Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Government of Jersey
Project number: 60627145
April 2021
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Quality information
Prepared by Checked by Verified by Approved by
Hannah Booth
Graduate Water
Bernadine Maguire
Principal Flood Risk &
Coastal Consultant
Sarah Littlewood
Principal Flood Risk
Emily Craven
Bernadine Maguire
Principal Flood Risk &
Coastal Consultant
Revision History
Revision Revision date Details Authorized Name Position
1 April 2020 Draft for comment BM Bernadine Maguire Principal
2 December 2020 Final draft BM Bernadine Maguire Principal
3 January 2021 Final BM Bernadine Maguire Principal
4 March 2021 Final BM Bernadine Maguire Principal
5 April 2021 Final BM Bernadine Maguire Principal
Prepared for:
Government of Jersey
Prepared by:
AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited
Midpoint, Alencon Link
Hampshire RG21 7PP
United Kingdom
T: +44(0)1256 310200
© 2021 AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table of Contents
User Guide ............................................................................................................................. i
1. Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Study area overview .............................................................................................................. 1
2. Island Plan Review .................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Island Plan ............................................................................................................................ 3
3. Methodology .............................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Understanding flood risk ........................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Actual and residual risk .......................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Data collection ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Assessing each source of flooding ......................................................................................... 9
4. Flood risk overview .................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Coastal flooding................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Inland flooding ..................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Reservoir flooding................................................................................................................ 24
4.4 Sewer Flooding ................................................................................................................... 27
4.5 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 28
5. Flood risk mitigation measures in Jersey ................................................................. 29
5.1 Current flood risk management measures ............................................................................ 29
5.2 Future flood risk management measures .............................................................................. 33
6. Strategic flood risk management ............................................................................. 38
6.1 Flood storage areas ............................................................................................................. 38
6.2 Catchment and floodplain restoration ................................................................................... 39
6.3 Upstream natural catchment management methods ............................................................. 40
6.4 Opportunities for strategic flood risk management in Jersey .................................................. 41
7. Flood risk framework ............................................................................................... 42
7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 42
7.2 Flood risk categories............................................................................................................ 42
7.3 Vulnerability classifications................................................................................................... 43
7.4 Development suitability and planning approach .................................................................... 45
8. Site specific flood risk management measures ........................................................ 47
8.1 Site measures ..................................................................................................................... 47
8.2 Building measures ............................................................................................................... 51
9. Cumulative development and land use change ....................................................... 55
9.1 Cumulative impacts ............................................................................................................. 55
9.2 Land-use change ................................................................................................................. 55
10. Recommendations for policy and guidance ............................................................. 56
10.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 56
10.2 Guidance ............................................................................................................................ 56
Appendix A Data Register ................................................................................................... 57
Appendix B Maps ................................................................................................................ 60
Appendix C Pumping Station Catchment Areas .................................................................. 61
Appendix D Site Specific Flood Risk Assessments ............................................................. 62
D.1 What is a Flood Risk Assessment?....................................................................................... 62
D.2 When is a FRA required? ..................................................................................................... 62
D.3 What should a FRA contain? ................................................................................................ 62
D.4 How detailed should a FRA be? ........................................................................................... 64
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Figure 3-1 Summary of coastal flooding mechanisms ......................................................................................... 6
Figure 3-2 Source Pathway Receptor Model ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4-1 Grands Vaux catchment area
....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5-1 Pumping station locations ............................................................................................................... 31
Figure 5-2 Jersey Water Supply Schematic (Jersey Water, 2019) ..................................................................... 33
Figure 5-3 Coastal Management Unit locations, Jersey Shoreline Management Plan ........................................ 35
Figure 6-1 Online and Offline Flood Storage Areas........................................................................................... 38
Table 2-1 Strategic Spatial Options considered for the Island Plan (2021-2030) .................................................. 4
Table 3-1 Expressing the probability of flooding .................................................................................................. 7
Table 4-1 Areas of development modelled to be at high risk of flooding from the tide (present day, not including
the presence of defences) ............................................................................................................................... 12
Table 4-2 Areas modelled to be at risk of flooding from the tide as a result of climate change ............................ 13
Table 4-3 Records of historic coastal flooding .................................................................................................. 15
Table 4-4 Areas at high risk of flooding from inland flooding .............................................................................. 17
Table 4-5 Peak rainfall intensity allowance in small and urban catchments (use 1961 to 1990 baseline) ............. 19
Table 4-6 Records of historic inland flooding .................................................................................................... 19
Table 4-7 Flooding Hotspots ............................................................................................................................ 27
Table 5-1 Coastal Flood Defences ................................................................................................................... 29
Table 5-2 Water Impounding Areas .................................................................................................................. 31
Table 5-3 Policy Recommendations from the SMP ........................................................................................... 36
Table 6-1 Natural Flood Management guidance documents .............................................................................. 40
Table 7-1 Flood Risk Categories ...................................................................................................................... 43
Table 7-2 Development Vulnerability Classifications ......................................................................................... 44
Table 7-3 Development Suitability and Planning Approach – Built up areas ....................................................... 45
Table 7-4 Development Suitability and Planning Approach – Countryside areas ................................................ 45
Table 8-1 Typical SuDS Components (Y: primary process, * some opportunities subject to design) .................... 50
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
User Guide
This Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) report has been produced with a range of end users in mind
Government of Jersey, developers, flood risk consultants and emergency planners. The table below describes the
sections of the SFRA and helps each user find key information in the SFRA for their use.
Section and Content Summary
Flood Risk
Government of
1 Introduction
An overview of the purpose and objectives of the SFRA
ü ü ü
2 Island Plan Review
An overview of the Island Plan Review.
ü ü
3 Methodology
An overview of the supplied data for use in the SFRA.
4 Flood Risk Overview
An overview of the flood risk from all sources across the study area, including the
impact of climate change where this information is available. Based on the data
recorded in Appendix A and the mapping in Appendix B.
ü ü ü ü
5 Flood Risk Mitigation Measures in Jersey
An overview of current flood mitigation and management measures.
ü ü ü ü
6 Strategic Flood Risk Management
An overview of potential options for improved strategic flood risk management.
ü ü ü
7 Flood Risk Framework
Recommendations for a Flood Risk Framework based on the findings of the SFRA.
ü ü
8 Site-specific Flood Risk Management Measures
A summary of potential site-specific flood risk management measures that developers
can use to manage the impacts of flooding to and from the site.
ü ü
9 Cumulative Development and Land Use Change
An overview of the potential flood risk impacts from cumulative development and land
use change.
ü ü
10 Recommendations for Policy and Guidance
A Data Register List of all data used in the SFRA, including source, format and
ü ü ü
B Maps providing information on the different sources of flooding which affect Jersey.
ü ü ü ü
C Pumping Station Catchment Areas Maps providing information on the catchment
areas for the main pumping stations in Jersey.
ü ü
D Site Specific Flood Risk Assessments Guidance for developers undertaking a Flood
Risk Assessment (FRA) for proposed development sites.
ü ü
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
1. Introduction
The Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) provides an island-wide assessment of the risks associated
with flooding from all sources, including the effects of climate change. The SFRA also provides guidance on the
mitigation of flooding and identifies potential opportunities to reduce flooding.
The SFRA identifies methods to deliver strategic policies, which will support long-term flood risk management in
Jersey. Through this, the SFRA will support current policy in Jersey including the Common Strategic Policy
(2018-22), the Government Plan (2020-23) and Future Jersey (2017-2037), the Island’s 20-year community
vision. The SFRA will also feed into the Island Plan review process, forming part of the baseline evidence for
flood risk and climate change. This will support the next iteration of the Island Plan which is due to be adopted
and published in 2022 as the Island Plan (2022-24).
The development of the SFRA has been carried out broadly in line with the guidance on how to prepare a
strategic flood risk assessment
for England, developed by the Environment Agency. However, as an
independent island state, the SFRA does not need to strictly follow this guidance, and the SFRA has been
tailored specific to Jersey and the requirements of the island.
The aims of the SFRA for Jersey are as follows:
· Identify the risk of flooding from all sources;
· Outline the potential cumulative impact that development or changing land use would have on the risk of
· Identify the potential effect of climate change on flood risk;
· Identify potential opportunities to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding;
· Develop a flood risk framework and supporting policy recommendations for consideration in the Island
Plan review;
· Provide information on methods to manage and mitigate flood risk;
· Provide guidance on producing site specific flood risk assessments.
1.1 Study area overview
1.1.1 Island Parishes
The Channel Island of Jersey is divided into twelve administrative parishes. All have a coastal boundary and
share a name with their ancient parish churches. The parish boundaries are shown on the figures within
Appendix B. The risk of flooding from all sources of flooding to each of these parishes is discussed in Section 3.
1.1.2 Topography
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) topographic survey data is presented in Appendix B Figure 1. The highest
points on the island are approximately 110 to 140 metres Ordnance Datum (m OD) and are located in the north of
the island, in the parishes of Trinity and St John. The lowest points approximately 10 m OD, are located along the
coastline to the south, south-east and west. A number of valleys are also present across the island, sloping from
the north of the island to the lower lying areas along the southern coastline.
How to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment (Environment Agency, 2019). Available online at:
Appendix B, Figure 1 Topography
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
1.1.3 Geology
The Jersey coastline is diverse in geology, and creates a landscape which is highly valuable, and draws in
visitors. The Government of Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Appraisal
defines the
underlying solid and drift geology across the island. Cliffs are most prominent along the north and southwest
coastlines, with elevated cliffs on the north coast made from hard volcanic rocks and granite. Those in the
southwest are characterised by metamorphic granite and deports of porphyritic granite. Other headlands on the
coast are less extensive in extent. The southeast and west areas of the coastline are composed of softer
Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Appraisal (Fiona Fyfe Associates, 2020) available online at:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
2. Island Plan Review
2.1 Island Plan
The Government of Jersey is currently preparing the Island Plan review, which will guide development in Jersey.
In 2019 the Minister for the Environment launched the Island Plan Review Programme, with a view of developing
a new 10-year Island Plan for the 2021 to 2030 period. However, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant
that it is no longer possible to deliver an Island Plan as originally envisaged. To best respond to the current
context, the Minister is developing a shorter-term ‘bridging’ plan that will exist between two longer-term plans (the
current Island Plan 2011 to 2021; and a future Island Plan 2025 to 2034). The new bridging Island Plan will set
the means to facilitate the island’s positive future growth over a period of significant uncertainty and provide a
new framework against which planning decisions will be made. The plan is key to delivering sustainable
development; balancing the future economic, environmental and social needs of the island in a way that is best
for Jersey and which reflects the vision and aspirations of islanders.
The Government of Jersey adopted the current Island Plan in 2011, however, much has changed since then and
there is a need to respond to current economic, environmental and social challenges faced by the island. The
review of the Island Plan will need to consider how best to address:
· the need for homes;
· safeguarding the environment;
· supporting the economy;
· mitigating the impacts of climate change;
· responding to an ageing population; and
· securing good design and creating better places.
The Government of Jersey is aiming for the Island Plan (2022-2024) to be adopted in 2022.
2.1.1 Managing growth
The objective of the Island Plan is to deliver sustainable development where a balance is struck between the
need to protect the sensitive coast, countryside, biodiversity, and heritage assets, and the need to develop new
housing, land for employment opportunities, major public infrastructure and community facilities, including open
space and an improved public realm.
Previous Island Plans have focused on allocating new development in and around established centres.
Historically, the town of St Helier has absorbed much of the island’s growth, spilling beyond the boundaries of the
parish of St Helier to embrace parts of the parishes of St Saviour and St Clement. This leaves 85% of the island
as open countryside.
The Government of Jersey has proposed six broad spatial options for development within their Stage 1 Strategic
Issues and Options consultation undertaken as part of the Island Plan Review
. These options have been
summarised in Table 2-1.
Island Plan Review 2021 to 2030, Stage 1: strategic issues and options consultation, (n.d), Available online at:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table 2-1 Strategic Spatial Options considered for the Island Plan (2021-2030)
Strategic Spatial Option Description
Option 1: Increasing density within the town of St Helier. The town of St Helier stretches from First Tower in the west, to La
Pouquelaye in the north, and Grève D’Azette in the east. Increasing
the density of new development here would maintain and give
greater emphasis to the existing policy direction of the current
Island Plan.
Option 2(a): Outward expansion of town to the north,
east and west
The urban fringes of the town comprise open countryside that could
be developed to help meet development needs. Building on the
edge of town would represent a change from the current Island
Option 2(b): Outward expansion of town to the south There is also potential to change the existing use of parts of the
harbour to enable the expansion of the town to the south. Such
schemes would need to be commercially viable and address
current safety issues. The current Island Plan includes the
development of the St Helier Waterfront, which is effectively an
expansion of the town to the south
Option 3: Increasing density in other built up areas Other built-up areas include the coastal strip from St Aubin to
Gorey; Red Houses and Les Quennevais; and a range of smaller
built-up areas including parish centres. Increasing the density of
new development here would maintain and give greater emphasis
to the existing policy direction of the current Island Plan.
Option 4: Outward expansion of other built up areas The edges of the other built-up areas (described under Option 3)
generally comprise open countryside. Most is currently defined as
Green Zone, but some is within the Coastal National Park. Some of
the land on the edges of existing built areas could be used to help
meet development needs. Expanding these built-up areas, by
releasing land on the edge of them for new development, would
represent a change from the policy direction of the current Island
Option 5: A new settlement or the significant expansion
of an existing settlement
The boldest option would be to create a new settlement, or
significantly expand an existing one. The development of a
significant amount of new housing in Les Quennevais and Maufant
are examples of this approach, where it has been undertaken in the
past. This would likely require an extensive process of land
acquisition and the development of open countryside. This would
represent a significant change from the policy direction of the
current Island Plan.
Option 6: Development in the countryside This option would involve relaxing rules about converting,
demolishing and rebuilding, and extending existing buildings in the
countryside. It would mean increasing the density of development
in the countryside and developing more areas of under-used or
open land around the edge of existing clusters of buildings in the
countryside. The redevelopment and consolidation of buildings or
building clusters in the countryside would represent a significant
change from the policy direction of the current Island Plan.
Island Plan, Strategic issues and options. (n.d) Available online at:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Following the public consultation on these options, held in Summer 2019, the responses received showed most
support for focussing development within St Helier (Option 1), including expansion of the town to the south
(Option 2b), with a strong resistance to development within the countryside
. The preferred spatial strategy, which
was assessed relative to the current challenges that the island faces, has been published by the Government of
and is summarised below:
· focus development in the Town of St Helier:
facilitate the development of key urban opportunity sites; and
use public land to meet immediate needs.
· generally maintain the existing definition of built-up areas:
encourage the re-use and redevelopment of already developed land at higher densities,
appropriate to the context.
· enable the sustainable and proportionate growth of some built-up areas – involving:
the planned release of greenfield land including;
extending some built-up area edges; and
around some parish centres, where this contributes to the overall community wellbeing and
sustainability of an existing settlement.
· limit development around the undeveloped coast and in the countryside to those uses which require a
specific location.
· positive consideration of future land-reclamation proposals in St Helier.
This SFRA provides background information to ensure that the materiality of flood risk is considered as part of the
Island Plan Review and for the assessment of individual sites.
Findings Report: Island Plan Strategic issues and options consultation (Government of Jersey). Available online at
Preferred Strategy Report: Island Plan Review – Technical Evidence Base (Government of Jersey). Available online at
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
3. Methodology
3.1 Overview
The methodology for the assessment of flood risk from all sources is outlined below; Section 3.4 provides a
description of the datasets used to assess the risk of flooding from each source, further details of which are
included within the data register in Appendix A.
3.2 Understanding flood risk
3.2.1 What is flood risk
Flooding is a natural process and can happen at any time in a wide variety of locations. It constitutes a temporary
covering of land not normally covered by water and presents a risk when people, human, and environmental
assets are present in the area that floods. Assets at risk from flooding can include housing, transport and public
service infrastructure, commercial and industrial enterprises, agricultural land and environmental and cultural
heritage. Major sources of flooding include:
· Coastal – inundation of floodplains by the sea; overtopping of defences; breaching of defences; wave
action, as summarised in Figure 3-1.
· Inland inland flooding covers two main sources including overland run-off from adjacent land (also
referred to as pluvial or surface water) and out of bank flow from watercourses (this can result from
natural water levels exceeding the bank levels, blockage of culverts or bridges etc.).
· Sewer – surcharging of piped drainage systems (public sewers, highway drains etc.).
· Groundwater – caused by the water table rising after prolonged rainfall to emerge above ground level
remote from a watercourse; most likely to occur in low-lying areas underlain by permeable rock
(aquifers); groundwater recovery after pumping for industry has ceased.
· Infrastructure failurereservoirs; industrial processes; burst water mains; blocked sewers or failed
pumping stations.
Flooding can also occur from a combination of many different sources.
Figure 3-1 Summary of coastal flooding mechanisms
Jersey Shoreline Management Plan (2020). Available online at
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Flood risk is the product of the likelihood (or probability) of flooding and the consequence of flooding. The
consequences of flooding can vary based on the vulnerability to flooding (taking into account any flood defences
and the potential for those defences to breach, fail or be overtopped) and the total value of the assets at risk of
flooding (population and development). With investment in flood protection or the changing/managing of the
location of assets in flood risk areas, the risk of flooding will be reduced.
