NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Technical Report
September 2022
U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System and
Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks, With
Minimum Sustainable Price Analysis:
Q1 2022
Vignesh Ramasamy
Jarett Zuboy,
Eric O’Shaughnessy,
David Feldman
Jal Desai,
Michael Woodhouse,
and Robert Margolis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Clean Kilowatts, LLC
3 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
303-275-3000 •
September 2022
U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System and
Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks, With
Minimum Sustainable Price Analysis:
Q1 2022
Vignesh Ramasamy,
Jarett Zuboy,
Eric O’Shaughnessy,
David Feldman,
Jal Desai,
Michael Woodhouse,
Paul Basore,
and Robert Margolis
1 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2 Clean Kilowatts, LLC
3 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
Suggested Citation
Ramasamy, Vignesh, Jarett Zuboy, Eric O’Shaughnessy, David Feldman, Jal Desai,
Michael Woodhouse, Paul Basore, and Robert Margolis. 2022. U.S. Solar Photovoltaic
System and Energy Storage Cost Benchmarks, With Minimum Sustainable Price Analysis:
Q1 2022. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-7A40-83586.
This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding
provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy
Technologies Office. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports produced after 1991
and a growing number of pre-1991 documents are available
free via
Cover Photos by Dennis Schroeder: (clockwise, left to right) NREL 51934, NREL 45897, NREL 42160, NREL 45891, NREL 48097,
NREL 46526.
NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
List of Acronyms
ac alternating current
AD/CVD antidumping and countervailing duties
BESS battery energy storage system
BLS U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
BNEF BloombergNEF
BOS balance of system
CBP U.S. Customs and Border Protection
CPI Consumer Price Index
dc direct current
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
EPC engineering, procurement, and construction
GAAP U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
HVAC heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
ILR inverter loading ratio
IRR internal rate of return
kWh kilowatt-hour
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LCOE levelized cost of energy
LFP lithium iron phosphate
Li-ion lithium-ion
MMP modeled market price
MSP minimum sustainable price
megawatts alternating current
megawatts direct current
MSRP manufacturer’s suggested retail price
NEM net energy metering
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
O&M operations and maintenance
PII permitting, inspection, and interconnection
PPA power-purchase agreement
PV photovoltaic(s)
PVCS PV combining switchgear
Q quarter
R&D research and development
RTE round-trip efficiency
SAM System Advisor Model
SAPC Solar Access to Public Capital
SEIA Solar Energy Industries Association
SETO U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office
SG&A selling, general, and administrative
SOC state of charge
STC standard test conditions
UFLPA Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
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USD U.S. dollars
volts direct current
watts alternating current
watts direct current
WRO withhold release order
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Executive Summary
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) aims to accelerate
the advancement and deployment of solar technology in support of an equitable transition to a
decarbonized economy no later than 2050, starting with a decarbonized power sector by 2035. Its
approach to achieving this goal includes driving innovations in technology and soft cost
reductions to make solar affordable and accessible for all. As part of this effort, SETO must track
solar technology and soft cost trends so it can focus its research and development (R&D) on the
highest-impact activities.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publishes benchmark reports that
disaggregate photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage (battery) system installation costs to inform
SETO’s R&D investment decisions. For this Q1 2022 report, we introduce new analyses that
help distinguish underlying, long-term technology-cost trends from the cost impacts of short-
term distortions caused by policy and market events.
Market and Policy Context in Q1 2022
For the U.S. PV and energy storage industries, the period from Q1 2021 through Q1 2022
featured multiple market and policy events that affected businesses and customers throughout the
manufacturing and installation sectors. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused or complicated
multiple issues. Prices jumped throughout the economy, with industry-specific events and trade
policies driving up PV and battery prices in particular. Change happened rapidly and fell
unevenly across stakeholders. This volatility increased the difficulty of producing representative
cost benchmarks. In accordance with established practices, we drew from updated data and
conducted interviews with numerous industry participants to develop the Q1 2022 cost estimates
shown in this report. Yet we acknowledge that these U.S average estimates do not reflect the
observations and experiences of all stakeholders during this period.
Purpose and Scope of the NREL Benchmarks
It is important to understand what the NREL benchmarks are and are not, and for what purposes
they should be used. The benchmarks are bottom-up cost estimates of all major inputs to typical
PV and energy storage system configurations and installation practices. Bottom-up costs are
based on national averages and do not necessarily represent typical costs in all local markets.
The primary purpose of the NREL benchmarks is to provide insight into the long-term
trajectories of PV and storage system costs, including which system components may be driving
installed prices and where there are opportunities for price reductions. The benchmarks are also
used to project future system prices, provide transparency, and facilitate engagement with
industry stakeholders.
NREL’s benchmarks are often compared with other PV and storage system cost metrics,
including reported prices and other modeled benchmarks. However, there is significant variation
within and between these metrics because of the various methods and assumptions used to
develop them, and different benchmarks are useful for different purposes.
It is also critical to understand the distinction between the two benchmark types analyzed in this
report: minimum sustainable price (MSP) and modeled market price (MMP). Table ES-1
summarizes the meaning, approach, and purpose of each benchmark in comparison to reported
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market prices. Reported market prices and the MMP benchmark are affected by market and
policy conditions unique to the analysis period. Consistent with our previous benchmarking
efforts, our MMP benchmarks can be interpreted as the sales prices that a developer would have
charged in Q1 2022. In contrast, our MSP benchmark is a theoretical construct meant to capture
the long-term cost impacts of technological evolution while muting the impacts of policy
distortions and short-term market fluctuations. It does not represent dynamic market conditions
and should not be used for near-term policy or market analysis. MSP cannot be directly
observed; instead, it must be deduced from observable factors such as underlying costs, market
input prices (e.g., for feedstock), and feedback from industry stakeholders. In this benchmark
report, we apply several methods to infer MSP. Both MSP and MMP are calculated for
representative PV, storage, and PV-plus-storage systems in each market sector.
The NREL benchmarks convert complex processes and inputs into highly simplified individual
estimates to facilitate the tracking and projecting of technological progress. However, no
individual estimate under any approach can reflect the diversity of the PV and storage
manufacturing and installation industries. For instance, MMP benchmarks are based on national
average costs and do not necessarily reflect the distinct experiences of engineering, procurement,
and construction contractors in local markets. The benchmarks also explicitly exclude certain
costs that reflect key system components for certain customers. For instance, many residential
customers finance their PV systems, yet the benchmarks exclude financing costs, which can
represent around 20% of reported market prices. These caveats should be considered when
interpreting the summary of results that follows.
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Table ES-1. Definitions of NREL MSP and MMP Benchmarks vs. Reported Market Prices
Minimum Sustainable
Price (MSP) Benchmark
Modeled Market Price
(MMP) Benchmark
Reported Market Prices*
Description Estimated bottom-up
overnight capital costs (i.e.,
cash costs)
representative PV and
storage components. To
mute the short-term impacts
of market and policy events,
MSP is modeled at the
lowest prices at which
product suppliers can remain
financially solvent in the long
term, based on input costs
that represent the lowest
prices each input supplier
can charge to remain
financially solvent in the long
Estimated bottom-up
overnight capital costs
(i.e., cash costs) of
representative PV and
storage components
under market conditions
experienced during the
analysis period.
Reported prices quoted by
installers and paid by
customers for a range of
technologies and
configurations, often inclusive
of financing costs. Market
prices can include items such
as smaller-market-share PV
systems (e.g., those with
premium efficiency panels),
atypical system configurations
due to site irregularities (e.g.,
additional land grading) or
customer preferences (e.g.,
pest traps), and regulations
(e.g., unionized labor).
Approach Distorted input costs are
removed from model
calculations. If there is more
than one typical technology
or configuration, the most
common one is modeled.
Based on reported
market costs and prices
of different subcost
components for
representative systems.
MSP and MMP use the
same technology and PV
system and battery
Price metrics aggregated
(e.g., median, mean) from
sources that collect market
price data.
Purpose Long-term analysis and
projections; informing R&D
investment decisions.
Near-term policy and
market analysis based on
disaggregated system
Near-term analysis based on
reported prices.
*Only summarized in this report. For reported market price details, see Barbose et al. (2021a).
PV Benchmarks
Figure ES-1 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for PV systems in the residential,
commercial, and utility-scale sectors. The MMP benchmark is higher than the MSP benchmark
for all sectors, because the MMP benchmark captures the inflationary market distortion that
occurred in Q1 2022. The MMP benchmarks in Q1 2022 are also higher than comparable
benchmarks in Q1 2021 (not graphed) because of the market distortion in Q1 2022, although
Cash costs do not include any financing costs, which are often eligible to be included in a system’s cost basis for
calculating tax credits and depreciation. In the residential sector, costs have been observed related to the setup of
loan and lease products for customers as well as interest rate “buy-downs.” In the utility-scale space, common
financing costs also include construction loan interest payments and prepaid operations and maintenance (O&M)
For example, in the residential sector, we model the installation of microinverters, although string inverters with dc
optimizers are also common.
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different input parameters across the two years also affect the year-to-year comparison (see
Section 4.6).
For Q1 2022, our representative residential PV system uses microinverters and is installed by
small-scale installers. The MMP benchmark ($2.95 per watt direct current [W
]) is 15% higher
than the MSP benchmark ($2.55/W
) and 2% higher than our comparable microinverter-based
system benchmark from Q1 2021 in 2021 U.S. dollars (USD).
For commercial systems, our MMP benchmarks ($1.84/W
for rooftop and $1.94/W
ground mount) are roughly 13% higher than our MSP benchmarks ($1.63/W
and $1.71/ W
respectively), and they are approximately 8% higher than their counterparts in Q1 2021 in 2021
For utility-scale systems with one-axis tracking, our MMP benchmark ($0.99/W
) is 14% higher
than our MSP benchmark ($0.87/W
) and 6% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021 in 2021
Figure ES-1. Q1 2022 U.S. PV cost benchmarks
Standalone Battery Energy Storage Benchmarks
Figure ES-2 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for standalone battery energy storage
systems in the residential, commercial, and utility-scale sectors. Again, for all sectors, the MMP
benchmarks are higher than the MSP benchmarks (and the comparable Q1 2021 benchmarks,
which are not graphed here), because the MMP benchmarks capture the inflationary market
distortion that occurred in Q1 2022. See Section 4.6 for the different input parameters in Q1
2022 vs. Q1 2021.
For residential systems, our MMP benchmark ($1,503/kWh) is 10% higher than our MSP
benchmark ($1,371/kWh) and 2% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021 in 2021 USD.
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For commercial systems, our MMP benchmark ($672/kWh) is 10% higher than our MSP
benchmark ($610/kWh). Because of a major change in system configuration between Q1 2021
and Q1 2022, the benchmark costs across those years cannot be compared directly.
For utility-scale systems, our MMP benchmark ($446/kWh) is 13% higher than our MSP
benchmark ($394/kWh million) and 12% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021 in 2021 USD.
Figure ES-2. Q1 2022 U.S. standalone battery energy storage system (BESS) cost benchmarks
PV-Plus-Storage Benchmarks
Figure ES-3, Figure ES-4, and Figure ES-5 compare our MSP and MMP benchmarks—in total
system cost termsfor PV-plus-storage systems in the residential, commercial, and utility-scale
sectors. Again, the MMP benchmarks are higher than the MSP benchmarks (and higher than the
comparable Q1 2021 benchmarks, not graphed) for all sectors, because the MMP benchmark
captures the inflationary market distortion that occurred in Q1 2022. See Section 4.6 for different
input parameters in Q1 2022 vs. Q1 2021.
For residential systems, our MMP benchmark ($38,295) is 13% higher than our MSP benchmark
($33,858) and 6% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021 in 2021 USD.
For commercial systems, our MMP benchmark ($1.44 million) is 13% higher than our MSP
benchmark ($1.27 million). Because of a major change in system configuration between Q1
2021 and Q1 2022, the benchmark costs across those years cannot be compared directly.
For utility-scale systems, our MMP benchmark ($195 million) is 15% higher than our MSP
benchmark ($170 million) and 11% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021 in 2021 USD.
