Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2022
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China.
According to the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of the
Special Administrative Region, except in matters of defense and foreign affairs,
Hong Kong would have a high degree of autonomy. In 2022, China continued to
dismantle Hong Kongs political freedoms and autonomy in violation of these
commitments. Amendments to the Basic Law in 2021 fundamentally changed the
electoral system to effectively allow Beijing to block participation by political
groups of which Beijing disapproved. On May 8, 2022, Hong Kong’s Election
Committee selected John Lee, former secretary for security, as the city’s next chief
executive. Lee, the sole candidate permitted by Beijing, secured more than 99
percent of the votes in the 1,500-member selection committee, whose members
were in turn vetted by the government. Critics termed the election a violation of
democratic principles and political pluralism and a major step away from the Basic
Law’s stated aim of universal suffrage.
The Hong Kong Police Force maintains internal security and reports to the
Security Bureau. The Security Bureau continues to report to the chief executive;
however, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force,
established by the National Security Law, operates under central government
supervision, and the National Security Law permits the embedding of mainland
security personnel in the department. The National Security Law also established a
Committee on National Security in the Hong Kong government that reports to the
central government and an Office for Safeguarding National Security staffed by
members of mainland security agencies. Unaccountable under Hong Kong law,
this office allows mainland China security elements to operate openly,
contradicting the spirit of and past practice under the Joint Declaration. It is no
longer clear if Hong Kongs civilian authorities maintain effective, autonomous
control over the citys security services.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: arbitrary arrest and
detention; political prisoners or detainees; cruel or degrading treatment or
punishment by government agents; transnational repression against individuals
outside of Hong Kong; serious problems regarding the independence of the
judiciary; arbitrary interference with privacy; serious restrictions on freedom of
expression and media, including unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists
and censorship; substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and
freedom of association, including overly restrictive laws on the organization,
funding, or operation of nongovernmental organizations and civil society
organizations; restrictions on freedom of movement and on the right to leave the
territory; the inability of citizens to change their government peacefully through
free and fair elections; serious and unreasonable restrictions on political
participation; serious government restrictions on domestic and international human
rights organizations; and significant restrictions on workersfreedom of
association, including coercive actions against independent trade unions and arrests
of labor union activists.
The government took few steps to identify, prosecute, and punish officials who
committed human rights abuses, whether in the security forces or elsewhere in the
government. Anticorruption efforts continued; at least 65 government employees
were recommended for disciplinary or other administrative action for corruption
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person
a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically
Motivated Killings
There were no reports that the Special Administrative Region (SAR) government
or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings.
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b. Disappearance
There were no reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment, and Other Related Abuses
The law prohibits such practices, but there were reports of such abuse, including
medical abuse and degrading treatment. In July a panel of judges found that a
lower court judge misused her judicial powers by remanding a prisoner convicted
of kicking a police officer during 2019 pro-democracy protests to a psychiatric
center. Some activists raised concerns that individuals in pretrial detention were
committed to psychiatric centers as a form of pressure designed to coerce the
individuals to cooperate with the government.
Prison and Detention Center Conditions
There were reports of prison or detention center conditions that raised human
rights concerns.
Abusive Physical Conditions: During a February outbreak, COVID-19
restrictions led to serious staffing shortages, in turn limiting inmates’ movement,
largely confining them to their cells all day without fresh air, exercise, interaction
with others, or clean clothes, according to some reports. Human rights activists
alleged some prisoners and detainees went weeks largely confined to their cells,
while others were placed in overcrowded cells.
Human rights activists raised credible concerns that some prisoners and individuals
in pretrial detention were allegedly kept in solitary confinement for extended
periods of time and, in some cases, were subjected to 24-hour lighting, excessively
hot or cold temperatures, or other degrading conditions as punishment for sharing
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information with other detainees or for requesting improved conditions while in
Administration: The government is required to investigate allegations of
problematic conditions and document the results in a publicly accessible manner,
and there is an external Office of the Ombudsman. A May report by Human
Rights Now, a Japan-based nongovernmental organization (NGO), indicated,
however, that the mechanisms through which the government investigated and
responded to these allegations did not provide an independent monitoring and
complaints channel. The report also found that persons in custody often lacked
access to external channels to report problematic conditions. In previous years,
there were reported reprisals against detainees who sought improvements in
physical conditions.
The government generally permitted prisoners and detainees access to visitors and
religious observances, although such visitations were suspended during the
February COVID-19 outbreak. Some activists and experts reported the restrictions
reduced defendants’ ability to consult with their legal counsel and prepare their
Independent Monitoring: The government generally permitted legislators and
justices of the peace to conduct prison visits. Justices of the peace may make
suggestions and comments on matters, such as physical conditions, overcrowding,
staff improvement, training and recreational programs and activities, and other
matters affecting the welfare of inmates. The Human Rights Now report noted
above, however, described the justices of the peace visitation program as
“ineffective,” and stated that the government “failed to prevent reprisals against
complainants” who raised concerns to visiting justices of the peace.
The Independent Police Complaints Council is the Hong Kong police watchdog
responsible for investigating alleged corruption or abuses. Human rights activists
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observed that starting in December 2021, the Complaints Council was
overwhelmingly dominated by pro-government figures and legislators, most of
whom had no professional training in law and human rights, which activists said
detracted from the Complaints Council’s effective functioning and credibility.
d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The law generally prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right
of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court,
but the Hong Kong Police Force continued to make arbitrary arrests and detentions
under the National Security Law (NSL) and other legislation. According to a June
report by the New Zealand-based Human Rights Measurement Initiative, freedom
from arbitrary arrest in Hong Kong was in the lowest “very bad” range, with a
score of 3.5 out of 10.
Although the SAR and People’s Republic of China (PRC) claimed the NSL was
not retroactive, international observers noted that the police force’s National
Security Department, created by the NSL, used its sweeping investigative powers
to find evidence of seditionor other crimes predating the enactment of the NSL
and charge individuals under both the NSL and colonial-era sedition law. For
example, in the September preliminary inquiry for the NSL subversion case against
the dissolved Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements
of China (“Alliance”) and its former leaders, prosecutors cited evidence of the
Alliance’s activities dating back more than 20 years.
Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
Police generally apprehended suspects openly when they observed them
committing a crime or with warrants based on sufficient evidence and issued by a
duly authorized official. Police were also required to charge or release arrested
suspects promptly. The government respected this requirement and generally
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brought arrested persons before a judicial officer within 48 hours. Detainees were
generally informed promptly of potential charges against them. There was a
functioning bail system that allowed persons not charged to post bail to be released
from detention pending the filing of charges. Such “police bailincluded
requirements that the arrestee submit to monthly check-ins at a police station.
There was no defined period under the law within which the government was
required to file charges. Activists argued that the bail system left the arrested
individuals in legal purgatory. After arrest, by law the Department of Justice
investigates to determine the appropriate charges for the arrestee. Interviews of
suspects must be videotaped.
Under the NSL, police may require individuals arrested in connection with
offenses that the government designated as involving “national security” to
surrender their travel documents while an investigation is continuing, even if they
are not formally charged. Police exercised this authority in numerous NSL cases.
In cases the government designated as involving “national security,” democracy
activists were denied bail, and the threshold for bail was more stringent. For
example, Hong Kong Watch, a United Kingdom (UK)-based human rights
organization, indicated in its May report that of 113 individuals charged with
“national security”-related offenses since 2020, three quarters have been denied
bail. Bail conditions under the NSL place the burden of proof on the defendant to
convince the judge that he or she would not continue to commit acts endangering
national security,” and such NSL or other “national security”-related cases are
adjudicated only by national security judges, who are specially designated by the
chief executive.
In a May report, the Center for Asian Law at Georgetown Law School described
this standard as “an impossibly high bar that most defendants cannot overcome.
In an April opinion, a Hong Kong court explained that it denied bail to pro-
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democracy activist Carol Ng, the former chairwoman of the dissolved Hong Kong
Confederation of Trade Unions, in December 2021 because Ng “has an
international influence as a result of her trade union work.” Courts have
previously denied bail to defendants in “national security”-related cases because of
routine interactions with foreign diplomats or journalists.