The risk of flooding is assessed using the source – pathway – receptor model (as shown in Figure 3-2). This
method is a standard environmental risk model, common to the identification of environmental hazards and is the
starting point of identifying receptors at risk of flooding. For a flood risk to be present there has to be a source (for
example, sea or rainfall), pathway (for example, overtopping, asset failure, exceedance or overland flow route)
and receptor (for example, people, property and the environment). The consequences are varied and can include
loss of life, stress, material damage, loss of land, environmental degradation, cultural loss and economic impact.
Figure 3-2 Source Pathway Receptor Model
Different types and forms of flooding present a range of different risks. The speed of inundation, depth and
duration of flooding can vary greatly between different flood events. With climate change, the frequency, pattern
and severity of flooding are expected to change and become more damaging.
3.2.2 Defining the likelihood of flooding
The likelihood of flooding is expressed as the percentage probability and/or return period, as outlined in Table
3-1. The percentages are based on the average frequency measured (or extrapolated) from records over a large
number of years. The lower the percentage, the less chance there is of that flood event happening in any given
year; the higher the percentage then the more chance there is of that flood event happening in any given year.
Although rare, floods with a low probability are likely to have greater impacts that are often far more severe
compared to the high probability, more frequent, events.
Table 3-1 Expressing the probability of flooding
Probability Percentage range Return period (years)
Greater than 1.3% 1 in 75 or greater
Between 0.5% - 1.3% Between 1 in 200 to 1 in 75
Less than 0.5% Less than 1 in 200
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
3.2.3 Consequences of flooding
The consequences of flooding vary between different flood events, and can result in property damage, disruption
to lives and businesses and personal implications for people (e.g. financial loss, emotional distress and health
problems). Consequences of flooding depends on the severity of the flooding, and is influenced by the following
· Depth of flood water
· Velocity of flood water
· Rate of onset
· Duration
· Wave action effects
· Water quality
The vulnerability of receptors also has a significant impact on possible damage and additional consequences
caused by flooding. The potential for damage can be influenced by the following factors:
· type of development
· age-structure of the population
· presence and reliability of mitigation measures
The combined influence of these factors will determine the potential flood risk in any area.
3.3 Actual and residual risk
Flood risk is not static, as it cannot be described simply as a fixed water level or an area at risk if flooding was to
occur. Risk varies depending on the severity of event, the source, the pathways of flooding (such as the condition
of flood defences) and the vulnerability of receptors.
3.3.1 Actual risk
Actual risk is the risk taking into account any flood management measures that are in place. Flood management
measures typically provide a minimum Standard of Protection (SoP) which can vary between different defence
types and different areas.
It is important to recognise that risk comes from many different sources and that the SoP provided will vary. The
actual risk of flooding from the tide may be low to a settlement behind a coastal defence but moderate from
inland sources, which may pond behind the defence in low spots and is unable to discharge into the sea during
high water levels.
3.3.2 Residual risk
Even when flood management measures are in place there is always a possibility that these could be overtopped
or exceeded or that they could fail or breach. In areas where this could occur, there is still a risk of flooding. This
is known as a residual risk. Flood management infrastructure failure can lead to rapid inundation of fast flowing
and potentially deep floodwaters, which may pose significant risk to the people, property and environment.
Because of this, it is never appropriate to class an area as ‘not at risk’ due to flood management measures being
in place.
3.4 Data collection
A large quantity of information and datasets have been made available by the stakeholder organisations and
used to inform the assessment of flood risk. Descriptions of the datasets that have been used, along with details
of their appropriate use or limitations, are included in Appendix A Data Register. These datasets have been used
to develop the maps included in Appendix B.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
3.5 Assessing each source of flooding
The identification of data sets and areas at risk of flooding has been carried out broadly in line with the guidance
on how to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment
for England, developed by the Environment Agency.
However, as an independent island state, the SFRA does not need to strictly follow this guidance, and the SFRA
has been tailored specific to Jersey and the requirements of the island.
3.5.1 Coastal flood risk
Coastal modelling from the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan (SMP)
has been used to identify the areas at
risk of flooding from the sea. The modelling included Still Water Level Flooding Analysis (excluding the presence
of flood defences) as well as including the analysis of the effects of climate change to 2120. This modelling
produced flood frequency outlines as return periods. The flood frequency has been expressed as annual
exceedance probability (AEP)
, which is the probability of that flood event occurring in any given year. The
modelled flood events have been identified below ranked from the lowest risk to the highest risk.
· 1 in 200 year Return Period (0.5% AEP)
· 1 in 75 year Return Period (1.33% AEP)
· 1 in 20 year Return Period (5% AEP)
· 1 in 1 year Return Period (100% AEP)
The following return periods were modelled to account for climate change:
· 1 in 200 year Return Period (0.5% AEP) including short (2040), medium (2070) and long-term epochs
(2120) to account for climate change.
· 1 in 75 year Return Period (1.33% AEP) including short (2040), medium (2070) and long-term epochs
(2120) to account for climate change.
· 1 in 20 year Return Period (5% AEP) including short (2040), medium (2070) and long-term epochs
(2120) to account for climate change.
· 1 in 1 year Return Period (100% AEP) including short (2040), medium (2070) and long-term epochs
(2120) to account for climate change.
For the assessment of coastal risk, high risk has been identified using the 1 in 200 year outline (0.5% AEP) for
the present day and medium risk has been identified using the 1 in 200 year outline (0.5% AEP) for 2120. This
return period was chosen due to the size of the flood extents creating the worst-case scenario for coastal
flooding; and for consistency with the established approach used in parts of the United Kingdom.
The coastal modelling assessed the risk of the overtopping of some of the existing defences. This data has been
used to identify areas potentially at risk of flooding as a result of overtopping and areas in which improvements
will be needed. Wave overtopping modelling was undertaken for the following high priority areas:
· St Ouen’s Bay
· St Brelades Bay
· St Aubin’s Bay
· Havre des Pas
· La Grève D’Azette
How to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment (Environment Agency, 2019). Available online at:
AECOM (2019), Jersey Shoreline Management Plan, Available online at:
Annual exceedance probability is the chance or probability of a natural hazard event (usually a rainfall or flooding event)
occurring annually and is usually expressed as a percentage. Bigger rainfall events occur (are exceeded) less often and will
therefore have a lesser annual probability.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
· La Mare
· Le Nez Point to Le Hocq Point
· La Rocque
· Royal Bay of Grouville, and,
· Archirondel (north).
Information on coastal flood defences as well as current and future management interventions have been taken
from the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan and information provided by the Government of Jersey. A list of the
data sources provided for this assessment has been included in Appendix A.
3.5.2 Inland flood risk
Surface water hydraulic modelling was undertaken for the whole island as part of the SMP using a 2D TUFLOW
model. The topographical data used was a composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with a 1m grid resolution
sourced from the 1m LiDAR supplied by Government of Jersey (2017). The 2D TUFLOW model was set up with
a grid resolution of 5m. This was chosen as 5m resolution represented the finest resolution that could be
achieved whilst retaining practical model run times. Due to the scale and resolution of the island-wide hydraulic
model, structures were included through filtering of LiDAR DTM data and provide a worst-case assessment of
flood risk. Buildings were represented in the model by raising threshold levels by 0.3m above LiDAR DTM within
the 2D domain.
In surface water hydraulic models, rainfall boundaries are usually applied across the entire model domain. In this
case, the model domain was determined as being the whole island of Jersey. Therefore, a large proportion of the
grid will present very shallow depths prior to runoff, and as such, the model results are filtered to be presented as
mapped results. Areas of surface water flood depth of less than 0.1m were removed to present a clearer
representation of flood risk. Further details on the modelling methodology are available within Section 8 of the
Hydraulic Modelling Report technical appendix of the SMP
The modelling was completed in line with UK Environment Agency surface water flood maps, and the results
were presented as areas of low, medium and high risk of flooding.
· High risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 30 year return
period event (3.33% AEP);
· Medium risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 100 year
return period event (1% AEP); and,
· Low risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 1000 year return
period event (0.1% AEP).
Sensitivity analysis was undertaken on the three return periods for two storm durations (2 hour and 6 hour) and
three continuing loss (infiltration) rates (6.5mm/hr, 12.5m/hr, 18.5mm/hr).
The assessment of inland flood risk has been carried out using the 1 in 30 year, 1 in 100 year, 1 in 1000 year
outlines for the 2 hour storm duration with 6.5mm/hr continuing loss rate. This scenario was chosen as it displays
the worst-case extent of inland flooding.
Modelling was also undertaken for two return periods (1 in 30 year and 1 in 100 year) for two climate change
uplifts (+20%, and +40%). These scenarios have been mapped as part of the SFRA to account for the potential
impact of climate change.
Jersey SMP Appendix B – Hydraulic Modelling Report available at
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Modelling was also undertaken for four surface water pumping stations (Baudrette Brook, Bel Royal, Samarês
Marsh and West of Albert), to determine the effect they will have on flood risk to Jersey. Their locations can be
viewed in Figure 5-1 in Section 5.1.2 of this report. The model and results represent a best case scenario in
which all the pumps at the four pumping stations are in good condition, well-maintained and are in operation for
the whole simulation at the maximum pump rate.
Information on mitigation measures as well as current and future management interventions has been taken from
the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan and information provided by the Government of Jersey. A list of the data
sources provided for this assessment has been included in Appendix A.
3.5.3 Groundwater flood risk
It has been identified by the Government of Jersey and Jersey Water that due to the geology of the island,
groundwater flooding is not a significant risk. There are locations in the island in which groundwater is accessible,
however these are not located near development and are used as a source of potable water. the risk of flooding
from groundwater to the island has, therefore, been excluded from the rest of this assessment.
3.5.4 Sewer flood risk
The risk of sewer flooding has been assessed using the Government of Jersey flooding hotspots data. This data
has been used to identify areas which may have previously experienced sewer flooding. It should be noted that
this data is currently being updated by the Government of Jersey and is subject to revision.
3.5.5 Reservoir flood risk
The assessment of flood risk from reservoirs has been completed using information provided by the Government
of Jersey and Jersey Water. Modelling of the possible flood routeing and predicted depth and velocity of water
from the Grands Vaux Reservoir has been taken from the Grands Vaux Flood Plan. A list of additional data
sources provided for this assessment has been listed in Appendix A.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
4. Flood risk overview
This Section provides the strategic assessment of flood risk from each of the sources of flooding across the
Island of Jersey. For each source of flooding, details of any historical incidents are provided, and where
appropriate, the impact of climate change on the source of flooding is described. This Section should be read
with reference to the figures in Appendix B.
4.1 Coastal flooding
4.1.1 Physical structure of the coast
The Jersey coastline has evolved over time, influenced by geology, coastal processes and human interaction.
The island encompasses a diverse range of natural features, the interactions between which have combined to
create the unique character of the coastline. These physical features of the coastline can influence the way the
urban environment inland is developed and can determine the types of coastal defences which are appropriate
for defending against coastal erosion and flooding. The Jersey coastline is dynamic, and change is predicted to
influence the boundary between land and sea over the next 100 years. Climate change is predicted to cause
rising still water levels, which will cause increased wave heights and increased severity and occurrence of
storms. This will increase the risk of coastal flooding on the island in the future.
4.1.2 Risk of flooding from the tide
The risk of coastal flooding is very varied across the island with some areas at limited risk, and others at
significant risk. Appendix B Figures 2 and 2A-2H identify the baseline coastal flood risk: this is where the risk of
flooding is modelled without the presence of any flood defences. The approach to future coastal flood risk
management measures for the island is set out in the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan (refer to Section 5.2.1).
Areas of existing development that are located in an area at high risk of coastal flooding in each parish have
been discussed in Table 4-1. It should be noted that the modelled outputs represent the present day flood risk
from the still water level. There are areas that are known to flood (such as Beaumont and St Aubin) which are not
identified at high risk of flooding from the still water level, but it is acknowledged that these areas can flood as a
result of a number of contributing factors including wave overtopping.
Table 4-1 Areas of development modelled to be at high risk of flooding from the tide (present day, not
including the presence of defences)
Parish Summary of present day coastal flood risk Corresponding map
St Helier The majority of the Parish of St Helier is not in an area at risk of coastal
flooding. Flood water is restricted to the coastline along the parish edge
within St Helier and Havre des Pas
. Parts of the Port of St Helier are also
identified as being at risk if coastal flooding was to occur.
Figure 2F and 2G
St Saviour The Parish of St Saviour has a small coastline limited to the area of Le
Dicq slipway which is at risk of flooding. Hotel de Normandie is directly
opposite Le Dicq slipway and in very close proximity to the seawall that
Figure 2H
St Clement There is considerable urban development along the majority of coastline in
the Parish of St Clement. Flood water is restricted to the coastline along the
parish edge, including La Mare slipway (opposite Rue de Maupertuis).
Figure 2G and 2H
Grouville There is considerable urban development along sections of the coastline in
the Parish of Grouville. Le Hurel slipway (adj. Grande Route des Sablons)
is identified as being at risk from coastal flooding
Figure 2H
St Martin Gorey Pier and harbour are identified as being at risk from coastal flooding. Figure 2D and 2H
Trinity There is limited urban development along the coastline in these parishes
and the majority of development is on land above or set back from the
coastline. No residential or commercial development is present in areas at
Figure 2C and 2D
St John Figure 2B and 2C
St Mary Figure 2A and 2B
Appendix B Figure
2 and 2A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Parish Summary of present day coastal flood risk Corresponding map
St Ouen risk of flooding. Flood water is predominantly restricted to the coastline
along the parish edge.
Figure 2A and 2E
St Peter Figure 2E and 2F
St Brelade The majority of development is set back from the coastline. No residential
or commercial development is present in areas at risk of flooding. Flood
water is predominantly r
estricted to the coastline along the parish edge.
Figure 2E and 2F
St Lawrence Development in this area is predominantly located along the waterfront
however flood water is predominantly restricted to the coastline along the
parish edge.
Figure 2F and 2G
4.1.3 Climate change
Climate change poses a significant risk to the Jersey coastline. The effects of climate change on coastal flooding
· Rising still water levels
· increased wave heights
· increased severity and occurrence of storms.
These changes will increase the risk of coastal flooding in the island in the future. The impact of climate change
on areas at risk of coastal flooding has been assessed using three epoch scenarios. These scenarios are:
· Short term (2040)
· Medium term (2070), and
· Long term (2120).
The future impact of climate change on flood risk was assessed using the UK National Oceanography Centre
guidance. The 50th percentile results for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ‘RCP8.5’
climate change emission scenario (“business as usual”) have been used. This gives a resulting sea level rise
prediction of 0.83 metres by 2120.
The areas of existing development at risk of coastal flooding (as a result of climate change) in each parish have
been discussed in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Areas modelled to be at risk of flooding from the tide as a result of climate change
Parish Areas identified at risk of coastal
flooding in the future
Climate Change scenarios that
would affect the area
St Helier Parts of the Port of St Helier Short term (2040) Figure 3F and 3G
Parts of St Helier town centre Short term (2070)
Wider Port of St Helier Long term (2120)
Wider area within Havre des Pas Long term (2120)
Parts of Victoria Avenue Short term (2040)
St Saviour Parts of Georgetown, Grève d’Azette and
Rue des Pres
Medium (2070) to Long term
Figure 3G
St Clement
Grève D’Azette, St Clement Golf Course,
Plat Douet, Samarès and Rue des Prés
Medium (2070) to Long term
Figure 3G and 3H
Le Hocq Long term (2120)
Grouville Le Hurel Medium (2070) to Long term
Figure 3H
Appendix B Figure
s 3 and 3 A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Parish Areas identified at risk of coastal
flooding in the future
Climate Change scenarios that
would affect the area
Rue de la Forge, Royal Jersey Golf Club
Grouville Common, Grouville Marsh
Long term (2120)
Grouville Marsh Short (2040) to Long term (2120)
St Martin Gorey Promenade and Pier
Gorey Harbour; Gorey Village
Anne Port and Archirondel
Medium (2070) to Long term
Figure 3D and 3H
RNLI St Catherine’s Bay (Lifeboat Station),
Short (2040) to Long term (2120)
Trinity Rozel Short (2040) to Long term (2120) Figure 3C and 3D
Bouley Bay Long term (2120)
St John Bonne Nuit Pier Long term (2120) Figure 3B and 3C
St Mary Grève de Lecq Medium term (2070) Figure 3A
St Ouen Grève de Lecq Medium term (2070) Figure 3A
Medium (2070) to Long term
St Peter Beaumont, Goose Green
St Aubin’s Bay promenade
Le Marais
Long term (2120) Figure 3F
St Brelade St Brelade’s Bay Short (2040) to Medium term
Figure 3E and 3F
St Aubin
St Aubin’s Bay promenade
Short (2040) to Long term (2120)
St Lawrence Bel Royal
St Aubin’s Bay promenade
Long term (2120) Figure 3F
4.1.4 Areas benefiting from defences
There are extensive man-made coastal defences present around parts of the island’s coastline, which are further
described in Section 5.1.1. Some of these defences are higher than the still water level tide which reduces the
risk of flooding. Appendix B Figure 9 identifies the areas benefiting from coastal defences where the defence is
higher than the still water level tide during a high risk coastal flood event in 2120.