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Figure ES-3. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: residential PV-plus-storage system
Figure ES-4. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial ground-mounted, alternating current (ac)
coupled PV-plus-storage system (4-hour duration)
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Figure ES-5. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale ac-coupled tracking PV-plus-storage system (4-
hour duration)
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Overview of the NREL Benchmarking Process ................................................................................. 2
3 Market and Policy Context in Q1 2022 ............................................................................................... 2
4 NREL Benchmarks’ Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................... 5
4.1 Meaning of the NREL Benchmarks .............................................................................................. 5
4.2 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 NREL Benchmarks Compared With Other Metrics ...................................................................... 6
4.4 Minimum Sustainable Price (MSP) and Modeled Market Price (MMP) Benchmarks ................. 9
4.4.1 Minimum Sustainable Price Benchmark ........................................................................ 10
4.4.2 MMP Benchmark ........................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 17
4.6 Changes to the NREL Benchmark in Q1 2022 ........................................................................... 18
5 Residential PV Model ......................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters ............................................................ 19
5.2 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 22
6 Commercial PV Model ........................................................................................................................ 22
6.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters ............................................................ 22
6.2 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 25
7 Utility-Scale PV Model ........................................................................................................................ 26
7.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters ............................................................ 26
7.2 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 29
8 Residential Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model ............................................................................ 31
8.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model ................................................................. 32
8.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model .......................................................................................... 34
8.3 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 35
9 Commercial Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model .......................................................................... 35
9.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model ................................................................. 36
9.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model .......................................................................................... 39
9.3 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 40
10 Utility-Scale Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model .......................................................................... 42
10.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model ................................................................. 42
10.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model .......................................................................................... 46
10.3 Model Output .............................................................................................................................. 49
11 Operations and Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 50
12 Levelized Cost of Energy of Standalone PV Systems .................................................................... 54
13 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 56
14 References .......................................................................................................................................... 58
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List of Figures
Figure ES-1. Q1 2022 U.S. PV cost benchmarks ...................................................................................... viii
Figure ES-2. Q1 2022 U.S. standalone battery energy storage system (BESS) cost benchmarks ............... ix
Figure ES-3. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: residential PV-plus-storage system ............................................... x
Figure ES-4. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial ground-mounted, alternating current (ac) coupled
PV-plus-storage system (4-hour duration) ............................................................................... x
Figure ES-5. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale ac-coupled tracking PV-plus-storage system (4-hour
duration) .................................................................................................................................. xi
Figure 1. Select price increase indicators, April 2021–April 2022 ............................................................... 4
Figure 2. Comparison of 2020 PV price metrics across sources and sectors ................................................ 7
Figure 3. Overview of bottom-up cost modeling input data ....................................................................... 12
Figure 4. CPI data and linear fit, 2002–2022, showing high deviation of data from fit during 2022 ......... 13
Figure 5. Example of calculating MSP inputs for a structural BOS cost .................................................... 15
Figure 6. Example of calculating MSP inputs for installation labor ........................................................... 16
Figure 7. Average 2020 residential PV market prices by state ................................................................... 18
Figure 8. Residential PV: model structure .................................................................................................. 19
Figure 9. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: 7.9-kW
residential PV system cost (2021 USD/W
) ..................... 22
Figure 10. Commercial PV: model structure .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 11. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial PV system cost (2021 USD/W
) ................................ 26
Figure 12. Utility-scale PV: model structure .............................................................................................. 27
Figure 13. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale PV systems (2021 USD/W
) ...................................... 30
Figure 14. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone residential storage system ............................................. 33
Figure 15. Modeled dc- and ac-coupled system configurations ................................................................. 34
Figure 16. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: ac-coupled residential PV-plus-storage systems ............................. 35
Figure 17. Traditional commercial and utility-scale Li-ion energy storage components ........................... 36
Figure 18. Battery system components ....................................................................................................... 36
Figure 19. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone commercial Li-ion battery storage system .................... 39
Figure 20. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial ac-coupled PV-plus-storage systems (4-hour duration)
................................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 21. Q1 2022 commercial PV-plus-storage system MSP benchmark (4-hour duration) in different
sites and the same site (ac-coupled) ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 22. Utility-scale standalone storage: model structure ...................................................................... 43
Figure 23. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone utility-scale Li-ion battery storage system .................... 46
Figure 24. dc-coupled and ac-coupled PV-plus-storage system configurations ......................................... 48
Figure 25. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale ac-coupled PV-plus-storage systems (4-hour duration)
................................................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 26. Q1 2022 utility-scale PV-plus-storage system MSP benchmark (4-hour duration) at different
sites and at the same site (ac-coupled) ................................................................................... 50
Figure 27. Q1 2022 residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV MSP O&M costs by category ............. 53
Figure 28. Q1 2022 residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV MMP O&M costs by category ............ 53
Figure 29. NREL-modeled PV LCOE over time ........................................................................................ 56
List of Tables
Table ES-1. Definitions of NREL MSP and MMP Benchmarks vs. Reported Market Prices ................... vii
Table 1. Select Events ca. Q1 2021–Q1 2022 ............................................................................................... 3
Table 2. Definitions of NREL MSP and MMP Benchmarks vs. Reported Market Prices ......................... 10
Table 3. Utility and Commercial Ground-Mount PV Cost Components for BOS Hardware, Installation
Equipment, and Transmission Lines ...................................................................................... 14
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Table 4. Residential PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units ....................................................... 20
Table 5. Commercial PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units ..................................................... 23
Table 6. Utility-Scale PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units ..................................................... 27
Table 7. Residential Storage Only: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units ....................................... 32
Table 8. Changes to Residential PV and Storage Models When PV and Storage Are Combined.............. 34
Table 9. Commercial Li-ion Energy Storage System: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units .......... 37
Table 10. Changes to Commercial PV and Storage Model When PV and Storage Are Combined ........... 40
Table 11. Utility-Scale Li-ion Energy Storage System: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units ....... 43
Table 12. Cost Factors for Siting PV and Storage Together Versus Separately ......................................... 46
Table 13. Changes to Utility-Scale PV and Storage Model When PV and Storage Are Combined ........... 48
Table 14. Summary of Key Modeled O&M Parameters ............................................................................. 52
Table 15. Q1 2022 LCOE Input Parameters and Results for Standalone PV, Based on MSP Benchmarks
(2021 USD) ............................................................................................................................ 55
Table 16. Q1 2022 PV and PV-Plus-Storage MSP and MMP Benchmarks (2021 USD) .......................... 57
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1 Introduction
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) aims to
accelerate the advancement and deployment of solar technology in support of an equitable
transition to a decarbonized economy no later than 2050, starting with a decarbonized power
sector by 2035. Its approach to achieving this goal includes driving innovations in technology
and soft cost reductions to make solar affordable and accessible for all. As part of this effort,
SETO must track solar technology and soft cost trends so it can focus its research and
development (R&D) on the highest-impact activities.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) facilitates SETO’s decisions on R&D
investments by publishing benchmark reports that disaggregate photovoltaic (PV) costs and—
more recently—energy storage (battery) costs. Previous benchmark reports have sought to
provide estimates of typical costs for all system components plus a sustainable margin (from the
perspective of the developer/installer), relying largely on market prices for components. Using
market prices to track progress has pros and cons. Tracking market prices of PV and storage
systems is critical for understanding their competitiveness with other generation technologies.
On the other hand, PV and storage market prices are influenced by short-term policy and market
drivers that can obscure the underlying technological development that shapes prices over the
longer term. For example, recent events related to trade policy, inflation, and pandemic-related
supply chain constraints have pushed PV and storage prices up, even as those technologies have
continued to improve. Short-term market trends are important for the PV and storage industries,
as private-sector entities compete to improve their market share and profitability. SETO,
however, focuses on optimizing R&D investments over the longer term to continue driving
innovations in technology and soft cost reductions.
To support this longer-term perspective, NREL’s Q1 2022 benchmark report is introducing new
analyses, which help distinguish underlying, long-term technology-cost trends from the price
impacts of short-term distortions caused by policy and market events. By muting the impacts of
policy distortions and short-term market fluctuations, the new minimum sustainable price (MSP)
benchmarks provide an effective basis for long-term PV cost analysis. However, they do not
represent dynamic market conditions and should not be used for near-term policy or market
analysis. To help provide perspective on current market conditions, the report also provides
modeled market price (MMP) analysis, which is more in line with previous benchmark reports,
by using similar methods to track the costs of U.S. residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV,
energy storage, and PV-plus-storage systems built in Q1 2022. These methods capture the impact
of market trends during this period, and the results are meant to reflect typical component costs
as experienced by U.S. installers and passed on to U.S. consumers.
Additional details about the goals, methods, and limitations of the Q1 2022 benchmark report—
along with a brief discussion of this period’s unique market and policy context—are provided in
Sections 2, 3, and 4. Sections 5 through 10 present the results of our Q1 2022 capital cost
modeling for residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV, energy storage, and PV-plus-storage
All previous benchmark reports can be found at NREL’s Solar Technology Cost Analysis web page at
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
systems. Section 11 presents the results of our operations and maintenance (O&M) cost analysis.
Section 12 uses our capital cost and O&M cost results to calculate the levelized cost of electricity
(LCOE) for PV and PV-plus-storage systems. Section 13 offers a summary and conclusions.
2 Overview of the NREL Benchmarking Process
NREL has been developing PV and storage system cost models over the past decade. Each year,
we adjust model elements based on industry trends—derived from research organizations and
sources such as the California net energy metering (NEM) databaseas well as feedback from
stakeholders. In Q1 2022, we interviewed 21 stakeholders, including third-party research
organizations; PV installers and integrators; engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
developers; advocacy groups; intergovernmental organizations; and government agencies.
We align our model inputs as closely as possible to the analysis period, which for this report is
Q1 2022. We obtain most of the specific cost inputs (material costs, component and
subcomponent costs, installation rental equipment rates, and labor rates) from sources such as
RSMeans, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, RENVU, EcoDirect, altE Store, BloombergNEF
(BNEF), Wood Mackenzie, and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Table 3 in
Section 4.4.1 provides an example of cost components that are populated using such sources. We
base additional inputs—particularly soft costs such as customer acquisition costs; overhead;
permitting, inspection, and interconnection (PII) costs; and profit—on analysis of multiple years
of industry interviews. Currently, we model the MSP of PV modules using NREL’s bottom-up
module cost model. We also tailor the configuration of our representative systems to the analysis
period. For example, for the residential PV sector in Q1 2022, we modeled small installers and
microinverters based on the market shares of these choices.
Once we configure our representative systems and populate our models using the hundreds of
inputs, the models yield disaggregated system cost results in terms of dollars per watt of direct
current ($/W
), dollars per kilowatt-hour ($/kWh), and dollars per system. We then send these
results for validation to the stakeholders we interviewed. After making any necessary
adjustments based on stakeholder feedback, we produce a draft report, which we send to industry
stakeholders as well as NREL and SETO reviewers. We use feedback from this process to
finalize the report, and then we publish the report on NREL’s website, typically during the fourth
quarter of the year (e.g., Q1 2021 results were published in November 2021). See all the reports
at NREL’s Solar Technology Cost Analysis web page:
3 Market and Policy Context in Q1 2022
The PV and energy storage industries are in constant flux, and each of NREL’s benchmark
reports has been produced within a unique historical context. By any measure, however, the
period from Q1 2021 through Q1 2022 was extraordinary. Dramatic market and policy events
affected businesses and customers throughout the PV and storage manufacturing and installation
sectors, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic causing or complicating issues. Change
happened rapidly and fell unevenly across stakeholders.
This volatility increased the difficulty of producing representative cost benchmarks. In
accordance with established practices, we drew from updated data and conducted interviews with
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
numerous industry participants to develop the Q1 2022 cost estimates shown in this report. Yet
we acknowledge that these estimates do not reflect the observations and experiences of all
stakeholders during this period. Section 4 describes the purpose, meaning, and limitations of our
benchmarks in general. Below we give a brief, noncomprehensive overview of developments
that characterized the period from Q1 2021 through Q1 2022 and contributed to unusually
high—and highly variable—PV and storage market costs and prices in Q1 2022. Table 1 lists
select events that occurred during this period.
Table 1. Select Events ca. Q1 2021Q1 2022
Event Date
Withhold release order (WRO) issued for PV products containing Hoshine polysilicon June 2021
Antidumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) circumvention investigation requested
by anonymous U.S. PV manufacturers
Aug 2021
Anonymous AD/CVD circumvention case dismissed Nov 2021
Bifacial PV exemption from Section 201 tariffs reinstated; tariffs reduced from 18% to 15% Nov 2021
Polysilicon spot price peak caused by constrained silicon metal and power in China Nov 2021
Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) signed into law (enforced as of June 2022) Dec 2021
Section 201 tariffs extended with bifacial exemption and increased cell quota Feb 2022
Invasion of Ukraine by Russia Feb 2022
AD/CVD circumvention investigation requested by Auxin Solar Feb 2022
AD/CVD circumvention investigation initiated by U.S. Department of Commerce April 2022
Disruption of polysilicon supply and PV component shipping by COVID-19 lockdowns in
April 2022
Costs and prices jumped throughout the economy between Q1 2021 and Q1 2022, largely driven
by effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Large influxes of government stimulus funds during the
pandemic helped drive strong demand for goods and services worldwide, while pandemic-
induced bottlenecks constrained supply (McCausland 2022, Thomsen 2022). As part of the
supply crunch, containerized freight prices rose as much as 190% between April 2021 and April
2022, finishing the period at a 130% increase (Mercom 2022). Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in
February 2022 drove global oil prices up further, which added to the economywide inflation
(Egan 2022, Kaplan and Hoff 2022). Between April 2021 and April 2022, the Consumer Price
Index (CPI) rose 9% (FRED 2022a), and global commodity prices rose 48% (FRED 2022b). The
PV industry felt the effects of these events in addition to PV-specific cost drivers. Spot prices
rose across the monocrystalline silicon PV supply chain between April 2021 and April 2022:
88% for polysilicon, 29% for cells, and 19% for modules (BNEF 2022). Figure 1 illustrates some
of the price increases that occurred during this period.
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Figure 1. Select price increase indicators, April 2021April 2022
Sources: BNEF (2022), FRED (2022a, 2022b)
The U.S. PV industry was also affected by specific trade policies. In June 2021, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection issued a withhold release order (WRO) against Hoshine Silicon
instructing U.S. ports to detain shipments containing silica-based products made by Hoshine and
its subsidiariesbecause of published reports that Hoshine was using forced labor in China’s
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (CBP 2021). In December 2021, this policy was
reinforced by the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), which
banned—beginning in June 2022—U.S. imports of products from China’s Xinjiang region unless
importers provide “clear and convincing evidence” that forced labor was not used in their
production (CBP 2022). The detainments and uncertainty associated with the WRO and UFLPA
further constrained module availability in the United States. In August 2021, an anonymous
group of U.S. PV manufacturers petitioned the U.S. Department of Commerce to investigate
whether Chinese PV manufacturers were circumventing antidumping and countervailing duties
by working in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Although the Department of Commerce
rejected the petition in November 2021, the uncertainty created by the petition put additional
pressure on the U.S. module supply chain (Woodmac and SEIA 2022). In February 2022, Auxin
Solar filed a similar anticircumvention petition, which instigated a Department of Commerce
investigation at the beginning of Q2 2022; the impacts of that investigation, which have been
significant, are not considered in this Q1 2022 benchmark report. Also in February 2022, the
U.S. Section 201 tariffs were extended along with the tariff exemption for bifacial modules.