In cases where bail was granted, human rights groups noted that defendants were
frequently subject to strict restrictions on their freedoms of expression and
association as a condition of their bail. Typical of such restrictions was the August
case of former lawmaker Albert Ho, whose bail conditions in a “national security”-
related case included a nighttime curfew, a ban on any speech that “may be
regarded as violating the national security law,” and a prohibition on contacting
foreign officials or parliamentarians. In January a court revoked bail for pro-
democracy activist Owen Chow, accepting the Hong Kong government’s argument
that posts he made on social media constituted acts endangering national security.
Authorities generally allowed detainees access to a lawyer of their choice, but in
December 2021, the government implemented changes to the Legal Aid system
that removed defendants’ right to choose their own legal counsel in cases where
defendants receive legal aid. Instead, the Hong Kong Legal Aid Department
assigned lawyers to these defendants. In November after the Court of Final Appeal
upheld a lower court’s decision to allow UK lawyer Timothy Owen to represent
Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai during Lai’s NSL trial, the Hong Kong
government requested the PRC National People’s Congress Standing Committee
provide an “interpretation.” Observers described the request as likely intended to
result in Owen’s dismissal. In December the Standing Committee issued an
interpretation stating that the chief executive may issue a certificate regarding the
issue that would be binding on the courts, or the SAR’s Committee for
Safeguarding National Security could decide on the issue that would not be subject
to judicial review and would have enforceable legal effect. Meanwhile, Lai’s
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lawyers reported that the Hong Kong Immigration Department denied an extension
of Owen’s work visa, preventing him from representing Lai in court.
Pretrial Detention: Prolonged pretrial detention was an increasing problem,
particularly for those arrested on NSL or related charges. As of October, at least
44 individuals charged with “national security”-related offenses were in custody
and awaiting trial more than one year after being denied bail. Some human rights
groups called pretrial detention in “national security” cases a “form of indefinite
detention without trial” that can last for months or years or of “extrajudicial
punishment.” Some prisoners charged with violations related to the 2019 protest
movement may reportedly not face trial until November 2023 due to backlogs in
the judiciary. In some cases, pro-democracy activists were denied bail and
detained for longer than the maximum sentence for the charge with which they
were accused.
For example, as of year’s end, 17 of the 47 defendants charged under the NSL in
connection with the unofficial 2020 pan-democratic primary election remained in
pretrial detention. Most of these have been detained since February 2021. The
latest trial start date that authorities set for the case, January 2023, would result in a
pretrial detention of more than 700 days for these individuals.
Some defendants in drug and drug trafficking cases also waited several years to go
to trial.
e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
Although the law generally provides for an independent judiciary, the NSL limits
this independence in cases the government designates as involving “national
security.” Human rights groups expressed concern that defendants charged with
“national security” offenses face stricter bail conditions (see section 1.d., Arrest
Procedures and Treatment of Detainees); may be denied due process and a fair and
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public trial; and may face extradition to the mainland for trial. Other actions by
SAR authorities threatened judicial independence. In March then Chief Executive
Carrie Lam rejected a Hong Kong Bar Association nominee to the commission that
nominates and promotes judges. Reports indicated this was because the Bar
Association chairman of the time, who proposed the nominee, was deemed anti-
Hong Kong courts are unable to rule on the constitutionality of the NSL or declare
any of its provisions unconstitutional, or to review the NSL based on
incompatibility with the Basic Law or the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.
Trial Procedures
The law provides for the right to a fair and public trial, and the judiciary largely
enforced this right. Defendants have the right to be informed promptly and in
detail of the charges against them and the right to a trial without undue delay, but
these rights, notably the latter, were not always upheld.
Defendants are presumed innocent, except in official corruption cases: a sitting or
former government official who maintains a standard of living above that
commensurate with an official income or who controls monies or property
disproportionate to an official income is by law considered guilty of an offense
unless the official can satisfactorily explain the discrepancy. The courts upheld
this ordinance.
Trials are by jury except at the magistrate and district court levels. Under the NSL,
SAR authorities may direct that a panel of three specially designated national
security judges hear a case instead of a jury. In August Secretary for Justice Paul
Lam ordered that two “national security”-related cases be heard in front of a three-
judge panel instead of a jury: the cases of 47 defendants charged with subversion
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under the NSL for their involvement in the 2020 unofficial pan-democratic primary
election, and of Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai were heard before a panel.
Secretary Lam cited as reasons the “involvement of foreign elements” and the “risk
of perverting the course of justice if the trial is conducted with a jury.” In
December Lam reportedly cited similar reasons to deny a jury trial to three former
leaders of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements
of China.
In December 2021, SAR authorities limited the right of defendants receiving legal
aid to choose their own lawyer, as well as the number of legal aid and judicial
review cases that each lawyer may take per year. Some lawyers, activists, and
experts criticized the action for restricting defendantsright to the counsel of their
choice and limiting activistsabilities to challenge authoritiesactions. In January
Tong Ying-kit, the first person convicted under the NSL, withdrew his appeal after
the Hong Kong Legal Aid Department assigned him a new lawyer; according to
media reports, Tong decided to withdraw the appeal because he did not trust his
government-appointed lawyer.
Some claimed COVID-19 restrictions implemented in February on visitors reduced
defendants’ ability to prepare their defense. A March investigation reported by
Intium Media outlined how such restrictions affected the work of defense attorneys
and impinged on defendants’ rights.
In multiple “national security”-related cases, defendants and their lawyers argued
that prosecutors repeatedly delayed turning over documents to the defense,
hampering defendants’ ability to prepare for court hearings. For example, in May
the former vice chair of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic
Democratic Movements of China, Chow Hang-tung, who was charged with
subversion and failing to turn over documents to the police under the NSL, said
that after asking prosecutors to provide relevant materials for eight months,
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“defendants were given two weeks to [review] more than 30 years of documents
investigators had collected. Chow also reported that some of the documents that
prosecutors handed over were “99 percent redacted,” hindering her ability to
prepare her self-defense.
Under the NSL, the chief executive provides a list of judges eligible to hear cases
SAR authorities designate as involving “national security,including offenses
under the NSL and the colonial-era sedition law. Some human rights groups and
legal experts described this provision, which enables SAR authorities to hand pick
the pool of judges to hear national security cases, as inconsistent with judicial
The National Peoples Congress Standing Committee determines how the NSL is
interpreted, not a SAR-based judicial or elected body. The Standing Committee
has the power, in cases involving foreign countries, serious (but undefined)
situations, or major and imminent threats to national security, to extradite a suspect
to the mainland and hold trials behind closed doors.
Political Prisoners and Detainees
SAR authorities detained and imprisoned a growing number of individuals during
the year because of expressed and, in some cases, presumed, political views and
participation in nonviolent political activities. The UK-based NGO Hong Kong
Watch estimated that more than 720 political prisoners and detainees were in
custody in January; the U.S.-based NGO Hong Kong Democracy Council
estimated in May that more than 580 political prisoners and detainees were then in
custody. Both organizations used a broad definition of political prisoner in their
Local and international observers noted that with few exceptions, those charged
with NSL violations, sedition, or unauthorized assembly were peacefully
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exercising freedoms of expression, political participation, assembly, and
association provided for in the Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights.
Transnational Repression
By the terms of the NSL, SAR authorities and the central government claim
jurisdiction over any individual, regardless of nationality and location, deemed to
be engaged in one of the four vaguely defined criminal activities under the NSL:
secession”; subversion; terrorist activities; or collusion with a foreign country or
external elements to endanger national security. Authorities took steps to assert
these claims in practice.
Threats, Harassment, Surveillance, and Coercion: In March Hong Kong police
sent a letter to UK-based human rights activist Benedict Rogers accusing him of
“collusion with foreign forces to endanger national security,” an offense under the
NSL, and warning that the offense carries a possible prison sentence of three years
to life. In August the Hong Kong Security Bureau accused three North America-
based activists of “contravening the offense of subversion” after the activists
announced a plan to establish a “Hong Kong parliament” in exile.
