform data shaping or logic.
For example, when we get the results back from DynamoDB, they might look like this:
"id" : 1,
"theTitle" : "AWS AppSync works offline!",
"theContent-part1" : "It also has realtime functionality",
"theContent-part2" : "using GraphQL"
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for DynamoDB
You could choose to join two of the fields into a single field with the following response mapping
"id" : ${},
"title" : "${}",
"content" : "${} ${}"
Here's how the data is shaped after the template is applied to the data:
"id" : 1,
"title" : "AWS AppSync works offline!",
"content" : "It also has realtime functionality using GraphQL"
This data is given back as the response to a client as follows:
"data": {
"getPost": {
"id" : 1,
"title" : "AWS AppSync works offline!",
"content" : "It also has realtime functionality using GraphQL"
Note that under most circumstances, response mapping templates are a simple passthrough of data:
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
The AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver enables you to use GraphQL to store and retrieve data in existing
DynamoDB tables in your account. This resolver works by allowing you to map an incoming GraphQL
request into a DynamoDB call, and then map the DynamoDB response back to GraphQL. This section
describes the mapping templates for supported DynamoDB operations.
GetItem (p. 138)
PutItem (p. 139)
UpdateItem (p. 141)
DeleteItem (p. 144)
Query (p. 146)
Scan (p. 149)
Type System (request mapping) (p. 151)
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (response mapping) (p. 155)
Filters (p. 158)
Condition Expressions (p. 158)
The GetItem request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a
GetItem request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
The key of the item in DynamoDB
Whether to use a consistent read or not
The GetItem mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"foo" : ... typed value,
"bar" : ... typed value
"consistentRead" : true
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the GetItem DynamoDB operation, this must be
set to GetItem. This value is required.
The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and
sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information on how to specify a "typed value",
see Type System (request mapping) (p. 151). This value is required.
Whether or not to perform a strongly consistent read with DynamoDB. This is optional, and defaults
to false.
The item returned from DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types
and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL query getThing(foo: String!, bar: String!):
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "GetItem",
"key" : {
"foo" : { "S" : "${}" },
"bar" : { "S" : "${}" }
"consistentRead" : true
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB GetItem API.
The PutItem request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a
PutItem request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
The key of the item in DynamoDB
The full contents of the item (composed of key and attributeValues)
Conditions for the operation to succeed
The PutItem mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"foo" : ... typed value,
"bar" : ... typed value
"attributeValues" : {
"baz" : ... typed value
"condition" : {
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the PutItem DynamoDB operation, this must be
set to PutItem. This value is required.
The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and
sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information on how to specify a "typed value",
see Type System (request mapping) (p. 151). This value is required.
The rest of the attributes of the item to be put into DynamoDB. For more information on how to
specify a "typed value", see Type System (request mapping) (p. 151). This field is optional.
A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object
already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the PutItem request will overwrite any existing
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
entry for that item. For more information on conditions, see Condition Expressions (p. 158). This
value is optional.
The item written to DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and is
available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
Example 1
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateThing(foo: String!, bar:
String!, name: String!, version: Int!).
If no item with the specified key exists, it will be created. If an item already exists with the specified key,
it will be overwritten.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"foo" : { "S" : "${}" },
"bar" : { "S" : "${}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"name" : { "S" : "${}" },
"version" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.version} }
Example 2
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateThing(foo: String!, bar:
String!, name: String!, expectedVersion: Int!).
This example checks to make sure the item currently in DynamoDB has the version field set to
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key": {
"foo" : { "S" : "${}" },
"bar" : { "S" : "${}" }
"attributeValues" : {
"name" : { "S" : "${}" },
#set( $newVersion = $context.arguments.expectedVersion + 1 )
"version" : { "N" : ${newVersion} }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.expectedVersion} }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB PutItem API.
The UpdateItem request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to
make an UpdateItem request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
The key of the item in DynamoDB.
An update expression describing how to update the item in DynamoDB.
Conditions for the operation to succeed.
The UpdateItem mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key": {
"foo" : ... typed value,
"bar" : ... typed value
"update" : {
"expression" : "someExpression"
"expressionNames" : {
"#foo" : "foo"
"expressionValues" : {
":bar" : ... typed value
"condition" : {
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the UpdateItem DynamoDB operation, this must
be set to UpdateItem. This value is required.
The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and
sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information on how to specify a "typed value",
see Type System (request mapping) (p. 151). This value is required.
The update section lets you specify an update expression that describes how to update the item in
DynamoDB. See the DynamoDB UpdateExpressions documentation for more information on how to
write update expressions. This section is required.
The update section has three components:
The update expression. This value is required.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The
key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string
corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should
only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the
The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs.
The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a
typed value. For more information on how to specify a "typed value", see Type System (request
mapping) (p. 151). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated
with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.
A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object
already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the UpdateItem request will update any
existing entry regardless of its current state. For more information on conditions, see Condition
Expressions (p. 158). This value is optional.
The item updated in DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and
is available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
Example 1
Following is a mapping template for the GraphQL mutation upvote(id: ID!).
In this example, an item in DynamoDB has its upvotes and version fields incremented by 1.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"update" : {
"expression" : "ADD #votefield :plusOne, version :plusOne",
"expressionNames" : {
"#votefield" : "upvotes"
"expressionValues" : {
":plusOne" : { "N" : 1 }
Example 2
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation updateItem(id: ID!, title: String,
author: String, expectedVersion: Int!).