Average U.S. prices for monofacial monocrystalline silicon modules rose 9% between Q1 2021
and Q1 2022 (Woodmac and SEIA 2022). Component cost increases are reflected in our MMP
benchmarks in Sections 5–10.
Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22
Percentage increase over April 2021
Polysilicon (spot) Cells (spot) Modules (spot) CPI Global commodities
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Component cost increases were a major topic during our Q1 2022 interviews with industry
stakeholders. In addition to stating that all prices had gone up since the previous year, residential
and commercial installers noted significant price increases specifically for modules, batteries,
electrical panels, circuit breakers, and wire. Utility-scale stakeholders mentioned significantly
higher prices for modules, inverters, site preparation, transformers, switchgears, copper, steel,
PVC, and shipping. Because of tight supply chains, obtaining components in a timely manner
could incur additional premiums, according to some interviewees. Some also stated that the
availability and price of components could change rapidly week to week and that module price
increases varied unevenly across installers. Large residential and commercial installers as well as
utility-scale installers reported that they could buy containerload quantities directly from module
manufacturers, which yielded the lowest costs. Smaller installers, however, said that they either
could not handle enough volume to obtain direct, containerload pricing, or that warehousing
costs for high-volume purchases were prohibitive. For this reason, smaller installers reported that
they paid higher module prices through distributors.
Our interviews also suggested that a tightening labor market contributed to higher costs for U.S.
PV systems in Q1 2022. The U.S. unemployment rate rose from 3.5% immediately before the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic to 14.7% in April 2020 and then dropped again, reaching 3.8%
in February 2022. These fluctuations have been accompanied by an increased rate of workers
quitting their jobs, in a phenomenon that has been called the “Great Resignation” (BLS 2022a).
The tight labor market was reflected in EnergySage’s 2021 installer survey, which identified a
lack of trained labor as the most frequent barrier to growing installation businesses (EnergySage
2022). Our Q1 2022 industry interviews highlighted how higher labor costs contributed to higher
PV system costs. Multiple participants noted significantly increased labor costs and linked them
with labor shortages; in some areas, high demand for installations meant that workers could pick
and choose projects and demand higher wages. Some installers also reported that, because local
labor was unavailable, workers needed to travel to job sites—thus incurring additional costs for
items such as hotel rooms and meals.
4 NREL Benchmarks’ Purpose and Scope
In all industries, numerous metrics reflect product costs and prices. These metrics say different
things and are useful for different purposes. For instance, an investor may be interested in the
costs to produce a new product, a stock trader may want to know the real-time trading price of a
good, and a forecaster may seek a long-term average cost. It is therefore important to understand
what the NREL benchmarks are and are not, and for what purposes they should be used. This
section describes the meaning of the NREL benchmarks, their intended purposes, how they vary
from other market metrics, and their limitations. The final subsection notes changes to the
benchmark report in Q1 2022.
4.1 Meaning of the NREL Benchmarks
Industry, analysts, policymakers, and other stakeholders are interested in the prices of new
technologies and the underlying costs to produce those technologies. In the U.S. PV industry,
prices are readily observable and documented in resources such as Barbose et al. (2021a).
However, installed system prices do not provide insight into underlying system cost drivers.
Disaggregating installed system prices into underlying cost drivers requires identifying all
relevant inputs to PV installations and assigning costs to those inputs. Broadly, this cost
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disaggregation can be done through top-down or bottom-up cost modeling. Top-down modeling
observes a final price, then develops a method to distribute that price across individual cost
components. Bottom-up cost modeling estimates the costs of individual components based on
how they are made, then adds those costs up to a modeled total price.
The NREL benchmarks are bottom-up cost estimates of all major inputs to PV and storage
installations. Bottom-up costs are based on national averages and do not necessarily represent
typical costs in all local markets. As we discuss in Section 4.4, this year’s report includes two
distinct sets of benchmarks: MSP benchmarks and MMP benchmarks. MSP benchmarks can be
interpreted as the minimum sustainable price a company needs to charge to remain financially
solvent in the long term based on the minimum sustainable prices of all inputs. MMP
benchmarks can be interpreted as the actual sales price the company charges in the current
market. In a stable, balanced, competitive market that is free of limited-duration trade policy
distortions, MMP is equal to MSP.
4.2 Purpose
The primary purpose of the NREL benchmarks is to provide insight into the long-term
trajectories of PV and storage system costs. The NREL benchmarks inform and track progress
toward SETO’s Government Performance and Reporting Act cost targets. Industry analysts also
use NREL benchmarks to project future system prices. In addition, the benchmarks provide
insight into the disaggregated costs of individual system components. Analysts use disaggregated
costs to identify which system components are driving installed prices and where there are
opportunities for system price reductions.
The NREL benchmarks also provide transparency and facilitate engagement with industry
stakeholders. Other organizations provide bottom-up analysis of PV and storage component costs
for a fee, whereas NREL’s results are provided publicly and free of charge. Thus, all
stakeholders can observe and comment on our assumptions, methods, and results. Opinions
about the correct ways to calculate and report representative benchmark costs across the large,
diverse U.S. PV and storage markets will always vary. However, NREL continues to strive for a
consistent, transparent approach that can be used as a common foundation for understanding the
U.S. market by all stakeholders. Understanding assumptions and methods is critical; stakeholders
should not use the results without first understanding how they were developed and what they
mean. To enhance this effort, NREL is developing a complementary online cost modeling tool.
4.3 NREL Benchmarks Compared With Other Metrics
Cost and price metrics can vary significantly because of the various methods and assumptions
used in their development. Here, we illustrate that variation using PV metrics. Figure 2 compares
2020 metrics across several sources and all three PV market sectors. Each source contains
numerous details about data and methods, which are beyond the scope of this report to list in full.
Rather, we make several general observations to contextualize the benchmarks provided in our
current report; for more detailed study of PV cost and price tracking, see the sources listed
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The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) values are based on reported prices for
projects installed in 2020, and they include median values as well as 20
and 80
values (Barbose et al. 2021a, Bolinger et al. 2021).
The SunPower, Sunrun, and Vivint data are the sums of reported average installation, sales,
and general and administrative costs averaged across four quarters in 2020, as derived from
shareholder reports (Barbose et al. 2021a).
The EnergySage values are median price quotes in 2020, as calculated by LBNL from
EnergySage data (Barbose et al. 2021a).
The Woodmac values are based on modeled turnkey prices averaged across quarters
(Barbose et al. 2021a, Woodmac and SEIA 2021).
The NREL values are MMP benchmarks for a 7-kW
residential system, a 200-kW
commercial system, and a 100-MW
utility-scale system (Feldman et al. 2021).
Figure 2. Comparison of 2020 PV price metrics across sources and sectors
Definitions of nonresidential systems vary across the sources, but in general, they include rooftop and ground-
mounted systems that are larger than residential systems, smaller than utility-scale systems, and are not installed on
residences. They often include systems that are defined ascommercialsystems.
As Figure 2 shows, price metrics can vary significantly within PV sectors, depending on the
sources of those metrics. Barbose et al. (2021a) attribute this variation to differences across
sources in underlying methods and inputs, including system vintage, system location, use of
price versus cost, which costs are accounted for, characteristics of installers, presence of value-
based pricing, system size, and system design.
Significant variation occurs even within the LBNL reported prices. The range between the 20
and 80
percentiles is about $1.60/W
for residential systems, $1.70/W
for small
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nonresidential systems, $1.30/W
for large nonresidential systems, and $0.40/W
for utility-
scale systems. Put another way, prices within the 20
to 80
percentiles are up to 20% different
from the median for residential systems, 40% different for nonresidential systems, and 30%
different for utility-scale systems. For example, it would not be unusual—based on these
reported data—to encounter a typical U.S. residential installation priced at $3.00/W
another at $4.60/W
in 2020. This range demonstrates the limitation of representing prices with
a single benchmark value. Tracking a single value consistently over time is a useful way to
gauge technological progress, but when interpreting such values, the underlying variability in
real-world prices should be kept in mind.
The largest absolute difference between NREL’s MMP benchmark and the median reported
LBNL price for a comparable system (about $1.1/W
) is in the residential sector. There are three
primary reasons for this disparity. First, the NREL MMP benchmark is based on costs incurred
by a typical, experienced installer in a competitive market, whereas the U.S. residential
installation industry comprises around 3,000 firms—ranging from small, local installers with
diverse cost structures to large-scale firms whose prices reflect heterogeneous cost structures and
long-term market strategies. Second, the MMP benchmark includes costs only for a specific,
representative system installation. In contrast, reported prices may include premium system
features (e.g., premium inverters) and costs of complementary services such as additional
electrical work (e.g., building main panel upgrades), securing financing, additional roofing
services, and other home upgrades. Thus, the MMP benchmark can be compared to the
manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) of a car without any premium features. Just as
MSRP is consistently lower than actual car sales prices, so will MMP benchmarks be
consistently lower than average PV market prices. Third, NREL does not have robust data on
profit margins, and the profit margins reflected in reported system prices may be lower or higher
than NREL’s assumptions in any given year.
The differences between NREL’s MMP benchmark and comparable median reported prices are
smaller for the nonresidential sector ($0.4/W
) and the utility-scale sector (up to $0.1/W
Fewer companies work on nonresidential and utility-scale projects than on residential projects,
and the business operations, supply chains, and cost structures of the companies that take on
larger projects are different and more uniform than those of retail-oriented residential installation
companies—resulting in more standardized prices. This is particularly apparent for the utility-
scale values shown in Figure 2, which are relatively consistent across the reported and modeled
sources. The nonresidential sector is more heterogeneous than the utility-scale sector with regard
to installers, customers, and system sizes and types, so the variation across price benchmarks is
In summary, different price benchmarks are useful for different purposes. NREL’s benchmarks
are primarily used for long-term projections and insights into underlying cost drivers, whereas
reported market prices are useful for understanding real market dynamics. NREL benchmarks
should not be used for purposes better met by market prices and vice versa. For instance, if an
analyst wants to know the actual prices paid by real customers in a specific location at a specific
time, the analyst should use reported market prices. Conversely, if an analyst wants to
understand the trajectory of underlying cost drivers, the analyst should use NREL benchmarks
across multiple years.
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It is also critical to understand the distinction between NREL’s MSP and MMP benchmarks
when using the benchmark results. These two types of benchmarks are described next.
4.4 Minimum Sustainable Price (MSP) and Modeled Market Price
(MMP) Benchmarks
For the first time, this Q1 2022 report provides modeled capital cost results using two
1. An MSP benchmark meant to identify the lowest prices at which product suppliers can
remain financially solvent in the long term, based on input costs that represent the lowest
prices that each input supplier can charge to remain financially solvent in the long term.
2. An MMP benchmark that maintains continuity with previous benchmark reports by
capturing the impact of market trends during Q1 2022, reflecting typical national system
costs as experienced by U.S. installers and passed on to U.S. consumers.
Both MSP and MMP are calculated for representative systems in each PV market sector. The
MSP benchmark reflects the lowest sustainable price based on a long-term view of market
conditions, whereas the MMP benchmark reflects the base price of the market price distribution
based on market conditions during the analysis period. Table 2 summarizes the meaning,
approach, and purpose of each benchmark in comparison to reported market prices (which are
only summarized in this report). The two benchmarks are described further in the following
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Table 2. Definitions of NREL MSP and MMP Benchmarks vs. Reported Market Prices
Minimum Sustainable
Price (MSP) Benchmark
Modeled Market Price
(MMP) Benchmark
Reported Market Prices*
Description Estimated bottom-up
overnight capital costs (i.e.,
cash costs)
representative PV and
storage components. To
mute the short-term impacts
of market and policy events,
MSP is modeled at the
lowest prices at which
product suppliers can remain
financially solvent in the long
term, based on input costs
that represent the lowest
prices each input supplier
can charge to remain
financially solvent in the long
Estimated bottom-up
overnight capital costs
(i.e., cash costs) of
representative PV and
storage components
under market conditions
experienced during the
analysis period.
Reported prices quoted by
installers and paid by
customers for a range of
technologies and
configurations, often inclusive
of financing costs. Market
prices can include items such
as smaller-market-share PV
systems (e.g., those with
premium efficiency panels),
atypical system configurations
due to site irregularities (e.g.,
additional land grading) or
customer preferences (e.g.,
pest traps), and regulations
(e.g., unionized labor).
Approach Distorted input costs are
removed from model
calculations. If there is more
than one typical technology
or configuration, the most
common one is modeled.
Based on reported
market costs and prices
of different subcost
components for
representative systems.
MSP and MMP use the
same technology and PV
system and battery
Price metrics aggregated
(e.g., median, mean) from
sources that collect market
price data.
Purpose Long-term analysis and
projections; informing R&D
investment decisions.
Near-term policy and
market analysis based on
disaggregated system
Near-term analysis based on
reported prices.
*Only summarized in this report. For reported market price details, see Barbose et al. (2021a).
4.4.1 Minimum Sustainable Price Benchmark
Reported market prices and the MMP benchmark are affected by market and policy conditions
unique to the analysis period. In contrast, our MSP benchmark is meant to capture the long-term
cost impacts of technological evolution while muting the impacts of policy distortions and short-
term market fluctuations. The MMP benchmark described in Section 4.4.2 can be thought of as
the MSP distorted by short-term market and policy phenomena that occurred in Q1 2022.