Some activists and NGOs alleged that PRC authorities engaged in surveillance and
harassment of individuals from Hong Kong but living in other countries. For
example, in January an individual suspected to be connected to PRC or SAR
authorities filmed a UK demonstration in support of press freedom in Hong Kong,
according to a report from the NGO Hongkongers in Britain. Pro-democracy
groups and local news outlets have been the targets of sophisticated cyberattacks
that appear to be state-backed and originating from the PRC. Pro-democracy
activists have also experienced online harassment and aggressive doxing
(identifying an individual on the internet for malicious purposes) that appears to
originate from PRC-based entities. In December Amnesty International Canada
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stated that it was the target of a cyberattack by PRC state-backed actors that
searched its systems for information related to Hong Kong.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
There is an independent and impartial judiciary for civil matters and access to a
court to file lawsuits seeking damages for human rights violations by SAR
agencies or persons, except for employees of the Office for Safeguarding National
Security, as well as the Central Government Liaison Office, depending on
interpretations of the law. Some activists, however, have reported that access to
these legal mechanisms is increasingly limited because of fear of retaliation from
SAR and PRC authorities, restricted access to legal counsel following changes to
the Legal Aid system, and the disbanding of civil society organizations that
supported marginalized groups.
Property Seizure and Restitution: SAR authorities froze bank accounts of
former lawmakers, civil society groups, and other political targets. In April former
pro-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui, in exile in Australia, reported on social media
that authorities obtained a court order under the NSL prohibiting him, his wife, and
his mother from buying or selling any property in Hong Kong, which Hui called an
effort to harass and intimidate dissidents by economic means.
f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home,
or Correspondence
The law prohibits such actions, but there were multiple reports the SAR
government failed to respect these prohibitions, including reports that PRC central
government security services and the Beijing-mandated Office for Safeguarding
National Security monitored pro-democracy and human rights activists and
journalists in the SAR. Some of those arrested for alleged “national security”-
related offenses were required to forfeit personal mobile phones and computer
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devices, including before they were formally charged. Police made repeated
requests to technology companies for access to individualsprivate
correspondence. In August a security audit by Poland-based cybersecurity firm
7ASecurity found that LeaveHomeSafe, the government’s mandatory COVID-19
contact-tracing app, contains privacy and security risks that could jeopardize the
safety of users’ personal information.
Technology companies, activists, and private citizens increasingly raise concerns
about the right to privacy and protection of data. The anti-doxing amendment,
passed in October 2021, allows the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for
Personal Data to seize and access any electronic devices on the premises without a
warrant if they suspect a doxing-related offense has been committed or may be
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties
a. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and
Other Media
Despite provisions of the Basic Law and government claims, the PRC and SAR
governments increasingly encroached upon freedom of expression. The local
government continued to prosecute individuals under the NSL, colonial-era
sedition legislation, and other laws for engaging in peaceful political expression. It
also intimidated journalists and their professional organizations, leading several
media outlets to close.
Freedom of Expression: There were legal restrictions on the ability of
individuals to criticize the government publicly without reprisal. SAR authorities
frequently arrested and prosecuted individuals for speech critical of the local or
central government, which it characterized as “inciting hatred against the
government” or “promoting feelings of ill will or enmity between different classes”
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in violation of a colonial-era sedition law. Authorities also continued to prosecute
individuals for speech they alleged promoted subversion or secession in violation
of the NSL. Prosecutors argued in multiple court hearings that the phrase
“Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times,” a common slogan of the 2019
pro-democracy protests, contained an inherent meaning of support for
independence, a change in the SAR’s constitutional status, or both. In March a
court convicted activist Tam Tak-chi of seven counts of sedition for chanting the
“Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” slogan, and later sentenced Tam
to 40 months in prison. Scholars and activists argued that the courts’ decisions
failed to take into consideration protections for freedom of expression enshrined in
the Basic Law, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the
NSL itself.
In February national security police arrested activist Koo Sze-yiu and charged him
with attempted sedition for planning to stage a protest against the Beijing Winter
Olympics outside the PRC central government’s liaison office in Hong Kong. In a
June trial, prosecutors argued that Koo had brought “hatred and contempt” against
the PRC and SAR governments. In July Koo was convicted and sentenced to nine
months in jail; the presiding judge found that prosecutors did not need to prove an
element of violence and concluded that slogans that Koo planned to use in the
protest, including some criticizing the NSL, could “weaken people’s confidence in
the judicial administration.”
Requirements for electoral candidacy and for taking the oath of office also limited
free speech in the political arena. The law (see section 3) requires all elected
officials to swear an oath of allegiance and to adhere to patrioticstandards with
respect to the PRC and SAR. SAR authorities have previously disqualified
candidates for office when their oaths were deemed “invalid,” without explanation
or the possibility of appeal.
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The government requires all civil servants to swear an oath of allegiance.
According to media reports, civil servants may lose their jobs if they refuse to
swear the oath and may face criminal charges, including under the NSL, if they
later engage in behavior, including speech, deemed to violate the oath. Civil
service unions have expressed concerns that the red lines under the oath were
insufficiently clear, and that the oath could restrict civil servants’ freedom of
expression even when off duty. In June the SAR government extended this
requirement to Native English Teachers (who are often foreigners), and advisors
working in government-run schools. The government would terminate the
contracts of any such individuals who failed to swear the oath. In June Secretary
for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Erick Tsang told the legislature that a total
of 129 Hong Kong civil servants and 535 other government workers were fired or
resigned after failing to take an oath of allegiance to the government.
Legislation passed in 2021 prohibits inciting others not to vote in elections or to
cast blank ballots. Violators are subject to up to three yearsimprisonment and a
fine. In July the anticorruption agency charged two individuals with inciting others
to cast blank ballots during the December 2021 Legislative Council election. At
least two other individuals were arrested the same month on suspicion of the same
offense. Legal experts described the legislation as disproportionate and out of line
with common law norms that criminalize incitement only when the behavior
incited is itself illegal. In December one individual was convicted for inciting
others to cast blank ballots because he shared a Facebook post from an overseas
activist; he was given a suspended two-month prison sentence.
SAR legislation prohibits acts deemed to abuse or desecrate the PRC flag or
anthem, including acts online. In July at least two individuals were charged with
insulting the PRC national anthem, one of whom also faced a charge of desecrating
the Hong Kong flag. In November one of these individuals was sentenced to three
months in prison after pleading guilty to insulting the anthem. In December a
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teenager was sentenced to at least six months’ detention in a training center after
pleading guilty to sedition and to insulting the flag and anthem. In October, 14
students at a Hong Kong high school were suspended for three days for
disrespecting the national anthem and PRC flag during a flag-raising ceremony. In
November one individual was arrested on sedition charges for reposting a video
clip where the incorrect national anthem for Hong Kong was played before a rugby
match in Seoul.
Violence and Harassment: Journalists were subject to intimidation by local and
central authorities for their reporting. Citizen News and other media outlets cited
concern for the safety of their journalists in their decisions to close. In December a
freelance journalist was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for “possession of
offensive weapons” (i.e., a multipurpose knife and laser pointer) after being
arrested while filming a protest in November 2019.
In April for the first time in 26 years, the Foreign CorrespondentsClub of Hong
Kong announced the suspension of its annual Human Rights Press Awards in order
to avoid potential legal liability under the NSL. Media reported that the closed
media outlet Stand News, which SAR authorities charged with sedition, would
have received prizes at the ceremony. At least three political cartoonists emigrated
from Hong Kong between April and June, citing concerns that authorities might
arrest them under the NSL or the sedition law for their work.