4.1.5 Wave overtopping
Coastal flooding has the potential to have significant implications on urban areas in Jersey if flood defences are
overtopped or are breached. Wave overtopping modelling was undertaken for the following high priority areas:
· St Ouen’s Bay
· St Brelades Bay
· St Aubin’s Bay
· Havre des Pas
· La Grève D’Azette
· La Mare
· Le Nez Point to Le Hocq Point
· La Rocque
Appendix B Figure
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
· Royal Bay of Grouville, and,
· Archirondel (north).
Appendix B Figure 10 and Figures 10 A-H identifies the areas at risk from overtopping during a high risk coastal
flood event in 2040. The potential depth of flooding (in metres above the existing ground level) is also indicated
on the maps.
4.1.6 Historic coastal flooding
The Government of Jersey has provided information on historic coastal flooding in the island. Records of historic
coastal flooding are listed in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 Records of historic coastal flooding
Date Parish Details
3 January 2018 St Helier
St Ouen
St Peter
Storm Eleanor causes coastal flooding which closes roads and increases water
level within watercourses. A section of sea wall collapsed at St Helier. Victoria
Avenue was closed while Gloucester Street/Esplanade area and Five Mile Road
also flooded
3 March 2014 St Ouen
St Helier
High tide (12m) and heavy winds combine to cause flooding. Rue Verte at
L’Etacq severely damaged by the high tides. Victoria Avenue closed
2 February 2014 Unknown Coastal flooding associated with storms. Coastal roads flooded
17 October 2012 Unknown High tides cause flooding to various areas, including Beaumont
8 March 2008 St Brelade
St Helier
St Lawrence
Storm Johanna causes flooding. Water overtopped flood defences which were
breached in four locations. Victoria Avenue was closed at First Tower. Roads
flooded in St Aubin, La Haule, Beaumont and The Gunsite. The sea wall was
damaged at West Park with flooding onto Victoria Avenue, West Park,
Esplanade, Gloucester Street and Seaton Place. Houses and businesses in this
area were also flooded
16 17 18 19
23 November 1984 St Helier Severe storm noted for comparison with March 2008 event. Flooding in St
. Seawall between First Tower and West Park damaged. Properties
flooded First Tower to Castle Street.
27 February 1967 St Helier Severe storm noted for comparison with March 2008 event. Flooding affected St
Helier and was exacerbated by heavy rain
October 1965 Unknown
Severe storm noted for comparison with March 2008 event, but no further
information given
October 1964
It should be noted that a decrease in coastal flooding at St Helier was observed following the land reclamation
which was undertaken during the 1970s.
The Government of Jersey Department for Infrastructure, Housing and Environment has noted a number of
observations from historic coastal flood events within different parishes, as detailed below:
· St Helier - historic flooding of properties and roads along the First Tower to Bay View section of Victoria
Avenue. Coastal flooding has reached as far as Mont Cochon and Tower Road. Properties flooded
between the slip road and Paris Lane.
Jersey Evening Post (2018) Jersey suffers coastal flooding. Available online at:
(2014). Channel Islands flooded after 'highest tide of the year’. Available online at:
Jersey Evening Post (2018). Available online at:
ARUP. (June 2017) Jersey Future Hospital Flood Risk Assessment.
Surge Watch (n.d) Storm Event 10th March 2008. Available online at:
The exceptional tide, storm survey and damage on 10 March 2008, as of 1 May 2008. Frank Le Blancq and John Searson,
Jersey Meteorological Department, May 2008.
Appendix B Figure
s 10 and 10 A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
· St Martin - historic flooding of properties at Gorey Pier and harbour has occurred.
· St Mary - Café Romany, at Grève de Lecq has flooded.
· St Peter - major flooding of the Beaumont area and properties on numerous occasions.
· St Brelade - major flooding of St Aubin’s village, harbour and north to La Haule and properties on
numerous occasions
4.2 Inland flooding
4.2.1 What is inland flooding
Inland flooding is defined as areas of overland flow and watercourses that cause flooding when water is unable to
soak into the ground or enter drainage systems. It can run quickly off land and result in localised flooding. Water
will naturally flow to the lowest point, so it is often possible tell where surface water will collect in a flood by
looking at the topography of the ground and using that to identify flow paths and watercourses.
Areas of overland flow can be defined as individual catchments. A catchment is the area of land, including the
hills, woodlands, and buildings which water drains from, before flowing into watercourses and into the sea. The
outside edge of a catchment is always the highest point. Gravity causes all rain and run-off in the catchment to
run downhill where it naturally collects in a watercourse. Rain falling outside the edge of one catchment is falling
on a different catchment and will flow into other streams and watercourses.
Intense rainstorms and poorly managed overland flow paths and watercourses can mean the potentially
destructive power of the water can cause damage to land, property and possibly lives. If overland flow is
obstructed, it can act as a dam and cause a build-up of water that, if released, can result in significant
4.2.2 The role of topography in inland flooding
The topography of Jersey (as shown in Appendix B Figure 1) highlights the areas at the highest elevation are
located in the north of the island (approximately 110 to 140 mAOD), There are a noticeable number of narrow
valleys which slope from the north, gradually descending to approximately 10 mAOD on the south side of the
island adjacent to the sea. Overland flow collects in these valleys and topographic depressions and forms
watercourses that flow into the parishes of St Helier, St Lawrence and St Clement, along the coastline.
Flow paths in the east and west of the island are less defined. The highest areas of elevation are located to the
north east of the western part of the coastline and the north west of the eastern part of the island. The topography
of the western part of the island slopes west with the lower points located along the western coastline. In the east
of the island, the land gradually slopes south east, towards Grouville. A number of small watercourses are
present in these areas.
4.2.3 Inland flooding in Jersey
The risk of inland flooding has been defined into the following categories:
· High risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 30 year return
period event (3.33% AEP);
· Medium risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 100 year return
period event (1% AEP); and,
· Low risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 1000 year return
period event (0.1% AEP).
Appendix B Figures 4A-4H identify the baseline inland flood risk. The results presented indicate a worst-case
scenario and do not include allowance for surface water pumping. There are four surface water pumps located
on the south coast which have the potential to reduce flooding. The effects of these pumps have been discussed
in Section 4.2.5.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
The primary flow paths can be seen conveying the water along natural valley contours toward the south coast.
Parts of the coastal plain is at risk of flooding from overspill from St Ouen’s Pond and other watercourses in St
Ouen’s Bay. There is a flow path running north to south crossing the eastern end of Jersey Airport which
indicating a low to medium risk of inland flooding. La Rue de L’Eglise/Mont du Jubilé and L’Avenue de Reine
Elziabeth II, surrounding the airport, are identified at high risk of flooding. Beaumont in St Aubins Bay is identified
at low risk from inland flooding, however there is also a high risk of ponding on the fields behind La Route de la
Haule on Goose Green Marsh and at Sandybrook.
A large area of St Helier is at low to medium risk from inland flooding, where the primary flow paths can be seen
converging in the valleys of Grands Vaux and Vallée des Vaux through the lower parts of the town toward the
harbour. There are a few isolated areas of existing wetland on the edge of town being at high risk including Rue
des Près Marsh adjacent the industrial estate; and at Fountain Lane north of Bagot in St Saviour. There is a small
area of ponding identified to the east of Pier Road potentially impacting on buildings on Pier Road; and also to
the north-east of the Millennium Town Park.
There is a large flow path of high risk from inland flooding to both fields and houses from Grouville Marsh to
Gorey Village, which is held back from the coast by La Rue à Don.
Areas of development that are at risk of flooding in each parish have been discussed in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4 Areas at high risk of flooding from inland flooding
Parish Areas with existing development which are identified at risk of inland flooding Corresponding map
St Helier St Helier town centre Figure 4G
Fern Valley/ Bellozanne Valley and First Tower
Grands Vaux/ Town Mills/ Springfield/ Town Park
Vallée des Vaux
Queen’s Road to Great Union Road
Clos du Fort
Westmount Quarry
Havre des Pas
St Saviour Grands Vaux
Rue des,Prés/ Plat Douet/ Georgetown
Figure 4F and 4H
Havre des Pas
St Clement Le Marais Figure 4G and 4H
Samarès Le Squez & Le Marais
Le Rocquier/ Le Hocq
Le Bourg
Grouville Fauvic
Le Bourg/ Les Près/ Gorey Village
Figure 4H
La Ville-ès-Renauds
St Martin Gorey Village North Figure 4D and 4H
Mont des Landes
St Catherine’s Woods
Rozel Valley
Trinity Rozel Figure 4C and 4D
Bouley Bay
St John Le Mourier valley Figure 4B and 4C
Appendix B Figure
s 4A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Parish Areas with existing development which are identified at risk of inland flooding Corresponding map
St Mary Le Mourier Valley
Grève de Lec
Figure 4A and 4B
St Ouen Grève de Lecq Figure 4A and 4E
St Peter Beaumont
Figure 4E and 4F
St Brelade St Brelade’s Bay Figure 4E and 4F
St Aubin
Some parts of Les Quennevais
Millbrook Figure 4F and 4G
Bel Royal
4.2.4 Reservoirs
Reservoirs in Jersey have a significant influence in the flow of water in the surface water catchments in the
island. The island has six raw water reservoirs which fall under the Reservoir (Jersey) Law 1996. Each reservoir
has a catchment area, the size of which depends on the geography of the surrounding countryside. Rainfall in a
catchment area runs off the land into streams which feed the reservoir. The reservoirs restrict the amount of
water flowing down into the lower part of the catchment and, therefore, have a significant impact on the risk of
inland flooding downstream of the reservoir location. Water yield for the reservoirs is also supported by other
indirect stream water catchments which are pumped to storage in the reservoirs.
Further information on the risk of flooding from reservoirs has been provided in Section 4.3.
4.2.5 Pumping stations
Appendix B Figures 5A-5E identifies the area at risk of inland flooding including the operation of the West of
Albert, Samarès Marsh, Baudrette Brook, Bel Royal pumping stations. Further information on these pumping
stations is supplied in Section 5.1.2.
The general topography of Jersey promotes overland flow paths towards the south coast, where the four
pumping stations assessed are located. A large area in Beaumont and St Aubin’s, is identified at low risk of
inland flooding, with some areas at high and medium risk. The area to the east of Goose Green Marsh, a
designed flood plain, where Bel Royal pumping station extracts water from, has an area at medium risk of inland
flooding, whereas to the west of Goose Green Marsh there is a large area at high risk of inland flooding on the
marsh, fields and Goose Green car park behind La Route de la Haule. A large area of St Helier is at low risk from
inland flooding, with a few isolated areas (particularly highways) identified at medium risk.
Goose Green Marsh experiences a reduced risk of inland flooding when the pumps from Bel Royal are operating,
although it should be noted that the Goose Green Marsh outfall to the foreshore is separate to that of the pumped
Le Perquage/St Peter’s Valley catchment. A large area of St Helier benefits from the pumps at West of Albert
operating to extract surface water from the roads and residential areas upstream of the pumping station. For the
1% AEP, the pumps at Baudrette Brook and Samarès Marsh removes surface water from roads, St Clement’s
Golf Course, Rue des Prés marsh area, and fields behind Clos de la Mare.
4.2.6 Climate change
Climate change is projected to result in more extreme rainfall events which will generate more surface runoff
resulting in an increased likelihood of inland flooding. More extreme rainfall can cause the water levels within
watercourses to rise rapidly and also increase the pressure on drains and sewers.
As no climate change predictions are specifically available for Jersey, the representation of climate change over
time was extracted from values for UK Government peak rainfall intensity allowance in small and urban
catchments provided for England
and included in Table 4-5. From the below table, the total potential change
Flood risk assessments: climate change allowances, Environment Agency, 2017, available at, accessed November 2018
Appendix B Figure
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
anticipated for the ‘2080s’ for climate change Central uplift percentage of +20% and Upper end uplift of +40%
have been used.
Table 4-5 Peak rainfall intensity allowance in small and urban catchments (use 1961 to 1990 baseline)
Climate Change Scenario Total potential change
anticipated for the ‘2020s’
(2015 to 2039)
Total potential change
anticipated for the ‘2050s’
(2040 to 2069)
Total potential change
anticipated for the ‘2080s’
(2070 to 2115)
Upper end +10% +20% +40%
Central +5% +10% +20%
The impact of climate change on inland flooding has been defined for the following categories:
· High risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 30 year return
period event (3.33% AEP); including a 20% and 40% uplift to account for climate change;
· Medium risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 100 year return
period event (1% AEP); including a 20% and 40% uplift to account for climate change
Appendix B Figures 6A- 6E identifies the area at risk of inland flooding with the uplift to account for climate
The high risk of flooding scenario shows an increased risk of inland flooding in Beaumont. The Goose Green car
park and adjacent field are already at high risk of inland flooding and the extent increases into the surrounding
fields behind La Route de la Haule for the climate change uplift of 20% and 40%. Inland flooding at Gorey also
extends significantly, with the extent being similar for the increased climate change uplift of 20% and 40%.
The medium flood risk scenario indicates that properties in Beaumont are at an increased risk of inland flooding
with climate change uplift of 20% and +40%. In addition, a larger area at St Helier is at risk of inland flooding
compared to the baseline present day scenario. The increased extent of area at risk from inland flooding is
towards the coast affecting the area between the Esplanade and Broad Street. At Gorey, the flow path remains
west of La Rue à Don and mostly results in inundation of local fields, however some properties along La Rue à
Don and Gouray Village Main Road are at an increased risk of inland flooding.
4.2.7 Historic inland flooding
The Government of Jersey has provided information on historic inland flooding in the island. Records of historic
inland flooding are listed in Table 4-6.
Table 4-6 Records of historic inland flooding
Date Parish Location Details
21 May 1983
St Brelade, St Peter and
St Mary
St Aubin, Grève de
Lecq and St Peter’s
Two severe storms, both bringing over 50mm of rain
in one hour in some places. Records show 43mm in
one hour at Jersey Airport with a possible 25mm in
six minutes. Flooding affected St Aubin, Grève de
Lecq and St Peter’s Valley
5 June 1983
28 February 2010
St Saviour, St
Lawrence, St Peter, St
Clement, St Helier, St
Various locations
across the Island
Numerous calls to the Fire Service to report flooding
to roads, residential properties and gardens and
commercial premises.
2014 St Helier & St Saviour Grands Vaux, Nicholson
Close and Pillar
Road, properties and land flooded. Insufficient
capacity of main culvert in valley.
2014 St Peter Tesson Mill Vallée de St
Pierre, Rue du Moulin
de Tesson
Road, properties and land flooded. Upstream leat
stream overflowed to lower stream and through
Severe Storms in Jersey, 31 May and 5 June 1983, David V Randon, Journal of Meteorology, Vol 8, No 84, 1983.
Appendix B Figure
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Date Parish Location Details
2014 St Lawrence
Tesson Mews Rue du
Moulin de Tesson
Road and properties flooded. Two private pipes
restrict flow which then floods properties and road.
2014 St Lawrence Sandybrook Road and properties flooded. Water flooded road
from above.
2014 St Lawrence Millbrook House Road and properties flooded. Flood of water from
Parish road.
2014 St Helier Beresford Street Road and properties flooded. Failure of penstock
gate to open at Weighbridge.
12 June 2015 Unknown Unknown
Roads flooding in response to heavy rainfall, some
areas having over 28mm
8 February 2016 St Helier Victoria Avenue Storm Imogen floods roads including Victoria
16 September 2017 St Ouen and St Peter Various Flash flooding in Jersey. Roads left underwater after
torrential rain. St Ouen and St Peter badly affected,
particularly St Peter’s Valley. The road between St
Ouen and St Peter was closed and roads below
Grève de Lecq hill flooded. The area around St
Ouen’s Manor also flooded
27 November 2017 St Peter and St
Beaumont, St Peter, St
Lawrence and Grands
Torrential downpours cause flooding. Roads and
properties flooded at Beaumont; several inches
deep at the bottom of Beaumont Hill. Also flooding
in St Peter, St Lawrence and Grands Vaux.
August 2019 St. Peter La Vallée de St. Pierre Land flooded caused by a collapsed pipe in a field.
August 2019 St. Peter Le Vieux Beaumont Properties flooded. Road gullies blocked causing
overflow of surface water into private property.
August 2019 Trinity
La Grande Route de St.
Road and properties flooded. Ponding on water on
road surface affecting property.
August 2019 St. John
La Grande Route de St.
Road and properties flooded. Water coming off field
to the east flooding road.
August 2019 Trinity La Route de la Trinité Road flooded. Blocked private culvert.
August 2019 Trinity La Route de la Trinité Blocked private culvert.
August 2019 St. Helier La Route de la
No details.
August 2019 St. Peter Le Mont des Routeurs /
Route des Hetres
No details.
August 2019 St. Ouen La Rue des Cosnets Road and properties flooded. Road drainage to
soakaway. Limited capacity.
August 2019 St. Martin La Rue d'Aval Road and properties flooded. Insufficient capacity of
road drainage.
August 2019 St. Ouen La Grande Route de St.
No details.
September 2019 St. Saviour Plat Douet Road Road partially flooded; properties flooded.
October 2019 St. Helier The Tunnel
Road partially flooded. Gravity sewer under capacity
due to build-up of grease. New Pumps and Control
Panel at Le Doicq Pumping Station. Heavy and
persistent rainfall.