Cash costs do not include any financing costs, which are often eligible to be included in a system’s cost basis for
calculating tax credits and depreciation. In the residential sector, costs have been observed related to the setup of
loan and lease products for customers as well as interest rate “buy-downs.” In the utility-scale space, common
financing costs also include construction loan interest payments and prepaid O&M contracts.
For example, in the residential sector, we model the installation of microinverters, although string inverters with dc
optimizers are also common.
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The MSP is an economic concept that was developed to estimate theoretical sustainable PV
prices and cost projections (Goodrich et al. 2013, Powell et al. 2013). The MSP cannot be
directly observed; rather, it must be deduced from observable factors such as underlying costs,
market input prices (e.g., for feedstock), and feedback from industry stakeholders. A
comprehensive understanding of MSP would require in-depth knowledge about the prices each
input supplier must charge to remain financially solvent in the long term within their complex
and ever-changing market and policy contexts—from the company that extracts raw materials to
component manufacturers, assemblers, and installers. For this reason, development of our MSP
benchmarks can be thought of as a journey of continuous improvement. For the Q1 2022 MSP
benchmarks, we apply two general approaches to infer MSP for the various PV and storage
system components: detailed bottom-up cost modeling and mitigation of distorted input values.
For all soft costs, including labor costs, we use the same values for the MSP and MMP
benchmarks, because we do not currently have a basis for differentiating these values using MSP
principles. These approaches represent initial efforts to characterize MSP. We will improve on
them in future benchmark reports with the help of feedback from PV and energy storage
Detailed Bottom-Up Component Cost Modeling
We apply detailed bottom-up cost modeling to calculate module MSP. NREL has been applying
bottom-up cost modeling techniques across the PV supply chain for more than 12 years. Items
included within these models capture the variable and fixed costs experienced by firms following
the U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS). Figure 3 provides an overview of the bottom-up component cost
modeling input data. We first work with researchers and companies to define the process flow.
Then, we contact materials and equipment suppliers representing each step in the manufacturing
process to develop inputs for the top-left box in Figure 3. The inputs needed to calculate
depreciation include equipment throughput and price and floorspace requirements. The inputs
needed to calculate variable (or “cash”) costs include materials, utilities, labor, and maintenance.
Yield losses are also incorporated into the model calculations, as are location-specific cost
indices, including local labor and utility rates. Overhead and minimum sustainable profit margins
are included in the calculation of factory-gate MSP, and shipping costs are included in the
calculation of the final delivery price to PV and storage projects. For this year’s benchmark
report, we used bottom-up cost modeling only for modules. For additional details, see Smith et
al. (2021) and Woodhouse et al. (2020).
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Figure 3. Overview of bottom-up cost modeling input data
Addressing Distorted Input Values
Although all market prices fluctuate with near-term changes in supply and demand, aggregated
market prices in mature, competitive industries tend to follow long-term trends. Significant
deviations from these long-term trends provide evidence of temporary market distortions such as
supply shocks or significant policy reforms. These temporary distortions can provide important
information about real-time market conditions but muddle understanding of long-term price
trajectories. We use this basic concept to develop a rule for adjusting input prices that are
significantly distorted by temporary market and policy shocks.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) provides evidence of significant pandemic-driven market
distortions in 2021 and 2022. As illustrated in Figure 4, the CPI in Q1 2022 was more than two
standard deviations above a linear fit to 20 years of CPI data. We interpret this deviation as
indicating a level of distortion that can separate PV and storage input prices from underlying cost
fundamentals. While we intend to continue refining our methodology over time, we propose to
use the rule of a two standard deviation variation from a 20-year linear fit as a criterion for
identifying periods of significant price distortion. We apply this approach to calculate costs
related to inverters, structural balance of system (BOS), electrical BOS, and transmission lines.
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Figure 4. CPI data and linear fit, 20022022, showing high deviation of data from fit during 2022
Data are from “Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average,index 19821984 =
100, monthly, seasonally adjusted (FRED 2022a)
We show an example of our approach using utility-scale and commercial ground-mount systems.
Table 3 lists BOS hardware, installation equipment, and transmission line cost components for
these systems. We calculate prices for these inputs by excluding 2022 values and averaging
values for the period the data are available between 2017 and 2021 (typically 3–5 years of data).
Data are averaged because the available time series is inadequate to discern consistent time
trends; this method could be modified to make MSP adjustments based on a linear fit once
sufficient time-series data are available.
An example of our MSP calculation for these cost components is shown in Figure 5, for
preconstruction survey material and equipment costs. In the top panel of Figure 5, the high 2022
preconstruction survey material cost of $45 per acre is excluded, and the remaining 2017–2021
costs ($19, $22, $23, $24, and $35 per acre) are averaged to yield an MSP for this component of
$24 per acre. Thus, a preconstruction survey material cost of $24 per acre is input into our
bottom-up cost model as part of the MSP benchmark calculation. The bottom panel shows the
same process for the preconstruction survey equipment cost; here, the 2022 value is lower than
the MSP calculated by averaging the 2017–2021 values. We remove the 2022 value in all cases,
regardless of whether it appears to be high, low, or on-trend. We simply assume that 2022 is a
distorted year and that any costs in that year are distorted. We may refine this simplification in
future analyses.
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Table 3. Utility and Commercial Ground-Mount PV Cost Components for BOS Hardware,
Installation Equipment, and Transmission Lines
Preconstruction surveys
Access roads and parking
Security fencing
Temporary office
Storage box
O&M building
Site preparation (geotechnical
Site preparation (clearing and grubbing)
Site preparation (soil stripping and
Site preparation (grading)
Site preparation (compaction)
Foundation for inverter/transformer/
PVCS (PV combining switchgear)
Foundation for vertical support
Horizontal support structures
Welding or bolting
Module mounting
U-joint and driveline
Motor and controller equipment
Conduit, wiring
dc work
Grounding, dc cable
Junction/combiner boxes
Inverter house
Alternating current (ac) work
On-site transmission
On-site transformer and substation
Site preparation (clearing and grubbing)
230-kV transmission line (4 miles):
Tower: foundation installation
Tower: structure costs
Tower: top assembly
Conductor and cable
Misc. assembly units
Site preparation (clearing and grubbing)
35-kV distribution line (1 mile):
wood pole
Wood pole: foundation installation
Wood pole: structure costs
Wood pole: top assembly
Conductor and cable
Misc. assembly units
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Figure 5. Example of calculating MSP inputs for a structural BOS cost
We calculate MSP inputs for installation labor costs differently. Labor wage data from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) are not available for 2022. Thus, we analyze labor wage data
for distortion through 2021 (Figure 6). During this period, all data points are within the two
standard deviation range. For this reason, we use the 2021 labor costs (adjusted for inflation) for
2022 in both the MSP and MMP benchmarks. This observation contributed to our decision to
assume that MSP is equal to MMP for soft costs.
Likewise, battery pack and battery inverter prices were unavailable for 2022, and historical data
for these components are insufficient to analyze anomalies. Thus, for the MMP benchmarks, we
simply adjust the prices of these commoditized items to 2022 rates by accounting for inflation.
For the battery pack MSP, we reduce the 2021 MMP by about 17% for 2022, based on the
average cost reduction rate of turnkey battery systems over the past 5 years (BNEF 2021). For
the battery inverter MSP, we reduce the MMP by 25% to eliminate the effect of the Section 301
tariff for residential and commercial systems; we assume that Section 301 tariffs do not apply to
battery inverters used in utility-scale systems, so no adjustment is made for those system types.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Preconstruction Survey - Material Cost ($/Acre)
MSP input
(avg of 2017-2021
reported values)
2022 reported value,
excluded from calculation
2017-2021 reported values,
included in calculation
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Preconstruction Survey - Equipment Cost ($/Acre)
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Figure 6. Example of calculating MSP inputs for installation labor
Source: BLS (2022b)
4.4.2 MMP Benchmark
The Q1 2022 MMP benchmark employs methods like those used in NREL’s recent
benchmarking efforts, including the Q1 2021 report (Ramasamy et al. 2021). This benchmark
has been produced in conjunction with several related research activities at NREL and LBNL,
which are documented by Feldman et al. (2021), Barbose et al. (2020), Bolinger et al. (2020),
Chung et al. (2015), Feldman et al. (2015), and Fu et al. (2016).
The MMP benchmark includes bottom-up accounting for all necessary system and project
development costs incurred when installing PV and storage systems. It uses Q1 2022 costs and
excludes any previous supply agreements or contracts. We attempt to model the typical
installation techniques and business operations from an installed-cost perspective. All MMP
benchmarks include variation—accounting for the differences in size, equipment, and
operational use (particularly for storage) that are currently available in the marketplace. All
MMP and MSP benchmarks assume nonunionized construction labor; residential and
commercial PV systems predominantly use nonunionized labor, and the type of labor required
for utility-scale PV systems depends heavily on the development process. All MMP and MSP
benchmarks assume the use of monofacial monocrystalline silicon PV modules. Benchmarking
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory compares the bottom-up cost results of various entities, including
our results.
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using cadmium telluride or bifacial modules could result in significantly different results.
Likewise, the MMP and MSP benchmarks assume installation of containerized battery systems
shipped as cabinets that include lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery packs and battery racks, as
well as a battery management system, thermal management system, and fire suppression system.
Our MMP benchmarks can be interpreted as sales prices that a developer would have charged in
Q1 2022. There is wide variation in developer profits; project pricing depends on region and
project specifics such as local retail electricity rate structures, local rebate and incentive
structures, the competitive environment, and overall project or deal structures. The profit
margins that we assume are meant to represent typical profit margins achieved over the long
term in a competitive market.
4.5 Limitations
The NREL benchmarks convert complex processes and inputs into highly simplified individual
estimates. These simplified estimates are useful for tracking and projecting technological
progress. However, no individual estimate under any approach can reflect the diversity of the PV
and storage manufacturing and installation industries. The MMP benchmarks are designed to
reflect typical costs, but these costs do not reflect the experiences of all installers and customers.
For instance, MMP benchmarks are based on national average costs and do not necessarily
reflect the distinct experiences of developers in local markets (Figure 7). The benchmarks also
explicitly exclude certain costs that reflect key system components for certain customers. For
instance, many residential customers finance their PV systems, but the benchmarks exclude
financing costs, which can represent around 20% of reported market prices. For further research
on the complexity of PV markets and reported market prices, see Gillingham et al. (2016) and
Barbose et al. (2021a).
In this report, we focus on the installation costs of crystalline silicon modules, but a significant portion of U.S.
utility-scale PV systems use cadmium telluride modules. From 2010 to 2020, cadmium telluride modules accounted
for approximately 29% of U.S. utility-scale PV deployment (EIA 2021). This portion of the market is particularly
notable given that cadmium telluride modules represented only 4% of global PV shipments over the same period.
Similarly, a growing number of U.S. systems are beginning to use bifacial modules with transparent backs, which
generate electricity from both sides of the moduleas opposed to traditional monofacial modules, which typically
have opaque backsheets. Because of the newness of bifacial modules, we do not have sufficient data on their current
U.S. market share.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 7. Average 2020 residential PV market prices by state
Based on data from Barbose et al. (2021a)
Finally, any comparison of NREL benchmarks with reported market prices or other price
benchmarks should be implemented with caution. As already discussed, market prices and
different price benchmarks reflect different assumptions and should be used for different
purposes. In the case of the MSP benchmarks, the MSP is a theoretical construct that may never
be observed in imperfectly competitive markets in the real world. The NREL MSP benchmarks
are meant to provide stable estimates of input costs based on long-term trends that are useful for
making long-term decisions, including R&D directions. In contrast, the NREL MMP
benchmarks are meant to reflect current market conditions relevant to making short-term
decisions, including policy recommendations.
4.6 Changes to the NREL Benchmark in Q1 2022
Based on our industry research, we made several changes to the NREL benchmark report
between last year’s report (Q1 2021) and this year’s report (Q1 2022). This year, we added a
supply chain premium for residential battery pack cost, commercial battery pack cost, and
commercial PV module cost based on information from our stakeholder interviews. For
residential systems, we assume only a microinverter option and small-scale installers, instead of
the weighted approach used in Q1 2021 that assumes three inverter types and two installer types.
These choices simplify the system cost analysis by focusing on the most common installation
choices, making the results easier to interpret. In Q1 2022, microinverters and string inverters
with power optimizers were the dominant inverter technologies for residential PV, but the share
of microinverters has been increasing over the past several years, while the share of inverters
with power optimizers has been declining (Wood Mackenzie 2022a). Similarly, this year, our
commercial benchmark system only assumes use of a string inverter, because that technology
was most common in the commercial PV sector in Q1 2022 (Wood Mackenzie 2022a). We infer
the predominance of small-scale installers in the residential sector using data on residential
system financing (Wood Mackenzie 2022b). The higher efficiency of modules assumed for Q1
2022 (CA NEM 2022) results in larger residential PV system sizes compared with systems in Q1
2021. Additional details on model inputs are provided in the following sections.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
5 Residential PV Model
This section describes our residential PV model’s structure and parameters in intrinsic units
(Section 5.1) as well as its output (Section 5.2). Residential PV systems are typically in the range
of 4 kW
to 10 kW
(Barbose et al. 2021a). Note that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if the
results were in 2022 USD, they would be about 5% higher.
5.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters
We model a 22-module (7.9-kW
) residential rooftop system installed by a small enterprise
using 20.3%-efficient, 1.77-m
, 360-W
monocrystalline modules from a Tier 1 supplier (CA
NEM 2022) with roughly 300-W
microinverters and a flush-mounted, pitched-roof racking
system. Figure 8 presents the cost drivers, cost categories, inputs, and outputs of the model.
Table 4 details the modeled parameters in their intrinsic units.