SAR officials and pro-Beijing media continued to accuse the Hong Kong
Journalists Association of potential NSL and other legal violations. In January the
SAR government’s Registrar of Trade Unions announced it had launched an
investigation into the Journalists Association and asked the group to provide
information on its finances and activities. In April the Journalists Association held
a special online meeting to discuss the possibility of disbanding, citing growing
safety concerns for the association and its members. In September police arrested
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Journalists Association Chairman Ronson Chan and charged him with obstructing
police officers. Two plainclothes police officers reportedly asked Chan to show
them his identity card while he was reporting on a story; Chan allegedly asked to
see their badges, after which the police arrested him. Media rights group Reporters
Without Borders called on Hong Kong authorities to drop the charges against
More than 150 foreign news outlets received complaint letters from the Hong
Kong government citing their articles and editorials about the local government,
the NSL, and major events in Hong Kong. These letters, often under the name of
the chief executive or other high-level officials, characterized the reporting and
editorials as “grossly biased,” “groundless allegations,” or as having “reached new
levels of nastiness.”
Censorship or Content Restrictions for Members of the Press and Other
Media, including Online Media: Reports of media self-censorship and suspected
content control continued.
The operating space for independent media continued to shrink. The SAR targeted
independent media that expressed views it construed as not pro-government. After
using the NSL and the sedition law to forcibly close independent news outlets
Apple Daily and Stand News in 2021, SAR authorities continued to prosecute the
outlets’ former executives and editors on national security”-related charges. On
November 21, six former Apple Daily executives, including publisher Cheung
Kim-Hung and Editor-in-Chief Ryan Law, pled guilty to NSL charges of collusion
with foreign forces to undermine national security. According to some media
reports, some of the six will testify against former Apple Daily owner Jimmy Lai in
his national security trial, which was initially scheduled for December 1 but
postponed into 2023.
According to a February report by the Belgium-based International Federation of
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Journalists, at least 20 journalists and press freedom campaigners were arrested
since the imposition of the NSL, most in 2021. At least a dozen of these persons
were charged, and others were living in exile. A poll jointly conducted by the
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, an independent polling firm, and
the Hong Kong Journalists Association found that 97 percent of respondents said
press freedom had gotten “much worse” in the past year, with “the government”
cited by 93 percent of respondents as the cause.
In January independent online media outlet Citizen News announced its closure.
The outlet said its decision was triggered by the closure of Stand News, the
“deteriorating” media environment, and concern regarding staff safety. In June
investigative online news outlet FactWire became the 10th Hong Kong news outlet
to announce its closure, citing the “great change” for Hong Kong media in recent
On October 25, in a trial on two counts of fraud related to a lease agreement for
office space, but widely perceived as part of a harassment campaign by authorities,
a court found former Apple Daily owner Jimmy Lai guilty. On December 10, Lai
was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison and fined two million Hong
Kong dollars ($257,000). In August in preliminary motions related to charges
under the NSL, a court ruled that police may search the content of two mobile
phones owned by Lai. Lai had argued that the mobile phones contained
journalistic materials, which are protected under Hong Kong law, but the court
ruled that the NSL grants police additional powers to investigate offenses that
overrule local law. An appeals court subsequently affirmed the ruling.
Internet Freedom
Censorship of online content increased after the imposition of the NSL. In
February and October, authorities blocked access to the website of the UK-based
activist organization Hong Kong Watch and the Hong Kong Democracy Council,
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While internet access remained widespread and generally open, local authorities
increasingly criminalized online speech. The NSL and its implementing
regulations grant extensive powers to police to order the blocking and removal of
content by message publishers, platform service providers, hosting service
providers, and network service providers. Police can also intercept
communications or conduct covert surveillance upon approval of the chief
executive. When investigating NSL violations, police may also require a person
who published information or opinions or the relevant service provider to provide
information on the end users. In July the League of Social Democrats, a pro-
democracy opposition party, announced that “under great pressure, [it] was forced
to delete online posts that were allegedly violating the National Security Law.”
In August police arrested two administrators of the “Civil Servant Secrets”
Facebook page on suspicion of violating the sedition law by publishing posts on
the page that “promote feelings of ill-will and enmity.” Following the arrests, local
media reported that at least eight similar Facebook pages, which allowed
employees of certain government agencies or students at certain universities to post
anonymously, shut down for fear of similar arrests. Local experts described the
arrests as strengthening self-censorship among Hong Kong residents.
Under the 2021 anti-doxing amendment, SAR authorities are able to fine online
platforms that do not comply with user information or content takedown orders or
arrest their Hong Kong-based staff. Meta and Google reported denying the SAR
governments user information and content takedown orders that do not meet their
company policies.
Restrictions on Academic Freedom and Cultural Events
The SAR government continued to restrict academic freedom and cultural events
Page 20
on political grounds. Since the imposition of the NSL, the SAR’s Education
Bureau has incorporated “national security” into the SAR government-approved
curriculum at all levels, beginning at the kindergarten level. The guidelines require
all public schools following the official SAR curriculum to limit political
expression and activities on school campuses and to submit periodic reports
regarding their implementation of national security education. Activists decried
the guidelines for restricting freedom of expression on campuses. By year’s end,
all eight of Hong Kong’s publicly funded universities required undergraduate
students, including international students, to complete mandatory “national
security” courses.
Activists and NGOs reported that Beijing-controlled media outlets attacked and
harassed academic personnel for their research and writings as well as their
perceived political positions. For example, political scientist Brian Fong
reportedly departed Hong Kong in February after the Beijing-controlled newspaper
Ta Kung Pao accused him of being “pro-independence.”
SAR authorities also influenced academic appointments based on the perceived
political orientation or past affiliations of scholars. In February Hong Kong
refused a visa to legal scholar Ryan Thoreson, whom the University of Hong Kong
had hired to teach human rights law. The SAR government did not provide an
explanation for the refusal, but media reports indicated the government may have
refused the visa because Thoreson had worked at the NGO Human Rights Watch.
Public libraries, schools, and universities culled their holdings, including archives,
to comply with the NSL; it was unclear if this was based on a request from SAR
officials or if the institutions chose to self-censor. For example, in June media
reported that several high schools removed books from their libraries after the
Hong Kong Education Bureau requested school authorities to review books that
might violate the NSL. Hong Kong University required library users to register to
Page 21
access “politically sensitive” books.
In July local media reported that the annual Hong Kong Book Fair, organized by
the government’s trade promotion body, did not allow three independent
publishers, who published content about the city’s pro-democracy movement, to
participate. The publishers claimed the decision was politically motivated.
According to media reports, the book fair did not contain any books touching on
sensitive topics, including Hong Kong’s 2019 pro-democracy protests or the 1989
Tiananmen Square massacre.
The law allows SAR authorities to revoke a film’s license if it is “found to be
contrary to national security interests.” Those who presented an unlicensed film
were liable for up to three years’ imprisonment. In August Hong Kong’s Office
for Film, Newspaper, and Article Administration denied public screening
permission to a short film containing a brief scene showing a protest during Hong
Kong’s 2014 Umbrella Movement.
On September 10, a court sentenced five leaders of the defunct Speech Therapists’
Union to 19 months’ imprisonment for conspiring to publish and distribute
seditious publications in connection with a series of children’s cartoon books that
referred to the 2019-20 protest movement. Prosecutors claimed that the books
were an attempt to “infiltrate [children with] seditious ideology,” to promote
separatism by portraying the PRC as a “brutal dictator,” and to “use violence”
against authorities. SAR officials earlier accused the books of “inciting hatred”
and “poisoning” children’s minds against the PRC and SAR governments.
b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association
The law provides for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, but SAR
authorities did not respect those rights, especially for individuals and organizations
associated with the pro-democracy movement. The government repeatedly cited
Page 22
COVID-19 pandemic health concerns as reasons for restricting public gatherings,
although it made exceptions for events involving government officials and pro-
Beijing groups.
Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
While the law provides for freedom of peaceful assembly, the government
effectively banned peaceful assembly for political purposes, citing public health
concerns. In April the government, however, exempted chief executive hopefuls
and candidates from strict social distancing rules, allowing them to meet Election
Committee members during the two-week nomination period. Police did not issue
any letters of no objectionfor public demonstrations for groups not aligned with
the PRC and SAR governments after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of
October, no NGO applied to hold a public protest, according to media reports.