November 2019 St. Lawrence Mont Félard Properties flooded. Blocked outlet on private land.
Jersey Evening Post (2015). St Helier Struck by lightning as thunderstorm and heavy rain batter the island. Available online
BBC News (2016). Storm Imogen winds close Channel Island roads and cause flooding. Available online at:
Jersey Evening Post (2017). Jersey hit by flash flooding. Available online at:
Jersey Evening Post (2017). Jersey hit by flooding. Available online at:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Date Parish Location Details
November 2019 Grouville Rue à Don Road flooded. Outlets to Marsh blocked.
November 2019 Grouville Rue à Don Road partially flooded; properties flooded. Gulley at
Grouville Church blocked (upstream) leading to
downstream gullies becoming surcharged and
November 2019 St. Clement La Grande Route de St.
Road partially flooded. Gullies on La Grande Route
de St. Clement at junction of Rectory Close blocked
and surcharged due to amount of silt coming
downhill from Rue du Hocq / La Verte Rue / La Rue
November 2019 St. Martin La Route de Ste.
Blocked road drainage.
November 2019 Trinity La Rue de la Monnaie Property flooded. Insufficient drainage infrastructure
of culvert under road.
November 2019 St. John La Route du Mont Mado Road flooded; properties flooded. Poor maintenance
of culvert and grating of culvert under road.
November 2019 St. Lawrence La Route de St. Aubin Capacity of pipe through park, tree roots.
November 2019 St. Brelade La Rue de la Sergente Insufficient road drainage.
November 2019 St Peter Of Route de Beaumont Blocked culvert flooded properties, field and road
November 2019 St. Peter Route de Beaumont Properties flooded. Low lying property pumps out
onto road.
December 2019 St. Peter Rue des Landes Road flooded. Single Road Gulley blocked with
December 2019 St. Saviour Rue du Trot Road flooded. Insufficient capacity of road drainage
pipe across fields to the east.
January 2020 St. Helier La Grande Route de St.
Properties flooded. Single road gulley cannot cope
February 2020 St. John Les Chenolles Properties flooded. Culvert blocked under property.
Grating required upstream in field J744.
February 2020 St Peter Route de l'Aleval Road flooded. Culvert keeps blocking.
February 2020 St Peter Vallée de St Pierre Road flooded. Culvert capacity needs to be
March 2020 St Brelade Route du Sud Road and property flooded. Gullies becoming
blocked; lack of gullies upstream (on Rue des
March 2020 St Brelade La Route du Petit Port
Properties and land flooded. Single gulley on
downstream side of entrance. Upstream fields have
been planted and covered in polythene.
March 2020 St Martin Le Mont de Rozel / La
Vallee de Rozel
Properties flooded. Culvert in parish road and under
Le Mont de Rozel full of rubble.
March 2020 St Helier Vallee des Vaux Road, land and properties flooded. Culvert getting
beaten, overflowing into road and bypassing
impounding pond and leat, re-enters downstream of
Rossmore into lower stream. Lower stream has also
blocked, leading to flooding.
March 2020 St Lawrence Rue de Haut Road flooded. Insufficient capacity of private culvert.
March 2020 St Helier New Road Properties flooded. Poor maintenance of private
March 2020 St Clement Rue de Maupertuis Properties flooded.
March 2020 St Brelade Charing Cross
Road and properties flooded. Culvert unable to
drain at high tide.
March 2020 St Brelade Chemin des Pietons Properties flooded. Culvert becomes blocked.
March 2020 Grouville Rue Horman
Land and properties flooded. Grating becomes
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Date Parish Location Details
March 2020 St Clement Vieux Chemin
Road flooded. Parish and private drainage does not
have capacity.
March 2020 St Clement
Grande Route de St
Road and property flooded. Water from Rue
Laurens enters into property on south side of road.
March 2020 St Clement Rue du Prebytere
Road flooded. Public drainage becomes blocked
with debris
March 2020 St Saviour New York Lane Road and properties flooded. Private culvert to north
does not have capacity.
March 2020 St Helier Wellington Road Road and properties flooded. Surface water sewer
does not have capacity and flows onto St Saviours
March 2020 St Helier Mont Cochon Road and properties flooded. Road drainage system
does not have capacity.
March 2020 St Ouen Mont Huelin Private culvert becomes blocked.
March 2020 St Ouen Route de Ste Marie Property flooded. Private culvert becomes blocked.
Blocked grating to downstream culvert.
March 2020 St Peter Avenue de la Reine
Elizabeth II
Road flooded. Gullies become blocked flooding
primary route.
March 2020 St Peter Grande Route de St
Property flooded. Problems with road drainage
March 2020 St Peter La Dimerie Property flooded. Historic drainage due to blocked
March 2020 Trinity Rue de la Fontaine de
Road and properties flooded. Flooding of properties
from water off Route d'Ebenezer.
March 2020 Trinity Rue de la Monnaie
Properties flooded. Insufficient size of downstream
March 2020 St Brelade Route de la Moye
Property flooded. Road drainage system does not
have capacity.
March 2020 St Saviour Route de la Hougue Bie Road flooded. Road drainage becomes blocked.
March 2020 St Martin Grouville Rue d'Aval Road flooded. Road drainage becomes choked with
mud debris from fields to the east.
March 2020 St Brelade Route des Genets Road drainage system through property to small.
March 2020 St Martin Grande Route de St
Road and property flooded. Private culvert on Rue
du Hucquet and road drainage becomes blocked.
March 2020 St Saviour Route de Maufant Road and property flooded. Road drainage blocked
outlet culvert choked.
March 2020 St Saviour Route de Maufant Road flooded. Road drainage blocked.
March 2020 St Lawrence Waterworks Valley Road flooded. Road drainage blocked.
March 2020 St Mary Rue de la Frontiere Road flooded. Potential issues with capacity of
culvert under road.
March 2020 St Mary Mont de Ste Marie Road flooded. Potential issues with capacity of
culvert under road.
March 2020 St Saviour St Saviour's Hill Properties flooded. Capacity of culvert through
March 2020 Grouvllle Route de Grouville Road and property flooded. Blocked road gullies
and downstream culvert.
March 2020 Grouvllle Route de Grouville Road and properties flooded. Blocked road gullies
and downstream culvert.
March 2020 St Saviour /Grouville Longueville Road Road flooded. Blocked road drainage.
March 2020 Grouville Grande Route des
Road and property flooded. Insufficient road
drainage system through property.
March 2020 St Clement Rue du Pontietaut Road and property flooded. Insufficient road
drainage floods property lower than road.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Date Parish Location Details
March 2020 St Clement
Grande Route de St
Road, land and property flooded. Main road
drainage choked and flooded through school sports
March 2020 St Saviour Route de la Hougue Bie Road and properties flooded. Insufficient drainage
for water off fields to the north.
March 2020 St Martin Rue St Julian Road and properties flooded. Blocked culvert.
March 2020 St Helier & St Saviour Grands Vaux Road and properties flooded. Pond requires to be
de-silted to increase capacity.
March 2020 St Mary La Verte Rue Road and land flooded. Road gully becomes
blocked and threatens property.
March 2020 St John Route du Mont Mado Road flooded. Gullies and downstream private
culvert needs clearing.
March 2020 Trinity Route d'Ebenezer Road flooded. Capacity of culvert under road and
blocked gullies.
March 2020 Grouville Route des Cotils Road flooded. Insufficient road drainage with run-off
from Bel Horizon.
March 2020 St Clement Rue au Long Road and land flooded.
March 2020 St Brelade Route de la Baie Road and properties flooded. Gullies become
choked, insufficient road drainage.
March 2020 St Helier Commercial Street Basements flooded due to capacities in public
March 2020 St Helier Castle Street Basements flooded due to capacities in public
March 2020 St Ouen Grande Route de St
Road flooded. Water off fields inundates road
drainage system.
March 2020 St Lawrence Route de St Aubin Property flooded. Insufficient capacity of private
culvert under garage.
The Government of Jersey Department for Infrastructure, Housing and Environment has noted a number of
observations from historic inland flood events within different areas, as detailed below:
Beaumont – Flooding occurs at the filter-in-turn junction with Route de Beaumont and Route de la Haule.
Currently the road drainage system drains to the foul water system, which has limited capacity, and water can
pond at the foot of the hill, at the junction. This affects commercial properties as well as private residences.
The removal of road drainage to a separate surface water disposal system will require a pumping station to be
built in the area of the Gunsite slipway so that, on high tide levels, storm water can be over-pumped, similar to
the pump station on Le Perquage, 200 metres to the east. This would also drain the Goose Green Marsh area
and overflow from Le Perquage main stream.
The most recent flooding of this area was in February 2020 when the ‘usual properties were flooded, however,
the situation was compounded by the blocking of the Beaumont valley culvert that discharges to the foreshore,
alongside the Sugar Basin slipway. As a consequence, this event also flooded four properties, opposite the Co-
Op Locale store, just to the north of the junction.
Tesson Mill – The main flow of water down St Peters Valley, one of the largest catchments in the island, flows
along the old leat stream together with a lower natural stream in the bottom of the valley. Flooding occurs at
Tesson Mill when the leat stream overtops into the natural stream and flows through a private culvert beneath the
mill which surcharges and floods through the floors. Lack of maintenance of the private culvert, possibly a loose
granite stone structure, could be a contributing factor. Downstream of the mill, and running alongside the parish
road Rue du Mouiln de Tesson, the pen stream in private ownership has been bridged with significantly smaller
pipes and this causes both the road, and Tesson Mews, to flood.
Vallée des Vaux – The pen stream that drains this valley has been culverted, just upstream of the Rossmore
impounding pond, and flooding occurs in high flows. Debris build-up on the grating for the culvert can also
exacerbate flooding, which affects the parish road. When floodwater is diverted from the Rossmore impounding
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
area, it follows the road to the south until it reaches a higher point on the road surface where it discharges into a
field north of The Farm and supermarket. The private culvert that drains the natural stream under the
supermarket has become blocked in the past which can result in flooding of the supermarket and car park, which
is at a lower level.
Home Farm, Rue de Grouville – This sits in a natural bowl of land that drains water to Grouville Marsh further to
the east. In the past the lack of maintenance and capacity of the stream culvert under the road has seen water
flooding in an east to west direction across the road and into the Home Farm complex, flooding properties. This
last happened earlier in 2020. The adjacent Meadowvale Cottage has also been affected in the past.
St Clement – Clos Lempriere and adjacent fields C41 & C42. Water collects in these fields and is unable to drain
away other than as ground water and evaporation. Historic flooding of Clos Lempriere estate has occurred on
many occasions.
4.3 Reservoir flooding
4.3.1 Overview
The island has six raw water storage reservoirs which are located at:
· Grands Vaux
· Val de la Mare
· Queen’s Valley
· Millbrook
· Dannemarche, and
· Handois.
The reservoirs store untreated water collected from streams and pumped from raw water abstraction points and
the desalination plant. Each reservoir has a catchment area, the size of which depends on the geography of the
surrounding countryside. Further description of each of the reservoirs is provided in the following sections.
4.3.2 Reservoir safety
The inspection and maintenance of Jersey Reservoirs falls under the Reservoir (Jersey) Law 1996. In
accordance with the law and best practice they are subject to a Section 12 inspection biannually by an appointed
Supervising Engineer. Also, under the law, inspection by an independent All Reservoirs Panel Engineer (ARPE)
is undertaken every 5 years. Measures to manage the risk of reservoir flooding (infrastructure failure) from the
reservoirs in Jersey are implemented by Jersey Water, therefore the risk of flooding is residual.
Each of the Jersey Water reservoirs are classed as either a category ‘A or category ‘B’ reservoir as described in
Table 1 of the Floods and Reservoir Safety 4
Edition (ICE, 2015). Jersey Water has undertaken a flood study for
each of the reservoirs to assess compliance with the standard safety check recommended by the guide in
respect of sufficient freeboard to accommodate surcharges from floods and wind waves during specific flood
events. The results show no significant risk to overtopping the crest; and the capacity of the spillways appears to
be adequate at Grands Vaux, Val de la Mare, Queens Valley, Handois, Dannemarche and Millbrook Reservoirs.
Details on each of the reservoirs are discussed below. Further information on the management measures
currently in place and mitigation measures that can be implemented is detailed in Sections 5 and 6.
4.3.3 Grands Vaux Reservoir
Grands Vaux Reservoir is situated approximately 2 km northeast of the town of St Helier. It is impounded by a 15
m high concrete gravity dam, which was constructed in 1952. The full supply level of the reservoir is 36.58 m
above datum and the capacity is 229,600 m
. The catchment which feeds the reservoir is mainly open farmland
Appendix B Figure
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
and woodland and has an area of approximately 9.09 km
(see Figure 4-1) The reservoir drains to a small bypass
culvert downstream, situated between the dam and the primary school.
The overflow passes over the crest of the central monoliths (i.e. Block Nos. 5–14). The weir is set at 36.58 m OD
and is slightly lower over a 30.48 m wide section across the central five blocks. On either side there are 24.38 m
sections which are 75 mm higher. The combined width of the weir is 79.25 m. Water passing the weir flows over
the downstream face and falls into the concrete channel that runs along the dam toe. The channel drains out into
a short stilling basin below Block No.9 and out over a weir into an unlined earth channel. The stream passes
down the valley before disappearing into a series of culverts which have largely replaced the natural watercourse
on its route through St Helier to the sea.
Figure 4-1 Grands Vaux catchment area
Having the largest water catchment in Jersey the Grands Vaux Reservoir is critical to the Jersey Water Supply
Infrastructure. It is periodically used to capture and transfer water to Queen’s Valley Reservoir and to allow
general supply schemes to operate. This means that there is limited capacity in the reservoir to attenuate flood
flows generated from significant rainfall within the catchment. ,
The Grands Vaux Reservoir basin is small and can fill very rapidly during a storm. The flood volume, in severe
weather, can be greater than the capacity of the basin and, in combination with the steep topography of the land
around the reservoir, the reservoir frequently overflows as it is designed to do. The topography of the area
immediately downstream of the dam consists of a steep sided, narrow valley which channels any overtopped
water down the valley into St Helier. As a control measure, the downstream (school) bypass culvert is
continuously monitored for level and blockages by Jersey Water’s 24 hour control room. The existing drainage
network in St Helier can accommodate low return period events like the 1 in 1 year (100% AEP) but would be
unable to handle events of greater magnitude (lower AEP)
Modelling of the Grands Vaux Reservoir indicates that a 1 in 100 year (0.1% AEP) return period rainfall event,
with more than 53mm of rain within a 6 hour duration, could have significant effects on the area downstream. The
latest States of Jersey Grands Vaux Flood Plan
was updated in July 2018 and contains details of the multi-
agency response to flooding due to an extreme storm event resulting in an increase of water in the catchment
and subsequent reservoir overflow. The flood plan details the triggers and activation process of the plan if a
Report on Grands Vaux Catchment and Flood Protection Measures (States of Jersey, June 2000)
Grand Vaux Flood Plan (2018). Available online from:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
forecasted or un-forecasted flood event was to occur. The flood plan also shows the area at risk of flooding if the
reservoir was to overflow during an extreme storm event.
It should be noted that a review of the treatment of reservoirs within a planning policy context has been
undertaken to understand how the risks associated with the overflow of the Grands Vaux Reservoir during more
extreme storm events might be considered within the Island Plan Review. This is of particular interest for
Government of Jersey as St Helier is the primary urban centre in the island and may be the focus for growth
within the Plan Review period.
4.3.4 Val de la Mare Reservoir
Val de la Mare Reservoir
is situated in the Parishes of St Peter and St Ouen with a direct catchment area of
3.28 km
. The reservoir was formed by the construction of a 29 m high concrete gravity dam across the mouth of
the Val de la Mare valley. It has a maximum depth of about 20 m and a capacity of 0.94 Mm3. The surface area
at the full supply level of 46.02 m OD is about 105,000 m
. The dam comprises 27 No. mass concrete
monoliths, each of which is 6.7 m wide. The upstream face of each monolith is vertical while the downstream
face is sloped.
The overflow passes over the crest of the central monoliths (i.e. Blocks 12-14) with the weir set at 46.02 m OD.
The weir is set slightly higher at 46.1 m OD over the adjacent monoliths (i.e. Blocks 8-11 and 15-18).
Overflowing water passes down the downstream face of the dam and into a collection channel along the toe from
which it passes into a concrete channel that drains into a 36-inch diameter pipe that continues below the valley
floor and eventually emerges into the natural watercourse downstream of the road, La Route du Moulin.
4.3.5 Queen’s Valley Reservoir
Queen’s Valley Reservoir
is situated in the parishes of Grouville and St Martin with a direct catchment area of 5
. There are three dams in cascade: the main dam, the intermediate dam and the silt pond dam. The reservoir
was formed by construction of a 35 m high rockfill dam with a central dense bituminous concrete core, it has a
maximum water depth of 21 m and a capacity of 1,190 Mm
. The surface area at the full supply level of 36 m OD
is about 77,000 m
. The crest is approximately 5.5 m wide with a crest height of 38.6 m OD at the centre of the
dam dropping to 38.1 m OD at the abutments. The crest has a wave wall that extends 900 mm above the crest,
and at its lowest point is 39 m OD. The top of the bituminous core is 500 mm below crest level, 37.6 m OD at the
abutments. The upstream slope is protected against wave erosion by rip-rap down to 25 m OD, with rockfill
exposed below this level.