Figure 8. Residential PV: model structure
BOS = balance of system
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Table 4. Residential PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
System size
7.9 kW
—representative 22-module system using the
following formula:
number of modules * module efficiency * module area *
average radiation under standard test conditions (STC) =
22 * 20.3% * 1.77 m
* 1,000 W
= 7.9 kW
CA NEM (2022)
Module efficiency
20.3%—average module efficiency CA NEM (2022)
Module power
360 W
rated module power
module efficiency * module area * average radiation under
STC = 20.3% * 1.77 m
* 1,000 W
= 360 W
CA NEM (2022)
Module price
Value derived from bottom-
up cost modeling
Assumes modules from
Southeast Asia, excludes
U.S. tariffs in PV supply
chain, includes supply
chain premium for small
Ex-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1
monocrystalline modules
Assumes modules from
Southeast Asia, influenced
by U.S. tariffs in PV supply
chain, includes supply
chain premium for small
modeling, MMP
from Woodmac
and SEIA (2022)
(inverter loading
ratio [ILR] = 1.21)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Excludes 25% Section 301
Includes supply chain
premium for small
(ILR = 1.21)
Ex-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1 inverters
Includes supply chain
premium for small
Barbose et al.
(2021a), Woodmac
and SEIA (2022),
USITR (2018)
Structural BOS
Includes flashing for roof
penetrations and all rails
and clamps
Avg of 2019–2021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Includes supply chain
premium for small
Includes flashing for roof
penetrations and all rails
and clamps
2022 online racking
material cost
Includes supply chain
premium for small
Online Material
(2022), EcoDirect
(2022), altE Store
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Electrical BOS
+ $1,016
Conductors, switches,
combiners, and transition
boxes, as well as conduit,
grounding equipment,
monitoring system or
production meters, fuses,
and breakers
Avg of 2019–2021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Includes supply chain
premium for small
+ $1,231
Conductors, switches,
combiners, and transition
boxes, as well as conduit,
grounding equipment,
monitoring system or
production meters, fuses,
and breakers
2022 online electrical
material cost
Includes supply chain
premium for small
Online Material
(2022), EcoDirect
(2022), altE Store
Sales tax
National average5.1%
Sales tax on materials and equipment
RSMeans (2022)
Installation labor
0.56 hours/m
for module and racking installation at
$24.00/hour (construction laborer), 0.51 hours/m
electrical installation at $38.15/hour (electrician)
Modeled national average labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022),
RSMeans (2022)
inspection, and
$1,628 per system installation
Completed and submitted applications, fees, design
changes, and field inspection
NREL (2022),
Cook et al. (2021)
Sales and
$3,139 per system installation
Initial and final drawing plans, advertising, lead generation,
sales pitch, contract negotiation, and customer interfacing
NREL (2022)
(general and
$2,060 per system installation
Rent, building, equipment, and staff expenses not directly
tied to PII, customer acquisition, or direct installation labor
NREL (2022)
Fixed percentage margin applied to all direct
costs, including hardware, installation labor, sales tax,
installation, and permitting fees
NREL (2022), Fu
et al. (2017)
Premiums are 53% for modules, 41% for inverters, and 15% for BOS (LMI 2022, NREL 2022). For all cost values
given in dollars per square meter ($/m
) terms, the denominator refers to square meters of total module surface area.
Labor rates include a 32.3% burden for workers’ compensation, federal and state unemployment insurance, Federal
Insurance Contributions Act, builder’s risk, and public liability, based on the total nationwide average from RSMeans
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
5.2 Model Output
Figure 9 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for residential systems. For Q1 2022, we
assume PV systems use microinverters and are installed by small-scale installers (see Section
4.6). In contrast, the Q1 2021 benchmark was derived from a weighted average of three inverter
types as well as installation by small and large installers.
For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($2.55/W
) is 14% lower than our MMP benchmark
). Our Q1 2022 MMP benchmark is 2% higher than our comparable microinverter-
based system benchmark from Q1 2021, because the MMP benchmark is affected by the market
distortion that occurred in Q1 2022.
Figure 9. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: 7.9-kW
residential PV system cost (2021 USD/W
6 Commercial PV Model
This section describes our commercial PV model’s structure and parameters in intrinsic units
(Section 6.1) as well as its output (Section 6.2). Commercial PV systems are roughly in the range
of 100 kW
(small nonresidential) to 5 MW
(large nonresidential) (Barbose et al. 2021a). Note
that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if the results were in 2022 USD, they would be about 5%
6.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters
We model a 200-kW
, 1,000-volt dc (V
) commercial-scale flat-roof system using a ballasted
racking solution on a membrane roof as well as a 500-kW
, 1,000-V
commercial-scale fixed-
tilt ground-mounted system using driven-pile foundations. The ground-mounted system is larger
because U.S. ground-mounted systems are larger than rooftop systems on average. Both the
rooftop and the ground-mounted PV systems are modeled with three-phase string inverters with
an ILR of 1.23. Both use 20.3%-efficient monocrystalline silicon modules from a Tier 1 supplier
(CA NEM 2022).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 10 is a schematic of our commercial-scale system cost model, and Table 5 details the
modeled parameters in intrinsic units. We separate our cost estimate into EPC and project
development functions. Although some firms engage in both activities in an integrated manner,
and potentially achieve lower costs and pricing by reducing the total margin across functions, we
believe the distinction can help separate and highlight the specific cost trends and drivers
associated with each function.
Figure 10. Commercial PV: model structure
SG&A = selling, general, and administrative
Table 5. Commercial PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
System size 200 kW
(rooftop) and 500 kW
(ground mount)
NREL assumption
20.3%—national average module efficiency in 2021 CA NEM (2022)
405 W
rated module power
module efficiency * module area * average radiation
under STC = 20.3% * 1.99 m
* 1,000 W
= 405 W
CA NEM (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Module price $0.40/W
Bottom-up cost modeling
Includes supply chain
premium for a local
Ex-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1
monocrystalline modules
Includes supply chain
premium for a local
modeling, MMP from
Woodmac and SEIA
inverter price
(ILR = 1.23)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Excludes 25% Section
301 Tariff
(ILR = 1.23)
Ex-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1 inverters
Barbose et al. (2021a),
Woodmac and SEIA
(2022), USITR (2018)
(rooftop), $24/m
(ground mount)
Flat-roof ballasted racking
system or fixed-tilt ground-
mounted racking system
Assumes national average
wind and snow loading
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
(rooftop), $35/m
(ground mount)
Flat-roof ballasted racking
system or fixed-tilt ground-
mounted racking system
Assumes national average
wind and snow loading
Q1 2022 material cost
RSMeans (2022),
NREL (2022)
+ $2,360 (rooftop),
+ $18,282 (ground
Conductors, conduit and
fittings, transition boxes,
switchgear, panel boards,
and other parts
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
+ $3,816 (rooftop),
+ $19,481 (ground
Conductors, conduit and
fittings, transition boxes,
switchgear, panel boards,
and other parts
Q1 2022 material cost
NREL (2022), RSMeans
(ground mount)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
(ground mount)
Q1 2022 rental equipment
RSMeans (2022)
1.16 hours/m
at $22.84/hour (rooftop), 0.88 hours/m
$20.19/hour (ground mount) for civil and electrical work
Modeled national average, nonunionized labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022)
PII $18,053 (rooftop) and $19,873
(ground mount) including
$5,713 fixed permitting cost
Construction permit fees, interconnection study fees for
existing substation, testing, and commissioning
NREL (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
of equipment
13% for module, inverter, and BOS material and
equipment costs, 54% for labor costs
13% for BOS material and equipment costs, 54% for
labor costs
(ground mount)
Costs and fees associated with EPC overhead,
installation labor burden, inventory, shipping, and
NREL (2022)
Sales tax National average5.8%
Sales tax on hardware, BOS materials and equipment
RSMeans (2022)
30% of module, inverter, BOS materials, rental
equipment, labor, and EPC overhead (rooftop)
30% of module, inverter, BOS materials, rental
equipment, labor, PII, EPC overhead, and sales tax
(ground mount)
Assumed to include overhead expenses such as payroll,
facilities, travel, legal fees, administration, business
development, finance, and other corporate functions
NREL (2022)
4% of module, inverter, BOS materials, rental equipment,
labor, and EPC overhead (rooftop)
4% of module, inverter, BOS materials, rental equipment,
labor, PII, EPC overhead, and sales tax (ground mount)
NREL (2022)
Profit 7% (rooftop), 8% (ground mount)
Applies a fixed percentage margin to all costs, including
module, inverter, BOS materials, installation labor and
equipment, PII, EPC overhead, sales tax, contingency,
and developer overhead
NREL (2022)
26.9% procurement premium for local installers (LMI 2022, NREL 2022).
Racking companies currently meet the national standard, so there is not as much differentiation by state in the
market within rooftop systems. The ground-mounted racking system requires more material, equipment, and labor
than the ballasted racking system. However, installation of ground-mounted PV systems at utility scale helps reduce
the BOS cost of these systems because of economies of scale. Note that, for all cost values given in dollars per
square meter ($/m
) terms, the denominator refers to square meters of total module surface area.
The 54% for labor costs includes a labor burden rate of 41.7%representing workers’ compensation, federal and
state unemployment insurance, Federal Insurance Contributions Act, builder’s risk, and public liabilityplus an
average of 12% labor overhead (RSMeans 2022).
6.2 Model Output
Figure 11 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for commercial systems. For Q1 2022, our
MSP benchmarks ($1.63/W
for rooftop, $1.71/W
for ground mount) are 11% and 12% lower
than our MMP benchmarks ($1.84/W
and $1.94/W
), respectively. Our Q1 2022 MMP
benchmarks are roughly 8% higher than their counterparts in Q1 2021, because the MMP
benchmarks are affected by the market distortion that occurred in Q1 2022.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 11. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial PV system cost (2021 USD/W
7 Utility-Scale PV Model
This section describes our utility-scale PV model’s structure and parameters in intrinsic units
(Section 7.1) as well as its output (Section 7.2). We assume utility-scale PV systems typically
have a system size greater than or equal to 5 MW
. Note that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if
the results were in 2022 USD, they would be about 5% higher.
7.1 Model Structure and Representative System Parameters
We model a baseline 100-MW
, 1,500-V
tracking utility-scale system using 20.3%-efficient,
monofacial monocrystalline silicon modules from a Tier 1 supplier and three-phase
central inverters with an ILR of 1.34. We separate our cost estimates into EPC and project-
development functions. Although some firms engage in both activities in an integrated manner,
we believe the distinction can help separate and highlight the specific cost trends and drivers
associated with each function. Figure 12 is a schematic of our utility-scale system cost model,
and Table 6 details its parameters in intrinsic units.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 12. Utility-scale PV: model structure
Table 6. Utility-Scale PV: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
System size 100 MW
—a large single-axis tracking utility-scale
system capacity
Model assumption
20.3%—national average silicon module efficiency CA NEM (2022)
405 W
rated module power
module efficiency * module area * average radiation
under STC = 20.3% * 1.99 m
* 1,000 W
= 405 W
CA NEM (2022)
Module price $0.31/W
Bottom-up cost
No supply chain
premium owing to large
Ex-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1 monocrystalline
No supply chain premium
owing to large orders
modeling, MMP from
Woodmac and SEIA
Inverter price $0.05/W
(ILR = 1.34)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
(ILR = 1.34)
-factory gate (first buyer)
price, Tier 1 inverters
Woodmac and SEIA
(2022), Bolinger et al.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Q1 2022 material cost
Model assumptions,
RSMeans (2022), NREL
+ $64,865
Modeled 1,500-V
system, including
conductors, conduit and
fittings, transition boxes,
switchgear, panel
boards, on-site
transmission, and other
electrical connections
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
+ $73,000
Modeled 1,500-V
including conductors, conduit
and fittings, transition boxes,
switchgear, panel boards,
on-site transmission, and
other electrical connections
Q1 2022 material cost
Model assumptions,
RSMeans (2022), NREL
of equipment
$106,000 + 8.3% * (electrical BOS, structural BOS, and
installation rental equipment) + 54% * direct installation
Costs associated with installation labor burden, EPC
SG&A, warehousing, shipping, and logistics
NREL (2022)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
(100-MW tracking)
Q1 2022 rental equipment
RSMeans (2022)
0.7 hours/m
for all civil and electrical work at $15.6/hour
Modeled national average, nonunionized labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022)
Sales tax National average5.8%
Sales tax on hardware, material, and equipment costs
RSMeans (2022)
PII $0.02/W
+ $209,466
Construction permit fees, interconnection, testing, and
NREL (2022)
line (gen-tie
1.7 miles
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
1.7 miles
Q1 2022 material cost
Model assumptions,
NREL (2022), RSMeans
$550,000 + 1.5% * (module, inverter, structural and
electrical BOS, installation labor and equipment, EPC
overhead, PII, and sales tax)
Assumed to include overhead expenses such as payroll,
facilities, travel, legal fees, administration, business
development, finance, and other corporate functions
Model assumptions,
NREL (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Contingency 3%
Estimated as markup on module, inverter, BOS material
and equipment, sales tax, EPC overhead, and permitting
NREL (2022)
Profit $200,000 + 4.9% * (all system costs)
Applies a percentage margin to all costs, including
module, inverter, structural and electrical BOS, labor and
equipment, EPC overhead, PII, sales tax, developer
overhead, contingency, and transmission
NREL (2022)
Most central utility-scale inverters installed in the United States are manufactured in Europe and are not subject to
Section 301 U.S. tariffs on Chinese products (Wood Mackenzie 2022c, Woodmac and SEIA 2021). For this reason,
we do not adjust the MSP value for Section 301 tariffs.