This is a complex example that inspects the arguments and dynamically generates the update expression
that only includes the arguments that have been provided by the client. For example, if title and
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
author are omitted, they are not updated. If an argument is specified but its value is null, then that
field is deleted from the object in DynamoDB. Finally, the operation has a condition, which will check to
make sure the item currently in DynamoDB has the version field set to expectedVersion:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "UpdateItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
## Set up some space to keep track of things we're updating **
#set( $expNames = {} )
#set( $expValues = {} )
#set( $expSet = {} )
#set( $expAdd = {} )
#set( $expRemove = [] )
## Increment "version" by 1 **
$!{expAdd.put("version", ":newVersion")}
$!{expValues.put(":newVersion", { "N" : 1 })}
## Iterate through each argument, skipping "id" and "expectedVersion" **
#foreach( $entry in $context.arguments.entrySet() )
#if( $entry.key != "id" && $entry.key != "expectedVersion" )
#if( (!$entry.value) && ("$!{entry.value}" == "") )
## If the argument is set to "null", then remove that attribute from the
item in DynamoDB **
#set( $discard = ${expRemove.add("#${entry.key}")} )
$!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")}
## Otherwise set (or update) the attribute on the item in DynamoDB **
$!{expSet.put("#${entry.key}", ":${entry.key}")}
$!{expNames.put("#${entry.key}", "$entry.key")}
#if( $entry.key == "ups" || $entry.key == "downs" )
$!{expValues.put(":${entry.key}", { "N" : $entry.value })}
$!{expValues.put(":${entry.key}", { "S" : "${entry.value}" })}
## Start building the update expression, starting with attributes we're going to SET **
#set( $expression = "" )
#if( !${expSet.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "SET" )
#foreach( $entry in $expSet.entrySet() )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} = ${entry.value}" )
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to ADD **
#if( !${expAdd.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ADD" )
#foreach( $entry in $expAdd.entrySet() )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry.key} ${entry.value}" )
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
## Continue building the update expression, adding attributes we're going to REMOVE **
#if( !${expRemove.isEmpty()} )
#set( $expression = "${expression} REMOVE" )
#foreach( $entry in $expRemove )
#set( $expression = "${expression} ${entry}" )
#if ( $foreach.hasNext )
#set( $expression = "${expression}," )
## Finally, write the update expression into the document, along with any
expressionNames and expressionValues **
"update" : {
"expression" : "${expression}"
#if( !${expNames.isEmpty()} )
,"expressionNames" : $utils.toJson($expNames)
#if( !${expValues.isEmpty()} )
,"expressionValues" : $utils.toJson($expValues)
"condition" : {
"expression" : "version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.expectedVersion} }
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB UpdateItem API.
The DeleteItem request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to
make a DeleteItem request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
The key of the item in DynamoDB
Conditions for the operation to succeed
The DeleteItem mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "DeleteItem",
"key": {
"foo" : ... typed value,
"bar" : ... typed value
"condition" : {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the DeleteItem DynamoDB operation, this must
be set to DeleteItem. This value is required.
The key of the item in DynamoDB. DynamoDB items may have a single hash key, or a hash key and
sort key, depending on the table structure. For more information on how to specify a "typed value",
see Type System (request mapping) (p. 151). This value is required.
A condition to determine if the request should succeed or not, based on the state of the
object already in DynamoDB. If no condition is specified, the DeleteItem request will delete
an item regardless of its current state. For more information on conditions, see Condition
Expressions (p. 158). This value is optional.
The item deleted from DynamoDB is automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types
and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
Example 1
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation deleteItem(id: ID!). If an item exists with
this ID, it will be deleted.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "DeleteItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
Example 2
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL mutation deleteItem(id: ID!,
expectedVersion: Int!). If an item exists with this ID, it will be deleted, but only if its version field
set to expectedVersion:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "DeleteItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "${}" }
"condition" : {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id) OR version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : ${context.arguments.expectedVersion} }
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB DeleteItem API.
The Query request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a
Query request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
Key expression
Which index to use
Any additional filter
How many items to return
Whether to use consistent reads
query direction (forwards or backwards)
Pagination token
The Query mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" {
"expression" : "some expression",
"expressionNames" : {
"#foo" : "foo"
"expressionValues" : {
":bar" : ... typed value
"index" : "fooIndex",
"nextToken" : "a pagination token",
"limit" : 10,
"scanIndexForward" : true,
"consistentRead" : false,
"select" : "ALL_ATTRIBUTES",
"filter" : {
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the Query DynamoDB operation, this must be set
to Query. This value is required.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
The query section lets you specify a key condition expression that describes which items to retrieve
from DynamoDB. See the DynamoDB KeyConditions documentation for more information on how to
write key condition expressions. This section must be specified.
The query expression. This field must be specified.
The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The
key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string
corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should
only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the
The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs.
The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a
typed value. For more information on how to specify a "typed value", see Type System (request
mapping) (p. 151). This value is required. This field is optional, and should only be populated
with substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.
An additional filter that can be used to filter the results from DynamoDB before they are returned.
For more information on filters, see Filters (p. 158). This field is optional.
The name of the index to query. The DynamoDB query operation allows you to scan on Local
Secondary Indexes and Global Secondary Indexes in addition to the primary key index for a hash key.
If specified, this will tell DynamoDB to query the specified index. If omitted, then the primary key
index will be queried.
The pagination token to continue a previous query. This would have been obtained from a previous
query. This field is optional.
The maximum number of results to fetch at a single time. This field is optional.
A boolean indicating whether to query forwards or backwards. This field is optional, and defaults to
A boolean indicating whether to use consistent reads when querying DynamoDB. This field is
optional, and defaults to false.
By default, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will only return whatever attributes are projected
into the index. If more attributes are required, then this field can be set. This field is optional. The
supported values are:
Returns all of the item attributes from the specified table or index. If you query a local
secondary index, then for each matching item in the index DynamoDB will fetch the entire item
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
from the parent table. If the index is configured to project all item attributes, then all of the
data can be obtained from the local secondary index, and no fetching is required.
Allowed only when querying an index. Retrieves all attributes that have been projected into
the index. If the index is configured to project all attributes, this return value is equivalent to
specifying ALL_ATTRIBUTES.