According to Amnesty International, as of May, it was virtually impossible for
individuals or groups critical of the government even to attempt to organize a
peaceful public assembly without facing a risk of prosecution.
In January activist Chow Hang-tung, former vice-chair of the dissolved Hong
Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, was
sentenced to 15 months in prison for inciting others to commemorate the June 4
anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in 2021. In December an
appeals court overturned Chow’s conviction, ruling that police erred in prohibiting
the June 4 assembly without considering permitting it while imposing conditions to
protect public health.
In June police arrested at least six individuals on the anniversary of the massacre in
what media described as an effort to thwart attempts to commemorate the event.
For the first time in 33 years, Hong Kong Catholic churches did not hold memorial
masses on June 4 for the victims of the 1989 massacre, out of concern the masses
would be deemed a violation of the NSL.
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Also in June the chairwoman of the League of Social Democrats, a pro-democracy
opposition party, told media that police warned at least six league members not to
hold any protest activities on July 1, the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s
handover to the PRC. The league subsequently announced it would not hold any
protests on July 1.
Freedom of Association
The law provides for freedom of association, but the government did not respect
the law. Authorities investigated and forced the closure of any group they deemed
a national securityconcern. A June Amnesty International report stated that
since implementation of the NSL, nearly 100 civil society organizations were
forced to disband or relocate. SAR officials and pro-Beijing media continued to
harass and intimidate NGOs affiliated with the pro-democracy movement,
including labor unions and professional associations (see section 7.a.).
By law any person claiming to be an officer of a banned group may be sentenced
to a maximum of three years in prison and fined. Those convicted of providing
meeting space or other aid to a banned group may also be sentenced to fines and
jail time.
Under the NSL, Hong Kong police may require any group that is a “foreign agent
to provide information on its activities, personnel, and finances, with a maximum
prison sentence of six months for failure to comply. SAR authorities prosecuted
three former leaders of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic
Movements of China for failing to comply with a notice to provide this
information. The former leaders argued that the Hong Kong Alliance was not a
foreign agent and so had no obligation to comply, while prosecutors argued that
authorities did not need to prove that a group was in fact a “foreign agent” in order
to request the information. Prosecutors maintained that the alliance was a “foreign
agent” because it either gave to or received funds from at least six foreign
Page 24
organizations and individuals.
In May acting under the NSL, police arrested the five former trustees of the
dissolved 612 Humanitarian Fund, which provided financial and legal assistance to
individuals arrested or injured during the 2019 pro-democracy protests on
suspicion of conspiracy to collude with foreign powers. The five included former
lawmakers Margaret Ng and Cyd Ho as well as retired Catholic Bishop of Hong
Kong Joseph Cardinal Zen. They and the fund’s former secretary were
subsequently found guilty and fined approximately 3,900 Hong Kong dollars
($500) for failing to register the fund as a “society” under the Societies Ordinance,
which their lawyers argued was an unconstitutional infringement on their right to
association. In December the five filed an appeal against their convictions.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at
d. Freedom of Movement
The law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration,
and repatriation; the government sometimes confiscated travel documents and
enforced travel bans for democracy activists and opposition politicians facing
charges. Authorities forced some individuals, including foreign nationals, who
were arrested under the NSL but not charged and were on police bail, to surrender
their travel documents as a condition for bail.
Foreign Travel: Some media reports indicated that authorities maintain an exit
ban “watchlist” of residents who would be intercepted if they attempted to leave
the SAR. In May police arrested cultural studies scholar Hui Po-keung at Hong
Kong International Airport under suspicion of “collusion with foreign forces,” a
Page 25
crime under the NSL, as Hui was preparing to leave the city.
The government enacted an immigration bill amendment effective in August 2021
that legal scholars, NGOs, and refugee advocates argued empowers authorities to
bar anyone, without a court order, from entering or leaving the territory.
The United Kingdom granted those born in Hong Kong prior to 1997 certain
British rights but not the right to abode. After the United Kingdom granted these
British National (Overseas) passport holders further rights and a path to
citizenship, the PRC and SAR announced they would no longer recognize the
British National (Overseas) Passport as an identity or travel document.
e. Protection of Refugees
The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) and humanitarian organizations in providing protection and
assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, or other persons of
Access to Asylum: The law does not provide for granting asylum or refugee
status, but the government has established a system for providing limited
protection to persons who would be subject to torture or other abuses in their home
The government uses the term nonrefoulement claimto refer to a claim for
protection against deportation. Persons subject to deportation could file a
nonrefoulement claim if they either arrived without proper authorization or had
overstayed the terms of their admittance. Filing such a claim may result in a
period of detention followed by release on recognizance. Activists and refugee
rights groups expressed concerns about the quality of adjudications and the very
low rate of approved claims, fewer than 1 percent. Denied claimants may appeal
Page 26
to the Torture Claims Appeal Board. The government did not publish the boards
decisions, a practice that the Hong Kong Bar Association previously noted created
concerns about the consistency and transparency of decisions. If the board refuses
the claimants’ appeal, they may file an application for leave to apply for judicial
review. On December 7, the SAR implemented an updated removal policy that
gives the Immigration Department authority to proceed with removal of
nonrefoulement claimants from the SAR upon the Court of First Instance’s
dismissal of their judicial review applications. Refugees and asylum seekers were
required to appear periodically before the Immigration Department, which caused
school disruptions to some refugee children.
In 2021, the SAR implemented an ordinance amendment specifically barring
persons seeking asylum from entering the territory. The amendment also
shortened timeframes for individuals seeking protection against deportation, and in
some cases limited these individualsaccess to interpretation. It allows
immigration officers to carry guns and, in some cases, requires asylum seekers to
communicate in a language other than their mother tongue. Activists said the
amendment raises concerns about refugees’ rights and well-being.
Abuse of Migrants and Refugees: Activists indicated that persons seeking
refugee status faced discrimination and were frequent targets of negative
commentary by some political parties and media organizations. For example, in
February a pro-Beijing lawmaker reportedly told the legislature that the number of
refugees in Hong Kong was “a threat to peace and stability” and the city needed to
heal this “cancer.” Activists noticed that immigration detention became a more
common practice, especially before deportation for those whose asylum claims
were rejected. Some activists reported that the departure of some pro-refugee
activists or human rights lawyers from the territory reduced legal support for
asylum seekers.
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Employment: Nonrefoulement claimantshave no right to work while their
claims are under review, and they must rely on social welfare stipends and
charities. An NGO reported that this made some claimants vulnerable to
trafficking. The government commonly, albeit on a case-by-case basis, granted
permission to work for those granted nonrefoulement protection and persons
awaiting UNHCR resettlement.
Access to Basic Services: Sources said refugees had a difficult time accessing
medical assistance, securing health protection products such as face masks and
hand sanitizers, or understanding COVID-19 related information due to language
barriers. When schools in Hong Kong moved to online teaching as part of
COVID-19 prevention measures, refugee children whose families faced financial
constraints did not have access to computers, essential for distance learning.
Temporary Protection: Persons whose claims for nonrefoulementare
substantiated do not obtain permanent resident status in the SAR. Instead, the SAR
government refers them to UNHCR for possible recognition as refugees and
resettlement in a third country. In some cases, individuals waited years in the SAR
before being resettled.
Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process
The Basic Law limits the ability of residents to change their government. The
National Peoples Congress Standing Committee’s 2021 decision to overhaul the
SARs electoral system further limited this ability, in contradiction to provisions in
the Basic Law that describe the election of the chief executive and Legislative
Council via universal suffrage as the ultimate aim.
Voters did not enjoy universal suffrage in elections for the chief executive or equal
suffrage in Legislative Council elections. Under PRC-imposed changes to the
electoral system, all candidates for chief executive and Legislative Council are
Page 28
required to pass through a labyrinthine application process for vetting their
“patriotic” bona fides, ensuring that only candidates vetted and approved by
Beijing are allowed to hold office at any level. Only members of the Election
Committee (EC), a body dominated by pro-Beijing politicians, are entitled to
nominate or vote for chief executive candidates.