Note that, for all cost values given in dollars per square meter ($/m
), the denominator refers to square meters of
total module surface area.
The 54% for labor costs includes a labor burden rate of 41.7%representing workers’ compensation, federal and
state unemployment insurance, Federal Insurance Contributions Act, builder’s risk, and public liabilityplus an
average of 12% labor overhead (RSMeans 2022).
System < 10 MW
uses 0 miles for gen-tie line, thus no transmission cost; system > 200 MW
uses 5 miles for
gen-tie line; and system = 10200 MW
uses linear interpolation.
7.2 Model Output
Figure 13 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for single-axis-tracker 100-MW
scale PV systems. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark with tracking ($0.87/W
) is 12% lower
than our MMP benchmark with tracking ($0.99/W
). Our Q1 2022 MMP benchmark with
tracking is 6% higher than its counterpart in Q1 2021, because of the market distortion that
occurred in Q1 2022.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 13. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale PV systems (2021 USD/W
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
8 Residential Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model
To analyze component costs and system prices for PV-plus-storage systems installed in Q1 2022,
we adapt NREL’s component- and system-level modeling approach for standalone PV. For this
report, system configuration refers to five characteristics that determine a PV-plus-storage
system’s functionality:
PV system rated power capacity (kW
Inverter rated power capacity (kW
Battery energy capacity (kWh)
Battery power capacity (kW
Whether the battery is dc- or ac-coupled.
Customer preference for specific characteristics is based on several factors, including cost, load
profile, and planned use of the system for load shifting (storing energy in one period for use in a
later period). In general, customers who have loads with high peaks of short duration may desire
a high-power (high-kW) battery capable of meeting the high peak. Customers who have flatter
loads with lower peaks of longer duration may prefer a high-energy (high-kWh) battery capable
of longer-duration energy discharge. Because of the historical levels of residential PV-plus-
storage installations, we now have significantly more system characteristic data on which to base
our benchmark (unlike previous benchmarking reports, in which we used optimization
calculations). We benchmark a 5-kW
) residential battery system, based on data
reported by Barbose et al. (2021b).
A PV array, a battery, and at least one inverter are the fundamental components of every PV-
plus-storage system. Additional component requirements are determined by whether the system
is dc- or ac-coupled.
A dc-coupled system often requires a charge controller to step down the
PV output voltage to a level that is safe for the battery, whereas an ac-coupled system requires a
grid-tied inverter to feed PV output directly to the customer’s load or the grid.
For a detailed
discussion of the differences and considerations related to dc- versus ac-coupled system
configurations, see Ardani et al. (2017).
Sections 8.1 and 8.2 present the residential storage and PV-plus-storage cost models, and Section
8.3 shows the model outputs. Note that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if the results were in
2022 USD, they would be about 5% higher.
NREL’s modeled dc-coupled system includes a single dual-function inverter that is tied to both the PV array and
the battery. In our ac-coupled system, to charge a battery, PV power is first converted (dc to ac) through a grid-tied
inverter and then converted (ac to dc) through a battery-based inverter.
Our discussion is simplified to explain the basic technical differences between ac- and dc-coupled systems.
The decision to use ac- or dc-coupling might also be driven by nontechnical factors such as policy, contractual
obligations, and economics.
Some Li-ion battery packs have built-in safety controls, such as those integrated in a battery management system,
but some do not. For consistency, our model assumes there is a dedicated charge controller.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
8.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model
The residential storage market is predominantly composed of fully integrated storage kits, which
include lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery packs, inverters, field wiring, disconnect, and casing.
Although this equipment is sold as one product, we model these components separately to
compare costs across storage kit sizes and configurations. Table 7 presents the modeled
parameters in intrinsic units for the residential standalone storage costs (no PV).
Table 7. Residential Storage Only: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
system size
storage with an 8-kW
Typical U.S. residential battery system
footprint per battery pack
Barbose et al. (2021b)
Battery pack
Accounts for average
cost reduction rate of
turnkey battery systems
between 2017 and 2021
2-hour battery pack cost
adjusted to inflation
(+) 31.5% residential battery
supply premium
BNEF (2021), NREL
inverter cost
Removes Section 301
2020 BNEF battery inverter
cost adjusted for inflation
BNEF (2020), NREL
(2022), USITR (2018)
BOS cost $1,362 (ac-coupled)
Revenue-grade meter,
communications device,
ac main panel, dc
disconnect, maximum
power point tracking,
charge controller,
subpanel (breaker box)
for critical load, conduit,
wiring, dc cable
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
$1,567 (ac-coupled)
Revenue-grade meter,
communications device, ac
main panel, dc disconnect,
maximum power point
tracking, charge controller,
subpanel (breaker box) for
critical load, conduit, wiring,
dc cable
2022 online material cost
Online Material Cost:
RENVU (2022),
EcoDirect (2022), altE
Store (2022)
Supply chain
6.5% of cost of battery, battery inverter, and BOS NREL (2022), LMI
$95 per system
Engineering design and professional engineer-stamped
calculations and drawings
NREL (2022)
PII $1,633 including $286 permit fee per system NREL (2022)
Sales tax National average5.1%
Sales tax on battery, battery inverter, BOS, and
permitting cost
RSMeans (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
20.8 hours/m
at $34.7/hour for hardware installation
and electrical work
National average, nonunionized labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022)
Sales and
$3,851 per system installation
Cost associated with selling a storage system
NREL (2022)
(general and
$2,285 per system installation
Assumed to include rent, building, equipment, and staff
expenses not directly tied to PII, customer acquisition, or
direct installation labor
NREL (2022)
Profit (%) 17%
Fixed percentage margin applied to battery, battery
inverter, BOS, install labor, supply chain, and sales tax
NREL (2022)
Note that, for all values given in per square meter (m
) terms, the denominator refers to square meters of battery
pack footprint. The representative system has 8.3 kWh/m
. Labor rates include a 54% burden for workers’
compensation, federal and state unemployment insurance, Federal Insurance Contributions Act, builder’s risk, and
public liability, based on the total nationwide average from RSMeans (2022).
Figure 14 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for ac-coupled residential standalone
storage systems. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($17,139) is 9% lower than our MMP
benchmark ($18,791). Our Q1 2022 MMP benchmark is 2% higher than our benchmark from Q1
2021 in 2021 USD, because the MMP benchmark is affected by the market distortion that
occurred in Q1 2022.
Figure 14. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone residential storage system
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
8.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model
We model a 7.9-kW
PV system coupled with a 5-kW
storage system using the
same PV parameters we use with our standalone PV system and standalone storage system,
except we consider the symbiotic benefit of ac coupling. Figure 20 is a schematic of typical dc-
and ac-coupled PV systems with on-site battery storage. Table 8 presents changes to the
standalone residential PV and storage system cost models when PV and storage are combined.
Figure 15. Modeled dc- and ac-coupled system configurations
Figure is simplified for illustrative purposes.
Source: Feldman et al. (2021)
Table 8. Changes to Residential PV and Storage Models When PV and Storage Are Combined
Category Modeled Value Description
Electrical BOS 90% of the combined BOS costs for PV
and battery standalone systems
Duplicative parts are removed
90% of the combined installation labor
costs for PV and battery standalone
Duplicative work is removed
PII Only includes PII associated with
standalone PV system
Duplicative work is removed
Profit Assumes 15% markup on PV modules,
battery, PV and battery inverter, BOS
material, and installation labor
Cost of combined system is lower than
the cost of separate systems, so the
profit markup is lower as well
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
8.3 Model Output
Figure 16 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for ac-coupled residential PV-plus-storage
systems. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($33,858) is 12% lower than our MMP benchmark
($38,295). Also, the Q1 2022 MMP of the ac-coupled PV-plus-storage system is 6% higher than
the Q1 2021 benchmark system cost adjusted to 2021 USD.
Figure 16. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: ac-coupled residential PV-plus-storage systems
9 Commercial Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model
To analyze component costs and system prices for commercial PV-plus-storage systems installed
in Q1 2022, we adapt NREL’s component- and system-level modeling approach for standalone
PV and standalone storage in a similar manner as for the residential PV-plus-storage system.
Customer preference for specific characteristics is based on several factors, including cost, load
profile, and planned use of the system for load shifting (storing energy in one period for use in a
later period). In general, customers who have loads with high peaks of short duration may desire
a high-power (high-kW) battery capable of meeting the high peak. Customers who have flatter
loads with lower peaks of longer duration may prefer a high-energy (high-kWh) battery capable
of longer-duration energy discharge.
Sections 9.1 and 9.2 present the commercial storage and PV-plus-storage cost models, and
Section 9.3 shows the model outputs. Note that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if the results
were in 2022 USD, they would be about 5% higher.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
9.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model
To reduce installation costs, some battery manufacturers combine Li-ion battery cells, a battery
management system, and the battery inverter in one compact unit as an ac battery (Sonnen
Batterie 2018). However, in this report, we focus on traditional dc batteries typically configured
with the components shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18.
Figure 17. Traditional commercial and utility-scale Li-ion energy storage components
HVAC = heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Figure 18. Battery system components
Source: 2018 North American Generator Forum/Energy Systems Integration Group Workshop
Table 9 lists our modeled parameters in intrinsic units for a commercial energy storage system.
This year, we assumed the battery size to be 300 kW
because it is an appropriate match to the
representative 500-kW
benchmark commercial PV system.
Battery cells → modules → packs → racking
system (dc)
Power conversion system
(bidirectional inverter to convert ac to dc for
battery charging and dc to ac for discharging)
Transformer (to step up 480-V inverter output
to 1266 kV)
Storage container
(HVAC system, thermal management,
monitors and controls, fire suppression,
switchgear, and energy management system)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Table 9. Commercial Li-ion Energy Storage System: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Battery total
300 kW rated dc power with a 300-kW
1.20 MWh rated (usable) dc energy storage
Denholm et al. (2017),
NREL (2022)
Duration 4.0 hours
Duration = rated energy / rated power
NREL (2022)
Battery size
per container
1.8 MWh per 20-ft container with 15-m
footprint area
NREL (2022)
Round-trip efficiency
NREL (2022)
Min. state of
charge (SOC)
and max. SOC
10% and 90%
Minimum and maximum state of charge
Affects the usable energy storage rating
NREL (2022)
Li-ion battery
price ($/kWh)
4 hours: $157/kWh
Accounts for average
cost reduction rate of
turnkey battery systems
between 2017 and 2021
4 hours: $190/kWh
BNEF 2021 price adjusted
for inflation (+) 15%
commercial battery supply
BNEF (2021), NREL
Battery central
inverter price
Removes Section 301
2019 Woodmac battery
inverter cost adjusted for
Wood Mackenzie
Battery cabinet $332/kWh
For a 1,200-kWh system
Includes battery packs,
containers, thermal
management system, and
fire suppression system
Battery MSP + avg of
other material costs from
20172021 (distorted
2022 costs removed)
For a
1,200-kWh system
Includes battery packs,
containers, thermal
management system
and fire
suppression system
2022 typical ma
terial cost
NREL (2022)
Structural BOS $1,681/m
For a 1,200-kWh system
Includes foundation and
inverter house; costs
impacted by numbers of
inverters and transformers
Avg of 20172021
material costs (distorted
2022 costs removed)
For a
1,200-kWh system
Includes foundation and
inverter house
; costs
by numbers of
and transformers
2022 typical material cost
NREL (2022),
RSMeans (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Electrical BOS $5,503/m
For a 1,200-kWh system
Includes conduit, wiring,
dc cable, energy
management system,
switchgear, transformer,
and monitor and controls
for each container; costs
impacted by number of
containers, number of
transformers, and row
Avg of 20172021
material costs (distorted
2022 costs removed)
For a
1,200-kWh system
Includes conduit, wiring,
cable, energy management
system, switchgear,
transformer, and monitor and
controls for each container
costs impacted
by number of
number of
transformers, and row
2022 typical material cost
NREL (2022),
RSMeans (2022)
Sales tax National average5.8%
Sales tax on battery cabinet, inverter, and BOS material
RSMeans (2022)
PII $16,348, includes $8,661 for permitting fee
For a 1,200-kWh system
Construction permit fees, interconnection study,
interconnection inspection, and interconnection fee
NREL (2022)
223 hours/m
at $24/hour
National average, nonunionized labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Q1 2022 rental equipment
RSMeans (2022)
EPC overhead
(percentage of
13% of BOS equipment and material costs + 54% *
direct installation labor
Assumes costs and fees associated with EPC
overhead, inventory, shipping, and handling
NREL (2022)
6% of battery cabinet, inverter, BOS, installation labor
and equipment, permitting fee, sales tax, and EPC
Assumed to include overhead expenses such as
payroll, facilities, travel, legal fees, administration,
business development, finance, and other corporate
NREL (2022)
Contingency 4%
Estimated as markup on the battery pack, inverter,
BOS, installation labor and equipment, sales tax, and
EPC overhead
NREL (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
net profit
Applies a percentage margin to all costs, including
battery cabinet, inverter, BOS, installation labor and
equipment, permitting fee, sales tax, contingency, EPC
overhead, and developer overhead
NREL (2022)
Note that, for all values given in per square meter (m
) terms, the denominator refers to square meters of battery
pack footprint. The representative system has 80 kWh/m
Figure 19 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for a 300-kW
, 4-hour commercial
standalone storage system. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($732,395) is 9% lower than our
MMP benchmark ($806,132). Because of a major change in system configuration between Q1
2021 and Q1 2022 (the Q1 2021 benchmark assumes a 600-kW
system as opposed to a 300-
system), the benchmark costs across those years cannot be compared directly.