The results from DynamoDB are automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON primitive types and are
available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
The results have the following structure:
items = [ ... ],
nextToken = "a pagination token",
scannedCount = 10
The fields are defined as follows:
A list containing the items returned by the DynamoDB query.
If there might be more results, nextToken will contain a pagination token that can be used in
another request. Note that AWS AppSync will encrypt and obfuscate the pagination token returned
from DynamoDB. This is so data from your tables are not inadvertently leaked to the caller. Also
note that these pagination tokens cannot be used across different resolvers.
The number of items that matched the query condition expression, before a filter expression (if
present) was applied.
Following is a mapping template for a GraphQL query getPosts(owner: ID!).
In this example, a global secondary index on a table is queried to return all posts owned by the specified
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" {
"expression" : "ownerId = :ownerId",
"expressionValues" : {
":ownerId" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.owner}" }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"index" : "owner-index"
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB Query API.
The Scan request mapping document lets you tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to make a
Scan request to DynamoDB, and allows you to specify:
A filter to exclude results
Which index to use
How many items to return
Whether to use consistent reads
Pagination token
Parallel scans
The Scan mapping document has the following structure:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"index" : "fooIndex",
"limit" : 10,
"consistentRead" : false,
"nextToken" : "aPaginationToken",
"totalSegments" : 10,
"segment" : 1,
"filter" : {
The fields are defined as follows:
The template definition version. Only 2017-02-28 is supported. This value is required.
The DynamoDB operation to perform. To perform the Scan DynamoDB operation, this must be set
to Scan. This value is required.
An filter that can be used to filter the results from DynamoDB before they are returned. For more
information on filters, see Filters (p. 158). This field is optional.
The name of the index to query. The DynamoDB query operation allows you to scan on Local
Secondary Indexes and Global Secondary Indexes in addition to the primary key index for a hash key.
If specified, this will tell DynamoDB to query the specified index. If omitted, then the primary key
index will be queried.
The maximum number of results to fetch at a single time. This field is optional.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
A boolean indicating whether to use consistent reads when querying DynamoDB. This field is
optional, and defaults to false.
The pagination token to continue a previous query. This would have been obtained from a previous
query. This field is optional.
By default, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will only return whatever attributes are projected
into the index. If more attributes are required, then this field can be set. This field is optional. The
supported values are:
Returns all of the item attributes from the specified table or index. If you query a local
secondary index, then for each matching item in the index DynamoDB will fetch the entire item
from the parent table. If the index is configured to project all item attributes, then all of the
data can be obtained from the local secondary index, and no fetching is required.
Allowed only when querying an index. Retrieves all attributes that have been projected into
the index. If the index is configured to project all attributes, this return value is equivalent to
specifying ALL_ATTRIBUTES.
The number of segments to partition the table by when performing a parallel scan. This field is
optional, but must be specified if segment is specified.
The table segment in this operation when performing a parallel scan. This field is optional, but must
be specified if totalSegments is specified.
The results returned by the DynamoDB scan are automatically converted into GraphQL and JSON
primitive types and is available in the mapping context ($context.result).
For more information about DynamoDB type conversion, see Type System (response mapping) (p. 155).
For more information about response mapping templates, see Resolver Mapping Template
Overview (p. 135).
The results have the following structure:
items = [ ... ],
nextToken = "a pagination token",
scannedCount = 10
The fields are defined as follows:
A list containing the items returned by the DynamoDB scan.
If there might be more results, nextToken will contain a pagination token that can be used in
another request. Note that AWS AppSync will encrypt and obfuscate the pagination token returned
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (request mapping)
from DynamoDB. This is so data from your tables are not inadvertently leaked to the caller. Also
note that these pagination tokens cannot be used across different resolvers.
The number of items that were retrieved by DynamoDB before a filter expression (if present) was
Example 1
Following is a mapping template for the GraphQL query: allPosts.
In this example, all entries in the table are returned.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan"
Example 2
Following is a mapping template for the GraphQL query: postsMatching(title: String!).
In this example, all entries in the table are returned where the title starts with the title argument.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"filter" : {
"expression" : "begins_with(title, :title)",
"expressionValues" : {
":title" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.title}" }
See the DynamoDB API documentation for more information about the DynamoDB Scan API.
Type System (request mapping)
When using the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to call your DynamoDB tables, AWS AppSync needs to
know the type of each value to use in that call. This is because DynamoDB supports more type primitives
than GraphQL or JSON (such as sets and binary data). AWS AppSync needs some hints when translating
between GraphQL and DynamoDB, otherwise it would have to make some assumptions on how data is
structured in your table.
For more information about DynamoDB data types, see the DynamoDB Data Type Descriptors and Data
Types documentation.
A DynamoDB value is represented by a JSON object containing a single key-value pair. The key specifies
the DynamoDB type, and the value specifies the value itself. In the following example, the key S denotes
that the value is a string, and the value identifier is the string value itself.
{ "S" : "identifier" }
Note that the JSON object cannot have more than one key-value pair. If more than one key-value pair is
specified, the request mapping document will not be parsed.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (request mapping)
A DynamoDB value is used anywhere in a request mapping document where you need to specify a
value. Some places where you will need to do this include: key and attributeValue sections, and the
expressionValues section of expression sections. In the following example, the DynamoDB String
value identifier is being assigned to the id field in a key section (perhaps in a GetItem request
mapping document).
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "identifier" }
Supported types
AWS AppSync supports the following DynamoDB scalar, document and set types:
String type S
A single string value. A DynamoDB String value is denoted by:
{ "S" : "some string" }
An example usage is:
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "some string" }
String set type SS
A set of string values. A DynamoDB String Set value is denoted by:
{ "SS" : [ "first value", "second value", ... ] }
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
"phoneNumbers" : { "SS" : [ "+1 555 123 4567", "+1 555 234 5678" ] }
Number type N
A single numeric value. A DynamoDB Number value is denoted by:
{ "N" : 1234 }
An example usage is:
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 }
Number set type NS
A set of number values. A DynamoDB Number Set value is denoted by:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (request mapping)
{ "NS" : [ 1, 2.3, 4 ... ] }
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
"sensorReadings" : { "NS" : [ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ] }
Binary type B
A binary value. A DynamoDB Binary value is denoted by:
{ "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" }
Note that the value is actually a string, where the string is the Base64 encoded representation of
the binary data. AWS AppSync will decode this string back into its binary value before sending it to
DynamoDB. AWS AppSync uses the Base64 decoding scheme as defined by RFC 2045: any character
that is not in the Base64 alphabet is ignored.