Under the new electoral system, voters directly elect 20 of the expanded
Legislative Council’s 90 seats, or 22 percent, in contrast to the 2016 Legislative
Council election, when voters directly elected 40 of the 70 seats (57 percent).
Forty seats are selected by the EC directly, while 30 are selected as representatives
of “functional constituencies” for various economic and social sectors.
Under the Basic Law, only the SAR government, not members of the legislature,
may introduce bills that affect public expenditure, the political structure, or
government policy.
The SAR sends 36 deputies to the National Peoples Congress and has
approximately 200 delegates in the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative
Conference, bodies that operate under the direction of the Chinese Communist
Party and do not exercise legislative independence. The approval of the chief
executive, two-thirds of the Legislative Council, and two-thirds of the SARs
delegates to the legislature are required to place an amendment to the Basic Law
on the legislative agenda, which has the sole power to amend the Basic Law.
Elections and Political Participation
Recent Elections: On May 8, John Lee was officially selected as chief executive
of Hong Kong, winning 1,416 of the 1,424 valid votes cast by the Beijing-
dominated EC. Lee was the only candidate to run in the race, after the PRC central
government indicated it would not support any other nominations.
Page 29
September 2021 elections for seats in the EC, the first after the PRC’s March
overhaul of the SAR’s political system, by design produced a near-unanimous
sweep for pro-Beijing “patriots.” More than 1,100 of the 1,500 seats in the
expanded EC were predetermined and not up for election. For the few competitive
seats, regulations limited the franchise and moved the SAR farther from the one-
person, one-vote principle. Only one nominally independent candidate was elected
to any of those seats. Although the EC was historically considered a “closed circle
election,” the 2021 contest limited the number of voters eligible to cast ballots to
fewer than 5,000 individuals, 97 percent fewer than in the 2016 EC election.
In December 2021 elections for the Legislative Council, pro-Beijing candidates
won 89 of the 90 seats; one non-establishment moderate won a seat for the social
welfare functional constituency. None of the major pro-democracy parties fielded
any candidates. Approximately 1.3 million voters cast ballots in the election, a
record low turnout rate of 30.2 percent, compared to the average turnout rate of 51
percent in the six Legislative Council elections since the handover. Approximately
2 percent of ballots cast were blank or otherwise invalid, a record high.
Political Parties and Political Participation: Since the imposition of the NSL,
numerous leaders of pro-democracy political parties, protest organizing groups,
and civil society organizations were arrested for their involvement in nonviolent
political activities. For example, 47 pro-democracy politicians and activists,
including former members of the Legislative Council and elected local District
Council members, faced charges for conspiracy to commit subversion under the
NSL for their involvement in the July 2020 unofficial pan-democratic primary
election. No political party was subjected to an outright ban over the past year, but
many pro-democracy political parties and organizations have disbanded since the
imposition of the NSL because of pressure from SAR authorities or concern they
or their members would be subjected to political repression. In July Beijing-
controlled newspapers and pro-Beijing politicians repeatedly threatened the
Page 30
opposition Democratic Party with closure if it did not revise its policies and
accused it of “foreign collusion.”
Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No law limits
participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and
they did participate. Women account for 21 percent of the Hong Kong Executive
Council, including the convenor. In December 2021 elections to the Legislative
Council, 17 women were elected (approximately 19 percent). There is no legal
restriction against members of historically marginalized or ethnic minority groups
running for electoral office or serving as electoral monitors. There were, however,
no members of ethnic minority groups in the Legislative Council, and members of
such groups reported they considered themselves unrepresented.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in
The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, and the government
generally implemented the law effectively.
Corruption: On October 6, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the
SAR’s anticorruption watchdog, charged one serving and seven retired government
officials with misconduct in public office by showing preferential treatments to
certain candidates during a recruitment drive and failing to follow the civil servants
appointment policy.
Section 5. Governmental Posture Towards International and
Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human
A variety of domestic and international human rights groups reported increasing
Page 31
government scrutiny, harassment, and restrictions. Authorities used the NSL to
force organizations expressing criticism of the PRC to cease operations, to self-
censor, or to change operational procedures to protect their staff. The forced
disbandment of multiple trade unions and other organizations created a chilling
effect on remaining groups that were historically critical of the central government.
PRC and SAR officials repeatedly accused local and international NGOs that
alleged human rights abuses in the SAR of sowing discord.
In July Hong Kong Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary Erick Tsang
refused to give assurances to a meeting of the UN Human Rights Committee that
civil society organizations that participate in the committee’s review of Hong
Kong’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
would not be in danger of prosecution under the NSL.
Government Human Rights Bodies: There is an Office of the Ombudsman and
an Equal Opportunities Commission. The government recruits commissioners to
represent both offices through a professional search committee, which solicits
applications and vets candidates. Commissioners were independent. Both
organizations operated without interference from the SAR government and
published critical findings in their areas of responsibility. NGOs stated that the
Equal Opportunities Commission had a narrow mandate that did not allow for deep
investigations, and limited support from the SAR government.
Section 6. Discrimination and Societal Abuses
Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape against women,
including spousal rape, but does not explicitly criminalize rape against men.
Support organizations for survivors of sexual and domestic violence such as Hong
Page 32
Kong Federation of Women’s Centers reported a sharp rise in domestic violence
cases based on the larger volume of calls to their hotlines since the start of the
pandemic and continuing during the year, with women and children making up
most of the survivors. According to a 2021-22 report by Harmony House, a one-
stop anti-domestic violence service agency in Hong Kong, the agency
accommodated a total of 286 women and children affected by domestic violence in
2021, a decrease of 35 percent in from 2020. Its Woman Hotline received 8,500
calls in 2021; more than 60 percent of those calls were related to domestic
Activists expressed concern that rape was underreported, especially within ethnic
minority communities.
The law does not directly criminalize domestic violence, but the government
regarded domestic violence against women as a serious concern. Abusers may be
liable for criminal charges under laws on offenses against the person, sexual
assault, and child mistreatment, depending on which act constituted domestic
violence. The government effectively prosecuted violators under existing criminal
violations. The law allows survivors to seek a three-month injunction, extendable
to six months, against an abuser. The ordinance covers abuse between spouses,
heterosexual and homosexual cohabitants, former spouses or cohabitants, and
immediate and extended family members. It protects victims younger than 18,
allowing them to apply for an injunction in their own right, with the assistance of
an adult guardian, against abuse by parents, siblings, and specified immediate and
extended family members. The law also empowers courts to require that an abuser
attend an antiviolence program. In cases in which the abuser caused bodily harm,
the court may attach an arrest warrant to an existing injunction and extend the
validity of both injunctions and arrest warrants to two years.
The government maintained programs that provide intervention, counseling, and
Page 33
assistance to domestic violence survivors and abusers.
Sexual Harassment: The law prohibits sexual harassment or discrimination based
on sex, marital status, and pregnancy. The law applies to both men and women,
and police generally enforced it effectively. There were multiple reports, however,
of sexual harassment in housing, the workplace, and universities. In March the
Hong Kong Women’s Coalition of Equal Opportunities released a survey
indicating that 40 percent of respondents had experienced some form of sexual
violence, including discussion of sexual topics that caused discomfort and non-
penetrative sexual assault, as well as unwanted sexual attention. The report
attributed the increase in sexual violence and harassment to the pandemic.
Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary
sterilization on the part of government authorities.
The government provides access to sexual and reproductive health services,
including emergency contraception, for survivors of sexual violence.