Figure 19. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone commercial Li-ion battery storage system
9.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model
We model a 500-kW
fixed-tilt, ground-mounted commercial PV system coupled to a 300-kW
storage system, with 4 hours (1,200 kWh) of storage, using the same PV parameters we use with
our standalone PV system and the same storage parameters we use with our standalone storage
system, except for the effects of on-site coupling listed in Table 10.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Table 10. Changes to Commercial PV and Storage Model When PV and Storage Are Combined
Category Modeled Value Description
Electrical BOS PV electrical BOS + storage electrical
BOS + (3% * storage electrical BOS)
Assumes higher wiring/conduit and dc
cabling requirement for coupled
75% * (PV installation labor and
equipment + storage installation labor
and equipment)
Duplicative work related to site staging
and site preparation are removed
assuming more efficient labor utilization
EPC overhead 13% * (structural BOS + electrical BOS
+ installation labor)
Cost of overhead multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the overhead is lower
Sales tax 5.8% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, and BOS materials)
Cost of sales tax multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the tax is lower
PII Storage PII * 1.02
Assumes slightly higher PII cost than
standalone storage system due to
additional hardware installed at the point
of interconnect
Contingency 3% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII)
Cost of contingency multipliers is lower
for combined system than for separate
systems, so the contingency cost is lower
6% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII)
Cost of overhead multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the overhead is lower
net profit
8% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII,
contingency, developer overhead)
Cost of profit multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the profit is lower
9.3 Model Output
Figure 20 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for an ac-coupled commercial storage
system with a 500-kW
PV system. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($1.27 million) is 12%
lower than our MMP benchmark ($1.44 million). Because of a major change in system
configuration between Q1 2021 and Q1 2022 (the Q1 2021 benchmark assumes a 600-kW
storage system as opposed to a 300-kW
system), the benchmark costs across those years cannot
be compared directly.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 20. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: commercial ac-coupled PV-plus-storage systems (4-hour
Figure 21 summarizes our MSP results for several system types and configurations:
Standalone 500-kW
commercial fixed-tilt ground-mounted PV system ($0.85 million)
Standalone 300-kW
/1.2-MWh, 4-hour-duration energy storage system ($0.73 million)
ac-coupled PV (500 kW
) plus storage (300 kW
/1.2 MWh, 4-hour duration) system
($1.27 million)
PV (500 kW
) plus storage (300 kW
/1.2 MWh, 4-hour duration) system with PV and
storage components sited in different locations ($1.59 million).
Co-locating the PV and storage subsystems produces cost savings by reducing costs related to
site preparation, permitting and interconnection, installation labor, hardware (via sharing of
hardware such as switchgears, transformers, and controls), overhead, and profit. The cost of the
ac-coupled system is 20% lower than the cost of the system with PV and storage sited separately.
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Figure 21. Q1 2022 commercial PV-plus-storage system MSP benchmark (4-hour duration) in
different sites and the same site (ac-coupled)
10 Utility-Scale Storage and PV-Plus-Storage Model
To analyze component costs and system prices for utility-scale PV-plus-storage systems installed
in Q1 2022, we adapt NREL’s component- and system-level modeling approach for standalone
PV and standalone storage in a similar manner as for the residential and commercial PV-plus-
storage systems.
Sections 10.1 and 10.2 present the utility-scale storage and PV-plus-storage cost models, and
Section 10.3 shows the model outputs. Note that the cost results are in 2021 USD; if the results
were in 2022 USD, they would be about 5% higher.
10.1 Lithium-Ion Standalone Storage System Cost Model
Figure 22 details the bottom-up cost structure of our standalone utility-scale storage model,
which uses a structure like that of our bottom-up PV cost model (Ramasamy et al. 2021). Total
system upfront capital costs are broken into EPC costs and developer costs. EPC nonhardware,
or “soft,” costs are driven by labor rates and labor productivities. We adapt engineering design
and cost-estimating models from RSMeans (2022) to determine the EPC hardware costs
(including module/battery racking, mounting, wiring, containerization, and foundation) and
related EPC soft costs (including related labor and equipment hours).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 22. Utility-scale standalone storage: model structure
The major storage components we model for utility-scale standalone storage systems are the
same as those summarized in Figure 17 and Figure 18 (page 36) for the commercial standalone
storage model. Table 11 lists our modeled parameters in intrinsic units for such a utility-scale
energy storage system. We select the battery size (60 MW
and 240 MWh) to be compatible
with our benchmark utility-scale PV system.
Table 11. Utility-Scale Li-ion Energy Storage System: Modeled Cost Parameters in Intrinsic Units
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Battery total
60 MW
rated dc power with a 60-MW
240 MWh rated (usable) energy storage
Denholm et al. (2017),
NREL (2022)
Duration 4.0 hours
Duration = rated energy / rated power
NREL (2022)
Battery size
per container
4 MWh per 40-ft container with 30-m
footprint area
NREL (2022)
For a 100-MW
PV system with an ILR of 1.34.
Including Profit
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Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
RTE 90%
Round-trip efficiency
NREL (2022)
Min. SOC and
max. SOC
10% and 90%
Minimum and maximum state of charge
Used to determine rated battery energy storage
NREL (2022)
Li-ion battery
price ($/kWh)
4 hours: $137/kWh
Accounts for average
cost reduction rate of
turnkey battery systems
between 2017 and 2021
4 hours: $165/kWh
BNEF 2021 price adjusted
for inflation
BNEF (2021), NREL
inverter price
2019 Woodmac battery inverter cost adjusted for
Wood Mackenzie
Battery cabinet $226/kWh
For a 240-MWh system
Includes battery packs,
containers, thermal
management system, and
fire suppression system
Battery MSP + avg of
other material costs from
20172021 (distorted
2022 costs removed)
For a 240
-MWh system
Includes battery packs,
containers, thermal
management system
and fire
suppression system
2022 typical material cost
NREL (2022)
Structural BOS $500/m
For a 240-MWh system
Includes foundation and
inverter house; costs
impacted by numbers of
inverters and transformers
Avg of 20172021
material costs (distorted
2022 costs removed)
For a 240
-MWh system
Includes foundation and
inverter house
; costs
by numbers of
and transformers
2022 typical material cost
NREL (2022),
RSMeans (2022)
Electrical BOS $5,936/m
Includes conduit, wiring,
dc cable, energy
management system,
switchgear, transformer,
and monitor and controls
for each container; costs
impacted by number of
containers, number of
transformers, and row
Includes conduit, wiring,
, energy management
system, switchgear,
transformer, and monitor and
controls for each container
costs impacted
by number of
number of
transformers, and row
NREL (2022),
RSMeans (2022)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Category MSP Value
(2021 Real USD)
MMP Value
(2021 Real USD)
Sales tax National average5.8%
Sales tax on battery cabinet, inverter, and BOS material
RSMeans (2022)
PII $1,549,755 per system,
includes a permitting fee of
Assumed to include construction permit fees,
interconnection study, interconnection inspection, and
interconnection fee
NREL (2022)
95 hours/m
at $17/hour
National average, nonunionized labor rates
BLS (2022b),
NREL (2022)
Avg of 20172021 costs
(distorted 2022 costs
Q1 2022 rental equipment
RSMeans (2022)
EPC overhead
(percentage of
8.67% of BOS material and equipment costs + 54% *
direct installation labor costs
Costs and fees associated with EPC overhead,
inventory, shipping, and handling
NREL (2022)
3% of battery cabinet, inverter, BOS, installation labor
and equipment, permitting fee, sales tax, and EPC
Includes overhead expenses such as payroll, facilities,
travel, legal fees, administration, business development,
finance, and other corporate functions
NREL (2022)
Contingency 3%
Estimated as markup on the battery pack, inverter,
BOS, installation labor and equipment, sales tax, and
EPC overhead
NREL (2022)
net profit
Applies a percentage margin to all costs, including
battery cabinet, inverter, BOS, installation labor and
equipment, permitting fee, sales tax, contingency, EPC
overhead, and developer overhead
NREL (2022)
Note that, for all values given in per square meter (m
) terms, the denominator refers to square meters of battery
pack footprint. The representative system has 133 kWh/m
In contrast with the utility-scale PV parameters (Table 6), PII, EPC overhead, developer overhead, and
EPC/developer net profit are given here as single values for 60-MW/240-MWh utility-scale storage systems only,
because we do not have data that enables us to estimate how these values scale with different system sizes.
Figure 23 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for a 60-MW
, 4-hour utility-scale
standalone storage system. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($95 million) is 12% lower than
our MMP benchmark ($107 million). The Q1 2022 MMP benchmark is 12% higher than its
counterpart in Q1 2021, because the MMP benchmark is affected by the market distortion that
occurred in Q1 2022.
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Figure 23. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: standalone utility-scale Li-ion battery storage system
10.2 PV-Plus-Storage System Cost Model
Here, we combine our energy storage cost model with our PV system cost model in various
configurations, including PV and storage sited together versus separately. As shown in Table 12,
coupling enables sharing of several hardware components by the PV and energy storage systems,
which can reduce costs. Coupling can also reduce soft costs related to site preparation, land
acquisition, permitting and interconnection, installation labor, and EPC/developer overhead and
Table 12. Cost Factors for Siting PV and Storage Together Versus Separately
Model Component Coupled PV Plus Storage
PV and Storage
at Different Sites
Site preparation
Once Twice
Land acquisition cost Lower Higher
Hardware sharing between PV
and energy storage
Yes (step-up transformer, switchgear, monitor,
and controls)
Installation labor cost Lower (due to hardware sharing and single
labor mobilization)
EPC/developer overhead
and profit
Lower (due to lower labor cost, BOS, and total
system cost)
Interconnection and permitting Once Twice
Site preparation is a subcategory of labor cost, so it is not shown in the cost breakdown chart.
When PV and battery storage are co-located, the subsystems can be connected in either a dc-
coupled or an ac-coupled configuration (Figure 24). A dc-coupled system built using a
bidirectional inverter
connects battery storage directly to the PV array via dc-dc converters. In
contrast, an ac-coupled system needs both a PV inverter and a bidirectional inverter, and there
PV inverters can be used in place of bidirectional inverters as well.
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are multiple conversion steps between dc and ac to charge or discharge the battery. The
bidirectional inverter used in both dc-coupled and ac-coupled configurations enables grid-
charging capabilities. The transmission line can be used for both PV and battery storage systems.
We model only ac-coupled systems for this report. Table 13 shows changes to our utility-scale
PV and storage model when PV and storage are combined. The advantages of the ac-coupled
system include the following:
For a retrofit project (adding battery storage to an existing PV array), an ac-coupled battery
may be more practical than a dc-coupled battery, because the existing PV system may not
need to be redesigned. Thus, the additional costs of replacing the inverter and rewiring the
system could make retrofit costs higher for a dc-coupled system than for an ac-coupled
system (Ardani et al. 2017).
Because ac-coupled systems have independent PV and battery systems with separate
inverters, this coupled configuration enables redundancy. For instance, if the battery-based
inverter fails to operate, the PV system can operate independently, as long as the grid is up.
In addition, the PV and storage can be upgraded independently of each other.
Reasons an installer or a developer may pursue a dc-coupled system include the following:
Installing a dc-coupled system with a single bidirectional inverter
reduces additional costs
for the inverter, inverter wiring, and inverter housing.
Dc-coupled systems have higher round-trip efficiency (RTE) than ac-coupled systems
because they mitigate the extra conversion of energy from dc to ac to dc. However, as power
electronics are becoming more efficient, the actual efficiency difference is becoming smaller
(Enphase 2019).
Because the battery is connected directly to the PV system via the dc-dc converter, excess
PV generation that falls outside the inverter limits can be sent directly to the battery, thus
increasing overall output for the same interconnection capacity (DiOrio and Hobbs 2018).
Dc-coupled systems can use a unidirectional inverter as well. This configuration can lead to a lower total system
installed cost than a dc-coupled system using a bidirectional inverter, but at the same time, it prevents the system
from grid charging.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 24. dc-coupled and ac-coupled PV-plus-storage system configurations
Table 13. Changes to Utility-Scale PV and Storage Model When PV and Storage Are Combined
Category Modeled Value Description
Electrical BOS PV electrical BOS + storage electrical
BOS + (4% * storage electrical BOS)
Assumes higher wiring/conduit and dc
cabling requirement for coupled
75% * (PV installation labor and
equipment + storage installation labor
and equipment)
Duplicative work related to site staging
and site preparation are removed
assuming more efficient labor utilization
EPC overhead 13% * (structural BOS + electrical BOS
+ installation labor)
Cost of overhead multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the overhead is lower
Sales tax 5.8% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, and BOS materials)
Cost of sales tax multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the tax is lower
Solar PV System
(dc ac or
ac dc)
Battery Pack
(Charge and Discharge)
Solar PV System
PV Inverter
(dc ac)
Bidirectional Inverter
(dc ac or
ac dc)
Battery Pack
(Charge and Discharge)
dc-Coupled System
ac-Coupled System
dc to dc
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Category Modeled Value Description
PII (Storage permitting fee + PV
interconnection fee) * 1.02
Assumes slightly higher PII cost than
standalone storage system due to
additional hardware installed at the point
of interconnect
3% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII)
Cost of contingency multipliers is lower
for combined system than for separate
systems, so the contingency cost is
4% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII)
Cost of overhead multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the overhead is lower
net profit
5% * (PV modules, battery cabinet,
inverters, BOS materials, PII,
contingency, developer overhead)
Cost of profit multipliers is lower for
combined system than for separate
systems, so the profit is lower
10.3 Model Output
Figure 25 compares our MSP and MMP benchmarks for an ac-coupled utility-scale storage
system with a 100-MW
PV system. For Q1 2022, our MSP benchmark ($170 million) is 13%
lower than our MMP benchmark ($195 million). Our Q1 2022 MMP benchmark is 11% higher
than its counterpart in Q1 2021, because the MMP benchmark is affected by the market
distortion that occurred in Q1 2022.