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
"binaryMessage" : { "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" }
Binary set type BS
A set of binary values. A DynamoDB Binary Set value is denoted by:
{ "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ] }
Note that the value is actually a string, where the string is the Base64 encoded representation of
the binary data. AWS AppSync will decode this string back into its binary value before sending it to
DynamoDB. AWS AppSync uses the Base64 decoding scheme as defined by RFC 2045: any character
that is not in the Base64 alphabet is ignored.
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
"binaryMessages" : { "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ] }
Boolean type BOOL
A boolean value. A DynamoDB Boolean value is denoted by:
{ "BOOL" : true }
Note that only true and false are valid values.
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (request mapping)
"orderComplete" : { "BOOL" : false }
List type L
A list of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB List value is denoted by:
{ "L" : [ ... ] }
Note that the value is a compound value, where the list can contain zero or more of any supported
DynamoDB value (including other lists). The list can also contain a mix of different types.
An example usage is:
{ "L" : [
{ "S" : "A string value" },
{ "N" : 1 },
{ "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] }
Map type M
Representing an unordered collection of key-value pairs of other supported DynamoDB values. A
DynamoDB Map value is denoted by:
{ "M" : { ... } }
Note that a map can contain zero or more key-value pairs. The key must be a string, and the value
can be any supported DynamoDB value (including other maps). The map can also contain a mix of
different types.
An example usage is:
{ "M" : {
"someString" : { "S" : "A string value" },
"someNumber" : { "N" : 1 },
"stringSet" : { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] }
Null type NULL
A null value. A DynamoDB Null value is denoted by:
{ "NULL" : null }
An example usage is:
"attributeValues" : {
"phoneNumbers" : { "NULL" : null }
See the DynamoDB documentation for more information on each type.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (response mapping)
Type System (response mapping)
When receiving a response from DynamoDB, AWS AppSync automatically converts it into GraphQL and
JSON primitive types. Each attribute in DynamoDB is decoded and returned in the response mapping
For example, if DynamoDB returns the following:
"id" : { "S" : "1234" },
"name" : { "S" : "Nadia" },
"age" : { "N" : 25 }
Then the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver converts it into GraphQL and JSON types as:
"id" : "1234",
"name" : "Nadia",
"age" : 25
This section explains how AWS AppSync will convert the following DynamoDB scalar, document and set
String type S
A single string value. A DynamoDB String value will be returned simply as a string.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB String value:
{ "S" : "some string" }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a string:
"some string"
String set type SS
A set of string values. A DynamoDB String Set value will be returned as a list of strings.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB String Set value:
{ "SS" : [ "first value", "second value", ... ] }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a list of strings:
[ "+1 555 123 4567", "+1 555 234 5678" ]
Number type N
A single numeric value. A DynamoDB Number value will be returned as a number.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Number value:
{ "N" : 1234 }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (response mapping)
AWS AppSync will convert it to a number:
Number set type NS
A set of number values. A DynamoDB Number Set value will be returned as a list of numbers.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Number Set value:
{ "NS" : [ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ] }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a list of numbers:
[ 67.8, 12.2, 70 ]
Binary type B
A binary value. A DynamoDB Binary value will be returned as a string containing the Base64
representation of that value.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Binary value:
{ "B" : "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=" }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a string containing the Base64 representation of the value:
Note that the binary data is encoded in the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and
RFC 2045.
Binary set type BS
A set of binary values. A DynamoDB Binary Set value will be returned as a list of strings containing
the Base64 representation of the values.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Binary Set value:
{ "BS" : [ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ] }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a list of strings containing the Base64 representation of the values:
[ "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQo=", "SG93IGFyZSB5b3U/Cg==" ... ]
Note that the binary data is encoded in the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and
RFC 2045.
Boolean type BOOL
A boolean value. A DynamoDB Boolean value will be returned as a boolean.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Boolean value:
{ "BOOL" : true }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Type System (response mapping)
AWS AppSync will convert it to a boolean:
List type L
A list of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB List value will be returned as a list of
values, where each inner value is also converted.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB List value:
{ "L" : [
{ "S" : "A string value" },
{ "N" : 1 },
{ "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a list of converted values:
[ "A string value", 1, [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] ]
Map type M
A key/value collection of any other supported DynamoDB value. A DynamoDB Map value will be
returned as a JSON object, where each key/value is also converted.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Map value:
{ "M" : {
"someString" : { "S" : "A string value" },
"someNumber" : { "N" : 1 },
"stringSet" : { "SS" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ] }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a JSON object:
"someString" : "A string value",
"someNumber" : 1,
"stringSet" : [ "Another string value", "Even more string values!" ]
Null type NULL
A null value.
For example, if DynamoDB returned the following DynamoDB Null value:
{ "NULL" : null }
AWS AppSync will convert it to a null:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
When querying objects in DynamoDB using the Query and Scan operations, you can optionally specify a
filter that evaluates the results and returns only the desired values.
The filter mapping section of a Query or Scan mapping document has the following structure:
"filter" : {
"expression" : "filter expression"
"expressionNames" : {
"#name" : "name",
"expressionValues" : {
":value" : ... typed value
The fields are defined as follows:
The query expression. See the DynamoDB QueryFilter and DynamoDB ScanFilter documentation for
more information on how to write filter expressions. This field must be specified.