Discrimination: The territory implemented policies to safeguard the rights and
interests of women, including antidiscrimination laws. There were debates,
however, about whether the current framework provides adequate protection for
women. Women enjoy the same legal status and rights as men. The law prohibits
discrimination based on sex or pregnancy status and authorizes the Equal
Opportunities Commission to work towards the elimination of discrimination and
harassment as well as to promote equal opportunity for men and women. Although
the government generally enforced relevant law, women reportedly faced
discrimination in employment, salary, welfare, inheritance, and promotion. The
Equal Opportunity Commission handled 418 complaints in 2020 and 2021. The
majority (81 percent) related to employment, with most of those in turn matters of
pregnancy discrimination (125 cases) and sexual harassment (151 cases). While
the law protects both men and women, women filed most sexual harassment
Page 34
Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination
Although ethnic Chinese account for most of the population, the SAR is a
multiethnic society, with persons from multiple ethnic groups recognized as
permanent residents with full rights by law. The law prohibits discrimination, and
the Equal Opportunity Commission oversees implementation and enforcement of
the law. The commission maintained a hotline for inquiries and complaints
concerning racial discrimination. Although the government took steps to reduce it,
there were frequent reports of discrimination against ethnic minorities; the law
does not clearly cover racial discrimination occurring during law enforcement
Observers concurred that discrimination against ethnic minorities happened in
many settings including in schools, homes, hospitals, and banks, in public
transportation, in retail and personal services, and in catering services, among
others. The most common types of discrimination were mistreatment or refusal of
Persons born in mainland China also experienced frequent discrimination.
Birth Registration: All Chinese nationals born in the SAR, on the mainland, or
abroad to parents, of whom at least one is a Chinese national and Hong Kong
permanent resident, acquire both Chinese citizenship and Hong Kong permanent
residence. Children born in the SAR to noncitizen parents, at least one of whom is
a Hong Kong permanent resident, acquire SAR permanent residence and qualify to
apply for naturalization as Chinese citizens. Authorities routinely registered all
such statuses.
Page 35
Child Abuse: The law mandates protection for survivors of child abuse (battery,
assault, neglect, abandonment, and sexual exploitation), and the government
enforced the law. In March a local charity accused the government of child abuse
after its report revealed that up to 2,000 children with COVID-19 and younger than
the age of 10 were separated from their parents from February to March during
isolation and treatment. In April the government changed its policy to allow
parents of COVID-positive children to accompany them in pediatric wards,
regardless of their own COVID-19 status.
In May the department reported that its Child Protection Registry had processed
1,367 registered cases in 2021, a 45 percent increase from the 940 cases in 2020.
More than 40 percent of the cases involved physical harm or abuse; 32.8 percent,
sexual abuse; and 20.1 percent, negligence.
Between June and August, three former workers at a foster home were sentenced
to between four and seven months in jail for child abuse. They were among 34
former workers at Childrens Residential Home, a facility run by Society for the
Protection of Children, charged with child abuse.
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal minimum age of marriage is 16
for both girls and boys; however, parentswritten consent is required for marriage
before age 21.
Sexual Exploitation of Children: The age of consent is 16. By law, a person
having unlawful sexual intercoursewith a person younger than 16 is subject to
five yearsimprisonment, while unlawful sexual intercourse with a person younger
than 13 carries a sentence of life imprisonment. The law allows for the prosecution
of certain sexual offenses, including those against minors, committed outside the
territory of the SAR. The law prohibits the commercial sexual exploitation of
children and procuring children for commercial sex. The law makes it an offense
to possess, produce, copy, import, or export pornography involving a child or to
Page 36
publish or cause to be published any advertisement that conveys, or is likely to be
understood as conveying, the message that a person has published, publishes, or
intends to publish any child pornography. Authorities enforced the law. The
penalty for creation, publication, or advertisement of child pornography is eight
yearsimprisonment, while possession carries a penalty of five years
imprisonment. On August 11, three Hong Kong policemen were charged with
sexual offenses involving a girl, age 15; two were also accused of creating child
The active Jewish community numbered approximately 2,500 persons. There were
no reports of antisemitic acts.
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or Sex
Criminalization: No laws criminalize consensual same-sex sexual conduct
between adults. Seemingly neutral laws were not disproportionally applied against
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons.
Violence against LGBTQI+ Persons: Reports of violence against LGBTQI+
individuals were rare, and civil society organizations generally assessed the police
response as adequate.
Page 37
Discrimination: While SAR laws ban discrimination on the grounds of race, sex,
disability, and family status, no law prohibits companies or individuals from
discriminating on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, or
sex characteristics. Opposition to LGBTQI+ equality was deeply entrenched
among certain cultural conservatives and those who believed LGBTQI+ equality is
a western value. An August 24 ruling by a court of appeals confirmed the right for
marriage does not extend to same-sex couples.
Availability of Legal Gender Recognition: Legal gender recognition is available
for persons older than 18; however, the individual must provide proof of both a
psychiatric evaluation and gender affirming surgery.
Involuntary or Coercive Medical or Psychological Practices Specifically
Targeting LGBTQI+ Persons: So-called conversion therapy practices are not
legally prohibited in Hong Kong. According to a 2021 study by LGBTQI+ NGO
The Society of True Light, approximately 20 percent of Hong Kong gays and
lesbians attempted to change their sexual orientations by various means, including
conversion therapy, and were encouraged to do so by mental health practitioners.
Medically unnecessary and irreversible “gender normalization” surgeries are
performed on intersex children.
Restrictions of Freedom of Expression, Association, or Peaceful Assembly:
There were no reports of such restrictions for LGBTQI+ individuals or groups.
Persons with Disabilities
The law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory,
intellectual, and mental disabilities, and the government generally enforced these
provisions. The government took action to investigate and punish those
responsible for violence or abuses against persons with disabilities. The
government generally implemented laws and programs to provide persons with
Page 38
disabilities access to education, employment, the judicial system, and health
services. The government implemented laws and programs to provide persons
with disabilities access to transportation, information, communications, and
buildings, although there were reports of some restrictions. The law calls for
improved building access and provides for sanctions against those who
discriminate; compliance was limited.
Some human rights activists observed that services for persons with disabilities
were often unavailable and declared policies were not implemented or that the law
was too limited, and its implementation did not promote equal opportunity. For
example, while the law requires new construction or major renovations of
government and large public buildings to include access for persons with
disabilities, enforcement was sporadic, particularly in restaurants, shopping malls,
pharmacies, and grocery stores. According to a December 2021 government
survey, more than a fifth of all respondents with physical disabilities said they
faced a lot of difficulty in day-to-day living and a substantial number of the
remainder said they faced some difficulty.
The law states that children with special educational needs must have equal
opportunity in accessing education. According to the government, more than 90
percent of students with special needs attended mainstream schools, and the
balance, those with severe disabilities, attended special schools.
The Social Welfare Department provided training and vocational rehabilitation
services to assist persons with disabilities, offered subsidized resident-care services
for persons deemed unable to live independently, offered preschool services to
children with disabilities, and provided community support services for persons
with mental disabilities, their families, and other residents interested in improving
their mental health.
Unemployment among adults with disabilities, in part due to discrimination and
Page 39
insufficient government support, remained a serious problem. Welfare groups
stated that the official unemployment rate for Hong Kong’s disabled population
(usually approximately 6 percent) did not reflect reality and claimed the actual
unemployment rate was more than 40 percent.
The government responded to reports of violence against or abuse of persons with
disabilities, including of domestic violence or abuse. A committee composed of
NGOs and government departments handled cases of domestic abuse of women
and children with disabilities. In 2021, the committee handled more than 7,000
individual cases and set up a shelter center for children and women with
disabilities, including survivors of domestic violence.
NGOs reported they continued to face challenges applying for international
funding and offering training for disability-related programs, partly due to the
foreign collusion provision under the NSL.
Section 7. Worker Rights
a. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
The law provides for the right of workers to form and join unions, but SAR and
PRC authorities took repeated actions that violated the principle of union
independence. The law does not protect the right to collective bargaining or
obligate employers to bargain. The law prohibits civil servants from bargaining
The law prohibits firing an employee for participating in a strike and voids any
section of an employment contract that punishes a worker for striking. The
commissioner of police has broad authority to control and direct public gatherings,
including strikes, in the interest of national security or public safety.