The overflow structure is a circular ogee weir on a bellmouth, at a level of 36 m OD and 11.8 m in diameter. The
weir encircles the shaft and discharges down a segment of the shaft on its downstream side. The shaft enters
the overflow and access tunnel through a throttled section of tunnel, 1.6 m high at the upstream end and 0.8 m
high at the downstream end where it discharges into a 2.1 m high tunnel. The tunnel has an overall diameter of
3.0 m, the bottom segment of which is filled in to accommodate the draw-off and scour pipes. The invert of the
tunnel at the upstream end is 12.8 m OD and it is approximately 140 m long. At the downstream end it opens
into a covered stilling basin where a jump forms to reduce velocity to sub-critical. Downstream of the stilling
basin, there is an outlet pond leading to an outlet stream that eventually discharges into the sea near Gorey.
4.3.6 Handois, Dannemarche and Millbrook Reservoirs
Handois, Dannemarche and Millbrook Reservoirs
are all located in the Parish of St Lawrence within
Waterworks Valley. The three reservoirs form a cascade starting with Handois at the upstream end, then
Dannemarche and finally Millbrook Reservoir. Handois is located to the north of the valley and Millbrook at the
Handois Reservoir was formed by construction of a 7 m high concrete gravity dam. The reservoir has a capacity
of 187,000 m3. The surface area at the full supply level of 88.69 m OD is 31,700 m
. The dam has a crest level
of 90.88 m OD and stands approximately 7 m above existing ground level. There are two overflow structures, an
original spillway that was built into the dam near the left abutment and an auxiliary spillway that was cut into the
left flank and passes around the west side of the dam. The modified original spillway has a 6.1 m long weir set at
the full supply level of 88.69 m OD. This discharges down a stepped masonry channel to the toe before passing
Val de la Mare reservoir Flood Study (2018)
Queens Valley Reservoir Flood Study (2018)
Waterworks Valley Cascade Flood Study (2018)
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
around the Treatment Works in a series of channels and culverts on its way back to the natural watercourse
downstream. The total catchment area is 2.71 km2. The catchment is predominantly rural and the land is
mainly given over to mixed farmland and woodland.
Dannemarche Reservoir was formed by construction of an 8 m high, masonry gravity dam. The impounding
reservoir has a capacity of 93,000 m
. The surface area at the full supply level of 46.02 m OD is 20,200 m
Reservoir construction was completed in 1909. Dannemarche dam is a masonry faced concrete gravity dam with
a nominal crest level of 47.199 m OD. There are three overflows, two of which are located at the left abutment
and the third is at the right abutment. The one at the left abutment is the original spillway and is now referred to
as the emergency spillway. The total catchment area is 4.71 km2, of which 2.00 km2 drains directly to the
reservoir, while the remaining 2.71 km2 is routed through Handois Reservoir upstream. The additional catchment
area between Handois and Dannemarche reservoirs has similar characteristics to the Handois catchment.
Millbrook Reservoir was formed by construction of a 6 m high dam. The impounding reservoir has a capacity of
36,000 m
. The surface area at the full supply level of 19.84 m OD is 15,700 m
. Millbrook Dam has a masonry
mass concrete wall that is backed by puddle clay and supported by an earthfill embankment on the downstream
side. It has a nominal crest level of 20.71 m OD and a maximum height of 6 m. There are three overflow
spillways. The original spillway is located at the left abutment and passes around the east of the dam. It is 9.4 m
long and is an ‘L shaped weir set at 19.84 m OD. The weir discharges into a narrow tumble bay where it is
joined by the bywash channel, which flows around the left side of the reservoir. The channel cascades down the
left abutment to the valley bottom. Two auxiliary spillways are located on either side of the valve tower. Each has
a 10 m long weir set at 20.55 m OD. The weirs discharge down stepped chutes and over the car park. The total
catchment area is 5.98 km2, of which 1.27 km2 drains directly to the reservoir. The remaining area is routed at
varying degrees through Handois and Dannemarche upstream. The additional catchment area has similar
characteristics to that of Handois and Dannemarche upstream.
The flood study undertaken for the Waterworks Valley reservoirs found that as the auxiliary spillways at Millbrook
do not discharge into a channel, any flood event in which these spillways come into use could result in flooding
downstream of the reservoir. The study found that the original spillway can pass the flows from up to a 1 in 500
year event before reservoir water levels rise to auxiliary spillway weir level. Flood inundation mapping for
Millbrook Reservoir
identify the areas that could become inundated downstream during significant flood events
which result in the auxiliary spillway weir level being reached. Whilst it was found that the risk is within the range
of tolerability it could be beneficial to develop a suitable emergency plan to provide warning to residents/owners
in the event of severe flooding.
4.3.7 Historic Flooding
The Government of Jersey Department for Infrastructure, Housing and Environment has identified that the
Grands Vaux area, in particular around Nicholson Close and Pillar Gardens, is a known area for flooding. The
estates have been flooded on several occasions over the last ten years, including 28
February 2010. The cause
is linked to the intensity of the storm, overflow from the reservoir, and capacity with the downstream drainage
infrastructure The flooding is caused by a designed overflow coming into operation when the upstream flow in the
1500mm pipe that bypasses Grand Vaux Primary School reaches an ‘open’ chamber with a restricted discharge
to the downstream 1140mm sewer. The level of water rises in the ‘open’ manhole and discharges onto Grands
Vaux road, the designed overflow. The flood travels down the road entering properties on the lower east side
before reaching the low point in the road at the entrance to Nicholson Close and Pillar Gardens. Parish road
drainage along the route is unable to drain the flow of water. The water then floods into the low-lying area of the
estates and enters properties.
4.4 Sewer Flooding
The Government of Jersey flooding hotspots data has been used to identify areas which may have previously
experienced sewer flooding. Table 4-7Table 4-7 identifies the areas which may have experienced sewer flooding.
It should be noted that this data is currently being updated by the Government of Jersey and is subject to
Table 4-7 Flooding Hotspots
Parish Location of flooding hotspot Number of flooding hotspots
Inundation Mapping and Quantitative Risk Assessment: Millbrook Reservoir (2019)
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
St Helier St Helier 8
St Clement La Grève D’Azette 1
Pontac 1
St Lawrence Millbrook 1
First Tower 1
St Peter Beaumont 3
St Brelade St Aubin 1
St Ouen L'Étacq 1
Trinity La Ville à L'Évêque 1
St Martin Rozel Bay 1
4.5 Summary
The SFRA provides background information to ensure that the materiality of flood risk is considered as part of the
assessment of spatial options for the Island Plan Review and for the assessment of individual sites. The
assessment of flood risk in this chapter leads to the conclusion that careful consideration of local flood risk is
required in some of the island’s urban areas, including those in the parishes of St Helier, St Lawrence, St Peter,
St Brelade, Grouville and St Martin, where most existing development is located, and where new development
could be located in in the future.
To help mitigate the risk of flooding in Jersey, a number of mitigation and management measures are currently in
place which reduce the risk of flooding from different sources. Information on these mitigation measures is
provided in Section 5. The standard of protection and residual risk of flooding from these mitigation measures
should be considered when assessing the potential risk of flooding to any new developments.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
5. Flood risk mitigation measures in
5.1 Current flood risk management measures
5.1.1 Coastal flooding
There are extensive man-made coastal defences present around parts of the island’s coastline. The defences are
generally in a good condition; however, some are not to a high specification and, therefore, there is a risk they
may not withstand increased water depths as a result of climate change. Further information on the main flood
defences assets located in each parish is provided below in Table 5-1 and mapped in Appendix B Figure 8.
Table 5-1 Coastal Flood Defences
Parish Location Flood Defence Type Condition
Potential risk of flooding
from the 1 in 200 year flood
St Helier Bellozanne Sea Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8F
and 8G
St Helier Structure 1- Very good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height but is
lower than surrounding
ground level
Stonework structure 3- Fair
Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height
Sea Wall 2- Good
Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height
Structure 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Structure 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8H
Le Squez Wall 2- Good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height
Figure 8G
and 8H
Structure 1- Very good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Samarès Wall and Revetment 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Revetment 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Le Haguais Wall 2- Good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height but is
lower than surrounding
ground level
Le Hocq Revetment 1- Very good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Wall 2- Good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height but is
lower than surrounding
ground level
Pontac Revetment 2- Good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height
Le Bourg Wall and Revetment 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
See Appendix B Figure 9
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Parish Location Flood Defence Type Condition Potential risk of flooding
from the 1 in 200 year flood
Grouville La Rocque Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8H
Slope 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Le Hurel Revetment 2- Good Still water level tide exceeds
existing defence height but is
lower than surrounding
ground level
Rock/Shingle 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Fauvic, La
Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
St Martin Faldouët Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8D
and 8H
Archirondel Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Fliquet Revetment and Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Fliquet Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Trinity Bouley Bay Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8C
and 8D
St John Mont Mado Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8B
and 8C
St Ouen La Grève de
Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8A
and 8E
L'Étacq Revetment 2- Good
Defence higher than still
water level tide
Les Mielles
1- Very good to 3-
Defence higher than still
water level tide
St Peter Les Mielles
Wall and Rock Armour 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level
Figure 8E
and 8F
Le Port Wall 2- Good Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8E
and 8F
Le Braye Revetment and Wall 2- Good
Defence higher than still
water level tide
Wall 2- Good
Defence higher than still
water level
Ouaisné Bay Wall
1- Very good to 3-
Defence higher than still
water level tide
La Haule Wall and Revetment 2- Good
Defence higher than still
water level tide
Figure 8F
and 8G
Beaumont Wall
1- Very good to 2-
Defence higher than still
water level tide
The preferred policies to manage the risk of coastal flooding and an associated action plan for implementation
are detailed in the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan (as discussed in Section 5.2.1).
Appendix B Figure
8 and 8A
Appendix B Figure
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
5.1.2 Inland flooding
Six pumping stations are present in the island, as illustrated in Figure 5-1, and they pump surface water from the
drainage network into the sea. Each pumping station drains a different catchment area and varies in the rate of
pumping. The catchment areas for the Baudrette, Bel Royal, Samarès Marsh and West of Albert pumping
stations are illustrated in Appendix C.
Bel Royal pumping station pumps Le Perquage stream and does not protect Beaumont. West of Albert pumping
station drains the central and eastern areas of St Helier, but not the western areas – West Park, Rouge Bouillon,
Queen’s Road areas. The Underpass pumping station only drains a low lying road.
As discussed in Section 4.2.5, the pumping stations reduce the severity of inland flooding in a number of
locations (as mapped in Appendix B Figures 5A-5H).
Figure 5-1 Pumping station locations
There are also a number of water impounding areas which provide storage of water across the island. Further
information on the water impounding areas located in each parish is provided below in Table 5-2 and mapped in
Appendix B Figure 8 and 8A-8H.
Table 5-2 Water Impounding Areas
Parish Location Type of structure
St Mary Fields MY957A & MY973 off Rue de la Vallee Restricted outlet chamber
St Peter Fields P786, P787 & P788 north of The Mermaid Earth bund with restricted discharge and
St Brelade Field P303 to the north of Clos Saut Falluet Earth bund with restricted discharge and
St Brelade Creepy Valley (flood plain) Discharge to valley floor
St Brelade Field B224 Pont Marquet Country Park Concrete dam with overspill
St Brelade Field B771 Railway Walk off Mont les Vaux Open outlet no restriction
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Parish Location Type of structure
St Lawrence Fields L861, L862, L862A and L863 (flood plain) Stream overflow to fields
St Helier Rossmore Farm, Vallee des Vaux
Granite wall/earth bund with
St Helier Grands Vaux Pond, Grands Vaux Concrete dam with limited discharge and
St Saviour
Field S620 Government House, St Saviour’s
Earth bund with restricted discharge and
St Saviour
Fields S846 & S847 Fountain Lane
Earth bund with restricted discharge and
St Saviour
Field S765 Longueville Manor – Swiss Valley
Earth bund with restricted discharge and
St Saviour
Fields S27, S28 AND S29 Rue des Pres Trading
Earth bund with restricted discharge and
overspill & control gate
St Saviour
La Becquetterie (Scout Hall) Rue des Pres
Concrete channel with overspill
St Clement
Field C3, La Blinerie
Earth bund with raised outlet
St Clement
Le Petit Marais, Le Marais
Earth bund with raised outlet
St Clement
Le Hocq Marsh, South of Le Rocquier School
Earth bund with restricted discharge
Field G146 Grouville Marsh, off Rue Horman
Concrete control gate structure
The Willows (Jersey Potteries) off Rue Horman
Earth bund with raised outlet
5.1.3 Reservoir flooding
In Jersey a number of the catchment areas generate more water than can be stored in the respective reservoir.
To overcome this problem and fully utilise the reservoir and catchment area capacity, a partial system of raw
water transfer mains has been developed which, in some cases, allows water to be moved between the
reservoirs. The pumped stream abstraction points can be controlled and are not used when the reservoirs are
full. A summary of the Jersey Water supply network is illustrated in Figure 5-2.
When full, the reservoirs hold enough useable water to provide approximately 120 days of supply to the Island.
Reservoirs are equipped with monitoring equipment allowing water levels and certain quality parameters to be
continuously monitored. When required for treatment, the stored water is pumped from the reservoirs to either
Handois or Augrès Water Treatment Plants.
Appendix B Figure
8 and 8A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Figure 5-2 Jersey Water Supply Schematic (Jersey Water, 2019)
5.2 Future flood risk management measures
5.2.1 Coastal flooding
The Jersey SMP provides an island-wide assessment of the risks associated with flooding and erosion from
coastal sources. It sets out a framework to manage these risks to the community, environment and economy of
Jersey in a sustainable manner over the next 100 years (up to 2120).
The SMP details the management intent for the island's coastline over the next 100 years (up to 2120). The aim
is to prevent and manage the effects of coastal erosion and flooding. The impact of climate change on rising sea
levels over time has been assessed. The plan considers risks to the community, environment and economy of
Jersey. It takes into account the coastal defences that are in place around the island.
A summary of the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) and its policies is provided below. Jersey Shoreline Management Plan
The Jersey SMP considers risks to the community, environment and economy of Jersey. The plan considers the
coastal defences that are around the island and identified where improvements may be needed. Three time
periods were considered as part of the assessment (Present day (2020-2040), Medium Term (2040-2070) and
Long Term (2070-2120)) and mitigation options for each of these scenarios was proposed.
To assess the best option for the different parts of the coastline, the coastline was divided into smaller units. The
coastline was divided into six Coastal Management Areas (CMAs). Each CMA has similar risks of flooding,
coastal erosion and levels of development. These CMAs were further subdivided into 36 Coastal Management
Units (CMUs). The policy options were set at the CMU level so that the management intent is appropriate at a
local scale. Figure 5-3 shows the location of each CMU.
Taken from Jersey Water’s website-
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Four management policies were considered for implementation within the SMP, which include:
· No Active Intervention – a policy decision to not invest in coastal defences or maintenance work. The
shoreline is left to naturally evolve without intervention. This policy generally applies to natural areas of
the coastline which are currently undefended;
· Maintain the Defence Line – existing coastal defences are maintained. The level of flood protection may
decrease in some locations over time due to climate change. This policy generally applies where the
existing defences provide a reasonable standard of flood protection or prevent erosion of the shoreline;
· Adaptive Management – a policy to proactively manage and mitigate coastal flood or erosion risk. The
policy will be delivered through various management schemes / initiatives depending on the level of risk
and the circumstances. This could include improving the standard of flood protection for an existing sea
defence, constructing new defences, raising awareness of local flood risk or recommending property
level flood protection; and,
· Advance the Line – new sea defences are built seaward of existing defences. This policy will only be
implemented in areas where there is a significant risk of coastal flooding or erosion, or where it will
deliver additional benefits for the community, environment and economy, such as creating a new
amenity space.