The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The
key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string
corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should
only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the
The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs.
The key corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a
typed value. For more information on how to specify a "typed value", see Type System (request
mapping) (p. 151). This must be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with
substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders used in the expression.
Following is a filter section for a mapping template, where entries retrieved from DynamoDB are only
returned if the title starts with the title argument.
"filter" : {
"expression" : "begins_with(#title, :title)",
"expressionNames" : {
"#title" : "title"
"expressionValues" : {
":title" : { "S" : "${context.arguments.title}" }
Condition Expressions
When you mutate objects in DynamoDB by using the PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem
DynamoDB operations, you can optionally specify a condition expression that controls whether the
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
request should succeed or not, based on the state of the object already in DynamoDB before the
operation is performed.
The AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver allows a condition expression to be specified in PutItem,
UpdateItem, and DeleteItem request mapping documents, and also a strategy to follow if the
condition fails and the object was not updated.
Example 1
The following PutItem mapping document does not have a condition expression, so it will put an item
in DynamoDB even if an item with the same key already exists, overwriting the existing item.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "1" }
Example 2
The following PutItem mapping document does have a condition expression that will only let the
operation succeed if an item with the same key does not exist in DynamoDB.
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "1" }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "attribute_not_exists(id)"
By default, if the condition check fails, then the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will return an error for
the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of
the GraphQL response. However, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver offers some additional features
to help developers handle some common edge cases:
If AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver can determine that the current value in DynamoDB matches the
desired result, then it will treat the operation as if it succeeded anyway.
Instead of returning an error, you can configure the resolver to invoke a custom Lambda function to
decide how the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure.
These will be described in greater detail in the Handling a condition check failure (p. 161) section.
See the DynamoDB ConditionExpressions documentation for more information about DynamoDB
conditions expressions.
Specifying a condition
The PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem request mapping documents all allow an optional
condition section to be specified. If omitted, no condition check is made. If specified, the condition
must be true for the operation to succeed.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
A condition section has the following structure:
"condition" : {
"expression" : "someExpression"
"expressionNames" : {
"#foo" : "foo"
"expressionValues" : {
":bar" : ... typed value
"equalsIgnore" : [ "version" ],
"consistentRead" : true,
"conditionalCheckFailedHandler" : {
"strategy" : "Custom",
"lambdaArn" : "arn:..."
The following fields specify the condition:
The update expression itself. See the DynamoDB ConditionExpressions documentation for more
information about how to write condition expressions. This field must be specified.
The substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The
key corresponds to a name placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a string
corresponding to the attribute name of the item in DynamoDB. This field is optional, and should
only be populated with substitutions for expression attribute name placeholders used in the
The substitutions for expression attribute value placeholders, in the form of key-value pairs. The key
corresponds to a value placeholder used in the expression, and the value must be a typed value. For
more information on how to specify a "typed value", see Type System (request mapping). This must
be specified. This field is optional, and should only be populated with substitutions for expression
attribute value placeholders used in the expression.
The remaining fields tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver how to handle a condition check failure:
When a condition check fails when using the PutItem operation, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB
resolver will compare the item currently in DynamoDB against the item it tried to write. If they are
the same, then it will treat the operation as it if succeeded anyway. You can use the equalsIgnore
field to specify a list of attributes that AWS AppSync should ignore when performing that
comparison. For example, if the only difference was a version attribute, then treat the operation as
it if succeeded. This field is optional.
When a condition check fails, AWS AppSync will get the current value of the item from DynamoDB
using a strongly consistent read. You can use this field to tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver
to use an eventually consistent read instead. This field is optional, and defaults to true.
This section allows you to specify how the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will treat a condition
check failure after it has compared the current value in DynamoDB against the expected result. This
section is optional. If omitted, it defaults to a strategy of Reject.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
The strategy the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will take after it has compared the current
value in DynamoDB against the expected result. This field is required, and has two possible
The mutation will fail, and an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in
DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of the GraphQL response.
The AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will invoke a custom Lambda function to decide
how to handle the condition check failure. When the strategy is set to Custom, then the
lambdaArn field must contain the ARN of the Lambda function to invoke.
The ARN of the Lambda function to invoke to decide how the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver
should handle the condition check failure. This field must only be specified when strategy is
set to Custom. See Handling a condition check failure (p. 161) for more information about
how to use this feature.
Handling a condition check failure
By default, when a condition check fails, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will return an error for
the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB in a data field in the error section of
the GraphQL response. However, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver offers some additional features
to help developers handle some common edge cases:
If AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver can determine that the current value in DynamoDB matches the
desired result, then it will treat the operation as if it succeeded anyway.
Instead of returning an error, you can configure the resolver to invoke a custom Lambda function to
decide how the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure.
The flowchart for this process is:
Checking for the desired result
When the condition check fails, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will perform a GetItem
DynamoDB request to get the current value of the item from DynamoDB. By default, it will use a strongly
consistent read, however this can be configured using the consistentRead field in the condition
block and compare it against the expected result:
For the PutItem operation, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will compare the current value
against the one it attempted to write, excluding any attributes listed in equalsIgnore from the
comparison. If the items are the same, then it will treat the operation as successful and return the item
that was retrieved from DynamoDB. Otherwise, it will then follow the configured strategy.
For example, if the PutItem request mapping document looked like this:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "1" }
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
"attributeValues" : {
"name" : { "S" : "Steve" },
"version" : { "N" : 2 }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 }
"equalsIgnore": [ "version" ]
And the item currently in DynamoDB looked like this:
"id" : { "S" : "1" },
"name" : { "S" : "Steve" },
"version" : { "N" : 8 }
Then the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver would compare the item it tried to write against the
current value, see that the only difference was the version field, but because it's configured to ignore
the version field, it treats the operation as successful and returns the item that was retrieved from
For the DeleteItem operation, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will see if an item was returned
from DynamoDB. If no item was returned, then it will treat the operation as successful. Otherwise, it
will then follow the configured strategy.