Figure 25. Q1 2022 U.S. benchmark: utility-scale ac-coupled PV-plus-storage systems (4-hour
Figure 26 summarizes our MSP results for several system types and configurations:
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Standalone benchmark 100-MW
tracking ground-mounted PV system ($87 million)
Standalone 60-MW
/240-MWh, 4-hour-duration energy storage system ($95 million)
ac-coupled benchmark PV (100 MW
) plus storage (60 MW
/240 MWh, 4-hour duration)
system ($170 million)
Separate benchmark PV (100 MW
) and storage (60 MW
/240 MWh, 4-hour duration)
systems sited in different locations ($181 million).
Co-locating the PV and storage subsystems produces cost savings by reducing costs related to
site preparation, permitting and interconnection, installation labor, hardware (via sharing of
hardware such as switchgears, transformers, and controls), overhead, and profit. The cost of the
coupled system is 7% lower than the cost of the system with PV and storage sited separately.
Figure 26. Q1 2022 utility-scale PV-plus-storage system MSP benchmark (4-hour duration) at
different sites and at the same site (ac-coupled)
11 Operations and Maintenance
Benchmark PV operations and maintenance (O&M) costs are estimated using a model (Walker
et al. 2020) that provides a line-item cost estimate of measures that correspond to the PV O&M
services described in Best Practices for Operation and Maintenance of Photovoltaic and Energy
Storage Systems, 3rd Edition (NREL et al. 2018). O&M cost drivers for PV modules and
inverters in the model are informed by actuarial failure and repair data from Sandia National
Laboratories (Klise et al. 2018). Current default values for other measures that occur on fixed
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
intervals or for which the failure rate data are unavailable reflect the best judgement of a SETO-
sponsored working group.
Like the system cost modeling in this report, two sets of O&M cost numbers were estimated: one
with MMP parameters and another with MSP parameters. For Q1 2022, the labor rates, discount
rate, and inflation rate are updated; these items are common across the MSP and MMP
calculations. In addition, MSP- and MMP-specific module and inverter replacement and capital
costs are used. Actuarial failure and repair data are not updated from last year. Five additional
line measures (land lease, property taxes, insurance, asset management, and security) were added
in Q1 2020, based on feedback from U.S. solar industry professionals collected by Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (Wiser et al. 2020); of these, only the insurance line item was
updated in Q1 2021. For Q1 2022, no changes are made to those line items. In Q1 2021, some of
the 133 line measures were deleted if they were either outdated or not applicable to certain types
of systems, especially residential and utility systems (one-axis tracking), based on high-level
market research. For Q1 2022, no line measures were deleted.
The Q1 2020 benchmark O&M costs included PV module cleaning and several types of
inspections in the residential case. These costs were removed from the Q1 2021 and Q1 2022
benchmarks, because residential cleaning is often not recommended, and inspections of
residential systems are uncommon. Vegetation and pest control remain as annual costs in the Q1
2022 benchmark for residential PV system O&M.
Adding insurance costs increased the annual cost substantially in the Q1 2021 report. For Q1
2022, no changes are made to assumptions related to insurance. Types of insurance that may be
needed by a PV plant operator are listed in Insurance in the Operation of Photovoltaic Plants
(Schwab et al. 2020). Two major categories of insurance are (1) property insurance, which
insures the PV plant hardware against hazards, and (2) liability insurance, which insures against
claims of harm by others. Property insurance is included in the benchmark insurance cost
because it can be associated with a single PV plant, whereas liability and other types of insurance
(e.g., commercial vehicle and workers’ compensation insurance) are often written as an umbrella
policy to cover exposure of a company rather than a specific PV plant. Costs for these other
types of insurance (i.e., other than property insurance) may be substantial, even though they are
not included in this per-PV-plant benchmark cost.
The property insurance premium is estimated as a fraction multiplied by the replacement value
for which the plant is insured; as a proxy for replacement value, we use the benchmark capital
cost of the PV plant as the premium basis. For residential systems, the factor may vary from
0.004 to 0.006. For the benchmark value, we use 0.00454
times the capital cost per year, which
The Solar Access to Public Capital (SAPC) Working Group was convened in 2014 to open capital market
investment in the solar asset class. It consisted of solar developers, financiers and capital managers, law firms, rating
agencies, accounting and engineering firms, and other stakeholders engaged in solar asset deployment. In 2016, a
subset of the SAPC Working Group merged with Sandia National Laboratories’ Technical O&M Working Group to
unify efforts by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to improve O&M practices, data standards, and costs. This
combined bodythe PV O&M Working Groupis administrated by NREL, Sandia National Laboratories,
SunSpec Alliance, and Roger Hill.
Luke Ortgessen, Country Companies, August 1, 2021.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
translates to $12.08/kW
/year under MSP parameters and $13.71/kW
/year under MMP
parameters. For commercial and utility-scale plants, the factor varies from 0.0015 to 0.009,
depending on hazards in an area and the extent of coverage. We use a benchmark value of
times the capital cost per year for property insurance (escalated each year for inflation
and discounted for levelized cost). This translates to a range of $2.55–$15.3/kW
/year under
MSP parameters and $2.93–$17.55/kW
/year under MMP parameters.
Microinverters are assumed for residential systems, and three-phase string inverters are assumed
for commercial rooftop systems. A commercial rooftop string inverter with a 12-year warranty
incurs a slightly higher replacement cost than a residential rooftop microinverter with a 25-year
warranty. Also, the analysis period is 30 years for the commercial system and 25 years for the
residential system; because of the commercial system’s longer lifetime, the commercial rooftop
PV project owners will need to repair the inverter more often, and the inverters are more likely to
be out of the warranty period. No updates are made to the analysis and warranty period in this
year’s report. Table 14 summarizes key modeled O&M parameters.
Table 14. Summary of Key Modeled O&M Parameters
Residential Commercial Utility-Scale
0.00454 * system capital
0.0025 * system capital
0.0025 * system
capital cost
Inverter type
Microinverter Three-phase string inverter
Central inverter
Inverter warranty
25 years 12 years 10 years
PV module
warranty period
25 years 25 years 25 years
Analysis period
25 years 30 years 30 years
2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
Nominal discount
5.71% 6.53% 6.24%
Costs in the PV O&M model include preventive maintenance scheduled at regular intervals, with
costs increasing at the rate of general inflation, as well as corrective maintenance to replace
components. The model derives corrective maintenance by multiplying the replacement cost,
including labor, by the probability that a failure will occur each year, based on actuarial data.
Component failure probabilities for each year are calculated using a Weibull, log-normal, or
other distribution based on actual data, when possible (Gunda and Homan 2020).
For MSP, the measures in the cost model are sorted into inverter replacement, operations,
module and component replacement, inspection, monitoring, module cleaning, vegetation and
pest control, land lease, property taxes, insurance, asset management, and security (Figure 27).
The current benchmarks are $29.49/kW
/yr (residential), $18.11/kW
/yr (commercial, rooftop),
Sara Cane, CAC Specialty Insurance, August 3, 2021.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
/yr (commercial, ground-mounted), and $16.11/kW
/yr (utility-scale, single-axis
Figure 27. Q1 2022 residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV MSP O&M costs by category
For MMP, the current benchmarks are $31.12/kW
/yr (residential), $19.06/kW
(commercial, rooftop), $18.03/kW
/yr (commercial, ground-mounted), and $16.42/kW
(utility-scale, single-axis tracking) (Figure 28).
Figure 28. Q1 2022 residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV MMP O&M costs by category
As stated previously, the values in Figure 27 and Figure 28 represent line-item estimates of costs
associated with best practices; therefore, actual costs may vary. For example, in a residential
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
system, a homeowner may not increase the coverage of their property insurance after they get a
system to avoid additional costs (saving money if no damages occur to the PV system, but
putting themselves at risk if damages do occur). Additionally, we put a value on the time of a
homeowner (i.e., “operations administration”), even though they are not getting paid for their
activities. Therefore, a homeowner may only perceive O&M costs of $14.36/kW
but they
are likely underinsuring against risk and not properly accounting for the efforts of maintaining a
PV system on their home.
12 Levelized Cost of Energy of Standalone PV
Although LCOE is an imperfect metric for the competiveness of PV within the energy
marketplace, it does incorporate many PV metrics—beyond upfront installation costs—that are
important to energy costs. We input standalone PV system parameters into NREL’s System
Advisor Model (SAM), a performance and financial model,
to calculate real LCOEs
(considering inflation). In SAM, we use the PVWatts
single-owner model for estimating the
LCOE of standalone PV systems for the residential, commercial, and utility-scale market sectors.
While the financial parameters across these sectors and technologies vary, they remain the same
as in the previous edition of the benchmark report (Ramasamy et al. 2021). We calculate LCOE
assuming long-term, steady-state financing, with no investment tax credit and with interest rates
higher than the previous historically low levels. The residential PV SAM model uses the default
PVWatts performance model and the distributed residential owner financial model.
For the commercial and utility-scale SAM models, we specify internal rate of return (IRR)
targets of 8.75% and 7.75%, respectively, to estimate the LCOE. Based on the specified IRR
target, SAM optimizes for a power-purchase agreement (PPA) price to estimate the gross PPA
revenue using the net energy generated by the system and made available to the grid.
Table 15 lists our parameters and results for calculating the benchmark LCOE of standalone PV.
The values are based on our MSP benchmarks for system capital cost. Figure 29 shows our
modeled PV LCOE estimates over time.
Total residential O&M MSP ($29.49/kW
/yr) – insurance cost ($12.08/kW
/yr) – operations administration cost
/yr) = $14.36/kW
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Table 15. Q1 2022 LCOE Input Parameters and Results for Standalone PV, Based on MSP
Benchmarks (2021 USD)
Residential PV
(7.9 kW
PV (Rooftop,
200 kW
Utility-Scale PV
(One-Axis Tracking,
100 MW
Installed cost ($/W
) 2.55 1.63 0.87
Annual degradation (%) 1.00 0.70 0.70
Levelized O&M expenses
over life of asset ($/kW
29 18 16
Preinverter derate (%)
85.9 85.9 85.9
Inverter efficiency (%) 96.0 96.0 96.0
Inverter loading ratio 1.21 1.23 1.34
Inflation rate (%) 2.5 2.5 2.5
Equity discount rate (real)
10.2 6.1 5.1
Debt interest rate (%) 4.5 5.0 5.0
Debt fraction (%) 100 71.8 71.8
Debt term (years) 25 18 18
Entity Homeowner Corporation Corporation
Analysis period (years) 25 30 30
Initial energy yield
1,491 1,398 1,694
Real LCOE (2021 US$) 11.1 ¢/kWh 8.7 ¢/kWh 4.1 ¢/kWh
We use the default values for system losses in SAM for all sectors, which sum to 14.1% (equivalent to a preinverter
derate value of 85.9%): soiling (2%), shading (3%), mismatch (2%), wiring (2%), connections (0.5%), light-induced
degradation (1.5%), nameplate (1%), and availability (3%).
Other key assumptions are as follows. (1) The corporation has a federal corporate tax rate of 21% and a state
corporate tax rate of 6%, and uses the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System depreciation schedule. (2) The
homeowner uses a mortgage loan that is interest deductible, with a federal personal tax rate of 15% and a personal
state tax rate of 6%. (3) No state or local subsidies. (4) Corporations have a working capital and debt service reserve
account for 6 months of operating costs and debt payments (earning an interest rate of 1.75%), a 6-month
construction loan, with an interest rate of 4% and a fee of 1% of the cost of the system, and $1.1 million of upfront
financial transaction costs for a $100-million third-party ownership transaction of a pool of commercial projects. (5)
2022 capacity factors are based on Fredonia, Kansas (which is near the geographic center of the 48 conterminous
states and corresponds with the area-weighted capacity factor of the 48 conterminous states, as outlined in the 2022
Annual Technology Baseline), with a tilt/azimuth of 20/214 (residential) (Barbose et al. 2020), 10/190 (commercial
rooftop) (Barbose et al. 2020), and tracking/180 (utility-scale).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Figure 29. NREL-modeled PV LCOE over time
In 2022, the colored dots represent LCOEs calculated using MSP benchmarks, and the tops of the error bars
represent LCOEs calculated using MMP benchmarks. Methods vary for calculating the LCOE values before 2022, but
those methods are most similar to the MMP method used in this Q1 2022 report. In previous years, there was much
less market distortion that would have affected the difference between MSP and MMP.
13 Conclusions
NREL’s bottom-up cost models can be used to assess the MSP and MMP of PV, storage, and
PV-plus storage systems with various configurations. While MSP can be used to estimate
potential system cost-reduction opportunities—thus helping guide R&D aimed at advancing
cost-effective system configurationMMP can be used to understand system costs under recent
market conditions. The MSP data in this annual benchmarking report will be used to inform and
track progress toward SETO’s Government Performance and Reporting Act cost targets.
Based on our bottom-up modeling, the Q1 2022 cost benchmarks are listed in Table 16.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
Table 16. Q1 2022 PV and PV-Plus-Storage MSP and MMP Benchmarks (2021 USD)
MSP Benchmarks MMP Benchmarks System
Residential Systems
rooftop PV
$33,858 $38,295 7.9-kW
rooftop PV with 5 kW
/12.5 kWh
of storage
Commercial Systems
rooftop PV
ground-mounted PV
$1.27 million $1.44 million 500-kW
ground-mounted PV co-located with 300
/1.2 MWh of storage
Utility-Scale Systems
one-axis-tracking utility-scale PV
$170 million $195 million 100-MW
one-axis-tracking PV co-located with 60 MW
MWh of storage
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at
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