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By law an employer may not fire, penalize, or discriminate against an employee
who exercises his or her union rights and may not prevent or deter the employee
from exercising such rights. Penalties for violations of laws protecting union and
related worker rights include fines as well as legal damages paid to workers.
Penalties were commensurate with those under other laws involving the denial of
civil rights. The law was not effectively enforced. Penalties were sometimes
applied against violators.
The government used provisions of the NSL, the Societies Ordinance, and the
Trade Union Ordinance to repress independent unions and their confederations. A
January statement by the International Trade Unions Confederation described the
authorities’ actions as “retrospectively criminalizing people for legitimate trade
union activity to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation for all civil society
In March Hong Kong police questioned four former officials of the dissolved Hong
Kong Confederation of Trade Unions and searched the confederation’s former
premises. According to media reports, the four individuals failed to comply with a
police order under the Societies Ordinance to provide information on the trade
union confederation’s activities, operations, and finances.
Also in March the Beijing-controlled newspaper Ta Kung Pao attacked the Hong
Kong Nurses Association and the Hong Kong Professional Doctors Association
after the two groups raised concerns about language and professional competency
of medical staff sent from mainland China to fight the most severe COVID-19
outbreak in Hong Kong. As of June, according to Amnesty International, the
government’s Registrar of Trade Unions reportedly conducted investigations into
at least four labor unions and professional associations, including the Hong Kong
Journalists Association (see section 2), as to whether their activities were in line
with the Trade Unions Ordinance and the unions’ constitutions.
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Pressure from SAR officials and from PRC-supported media outlets led many
unions to disband. In May an education foundation formerly affiliated with the
Confederation of Trade Unions announced it would disband, citing “political risk.”
In June the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance, one of the groups under
investigation, announced it would disband, stating that it faced “political
b. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
The law does not prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labor, nor do laws
specifically criminalize forced labor. Instead, the government uses the
Employment and Theft Ordinances to prosecute forced labor and related offenses.
The government generally enforced these laws. Because these violations are
typically civil offenses with fines, penalties for these offenses were not
commensurate with those for analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping, which
violate the Crimes Ordinance and carry prison terms.
NGOs expressed concern that some migrant workers, especially domestic workers
in private homes, faced high levels of indebtedness assumed as part of the
recruitment process, creating a risk they could be subjected to forced labor through
debt-based coercion. Domestic workers were mostly women and mainly came
from the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Southeast and South Asian countries.
The law allows for the collection of maximum placement fees of 10 percent of the
first months wages, but some recruitment firms required large up-front fees in the
country of origin that workers struggled to repay. Some locally licensed
employment agencies were suspected of colluding with local money lenders and
agencies overseas to profit from debt schemes, and some local agencies illegally
withheld the passports and employment contracts of domestic workers until they
repaid the debt.
Authorities stated they encouraged aggrieved workers to file complaints and make
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use of government conciliation services, and that they actively pursued reports of
any labor violations. NGOs expressed concern that migrant and foreign domestic
workers faced certain barriers to accessing justice, including the Sunday closure of
government complaint services, the statutory day off for most domestic workers.
The number of complaints made by domestic workers was disproportionately low
when compared with the research evidence of the problems they faced. In
addition, the number of investigations and convictions of employment agencies
was low when compared with research evidence documenting the prevalence of
illegal practices. Even when found guilty of breaches of the law, the penalties
faced by convicted agencies were not significant enough to act as a deterrent.
Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment
The law prohibits the worst forms of child labor. Regulations prohibit employment
of children younger than 15 in any industrial establishment. Children younger than
13 are prohibited from taking up employment in all economic sectors. Children
who are 13 or older may be employed in nonindustrial establishments, subject to
certain requirements, such as parental written consent and proof the child
completed required schooling.
The Labor Department effectively enforced these laws and regularly inspected
workplaces to enforce compliance with the regulations. Penalties for child labor
law violations, generally a civil offense, included fines and legal damages and
were not commensurate with those for analogous serious criminal offenses, such as
kidnapping. Penalties were regularly applied against violators.
There were no confirmed reports during the year of the worst forms of child labor.
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d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation
The law and regulations prohibit employment discrimination based on race or
ethnicity, disability, family status (marital status or pregnancy), or sex. The law
stipulates employers must prove that proficiency in a particular language is a
justifiable job requirement if they reject a candidate on those grounds. Regulations
do not prohibit employment discrimination on the grounds of age, color, religion,
political opinion, national origin or citizenship, sexual orientation or gender
identity, HIV or other communicable disease status, or social status. The law
authorizes the Equal Opportunities Commission to work towards the elimination of
discrimination and harassment as well as to promote equal opportunity for men and
The government generally enforced these laws and regulations. In cases in which
employment discrimination occurred, courts had broad powers to levy penalties on
those violating these laws and regulations. Although the government generally
enforced these laws, women reportedly faced some discrimination in employment,
salary, and promotion opportunities. According to official statistics, the median
monthly income for women in 2021 was on average 75 percent of that of men. An
Equal Opportunity Commission report, also from 2021, indicated that women
earned 15 percent less than their male counterparts. The proportion of women
working as managers, administrators, professionals, and associate professionals
stood at 35.5 percent in 2020, lower than the 47.5 percent for men.
There were reports that foreign domestic workers faced discrimination during the
February COVID-19 wave. Media reported some foreign domestic workers who
contracted COVID-19 were fired and forced to leave their employers’ homes.
Others were denied access to medical care or forced to work extremely long hours
with no additional pay. In addition, foreign domestic workers faced discrimination
based on disability (health) and family status (pregnancy). Foreign domestic
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workers faced significant barriers to justice as employers were able to claim that
the termination was due to other issues, such as poor performance at work.
Unemployment among adults with disabilities was high, in part due to
discrimination and insufficient government support (see section 6, Persons with
Disabilities). Human rights activists and local scholars continued to raise concerns
about job prospects for minority students, who were more likely to hold low-
paying, low-skilled jobs and earn below-average wages.
e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
Wage and Hour Laws: The statutory minimum wage was below the poverty line
for an average-sized household. The law does not regulate working hours, paid
weekly rest, rest breaks, or compulsory overtime for most employees. Several
labor groups reported that employers expected employees to work extremely long
hours and called for legislation to address that concern. Foreign domestic workers
are excluded from the statutory minimum wage and often faced extremely long
working hours (12 to 16 hours a day). They were often expected to be on call 24
hours a day, a condition exacerbated by the compulsory live-in requirement.
Occupational Safety and Health: The law includes occupational safety and
health (OSH) standards for various industries. The law provides for standards that
are appropriate for the main industries in the economy. The law makes enterprise
and dispatching agencies responsible for occupational injuries to temporary
workers. OSH laws allow workers to remove themselves from situations that
endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their employment. Employers are
required to report any injuries sustained by their employees in work-related
The Occupational Safety and Health Branch of the Labor Department is
responsible for promoting safety and health promotion, identifying unsafe
conditions, enforcing safety management legislation, and formulating and
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implementing policy generally. Inspectors may make unannounced inspections
and initiate investigations and prosecutions. For the first half of the year, the
Labor Department reported occupational accidents increased 1 percent over the
same period in 2021.
Wage, Hour, and OSH Enforcement: The Labor Department is responsible for
enforcing wage and working hour laws as well as OSH standards in conjunction
with the labor agencies of local authorities. The government effectively enforced
the law; the number of labor inspectors was sufficient to enforce compliance.
Labor inspectors have the authority to conduct unannounced inspections and
initiate sanctions. Penalties for violations of wage laws or OSH standards include
fines, damages, and workerscompensation payments. These penalties were
commensurate with those for similar offenses. Penalties were regularly applied
against violators. The Labor Tribunal adjudicated disputes involving nonpayment
or underpayment of wages and wrongful dismissal. The Labor Tribunal presented
several barriers to domestic workers, such as prolonged court cases and high court
fees, which discouraged them from seeking justice. Interpretation services for
foreign domestic workers were limited.
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