For the UpdateItem operation, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver does not have enough
information to determine if the item currently in DynamoDB matches the expected result, and
therefore follows the configured strategy.
If the current state of the object in DynamoDB is different from the expected result, then the AWS
AppSync DynamoDB resolver will follow the configured strategy, to either reject the mutation or invoke a
Lambda function to decide what to do next.
Following the "Reject" strategy
When following the Reject strategy, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will return an error for the
mutation, and the current value of the object in DynamoDB will also be returned in a data field in the
error section of the GraphQL response. The item returned from DynamoDB will be put through the
response mapping template to translate it into a format the client expects, and will also be filtered by
the selection set.
For example, given the following mutation request:
mutation {
updatePerson(id: 1, name: "Steve", expectedVersion: 1) {
If the item returned from DynamoDB looks like:
"id" : { "S" : "1" },
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
"name" : { "S" : "Steve" },
"version" : { "N" : 8 }
And the response mapping template looks like:
"id" : "${}",
"Name" : "${}",
"theVersion" : ${context.result.version}
Then the GraphQL response will look like:
"data": null,
"errors": [
"message": "The conditional request failed (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2;
Status Code: 400; Error Code: ConditionalCheckFailedException; Request ID:
"errorType": "DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException",
"data": {
"Name": "Steve",
"theVersion": 8
Also note that if any fields in the returned object would have been filled by other resolvers if the
mutation had succeeded, they will not be resolved when the object is returned in the error section.
Following the "Custom" strategy
When following the Custom strategy, the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will invoke a Lambda
function to decide what to do next. The Lambda function has three options to choose from:
reject the mutation. This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to behave as if the
configured strategy was Reject, returning an error for the mutation and the current value of the
object in DynamoDB as described in the section above.
discard the mutation. This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to silently ignore the
condition check failure, and just return the value in DynamoDB.
retry the mutation. This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to retry the mutation with a
new request mapping document.
The Lambda invocation request
The AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will invoke the Lambda function specified in the lambdaArn. It
will use the same service-role-arn configured on the data source. The payload of the invocation has
the following structure:
"arguments": { ... },
"requestMapping": {... },
"currentValue": { ... },
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
"resolver": { ... },
"identity": { ... }
The fields are defined as follows:
The arguments from the GraphQL mutation. This is the same as the arguments available to the
request mapping document in $context.arguments.
The request mapping document for this operation.
The current value of the object in DynamoDB.
Information about the AWS AppSync resolver.
Information about the caller. This is the same as the identity information available to the request
mapping document in $context.identity.
A full example of the payload:
"arguments": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Steve",
"expectedVersion": 1
"requestMapping": {
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"id" : { "S" : "1" }
"attributeValues" : {
"name" : { "S" : "Steve" },
"version" : { "N" : 2 }
"condition" : {
"expression" : "version = :expectedVersion",
"expressionValues" : {
":expectedVersion" : { "N" : 1 }
"equalsIgnore": [ "version" ]
"currentValue": {
"id" : { "S" : "1" },
"name" : { "S" : "Steve" },
"version" : { "N" : 8 }
"resolver": {
"tableName": "People",
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"parentType": "Mutation",
"field": "updatePerson",
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
"outputType": "Person"
"identity": {
"accountId": "123456789012",
"sourceIp": "x.x.x.x",
"userArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/appsync"
The Lambda invocation response
The Lambda function can inspect the invocation payload and apply any business logic to decide how the
AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver should handle the failure. There are three options for handling the
condition check failure:
reject the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:
"action": "reject"
This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to behave as if the configured strategy was
Reject, returning an error for the mutation and the current value of the object in DynamoDB as
described in the section above.
discard the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:
"action": "discard"
This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to silently ignore the condition check failure, and
just return the value in DynamoDB.
retry the mutation. The response payload for this option must have this structure:
"action": "retry",
"retryMapping": { ... }
This will tell the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver to retry the mutation with a new request mapping
document. The structure of the retryMapping section depends on the DynamoDB operation, and is a
subset of the full request mapping document for that operation.
For PutItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure. See PutItem (p. 139) for a
description of the attributeValues field.
"attributeValues": { ... },
"condition": {
"equalsIgnore" = [ ... ],
"consistentRead" = true
For UpdateItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure. See UpdateItem (p. 141)
for a description of the update section.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Condition Expressions
"update" : {
"expression" : "someExpression"
"expressionNames" : {
"#foo" : "foo"
"expressionValues" : {
":bar" : ... typed value
"condition": {
"consistentRead" = true
For DeleteItem, the retryMapping section has the following structure.
"condition": {
"consistentRead" = true
Note that there is no way to specify a different operation or key to work on: the AWS AppSync
DynamoDB resolver will only allow retries of the same operation on the same object. Also note the
condition section doesn't allow a conditionalCheckFailedHandler to be specified. If the retry
fails, then the AWS AppSync DynamoDB resolver will follow the Reject strategy.
Here is an example Lambda function to deal with a failed PutItem request. The business logic looks
at who made the call: if it was made by jeffTheAdmin then it will retry the request, updating the
version and expectedVersion from the item currently in DynamoDB; otherwise it will reject the
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("Event: "+ JSON.stringify(event));
// Business logic goes here.
var response;
if ( event.identity.user == "jeffTheAdmin" ) {
response = {
"action" : "retry",
"retryMapping" : {
"attributeValues" : event.requestMapping.attributeValues,
"condition" : {
"expression" : event.requestMapping.condition.expression,
"expressionValues" : event.requestMapping.condition.expressionValues
response.retryMapping.attributeValues.version = { "N" :
event.currentValue.version.N + 1 }
response.retryMapping.condition.expressionValues[':expectedVersion'] =
} else {
response = { "action" : "reject" }
console.log("Response: "+ JSON.stringify(response))
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Resolver Mapping Template Reference
for Amazon Elasticsearch Service
callback(null, response)
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Amazon
Elasticsearch Service
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
The AWS AppSync resolver for Amazon Elasticsearch Service enables you to use GraphQL to store and
retrieve data in existing Amazon ES domains in your account. This resolver works by allowing you to map
an incoming GraphQL request into an Amazon ES request, and then map the Amazon ES response back
to GraphQL. This section describes the mapping templates for the supported Amazon ES operations.