A summary of the policy options for each policy area is shown in Table 5-3.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Figure 5-3 Coastal Management Unit locations, Jersey Shoreline Management Plan
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table 5-3 Policy Recommendations from the SMP
NAI: No Active Intervention
MTDL: Maintain the Defence Line
AM: Adaptive Management
ATL: Advance the Line
Coastal Management Unit (CMU)
Preferred Policy Option
Subject to
Present day
Medium term
Long term
1.1 Noirmont Common NAI NAI NAI
1.2 Belcroute Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
1.3 La Housse NAI NAI NAI
1.4 St Aubin’s Harbour AM AM ATL MTDL
1.5 St Aubin’s Bay AM AM ATL MTDL
1.6 St Helier MTDL AM MTDL
1.7 La Collette MTDL MTDL MTDL
1.8 Havre des Pas AM ATL MTDL MTDL
1.9 La Grève d’Azette AM AM MTDL
1.10 Le Hocq / Pontac AM AM MTDL
2.1 Royal Bay of Grouville AM AM MTDL
2.2 Gorey Harbour MTDL AM MTDL
3.1 La Route de la Cote MTDL MTDL MTDL
3.2 Archirondel Tower AM MTDL MTDL
3.3 St Catherine’s Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
4.1 La Coupe to Rozel Bay NAI NAI NAI
4.2 Rozel Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
4.3 Le Catel NAI NAI NAI
4.4 Bouley Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
4.5 Egypt NAI NAI NAI
4.6 Bonne Nuit MTDL MTDL MTDL
4.7 La Perruque NAI NAI NAI
4.8 Ronez Quarry NAI NAI NAI
4.9 Crabbé NAI NAI NAI
4.10 Grève de Lecq MTDL MTDL MTDL
4.11 Plemont NAI NAI NAI
5.1 St Ouen’s Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
5.2 Petit Port MTDL MTDL MTDL
6.1 Gorselands NAI NAI NAI
6.2 Les Creux NAI NAI NAI
6.3 St Brelade’s Bay AM AM MTDL
6.4 Ouaisne Bay MTDL MTDL MTDL
6.5 La Cotte de St Brelade NAI NAI NAI
6.6 Portelet Common NAI NAI NAI
6.7 Portelet Beach NAI NAI NAI
5.2.2 Inland flooding
The Government of Jersey Department for Infrastructure, Housing and Environment has identified that there are
no immediate plans for future inland attenuation schemes as an overarching inland flooding strategy for the
island has yet to be developed to help identify the priority areas requiring intervention.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
5.2.3 Sewer flooding Waste Water Strategy
In March 2014, the Government of Jersey published its Waste Water Strategy
outlining plans for the next 20
years. The strategy focuses on the need to replace the sewage treatment works (STW) at Bellozanne and the
deterioration of the sewers and drains that collect and transport sewage to Bellozanne STW and present a risk of
To address these issues, the Waste Water Strategy provides a prioritised and sustainable plan for improvement
works over the 20 year period of the strategy.
The Strategy also looks at the sewerage network (the sewers and drains that collect and transport sewage to
Bellozanne STW for treatment and surface water to the sea). In order, the priorities are:
1. to repair and refurbish the sewerage network
2. to continue to undertake projects to install new drains so that the surface water is separated from the
sewage. This reduces the amount of water that does not require costly treatment, going to Bellozanne
STW, and allowing it to go straight to sea
3. to connect appropriate properties to the network that currently have no connection Jersey Sewerage Assessment
In 2014, Grontmij were commissioned by the Government of Jersey to update a sewer network model for the
island to identify any areas that required maintenance and upgrade works. The following issues were identified in
the study:
· Pollution and eutrophication in St. Aubin’s Bay from waste water treatment works discharges.
· Issues with various combined sewer overflow discharges.
· Concern over the potential impact on Ramsar sites and oyster beds.
Flooding has been reported in the town centre of St Helier, surface water flooding is known to occur intermittently
in the St Aubin’s / Charing Cross area and flooding also occurs at Gunsite Tower (flooding in the marsh area)
near Beaumont Sewage Pumping Station (SPS).
Government of Jersey (2014), Waste Water Strategy. Available online at:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
6. Strategic flood risk management
This Section identifies strategic flood management options which could be used to help reduce the risk of inland
flooding in Jersey.
6.1 Flood storage areas
Flood storage areas (FSA) aim to reduce the flows passed downstream in watercourses to mitigate flooding
further along in the catchment. Flood storage areas are designed to detain runoff or flow within a watercourse,
releasing it downstream at a slower rate. There are two types of water storage:
Offline storage
Offline storage is where water is diverted from the watercourse, stored in a separate area which may still be part
of the floodplain, then later released back to the watercourse (Figure 6-1). An inflow structure, such as a weir,
diverts water to the storage area when the watercourse level exceeds a predetermined value, and the outlet
structure returns the water to the watercourse after the flood peak has passed, either via gravity, pump or both.
Online storage
Online storage is where water is temporarily stored within a watercourse channel and floodplain, usually behind a
dam or impoundment structure (Figure 6-1). The flow control structures such as pipes, flumes or sometimes
gates, are normally located inside the impoundment structure and control the outflow of water from the storage
area back into the channel.
Figure 6-1 Online and Offline Flood Storage Areas
FSAs along watercourses work by removing a volume of water from the watercourse at high flows thereby
reducing the flow of water downstream. To work efficiently, the FSAs need to be designed such that they remove
the high flood flows. If an FSA is at capacity before the peak flow arrives, it will have a negligible impact on
reducing flood level rise downstream and therefore be ineffective.
Impounding FSAs, also known as online FSAs, are constructed across watercourses and restrict the peak size of
downstream flows along the watercourse. Impoundment is usually achieved through construction of a dam and
flows are restricted by means of a culvert (or pipe). The culvert may be fitted with a flow control device to better
control the magnitude of the flows passing through.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
On impounding reservoirs, the size of the culvert passing through the dam is critical. If the culvert in the dam is
too large it will allow too much water to pass through and thereby not achieve the required standard of protection
downstream. If the culvert through the dam is too small, it will start restricting the flow of water too early and the
FSA will be full before the peak flows have occurred. The design of culvert size is further complicated because
the amount of water passing through the culvert will vary with varying depths of water retained in the FSA. This
problem may be overcome through the use of a vortex flow control device.
Non-impounding FSAs, also known as offline FSAs, are not constructed across a watercourse but are located
next to them. Typically, non-impounding FSAs comprise an inlet structure, a dam or retaining structure and an
outlet structure. Peak water flows are removed from the watercourse, are stored temporarily, and then are
returned once the peak flows have passed.
The inlet structures to non-impounding FSAs can take many different forms including weirs or culverts and
channels, both of which may have control gates. In the case of inlet weirs or inlet channels, the inlet level needs
to be set such that the storage area starts to fill thus removing the peak of the flood flow from the river system.
Where inlets are gated, the gate needs to open once the river has reached a pre-defined level.
Outlets from non-impounding FSAs can either be via gravity through an open or gated culvert. The gravity outlet
commences operation once the peak river flow has passed and requires no manual intervention. The gravity
outlet ensures that the FSA commences emptying as soon as possible after a flood event and so is ready for re-
use should there be another flood in the watercourse. In contrast, gated outlets require manual intervention and
the FSAs will remain full until the gate is opened. FSAs vary considerably in size, shape and nature. They can be
relatively simple having only one inlet and outlet or they can be more complex with multiple inlet and outlets.
The type of FSA suitable for a particular location depends on a number of factors. In general, however, where
high watercourse levels occur over a long period, it is more efficient to use a non-impounding FSA. Where
watercourse levels rise and fall quickly, it is better to use an impounding FSA.
6.2 Catchment and floodplain restoration
Compared to flood defences and flood storage, floodplain restoration represents the most sustainable form of
strategic flood risk solution, by allowing watercourses to return to a more naturalised state, and by creating space
for naturally functioning floodplains working with natural processes. Although the restoration of floodplain is
difficult in previously developed areas where development cannot be rolled back, the following measures are
methods that could be implemented to help catchment and floodplain restoration:
· Promoting existing and future brownfield sites, that are adjacent to watercourses, to naturalise banks as
much as possible.
· Buffer areas around watercourses provide an opportunity to restore parts of the floodplain.
· Removal of redundant structures to reconnect the watercourse and the floodplain.
· Avoid placing new development within the floodplain. For those sites considered within the Island Plan
and / or put forward by developers, that are at risk of inland flooding associated with a watercourse
flowing through or past them, development (where possible) should be located away from the
watercourses. This will ensure the watercourses retain their connectivity to the floodplain. Loss of
floodplain connectivity could potentially increase flooding. Further guidance is provided in Section 8.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
6.3 Upstream natural catchment management
Opportunities to work with natural processes to reduce flood risk should be sought where available. Working with
natural flood prevention processes has many benefits including a positive impact on the natural environment and
a reduction in the costs of flood mitigation schemes. Methods of working with natural processes to mitigate
flooding are discussed below.
Natural Flood Management
Natural Flood Management (NFM) involves techniques that aim to work with natural hydrological and
morphological processes, features and characteristics to manage the sources and pathways of flood waters.
NFM techniques include the following:
· watercourse restoration and enhancement
· catchment and floodplain woodlands
· instream large woody structure
· land and soil management practices
· agricultural and upland drainage practices
· non floodplain wetlands
· overland sediment traps
· flood storage areas
Details of further guidance on NFM techniques, their benefits, and methods of implementation are provided in
Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Natural Flood Management guidance documents
Document title Web Link
SEPA Natural Flood Management Handbook
Natural Flood Management Measures: A
Practical Guide for Farmers (North West)
Working with Natural Processes to reduce
flood risk- The evidence behind Natural Flood
Working with Natural Processes –Evidence
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
6.4 Opportunities for strategic flood risk
management in Jersey
There is considerable risk of inland flooding identified for the catchment which drains towards the Grands Vaux
Reservoir, which is at risk of overtopping from significant rainfall events. The areas upstream of the reservoir are
comprised of steep areas immediately adjacent to the watercourses, however, the nature of the land uses
(agricultural etc) within the wider catchment present potential opportunities for Natural Flood Management (NFM).
Implementation of catchment woodlands and instream large woody structures in the two streams that flow into
the Grands Vaux Reservoir would help to mitigate flood risk.
A natural flood storage area could also be implemented to the north of Beaumont which could mitigate the rate of
flow in the watercourse which flows through the east of Beaumont. Instream mitigation and flood woodland would
be suitable for the other watercourses along the south of the island which flow into Millbrook and Bellozanne.
The Government of Jersey could further explore opportunities for strategic management of inland flooding
throughout the island through development of a Catchment Flood Management Plan (CFMP). This can cover
the whole island and/or selected key catchments identified to contribute to existing and predicted inland
A CFMP should consider all types of inland flooding including surface water, watercourse and reservoir and
· the likely impacts of climate change
· the effects of how we use and manage the land
· how areas could be developed to meet our present day needs without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs
A CFMP can help the Government of Jersey and their partners to plan and agree the most effective way to
manage inland flood risk in the future.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
7. Flood risk framework
7.1 Overview
Considering the present day and future flooding risks that face the island, the Government of Jersey is seeking to
adopt an approach within the Island Plan Review to ensure that development will achieve suitable resilience to
the challenges of flood risk. A Flood Risk Framework has been developed for Jersey and is set out in this
Section. The purpose of the Flood Risk Framework is to:
· Define Flood Risk Categories, based on the probability of flooding from coastal and inland flooding;
· Define Vulnerability Classifications for different types of development based on their sensitivity to
· Use the Flood Risk Categories and Vulnerability Classifications to (1) specify the types of development
that may or may not be acceptable in different Flood Risk Categories, and (2) define the appropriate
approach to planning decisions for each scenario.
Where possible, development which is vulnerable to flooding; or which could increase the probability of flooding
elsewhere should be located away from areas at risk of flooding. The avoidance of flood risk, by not locating
development in areas at risk of flooding, is recognised as a key part of delivering sustainable flood risk
7.2 Flood risk categories
Flood risk categories have been established, based on the probability of coastal flooding and inland flooding.
The risk of coastal flooding has been defined in the following categories:
· High risk has been identified using the 1 in 200 year outline (0.5% AEP) for the present day; and
· Medium risk has been identified using the 1 in 200 year outline (0.5% AEP) for 2120.
These return periods were chosen due to the size of the flood extents creating the worst-case modelled scenario
for coastal flooding; and for consistency with the established approach used in parts of the United Kingdom.
The risk of inland flooding has been defined into the following categories:
· High risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 30 year return
period event (3.33% AEP);
· Medium risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 100 year
return period event (1% AEP); and,
· Low risk of flooding means the area has a chance of flooding corresponding to a 1 in 1000 year return
period event (0.1% AEP).
These return periods were chosen for consistency with the established approach used in parts of the United
Kingdom. These flood risk categories are also summarised in Table 7-1.
Appendix B Figure
2 and 2A
Appendix B Figure
3 and 3A
Appendix B Figure
4 and 4A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table 7-1 Flood Risk Categories
Risk Category Inland Flooding Coastal Flooding
Little or No Risk
Annual probability of inland flooding is less than 0.1%
AEP (1 in 1000-year probability).
Low Risk Annual probability of 0.1% AEP (1 in 1000-year
probability) inland flooding risk.
Medium Risk Annual probability of 1% AEP (1 in 100-year probability)
inland flooding risk.
Annual probability of 0.5% AEP (1 in 200-year
probability plus a 2120 epoch for climate
change) flood event.
High Risk Annual probability of 3.3% AEP (1 in 30-year probability)
inland flooding risk.
Annual probability of 0.5% AEP (1 in 200-year
probability for the present day) flood event.
The calculated probability of a flood occurring should be regarded as a best estimate and not a precise forecast.
The annual probabilities referred to in Table 7-1 relate to the land at the time a planning application is made, or
a development plan is prepared.
7.3 Vulnerability classifications
When making decisions about the suitability of development in relation to the risk of flooding, it is also necessary
to consider the sensitivity of the proposed development or land use to flooding. This is referred to as the
vulnerability of the development. Development types have been assigned a vulnerability classification based of
the significance of the impacts that would occur if the development were to flood. The vulnerability classifications
are defined in Table 7-2.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table 7-2 Development Vulnerability Classifications
Vulnerability Classification Development Definitions
Essential Civil Infrastructure
· Essential transport infrastructure (including mass evacuation routes) which has to cross
the area at risk.
· Essential utility infrastructure which has to be located in a flood risk area for operational
reasons, including electricity generating power stations and grid and primary
substations; and water treatment works that need to remain operational in times of
· Wind turbines.
· Police and ambulance stations; fire stations and command centres; telecommunications
installations required to be operational during flooding.
· Hospitals.
Highly Vulnerable
· Emergency dispersal points.
· Basement dwellings.
· Caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use.
· Installations requiring hazardous substances consent. (Where there is a demonstrable
need to locate such installations for bulk storage of materials with port or other similar
facilities, or such installations with energy infrastructure or carbon capture and storage
installations, that require coastal or water-side locations, or need to be located in other
high flood risk areas, in these instances the facilities should be classified as ‘Essential
· Residential institutions such as residential care homes, children’s homes, social
services homes, prisons and hostels.
· Buildings used for dwelling houses, student halls of residence, drinking establishments,
nightclubs and hotels.
· Non–residential uses such as health services, nurseries and educational
· Buildings used for shops; financial, professional and other services; restaurants, cafes
and hot food takeaways; offices; general industry, storage and distribution; and
assembly and leisure.
· Landfill and sites used for waste management facilities for hazardous waste.
· Sites used for holiday or short-let caravans and camping, subject to a specific warning
and evacuation plan.
Less Vulnerable
· Land and buildings used for agriculture and forestry.
· Waste treatment (except landfill and hazardous waste facilities).
· Minerals working and processing (except for sand and gravel working).
· Water treatment works which do not need to remain operational during times of flood.
· Sewage treatment works, if adequate measures to control pollution and manage
sewage during flooding events are in place.
Water Compatible
· Flood control infrastructure.
· Water transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.
· Sewage transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.
· Sand and gravel working.
· Docks, marinas and wharves.
· Navigation facilities.
· Defence installations.
· Ship building, repairing and dismantling, dockside fish processing and refrigeration and
compatible activities requiring a waterside location.
· Water-based recreation (excluding sleeping accommodation).
· Lifeguard and coastguard stations.
· Amenity open space, nature conservation and biodiversity, outdoor sports and
recreation and essential facilities such as changing rooms.
· Essential ancillary sleeping or residential accommodation for staff required by uses in
this category, subject to a specific warning and evacuation plan.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
7.4 Development suitability and planning approach
Using the Flood Risk Categories (Table 7-1) and the Vulnerability Classifications (Table 7-2), this Section sets out
the approach the Government of Jersey is recommended to take in relation to planning decisions across the
The approach differs for built up areas and countryside areas to avoid locating more vulnerable developments
within areas which may not have supporting flood management measures. Table 7-3 (for built up areas) and
Table 7-4 (for countryside areas) specify the types of development that may or may not be acceptable in different
Flood Risk Categories and define the appropriate approach to planning decisions for each scenario.
Where a development site is identified at risk of flooding, even if it is only a low risk, it is necessary for the
development proposals to acknowledge this risk and identify suitable mitigation so the impacts of flooding can be
managed, enabling the development and its occupants to be more resilient to flooding and climate change. It is
recommended that a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is prepared for any development within an area identified at
low, medium or high risk of flooding in order to assess the risk of flooding; potential mitigation; and its
acceptability in relation to flood risk. The level of detail required within the FRA should be proportionate to the
level of risk and vulnerability category of the proposed development. Further information regarding FRAs is
included in Appendix D.
Table 7-3 Development Suitability and Planning Approach – Built up areas
Built up areas
Flood Risk Category
(See Table 7-1)
Essential Civil
Highly vulnerable Less vulnerable Water compatible
High X
ü ü
ü ü ü
Little or No risk
ü ü ü ü
ü – Development is appropriate ü – Development is appropriate subject to mitigation
- Development will need to identify wider justification for its location X Development should not be permitted
Table 7-4 Development Suitability and Planning Approach – Countryside areas
Countryside Areas
Flood Risk Category
(See Table 7-1)
Essential Civil
Highly vulnerable Less vulnerable Water compatible
High X X
ü ü
ü ü ü
No risk
ü ü ü ü
ü – Development is appropriate ü – Development is appropriate subject to mitigation
– Development will need to identify wider justification for its location X – Development should not be permitted
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
The allocation of land as part of the Island Plan review process (i.e. where ‘countryside’ is effectively being
proposed to be incorporated into the ‘built-up area’) should be undertaken on a risk based approach where
development is steered towards those sites at least risk, prior to those with a higher risk. A site assessment
spreadsheet has been developed to support this assessment process. The aim is to steer new development to
areas with the lowest risk of flooding. If it is not possible for development to be located in zones with a lower risk
of flooding, further assessments may be required to provide justification for the location of the development
and/or identification of suitable mitigation measures in accordance with the Flood Risk Framework outlined
Policy Recommendation 1
Where possible, development which is vulnerable to flooding or could increase the probability of flooding
elsewhere should be located away from areas at risk of flooding.