Request Mapping Template
Most Amazon ES request mapping templates have a common structure where just a few pieces change.
The following example runs a search against an Amazon ES domain, where documents are of type post
and have been indexed under id. The search parameters are defined in the body section, with many of
the common query clauses being defined in the query field. This example will search for documents
containing "Nadia", or "Bailey", or both, in the author field of a document:
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"should" : [
{"match" : { "author" : "Nadia" }},
{"match" : { "author" : "Bailey" }}
For more information on query options, see the Elasticsearch Query DSL Reference.
Response Mapping Template
As with other data sources, Amazon ES sends a response to AWS AppSync that needs to be converted
to GraphQL. The shape of an Amazon ES response can be seen in the Elasticsearch Request Body Search
DSL Reference.
Most GraphQL queries are looking for the _source field from an Amazon ES response. Because searches
can be done to return either an individual document or a list of documents, there are two common
response mapping templates used in Amazon ES:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
operation field
List of Results
#foreach($entry in $context.result.hits.hits)
#if( $velocityCount > 1 ) , #end
Individual Item
operation field
(REQUEST Mapping Template only)
HTTP method or verb (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD or DELETE) that AWS AppSync will send to the Amazon ES
domain. Both the key and the value must be a string.
"operation" : "PUT"
path field
(REQUEST Mapping Template only)
The search path for an Amazon ES request from AWS AppSync. This will form a URL for the operation's
HTTP verb. Both the key and the value must be strings.
"path" : "/indexname/type"
"path" : "/indexname/type/_search"
When the mapping template is evaluated, this path will be sent as part of the HTTP request, including
the Amazon ES domain. For example, the above example might translate to:
params field
(REQUEST Mapping Template only)
Used to specify what action your search will perform, most commonly by setting the query value inside
of the body. However, there are several other capabilities that can be configured, such as the formatting
of responses.
The header information, as key-value pairs. Both the key and the value must be strings. For example:
"headers" : {
"Content-Type" : "JSON"
Note: AWS AppSync currently supports only JSON as a Content-Type.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Passing Variables
Key-value pairs that specify common options, such as code formatting for JSON responses. Both the
key and the value must be a string. For example, if you wanted to get pretty-formatted JSON, you
would use:
"queryString" : {
"pretty" : "true"
This is the main part of your request, allowing AWS AppSync to craft a well-formed search request to
your Amazon ES domain. The key must be a string comprised of an object. A couple of demonstrations
are below.
Example 1
Return all documents with a city matching "seattle":
"query" : {
"match" : {
"city" : "seattle"
Example 2
Return all documents matching "washington" as the city or the state:
"query" : {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "washington",
"fields" : ["city", "state"]
Passing Variables
(REQUEST Mapping Template only)
You can also pass variables as part of evaluation in the VTL statement. For example, suppose you had a
GraphQL query such as the following:
query {
searchForState(state: "washington"){
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Lambda
The mapping template could take the state as an argument:
"query" : {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "$context.arguments.state",
"fields" : ["city", "state"]
For a list of utilities you can include in the VTL, see Accessing the $util Variable (p. 176).
Resolver Mapping Template Reference for Lambda
This is prerelease documentation for a service in preview release. It is subject to change.
The AWS AppSync Lambda resolver mapping templates enable you to shape requests from AWS
AppSync to AWS Lambda functions located in your account, and responses from your Lambda functions
back to AWS AppSync. Mapping templates also allow you to give hints to AWS AppSync about the nature
of the operation to be invoked. This section describes the different mapping templates for the supported
AWS Lambda operations.
Request Mapping Template
The Lambda request mapping template is fairly simple and allows as much context information as
possible to pass to your Lambda function.
"version": string,
"operation": Invoke|BatchInvoke,
"payload": any type
Here is the JSON schema representation of the Lambda request mapping template, once resolved:
"definitions": {},
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"version": {
"$id": "/properties/version",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"title": "The Mapping template version.",
"default": "2017-02-28"
"operation": {
"$id": "/properties/operation",
"type": "string",
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"enum": [
"title": "The Mapping template operation.",
"description": "What operation to execute.",
"default": "Invoke"
"payload": {}
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
Here is an example where we chose to pass the field value, and the GraphQL field arguments from the
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "getPost",
"arguments": $utils.toJson($context.arguments)
The entire mapping document will be passed as input to your Lambda function, so that the example
above would now look like the following:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"field": "getPost",
"arguments": {
"id": "postId1"
Common to all request mapping templates, version defines the version used by the template.
version is required.
"version": "2017-02-28"
The Lambda data source allows you to define two operations, Invoke and BatchInvoke. The
Invoke lets AWS AppSync know to call your Lambda function for every GraphQL field resolver, while
BatchInvoke instructs AWS AppSync to batch requests for the current GraphQL field.
For Invoke, the resolved request mapping template exactly matches the input payload of the Lambda
function. So the following sample template:
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"arguments": $utils.toJson($context.arguments)
Is resolved and passed to the Lambda function as follows:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "Invoke",
"payload": {
"arguments": {
"id": "postId1"
For BatchInvoke, the mapping template is applied for every field resolver in the batch. For conciseness,
AWS AppSync merges all of the resolved mapping templates payload values into a list under a single
object matching the mapping template.
The following example template illustrates the merge:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "BatchInvoke",
"payload": $utils.toJson($context)
This template is resolved into the following mapping document:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "BatchInvoke",
"payload": [
{...}, // context for batch item 1
{...}, // context for batch item 2
{...} // context for batch item 3
where each element of the payload list corresponds to a single batch item. The Lambda function is also
expected to return a list-shaped response, matching the order of the items sent in the request as follows:
{ "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null }, // result for batch item 1
{ "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null }, // result for batch item 2
{ "data": {...}, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null } // result for batch item 3
operation is required.
The payload field is a container that can be used to pass any well formed JSON to the Lambda function.
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Response Mapping Template
If the operation field is set to BatchInvoke, AWS AppSync will wrap the existing payload values into
a list.
payload is optional.
Response Mapping Template
As with other data sources, your Lambda function sends a response to AWS AppSync that needs to be
converted to a GraphQL type.
The result of the Lambda function will be set on the context object available via the VTL
$context.result property.
If the shape of your Lambda function response exactly matches the shape of the GraphQL type, you can
forward the response using the following response mapping template:
There are no required fields or shape restrictions that apply to the response mapping template. However,
because GraphQL is strongly typed, the resolved mapping template must match the expected GraphQL
Lambda Function Batched Response
If the operation field is set to BatchInvoke, the Lambda function response must follow this structure:
"data": string,
"errorMessage": string,
"errorType": string
If data is null and there is no error for the current item, the entire object can be replaced with null, for
no data.
Also, if errorMessage is provided, errorType must also be provided, and vice versa.
Here is an example response that encompasses all of the aforementioned cases:
{ "data": "Author ABC data", "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null },
{ "data": "Author DEF data", "errorMessage": "Incomplete result", "errorType":
{ "data": null, "errorMessage": "Failed to retrieve author", "errorType": "FAILED" },
{ "data": null, "errorMessage": null, "errorType": null }, // no data
null // no data
Here is the JSON schema representation of the Lambda function response:
"definitions": {},
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Resolver Mapping Template Context Reference
"data": {},
"errorMessage": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Error message to be propagated to the response."
"errorType": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Error type to be propagated to the response."
"dependencies": {
"errorMessage": {
"required": [
"errorType": {
"required": [
Resolver Mapping Template Context Reference
AWS AppSync defines a set of variables and functions for working with mapping templates. This
document describes those functions and provides examples for working with templates.
Accessing the $context Variable
The $context variable holds all of the contextual information for your resolver invocation. It has the
following structure:
"arguments" : { ... },
"source" : { ... },
"result" : { ... },
"identity" : { ... }
Each field is defined as follows:
A map containing all GraphQL arguments for this field.
An object containing information about the caller. See Identity (p. 175) for more information on
the structure of this field.
A map containing the resolution of the parent field.
A map containing the results of this resolver. This map is only available to response mapping
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Accessing the $context Variable
For example, if you are resolving the author field of the following query:
query {
getPost(id: 1234) {
author {
Then the full $context variable that is available when processing a response mapping template might
"arguments" : {},
"source" : {
"createdAt" : "2017-02-28T18:12:37Z",
"title" : "A new post",
"content" : "A long time ago, in a thread far far away",
"postId" : "1234",
"authorId" : "34521"
"result" : {
"name" : "Steve",
"joinDate" : "2017-02-28T18:12:37Z",
"id" : "34521"
"identity" : {
"sourceIp" : "x.x.x.x",
"userArn" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/appsync",
"accountId" : "123456789012",
The identity section contains information about the caller. The shape of this section depends on the
authorization type of your AWS AppSync API.
See Security (p. 129) for more information about this section and how it can be used.
API_KEY authorization
The identity field is not populated.
AWS_IAM authorization
The identity has the following shape:
accountId = "string",
cognitoIdentityPoolId = "string",
cognitoIdentityId = "string",
sourceIp = "string",
user = "string",
userArn = "string"
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync Developer Guide
Accessing the $util Variable
The identity has the following shape:
"sub" : "uuid",
"issuer" : "string",
"userName" : "string"
"claims" : { ... },
"sourceIp" : "x.x.x.x",
"defaultAuthStrategy" : "string"
Each field is defined as follows:
The AWS account ID of the caller.
The claims the the user has.
The Amazon Cognito identity ID of the caller.
The Amazon Cognito Identity Pool ID associated with the caller.
The default auth strategy for this caller (ALLOW or DENY).
The token issuer.
The source IP address of the caller.
The UUID of the authenticated user.
The IAM user.
The IAM user arn.
The username of the authenticated user.
Accessing the $util Variable
The $util variable contains some utility methods that make it easier to work with data.
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Accessing the $util Variable
Unless otherwise specified, all utilities use the UTF-8 character set.
$util.escapeJavaScript(String) : String
Returns the input string as a Javascript escaped string.
$util.urlEncode(String) : String
Returns the input string as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded string.
$util.urlDecode(String) : String
Decodes an application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded string back to its non-encoded
$util.base64Encode( byte[] ) : String
Encodes the input into a base64-encoded string.
$util.base64Decode(String) : byte[]
Decodes the data from a base64-encoded string.
$util.parseJson(String) : Object
Takes "stringified" JSON and returns an object representation of the result.
$util.toJson(Object) : String
Takes an object and returns a "stringified" JSON representation of that object.
$util.autoId() : String
Returns a 128-bit randomly generated UUID.
Throws Unauthorized for the field being resolved. This can be used in request or response
mapping templates to decide if the caller should be allowed to resolve the field.
Throws a custom error. This can be used in request or response mapping templates if the template
detects an error with the request.
$util.error(String, String)
Throws a custom error. This can be used in request or response mapping templates if the template
detects an error with the request. Additionally, an errorType can be specified.
$util.error(String, String, Object)
Throws a custom error. This can be used in request or response mapping templates if the template
detects an error with the request. Additionally, an errorType and a data field can be specified. The
data value will be added to the corresponding error block inside errors in the GraphQL response.
Note: data will be filtered based on the query selection set.