Where it is not possible to allocate development away from areas at risk of flooding, the Government of Jersey
require development to be assessed based on its spatial location and subsequent exposure to inland and/or
coastal flooding within a risk category (as set out in Table 7-1) and its vulnerability to flooding within a risk
category (as set out in Table 7-2). Based on this categorisation, Table 7-3 provides a strategic flood risk
framework against which the suitability of development in built-up areas for each of these risk categories can
be assessed. Table 7-4 provides the same for the strategic assessment of flood risk for development in the
remainder of the island’s coast and countryside.
A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required for any development within an area identified at low, medium or
high risk of flooding.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
8. Site specific flood risk
management measures
The majority of the island of Jersey is protected by the presence of coastal flood defences that mitigate the
current flood levels. The likelihood of flooding from the tide is a residual risk, and flooding would only occur if the
defences are overtopped. The risk of flooding from climate change poses a significant risk to Jersey so it is
important to ensure that new development will not be at risk from flooding as a result of climate change. The
following mitigation measures should be used to manage the risk of tidal and inland flooding in new
developments. Mitigation measures should be implemented at a site level to help avoid and prevent flooding in a
development site, before implementing building design measures to manage the impacts of flooding to a
8.1 Site measures
8.1.1 Development along watercourses, coastline and coastal
flood defences
The Government of Jersey should seek a buffer strip alongside areas of coastline or coastal defences to ensure
access for maintenance purposes and the implementation of future risk management schemes. An undeveloped
buffer strip alongside watercourses for maintenance purposes should also be required. Developers are asked to
explore opportunities for watercourse restoration or additional natural methods to help reduce inland flooding
(refer to Sections 6.2 and 6.3 for further information).
In England, the Environment Agency have flood risk permitting distances of 8m from a main river fluvial
watercourse and 16m from any tidal main river or flood defence structure (whether the structure is tidal or fluvial).
These distances are not exclusion zones, but distances where they will scrutinise proposals with regard to:
a) potential impacts on defence integrity e.g. loading on ground close to the defence, potential damage to
ground anchors and tie rods etc.
b) impacts on the ability to access defences for inspection, repair and maintenance.
c) the future ability to reconstruct or improve the defence (need to safeguard land).
The Government of Jersey should explore an appropriate width of buffer strip alongside areas of coastline,
coastal defences and watercourses. A minimum distance of five meters from existing designated defences is
currently required by the Drainage (Jersey) Law 2005.
8.1.2 Vulnerability of proposed uses
Flood risk should be considered at an early stage in deciding the layout and design of a site to provide an
opportunity to avoid and reduce the risk of flooding within the development. Most large development proposals
include a variety of land uses of varying vulnerability to flooding. Where possible, built development should be
located in the lowest risk areas (considering all sources of flooding) e.g. residential elements should be restricted
to areas at lower probability of flooding whereas parking, open space or proposed landscaped areas can be
placed on lower ground where there may be a higher probability of flooding.
Policy Recommendation 2
Retain an undeveloped buffer strip of predetermined width alongside areas of coastline or tidal flood
defences. Retain an undeveloped buffer strip of predetermined width alongside any watercourses.
Developments should seek to implement opportunities for watercourse restoration or additional natural
attenuation on sites which are bound by a watercourse (natural or culverted) or it is contained within the
Policy Recommendation 3
Where possible, development should be located in the areas at lowest risk of flooding within the site.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
8.1.3 Land raising
In areas at risk of flooding of low depths (<0.3m), land raising can be used as a way of mitigating the risk of
flooding. Land raising can be used to prevent flooding on a short term basis to provide time to move valuables
out of an area at risk of flooding. It is important to ensure that land raising does not impact development nearby to
the site.
8.1.4 Landscaping
In order to demonstrate that flood risk is not increased elsewhere, development in the floodplain will need to
prove that flood routeing is not adversely affected by the development. Careful consideration should be given to
the use of fences and landscaping walls so as to prevent causing obstruction to flow routes and increasing the
risk of flooding to the site or neighbouring areas.
Potential overland flow paths should be determined, and appropriate solutions proposed to minimise the impact
of the development, for example by configuring road and building layouts to preserve existing flow paths or using
earth bunds to manage flood water and improve flood routeing. It is important to ensure any mitigation measures
do not divert water towards other properties elsewhere.
8.1.5 Sustainable drainage systems
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be used in all types of development to provide a natural approach to
managing drainage. SuDS are used to prevent water pollution and flooding in urban areas and can also create
green spaces and habitat for wildlife.
SuDS are typically softer engineering solutions inspired by natural drainage processes such as ponds and swales
which manage water as close to its source as possible. Wherever possible, a SuDS technique should seek to
contribute to each of the three goals identified below:
· Reduce flood risk (to the site and neighbouring areas);
· Reduce pollution; and,
· Provide landscape and wildlife benefits.
Generally, the aim should be to discharge surface water run-off as high up the following hierarchy of drainage
options as reasonably practicable:
1. Store rainwater for later use
2. Use infiltration techniques, such as porous surfaces;
Policy Recommendation 4
All new development in areas at risk of inland flooding should not adversely affect flood routeing and thereby
increase flood risk elsewhere. Opportunities should be sought within the site design to make space for water,
such as:
· Removing boundary walls or replacing with other boundary treatments such as hedges, fences (with
· Considering alternatives to solid wooden gates or ensuring that there is a gap beneath the gates to
allow the passage of floodwater.
· On uneven or sloping sites, consider lowering ground levels to extend the floodplain without creating
ponds. The area of lowered ground must remain connected to the floodplain to allow water to flow
back to the watercourse when levels recede.
· Create under-croft car parks or consider reducing the ground floor footprint and creating an open
area under the building to allow flood water storage.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
3. Attenuate run-off in open water features for gradual release to a watercourse;
4. Attenuate run-off by storing in tanks or sealed water features for gradual release to a watercourse;
5. Discharge run-off direct to a watercourse;
6. Attenuate rainwater by storing in tanks or sealed water features for gradual release to a surface water drain;
7. Discharge rainwater to the public surface water sewer
SuDS should be used to reduce and manage surface water run-off to and from proposed developments as near
to source as possible. SuDS must be implemented for all development sites unless it is demonstrated that SuDS
are not suitable, such as:
· They would be likely to cause significant land or water pollution;
· The site’s ground conditions would preclude their use;
· The size of the site would prevent their use;
· They would cause damage to adjacent buildings or sites.
Discharges of surface water to groundwater, or to local watercourses and waterbodies will be required to meet
quality standards and conditions set by the Government of Jersey and will not be permitted where this would lead
to pollution.
All developments should not result in an increase in overland flow, and where possible, should demonstrate
betterment in terms of rate and volumes of overland runoff.
SuDS techniques can be used to reduce the rate and volume and improve the water quality of surface water
discharges from sites to the receiving environment (i.e. natural watercourse or public sewer etc.). The SuDS
identified several processes that can be used to manage and control runoff from developed areas.
Each option can provide opportunities for storm water control, flood risk management, water conservation and
groundwater recharge.
· Infiltration: the soaking of water into the ground. This is the most desirable solution as it mimics the
natural hydrological process. The rate of infiltration will vary with soil type and condition, the antecedent
conditions and with time. However, due to the geology of the island, this is unlikely to be possible in the
majority of locations.
· Detention/Attenuation: the slowing down of surface flows before their transfer downstream, usually
achieved by creating a storage volume and a constrained outlet. In general, though the storage will
enable a reduction in the peak rate of runoff, the total volume will remain the same, just occurring over a
longer duration.
· Conveyance: the transfer of surface runoff from one place to another, e.g. through open channels,
pipes and trenches.
· Water Harvesting: the direct capture and use of runoff on site, e.g. for domestic use (flushing toilets) or
irrigation of urban landscapes. The ability of these systems to perform a flood risk management function
will be dependent on their scale, and whether there will be a suitable amount of storage always available
in the event of a flood.
As part of any SuDS scheme, consideration should be given to the whole life management and maintenance of
the SuDS to ensure that it remains functional for the lifetime of the development. Table 8-1 outlines typical SuDS
The application of SuDS is not limited to a single technique per site. Often a successful SuDS solution will utilise
a combination of techniques, providing flood risk, pollution and landscape/wildlife benefits. In addition, SuDS can
be employed on a strategic scale, for example with a number of sites contributing to large scale jointly funded
and managed SuDS. It should be noted; each development site must offset its own increase in runoff and
attenuation cannot be “tradedbetween developments.
CIRIA C697 SuDS Manual. Available online from:
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Table 8-1 Typical SuDS Components (Y: primary process, * some opportunities subject to design)
Technique Description
Pervious Surfaces Pervious surfaces allow rainwater to infiltrate through the surface into an
underlying storage layer, where water is stored before infiltration to the
ground, reuse, or release to surface water.
Y Y *
Filter Drains
Linear drains/trenches filled with a permeable material, often with
perforated pipe in the base of the trench. Surface water from the edge of
paved areas flows into the trenches, is filtered and conveyed to other parts
of the site.
Filter Strips
Vegetated strips of gently sloping ground designed to drain water evenly
from impermeable areas and filter out silt and particulates.
* * *
Shallow vegetated channels that conduct and/or retain water and can
permit infiltration when unlined.
Y Y *
Ponds Depressions used for storing and treating water. Y * Y
Wetlands As ponds, but the runoff flows slowly but continuously through aquatic
vegetation that attenuates and filters the flow. Shallower than ponds.
Based on geology these measures can also incorporate some degree of
* Y * Y
Detention Basin Dry depressions designed to store water for a specified retention time. Y
Soakaways Sub-surface structures that store and dispose of water via infiltration. Y
Infiltration Trenches As filter drains but allowing infiltration through trench base and sides. * Y Y
Infiltration Basins Depressions that store and dispose of water via infiltration. Y Y
Green Roofs Green roofs are systems which cover a building’s roof with vegetation.
They are laid over a drainage layer, with other layers providing protection,
waterproofing and insulation. It is noted that the use of brown/green roofs
should be for betterment purposes and not to be counted towards the
provision of on-site storage for surface water. This is because the hydraulic
performance during extreme events is similar to a standard roof (CIRIA
Storage and use of rainwater for non-potable uses within a building, e.g.
toilet flushing. It is noted that storage in these types of systems is not
usually considered to count towards the provision of on-site storage for
surface water balancing because, given the sporadic nature of the use of
harvested water, it cannot be guaranteed that the tanks are available to
provide sufficient attenuation for the storm event.
* * * Y
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
8.1.6 Reducing flood risk from sewers
Developers of any sites (regardless of their size) that could result in an increase in discharge to the public sewer
network should check the capacity of the local public sewer network with the Government of Jersey at the earliest
possible stage in the planning process to ensure that there is sufficient capacity. All new developments should
avoid illegal connection of surface water to the foul water system, seek to improve the drainage infrastructure and
reduce the risk of flooding, without increasing the risk of flooding elsewhere.
Simple measures including non-return valves fitted to foul chambers and wastewater outlets can help protect
individual properties from both inland flooding and sewer flooding by preventing water entering the property via
the drains and sewers. These can be easily incorporated into both new and existing developments.
8.2 Building measures
8.2.1 Flood resilient design
While flood defences protect the majority of the island from coastal flooding, the risk of flooding from climate
change poses a significant risk. It is important to ensure that new development will be resilient to flooding from
climate change.
Policy Recommendation 5
New development and redevelopment should incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) into the
overall design. Areas of impermeable surfaces should be kept to a minimum in all new developments.
Surface water run-off should be discharged as high up the following hierarchy of drainage options as
1. Store rainwater for later use
2. Use infiltration techniques, such as porous surfaces;
3. Attenuate run-off in open water features for gradual release to a watercourse;
4. Attenuate run-off by storing in tanks or sealed water features for gradual release to a watercourse;
5. Discharge run-off direct to a watercourse;
6. Attenuate rainwater by storing in tanks or sealed water features for gradual release to a surface water
drain; and
7. Discharge rainwater to the public surface water sewer
SuDS should be used to reduce and manage surface water run-off to and from proposed developments as
near to source as possible. SuDS must be implemented for all development sites unless it is demonstrated
that SuDS are not suitable, such as:
· They would be likely to cause significant land or water pollution
· The site’s ground conditions would preclude their use
· The size of the site would prevent their use
· They would cause damage to adjacent buildings or sites.
Discharges of surface water to groundwater, or to local watercourses and waterbodies will be required to
meet quality standards and conditions set by the Government of Jersey and will not be permitted where this
would lead to pollution.
All developments should not result in an increase in overland flow, and where possible, should demonstrate
betterment in terms of rate and volumes of overland runoff.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Internal flooding of a development could occur if the defences are overtopped and flood depths are high enough
that water would enter a development. If flooding of depths of greater than 0.6m was to occur as a result of
defence overtopping, it is likely that structural damage could occur in traditional masonry construction due to
excessive water pressures. In these circumstances, the strategy should be to allow water into the building, but to
implement careful design in order to minimise damage and allow rapid re-occupancy. This is referred to as the
Water Entry Strategy. These measures are appropriate for uses where temporary disruption is acceptable.
Materials should be used which allow the passage of water whilst retaining their structural integrity and they
should also have good drying and cleaning properties. Alternatively, sacrificial materials can be included for
internal and external finishes; for example, the use of gypsum plasterboard which can be removed and replaced
following a flood event. Flood resilient fittings should be used to at least 0.1m above the design flood level.
Resilience measures are either an integral part of the building fabric or are features inside a building that will limit
the damage caused by floodwaters.
In areas at risk of frequent or prolonged flooding, implement flood resilience measures such as:
· Use materials with either, good drying and cleaning properties, or, sacrificial materials that can easily be
replaced post-flood.
· Design for water to drain away after flooding.
· Design access to all spaces to permit drying and cleaning.
· Raise the level of electrical wiring, appliances and utility metres.
· Coat walls with internal cement-based renders; apply tanking on the inside of all internal walls.
· Ground supported floors with concrete slabs coated with impermeable membrane.
· Tank basements, cellars or ground floors with water resistant membranes.
· Use plastic water resistant internal doors.
Further specific advice regarding suitable materials and construction techniques for floors, walls, doors and
windows and fittings can be found in ‘Improving the Flood Performance of New Buildings, Flood Resilient
Structures such as bus, bike shelters, park benches and refuse bins (and associated storage areas) located in
areas with a high flood risk should be flood resilient and be firmly attached to the ground and designed in such a
way as to prevent entrainment of debris which in turn could increase flood risk and/or breakaway posing a danger
to life during high flows.
8.2.2 Finished floor levels
Where developing in an area at medium or high risk of coastal flooding is unavoidable, the recommended method
of mitigating flood risk to people, is to ensure internal floor levels are raised a certain amount above the 1 in 200
year (0.5% AEP) flood level (also known as a freeboard level). Highly vulnerable development should also aim to
raise floor levels 300mm above the 1 in 200 year (0.5% AEP) plus the 2120 epoch for climate change predicted
flood level. Where this is not achievable, further mitigation measures (shown in the following sections) should be
incorporated to manage the risk. These measures should be detailed within the FRA.
In certain situations (e.g. for proposed extensions to buildings with a lower floor level or conversion of existing
historical structures with limited existing ceiling levels), it could prove impractical to raise the internal ground floor
levels to sufficiently meet the general requirements. In these cases, the Government of Jersey should be
CLG (2007) Improving the Flood Performance of New Buildings, Flood Resilient Construction. Available online from:
Policy Recommendation 6
Developments located in areas at high, medium or low risk of flooding should be designed to be resilient to
flooding, where it is deemed appropriate that they will be subject to internal flooding. This includes
structures which form part of the public realm, such as bins and benches.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
approached to discuss options for a reduction in the minimum internal ground floor levels provided flood
resistance measures are implemented up to an agreed level.
A summary of the still water levels around the island is presented in detail within Appendix B(b) of the Jersey
Shoreline management Plan (Still Water Level Report)
. The still water levels used in the coastal modelling are
summarised for the 0.5% AEP below:
· 0.5% AEP still water level projected for 20206.95 m OD
· 0.5% AEP still water level projected for 21207.77 m OD
Appendix B Figures 10 and 10 A - 10H identifies potential depth of flooding (in metres above the existing ground
level) during a high risk coastal flood event in 2040 in the priority areas at risk from overtopping (St Ouen’s Bay,
St Brelades Bay, St Aubin’s Bay, Havre des Pas, La Grève D’Azette, La Mare, Le Nez Point to Le Hocq Point, La
Rocque, Royal Bay of Grouville and Archirondel (north)).
8.2.3 Property flood protection devices
There are a range of property flood protection devices available on the market, designed specifically to resist the
passage of floodwater. These include removable flood barriers and gates designed to fit openings, vent covers
and stoppers designed to fit WCs. These measures can be appropriate for preventing water entry associated with
inland flooding and sewer flooding. The efficacy of such devices relies on their being deployed before a flood
event occurs. It should also be borne in mind that devices such as air vent covers, if left in place by occupants as
a precautionary measure, may compromise safe ventilation of the building in accordance with Building
Such measures are not encouraged within new developments or the refurbishment of existing development as
they require active intervention to achieve a reduction in the impact of flooding. These measures should only be
considered as a last resort if all other mitigation options have been considered and robustly justified that they are
not achievable on the individual development site.
8.2.4 Flood Evacuation Plans for areas at risk of flooding from
overtopping of a reservoir
As discussed in Section 4.2.4, the town of St Helier is potentially at risk of flooding from the Grands Vaux
Reservoir if it was to overflow as a result of a significant rainstorm affecting the catchment. Jersey Water manage
the levels of water in the reservoirs for the purpose of water supply.
If the levels of water are unable to be mitigated due to the volume of rainfall within the catchment, evacuation
may be required where residents of an area need to be evacuated due to the risk of flooding in the valley. Flood
warnings may be able to be issued if the storm is predicted and levels are expected to cause reservoir
overtopping. However, overtopping may still occur due to flash flooding (which was unpredictable) upstream of
the reservoir.
To enable timely action by residents or occupants to allow evacuation to take place unaided, i.e. without the
deployment of trained personnel to help people from their homes, businesses and other premises, a Flood
Government of Jersey (2020) Jersey Shoreline Management Plan Appendix B(b) Still Water Level Report. Available online
Policy Recommendation 7
All development in areas at medium or high risk of coastal flooding (as defined in Table 7-1) should have
Finished Floor Levels a minimum of 300mm above the 1 in 200 year (0.5% AEP) flood level. Highly
Vulnerable development in areas at medium or high risk of coastal flooding should have Finished Floor
Levels a minimum of 300mm above the 1 in 200 year (0.5% AEP) flood level for the year 2120 to account for
the future impact of climate change.
Appendix B Figure
s 10 and 10A
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Evacuation Plan should be prepared. Rescue by the emergency services is likely to be required where flooding
has occurred, and prior evacuation has not been possible.
For all developments at risk of flooding from reservoir overflow a Flood Evacuation Plan should be prepared to
identify the evacuation route from the site, and to demonstrate their development will not impact on the ability of
the local authority and the emergency services to safeguard people within existing properties. Flood warnings
and guidance on large-scale evacuations will be provided by the Government of Jersey as identified in its Grands
Vaux Flood Plan
Government of Jersey (2018) Grand Vaux Flood Plan. Available online at:
Policy Recommendation 8
A Flood Evacuation Plan should be prepared for any new developments which are located with an area
identified at risk of inundation from reservoir overtopping associated with either the Grands Vaux or
Millbrook Reservoirs. The Flood Evacuation Plan should demonstrate the route which would be used to
evacuate a site during a reservoir overtopping flood event.
The development proposals should also be supported with a Flood Risk Assessment in order to assess the
risk of flooding and detail the potential site specific mitigation measures required to support the Flood
Evacuation Plan.
To support implementation of this recommendation it will be necessary for the Government of Jersey to
clearly identify the areas at risk of inundation from reservoir overtopping associated with both the Grands
Vaux and Millbrook reservoirs. The spatial extent for Grands Vaux Reservoir is indicated in the Grands Vaux
Flood Plan but the information is incomplete in the published version. The spatial extent for Millbrook
Reservoir is not currently in the public domain.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
9. Cumulative development and land
use change
9.1 Cumulative impacts
In addition to consideration of flood risk within the development site, it is important to consider the effect on the
surrounding area. Where development takes place on an area subject to flooding, it may change the pattern of
flood risk. In particular, an additional built-up area may reduce the space for flood water causing it to be diverted
elsewhere. This is an important consideration for areas at risk of tidal and inland flooding as the diversion or
displacement of flood water could put properties that are not modelled to be at risk of flooding at risk. To mitigate
the displacement and diversion of flood water, mitigation measures and appropriate building placement should be
used to avoid this. Techniques such as providing alternative flood plain storage, diverting inland flood flows into
areas of planting or the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can be used to mitigate the risk of flooding.
Further guidance on methods to mitigate flooding are provided in Section 8.
Furthermore, it is not sufficient to assume that locating development away from areas of tidal risk and inland
flooding areas and the use of SuDS will automatically render flood risk to third parties adequately low irrespective
of location. A situation may arise in which there is no spare capacity in a drainage system to take additional flows
from a new development. It is important to confirm with the Government of Jersey that sufficient capacity is
available in the drainage system to ensure that flooding does not occur in the development or further down the
drainage system.
9.2 Land-use change
9.2.1 Paving
The paving over of front and back gardens can increase the risk of flooding in urbanised catchments. An increase
in impermeable areas causes larger amounts of runoff (during periods of heavy rain) than a traditional lawn or
permeable surface. This runoff can cause a build-up of water on roads and in areas vulnerable to inland flooding.
Increased runoff can also contribute to increased pressure on drainage and sewer systems. Where possible,
permeable methods should be used to ensure runoff is not increased. Further guidance on permeable surfaces is
provided in Section 8.
9.2.2 Rural land management
The increasing frequency and magnitude of flooding can also be partially attributed to changes in rural land use
management, for example tree removal, land drainage and intensification of crop cycles and animal stocking. The
effects on overland flows and inland flooding are usually subtle and difficult to predict especially at larger scales.
There is strong evidence that small scale catchment management approaches can deliver flood risk management
benefits. Farmland can store floodwater to reduce the risk of flooding downstream within the catchment. Large
washland (storage) areas can be designed to store excess water and slow down flood peaks. Additional guidance
on using Natural Flood Management (NFM) methods is provided in Section 6.3.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
10. Recommendations for policy and
10.1 Overview
This SFRA has identified the areas which are at risk of flooding from a number of different sources. To ensure
that future development in Jersey addresses these risks and does not contribute towards increasing them, site
specific flood mitigation measures should be implemented to manage flooding. Development should also not
hinder the preferred long term management approaches outlined within the SMP and other flood mitigation
strategies in Jersey.
It is recommended that the policy recommendations identified throughout the SFRA are implemented into future
updates in flood risk planning policy.
10.2 Guidance
The Flood Risk Framework and supporting policy recommendations make reference to the need to prepare Flood
Risk Assessments (FRAs) for developments within areas identified at risk of flooding. Further guidance has been
provided on the preparation of site specific FRAs in Appendix D.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Appendix A Data Register
Dataset Source Format Description Limitations Map
LiDAR data
of Jersey
GIS Layer
The Government of
Jersey LiDAR data
contains digital elevation
data derived from surveys
carried out in 2017. The
data has a spatial
resolution of 2m.
Appendix B
Figure 1
Risk of tidal
present day
of Jersey
GIS Layer This dataset covers the
modelled outline of the
0.5% annual exceedance
probability (AEP) of tidal
flooding (1 in 200 chance
each year).
The information provided is
largely based on modelled
data and is therefore
indicative rather than specific.
Locations may also be at risk
from other sources of
flooding, such as inland
flooding from heavy rain, or
failure of infrastructure such
as sewers and culverts.
The information indicates the
flood risk to areas of land and
is not sufficiently detailed to
show whether an individual
property is at risk of flooding,
therefore properties may not
always face the same chance
of flooding as the areas that
surround them. This is
because we do not hold
details about properties and
their floor levels.
Appendix B
Figure 2 and
Figures 2A –
Risk of tidal
flooding with
future climate
of Jersey
GIS Layer
This dataset covers the
modelled outline of the
0.5% annual exceedance
probability (AEP) of tidal
flooding (1 in 200 chance
each year) in the future
Short term – 2040
Medium term – 2070
Long term – 2120
Appendix B
Figure 3 and
Figures 3A –
Areas at risk
of coastal
of Jersey
GIS Layer This dataset covers the
defences which are
modelled to be
overtopped during a 0.5%
AEP plus long term
(2120) climate change
flood risk scenario.
Appendix B
Figure 9
Risk of inland
present day
of Jersey
GIS Layer Provides an indication of
the broad areas likely to
be at risk of inland
flooding, i.e. areas where
surface water would be
expected to flow or pond.
This dataset covers the
modelled outline of the
following rainfall events:
· 3.3% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 30
chance each year)
· 1% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 100
chance each year)
· 0.1% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 1000
chance each year)
This dataset does not show
the susceptibility of individual
properties to inland flooding.
Appendix B
Figure 4 and
Figures 4A –
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Dataset Source Format Description Limitations Map
Risk of inland
including the
effect of
of Jersey
GIS Layer
Provides an indication of
the broad areas likely to
be at risk of inland
flooding taking into
account the main
pumping stations. This
dataset covers the
modelled outline of the
following rainfall events:
· 3.3% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 30
chance each year)
· 1% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 100
chance each year)
· 0.1% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 1000
chance each year)
This dataset does not show
the susceptibility of individual
properties to inland flooding.
Appendix B
Figure 5 and
Figures 5A –
Risk of inland
flooding with
of Jersey
GIS Layer
Provides an indication of
the broad areas likely to
be at risk of surface water
flooding, i.e. areas where
surface water would be
expected to flow or pond.
This dataset covers the
modelled outline of the
following rainfall events:
· 3.3% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 30
chance each year)
· 1% AEP of inland
flooding (1 in 100
chance each year)
Two percentage uplifts
were considered for both
of these return periods
(+20% and +40%).
This dataset does not show
the susceptibility of individual
properties to surface water
Appendix B
Figure 6 and
Figures 6A –
incidents and
of Jersey
Email &
Anecdotal details of flood
risk areas and a
spreadsheet with records
of historic flood events.
Some of the data is based on
circumstantial and subjective
evidence. There is not always
available metadata, e.g. exact
date of flood event or type of
flooding etc.
Not mapped
Flood Study
Reports A flood study for each of
the reservoirs was
undertaken to assess
compliance with the
standard safety check
recommended by the
guide in respect of
sufficient freeboard to
accommodate surcharges
from floods and wind
waves during specific
flood events.
Not mapped
Grands Vaux
Flood Plan
of Jersey
Emergency flood plan to
manage the potential
inundation resulting from
overflow of the Grands
Vaux Reservoir.
The flood plan only considers
the inundation resulting from
overtopping during a
significant rainfall event.
Not mapped
mapping and
– Millbrook
Inundation mapping and
quantitative risk
assessment for the
potential overflow of
Millbrook Reservoir.
Not mapped
Coastal flood
of Jersey
GIS Layer Provides an overview of
the defence condition
Snapshot of the condition of
the defences in 2019.
Appendix B
Figure 8 and
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Dataset Source Format Description Limitations Map
assessment undertaken
in 2019 as part of the
Jersey SMP.
Figures 8A –
of Jersey
Identifies the type and
location of the different
water impounding areas
across the island.
Locations approximated from
the drawings provided.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Appendix B Maps
Figure 1 – Topography
Figure 2 and 2A-2H – Risk of flooding from the tide
Figure 3 and 3A-3H – Risk of flooding from the tide including allowances for climate change
Figure 4 and 4A-4H – Risk of inland flooding present day
Figure 5 and 5A-5H – Inland flooding including the effect of pumping stations
Figure 6 and 6A-6H – Risk of inland flooding including an allowance for climate change
Figure 7 – Raw water storage reservoirs
Figure 8 and 8A-8H – Flood risk management features
Figure 9Areas benefiting from defences
Figure 10 and 10A-10H – Flood depth map for tidal flooding (overtopping)
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Appendix C Pumping Station
Catchment Areas
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Appendix D Site Specific Flood Risk
D.1 What is a Flood Risk Assessment?
A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is a report prepared for a specific site suitable for submission with a planning
application, which provides an assessment of flood risk to and from a proposed development. The FRA should
demonstrate how flood risk will be managed now and over the lifetime of the development, taking climate change
into account, and with regard to the vulnerability of its users.
The objectives of a site-specific FRA are to establish:
· whether a proposed development is likely to be affected by current or future flooding from any source;
· whether it will increase flood risk elsewhere;
· whether the measures proposed to deal with these effects and risks are appropriate.
D.2 When is a FRA required?
A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required for any development within an area identified at low, medium or high
risk of flooding (Table 7-1).
D.3 What should a FRA contain?
Table D-1 sets out the type of information that a FRA should typically contain.
Table D-1 Site specific FRA Checklist (developed from guidance in PPG
Error! Bookmark not defined.
What to include in the FRA Source(s) of Information
1. Site Description
Site address - -
Site description - -
Location plan Including geographical features and street
Government of Jersey Mapping
Site plan Plan of site showing development proposals and
any structures which may influence local flow
paths e.g. bridges, pipes/ducts crossing
watercourses, culverts, screens, embankments,
walls, outfalls and condition of channel
Government of Jersey Mapping
Site Survey
Topography Include general description of the topography
local to the site.
Plans showing existing and proposed levels.
SFRA Appendix B Figure 1
Geology General description of geology local to the site. -
2. Assessing Flood Risk
The level of assessment will depend on the degree of flood risk and the scale, nature and location of the proposed
development. Not all of the prompts listed below will be relevant for every application.
Flooding from the tide Identify any parts of the site at risk of coastal
Identify any historic flooding that has affected the
Discuss how the site is likely to be affected by
climate change?
SFRA Appendix B Figure 2 and 2a-2h
SFRA Appendix B Figure 3 and 3a-3h
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
Flooding from inland
Identify any parts of the site at risk of inland
Identify any historic flooding that has affected the
Discuss how the site is likely to be affected by
climate change?
SFRA Appendix B Figure 4 and 4a-4h
SFRA Appendix B Figure 5 and 5a-5h
SFRA Appendix B Figure 6 and 6a-6h
Flooding from Sewers
Identify any historic flooding that has affected the
Flooding from Reservoirs Review the Risk of Flooding from Reservoirs
SFRA Appendix B Figure 7
3. Proposed Development
Current use Identify the current use of the site. -
Proposed use Will the proposals increase the number of
occupants / site users on the site such that it
may affect the degree of flood risk to these
Vulnerability Classification
Determine the vulnerability classification of the
development. Is the vulnerability classification
appropriate within the Flood Zone?
SFRA Table 7-2
4. Managing and Mitigating Flood Risk
Section 8 of the SFRA presents measures to manage and mitigate flood risk and when they should be implemented. Where
appropriate, the following should be demonstrated within the FRA to address the following questions:
How will the site/building be protected from flooding, including the potential impacts of climate change, over the
development’s lifetime?
How will you ensure that the proposed development and the measures to protect your site from flooding will not increase
flood risk elsewhere?
Are there any opportunities offered by the development to reduce flood risk elsewhere?
What flood-related risks will remain after you have implemented the measures to protect the site from flooding (i.e. residual
risk) and how and by whom will these be managed over the lifetime of the development (e.g. flood warning and evacuation
Development Layout Plan showing how sensitive land uses have
been placed in areas within the site that are at
least risk of flooding.
SFRA Section 9
Finished Floor Levels Plans showing finished floor levels in the
proposed development taking account of
indicated flood depths.
Flow Routeing
Provide evidence that proposed development
will not impact flood flows to the extent that the
risk to surrounding areas is increased.
Watercourse or Coastline
Development Buffer Zone
Provide plans showing how a buffer zone of
relevant width will be retained adjacent to any
watercourse, coastline or flood defence in
accordance with requirements of the
Government of Jersey.
Drainage and Surface
Water Management
Provide evidence that SuDS have been used to
manage overland flow (or sufficient justification if
these cannot be used) and evidence that these
will sufficiently manage the risk of surface water
flooding. Demonstrate compliance with the
existing legal requirements under the Drainage
(Jersey) Law, 2005.
Flood Evacuation Plan (for
areas at risk of flooding
from the Grands Vaux
Where appropriate reference the Evacuation Plan
or Personal Flood Plan that has been prepared for
the proposed development (or will be prepared by
site owners).
In applying the Flood Risk Framework (Section 1), developers and the Government of Jersey should also
· the characteristics of the site,
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145
· the use and design of the proposed development,
· the size of the area likely to flood,
· existing flood prevention measures – extent, standard and maintenance regime,
· cumulative effects of development, especially the loss of flood storage capacity,
· effects of a flood on access including by emergency services,
· effects of a flood on proposed open spaces including gardens, and
· the extent to which the development, its materials and construction are designed to be water resistant.
D.4 How detailed should a FRA be?
Site-specific FRAs should be proportionate to the degree of flood risk, the scale and nature of the development,
its vulnerability classification (Table 7-2). Site-specific FRAs should also make optimum use of readily available
information, for example the mapping presented within this SFRA.
For example, where the development is an extension to an existing house which would not significantly increase
the number of people present in an area at risk of flooding, the Government of Jersey would generally need a
less detailed assessment to be able to reach an informed decision on the planning application. For a new
development comprising a greater number of houses in a similar location, or one where the flood risk is greater,
the Government of Jersey may require a more detailed assessment. As a result, the scope of each site-specific
FRA may vary.
A FRA should comply with the Government of Jersey Island Plan policies and laws. Failure to provide sufficient
information will result in an application being refused.
Jersey Strategic Flood Risk Assessment AECOM Project Number: 60627145